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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 13

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOKLYN'S BRIDGE, The Mammoth Caisson for the New York Tower. Us Advanced Stato of Construction It Looked Yi? tor day? The Day of Launching Determined Upon? Tno Suggested by Where It Will be Located and the Excavations to be Hade. The huge structure seen at the foot of Sixth Street, EaH river, fllllnir up within a few feet the entire water trout ot the shipyard wherein it la being constructed, designed for the caUson on which the New Vorlt tower of the East Klver bridare will be built, one hundred and twenty-five men are busily engaged In various capacities about It, and earnest and ever watchful, flitting here ana there among this small army ot artisans, are noticed tho superintendents or the wort. Upon supcrflcial examiiiHtlou tills monster specimen of tno highest order OF HN'l INBKKINU SKILL appears nearly alike to the caisson now in position on tno Brooklyn Hide ot the river, the filling of which Is progressing very satisfactorily; aud, Indeed, in 1U general dimensions and details there is but Ill tic difference, yet differences are modifications and Improvements taught the eugiueers in charge by experience, wlilcii will make the present caisson Just what is required for this grjnd undertaking. The length 1 tnc calssou is four feet more than that of the Brooklyn structure, making the size at the base 102 by 172 1'eet.

The walls of timber slope slightly inward from bottom to top, which at the bottom are but eight inches in thickness, yet so rapidly do (hev inert-use in this particular thai at boight cl nine feel tUcy arc fully eight feet through. Abovo these the courses of timber pass entirely across from wall to wall, thus covering the air chamber, which is or rectangular phapc, aud where, in a few months, the HABOY MEN OF Mt'SCLH will, night after night, and d.iy after day, benenth the bed of the liver, dig and delve until I lie caisson has found a suitable aud everlasting renting place. This air chamber -and the improvement is worthy of notice? in plated over the whole interior with boiler Iron, built up with small sheets in sections, which are joined together with liylit Iron ut the edges. This pecunailty of placing It In position Is necessitated by the future effoct or and cold, whicu, uls assumuJ, will produce a total change In the length of l.uiag of nearly two iacUos. The object of the MNINfl OF FI.ATK IRON is twofold? the Urst to secure absolute protection i lire, which, unfortunately, was incident to the Ifro kiyn structure and so well remembered by our citizens and sccond, to prevent the compre sod air from escaping through the seams of the timber courses.

These seams are only partially calked, wherein there Is another diUerence as compared with the first caisson, as those were thoroughly caulked. The is thus a great improvement, as fire cannot in anywise be communicate i to t'uc timber, lhc danger irom this element of course increases as the depth grows greater, this beiag due to ttie increased quantity of oxygea brought into contact with a flame when it is once started than would be in nlr ot orduiafjr dunsttr. The danger ef timber structure in this particular is much greater also in consequence of the enormous draught caused by the esc. pe ot air at a pressure of forty pounds through any small ci vice. Ihis was the dtiHcalty experienced, explains colonel W.

il. l'aiue, tho superluteuomg engineer oi the works, in HXllMit tSlllNU r.lK 1 1 UK In the roof of tnc ilro ikiyn caisson, as the pio.wnre of air wns aooaieignteeu ounds per square inch, aud it carru-d tho fiaiue wiih a lur.ous r. winding ami twisting it about wtierevcr tnere was i tie cnance of escape. No iarge amount of timber wasbuineu, however, yet the fire, lu thiu, narrow rtbiions, jutted out to the distance of twenty or more leet iroiu the poiut oi starting, aud no stream of Water could pos re icli it. There are in ail aooui tigli'? tons of Ihis llulug Of plate iron, and it is field llrmly iu posit ion on the Mfle wads heavy bars of Iron, witn long tioif-s i mining tnrouuh them aud the walls.

Taeso are being lasieneU to the roji oy bolls, at distances of two feet in eith.r direction. These bolts pass through ttirce to five feei of timber, und serve tiie double pin pose of binding I bo rcor timbers firmly other bolls, twelve feet In length, hold the partition walU aud roof together in iuldltiou to ihese, mi many screw boils ai.d shorter bolts arc ttting used that, wucn ready tor l.unciiiug, about JllliBK UUMIRitl) TKN THOUSAND of iron bars ol this character will luvo been worked int i the structure. Auoiiier leaf re not seen In the Brooklyn caisson Is the imroduc ion oi for tli? sun pumps, whlcn will be required by the character of tnc exes vaiion to be made on tun New York side. It was a grand work at blunting ilia solid reek on ttie Brooklyn shore; but tnls will not be the case here. Fifty or these pumps, from three und a lull to four luetics in diameter, win tie tn position, through which the sand wih be constantly pumped to tne suiiace.

Tlit of a powerful rnury de-crlptlon. will be placed above, aud the work to be done by tuem Will be rapid ami ef cuorwous amouut daily. Muring-, wah a view oi asoeilaiuing ths kxact SATCKK of the excavations to made at the font of Roosevelt atieoi, where the caisson Is to be sunk, show tuat at a deptu of seventy feet, and from that to the rocK," which is at eighty aud eighty-two feet, the sand contains a boulders. To remove It was necessary to provide water shifts, as noced iu tue tret i oaatrncuon. i bete lAim Me cai instead or oeing squ ire, as in tho llrookltn caisson, and aro eight feet in diameter.

Tlte supply slia; is nre four la number Instead of two, (I ill mo lust wirucmre, UU'I TOE AIK MM'k'K aro built in an entirely dlderent and wholly novel manner. In this are place 1 within the air cnam'oer, ami extend a distance of four icet up Inlo the timber. They arc lu two pairs, each pair being joined lordlier I a rectangular of iron. At the end of trough a dior Is placed, opining into the cvl.nder. once Insldo of this cylinder, or the iwk, there observed another door, lower down and directly opposite to tho ilrsi, through which the Interior of the caisson readied.

Each oi these cylinders, hp deviled, is a uimplole air lo. within itself, serving to pas-' in and out tuo oi-era'ives ny the durennco in the natural pleasure of the to lite Increased in iheair ouainiier Kach cylinder will hold twenty men coiaiortably. aud EltlltTV WORK MR can go to and fro every Ave minutes. Surmounting each pair of air looks is a large Iron cylinder, whicn porves us the bottom of tne Wei I hole, ti.v winch to reach them. Tins is intended lo he joined above to wooden curb that is to be carriod up and kept water light iu the descends to its position.

Circular staircases are malt in this Jlnder, by which to tuccud and descend. Another feature different irotn tho Brooklyn catsson is that ilia present will havo a roif or timber llvo feet in thickness before launching, and after that accomplished fliteeu lect ni ne win be added, Qiaklug KCLI.Y TWENTY of woodwork before the stonework will continence to be laul. The entire thick oi rool of tl.o Brooklyn structure is but ton icet. Hhouid no uniorseen ulnicuirv sri-e the contractors of tills work, srs. Weob Hell, hope to ha .0 tue caisson so tar advanced that tt win bo READY TO t.AtrNCH about the oi li of May; it it it not In rcvlln i'HH it will not sent into the water unili ttio To launch a structure of tnis c'inrautcr seemed to be me insMrniountablo didlcuity to ail shipbuilders, when the llrouk'vn calsw i was heln.t prepared for that pnrnose.

