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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yilE TIMES, THUR8DAY, JUNE 11, 1840. I 1 V. 7 1 ..1 njc prnwn mi urncr succcccia in lotntiojr nil name auvw.cBsow, ntfte the'trrecisv day mi tb iumthm of a rr. hs" TtrJ Biwn iriiTivir.tW tt. larMrTi TVVrl.J imi.1 rV11L I in i wiii iiiKiiinrm we un muwn miiw irag trom 1 i.

10. wincing wnscn Be did not tben possets, my powir Riven to paw to the Irish" denrY. Mr. IIawm m. i.

rnslacd adopt as c.rcrl frm Ids well known charad iiaiT. That noble Lord, when ink in! on the day we have mentioned above, made a remove hit name Iron, the list of Toter. There is I Mr. Mac.j rsve notice he should to morrow sUtraaUkeexpoeition of It objects. lie ajxrthcr provision la the which desenrei (this) evening put a question to the Secretary for jCtodthebnitothelloaieoatheeiliof Msrch, KpexaU and more particular consideration.

It is 'Foreign AfT lrs on the subject ef the blockade of 19 days before the day fixed by him for the second well known that the jadges in Ireland hare, by ten JJuenos Ayrcs. redfcg, and It was la the hand of members either to wo cf their body, decided that the mode of esti Mr. Milk then moTed the order of the dy for the the 1 4th or the 1 Gib. cf that mon When tttj mating the value ol property which is to giro iecond reading of the Seduetioa Ml After advert wo adin had been earrW by a majority of 1C, the qualification lor a rote i to ascertain the ing to the inadequacy ol the present law to protect lord SrsirurT fixed the committee for the Cth ot rent which a solvent tenant could afford to I the poorer classes of society, the hon. member went pay for the same over and abore the rent I on to show, by returns which he had obtained from which the person claiming to register Is liable to ry nd this decision is in accordance with the principle of sercral which are to be found recorded by rrporters in English eoarts of justice.

Lord Dixit ix, upon a reference made to him for the purpose of ascertaining whether the minority of the judges must be bound by that decision, has, we understand. decided that they are concluded by it. Bat then Hit thus afTordaig to the House ample time for the Kctrderstjouef the details of the bill, the principle of wUch had been affirmed by that Tele, and for prepiration of any amendments which might, iron such consideration, suggest themselres to aar fur and candid legislator. Further time tras afforded by a postponement from the Cth cf Mar to the 18th a postponement readily conceded by the noble Lord for the accommodation the Government, whose leader was ab nt on secountof a recent tragical erent. On the 18th, liHh, and 20th of May attempts were made to obstruct the further progress of the bill attempts aitalls dtfeated on the latter day by the bill being earned into committee, though only fro Jama, by a Bsjonty of three.

What will be attempted this rvr lrr. when the House will again be called upon coc uder in committee the cliusos of the bill who principle it has affirmed, is a matter of deep anxiety to evety friend to fair dealing and sound IrnUikm on a matter on which it is of rewntial taportanoe totaislate during the present session. Now Wt us trace the steps of Mr. Pioot with re apex to his erabarrassiBent bills." On the 11th nf April Lord Jor Rrsau informed the Ilouse.that it was his indention, on moving for leaTe te bring in the Registration lulls, to state his ws as to the regiotrttien in Ireland; and on the 4th of Ma aesUtcd that "the Soucitok Geveiul for Ireland would crtlf more for leare to bnn; in a bill to amend the registration in Ireland On the SCth of May, after midnight, Mr. Pioot sprscd hts first bill.

In doing so, he does not appear to hare followed the rery laudable example set by Lord Sit.T, of affording the Houedue informa txa si tn the cbjecta in Tiew for in the Pilot of Ksv te Jj we find the following obserraUoss It wou'd be impossible, from the reports girt ot "the SouoTon Gmtii'i speech, to term an de cded opinion upon the merits, or indeed scarcely upon the objects, ef his bill." On the 8th of Msy the second bill, which is to remere doubts as to the qualification of roten in and to create vtriSnnal of appeaV was ordered to be brought in Tttflift was only placed in the hands of members on the 0th cvf June, just two dsys befre that appointed for the Hid reading ot beth measures. We quit this branch of our subject with an entire cooidttce that the country will award to Lord Srax ixr, asd not to the Gorernment, its hearty approral cf the coarse of dealing adapted with refi renee to a question of such rast importance. Coae we next to the prorisions of the "embarrass sent bSii," which shall be taken in their order of taccrssji and with a of examining the Una fid whh ihtch these bills hare been introduced, we copy from the ilrming Chro'icU of Tuesday a statement of the complaints against the existing system, pro potxff afterwards to show in how small a degree those complaint will be rcmored by the mbarra cent Bill, No. 1. Tht 'complaints made against the existing regis tries Ireland are chiefly these 1.

It is said, and it has nerer been denied, that many appear registered who hare died, and it allied that these may be personated. 2 It is said, and it has serer been denied, that many appear registered who bare lost their qna Lfica'ions by some of the Innumerable changes of ci'cu instance which must, of necessity, affi ct a franchise based on property and occupation. 3. It is said that several persons are registered more than once for the same qualification. 4.

It is said that persons may hare registered, "claiaiirg title founded on former registers, and personating by means ef certificates those who had lost their franchise, or had died. It was said that in some instances the 1 jU contained the came of persons more than eight years registered. It was said that the employment cf certifi did or might lead to fraudulent polling and that a different mode of pollxg ocght to be adopted." To this caUlegae of objections to the working of the system we beg to add a serenth head, not the leas: important of the whole, Yi2. that the Irish Reform Act, which gires an appeal to a julge of assize on matters of law, and to a judg) and jury on questions of ralue, wherethe roter has been rejected ly the awiitant birriiter, prtvidfi no appeal iclalever is cases where the roter has been admitted by that oScer. The first oi Mr.

