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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 14

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

14 SPANNING THE RIVER. The Proposed Bridge Across Blackwell's Island. Past History and Present Condition of the Work. The prospect ol tUo bceluuiug ot work upon the bridge between New York and Long Island via Blackwell's Island us un "intermediate'' will not be long delayed, and tbe history ol the earliest proposition for spanning tbe Hast dales Uaek lar enough to be wormy ol consideration now that ihe bridge project is do longer mythical. Til It FIRST UKIDOE PRO KCT.

Thomas Pope, in lslu, proposed to erect what he called a "flyiug pendant bridge" between New York and Brooklyn, to start Irom point between the old Fly Market (Maiden laiie) and Beekuan atrevt, then about the most dictum or '-up town" locality. He published his plan in 1S11, but was regarded by capitalists sunply as un Impractical theorist, and the two-oared barges and single masted sailboats used iu communication between Now York and Brooklyn were esteemed lar more desirable thau the oreciion ol a bridge, even upon Thomas Pope's plan. EARLY NAVIGATION. The flalboata wore ot about twenty loos burden, Without cabin or other shelter, and their lauding place was at thu old Ply Market slip. Hell Uate was navigated by largo, Hal-bottomed scows, inumeuvred by two incu with sweeps.

Slulcn island was reached by Iwo-tuastcd "bunker boats," ol about twenty tons capacity. The little encouragement given to Pope in bU bridge building scheme was also duo to the lact that Pulton's steamboat Idea was just theu promising ol success, and yet It is somewhat Haltering to the memory ol Ins Idea that the present Brooklyn Bridge is wilhlu a (tone's throw ol where Pope luleudcd his "landing place" sixty six years ago. THE Sl.ACKWEI.L'S ISLAND hit I DOE. The project ol buildiug thu brulgo to connect upper New York with l.oug Island was originally started by certain prominent politicians, with a spriukllug of luercliunis una capitalists, about ten years ugu, under the Dame ol tho "New York and Loug island Bridge Company." The charter was passed April 1(1, 1807, the capital Slock bi lug bxctl ul The corporators appearing iu the cburtor were Hobcrt Bonuor, O. C.

Uowluml, John T. Couover, U. Lee Knap, H. Suulord Spofford, Ceorgo 8. Wrlgbli 111 ium Turn hull, John 11.

Creen, Archibald Bliss, Jauies Barclay, Stephen C. Walker, Augustus Sillimau, William P. Luunbecr, H. Yanderwuter, Isaac D. Colmun, Jehu L.

Brown, U. S. Uulsey, Henry Wooley, L. D. Pettco, Oliver Cnnrliik, A.

W. Lock wood, A. W. Winauts, Johii MoBride Davidson, Uermuu T. Livingston, lieorge Clark, Daniel C.

Thomas W. Ilrillen Charles Chamberlain. Bcnidlillll Junes. PhllO S. Ely.

Cliurles VV. Goddard, SViIlium Miner, Jacob M. Long, George Wilkes ami Phtueu.s L. Tyler. According to the cliariur the work was to have boeu commenced wiltuu two years, no penile llwo was nxed lor its uliliualc coniplouou.

An utiicudiueul to tins courier passed April 12, 1871, which empowered the company to "acquire and use land under waier lor and to receive "dcnntious" ol property, which they could ilisposo ol us they saw III lor the beni.hi ol the company, ami to tako und dispose ol' ull laud or water rights. This umuiiduieiil also llxed a time tor the coiu-Woiiuu ol tbu 1st of June, 187(1. A MCI Jull SI'OlLUO. The attempt wus a lailure. No plans were considered, although severul were submitted, and It Is asserted by those who claim 10 know that the whole thing was bliuply a job put up at the instance ol Henry Genet, at whoso instance itio clause relating to do1 uiiuus" ol property waa inserted iu tbo amended charter lor the purpose ol acquiring vuluablcuuter fronts und choice lots tor the especial beucht of himself and friends.

A XKW CHAPTSIK. In June. 1872, over live years after the passngo of Genet's charter, uuulhcr wus grauieu the New York und Lung island Bridge Company, but slightly dissimilar to the amended charter issued to the loriner coinpauy. coiituiuiug the same stipulations as to limitation nl time lor the completion of the bridge, "donations" of laud, acquisition ol water Irouls, lie. The of the present company are Prosper M.

Wcimnrc, Ufa y.e 1.. llarsull, George K. Carman, J. Madison isiuckwell, 'fhomus I). Itobiusou, Ueujatuiii W.

Hitchcock, Aaron A. Ilegraw, Williuin Herrick, Be uj a in in W. downing, Wulier Veilfc, lianiel Garrison, James Jacks, 1 enry 11. Ouderdonk, W'llliuui It. liver, Rooert M.

C. Graham, John 8. Murcy, Oliver Chtrllek (since deceased), J. l.uwionce Smith, Hcury C. i'lult, Charles Unlet, l.ytuan B.

Smith, J. Ilenry Perkins and others. Who these "others" are the charter noes not specify. New York and tjiieens counties are given the privilege of purchasing the bridge by paying the corporation the cost and tinny-three and one-third per cent in uddltion, providing the bridge is inrowu open free to ihu public. 'the Hoard of Consulting Engineers localod ibo site and Issued specillcutlnns lor plans a year ago.

The Hoard consists ol General J. G. Barnard, General y. A. Giluiore.

and civil engineer o. C'liauule. with Mr. C. C.

tjcbne.der in assistant in the Hoard. 1HK IIKllhiK. The proposed site lor the bridge, us decided by tlio "sngiueers. in Irolu loot 01 ocveuty-soventh or Sevpuiyeighth street, KiiSl Hiver, to Kuvonswood, on tlio Lout! Island allure, a abort distance below tUo westerly point ol Hinlcti's Cove, ihu landing piuco of ibe Harlem and New York Company. The total length ol tlio bridge will be 10,5:12 led.

tin the New York shore it will begin at fourth avenue, jonuecting with the tracks ol tin: Hurlom Kail road by tunnel 1,000 feet long, in the vicinity ol Seventy-third street, to the crossing ot Lexington avenue. Here an Iron sirueturo is to be elected, which will curve to the centre ol Ihu blocks between seventy-sixth and Seventyseventh whence 11 will continue eastward to the west bank ol Hie western channel ol the Kiver. The actual length ol tbc approach on the New York side will bo 4,680 leet. Wherever tlio surlace approach to the bridge crossrs an uvemie spans ol 100 led cle.r are to be provided, so Unit uo interruption to truiilc is apprehended. The piun provides lor a spun across the west channel (Ironi the New York shore to liluckwcll's Island) ol 7T4 leet, while the structure across the lsUu.l will be about 700 leet long.

1 here will also be single span across llie cast obunnel to the Long lalaud ell) terminus ol the bridge, 018 lust long in the dear, while the approach lo the budge on the Long lslund side will tin d.piKi loot long, about three-quarters ol luile. lucre are to bo two double steam elevators lor loot passengers us near us possible to tbc termination ot the long span. The bridge is designed to accommodate a singlo track railway, extending over iks entire length, which will occupy a width ol iourlcen leet, but provision is to bo inaue lor a secoud track, without materially intorturing with the current use ol the bridge. Two roudwuys lor carriages are to extend from Third avenue to the high grouuu on the Long Island sole, curb ten feet wide, and ul-o two each live leet ide, to extend either alongslue or overhead ol the mnin carriage ways or the railway. TllO IIIHXIII.UHI prude OI till! UrlllgO IS to be 2 --10 Iltot per Iihi, or 110 feet mile.

ou the approaches on both the New York uihI l.oug Island alio level ucrosd Hlnekwell's Island, tho litre potut. In eucli of the lot the lowest purl ol the I ridic will be Id.) feet clenr above mean tush lido ul the tnnldlo ol the river. 'Ihiihcittht is the sahio that provided In the Brooklyn Bridge. The tov.ers oi the bridge across Blaekwell'a Island will ho considerably less above the vadwuy than lie (Inter structure to eonncct New York and Brooklyn. Across the long spans find along Dluckwell'g Island lie roadway tor carriages will he oti the runic lluur as the rutlwav, which nrce-siUlcs total available width ol roadway ol ihirty-four leoi.

