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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UATIOHB WANlHi)- FEMALES. 'MHER OF WELL MOOM ENDED GKRMAM i-ales want situations cooks. charoberma da ana i-es, minna gtrtM for general housework. UjWB'i Ikrmu Institute. 17 Stanton UM fuNO GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO DO rework.

Ckod city Call at LATELY LANDED, WANT8 A ook wa-her and irouer in a private famili Houston at. UNO GIRL SPBAEINQ FRENCH AND ENG wisbea a aituatian as chambermaid or Afply ai'iW Franklin street, third floor 'JNG ENGLISH WIDOW A in a widower's family; ia not afraid Reference given. Call at 25 Monroe St. WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION tirst class laundress: baa no objection to go a abort in tbe country; French tinting; lias the ity reference. Call at 214 6th between Htb and SPRCTABLK YOllNG OIRL WANTS A 8ITUAn seamstress and chambermaid.

Can le seen lay at 372 7ili in the fancy store. ISPECTABLB YOUNG GIRL WANT8 A 8ITUAii. la a good coolt. washer and ironer. Best citf i-s Can lie teen for two daja at 2U7 West 28th 8th and iltli avs.

SPECTABLB MARRIED WOMAN, WHO IIAS her baby, wishes to get a child to wet nurse, at her idenee. The best of city reference given. Call at .83 West32d between 8th and 9th uvs. 4PECTABLK GIRL WISHES A SITUATION A8 plain cook, and ironer; haa good city reCan be seen ul 105 West 33d f'L I'UATION WANTED? A3 NUR8B AND SPAM ess. bv a young woman having ten years' ii fond of children: or would wait on an elderly lady.

Good city reference. Call at or ad Iress 13th between 1st aDi 2d avs. UATION WANTKD-BY a YOUNG MARRIED man. as wet nurse. Good citv reference.

Call at 27th st. rUATION WANTRD-BY A YOUNG GIRL, IN city or country, to take care of children and to asoiiHCwork. Apply at I Varlek at. fl'ATION WANTED-BY A GIRL. IN A SMALL family, as chambermaid.

Call at 33 cation wanted-by a respectable kried woman, us wet nurse. with a breast of un be seen ioi two at 110 East st. 'ATION WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE, il(. health womag. to wet nnrtf a baby Irom Im at lier own residence; lias lost lier V.

Call on or address Mrs. Alleu, 95 North 6th st, IJATION WANTED? BT A RE3PECTABLT'. i man, as cook has no objection to housework priv lie family; Is an excellent washer and Ironer. Mi JSth uetweeu 8th and 9th first tloor, from DATIOff WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE Jo cbambcnvoi and waiting or tine washing; tv reference. Call at 208 West ltith st and 7th avs.

JATIOir WANTED? TOB AN ORPHAN GIRL, oars old. to do llgnt housework or to mind cbllureu. three days at 232 7th In the store. sn; flON WANTED? TO DO CHAMBERWORK ting or cooking in a private family or a respectling house. objection to go to the country, enees aiven.

Call for two days at 103 7th in class cook wanted-to take charge first class house; also a vn.eta or ass stliberal and a permanent situation for comrsi.n< with good referuueos. Apply at 22 14th Broadway and 5th av. 1st CLASS WAITRESS WANTS A SITUATION i private family. Four years' city relereucea 7 West 2Jth st. ALTHY YOUNO WOMAN, WHO nASToW baby (three oldv wants a baby to wet nurse residence, 210 av.

trout room, top Moor. Call ays. A SITUATION AS CHAMBERMAID, eamsTngK and to take care or children sue Is well nded by all with whom she has livad. Can be seen eys at 175 West 32d corner of 3th av. tMAN EDUCATED LADY.

WHO HAS ALy for several venr- had situations as housekeeper it families wishes to rind such a place, but not in She Is perfect as operator and In all fine nee 0pply at "5 East st ION YOUNO WOMAN WANTS button; ib a gold cook and will in washing; reference. all for two days at 285 West 17th su, th and 1 Lit 1 1 avs. ION WANTBD-BY A YOUNO WOMAN. TO housework in a private family. Call etween 38th ami 39th In the candy store.

ION WANTKD-BY A YOUNO GERMAN in. lately lauded, as chambermaid, in a private for two days at 248 West 32d St. 'ON wantkd-by a RRBPRCTABLE mar( voman. wet nurse; hasatresh breast of milk, illd tire weeks old; would prefer to go for 'mail 1 have her own child with her. Call lor three Stanton st.

