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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 2

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2 TO LET KOK RtlMNRKR PLKPOSKS. A FINE LOFT, 80X100, IN A FIRSt CLASH BUILD ii lng, lighted on three tides, to let, with or wlthoui Fewer; iiMuranee lew. Apply on premises, ttfl En 6 CORTLANDT STREET, NORTH ride, near large and deelrahlo tory brown atone front Store, wltli two large and gooi size 26x118. Apply SLaCKWELLA Liberty street. I.ET, THE JOO-FOOT STORE 2M FIFTH ATE cue, opposite Brunswick Hotel: to let reasonably.

WILLIAM TUCKER, 12(1 Filth avenue, one door above Twenty-sixth street. LET, THE THREE UPrER LOFTS, WEL1 lighted end In pood condition, in building the new l'ost oftiee, mid i tinning through to Tbeatrt alley. Apply to K. I. DOKLGKR, 28 Park row.

WOOSTER STREET, NEAR BLEECKER atrect, Store and Dwelling to let, $800 a year put, easlon imuiediur-iv. WILLIAM TUCKER. 220 Firth avenue. A FURNISHED HOTEL, 60 ROOMS, HALF FULL, rent reduced, ax the proprietor poor health: or woakl let the Kirat Floor for a restaurant. 7U) Broadway, Austin llou-e.

Asixni avenue stork to lease or for part of the avenue, for tlrxt class trade. Address SIXTH AVENUE, box 121 Herald otBce. A BUTCHER's SHOP. STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR aalFor to on preinirea, ltntli atrect, between Third and Fourtn aveiinea, orat West Side Hotel, corner FIfty-Iourtli street aud Ninth avenue. FACTORY TO LEASE on the Ode.

containing W.OHO feet of floor room. Inquire of A. R. OASHMOR, 172 Ninth avenue. (1ANTKRBURY HALL TO BROADWAY.

28x200, through to Crosby street; alao Store, 634 roadway; Lofts. Offices and Ropuia over 636 aud 633 roadway, DESK BOOM TO FIRST RATE CHANCE (tor advertising Apply at the oftiee el the EVENING TELEGRAM. No. 2 Ana Street. 1.3INE BROADWAY BASEMENT, CORNER OF BROAIi1 way and Twelfth street (No.

826), cheap. Apply on premises. FOR LET, A LARGE WELL lighted and xteain heated Room, with Steam Power, at a moderate price. Apply at 334 Canal atrect. In store.

Hotel and stores, for a term of years, 4, 0 and 6 East Twentieth street (next Lord A Tnvlor'i); size 73x02; alterable into flrst clues lintel and elores. CHARLES B. JE88UP, 268 Hruadwav. OFFICES AND DESK MONTHLY AND upwards; furnished and tor poods If required; also Lotts of all sizes, by LESSER GOLDSTEIN, Real Estate, Broadway, atter 3 daily. Part of large store and separate officer, with cellar room, to rent, at 26 Park place.

Inquire ofe. v. iiauuiiwout a co. STEAM POWER TO LET LOFT, fiOXflO, WITH STEAM hoist, inquire at ion Centre street, third tloor. QTEAM LET, LARGE AND SMALL Rooms, with or without power; 113 Nassau street; also the Basement, 1U2 by 25 feet.

M. J. UILHOOLY, office No. 2. STEAM of every description to let or lease.

Will alter or build to suit responsible tenants. Power to any extent furnished. Apply to it. W. GREENE, 260 Plymouth street, Brooklyn.

STORE AND FIXTURES TO EIGHTH avenno. between Thlrtvflrst and Thlrtv-second streets; rent $80 pct mouth till 1st of May. Apply to 8. EMBERMJN, 669 Sixth avenue. Stores to wert side, near Uoustoi), 28x1)0; east aide, near Bleeckcr, SOxlHO; near Aetor place, 51x278; ucar Forty-second street, oast side.

20x40; Filth uvenue, corner Trveuty-sixth street. 28x111, and near enty-seventh street 20x100. V. K. STEYENBON A BON, 11 Fine street and 220 l'iltli avenue.

TO AND STORE .190 BROOME STREET; rent fl.CUU. Apply on the premises. TO LET-A HMALL STORE ON SIXTH AVENtTB, near Eighteenth street; rent Also one lame Store; possession at onec. or wM. J.

OOLE, 030 Sixth avenue. TO LET-BAKERY 409 EAST THIRTEENTH STREET, near First avenue; all in Rood order. Inquire of SMITH. S'jS East Thirteenth street. TO LET-FIRST FLOOR, Hl'lTABLE FOR A BUSt ncasorclub room.

Inquire at 093 Sixth avenue, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets. TO TWO FLOORS, WELL LOCATEn, near Broadway and Thirty-second street, suitable for club or any other business. WM. J. COLE, 53C Sixth avenue.

rpo LET-IN THE WARD, AN OLD KSTABX llshcd Liquor Corner, tltted ttp and ready for hall and club rootna attached, and can be hired Willi it desired. Apply at Hudson street. TO BASEMENT AMI SECOND FLOOR. sepnrute or loge.lHer, 25x100, near the Bowery. Inquire on Monday at287 Bowery.

TO ACCOUNT Or LEASER, THE SMALL 8t ore Third uvennc, near Twenty-eighth street; a splendid stand lor any llaht business. H. M. CON Dir. 139 East Tweilth street.

rpo ELEOANT STORK ON THIRD AVENUE, J. pluU- glass windows; incation good; suitable for any first class business; rent low. Apply at 381 Third uvenue. TO OK PART OK LARGE STORE, CSS Stxili avenue low rent. TO ELEOANT STORE ON BROADWAY, near nieecker street: about JO feet wide in trntrt by over 300 feet deep, and till teet wide in ttio rear.

Apply to JOHN LLOYD A SON, No. 7 Warren street rLKT-THK FIRST LOFT IN THE SPLENDID bmliling 39 and 41 Park place; Viioiioet; stesm heat Dig; ay nd height mid well arranged. Abo Store on gronnn fl iot 39 Park place, possession mituediately. Apply on the premises. TO STORY AND CELLAR, 23X100.

Building, with 12 horie engine, shaltine. on west side New chambers street. Address POWER, box 1S4 Herald office. THE STORE, BASEMENT AND SUB CELLAR OF the elegant tniihlina 134 Broadway, running through to Crosby street; well lighted mud In perfect order. Ap ply to K.

H. Ll'DLOW A No. 3 Pine street. HOUSES LET. Eurnlkhrd.

A LA ROE NUMBER OK CHOICE FURNISHED AND liiilurnishcd Houses to let. WM. TUCKER, 2'Jtt Filth uvennc, one door above Twenty sixth street, A QEOTLgMAN AND WIFE WILL CENT A FIRST class brown stone House if they can find a permit lie nt party to take the Upper Part. Address U.K. 11., Ml) Broadway, room R.

Ar I.I, II KMMIltl) HOUHK TU LBT-OJI WES I Twenty third street, well adapted lor private fmnilv or genteel boarding house possession immediately other Houses. C. S. I'Bt'K A 951 Broadway. 1JUJRMKIIKD 241II.

32 D. AND 57TH A2 streets, near fifth iiveinte on Murray Hill, near I'ark and Madison avenues, at and streets, and others very reasonable terras. V. K. STEVENSON i dON, II I'lne street and 22h fifth avenue.

rpo small, furnished house. address js J. bos Post office. TO OR FURNITURE Foil sale on easy terms, a beautiful little House of ten rooms, with all conveniences; is suitable for a lady or small private lumilv; location central; possession anv time. Address HOUSE, box 132 Herald Uptown Branch office.

rpHRF.E STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE IN HAR1 lem, well located, to let, furnished or not, lor a year from May 1, IS73; possession ul once. Address box 1,257 Post office. Unfurnished. A DESIRABLE BROWN STONE ENHLlsH BAKF.J\ ment House, 34th sfffoi, near Broadway, suitable 'an; Yeusnfialifj.W. P.