Picot's bills proridt no remedy fer this most crying grievance. Prooeeding to the heads in the catalogue of complainU furnished by the abore mentioned Gorernment print, and looking to the causes of Mr.Pioor's bill, we find that the desire of the Gsrernment to surrender the support which their followers hare hitherto receired at elections from the personation of dead roters is eriaced by a very remarkable prorisien contained in the 15th section, which enable the barrister to expunge the deal Toters from the it shall be proTed to him, not only that they are dead, bat that rieenfy days' ntt'pt bjectin has been dtlireivd at the rfi "oence of such Who is to pay the resurrectionresurrection man to be employed on the occasion of serving this notice, Mr. Pioot has not stated in his bill. The second, third, and fourth. grounds of complaint are capable of being removed by the working of certain clauhes in that bill (but, a if there existed some where strong objections to their remersJ, and a de aire still to retain the benefit of fraudulent or fictitious rote) the following impediment are thrown in the war.

The ol.wvtnr vkn Tiv thr riU'inr law ti ibr whK ltJ admit to eiUt. Th't. I conctive, fall Ireland is not required to serre any notice ef H.4 objectwn, must aerre a written notice 20 day pre ftnti utrodaeel their bdl, nj report eld sot rious to the revising session upon the roter, and a Uca mtaaeld from ttm. Mich rtbeDioQ sz dnplicate of such notice, with an affidavit (for which Uu as Lord Sunltj', bill, prjaed bj pwij aid penoetl he will hare pay) thereto anaexed, ttating the I aaiavmij. It iiaot a diirnaetisemtnt till to ttt Umi JUU fa, vpn waica tie objection upon the Urto' ths too tr.gat b.t tw i vi will rsctitUd is eommitua.

Tht lesding pnseiplts of this clerk ot the peace. He must then prove this double I lUm MUimti 0 tk, emce of his notice, and next make out a primd Go parad thrsugfc ths Hoais of Connosi la aeie case in support of his objection. This, again, a material alteration of the existing law, which require the roter, whether objected to or not, to eatabLsh his title to be registered. The aereral rtepe thus takea by the objector are taken at the peril of several, both of the agricultural and manufacturing districts, the immense increase of bastardy which had followed the Introduction of the New Toor Law. There could be no question as to the evils produced by the law as it now stood, and the only point to be considered was the system to be substituted for it.

A civil action was a source of so much expense that to none except the rich was there a remedy member for the town of Clanmel. Wc hare before had occasion to direct attention to the register for that town, which contains the names of not a few constituents of Mr. Pisot who hare qualified as 10. voters upon occupations for which they pay rentals ran ing from repnunrfs tojfv thtHtngt a year! Mr. Pioot, thi fore, has taken care of this class of roters by a provikion in the COth section, that no objection to the value of any premises occupied by any reter for any city, town or borough shall allowed, so long as he shall continue to occupy the same pre mises." The mode of remedy in; the fifth ground of complaint that the lists contain the names of persons more than right jcars reistcrtfcl is in accord ance with the other prts of the bill to which wc have adverted.

The barrister is empowered to ex punge such names from the list, but if he shall fail to do so, the individuals are to be entitled to rote! The sixth ground, that the employment of parchment certificates leads to fraudulent polling, we admit te be fully remoed by the abolition of the use of such certificates at the poll. We hae now completed our observation i upon the first bill. The Second Embarrasmcnt Bill proposes, first, to reverse the decision of the Irish judges upon the mode cf estimating ralue, and to substitute for it the prorision that the rotera interest is to be calculated to be "the profit er adrantajc derived or derivable by such claimant out of such premise after deduct ing the rent, tithes, rent charge (if payable by "such claimant), and expenses, if any, cf cultivating the same." The bill then proposes to peal such part of the Irish Reform Act and of the bill we have just noticed, as gives an appeal to a judge or judges of assize against any order made by an atsisttnt bar rister, leaving ts the roter njectcd on the ground of ralue ha appeal to a jury. It proposes also to enable the SraaxtR to appoint three banister of seven years' standing, who, or any two of them, are to be a court of appeal upon questions ot law. fhc independence of the judges in the superior courts renders those learned persons unfit, in tha estimation of the present Gorernment, to decide qu stions which Lord Grit's Government censidircd, and wistlr considered would be best decided by them.

The barristers, therefore, who are to form the new court of appeal, are to be subject to be displaced by a rote of the House of Commons!" It this Court shall decide in favour of any voter who has been rejected by the as Utant birris'cr, there is no provision, as in Lord Statist's bill, for enabl ng a committee of the House to add his rote to the poll taken at an election which shall hare oc curred pending the appeal. The court of appeal may award costs to an objector as well as to a ant but as these are only to be the costs of the ap peel, an objector may prevail in his appeal against the decision of the barrister, may show that decision to be utterly untenable in law, and yet ho will have no remedy for the costs which the barrister msy hare ordered him to pay for what the barrister may deem to be "an objection without just We hope that by this time members who call themselves independent will have taken advantage of the advice giren by Sir Robert Peel to the Souci tor GtxtRAL for England to read Lord Stak iit's bill, for we arccon61t.nt that if thej havi done this, snd are clposed test our Wrvations by a reference to the clauses or Mr. Pint's Jls, they will not fail to give the preference to Lord Statist's scheme, which will thus be carried through committee by an increased majority, even though the Government shall venture to offer or to encourage any fur thtr factious opposition to it. To one member who has shown his independence by two honest voUs upon this question we mean Mr. Aimworth we feel it only due to publish a portion ef his letter, in answer to some impertinent resolutions passed by a body calling itself the town council of the borough of Bolton, and in doing so, we rtcommend Irish gentlemen to follow the spirited example thus set by the member for Bolton.

"TO H1T0K Of BOI.T0, "DttrSir, IbT)tMkoold4 thereociptof Utter ftk29lhfcf bj tte Uwo coaicU ud othr tUcton of th troagh Bolttc. I rtfrttterv ecteh thst snj totei tieI est hire Ttn in the lfouM of Commons ihoald be at vtriance with the wliVei Ue required forfeit Jtn pa Cesun if. run Loa, 6J2f. io. v.Vf.

xebagi a raontt, bmbct. 'Ol. sections, on act' FFr. 24' 7je. 2tf.

97K the gronnd that the whole system of the certificates B0BME' lvn 9 5 vwea r.a. WIS USeleSS. I umpwiwii, i ytt Cent 7CI. 75a Mr.Gormrsj. riwmnFum 4 BritaTb wn(UII mm; ffeuuo hi a rcruacaia character was smsU when presented to a person unacquainted with the characters of the partie cer COUkT LlhCVLAH.

