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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 2

New York, New York
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EW YORK HERALD. New York, ttumlay, July III, W45. French Impartiality Uulsot Policy. The present Premier ol France is a miui of pro found mind, wary, cunning, and a skilful debater. is in effectiveness, are proportionate to he singularity of his contests, and perhaps the suf? rance he from the impulsive French People, may be attributed a good deal to the admiration that they eminently jmssess for all species ci dexterity and finesse.

And yet, M. Guizot has enough to do to keep his ground a powerful opposition, embracing more than a fair share of the brilliant talent of that enlightened people is ranged in him, with whom he is compiled to wage a constant succession of skirmishes, and forced betimes to a pitched battle, in which although mostly continues to hold his ground, seldom does occur an onset, or movement, tending tt weaken the enemy. toe ol the most conspicuous of these ufliurs, toek place in the French Chambers lately, on the occasion ol discussing the Convention between France England, for the suppression of the slave trade, M. Billault, on the 1 Itli June, charged him with i playing into the hands of England, and arraying) Fi ance in the same ranks with that ambitious i to counteract the policy of an old and faithful man- time ally, the Lnited States. lie moreover charged him with an open leaning to the interests of Eng- land in the Texas case, which, if true, brands him I with odium in the eyes of every true American thls matter-the truth or falsehood of the charge 1 against the French Minister, there is a wide latitude of opinion Oft this side the Atlantic, a far greater diversity of views, indeed, than on the other; where through an increased infusion into the minds of the I i kb, eith of hatred, jealousy, or terror of this country, they are more unanimous in making common cause against her than thev could menu Occasion- as to the semimeats of M.

Guizof, and the direction given to rench policy by him and the Cabinet of which he d0Ub' wUu the circ es that they ure pro.British, consequently the helm7fC been tberewouW have been no feater tow 8Uch character, t' I t0 make a lnatter of tTSSuM this Republic or not. There are some who misinterpret this policy; they speak of it as French po- 1 t0 nHmCd Franc- ls of 'rcurrence of causes' 1 1 Possess an enormous influence I that nation, impatient of control as it is-an I avowedlv hnbt'i i element ol nationality is 10 pregent and tiSJh Wh? sha" ns8en 'he dissvmn anud h0n0r 01 repudiate all ytr.pathy with Great Britain. uet no person then imagine that the avowed leaning of French policy towards British interests can hTve of Texaf that Tlm-T 7ei" Guizof Ha? compelled to he wl 'hP concerned, was unable to contribute any tangible weifHi anmg Ie I hough it cannot be doubted all his feelings lav in at direction. His flourish too about the right of to the American reader. Now it is of Enied tlm leads of Europe have the smallest right, on anv ZTvW 'hr of the Inch have grown up with and magnificence which provokes the jealousy of old rotten and crumbling kingdoms, with which contact and Admit, he ance.

for instance, to pUt on the air of an umpire I into ery act of American policy which she might fancy had a near or remote bearing on her her privilege to use all the appliances and the open force, CJ 'h; beam ln own favor, and our boasted independence would be a naked delusion An ambitious and hostile monarchy at best Hcs T'Thny' tand a repub. them keep at home A(j Di eg to Alexander, 'stand from between me and the so our language ought to be to European of the 1W OV" ,0 the WeBtem the Atlantic. Thus is it proper to address England, ranee, and all the other sordid power, who trade on the misfortunes of nations. We tell then, emphatically, ring into American questions. Mexican News.

We have received El Sigh, published at Mexico, to the 17th ult. In the number of the 30th of May is an ordinance of the Secretary of State for the interior, prohibiting the introduction in the Republic of sewing thread made of linen and cotton, and another relative to 'he external debt, which is ordered to be liquidated and settled immediately, recommending to use all possible means to reach this end. It is said that Gen. Almonte, the ex-Mexican Minister to this country, is to be appointed a member of the Cabinet, and the papers consider it as proof that the government intends to take vigorous measures in relation to the situation of Mexico with the Untied States, about the affairs of Texas. The next arrivals from Mexico, now that Texas has come out in favor of immediate annexation, wtll contain matters of great and grave importance.

State or the Skaion. According to all accounts, yesterday was the hottest day of the season. The mercury, in the shade, and in the coolest place in the city, run up to and there stood for a while, juat to try the mettle of the Appended a comparative exhibit of the thermometer for several years STAT? TIIK TtlLhMbkO U.K. M. 12 M.

3 M. July lOtli. 75 94 72 82 84 1841 67 79 78 1812 78 Hi 184! 7S 07 88 1810 80 82 In the sun the mercury to Those who had to work under i's rays somewhat felt their influence. P. S.

At 3 the thermometer was at 90? in the shade, five decrees higher than we have ever known it in this city Military The 27th Regiment New York State Artillery, has just returned home frem the encampment Albany, where they had joined numbering in all about.500. The appearance of these is said, was highly creditable to them, and they made a brilliant and soldierlike display. The citizens of Albany who saw them as they paraded through the streets of that city, were much pleased with their martial appearance. Our military, in particular, seem to have attracted general attention there, and have been during their stay the object of a warnt welcome and a hearty hospitality. Their visit must have been consequently rary agreeable and delightful, and will prove of practical usefulness to them.

from The Britannia, which left Liverpool on the Mil, and the Ureal Western on the i Bth inat are now on their way hither, and will be here about the 18th. Then follows theHibernia and Great Britain. New Schooler Active? This beautiful new dipper, just built, was tried yesterday, and proved to be a very faat sailer. Ole Rag, not (lie Bull, la her skipper. Ixno Island Hail Koah? The train for Boston and Newport leave Hi 8 o'dot-k in the morning on and after to-morrow Mather W'arukk Affair or It if pretty well understood by almost every one who has the degree of admiration for military mattern, discipline, or uniform, that Sa great degree of mutation exists between two companies of thucity, each of which are exceedingly anxioua to excel the other, and take precedence in public estima; tion.

