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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES. LOSS OF THK CHlPSWA. aa (ttm the) GUmymr TTnTBia riMicvua. It Wt had th al ly Ui ttram tt i il i ili mi mill tti tha i nit if fcgnaiiM 1 Bat Ba mi lawa lta. fWHT" I taa! re, wrh l4 I 5mu Wttweeiw4 a tb.BBtwaf th.

I Suv. ooauia a Bretty MmdN at th. tia iimi www UmU. t. Uw duiu or ti.httrtkTk little ta add.

Th hhb wale. rd lal aa aeatB I. iwit tow iea way vi jipru aad ltwf le TPMn 1i tat meat ditaatrwut IU fltt, Um Arabian, Oyde fcwilt aL baviad ale mfr4 ti It taleee. Skat eel miim "wwtward of tin Chip, with tor feet water to. Fortunairlj kw crew ul peaeaeeri hav not taflvrwd tb mom aarlea la wheeh beM tb cf th Ctipcwx, aad.

It kite rmtfic tattat tkttwo ill ad withon! damer. Tb captain ef the Arabia iKMHiiH th wreck of hat la hi letter, tk tabataar wkaok il fTwa awwatioo thtt fa kU'twl Ib aTTMM4M wtth CaptkiB tiller, whoa tappEed with alr CUeear kaviare4 awthiagbat whet ranbli wrack. Tktnt a end bey, laaaei a ta waptala aad hoy saved. Tb 1 karj't aaaa Tarr aad tk.

aia BnamrtTB 1 Mr. OUm, ol Oaf aiMtrg (MtlMa abut 14 jwi apsMa Mr. EJvara CUuo, Dmuir, Utl aa lnk(a Imfeodarrj. TtvlaUowia Il Ua I to Wft intern joo af lb wUaeb! low of tk Ckiaawa, Caf 4 aa th mklpftbJOikf April, itk ttj mqI a bor4 xcpt Mri)kiiasdaTMlt (track tit ml botflf Mt ia lb val(, Farias a tj bmt; nritnrtB, anik a trataM aaa raaalajf. A laea a (track, ltndall Uutinti biwieroo atrrjtffot frcni lBtfftetaaU OMg arkoM ef th o(kt, tbt I a amktti rrr tk vat iapoMiM tb bwb to Vnk ta tit tLrtr pmtruu, rj oc ata((c ttk rap far AaMtball ttif ura, i can awar au ta urn, ra atctatsM Ur kaniar tortbr till maratar.

bat all pan aaaniliai. tk tu fall af aUr bj kalX pwt 8, aaa ua net rwaf. i ura oraw all aata aa paunn. i gar bmc taaawalTM fut wtik Tf ta tl anl amr rw akaat taa tkia. Seas ef tkca did a ao4 oibrrt Jmt can Ibtiuelit Bp totUir 1U.

I beliera aaia af tlicn rot at 4 wy. a4 tnmxn firtt to pariak. Abuut 10 o'eUck Waakiac oar tb abia faufatTr. aa tka otm cf tk paar fallaat war irtafal, a tkrj 'wukdawjaattrraBOtbr. IwatUtbedto tkc tk mUit ailtaa rirte aad taw tk tara tbat wcrt i abaft bm, tt tkj fc4 cspiul; rn UmsimJt ap ta le Ubm tk wubiIliii a fair rok orraa4 arar aa, Iur41 tirtrg tM ta kraaia.

thia ti lb Wcka war fiaaitr git wj, aa i tit crm tk aca war drmjfol, a tkj wrr wtpt awj, oa tla uMhtr. Attki 1 aMltBrecd iwaail, aad Uw itiap of tke BuMcmafbt kj rj it tl work of a ibobmd truit tk roj off. au4 roo tk awtt baler uoih aaa can, wktetr 1 fattaaataij rioa, aad dia)br4 abwit aiz 1ei fra tit jask, brIagaiBBalBclffat witk rpa. I tUcktt9Bt ba aboat 12 o'clock at tkii tfaa. ioMt NBt Wtvaaa tk I oovl4 no ob a tck bb4 twrjtkirg carried cbn away.

Awat 2 'dck I fos.l 1 Sana en at iMt; asd oa lavkiag djwn.U ttnti tab I rot ap, aad icvia kin ait wi htb taa rep a njialt Fro tk attrr Vocki tb bip rw nrirjr, I mk ap mj taiod it woaU iapooibl for tk tkip to kep lorg toftbr. Mj ccjectur riLt, a ab Bt Ucg of parnor from tb button, aad drifiior ia to tk baafb. Mill had rrnaia oa hoard oil abaat a'eWek td lira fcelsg law, rot oaTikore, and, after trawtieg orr a litll wj, fvnad tb tababitaau plan. dariig ik kal aad boars ia plar of coosiot to rcadrr ajaiiUasa. 0ito MTrrt braiw I wutro aitr frt I eal If tb boa.

I rot to. aoi tbaa oul witk a rnatdaal af I wrt Mr. WOoaccl, Ur' farrfjor. to eon to mj aaaUtaarc, whieb hi did aa tt accord cat taa got aaboro. AiUr Indian a tarrrj oa tk ahip aad rargft, aod cttttiig a fw balra asd box, taostt it to aell tk ibip and bt carg rcnuictd ia kr, at tb itkabitinta mcra p'uadcricg ia all dirretionr, aad tkere iu to kj af protecting tta prapartj a loog at ab rtBtiatd ia aaadt, for tb aaderarittra, aad aits ibipattisdascrrof brrakisgttp alttvrtttr aith the firtt "gal of aia tb bottom of tb iMp wat tcirjfljautg tut bjtS broaJtiia trjtbisg.tuirrd ataat us btaeh ton of tk bie wersfonad at Icsat 18 nile frn tr tb ahip went aibore, aai tuaJredt of poef't pUJLXg ua op.

I aa bow at umb, gtueg all mj paprrt aatia'arJor, and, to aaoo at toil it da, I will ro ad ta MoBtraal, aad ar what ii to rioae it likelj I wCl tak tb Ant tBOTroaltT of rcttiat hero. IbanfoBid Ucf Mr. J. GUt ah tt aarwa in a taaau ce ct groBBd bicging to aa KogUk farmer, with at raach rtrpect at ponik! aaJer tba circus BUzcat. Mr.CUiaa,iod7bai'BlbBloaBd,aad Icacsst tkiak ef Irariag till it ia tkat I aaa; vm bim drcratlj kprird.

wast ny mate, Mr.CasD btfl, paiKCjcr, Mr.CoHiBt, dlltaad fir of tb teuorB. Wuck or TH( As.lli!. Tk detailt of tkli wreck may btkritflasmswd ap at falWwa, fr a tt particolan gWo la CaptaiB OreeskorB't letter: Oa tk lit May tb 1 Arakiaa, frota Qlarjrow to drirea on aboreat QrJaa' corr, aoar Qaapo bty.aiid witkia ait Bilet of tbat part tbe eoait aber the wreck cf tb Cblptwa Ity. For tuatoly all tk craw and paateegm were trd, kat tb bark bat been aad tb Cargo, which bat beta BBtauted at abest 70JDOQL Talae, it alawtt all dantged. iaoladiati ibt pataaagen, tb total nnmber on board aswaated ii pcraoat.

who bar baea kiacly tktltartd la a taraVoute, aad war aUSreS wbea tk accoaaU left. Lk tt Chipawt, lb Arabiaa arai Oretaoek UiLt tb wat '371 bbj and oanar tb tbre ri wkicb tk bat ran tbe ficrlJiT3Biltt fraea her taitiijf qoiitiet aad at a proof oc it, ay atanoa tatt latt yetr tDt vat ta tint sprng "Bbip cat at Jdoitrtal froa Oraat BrlLiia. liar earr io tbit PA HIU NT A RT PAPER. Lnsnriw tiNtTeBiirv STTfjr to OtNi op tmi Bos. tat HoetE op Com OIL B1TSB "JTtw a Ml IBiit na ABetara o( tb NaBm of tb nral ExamioJa tb ualfwnily, aad of tk teat paid awab af tboat r' mw tit ijo aa IH7, A Rntraf lb Maabarof tVaoaa adaitwd Dgrt is vaomiry ia tat Lro4a Uaiatraity aaeh of taid Tear.

aUrcM or tbi Xitutrm Kximxiai or tut Cxi Tnirrr or Lotdox, witb 3imt bkcxitko Bt itca IT Tat Yktu IS33 aad IMS. JUKI OF KXaBIKta, J. U. Jarrard, 1X.D. nrr.

u. llilrlwall. M.A. t. B.

Jarrard, EJ. B. R. March f. MA.

T. B. Barobaoi. tUq. o.

iwuio, tj. aUt.Df. nialWbloltky Rer.W.Drak Rt. T. Stoo W.

T. Braadr, Kq. Rer. ProfoMor naaaUw Profataor OaaWi W. Eapaoa.

Etq. AUzaader Tweed), MI). Archibald BilliBg, M.D. Kienia, Eiq. R.

aToad.K MJ1. r. M. Rret. KM D.

a Loo M.D. J.Pcrlra,Ktq. iCKIMCtlTEB)! IB3S. ISS9. a.

d. 71 19 10 71 11 10 5 2 0 0 I i. i. 213 0 0 I.W 0 2 200 0 0 200 0 0 I 71 19 10 20 0 to 0 25 0 25 0 50 (I 84 12 (7 6 25 0 ia 1.25, 0 125 8 125 0 Vii 0 50 0 59 0 RaTCBJ! aw TBB DeCBKU Ba'TTtB BT TUB UnHIIUirt Or Lopoh ibtbb YcaaalSUtKO 1839. 183S.

Dtgeeet traatod Ni N.B. 23 oaadidattt examiael for aoalricaWtio. 1839. Dfrr4 OraaUd. aUobelorefArtt 17 Baslelor of MeJicin 2 Doctor of Medlclaa 2 Baobalor Lawt 3 ToUl 31 N.B.

30 Bii4ate eainiuM for aatriculatioa la 1839 aad alto 28 nio f.r tb Sratrzaxtlnatioa ia mediaiae. R. VT. RQTHMAW, tUfrmr. lLA OXTORD, Jimb 10.

Tkh keiiig tb fratdtyof Triaiiy Trro, a centre atioa watkulJaa forgraatitg tbefullowicg wire ooaferrad Mutrrt af Art. C. H. Mtattll, VorcettrrCollrgt, Orxnd Cropaander Hvrer. PreicMt, ad 2.

Mudn. Oriel College Bewr, St. Marr Uall R. J. xoa, r.

H. Milae, aad tb R. R. H. Btxter, Collig Rt.

J. M. Gape. Billi.l Collrif, Clrand Cempouoder Rir. II.

(irtj, R. War J.IUaaley, Capot Chritti Col I'g T. Bibb, Pea broke Cdllegt: Lord Vncsaat EaltB, and C. T. Nwto, Cbriilc'jarcb A.

TV. Haddan, Trmuy Colleg K. E. Ettooart, Extter CUrr U. Ricbardt, aad tb Rer.

J. K.Cax, AtlSeaU Coller K. PTder, Wadban Colleg II. Moor, Magdalen Calleg lwit, Jetat C112 Rer. J.

ratal, TV. D. ForaMax, Paige, and tb R. J. Nicholl.

