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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KM ttj tram aOLUbv AUCTION. I ttr ar Ilk ASUN ttC N. it taw tws4 Katie 1- JU 1 ItMiatafeMt tlM o'clock a ikaEra kjeito xh ewdr mataalih4ihcei anjtbte prwdocod. ualeaapnvt- ratty Mt oT by private Contract. which ce.

the Iint MOW aW tk very wejirth valuable- FRE HOLD Rmttijrea tk en of Ceatkmaa. Me waad rttaee aenesiii4sdo. a family of rnpcsab1sy. wkkh arey I. A teVnanriJ weo-bui.

k. I tkuroajgb repair aaaHiniac bed a MsUfI4 av4 a otij II It I. ky If tth bilcunws opening I a Uwa led of tkruka OMakmajatcaUnf wtak room It fret hi Uoapk td op a a library tw palin" two larr. ad MW anal uul. aM toMta.

dry wiwe al and ftUan other domaaik omce a wafle whk tkrabWry and a. tvda front of the owt Lef S. About se Am' of Lu d. J1ul4hg th rrmic communicating with tk MatjVe road. Hay Wed.

ad father rtiallu kawu. by pfl to Meter UyaM and SMI. 4arb tftft or Mr. Norm. ttioct Ra ala.

to Ms. Slam 41. tw- ow. a tl re YATELY Hauls. To SOLE by AUCIIU at U.

Demetys UK WWceUoa Isift. llertlrdbridge TaVd y. May Vf. on dock MM Lot. Th valuaol very devrjbU.

and improvable cottomaty MANOR of HALL. lIAC Mthatd le ran. of ly. tkrce niW from rUitloed-beidce. two ran BUck tr.

and 33 ft Ln4i iih urt kvU 2 ittltrtitAMC rl tqsar vain to fid4 cu nllt llT-ke w. Ui ftrd fi KI ttr-eor ill far. tunihrg 69 Uut tire. note 4 b4 srW laud. put th rr iu KT ikktwlxy bj mo i el Id.

cr with ff liMbte 4 othv ku pa" turbu-j on UM CM I IO Yitrlr. la the rcfltinK Weurt BMl 1. t. fcHC. Aor4 44 U.

raL reTtl. Ys1J tiwj Ik cIrrt of votry. kkoMtalinf with u4 it i ntM i the Mhts. IVKT. rdcd lUi eut.

ill fry td4 eatid kl hi Tmt lh trni i UM rrt vkcm ptintri pwtioiUii MIT 1 th Insi. HIM I vtirr. end pi s1a Ike A in ton Nut. I Mxlan fe littler M- lir It Mrxn. and PicVerio land ot uid whet plan ulwuef CAPITAL FAMILY KLMUKNCh mid tikrJdi Plr Mi ir iid and lfl icm nf tick Mrdo LM 4.

wnk Kltht Cum In 17 acrn. within MI i of ton le the wmrnwfiMi. Tube lK Foe SOLD by rnt Lcrdrsit Vy Mr. KtKIS a le FREEIIOU LiTATt confri a iou ckgwu i m. pUnnrd for the kHi of IMn CMiti in a tnprrior zyI of workssniilJp num rvu rnt u4 otficus of oil drcriMlua adairtblr iti4iit kunrt i dtn for 3 rti escelleus 4f tuicled.

cropped aud plamrd with nuwrrvui stand. ickitlieJ hk well ct 4 tfwtUrr tiMlxMiwf icr UM txraiitacr. rick-ftrd. ud rfo UnJ. eotuuiig 1 act.

bi lm 4 ate ceptlM ldtaceilMir iik au eictllrnt cuttar a rifht of eoniM to 7 scses rsetttsA with I tin- raMl iicvc1ed I plcugre cr iuis pUiitaik et fot trrci er M. stbi iurmiiad 4 by a put paling a hm i Wttar4fldK. iUi irva rr 1hi stale happily cm Ub the ad aniatn a and eclInuJ i Jetice krtnf iVni ra IUMW I tlfur i pli in an esc Ueiil Dri libunchnvd with kt lit nil di ai ride. ii. alt MU.

tsr nr r4 IV tIckets whirb. wi pjrticulart ma be bad of 11 r. tiu. rww ttctl SOLI by AUCTION by RO1H.KTJAR- Mondav tk 8th div of Jane next at lh RH I Jon Inn. ht AtJttby 0.

a MANOR and derirable fbl titHe tstt ia Adlerb ry Wait. in the county A Oil. corit aua1 tone-built. ned. and tUtrd mtnuua each tub etaad uther oatbnidingshnt beryand terpen tw rymr4 road through handtom iron rate to tb rout sa.

loupe pleiur and kitchen-gardens well planted with orna neaal and chow trees also crt vs thereabout cj sue4q sod land. lli prater art of which adj lint Ike utiion and i rtivMcl kt. nnal dote being part freehold and part hell for lire live under UM See of Wineheier 1 he lweding-ko rompriae a dining room 19 feet 6 by I fee blacbrs a drawing room II fr 9 incke by feet. with marble rniioMey pieces dl li leet by It feet with diamond pavi bailer pautry. ball tpacinu kitchen brewing rod waah hm laundry over ii capital arched cetera and dairy.

toot Urge fed idiuu ing ms with dresangrooms and doets ail puInt Ked in the aticaud oher cunveiueoci. lltelaadof Joan Faua Adderbury aorea41. Lddrtbvry 1. a plea anl sI pnpa oui viIae three mile Iroui Wut ury. 1 I.

mail pa a thrash Adderbury and Oziurd Lun l. vrj Po aMoa 01 the manaion. s4 bvut four acres of land. may ha bad iuurelai4y. aud ot be remainder at Lady-div licit For a view of the preaes apply to Mr.

Wm. I3artrtt. of Addfkr afirrtuii aad lot laflher paiticularstoMrPeter llijiell toliciui CArilALFllLtlUOLDMANblON. ldJ rkaid Vremi TdkeSOLDby AUCnOX. Mr.

SPONU. rtihelluKiInnmWeISnborDetKmthecavniyafKorthamptuatm Tan. lie 19th of 1 izit at a in the ahemoon. a moat capital ad conplrte KKSIUKNCEfor a Rented family. compriin ft nW frla .1 tw tttr buiktnt and situate nest lit.

toet ri 11 low tit Wtiiii biirtrtih with a besatiluit rlrn. wul pj jck adj MDiH wubta availed fence planted with triune auc Un Ur4 liuiurrra the fioftt sorts. full bearing. Thehoata in front a hand. court with palUtaded truce.

the rfItraflCr. hall ol Vo 16 ket sqeate. it very complete with hardoe wind cue stthsestnnurydinrrooa and roua on the tiht and kit. Leight and dimearixu. sad gemlrmant roes or dwdy remirkaaly food UttLen.

oith larder ad. jwtunf. P04 ail oilier curtTMueo ie ticeflent roomy cell an draw. Ing or lajiet' room a its MCond Live hindiarntlj tised up CU4UaIdiflE a icw of the cwvntry four ep. ii tn iithcj and a mall ruura fwr a tinfle per- ajn.

clu et. sad five uiu the out cuow of a r. cptil brew honta. with resesvur fur water In which it a mp aod Ineihavtuble tprinf of remarkably fine water. stable lb Utift haran with a Urge tuft and Cora-bin over it.

woo l4i e. or barat a put of wliicb. if wanted. may be formed late a Msblejir ee or one and doobe It Mie. The Loose unch kvatrd ia repair and mot subttntsIly bsailt.

and is i temirLaKJv pleaunt and cheerful town ndnce WeUint jh i a par4cqarIy rood markcMown and well tapplied with all kinds ofpruTWMA. it ten tours to the twsvd or Northampton and fr- Loii-io Is. a whrnre it hi a daily epediiu nt wI pJe Cvach. cod the Lerda wia4l psiers witlin he mi ri it alto a rood a ort at try within mile of the Ptchky boai it and an dwia re oes the Ma TarLitotks bunt. To view the ptcaue.

apply to Ms. ne. at the koase and fur particulars EXTKNSIVE HIGHLAND TATK Lie StiLl oailaioe of the Etiates ol GLKNSHKAU MORVICH. aM UUHMK Vilotled on the wtst ru of Ik etnnty of Ho. 1 buttt 40 mil ftia Fort Attu lrsc properties Contain hues XM to ltWfl acres of tle ut 1 rn and black rattle pre ii.

UirbJ4. of Scotland with a oHaiderable tjportion of od land wM last. lrine ether on the sea side at Loch Da ch and Loch Lr or on the kankt of the Tims Ucg Croe. sod Shral. i capable of the Mgheat improve.

ncut and it. moat approved tytlem of uanavesg. Several of the Lsrs are out of lea at WhltSunday 1813. the tst in 180. hoe estates contain several tatroslee and thrif ing tract UI wood and have valuable kelp slut end talmon itkioj.

attached to them. all bf which can. greatly enhanced la lae by proper menace- there ar indications of lead and other muural in different parbof rr atei the whole of these Properties i of ease eee on tli hand from the tea and the other by the rutdi rwwmalmg by th Pailiamenlaiy Couiioarra from Fort Au. puma to Syr. and from Uincwall to Kylehiken they lire well stacked wth game of every kind.

Red deer of the eat tite are sarj in the mountain roes black la- fowl tarm.rjan. partiid here. Alpine and common re in veal a undai and er are penty of trout lid there in the diffrrrut ash rater take. tile scenery of these estate. it ju totsideud II.

DM tJictoraq. and rand th Highland The rise of Cro may be red4 aonst the I salmon ilt ir in that part olid and Loch Union and Lt ate tb Leering lucLt in Ib Wt Highlands. For the ouimodaiion of PUcben the. nrat th two firtt bf which a' cutUicuov will La told either in one lot or parrI Ai pbcati may be made to Lord Seaforth. the ppnotor at hrbaa Cud' W.

Maclmtie and Uuoypeaty W. S. I di iburb Alnancler MudeL E.g. Pariiamenl troet. Writ run ie Robert Brown q.

tut Lordthip' Chamberlain tie Esq. MANOR and Luid. and in part Titb4 frw. FARMS and LANDS with redeemed la the Lad Riding the County of York. free.

re fd l. T. be SOW by AUCTION by Mr. WM. STA NToN at the Be.

verlry Ass Inn in the town of Bevcrtsy on Wdnedy and Tnanday. tbeOr" aad ylat 0101 MylCfleacb daratlwdv dock the following valaabl PROPtRlY. in lot Vu 11. Manor or LordIlpf Elttrrnwick. with the rights royalties and tncnan thereto lIcJonmr.

together with the tree and eufltk4d rents amountiag to 61. 0. pet annum 04 th fiiet aruusc 101 verl hoiie and 37 acres of land Ked of thu tjor. a copyboM In bondage. Also a valuable Farm.

eoorilac acre wtth acw form and out outbuildings uutr about BV laiieilfrom 11' market of liedon and IS Ito. ti. port of Th. Wanoo Estate cowirting 5 erei of Un with farm-boat and arccmary ont-bundia i. lit a at Its the paritb SCf 7titkoVBil1 fi0 rum The UioiM oii cowprUine nit.

acre. or land tituate la ariak vfEaatagtoa about MS mik. from Pattringtoo Tt South D. ton C. cunaiatin of 73 era of Und.

utuaic tb wt es4e. from Btverlay and It am distance from Market Weith- too The ScatunRoM Lbi oopriiing am am. of Und. at MtOft Rfaaaai Boilbr. Iea mile from Market TJe tblo Ett eac auog of a and acres laaL sheet ate Jla tonTaad 14 from SoIbO.