Tie Qmcs aad Prises Albert Ui Beiasaam Pilue o'clock resurdst afUraosrai ia aa ea cermr aaJ fear, itk stridsn, Clal BocUfj aaiStrElwarj Utwifr. ths la Wiur, stts'diag Her M'j 'j aad in RojU UighBea borWastc. After lbs tnuoaaMattswBt oa Her MMety's life, ths Oaeui ul Pruu. A1ht vk Our letters from Malta of the 1st inst. bring intel i unar, uj nai4 Har If jjoetj's aagaei asstbar.

tb tifying. The certificate here proposed would be from Alexandria cf the 20th ult. M. Lacart, Ket, it Iaeerne hoo, Bltn itni HerM.jtj unponaai it were presented to a maeisirate of tb vonsTu saaressea a circular "amT1 rrvrm, mno dirtrict, aad yet JtbwMlrI Utohta ta, Jae, tb. Eri of Lord SSSa to a2l onxlto tb.Tic.aov, Fr.yi.g bi tooM.r rinm of Ct a.b.rta.a, EI of Err.ll, vd Vu baring no acquamt the rredmr.

tk. brsebus cn Ttva ia rilkoal tb.arq,l.of N.r eab, arriTd ance witn the neighbourhood. nuuoa tAdUen atteod.d t. bT the rfpr of ft" Ur 31 JWj's ntn, ksr. Mr.

AtSTOK put the case of a single landlord OCCU BnU Ratei. Tntn, ntrark, Sweo, Spam, bat n9" tb Q. pyiag a whole parish. deelbed bj tbee. of Friso, Ciirw, Holland, tie Tre Sid HU R11 Hlln Pnco Gsorg.

ef CabnTe eM luc Lord G.SoMtwrr thought the certificate useless. Mt, and Taeeinj. M. Uraii, moreoT.r, MDt to 'ag fUco to nuk. lairw.

lt Her liRhtlr were such trM.mnnt.1. of thre, IrnLtss b. er. Pn nmont whn in i "I AC iorlloii on all ta. eociMCUd ii.xu, litre uu.

accusomca many of the assistant barristers lure decided ac open for the cduction of a daughter but he cording to the riew taken by the two dissentient ''bought that the bill now before the House jadgrs, and be it remembered also that Mr. Pioot is would afford to all an opportunity of obtain ing redress. It had emansted from the Poor Lw Commissioners, whose opinions upon the subject corresponded precisely with his own, and he trustod that by it a proper course of remedial legislation would be established. The bill consisted of two ptrts, the one relatir to seduction when effected under a breach of promise of marriage, and the other to the same wrong when other means were employed. In the first one the rvdress was ia the nature ot that for a breach of contract in the second, the remedy bore proportion to tha loss of service.

He thought that the special sessions of the magistracy waa the best tribunal, as the courts were now constituted, for the trial of this description of causes, and he would limit the damages to bo awarded to T'V to be paid either at once or by instalments of tl. each. In the first class of case which he had mentioned, the amount recovered would go to the woman, but in the second te those who were in trust for her oil'prin'g. He meant the bill to apply, not to the ricious, but to the unfortunate and he would enact, that there should be no judgment against the man on the unsupported evidence of the woman. The ArroRXEY GEtKBAL, in opposing the motion, observed that it was proposed to introduce a principle of legislation altogether novel, by which a coin position was to be awarded purely for the loss of chastity.

The bill would open a wide door to vice and fraud, and would occasion a much greater amount of seduction than had ever before been known. He was decidedly adverse to the should then fore njonV that it be read a second timo that day six months. Mr. Ue nett was surprised to hear from tho Ax tokt Gexeril that seduction had btcomo Ins frtqucnt under the New Poor Law. He believed that the concealment, of cri ae had increased, and that it was often attended by infanticide, and he was anxious that some stpi should be taken to prtvent the indiscriminate seduction now so common among the lower orders.

After a few words 'from Mr.SutNET, Mr. Viluers, and same other hoa. members, the llou'e divided, and the second reading wss carried by a majority of one. The House having resjlvid itself into com nittee on the Beer Bill, Granville Somerset objected to the first clause, which proposes a scale of renting as the basis of license, graduated according to the population of the district. Such a scale, he thought, might be rery suitable ta the circumstances of ore county, and ct rery inoonrenient with refirence to those of another for In'tano t) thjie of his own county of Monmouth.

Captain Haviltox observed, that the first clause was not intended te affect the existing interests which were saved by the 18th. Mr. Pakisotox slid it was necessary tither to repeal the existing laws altogether, or to modify them by a temperato a'teration. lie had ad jpted the lst'cr alternative in thus proposing ta require a reasonable property qualification. This mode hal been recommended by a select committee of the House.

Hu defended the provisions of his bill with rerermce to the particular circumstances of Monmouthshire. Mr. Warbcrtov, understanding th3t there were further cLauses to be proposed, was desirous that the bill should go through committee prajormd, in ordi tha thos; clauses ght be put into it before it hould bo discussed. The Cjiaxcellor of thf ExcnEeirrR ni that this had alred been done, an 1 that the bill wis now in a state in which he was inclined to offtr no obj cthn to it except as to two clauses, which he had giun otice that he should oppose. Unless theri were mre rcciEs cf checking irregularity by a johce forte there was no way to protect the public, except by securing the rspecUbilu of tho houses Mr.ALvrox was for the omission of this clause.

Mr. Slahry took blame to lumelf for baring concurred in the existing beer law, and thought it nectary now to apply some remedy for the evils introduced by it, particularly ti suppress that inferior class of houses which entice the working people, doing serious injur loth to their morals and to their pockets. Mr. Wamet said, the present law was an evil of enormous magnitude in the rural districts, where its operation was, to leave the wives and children of the labourers in sta'c of destitution. But he thought ficjconjutnenu; kotitli fqsllj a tutject of regretteme this bill would not cure the mischief.

For that pur to Slid tbat eioularl; rrofeu to be a Referiacr caa pOSC there should be a good police, and an adequate ontftuce a siagle moment tb yrtrnl rowiulnt aod I gygtem of education for the people. He would tt. Ineh regmr.uon. I lo.g nfon vote for the omission of this clause. testimonials given, even by fnae.