Thoy remain ie ed the di ilcuity a'tending tho lannching of the (ireaf Eastern tho weeks of labor And me lives cost, aiid shook iliclr hoails ominously. but altir the preliminary worn wan dono and the word was passed tnat tnu was moving it was but tfuutv SKrovofl before the calssou truck the water, and that without the least commotion among or hann to any of the laborers. In the present caisson, to make assurance doubly snre la Hits matter or la.tnriuinr, there has been constructed a flooring which passes nearly flush with the bottom oi the structure. Tho chambers within it being fail of air cannoi escape until the structure tue water, which win only then force it out slowly. Tins volume of will the caisson increased buo.vaucy, and when the unchiiig nas heen accomplish the flooring III be removed.

The latter oniv advantageou in this wise, ami the discovery that it world aid in launch ltitf tho structure was In part accidental. When i no Kaat River Utilise Company OUT AIM rOSSKSSlO.N of the piers. wnerc tncf will sink the caisson, the work of removing tne piling and that i dredging til not long tie delated. It be easier to a ecienjdlsli wtiat. tliey desire on this sirtn of river than It wn on the Hrooklvn side, as hero It will be but.

utile else than mud to remove, while I hero It whs thcdl'iicnlt worn of continued blasting and removing immeoso pieces of rook. No or tedious lays aro untidpatod, and, with good luck, on.t) WkATttKIl ft-ain visits us, the business ol sinking tho Ity.i for the New York the Kn-t iver bridge til inne b. en successtiuiiy accomplished. The gcuucuieu dtiperluiendenU ui this work court no notoriety. They are men or skill, Malona, enthusiastic.

Intelligent, and, while do not proclaim their Already btabtuno BNaiMsmttsa a'hikviimhnts to the World, that they may receive Its adulations, they do not shrink from that investigation which an honored public at times demand. Tner bay, -'Oontlemen, here aro the results or our labors; tney need no comment." They are and lie aires to come that will bear testimony to the Imperishable character or those caissons or will be the proof aiike of their assertions, of tho high order of tneir talents and ol their modesty. THE BLOCK-UTKAIG TRAGEDY. Interest in the Cm Still Increasing? Evidence for the Continued -MoXaig a Fearless Man and Always Went Armed? Blosk a Remarkably Qniet and Exemplary Young Man, Fbkijkbiok Citt, April 14, 1871. The court reassembled for the fourth day's proceedings in the case or Harrison Crawford Hlock, Indicted for the murder of Colonel W.

W. McKalg, In Cumberland, In October last, at nine o'clock mis morning. The court room was, as nsual. densely packed with spectators. Wilnin the bar were gathered a large number of attorneys from all parts, and many prominent politicians and business men wero also perceptible there.

The prisoner occupied a seat Just back of and between two ot bis couusel? lion. D. W. Voorhees and A. R.

Near bltn, ana to bis right, sat bis mother, an elderly lady, rather small In stature, whose countenance indicated that she was In wtxIiUOBnoe and womanly attribuths far above the ordluary strata or feminine humanity; and, altiiough tho seal of Intense mental Buffering had left its heavy impress upon hor face, it hud not obscured in it the traces of tine personal appearance before those sorrows camo. She watched with eagerness each witness as the? were giving their evidence; and as difficulties 'about the admissibility or portions arose between the attorneys, she would draw nearer her son, as If fearing some harm was about to come in him. The prisoner himself looked CM.M AN 11 COMPOSED, although lie seemed to watch the testimony with more eagomess than usual, and ho rarely took lils eye from a witness while they were ou the stand. A few moments after nine o'clook Chief Justice Moulsbv said the Court was ready to proceed with the case, aud directed the d-'fonoe to call their witnesses: Jol.n Hipp was the Prat sworn? Hon. A.

K. Syestnr for the defence conducted the examination. He knew both MocK and McKalg; was in the more on the opposite side of the street from wiisro McKalg stood when the nhoutIiit occurred the report ot the pistol when tho first an was Ure't attracted his attention looked out and saw McKuig coming toward where ho atoo 1 ne i McKalg) A BF.VOI.VElt In right hand; let it fall from hia hand Into the street is ho loft tlie curbstone where lie waa tirst shot: Block nhot liltn the second time In the middle of the street; the third when on live pavement and the fourth he was going tack across the street to where he was tirst shot. Oeorge Oarney, a colored man, sworn for the defence, stated that he saw all the shootim; when the iirat shot was Ore MclCalg had a revolver In hia right hand, Md IT RAIhET) in front of he dropped hia lUs just afle. be waa shot, and his revolver and cane both droppod Into the nutter; he ran across the street, and as he waa running put hia hand behind him as If feeling for a pistol Block shot again in the middle of the street, and again on the curbstone when McKalg tried to go back to where the shoootlng begun; in the middle of the street Block again McKalg threw bis tieliind blm, said "Ah," and tell dead; block then gave himself up.

Charley Clarke, a small boy tea years or afe, who had been lUUHUNIb BY THE STATE, was put upon the stand by the ilnteuce, and testlSed that ha alar aaw pistol fall from MoKatg'x hand alter he was tirst shot; be swore to the name of the man that picked the pistol up. Mr 1,. Wilson was introdnoed by the defence aud swore that eleven days before the shooting he aaw McKaig Jostle against Block in order io rioroKK a rioHT. John Long, a colored man, testified that about two weeka beforo McKalg was shot he raw McKalg atan Jing partially Laiii nd the corner of the Baltimore and Ohio ltaliroad depot, peeping down street; that bis attention waa attracted, and he looked down the street aud aaw young Block coming tip; when Block osme up to the front of the Kevera House, which adjoint the depot, McKuig drew back he had a revolver In his lmnd then and held It behind blm; Block did not come by where he (McKalg) etood, but turned and went back down tne street and McKalg rnt.i.owrn DOWN! he did not Immediately iolorin Hlock of his danger, because knew Mr. MclCaig was a desperate man, not afisi I of anything; he always we.ut armed, he did not want to with lilm ne did not pe? lllocW ag-iin until the night before McKalg was killed; he theu told him that MclLaig had been A 1TINO TO SHOOT he had often heard McKalg tell of (taring exploits In toe army, and he knew he was not afraid of

Several witnesses, some of whom wero mon of prominence, as well as of witnesses for the State, wore men called to prove the good character of tlie prisoner. All lestliied that uo was remarkably good. Tho evidence or two of them, reprepreseuting the different ranks ol society, is given. Hon. Alfred Spates waa called ard examined by Mr.

Nelson fur the itelenre. He testified that he bad known Biouk from boyhood; that hie character was wirnoiT blemish he waa regarded as honorable young man. and hia geiitlcntsj of diapoaitlou and manly attributes were tlio subject ol among men oi all claasea. 1'atrlck lira ut waa i.uxt called and examined for the defence. He la a miner in the Krauklyn rnltie-i, of young Block Is the superintendent.