IL Moetcroft wUchTt shcszd as lieserky. and TXMrt srf 0 J. aevio ly disposed of by Lfiale OHM act. will au. be auld Ir ajifiUn ni ii Aj eowyact.

by A BwelJu. boie wish UWe. jMdeo azid three roooa of Uad. at Woodmanley and the Tithra arising from certain land ctMalnfai about 1361 au's in th aabia wf Woodmaoaey tlaeante. Wed.

olorkUlt. Sand. fc U- a TUkuw. witMis the Pi of St tit. Ri4io tb County of York.

old day. Ia Un aad properly tk mood da1. In IS lot For rvGrakam Kiadettry. Dome dCpman ABM mwdvf i rsiAII eri med llaaowr. quar RIItISII so.

Wediirxny a fllo of Mat Ib HetwM of ike MCMI H. R. H. DVW bertand. I of Damler IIUUranAbpWYok Karl Wiha4 Forte ca I Vocal Parts by Mr Uxiont Mia Trash Usie std Mia.

Yaochaai Mr. llarrwo Mr. W. Koyeett. Mr.

l.a.-iUr Bellamy. Ltodn of 1. Ms. Ctsn donor. Mr.

Or. rahrsl ell' MetUak will take ac dyth tVb of May at It o'clock and lU door wil a urued at eleven. 1 be psifoemsoce ts 01 Wednmdiy. tb Tik of May at heICpaM a o'clock tb door will opened at half sii. Tickets or tk rtboartal.

and nt tk rf to admit pemoa at each to ke bad at Mr. llrchelrs price one pitoea. Admittance I lk theatia kalf a gnioea. The AunUerwy Waner will held at WUtai RoaiKiac Street. Jasaess4qoart.

on Tburtdaytbo tlt el May. Iii. lUaiIihaettbIHkofCaHaB4 aiatkeCbatr. Tiwatot. ll vf ar re MfblClAN 1le by Kl Ti U.

G. CltiMr en EM J. Harmau. R. orstff EM.

lrmMeMtaa I. CUmier. A. turd Ca Mr. Dane Mr.

Kyvet Mr. ihiel4 Mr. Sale Mr. Tb Steward aniiura coma oH the bacnher and to urrvent Ib ioconvraieiic wUcklai en ein rien on occawont by ollowtog an tudimttcd time lor the delivery sal IVkeuX reo the Gentlemen wh intend Uon ntij it a a a Mm Bfw lT a va a ww toces withlUrif eompanT.I- apply ckal Mr. ttrchafls A' 1S5.

etreat. a helute 1 ue dy. UK. 191" of May alter which tim oalnure will be dellveDd No. servants but those oM Pre il.

Vk-rr lMits sod Suwtrdi will he admitted. Punier on table o'clock prxitel v. CHARLES LOM UN bOCIKla tar promoting CLIRISIJA. sny awonfit the JEWS. Ike ANNIVERSARY SERMON or the benefit of this JnswwUn sill he pretehd ass VHit Ji y.

tl Sflih of May. Is. ib morning bi th Rev. WILLIAM MtRSll A. Pd.

of RncIr and that in the evening I the Rev. WILLIAM BINGO LULL ERDD atth. Jews pel ttteefSpital6eMt. Service to begin in tb huffing at eleven ou in the eventne it pit. Priidenr the Rijrt1 lion.

Lord RI. hot. Earl of Criwlurd and Liwtesy. lot UM Earl of Ftmnnt. Right un Kari Gro eii Mi.

Him. Urd Vi c. olJand RI. Hon Lord R- Seymour Right II" Lord UUAd. Han.

Cglthorpe. SU Ge vie Let. Bart. Th. Annual Meeiug of the Subscribers en will be held on Thurviay the ht i taal at us.

o'clock at Laud oil Tavorn and the Friends vf the nthaiio will date together at tb tarn piece. II piat four o'clock Right lion. Earl GROSVENOR. In the Chair. STEWAIDSI Ssr T.

Bart. W. WilberlJrc tao. Kbeneter Maitland. John Loit ol4sud.

19 MftL Wood. and AUrma Katcourt Crraietl. q. Willi. llojan.

Esq. Ink. En. Sir John Perrhie. Bait.

Alder. an and M. P. John Maitland. KM 14.

P. Ruben Shaw. Kac AL XMaeuay. sq. and Alderman CunnltltalH t- q.

Handle Wslbcahani II uuat q. Richard Roth-ell. r. W. B.

Tretalyan. Kia. T. Mlntoeh Pavkisu CliarlcGreavt Esq. U.

im. Lsq. Thorn 11 Jiihntton Faq. Aluudr' Black. Ticket ic lt lo hadullhe Stewards at the OM Tavern at the room.

Jews' Chin. SptalleW4. Mr. Fat' t7. street or at Mr.

U. PaUMall JB at SCUUOLfurthe INDIGENT HLINU Gootges field. Snrl PuDlllr The lion and Ru Rev. the Lord Bt1opof of Dvaas VICE 1001 No Mrql of StalTord Right lien. the rlofCaritle Right lion.

the Earl of Rsdooe Hun and Right Rev. th liishp of Winchester Kr. lion. Ad. RI.

Hun. Lord Teiitlmollh Sir C. Irice. Dart. PI P.

and Aid. Wm. Manning. Esq. MI Sarat Bosaisqoet.

Ftq Treasurer. The iffrM1 Dinner will held at the City of London TI1I. buhopa tl a rc Unridsy. May ft. 111" Right Hon.

Lord rardley Janet IIICM Atdetduu Ess. Edward liille. Eq John Cluttsn John Uiubeny ULD 1hous Lumore Wilfrid' Reed Frq. 1 It. Rvbcrlt.

Ef James South Co TbcrllODo Robert bitm Lsq. Buckle Wild Dinner uQ table at Ii. o'clock precisely. Ticket tA eaehmay be had of the Stewards the Secretary. the Un Dr.

Ursudlay 3 LanbetI the uplUJlendnl at tl School the Col ectort. Mr. Uruiwru Jlrrl Mr. SLII 111 BoaMgh the Bar oMhe St. Pan.

lioutP. and the City Tavern. No person can be admitted without a ucket. aix so mvaut will I. petutted to attend but those of IL Pretidenl Ttcc4resdent.

Ircaiarer and Stewards. The Comtatt. ate tequetted to meet at St. rails houic St. Paul.

Church ytt on Therday My U. at It o'clock precisely for the pGrpeM vl 18 Pusls. at bovJer into tie School. May 418U. JOHN Y.

Sec. DISPENSARY Aidengate- ueet VT May It. 18IJ Tl ANNIVERSARY MIKflNG of the jovernots and Friends of thu Charity wilt be bf 11 at the Albian Tavern. ttieet SD WrdnetJay tl Vtla diy of May mat. The tht lion.

Lord CA RRt NUTOS President. in the Chair. Th Hon. Philip Puiey. Sit J.

XV. Audetsn Bart. Aid. Jnathan lluat Faq. Lyun U.

Symotss Uq. Henry Thornton Faq. lit. P. JoUi Jusu.

Angeritcia. Etq. George Stacpulr. Solomon I1ooham Eta Treasurer. iTtwaau I.

Cuskley lzttioinM I FnS Davi Esq I II. Browne. M1 Josiah B. ldet 11 Matthew Lai. Alderman.

William Manning t.v\ MP Hon. W. B. Lypm q. M.

1' Edward liaise q. twjraia ll pkii 11' WilUam Lamb. N. V. Harry May sq Robert Meacock Eiq.

Neate. rq. Richard Phillip Ka George Smith ktq. M. I' George Srddoll.

q. tmnon Paltoth Esq. Thomas ildr Esq. JOHN PULLEN. Secretary.

Dinner on table past four Ticket oily be bad the Steward of the Secretary 34 otrrrt au4 at the Albion Tavern. so Collection. 1 en Guinea constitute a Governor tot life fume II annual Subscriber. Collection at to Andrews after tb Asuti. OYAL HUMANE SOCIETY for the Recovery JLV of Pei oni ppareut1 Dead.

At the ANNIVERSARY AAL held at the City Lon i Tavern. ea Moods 10. V.GARROW VKePreiidrnl Li the Chair. 1L following Donations and ueriptiuu were aunouno i Gn q. Jltl It Harris tq- 10 10 1 William Hopes 10 10 LOUIS lIae.

Petit Lq. 10 10 3 0 JM Ro ll q. to 10 I Da id Pik Walls q. in 10 ir A. ume Bart.

VP 550 OOlDrCoean 5 JThomrnonF iVP 3 3 by Rev. U. WGarrow AM 71 n. Earl of Seam. lord ani Warriugum Pretident to RI.

lion. Let. Willoogb. by Dukc. V.

P. 5 5 0 1 S. bloke Mr AUerman Atkins 10 to I R. Mole Esq. 2 I JBUcakarnEtq P.

10 10 elrl Wrltvad q. I I lIP3ruwneEq. VP 11 111 0 I Julin Witbear lj. 0 ft. ft I a i Luck.

Ex 10 it ba Wild. tta. kniiual Subicribcr of one Guinea each. I 0 H. Adams.

Etq. MrJohn tieauchatap ouu UidelJ Faq. MrJ lionaur Mr. rdIJ MrJ Bum Rev. Weedoa Butler illim Carter.

Faq. CLaney Etq. Rob. Cottle. tiq.

NrBCOIb1. John Daniel Faq. Mr. 1. VadlGlt George Dtwtoti Etq.

Percy Earl uCJ. Filch Uot. Rev. Dr. Fly William FUcktoo q.

Mr. T. Fu. Mr Friend wir. a Fry Etq.

William Gibbt. Lta. loin UkndhJnFaq Sir. GeurgeGcwing Mr. Henry Grenon Edward Harbroe.

ti. Mr. JokH Hie JIatelastt Faq. MrJoknllatae Mr. Richard JtaD' 1 boma cock q.

I. 1' Hudgsun. q. J. Holmes 41' w- rue.

Eiq. EdwardMAaiunElri L4ad liaise. q. Mr. it.

Jwnet rti Jujees Lay too Eat James I.e. 1 Iwmal Lwi. Faq. Mr. Richard Ltd.

WilU MairUn lUUtl Maw' Thomas Et i. EdvardMawIcyLtq Samuel Mitac tif 1 Thumar Moor. EM lhulu Mooring lllJ. Juln Mzriott Esq. Mr.

Newton J. it. NkboUEtq Mr. Peacock n. JKJi Pbillipa Faq.

Poole Mr. rbonlr Mr. W. kabbtlh Mr. Robert Mr.

Rodd William Sraly q. SUISHI Sewtll. Eaq. Mr Sharp Edm. Sauhter Eq Char let Smith Faq.

Snow I MrJotephSonrgt JohnStauwiyEVq RN Joln Stevenson S. Stokes. twi- S. W. Sweet John 1 bor Mr.

Tler MrTeadl H. jun. Heury Wt EMI. CLarlei Wayte Arthur Walter. Ltq.

Gor Weddell. q. CapcUaure WtltUad MrWhebi Mr. U' Wild Mr. T.

Wilkiuton William Etq. Cab Withal. EM Janet Wyalt tKi Thomas Wid EM nit sod ttallw4 timiUr Sucirlic in IUD' cotl. in England 4 In ell rla of Ik world i supported by Vsilsutary Iubtti ibtiuii UIM Gubte pr ussoa tiiuei au Annual tinnor 44 1 I ii ria a Uie Governor. Uentkuswn Jrs4iOsS O' tub- bug or cuMii Jsvrroot are nic lily requt i s.d llfir I.

Dr. LUIMMB. the ur urer. bimbrook burt. hxball tirrt UM.

UI. tile and Cu. FuKr so. V. Coruhill JrccI nj Co.

crod Writsan Pin torn and 8 ugb ttaok or In ueiauar and i Iar Vil eii stied dui. l. AT i cotni I' ssi. of tU Worihipfc oy UKAPER3 if Lo n. Wet Sc.