BKYMOrE, A TWENTY ROOM HOUSE, HEATER, ALL 1Mproveine.nts, to rent as a hoarding or club house a few doors Irom Broadway, on Port lath street. Apply lo OWNER, 063 Seventh avenue. SPLENDID THREE STORY HIOH STOOP BRICK ft ,0 between Seventh and Eighth avenues, on West Thirty house in first class order; possession immediately. West Thirty-eighth street. CIOSF.Y I.ITTLE BRICK HOUBE, 143 WEST TWENTY sixth street, to let; rent $7 per month.

Apply there. IAROE HOUSE, NEAR FIFTH AVENl'E HOTEL, with beautiful carpets and fixtures If wanted In pleudid order; rent L1VEKMOHE A LINSCOTT, 66 Wall street TO LET-144 WEHT TWENTY-SKVFNTH STREET a snun three story high stoop House; all improve order; rent 991 fid month. Apply ou premises TO LITTLE OEM OF A HOUSE, EA81 vellfll street, near Madison avenue In tplni slid order; can be seep from II till rent H. M. CONUIT, 139 East Twelfth street.

IKj I.E RLBOANT NEW FOUR HToHt Rouse corner Madison avenue and Forty-seventl fixtures will be put In complete: Immediau possession. JOHN O. HIOOINN, No. 7 Fine street TO LET OOSKYEHT HOUSE IN Ne ontains 9 rooms; all modern Improve menu; possession, a- the owner Is going office Address LARKY, Herald Uptown Brand OR, TN THIRTEENTH STREET lour 'tory and Basement; all iTa wkrns ns immediately. Apply to C.

H. Hawkins, UH East Thirteenth sircct. liUi-'XsW htokv brown ftOHi 1IOUH4 laot, 24 wxMixliM) Piiiiiialon 14x4(1 to-uus, 09 Madison avenue on prem TfNFURSISIIED HOt'HIIH-dEAR FIFTH AVFNI'F. at avt.i, Mill ami Mm Ina rentral Park; Fifth avenue, at 4Mh rth and Md ami ral V. K.

8TEVKNSOS A BUS, II I'lne and CC Filtli avenue. "nu KUHKIBUEI) llOUMK AND APA11TMBSTH TD IxKT. AM'ACIOCM, WELA Fl'RMHIIKD APARTMENT rlneeta, aax nntl fire. upper Room. aliirun! front Parlor, lira In all included.

Nu. ti Hi. Mark near Broadway. Ah FURNISHED FRONT PAUL, iii rultuM. for a (Tenlie man and wlla or two Mngle gi lU-men; alio a nicely furnlahed Room, auitulde lura win Kia gentleman.

In house 30 i.aat Mscteeuili at reel, llm hum- Hum Biuodwajr. NEW If WRMUnCO BOOMS AVD APASTM1IT9 TO LOT. A Fl'RNISHED HALL BEDROOM TO LET TO A A terms moderate. S28 Hlath avenue. A-furnished rooms for gentleman and wife, far light housekeeping, $6 per week; Hall 1 Kootna for gentlemen.

$2 00 to t4 per week; gee, I Houee occupied by owner. Amity street A HANDBOMELT FURNISHED PARLOR FLOOR JA. to let, without breakfast; also two hall rcflerences eechanged. 47 Weal Twenty-aeeoml itrcet. A DESIRABLE PARLOR FLOOR.

HANDSOMELY Jx end uewlv furnished, to rent, en suite oretngiy, to fentlemen. without board; references required. J67 west wtnty-Unrd street A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WTTII CLOSET ON second door, furnished, for housekeeping, per week, with a hall Bedroom It desired. Ml IluUaon street, near Abingdon square. A WIDOW LADY HA8 A LARGE I A Room to leL to a acutiemau.

fail ut 22V Hudson street. 1 1 NO. 6 WEST ELEVENTH STREET, SECOND A door from Broadway, baft location in fhe citjr-korninhed Kooine to Jet, en suite or singly, to gentlemen only. i COMFORTABLE ROOM POK TWO GENTLEMEN, A $8 per week; all the ol a home, wltli privilege of parlor: tire and gal inclined. Call for three at 270 Weot Eleventh street Hta? fourth belL A FURNISHED PBONT HALL BEDROOM TO I.F.T? On the llret floor, for a single gentleman; first class I locality and moderate rent, with immediate possession.

Inquire at 118 East Fourteenth eireut A FAMILY LEAVING THE CITY WILL LET THEIR Flat of seven rooms on Fifty-third street, near Sixth avenue all or part of Furniture for sale; rent moderate. Address IRVING, box 4,119 Post office. A NICELY FURNISHED BACK PABLOB OR SBCond story Front Room, to two gentlemen or gentle, man and wile; terms moderate; small family, luf Wa? verley place. A PARLOR FLOOR OF THREE ROOMS-JUST VAcatcd, nicely turnUbed, In Thirtieth street, between Fifth and Madison avenues, to rent, without board. Address box 141 Herald Uptown Branch office.

APRIVATB FAMILY HAVB HANDSOMELY FURnisbeil Rooms to rent; location central and unsurpassed. 192 East Sixteenth street, corner ol'Irvittg place. A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND BEDROOM TO let to a gentleman and wife off four young men. 1,386 Broadway, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets. APRIVATB FAMILY WILL LET A SUIT OF nicely furnished Rooms; ample closets, Ac.

At2U6 Seventh avenue, three doorstrom Twenty-second street A NEAT FURNISHED BOOM AND BEDROOM, with closets, water and every convenience for housekeeping; gas if required also a Room for a gentleman. 192 Seventh avenue, near Tweaty-flret street. AND PLEASANTLY FURNISHED v. Rooms to rent, with use ot hath and gas, at uu boat Twenty-seventh street, near Lexington avenue. CNOMFORTABLY FURNISHED FLOOR.

FOUR ROOMS, beat partot Second avenue; every convenience tor housekeeping; Furniture can be bad ut valuation. Addrees B. B. box 183 Herald office. C1H0ICK OF COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, without board, at East Ninth street, between Broadway and Fourth avenue; French family.

FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, SECOND FLOOR; ALSO Room on fourth floor; terms $3 to tS per week to gentlemen only. Call after today at 33 Lafayette place. Furnished rooms to let-parlor and bedroom, on second floor, at 809 Greenwich street, corner Jane street. Furnished back pahlor and exten-ion; other Rooms, cn suite or singly. References exchanged.

99 Clinton place. Furnished rooms to let-to gentlemen or grutlcmun and lady; all improvements. (16 Macdouical street, near Houston. Furnished booms, no. st.

mark'S place. near heretofore declined because of being two together, or aged couple for tliu two Roorar, please call ugaln. Furnished neatly fob housekeeping? large Room, very pleasant, fronting Eighth avenue, and workroom, water closet; all on third Moor; terms, moderate. Call at 300 West Twenty-eighth street. dbsirino well furnished Rooms In quiet, neatly-kept house ran And such accommodations at 112 West Twenty-third street; tarrns moderate to permament parties; references exchanged.

GENTLEMEN REQUIRING A PLEASANT HOME will find connecting southerly Rooms, on parlor floor, gits. Are and attendance, on reasonable terms. 128 East Twenty-second street. WISHING FINE LARUE STYLISHLY IJT furnished Room and Parlor, without board, first class house and location, call at 21 West Ninth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Private family.

Handsome furnished rooms to Washington place. Handsomely furnished front rooms, without Board, at 12 Eust Fourteenth street, desl ratily i nnd centrally located, between Fifth avenue uud Univeri sity place. XARUE FRONT ROOM TO 11 ED. To one or two genllciuon; fire and- gas. 462 Fourth avenue.