Drills, inarching, parade and nights of severe exercise have been the consequence, and so strong has the rivalry become, diat from a decided esprit du rorpi it has assumed the shape of a pergonal feeling with every member of these illustrious warriors, and one which yesterday rise to rather an awkward collision at a well known military resort in Fulton street. A number of each of the rival companies, got into a tough argument about the comparative merits and pretensions of their respective corps, which went through the regular gradation of warmth, keenness, bitterness, and at last came to blows, one ol them who called the other liar, receiving for his tree use of language, return in hard coin exactly the bridge of the nose, out of whioh indispensable and military-like organ a pretty copious discharge of blood trickled down his uniform. "Ground arms" roared the Captain "stand back," said Corporal C. et me at him," gasped the woundud You have the first blood, I'll have the last." For several minutes the ol things looked excessively stormy, but as it happened, the number ol pacemakers pro lent, far outweighing those who had a stomach for the real thing, the combatants were separated, the noiue quelled, and a short interval of order served to reconnoitre the field of action and the state of parties. This was but of short duration The hero of the bloody nose looked down and saw his superfine coat stained with his blood, and the knight of the hard kuuckles was heard to indulge in several half audible observations about the superior training of his company, as illustrated in his dexterous application of his Jrxtra manus.

Things were likely to resume their previous violence, when a inutnal friend stepped forth, and suggested the propriety ofsettling the atlair us gentlemen soldiers are wont to do on the green sod, next morning. No could be better received it seemed mutually pleasing, and seconds were selected, who arranged the time and place. Reader, perhaps eve you read this, a tragic scene may be enacted, whose consequences may be to deprive the State of two gallant soldiers, their respective companies of two crack heroes for we are assured that once on the ground, they will see it out in the spirit of Squire Worthington? Who wai in doleful dumps, Kor when his were smitten oil. lie fought upon the All those who feel the benevolent desire of preventing phlebotomy, will do well to be on the look out this morning for any suspicious looking cavalcade, coaches in a hurry, or knots of abstracted and flurried looking pedestrians treading for the Hoboken Ferry. Shall we go on 1 No! Theatricals.

Park To-morrow night the French company will give Im Fille Regiment, nn full of interest, in which the public of New York will have another opportunity of admiring their favorite, Miss Those who two years ago witnessed her performance in this Opera cannot fail to remember the liveliness of her play, and the skill with which she sang a part so well adapted to her musical powers, and to the lively expression of her animated countenance. The air Salut a la France, which she sang with so much grace and expression, must be still present to the mind of her admirers. To say that Maddie. Calve is going to appear is enough to secure a numerous audience, yet the enterprising and gentlemanly director ol the French company, wishing to show to the public of this city, that he wishes to omit nothing to obtain their approbation und deserve their patronage, has added to this already very great inducement, a vaudeville o' a very entertaining character, It Roman d'une heure, in which Mad'lle Richer, another favorite of the public, is also going to appear. With such a bill for the performance of Monday night, a full can be relied upon.

Castle There will be a concert of Sacred Music this evening at this delightfully cool and pleasant place of amusement, under the direction of Mr. Lothian in which the clarionet and brass bands will take a part. This must certainly be highly gratifying to the admirers of beautiful music, and is as rational as any way of enjoying an evening's entertainment as could well be devised. On Monday there will be an entire change in the performances, in which the whole of the talented company will display their jiowers. The programme promises every variety of music, instrumental nd vocal.

V.u xhall Garden. The and gentlemanly manager of this establishment, Mr. De La Kee, lakes his benefit to-morrow evening, on which occasion a splendid bill is presented. The celebrated Fakir of Angelina, the Acrobat Family in miniature, the lovely and facinating Miss Orville, and the graceful bewitching Mademoiselles Deloriene and Nathale, together with the mirth moving Barney Williams, and several other talented performers, have all volunteered their services. This is one of 'he coolest and most fashionable places of amusement in the city.

Let there be a well filled house. Teresa Millanollo. An interesting anecdote is related in an Lnglish in relation to the circumstances which tint induced this astonishing female to study the violin. When attending a musiial at Savigliano, in Piedmont, (Iter native country) being at that time about four years old. Khe wan much -trurk by a 10I0 on the violin.

No sooner wan the service over than she expressed to her father her desire to learn this instrument. Her father explained to her that the piano and the harp were more suitable to a female when she exclaimed, "Oh. it is the violin that 1 love." 1'hii extraordinary predilection induced iter father a master under whose instructions she made progress; and at the age of six years she gave a in her own country Hhe then gavo concerts at Matseilles, Paris, und in Holland, with immense success, came to London whan scarcely eight old. Lille, when a meddle was struck to lin honor, her sister Mmia. thon aged years wa' heard for the first time.

I'hey played together in the North of France, at Paris, md have since visited Germany and part of they gave WO tlicir arrival iu on the present occasion, both have been elected honorary members of the Iieathov en (quartet Society; distinction only cotiferr' 'i upon foreign performeis on he violin of first rate talent. A letter from famous Taglioni has been receivI -d by a distinguished gentleman in this city, in which he states that she will positively isit the nited states luring the coming fall. Philad. Stnlintl. Mr.

Clark, a comedian from this city, who has dayad successlully a short engagement at' the Albany took a benefit last evening. An Accident happened to Master Gardiner of the A. Lircus, on the evening ol the Ith. When riding uround the ring on the head of Mr. art oil, a fire cracker burnt, which so frighted the hose that both were The boy struck on his face and breast, which ojured him considerably, though not Detroit I'rre iVrfl.

The far famed dramatic spectacle, "The Naiad 'luecn," made a decided hit on Friday evening, at the Walnut Street Theatre, Thiladelphia. The applause and commendation bestowed upon it ere without bounds, must haNe been truly gratifying to the managers, ind to all concerned in it? production. The Treasurer of the Pittsburgh Theatre jwid off sill claims against the establishment previous to his departuie. This 11 said to be the first season that has losed in Pittsburgh for a number of years without a loss Porter left with a full purse. It ii the intention of the to re-open in the fall.