14 a 4 May lots. lIt. I Company if DRAPERS at their Cm after lbMSaiic lye owrwut oVpeirod tk of the tervwv of 110 Rsbt rU i ca lat Cbc vi UM EcLq er ar to add taxi of toped with tb NarUn to tholabl character ana Malted wit. toe with which 1. arIone4 Ma Kh and Rrjbankamrry to eiprn their abLorrearo 0.

crim of Ataaiainati. a crime at wbirb tk elrngi of EB UakaM have always particvUrly yoked sad which they trust will never agwa dlspice Bntia la trvSmxoT of their enUaxatt. they hare ordered tU the lo pvblicly advettised. HENRY SMITH dork. VALUABLE LSI ATE and NUHtOES la the hued of rmc ptonlv to SOLD by AUC.

nONattke Auction MartinL wi oooTbandaylbomofOc tobetnit. at I is tk after- either Virthev. or La lot a will kereafter be declared. all that SUGAR ESTATE called Sa lB. with tk wegrwe hilcflll and lit and dead stock.

there- on. to4on11I1 to LUauCol. Thorn Browne mid ritual ia tk laIad WSt Vincent. at art of tb ate which i cultivated and 050 in work produces annually about 500 hhdt. sf pr aol i prodociag a much larger UAtill The whole of about 170OaeieefCh raibl whica Wt th uiar works sod between 01) sad TOO nrTVtI tweon.

cotapsies oo of tb Suett en ate of rise its II. West India hand. Fur faith. pr ticular rJl1 Mr. Natbacicl Ilassactt Cropper.

nierchant at St. inrrnl Muon. Cwpor mud Low solicitors build. nr. Chancery Lund Yr.

JotLuaLac talicilar or Mr. Juha MOM. merchant. Liverpool. GLOCEhTEKMllKE.

FKEEHOLD IRE LAND ntly rltnatc near lh knl. of the liter Wye To SOLD by. AVCTIUN. Commiioaer pTointod III and by III Ad paiaod in the year of th reign of proMul rtrtv iatitvltd an Art Or esciasing land 1. tb parishes Tilrnham Ww4aMonr and uan.

county of at th Beaufort Arms Inn. CheptUrw. WI Saturday the 154 thy tit May. besoren the Louts of three and fie in tb fisspoaa either together or iii lot at shall be agreed on it the II. of tale and sobject to seek condition a thn be then sod produced about T75ACRESm rleoC LANO.

t4drnham Chase. adjoining toslhr. bounded on three tide by old inelsoure. and. th remaining rt by tb road.

leading front chrpto to ColIorel sad a private road. lending to Madrrlt farm. Th above sad. ar well supplied with water all be nloeed and takdivided at a small ei pence and ar ntnaie about a toile from tbe seeped teen of CMpttw I which there it In excellent road. eommaitrling a most ei ten tie and beautiful vie of the Bristol Channel and tk riv e.

beitg nearly oppoelt. park. and within a short dutatme of Tiptern abbey. Apply if by letter postpaid. to Mr.

Janet an twliUor. Chepstow al who off. a of the adt may lie At At Meitri. WATSON and AT LA KISSON' ACADEMY. CtkUIOM near Barnard tl in th county of Durham younr.

Geatlemit carelullj inttuctI in tl English LnIlla Arithmetic. Book lupin Geometry. MenSUrtiOfl Guel Land Navigation. Geo ravnT. the Ut or the Gb sod ery other branch of an lotlh education.

rop to qualify them fur theKavy. Futile. tilcr Commercial buincM. and Mechanical traded they re she board ad and prpvidrd with clothes. book and all othei nrcauriei at to illu a yetr each.

The Latin and Greek Languages ar taught at two isainesi per annum nil. lh French to. at do. by I Native of Frscs. Meur Watson awl Atkinson teach i lu uiy in the cho themselves aiwimnider to Pi education ottUair tcholut as such as possible do not allow any vacation' hid innocent recreations.

out of tchool boors are permitted aud ncor pasticolat UrutWD i paid to the health and morali of th Pupils who ar treated ia every reaped upon a liberal principle of recllial care. Cotlieritoite i much esteemed for the talubnty of II. liXuation. and most pleasantly tilnle. upon the bank of in Tees.

No Entrance Mutiey i required. It aspect. that the Parents or Guardian of etch Boy pay quarterly ort defray the esproree or Mi journey to and from school an that they tend with hiui two suits of stew clothe. two hat til thirtt. ii flirof stockings tit uandk rchi ifi.

our pair ihois a lIall roar. I bible. and prayer pay in money for any deficiency tbrein Each boy. having worn but hi cUitlei. wlh be nrrhedt at Mettrs.

Watson and Atklou eaKajid returnee to hi Parent. Guardian with on sew stilt. two pair of stock. inI a new hat and other tKcuari ill dnd hung paid to VIeurt Walton aid Atkinson. or their agent MrAlkiru No S.

Site lute. Iiucklerbury. neat th boa. who will give every information Ik cnv ytnr from London Cothertton Leuer. putt-paid iddttiivd to Mr.

Atkins. will be immediately tt njed I SHIP NEWS. PLYMOUTH. It. Tb Umitn.

of 18 gun Ktrtkumf frlttij NtttjcIII of 74 went out et the kirbotar. Arrived theuerican schooner Avrsi with ran from Bovvdau detained II tb mile. Arrived th American ship i-hrept. with timber also IL Cowceri. from Tenriffe and CoKa American ihipfrom Yo tsliington.

It th tMatrtniport that WaS wrecked on Sunday night near Pmre. and tlrr i re on to fear that in addition to Mr. Aluo1Io Mr Auu and children hared Ib tare fate from articles apparel picked up II well a card of eddies. of Mr. and Mrs.

A. Captain. ere. sad psiseners. were all drowned.

Arrived the American. a detained by the we DOVER. MAT U. A French row-boat privateer. with twenty men taken by Ib Drtty cutlet.

on Jangenesi. sod sent in here the it Iugjer ri ed the Captain shot. AdvertUenent. Harrw. We are authorised ti make known.

that tL lUrrow Public Spuecbei no Toidaby drftrrtd frern Thursday May 14 will take place en TLursday. May 21. Adtertisement. Mr. WILKt Picture of Village Politicians at his Exhibition No.

87. Pall-mall it to be engraved. in the line manner by Mr. RAUUCU Advcnhement. Mr.

PRICE a gentleman attatht4 to the Persian Embassy Las made drawings on the spot of every totfta village unit. ruin. mountain note Ste during the whole route from the Persian Gull to Tehran. tbe Vrsian capital. lie has made panoramic views of Shirai.

Persepolis Ispahan Kuban. Korn and Tehran giving the costumes of the people so that on his return to England the public may expect to be gratified with the fruits of his labour through this extensive and interesting tract of country hitherto so little known in Europe. dvertitement. At th WholewJa iunitszie XVrho we. 61.

Pail-mall the NobilitJ sod Gentry may be supplied with any quan. tity of Mr. A tLtx' new ttjle of Furnaturrfroni one piece to any number at the whole price which will be found un iiuetii from to lad. per yard according lo th dilTercnt prices. lea th lh Und of atticle cm ptrdld for at any of the retail house.

the iol cue why Mr. A. CD bi Furniture at eh tootle. rate chorges4a. that lie it Out under the influence the defrv or any other persons in th furulahisig department.

rAdvrtiement Tnz Ft Hi Aatt. The mall but very telect Collection of Drawings in watercolour by Mr. WLat. juu titer torn of th finest picture is. this country will remain on new ia ttieet till the 30111 WI.

It CUl1lpri. with a very few exceptions tb whole labour of above three years. and will be found to afford a high treat to boa. who prefer quality to quantity. MEETINGS OF CREDITORS AT GUILDHALL.

TO Mir 16 x. B. 1. XVJjfas WooJfor1 haste. merchant II W.

Wil n. Lirnehonte. merchant I F. lMetrkhaen lreet HlackfUrt draper tdivJ 10 R. Philp.

jun. and V. Getting jun. Great St. Helens mar.

chant die IU XV. Tuber Houndailiich. linen-draper div. It I. prick MarvleUme-itrect horn-draper div I.

Dancer. Lamb' Conduit lamp tn. div. R. Wilrwu.

Oiford-atreetghufman tile. 10 10 I. Atchison Wt Smithaelil merchant die. W. MI' tea.

Uttionteet Drptford and W. y. sun. Greenwich. tJmberrcLlllu It Robintoa.

Saffron Walden. Ease. carpenter I. Chapman Pavement. MooSrlds shoemaker fin.

divJ E. Roberta and I. Welch. Suffulklaue ttreet. Cutton lid lIr1e div 1 T.

Ihellon. Atdermanbary warehouseman UvJ to E. Crnn. tretCavendih carpenter div 1 It W. Mullen Chases.

Surrey builder I S. Or. reet. Aldart jite- tret cooper I 15' I. Wernlnck.

Plymouth merchant sue II WMnnen Borough haberdasher 1 lei HojIeOuthfir clothier 10 1. Davis kone yard ttrcct. mast to W. Cole. Mincin lane.

broker It HLecky sad Bosh Old Jewry merchant divj It J. Dover Buruham butcher til Aldrte lIitrert butcher EJl Joyce. yard. Whitecrvit ttretl. papr tiner 2 It JCarbto HouowylUurta ondetoriter It A.

Henrys iqnare merchant It B. William and IL Crakentheep St. Swlthin' Un math. in BIRTH On Monday tail. In Wlmpol itreet th lady of Sir Edward KnalcItbull.

Bart. of a too. MARRIED. On Saturday last. at StMarykbon Church.

Mr. Charlie Brown. Lticetter to Sarah Mtild yoniiget daughter of Simeen Bull of tfolietufteet CavendUh quaro. DUO. On Tuesday.

tb Jfth but. Mr. Hector Barnes. of Botolpk lane. Eutclieip univenslly retpected by bi circle of Irieud sod sin.

rerrly lamented by Is. widow rod family. On ib 1 Mr. Jonathan Heroe maker of ofiloxton. wuarr.

Rank Stork. KS 4 Hr Ct. Ro Ann II Rita Oil STOCKb. STriil li aVtlllfj I I i Ixu Lultrryl teles tit is CvtuuU Ace. 11 ol Ann.

I Me lSlL Imperials per cents 71 liUliperCen- Hull. 104 IK. HUHNEaaaWARVERS eU llrlh Mo JKaraI EieUrge IX7ILUGENCE. HOCsK Of LORDS. Tav v.

Mav 14. woocWk sod has. ii Is yvvet. AUraTcVcbck. their I Ik LORD CHANCELLOR read tSeAnawev to lk which eskatd bi Royal a ac flank.

fc thou LSdahpIP Ad Us and i that the othe copcarraw ia tk making a iai foe Mr. Perceval family wss rnaifJ tVhim. atk enable Mm to mark an owa ftkc wwrth of a meat faitkfil pWic terra TU Adlon and Aawer were ordered to painted. at was the rmotnmrat of Ike omc of Gin. 11032 Ushet of lh Block Mad.

Laid oath table. TH Ho then prtCedad tL tamiaadaa 1 upon tk Orders Cscl wkeaMr. Wedgwood. 51. Mr.

Haiilta Ms. Potr a 4 other wan eoamii AajHuncd. HOUSE OF CUNlOhS. lavaioav. Mar 1 The SPEAKER took ttxCUir at two o'clock and soon afterward Mr.