The foundations of the abutments are to consist of masonry Irom the bed rock to a height ol at leusl ten feet above mean high Water. Above Ibis it is ul pres. cut uncertain whether the mason work will ho continued or towcru ol cast iron, wrought trou or milled Irou used. T1IK IM.WXH. The plans submitted to the consideration of tbo Board ol Kuginoers are nine in number, and their designers, with the nature of their plans, are us I ol WiJurdS.

I'ope, oMhtroit, lor tlio Doiroit (Mich.) Iron wiic suspension bridge. Clarke, Beeves ('o, arch (Captain James B. kudu pnienl). Henry k.Bd Si Su I.unit Derrick bridge. A.

Lucius, New bridge. Walter J. Morris, Now suspension bridge. K. W.

Serroll Son, New bridge, of wrought iron link-. Charles Mncdunald, lor the Delaware Bridge Company? Cunti lover bridge. II. A. Karwiso.

arcb. L. W. Wright, bridge. The consideration oi the several plans is now nearly completed und tho Board of Knguieers will probnn report lis selection at the moeting ol tbu Board of Directors of tho company, in about two weeks.

Pflxes arc to he given (o the designers ol tho three best plans, pl.ouu to (hu lirsl, $oOO to the second and ggou to the third. Trig SLKKPf l.oso tsl.AM'KIIH. It it a reniarkahio lent, Mr. C. Graham, the ec rotary ul the com puny observed to the Hkhalii reporter, that the larilicrt and olhars living "back on the I- land, at he i or mod it, "are stolidly ludillerent to tbe As Mr.

Graham pithily romarked: you were hold sixpence hcloro thmr eyes with a gum dollar heblnd the sixpence tin would (ail to see tno dollar In their cugornese to grab the sixpence." ma risaim ian octlook. When the plan lor the bridge is selected then the yfloris of olllcors of ilie will be devoted to procuring tlie necessary funds. At present there lias bat subscribed, and large expenditures NEW YORK have been Incurred In surveying, mapping, deciding the uiorlie til tlie plans, feu. Mr. (Jrahant has every confluence In the success ol i the enterprise when onco it 11 Uirljr under way.

It is bclived by the muuugcrs oi the undertaking, several ol whom own large tructa of property at the Lone island terminus, that the value of property there I would i'C doubled oa the completion of ibe bridge, as would ulloril timuenao to the market garlienors and other trades people who are nowolteu compelled to journey all the way to Brooklyn In order to obiain quick transportation. The assistant of the Hoard ol Engineers believes that the whole work on the bridge could bo lltiishod In two years. The residents ol l-ong Island City and of tho 1 upper portion of New York are greatly in luvor of tho project, aud are anxiously awaiting tho lullllment or i ibe promise made by the engineers to begin work i during the cointug summer. There reems 10 do do uoubt inti 1 nomas iun of a downtown bridge may beenmo au actual fact uptown, where, Id hlr days, the thickly wooded hills of Manhattan taland were the unexplored precincts which neither coinniorce uor people demanded, aud when periuugcr'' navigation acceptable, end ibe Iron hearted Commodoro earned an bouext living by hia i Vunderhilt lerry from the growing to the bright green hills ol Btateu Island. THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE.

I SHALL THE WIRES BE MANUFACTURED OF BES- SEXES OB CRUCIBLE STEEL OPINION FUOM ONE OF THE OF ABilAM H. HEWITT. The perplexing question which the truatees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge Uuve now to decide is the kind of steel wlro to be used In the cables, l'be price of the contract for this material will be from $500,000 to but the present consideration Is not so much one of ocouomy us of durable construction A representative of the Herald yesterduy called upon Mr. Thotnus Kinsella, a member of the Board, when the following conversation ensued relative to the great uudertakiug: "Mr. Kinsella, liuvo you read the Interview with Mr.

Hill published iu this Hluald concerning the steel to be used lu the cables 01 the New York and Brooklyn Bridge!" "Yes, 1 have read all that has appeared in the Hjciialu on subject." "How did the Interview of this morning strike you?" "1, iu common with, 1 tliluk, most ol ibe trustees, do not tako a very great iuterext in the controversy between the engineers, because iu the mum tboy are at issue upon questions of detail and not on vital is- sues. As between tbo opinions of ouu engineer and another I stand by our uwu engiuecrs. 1'liu great poiut Is as to llio k.nd ol steel to bo used in the factum of the wire, nud on that question I read Mr. Hill's pamphlet witu great deal ol Interest, lain one ol those trustees (and the Board seems pretty I ItnlinuAu Mm! trn ntioht tfi iwa nru. I I UVUUiV UIV1U nuw MVI.W cible steel." T11K (jUKSTlOX OV SL'I'KKIOK Whut are yuur ruusous lor this preloreiico?" "Hull," replied Mr.

Kiusollu, "the crucible steel la admittedly higher grade, uud i don't think wo can I alioi'U to uau auy but tlie highest grade of atcel at a ut Ibu work no Imporiuul. The difl.TOueo lu price I la uot very grout; ibu compeiitioti between iliu utuuu- i luciurers ol crucible steel la -narp and close and tlie trustees have a certainty ol getting stool ol ibu boat sort at tlie lowest price. From ull 1 can learn Iroui expui Id about Bessemer steel, it cauuot bo madu of uuilorin quality; uud tbo cost of udequule tests lu insure uul- i lorwity, together Willi the deluy that luignt lullow from luiiurein doing so, would, iu my Judgmeut, make ibis i steel us costly ua ibut udinlltcd to be better steel. 1, lor one, do not want to tukc uny risks, uud while! shall bu entirely content and siilljflcu to be overruled, I want to put inysoli right ou the record." "What ia tbo dlUeronco in price between the Bossc! mer steel, under Koebiiug's bid, and ibeprieuol the i crucible sleol uggregulc uinouiii 1" "Between 8150,000 iind uud, a work I wbieb ill cost, 1 think we should tuku no I risk lu order to save upon the total cost a proportion- ately small amount ol money." I "What do you think oi General Slocuui's proposition iu reply to Ibu Secretary ol War, to uppoiul uu engineer to lest the wire supplied, In ease the contract 1 Is given to the Kuehiings? "Well, think it is a preposterous notion. It seems to be the habit ol our tune to run to tbo luderai gov- cmuieul tor everything, il the trustees ol the bridge cauuot select uu eugincei, II one bu uotossury, they might as well turn over tbo whole busiuess to the J.ouisiaua Humming Board." BKKOKK 'I'llh UO4110, "What will bo the uuturu ol luu proceedings iu the next meeting ol the Board ol trustees?" VI have not been imoriued ooyuuii that they are goiug to consider the bids received lor tbo wire, i should uot wouuer, however, if the Comptroller's resolution were reconsidered, because It bus uot been politic to act upou It.

Still do not know, uud huvu talked Willi no ouu upon me subject." "Mi. Kiusullu, how do you regard Comptroller Kelly's urutiuu to roinvita bids lor Bessemer stcqj wire "1 thought It scarcely lair, inasmuch us the iioeb- I lings bud bid once. Tneir proposition is known, and Hie rival bidder will of course bid a traction lower, which leaves llio Kuebliugs oul. 1 believe, however, turn we will very low lor Bessemer steel wire, ub it will uot come up to the character oi itio uiaieriui demanded." "Do you presume that there will bo uny Uoluy in tbo work oi cousirucliou on uccouut of this debute concerning llie muleriul "We have guurdcd ugulust that in I he purchase ol wire oovv being tlclivert'd, and in tbo manipulating of wbicb tlio hi on wilt secure the proliniiuury training, uu.l Hie uiaciiiuery 10 bu used will bu tested. ibcre is uuiplotiiue lor llio delivery ol tbo wire.

Hit. UHWITT'H LKTTKK. Wasiiimutos City, I). Juti. 8, 1877.