Final On Friday morning there was a tinal hearing belore Recorder Vaux, in the rase of M. Kridenbuig, and his brother, Peter Kridenburg. chargod with conspiring together to cheat and defraud the creditors of the former, There not being sufficient grounds to warrant a binding over on the charge of conspiracy count was dropped, and the defendant was ordered 10 find bail in to answer the charge of violating Uie act ol Assembly which abolishes imprisonment for in default thereof he wa? committed. He was lao charged with obtaining from Lewis Brown goods to 10 amount of over $'i, 000 under false pretences Peter i idenbtirg was discharged, there nto being sufficient vidence to warrant his binding Philad. Chron.

Lynch Law The last Penaacoht Gazelle givey account of the apprehension of a man of the ame ol A and one of his confederates named owers, near Apalachirola. They were subsequently iken to Mariana, in Jackson county, whore they were mred on Kriday, the aflth without the iorm of a ml; and notice was at the same time given to four genioman of the blackleg order, that if they ware found in 'ie place aftar a lapse of ten they shonlrt share "sine fata porting 1 Griwd Hcrdle Rack over tux Pmon Course? To there will be a grand hurdle race orfr the a' ove Course of one and a quarter mile heatr, with four hurdles to heat, in which five first rate nags ire entered; among them, Mr. A. ConoverV Donv-gan; the celebrated hurdle racer from da, Hops; and some three others, who are highly spoken of. The hurdles will be about three feet nine inches high, and crected in the English manner of wattles, under the direction of the celebrated Dr.

Dixon, of Providence, recently from England. This will be a very exciting uffair, and it is thought will be nearer to what a real hurdle race ought to be, than any that has taken place in this country before. Hops and Donvegan are the favorites against the field. Grand Pacing Match. On Tuesday, the celebrated horses James K.

Polk and John C. Calhoun come together over the Beacon Course, for $1,000 mile heuts, best three in five, in harness. This mutch is exciting great attention in the sporting circles, and a considerable amount of money is landing upon it. The attendance is expected to be very on the occasion, as parties are expected from all parts of the Union and Canada to witness it. Great Running! Match for Two Thousand Dollars.

It may be recollected that Barlow, the winner of the one mile race recently on the Beacon course, was immediately afterwards challenged to run against another person for $1000 a side, the person to be ramed in ten days from that time. The challenge was accepted ana the time expired yesterday the naming of Barlow's opponent, which turns out to be the celebrated iwdestrian recently from England, Geo. Seward. This therefore promises to be one of the greatest pieces of nedest nanism ever performed. Already a mile in 4m.

80s. is talked oil. The affair, we believe, comes off within twenty days, over the Beacon Course. Tut "Great" lit at Stoninoton. There are several inquiries for the celebrated Major Champlin, who is have nerformed a mile in 4 m.

19 s. (in a horn.) If he will only step this way or send, he can be accommodated with three or four customers, for $1000 to $10,000 by applying at Mr. R. Smith's, Park row. The New York Yacht Club club will hold a meeting, at the Station house, Elysian Fields, Hoboken, on Friday evening, when the Yachts belonging to the Squadron are expected to be at the anchorage by 12 o'clock, noon.

Dinner will be served at 4 precisely. Since last year several new Yachts have been added to the suuadron, which now consists of fourteen as beautiful vessels as ever rode the briny deep. The Regatta will come ott" Thursday, the 17th, to start from the anchorage, Elysian Fields, at 9 o'clock A. M. and sail around the Buoy at the South West Spit, and return to stake boat ofl the Elysian fields.

The time given tor tonnage is, according to Acker's Scale, (as adopted in England) forty-five seconds per ton, for an estimated distance of 40 miles. Should this distance not be accomplished by 7 o'clock, the race is to be run over again. A steamboat is to be placed at the service ot a committee appointed to station Flag Boats which the Yachts will pass to starboard or larboard as the committee shall direct. This will be a very exciting and attractive affair, and promises to eclipse all others that have ever taken place in this neighborhood. Pmk Singular Murder Trial in I trial of Henry S.

Green for the n.urderjofhis wife I was going on in Troy last Thursday. A connected I foK-- C0Se 18 giVen by UlC T'W 11 1,8 WBS in tome adjoining to'wns, disbandfi vT 1 SKlcce88 ESS Ueniiiston and Streeter atore ss asked Uenniston why he didn't put arsenic i Some conversation ensued as to the seme, when Oreen said he did not ar" CJreen inquired how much arsenic i'i a person and soon after went to Huinl t0 kj'1 solution for his wilo remaikw prepared a Rive her some soda. Shortly anJ I ss ed his wile a tumbler with a solution in it the Doctor had prohibited drink --i it was cream of tartar, which miaht be sr swir1was not the slightest 'suspicion enteruLed 6 tient having been poisoned, except wfth Or mentioned his suspicions to hf.P\.^ DrHuIJ, who from hi. first which ha reU'ra eted by the answers he had Oft her Henry table and found all the nowde'rs ieit I touched. Mrs.

W. lav 6 dortor picions being aroused, she watched he metion" ofOreen" sssjs ftrv- remarked that it did not patient tasted, but IV.!? pitcher. At it or 0 o'rlor-k in it irom the least, a substance was found in drfnks and J.V?8'1 1l ministered to hia v. iiv, medicines erne, but specimen" ofKoZ jf ar" She exuressed wi.l.

i. afterwards called l.ei husband and over deceived him in anv lesnert iiad said or done anvthiiiir to imn'ri J- made the same thin lied ''T bedside, and informed him that T. ji lu told him that every thing her husband hnH i 0 10 her Since she was had administered once, when she aZd poured out the liquor and took nut "nd poured a wh.te powdeMnto i until ut became rs" i' rable afterwards to tell the rest of her nlVZ' SlSS Sprijcos, July 10, lS4o. wan induced, in consequence of feeble health to visit ihw delightful and health-regtornic region ur York friends could not find a more charming retreat, or one more advent or rUy a boat you arrive in Albany at five 10 the morning, refreah yourself with a fine breakfist at Congress Hall, then take the cars at e.Kht clock for JCanajoharie, there you Hnd coachea waiting to carry you the of nine milea to tins place. The houses are not yet full, for they are very spacious; yesterday about two hundred sat down to inner; one hotel is situated about a quarter of a utile from the Springs? it stands on eminence n'l is surrounded by the moat beautiful wnrry the country.