LUSRINGION appeased at th bat wlUth report tk Cummiurc th Recent Mesaae. Mr. SUMNER observed tliattt postponement of the consideration of the Sel resolution which he had moved last ogLt. Id a peat diipaureasic to tk vote. did soe a yet t4 I.

tk Mruaiiaa of so ed individual but lad been tcpported by a Urg majority usa could Nt muck dutinctioa betweun tb rosolotsoos .1 adopted. and that uUeied by hiamlf. topported at it was by a majonsy of or lo 1 tl would sow rashes snt ttv ir immediarely proceed. lug in lk qucMltB. than allow the cwaKera of to post.

puned liil a future day. ird CASTLLIIEA11 said. that the better mode Id to receive the report. urul let the farther rwntdalll oJ it be postponed til the meeting of the 11 a at luck Mr. LUSlJINGTOX then btvught up the report.

end. on tl motion of Lord CisUe a hlhe couidcrtiian 4 it was deferred till 3 o'clock. The SPEAKER informed the House that the time for attending the Pince Regent was arrived. that 14 take tile lead twit Urn would follow Ib Mover of Ib Address and ltar him I Seconder. The retwo ld follow irt any order la might moil convenient.

and wuW pn uceleut consisivn. lie then en the Motion vf Lard Wit tulsa a adjourn. edlillSoclu At tin o'clock the House met again and the Sr 11 is. read tb Answer of the Prince Recent a fJO I receive with great utiACt UIICC of sue itttenion to enable see to Vr a tuiabl prviai the Widow and Family of Uie Kit hi lhooerabie Spencer Percaval. TN liberality and jllice of Parliament can aer lie i beneficially ditplavcd.

nor my own lnctitiui more gratified Ulan in msrklny in the kot diM rg iLed manner the ten which entertained of uiracn public and private virtues a it nlor tunataly snatched. by an ct of pecrriar auuciry. from the nice of thecouAtry. Sir W. GUISE brought up a pitja from the Clothier.

Gloucetierthire against Ui Order In CouuciL Ordered to li on the rabl. Sir. MARRY AT. pteMntrd a Petition from the Merchant. sad Ship Owner if the Von of London prying thai the rd micb not be repealed till ih rvocation of the berth.

an yllian V. crees Ordeied on tb lab. Lord CLIVE gave notice. that be should to-morrow on for an ddre be to bi R. at Highness th Prirce entreoma eadingthal a beerrced to lit memory Ih Ri ht Ilesarabl.

Spencer Perceval In Ik Cathedral Church I St. Peters trllwer i r. r. trout part. of th House On the motion of oILordCASTIEREACII tb house tok into farther consideration the report of the Cvmmitte 01 tb Regents Message.

Mr. CHARLES ADAMS observed that hi Lad no been loDOund with the intimate acquaintance of th Right Hovssurahle Gentleman deceased hut he enter. tamed u. natst sdnalston for hit tatel1 and vision. It wa en awful tkig I tee a man aai to udrenly Item tie busy scenes of lift in which was so actively engaged into the ilenc of tb rn.

intittad that tie Hoe would not ct up to th pro- ell" which they had made on 1 u4r. if they did oat agree I the proposed addition to tie rnl live Noble Lord had onTuesday recommended a liberal ptunson and the ILu. had echoed hi sentiments sod was convinced. that if in the List instant. th Noble urea had proposed double the tarn there would Dot have keen one disasntieac yoke.

lie did not slow tee a Ri ht lion. Uenilsmen Mr. Pontonby in tit ple who had to rloqoeatl seconded tile Noble Mr but lie Ltd no doubt that woul employ bi tcqueoc in rconmetMiatioa of a larger rant. Lord said that th question no before th House bring general tL pwecb cf tie Iron. Gent' did not now apply.

The Sat retolution wa read a second tine tad unanimoutl arreeal to. Thciecond rtiullolWa wa then read. and teed to. On II readug of the third rraulutiun. Mr.

IlCSKlSSO rote and said that unanimit was tue-iuty the most desirable bwjert on the puut occasion but if that benefit was to departed front it should be rr the late of a more effectual ustnce Lan tl at pod in the reolsttiusi It was there resolved thatintledcnJtt or Mrs Prrceval. ib annuity uld drcrudU ileiwitmaehrir It waiimpmdbe to conjecture the event bf Mr Pa dxnif might take place it nii Uiiot ha till tLeeUeitijuwuc Mlrnb s4rPLIcrd iu lite. aid when prrbap. he lIoijlot 1011 be iii Dour" reed ol it either hca II. circum uace torlune.

or ficm eltl de used tram the elertior. of Li own talents end itoclI tiwas not th situation in which the House would with to plat tLetldu. ton of Sir. Perceval. Thoae who knew that yvtitb cad war witneu that uccrecSrd nertly to Li ihers Dam but also to bi splendid takts.

wa un prvecntng hi studies at one of the wveruiise and whe leu that teat of learning miglt oo either to loll" ia Utlieri pruuason or induced by at Lonourabli emboo. wit to devote 1.1 to public lift. But wouUi ask. was th pr vitl' 4 ulkinl to toaintalo Ii with da attention to raukinlif rvn in Ike nriuit kUiiudiri Would ltosbk Um to pre rre u1I a rank a would afford him a lair chance ucceti in the profession which mijht choo If he wa prcpatl and consistently tDaiaraiDecl. It must be at ih espenca of Mr Prrceval or out of th land appropriated for Ih ret of the family.

But we. it to tappc ed that Ptpctval could with out enl incvnvooiepc Qerd tuck tnrtai of support to her ton If. then. unanimity was to be deputed frwo. something effectua 1014 ha di lie understood that the ton we.

now nearly bf ge acil ilocht it would be proper us fur i lust immediately wu lk meant of panning now his tujiet with effect sod li prwruioc afterwards. felt a difficulty in proposing any specic turn per. liapt the House would pet to confer owe pounds a liter. hon hi it tbould HI to accrue immediately. 1 hit pro.

viiion II. thouht lat more efficient and uieful than that prppoe by his Hun. Friend in the third rnolriu Mr. lhuskisn apulu riled fur the. hints thrown out tat down amidst cries PIt.

Sir A. PIGOTT thought it necessary to call the at trPliu. or the lions. to the wcriimt of the refJatKtn. It appeared to Lists to be the intention of the I.

Grntlemaii who touv4 i and of the Ui ut its agre iut he it. that lUt annuity go I Ms of Mr. PrcevL Now. a the words Mood in the rtnJ iiw it wa to the eldest sun of Mr. Perceval and to Ui male descend.

i ant It micbr bowever happen tha the legal heir lo Mr. Price might lie pllCllOn and the too of a daughter and he woul. tbrrelre rrro that the fu ikg words be inserted. it Sue male detcendant being a ton. General MATHEW expressed himself warmly in praitecftlic pinl and public in of Mr.

Perceval. aOJ he would curdially give kit vtc fur 2. a to detctnd to hi ton. Mr. HUSK1SSON proposed that the resolution be re-committed sod therein to grant year to th Idcst 0011 on lot coming to th ate of 21 and the other lfXVt pr annum lo lICCuoIto tohim at the death sat bi mutker.

The lion. Mr. WARD id that on maturely conti- sirririg the whale subject. he fund Limx bound to tuppurtthe original ptoJWIllOD Mr. WALLACE said he was one of those wto voted tail night fur previous queition but i tie Hoax thought proper to go farther than the Grant proposed It.

the list instance by hit Noble Friend Lord ttrralb Le felt to much lulbe irreparable toes sustained by the Family ot Lit Right lion. Friend deceased ho would certainly vote lot III' tattLer aJditiou that thoald be pr poted. Mr. W. SMITH said the more he heard the subject discussed lie was the more strongly convinced he ought to vote for the original proposal and that the re toluiion which kid been added to it last eight wa founded in error Ihe House had.

In the most emphatic and unanimous manner marked their just 1 ation and abhorrence of th atrocious deed which had deprived them of to Worthy and Hostostrable a Member they Lad sister upr a uaaaimou determine. lion lo provide for bi family. In. furtherance of this the had as unaaimontly agreed to. the whole sit the grant pro.

ed by hi Wj ty' Miaider tor that lurpete. After which Hon. Gentleman taking advantage of the iecEn which lie taw at that moment possessed lh Committee brought forward a third retolatioH. oiagU a toch greater eztcel ad which the had thought prvper to adopt. That however.

In bi Mr. Smith' pillion was tether a qerstbon of jud neat than of nnr and i would iiot have lien aoua if the qoeiaon bad keen adjourned I that day tekinivht The greet stress of the au teemed to be that Mrs Perceval mcfmc we. by no a a a tafiaem to enable to educate Mr children in a sasuner uiubir to their rank and luti a In lit. but how could any OK tell what that Income i Would the Husse think proper to inquire lato that income deprecated vutlog sack a turn on th spas of en vcc4oo. Tb lions.

fbt rather a Lad been well spmaed by tic worthy Member fee Yorkihire. to have confine themselyrs I. a sOas that would effectually ttew their lot the family of Mr. and their sympathy la their irreparable lea than any very ample provision toe particular pus. note Thi bad already led to another pn which might Ww- uuc a still farther and thee.

wa no wtuf Mr it might cud. Mr. W. FITZGERALD spoke warmly in favour of the third resolution and nary thing engrafted oo it. He contended that Mr.

Perceval hewing given up a lucatjvs profession tot tie purpose of Ukia a. him the public ice hid by that mean tmpnenshed kiaaaeif. end left hi. family U. en uuptovUed and Impoverished alac tie psird Lia cuniuiuagenen lTrLiI ntbiviiT.

pLUc itw in of 514415 Mr. bad ctj kot taste than torn tin pro ed to he settled WI II thought ato a gross U. him wit saccusint of his ri eam MI lrui l. reaid sat lilt prrauiul laUieal. the 4 ci oto uwv.

pep for LU UJJj La kaIooIl so WcJs the Jmtl saco f' of tl Teller Utka rteUetcr UM RUklflU ji. Lies Mr. Y-ke. Mol a Mmeritoikat ti sllwded v. ia the 222.

dbvwra dmM4 Ua fut' Lt d. 5 ia tb tltiulMs eiea a timJaS sVuTI. only Wic fmadMMrr MC lL. MrtfiNEy uptakes Ld' ud tit thee that tk House should consider but of moaey. wlie thee waaao ackotVereajiimiU tint toe.

of lh Trtirarj. se a Usncaij at. Eadsqer They Mferi themasps 14 Ipeiisoni made by an appeal to fesbap at a lam wk fact. there wa a tiotstioa In all bad- fca4f ParEuaeMar thCWdinrw. he Ur buitis and tic Uriy that el to lie directed.

Ii. Ibertfoja moved. ii. comaideratwn of this hi peatpencd totUad SirGWARRENDERoljectcd uihe am a was efrUy toawieced it was oetessy i maar sa IMJ able et is the ldst ton. on wu to ma MnrtTtemT kit cpiiiMt.

Ku ra to 110 pitied I. any Ur pert vf fT yl He hoped UM muuae. I. recoaittlegsI ta a beTZl errredin. Mr.

WHITDREAD wdifiu what Is say he tb ud ppc to go a auuit any was with great lid Jo tutit L. heptWpMinaentbe wuartoatadbr a hope Jd nmi the qondun wish re ii was wi pan he 4 i left cumptflid to speak on ibis qsseainn. TL bed ca BOV cooatutej in npsessiwg their abLornist. of ikeri a bed been comaiincd Uey were equHy wuuitoM every tribal respect cod Vnoar to the ury Mr the same ziattMnity prevaIled in thu II. ac aa to tL i to be toad.

fur ai family Let when 1. wa upon to go farther 1. fuun4 he old twt It keia roastroed lot. anspprovai of pvblic cua Ur. V.

shoald think umaelf a traitor lo oentrr ij. could auto a teward for Mr. Perervel sortie at a niaiarrC was raited for on aeOon of the lbe4 Qrnuaa nW family it wa seceasr7 to look I what those circnauiaunnj were. 1 be pnnuica already 14 Ii's. IerceaL II.

deiaka to be a year tbi us. be e4Jed5iLe enair' rait jm voted id the r. tl Unuly. makiit a nura turn of 81JOl a year. Put the ca of say Couniry Gcsr.

family and then My it ud be thought Le 4 tllat to gite hi ckMrrn a nitable el CkiK4i to wt ikea embrace my of the moat liberal ontfraiant II. asgweetg Mr. Perteval ha in sacrilced hit yiewt it. life errrra a by rwt ma a hicrtbre prufrwon to accept lit othce. It iMnW Tj iclf apelr lo rflffrrwKfc tko ba ed ii bob at totte himself fact sad the conaraoence ttairy sipiw troto it.