Hon. Hknky C. nihil Dear boa leuve io acknowledge the rucolpt ol your luvor ol tbo 6tli inst. Icclosiug a copy ol toe proceedings ol tlio Brooklyn Bridge in rogurd to tbo contract ol cable wire. II posaibio I will ondouvur to utlvud tbo iiiumiug on Thursday next, but being In great doubt to tuy ability to louvo hero 1 deem it my Liuty to address ibis letlor io you.

to be laid bolorc tbo trustees id tbu event ol my anacnco. It seems to uiu that the primary question to bo i duciuud by the trustees is wbetlier tbey will rely upon tbo luspecnon provided lor lu the spucillcatiou in order to socuie ibo quality of wire required lor the cables. If lliey intend to rul.v upon tne spoclllcalious and tbu bond ol the contractor, then tne coutruut should bo awarded to tbu lowest bidder, without regard to the process by which tbe steel la rauuuiau; lured; in other words, so loug us tbla material is steel, and it will stand the tests provided lor in the spccibcalions uud proper inapcclion is secured, tbe duly of the trustees is dlsehurgod when tbey award the tract to tbe lowest bidder. It appears by iLe miuuics o( the Kxocutivo Committee that tbe lo? was made by the John A. Hoebliug's Bon's Company, on a sample murked at cunts pur pouud.

Tbu kind oi steel wblub this blu pro- poses to furnish is not staled in tbe primed tubic ol bids. 1 inter 1 runt llie report ol tlio Cblol Kngineer, i d.led December 18, 1870, ibut this wiro was tnudulrom Bessemer steel, although 1 do uot Uud nuylhlug In the papers submitted to uie which of tbo two samples furnished by tbul coinpsiiv wus made Iroui Bessemer steel. Neither do 1 uuUerstund that tbuy limit tDeinselves to any special kind ol steel, but sliupiy propose i to deliver lone ol steel wire which will in al. respects coniurm io the specitlcuiions and be subjected to the tests therein provided lor. Il ibis view ol the state of tbo eusc be correct 1 do not see bow tbe trustees ouii do otberwiso tliuu awurd tbu contract to the John A.

Kuebliug's Company, i lu cuse tbey decide to awurd It ul all. lu this event, however, lu view oi the personal rolu- tiuii ol the Chlcl Kngiueer Io llie stockholders of that company, and lor the protection ol tbo repulatiou winch lie deservedly enjoys, it seems to mo lljitl II will no iliu iiiiprruuvu uiujr ui tuu imsiccs in i provide tor Inspection the wire entirely independent ol Ibu supervision uinl coulrol of the Chlei Kugtceer. In this p.iiticular 1 have uo doubt 1 on auticipaio a request which delicacy mid it souse ol propriety would liuvo led I in to make to itio trustors. Itut mere still remuiiiM the llnui question whether tho I specilloatloiia provided lor arc buuieiunt to secure the delivofy ol tho wire of ti suitable quality, provided it ho iiiadu Iroui llesseiner steel. My knowlcdgo of thul material lends me to lliu conclusion that the spool lieu tious do not uilord sullicieut protection agaiust tno doI liveryof struiins ol wiruul uusuituolc quality, II iliey are mudo Irons Ueseetuer steol.

the pocudurny ol that i material Is that it is apt to havu weak spots ol which there is no external indication, this peculiarity is pi oi.ubly due to the cucloauru ol buholes ol air the muss oi tuu material or possibly in the oxidation of minute particles ol while tno air is driven iuIo the muss under high pressure. It will rendu) be been that no uiuouiit oi visual ilispcellou chu determine in what part ol the ingot, tho rod, or strand ol wire such delects will occur. It is true, howevur, thul a lest it lain certain limits is applied by iliu strum to winch mu rod is subjected In buiug drawn into wire, uud in the e.ourso ol uiy on- i scrvauoti ol the drawing of llessumer rods 1 have io. pemudly soon them break under apparently very mad I qualestraiu. I'aiortunuiely, however, tho strain thus produced is nut sulUcieot to develop all tho deleeis.

Indued, ll Moinetluies happens that it Is just witniu tho breaking limit ol ihowiru which, liuv Itg thus been sunjeeled to a teal hcyoud Its elastic limit, will subsequently break at a load much lc-s than that which ll has already sustuiued. ll me view acre presuuted ho correct thuiu would appeur lo he no sulcly in 'the tp-u ol the llesseiner wire, unless every slruud should bo subjected lor Its ehliro length lo a le-l adequate to provo lis lltliess lor use ib a cable. Now, the spucill- canons provide lluit 'one ing every luriy shall bo tested by cutting ol a piece ol ire sixty loot long, and 1 that weight sliu'i lie applied iu us lo ind talethe rongth ol liny loet of Wire, uutil a strain ol l.MOO pounds is reached." Inasmuch as the other tests apply only to pieces sixteen Miotics long, which, lor llessumer siool, I may bo to be no test at ad, it inay lie salety as; mi mod Ihul tno spetillcslious do not provide lor auy lusts of entiro strands, except such as will 1)0 applied i iii the actual luynig ol tho wiro on the rallies. It this last was sulll jlonl lest thru all the other tests are un- i ncucseary una involve a needless expomc. Hut no ea- giuoer would ho xutndicd with this llual teal, anil lieuco the necessity ol preliminary Now I thing can saleiv assert that lost applied to liliy font cut Irom one coil in lorty, cacti at least lent long, is not a auincicul and proper test to bo applied In Uesaonier wire.

In Vn ol tbo peculiarities ol thai inatorial and I its mode ol luanulscturi. tin the other hand It is generally sale to say that such a lost would be Miltlmcul una proper it the steel were made ol tho crucible or HERALD, SUNDAY, JANU Martin process In molting, in which nlr la bluwu into the mass ol uteri. So fur as 1 cau see, tbcrclore, a proper regard lor tlie public safety thai me trustees should eltbrr stipulate on the contract that Bessemer steel should uothu employed lor the manufacture ol the wire, or It it be eiuptoyed the wire should he subjected to differout and inure ample tests than are provided lor in the existing speciliulions. Those toSls should he ntude by engineers having no rotations to tha contractors, In order to protect the trustees and its officers I ruin bostile criticism. If the engineers thus employed should come to the conclusion that it is not po-alhle to provide suitsblo and convenient tests lor Bessemer steel, or II the bid- i ders should he unwilling to take contract subject to the recommended by the engineers, then 1 am clearly of the opiuion thai the trustees should advertlse over lor oitber limiting the material to either crucible or Siotimns-Murttn steel or admitting Bessemer steel with such as the present state ol Knowledge ol that material may prescribe.

On the other hand II ihu John A. Roebltug's Son's Compuuy will consent to tbc application of such tests for the Bessemer steel. In addition to tboso prescribed in tho existing specifications, it seems to mn clear that (lie contract Rhould be awarded to mom. I except tu inn coutiugoucy that the utsl authorities I should conclude that uo adequate tens can be provided I tor Bessemer stool when It is to be used tor wiro tho I cubics ibo suspension bridge. 1 Winle upou ibis point I du uot veature to express a decided opinion, I that 1 bnve sucb grave doubts that i would uot venture 10 record utv veto in i lavor or Bessemer steel upou tho teats now provided lor In the specifications, und 1 aui convinced tliut the apparent economy involved in the use oi wire made Irorn tins material should not weigh against tbe rest involved in its use, uulegs it cuu bo moro caroluliy guarded ihau It now oppeurs to be, iu view of tbe considerations, which I doom it uiy duty to subnaD to you through tho trustees.

1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your ooediont servant. ABKAll 3, HKWITT. PICTURES OF POVERTY. among the baxter street tenement OE of the st. John's guild.