He said that Klock'a character for A 1 AIJTT.1TY AMI G1WTIKM AWl.T UKAFIKO toward tlie men waa the subvert of general remark, and that there wan not a man or woman, young or old, who would not we'eome bsc't a lain lie waa uMvaasAt.LT ur lovf.d by ai.i who knew him. Mr. Vooi liees, for the defence, asked tne Court If It would not be admissible to show the positions of trust and honor in which the young man had plac-'d, positions rarely accorded to men of his years. Thev were, he said, prepared to show that Ins associations and habits were sucit that be could not liavc shot any one had lie not been driven to a PICFKXCK OF HIS OWN LtFK. The Court s.tid that snch evidence would not bo admissible tor general proof character.

Chief Justice Moulsoy said that the hour of adjoin innent had arrived, and he would again admonish the jury about reading any newspaper accounts of the trial or allowing anyone to converse with them or before thein upon the sub eel wider consideration. He said the court wool 1 stand adjourned until to-morrow morning at nine o'clock. It ts ex ppctci that to-morrow evidence as to the seduction will lie introduced and that tho sister of young Clock, will be put upon the stand. If so tho proceedings Will. BK tVTBNHELT IKTKRESTTNtt, ns It la understood that the prosecution will endeavor to impeach her character.

Kumors as to what this witness that witness will testify to are bm numerous ns arc the people present; but them is one thing certain, that when the evidence or the soducilon is spread before the court and jnry it will present lo the world one or the MtXT CA-KS on record. The interest in tne increase? as the time approaches for tins phaso of the case to tie presented anil numbers arrlvo here expcciluK mat It will como up to-morrow. REAL ESTATE MATIER1 The week opened with a partition sale of nptown real estate, most I unimproved. Tne attendance was very irood, and fair prices wero obtained for the few lots disposed of, alUOUirh the sale was unmarked air. special competition.

lie part of tli announced offering win withheld. Th? following arc ihc particulars of the sales yo rnori KTr? nr mri i.rm, wii.kixb co. 3 lot! 133th 1- ft. w. B.h H.11, C.iCh....$3,!M) u.

1JM 7i ft. w. 7Ui Jiift100.11, each 1,650 2 iota n. a. lit iti 120 ft.

e. New 3Jx71, each Re.ita. With the near approach of the of May iho rent market hctttiw to show mure activity, and many nogottatl ns which have been wero closed up yesterday, usually at ou both Htdos, landlords to abate a portion of their demands, wnia house consented to but higher. Thh Is abnit the condiilon the is likely to bear up to the dote May 1. those wan are compelled to move on I hat verv til.idiy renting suitable promises now nt an advance upnii ue iigure they contemplated in Febru.irv, and landlotds, rest ui of havinir men houses heliijf loft ou their linnds after tlio 1st, willingly consenting lo a compromise Within thn last lew wee its, owing to the warm weather prevailed a short time ago, quite an active Inquiry was exhibited for tlOrsRs ON STATRN I the prospect of a protracted and excessive heated term ilns producing a for house- of moderate rent on this sea-gtrt isle.

Quite iitimbor of houses have, under this stimulus. Won rented but there are a manv yei In desirable locaiitim watting tenants, more particularly on tie north side. An Important improvement lias mti'ie In the lorry accommodations tiiorv, the Now Urlfehtou boats now running Hourly. Silts nt the Dmlt. The Children's Aid Hoclcly have purchased the four story and at tic btick house No.

21 st. Murk's place, for Ills to uscil as a giriv lodging house. VILW3 OF THE PAST. Am ir. is.

1P4T? liatt'e of Cerro uordo, Mexico; Americans fcaled the Mexican 1797? Austria made with Franco by ceding ilio Jtetliot limits ut. a allowing the free navigation of I IWiine. 1731? King XVF. and Ihc royal lantlly were arretted bv the populace, while on tlielr way to nt. Cloud, ana compelled to return to i'arid.

THE COURTS Ths Jumol Will Casa-A Caution to Bankrupts? The Erie Litigation? A Funeral Buit? Ihe Lilionthal Tobacco An Aotion for Wa Aoquittal in the Muff Case UNITED STAT CIRCUIT COURT. Tim Jumel Will Ornir. Before udge Woodruff. Chainplatn Boicen et at. vb.

Melton chafe and The trial of this cause. commenced on Friday last, was resumed yesterday at the opening of tue court. Messrs. Charles O'Conor and Carter appeared for the defendants, and Messrs. Clarence Seward, Tracy and Pyne lor i lie plaintiffs.

The principal plaintilT In the suit, Champiain Bowen, wan In court, hut counsel, having consulted with bis physician. preferred not lo nut him 011 the stand on account hi hl? health, be being an old and weak man. His testimony previously taken was then road. The reading of the testimony having bettu concluded, Mr. 'Conor proceeded to open the case lor 1I10 deleudants, which occupied the balance of the session.

Tbe trial will last tbe week and close the April term of the court. UNITED STATES DISTRiCT CO'JflT-H BANKRUPTCY. A Discharge In Bankrnptcy Annulled on the tiroand cf Perjury. In tbe United States District Court yesterday Jndge Blatchford rendered his decision In the matter of the application of Patrick J. cranltch and Jeremiah Cranltch to set aside tho discharge in bankruptcy granted to Charles K.

Herrlck on the 26th of May, 1889. 1 he decision Is Important, as it has reference to Ihe discharge annulled by Judge Blatchford since be begau to administer tho Bankruptcy law in this district. Tho facts nro Oil tho 28th of May, 1469, in the United states District Court Charles K. Herrick obtained a discharge in bankruptcy from all dofeis existing against bis property and estate provable, under he Bankruptcy act, on the 9tii of February, 1868. Two creditois of tue bankrupt named Patrick J.

Cranitch and Jeremiah A. Cramtch, made an to the Court on the 27tU of February, 1871, to wet aslio tue discharge granted to Herrick, on the ground that lie wilfully swore wisely in his aiddnvit annexed to hid of debts, thit 110, well knowing the residence and place of bnsiness of tbe creditors, and bis indebtedness to them, did not Include the debts he owed them in hU schedule. The Court having caused reasonable notice of this application be given to lierrlck he appeared ami answered. Upon the facts set lortri the court finds that Ihe act alleged lu Ihe application of the creditors against Fieri Ick is proved; that he wiiruity swore falsely in the affidavit mentioned as to the particular fact stated: that it was a material fact concerning his debts to 1I10 creditors mimed, ami that these creditors bad 110 knowledge of such act until alter tho granttug of the discharge to HerricK, Under these circumstances Judgo Blatchford ordered the dlscnarge to be set aside and annulled. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COU.HT? CRIMINAL BHANCH.

The Tilllcntlml I'ohaeeo Ciuv. Pefore Judge Blatchford and a Jory. The United Slates cs. Is an action In which the government seek to recover from the defendant, who la a tobacconist lo this city, tho sum of out of which the government clnttn they have been defrauded by the defendant, who, it is claimed, made false returns of his sales. The case is still on.

UNITED STATES CIRCUIT C0U3T-IN EQUITY. The War? Non-Piuducilon of the Berore Kenneth G. White, Master. The further continuation of the reference before Mr. Kenneth U.

White in regard to the 064 shares of Erie luil way stock claimed to belong to Heath and Raphael, the English shareholders, bad been llxed for yesterday at one o'clock, A subpoena bad been served on Mr. Otis, tbe secretary of the Ere Hallway Company, commanding him to attend as a witness; and an order, Issued by the Master, had been nerved ou Mr. Jay Gould, the president of the company, directing ntm to produce the original stock and transfer books and tho daily balance book. Mr. Otis was present in obedience to the summons.