ION WANTED-BY A COMPETENT YOI NO as platu cook, washer and ironer, or would do vork of a small private family; would go a short i the country. Can be seen at 29 32d between i Broadway, for three days. ION WANTED-BY A YOUNO WOMAN. AB use. BOall at 100 Mou top floor, front, room ItSTERS WISH SITUATIONS- ONE AS COOK, ler as laundre-s; two cousins also wish situations, washer and ironer, the other as chnmhr i maid The best c.ty references given.

Call at 31 West ED? A SITUATION AS COOK: UNDBRSTANUB inds of bakinn: is willing to assist in the washing family; kas the best of reference. Call at lib Veen 9th and loth sis. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER. BY widow lady, without incumbrance, from New fond of children: has occupied the position I powl reference Reference required. Address I' boi 13 i Herald ofilce.

SITUATION AS HOUSEKEKI'ER IN A aie laniilv or a hotel by a young wtdoiv ladv No to the country. Address station 8th st. SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE I les ant girl, to take caro of children and do plain mo reference given it required. Call for three Sands Brooklyn JD-A SITUATION AS WF.r NURSE, BY A ng woman.

Call at 21t hast 21st st. iD-A HY A KESPEiTA BUI ng woman, as good plain cook, wastieraud ironer, nth the lias good city and countr fan be seen at 165 1st near lltn st second room SD-A SITUATION, BY A RI SPFCTABI.E ng woman, as chambermaid and waitress or iitnl and Seamstress, good city reference be wo days at 264 East 9th between av. A and 1st floor. 5D? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE ng woman to take care of a baby or to do house1 small i rivate family: good recommendation can im her last employer. Call for two duvs at 261 East lond floor.

p-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNi; WOMAN, AS Can be seen at the house of her pres. jvor, Clermont Brooklyn. A RESPECTABLE YOI'NO LADY. A hi. mi In a store or bakerv is willing and obliging: a Wheoler A Wilson's sewing machine, tall at a.

1 the week. BY A RESPECTABLE MAP.RIKD WOM AN. Ubv to wel nmsc at her own house. Ion her own ds vs old lias the very best city references. 9 West 4ttb St.

fill-BY A RESPECTABLE OIRL. A SITU to do general housework In a small fnmiiv: Is a jer and ironer and pain cook. Apply at 2u5 Conear Brooklyn. kD-BY A RKSPKCTABLE MARRIED WO fi. a situation as with her first liabv.

at 2M 4th near 23d st. SITUATIONS. BY TWO YOVfG WOMEN; hs cook and laundress; the other as eliamber ivaitress. both MttO, well together and their woia thoroughly. Apply at 103 West 30th av.

BY AN AMERICAN YOUNO WOMAN. A I a'inn as and comr inton to a famllv uoitig i Ma in September; une'ceptlonab rclereo. es Ijtdress H. Herald office. A OIP.L.

TO DO OENERtL IIOUfiK Apply ai I0ii al st. A PMA1T, TIDY AND OB! fftfffO WO. to (to general housework a small (MMhfj good re'iuireo Apply at IN Bands Brooklyn. HT TWO HEBPECTARLE YOUNO WO. situations, the one as good plsln vik.

w.vfier the other as chambermaid ind Best toe. Lived ten years In plice Would prefer the samefainlli. Call at 527 2d av. lien, 'eon th sis. I CD- A CHILD TO NURflH, IIY LADY jg comforuib.e, w'm has lost hor child iivc deys 'it once nt Ls ght A WOM TO DO OENKRAL of two persons; must a I and eome well recommended Apply for twe West 11th between 5th Oth ICAN MAKE $25 IN A FRW HOURS SELLING llrest.

new and wonderful extra large Prire (16 per guaranieed. Every dollar invested itouhled A splendid solid gold or sliver fiee to eneh agent. Smart men wanted to i every town and village. Conn rights ini'iistme; demand increasing. Kvervh.iilv lmv I lor our great oir.

nlar for 1804, containing liremlum inducements, free. C. RIi'KARDS street, York, original, largest and Package hetisa In worhL ro SKI.L FINE CRVYON PORTRAIT OF bnant (ieseral S. Grant, Lincoln and McCleU more novel and useful articles, Profit large, I fet circular, or call on 8 W. RICE A BS (el.