The potical ewe. Mr. P. had tlissIi St to follow of hi. own V.

tad 2 eer had betn nid to UM orray be Ur. beea 4 crediVlj iformed that several very Ugh and Inrr If tita in Ii. profession Lad been D' red to hint sod he had ject. had the grant originally proposed been factory attempting to eUarra it. one prupositoa produaM another tad tia no lay where they would tt itadoraiood la wood Called on to morrow to vote all tbeae lams The pteuJ tiptm4 end extensive strides growing wet of lehog had been most honourkly aroused.

hi to which it was 10 set me bounds O. that rare therefore slil4 vote th postponement moved by Li Right Honourable friend. Lord BINNING said that it was impossible for aay one not to be convinced that the Hon. Gentleman Mr. Wbitbrrad acted on this occasion entirely from hi ten of pubiic duty rod with real pain to hi aoval fccgs It we.

too Ut now to set about regsenisg th which ymeHav prevented Ib Uouie from being anuumou The fact was the unanimity which Lad Meet to macks withed lot. wai bnlea. 1 new propositions mod. on which unanimity was ass to I. ripected.

was tvprited. however that tk Hoaonzahe Gentlemsa should Lav caceied that the ugreciag to I revolution would Imply en approbation sat the ni t- lssct of Mr. Percoral. Eirryvnil was agreed that tuuo-tl eminent public winces and that Li privet virta aadamia iivaitMt endeared him to tie hearts of 2 who knewW. ft unlerafly known that from a sense ef 011 he Lad left llacnci.

profession in whkh there could be no doubt of ail siJi I rokl for hi. family end that by dcvuing Luasisif totte r-l i- Icfvicv. Le died leaving Li family uzprovufed toe. In tpeakWtf Kit death. Good God ildiimed the Noble Lard i a pmi that the Itout thouM not th into idert ikamjaac 1 death Loud erift.

arar fn all tide of lkeH oj A Right IloaGeatletnanMr Tierneybad reproached the pma I. jug which Lad been already taken incuJa sod wiprecrdaj i. but sorely this was nacumaaa and nerd not gases d' kg comm. rv It wt impotubl tar the house to ttpaar a that the family of Ms. PraI Ld luMaiueA.

ht lie tLa that it wa their duly to take care hoot the loat be tee aalt eoud psiathi bema I. every undlvtdnal stile Lea kit. HOLME SUMNER ruuld not agree ww. rtcmrnt the Right UUlIoar Gentleman r. lierne who thought it was wrong.

because it unprecedented to grant a or money wi bout the private CLoucetor of I he kicbequct in that llouvc. Thee. wa cere recedentcd altogether. aad he thanked God that tkN was prrcrdeDlofiucaacaic. liter.

ktorJ He ad hoer tee aay difference lot the pmcipie between vo ia a umotp uiobcy tM the ab tice 4 a ClunotCor ed the Faciseqisar. and vat a am in the presence of that Minuter directly oeuvy a kit advice end opuiioa 51 lb Itialit Ilonouratle GenrJemaa si i- elf had dun. in tile CM Mr. Palmer. lie sickiet ajiv wjVt the Unntiessien pa the otter i that more at was required the coiiMdetathsn of th subject.

that It wi a question which thould entire dvetlad every couSSentJa al feeling. lie thought tint the ucaaimoo feeling of the HU was cosstane4 iii their List ReWalion. that they would AIM. handsome and liberal pruvisoi tot th family Sir. but did not think that they wud be carrying that into effect.

it they did cot asks tome ptuvuMn Mr. lnc vaTi deit sun. tout w. that had worded Li leak lulim in raU er en incorrect mauatr. fat which ho most pal pt ky uric ib 11 vote that had soot intended to have spokes ys' day.

but Fad thought that the proposItion would have lien ba cU lor ward by umeperton of to-re right tha himself. A ha a 10014 tt om Gentlemen went farther than hi prupoai. Ik benefit of Mr. Prcev Pt eldest on he would wiutagfy ages to any amend mem for carry in it fatber. but could not say thing from that p.it1 WLICL Lad been yift rt ycarrwd ir so large a majority.

1 he lIraa Mr. lUoit had said. tht I. had left bi profewinn voluntarily. naiaIy was so fur no men could sbtIuttly comtwCed to embaci is public life ht from a MOM of public dutybe Lid tacnlceda ptofeuin whet bit taints sad virtue a Mi Lax Ishlrd Lim to the Li hctl ces Lord CASTLLLEAGII thought that hewoaXt Juicg great injustice to the Hun.

Gentleman 314. VL lre nut to say. that no wan had dispLe5d muse wana or generous feeling thin had on lb pzsaeas aeti ioik however thought. that. in rtaitiiaf U-e MIX pr the JfraLle lkrna bad given the as.

aacimjl picture of s' auuai tircvmatance. under which Ms een sip bi profession fur th public tervice. A ki happened to be perfectly writ acquainted wtthlLoae eir aaura be tell it Li duly to decLre to lh I loir that Mr. Prrccvtl mtJ the sacrifice 6 great tstend lie did wttb a sttus that wuLardlyjuMifcd. Iruawhat tkaib- nily in malug the sactiLc.

lie acted the particular caS baa Sovereign. wLicb under tile cu3ar circumstance. the Cw sppensrd mandatory loyal mind. It was well lerawa that the Sovereign Wuuld Rot required sty eras to iornL hi proiewioa. the means psoaldiug fur Li mily.

I be bad cot conceived it wu' In Li power to compensation th tcrifiie required. iii. Mae Is. atj hid. therlre at the time of eaJlng Sit.

rtfcnal to vice. untes4ed to grant Lira an dial the Ducky of Lisesis for lire a tGGllClIN tat th tacrifiec to he made ia tt i tarreiuter vf hi ptulna u. lb House ttewtr iiaappr batluit of this gsat lot lit Mr. rercesel immediately wasd iki eranl. out sat which he- might kae looked lvrth II I family.

It ai ttcts whispered across the llunir. tUt i tonid make no difference to Lit family He must aCowlk the calamity which Lad taken place wvald have 1 a plus f. IU sat no av vsve to a shoitet tioe but still tL credit a utt be pvn to Lies of rea. valuatl rant tad been the principal Inducement to It. uaaeU to abandon hi.

piole uta. It muat also rvcsaOr that he had many vpportuauic of uovidiajf fur it limimy. ly comnsendizthe. to places which Le Lad not availed It could not tyro ell with the a rabl GcaUemaa. I XVhiibrctd in UM view La Lad en 1 the value of tie tacafa Mr.

Prnal had mad. in qoinirf proleuiotv. wa that hi Riet nuwabJe frwul lrt it with a very profe 4o aj charade. which with the taTrut undoubkr ioneiMid nut aav fail. of rililne Lies to aca an enhmri hi ptufeasIoa as would late tnen hiss sbu4aet mess.

fe idia fur bi family. believed that at ILal time be wa tidy rising rapidly to bj pe f. o. hot that actually ed very liberal utcMu from it. IV I the TtIOItIJSItJ iidt bar already agreed to.

we. aathvrian on the past ci Ms rer ena. family. say. that they cutatsiard a very raiihJ Lbasaly of Parttameait toward them.

r. VarJ i tbj wets quit. tatiaacd with whet wae4ose. It sat rihz in them. hvwever.

I art up tLrir sos aCC ea seen. orrrlameatU the Ho tb kttbt a ir uuBura proper bat they wttLcdMCipnaatkeirrraiita ofUtbcrary of the ll in what wu already Va to m. Jfcarirer lie 611 coMttiued of opteoo what wi oril propueed wa a propoMOoa CQlaidenac Ike r- ToitlM family and lU public. HelfcrretoreeW feel jmtifiod in voting tend ran' bd vey a be" know bow to oppo any pr pt4iliuit fur the relief laMly a ho hit 000 tb eraebt occasion. U.

peraebt sbuZ4 ftlillco1. ispisuaso at tile Hou a 3 be Comaiine that ib rant to be rticaded. hi npp the that woltt Le II' utaaKt to tk a rea Wd see. wtTer. odvaata- to lk rlT which bets.

ed by a Rifcbt It. tetit ma JfI rror Mr. LUSllINCnOX said. tWt iu Lere IIUo1 Le no objcttiuu he otwg a sum of A couec ucnce a Meswg lru2t tle t' fl ST. Ct i1 l.

Taurt 0 1' de. wu leI UtiUtUU1Alt. a WU 1" IJtASUN MN. Ee. lla ltw.

u'- eI tMLI I. RLL. wret- ce0t4. 1 loCO. do.

faiI peet Lat I. ac lon 1 t6. Wrlth alCGftWr I. I. tlalCaI III-- lilll Ire wi" ic euutWlt loI Lot nluti illtloItpl be b.

PrI jt Nt51. s1. I Laem. Y. AlEI llaut.1o be LU De.

IIfltLr4kW T. a Lo. Ie. dnira. I.

1A OR wka ft Blacter ilh cert n. rI711tW ift" lu. lWew Id IMI4S ItaMn wirI iCU. YtITbolN wille tarde. 6th pe4s 61.

It alr el Ill' tDOCI. lde. 1IItIf. nr I oc tikt. at 1 1eftl 1 Het ke 4 fr.

neC I. IJ" y. ll i haJ' c1 0 oi i. 1 i it tb a. Milll ce llo.

nt. i nI 0 ridabl lh rl 11 1 na" ptr pSa. 1. Ib.1 takI et ti Ar N. 4.

r. I Ml pmvtwsslIfI I 1 ar' lr ffJn Aai p. AJLY IU ItCt. au4 tJ Ga" 1rII. 4 Mra wlt.

kl. c0 al. ithi I. T. ur" SOL irint.

Cfltk' r. kUIINS. I flEtlOLO An I oi 1t Man ple fOb aw. a i l.l. oli COtinh i I nl t.

11 11flp n. 1. a.tlt. I 1 dnI tmrb fv I. a Ilnl fr cnIH leut tI a te cop.

1 pn ih au" ln4. t. dd ii I U' Irtr I Irata. mar at' ao. n.

4 ar. 1 a ep a. od lh a lclrnl Ctl. I lt I 7 a. 1.

tl le ti ad pr en pnta fi 1 tre. rtfd plc I iU if ptt 1 h. I ap I I. t. tdenc JIr dMc H1aiI.

Icleal A1h. lIb r. iII di6. ri. i.

diruti. T. ro. i nia Ila RIW. rwlfl tuf ar 1) cLU nOmUT l.

VI' on JO th 100 In I Ad" UOI I I fH a Adi. Wn I II. coaal nf. I 1 nr lab. ate mIU he 0dtidinc hnt 4 tpn I.

o. Ihlh hn If I i 01 pr a ltc flue el plne th oaa. 1 choi fit 11 11' Ihrcbol of ro 1 Ih. rel aJn an I fiit 11. Crrhld a h' 1.

lle Wih. Th Nnl diDI" I iLrl I frl IKi dAwl' IN I ich ill Io pf UN I tb diold pnf puu bJ Icba bD a hb wil I. II Cpia 1 cln ad dry lr co i a. dl a 1 th tc 0' lfincH 1l i I' op Cf y. 110.

Adcubl aOUi ddnwr i punt 1. Ia Ib. Ile. tu. tur 11.

ikdl Adce" ad Olld t. L. d. 1 a 1 lon a abt an. ia aa 0 rcinIr iou i tL ap IJ.