It hits been well said that one-half the world knows not now the oilier hall lives, and it might bo added how It languishes Between the Fifth uvenuu mansion and the Baxter street loneiuoui there Is but Blight kinship. Their concerns run dlltereutly, and the concerns ol the Baxter street tenement uru the greater of the two. The large Ibeorolicul churnv or the many does not reach them; tho curtailed and limited ellorlu ol a lew earnest people bring them somo solace and assuagement. There uro some grim, desperate buttles (ought against confronting poverty thai oucsoidotu hears ol, uud "breasting the blows ol clrcumsiuuce" is not an unknown heroism iasido of tnuuy lb rush olds where gaunt destitution stands scnlluol. A day spent with one of tho visiting agents or charitable institution would be likely to bring homo these propositions to any observer.

THROUGH PKBT1TUTX llOMKS. yesterday Hkkalu representative accompanied one of these gentlemen oil his mission and saw some cases wnerc "the shocks of doom" must Indeed huve beeu it-It. Tbe tlrsl place visited was a tenement house in Worth street, uot very far from largo storos and marts of commerce. Tltcru were some hud cusos of destltutlou within its walls. In one Instance tho head ol the family hud been a sailor, but was now stricken down by illness.

Uo hud knowu somo rough weather, uud his ship had been tossed in tierce gules, but ho wus I now prostrated by lullauiuiatory rheumatism, aud his who hud to look to tbe muuiioiianco ol tbu household. A dlltlcult tasit enough It wus. There were six chlldron, I the eldest ouly thirteen years ol uge, and then by reg- I ular gradations down to the youngest child, which wus ouly a year old. The elTart to riso superior to i fuio was apparent. Neurly everything bad been sacrificed, but tho endeavor to itiuiuiaiu I cleanliness aud decency and appeared lo have been unremitting and pcrslstent.

The children were cleanly looking and beullhy, but the stove of tbe trail tenement bold a slender Ure indeed, and a pi lo ol pawn tickets ac- counted lor tbe scant furnishing of that humble home- i stead. In the next room tho case was infinitely worse. I It was a small uugular room with hardly any light, aud 1 with tireless stove In ilia ceuire. A heup ol rags In a corner answered lor bedding aud bedclothes, and three 1 rugged children told the iitle that their mother was out in uuest ol soutelhiug wherewith lo live. The moil and I woman "with heavenly compassion in their hearts," who huvo wept over "LlUlo Joe's" death might well drop a tear over this harder late of living.

SOUK DIHTKKS8I.VO CSHSS. A largo touomcui house In Mulberry street contained muuy cuses ol dire distress and waul. In ono Instaiioa tuere was a solitary woman in miserable anartuieui. The stove held uo lire, tho bedsit-ad wus empty and lever uud ague bad paralyzed the weak occupant ol the place. Slio was tottering toward the crave; but the timely charity ol the visiuug agent brought her sumo slight comiuri.

Close by a widow, with two children, sut belore a miserable lire. was ill Willi dlphiheila, and bud scarcely energy enough to express ber gratitudo lor tho relief ultordod Iter, lu another apartment (a mere euphemism to describe tbe dcu iu which be lived) an aged man sat crouching over stove in which (lro hud been recently lighted. The stovo hud been stranger to Ore lor a long tltno. hut the dullness of the misery hud ut all events boon dissipated, lor a ton ul coal Imd beeu delivered that morning. Tuo old man knew not his benefactor, but his bonbon lacked nothing ol sincerity in consequence.

A partner in bis trouble wus un aged woman, whoso cbtet trouble was I the want ol some scum hud ciolhiug, uud there was he- sides niece whose leg had beeu broken aud who in consequence was burden instead of support to the impoverished household. I XUSsllINK THHOl'OH TDK CLOlTiS. And so on, throughout the whole range of destltu- I tion. There were degrees lu It, hut in ull cases It wus kecu, bitter aud oppressive. These were not cases ol misery brought about by Intemperance; on tbe con- trury It was lor tbe most part the absolute lack of em- pioytnont lliat bad paralyzed tbe humble economy of i such homes.

Iu various ways, too, were these shucks ol lortuuu encountered, met them despair- ingly; others with brave resolves and preseut en- I deavors. Scrupulous cleanliness was the rule in many of wretchc tenements. The floor scrubbed to almost perfect whitenuis, tbe little ornu- incuts ou tho chimney piece uud the cheap prints or wood cuts on the walls ol a naturul a'M hctic taste which the "clenched untacon of distress could noi altogether van- i Nor wore mauy of them without somo streak ol sunshine In tholr desolation. Where the sanguine Irish temperament had au abiding place it flashed out now and again In spite ot all lets and hindrances, und the kindly, hospitable of ihui portion 01 the world's luintly was superior to the terrlhlu dm- tress which bore so hard ugainst it.

Tue broken chair, prollerod with inherent courtesy und kindliness, ilio upple tendered Irom iho husket which hud licen displayed on the street corner and other littio murks of consideration showed ibut there Is cerium natural gentility winch survives oven when poverty holds swuy. Among those poor pcoplo, it may he added, the benevolent ministrations of Si John's Uulld arc wuil appreciated. MAKKKT soup kitciikx. At the Kulion Market Kitchen, tn basement corner of Kront und Bookman streets, the iitunherof the poor daily led is about Alio. Tho supplies are luruished by tho Kullon Market peofffe, who eoutribuie from toe business belongIne to each.

Mon, women and children are the recipients of this charity, as ninny us If00 children lu one nay getting a meal, is proposed to increusc tho supplies ul stock, as tho applicants for soup continue increase in numbers. THE EAST SIDE POOii. Kov. D. M.

McCaffrey, rector of tho Protestant Kpls- 1 copal Church ol Our Savior, bus written an caruast up- peal lor the assistance of the charitable public in rellc'ving the wants and distresses of the east side poor. Mr. MeCnllrcy bus already uiudo some urograms lu ihls good work, us muy be seen irom the lollowing To tilk KbiTon op thk hkrai.i>:? Hmce my last acknowledgment of January tl i have received tho lollow lug sums from the readers ol the Bkiiai.ii:? Popihc east side poor $lu K. 0. 6 W.

M. N. 1 i Total $2'J acknowledged 15 Grand total $1011 M. McCAPJTKKY. I PROVISION FOR THE ISLAND.

i The Commissioners ol Cliarltlca and Correction held a special meeting ycslerduy uliernoon and opened and urcepled bids to the amount of lor gonerul supplies lor the various luslltutioiia under tbair charge. POLICE AID. The following is the annual report of Sergeant I.efforts, President ol llio Holico Mutual Aid Association, lor the year 187H. AKCKII'TA. Collections from members during tho past year Collections siuco'the 00 uMiiriiNKMKxra.

I'ald to llio proper clalinuuis ol deceased numbers during the pasi year $52,324 fiO 1 The association bus lost lorty-throe members by death during llio past year. iilite the lorrmti.on ul the association. October, IHOtl, i to lieccmber, ls7el, limning ten years und throe inonihs, tin- lias lost 318 members. There luii be collected during Hint itline and paid to llio widows and orphan chlloron ol decoueed members, the sum ni amounting to $169 6W lor vueb memi ber who lias belonged to the association since its or' gauizallou. ART 14, TANDEIiBlLTS E1RIV Dili i Interesting Personal Recollections of the Old Boatman.

HIS TRIALS AND SUCCESSES. Hotel Keeping and Steamboating Combined. nn bivn ntTi ivi. aifiiiiuy ur heiAaiau I Eluabkthtowx, S.J., Jan. 10, 1877.

I Here, where people (roiu Long Island settled iu 1604, ivo many old people win remember the advent ol 7upiaiu Vanderbilt. In the environs lives one Sander ion, an old stage contractor, who was ruined by tho i Commodore selling out one end of a stage line without him tuto his coulidcuce. At Newark resldq tho IVnght tamily. whose head wont Into East Klvor steam- muting with Vanderbilt lu opposition to the regular 'rovidence lino. '-He was loo much lor uic," old Mr.

iVright used to say; "be nearly turned my hair white. iVo were losing money bund over baud In the Lexing.on until 1 God's sake, Vunderbllt, stop! so aro both ruined 'Keep uuswered Vanderbilt. -1 lull you I'll letch 'em He lid fetch 'cm to settlement, but ho never gut Wright utouuy such desperuto business auy more." Ilia KIKs'P WIFB AMI) XIOT It It. Phoebe Hand, his mother, Irom whom ho derived hie brce ol churucter, was a native ol Scotch Plains, N. where Gcneru! Hand, of tho Revolutionary war, uud xhers tivud.