Now York. (W NTKO? I EVERY COUNTY IN THE States and the (Janadas, in a new business srerillars a lay eiesi and requiring no capital. Verona, New MAKE TWO HOLLARS FRo.M TWENTY I Call and esamlne urgently needed or samples sent free l'y man for twenty oenla tor two by B. 1 AT A to 1 ciark waiter. cowhiiM, gardener.

money. A HOKKTLEMAN WANTED-AS SO SfiiSn" 4bl? bookblndfurther laforA MAN WAWTKP? IN A PROVISION BTOBB. TO make htir.self useful; and a young man fer a grocery store and porter. Applv Chamberlain A Ca, Mo. Trjou row, room 13, oppoeite City Hall.

A GOOD PATTERN MAKER at Broadway, rooms 21 aud 22. BOY WANTED? IN A JEWELRY BTOBB. ABOfT 16 of age. One who la perfectly honest, active and Industrious may apply to tt. C.

Allen. Broadway. Boy wanted-in a mebohandise broker oil ce. One well recommended may apply to H. W.

Stocier. 154 Front at 1 TRIAL OP ABRAHAM Llnooln. The great campaign pamphlet of the day. Old Abe tiled and found wanting. A hook for every democrat.

l'rlce 15 cent! retail. A liberal reduction to agenta and canvasaera. Address Metropolitan Record, 419 Broadway. Other political pamphlets alao lor sale. CANVASSERS CAN MAKK PROM $20 TO $30 PBB week by selling the splendid portrait of Archbishop McCloskey.

Olllce of the Metropolitan Beoord, 419 Broadway. DRUO CLERK-WANTED, IB a PIR8T CLASS DRUG store, an assistant fullv competent for the dispensing department: must come well recommended; apcaklng French and English are requisite. Addresa Druggist, Herald olllce. fjlARMF.RS WANTED-TWO OR THREE GOOD FARM hands; also a good man and wife; wife to assist in the house. Apply to George C.

Mann, 141 Fulton from 10 till 12. OYSTERMAN WANTED GOOD OPENER, WHO understands the business may apply at the Live and Let Live, 214 Broadway, at 10 clock. TJORTER WANTED? AT THE FLORENCE SALOON. I corner of Broadway and Houston st. Apply from to II A.

M. WANTED? A MAN ACC U8TOMKD TO DRIVE A brewer's cart. Apply to Henry A Yonkera Brewery Depot, 67 Watts at, New York. WANTED A MAN THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTED with the manufacture of ahot and mixing temper. Applv at 262 Water st.

WANTED-FOR A WHaLING VOYAGE. FOR THREE to four months, teu landsmen, carpenter-, cooks and and from $300 to SfWI) made Also men lor the army and navy. JAMES 87 West street, corner of Albany, up stairs. YV ANTED -FIFTEEN MEN TO DAY. FOR A FISHING Yt vovage of four months.

$500 can tie made bv the trip. Outlit found. RANUALL A COURTNEY, corner of and West up stairs. WANTED? A BOY, FROM l(i TO 18 YKARS OP AGE, in a grocery Rtore. Apply at 342 1st a vs.

WANTED? A BOY IN A GROOBRY STORE. IN quire at P. Fi zgerald's, corner of Atlantic ana Bond Brooklyn. WANTED THIS DAY-ABLE BODlB MEN. AS nurses, for service In the United States Army General Hospital, New York tiarbor; wages $24 ner month, ami board.

Apply, with recommendations, to k. C. Elliott, 67 Rleecker st. WANTED? FN FOR THR UNITED STATF8 NAVY, te ship lor one. two or three tears; bounty paid or $200, $400 and SHOO.

RA DA A COURTNEY, corner of Chambers an 1 West streets, up stairs. WANTKD-A BOY. IN A MERCANTILE OFFICE. Address, In own haudwriting, box 2,747 Post ofllce. ITANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN, OF GOOD dress, to solicit subscriptions for a new weekly publics! on.

Conditions and circum 40 noes verv favorable. or security required. Call, from 9 to 11. at 813 Broadway. WANTED? A YOUNG MAN AS LIGHT I'ORTER.

AP plj to Jainoa H. Hart A 211 Futon Brooklyn. fXTANTED-'A YOUNG MAN, 13 OR 16 YKARS OLD, TV to in a 11 store; must bring good reference and bosrd with hla employer. Apply at 502 Grand corner of Stierlfl', N. Y.