A.brt. aail bT Edward B.t. CI.I wlKlk. t. r'd.

aod Mr. PfmaCU S4T1(k4V I.f nM 10 vioia trutn. u. i II o'jexk Teeterii, mmm fj WVJ After a few words from Lord Worslet and Mr. "eat to proceed uDimucm on a eiicilar miuiofi, taileJ f.r UltB, ttadl cj hie tute, retard to Buckjajieoi Slaket, the House divided, rejectinjf the certificate that ia tb.

Eegrnh sicket, oa the 20tb. PJ Clauses by a maiontv of two Another ler free, an arqwi.abl. qnrtr gi at "ooooat bears had a Imbo rnteraj ra ag of Then fsllowed a great many different opinions, 1' "T'0' Pnac 1 'laiawst by a perfecti diemtereet. 1 pirtj a1 sae rrtaco exprW upon the hours to be limited for opening I evrus J.w. ths at JerW and closing the houses as to which the general feeling seemed to be, that it was rery desirable to limit uniform hours for all kinds of refreshment houses, aad for all descriptions of districts, but It seemed to be no less generally thought that any such uniformity was practically unattainable.

Sir R. Peel suggested, that on the whole the best way wsuld be to decide tha. 10 should be the closing hour in the rural districts, and 11 in the towns and that the magistrates should have authority to declare which should be deemed rural and which town districts, with a power to the Secretary ef State to make exemptions in particular cases. Several members, however, had each his own favourite regulation to propose, and each of these produced a division. Another discussion arose on the question whether widows should be entitled to a renewal of their hus bands' licenses.

Mr. Wakley proposed and pressed it on account of the superior sagacity and prudence which he ascribed to the female beerseller while Mr. Pakinotoh oppoced it, on the ground that if men were found incompetent to repress the disorderly frequenters of these houses, still less of such control could be expected from women. The House, on a division, adopted the amendment in favour of the widow. The bill, as printed, leaving gone through the committee, Mr.

Cresowell, in the absence of his colleague, Lord Satjox, moved the clauso of which Lord Sandon had given notice, for prohibiting the consumption of heer on the premises. Mr. Cress Lfiaiafa nt yeiUrliy asroio to ths Bossy park, to pie a Vnt to H.r Miiity lem, aod which would ao debt wlatTer upon tb. inno I Dafr. Ha Rjal Highae rtu to toa ceaee.r lb.

ateneed. Th. writer ie eeveron I tb mtd tb. Dsakeeeof Seat. tb.

French Costal at Diffluent, Rim MErroi.apon I Tt Dllok" Oloeeatar aad th. Dk. of Cuar.if M.Biroiv, ei Cearalaragtat of Frnce in t1t city, and I nitf Pnaeau Aauiu ysiterdae, at CUreaee hoate, apoaU.CoCBU.rr.the French Cata (ieceril at Alexin dna, bj wbcm th. frar wu jprort 4 bat h. Tfce Cabinet MmUtert dmed with Lvd HoIUad Uei ea bit i lrir.t.or, and beip'aki the deepfelt jrr'ita' ef th.

Hella4 Jea to th. Bntuh Caaeul Ueaeril at AUniJni (Coloeel tu Hodois), for hu acute aad i ilojt tiliiij pu; a prioJ lo reiuen oat rohmood. th. perwea ion of th. axhipp? Jr i A te'egrapM.

deepatch hiem aanwinecd that Cairo bad beaneeton fi alnfonrdifftreBt plaoea, tae Fashi inuaa atelj tet oat for that at on th. 'JCth. Tte it timer amred on th. JTih at Malti, freM Snjras, which lb. left nth.

231 ul Tbebeat aaa loteae. tKroahout the eact On the "Oth tke thr30cetsr risjr at I JO Fahrenheit in tb. an, ard at in the lUle, at 10 o'clock a.T. Th. iqaidron under Reir AJaiiril 3r Johs Locis irai then ijiag there It coaeitt4 of ths Oargee (tb.

A Imiril'i ibip), th. fterfal, Ki oburh, Ana. Hut iagt, and Be'ileit'e ihlpt of the lioe, in the Crvlopt iteamrr. The French hue only three ihirt and a steamer in th. barboar.

LordKsivE m'elfor Eajflinl tte IVoajhui it aner 03the28Uialt. Tte crew nd panecrrt cf tte A'veron were fill ia quiraatin, tat tvjwm erellr health We drew the attention of our rtalers some time IVepatcfce. from th. (feeweor of lb. Mianunt eeieed jetterdiv at tb.

Coleaut te. HR1SCK ALBERTS riStT TO Wl OLWICK DOCK TARO. Oa Toetdiy afternoon aa of aal not wat re weed it tb. IXxkjirl lta an order that prepa itwis shoul ho a to rectie. HerMij'tty sal Priao.

AlVrtoa thefoIIuwUf day at 12 Orters wrs at tk. uat tiae tent to tb. oonoundant of the Rojal AruUery to re Ur finnif a B.jU aalaU from th. norttr battery, and to ti. cota tEABdact of tb Boral Mariaea ts hav that oorpa i.

radias act as a body cutrd. Oa Wlond.y qmrtrr aat9a.nL, another order was Utad eoaaurauadiet the) crderiof tb. prertoas evtms; re'iBte to th. Rjyalsalat. andttebc a Hir Mijeety woald aot a eampany Prno.

Albert. Prtcueiy at a qairter befr. 12 ojclock itijal Hihet arrived a th. Bjckyard, aal iu refuel by Lord f. Castala PbiscatlarnbT.

iimm v. ago to the subject of chimnej sweeping, with the tfablubaaeat, aod Mveril of tb. beads of th. departments, view of putting down the enormous evil of employ After tb. ataal f.rm of Lstrodae'ion," bis Ryal Hi(haeis ing chddren that trade.

We would n.w only re pro eetej to vw tho at prweat hu Idmr miirlr that fhe hiIiim! rnmi ah i St Ti ii i naasea 130 lrira yir, to carry IJO ran. Th in the House of and that cannot better conclude our short notice of it than bv renrintirj? the admirable mirli chi.h tall ir. V.KESS EMrMi well cited a variety of evidenced show the great JJ 7 SJ by ts. ii 'tenceuPona man who, fr filthj lucre sake alone, eierr object uvoa ui uiciun wnnuuci ujr uw urvr auupa. ut i ut tsonncra me uie oi a imnjie.

p. in Uli irow In an eieqaect a1lret ta tn pritonrr llatltt Ceckbura He admitted that they might he a convenience to some. bat urged that this consideration ought not to prevail against the injury produced by them to the country in general. Mr. Paeiigtoi opposed the clause, as being no Its than a total repeal of the law.