She was probably of Scotch Covcuuuter blood, as that region was settled alter Claverhouse's nussucru ol the Caineronlans. She roincmbered tho Itevolutlonury War, which ruged tlercosl in this part of lersey. and stopjiod, to a great degree, botn production md education. Sho was, thercforo, very poor and forked as a housemaid place to place on Stuion Island until she uttructcd Vanderhlli's lather at Port llichnioud. Sho had hands llko tier sou, and that juturul dropping ol tho under lip which added to the uiciiso scornluiness Vanuerbllt's lace could express.

II I'huibu Uaud was Scotch, then Vunderbllt wus of tho Mended races, Dutch and Scotch, whence the sous of Livingston uud Hamilton drew their patieuce and I intorpriso. His wile, Sophia Johnson, was ol a Port Richmond family, there being several sisters. They were poor, xut partially educated, and old people at Port Richmond say that Sophia Vanderbilt, when a girl, went jut to sook housework. Like bis mother, his wife Kept a sort of watermen's and oystcrmeo's tavern, 1'hey were both frugal uud laborious to take advuutugo at the slender oppoi tuuitles. VAMiKKIIII.r'B KIK8T riCKlAl'UKIt.

Cuptuiu Abel Hulfleld, who inhabits ibe oldest house In Now Jersey, whore his luinily huve hud an uninterrupted freehold of 210 yours, know Vunderbllt from boyhood, and lias kept intimate relations with him since they weru watermen Initio Kills. Ho said to vour correspondent, sitting in his old I'urru house on Elizabeth Creek "Vuuder bill's Urst vessel was built at Belleville, ou I the a lid was culled b.v hint (be Swlltsure. He looK bill wile, while they were engaged, to see to is sloop. rowing and suIIiuk her all tlio way from l'orl Hlchntoud, Staten leiuud. He next built tlie Dread.

You cau act au Idea Iroin those names of hm sell-imputed type oi character. His Urst vessel was the swil'uuro, then the Dread, and liis Urst wag the beat, to lalinqdute. to make war. "lie lost the Dread oIT Whitehall," continued Captain Haltleld. "Nothing oel'uro or since over uiortilled him like that, sank l'rou? be.tig over sparred.

He took her over to Brooklyn and amended her and continued to use her till he took to stoauibouiiug. He made iu llio Dread the only ocean ruu 1 ever heard ol' us a coasting captain; tor, you Know, he was no geatiiun at ull. Ho wus a waterman, a river captuln and a shipping merchant until ho took to railroads, and nothing more. The trip 1 speak of be tiiado to the coast ol North Curoliua, to Currituck, to load up with melons utid produce. Jake Van went along with another vessel, utid tbey got aground, lly retnurkuble exertious Yuudeibilt lloated Ins sioop ell', got to sou und sold his cargo lu Now York, whiio tlie others sufl'ered a total loss In their venture.

"Ho was most determined man lu those days," Bald Captain Uutllold, "but not very popular. "He was too stern and cut people oil snappishly. 11 lie Jul not want to answer a question he never minded jue's leclings. We uever expected that ho would bo a mitllouuuire. but wu aiways admitted his goalioud lorce.

He carried a scur to his grave inudc ou Ills breast by a pole which wore into Lho tlcsh. He wus poling to beat Jake Van linsseugcrs up tnrough Buttermilk Channel, to reach Whitehall. Klvulry aroused all bis powers, und that is why ho made such a terrible starter oi opposition lines. "Ho henrd, just alter the war ol 1812. that two British vessels bud urrived inside sandy Hook.

At lime bis brother-in-law, Do Forrest, owned hull' his vessel. Yandcrbilt got some barrels ot cider, cooked Iresk provisions, fruit, beer, and started to trade with the British sailors. Hu was ahead ot ull competitors uud disposed of Ins supplies; but he fuiigued Do h'orrost so much that ho luttor said, when tbuy got to 1 want to sell my hall iu mis sloop right awuy; und I want tho cash, This Incensed Vauderoilt, nud hu turned right about and lulled to Stalcn Inland, where bis mother lived. Shu raked alioul und gave huti Irom the Johnsons luiiilty, his wile's kill, lie got moat ol tho remuiudor. Next morning he appeared bolero De Forrest.

he said, 'take tho $500 lor your bulk Tho boat's mluc. I'll havo no more him family from lomo isi.axu. Mr. J. J.

Clute, aged seventy, is tho historian of Stuten Island und lives at Castleton. He is the justice who iook Aaron Burr's hand in Ins, when dying, und tigtfed the tallou statusuiun's name to deposition lor a ponsion. He says that tho Vanderbilts were not original Stat on Island people, but Long Islanders. I llnd tho following curious confirmation ot that lacl in Henry Ouderaouk'a "Kovolutlouury Incmonts of ljueons County When Ucneru! Howo landed frotn Stuten Island oil Long Island, August 22, with 15,000 troops, ho struck the Auter.cau rlllu rogiuieut under Colonel Hand. The next day Coruwallis planted a battery near Flutbush church, "somewhat west of Jeretuiuli Vanderblll'e," and Hand's rilleiucn picked oO the gunners.

Vauderbill, us we linvo seen, married Hand.) The Uou. John Vunderbllt, of Flutbush, presented "a title bell imported Irom Holland" to the Unformed Dutch church ul that place 111 lTOtl. Cornelius I Vauderbill was born about Hint time, when llrooklyn hud only eighty ireelioldars, and no steam ferryboat was to cross the Rust Diver for yet cighlecu yours. Captain John Vauderbill, who ran opposition to Gibbous on tho Kuriiun and to Slovens on ll.o North Kiver, is suld to have boot) no relatlvo of Cornelius? not a brother, as others allege. tjik kklatiox ok oiiiiio.vs to vaxiikruilt.

Vanderbilt's steam navigation lite centres around Elizabeth City na storting point. A ferry, originally kept by a renchman, hud existed troiu Klizabolb l'oiut to Now York since the colonization of New Jersey by l'hlllp Carteret. The Icrry property and goodwill be- lunged lo Thomas Gibbons, a wealthy planter ol Suvati- I uah, at the time steam navigation was introduced, but he had leased tho right to run it for a term ol years to Colouoi Aarou Ogdcn, the classmate and bosom Irienu of Auruu llurr. Fultuu Co. Iiuving convoyed the right to run steamboats from New York 10 New Hrunswick through the Kills to John K.

and It. J. Livingston, these bum the steamer llaritno, lull by 'JO loot, und put her on the line, paying Ogdcn lor touching at llii' pcim mi) eniiiv uu nuuiu uutv irifm-u iruui Hut Ogdeu wanted to make more money the lease, now nearly expiring, and wonted to recover tne lease or force a partnership with Ogdon. Gibbous was reputed to lie worth ho wus a lawyer and Princeton graduate, whose wlio had refused to accompany him to thu North. Willi uli overbearing temper, llre-cutlng propensities, and uu uppciue that exceeded uuything known among the Quaker Puritans of Elisabeth town, Gibbons looked with envy upon Ugdt-u, who had rciusud longer to commute with the Livingstons and had built a steam periuugor ul North Itcllcvlllo N.

(above Newark), culled the Sea Horse. The euglucs built by liamol Pod. ol Elizabeth: the bull by- Cornelius Jcroluinun. At Relluvillo, also, Vanderbbt had sloop, thu Swltlsuro, some belore. Afrulil to run Ins boat to New York, where sue was liable to seizure lor inlrlugemcnt of monopoly, Oguon ran in-r from Elizabeth Point to Jersey City, exchanging his New York passengers at Itcdiou's Island to a team or horse boat called the Substitution, living now Governor 01 Nwv Jersey tigden iniluvtioed the passage of mi act to shut the Livingstons out of Now Jersey waters, and tiiukiug imuie to seizure uud onuQscution tbeir boat, tlio ltaritun, wlilcfi bad cost A trial ensued before the whole Legislature.