N'lOELY FURNISHED PARLOR AND BEDROOM, without board, for gentleman, on Clinton place. Imiulrc at 137 West Twenty-third street. Nicely furnished rooms to let-by lady living In her own house; Is respectable, hut not ini iinisitive to party willing to pay a reasonable price. AdI urcss C. C.

station E. I rpo CONVENIENT FIRST FLOOR, CONSIST1 A ing ot three nicelv tlirnislicd Rooms; week. Apply at 235 East Fortieth street. TO I.ET-TO GENTLEMEN, A LARUE, WELL FURnlshcd Room; grate, hot nnd cold water; private 1 family. References.

77 West Twclltli street, between Filth and Sixth avenues. TO LET-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED Rooms, with every convenience lor housekeeping. 613 Third avenue, hetw ecu Thirty fourth and Thirty-filth streets, second bull. rpo AND NEWLY FURNISHED JL Rouins, in suits or singly, for honsekeeping; good location and reasonable terms. Apply at 22R West Fortieth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues.

T' RF.NT?A FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR, TO A small faintly for housekeeping, at $430 per mouth, or Rooms to gentlemen, with breakfast only. 213 West riiineeuin strcat, near Seventh avenue. Ktlcrcnccs required. WELL FURNISHED OENTLE1 men; house heated, clean, perfect order; southern exposure; location convenient; terms moderate. 12 Rust Tsveltth street, between Fifth urcuue und University DillCP.

11BREE FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET FOR LIfinT lioii-okceping. with hot and cold water slid gas convenient to the Sixth avenue ears. Inquire at 1411 Waveriey place. tID 8TORT BACK FURNISHED to a gentleman, without board, in a private tainllv Address PRIVATE, box 141 Herald Uptown BiAirIi olUceJ 4TH STORY FRONT ROOM TO A SINGLE GEN. tleman, without board, In a private t'ainilv; reterenresirlvcn and required.

Address box 140 Herald Upton Kruneb office. IO BOND STREET. OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL I Rooms lor irentlenien only; a Suit of Rooms (or two at $10 per week, with tire amlgas; no meals. 1 rrn west, furnished Acl Floor, together or separate, without Board; every convenience low. 1 west twenty-sixth street, opposite st.

James Hotel and two doors handsomely furnished Farlor Floor to let, cither singly or en suite; references. -17 WEST TWENTY SIXTH STREET. OPPOSITE ST. I James Rooms, singly or en Wlite, on "ccond and third floors; highest relereuces given and required. in WEST THIRTIETH STREET, OPPOSITE GILSKY .1 Rooms, en suite or slnuly, suitable for a party of gentlemen, without board; quiet house; private references required.

OO IRVING PLACE. FURNISHED HnoMS tor gentlemen in private family, either single or en 2 STREET, NO. 114, ONE BLOCK EABTOFMADTson nicely turnlsbed large Upper Rooms to let, without board price moderate; references 1 exchanged. fir WEST TWENTY-SIXTH ltNISHKD Rooms to let, to gentlemen, without board. GO F.AHT TWENTY-SECOND STREET-, If EAR Broadway Parlor and newly tur III died.

oh wconu and third to gentlemen, without board, ill a prn ate family. CLINTON PLACE, NEAR Or hall Room, furnished, containing grate, $3 a week. Ol WF.8T TWELFTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH Ot avenue large Room and Bedroom to let tur1 Dllhed to tine or two gentlemen. without board; 1 other Itooma to permanent parties; moderate in advance, by the week or month. QQ EAST TWENTY SIXTH STREET, NEAR MADIOO ion Koowi, without board; ItftfWCW.

A A WEST TWENTY-FOURTH TT" ble Lodging Roomit for gentlemen; also Doctor's Office; two minutes'walk troui Madison square house clean and quiet. EAST NINTII STREET. A EEW DOORS WEST OF) of Elegantly furnlsliod to let, without Board. in WAVERLET PLACE, NEAR WASHINGTON lU'l Room, furnished lor light housekeeping; alao a comfortably lurnUbed attic Rooui; hot and cold water, gas. bath, Ac.

line: EAST THIRTIETH LARUE IT ItI M't) nialied Room to let, sulUblu for one or two geni tieih. ii; hIho a hall Bedroom, East TWBKTT-POliRTH BTRBKT, Nl it J.UO Madimn equare private family will let to i aentleiiK 11 a lieaublul Iront Rooin on olid floor, handMiineiy turnlilicd; bay window, convenient to cure and ataaea. llij WEST TWKLFTII STREET-A FERMSHEI) II Bedroom on the third floor, km and Are, to ueu leiiian only. I'M WI ST nvn.ETH STREET. SI'IT UK El'lt, i Roooiaon aacond floor front; a No an ex.

I'artor. with ltooin attached; tlrat ilaaa I taint. at low pneea OKK. HEKALD, SCNDAT, VIRMIHED BOOHI AWO APAKTBBfTS iwr. 1 CC FIFTH FLOOR TO LET, I DO containing three roonu, bath, cloieu.

uafuruiHhed rent $100 per month. OOA BAST THIBTV-FIRST FURNISHED ZZW Second Floor or aimrle without board, to lets all modern OQQ LEXINOTON NICELY FUR. aOO lulled Room, on xecond floor, front, to let, to one or two gentlemen, without board; Bicakfaet if deelred; mode rate. street, near J'x KUrJiih lied. one large front Koont, suitable for honxekeeplag or single gentlemen, alao small Boom, $2 per week.

977 wtwbnty-second let. uruiMina, a large, pieasunt itnom, wun ciosem, on second floor, $7 per week; hall Bedroom, 4.14. ea8t ninth street, near first Urge, neatly furnished Rooms; if and bath; terms moderate. IVFtUMHIIEU KOOIlii AM) APART MRIIta TO LET. A PLEASANT FI.OdR TO I.ET?(WITH Ml people) with all improvements, In Ninth ward; aleo several Apartments; a aeat Cottage on Ninth avenue, Hudson ttt l.EO A NT SUITS AND SINGLE ROOMS.

un. furnished, with Hteam beat, gas, to let, in buildings 220 and Xtl Filth avenue. WILLIAM TUCKER, 390 Fifth avenue. A LADY OCCUPYING ELEGANTLY SITUATBD rooms on Broadway will let a front to a gentleman. Address L.

B. Herald Uptown Branch office, 1.30A Broadway. Apartments in first class house, greenwich Basement or Second Floor; extra conveniences. Apply at 84 West Tenth street. Also large Busineas Basement, ASS Hudson street A SECOND OR THIRD STORY GAS and bath; more room if wanted; rent $38 to $48.

Apply on premises, 319 West Fourteenth street French flat to per month, in good neighborhood, anil Furniture, nearly new and in complete order, for sale. Address J. B. 8., Herald office. Seven rooms, top floor, in brown stone honse 408 West Flfty-nftli street; rent $28.

110 ROOMS IN REAR OP CIGAR STORE, convenient ami very desirable for light housekeeping rent low. Apply In Cigar store, 51 Allen street. TO WEST FIFTY-NINTH STREET, FRONTItie Central Park, llrst Floor, four rooms, $12; second Floor, fonr rooms, $16. TO APARTMENTS, SECOND floor, three rooms, at 158 Third avenue, near Sixteenth street: also four Rooms at 388 Third avenue, near Twenty-eighth street: rooms open. H.