The House divided, and tho clauso was negatived. labonoas atteadano. lait year oa an Irnh lee lien com anitteo, I witseatad tb. teriett etl'i ar ting t. aocuty and ged fovemment from th ftrauat ayitent, and it wai on this account, wt.n Lord Stanley iatroJueed to tb House hu bill for tb.

better regAtratloa ef voters la Irelaadi that I ventured t. exercise my own Judgment, snd vs'ed that it aboald read a iead time aad go into oommittee. TL. Heat, of Cemaieoi, in two important dmtiaai, has confirmed t)M prmapU ot th. aM Lord's Mil, and Hr Mtjetty'S Mi niitert, anabl any )osrer ti onpoes tb.

vole, ef public oplnfoa, havtbeeo eompolled to briag Sb a bill to correct tb. 1815, to whish I gsv. my atient. Ia and 1833 similar balls wars alas latrodaced by th. Goeernmect' Some discussion then arose, and some divisions took place on the values which should constitute qualifications for licenses, and on the numbers of the population, and the nature and amount of the ratings, to which these alaes should bo referable.

Tie sticklers for low rate were chiefly r. WanBCRTOK, Mr. Aouokbt, and Mr. Autos while Mr. Paki50tok took the principal part en the other side.

Mr. Warbchto particularly contended that the augmentation of the required values by this bill would oily hare the effect of leading the brewers to advance a little money to tho beer shop keepers for ths improvement of their houses, and so the houses would oeme to bo more than ever under the brewers' control. On the question whether the clauso as amended should stand part of the bdl, Mr. Philip Howard said, there was no law in any civilized country so oppressive to the poor as this bill would prove. unless indeed among the states ef Austria and the vassals of Prince MrrTEaficn.

The House, however, on a division, affirmed the clause On the 11th and 12th sections, requiring aa a pre liminary to the license a certificate from six inhabi tanta rated at not less than 12. a year, or from a majority of the Inhabitants where they are fewer than The Paris papers of Tuesday, with a mass of foreign corre spondence, have reached us by our ordinary espreta. Tb. nwt qatnt article In tb. former the reply the French Goierament thrujh iti ths (Wrur Frura'i, to an article pobliihej in TJu Ttmti ef Siturdiy on tb.

turret cf th. oitit auel occapauaa of Algiers rj the French, ard of ti rfep'erable cerieqaeneei eten to tim Oir contemporary appliet certain harih rpitheti te the manner in )nch dealt with tb. eabject, to wbieh prrtont we Villi only artwer, that all tb. fictt aad all 'he ititementi on which our eoaitar.tiry wii fjaaded wcr. deduce! from tbecolumot cf tke Pin, ptperi.

Th. mors cfBcul Mjmltur I'jnnen of tame dite, pot. ihly a'io with a tiew to oar irtiole, anJrrUVet ta refute, set Hir etalemenU ef th. torrible In Algeria, bat tbie pablnbed by the CXmrrfr f'rucai itflt, aad othcrt ef Itt conteaiporariee. The Pakei of OaLPiM an 1 Ac ilk retaraed to Pine on Monday evebitifr.

Oar pritate Utters state that the Kino woult on Sinliy, the It', inttin, review the troope of th. lice fjtoiins the aarnton, and the Nttional Unirdi of Parti, in the Plac. da C.rroaiel or Chimp de Miri. Tu fi lewisj article appeared in a aecoal edition of The Ttmn jetterJiy We hue reeire by tb. regalar mail ti Pant aod our tteuent tipren, farther Ittttnfrara Bembiy of tb.

of April, hut t'n all no important fa to lhte pub.ubed in tlii jirirntl oi 'a; lait, with the escepuoa of the ruin ure4 oceipa.ion of Khita by the Rusiant, and of tbeir in tende 1 march thence on Bukhara. Letter! from MeianJrii, of the a't tti'e, that an th receipt of a from Curo, itaun that i' bad been first in four different pUc the far thit capital. The Patsiti wat, on ths 31 in an alarming ita'e PritA) Iettn frm Cjattan'JnjpIe, of tie 2V.h ita'e thit Istti FosONBT had tent hit pritat. eecretary to Lon don to reccaiiren 1 Lord PimrasTOt to peretr in the trt tem hitherto puruei with regard to Kutera aiT.iri. Hu Lurdibip declared, tbatif Kalaol ihjallchsngs that esune of policy, it won.

1 be ioipeiib'e for biw it continue ia Coa itintu Lori Poisoisr wit mil of einlea that tb. of a BntnU Heet on tb.ceatt Syria woalltn ooaraKe the people t. reto't, and that MtHMKT All weald be obliged totvecuete that promise, and ta'itait to the condi tion imputed upen tim. Tb. remetal of Khosaew Pisua from omc, annaaacod tet'erdiy, net coafirmed by thete letters.

Tbey ttite only, thit b. would mpelled to retign tb. pstt of Una Vixi in which be would betuccd.d by Riocp PiSHi Th. Sclti, with a view that tb. people placed under bli do rinatioa tvoa'd enjoy th.

bletungt of a wit. and pr krrMite cmlu.t bad dirested that "a boardof pablic utility" Ue it aobe I ti the nutry of Commerce and Induitry, what duty would be to prepare all Iawa and regulations calculated t. improve the finances, agriculture, aad manufac ture of the enpire. Tbe Frmkvrt Journal of th 7th lait. publubee a letter from Uerlin of tbe 3 in which its correspondent mentions, that tbe King ef PavsM wai near breathing hit Iut on tb.

mermng oi that day. AH the Pnnoci of th. D'om had re pair.1 to th. bednJ. His Mijistt to bid him aa eternal farewell, aod the wbol.

palaoe wat in tb. utaott detolatioa. Tb. Empreu Ressia arnted at 4 o'clock in tb with tbe Urand DukeALEXiNDia and Priac. Wn.lUM,iid immediately nuted ber father.

At 6 o'clock th. punt th. Kino felt ia bit obett bad ataewbat sabuded, but His Ma jestt was extremely weak. Th. phyucians war.

in conitint attendance the troopi ef tb. garrison were cenfiaed their barracks, and tbe commiuanei of police bal orders not to quit their effisei. Th Eiaperer o' Russia was hourly expected. M. de WeLxoiSKT, th.