Mr. Jav (ion was not In attendance, and the oooka were not iorthcnmlmr. This is the tlnrii time that the order of tlie court with regard to the production of books has been disregarded by the Eric Company. It has boen hinted arouud the courts by persons supposed lo in the of the trie ring that these nooks. the production of which is essential lo ihe prosecution of the inquiry betore Mr.

White, never will be seen in the United Htales Cou.ts; that tney have been hidden away in some secret place, or, if not that, mutilated or utterly destroyed, if. however, the books are 111 existence, the Court will insist on an inspection of turm and take care that us orders in this respect snail be obeyed. A new foature in ihe ofVesierday was the appearance of ex-Jmue Pierrepont, la'-e otted District Attorney, as additional counsel for Erie with Mr. Morgan. At the 01 the proceedings Mr.

Southmayt Have the Itnoks, for the production of which an order was issued at the iasi session, been produced? Mr. Morgan? No, as those specified in the order arc duTcrcnt from those which are required. Ex-Judge Pierrepont? Only twenty inmates ago I was retained on this ease, and as 1 have not yet received Instructions 1 wish a postponement for a day. All I know is that tlie question in litigatiou is one concerning the right to the possession 01 60,000 shares or Erie stock: bur. 1 understand that much irrelevant matter has been introduced into the litigation.

the Master? Tlie latitude has been given In the Investigation. Anything which a'Vocicd or depreciated tho marketable value or the stock is a lit subject for Inquiry. Mr. Southmayil suggested that nnothor order shonlil be served for the production of the books. Mr.

f'lerrepont? Then Is no necessity for tnat, as I pledge my professional word that they will bo produced to-morrow (this daj). The reference wa-i then adjourned to this day. UNITED STATES C0? l-IBMiM' MJ1T. fbarae Sea I'aptnlii. Before Commissioner Shields.

The United Ski'es rs. Mah'tiwu. The defendant is master of the ship Victor. Ho is charged with crnelly beating one of his crew, Timothy flayer, with a piece of Iron on the heart. The case had net down forbearing at tweivo o'clock yesterday: but at that hour no witnesses for the government were in attendance, though subptrnaM had been served upon the.11.

The Commissioner adjourned the case uutii to-morrow at half-past ton o'clock. Contfejtn Hon of Wainkoy. A quantity of whiskey seized at No. 230 avenue by one of the tollectors of Internal reveuue, whs yesterday condemned In the United States circuit Court, he tore Judge Woodruif, and an order tor us sale made. S'JPBEME COUST -TRIAL An Wcmmi Orders nn KxpriMlrc Co ITln nud ituriul, ilic Kxccnt -r lieiuseN ibo Hill.

HiToro Judge Hntlierland. PiVry Ttic Kr.ceutor of KUloran. Mnclt of the tnysterionn phase? underlying the great current of life In I Ills city would nev. be brought to light wore it not for tiic revelations made tho court- A notable Instance canio tip yesierday in tills court. In 1-cw, All's.

KilJoran died. She lived on tlie i-ocond floor of a teneineut bonse in Twenty- street, near Hxih avenue. know her 10 he eccentric, and all thought At Iic-r death, however, she left an estate of jjo.o.O, This money she Imd accumulated an a street pedier, and at lie s.tme time ouuiit a large family. Hho tin tsvn a widow many Growing old nnd ice'de, nud knowing her eid approaching, pent for i he piaint who an; undertakers, and Instructed thoiii an to the st 10 of cottlu In wnicii ahe wished to no burled, li is unnecessary to describe it in detail. It was an elaborate aif.tir aud expansive.

Ai her float la me was placed in tin co.tin, and, pursuant to further directions, carefully robed in a wnltc diciii, trimmed with wiiite saliu. In an elegant hearse, drawn by four horses, caparisoned in moni nful ha'illmenK she was conveyed to her last rtsting place, and mere followed a long train or There came a day of reckouuig for nil this lavish ouilat. A bill was sent lie executor, i lie being svot for the coillu and li lor the har-e and carriages. The executor refused to pay I he bill, and thor- upon a suit was brought to (over tlm mnount. Nearly all (lay was consniued the testimony.

The result wn? a vcrd ct for llio ainuus for tUe full amount claimed, Willi interest. SU? i. Derisions. By Jndge Itrady. IVtO'fOil I 'd Motion gr.iutfl I.

KUHlle vs. Same. ame. fVttil es. Motion I.

rs. llorion. Motion granted. scht Same. vs.

me. Uorton v.i. Ituck'h y. Btiuk rs. Same.

O'rin- vs. CtiflVr rs. Miller. Same. liU'-krunotm Bank Km Same.

Corhra tir Sene. Hon i IV, I ij'jiiOH t'tij. Rornc'' rs. Pott. Morion dismissed.

presitten', pit Mors 'iwl ujiiipii ny of tha Wt'styeld Bank vs. Motion granted. McCreery r-. Motion dismissed. (jetr-hsu vs.

Monon gi anted. SUPREME The Arre.ttt in Cirrcnwlrh Street Bienlih Boforo Judge Brady. The Judge wan to have given a declilon yesterday In the mntter of the writs of habeas corpus and certiorari granted lit the cases of the arrosted Inmates o( several of tue most nota'do bagnios In Greenwich street. District Attorney Uarviu raeaotime lias admined to bail uot previously bailed, and thus tne Court was saved giving the expected decision and an elaborate opinion wulcU ne had promised as an aocompanlment. SUPERIOR C0U.1T THIAL TERM? ART 2.

A Halt Nhowlnn (low Employes are Bmaird In A. T. Mtewnrt's Ktinbllslimcnt. Before McCunn. Jamb M.

Koehler vs. Alexander T. This was a snlt Drought to recover ten montha' salary on what was claimed to have been a year's engagement. The pla in iff was employed as cutter or ladles' habits by the defendant at a salary at the rate of $2,000 a year, and at the end of two months was discharged, and hence brings this action. Mr.

Stewart was called as a witness, and in his testimony gave a cioai ana explicit explanation or the terms upon which all employs arc engaged In this house. No one was engaged by the year, bat at such a rate per year. The engagement could terminate any day or any hour of the day at the option ol either party. All employed were paid monthly, and on receiving their money signed a receipt in full for services to date, and snch receipt also setting forth the fact of the engagement being terminable at the ontlon of either arty. The Mipennteudeut of tuo depart ment In which tho plaint iif wan employed testified that he was presont at the engagement of the latter by Mr.

Stewart, and that the engagement was not by the year, but at tho rate ot $2,000 ft year. Evidence was also given by the cashier 01 his calling the plaintiff's attention to the nature of the receipt he was signing on the payment of his flrst, month's salary, l'he plaintiff testified on lux own behalf, insisting that the engagement was by the Ex-Judge Hilton, In summing up the case for the defendant, pronounced Mr. Stewart's grctt establishment, in respect to employes, as genuinely republican? a free democracy, in lact. He showed the contract as bindtnu, and tho law as clear on the nolnt. Mr.