Exeter Ollec. Bacaolori Art. F. H. Bltrde.

J. Bncklaa1. a. A. Ward, Marqait of Kildare, W.

PartrUg, W. Wbite, 3. Shtak, aad C. F. WeiJemaa, Ckritt ChnroU CoUrg VT.

II Oral. v(rW n. v. odunn, oraseiMe LlieEe 11. Readall, A.Wrthrall, U.

Nerill. and Janet Humf rer, Trinity GJb re; C. and II. Binnett, VToreeater O.UrK; R.T. Fawcetl, TV.

BbnU, and Monura I). SMtr Uai rrrrynlleg E. B. Colxe; fI.Solk tBN All Scala Collrge Skria. WtJham Coliej (I.

H.xt. Corpot Chritti GJlrr (1. T. Sarin and R. TV.

Orearet, St. Edmano't Uall II. Tbamptta, P. Uolata, aad aS Orueber, MtgHlrn Hall; El ward SktpkerJ. Extter CVUre: D.

CKri CWeh Caller 1 Welhr. Mi. dalen; Markall, Corpat Cbriatl Celine, and Baker, auuaci CAMBRIDGE: Jmr 9. To Pr prita ktt bee adj1.c4 to Mr. Robert of Pembroke Cambriige th Ckaaoellor'i medal to Mr.

Jvkn Cbarlet Cunjbeare, of Pttarkoatr. MASCHESThR, (From tb Slanitrd AKOTBIBCiSEOr SC1C1DE I THB rCBLlC STRIET1. A set extraordinary cat of deteraiaed auiaU took nlao in Bride tirrer, one ef tbe aoit public itreett ef tbtt town, about 9 o'clock ea Susday rnaraicg luL Tb Bnbtppy Ticam 11 a yeargmaa, liamei ueorja ictara, wao Had beea enpioyea Ir is Latt lew week at boota, at Mendel'a ia Bridtw itreet. Mr. JUo :1 bad tkat nnrainr etnt VI si oa aa mad, aad tkortly after be waartetin Bridge ttreet by a man Baaed Elliyrbo ebKrrvd tbat bt.J a tor la kit right band, aad waa trying it uva bit band, aa if to atcertaio itt thtrp bpot.

Jait belor Eliit got op to drew rixor acrott bia tkroat, aadt two or ltte catt, tad lmmtdiauly ttaggered aad foil, tb blood caikinc oat of bit tkroat in a ttreaa. He wat takes a and conveyed to tk hotel, tke tlo wher bad falleo befng ea a rtort dttUoc frm tbe door, bat he b. delirerod at a port io tb KioMom mmm uv.viv WMUHIC1 will um Ufwunu. la lapotaibl to deaorib th arataUem wbick tbit bornf.iag dr. caattaaoe created erowdt were collected roon 1 'the tpot wber hid fallen, wkicb wat a arked by a large pool of kloo4 far liza tin afureranla.

At tb aaretinr wbirb waa bold lait eTeaitz txfor Mr. Rotter, tk eomner. nHtM wit projecei abich left bo iattaiKwwmt a gtaeral eoe, conaietity i goodt fitted for the ldoabtoathi aindttiUiei try that tb drctaial bad dtitrsyed Brltiah Ameri an 8b tailed to Jit ef Atrib It birawlf in a fit ef ittamtT. Bridret Sulliran. cook at tha tepDir)y paiLMaad ditattroct tktt tw fint rate tbipt, hotel, Uted tbat tbceeied, who waa a aiagle man, about Htui um viie wiiuiai iinmnei rwzu oircr, at a toono ii yean oi are, waa oa satarcay tiuat, aad in for eve rort.

tSrald dcitroyed mltlia a few bourtlaf ck otbtr la la taa karrkaae. Tb ta it a vary bear one,) aad aratt tauateereiy am BBierwrtrert, lncerealent.j of bjxrirg te retaroi of tie Sprit i irilt. Tie RitboBT fJommiatjoneri have reported that aececf the exirttg tartoan, froai. tbe Tktnjtitorjrtt tooati, are eaaabl rf beicg eeaevned itt) barbecri fsr Oo vcraaxatarmod tteaaert; taey tberefcr rcootciaeai tbe fe tcaUcia of tbrt fnta erf, one frota Dracby Head to Largiey at tk cliCi cut cf Margate, aad oci ttt ta 2e to tb Mttward af tb preteat Utr harbwir. Te frb aarbocrt tt We forn'ed by tn brrakwtttrt.

with aid akek wil lean tcVxccrt SAW. and S.E to teloM aboat acre aid to have ail feet water at tbe Uvea: aaaptidc Tbe; coapJa'n of tb way in which tb water bat beea that eat froa the Lo it afd to onrfiew tt By al bavr, at it kat prTcated a Urg body if water Ctnvtf In to aitorwardt of at at back a ater. Cbiteiv Docktau. The cewly constracted ma chic ler bloairg, Uii aVich bat tome tnottbt been in prt pararien, LatkwB pat lat tpcratica, aad fennd to asaaer teyoed tke bt tatrarne iptr It it coctpcted cf ixvaitiauuutronci a uu.U):tg aacuu, aaduwoiod by la ataa (in Epiyel la awpplyicg tn yard witb wattr. and ia aaneinr trat tb decka.

Tb it tsje finr ii ww viv.w. i wiiiv. ovn' jra aa arrfcea oncx QrMF, or cm Ten, air caMqeaebf bit irrrolinti a bal received cotic to qal, bat Mrt. Mnai Bt pronueoa to gir Elm tnotner trial be woaM refriU from liqiter. Witoctl ealld hitnnp akoot a quarter before 8 aaday raoralag.

Sooa after Mr. Mea tect cia ea an erraca. ua uia retern ce wat lent ID pott offic. aad witoeti taw ro more I bim till he watbrcatbt ia dead. For ta latt 10 or 12 dtyt hii coidnet had beea vrry ttrange.

Oa Saturday, lb 30vh be aaid witatia, What a tbuc it la to br a boota Sbo atked bia wby be did net lik it, aad rp irj, I am a very acbappy nun." a told bua tbat aad Rood aagtt aad plenty ta oat, and LAW KXPORr. COURT jOF Jcfag 1. Tk Lobs Cmacrn eaenpiet tdf keariag orlglaal att. WILUtat COftBTT. Tail eat baa bfr ia Ueart aa xartloat ta tk Mae tri rrpwt by tb plalaOS, aad thr war alt creeataawa tkmt by Ik defendant, wb www trait aadwr lb will of 8rC.Carat.

Tboabjeetwf rare wat to Bx tb promr reaanwatUa to paid to M'. Williaaa, barrbtef, for bit terrice at auditor tk ututov't ctUto, aeerdig ta the dirertwo of bia will. Tk Maattr lxtd'200 raiaeaa a Jf ar at tb Btwpar allowance, to which tk traateet ohjeeted a io tugo, piantur trjecntBg Dy tut raepuci tal w. waa vn prptr taa, Mr. K.

Bra aad Mr. Aadaedaw immm! ttr Mr. WU. liana Mr. Wigrtm and Mr.

Ted for on tet tnut, atd Mr. Riobardt for othara. Ta LoKJt CaaBCCLLOB' taid, tb idBe of th tnutert did sot now tkat tbe Matter had failed ia coming ta a right cowclaticn. Tby akowtd tba! aa4iton of tiTitrv kuka and ttewardt ettaft wonld giv their terleet at a leta rate, bat re tk le(ttor had fired the clti and quality af th facrr detlnd caacly, that be waa to be a barrkter. Hit U.ri'ihlp taid, on lb part of Mr, WUliaat, be waa of opinion tber wat mxhiar to prove tbat tb Matter bad nt xtrriied a aound ditcrrtiP, and bi thoali therefor ver rl rxorptiooa.

Witk rrgard Is oottt, aa all tk trat tee had tb taxe mterevt, altktragh tbey tevered on tb argument, tboall allew on aet coatt oat of th a Ui. ROLLS' COURT, WrmiiiitTirB, Wt DxuotT, Jtf. i 10. MBUtnort r. caawroa.

Lord latriDiLX ilnrl hit Judgnent upon t'eexeep tiona taken to tan Maitvr't report in tbit cte, argn i aad reported latt week, Tt. Matter found that there bad not betn a valid marriaj betn Mr. br (th widow Mr. Blacker the cK'tr, who wat tur.acriber lh Bombay riril did In Irdia) and Captain Beaertaoa prcvi oattsjalr. 1U23.

Hit Lor 4ehio bow overruled lkl xoeo tioaa that report, aad ordered tb rUpoait to he twinned. ana mat tbe arrvara ef f. aaea'ty do to Mr a. naeker from th Bmibay civil find tbould be paid up. oa th Joint reoript of Captain and lira.

Robettior. COURT OF QUKKNS UEMEII, Jut 10. fif in'a ia Riv.) TBB QtUX THE tHRtCTSBS Or THK XiSTXKX COWtTItS XAtiwaT ronranr. Tbit waa a taoaa'i! eomaaeding ta WftBdaula to eon pleta tbe tntire lio of railway for making wbieh tbey kad obtained aa art of Parlienwat froa Lndn to Norwiea aad Yarmouth. thlaimiWia tb hid taad a return.

tUUrr that tbey had not anIBaient fundi to make tb entire line. An expaptian wat taken to th return, and Ib cat etra betora tb Vnzl on lb qaettieo wbtbr tb Ueart aat wrr lien turn a ueitmai. Tb Attohxt UrjiiXAi. appeared it tuppert of tht noa af'inai, nrgintr, that where a company had obtalnad taoh aa actoi raritaaent, teey bat Ii perform a da'y tn public, and if the aerlectcJ It. tb Ctort could iaan mamtamiu la compel them.

Tkey had by their act obtained many privi at a oompaiatn tbey wret give a benefit to id panic, ana tbey were not toray tney wool only do a portion tht which they bad andrrtthea ia complete, Sir W.Fottm.for tb th'n wtt icmtrtet, it couli wit coBadered at a publio dntr, and therefor tk Conrt at Uterpaa by itt writ of niuiei. Wenl.l it laid, tkat in lb nt ef th company Bet bating funja tey wonld bound to Qtk tb railway! I to company bad prooared an act of rarliament, bat lb power were to bs void ia caa th road wat not mad wtlhla aeven yart but then tbey had tb whole of lb a yen yean to coiapUt the contract, Taer waa no aothoriry for ta'i application. CiiisWELL, in the abieno of the Attorney General, replied. Ta Cocir tok time for couaideratien. TBK O.CXKH V.

KXHIXiTCB. Lord Dnxix deliverei the judgment of the Conrt in tbit cue. Thi quMtion Intended to raitai waa, whether the corporation of Exeter waa rateable for tollt rrenved by it ia aatbr pariib tbaa that within which it wat iult ahtnUJ. Ttt Csit would have (iven thii can very great rontWr ration if it had bca di(inraiihl from tb cat of Th Qaeea v. Ihi Corporatian Liyrrvool." Tb Cort had held I that cue that under the rroviaient of the Mnnicipil Reform Act property held by a ccrporalon for corporate purpolei wataot rateable, whether inch properly exieted in a pariah where tb corporation itaelf waa loeatlv aituated, or In any othrr pariah.