Minister th. Imperial Hoatebold, arrited in the evening. tiiJ, it wiiaotenly atcanlal to tb. law to tlbw tte tweer log of rhimaejt by cbi.dren, but wn a deep dugriee on tocU'tt to frpetuate the traJ, toci't i ia pi in: of fict, art an! part in the comoii.aion of tV intuminrv It wu, indeed, moci'reut to allow ay c'nld to empbyed in rjah a way anl if th. trade at but bnnt put diir, it would be looked uyon with to mod horre i difficult to cor tin th.

nit gn'r' on tint it iiierer exited ia a coun'ry clum rg to bo Cinttiw Lor I adowSk, in (itisg tbe coacludicg a4drtti tne tVnttof conit and the uigutrat'S of eounutt, took occiwsn to retert to tb. nckrain; cue ef the da tLr clia' ty ch had fen tried on theprec dir a I re te hop. tb all clitiei aou'd tia ercly jeir in prr rg upon Ltgit'a tare tbe nmycf makinir an etT piatjp to tUit icbaman atd dirraecful priLtic The attentim tf the public has been cf la'e ex ite I bv rtln the army, whi leni tnhow tlit Pipittt h.te etc to eater fur tberurpoi of wrk nir taeir own "nit A'unt titrj wee tnira ti tha Hrt Oxirds aa scccaztof same tetioa performed ly a pririle. Mor Wrs hats bern kaockd down, er miu.t"d, fcy their within the lat tiree, than dariag th. predirj 11 a it it worthy of reuurk, that th.

Cilpnu are in no cim Churchmen, Methcdutt, er mmbert ef th. tith Kirk They a alraott i tirib'y fjunj ts be of Klnn blood A'cui pfr. Farwcn Ptavs. The Olympic Theatre, which in admirably tailed for aZl purpoeei wacn facility of bearing ii required, tb. ery tpot fjrnwre itojxrmjlum in anv lsa goags, wai lit eight epened by M.

Ceap. tbs vteraa ere at work when tb Pnaoe arnted, aad he ra mJ their labours very nuaaUly. He a'tigftber re caned Ufwardt of three qaarfrs of aa boar oa iard. auaiier taipouuoer, wa rxpliin4 err object ia ti. mott totiifict.ry taaottr After aaau tor afewminatee th.

rat.rtwr of thi. mm hit Rtal HibneM weat into th. Bweawew, thtks aijtceit to tow H. thea raited th baildua; wbcre th. streozth of ohaia eaMee proved, aa I 39 yard ef the bett wroatcht iron cable, th.

cLaiasef whie wer oa ine anda half indiiaMtr, Siting heea preticutly ptsoed, tb. power waa appli, and ia 10 it anaa pad nuaJer rary lo th. middle. To. hlarkimitbi' ib.p wber th aacbwr are forgl was tho next im wl by hit Rotal UiftneM, aal eiprwd a a turpne at teeing tb.

matait hammers drcfi with such r.pil.ty to weM tk. icdhot irn. Th. keel of tb Heroine, wbuh ha 1 teo recently laid, waa alto fxanined. aad tSe new psttera bout ia tha butt bona, all of whilb.

apvared high'y grauSed. Hit Rrytl Idghnea ti tn proceeded oo board ths Warrior convict a ww. inrpruet witnea Ik. cleanliast and gu ord which pretn to try part of and th. neat aat uniMumitg chpl waer tb conncta aiecmbl.

for div wortaip. H. then afjmirnej with th members of his to I to lb nit denooot Captua IL rnby, at 13. Owkjiri g.te, wbere he partook of aa elegant Jejtvier, asd aft.rwirci prumeded to Buckmgha Ple, etweatly pleaaed tt bia via aod lb receptioo h. rceir fro upward! of 3,000 of tb.

moat tpectab inhabitant ef th. neighbourhood. Th workmen ere cl backward ia appreciating tbe iS.hI at ta Pnace, and gat him tare hearty cheert when l(t th Dockyard. TUJi ASATOMT OF SUICIDES This is a very curious compilation offsets and ob servations on tho subject of suicide. The whole is maLagerof French wmrai e.

in LtnJan. Madam Si.laav. ana precision, and aivided i toworvue; iiaaiwe i lad at M. Tourton, a oil per'aimtr of ciirderb' ei chief persons of bit com paay, which be prom act to lactate as subject iitreatadia all its bearing, aad ramiSeauoai, and' hu aeaten pnvreitea. Tn piecet lit: ght were Patsmm, nolhiag appear Ult undone thai con la nay way ilraitrat.

or Mm iiint, and a Fam It fmprorue exemplify tae crime. There avaatauatwrof very interest Tb. tbiri pi. wai ir icalarly wpII rec. red Tjurtoii aaeodotea, and mach onginal matter.

Th treatment drew download laughter, and Madame Ell a met with mach the tutject 1 iadMd entirely ngtntl, ibcab mub.f the applaute. There it no rrat prttr.soo in th. undsrukinj, bok mait nooetearly denied from a.urcea already but th enr nUe it ag It eniuuh, aa tb. little van letillea A ireat maas ef iaformation is brought together trifles liht at air ar pleatintly actd by all, and float wu Ub rioaj in toetry, an rooderetl iaterestioir hy tk fs arily along. The frost of tf pit bat been yart'd of'i powers aftb writer.