Edwin Jamos made out ns good a caso as ho could for the plaintiff, lint it was iltfhtmg a forlorn hope. Tne Judge directed a verdict for the dcicndant. SUPERIOR COURT? TERM. Decisions. By ndge Jones.

August Kroeiling vs. Martin Schwa rz. denied, with ten dollars costs, to abide event. II. Aid 11 Pooler vs.

lteichetberyer. Satne. Patrick O'Halioran vs. James o'llailoran. Motion denied, with ten dollars costs.

Gienrtlle Wootiei Company vs. Joseph Motion gt anted ho far us to stay proceedings lu tho Term. Judgments In other respects dejled. Same vs. Alexander J.

Hume. Cornelia Austin John L. Brower. Findings nettled and ordered to be Hied. Dabonev vs.

carr. Motion denied, with ten dollars costs. See opinion. H.y Judge Spencer. George B.

Davis vs. K'tymond et aU Order grauted. Fr Chapter vs. The Excelsior Fire Insur once Company. David Silierstein el al vs.

Mitlhias Same. John FWtrctrh vs. Thomas Larktn. Same. John K.

casaldy vs. Herman Wolff. Same. pster iXelson vs. Charles arne.

Anna B. Dana vs. Thomas Same. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS-SPECIAL TERM. The Frank Leslie DlTorrn Case.

Before Judge Loew. Leslie vs. This case, so frequently noticed In the columns of tho IIkrai.0. was again before Judge Loew iu Special Term of the Court or Common Pleas yesterday. Several motions in the case were to have been heard, tint the chler, ami about the oulv oue argued, was that whleh relate.

I to a counsel foe asked on bchnlf ot the defenduut, Mrs. Leslie. About leu days since, It appears, the whole amount of alimony and counsel fee awarded the defendant under former orders, and affirmed by the Court of Appeals, had been paid over to dclendant, tho entire sum being and it is uow insisted, on behalf of plaintiff, that a reference shall be had to ascertain what disposition defendant has made of this money, and whether she Is able to fee counsel herself nclure the Court slull compel plaintiff to pay the counsel fee asked for. The Judue held the matter under consideration until this (Tuesday) inoiniug. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS? TRIAL TERM-PART I.

Tho Hop liiHiirn. ee Before Chler Justicc Italy. iri'Ham Schiessinoer vs. sanvtet In tills case, which hns been on trial for the past two days and the particulars of which have already appeared in the Hkii the Jury yesterday rcudcrtd a verdict for piaintiif I11 the sum of $833 77. DcrlMous.

By Judge Loew. vs. Motion to continue the injunction denied. Baiter shall vs. Motion granted.

BrdAy rs. Demurrer overruled, with $10 costs, dr fciiount to have leave to answer within twenty days. i s. The Mann flank of the City Of A'e 1 York. settled.

IS) Chief Justice Daly. Spun' vs. Com Bxchanjs insurance Company. Judgment for platntlff. By Judge Joseph F.

Daly. Keating et. al. vs. Motion denied.

MARINE COURT -PART I. liy Judge Curt Ik. Wui'koff New ttlal granted. TatcJter v.i. Judgment for plaintiff, ts.

Dismissed HUycraia Judgment lor plaintiff. COURT OF BENclXL StiiDR Hull tliiflT Cur-Thfi mlnnt Acquitted. Hefore Recorder Hnckett. Tlie entire session of i ho court yesterday was consumed In ihe trial of an ordinary charge of petty larceny. Tlie accused was Mrs.

Hall, who, it was alleged, stole a fur muff from Mrs. Mary Lane on the 28th of June last. It appeared that the complainant hired a room from tlie defendant In Seventh street, and after remaining few weeks liy reason of a diniculty between them. Plaintiff Hilled the muff, but ou the 29il? of December recognized Uer muff in Mm, Hall's possession, while pass img through the strcnt. Tlie accused being sworn in her own behalf testified that the muff in question wax given a married sister to her who presented It to tier (the accused) on ttas Till of DeCihibor; and that for yearn previously flie iiaiuoni it And a fur collar, which were In court.

A number of members of the family to thu Mme state of lacls, and witnesses ai showed her reputation tor honesty to be good. Alter tbe with Ills a-eustomrd clearness an 5 Impartiality, had chaigcd the Jury, tni rendered a verdict of not guilty without leaving Ihcir seats. I'he was so excited that f-hi tainted tlie rendition of the verdict, and us moved into the passageway. Thus ended a cuse which, had It not been for ill nndno notoriety given toil a pa i lis. journal, iouhI have becu disputed or in f.fU eu minutes.

COURT -THIS DiY. Sl'I'rtKMR Coitht? Oenkkai Tkhm? Held by Judges liieraliam. Ilarnftrd and Nos. 200, 2t)s, 210,212. -la, 'iis, 210.

3M, ai, 223, ISO, 2 233, 234, 215. 297. 'J 10. Si ric'MK imi? i ir? Pari Held l-y Judge Vau liiuaL? No-. 67, so, 383.

3, M7. 4ft, 171, 87 375, 317. 3-a. Part 3 -Held by Judge 244, ntn, 2M. (W, iooi, is, ua, 32, iss.

rw, MTRXMK I'OCRT? ClIAMBKRfl? Held bf Judge Rr? Day Nos. 2, il, 53, 61, as, 72, can So. vti. Hi pr.KioK t'ol'KT? TntAL Tkum? irt Held by ju ig? Nos. 261, 2:1, 70, 275, 337.

673, 307, 333, 6 631, fl.33. Part llel.l by Judge I30f-, 91 1, 300, 032, 6.4, 610. 231, 210 44 28, 3fl, 20S, 26', 61S. 'I KT If, T3IIM? Part Held by Joseph F. 70S, 729, 8.1 s7l, -3).

2-1, 113, 824, S7S, Hlft. 980, b64, HM, iftl, too, 2r.u, ci. 410, m. '7. i4, 911, SOO.

Knulty? Held by Judge The equity calendar will be called at o'clock in cunmbcrs. iK'HS Cinir- 1 in a 1. Trrh? Part field by Judge 1 Nos. ftftoo, Mi.t. Hough vs.

-Vos. 830 6122, 842X Heams vs. Fltzger Id. No A2I7. It.

6132, i ill's 55o7. 6410, 6.1II, 6AI2. P.irt Held Judge Nos. rtljs. 6-'j4.

Schwarz vs. Langan ana Fanub vs. Hamm. BROOK fOlHTS. CauBT A ft lili'OMd Trouble.

lioioie Judge Tap pen. TP1 Grand street and N'owtown Haiti oal muaut an auiiiu aouio tiiuo aluoe for I the rlghl to nse the of th? North Second unci Middle Villas Kttilioad, betwmm th? end of North Socoud street mid the coanty Hue. The applicants requested the appointment coinmtsmono a to estimate tlio amount of compensation to bo pain for the privilege, and the Court announced an sucli Hewn w. A. C'oit, Ocrnas and A.

A. Phillips. The; will meet ou Saturday noxt, OH COURT. A Trnnsnetlun In Before Judge Thompson. Edgar Smith vt.

In March, I860, the plaintiff sold to Frederick J. Barclay, then purtuor of defendant, a quantity of cocoauuis tor $831 In gold. The Hale wai nuvle la south America, and a draft for the amount wax drawn by Barclay and directed to Douglass, who Would not accept it. The cncoaants were consigned to defendant, who, as claimed, Hold them. PbUatiflOi thereupon hro.tgnt Mil to recover $1,122, und tlio jury gave him a verdict for the lull amount claimed, with interest.