M. COND1T, 139 East Twelfth street. TO ROOMS ON THIRD FLOOR OF A prtvutei house, all Improvenieuts, to two persons only. Inquire at 333 East Forty-first street. Rent low.

rilO DESIRABLE FLOOR OF FIVE ROOMS 1 -and water closet In brown stone house, 202 West Thirty-sixth street; dumbwaiter and all other Improvements in house. TO REDUCED RATES, A SPLENDID SKCund Floor, three rooms, In a nice, quiet house all irnprovemuuta 630 West Forty-seventh street. rno EAST FIFTY-THIRD STREET, THE 1 First Floor of high stoop brown stone French flat, A rooms, with all modern Improvements. Inquire lu the basement. TO ROOM AND BEDROOM, FOR LJGITT housekeeping, on first floor, with gas, at 087 Sixth avenue, near Thirty-ninth street.

TO LARGE FLOORS IN A PRIVATE house; gas bathroom, hot and cold water in the rooms and every convenience for housekeeping; location unexceptionable: vent reasonable to a good tenant Aildress LAWRENCE LATON, 17 Broad street. TWO FINE FLOORS IN HOUSE 913 SIXTH AVENUE to moderate; and Floors in Filth avenue. Applv to JOHN KAVANaGh, northeast corner Fortysccond street and Sixth avenue. 9 WEST TWENTY-NINTH STREET, FOUR DOORS from tiUsey rent, on or betore Fob. 1, on elegant suit of three large Rooms, with private bath, also single Rooms for gentlemen.

l)Q BAST TENTH RENT, A LARGE it Room on parlor floor, suitable for a doctor's office; also furnished Rooms for gentlemen. 10ft KAST FOURTEENTH ROOM J.UO on second floor; hot und cold water. Also Room on fonrth floor, suitable for two gentlemen. References required. MtH KMIHS, ISI KU.

In thli City and Brooklyn. A HOUSE ADJACEXT TO BROADWAY, FIFTII AND Sixth avenues, and ahove Fourteenth street, nished or iinftirnielied. Address RESPONSIBLE i'ENI ANT, Herald Uptown Branch office. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE DESIRE THREE OR four lurnished Rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, in a house with modern improvements; location not ahove Thirty fourth street. Address, stating terms, HAitLAND, Herald Uptown Branclt office.

Aflat all conveniences; location must he good, between Twenty-third and Forty-second streets preferred. Address, stating terms, W. MEAD, 3U West Twenty third street. AFARTM ENTH A OENTLEMAN AND wile First or Second Floor (aumbM) of three or lour rooms; rent not above per month situation, east of Sixth avenue and lielow Fourteenth street Addrese J. E.

Herald UptownRranch office. PARLOR FLOOR OR UNfurnlshcd, but with carpets, between Tenth and Thirtieth streets and Sixth and Madison avenues, for a genteel business during day time; no signs. Address J. R. Uptowu Brunch office.

SMALL FURNISHED FLAT WANTED IMMEDIATE ly, in good locality. Address box 5,033 Post office. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, A FARLOR and Bedroom, with private open tire morning and night; location near Madison square. Address, stating terms, F. UOYT, Herald office.

RENT, FROM THE 1ST OF MAY, ONE or more well lighted Lolts, with steam power, (or a light manufacturing business; size about 50xlt)tl; there ilium do no wood worn in inn muming. stating location and rout. B. S3 Li spi na rd street. "IIJJLNTKD A MARRIED COUPLE without children.

Part of a furnished House, with kirchen and hath, not higher thnn Thirtieth street; west side preferred. Address ENGLISH MAN, Tvson's Library, 748 Sixth avenue. Its I Sit El) ROOMS, I.WH DIN'H PAH lor and kitchen and five tied no chitdrcii' Address, stating locution, T. box 230 llerald office. A GOOD LOCATION, WHOLE OR A hatful a House.

Address W. H. box 210 Herald office. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR two adults for light housekeeping; terms moderate. Addrew box 128 Herald Uptown Branch office.

OF STORK IN SIXTH AVENUE, IT between Fourteenth and Twentv fourth streets, for llrtit business. Address S. M. Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED-A FURNISHED HOUSE, BETWEEN Tf Twenty-third and Thirty-eighth streets, Madison and Seventh avenues; must be first class, with to30 rooms, brown stone; everything must be eomidetc, willing to pay $400 to $000 per month.

Hnd will take lease ITom one to three yours. Address REMOVAL, Herald Uptown Branch office. FURNISHED YOUNG Tf gentlemen (Germans) would like a pleasant front Room, without board, with lire, gas, inastrtetlv private hoiisa; location between Sixth and Fourteenth streets. Second and Fourth Address, stating full particulars, 11., box 183 Herald office. A SMALT, PRIVATE FAMILY, A House, high stoop, furnished or unfurnished, be tueen Fourteenth and Thirty-second streets, sixth awl Lexington avenues; nut above $200 a month.

Address box Poat office. ROOM AND TWO BED. If rooms, for housekeeping, for a small family; rent not over $30 per month must lie below Thirtieth' street, west; a quiet and permanent home wanted. Address Herald office. FIRST CLASS STORE AND BASEMENT, on Broadway, west side, between Eighth and Fourteenth Streets Address W.

T. tiox S.iiiM Post office. SMALL HOUSE OR LOWER PART OF it a House, with Improvements and with stable preferred: in goijd locality Party filth to Seventieth street. Address ECONOMY, Herald office. WANTED-HALF OF A STORE, ON BROADWAY, between Twentieth anil Thirtieth streels; must hare exclusive use of one fVnnt window: business light and party responsible and permanent.

STOKE, and state price, hex 114 Herald office. "IIr COMFORTABLE RITT1NO ROOM, TT neatly lurnlahed, with the privilege of light housekeeping; not to exceed 96 weekly. Address BOARD, Herald office. A OENTLEMAN AND WIFE A NICE, tt unfurnished Floor, in a private house, from three to Arc rooms, between Fourth and Thirty-fourth streets, east or west Address, with lull particulars, T. 30 ami 37 Wooster street.

A OENTLEMAN AND WIFE. THE TT Lower l'art of an unfurnished house English husoment preferred: would like use of carpets: or a French Flat) either must have at least six rooms. Address, liy Id o'clock Monday muruing, B. 11. Herald Uptown Branch odtce.

nwbli ksiniir.u bhoo.tu riaion TT or First Floor mid Basement, where light house, kerplnii cln tir done; Ivcttton must ito between Fourtli mid Twentv-filth and Fortieth Address box Post office, staling terms, Ae. vi7 IN PHIVATK FOR A fT single gentleman, between Herond and Lexington avenues and Forty-eighth and sixtieth streets. Address V. D. Mouse, till atreet UNPUBLISHED HIOH si oof House in a neighborhood and at a reasonable rent.

Address, stating location and price, VS box 147 Uerald Uptown Kraueli office. ANTED TO A OOOD LOCATION, A TV first class Lienor Hlore, with all ttirtiis ture to do auid business. Address I'. O. box 1611 Herald office.

WATTKD TO PVRCHAM A OIHBS' HEWING MATT rhinos: need not apolv. fall on POLLACK i A LI 41H fAHUARY 5, JH7SIWK89 OPPORTUNITIES. A SPECIAL OB PARTNER WITH ABOUT A 3,000 wanted to take the place of a retiring partner -T in a tirat clam Broadway tailoring establishment tree 10) from all debt Add re at TAILOR, Herald An old established nkwjpIpbr desires it: to make an arrangement with a gentleman aocua- ar totned to aolicit an excellent oppor- mi tunity for an active and Industrious gentleman. Addreaa, otl with nama and reference, SOLICITUH, Herald otllce. at Ja Aoood steady man to attend to office in a manufacturing business; established five years and A paying large urotlts; $1,000 cash required.

I AMEH A BROWNB, 204 Broadway. WJ th, Aoood business man, wrru capital, sol wanted as partner, to introduce "Pride of I lie Kitchen," which received the grand silver modal over "Sapollo" at the American Institute Fulr. The goods are 1 having splendid sale where Introduced only wuut more wl capital. Call on or address W. L.