If thtr. heaf.u ua.t 'l. Tk. aadiencs teased well titiiSed wi'h the w'rr i th. wintof miller, corlo tb.

ibtbodf iu arri.eitrat. ti ameat, aal were in high gno.1 hnmoar; indeed, in tuth bat in th exuberance of IL Altogether the tw ii eatgiAd luaiea ths there wai etery ciatto rrgrsttftra Speaking of th. causea by which tilcid ia pro oretofewcftuc'itrrytl ni. doeof, Mr. author.

very judieioaaly alludes to HatOVER iQrARE Kooms. Mr 1J! grjvt's concert tfc.mfamout'ioctriMiandpractie.tof SMiatiam: jetterday morning aff.rJ'J a delightful enter li o. fie Itieour firm belief that th. iaere suieio in this lotert cf god inttrurcen'a' mati fiatuii th otn on I eouctry a certun eitent tj traced to th atrcwat mementt from tb open ef 1st Ilijurnctt, anl a caprccto doctnnee premulgated with lo maeh seal by th tt of by B'net, aff.rijd Mr ej oe an oppir'uni die iaflleU who falsely decot. tS JCialuU, a olamg hit cxtj 1 1 and tariel p.Ttoo t'etiolia Mr.

who. opinUo ar. abvemes of all morality and Lttolff, wbc mstterly perftrmire oa tbs paaofjrts w. aad which up th. bun iatiooi.f avowry itaelf.

hat. a'readt hal occuiun to no' ce, Weber's I natural to expect, whsa tueh principle iafi4utyar Concert aod al ti.k the puofor. ps in Hum tneaJcaUd, sheu mo ar Uught btUte in tht aou ex mel'i I'psr Ito'rl hat a power of 'irl fir ev lfB, itt'ictjlf to esauder they er. not acconatab' th.tif ao pianitt except Lki', and th finuhel nllimcy agenlt, and ar. ucterth.

operation cf an orgtmsiton over 'i whir i a tT fie1 e'T the tinei J. "rilti's th" Con waieaaney at ao control, that thy thoull lok witS cart 3 uck entitled him to ribk amor tbe Ertt piamtti eten philotptuo lo lff resc oa tuiadf, and eontiler it jatti of tbu miriclt working age Uie it delihtful ifiibl mod. of putting aaead to th miatrvand wrttoked performtneetof the concert ai onetf Be hoten'i Sptar, I "is by th. wa opinion. Saoh doctnate must rerfrmei by 3o intru nti The ct was exqamtr.

I of Bc cuity fc pro iuctt of gr toe aad it Viny will doub'l'tt le of epition ths to an itru I eotnes th. duty of evety Chru'Un and well iikr to bis mental rompot l.ou af Be tbotck'i i the ew of loiprjt fellow dmb to bM thm aroHi'ion. To pici.ot ing it is aoaat at crctumptaoji ai It at empt to "adl pr Ua tttik. at tb. root of all or Jar, aod of ail fame to tbe vielet Yet netertblerj we caanot hlp think I virtue, ul and public, anl break down try barrier ing that the ryeeai par vry mach i a rcttd theeffictia tb.

of law aal restraint, makrn tbjpaiti.aa tV. only of large tpara ol fie Hanoter tnire room It wat mwt ad "ght and wrong tte animal appetites th. only teat of vims mirab.y perfermod Tbe chirm ties ag of Miiimt Dint I vjce." Urn and II in Clara Netci.o lent attraction to th. veal a Iftakirg of tb eaao of tb Hon. Mr.

ttbo urn. portion of the concert. Tt ro was led thfithioa years ago waa th robbery ofa geld wai.1! aad avie company. Ti eir Etijtl gbnet th. DuVti ef other article! frrKn gent 1 men who wer.lodgiagtatt.iam Olocet'er aad Pnaottt Sjphia werpr iBt.

hotel, at Poraieoeii, 13 which be retided, an 1 of ataaffbox Dof ClBBRa'sCotCBRT This gentleman's concert lrom Mr. Bradbiry, a celebrate! pantomimio prormrot t)ck place at the Hiiorer tqasre rooms mna was 'bono days, Mr. Wlnalow has tbwn rather mor credahty na well attended. The pcrforroan' ei were pnrciptllt ici'ra tntiag tb sad lea intaoity of Mr. Bradbury tbu iarror menul there wu, however, tome very fa al raotV.

I the Hoa.Mr. attesaptloealhiethroetowbeixg Tho concert commenced with a Tiretto i A ti lba was esbilired by tB. m.jerty ef per oa who Croft, gnora Pai guii, ant Mr Cn'. djtni ti Th.a r. contemporaries of ll.

psrtiet. Itu ery trut thatMr. wat f.illow.d Yt th n.t" 1,... I Bradbarv aapirentlv lt his sent, and wit torn tim Ik.

eoiivr mLrani, out it is vqaiij irw IQ1I xnrr. were many iacrsdolttu laditidaal who tutpeotd the w. meatdag ia hit," aad gat hies credit for maeh greater itreagth of aert. than tb. aaecJet a told ia this trea'iae would warrant.

Th IIowia aecewnt of th taicid of Madav Mon nr, thoogh net aw, ie worth bwn; ttl tb. aatie hat plaoe 1 it amorgtt b.a chapter ef MSingalar Cat. Flower and Mitt 3. Fiower (J Biraett.) Dm Ciehra rr rmed iu fie flrtt part cf th concert a fanUiia upon a Spanith sg fgu tir), bit own rompoti 10a Malimo Harta alto delighted the aadiesc. with hir rf irmsao.

aa tb pianoferte. The firtt pirt of th concert wit concluded by a grand duett fer two the nti frem Smuramwit, Master Ciabra and Don Ciebra. Ia tbe i con part 3 gaort Riciirii and Morelll MPt a Hat. irrf Nf rrfd.m. 1 the oloacello.

Mitt Yaraol I ar 1 Madam. Toumtr were Suieid. 1 .1 Tl. If ta alto amongtt tb.jKrfjraen. Th.

cnatrt wat concladelby tr. sixto rertx Rirb In the gar din of Mr. M'Adam, It ii well know 0 that Mirabeea hal aLaiasa with Madam i Moanler, the wif of th. d.

Maaal.r, whom ab a)aadjoed. After rending nt yas with he Mincer, toiraai jcaMoaw in ntpicioua amte, au all iBl rcrmrt. Wewton aiewart, there It now to be teen a ipecimea of ths I i 7 WelUnaCooaequlnlaawt VT bcUere I lbn ceajed. After th death ber boaboid, this beautiful last bat neter flowered may the ecn eam ol X. "f1' 'stsrat, a wnrsd eaptain of eit.ry, a to hats flswer.l in ths epan nr in UiJowayD.a'ri.

cf Th ssataaajr cp ntcer, tittl, and agreed to marry. Babre this hapry rtont. Ther itfj. aiv. th, in tn eooid arrangM, ta lU M.

de cuatrr. aad Madaat her exiateee. Sb ta. penirtrr ny, the detil wasoTenied that any pcrtoa should presume bild upon a tpot which I ljZ SZSt rVk visit at rioenbght. When ta.

hauia ba'f, th. irum 01 in. oiu u.u,iiJ.cri. in BV. in imitiwi GouL of th.