WANTED? A YOUNG MaN AS WAITER; ALSO TWO boys, about 14 or 16 old. Apply at Sweeny's Hotel. Wanted? a young man. to show samples am: lake orders for a manufacturing business In the elty. Salaiy and comalssioa given.

Apply at 79 Ann at. WANTED-A TOUNO MAN COMPETENT TO SIJperinteol the manufacture of worsted skirt braids. Manufacturer, box 2,534 Post oUice, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED-A LIGHT PORTEB IN A WHOLESALE gems' furnishing goods store one wbo has experience aud can make him e.f generally useful. Address box 143 Herald o.lice, stating salary and rcfercuoe.

TIT ANTED? A YOUNG MAN. AS PARTNER. TO TAKE charge of an ollice In a commission business, where considerable on account of jtrences already obtained, are goarnn teed. Only small capital required. Addiess box 80 Herald office.

A YOUNG MAN, 23 YEARS OP AGE (not liable to draftl. wbo is thoroagnlv acquainted with both single uble entry verv quick hi. 1 coirecl at and In everv way qiiaulied lor mercantile busineas. ilesirea a situation as bookkeeper or gr ne rat clerk. Salary is not much tiie object as a nood and permanent situation.

Verv best of city reference. Inoulre for or address O. W. Mahony, No. 10 Harrison for three days.

WANTED-A BOY ABOUT 16 YEARS OP AGE. IN A commission house. Inquire at 112 Bioad up stairs. WANTED? IN A DBY GOODS BROKER'S OFFICE, a smart, active, intelligent lad. of about 16 trim, who writes a rood hand and la wtl Ing to make himself useful; salary $200 per annum.

Address. In own handwriting, gi name and reference, box 71 Y. Post oOlce. WANTED-FOR A HALING VOYAGE, FOR Til REE to four months, ten landsmen carpenter-, cook snd stewards, and from $300 to $500 made. men for the army aud navy.

JAMES A CO. 87 West street, corner of Albuny, up staira. WANTED? A STEADY. ROBER MAN, AS NIGHT lorterln a hotel. Apply after 9 o'clock A.


Beverly, N. 100 male cooks aud nurses; pav p- month, with rations, quarters and medical attendan e. Apply imoie liate person at the hospital to Dr. Wagner or Dr. Rush Van Dyke.

Applicants be sober, monstrous men, under 6 1 years of age. UTANTED-FOR A WHALING VOYAGE FOR THREE te four months, 10 landsmen, carpenters, cooks and stewards, and frotn $300 to $500 made. Also men for the army and navy. JAMKS A CO 87 West street, corner of Albany, up staira U' ANTED? A GENTLEMAN OF PERSEVERANCE and ffood nddresa to take chaiv" of the advertisement department of a weekly paper. Commons favorab e.

Call between 9 and 1 1 o'clock at 813 Broadway. ANTKD-A SINGER MAN, OF OKRMAN OR vv Scotch deceut. to take charge of horses snd do sh' nt the premises; the best ot reference required tor so. brietv und Industry Inquire, between 8 and clock A. at 96 Columbia, corner of Pineapple Brooklyn.

TVANTKD-AT 86 HENRY ST, A YOUNO MAN AND Tf a boy, as barkeepers; reference required from amp'oycr. Wanted immediately an active boy, about 16 years of ace. in an otliee; one living with parents preferred. Apply to Trembly, l'helps A Co 134 Maiden lane. AlfANTKD-TWO SALESMEN.

IN A PRY GOODS jobbing house To those who can influence cltv or country trade terms will be made satisfactory. Addresa box 111 Herald otliee. TVrANTKD-A BOY. 16 OR YEARS TO WORK yy at the milk business; good wages to a good boy. tilt North Moore st.

WANTED? A BOY, ABOUT IS OB 17 TEARS OLD TO attend bar. None but those ac uamted with the huai. ness need apply at 876 Columbia South Brooklyn WANTED-A SMART, ACTIVE BOY, 15 YEARS OLD, TV In a counting room. Addresa, in applicants handwriting. Merchant, Herald office.