TltOXKLL, 11 Dcy an street, New York. dn CAPITAL PROCURED lor merchants, manufacturers and others. Persons with P. capital, seeking business, advised of approved opportune Jai tiea. fancy goods, Br 1116 Chutnbers street, Ac.

Me GRIOOfl, CAULETON A sto Financial and Business Agents, 98 Broadway. sot we A DRESSMAKING BUSINESS IN TITU8VILLB, Zj far rare chance for a lady or gentleman; a well established and paving business; more than 300 regular customers. For particulars address FANNY A. COLE, Tirusvilie, or 11. M.

SMITH, 96 Duane street, New Yorik. A PERSON WITH $4,000 AND GOOD REFER- cnee, can become partner in a safe, legitimate and profitable business; every opportunity given for gallon. Addrem MAJOR, box 190 Herald office. r) AN ENERGETIC YOCNO GENTLEMAN. TWENTY years old, would invest $1,080, with services, at not Kl; less than $1,000 per annum, in some established, re soon- Fri sible references.

Address AMERICA, tier- del aid Uptown Branch office. Tu i i He A PARTY, WITH $900 CASH, WILLING TO DRIVE Go team and work tor fair wages may apply for partlc- din ulars to AMEH A BROWNE, 994 Broadway, room lit HALL TO BROADWAY. VI 26x200, through to Cronhy street; also Store, HH4 1YJ Broadway; Lofts, Offices and ovor and 636 Broadway, near lee eke r. an FOB oon- spi make application to CHARLES DAHLORKN cu a 112 Broadway. Mer- re cbaBts', Fourth National.

Mercantile, State New York banks; Henry Clews, Vermllye A bankers. jp BEAT OLD ESTABLISHED lot YT Clothing with Custom Department, esn Qu be bought It applied tor Illness and retiring from business cause of selling. Address WEED, Herald office. 1 PUBLISHING AND IMPORTING HOUSE IN fin subscription Books, Engravings and Cliromoe, do- Tii Ing a successful business and having abundant capital Bj lor preaent purposes, desiring to extend and wanting nn Mt active man, would like a partner with from $10,000 to Or $20,000. Apply to ORIUOfi, ABLETON A 08 Broadway.

JJ ONE MILLION, CASH, TO BUY WHOLK STOCKS OR Mi lote of Oooils, large anil small, that will do to alilp 44s at a reasonable dlscouht. State where and parties CI ran be seen. Address BUSINESS All EVP FOR SOUTH- stj KKN llOUflKW, Herald oftlce. ol PARTNER THE LEATHER BUSINESS, to take the place of one retired: capital required, J.1 $10,000. For particulars inquire of Mr.

FIELDS, at HufT- 1 tntres, Reiser A Cornwall's, corner Maiden lane aitd Wll- At Ham street, New York. els PARTNER WANTED, ACTIVE OR advertiser, wanting capital, will take a Partner in K1 the most extensive and beat established Loan Office in Mt New York, doing a business of about $100,000, anil can be as doubted in a short time; this is the best chance far investment of capital that ran possibly be had, being with- out risk. Any person having the cash and meaning CJ business can obtain an interest by addressing LOAN lO BROKER, Herald office. RJ PARTNER $2,000, IN THE PACK- cu ing box business; ono who has some knowledge of an the business and can influence some trade preferred, bo Apply to JULIUS LEVY, 100 Columbia street de PRACTICAL MAN WITH SMALL "i capital, capable of running an office, ean have an CI, Interest on favorable terms. Address 146 llerald office.

PARTIES HAVING BUSINESS TO DISPOSE OF, OR requiring more will flnd cash customers at our offices. ho charge tor consuttatinu. AMES A BROWNE, 224 Broadwav. KARE STAND, GENERAL MER- chandtse, wholesale and retail, opposite railroad depot; business $45,000 yearly; average net profits 12 per A cent: lot 80x160 feet: large brick Storehouse, frame Dwelling; three and one-half hours trout New York; price only terms easy. PHIKHOn A STTLLftAN, East Stroudsbnrg, Real estate business, uptown location, for sale; will be sold cheap.

Address W. box 106 Herald office. TO FINE CHANCE FOR A FIRST rate man with $10,000. as partner lu a publishing business well established; the business can he exteudixi Indefinitely. Address O.

box 114 Herald office. The firm of r. of i.yonb rue bi ilea Uapualns). representing already ditlerent Paris tlrms for buying silk goods, wishes to meet a firm which A would intrust him with Inlying silks anil silk handker- JA chiefs on tho place of Lyons by commission, or at stipu mica ESTABLISHED BI'KIN'KSS, TIT AT will hear a close Investigation.

tor Jersey City Real Estate. Address lull particulars to EXCHANGE, box UU A Herald office. TO CASH IN A well established hotel; no objection to a 1 inly; fair salary nml reul estate security or on Interest All- dreas IMMEDIATELY, Herald office. A PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL ON a first prosperous dramatic and musical newspaper. Address OVERWORKED, Herald office.

A WILL RE SOLD AT ONCE, BECAUSE OF OTHER large interests, tirat clasa established flourishing Hardware and Houscfuniishing Store, corner main avo- nnc; rare chance. Sec C. C. SARIN, 182 Fulton street. dbl AAA -FOR SALE.

VERY LOW. THE LEAKE Pl.I'lM'. Fixtures nnd Stock of Fur- nishlnit Store; splendid toeation and low reat. Apply A immediately at Eighth avenue, corter street Int CAA -A RETIRING PARTNER WISHES TO dispose of his Interest in a sale, legitimate a business; none but need apply. Call at No.

14 A Wall street. V. B. HATHAWAY. (bz WANTED FOR AN ESTABLISHED MAN- Br tifncturlng Business that will average frnin 150 to 500 per cent profit none but those having ready A rash will be noticed.

For address 1). A. JA box 4,074 Posl office. Wi dfefi AHA AND RIGHT PARTY CAN OBTAIN HALF A vO.Ul'U Interest in an established real estate bust- JA ness; prollts Inst vear over suit Increasing- Ad- dress REAL KSTA'I K. box 141 Herald ollice.

nu Al ft AAA -WANTED, PARTY WITH THIS T7 amount to join owner In Summer hoard- Jl Intr house: 20rooms; 7.1 acres; two lionrsIn Jersey. Ap- nn ply at 28U Clinton Brooklyn. ho aos aim irouxi or active capital 50 Increase manufacturing fa- eillties In an old rstuMishcd inamilaelurlng and retail Indies' tine shoe Apply to JEFFKKS, 1,179 Broadway. stt dhAK AAA JOBBING ROOM, I'OINC a OOOD husiness, would accent a partner, spc- rial or active, with above amount; will reorganize 1st of IV February next. Address K.

M. A Herald office roi po AT At'CTTOM. Ai.lln k. miner, auctioneer. Ko'esronms chamtiers and 77 Rende streets.

My ALLEN M. MINER A BRO. M( ON WEDNESDAY AND THt'KSDAY EVENINGS, January 8 and Js at 7'a o'clock, at their new callerlos, I'ninn square (west), A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF A well KNuWN CONNOIHKEl'R, Pr' Comprising choice examples of artists of the French, Belgian. English and American schools, viz. Trofewor Sondcrmann, of Kidney Percy.

Dusseldorf. William Hurt. A Proteasor Carl ITubner. Khattuck. Ji Professor II.

Hall. O. Hrloit. Whlttrtdgc. N.

Diaz. V. No lie. A. Calatne.

Ouv. Tsabey. T. L. Bmith.

a F. Von He ben. Oilhert Stuart. JA Reyntlcns, Rlerstadt, stt De Brarkelcer, K. Column.