Ugdun, Samuel L. Southard and argued the former's eiiso against Thomas Addis Kinmitt for tlio Livingstons, umi (igden was beaten on his own soil, lleliad, meantime, been "punted'' by the furious Gibbons lor refusing to enter into partnership on such terms as the latter domandod. 1 hey were townsmen, aud the excitement run high. Tointeusily It Ogdcii bought lor leu years exclusive rights I ruin the to run stcuin vessels between the Poiutaud Now York. He begun by fighting monopoly and endud a monopolist.

It was at this stago of the battle of cross purposes that Gibbutis found Cornelius Vnuitcfbilt. He hud ordered two steamers, tuo Meltons and the Stowdlngcr, lu 1K10. Tito former stuck last her slip at Simon Island and eould nut bo extricated. underbill, Just of ngu, stood oil tlio pier and snld that hu'd be damned it ho couldn't got her oul. Uo pleased Gibbons by his efficiency and was tnkon for captain.

Gibtioiis. owning a good donl ol Jersey land south of Elisabeth Point, built a nuw road across luu marshes, threw over a Hosting bridge and ran from Quurautlnu Siuuon. Staten Island, over an oid furry lease, 10 Elltubolh. lie axclninged tils pussungors ul the mouth ol Hie Kills. Litigation lollowea Willi Ugdcu.

Gibtioiis pleading Ins own He carried it up from court to court, and Unul.y to the Supreme Court of the Cnited LE SHEET. States In 1824, when ha won the inestimable victory of tree uuvlcuilou iu aleum, uuii opened it lur the tition ol mubklnd. In the course of this contest between ligden and Gibbons Vice President Tompkins and Noah brown conceded certain terry rictus to Gibbons. Vuuderbiit, who niurned in 1813, lived a pirt ol a war in the mosquito-ridden marshes near Gibbons' new ierry at KI ua be lb port, ihe lJellonu uud Ogdan's boat, the Atalanut, ware dally obloeta, going him com over tbo Kills. The lortncr wus completed In 1817, aud lier whcelhouse oriiunieuts uie now exhibited in Vanderbiit's olllie, Washington place.

Xusou Ogdeu fulled, and had to bo provided for by the creation ot a customs district at Jersey city, 'l'lioinus Gibbons djeil in Now Yorit. His son, William Gibbons, built a residence at Uolllu Hill, near Madison, X. which Dauiol Drew purchased for the Drew Theological Sominurv. Thus do the lives of great projectors cross their orbits in a ceniury. IXTKKEHTt.tU AXKI'DUTKS or VaNDRKBILT.

Commodore Vnnderbiit iu bis early married days had very little money, and bis wile tnude more at the hotel than did he running opposition. Bbo lent him the mouey he required on many an important occasion, saving a lew yours "Ho couldn't pay lor the salt we used." Mrs. Vunderbllt lust tier sanity lor it brief period, but recoverod it betore her aud left among her children quite a sum ol money. "Cornelius," said the old lady nt the table, when one of the hoys wus being peeled off, "you can't expect your children to he us luientod as you "I don't like the Johnson in 'em, answered the Commodore. A gentleman who visited Now Dnrp, where bo hnd a (arm, heard the Coinmoduru exercising some tnuiino despotism upon his oldest sou.

"Vuuderbiit." snid this man. "von are tnnkinc vour children airinU of you; It won't do." Ho employed Ins brother Jacob as a captain, but ono day, seeiug that he hud purciin-od a machine to clean univcs and lorks. swore that bo should bo discharged. Seeing thin the Commodore ivus merciless uooutit, Vau Uuzcr, his brotber-iu-luw "Cornelius, it you discharge Jake, don't you over dure to speak to me again or cross my doortdll." Ho uover succeeded with his steamships on the European pa-sagd, hoc disc ho kept the table living so lean and poor. Even the North -Star, In which lie mad'' his cruise, was personally regulated us to supplies bv himself His wile, seeing this vessel at the launching stick on the ulocks, declared that she wouldn't go to sou In it, but she did.

Ho led the people good enough for their meagre expectations on the 1st bin us line, i.iviug Irugally bluisoll un tea and Iruit, he thought the world was tod too much. His sou C'Ptalns, who stuck to lulu with great fidelity, got the most meagre wages. He examined his accounts wi'ti a memory and a severity thut was the grout secret ol his accumulat'oiis. Favors were seldom shown to any one. Willi equal blumno-s very old Methodist captain, whom he employed, sent him word in dangerous Illness he Uud "Tell him that 1 say ho must repent or he'll bo damned!" lu early Itle he was quilo gallant and his sea captains were jealous ul lulu.

He seldom ussentcd to any request with eltiier speech or courtesy, hut did a tuvor without saying he would. A friend said lu him ot "Vuuderbtlt, that's a very well behaved young man. You ought to do something lor him." "I know him better Ihuu you do, "said the Commodore. "And, riire enough," added ibo relator, "the young fellow didn't turp out much." His mother uud wile hud religious conclusions of their lives. His mother was asked by gentleman if she hadn't her trunk packed to niiiKe the North Star excursion.

"My trunk is packed for a longer journey Hutu that," she answered, soletnuly. This was repeated tu Vanderbilt, uud tears came to tils eyes, lie stopped to sou her as he relumed, he tig set ashore lor thai purpose. He also thought very much ol Ills wile's sister, Juno Dobbins. When the New llullrouu was opened to Higlitstowu. an accident happened by tho train striking a stump.

Yanderbilt's ribs were broken uud one ol them driven into Ins body, so as to make it, probable Ibal ho wits Internally injured. He looked out ol the window and saw a cabin. "Tuko me over there," ho exclaimed. Ho sent at onco for Jane Dobbins and l)r. l.iuslv.

I.insly wanted to bring lu Dr. us ussociute physician. "No," said Yuudcrbilu "Nobody else." At June's death he showed emotion and pressed the hand ot a gentleman at bis side. Hu bodily powers continued to his seventieth year. He said lo Captain Hoiwortli, in "Dot's pull mis vuwl out to thut yacht yonder." "I'm II1111 ours -n 111 111,1 I.

"Got ill," said the Commodore; "I'll luico you out. And lie sculled like a boy, ui seventy one. Ho would not lot tiro his vessels, thinking II a waste ol mouey. Kor that reason the government was about to rojool tbo Ariel us mail uud treasure ship. "What's the mutter?" said Yunderbill.

"I'll msuro the treasure." His Now York residences woro Stone street uud Kust Broadway. He drove down Nassau street every morning 10 his office ou Howling (iicon with pair ol lino horses to a buggy. I.uter iu 1 tie Ins office was translerrcdtohis Washington place rosuleuco, whore lived Woruel, lor lorty years his bookkeeper. I could take in bonds from him," said Wardol. "and he wouldu't know it.

llis rel'gious uuturo was neglected. Ho went occasionally to church, and one Sunday, with Iriund, stopped ut the Little Hutch Reformed church ol Port Richmond, wliero tho Do Greets, Yun Potts and other cuplnins lie buried. Alter listening while ho whispered to his irieud, "That's extra good preaching. Ills love for horses was induced by a bet bo tnado about lS'JO that lie could produce a horse to walk live miles uu hour, and he won the money. Horse talk hud lasciiiuuoD lor tkiin as lor General (Irani, and Darker, Ills lucky Iriend.

is suld to have got Ins "points" in linauci' by enturluluing the Commodore with horse talk. Yet he was chary ubuul helping people to bo rich, uud particularly his relatives, tie worKed lor ouo or two motives only, among which were love ot gain, rivalry and, sometimes, rescutment. Ho bargained bard ana sold without chattering, lie built tho Yunderbill to break up Collins, whom, he said, hud lied about him ut Washington. was an clcphuut ori his bunds und he gave her to Mr. I.lncolu, an interview having hien arranged by "Pet" Halsteiid.

ol Newark, Ins man ol all work. I.lncolu suld, "Commodore, 1 didn't know you had such a line pair ol bluck eyes." In politics bo was a Clay uiau as long as Henry Clay lived, uud used to pluy curds with Cluy in Woilnuglou. He said that the government cheated him in the war, and ho would have no more dealings with It on credit. When George hud the Presidential mania and was indorsed by the Pennsylvania l.cglslulure. Vanderblll was put up by Haistcud, Ilellluld uud others as New Jersey's candidate.