WANTED-A COMPETENT MAN, TO BORE AN artesian well, about twenty miles from New York. Stale particulars and address Artesian Well. Herald oilice. RESPECTABLE BOY. IN TMB RBAL yy eatate and stock business; must reside with his parents.

write a hand, and make himself generally useful. $100 first year. Apply to M. i-eaman, 14 Pine st (Man 9 to 10 o'clock. WANTED-IN A DRY GOODS COMMISSION HOUSE, aetouthoy, to make h'fnself generally useful; ene who can write agood baud.

Address, In own, box 3,112 New York Post oilioe. ANTED- AN ACTIVE BOY, AS HOl'SB SERVANT it to 11 professional man (bachelor); most have shaving and halrdressing. Apply to Dr. WU. so 44 iloiid on Friday morning.

U1 ANTED? A MESSENGER LAD. MUST HAVE BEST rder 1. as to character; remuneration satisfactory. Apply ni'ter 11 ai llu 60 William st. I) -I'OU THE 1 STAT IS NAVY.

FOR yy one, two or three seamen, landsmen, eoal pussera and renvo; cooks, -towards and clerks. Apply this at tlm Naval Sulpnlng ollice, 43 Peck slip, tip AYOI.BG APOTHECARY, EDUCATED IN GER many, and able to bring good recommendations from a wetl renowned busiiie a 111 fills oit.v, wishes a situatiou druggist, estioi in an American store, kn order to lesrn thoroughly the 1 ogllsh language. At ply at 830 dth lietween 57th nad C8th la The drug store. A OBNTLEUAN. NOW TB WELLING TIIROUfiH 1 the of New and would live to arrange with mm or more houses to sell Goods by on commission.

Ing Is wn Ae Article or and In large deinAnd ureferred. Address or Inquire of OTT, 741 Broadway, N. Y. A MAN OF OR AT BXPBBIRNCE IN SHIP draiight vg. calculating and lay Inc out work who has been a shlpoufider in irois'and unnerstanils wishes a situation In a ai lp matter In what part or the apeaka I nglish, Oetman and French A ehlp bu tt by him Is new lying here.

Address Sh 191 Herald o.lice. A YOUNG li WISHES A SITUATION IN SOME wholesale Is a good writer, and cornxt at 6gur''S and is not afraid of hard work; heatofwle renoea if required. Au'dreae J. Sloim. 246 West Houston at.

A TOUNO MAN, WHO UNDBRSTANDS FARMING and taking 1 are of stoek and milking, ants a sltua- 1 Hon Can be seen for two days at 172 West 37t)i st iid A YOUNG MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS COACII man ami gardnnr, la willing to make himself generally 1 useful, has no vbiectieu eeuetrv, AjDpjr at IJ3 i I HTUATIDSB WAATED-MALES. Atoumq win. who in this ooontT a tune since, and who bu a thorough knnwle Ige of the ikii language, where be been la buslneaa for many yearn, desirea a situation la A mercantile corresponding erk assistant boukkeeper In the abeve euiiatry or Portugal. The best of and aecurity furnished. Addrass 8.

Herald A BOY. 16 YEAJtS OLD, WANTS A SITU ATI OX. where he can board with hia employer; a respectable reference can gtveu. Call for two days at No. tf Wa uglon place.

A WATCHMAKER. WHO HAS TWELVB TEARS' EX. penance, a situation. Ha' the verv best ot relerence. Addreaa Charles Hubert, Bridgeport.

Conn. A RESPECTABLE GERMAN WANTS A 8ITDATION ss light porter In a store. or aa coachman und to work In a garden. Addreaa Gardener, Horald otlice, for two daya A RESPECTABLE FARMER AND HIS WIFE. WITH good reference, want a situation in the country.

at Clinton Hall EmDloyment office, on Aatui place, a ew doors eaat of Broadway. to all whom it mat concern, a respectable man. who a few mon ha from Dublin, and is a free mason, would wish to obtain respectable situation where confluence la reuutred: baa been fourteen years In the grocery, provision, liquor and China and glass trade: can keep a plain set of books; would go to any reapectable business. Address for three days, giving particulars and wages, A. J.

Herald office. a first class opi iator is open for an engagement. Call on or addreaa Stewart, room No. 4, Leggett's Hotel, 48 Chatham street. SITUATION WANTED-BT A MAN WHO BEADS, writes and speaks the French.