W. Urnf 1.4 0 Ael" alU. Ji 10LJ lASI lddck and Ir SLD srSU. tb I IniIW IfbJtiA tb. CDfSoap te itl1 i.

frr 1 urt ut copf REIU' CE" Ileel iinl n9 dflro ttr lili tu Df rt I t. 1. rd' arh tl bUltral rrlfnIld p1 ilua walele. wt Ira. to4 I 6t 1.

ul ka T. hal tro Illh. rloe4 I u. ellr 1116 el a. i lf gpl han.

io i i r- aUhntmldort1 dr. ro lh 1 lit. of Li bl 1 1 cloa- I UII Iner jmo a a tr li eaclal uU. tr. I lai.

drCI 1. Mod 4 lanI 1k tp. CI fr ncl 1 le" ik il" dt. ad. 1cepnrur ale r'l un drl alr ad Ile utolm Cr cpit whO il nur r.

heh I a i I VtDI 1.1 61e ae te t. I- WIDd ca1i it 01t. ha o. i teI le fId iol. ablcur or4 1 dba cds.

Ils eICt i. lo rpir. al III 1 u. al peant chlCu rln. WIb II pi 11 albn I pp 1ind I of i i mi lh tr rtnp fr.

Inl i ll di e. jit lul A ecb Le. 1 ili i I. all rfat ct itn rr r. oll" a d1.

lh MCi of Tuitu' 10 tb. pn" ere. a a prilat I. I fo. aicr.

WUinrbrh EXT. SI' lG I JAN0 tJ SOLD. i i1 Ela1 GUSSHtAt IOR I iunlr Ile rolof 11. elnl. f.

Ir i UI fl urat whiJt er iet Dllie. is d. I 0111. cUe1 WI iSaQcia 18 1 Iaill eral tDI thriving od al le aUc II. I 1 pru ti 0 UN aUll ohbate propert e.

dno 01" linf 1 a. 1li. DtIl1 Ie. ocI I 0 th II It n. iat iQ.

ntaim roe cora oanclUJec there dhre 1Cf1Ie" Jm 1 IUIIS the 1 I 1. i ooII Sa 1 the Lwac a. best Lnrialluch. the the 11 APplica rhsj Ma nlie diIteCIl rarl ttrwt. tehD berl MANOR.

ntuate sndi. TitMJlne RicSin eoofyoC LD 1rM STANTot ay da d. at leI alaallleftOP1R1 Y. t6 lot. naDI the nllloute 37' oJod 110 1m.

tia. COPt ho1cS a. ana. 11. ha from arkcc Ih nailThe of 15.

acres Iad urloaIIildillC Situate of Siae 1 nine esilu f18 nii and II fru. BrrI 1 Vuahletoct tate riainJ lalailu rlIt CJf I K. Pauin1fJGn. II I t. aI.

I. Bnrr iii Soatutt Ross not Beil I WaiJbl The Retghtott tate. ac roa lSrW amid 1' Sc tbo. r. 11.

Atu LkJ Ii be1e 1 ICI JIDdV eot eal II act A DweLlosgLose 1. eIbr roocItf Ws iaIl fr lands I tJte 11c. wtt Jha 1 ievedv III the 1 MwoClOflJatf 9iII 6at da 1D" aodla. lftaaiJoi pVhflLr pavikclsr i Iv and I I ICJIidtor. SIeaa1 Nck dt.

Middoc 1 Itsu. d. R1dias4 T- d1rJ. flkrh Hk. Unerlc Yorkshire of 4114" lhnrodtaealIfk1 41 roC1L1 1t.

JCA- WI a. pooctlI It. tln Koan Uno 1M pedonwcl toA1. lltt. IN Itft d.

iucoctl. HIuJ 1 ru II. Uti. CJ GKtI rc hCIattcSJ tarleI 0 IarhW Lad OPUICII. Vie' Kiwi.

w. MJc1d lr Helle" Ct Ir. solace. JdIS II 4 be lb. IMtUMem 110.

Wed. the put lbs the 1I perfric pe cI I. the AllAiu lXann ililte RJ a. aqearY. nand.

I' the" 1 It. at JliC1Uoclllba Ikh el C. un La tile Chait n. tI. I I Frtl StrWiUhrwu q.

Ie an. to UCOfllIllOl tt r. the eac. oUch I. penrneed I.

OCCI ClAI Iei 411. rf tJ rrq I nt1. I II. with 11 lor I Jl' atr. sat 1t 1.

It ch r. drlh ac nh tretidaftt Vicerrwlnt Duera at JAI ASIIU. Sr A itd Yilrt LO DO u-n CIIIU nA. II" JS JNW. flcloed tI.

a lb. lIIorai the 1. RI I. II. R.

the 1. thb and ef nlne pa 4rnt. Ri tCIitiIIST llotrt bf1I lIr OI I Golb ie tqn4 n. Rob. atcwn I rbocpo.

Clhf Suble bem ThU" Issitani. tlAud T. wI tho di1 the II" r. ITIWAI PerrI BIAlder RCJth. n.

II 1 I Dawid. t. i el Grea. AI tq tAq. rA Eaq.

ottrnh. tAq. irk. n. be 1 thr Lo.n- d.

nanoiu ID. JLha I. Srit 10. P. II I 1111 1) St.

Gcoe RRra PIrD Lord Rchnck Ri trl CoIrice Ki hl the iI be Cit thshopatsstme on lhnda ITK. ul" I J. Eol re J. rt I G. LD.

nihn q. LIt I 100ft. 1. lbIe1 be sth ilia the ulectuft Urijiurefi tOOl. 4at uf the 1' of ttcd ticht and aniubiII Le a ulfl the rC idrntl ar" lnd ck 1fC1iglll PU tI.

II. 4. ISlt. Y. GE DISlE SARY.

ilreet Ma 11. 1I1Jn Cth kl. allte rnr tie 11 I YICPRIIIDIWTS The lInn Pa I CueUIrttoomtfU Duilcoll. Ea I. M.

SIIIO" lIr EoqM tA1. AldrrtUn AIl Af 5 cJlf I lIoall. E. 1. IJIlpft EI AI.t"1 Stephen Nffo Basil Jnr.

tilli EdellI t. llopkiui. 111 TIsoaailhnsspson Wilde I ble at lsnGuinras on. Jlea. 1) OY IA ESOCIETY.

Petson At AI. Lldt CII London lldn. tpilto W. wq Yi ialheCbir loa fulloin re W1oaDCtd 3. Faq.

UI lei the vraaryrrtonprraced I. Y. Garrow. A. 1.

II lion. Ill r. urdanotWarr C- sSirA3lunsrBaitTl. 0 eoaa. J.

opooo rII VP. tie I 3. Hla. C. 11111110 Eaq.

I 111. Hr. r. Eaq. Jbn 5.

cribe Gll nc. AdaEoq I Ft Fdrd kl Wi1ii. Sal1lallditau. Mr. Pd Faq Nr I JUoori r.

Mr. J1hru. li. I NIchols. Esq.

CLan. Ir. Jcockjon JIIII. J. aJo pbilli PMlel fl.

D. lr. Mrltod4 Seal FI t1oC1toou. I I. 1 1D.

SIIIJblCr Id CLark. Fr Ir. JIMP" SDrcl Gtadir1D Gce iwing liror 1 fatton Su. MrJohss labor Eo. tl.lcbelt.

I lrJo 11a. Mr. Trudile E. WI nul II II. ard lIAata Ca U.

IUICfAq Jr. WheW. uton. Ja oe. IIiID 11toon1 Lait Eoq.

J. vii WidlaII 1t. rI M. Thi. McWt1 IDded to prca Death ron Ippsssst VCt fro.

Drowsing UjthU OL Cold lee. and La. W. 177' 3640 Uy" rewaided pwr 0 Uooo 1a1 anti aaIM1IjIarSucki. EnF1Illd.

Li ur blll oofl" U. Lislfr cwiII to GI tJ nllOr. enlle llta J. 0' 11 II flr becoah Ueonr nielarl reqsatM I. 11 passes UCIMIICI.

I ibum IIf ll 1 CJailli 5 hotst rp tai4. 11 SSb olh lfu A IJ I 1. ncn the wit tirpri oracrI IarOunJW t. are.s..e.- Ime is. I' Is ltijtia aivI Ea.

aI tnutW apa eltJwir 1Ia ared be Wideniw tlAlE lalb. oc. TracnI reJAOriI be II A Uc. the fIIIMani nuacSI ufOc the Iota. at G.

Suu. I' nIt andnct 0 IJC. 11 lb. rt fthe it 1 OfkswoJaau annall aMIIOO it 1100 aces Cbsroib laAd. the Dllloct Mn1I4I Lb.

IDf its i IIIlndi rartJier Il 1510 arml o4. LOCEsTERbI lI11Ufr.EEIiOLD and' Ientl1ohlllz1Iftf the lo be OLlhlAtL l0N. terntJolc ir oltk ear tho I. heot i. rlf llbe A' I.

Na UD Lee the Ju aM aI lIl jm 0 7SACR soda. the relllWuucn bylh. Newroa4lradiIlJ lad 1I Ir are II iwH are It nc lka' eatanpire be. rlll vie. hM BrltulLhml the river ben 1I ct Ta Ie bbr ppl II 0 Evans.

whose lit. land At Miu 1 ard rrl th. coun onn Gcat'- car silly II. Iih A ipl Geoh Ih Use Ulobse. Cn opor IiI 1 thf the ar dic Co th.

boarded books. andn UP I are 110 101 1 tho II u. achol tflDltln nd iq nder of that illl. 0 nct n. IbnoetlltcreatioD Khoclllotin ua rarrd Culv it the ru libenlptiorirle eotl ntob.

it alubol the Jtrnce6IucrJ i. Ih Uo fn and. 1M I. I. a Ii.

of for 01 Iso Onl ur def ri 110 ornut hi. JoI. spenarand his or one in id a Sieelroe UacUctbu' the tit. rnnftC ti Colh attended May Tb. u.

oUI NerikomterliJ oUj. at Ib" IIt ricn 1' the A the rican I CtgAaierjcsti bip. Ii was the StliA rraDiport lhat. Sund. is reason Mrs.

the cdr vtR. mrn. the off I npne I rrwol We make the uoidabl willtakr 1. Mr. nwat is tbline Adv isrmtnL Mr.

Enball dr. win townvillage5 01 note. c. rrsianGult costumn i oicuuntry At the Whoille JUrpIi tilof LL. n.

I Funutrra OlD whlrui il e. tis rom hi ilf. plienI this. the ticle be relillu ide 11 his mf cbar nlSo nd te ant Clon1n the lartl hi" dnUe TIU rl. An.

er Ie ohb. unu view er the I GI. di. It Fl ftnellfftIUH di. lhilpjuB Gollin ldiY Houn4ditdIiAeDednpcr draper CunduittretIampwakcr cr 6ndiv.

OaforrHtrftl. i Staitio6rldcoal-lDforchanl niontr er. My n. 4. tli.

IS di. I ancIl. i die. AlarltIC aq1lll rd. hwder.

AIdIHtrad Cfl nc. chaal W. Manners MoJle. Duthufr OlWIl 1ethicr D. hoJNord hroker.

HLecdCBuhUIdJaWfJerchanta diY. a ii 4. AW ate It Wbitecrsassstreet. paper I. Hollo.

Iiilngtast. lcubarJ" aqlllre. IIi. Shbiaau relt. BIRTH poltrerfo the 0 11 5tud1ut.

nnr. Centlia1Wqe. Tae. the1ttJt Botolpb1ne. Euld tIIIiyenall his lrie Usd.