E. de Beul, R. L. Henry, i Rosenhoon, Blondcll. JA vcrmulen, W.

M. Brown, Knwassog, W. S. Mount nrl and others. so( Also a number of rtne English Water Colors by Haves A Clarke.

The above will be on exhibition ou mid micr 4 Wednesday, January 1, day and evening. Allen b. miner, auctioneer Salesrooms, 96 Chambers and 77 Readc streets. By ALI.KN MINER A ON SATURDAY, JANUARY at I0W o'clock, at their Salesrooms, 95 Chambers and 77 Reade streets. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Carpets, Ac.

Details in time. A J. BLEECKER, JAN. 1873, the sale of the House 117 East Seventeenth streeluudJ07 West Twenty-second street la postponed to tlie above date. Mans at auctioneers.

A J. BLEECKER. AUCTIONEER. bVi Estate John J. Palmer, deceased.

11,1 bv order of Trustees. Eh Valuable Improved Property on Cliff, Centre anil Howard streets. A. J. BLEECKER, SON A CO.

will sell at anetlon on Tuesday, January 21, at 12 o'clock, by order ot the trus- -11 tecsjV Centre Ave story hrlck Bttlld ng and Lot on the w. corner of Centre and Howard streets, adjoining Katie's Hotel; lot 100 teat 10 inches on Centre by 36.5 on Howard street; building covering the entire lot Tit Centre five story Building and Lot opposite the above, on the a e. corner of Centre and Hester streets, 49 11 yt on Centre street by 62.5 011 Hester street; building covering the entire lot. cliff strong anil valuable four story brick Building aud Lot 82 Cliff slreet, next s. e.

corner Ful- A ton street. 26.7 by 91) feet; title perlect, sale positive; tin 00 por cent on mortgage flve vcars. For particulars apply to auctioneers, 77 Cedar street, or to Messrs. ROE A MACK LIN, Attorneys, 128 Broadway. Arch.

Johnston, auctioneer, nmci and salesroom Nassau street; horse auction branch 110 to 114 East Thirteenth street, near Fourth avenue. Household and office Fumltnre. JOHNSTON A VAN TassKLL will sell on Monday, at sti 10', o'clock, at their salesroom. 17 Nassau street a large th nssortiiieut ot Household Furniture. Bedroom and 1 nrlnr by Suits.

Dressing Koreans, Wasbstands, arpeis, Brocatel th soil Lace Curtains, Kola Bedsteads, Easy hairs, Mir- at rors, Ac. Office Furniture. Sitting Standing Desks, Double Desks Settees, Armchairs, utier Praia, two Marvin Kales, Cocoa Mutliug, DilvUutis. Mirrors Sewing SHEET. 8A1.1MI AT AHCTlO.t.

i IMPORTANT PALB OK 1 i clan Water Color Paintings, comprising over of modern Kngltah and French in this country before. The ifn 5' framed in appropriate and artistic 1. rfo of the following dn.l rT n. 6 Mfcdeil, DrumFrcre. Jules Rice and many "Pld auction KDWAHli WJHKKCif, UCTION NOTJCB.

i8ch unfavorable weather rince nnintm nil to close out oar (took we shall continue 47at o52 mlLlSlS.0?! IP untl, stock is 11 Maiden lane. "BIIDIM S1LVEK PL4TK COMPANY o'clock, li remn? eriden Silver Plate Company ft the losing the otnmnunicatloos to tlism should ANI) wfr "treat. ADRIAN H. MULDER, will sell at auction, on Tuesday ad WAV by nrdof 1 ift i itJ the Mn DWARD PETTI NOER I 77 Eighth Monday, 11 o'clock, contents wine room, 288 Hudson, consisting elegant Bar A Fixtures, large assortment very tine Uuuors, Kneravings, ancient Oil Paintinga. martie top bles, Glassware, Crockery, One Fixtures, riambluc, hutment Furniture.

Hale peremptory. ACOB BOGART, AUCTIONEER. Mortgage sale Canterbury Variety Theatre, 832 (Midway. Monday, January 6, At 10s o'clock, on the 832 Broadway, the entire Furniture, Mirrors and of the above place, consisting of eight large ench plate Mirrors, 400 Chairs, Tables, Taige (las Chan. Hers, Brackets, black walnut Bar and Bar Fixtures, mblcrs.

Glasses, One Oil Paintings, Engravings, Stoves, a tors. Stags Scenery, two Iron flan and all other on said premises. must be removed Intmeitcly alter the sale. MATTHEW T. BEIRNB, Attorney for Mortgagee.

BOGAitT. Monday. January C. 1873, at 11 o'clock, at M7 Broadly. the Stock and Fixtures and Effects ol a first class old established Book and stationery Store, consisting Journals, Ledgers, Day Books.

Blank Books, Shakaare's, Bvron's and Dickens' Works. IIistqjdeal, and iLLIEli iAWNBROKRR'fl FORRflT, AUCTIONeer, will sell to-morrow (Monday), at IT Bowery, 600 Men and Women's seasonable Clothing. Blankets, lilts and olhcr goods. Order ut K. Gilbert, Seventh av.

AWNBROKER8' J. M'(JRATH, Auctioneer, 133 Chatham street, will sell Monday, sn's and Women's Clothing; Also two Ladies' fllde ddies. By order E. Sparenbera, 39U Broome street, lesday, Women's Clothing, Mink Furs, Plated Ware, Ac. order Hugh McAleonan, Second uvenue.

Wednesday, ill's and Women's Clothing. By order M. Blclinsn, 70 eenwlch street. 1 AWNBROKERS' JAMES AGAR, Auctioneer, 60 New Bowery Wednesday, January 8, m's and Women's Clothing, by order of J. Blutnauer, I Seventh avenne.

Thursday, Men's and Women's othlnp, by-order of Mrs. P. Fntlan, West Thlrtv-nlnth eel. Friday, Men's and Women's Clothing, by order Mra Hugh fliaythe. East Sixteenth street.

UCHARD WALTERS, AUCTIONEER, First class Household Furniture. Mortgage sale. Will sell Monday, at 11 o'clock, at 88 mty street, a largo and general assortment of flist Ian nouscnoiu rurnuure, units, marine Centre Tablet, OU Lace black ilnut and Cottage Bedroom Dining Room and U'hen Furniture, Brussels and Ingrain Carpcta Hair ittrersot, Feather French plate good at new. Sale positive. HAM PEL HTRSH, attorney for mortgagee.

HERMAN, AUCTIONEER. Auction sale of Liquors, Dirt, Ac. on Mondny, January fi, at o'clock, at 13 iweiw, the entire Stock of an Importer and dealer, viz? Brandy.Oln, Rum; 40 of Sherry, Port id Madeira 86 and bbls. choice old Bourn, Rye, Scotch and Irith whiskeys; also 125 caeea, mljohtisand of gars, Ac. Sule positive.

invited, lino one Iron Safe, of Leaf Tobacco anil By order of L. R1NDSKOPF, City Marshal. O. HOFFMAN, AUCTIONEF.R.-OGDSN A CLARK, Broadway, corner of Seventeenth street, now prepared to sell Real Estate and Household Furture at auction, and beg leave to solicit the patronage their friends ami the public. MliicAL.

THE AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 211 Fourth avenue, next to Clarendon Hotel. HENRY SCHROEDER, Director. New classes are now forming for piano, vocal culture id reading music, violin, harmony and foreign iauiageg, Ac. Every branch $10 a term. The Normal Department, established for the study of a higher branches of vocal and instrumental luuale and gnu.

$26 or term of twenty lessons. 1 flic most eminent Professors teach at this Institute, srr Charles Trailed, the pianist and composer: Dorr snry Bonawltz, the virtuosi and composer; Dr. Henry ittcr, the well known organist; Mr. W. Mills, the talted pianist; Bless, tenor from Opera uncals; Stgnor Sebastian! and many other well known Huts.

For particulars and prospectus apply to F. 188. Secretary. NATIONAL CONSERVATORY. L.