Tbe rrcoatideri(th werdaof fie atatute aad tke autaereaa caeca which bad been dici ieJ, Vaa clearly of opinion tbat tbe prinolpl a Uid down in "Th Queen v. tk Corporation of Liverpool" wit a right principle, and auat adhered to. Th order of teae'oai, therefore, wat rgbt, and tb r' mutt be dirtbarged. BAIL COURT, ffttiiKrti, Jixx 10. Mr.

Jnttioo Colf.bidck ttt ben to dty, and wet intjed aiul a lata hor ia riiapetiar of tome lng ciiea ia tk peremptory paper, whieb were of no intereit or importance. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, Weitbixster, Jik 10. Tba Cocbt took tb eaaea In the aneci il papjr to day. CKOiltll y. SMITU.

Thii wat aa action oo a charter party by which tb plaint ff agreed to let hit veaael, tb Britannia, to th defendant fer a voytg ti Jamaica, and the defendant agreed to pay the plaintiff 257L ai.tin na month after the departure of th vaaael i rem Uraveaend, aad 75(W. for tba homeward voyage, tb defendant to at liberty to tend tbe vet el frrm Kiantoa. ia Jamaica, tn any othar port in that i aland, for which wat to pay 25L raer. or to tend her to a pert en tba Soaniah main, ia which eta he waa nay U. per day for vry day coenpied after the tap of 25 day frm th original ditoharga af Ler cargo tk homeward oargo to be delivered at a port in thB United Kinrdom.

Tb action wat brwaght to eec'ver the ammanl of tbe U. per day for tb vi yage ts th Spiaiah mala. Tn delen.laat pleaded tkat to carxo wat delivered in any port in th United Kingdom. To tbit plea the pluntin demurred. Mr.

Serjiant Bon is, ia rapport ef tbe demurrer, contended that a new voyag commenced frm Kiariton to the Spanith main, which cnniiitutei a teparate debt, recoverable witheut rtferenc to tbe delivery of a canto ia tbit oountry. Th Coi'RT, without callinr. on Mr. Serj'tnt Channell on th oter aide, decided tut tbe homewird voji commanced from Klet atm, tie veteli pert of diaehirge in Jimaiot. and tbat the vojaje thence to the Spniah main did Bt coatUtut th aaVjeot matter ef a teearat debt Th plea, therefore, furuitued ta antwer to the declaratioa, and the defindtat wat entitled tsjudgxen.

I WJA.aad aaojber rooabar, tkattbri aTAamaat Kat MtA.iakU tkif V. aim fK Am dH tllUDinVt At a a every aoaai 'lock yetterday aMttatv sLtaar tk they td. Tae taaaadianiy parexx twecewaoa 1 tvwrtakl mmg Ueai ta tb Itaiioobowae, bebi of every I pnreuad tbm, aad af tar a errf. u. I mr 2 WT I HHTf.

riW CW WAkWA. 91. wtmadult having beea leveraUy ailed by Mr. Larej rt. lri what anaarer ttiy.

bad to max' tb charre. da Ud bwing iMO'J rang aa. al lb bell. they, hewev r. Umi awvi.

at! I Calaawil, Hurra FUtfOV anoam ivwiuin a neii. eiira ru 1 enr I Fi K. tkea forolhly Uat. j. xv 3AULKK and Cw.

rine nvellow old rvTtT tba dfMHf aa imi aevew eight beila la eaoeatiM. tow ttW waa. at twa. avwu 11 frvT fLr, wU Mr. LOIaid, he eirtUd not doubt tba BB'ted tntlnway of' twaal 'r aoM tnriUtere wire Xa rw.Ha tb palieenea.

If regretted to tea mtVmen MadBotiai rir? J5" monr ItOMUw ia a maanir a tV.i. i "ZJT' ric a jr I TTT wi p.iww i ary. iw i. ibi 1 1 a vcicsuania were nnei int. eacB.

la Aoucxi mi vjj. a The Loan CnaKiixoa wul not attend eoort today TlCEILtSCKliOIf3 CO CRT. Wan Ki.aTaa. en at U. Menoaa.

BOLLS" COCBT, WTinxtTia. atit at 1. Moioaa. raawa. AcaflartbeMotl na.

GraMm OBr. be apoaa lo Urar v. Krort, part hiwd Altnr. eTater Allurner Oeaarel rodiir attonieT Ceanwl v. iaaror I rokheatrr a tuner Oaoeral UrapnV Coopaay an dale Itodxtua, turther dmeaiuu aad caau COUHT OF COK1I0X PLBAC, Waaraiiitaii UI at 10.

bittiaxa in Banc. COURT OP Vrrrxivrra 5U at It Middleecx remmon Juria. Hat dman BoWn llarvey Mitchell fMDberton v. Bwn Nv ton v.

i'arka rlekard Ualirial l0Jn v. rewy Macktlt v. iaciiae IMcaaU y. WyHa llnnt r. mltb "ample v.

carhoruusb Kannaar.liaru unro rotty Cok lU v.f or maa 'he 'iiwt Millar llaatar v. Dlurten. Tb Coon ynH aim ail to am Rio Lre Mtrna.i ial tt. "OoddaH r. Own lloTme v.

a bn MryaoMt v. Ab otl Wild v. flardner IVarv. lkMtrrr Carrlv. Kill Vt'u Lrr v.

TVimltftaon (tar ten v. Carter Iktaant r. ltart 1. iTnnr r. Uooa and aaetrrer Ine V.

Charit aa Taylor v. Rowland Uattlay I no fnuuJ V. Ki ern C'oiutwi Bail war Vttcaaf lheiioe Kaaltkbul Uarnnun Aaaam v. UUlmao. BAJCKRDrTCT COCBT.

Biatw.aatwvr.irr. (Hafafv adr.CemmlM'wnerFaliaLAwnt'V.I Wiuam Geddea. ol Alkiuo pliata, Urdetwkiiian, eakar audit Jul llfiUw. rtaraiMtMd r(L rMtiftirf dividend al half Dial It. Kdwardoatab Wlufc.

WiiyeribKe. trvl. onhilmaen rcturer audit at I. efre Mr. CwiiiiiiiMluiier Mnfflll.l Jehi Kppen etnet.

rtentiat diyldnd al It. WlSiara tfale, tailor, of 'aaaa dlyideod at li I HaJofw Mr. LOrnwiuaiaawr Moe wAVO I Rickanl Ituihea. Flwutrwt. aad of Vauxhall, wiat merchaat larafarainr.

raaal Uaur Wekater.ef I edfeidatrcet, Cont aardco. Uaap mansfacturcr caaiee vr aaalMiMa at it WtUJ. tOTOX Coach aoaiK Otetcred. We ak aH ha ladiaed te tMtk there moat a fatality attending Ihiaamacb were net well aeqnaiai.ed with tb etna. Ili WvUtrrtoa wat tjain nrtrtarnel on aatnr.lay norm? latt, between En'n ad in way to Orctitra.

Tber er DtKecger. aid we ar nappy to add inat Bane ol them, it fir tt we cm learn, bat toatained the ieaat It It nor duty to apeaniae trull taeiaat ovenura waa irom a reat ff wheelbon and a tremeodoui lead and, although numareuicomplaifiti hare been made, the tm vicioui n.i mti etui runt over tee tarae Krouud, tr.n aecona avertura ia Jiatly attributed to the tame canw. We boe that Se propria tore will not lt ibia nnroly animal any lot err endanger tbe live of Her Majeaty't liege i iVjecta, aftr lush repeated and awful warning. YVbrn tba cauae it removed tbe tff. ct wi I fellow.

Lucolmaai'l(4. A lvertiaement Mr. Maberly't Emily." TVe ar re euak to atata. Uiat Mr. re4born, ol Gnat Mariboreuah atreet.

hu tbw djtr publinbrd Kmily; or. the otinte a of lira. IHaherly. br 3 voln poet Ivo, with a portrait of KmUr, wlurh can nnw Iw had at all the librarioa. The world of ion will lux UiU bouk fir ita Ary rat tUuatntiona of tit life led by tb rich, tbe their bancaran.

and wiM tte competltwra the nuwnl nnder will rvicl i tnr the aotxl era aad lofty aim It ererywhr diaplaye the ronnx and wwiailtve tnuat love it for th temler aud noMe prion 11 brralhwi the a rwfrU eritie mnat he pk aant with Ita eleeant awl unarr tad Kyle, ita imhark'PTad and wrUmaaaav) plot, ita varw dted. rat dallnte. ahadea of rharai ti r. If tune tlie authoma'a chief etijeet. thia first altetapl al win tt live more certamly that it la prWafe hy no drpreratlon of cea Mire.

rhe liaa done twr aert. and leave rrsultalo tke public. 'ow, a her heal la tle welt faftrr ita kind', th ranawinence inuat be. that in amlrr cf fcth aeie. aD auea and atanon.

will te niimerona. ami ia wniuhu ftvLutiiir. II tNfhrycalierto writenn. and make her every werk aa rood, if iOftiMe beiwr tfian her Brat We ve what vhe ran do: tt it more than iuUf tlian m.atwf nr ceieuraled authors have done, "wrr AdvertiaeaevLl Uonaienr Mallan and Sona imornved MiDfaJ ttcCMlaiienm. witli puniunent and Indeatruetlbfe white uuoI.

not iiiatir.r iwhable Irom he nauirtl i ortea or enaiiwi of the teeth, fur tlliiii ikxand tMUi Vonaiirur Mallan and rona, auryeon dentiata, SPARKLG CHAMPAG.K. 1) RUAU. 8PABKLI.fO CUAttPAOM CJ In It aiabret ewlWflra. neati IS? aa. ter iiva.

Cborce oU ar r. Orarta.Bae n. Crmar. Matafi. Oo terrT.

Baaphmy. CewaTtp. Teel. Grape. Cac.yta.ard rroa liev? ifj, irreoartt.

rtaearior Prtaad nkrrv. Ni 41 Brwad Plal wm and Irtlan wa rhtwlw. M. Til a net. Cowrt ra Vn.

Drfiir4 within a farlh ianwatrr. Ttlrdup'M. GU1S.NES6. tXTKA DUBLIN STOUT, in perfeetim, cwart aa. pwita.

ta per vm Xdn wirin aa. aoo WU of tlwnaulv. merjiirta. Kjywi mA. GOOD TEA'S, in lh hag, at 4.

uxl is. 10,1. "Bioull 1V ecnKnerelal treaty aeaevtrd with of rXaenvher atlate.t.cae hnpetatvoae thv ar till U1 prwiir trea ry ikiawyrei known. Eart larva "i'r. itrvai ttei nrwwatrrvwt.

IKA. Good Bonnd Congorj, 4. d. to 4s. BL; Pekwv flivfvred ditt ncomeieeiied.

tt. UL tv Sa. rirh rtao eotarrioaa teoniwd Cecrn. Ux Kat ntwwd tt i rvM irnew. la, 1.

ta. Il; man Hyuvc, 3 Sa. atane ane M. tl wna I Inf OirO'drr. U.