English and German languages correctly and fluently, aa ass stani bookkeeper or correspondent can command a large trade in the provision or liquor business irora the country. Addiess for three days C. 126 and 128 Washington Market square. Can furnish ample recommendations. SITUATIONS WATED-FOB THOROUGHLY COMPKtent coachmen, waiters, gardeners, farm grooms, porters, servants, laborers, men lateh landed and help of everv description.

Apnlv at the Large Employment House, corner of 6th av. and 11th st. Also female help. SITUATIONS WANTED? FOR A MAN AND WIFE, Protestants; the man us gardener or coachman, or both, on a small place; the woman aa first rate cook Ac ('? oo I references furnished. Address J.

8. T. 114 lie: aid office, for two days. TO BOSS RREWERS ENGLISH BREWER, OF nineteen vears (brewed in this countr four years), in want ol a situation: be is capable of making the very lie-it brands of alo and porter; character good for stead and sobriety. Address Brewer, New Loudon Post.olDce, for ono week.

WANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN. YEARS OLD. A situation to learn some good trade; machinist preferred. Address W. 461) Broouie st corner of Greene, In the store.

WANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITrATIOV AS clerk In a wholesale or retail cloth business. L. box 12K Herald oilice. 117 ANTED? A SITUATION.

BY A TO UNO IN A wholesale or retail grocery and liquor s'nr reference given; has been engaged In the business lor the la-t seven vears Address P. J. box Herald oU'tce. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG MAN 18 vears of age, lately landed In this cmintrv. as clerk in a grocery or liquor store.

Inquire at 89 West iflth -t. WANTED-A SITUATION, BT A YOI'VO MAN rEKempt from dra t), who writes a good hand and his received a fair education; Is willing to make himself generally useful. Inquire for or address E. at Mr. Kenny's store, (18 James for two days.

WA N'TFD? A SITUATION. BY A YOUNf! AN OP 27 years of age. as clerk In wholesale cl'Hh house has lieeu in clothing business fur himself buii reler ence given. Address H. Herald office.

anted- a situation as tortkr. tn a vv wholesale store, by a man who can coo 1 refer from his hue employers, with whom he I. as b-ei: for the past ten yearn. Address J. D.

box 1,333 Poet o.lce. onn wanted, a situation, as salesman In a holesalfi or rlothiue house (v o'e sale prefcrrp i by a man who has Western iotluence mill c.u ioan his emp'ovrr $SI'0; reference given. Address Herald olllce. HELP WASTBD-PEMALBS, A WET NURSE WANTED AT THE emplovment oflice, at CI nton 11 all, on Alitor place, a few doors east of Broadway. (lOOK WANTED? TO OO 13 MILES IN TUB i OUV.

trv: must he competent cook, and iron an 1 make bread; wanes $11. Apply to day or In morrow to II. B. Turner, No. ft Wall second story, from room.

TO WORK AT PBRFCTMERY but cood hands need apply to Morris iiait, Bowery, corner l'rince st TlOBP.WOM\N OK EXPERIENCE WANTED? TO tike chsrue of a workroom in a dressmak bouse: must speak French and Engl sh; high alary paid. Apply at No. Kfsventh near Broadway, this week. Milliner first class harm wii.l piea-e addreas with references, and statinn wages wanted, I'. alley, New Haven, Conn.

TO EDITOR WANTS AS ASSISTANT. Shu must be well educated, possessing iterarv talent of a high order, thmwiblf acqua n'ed with tba French language. To such a permanent situation wi he given. No reply not giving lull name and address wi I re. reive Keierencea required.

Address Dr R. box 13.1 Ilera ollioe. WANTED? A COOK. FOR A SMALL FAMILY: SHE must be neat, very cleau. willing to with the washing and Ir onlng and como high reoomuieudfcd.

at East 86Ul at Wan run hoop skirt trimmers, apply to II. A. T. Meier. 401 Broadway IV aMTSD-A NIdB, RESPECTABLE vv Protectant woiuan (widow preferred), to do Uie gen eral housework for a gentleman, wife and Infant; II he considered aa one of the fatally.

Apply at 131 101b st. WANTED? BY A SMALL FAMILY, LI INO AT Bobokea, a respectable girl, 12 lft years o'd. to take care of a babv and mane herself useful. Apply at No. Barclay up stairs, first lloor.