He bad a response written to the legislative committee. Hulsteud wanted to change some things in it. "No," said Yunderbilt, "you shan't dot an 1 or cross a t. 1 don't waul the Presidency, but I want to burst George Lavv. Take thut to Liuiiuelt, ol' the Hkualu, to publish it." ins He believed that tnun must labor, Keep his word and credit, be lrunk yet prudvut and guard hie appetites, to ultulu success.

There wus nothing sinister nboul him, but yet lie wus a sceptic and satirist ou his lollow man's rectitude He hid a sclllsh gospel, it shorl code aud little or no mercy. Wtiuiwe hud to admirt In lilui wus his confidence and consistency and Hit work he left behind bllti. He Was a financier and man of business more uotirly tbau a railroad man. It wus not halt so great a work to consolidate and complete the New York Centra Kuilroutlus to provide funds anil light oil uliucks upau us credit ntul recurltics. Kvory moment til tlio day for years the shrewdest schemers iu Wall street wert planning bow to rob Vuiidorhtll ol Ins (orluue.

Hi could not expect a particle ot money or assistance lruui a living soul if they should ever get him down, lit would not give his oonlldonce even to his relative. And therefore underbilt, ovor ou guurd, became hlmscl merciless and a cynic, if he was not made so origin ally. The genial sldo of his character, however, some times came out in conversation or repartee, and he did ouo large charity for a Methodist college in a war overriden Slate. I tot Ii Yunderbill, hull lor all hn later llle, and Drew, a boar lorever, founded Melho dist Institutions. These men were probably pursoua rememberers of Wesley, had heard their mothers speak el Wlutelleld, mid had, perhaps, known Asbury, Thoy mark in thoir eveninil liver tho vast compass Methodism Iroin us beginning in tho lields and Iron liars to us mJtropolitan and cosmopolitan power.

okntcky Cornelius oilt was born May 1704, on most appropriuto spot lor the ushering In of such i spirit in North America. It was ou the slope ol Mulot Island, under the heights, low rods from the shore and within sight ol the whole luner bay, Iroia tin Narrows to the Palisades. The cottage Is not standing. It was a small irume structure. Its guhh 1 pointing, Dutch h.shlon, lo the mud which run pasi tlio front yurd ulone the north shore ol the Island.

Two large villages have since grown up In the Vicinity tho iiuurest called At that day the pilot: of the small young city lived mainly on muiou Island. I and these were the only residents of acifvo character as a forest covered lire lolly heights and Hie tuiirshj kills and basins were not open to agriculture. During the Kevolutiouury War, whoso hero Washington, was now President of tho I'mtvil States, rUuien Island had oeeu a royal utic tory camp, tilled with Governor franklin's refugee! i irom jorsey, anu mo cuy 01 rortn at tnc oinei i cud ol tliu island, had bueu almost a court city nearly rivalling New York, ntid it was the capital New Jersey. About tliu time VnudiirtilllV birth i stage road to I'ulludclplnu passed through Island. Another bu.un ui Kiir.abethpori, about an miles from tho Vnnduroilt collage, tlie ootnincrci o.

toe world was beginning to Hud ilia way from tin tortuous mill slioal cbuunrl of tbc Dmawaro througl tho rocky gates ol New Vork. I'lie young was thus brought into the world at the dawn ol greu century and In sight ol lis principal theatre. Ills WOKLU. As he looked out from (lie windows of his lather': cottage ho could seo tlio clump ol New York, and 1101 una object that now rein inns except lie Dutch church recently our I'ost Ofllce, and Paul's was prnmiovn In tb view. Trinity church, as it now exists, was no tb lliooklvn Heights were almost baro City bad hot comiiiclhti'd, but there was it liuddlo old houses on liergea Hill.

The icrry bouts won periuugers, pulled by onr or wonted by horses an', suits. We had uo to speak ol, 110 strain bouts whatevor, no forts of any note, and tliu populu I lion ol New York city was but from 1 Ins beginning Yiinderblll lived to seo the vir I tual completion ol the whole inland, river and rullroat system ol miles ol the I ilsell jellied, the ocean cabled, iho decline ol boil American and foreign shipping, the opening of tin i Suez Canal and the Pacific itallrond. He lived to sou Htateu Island riso and decay. Tin only railroad across that island (abouttwelve miles) wu Ynuacrbilt's property, und his faintly also controls lie South (oust; Snore lorry to New York. Kor mini; years the island enjoyed great prosperiiy, and wa the homo of the Cuuuids, Duncans, l.ows an other notablo lumines.

hut of late the agues have mucl prejudiced Its reul estate ami the Commodore has sol dom visited it. Ailiong the men who lived thoru in hi youugor manhood weru Vice President Tompkins, nlle whotu untf ol the villages Is named, and Aaron Hut i died at 1'ort Richmond In forty aye. GirU baldl resided within a lew rutin ul VuhdurbiU's birthplace. and candles for Inn countryman, Mencci. The latter was nearly killed at the explosion of Vandurbill'a ferry alenmer WestUold in ISTi The year Vnudorbilt wan burn the government reaolved to build a navy on lug to tho ut the AlgeI rlnoa, and when lie wan six vcarn dltl we hud 4,000 en: haled seuuu-n and about noo guu-.

ity tho lime he was young man we had loO.uOo registered neamcu in the L'nlled Staten, und were the terror of tho ncus. derlnit bun seen tho great commodores of our navy puss the water front of lulber'i houio, ready lor bailie, und no helped bring tu the He knew Kobert Fulton by eight, who died when wua twenty yeiirn old, oud he know every fluunclvr of New Vurlc from Nick and Jacob Barker to Jay Cooke and Juy Gould. RIVER PIRACY SIMPLIFIED. i .1 A OF HAXDHOMK HOUSES BKNPEItED AC- CESSIBLE TO BIVEB POLICE. Loon Island shoro, extending from the Hunter's l'olnt Canal to Bowery Buy, facing on tbo East Kiver, including Kaveuswood and Astoria, oilers tuaoy admirable rites tor residences.

This tact is appreciated, uud insuy ol wealth huru built handsome residences along the coast, which they Inhabit not only as summer resorts hut as dwellings to ho occupied during liio entire year. Willi ail tho pleasant attributes of the vicinity, it cannot lie deuioil that ttio houses, us they are now dotendril, nre remarkably easy of access by thieves from the river or evcu frotn tho shoro roaa. Among tho numerous bundtonio abodes along this shore are those ol Suitord, Hlllier, Couib, lawcmun, I'. Free, man, Brooks, John U. Freeman, I.uyster, Wylle, Wynums.

Nelson, Harris, Slovens, Finney, Ulackwell and lialsoy. The plots ol grouud on which these uud other dwellings not namod are built, with possibly two or three exceptions, border directly at the water's edge I uud extend back to tho roud called Vernon avenue, whlcli is a distance ol' at least 2M (cel. Tlieso lots vary In width, but ull hnvo considerable froniugo ou the East Klvcr. From the dwellings to tho wutor slope beautllul lawns, which are adorned Willi trees uud shrubbery, and in the summer reason they present delightfully pieturesquo appearances. But these same trees uud shrubbery might furnish ample moans of concealwent to a lurge number ol robbers, who would Uud it necessary to steal their way from boat on tho river to any ol ibe houses, should It be necessary to uso i stealthy means in approaching tbo dwelling, which i now, ull udiult, It is not.