HI gi irtt. Forward to a I (ana of Lcndta da'ly. Or'era br eea. enewmn. voartl.

nr earHtva. wwi miJhium t. rf tmLlIPy ud Ca. and a. Aldrat3 art.

nxiae tbe WKSTPHALIA HAMS, lrud ptr lb. G. CLlIT05a aa sccnahtt Ma frindatd kat la tUBDnrd a wyflrwtf att.tau wMoi bn teaer rat rm a Soya ytry trl 11a ta alio. Jaai VTi TUrak ar Maiton. a fa hwaaada of nnma Tork in Ilruuwurkaad atforl taaai a Wax.

eprnvw t.enDerlon. nd otter raadica. OU, kick', atrt aaae warenoai. Lndrnhall BRB wVjffaiH. twi FHtrr.

1 Tl. Cwtl. nn a na a. rlLTKHI taw aaew aaywd tedalc a IV d.ttry twa an it. tw twp weaterie waarad.tlaeaca, Tk teal mppoed a waaC AT W.

JUIISO. HAUliLK WOKKS, aaraer aUna ivaa eint aad laecave mf Cwe'atd waw. te rW ywrteir ef MAKBLK mu 4 art art owvt e'akvaie wwkatvtfbiaj nl ewry ecritv aeadrbu ard atrwit wo may a Ht at rjtwe tablxdiawir.ta tt Wwwwaywa. EJENJAMIK KGiaGTaV.RickClolh, AUrauct, T'lf. aad rial WaeWrtatr.

I. Pjae treal, Boa AwarB. nx Vwrr htm theaoMirr. arrr.taaarwutarnua wwataMw tobaanwrwelarkwnRx9anawaveryatnatyof WATXarHOOT KirK CLOTHS, tnu mw am aacnwe haad. at a eaocraa eLLr.

Ord.r per bom. da an mJa u. XUaat ha faB Ummltmm am. nek dctk mtammernrai.t, Daakeeavtl. BMta.

wart. A wwraketata. T. rrrtty. RICK CLOTHS.

IMwnnrewrtentg, FUg. v. UX.I.NOTOW anJ C. i7. and Old ttrnt.

rod.nwrerfa1rhrni tk entttrr, tha tkiy lavecae nawjrwALftaad UlllKaev.ralUinuuyl tarda Of eaMVtw taw KICK CLQTHHefyjr'o'it wienato ak wtanawi ao tnnnrarr room a a analffrna cal, vo.tabl for th cmm brfu aaa eaarwe pkUi iftn rs 4e Cekwui kona hr emhrraeta A krv wtaa ttt of eirrtwt evtaaw Urtd at th tU arvtd kiait lfiViMaed al Krelrwortk Caeur, acet itrti nrV 't 4 dcr Lar ovaTio atarwa. wh W. wvM at a ren tw. THE KW PORTABLE ALaRLTM. sl et'm email aenff tor.

rat tScrd en Va dr awr tab'. a a rlae aey kyy ifat mar rwqa red. aVe tree rafesay T. COX fVORT.rnldailt. watitna Carhtit.

LrvedMu aaWa Aaort hrwa CraecUrh atKt, X.O. A a of rkw wwitwa eocta. it. ar be had trail, or win be forwarkd rn.1 fvew Iv aeewre a aavl aroUrawne. D' etraM.

nar Altrate. UDGATE HILL CHKE3K WARKHOUSK. T1. erlert of tke ahov eaetk'ialrmeM re to S10 Wn n1 l' noVIe tbey hay rmBALIC a VvtiaTOCKofrho o4CllRlDlill.Ct.ehlra.aadotkerCHEE'IB. a vlrt.W aylora York aoj Wa tKOraand ham, ard th mIM cwr Mwakfutlafea.atfrom'It.

lo SL rlk. alan atcaiat tik bwatvr"iwJtti aefreatt.lie4. i Hath ep.H OAIHDK.fa.t Ht. Jt. Ltiiit hil.

mm dol fnva the OtriUlkty. Ti per Katon atrtvt. etarveiuar. I ImHco Gnat Huaarll tonuhurv aad I. Hue I aalielioue.

rana. bee atMiae tUir aatienla and tke public renerally, that tlier have aurceetkid in rpc Uooi CAUTION. PreBbargrr Zrlebck. Trie extcn air ALE of tb ai dtkately tttvoojwj BISC ITS, (ao'ik tar eotra oivl in ahla 'entry (au maty xe MHu lo a imnao of Item under lla aawt aaat. ajtodav viVwtv.

rcacrt 'fdjbrm tfcioatir nwd by HAAC ALEXANDER, of II. Illia Honjam. the nn makr th a retv of I'm LtUal rVa. bar.arZwkhi.kor firdijriU aim bacnlta, X.B. NOt a tkne ntr lawia wjldyttri th na.

PREVlTE'iPRhPAkED CEYLON MOS. Thki vahjSe era ward la anfcnfttrd lo tb cal arsaraawva tl poklj Fxtlard. aa affoniinx a da'Icau y. a avaad nkh pre prtfo, of arral durabtlitr. birh'r rotrtiooa.

naJy ditead. aid ltiiBy lir tke nonr al meat of aad ta mv aat. Il taareern'Irobta'awd Ide larenonof tha MtloRKaalc 'ocxr, tod htt bren lail before Roval Iratturln Creat ftritawi. il may be bu nel at Mr naiuya, mep iv and al ef MiKlaTo aad Son T. narn a.k.t; tr, Nywa, oo.

1JJ. Rondatreet: A. Ra din. 171. Oxfce 1 euwti Pitr.

l.r and It, Cocdu frret, llnovr mjj ve olVyr atd Cna. ontaanTa atreaf aieere and Ca. IM. lu jdJi; Wmh. CvxhCl and aW) of the rtaocUMe ctiym'tti to town and omatfy.

Ia canwteraat aa e.1 3a ai ll. each. CIGARS. Old HTnBalTcTarirr2dT pTb or Pa. far I ra'neaa: tttlrtrr of a pored amU boar, atvta U.

Tbe aiml et bnodaolCaDaaa, Wool He. and Slva now in alark. A few choie IWa'ia. ner o. lirltark avu vnh, 1 u.

nU Cuba. lla rhtroota. a lot o' yjry In Br tlh H.Tin.nk. three yaara eld, lla. huraanli.

CaJt frlan OAWo5T. It, Lime, etreet. city, wholma' tKntfur CuFt 'aauce. Oeoda d'Uvertd free ud poaaoMara rtcned. COALS.

BEARD and Co. rcconxmond to their frlni'lathe vrtaent aa brat time ir 'iy na lo a iiack of CO Th'rramt tv" HlhikM WaTaetd(V) tie aaloef erfuatve'y thrv emilre hlr trad.) "a "9i. 1 1, car m. after "a 'nritr oVemnl: awt! foil d'tto. JOa Purflret wbirf, Ea a atrMt.

ca frara. and Wtatera wvarf. KdwvrJ itiwe RywnttMrk butw. COALS, lfJV. nntoifbeii'sfa.

"per tonT A A .1 and Co. eiJ merchant, bet leav tn lefortn the taklic th tl ft fciHowtna are thlr rth prWa. Ivclodln all te taper ae of dtlryry, via. h.t Sfwin't. tta ee Lmbto Or too; bevt Sawira Irarlnr rom la fa.

anthracire. for Dr. Artotl'a etovea. Ii. ir to eta.

II. pat rhvljrwn. OHara rtcrl'tt' at the cwtitlni boaie. K. Ik airett, Whit.ftiira.

car tht Temple. DAVIKb's CANDLrii, per Ib. wdi ciidt7 la. M. hrewai, la.

6 aitra fHe oaui 'a. wax w'clu rauaparxl x. Ii. 3 arcotre airca. la.

M. ismlne a. ta. id. Utv troa teLa I tain, la.

41. ie old brown K. ro rat aher, ta. i rrperlor altitont aoar. ta.

t. i araltn war. I a. sa 9. efl, ranjn.

For cash. Al rvav'a'a otd wvr wMMttre'a nF envcunx uia aaovaueaomuut iniproveinenw iiwikmiiw mu.ivmu nva I a lal t'A la. Tj t.atunj tnethltafd. front one tiacomplet aet, without wire or Ihra IKUAin VArtULirS, tad. per lb.

6.nrt ITlOTildj, ttiraa. aaraald for wouuratioo and artk wiafuui. Loom teeth eecuntly XJ 71 pant Ticranut. Ill metalic, IQS. ei.

noeart. and rfMniiaily faatened. I'porr rtatoa rttwt. I eUrraye iiuir Jr. I la.

mini Jt: pa'ent tfiamwd wax. beat aatanLla mm nu. Until Bnaat'll etreet.ltloomabury: anile. KnatleCaatUlione, I aria. I tmume wax.

ta lamp wB, U. pwaanon; raflaed il, ta. QELLING OFK at eott price, a new, choic, nd eatntjw. TOCK wf yt rUaa SntrFIElD PLATED ARTI CLtrn. v'x.

meat twbee ard cover, crrer dtaka xst aernin. veevable lt witt part.wara, ron ca. atm purepaa. 'vert, ewierlihry, wineeoolm. te trttx.

irtl tnam iarra. r. rh a erket aaaiYwweai rd the hrt Utoo law Th? anbUitv at may tvtr en (fer' adviataavoat pnrria. from tha ktrra nway ecraaeswata eaemd 'o ky Cm aowrwt ar. be la wvwiprRwl a make rn a eoaVe hlw irwM tlww 1n II.

Hn'i aiawew eww.t BnTi mhrtrr. ESSERT FRUIT KNIVES and KORKa. flialunal. Mnv. ltkmvMndTerla.thareoTThapnr Xi II it 't carved iwwy rn4lea I I ditto BMaintalare jl tandlet IT till to earwel pearl k.vl II IT dtdo kkit'apaUaraaOyu aandM I II I Tbey may be had at tbeaa jo wrfca.

mardtl.ll.iieti wakw.wttk rrwttrmwxtweatlreieimasnaaeyca. A.B. ATOHT awtaCU. edamltbv la. vnbtl Loaoa.

epeewt ike VUak of KeaawdL WATCHES, by WEBSTER and SON, Chpmo watter and Wtrrh Mtmfaitu ei and tan adurad l' trwwa.p'wntar4keataulTtw1iaeyM tk n'r acd th eaaWky iher CrmtrwaMcd Daaln Wikta the prtcdrw of theit ennoatr, te wkiet riovensieei wirr4 tre Briar time yr ia afctitiea. Tbecamiraettad dcp'et watch rewbka tb cl per frl ar Taf of pa I'm tu tnut witb the atmo rlrranca In appeararee. la nt eonalted I rrritarttr tyur watcB. tartwH br th awekn clarrweiaetri. and amy be had of tbe rmal eat drneeakr.

Wettkr't newly amlatai. 'reMi 4 nnval lit arpeannr alto tfr rttent detuiwd levrr tet awaar a a bernrvetatrw aBeTwafyreihant 1 rr warranetd. Od watehee tk ha nrht ra. A ae'eetion of Br errnXnmif feavaUse. olra.

xtvf. and navm mtal waathee. br tnwteltatfri wt w.a Kwle ahove half tt i nrl al roe, aad nea ly ena' ta nw. wwatl d. Piwtlrftert atrenitrd to wf ry an oe, OnauemeteT maker a tee Lwrda of It Annatrairj eatablktb4 yean.