YITANTF.D? SKVF.HAL DRESSMAKERS; THOSB ACvY customed to first class work. Apply to Mrs. McRlroy. 713 Broadway, opposite Astor place. WANTED? A NEAT, TIDY OIRL, TO DO THE hoixeunikof a small iamily.

good references re quired. Apply nt 7M 3d ave. WANTED? A WOMAN. A8 LAUNDRESS; ONE WHO understands her hits perfe 1 1 and can come will reernr Also a smart girl for up s'a rs work, and w. Png io make herself useful.

Apply a', 63 Wes; SI. berwern 2 and 1 P. M. WANTKD-A FIRST PUSS LAP DRESS ONE WHO thoroughly under lands her liuslriesi. Call t.

We 33d from 1 to i o'c'ock P. M. None need apoly but these having good city references. FIRST CLASS MILLINERS, AT NO. 22 Vv Walker at.

Wanted? a protestant seamstress. who cnn sew on Singer's maehlce, and thoroughly understands her business. Apply at 271 Broadwny. room 10. WANTED? A NURSE, TO ATTI ND UPON A YOUNG vv mured ladv in delicate heath one thai can make be'sell companionable wouid be preferred.

Address H. Herald ollice WANTED-A FIRST CLASS BONNET TRIMMER: none but those capable of doina (he finest work need apply. Call every day this week at 884 Broadway. YVr ANTED? A FIRST CLASS GERMAN IN A II private family The best lefprcnces requiiyd. At 2tl hast 3sth between 10 and 3 o'clock.

ANTED A YOUNO KL TO ASSIST IN TUB Vt care of children and (to light cbanibcrwork. Call at 462 West Uth st. UfANTKD-A OIRL FOR GEN RRAL HOUBK WORK must be neat a Bood plain cook and a first rate wast er and ironer. Oue who can bring the best of recommendations, and none other, may appiy at 27 Scbermerliorn Brooklyn, WANTED-TWO YOllNO LADIES, TO LEARN TO attend In a flrst clasa saloon. Inquire at 109 tiri ene St.

home given. WANTED-AT HUNTERS POINT, L. OPPOSITE James slip and 31tli st. ferries, a good cook, as er and ironer; geod referencea required Apply for two days In 3d corner house, brick block, near Central av. OIRL FOR (IENRRAL HOUSEWORK TT Apply, with relererce, at the second house north of GUth st on Broadway, or at 3 Htn av.

WANTED-A SMART OIRL TO WASH DISHES AND do cleaning in an eating house. Apply at No. 8 Ann st. WANTED? 100 EXPERIENCED SKIRT MARBRS. Also i nrset busters, finishers and presaera; and g'r with Wheeler Wllsou a sewing machines.

Apply at 1IJ West 27tb st ANTED? A FIRST CLASS COOK FOR A PRIVATE family on Staten Island. Apply at l.irFuUon st. WANTED? A NEAT. BRISK FAITHFUL woman as honseworker snd nur-e, a' 9-t Ksst Iftili st. at.i Apply between and 10 A.

M. WANTED? NEAT, TIDY OIRL. TO DO GENERAL housework In a small private family. Inquire at 202 West istta st 8KIRT TRIMMERS WANTED? NONE BUT KX? pe I hands need apoiv io suoh steady nniplov will be given. Anplv at .1.

I eat elliptic akirt tn ami factory, entrance 81 Reade at. LOAK OVVIOBI. LIBRRA1.LV ADVANi BD AT 77 ON DIAMONDS WATCHES, JEWELRY, PIANOS, Kl KNITURK, Ar. ALSO. AT 77.

PAWNBROKKKh IICKKIS WANTED AT 77 On Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry. and a higher pr e- pa 'hau au be ol winr at any other place In the city, at 77 Bleeeknr street, tip stairs. AT L1BRRALLV ADVANCED ON DIAnioiids, Watches, Jeweirv, Silver Plate. Unas, Pistol-, Ac.

Also, rawnhreke a' Tleketa wanted of amondg, I ijuna, Plsiuls, (nr which I will pay Nl pei mere than can Be obtained at anv oiliri pluoe in thecltv llr ay, corner of street, up atalra, room No. 3, AT H. HYMaNS, 5.W BROADWAY, CORN KR OF Bond street, hioin No. I will pay th? higiiest jirlce for set or ur set, Watches aud Silier Ware, or will advance cash on the above articles. fiS8 Broadway, eorner of Boad street.