A SELECT SCHOOL tor all branches of Music and Modern 33 Union square (Broadway), near Sixteenth street Class and Private Lessons. EXPERIENCED VOCAL TEACHF.B, JUST ARi rived from Enrntip. a hdma lti. private family where winging will be taken in change; best references. Address H.

care of Edird Schubert A 23 Uniuu square. EXPERIENCED TEACHER OF THE PIANO WILL give lessons at $8 per quarter. Apnl.v at 313 West neteenth strcat, a lew doors west of Eighth avenue. FOR BALLS, PARTIES WEDDINOB, l. receptions.

furnished at 822 Sixth avenue, near irty-seventh street, or fiSO Sixth avenue, near Fortieth eef. Prof. Batterson, pianist; C. Caster, leader of band. GENTLEMAN OTVES PIANO AND RINGING LF.fil sons, at his residence or at pupil's, for $20 and quarter.

Address PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, 107 West renty-thlrd street. HALI.AM'R MUSICAL ACADEMY, NO. 12 UNION I square. Fourth violin, organ, harmony Instruction. Amateur orcliestra, string artet, vocal quartet now forming.

Terms moderate. GENTLEMAN WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION ON the Piano at pupil's residence lor $10per quarter; st references given. Address, with residence. box 120 lieruId Uptown Branch olUce, 1,285 oadway. LADY WOULD LIKE A FEW MORE RUPILS ON the per uiouth; practice if Oeairud.

138 st Tw. ntj flfth tract. RATA PARAVALLI. TENOR SINGER, FROM Italian opera, tenches Piano and Singing at 117 est Twenty-seventh street, near Sixth avenue; terms derate. Home Monday ami Thursday.

I VERY I'TANIST RIIOULT) nAVF. THE BRILLIANT i "Prairie Flower," capricio de concert "Think of Me." piece characterlntique. by Henry brooder. Published by the AMERICAN MUSIC Pl'B8H1NU COMPANY, 2ll fourth avenue. Price 79 and ll'ITAR, SINGING, ORGAN, PIANO, VIOLIN, HARr mony; private lessons only.

92 Clinton ptace (Eighth eet.) Established 1864. fori ulars anil "Student's Jour mailed tree. WATMIN, Mudcil Director. CARROZZI, LATfi OF ST. Catholic church, in ibis city, who is also nvcrsant w.tlt demies a first class sition.

Address III? We-t 2Mb st. UNO. tiflTAR AND Si NOIN'J TAI'OIIT. FDR SID term, by nil experii need teacher. System thorough progicssi ve.

Applv to B. II ALL A SON'S, Music Broadway, near Eighth street. OHROEDER'S MONTHLY Ml'HTCAL OAZKTTE contains interesting reading mutter, foreign and me musical news, Independent cri Icism and general ideal information. Subscription $1 per annum, with tulum. Otlice 211 Fourth avenue.

waai PlAXDPUHTKsi HAINES 27 t'nion square, First handsome new Pianofortes for snle on vtfry reasonable terms, aad several law a i lit very low tor FINH PIANO FDR 8ALF CHEAP TO PAY ADL vances. Inquiro ofSKWMAN LEOPOLD, 80 Nassau eet F.LFA1ANT, RICH ROSEWOOD OCTAVE Pianoforte for sale; used eight months; all Improveints; earved cost I'Jflu, for Stool, Cover; ivatc resldcnoe, 120 WcstTweuty-tblid street. Cau be to-day. MAGN1FICKNT ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE OVKRl strung Pianoforte; Iron frame, grand action, latest provemcnts: guarantee. No.

7 Bleecker eet, near Bowery. Sacrificed lor cash or on a loan. 'OR HANDSOME ROSEWOOD SEVEN OCtave round cornered Piano, with carved legs, eeleatcd maker; price $260. Alt! West Tbirty-lourth street. IANOH AND DlttiANS KuR AND moat beautiful styles and perfect umes ever ranae, by makers, at lower prlcca for cash, or monthly ualnients, or lor rent, during the at ATERS1, 481 Broadway, than ean lound elsewhere.

Ujr -A HANDSOME PIANO AVDSTODL FOR $1(16, at DALY music store.179 Rjuhlh avee Also Pianos tor $100, $40 and $36 each. Plauos, and Covers for sale. BKABOW. I frc VNTILE LIBRARY VII STFHNWAY HALL, MONDAY KVENINO, JAN. fl, of tho Platform." Miss LILLIAN EDOAKTON.

kctd.ftOo. and 75c ut Cite Library desk and A TCttBft, df. I MOKKIMON, WATl II AND CLOCK A It, 25 Maiden lane, up Htalm, all of for trade; litiglish and a specialty. pnapoiiALR, K.AKD OK KMIlNKKHs OK THK KtHKTII AVEN I I Improtciucnl, (Iriiri) Crntral Daror,) Vork, January 2. 1873.

tor work between rorty nluth reetand Seventy ninth street not hem? satisfactory to Hoard, for the will again he received the undersigned until two o'clock P. M. of Monday. 15tli inst. No offer will be considered the bond lac lied to the printed proposal properly executed ALLAN CAMi'HkLL A.

W. t'RAVKN, KDW'D 11. THACT, J. C. Board of Lngim fourth Avenue Improvement.

THE IALL SEASON. WW PAL BALL of the John M. Tracy Coterie, Walhalla nail, 40,10, 92 a ail 94 Orchard succt, Monday cventrut, January IMTt FIREMEN'S BALL. The i OATY-yoraTn ANNUAL BALL (and positively tlie laat) in aid Of the WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND Of the late VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, at the ACADEMY OK SlUSIC, on MONDAY EVENING, annuo 27, 1873. Tickets, admltina a gentleman and ladies, SO, can bo procured from alonzo SLOTS.

Treasurer, 190 Pullon rtrtet. jambs cameUO5. Secretary Brou4wjr. 1'ruace ulum and Uress Circte tfoxe. cnn on application to jambs F.

tt hNMAN. rreiulfnt. Mt. bkennan coterie. SIXTEENTH ANNTAL BALL, ACADEMY OK MUBIC.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1H7S. JAitks B. DUPIONAC, President, Vicc THOMASJ. iiihj bo huci uT Mr. A J.

SKEPPARD, WRupper (a la carte) will ha furnished by M. H. Mouquin. Musk by QWAPULLA. Tub IN PANT ASYLUM GRAND BALL will be given ut the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, NEW YORK.

THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11 Boxes can be obtained of Mra B. H. Van Piftli avenue, aud admitting ona, ZA from following K. Garrison, New Motel; Mrs. David Wet more, lib Lexington avenue; Mre.

Dexter Hawkins, No. ft West Thirty street. Mrs. C. E.

Garrison, Mrs. Geu. W. A Uaacoek. Mm Sam'l G.

Wheeler, JN Mrs. Loring Audrewa. Mra P. P. James, Mrs.

Yznaga del Vails, Mrs, lleuri Brstie, Mrs. W. L. Strong, Mrs. B.

K. Carver. Mrs. Horace P. Clark.

Mrs. Wm. Poet. Mrs. Muses 11 Sage.

Mre. Wm. C. Whitney. Mrs.

Josuli MTFleke, Mrs. Gemrge A. Yellows, Mrs. F. W.

Von Stade, Mra 3. Pride, jtrs. ChauiKgY Dcpew, Mm. H. M.Brooks, Mrs.

Tleury fflltOii. Mrs- A. J. Vanderpoel. Mrs.

Richard Hchcll, Mra 0. Johnson, Mrs. William Budd. Mrs. N.

L. MoCready, Mrs. Wilham Moeeiey, Frank B. Howe, Mra William G. Choate, 0.

B. Haokley, Mrs. Charles W. Darling, Mrs. A.

B. Darling, Mra General Baxter, Mrs. David Mra D. B. Allen, Mra Jacob Hare, Mrs.

U. n. Crocker, Miss Kate Hela, Mra L. M. Black, Mrs.

Charles W. Dorset, Mra D. A. Hawkins. Mrs.