Mere you may walk ndes carriages for parties, provided 7 "r'' ot on horseback can I win their horses at moment's warning. Bt distance of about fifteen ules, at Cooperetown, res.des the nuthor of the Pioneer," the "filot," "Prairie? and Mh-r beautiful works that have adorn, our I lie ro ds me line, and visit to our clever 'Hist something talk about; Ins tine his conversation, a visit to his library founds, I told, is a great rent Dtxnuis, July 4, IMS. I I wish your itinerant correspondent would conti- nue perambulations by crossing the Potomac, and iking a squint tfirough thia lone region, where a traveller is bo seldom seen, that a native would mount his horse and ride five miles to hear the Tbe ptrsonti of this section from the Potomac to the mountains, are the descendants of the original settlers, with a sprinkling of the poorest claea from Maryland. Th? nearest approach to agrarianiim, is seen here plantations ore small, and for the lack of fencing, they have substituted dogs and guns to-day your crop of grain promises you a reward for your labor? to-morrow at dawn, you will And fifty head of cattle and hordes in it, and its consequent destruction. Horses, hogs, ate raised by ixthohs who have not an acre of land in cultivation, hut who depend entirely on theft and spoliation tor their raising.

IThe poor continuallyin danger of being killed by the fanner, who, with his uogs and guns, mount guard night and day. Sheep cannot be raised in this land of eaual rights. Your (lock returns every night from the grazing with a loss of one or two until they are all gone. You may be sitting at your door next morning, looking down the winning ith which leads to your log cabin, thinking of your lost sheep, when, before you ure aware of it, a tall, squalid, swarthy demi-savage, with a long beard, slouched hat or can, fitted jainb to his small head, under the visor of wnich peeps his sunken, rogueish black eyes, dressed usually in tight pants, and a scanty, short, round lacket stands before you. Ilow do, Mr.

Well Gid, what's the news Nothink, Mr. ony dat I saw one of your sheep dead down in de bottom, just cross de gut "Did vou skin it, Gid 1" Yes sir. 1 got it in dis bat. Well Gid, you're a good fellow, nd may have the meat; come in ana take a drain" Mr. A.

is satisfied to get the sheepskin, whilst he knows his quondam neighbor, Gid, had the meat safe in his Every one, white and black a dog, and some, half a dozen they are never fed, but run at large, and when hungry, will p-owl around a sheep at the dead hour of midnight, like es, and satiate their apatites by killin several sheep and sucking their blood. A friend that after long watching, he killed two dogs in his pen, who belonged two miles off. These dogs had killed in about ten days, a dozen sheep. They would stealthily creep to the pen, and the approach of any one, was the signal for escape and my friend was obliged to lay concealed from sundown until daybreak several days, before he killed them. A sheep-killing dog is a valuable acquisition to one of these squatters.

In the fall of the year the woods abound with hogs, ranging about for roots and acorns. In November they are driven to the pens and fed two or three weeks, when they are killed for pork. It is no uncommon case for one neighbor to find his hogs in another's pen, and like Mr. is satisfied to put up with it for fear of sustaining a greater. If one is found with the property of another, and is fairly caught so that tliere is no mistake, he straightens himself, and with many oaths and in a voice of thunder proclaims, that any man who dares charge him with stealing, iVc.

and that he is able and can pay for the but as the owner was so smart he might get his pay by the hardest. Then to go to law, the greatest bully is often the successful always having the greatest number of friends, especially if he is thriving and well The lawyers have often been known to take fees from both sides, compromising suits to the advantage of him who pays best. The poor magistrates, once the pride of Virginia, are, with a few exceptions, controlled by the constables, who, for the most part, are chosen from among the cunning, cheating, bulleying class. Their will is the law, and if they do wro' the ternedy is, Sue a beggar and catch a louse." The anecdote of Gen. Jackson, when Judge, taking a refractory offender by descending from the bench and mingling with the potse comitatus, sinks to insignificance when compared with the monthly exhibition of Magistrates Courts in this devoted region.

This county is 50 miles long by a medial breadth of 15, square miles, and contains a little over inhabitants, black and white, or eight persons to the square mile. There are four villages, containing about 1,000 inhabitants, reducing the number to 6 to the suuare mile consequently a vast waste of uncultivated barrens, covered with a dense growth of pines, and through which no trace or path is to be found, excepting those ofhogs, cattle or horses. Wild turkies are nearly asplenty as tame ones, on account of the numerous rogues who supply the hucksters. Partridges, pheasants and ducks, in season, innumerable. The woods abound with persimmons and Walnuts, chesnuts, cliinkopins and cherries, apples and peaches, grow wild in those barrens.

This is really the poor mau's country, the land of equal rights, where means of subsistence are so easily obtained that very few work more ihnn the savages of the far west. The inhabitants of this region, although uneducated, have a much better knowledge of the causes and effects of the American Revolution than the mad fanatics of the north. The anniversary of independence is always celebrated here in the ancient form of mustering the militia, at which place the old men meet to eat and drink and tell tales of military life in the Revolation and last war, and the young to dance and frolic under the booths erected on the muster-field, madejwith forks, poles and bushes. Varieties. annual commencement of Dickinson College at Carlisle, took place on Thursday, the inst.

On the preceding day, addresses were delivered Before the literary societies of the college, by the Hon. B. Butler, of New York, and W. S. Waters, of Centreville, Md and a poem hy Mr.

N. C. Brooks, of Baltimore. The Rev. Dr.

Durbin having resigned the Presidency of the College, for the purpose of entering upon his pastoral duties in the Union Church, in Fourth street, Philadelphia, the Rev. Robert Emory was unanimously chosen to supply his place. Elizabeth daughter of Mr. John Spencer, of i Onondaga county, was killed at that place about I o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th, by the discharge of a cannon. The wadding lvroke her arm and entered her side, causing instant death.