Tho houses stuud from sixty to uiucly leot Irout the water auu aro further Irotn tho I road than tho river. TUB RIVKR FROST OPKX. At the toot of the lawu. lu a few instances, are 1 wooden fences, and several of theso are surmounted with pickets of tho same materiul. But the leuces are not built ut the base ol every lawu uud even where I they are eroded, though they stand from six to tuna led in height, a robber who hud the slightest expoil- i ciicc, with tho prospect of rich "crib" only lew feet beyoud, and wbo anticipated no Interference until i I lie desired goal wus reached, would huro uo dlilleulty whatever iu scaling one ot them.

An alert cumber collld put mtutii'ii iruiu uio river uuiik oeiwecn niu loncn und tbo house In loss thau.sixty seconds, ami I where there is no fence walk to tbo bouse is simple euuugb. stairways. Noarly nil the lamilles residing along this shore own bouts ol some description and have lioalhouses along the buuk, on top or near the top ol the river wull a inch is built ol stone), with (light of stairs leading dawn to the water to nsslst them In reaching their vessels with fucillty. A tnuii or purty ol tneu lauding ul the Tout ol these steps would tncoiiutor no obstacle to prevent their ousv ascent ol the steps which would bring ilirin into the Such a plan ol action could he readily carried out at low wntar.

when the top ol the river wull is about eight feet Iroiu the surface the water. At high tide the steps'would not be required, us the water Is then only uhogl two feet ligmi the top ol the wall. There is saying which gives people to understand that there is no use In locking doors to keep out robbers. It may be true that tho people ol Asiorlu and Jlttvouswood carefully boll uud lock their doors and windeds beiore retiring ut lilglit; but, if the maxim be true, burglars will cITect an entrance into one ol these I bouses II they are not prevented from gctliug close I enough to lb There is no doubt that a crowd of rollouts succeeded 111 entering Mr. Hiilicr's house a wei Ic ago, and it is probably a lull assumption lliat, if nut the sumo party, another will endeavor lo rob some other residence in Uio snmo neighborhood alter they consider the little obstruction experienced by Tarty No.

1 and tbc moans ol escupe irom tbo shore. tiik i'olick coii i'm. To uscertalu something of the police systeui of bong Island City Hkkai.o reporter called ul the First precinct Hlntiou bouse, or 1'olice Headquarters, at Astoria, yesterday, uud learned Irom r-ergemii Daruy, who was In charge, some interesting lucts. Tho sergeant said thui Island City embraced uu area of ground about six miles long by over three miles wide, bounded on the south by Newtown Creek and ou the north by Uowory Bay. This district isdiviued into two precuicis, the First extending Irom the Hunter's Point Cuuul to Bowery Bay, and is probubly tiOl) per i cent larger than the Second.

Tbo eutiro city is guarded by oue captain, two sergeants, two acting sergouuis and thirty men, seven ot hom are detailed special duty. No patrolman has a post ol less than a mile aiiU a (pi.trior in length, while several have beats ol lliroo miles to ininci-irst preciuci mo nisi 1 peat, Iroin tho extreme northern portion of the city, I runs west to Newtown avenue, one mile nud a liuil. TU? second post takes in Mum street to Fulton, oue mile una bull. Tbo tbiril post, wbcro ttie recent rub- I have been inuUc, extends Iroin Fulton down Vernon avenne to Webster uvciiuc, it tulle und uquarter. The lourtb post runs trorn Webster nveiincdowu Vernon i avenue, to Tenth street, to Hunter's l'olnt, lulling tu tbo Havenswcod shore road.

Front l'ot Cove to tlio nurtbarn extremity ot tbo city there is no offlcor. There are bat twelve regular patrolmen In the First precinct. It willtiius be seen iliut tint number of po. iiccuien In tbo pluce Is laughably inadequate to a proper guarding of tho peace. Take, lor example, tbe vicinity or Mr.

Iilllier'a house. The houses thereabout stand over 120 (cut Iroiu Vernon avenue. The olllcer on duly on that beat has ii post ol nearly mile and half in length on tho avenue, und Is not allowed to enter tho gurdeus ol any of the residents unless ho notices something suspicions going on In one o( tiiorn. Assuming that bo wus passing Mr. Hllher's gate during the lime that the muslced bit-glurs were ransacking tbo bouse, tt Is highly probI ublo that ho would have seen uolhlug, being so tar aw.iy.

F.vou bud a shot be-on tired within the house, shut' up as It was. it is doubtful that the report would I have been heard on the roud. It cannot be expected iliut a policeman on Vernon uvunue should see every I small craft that goes up and dowu tbo river on an or! dinurlly dark night. There ure only lew places whore the olllcer unproucbes iho shore within 200 (cel. There are several small coves running luto the shore, and burglars In boat who were aware ol the inovemonts ol the police could cosily secrete llit-rusolves until the putroliuau had pussod the place whore they desired to laud.

To any ouo visiting the shore it bei comes at once apparent that guard Is essential I to protect the Interests ol the residents. 1.ACK OK KROTJU'TIOX ON TIIK IlIVKR. It seetus burdly possible that a shore police could do all that was required in case liko that of the attack on Mr. miller's family. There Is no river police on the hong Island coast, but Police Captain Woods Is ardently udvocatmg iho introduction cl one in cruise along the shores ol ltuvonxwood and Astoria, at least.

He says that only a small boat in required, say about i tho size ol the launch usud at the Hell Hate govern. 1 muni works, but without it river can come und 1 go almost us they clense. The New York police boat diction in Long Inland. uud at present the Long Inland river trout is literally unprotected. Tim reporter, few duys ago, had a short conversation with Mr.

Richard Stanford, who resides in the next house to Hnliur, when that gentlemen udiuiltcd 1110 along the shore were vury poorly protected (rum thieves Who enmo hy the He said that the people in tlio noighuorhoou hud olten talked uhoiit taking extra precautious against sucu uii attucic, but did no more, lie could not suy what steps would I now ho taken. 1 Till! PKKDOMIXATIMI FKAR. l'erhups a fair illustration ot the etlect tlfit the con1 tlnnt ol the recent party lias hud on tin people ot Aster.u can he had in au old uoutleuiau whom the rouorter passed alter ho led Mr. Suiiloru's house. The reporter was bis way, in tlio lace ot Hit whistling cast wind, through tho driving, sleety ruiu wbicli wus descending uu.l being blown along a', a piercing rale, Willi but well pullod down over the eyes to keep It 111 inly on tbo bond, and with overcoat cloaelv buttoned about tbo ours, when bo hove in sight ol the 1 old gentleman alluded to.

The old guntlemau, on seeing struugur, grasped bis umbrella lighter, and, I as tbo two passed each other, the old gctiiluniun eyed tne wrner suspiciously, and brought tne umbrella, which tbo wind would um ndnia ol bis spreading, up against Ins shoulder, lis II It weio a gun, and seemed lo I reparu to lire on the llrsl evidence of nn attack. It occurred to the reporter that the old gentleman hud luicljr been studying up llie inituuul of urins, In autici. i ol 1111 uiincK, and imagined that ho bold in bis hand ibo nowly purchased and already much used gun I when 110 met the reporter. BETRAYING HIS TRUST. Cbnrles Bergman, who sunt be had no partlonlur resilience and was a varnisbcr by trude, was arraigned bcloro Justice Utterbourg, at the Washington Place Court veslorday, by OUlcur Konney, ol llio Kiglilh preotnet, charged with stealing 1, job cigars, value $-10, mid uu overcoat, iroiu his lormer employer, John W.

I Campbell, of Vo. 141 Mast Eighth street. The coat was lound iu Ills possession when arrested, llo wus bold lor trial In Uelauit ol bail, VISIT OF A TREASURY OFFICIAL. Mr. Tingle.

Supervising Special Agent the United States Treasury Department, wus iu New York yesiorj day, but for what purpose is not understood. Ills thought, however, that the Secretary of the Treasury I- hns despatched his duel to the Northern ports to consult with the special trcusury agents In regutd to smuggling mid other mailers conuuctud with lint particular branch ol lbs.

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