Charles O'Conor, Mrs. David Wetmore, Mra B. H. Van Aukeu, Mrs. William TUdeu, Mrs.

Jehiol Post, Mrs. j. J. Astor, Mrs. U.

8. Grant, Mra D. P. Blodgett, Mra John A. Dix, Mra George H.

Grinnell, Mra John Sherwood, Mrs. William II. Applcton, Mra General A. Webb, Miss Margretta Mies Alice Sandlord, Mra Charles B. Anthony, Mrs.

J. B. Cornell, Mrs. C. F.

Blake, Mra General Uilmore, Mra H. C. Fahnestock, Mra Adolph Rusch, Mra W. B. Dinsmore, Mrs.

L. M. Batea? Mra Clarence L. Collins, Mrs. Dr.

Marion 8lma Mra John H. Watson, Mm. Dr. Joseph Mm. Ilenrv Hyde, Mrs.

Watson J. llildroUi, Mra F. H. Tow a Mrs. Amos Tennev, Miss Hannah Lawrence, Mrs.

Gabriel Kent, Mra Wm. R. Garrison, Mra John Oakley, Mrs. Edward Schcll, Mrs. Charles A.

Morford. Mra John C. Mather, Mrs. Laura Curtis Buklard, Mrs. Dr.

C. E. Hackley, Mra J. N. Uegcman, Mrs.

James Barrow, N. II. Decker, Mrs. Wm. M.

Halstcjid, Jeremiah Milbahfc, Mra F. E. Keriiouhau, Mra Fred. Plerson. Mra S.

S. Cox, Mra Gsrurd Stuyvesant ll.o XXT Crtlawma-VAew General U. 8. Edward HalffliL. General John A.

Dix, Aioinwall General 0. A. Arthur, General W. 8. Ilancoek, Hon.

Augustus bchell, Mr. A. T. Htewart, General Horace Porter, Dr. Wlllard Parker, Hon.

Horace P. Clark, Mr. Amos P. Eno, Mr. pornmn B.

Eaton. General A. 8. Webb, Mr. Jackson 8.

SchullS, Charles BernackL Colonel John Hay, Mr, Charles Watrous. Mr. Frederic Jones, General Randfbrd, Dr. Aich Colonel Emmons Clark, Dr. T.

Wbbard. Hon. Bcnj.K. Phelps, Dr. Charles It.

Atlin, Mr. Jolia Pyne, Dr. P. A. Burrall Mr.

John Priestly, General A. Duryia, Mr' tt'i General (Nullum, Mr. Whltelaw Held. Dr. Allen McL.

Hamilton. Mr. Geoiye Scott, Mr. J. H.

Case, Mr. Henry fiu.ane, Mr. B. p. Beekman.

Mr. Charles H. Match, Mr. William A. Gueet.

Mr. Win. K. Thorn, Mr. Joseph Gillette, Mr.

John H. Mokcs, Mr. P. O. Richardson.

Mr. Henry Clews, Mr. Dudley Gautier nTr' Mr. A. B.

Jujckwell, Hon. C. K. Garrison, Mr. Oeorye B.

Grlniiel Hon. John J. Ctoco, Mr. William R. Garrtaca, rlc? Anthony, Mr.

H. C. Fahnestocl. Mr. Eoring Mr.

A. Wright Sanford. Mr. Jesse hehgman, Mr. David Jones.

Cr. Pordvce Barter. Mr, L. AI. Bates.

Mr. William Pnat Mr Klehard Bchrll, K.jT.wS JJl" John McGinnis, Mr. L. E. Chittenden, aP Jeremiah Curtis, Dexter A.

Hawkins-, Colonel rank Howe, Mr. George G. Kelloyg, Mr. Cyrus Clark, Mr. William A.

Dubois, Mr. Samuel O. Wheeler, Mr. E. s.

Hlgglns. Mr. Lansing C. Moore, Mr. George BTsseft.

General Jofin A. Poster, Mr. Francis M. Btxbr, Mr. J.

B. Fisher, Mr. Spencer W. Coe, Dr. Joel Poster.

Mr. H. K. Leonard Mr. Augustas Brown Mr.

James M. Motley, Mr. charlcs 8. Gilbert, Mr. Harrv Jones, Mr.

Prank Henrlqucs, Mr. Prank Lazarus. Mr. Theodore Mr. William Bevies, Mr.

Fred. Tains, Mr. Edward S. Hunt, Mr. Mortimer Livingston, Mr.

Wm. K. VanderbiH Mr. Wiu. U.

Cbottte, 4 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL BALL of tno New York Caledonian Club will be held In Apollo Hall, Twenty-eighth street, Ceng Broadway, on Friday evening, January 10, 1873. $2, admitting gentleman and two ladies, for eafe at tbq Club nousc. 118 Sullivan street, and at the hall entrance ou the evening ol the ball. JAMEs A. CRAIO, Secretary Ball Committee.

The sixth annual ball of the private Coachman's B. and C. Society of the City and County of New York will take place at Irving llall, on day evening, January 8, 1873. Music by tbc Seventh Regiment Band. Tickets ft.

JAMES DEVINE, President. LTNION SQUARE SOCIABLES every Monday evening at ROBINSON HALL, Sixteenth street, between Broadway and Fifth avenue. Tickets obtained upon application at the Hall. Hall to let lor tableaux, opera, concerts, lectures, Intro, exhibitions, wedding receptions, private cats, balls, Ac. stage permanent and eompletc.



WITH ALL THE NEWS OF THE DAT. DAWCINO ACADEMIES. DANCINO ACADEMY, Building, intersection Siurvesant and Mintls every Monday and Thursday aOcraooiia and eveninga Soiree ou Monday, January 6. Neva riamr- now lormlng- J. DANCINO at Maaoiilc Hall.

114 ami 116 Eait Thirteenth street, and Brevoort Uall, 154 and 156 East PlftV-tourth street. SOI KEE at Masonic Hail, Tuesday. January 7, PRIVATE LESSONS at any hour dav and evening. CIRCULARS at Private Academy, 212 East Eleventh st, A -MARS' ACADEMY OF DANCINO. HLEBCKER new classes now lormlng; adults.

Tuesday and Friday evenings; children. Wednesday ana Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. X. every Saturday at 8 P. M.

AT MR. TEKNOR'S ACADEMY OF DANCINO. LTRIoj Hall, Sixth avenue, Reservoir square, nuidle oarv commence at any time, attend at their couvmienoa and, learn any particular dance. BALLETMAHTKR DUMAR'S DANCINO ACADEMY, 24 West. Fourth street, near and evening classes.

Six dances taught perfectly in sin private lessons. All dances in one quarter. BROOKES' DANCING ACADEMY, Ml BROOME 8T. AH the fashionable Dances in one course of LADIES. Tuesdays and Fridays, S.S f- M.

OENTLriMEN, Tuesdays and Vridays.7X P. M. CHILDREN, Wednesdays, Saturdavs. 3 M. A VCW PT.itlii TlTITHrWV Dk garmo'8 dancing academy, 82 FIFTH AVHNI'K, corner Fourteenth street, NEW CUA8SE8 now formlutf.

TWO NEW CEA88E8 IK DANCING ARK PO RHINO at ULASKo'8 Academy. 64 West Thirty-fourth, street, commencing Saturday, January 4. at II A M. ao 2 M. For particulars to call at the academy.

Kouii S' lote' a jank8, htationkr8, Blank Book Manufacturers, Fultou street. Blank. Books made to pattern. henry l. slotb.

jonathan JANB9. MATUIIIONIAIi. Any young eady who desires the ance of a young widower of wealth, with a view matrimony, mnv address, stating lull particulars! U. to- Herald ofticc..

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