She was 1 1 years of age, Co. Pern. Ex-President Tyler vvns invited hy (he constituents of Hanover, to a Virginia barbacuo at Atkinson's Spring; but he has declined the honor. The friends of Law and Order in Rhode Island, have presented Mr. H.

B. Anthony, editor of the Providenee Journal, with a service of plate. A part of Capt. Fremont's expedition have disbanded themselves. Ten of them have returned to St.

on account of their having been required to do military dutv. Doctor Bibcock and family, and the Rev. Mr Perkins and family, recently members of the Methodist mission in Oregon', were at the Sandwich Islands at the last dates, and expected to sail for New Bedford in the ship Inez, in March last. Miss Ooodell and Mrs. Dibble, of the Sandwich Island mission, were expected to leave in the same ship.

About a week since a Mrs. Chance, of Burke county, was safely delivered of three children at a all of common size and perfectly formed. Two vnited from the axilla, or armpit, to the upper part of the hipbone. The union is perfect. One child is living, the two which are united survived their birth a short time only, and are in preservation.

A monument is shortly to be erected near thnt of Kosciusko, at West Point, to the memory of the gallant Major Dade, who fell in Florida. The annual commencement of Kutger's College, N'ew Brunswick, will take place on Wednesday, the U3d instant. The address before tho literary societies will lo delivered by George B. Cheover, D. Long Pranch and other watering places on our shore, are attracting the usual crowd of summer A remonstrance against grog shops in Philadelphia, signed by has been presented to the Grand Jury.

John Iceland, of Amherst, Massachusetts given $1000 to the American Hoard of Foreign Mil Mons. Two thousand three hundred carriages visited the Greenwood Cemetery month. Virginia and Tennessee contain over fifty-eight thousand persons, over twenty-one years of age, who read and write. of thb We have already noticed the progress made by the Dragoons unfertile command of Col. Kearney, which left Fort enworth on the IHth of May, for the Rocky Mountains.

We have now advices from tliem to the 4th of June, in camp near the forks of the Platte. They contist of five ompanics, amounting in the aggregate to 280 men. So lar they had met with no On the i4th of lay they fell in with the Oregon trail, and after that passed every day some party of emigrants moving towards Oregon and California, with their families and docks and herds, resembling the movement of the Israelites through the wilderness. The Dragoons sent hack from the folks of the Platte, two wagons, which had hauled provisions that far for them, and gave them directions to disinter the of the late Mr. James II.

Marshall, ot this city, and take them to Fort Leavn worth, subject to the further of his fami.y. Mr. M. was buried last year, near one of the brauches of the Bine River, whilst on way to the for the recovery of health. It understood that the Dragoons are following the Oregon trail, to near the South Pass in the in order to make that road safe to the They are, of course, much relieved hy their presonc.e, as they no longer apprehend difficulties with the Indians, having an armed party on the same road with themselves.

The women ann children are particularly gratified. It is further understood, that the Dragcous, after going to the South r.iss, will return to Fort l.aramie.ou the rUttc from that point cross to Bent's Fort, on the Arkansas, and return to Fort Leavenworth, on the Santa trail thus affording protection to the traders to that country. It is expected, that the Dragoons will accomplish this duty by the last ot September. We also learn, that two companies of were to march up the St Peters, toLake Traverse thenca to the North Red Iliver? visiting the Sioux and their country. The Hiiitons have complained of the "Half Breed." from i ha settlements in anada coming Into theii conntry, imrrelling with them, and killing their Rnflalo.

The will put a stop to such Incursions wc are glad to see the thus usefully employIt is by service tlrat thay will recommtind them. Jves to the country, and answer the for which i were raised. Ht, Louie Rep. July Woodbiudof, N. July 11, 1W8.

Among all the pleasant little retreats that are being ever)- year brought to light by enterprising travellers, tnd those who, satiated with the expensive, and ne may properly say, fatiguing amusements of the li.rge watering places, run into the other extreme, select the quietest and most out of the way little villages lor the purpose of rusticating and invigorating their frames that have become languid from the effects of a winter's dissipation 1 say, among all such places, this little village may be held up as a pattern one, as quiet, order, neatness and regularity reign supreme, and the many pleasant rides nnd walks in the vicinity render it peculiarly adapted to furnich the kind of enjoymen' tbat city visitors to the country are apt to appreciate most. But not only does it abound in pleasant walks, but like its more lortuKate rival, Saratoga, it rejoices in a spring of most excellent chalybeate waters, and the Spa Spring is justly a source of pride to the worthy inhabitants of tne township, and a place of resort to all country round about it is situated in a very picturesque spot, about a mile from the vitlage, anil near the junction of four roads. There is a little temple erected close to the place from whence the water bubbles torth, and in the immediate vicinity, the inhabitants by subscription have erected a "scupp." and on a fine evening the scene at the spring becomes quite animated, us part iei from ail corners of the country within reach of horse and wagon come pouring in, aud utter drinking the water, singing, timing, and laughing, the evening is generally concluded with a dance on the green, realising the scenes that one sometimes sees on the stage; at the end of the first act, when, as the bills express it, "there is a grand rural dance by all the chancers." liut amusements are not the only feature to be met with. There is considerable business done, and an extensive manufactory is at work, viz. for the making of tiles, earthenware, tor which purpose it appears the clay here is adapted, and quite a heavy business 111 that line is transacted.

The storey and mechanics' workshops appear also to have plenty to do. ThereHs also an advantage which thin place enjoys over many others, whicn is, that the communication with the city is quick and safe. Sate did 1 say No I must qualify that expression There are two modes of reaching the city, one by the way of itahway, there taking the trains that pass through at various times during the day? the other by the steamboat Karitan, that passes along the Sound every day, touching ul the various landings, and a stage to meet, which leaves the village every morning and returns every evening, bringing back the oassengers; but alas, unless like the Irishman, one lite is insured, it is foolhardy risking it in the stage. We have all heard of Tom Hood's tat man, who looked like "tw? single gentlemen rolled into one." Fancy a stage calculated to hold twelve, crammed on a hot summer's afternoon with twenty-six passengers, piloted by an insolent driver. Here are twenty-six compressed into twelve.