I. la wt Owhf Lotvw. PiOST OFFICK AUMKSIVE anr it. QaVva aaoe fratn Sa Id. BVtrH pneks a'bnaa.

rra hneka, fcioaaa and pray.v keoka benad vereat, Narae pat tm'r anertved acd 10 wpn8a cardt pnated lor S. Te be had at Mockta'a. BRITISH PAPER WAREII0USE4CoiraKilf. Tweiy reowy pentae ataaaaa. Ia.

1 fa aheet of Ml rlol at I la IM catuiaen tvlovev. taawrted raw. Id tow brat ditto, la. Half tr'iefmpeyav yttti awahn wax ltturktrjwfnale hlehaieatatlyky Wm.wrinlaiTT. lah.aoVwrl.I.

Qmrtm of areaaef sa Vila wnrt wev Bath eeat wrrtnr paper tkrewafeeta can poawl aaltk penay ataaael. Qcarkrr el a reaaa of tre India; Qwartered areaaof mrwflcetaUa pwat. th thlciiai'ia. la I Qnartvr rd a ream of eanm al pot. oeanprrneelarrerhtnalnewve Qorterelayaata Iwethwa Bath not paper, la.

Tuaanttty of art irwrla kt thwenalrat whldi ran ae ao'd al the miactitv low yaw. Tk price ia jartr rrwoi m'. snwrwi wt in. wv, vit twfc tajTOCKEN'a PuRTAULfc. UUtSSlNU CASES, aj mrabilther.eratalaiB4nunr.ihav!ratkRiab.

atre. aad'eomb. mcmiij tw vt. wtrvtin vr Baaoeaanr tifwatf ewea. tea wl a two ra" a.

kntton hack, Iwrtatra. atrwaora. bat. ahaviir.anwhalr nhea. errnh.

round ahavire rap, aerep. end aookw ae7tmly Hi 1 1. wita and kay. Bnavh ca tn to awwcann wWbwr. rwnpWe.vHth tkrreof the twt bnaaM.

for fd. rtrnalat ewara, with atlvey attlara.frtma IQteSlaiaiaiB t)ialae cwae repaavd attd rrnttet. On pair cf the at rvory and' ra In caa. let la IJ. Makoiaeyevrweood vrrtioeaadia.

II tecbra by warraaled, lor Ita. Ii. ttoawwaad work boar, (ram 4a wtt lock and ky. paceh Va In rawaa er reororto. TnvCht wrfrta ltalcetxe.

IM toy V. Hiwikaa. M. rtetdraat. Rtwaat av dear Int and B.ltaa'a, er WANT PLACES.

All letters to bo port paid. AS Kcmk. a jooBg woratn. age 21, with a raed br aitofmllk Tlareblw iallwetkaot'. Can wtil rt coninntwlrd.

Drtrt In B.T I. Caranwe olacw. Ooawaawx. utpilcity of their invert. of lorture by ntttdical to the Movalf.onilT.

to lay before the public tint lion, be winch it will area that iwrietia riak trutraarnt ia completely obviated bv row ly plactox a amall voire cen rlHctov 1 the ear. which la aot more uneontfortahle ttor prrcepubkt than havirgi a piece of wool ia it place; it pottn into tlie vara the xeneral cua vertauen lo eurn an eitenl, uiaa moat aevera raiwtt tn cwapany atv not th leaat perceptible. The nwly inventd rprcttc: lamw, auly Utey ar placed bafore the tteak and imperfect eyeautht, either ty day ar eandU litht, every object It come clear and dutinct, and tit moal mrottae prrticieu aeen wnneaaca atanncinew. innw wew ipw Hon. hvi met IhwMutrtion and unQuahled anprohation of 111 nrincirol mentbrranf thantadteal proaVtauon, by to uwof wlikk both tb aixht and htwrtna, inwotna mucn tiaprovao.

On Ihatilh irut of a daturharr. in thainh al Fark lo.l. Rriiton kOI, tbe lady of J. M. Bamkow, ean.ofaaon.

On WwilUl in in Hmunl Itrect, ady Ihittglaa, ef a aon. Huawjll aquare, the lady of d.d.Laan, Efi of a Oa the inat ia Tavrttocka iuare, Mra. Wiiltani Hatfield, ef a the SrUt inat, tnCi real Ruaaell itreet, lUjonuburr. Mra. Benjamin rerrey.

cf a daiihw. On tke till Inat. at Wtmirord, Eaae, Mra. O. It.

Parker, of a aon. Im WnhieMlay, I'm 10th mat, at Vt'Ulow walk. Kentiah town, the ady of Henry armatront Bawlina, Kan, of mn. i tl, loth al llollnwar. lra.

John Merry, of a daitxtiter. On tke llth rnat. at ataida Vale, klra. John Murray, ol a daualiler. A WkT Ncbsb, rtipecuble yoanir widow with XTa' a fin breaat mitk.

Can ba wefl vaeatnaaandad bv a aaarfLtal laytttman. Lret la M.R It. Hklertr rvrvewwyf. CMC, or Upper None in a Boblemtn'i renlleman raaafly, a yooa married anau, a a mod nilk. aad bar at etuld.

Caa be nana! Mxhlr mooumad XI. ILMflTTa PATENT WY PANni i kylioladr ah laatfcved with nearly are year aa aepav atan. Ifo oa VV nul1 "AA tAULtfJOnly JatrllonMlow3orcontry.DjrtmxJt.oarpoey pla.Beonip Ita. per d.aen' ba; new kaaaa. lit per la.

red ton.MldJlewx. ftmnew'ek aanuee. I. prr Ib ta. pry raae; mpryior C7i a 7 PrKtahwtm.lS, par doaen and ap'e pry tic tee.

3 UrfBR tlCBSX, OT to Wart Upon TOMST Lldira. IB aa tane a. i UBdoa or la verity, a retaeetakH yne veam, aa who WILMOTT and Ca roaea al Owlr i plek Lotttn aanr wwekonae. corner of Keeriwrh ttt aa I Oraan awvt. andaedarifetrionryarthaflaaaantyAlttwCltrol Lo itton plekle aad mpabof aakhtallwUbr from tonik.

Cnviervfoeabl iiluata ran Hla IM taai'oo ah naut IrIL Lnrect tt d.C all. a rrocer. 1 1. Hac wtr a. Wartannaatar.

CXURT OF EXCIIEQUKR, Wsdsbsdit, 10. iStltiagt aia Bum, iff or Lord AnitOEB.) srKCiiL rtrr R. LavaiiTSM v. titlob. Thi wu a demurrer to a plea of a jadrmaat reojrered fee the nroertatt of actlen in the Maver'a Conrt of Liverpool.

ir. tor ue ia.nt;n, arrura mat it wat a well waatel for BeiLinr, and that niia would he viryj known priooip! of that tb precedency of a tuit in tn dad is leod of hit rifia'iaa. He rx irl Lit henl to Lit throat. and aaid he would rat' er cat tbtt than be a boota. The next day need tha tame en itoeiiro mwttratiiir wiui aim, lata luuauu it ua Jtonaay he waa oa Ttrtday he wat very ili and lw.pirit.

On WedotJy Lt train threatened eat Lit throat, and alto ttid he did aot care if threw himaelf Uto the river. Oo Thunday waa in the tamo Taj. Oa Friday ti htl aaaiat ia putting dowa a carpet in th iliitng rooiB, aad hi aid, Before 1'il da thia, 1'ii io that and pat hit hand to til throat at before. Oa Satardxy hit coaJuct wi exceed IrrTy ttringe he actei in an i jjecet.t manr. er, whieh tbe wiuett bad never knows Lita before.

wtt alt atated tha th deceived kad heea diec.rJei by femtle with whom bad formed an tattratCT, er.J that that hail ktd aa effect upon bim. II had co (riendi it MareVriter, but had been here hetweea three aid four ytrt ia different aituationt. There wu Ba evidence at to hew became the raxer. The jary fiuni a verdict "IatiLitj." TO THE EDITOR OP THE TIMjiX Sir, la your excellent journal tbit diy you bare dene tiftt, aaier rroatd. which Baatei all round the then acd froa tl Craia plpei eosvey th air into tt back af the fire.

at the pil fortceriy.owcapid on ti pipe aid, aetiar on the aarc prttetti ax antaauBCXk. tfc wwrkrrea ar acebltd t7 ceact of a tsall haadle at' the t'de tf tl fireplace tors co a much fore a they require aai tuck it itt that wtca fall OB, tb wkU of fire eaa eaaily Uawn I Caalf 1 fteaaaaw 'fematJ ana A k.1 Vui to av purpoae nqalnd, uwt when takiad weldmr th kiaJceti to pukhth tome, va'uaM l.iLti upon ataatA, tad thea oiekU il ooiU 11 tbla iovettita i fr.m drowatar. It it tn bo hnpeti that thot nantrr cf Uar i eAeiJd. AH the cW bellow of "CB pre" er m.Ywb vd f' idt. rnf'rv TTt UctLUm.

Io cenUcuaUoa cf ysircrfTe rcmtrki, C.puia Robinssa, R.N, aad hii party, who Jy mjfct tf T'ir' terweirKwl on a trirwotMtricjl tarvryof nctwithtUndi the ytlllumtoe ncnetrerrvxt laeosTeaieac from1 tbe eairat. beacon. A5l wtlA kal bto erected by thaaBeen of eagineeri durior nMai, npon tl rno dcprorable vlT i iraoraaea pravaiia am feir tbtt ntitt screen nhora xaubabed. Oa tke Great CamUay caa far lav been tu, of lif mirht hav. been ttill fl'ke nj htve teea Vr.

.1 rlVor, WH oettroyed ia cntequcr.oe their Viar NJ 1 up by the heeli chief a Tterhaat for the moat part Irnerant of the full I t. 1. i vucu luty wu vi iu, wa A i. ti waruit amoaatM Itjary itey Htl i.ertey com iiite; but that i uj, fcf a. yMr Tk tppiic.tlon tf dettmetiv iplnt, aktch it ao eharacterlttie cf th tge, and frietia To Vtt c'h: and tbe Dottrili Cieanecd, It aery cj.Ij tmall portiea ol wrak brandy aad atttr la atla wit IV I Tbs above it ticple.

anl may he puttue with usaia iai tyj eaomia oat rtwaajva aj vaaiua. Blit tb of a dietl rmlleaian. wtteatJnaorertbetitikleepirhof aaetoBde.lrurtvBa. p.rilt tj aid the "Cant1." rtctm tvi rertuaded that ft It aaly leeeaxry tut th ft atTtiti le manaal cf tt Ji jaiaue cinty totbdue prwprit Til thliad oa which thee bet snd qukkly for Cbi art erected pty a Ti'Xt af.ention to their prcirrva CautioVti. I.

Ie no tim. 2. Aoi 1 a'l utarr. to rurviy can tue told lh body be IU fet. 4.