5th state, that tb. Ce.ul Great w.rkm.p had dan. the aatU at lg they gate XE5 1J a. n. bad caHod upon the Eogluh mercbiati settled lath, over in etpa an 1 ien tn csni mssf or ta.

roaBd. la f' fU.Tls.t.ui.ra I wKiV, 1 lh.m.l... for da. I I. i.wi 1 1 irri.r.

VT. luUxaa anl Bl it did all tflet eo J. to Vi i. jwuri jf .1 i 01 1 lut ivTcueiurt ooaia aixwie I ouro Bnuin kingd mtiea mag incurred by th. tulphar monopoly.

Th. Haiti Timet I th.t eircimitu ice only tt th detil, tbey mattered coarif, of th.SOth a't. mention that th. decition ef th. French aad w.ut ia proeetti.u, armd with pitchfirkt.

.1. u. 1. acyiaee, eucat, me ipet, in an upper iey louaa Oettrnaent wu expected in Naples oa th. 23 A. fc ia mit o( conjl ber, but wttbout eflect, Being aloae oa day, th collect! her pfr, tied than la baadl, ald Lbras, wret. a letter coatvAg ber Utt direetiena. and Ltev4 a cum tau ilaeae aoi oaeaeas which ah coeeeit a dubt is entertained." sin that loarnal. In accordance with bin who a9ared ta them t. be iuD.rnitnriI.inl who wat I Vf vl .10" 'T .1...

II 1 I tnn. XCTtM lO 1 CiStCl The House of Commsns sat last night after short adjournment for the Whitsuntide recess. beim subjected to coats, which may be warded by Upon Mr. Toattiitt's taking his seat for Sudbury a tbe larrister, not, as in Lord J. Rcsszix's proposed petition was presented by Mr.

Dchcombe, complain Etgliah Ilfistration BtU, in the event of his tl inlting ing of the conduct of the Mayor in his capacity as the obMctkm officer, but the petitioner had net en it shall appear Uttt the objection wu made tered Into the recognizances required in ptUUons of the Exchl juxr expressed hi. without int ut lailo. ta eleetlons. it was. after some conversation, dissent.

The effect in small place wonld be to give is I mnnnru Llir Tb n1a wrnntd ft fnnnil nnmemui i m.i.t nrfart himi.i in iilit between th Sardl ivawwj r. rf" In which the inhabitants rated at 1 2. per annum were man and Bnuah Uotarnrntnu" a very small proportion of the who'e district. Ottu i AnUnhqm. Piaia, to Fir per Uenta not.

dec. 43c see 33e. Four per Otata, 104f. 7. Tars pr p.eiio opinioeT.rywnere,"Duiuii..u crBuCT u.

o. Z.i window. Tw ota.ngHtUhe f.ll of whielt adjutted, and, a. soon th.t de.irabl taks.

pUc. tb. ZTlSl: hsJ' 2 Admiral wai leav. Naples with th. wbol.

of tb. theB lbc tyl tb, nUr ad Sm Jmiltmt and retam to Malta." th. Mairie7 6a th. f.llowirg he found to be s. Tb.

Cral General 1. Marseilles, M. G. Ea F.

rtxa and oa k.g qasttioned, repUd fT tAnMltul basdee ed it.xsedi.att.coatrU.c,, lab cciU, oapacity, tb. r.frt of tb. existence of a misandwstaadiag I beta remarked for bit and his ejaculation ef nfTitillL Srj iered I 1 Vf tU h.t..n ni fci.flow,rrim.ot "Thit ttat. prsyers in soalarv 'ae with extraordinary geforea. Ow e.

t. state, to be a fabU laveeted spcUtor. 'ple that a area nUtirur to elecUons, it was, after some conversation, dissent. The effect in small place wonld be to give iaunu. ed tld i nMti t0 that tts i to prevnt dog.

frem barkug Vre aw wr Ylair. Ka Mf Il K4it VWHU 1' ais aoTbut bo amred to. Uto. tU.rabc, bad We. ton to expecse by claims which have no shadow of withdrmvra.

aouadaiion, svid yet by this "Justice to Ireland" BlU I Mr. Lanerxans, in reply to a question from Mr. i la BO eeaia ran ,.11 ik. tJt Mirwnraoir. desellned to five any iJ.rmation to i but rolotu and rexatu the claim, maybe.

We ought the proposed reduction of the duty on French wines. This null the inhabitants would have the termTof He, how.m, sUted Hut it would be Tery ImpoUtic the keeper of th. beerahop entirely In their hand bjected to give om country an advantage over another as to towuaaftCTUeiIJlcf(TefnmdiUut UfW, fa sjtwc to a pryfxta Mr. Mr. Parnrorex defended tbe clause, which wu Cats a4f.G9co34.oO.ajt.div.; Beak Aot sas, 305L BmU Nipkr, 10K.

230.200.; Hoou bpanlah not intended to apply to towns, but only to country Attires, 27J Bp Pa eirea, 6 Belgia dstricts. Bapfofeeukimd willing auvt ewotawtV. Ia tb nteaawhO. a atewewg was 4patek4 It rail gauop jewaraa uunt ad to latav tb Marstiow bad Wee a iitit j.imi..,.j Vtari4.aJi41ifcusataet, rrem Um rymptuta. whtek to axtiajroUh a fire: jdu.

Am, Emwid, Oerx XZSXmoWo rtari tW mot.domm. Throw torn ehopped aad damp srawoa It; Hri. Dr YiiIiiiti iirnin a Irm belirf tt.nsvtotbeaMe. afssiud.UrlcsawJ th part oi ic grtas uvng jo, lo. soy as.aaaa om tu aeurare vur uovi ea iae ureas rrvity, ia same of tbe Father, aad of th Son, aad sf tb Hely Qbwsl." Ksreat this three tiasea, giviag a stamp with tit foot asd a bUw with ta a As tbeve vra ae etbar chart acafasst fawreaa tha has Sally, ha was st labsrty.

Vi .1 ill ik 1 III 4 On Friday senedght foot race took place) at Weidrek. btw a two gintlamta, aged i aad tbe acber 87 years Tb raambsg was exs lisat, asd IfcssUss. sremkrai.

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