But this arises from the mode ot transacting business on board the boat, where they will sell tickets for the stage to as many as ask tor them, and at the same time provide sucn limited accommodation as do, crowning the whole by putting them under the charge of drivers who fully support their own character. The route, by way ot Jersey City to New Brunswick throughout, is decidedly the pleasantest, safest, and most expeditious. The tonl want of opposition to the steamboat from that place, causes them to overload their boat to such a degree with cattle, freight and passengers, that it is extraordinary no accident takes place, as it certainly would, should a souall come on while it was in the bay. We make these remarks for the purpose of pointing out to the public, in time, what dangers they run in fact, the other morning, in consequence of the shitting of some of the freight, the boat rolled so heavily, that the cabin was deluged with water, and had there been the slightest breeze, the whole affair would have proved very serious. The lamentable catastrophe of the Swallow, and other boats, teach us to be careful of patronizing lines that show so little regard to the safety ot passengers.

An opposition boat is talked of, and 1 trust will be put in force in the meantime, I intend patronizing the railroad. Haying and harvesting are just now going on with great spirit, and from what 1 have seen of the country all the crops appear to be of the first class this year, though some of the farmers tell me that the hay nus fallen oil considerably; however, farmers like sailors, are always grumblers, and 1 dare say they are as well off for grass as they deserve. The Heraid I see is very well patronized here, in fact the mail carrier's parcel daily is made up of that paper principally, for the postmaster informs me that the new Post Office law has not produced any increase in the number of letters; thus Uncle Sam may now be said to be running a mail expressly for your accommodation, free gratis and for nothing as this Post Office conies within the thirty mile distance that papers go free. There is one singular fact connected with this place there is not a lawyer in it," and those who require law have to go elsewhere Strange, is it not 1 I thought those gentry would be found everywhere. 1 purpose making some excursions shortly, and if any thing turns up I shall inform yon thereof.

City Intelligence. Kirk. At 9 o'clock on Friday night, a fire broke out in the basement ol J. 8. Pool, No.

109 Kulton street, but wan got under without doing much damage, an the fire companies were immediately on the npot. Insured. Coroner's Office. Ji'Lr Death nr a Fall. The Coroner held an inquest on the body of a child named Mary Kane, No.

6 Stone street. Verdict, came to her death by injuries received by accidentally falling from an upper story window of a schoolhouse erecting in Stone street. Brooklyn City Intelligence. Coroner's Office. A boy about 7 years old was left yesterday at the coroner's office.

He his name is James Woolley," but can give no further information, either as to where he came from, or respecting any of his family. We hope this notice catch the eye of some of his friends, ns it is ret Uy too bad that Mr. Oakes should be maintaining all the lost children of the county of Tho arrivals yesterday wero few, and far between." All nature seemed paralyzed by the most excruciating atmosphere, that could depress the intellectual and iiliy properties of the human constitution. The following form the principal portion of the moving community, as they may found at the respective hotels American, 8. Parkman, Tuckanaorce, Baitimoro H.

G. rarry, Keene B. Sumner, Boston M. L. Smith, Mobile C.

H. Hubbard, Boston H. I.ane, Charleston, S. C.t Middleton and Pringle, do. Mr; Stevens, Mississippi.

Astor. J. 11. Sturgess, Princeton Townsend and Fofter, Now Haven Wm. Oliver, Boston Humphrey, Ohio; Connor and Lockhnrt, N.

A. Williams. Michigan G. Hart, Chicago A. Boyce, George Gray, T.

D. Stewart, Mobile W. B.Smith, Charleston; S. Otis, Troy Coleman, Boston D. C.

U'ateman, Gansevoort Mellville, New York Williams and Bryan, N. O. W. Bacon, Middleton J. Morton, Philadelphia; W.

Silsbee, Boston George Lewis, Wm, Ashnrst, Philadelphia Mr. Behard, N. R. Johnson, Philadelphia T. Caldwell, do.

Franklin. N. and H. C. Lords, New Hampshire W.

Iloyd, W. K. Russell, Conn. Capt. Lambert, Maine O.

Kustisa, Mobile. Gi.onr.. W. Bacon, Middleton J. Martineau, Phila J.

Drisede, Boston Col. Bomford, Washington; J. Uobson, Philadelphia W. W. Hammond,

D. Dolen, Lockport J. Thaver, Philadelphia II. Vlcksburg Jos. Tomllnson, Charleston W.

Wardile, Albany J. Sprague, Troy W. Kellogg, Michigan W. Oarret, Albany Mr. Parmalee, Recorder of Albany Mr.

Strachan, Canada C. H. Marshall, Phila. W. Wheeler, Albany; Mr.

Higgins, S. Liverpool. Police Intelligence. Police There been but little at the Police Office fer some time past? not because there are any lack of and infesting the rity, but for a variety of leaions, best understood in the of the We hope the vili be removed, and everything goon with former smoothness. Receiving Stolen Gtoifi.

Another man by the name of II. Van Staden, corner of F.lm and Dunne itreeti, was charged with receiving stolen goods, property of Joseph Batten, by and Jackson. Thompson and Richard ing were i barged with gambling on and in ('ofIce-housc slip. I'flil Larceny. Myor Baner arrested, charged with stealing $3 from Patrick Finnegan, 40 Ridge itreet.

Committed. Conrt. Intelligence. General Sessions. July 13? Before the Recorder and Aldermen Jackson and Connor M.

C. patterson. F. District Attorney. 7Vicif for urglary.

Joseph Bradley was placed on trial, inilicted for breaking into the house of 37 Broadway, and stealing a mantle clock. The jury verdict of grand larceny. The Court tentenced him to the States I rison for five years. Common Pleas, July Before a full Ranium 1'arker, vt.JameiL. t'ar Judgment for plaintiff on demurrer.