N. rr lUfc b.dy xBctveBieeo ecamtaoaed taerr a inf remove. 5. rui the body aith iUcr C. Xcr cotterrpwrartct aaoa thi wett coatt, to we arc ture, till aid at la cailicf atuatioa to thii xoaitsr G'ettoc Adrrtiscr.

YrsUriAj afternoon the following fatal accident ecarrad 'to Jam Maddeckj, 17 Jtraf ags re tidier at 39, Jamct ttreet, Scuthamptoartreet, Camberwtll, who waa draared la ta Grand Strrcj Caii, sader ttt folio ia aSictirt eiwua itaaoea It apfeart tbtt two Iadt aboat 11 tid9yartof are, tk eldeet named JebnOcklefotd.ner fcailiir in tb canal, aear tb Surrey Caaal bcaa, PecUtm BBabl twins ud ftttier outof tbiiroctitli, they were ttakiar. Th doeaed, who wat pataiag at th tlxe, ohtervicr their arrer.boldJv rJyrared 1st th water to tleir atairUtc. Hi tncoetdad ia reecalrr th aadl inject tobacco trr.tke er irfuaion cf totar. If yon can do tn th favour te girt lU ini'rtion, i'. will befolioaiar the hafi vju bare alree i tonlrret on the pahlic.

I rerrain. Sir, your aibrdiert aryyar.t. Cratnaa placr, June le. BERKLKT WKSIROri'. inferior court waa iot pleadable i tbe antwer to a tuit ia one of the auperi' emirtt.

Tbit wis laid down in rbmya'i Ihjrit, in Ciko'a Rt porta, CI; tod "Seert v. Turner 2 Lord Rtymand, 1,102. IndrpeuJeatly of thii, hewtver, even if thi tbould tw a tnperit court, it wu mxnit at upon tl cactlrrction of in? actt tff.cnar the csntUtatioa cf tbit court, that it Lal keen improperly de Mll MW llllTUr tAIHIl, wovnwv I. DUUl vw uave beea th Court of Pattare before the Mayer cf Liverpool." ar. uodsom atUBip'ed to lupport tbe pie oa both rroundi, hat without tuccett and ti ibe totarave jalnoaent for th plamtuT thi demurrer.

v. wan. Thit wtt tpecial cave, drawn up by order of the Court, ia aa action ef ret part aralnttthl ectn'nif iinert for tie drtinart of certain ptrtx in Licrolathirc, broazht to try tht validity of rate for which a itvy hid beta mt is upon the fjiodt of the plaintiff. Mr. HimraRD, on th pirtofthe pliiatifl', cintended thtt the rata ia quettita wat invalid aaa utterly void, iaatmuch at it wu a departure from tbe aicuitomol mode ef aaaetainr thote pirt.

tne com uiiiionert htvarratlea treirate rate aa property in South BatUraick for the repair of a te wall, tbi bentuti to icsrue irstn wLic.i weuld bt equally applicable both to Nerth anl Siuth Ujtttrwick. Tbit novel pro retdi''', morrover, wtt mt on any preaertment of a jury, from which alei.e ikt oouiuiitHinen ctuld derive any authvity fer it, and to t'iey tnntt I hold have teted w. thou! any Jurit in which raat fsey w. n'd Lable iu treanta far dittra'uiait tht prcrertr tf tht plaintiff. Mr.

WlLDnav. en tk other hand, la tnpport of thtactt of thtt thcujh the rttewt tad one, whkh wat kund adoait, tli'l tLe proper mode of diaputioff it wcull hat been by appeal therelrom to the com mlaal3ert, who were no liable in tie pretent form of actio, txeeyt la a case where 1 1 a td totally witb out juritdiciibD. Whether they mn nxlt er wrong iu iirp plnr thtt the htl jnria.1ieti)a wit net tbe rtaeitiivn, but nhetter they hii a i tiiS fi'U (rrour.d for bolitrinr thtt they Lt laul.cnly lemAetaoli irate, tud lo enforce it by dittrrta. Lord Abimjeb laid, the qntition wat one ef lufficient ia porUnce to deft: and the teri ut attention of tbi Court, which it thou! receira bifcrc anyjudrrnont aa riven. Judgment defwrreU aoctiiitily.

TI0JS. WPtTEIt V. fOWSB Mr. rBENUcauaST moved in tbit cite for leave lo ittue as aaintt one Kliat I'rr, the aieur defcod ant, jr a grin contempt of Coart. It appeared that vxrioat xt'errpti hiviac beea made ta irrvr tlic defendant wfl pro ceaa, I all of which hit rittrr had iven evative rcpliet, aa Interview at Icrrth took place with the attarary for lie plaia tiff, nbeo be.

look the writ rat of hit rocket far the purpcro e.f encloairiR It the defe in a letlrr at htr turrettioa. No toener, however, had he cxpoard the bit of parehmeat writii" to Ler vl than Le roto up and tpj.roacbed the table, if to tint tke bell, but in ict to ttiz the writ, whioh the crumple! up iu licr Uni, ml flaur itt) the fire, ex claio ir eow I've dcre you, and jou may da yur bent tndjour wcrt itn procectiiis wt rrnoerea moro VTAPI.KS SOAPJ and ATKINSIKf IN to talbrta ret nobinty attajmtry thai ly ktv hat rehaa A UrrSB NUBJI, or a rT ipecUblermlddle afawhn drvl of NAPLK4 OAP. Imported lata B.l aaaaaryy XJL.Ud (aala.whotieapak't wf takaai a chart of la hafaal trraa urfanar a pecwi'wny ntw wru i wrwrvty is waaa wtttt. tit nana uwiwr4. can nave mrao yew cnaraeter from tne laey an wartr appllearten I ropwrtrwItT nl d.

11 la ba pot, rrnoa Ba. M. Vw bt akot Mava. 'Trill Mr latiinimaii Tl monentoea. Ctr ry ardara lor tnt lew th ta.

exaejtad oa very Ltb' Cor.dattvtrvet.rouad'wir, reaaortabw terna tl." Iew' BoM afw. Aertt. Ul oUble person, who haa akacaedfttiiaaBaim3lfteJut Itwfaaand a dr. iaeompetonl mtk aa Infant fre a lb biruV Caabakhl reeoaar 1 BKK.inKNHACIl' NKW IIAIU a ledVt wkkst liett erMtwa. 'rosta, Vkwrnawfaaand a de.

iaeompatonl at aa Infant fr lb birUL I ineotraprrt aar iroea irae aadaaawwa naended from th ladr wtt ka 14 tart Or a Waawtim. an tmk the aaiw ptrrpoae either for aeaUaee or fnB dr. "ti't" aaiilliiaan nnwr tt. tr ta.v i a ra.i Halt, tk root of tb. bah tjrww th fotyadaiMw.

and ti Upper rywenawr. frireoyeowi tbe hair keine without net, tbey caonol ebriak otn from th bead, tk aatralovr)ctlri torrna neetal Laar. Wlra, trarpr. fronta. Be ate tiao A It traaa, or iionsemaia Ul xHmall (aHUlr.

manelartiiredtmtltticvenewa id liM prindnl by IL Braldtnbecb. i IX. a footaaaa ka kept, or to wait arp aaadY.aratsawtaMeywanr i'rtreatf r. wiaaiakrr. Pa a'reet.

ihi. am.n pr iwbyilimer.HrroljrwaibioinrfJ:r!owaroVd.UUMrice tev. Hrert IL 8 Mr eekiirt. 7, Wntowtr piae, fontkwwk krwt reaprctable a MAURI Sit. On 1 burailar.

the 4th Kinx' Lanxhy, by the Ilea. W. llotu, the the Hev. Williutt O. A.

tin rrC. nd aon of tin Kv. Tbo tna Im I re, rector of WUauhby, ticrotnahire. to Mary Ann ikleat danihkvof VVllliain Toaalin, of Great Herklumatead, and niece to th Rev. Jani Torulin, of tanjtley, llertt.

tw ltth lo.t ttt. Marv'a ChurtJt. Cltaltimham. br tba Rev. Dl Ceotlna, H.

Tkoma Taylor. of th Hen wl Weil "tryice. to Ktitm ot to lata autvaaaa arcaeu. rtwineait at Ajtwanr. On Ik fib Inat, at le Church, ky Ui Rer.

Gear.e Locke, rector, Aninatua Playfair, to Jannett. lecoad daughter ml WU lfevtn rtorrma. park. on Ux'lh laat. at kt Xunm'a.

Wastninuter, LiauWnant Rattray, tlie Uto Uwltanant Cobintd HaUray, of tkOd UoutaaPrlc, tliloat dainihier LietiUaaot Vlinel IN.U1. veth Llthl lafantrr. On Tnaadar, the Vlh IniL, at Abney Chapet fltnke Xewiafton. by the Re, dobn Jenenmi. nr.

Aioen eavory. oi Munuoro iiiu, to Anna Mart, el'lest damblerof Mr. B. Hooper, of th aam plar. im iiu.

ath Inat at st Pancru. by the Hav. John tdllaon. rertor of hkeahain, Klueei norir aikliaon, r. Uouihtytrwl, Mry, younjett daughter of llicliard Ein cf McUnbartl Otfw'etineanay, Uie tlla at 8t Oil th Fil.l, by th R.y.

farker, Mr. Jame Fleet Mvriwptou. of Tetaworth, Oaf.rddilre. lo ttV.ZiZrslZ ilnt bVuoTll i7 hon to tint ti i dectht. lo profeaalon ao ihoucaat with 'J liSiwiida eTkteltnlclL llaVTl V.

1 Will HOH IV I lawalnWaa, aTrTtllyUUfe. tO ArUW WaJlAOe. I l.i lllllyJJi iiJill li.H.t bbart ayHlh BM aa fttwel tFlaiy akuBilnr "i wtiwivt a vuavAia. 'gOOTH ACUK A permanent cure for the ra7wa? to dbcoverM by tte Kev. CORMA.t can navt an en.raet from th Udv th at aboat lo kwrew, wiu OREGO.

a a rrmu tt chnrrh 'Eaaoiod. who wm tbaLcr wham ah kaa Bvad I wo WrcttC atrwa. VtOHKOORtAM PASTB. Alae for the eae ache and tic tWearwu gvl 3 I vain.

li ataxias nam, Ul ya walk OD BB OraeriT at Tlrry iX lady, trespertab youei prnon froa lb aadar a arakdl by ae. Direct la L.B. It Lakxtreet, Paat lrt, a tX. n. Madam i th A Lad maid and IIociikiktzb.

ct lady'i ad XJL faW IX wntBMaf krr ry an eicv nooaervcy. iaey nvar alma km, rout bwa a aa apaetir II year a raad faranibw. and new nwd. t'l fltrd wnhoat wf aa or ra thaiacter Irom th lady ak Kaaiwatlwa. LKract lear aor nssataral xloa.