1 D- errllllDlU1 II i4 Ta l1 Ollibe lyth 0111. square. STOC 11perial pcrUIII. tj 91 lsiala per lIIDL 11I1 ir CL Con. fit i 1 I EuiWte.

ll oJi. Ipe pt. I pet lJ 74111 I it 3 pro a peT CL 11 It II atlPtt1d lA nc 111j1 1611. A aJ. at 1 JOf.

tUItNEa WARNERS a. wchar. If LIfUaT 1" 1. EKCE. IIOCSEorLU TnnATS Idet I use ArSJIo ire wn the the tansily IrI1caL A.

dK wra et 1' CHAlc nR ft" I' Ad. praeerlWalteyal I tw pa' loyal draiM the J-c it CIII I It rt raid. 1loew. A CM e5ce 1M on llo1IIIiaadort the JI r. Wed and 01 4.

OO 16. SPEAK tR. the Dial 1 the wIth IMrrpetC the Lb. II. that the oD ruolu OD cb ht.

LI Lbs Ha dMliloC It. tie a. hi ert jcarit I' ad 1 11 He Id their lat' ol. be wi. d.

lAird tnd Can" oa' tiillhs the Cst1creahtbe Ie oD WIA KER ltrttdin that Joe nett nJ4uJlo. the Mei the i. teitisoold Utlclcr that I he II mirtlr pu1CC I. flllivn. T.

LI a. ed till o'clock. ain. SU I the GCC aotTL U' i.1 rcc. I tD II dow Ritht LHrllt Ik re inclinal utll mk A diatop is laulI IDatcl blaa rJJK' auu IMn Ct' th COWI- CICI of re.

wt Lbs Urdvrej Ii. fetitiololll ODlIIf 1.1 inllh. iii. Vfhe and lii Lbs ave IMU address his Hi tll. Rasentreccmaiecding be rN the Right the I ten.

IlIIT. As. Ir the ofL tblltuU I dtfa ttee on tile nl" not acquaintancef tJe' Gnt1 man ul I. nllroa 1I111lUara iiI. mc.

be cliIPrd rllC' the u. i iated PO the the da Tamed7. the to lid lwn obl. OIlT. td.

ODo H. uh hi. i beu coincedlbt the p.m. bin di. nt1 Riblllon IDtob 0 h.

4 I quonc racolD tatioa C. d. the now beforelhe A genere the oftte Getll dlcholll1llPpl 1OIuliOllH If ad lIarsiDlOIIJ rnclo n. secobd tIIIaGi avers' rdu ru aid unanimity jtct be rnm. tati raw cclllalllilntr Vat P' It.

th II. d. thanowll1I1d toil. heir Mr. tk ilt not the eIJst Ot auud lllal" rba.

the cucurstances ttllb wraith r1D Ii M. Lb. Id I Ir. b. lIIItl La II' lunl Li.

1IIIIe. 0 his H. rlfCatl bit Voir ollern J1I. i II rlruonor Doun. lDbi WhI be lie pt.

yika 1 due ndoq it rank iunC. IIiti thetisut of FTCSfC nnk. aac1 proluietthidt homlbt libe perIJ ClDI IImw hi upe ca Airs. erceaIM the ppro ted the Io UIn he sappesed In. aI iDCfl Mpee cDIf soot I f.

uirui thin don. II warlC I aIIIII fursiab uDtfdiat 11 with 1lIIean. Li. naioo H. oIifticJt pec 6c r.

110. pl. It. IIO ilDm tI li tho. bl enl proposed 1rlhin.puIv acd out.

1 cr CI sit G. rditljrI IM cd it anf IItC' lIIIIir 0 rd i Id. Is cllKerOI anti. LoIYer PIf heirt. I dsaFbtcrand iM praise the nd rCfC" aAJ or 2tX0L ma JlUSl ISSO 1 ar the I mID his AltO lalel.

cons i- hl support the url as oCttor on' II. lied prr 10 fnt Grtot nt ch baW RiIoIIIa end prpued ITII d. t1J ori inal re- ooI. OD eeD ad4 Di' 1 1 pLatic vnaD mou. mrk icnI otI the urIJC Q.

depsivcdthem uw they ard lIIfunberancC tq. uSe hi. AWaiitcrelot lupeAIter H. uce letilsigi tie. I the roatLIird teool.

oojtoiac nllflland perto his qacl OII judpractll it 1I011aa. amiss QlClI OD to eal atmf reed tbatlolr. 1' rccy" 1IICf' ltle ber. cll u1 aa hal lii ww I tJaatln U. de the pf TIIoi I beeaD IIPmaeclltl wortb COIIIilllt aaeJm Pr 1a a po alrnctl1e4 prspooal dc III Ir.

warmlyjnCYotU Peru Tal taliac eo. rt left' faiI pU9ij at. JrnetWiJo plutanthiopy. udtic tie wd. Ir.

IL. tl. to' 11. L' scl it loCCIHIIItf e. fb.

ad of po Ic tot tLe tile' FzcLqse 11. It that 1 4 tfoinc. Ler4 flat I ft Iarok with It. Ie' it awl Lad talhw aanifc- Ie tIoc 1M La. We accepu lad we lrii uver1pf he dIt t.

tbia ullr. nitLt. II s44 the they lure Detlo eAt. Ia" tire Tre. a I.

1. lia Joere. Ld el tJOu el U4 sheave f. whL peWic. It Hac.

0. was Mia sodas bit pLIc UC1IIarJ I 4 to lLiel. Sir ARREND olojt ed is the Joe Cw1J coar aaod 1 Dire Ih a to. tE his ire UI hC8aa tth Cllee ru1ia fr14 i. Nr.

TnRfEY I. WIIlT READ aid ilia was ta baulaappear 0 agaiial IW1 it wi ret he su. YulILC' the was act. be 11. wish 1oe1ooeoo4.

Ml C1JIII o. I' el a 11" naJlribal1 tI 0. tllllnimit pnn JtoI his ill. Lno 1 0 1. kioc naJ hie pobhccoodat edall4 Ie Li.

co 11111 itS' ard ar. irrI. 0' I. 110. pro.

1kzate 11lercnaJ ADdea beooor. ar T. i. to wI dtIe to just the a ear. tLacue ceoDZl fil II i'd thintb I uD jt misieaisst 1Itf oiun ot Pe hainr lCril rf' ftl GdI.

WJ dlf' I it. Ib cutueqorucel I II" atfi aod. Dr" crsilol Inp oit stierd tt rtfusei 0 indul huiuf in Li. politiralnit T. thersforetIat It.

Lad impoverished hi.l.cifj- bl relctsigI5 up I loIIU 0 Iucnme pw J. for hi. PMthldlio hats opened Lie 5. I aI11 pr pd Ia dM ew. ptteo SU3tt a IDewould to He he ell.

flesa a WI MlmpM1 hoaoun 0 KOrt. he the nllD rt4 anltl. lU N1NG uIIT Ir. sense pal Ida polre lat. a die cahicIt the DlJ fact.

aaniil uaailll fJ flp cted Hu low tire G. cacei une poI poiuticsL lltCf EurOClU lie TirtO cI Il 11. nieraIJ oMf pcuru on. id Ofilia 1 duti I Ikcaw rice. cl Mulot Lii CiJIIJProicIed I tid lud is th 1 url11la ti IeeJ 14c 1c.

CrtoGJ deaulllae II. Grutleutan Mr. 1 erre bad i. aIlead CDo at. rI cu.

DuI lie It. 11 to. l.a riI dUI al' It bl1be wade SlJM IR notagree of 1bl unn' unpued. lc4. bullthe Lato lior 11C lIIt 1br Icer1na1ee1ko r.

4. precedent oCoch cat. Il co4. Yoti L. LlCac C.

dacqIII4t Ier lKtC an4epiuio. the bl lJ If a of r. ira. GetI sIde it COIIl dent u. th.

bicuIcI fly. IIIIU 1 eoAta IW h. eaad iOII IhofmiJot a Le dicta1 IIo J1k tic ka 10 prv. hug- HIIII he lu InrtIrD r. Ii the Utllhl h.

1 orar4 bl' Cr1Olt of tbttbJrawlf' As iffltle rn hi. th. re6t lIrParcnar son5 iII taalrnclaenl Dr aetlCeoler Ib IIC OlD lIttfO carrie4' juri hi. prof ina 10. be COIIIpetl nahrU.

blic dtl be a 01 neceman. uo Llmto Liblcu thou bt he VLiLrd diSP IIIQreanar oero. ftCI II 110 the 0. He tlso lltht. tL.

itri. tW1 jt ilotie I' ctllre his the At It peooed lIacq IoIad wftJa tJoae LiajfUllu dec r. tlwllolttrlhat I ill I and ir was bar1S1J jullildrwa what he ed aoil III' upon sele JctJiu laitlJdlor a 1a11D It. 11 IeI1 Ioi. ula.

or laM It Isis compmaat ula the 1Ii'- JoIajar 11t Doicll ID I tbe aacr kc rnnAkrf his th. Ho shewirg 1 I Jt l1rl maJ iaamediakl 0e4 Chl JoadllCl1ed tha il 11 11 dilf" lICe JamL1) Hw I 11. tr 1iIcc mere 4 ti- tLe ul fIIl Ioi8C Vent ItacIbfta cltlU psotenivn. It. be 10110I11IIII' lie 1.

II. Itir lila pI H. Ma tSght no. rt 11 lii pro it rb La fail. hi.

pro. tI au. icI ia H. 1101 pk1IID1 his doioa taoll1 IGI flihf hl iGcu IS e4 La1I theellCutaiordanfatehol thclibera 1 ta tJw 11. it I.

ner the tItMtcM iaiuau ae wished their thebenr Iltel aIrnd opI pn fail Hr. tJleft. aid sppni aa prwpssiiiss IIGlef dIaaoiI should upon the foCU abutoIo1be nee the I JJiJ' I I. II. however.

4111. the fWt---- dt IIc moved Ri JrLtSlll Gl0 i JC OW COacClutPCC of Cl' 1 7. 4 Q1 LAPXU4CZiatLu iE TL ici I. Is 4 tiiti4 IvI by a4 tb Isa 1 ketla ti. Si 4ck uesae sisbju I.

ied be pm esi sgnct ssiI iiis. uedsIaIie RiUPI1tlIStb4 SCSVPetIe. a cs elt 1. I. 1 sbsuM lIGUsb se I 6 paws a a.

te. asu irh ee. a2. j4 1wtezdu Ac Lia4. ib.

p.e. eou. 5a ilbet4tt 4 sutkap4 Rei41qesr. tTATELY AIJ1 lOs 1. Duau Tsetaj 1 f1 cstas a PLu tha VawIy.

flit dbqW1s. tw fries 1. st cuuesIFV a4eiatoe fr qaKns4 vd a sh tN4 iutst4 ikhh a pt t. lsp4 plri 14 laid a. is bsIy Hacet.

VSIIk. aed a antin t. prung tasea lied pmeLe4 nt Iakir. ost iii euiJrbt I. estate 1 esa be h441 at Iia at KIatLisaI.

p4as. Actoe bidie aM Licitit 1u4sa rven Atsuinitet. a esa 1ALI1AL iLies PIcaesrussds Leesi. a 7 wiet Ts ba aiaabIe iajtsas spa4ieuI 1iiat SJIet1. nned loeshacuinau4aks tiksisai i Iaes ci isinctloe cosdaus usii siLst eps ppteDtI as.

tIarI lue Iakdlfl cartiit. t4. es lvij hh 13 ttrtwilidutl kli SCISd Ice harastae aieado' 10 ut hwt ahet copchol1toeiIss ht 2salIe 1rsd grn4ii is. facat evrtfeem. csurruiud4 bye Jitdunw iru rtrs.