Defendant may amend on payment of costs. i IVoil e.t Verdict confirmed with costs. I VonHi vi. Order confirmed without Mark i t. On appeal, order affirmed, excepting as to disbursements, the same not being on account.

yferrilt I.ynch. Verdict confirmed with U. S. Ciro it Cocrt, July Smith n. Kricktan.The Juiy in this case did not agree, and were dis charged.

ot'RT, July 15 Judge Rdwondi announced i.i Court morning, that he had lecelred en order liorn the Judges of the Supreme Court, to hold Courts during the month of August, In tho of ompkins, Tioga, end Chenaugo, whore the office of Judge hnn become vacant. Indge said that therefore he should be obliged to niing the Circuit Court to a close next week; and as the week would be appropriated to criminal should try no tnotu civil during Court War Oktartmcnt, Adjutant Orrica, Wtthhington, July 7, Promotions and in the army, made bjr the Piesidant of the 'nited liure the promulgation of "general oriert," No. 9, of March Si, 1843 I. Regiment of Dragoons First William Eustia, to he captain, March 17, 1845, ''c? Terrett, deceased. Second Lieutenant Jamea H.

aileton. to be first lieutenant, March 17, 1043, vice Lucia, promoted. Brevet 3d Lieutenant Rufua Ingalli, of he 3d to bo aecoud lieutenant, March 17. 1943, Cariaton, promoted, inatead of March 31, vice Ruat, eaifnad, heretofore announced. Brevet 3d Lieutennt Cave J.

Couta, of the 3d to be aecond lieuenant, March 31, 1845, vice Rust, resigned. Third Regiment of Brevet 3d Lieutenant Loaer, of the 3d artillery, to be aecond lieutenant, 'lav 31, 1345, vice A P. Stewart, resigned Fifth Regiment of Firat Lieutenant William 'haprnan, to be captain, June 8, 134ft, vice Johmton, do'caaed. Second Lieutenant John A. Whitall, to be flrat ieutcnant, June 8, 1845, vice Chapman, promoted.

Bre ret 3d Lieutenant Mortimer to be second ieutenant. June 8, vice Whitall promotod. Seventh Regiment of First Lieutenant Daniel Whiting, to be captain, April 18, 1845, vice Davii, disuiaied. Second Lieutenant Henry Little, to be first ieutenant, April 18, 1845, vice Whiting, promoted. Bre'et 3d Lieutenant John M.

Jones, of the 6th infantry, to aecond lieutenant, April 18, 1845, vice Little, promoed. Eight Regiment of Second Lieutenant Calin Hetzel, to be first lieutenant, May 30, 1845, vice lohnion, cashiered. Brevet 3d Lieutenant Jamea O. landy, of the 5th inlantry, to be second lieutenant, May 10, 1846, vice Hetzel, promoted. Brevet 3d Lieutenant lacoh J.

Booker, of the lit infantry, to be second lieuenant, June 1, 1845, vice Ilanaon, resigned. Corps of Rank? 1. adet William H. C. Whiting, to be second lieutenant, lulv 1, 1845.

Ordnance Department? Stevens T. Mason, of Virginia, military storekeeper, May 15, 1846. following named cadets, graduates of the nilitary academy, are attached to the army supernunerary officers, with the brevet of second lieutenant, in in 'he fourth section of the act of April 19, iol'-i to rank from July 1, 1846. Brevet 3tf Lieutenant attached to the Corps of Engi 3. Cadet Edward B.

Hunt. 3. Cadet Louia He)ert. Brevet id Lieutenants attached to the Corps of Toporaphical Engineers 4. Cadet William F.

Smith Ca let Thomas J. Wood. Brevet Id Lieutenants attacked to the Oidnanee Drpar' went 6. Cadet Thomas O. Rheet? 7 Cadet Charles Stone.

Brevet 2 Lieutenants attached to the dragoon arm Company and mi Ca''et 11 Armstrong, 1st dragoons I 23. adet Wm. T. Allen, 3d dragoons 27. Cadet John W.

Davidson, 1st dra-oons I 29. Cadet M. Hawes, 3d racoons I 30. Cadet Newton 1st dragoon. 31.

Cadet Rich. C. W. Radford, fH. lrt dragoons.

12. Cadet Deloss B. Sackett, K. 3d 39. Cadet Joseph McElvain, lire vet '2(1 Lieutenants attached to the artillery am 8.

Cadet Fltz-John Porter, 4th artiUerv 9. Cadet Josiah H. Carlisle, fE. 3d 10. Cadet George 3d artillery I.

Cadet Henry Coppee, 3d artiUerv 2' Collins, A. 4th artillerv. 3. Cadet Joseph F. Farry, 4th artillcn .) 4.

Cadet Louis D. Welch, 3d artiUerv. Cadet George P. Andrews 3d 16. Cadet Thomas J.

Weld, fE. 1st Brevet id Lieutenants attached to tin infantry arm 17. Cadet John P. Hatch, 3d inlantry 18. Cadet John A.

Richey, 1 1. 4th Merrill, y. ath 20. Cadet Patrick A. Farrelly H.

4th infantry. 31. Cadet Abram B.Lincoln, I A. 1st infantry 34. Cadet James G.

8. Snelling, (I. 8th infantry, 35. Cadet Edmund K. Smith, I H.

6th infantry, 30. Gadet Thos Montgomery, fH. 8th ihfantry. James N. Ward, F.

tith infantry .13. Cadot Barnard E. Bee. fB. 3d infantrv E- 6th infantry.

Norton Granger, 3d infantry.) 36. Cadet Henry B. Clitz, A. 7th infantry. 37.

Cadet William H. Wood, fH. 7th infantry I B. 1st infantry. 1 40.

Cadet Thomas G. Pitcher, A. 6th infantry 41- William L. Crittenden, fK. 6th infantry.) The foregoing assignments to regiments and companies will be regarded as a temporary arrangement, necessarv for the convenience of the service.