Mona.M.1 toCRUTemtve and Prmniiiiii rau.llili inui. fteriic to tbe acntty and eleyrymen whs hav ai tannrd On trial mrate th ultra of tber facta. Oenntn depot. country, rr fcn.ead other aodaa kava a rend harte er rrtaa ur Imt ptae.

ueaicrae waiter. a xotjuo aWEj a toubz pensn. who atrvTa ae a. a. mmmaa vm.

owwwwtrwri. vj I twewrwaVw. TEETH Mons.JAHESM.MALLAN,SarReon Den'Ut, 1 Lolrate im, eppoXte tht Brl Sauvaer. bra I kt of kh natieet ttd th poktte an entfrery new da. ecn nor i.vcuHritiuirii.B AKTirill tLTEKril.aad can with ermltfeeaa xoarante tLam I aewrr tvery purpoae ef ntatOcatkn aad anicaiatoo, ana aery act icucm lot eu eeet obervtr.

Tbey cevi ciaavw cwioar or ami ay vrwqw i turt'nrr. anal hay uinlcaaiat wm nasi toe aarmorr ot tnt taiTurry par Bii a vwt arkei be 1 Ji 1 wnhar lha pleaaure of ahowKwi Ihi Intportanl dlwnery. Menaa.i AS LADrs MAIQ. a TOUDg parson WDO tnoroTJzhlr rcntlcce to reatore decayed teeth with tl ettebnted aiinaral ma I anVratiaddriaaitli8ni.aal taa ao oajeetton to trawl. tnsm On the 10th al Olave'a, In flarvtra, ky the Rev.

John Utkv rector, llich.ird ummerflai, of Maidaton. Kent. toAnwr rrauk. you duhty of William Hitln. ol Jewry atreef, Ald rat.

DIED. ta tli Jith n't nitren.kvo aqiiar. in hla fth year; CharWa CUrke, Kh. F.I.A.. bit ol Her Majertya ordnance ome the Ijlauil of On theW at liU rlenr.

Duke ttreet, tivtrpool. J. Chafj, Ewt InrpectoMietwtral id thai port. 'on Friday, the Mhlnat. at her reanlanie.

Holt lieu. Wokkitlt ua. Hnu. In tlMTMih ran of her an Maria llumfrey, react of tbalate Willwm Hnmfrey, Km. On tit Ilk inat, at Malvtrn Wella.

niiam Xaatau. need I. On ili th htat Cetherine. the wife of Mr. tiecr.a Wooit ef For atnwa.

Wmontnn. in Iter toth On ma "to imnnii r.nrt, Uilnl (jajrUer 01 lie law tv. uiuun ttre vioor ot tinracy. Statk of Tkase.

At usual datlnz the Vhitsun. tii fcoijdijf, and tke taauil iMrptrt cf tbi itnala, there oftf lStlt L. her troI1atui eppoai Jan to tke extr wi very bttVe buiiBC, ftnrit. jtteday. but thtt little, wc arc liont of mn of to retcue lie imporunt document crrv tay, at arcunuj price nr aimii an oeatrip.

for iturpoied Ler pe ten, aad Bjnioa tioci of roodt and yarn, and thy market wot a vtrj Leavy Unl ti uU tfje olr bU u1 to what appwaacUaa CaW.aact Wydnwday. children cail tio ptra and clerk," aad tb Itttexpirin KOCITDALC iLAX.IEL MialiKT, Mondiy, .1 UDC Lad proclaimed th triumph .1 femal iagenuify ud I Tat market to dty baa net occa to uniit it waa ct ir.e latt 1 wit i three or fur MoadiTt, but rricei hire vedenror Lr hianZj AtLUiUaetBraBealamiBiBOckaLre. Daring tin latt aotUi, atii tbe ku 1 Ur. at 24 KeatetyU aa rood, tb. aiaBfactnren for th.

ttl.rkwater oaiket i eoulj a at r.t a a i .1 Ituuwau 1 t.vaa aaaai, iiimv o. lu.b atroelai tkr. wfaea u.far tatauiv oa cWpTwitk him th drwclDr Tk market to dty hu net beca to briik it waa ct. the latt yr the proci of IUr Uajetty't Cart Exohtqair. UdctwUaMtiAtiyuttfeTMBtoBy lutteor lyvrd ABinout It it cuumpt tJinrna writt carnoTd mIJLj AtiotBmBeTlamiBi ricgtiu latt aotUi, atii tbe aicind ku Ur.

PaBUDtitaxiT tubmitud, thtt to greater oonUapt Mcawaoidrai tuaaaai. Al latiaaotur Detjtmin 1 e. A. dtatrov any irt thrir tL lprooc litaiar thereout, aad at ihe aflida.iU ihiwuf that there hav befi bo extra order rlyee.niranyiair.roye Jhi. mtmnn it .11 a writ, cr believid tt to to b.

and Tk Venaed CLliiLrJv walk ytiitaadier rrv aent th it auad worth BMBlioalaf. It ii ittfpotd that thtt thebtd that ab hii acted under th. directwatof bar brother, it a vtry grsti rate. Lard Ai vat Well, you may take a ru'e aui. Kale acccrdisxly granted.

Mettrt. Natkukl Griffio. AUea Caaadler. aad Samnal llanuiac, wen yettarday exiled to the bar by Ik laea. atadety artj jbb, Poljcb7 Uiat Mr.

Mama John lUdinftOB, U.r wer placed at th bar kefor Ur. Lous. eaarrad wlthrlaslBr tk balli atth do er iratMil baowttla niyi iUMt.rk.Jaavai't. It aaetared frea tha labtaiat af aUo OwaiabU tffwrt waTetaWkiB bylSothcr UdTtiam.d Sattoa, tot arrchittt five VeurM awe freely cf Ittr. atitr an ix "ill aSZZSLI ir.d1: prwaiai thatwo.1 watat iu U.t prvce.

altr.a ataly rivea to Mr. UaUlard of tb. Bomj Catil i ark dy. lt ytt coaUune Brm.

HroDaJtsnaXB IUKn, Tuesday, June 0 Thcre 7 nttr wfftarar'y attended with tb wpwirdt of at aiastei thi body wx a Vad. Ui aruawnviwadlBBadUtal anra aexuoai atsnoaa, JL Tbat tci aafartamU i and tlaaUcUr wkicb ckaracUr.u a profltaU lnwa Gd ba taauafajwai wata ka ta ha a aaorlAo tolli Baaathy ar lold, aad la tolerabl. Urr qaiatrtiei kat pwMrallr at fad kimtobi tadawvwan bt tk. Bw ot kit bllcrHsrw littl. il any, rroflL Tb.

woalitapleri polaUy kar. kad rattan. BUaedlaatritUtltAUlaariacBrMfrwnnatlar hard work of il for a UoS lima, aad hat taffered lota; lr TV. ua l.L ak l.ti k. mmA wat tk nrtaa af Aha raw aatarial II eonaidttad t.0 Bira.

KjtfjI jrMwtUwaBBlM a. otaiie. Brf. rfHVfVWrKi' ITnithiiinixtil ithla ware Bra. treat oaatUa baiax tatrrad oa all kaada.

Ouai a aw ywfd tt ata mbbt tarlaf ta. Btatat wwtk. ea la ta. warwkwtxt Bt aiu t. writk.

Onthekih iaL. in hia Mtu year. JoJiiu "Ltctburn. of Proek Uall. near Itulwlcu.

Surrey, ami I isuorumd otTMt. lu Uie borouah of Ktnaoury. yotuiwrr aon of the kit WiuLiai Llckkul, of rchiutct. to th Ui iavt, Mr. ltier Lord, p.r r.o ilrevl, Camherwoll, mid Itirllrton amile, rn her year.

hi the Vtli otL, at tmhridee, ared Sf. Williant rtarl. E. On Wednetdar. the loth at N.

Ilauaplao. Cliebwa. M.UT. widow of th le of aiktean plare. in tlwTHli year of her ate on AMlaimUy.

tlte letli mat. Faen.a edti, tlurd lata Mr.and room, ef ouvoriw iitret. Cllv Vrvan( V. nirnlrtrntolrvtirmlied whit Kualiahernin.buf fairly witk Foreign. The Intifc for an article eontntne aa en Monday.

Aaaivaua. I Wheat I airier. I Oat. I Halt i.tte I ire I e.W I LO" I lii) I Flonr, l.Jwl aacka. rBETH.

No. 13, Old Barlinton ttreet. Mr. m. Jii "j'tm uu Kr Nt or teeth, vho laat year tnecreted In akov 1 too eaeea, and in erward of 109 curt wt ere ether aatmhert of the pmfe alon had entirety falter.

Ur. Moeyrllte. ta rvtuiricx nacu a tn ewnry aao awntry. tor tne oreMwi prfrarerc trey have tabl rarenoi aaa drtaa talting.i ib una. ihi AS Ain, or to take efoarr of one two eKCaVn.

a actwcUl youa peraoa, wb taa be tncena menordty tbe lady baa JoM bit imtet A Oxfardaarket. tear Gnat taatl atrmi. Oalnrd atratt r. 31 A SLAfir'avauiaiy a rejpeclaWn y.ant; wonua, who XX.

Baierataad kalrdrewiac, aaiUiaerr, aad draaaaakktr, and can ava from th lawvhahaloaak.a. fintalv ene ohf reHon ta town oa xonnlev. Ltyrat la MF tk ruhiMi IVmw. racm nwuv mt'ao'w iw tuvoi t'j avvia oa. uivy arvat auv lame 1 awr eeeerw DT afAIOa 0T to Wait on yotiajr aaliw.

wfl retain the'r en ear for a Viae parky! of yurv. ind tre fit frma ao np dn linen requind. Caa hav a rao taarteter from tba lavty ab nnanrral elora like tb ekl French mtetral. ant are wi Jioat a laet Ital witk, lHttet tle wf M. Omat tVriaad parviciaor 3 mvi aawwn in vao unain in ntouiii.

urx rotry r.d dtrulve tl tee t1twihn teeth. Termi: A art of eatanlteetb. bantifolly tnotiatl ia artificial araa. or Bo rokt II ni.ea. tb rt nt a charted 10: a rontl.3te aet of LUbra'ttifnl mmrrd trtk, tniaeaa, the ram ta chanred 49.

Kmrrertnt arte, aad tela In all raara of prortaamiy btreea. Mr. Mntrrrldte, Old Bar hcrtotva'rvet, for aryly puptl. tole drrianer. and maku of amndal teeth, for II yeara.

to Mawrt. Parkl acn. All fre. Exrraetmi anl ateppiat with kice'brairTnent arlontiacailr parfonaad. R.

E. SOLOMO.N'i PATfcNTSPfcCTACLhS A 1013 maid, a rapectable young woman, IA. who underatanfli baiadreeaiaK, and twrua. ax loe uoa. Caa ka kivhly faeoeaaaended ky the hwly wvta whwm ha tte A.W.

Mr, OOXaoa trocar. T. ctawlur 1 A Ladt'i btaio, ot to wait on young Lvlies, a iX reaptctable yous wonu. at it. was vtffecty aini a itiw.a..aln la aJ tia knar.

mA tw ktt.W HAwmrna bw a art taorrlor I) tU efhrri fj oe 'y isyrnted. Tier ntnd ereait 1 mrv rir atna aha haa wnrkad Irair vain. uri a A Mr. ita. rilf toth vkajil vant.

nd pietm the aUht eitrem aid tea. nici'a. bekar. atraat. toa.t vt 'i' si Diaiii vcaaica lutr Mara caa aor auvtuteav rraMaaiTO ntvia MPir la.