BROOKLYN CO'JRT CALENDAR. City CorRT? Parts and Ileld by Judges Neilwon and Nos. 136. ifii, 145, 41, 48, 4, 10, 22. 07, 98, 111, 110, 120, 130, 130, 141, 142,, 176, 186, 97, 60, 106, 82, 197, 198, 199.

COURT OF APPEALS CALENDAR. Albany, April 17, 1871. The following Is the day calendar of the Court of Appeals lor April lvfl, 1 1 02, 177, 188, 6, 198. FDHESCX PERSOHAL CJOS4IP. M.

Granler do has been arrested In the Gers by or lor of tho ad interim Prefect, M. Albert Bran, but was subsequently released. General do CUnohant has arrived at Versailles from Switzerland, and has placed himself at the orders of i lie government. Chauzy is said to nave been set at liberty by tho Ceutral Committee only on a promise that lie would not lake up arms against the Commune. The Rappel announces that cltlr.en Representative of the Se.ue, who had left Paris lor Caprora, churged witn a mission to Garibaldi, was arrested at Boulf.iclo, lu Corsica, at tlio moment of his embarking.

General Clumsy has taken Ins place in the Notional Assembly at Versailles, and sits on the IDght, near General TrochtL on llrst appearing lie was surrouuded and warmly congeal ulaied by his colleagues on uts release. The Emperor of Germany received on March 2 the representatives of Austria, Spain and Italy, who sen ted congratulatory letters iroiu their sovereigns ou the occasion ol the Emperor's accession to tho imperial dignity. It is said tnat IV-llx Pyat will retire from the council. iu older to devote ail his tituo lo the editing of Le iavjtur, which Is to be the new journal offlctel or tho Commune. On lis stair will be Delervoiuze, tirommler, Pierre Denis, Monuiisieil, I'ourncc, Longuet, Bellanger, Maurice de l.achatre, Mtlli re.

General Cremer has written a letter to tho Qaulola, dated March .8, in which lie says that be at no iimo had the military command of Paris under the orders or tho committee, and he never delivered any speeches, and that he aided in effecting the release oi General and M. Mngonrtan, and leu Paris the following day tor St. Germain. At the banquet given br Prince Bismarck to the diplomatic body at llerliu on the 22d the Brst .1 lo the Emperor was proposed by Lord A. l.ottus, ho expressed the wun tnat Germany may still preserve him lor along lime, tiiai she may enjov an area of peace and consolidate herself in her new orgnnlzatl 11.

Prince Bismarck replied by a toast lo the governments represented at the Manqnec. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUCTION. The School Club of the Eirhteentn ward held Us usual weekly meeting on Saturday cve'itng, at 354 East Twentieth street. Mr. Mathews, alter a few remarks on the necessity for sclcntiilc Instruction as means for developing the resources of this country, in tod need lo the meeting Mr.

McGuIre, an old and eminent teacher of classics and muthematlns, who descanted at sonic leigth and In eloquent terms on the value of science as an agent for developing the powers of the mind. The study of nature, he said, removes us from low sensual Ideas, and elevates us to a higher piano of thought and morality. Mr. Scully said that the aristocratic Fifteenth and Sixteenth wards have special teachers for nntural science, and the only reason, tie fancied, why the Eighteenth warders had not the surne, was that they are mostly working people. Tho ward magnates seem to no imbued with Hie old whig idea that common people have no mod for education.

Hie woi ktngman, ho contended, was more in neod or education titan tne rich, as ii workman's capital is comprised In his health and his skill, and natural science tenches htm how lo preserve ilio one and enhance the valuo or the other. For Ihese simple and Hultloieiit reasons the natural sciences are absolutely essential as regular branches of instruction in our public schools. POST OKKIC'I! NOTICK. TJOST OFFICE NOTICE. The Mail? lor l.nrope, durlnj the week ending Saturday, April 5J, will at o'l'ee on Tuu'lif 11 A on HcJMsdu at IS on Tburuiay at I.

M. on gaturdsy at 11 A. M. P. (I.

JONES, PoitmaMer. PROPOSALS. (lUTUi RAILROAD COMPANY i)K NEW JMfKV. MOTP'K TO CONT RACTOKH. Proposal" will l.e received a'.

the office, No. 1 10 Liberty street, New Vork, until no in (if Thnnt.lay, the Ml iiny oi April Instant, for the nn-i-wiry fir two additional of r.n>, one upon each able or nnth upon tide of the present tracks, mny be directed by the Engineer, between and nn.l Brook, except that between Hcntr.h Plain grtle I I'laln'ield the new route wi.l graded for a double track of onlv. probit a and can be ku at Him on a'ler the IStli mutant. The Kntlneer tfcn to reject all not deemed to the company. JAME8 MOORE.

Consulting Engineer, No. Liberty street, Now Vork. Ka? Ai rll 7. totted states post orrun and 1 Bolton, OIToi) ol Huperlntendent. March Sti.

18.1. WROUGHT AND CAHT IRON. Sealed will be received at tie otllce of the Su? pcrfntend) nt, until April 1H71, for iuraUlilng. delivering, and putting in place, the iron work or the third an fomtn and root of the new Port Oillcn and Treasury bud in 2 In Motion. Man a.

exhibited by marked 41, 4 A id, irj, Kl, 05, w7, and the accompanying plans and schedule, consisting principally of rolled wrought Iron beams and glrdora. The work to be de Ivered nnd put tn 1 lace at lucli aa from lime to time, be required by the Superintendent, provl led that tch floor nud th-- roof atiail be made the subject of a separate ordrr, and that the contractor a lull be allowed thirty cava for the making and putting In nUce of each floor, and ninety for making and putting in pi'icc the roof. The will lie permitted the of the derricks and machinery bel-nittng to the bul.dlng In putting the work In place ch hut will be required to par the time of the men employed in working thsm, who will lie'rurniaiie i by the department when required. Scaffolding win he furnished by the The work will not be stihdlvlued among the different but will be considered and awarded In a up'S-tata. Ninety real of the amount due will bo paid ou tn each lloor, the balance on the llnal completion of the eontract.

All moot be accompanied by a penal bond la the of that the blddrr will accept and perform the eontract It ne ar le 1 him, the su.ilclencr of the to he titled by the lolled Judge, lierk of the United Court, or District Attorney of the district Wiiere he The department resvrveii the right to reject any or all If It be deemed to the intercut of the government to do and anr hid that not made on the printed iurtn lie obtained In olllce. and not inform In every reapcct to the of ndvrrtlseuient and of the primed form aim ache 'u'e, will not be ered, neither will any be received from parties who are cot the of cast or wr.iti ht Iron work, and who have not the t.cces*sr/ facilities for getting out the or illcn mint be endorsed for Iron Work, I'nit Od'ce and in. v. Ronton, Mai? an.j ad.lieasad to tiKI DI.I.V J. r.