I Ms cttabik II ntagrftIow residcuca en haLsaceuttheartIap4iI. acUen bra. sid dsGe4 Is. irae4 nb pi ticsaars irwuksttet jIdeq ajsre rf be AUC1 iON I ic. tie the 1n.

flissi IA1L tltheIe IC Adirrbry a sid1 gashed. bm itabesatsd eistbuidngshntbersnd tier ib. lruut car 9 fts. rcI ls eatt' pfl a4j4n. I.

arms closes. tiart V' dwiJiig4soecemprieadiohsrs. t9Iect alacb IIastVitich. sady eut pavine. psuysU brwin rahbna sb lausdi 5 c3osej attic.

sod aaIosIte ii. the oceepaflus 1 Fiiwsa teaa. baq sd the lied efieui sf pleasant wpeuuS klasbuty. 1 pass. a Lutstlsi Isr iew efAddrrher afotsu4 a UigtUuUdtti 3 asbTy rlIAL fltVUIOLI 1ANSIN.

adduk I. SOLD by by Pt Ihe 1III4 InstJuWhsberog1iu 1. toy Northanpiuasn Mry La. ItSL CE toe ii. I luwit Vthubruuh tIi garirn.

ps4dMlI. adjuiiHg a aud tanr4 th The hoe. II I osit uod ja dnc ie0ces hli so asew serp. Iilr tts 11k dats or sii Iadry water cuosit ahohaae hooa. us tIap apeirgofrewarkably her.

it woo44vue. t. house. i o4 a WUngtr ri when has dal ve talk. sori uitir hoss4 ri da iGattere app Cure hoe Irsr tii.

Wlnebornh 1XTNSIVE ES1ATE I theEtatsl tuet the Re. 114 a A egustus. 1 sLeep god lin oath. Cr. o.

These ass ha mana part. ate Ii tie 41 on aw Slow aLin IaxlisnIenasyCoutmisionerg rem dcl roes re tar arra putsdei I. ureqe ma ira rst ar. Parliaienisuert ORKSIII MANOR a byAUCTION. the day 0 of d.

nes arlwn several ZMJf 5 the Ia tri gre. stat roe 4. Zstate custsibtj 1 fot Wel It. The cp sing ai Rosa aol ro. cacaiatjgg froes1tti4ln ree1h 1 Iae zsu cuwIee JtOacses.

1 previously ivs 05OfC ig eciioo S4 It tsashlps arid 1 I. Moiecaoft 1ate WIllbek4d day tail. a Iesrs Voaj1la Mts Hsadlry sad Peszsas 14ac40i1wfe Mnvs asd Imaple Twiuud q. rk tockw 9. Ilaveiley.

04 vIs. Qdl4th. fleve4ej lots S. 1ts2c LI erc Sobsaihen ariespctIo IuierismdiIs i tm sdi4fi. ItystHihaet1s.

KIOI5IsIUlrak440 I wlhe allanomqws 7thotMa IVttor esr14cakscsss. luja3l1iteusLe Iha4Ca1tIfaGEYtdtbl ttCIpa5eCaaya. flistCtiLerlaad Dsualy IlisUrac. Abp4Yesk I Lath4Whissoi Foesce I The lz. lr.

sl and II d. Cs. 4ace as ofMay1t4thedeeswi1beodatekvoe. 1Ik wren I. 0 f.

the adim. cktsbh4atUs. a be Kso. llaaZlIigbisesiibs fliskCawsaissalatheChsU a a a I ckil4rea. HaressitLsq faq.

Strw sus0esrsisues Ties. i it anisusi labicTiheri. Is. bei IOLmet occasions tlt rtk rqorat those wIt' Ionwpig fIt4fltC Iv 114rtI5each at K. l5budatrte luesdsythc otlw CHARLEZIANIASIIUY Ahing4oot.

bodfl I a dtJ Wdaest tb blay4.t rvenin ERt 1ap4 I ThMIIr Y. EbeneserMaitland. Grovcas oats Lq. MtLWood II. seorge vans.

Esq. Lmndsitavsrn our. Sean ij. Charles Jsittiay. ltsl thefli Iirnwn QCIIOOL for the iN DIG FNF 4.

IIooand ft. Revtbe aotwTz ModNoIeMarqnlsofStsjTord rl M. 1' En 181 iIM Rvbeflakaq F1. LL D. Faq.

ve may ait4 at ltudosi I EN EUAL 1 1812 TavernAWeristcUreet RRIN TU fl. Faq BjdeU uodFaaAlderntn Faq. Faq. este. sq iq.

Jq flaam 1q. MeacockLi sf POYAL Rccuver I frFSLIVAL Let 1 Ie I. 1 471 RtmsIEsq 105 Faj It lurdandWuriigtoe 5 50 Dr. Cogan iliotapion. IiwkeV.

Eaq. I Hlacabtrn I IJl 1Lu 10 lsJUJvbnSViIdEq Z0 54. I 3lawlq. sq. MrJtfttrt sq Ytilliam I I I Mr.

B. Crosby lole V. GeurgirDewon rweL iIliai ij. Mrs. f.

3SrT. WihiansGilb CS lTubroe F. ece Eel. E. Tay lit 11 I iq.

I George Edward MAssgi 4 Capt. t3srg. 4 k4 Mt. T. 1 lairlattFeq 14 Macky.

tslsach as osoded time from toss UjMidng. since 117 Serel apoards ci Claim. siaiiksSudciiei a144 bsa41. sdoea 1 psricelaaiv is' I. cuort gasijhali4evt a Ful aek Sotrtat Jvka Viti i.

a lass soi. 141 WIi III a slasacboly esssv has the trilL. RtheHeISPOPCVPCPVALltSCbSOCSUJ FatLqset ate sep e. kii0nto 1or1ltbeitaILOrV0e. lIt.

it S. wbathlh 1tllak. ha 1 aeWsentisiu. 7ALUAIiLl tb rrtesv lION. at Maaia LoM.

the 31 Oc Giaae sepri O0 a lalaadfStVitictnt1bat ertfthriiate whI 0 jar 6f lX en. estates lisa Fui icalats t. Lows Joshua Lace II LND1pieauntlyftnate slaT To befut. thi Cusmiseioaer mArt thSthyerofth Majesty ib. be the fsale coodi ons a.

prodiacedabutat part the may ipenc eomaMm Vye Tanter ip sars. ii. caret Geonietr ieotrsphyths every Navy. oth ayeir attw extath. aziiduuiy in time hooL at snJcoragrd are a ts sit 7fir sd cietbe neceuanes Mr.

Atkins conveyance 1 uni. the in an. of upu Mrszid was wis We rein ni Rais JACLI. tori iew It i 6 iise romtd. peryard.

of sele urn 3OtItinst. CREIITURSATUUILDIIAU. v. Glass. Umehoouensrrcbant Edivi blackfitrstiraper divJ fdii Idly itwurosoarttrsetgbasan div.

Idle. I 1 1 Aldersgst 2 II WColesMincinrlanebrokev H. Lick dl Holloway. 1 BIRTH. Wlmpoleatrvtt artbLl5o ascii.

Maryk of the IL. titLub Iperialspercesats5 pevCtRdAnnGjl liielsprtCetiss81j T1z1r Itiai Fach.Blfl)1 perCi. 4avvll I I Siale atrtyIcLs IL LwscAssnl 34oIs.S.1&ths Cot1aUI1f4ACC2Io1 15b 5wck4tskrn. a 14Lfin2sT4Ir lOOFWK1hTsvtisiMAT14 1 wast 1. Ii aerwet I.

Mea1q 0as 10 Ilt. 4 oclsaktLcit t4 ILoWRD CHANCLIIflRwea4theAnwrvth. Md. hIs A4sess toakso penvis. 5.

bias ark the wt 4. i s. silk. the Hoe. whenMrWdgwo43i tat1 FR lb.

rrt wtsiLl be a. Is. see ddne on 7 5. quash. a ti 1.

sat Ileese 0 1 least e. receive witkttat thaautrtnce tot more gTtlilrdthtfl in ditegna1ed sense tbesrsicr the cocrry. brois ht Gluc sierihire. thabl th t. Rysl that errCed hi.

tbs ti. l1 the the was sienc. crave. r' be ten tmht kisplace. seeloqaeatly ttodoubtthatbwouo wee icd was unanimsuai tls shjectuin ti denjm the sIeuld tat mare wag I nsigtt aoo wai Iii of et rtiors oflis 1 the 1dtsi oiaofslrFcrceval.

1hosewho mt was rnw whei. left cltoo MI I. inh evauI' a. of waspripeily fun itto feet suchaeans ael the plse year. 1 vision I Gatntgoe PIGOTTthought egrrtinpt so rtss4siu1isa.

uesLflaoweeer kappentbaz aunofa hcwuchl tulisaisisig sit. 101Q tins. scr 1s theeldcgt cf21 lohuo 1 be iaid the as gt raLt lr SM Ii' was he the In4instion sat they a biAlajitysMialMers foctbstpurpe resolatIo4olagt. properto sn nt Lu uatira a Lt as oMr. srtlcnlar poses.

pen. us. kaowisa ja avoor givenop ttu9otMaO a 15 etcvalbad cawakd prvped II. ao we. seli4ceiJ.

sate insoi. riolo veLtabIc LtLTeiiers outli. Ri ktRti Irmsa swat 11 he dvwmj Lj item OtI 1 soiojj ceodsasd 4 tg. I. tile IS 1.

Sc. a bedrr 1. owl ft. reicevalisbo seW a hadiiadji tthis meuar. Li4nigLt.

1k wee sum Wa. ao each oe. esiota. a ultfiPg to he a touheit ti use a. he be escedinp sc a i rand 3i4Iat.

end eeisMt thue oLe we Eons. La ihoiaid bees vocet4ts pbflcbilaru deesog iamsasia to 4. wL Liut Mlaiiiev 14. peno. serb ptticlarly mas esefoss p.

this day GWARRENDEflobctod is. Lake Lia cuasuoC ikisopitsims. msrotbopitiedtlanasiyasIerpeuru sftio modem' in whatbe shssulI appear rnrraiup. is' he a. 1 Tb.

toouily in be wnanios sf memaey the lbs. a i west ag esd cn aoivs. was kckto clrcvmstsg were. Ii. provikasidelrrady tube ibis SOftUL a cfdtU Case rudfsailyendtbensayUitwsodbshaughi was situatiuntegis.

hiachuidr eost. he Ubrrslpu4aiiiuns hsvin ivs upeliscTativflru1euiun acert aipkdtodhfevwith tkoseslqutd sto act ws olhua choyn evehadbcensajdto lieSh. l.rr.te ti them to indulge political peritirs U. Iaciifyby ui tlii esoowtentaof was ruifg tmlarlI Li we not oath c1. jec istiuscue anstheiaaj 5) stop.

iz. the ssim we. tbatcore 14 povas. rena. unssthaosia.

tFtau for aa He owevei 1. ca. Etery cnq poee lhetLi vlrtaepait4 aair 3 knew aidsj a to teuiie p4ss i death171oo4 thi IIo licrr4y ii. cumton occasion I rue we Ibatit waatbeirduty toishe as as be 5. mid i sues I olilt.

UiIhM wuiumtsi uiIrtcetIented of sticit a her. caldo1. sioe a o. or he niititsy ev a anasumous 15a4. Resvlu oo oI Ptces7 I nd tdeit He his eras.

rather Ijssusi. used some I' FercesIs amendment cartyin st yestesia carrud I I Certwsljii Li war otv4. rt ssag peose4 Fr Ce pie ncuaasstd Isis the Ilowse Pete. meip sactitcewiti. tet ret didsi 1.

1mm so he cs ta loeew4 Ii af oil a S. a. Some iii mo dissp lit. ii tTan waS aw ma lit. a a 11 f.

byi lilac GiatlamiN taen sac MrPeecevsi Hwsas 4 peofiaismaJ jeseisrd. have sack in it vidinefuehifmly tbattlne beasa proassivss. 10w. when Ii b. ie I.

the 14. 0edth wit3d ts llsuiss of lions thiugliltIst ms wviauS tout. to rapt. gvai setseetthcbera1bys. tbltoae inwkd rasacesdJ Ifod.

it. ci siingsu vtaskdsJ i sit fth tasa vote b. the House th auLt tob. isa putessut IseI no I. puia IL' s1 Ciar a.

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