I a unjwi atiii auuA. iMuiia m.a.u, vv. nToe. r.n no a.v.atnair, r.ia.rt r. 4tuie wwi.

table psxaon Zraea III tin am aur ti 1 linlirine jfi.rr.. rw iiunmiiviimm exrunwj i. tvV t.t p. cvwjtjgruse: It B. Cooper.

fVew nrert. farhr nracna JI. Ware, ttan V.w IHw tMt fi IniMn Ki A. Kay. dhto.

Mr. K. Vo Condwter wkeiaj'wj In'lbt e'art not the leaat peeeptihle mutfial aod otbr aonadaare n. v. red idl rrttic ti art rersoat aft? XXrupe laaw.ta n.

a a urns ana 1. Jfwrj, ct y. al rfwysr, an fcaaaiwenaawlaiay fytar aeeeajiwt entirely ntixiceded with acy otAar toti e. tefx. 'MabbJwtX tie two ry ort Baaet Orreia awallli tTi eodoteek Irawaae.

kt wvfnaar tor xawaeaeeMlf aaaiL Aiwuan wbfcB win le.r try iry wifl riako ta ladyata latt. lwt i IW. tiki lboin. A wait upen young ladle, dabter cf ti. OIITHY the NOTICK of TKAVJiLLhKS, -I rchtata.

Cap? liri. t.lrp ra. Hrvto' tnd FamCltl. A LAD'TS xUnS fit Lsdj maid and Head Stune Jcvaie wnATTt rtehrs KFrsavEw i. rowpKiia my be faJ Jl.

laanottavVoe It IU, UoiacrsiBiu. j. Aavitti, rrtuear aaaar. axaaortre a. wtscertetttv

CoAUVARKkT. IVxp.vitDav, Jnai II. I Flice of CoaU per toB at the cloae of Ui aaarketl AnurV Pa. 11L thtnier, ft Orixinal XTindaor' Feotnp, la.M. Ordt Redlietiak, 17a i'etitop Windatr.

I a. ld. Rna Jli Hlxb Stale, milh'a Punlop, 17a 'it Wcat llarty, lOa eU Wylam, ta M. WallVrad Hell aad Brown, fa. Ilewlcke and 0a llotarur, la KUIintworth.

Is fd. Braddyla In. wn, lla. fd. toJla.

lletton. la Skt Lairflilon. Ita. Whitwel, jfla. fid.

A.klAlrle. IUirrtt, 1 a. Barrinjlen Tee. outh Imrham, SOa. Ira.

Jia. HlyUi, ta "id. Ilowanfa etnrton Nam. Ita Id. shioa irritl.

tl. I retniaaauoa auipprr aa a a ana prop x. a. aaranwia ace, and teuatx ap ast poaa jrnaiaa aiaaini travaia ba tceirjiitmeal LowrTuim i'rivt. at tie fo3 low Qhwer baevaad' for atwu ujv paat.

winU pnwta Uaadyauine aoaoad. CMaakplow 1 rdttte ikret tm la. It: cdt wstar dlnn, ak refer caa btnrex. Dji A b. Ml.

44. per oowrn. finr tt tt fmprevd (tid 1 1 J. per dtrn. threa arearlo.

tdotrnl. tkrmtn rkitiin mkexu can 'i rr tu'armtviwfe rich, i tn Site! In 110. A HpCCUtli TCUSg rCId'Hr, t3 If if. On young 1 wittilpooa. rjcaor.

It tnt lla. Id. 1 fov. U.Hra a aa Xtedciarfja. Rb acrtcetlyand.rttanatbedrta rraeer.

andleruonaiUrawdVy. la aaifov at mau. aad ea a wea Mr.atawJ. IAm wLa.ulnalrna, S. It ant "a Id.

A lihertl te raer banti and eapta n. He Sewvaeer. PteraeJir. CtreTl' ta nave ray twrtti tt rraan pr cirn rowoer. i.lew ahe JOUDd ladltttjJUSt ata leaaifwaafy wAltSAPAlULLA.

lMIDC.k'i FLUID KX aj TRACTer tlie bet aad meat eonvrs'eat for e.ra'viaArfaalit. Haa a wvdknaaktfaor.nadtatl.alBdea prepuuamot 111 ot, ea much to jatparAr tlVrot work wu at icr aawt. ltaclt A.h,KnrjLrary, Aiakatw tn bouletatl at, Ba. acd IU. eaeu, br Kridre.

cbynut, Btw.t i raw, rlwkc. icu OUorl Loceos ard by Fdwxr.fiand wbery, fr. Ptul'a 1 rburtfayird: Jobra'on. w. rr.

and A laXntXWUaAS, or to wait OO one or two dora. Cantioa. Atk Brt're'a rwrarjarli't, aa tnr ttutatwsl yntwrhkila.arnpte'cyeusxiriearwtxeounry. who 1 o'jmi rot cua tin .1 ihi. rk tiaLtal mad ja taauOEla i aulaav aadcxat avia aoillarraAd diMiiaaa.a.

aca ran awBr eneUwed Hrklre. 178. Beat tetcc. Oafcrd atre.t aottateaded ey a': ahelaaaw mitu. Dmct lw I Xt.

Xba'a. t. a vi. i itii ItvrOntRrdaetd, ll ti per tnt. rtwU Ml 1 Coaaira, aliut I I on Aaauttiea, II ll ll I I atul.

for July I. I i I Ditto. aara, ihj ew II per Openia ci. die. FPSllS rtelin.

JO I tnxutlah Wfemd. 121 Portuaueae. New, Acct. I Imk it Br Caov. AcctJ Portauoa per tl Fpan'jk.

A ecu June lo, I i Iipuimizi par tenuL. ACCt, Jhitcbi pr tkj i Tb luot tin tU at tii I prlj. without mfenaca to nunut i LoaJoa aad South Watra R0 dioountl ChaltealAm CrcatWeatera Railway, ix I Baaaara Cntmtim. il Ontat Moam, IN 1WI 1 VC icl Lonnaa and llrUhlon, Lonwa aad niackwail. Ill I Lendon and Barmtnxham.

Ikt I Pita, riraan.lei Mtao. Kw eliaraa. tl Loodoa aad larva wich. ti way. Loudon iTvyden Tnmk.

ti rrovdjR It Mandatwtar I'lraiiaih BKUani tountieiu Ii Midlaad. N.w. twrnth tUatarn at llawar, 10 Ii York, aad Midlaad. Uaioa ol Aaatraha. lol Uiuanen.

Pcwanawaa. Ita. lOurmit taottCoia at lb coneoie, nt a nana slack, trim rtichacjoer bti, Ua 3y. jst. HelMan.

llk 1 MraatPan. Ttt 1' apantalsitt Pnrtmww I per CawtaJMy I Duark pw tenia. Ml I attk Dutcii oar Canau III 1 i Mtxtcart, tit I Colonwun, X3l Ikaaua. at rttrmatiaam katCwair. at a nar Wawkwaa.

II i Oraat Waakara. tt pat I. THMir A ULMflL'rX. fcpW eefnw HViwwt I COamaaM iroretaJ ynrtan LIQCSUIL The Is iMwtbC 1Cirieat esforeet i a 'ABiOVJtAlDtwncre A heutcaaiaos "PVtT 13 actio wilboat wrakeuia tke lirra i'ltbud. Pt vnrian I llonatmaM arlia a twtaaaata lmi vremr wactrin.

eta eta Exbw to tne A aJmirabl corJial aaarst Dr. t. mn' ofcarAtuw fri3 kwr la.a la SJI. aa Vr. g'jmond.

F.L.. Tha thflyt ravrd tV.e net: rSertaall runtwaa'e. bakar. t. Hon net, taar UtU vaoari.

rvstwiy uaaa.iuc ujai bvwiir. tuaa ot apc. aaii r. forbilMua and Jvar caiplkii 'a itA ki kou j. ti i.

I aad A UOCtXTZZTBi to a. SXgle rcttletntra OT ttlcl XJk rxaa, or ta eo objeetloa to HI etarn ol Lit. Oxford exxKaa't. mMi, and at utarrrbreaf knaat. yertaWe wwlow weaan' aBkeacr eautar ra.

lla. at Pie eentral dnt II. Gerra 'w ttreet: Pa th eel: wilkhyon', Jexxttaa nrntiwi 'tr wi. r. fcat t.

I ypntal erftrccs a a taaraartU Lrt eet at AJBt; Jt. UnM, BABINGTCLV. 'ELIXIR of RtlUBARO. nT fi m. marl.

Thooaacdai JJwI.aixeaikl A fr tbat ab ard rrkh Ol lakh. antiBloa. plUa, r.r I Lkiakr SI liva.wtd?hcaaa tbtdaraw they aarptwed I earre V.rT'.eT,;ZZ rmken can bci.rkaai ia. ti a. tkat mmatorwl ad tnjaneci in lomadtrtax itwa anamWM aECwwyJrwr.anayojr.

atnKttwrttinwwnmainrrrataai rarKdnaowae. teeata traed bvaxilvd lor teveral yrara a a ka ateatr. iawxt a moat ae that tb air atone. tvaiavti ka inJ.rton ia to aectTtiiae Wd am ttv. wat iaa.a aay awes olaal and air tot lure, rear br ijftor te ts j.

Jrrt.vwarr to' a iintW jrUanU or orwa va. fkia evlabeatad ra didM inveattd ir that par faO.mAa amgaw 3 ywe.Htri ir pr wtvpaakot it te tre aw rxrtrmt at. 4, aaJ lla. be atawa. Baralaaa a d.

aua. peopcwr. li. (luttuji. CUaptaW.

aa all tpctabat 1 aptriatcwd Mf inei arat'. ocyaeww. rertnt XTL a ratpctahle aa acd aaud act a a rka7jy.a maba aaaTiatcdwiaaaeajar.aaaavwit a tMt I TaiR.SCOn.UlUUUS nd LtVJtlC WtXS. dayveT Aherttlby' octhio aarcar'alr txamtaed tt. 8tuH a tut ury aai.taaia vaa live.

AMatt. Ti loc and kaixkCBB rtaelJUn, nadictnal taatoua. and caa itb ataaetaaoHaya tbaa in from XL a rl aiaall any ataeurial Uaebena. pxawa. rare aadieaaal tad froa i aawracttr.

Uiuea aad Lane Pit. a vat a aawnaia uu etrattal ed A pareual ofctorvatlj. kaaii trUL maeaaaed a taw ram a BVer, aHP wW rrnw omwrrwi WCatV aftilwaat rr wm iwoHwa wavpwata; iiniam mmA will, aotviant. erftal armol 1 toots ao ttrexjltM a wtn rvpui 4 o.

taa imi ai iattauoniT ey i A a LVi: mil 1" aatl lm ta fill." rT ttaradf onhr W. Lambert eaw. I atat Jtrmywetrtrt la haxa at ttt I. tad aaat JbvaaoatwniWri mi wtat yraariT.rk Rt artjo. Aakvia DttiKt xo.

to. a itngtafenfltB an. A 3 UOOa; aaa. mnwa.fctaraa, yi a jam iwj rr SksffSSkaae ma a ka. I aii.aaaatiaaaaia.1 a aaat ayj aaww wn I T' it tf I.

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