HRl AN nt. LOAM OrilCKM. BI.Kl.tJKf.R KTRFF.T, NP.AR BROADWAY, I'P Ml iirtfan 011 IHn-non li, JfwOrr. Plnni.n. 1 or

1 -ought at 77 ItlMCkcr lirect. it WOtr BKOTMIUHP, wrt UOAPtAT Broadway Mosey on DlamoiuSa, WatikM, Jrwr'iv. Bllrerwaie, 1 I I'tirolt ii' paitloularty on cnnr.deut al pnvaH parlnr or ladice. I VEARH), LOANfl or Plan. on.

la, Wan Jewelry, ttilfer Ware, i itnri'i llalr w.a. Si.k*. I Valita or bought. I'l-ueat Hid. J.

II. ltARKlNtil.U, 7oi HrOad ty, nee. A W7 CORNER OV FOURTH STlil'f T.i\ I.i./t ral on Jewelry, Silks Hair l.acen and Person ti I'roperty of i rciy JAMI.M P. MATI'UKWS. .1.

A. JACKSOSM. NO. 8 AMfTV NEAR Broadway Llbrral made on iliaiuii.d*, ktchea, Jew? rj Dry iJou Uand feftun il I'foperty or erery Iptiou. Same bought and auld.

At l. bkr.nard-k, hixtm avkmjk. rftwkkn Twenty-fotirih and I'wenlr-liltli -Ul adv. made on Diarnon Jewelry and ail ol aa'iie fioujht at tluir lull Yalue IT CVMAN'M, r-8 BBOADWAT. CORNER OF BOND iV Liberal made on and Watebea, Sllrerwam, or will pay the market pvlco for 11 aauie.

AT TIIE OLD K8TABUSHF.1) oFKIt'E. NASSAU i-an obtain libera) on la Wstcbna, Silverware, Or will purcliafie the-n at their uii raluation. A. MuMOMaN, Broker. UtOAIWAr, CORNER FULTON VTRBRf iKNCX't I) 15 NKWMA.S IiKOPoliD or mlriticn llbenillv on Dltitncn Jt welry, Me and i.egotlate i for, Monet loaned jewelry, dry every of Merclmr tlariy on and Furnlt urc.

Ladiea' rarlor. Storage iaken a'. It, 17 Aldngdon juare, in Real o.Sce, ADAMS, OPPOSITE TOST l.lbtrr.! on I' a mo id'. Wan-heg. Jewc ti and ioerchari.ll*e.

Tne wme and MMd- A MAN LEOPOLD, rowiu 1. rould take a partner i.wiwr engaged In otner buslPrlce BIGGS A SOS, itfi Broa.iwav. flirt A -For SALE. THK HKTT CLASS OLD KHTAB? Billiard Room, kuown Hafti 'j? it rift of thft o.mptal* tfiiiiiiril ib? city, fwryUiing tu there ar? nine nf Ph.Isn Coiwmlar tabi' all which a re In lino order, together with olliar furniture appertaining to a dsaa establishment. 11 WIUl JOHN A.

A A -A VARIKTT OK HKCOND jTl BHTI'l Mim'I, all iiii-i a fhwiw AM HI CAN bfKAM hXkK roMPANY, 300 Broadway! A FoR -with stock, JX. UllK and Ittt.ree no a '(nls. LI1JI OR STORE, Herald ollico.! HRRKINO SAFR FOR HaLR cheap new one voir nco. Applv to T.

I.IBBONH, Agent, Hrowiwif. oppoaite A GOOD CASH GROCERY STORK For RALE-OB WOl neas. l'i ABU''K WALNUT BOOKCASE, HOLD1 ABOUT volumes, suitable siao for (tore for cheap. Apply at 63 FiUton street, up stairs. A KINK CIGAR STORE ON FROAPWAY KOR AUo Ovater Saloons Chop Houses, Storra on all the avenues, 1 ngllah Shvlrs, ttoardug Uousta, Uakerle? to at.

MITCHELL'S Store Ageney, 77 Cedar atreet. A FIRST CLASS CORNER GROCERY STORE at a bargain Alio llakerles, splendid Ice Cream Saloons and Confm II Lager Be-r Sv loons, Hotels, Fancy Gooda Stores. MITCHELL'S Store Agency, 77 Cedar street A RARE CITANOE TO PI'RCHASE A FIRST CLASS coiner Sample Room, down town long Ichsc at che ic rent; satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply to W. O.

KJJ MAN, 11 Broadway. An old established human hair dressino Store for sa very profitable bust'. ens rtanl; grval bargain. Particulars at it Chambers atreet. GEORGE W.

Si K.i A Store Agency. A OLD ESTABLISHED CONFECTIONERY AND ICR 'mam Saloon for sale; business location' chauca lo make money. nt 2'1 hambers atreet OEORUK W. 81MKK8 A Store Ajeoejf. AN OLD ESTARLI8HED HAT STORK FOR SALE; aj lenilld liuaitieHx aianil large caah trade: undoubtedly rure uli ime.

at Immbi-ra aiieei. GEORGE W. S1MKKS A Store Agency, A NO. 1 LIQITt )R STORE FOR SALE -EXCELLENT buamana location cut ly rare partli'iilare t'liaiobei a ktreet. UKORUE W.

SIMEfS A Store Agency. A FIRST CLASS BAKKRV FOR SALE? ESTABLISH8D il 21 years, well located on Sixth nvenue bualneaa ail frons the store. Inqiuie at Klklli avenue. A DISTILLERY STORE FOR SALE WITH TWO jV ycaia' Lsaso. Stncit and FUtnres.

Apply on the iircmtsea, 2UJ atreuue tietween Tweltth and Tblrteenth Ktreets. A RARE THE WELL KNOWN RE8tnnranl and Su)iper Itooinn, II tilled up and tine hualneai, in one ot the beat lu the city. In the vlclnltf of tlienT'K and hall rooms: very antisfaolory reaxohH givmi for so.llug. Inquire of A., ij fir? avenue.

A ooou CORNER LIQUOR STORE. ON RIiHITB JY avoiine, will beaold at a bargain low rent: long loaset good bnalneaa. Apply at ElNSTr-lN'S Agency, HJ Filth A FIRST CLASS REAL ESTATE BUSINESS KOR gal" Situate up town, lu a apletuld Incatlou, luivlng larne, increaalng iruile. both city and country; eirhange, KERtiUSON A ANUA.M, Naiitau atreet, room No. n.

ABUTTER, C1IERSR, E(JO AND PROVISION STORH for aale Location tinsuruasseil for to make money. Partlcu'nra at Zl street. GKOHGE VY. SIM KKS A Store Agency. ASUHSTANTIAL, WELL ESTABMSUED OFKIOR ll'isineai for sale, for Ilaa paid $10,0011 per annum ln? tears; the proprietor has o.her btialuesa.

Appiy at 148 ufion street, room No. 2. A BAKERY FOR SALE EX? 'ELLKNT LOCATION; dnlnallnn caah business; long leaaej low rent; great Partlcninis at street. GEORGE W. RIMERS a Store Agency.

LIQI'OR STORK FOR SALR -DOWN TOWNt V7 three years' lence. I n'tulre on premises, corner of Uronn anil Htono stroots, HI Broad street. Drug store for sale up town, in one Lhu beat locations for a druggist or physician In thn city; has an otEoe well suited Tor a phfste.lan; has new soda fountain neighborhood lint niaas; trade from $15 to 8SU per day proprietor a pliyalc Ian and about to go West. Inquire of Mr. RICE, with McKesson A Bobbins, 91 Fulton street, New Vorlt.