Vacancies will be filled according to seniority in the particular arm in conformity with the established rule. Ai.Tir.a. Disbanded. (1 )-Under the 4th section of the act of Congress entitled "An act respecting the organization of the army, and for other purposes approved August 33, 1843, the office of ono inspector general being abolished, the President directs, pursuant thereto, that Col. Sylvester Churchill, the junior inspector general, be honerably discharged from the army Resignations Capt.

Carlos A. Waite, of the 3d infantry, as Assistant Quartermaster (only), May 8, 1846. Second Lieutenant Grafton D. Hanson, 8th Infantry, June 1, 1845. Second Lieutenant Alexander P.

Stewart 3d Artillery, May 31, 1845. Deaths Capt. Burdett A. Terrett, 1st Dragoons at Mo March 17, 1815. Capt.

Alexander 6th Infantry, at Pittsburgh, June 8, 1815 Military Storekeeper C. Buck, Ordnance Department, at Washington Arsenal, D.C., May 7, 1845. Dismissed Capt. John P. Davis, Sth Infantry Assistant Quartermaster, April 18, 1845.

Cashiered First Lieut. Thomas S. J. Johnson, 8th Infantry, May 30, 1845. 6 Iho officers promoted and appointod will join their proper stations and companies without delay; those on de ached service, or acting under special instructions, will report by letter to the commanding officers of their respective regiments.

The usual leave of absence allowed by the is hereby granted to the several graduates, at the expiration of which (September 3d), they will join their proper stations and companies or non-acceptances of appointments, will be reported to the Adjutant General ofthe Army; and, in case of acceptance, the birth-place of the person appointed ill be stated. Memorandum. The name of Joseph Smith, a Brevet -d Lieutenant in the 6th regiment of lulantry, having changed by the Legislature of Iho State ol New Hampshire, to Joseph Parker Smith, he will hereafter be Known and recognized in the army accordingly. One Hpndred Guns fok Texas city is all alive to-day ubout the news of the Annexation of Texas. At early dawn the bells of St.

Michael's coinmenced their merry peals, and continued them at throughout the day. The shipping in the harbor decorated with their colors; ropes were stretched across several streets, from hich were suspended a variety of National Klags, and at 13 o'clock, a detachment from Col. Kanapaux's Regiment of ArtiUerv, fired one hundred guns in honor of the event Charleston Patriot, July 7. United Circuit '1'ltc Clerk's Office of this Court hiu been removed this city frnm the rooms occupied by tlie Clerk of the U. S.

District Court, to portion of the oi'the United States Manhal, oil the same tloor, where the docket, records, and files of the Court, will hereaAer kept. Persons desiring nearches for judgments, instead of giving a genenl notice for in tlie Called States Courts, will please send distinct notices. Tuesday, July 8, 1846. All Ptillwlelpuia to the tl Kit alu must be paid to the onlv authorized Ziubp It 3 Ledger Building, Third street, Chestnut. t'urnn? 75 cenu a month, including lite Sunday paper; or 65 ce'its without it; delivered free ofclnrge in any part of Philadelphia.

Single copies for Mile as above, daily, at 1 o'clockPrice 3 cents. The Wkkklv Herald is also for sale every Saturday mom. Price 6'4 ceuts, or $3 per annum, delivered in any part of Tree of postage. All the new and cheap Publications for sale at their es ublishinent, as soon as issued, wholesale and retail. With the eiception of one paper, the Herald" is read is much, perhaps, iu Philadelphia, as any paper published in that a valuable medium to advertisers.

Advertisenents handed to the at half put o'clock, will appear iu Herald uett day. Mcdicnl Notice? The Advertisements of thn New York College of Medicine and Pharmacy, established for the Suppression of in the cure of all will hereafter appear on the fourth pane, and last column of this iper W. 8. RICHARDSON, Agent. and rnninlnnir Woottm nf fbe I'ulleire.

it. MONICY MARKKT. Saturday, July 14? OP. M. There was very liitlc alteration in quotations to-day N'oiwich and Worcester, Farmers' Loan, Canton, Long Island, Vicksburg, and Kentucky closed firm at yesterday prices.

Stonington fell oil' per cent Readier Railroad, Morris ('anal, Pennsylvania A'? went upj. The transactions were very limited. We annex the current ol' Domestic i' liaise in this market. The rates are merely nominal' and the business doing very limited. Domestic Kichanoe, July 12, llltA H'ftor para dis.

Apalachicola. 2 di? I'liiladelphia. par a do Mobile, specie. do llaltimore a do Mobile, 8l Bk a 7 do Virginia I a do Montgomery. fi a 7 do Vnrth Carolina.

I'i a do Tuscaloosa do Charleston a do New a par Sa do 2 ViigiiJta a do Louisville IS do I ilumbns a l'-? do St Louis 2 2l? do I a do Cincimmiti I a do nioti, Florida. .70 do Sufety Fd notes. Ha do S'iuth Co.7i do Kastern notes. a Hn roa Uncurreit Monrv. Uni imml Money.

Lncurrml Monry. Kast'n, link'hle in Bos'n Ma Vlbany.Trojr, Sck lie. Jersey a Michigan aj Philadelphia aV North Carolina alH II dt i more ft South Carolina i fety Fd It Red Back. J.a Mobile Virginia New Orleans The on the principal are rednced to the lowest and as the currency in where it has been a long time so much depreciated, change on these becomes far more favorable. Onr quotations for Alabama State Bank are nominal, and there are very few offering in this market.

The emulating the liquidation of the State Bank of Alabama and branches, required the payment of one third of the demandidue the within thirty daysafter the first of June, and the demand created for the State Bank bills for the purpose of paying into the hank, with drawn them mostly from this market. The Bank of Toughkeepsie declared a dividend of four and half per cant for the last six months, payable mi the 1st of August. The County Bank a dividend on the capita rock of thirty per cent, twenty-five per cent on demand and five percent on the I of Vijnut, Counterfeit lr 1 on the South Western Railroad Hun1-. I i appearance in the South. They aie to on v.

ell executed. The Supreme Court of reversed utlgment of the court below, the cut of Bernard.

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