2 RUG STORE FOR SALE? IN THIS CITY, EST AB llsbed nil tears; i.swly painted and labelled three low rent; cood locution for doctor or druygist Apply to KEATING, WMVarlckitreet T7IOR A VERY REASONABLE PRICE FOR caah, the well known Hotel St. Isabe', nt Havana. Caba, situated on the l'lata da Annnj, fronilnit tii" Captain General's pa'ace, one niitare rrom the American Consulate. lo LYLES A S5 John street, New York, or of proprietor on premises. IjnRKT CLASS LIQUOR STORE ON EAST SIDE FOR I1 s'lle? Oil account ol' other buslnme.

Atiply to P. S. RUDIiEN, Kitty first street ail Eighth avenue. BH i I ALB? TOR LEASE AND FURNITURE IN UHR one autiimT) or a larittt Country House, on aca and line bathing; ullea by Now Haven llallioad 20 inlnuies from depot or to rent to a private family. A.J.

SON A t' Cndar street. FOR BALE? A WELL ESTABLISHED DININ'I SAloon, doing a business. At Seventh aveniMt opposite Central Market. II'OR SALE THK OLD ESTAIILISHKD FUR' niahlng, SW itluccker street, took. Futures, Good wm, Ac.

FIOR SALE A COOD GROCER STORE IB WILLIAMSbarg at fair prlea nf Stock nod Fluturea; very ntiaav lc ike stock aud first rat? neighborhood. Addrosa lien, I office. For sale -drug fixtures, marble counter, Ac. also Matthews' Soda Mater and tains; very I ow If taken away this week. Apply at comer 1'eKaib and Franklin avenuen, Prookljrn.

IIOR SALE? AB OLD ESTABLISHED PHOTOGRAPH nailery, tuated on the corner of Houst on atreet nail avenuo will sold at a bargain, aeiler la going travelling. Inquire on premises, of L. SI'IIINZEL. F'OK PALE A PAYIBO, PROFITABLE BUSINESS, IN nn ai tistlcjl line, easily I several years usl anlishad. eh down icjuiren.

tkll Broadway, lloor. SALE? ONB DOUBLE DESK, ONE SINGLE Fireproof Sn Copying Press; also Tnblaa, Couutera and Kittaiss 217 Church stieet, Cist loft. FOR SALE- A FIRST CLASS CONFECTIONERY AND Restaurant, locate i in on.i of the irlncipal eta and doing a good bus'ness good li-'tsona for selilug. Apply te J. BECK I.

It, Hudson street, T.M?R SALE? GEF.H' HODA APPARATI CONSHTINfl 1 of 1 generator and 2 fonntulna Mock tin llii-d In condition pike low. Inquire at 231 East Twenty-elyhtn at. fM)R SALE-A WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR Candv Manufactory on leading thoroughfare, doing larke rrt ill business. For particulars a ldrcaa CON FKOTIO.N bo? 1-4 OR HALK? DVFINiJ KS rABI.HllV FN IS plate wording order, with eti am p-wer; copuer cvllndrrt, I in pro Tr I apparutut for dyeing and i.nnnlnc alike, tdiuwln an I goo da of etreiy alao boiler, CT liorae powtr cheap rant, long leite; great larn-ln; eaur i other for aenlttc. Apply to (IKO.

J. LHVY, MM Itroadnay, ir Mo nun cruet. Ii'OR PALE-ON El illTii AVENUE, NEAR TUIRTTF fottriU creut,, Good WlU and plete, of Moat and IV.jt.-li r'n St iro ott fllteea three of dwailtng an I at ire, at bargain Apply to 8. ltMtil KSON, Mgbtli areime. L'OR AI.K?AN KWTAHLfSHKI) UK E4TATK III SU I ne'n.

To an MMW1H llog IM? a good opportunity Apply i M. I.1NSTMN, SJ Kilo avenue, corner Fi.utleunlli OK BAMS A NEATLY FITTED BARROOM A I coorf 1 rotation In skoiUi I rooklyn. Apply at No. I I'reaioeot (treet, tiou'h Brooklyn. PALP? A I.IQTOR PTORF, ON ErOHin AVE.

I ntie (Siglemlh five yenra' from May 1 5 111 health cauae of tala. AddrcM No. 2 avenue, curoaf of (ircuunicii CWBUbl STOCK, U)HO UUMI of Kaney I (inri? yUitf In SI Mil alio Tweutythird wctt ddroaa J. J. boi Uptown oTce, 1,.

IS pOR MM am wim with mm Flitnrea. prlre Ion Ie.t?e ana low rent. pply at 4I'I Weal hirty nlxt'i -t. HAI.K-THK KT.M'K UXTURM OI' A.V OLD I cata'il' i Iupt at ore, with I.e.i?*nf whoU h' tiw.

A. K. 0 rati C. h'OK SAUK VERT IKAi VERY NI'E WIN! Koum In ririrch utrcet, i1 a ai tIi ui. (jnirc of OuKNA RAllI i rton AT A RARCAI.V BV THVRLES KEI.LV.

No. I th? old he! I.iiptor Htoro, ff Cherry -t, do'nj a good tndr. ownir I tn alMMi SALE ('HP AT? A STORE, WlTll I Lraw, on a liny avrn ie tip e.i< aide, now do lug a Iidb tafh App it IUJ avenue. I NTLilWKVrt ft TORE CTRSf r'aita, and Pliturea ebeip dolnf hai tra la rnat fur eeiiing txplainad ott tnlot Apply oa pr 1.3UJ liroadway, Hotel. 0 I FrcE HAMPUOMR nH'll'i: t'lTTiM'Ja for ale Apply HortU flrtet, occind SJ AKKS FOR HAM Cll! AT, OMi: I.ARilK.

TWO 'no llntn om? imaJ Safe of llerrlng'i, lider'a, M.irvltt'f and LI lit 1 S. C. 71 Uitl "it 4JTOCK FITtl-RESI -BT MI18. TaIIp lOi tHer, Foui-teentli (treat, 4W, ilmt flour, ROOM CIiiAR ON HROAfttrAir.

0 for iny ettav; owuw leaving for nen lar.cttock; tood trade. LLOVU ,1 K1 flrit Til KPT ATI Of C. AQt I the old "atnbiluba I Trnnk w.tb long dulug a lint loHln ta. Inquire at i- lgbth av 'oue, K. J1 a ATK I MO XI A la MS -A WIDOW ICR, UK DEE 40, HOLBIW fmjioriant oflljlal potlHOB fn good to enirr into eorrtfpon with a un lar thirty, educated uu I with a vl to matrimony no objao 1 mil io i widow, an i and tmervlew not rciulrsd until ktufadori fcieu l.are hee.i hanged.

Au Irutt, onit trm. LA FAVKTTR. Washington, D. A nEf.r MK, i It I WANT A WlKRl Nf '4 mmi If rood looking aod not li old, nlc? local or with money, utrl or widow Ad ireaj, her uard, for boi d.lii 1'mI oOicC.

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