I DVAROBS MADE ON WATCH BS. DIAMONDS, Jewelry. I'ry U' Ods Sid Personal pro) erty of every I desrriptl'in. or the same and sold, by A. JaOK.

I SON. Broker and Crtmmlss. on Merchant, 111 (Irand street, two doors West of Broadway TMNASSA0 STREET, ROOM NO. 4 HONIU MAM continues io p.i tlie huihesl prlres fur Damends, Wa ohes, Jewslri also, adv'anccs llherally no eon menisof the above aril 'les Hcmeinb' Nassau street, upstairs AT I4S? PAWN BBORBRH' TICKRTS OK DIAMONDS, Watches, Sl.ier Ware duns, Pislois flolhlng. Bed ding, Ac.

Overcoats wanted at 118 Canal street, third 1 of Mir un4fr Ci ideas' A NOTICES. MASS BETING Or THE PB1.NTEKS UNION Will be heiil the Cur Hall Park, At SEVEN u'CLOcK. THIS (THUB8DAY) KVENINO AUG TUT 18. Th? rude a Unions. through their Pre? cleat, Mr.

Harding, have kindly eonaented to co-operale. kmlnent from iha rioua Of the trades wilt addreas the meeting. DRY goods CLERKS' early closing associatloa will meet at their hall. Bowery, thia (Than day) evening, at o'clock, to proceed io a to the mas a meeting of the Printers' Union, lo be held lu the City Ball Park. W.

MURPHY, President Fkkd. Recording Secretary. GROCERS' AND TEA CLEUKg F.ARI.Y CLOSING AS A special meeting ot tlila association will be held at Military Hall, 193 Bowery. this (Thursday) evening, at Ho 'clock. None should be absent, as particular will be transacted.

JAMES CUSICK, Prcaidcut. Pai KICK O'Nbil. Secretary pro tem. Notice to veterinary the anniversary meeting of the United Stales Veterinary Medical Association will be held at the Astor House, In the cliy of New on Tuesday. Septembers, at ten A.M.

Toe uteri nary profession is respectfully invited to attend. LIAUTAUD, Secretary. THE MEMBERS OF THE UNITED 11 Brothers Lodge, Mo. are requested to meet at the Lodge modi, 18 Oliver stieet, at 12 o'clock, on Friday. August 19.

fos the purpose of forming procession ftir the funeral of Francis Roche. J. ANDERSON. President. NEW YORK, AUGUST IS HERKBT given to the public that I have this dav revoked all authority to act aa my agent in this city, given to Mr.

Chas. E. Sams (formerly of Milton, Fla under date Washington. D. April 19.

1864. and I hereby warn all persons not to trust htm with any goods or money, or trausact business with him on my account. ADOLPH UNUER, C28 Eighth avenue. PLASTERERS? YOU ARE HEREBY V' noli lied that on and after August 1H wn demand t' SO per day. THUS.

H0ULA11AN, president. Taos. MlKIHBLP, Secretary. THB PRINTERS' STRIKE. A MASS MEETING or ail the mem hereof the Worklncmen'e Union and work ingmen generally, will be held on Thursday evening uext, at 7 n'e'ock, iti Hall Park, New York, to co-opernte with the Printers In obtain ng the just demands now being ntado by them for advance of wages All organizations are requested.

possible, to come In procession from tlielr respective meeting rooms. W. HARDING, Prea Workingmen'i Union. T. H.

For. Recording Secretary. Washington medali.ion adver. i isement appeared lu the special notices of the New Ynrk Herald of August 4. emanating fro the so railed Washington Medallion Pen Company, which is calculated to deceive dealers anil the public.

As it ever been and is our desire to protect the public from deceit, we state that Hie so suleJ Washington Medallion Ten Company have not. liiado a pen of anv description since ISnU. The pen works of said com: any, after idle for fifteen months, were, wth a. I original tools and machinery, requisite for making said sold to ua on March II. 1802.

Since that tlino the said is-ns have been manufactured by ourselves and bv no ono el f. We repeat our caution to purchasers iliat the only genuine Wsshinglon Medallion Pen is that inscribed "Harrison -V Bradford's Washington Medallion l'en The socal eel Washington MedaMlen Pan Company obtnlncd. on ailldavltf, an i i unction restraining us I rom making and vending said pens, which Injunction on our appileaiion. and after hcariug both si es, his Honor G. G.

Barnard, aa reported in the lleruld of August '2 HARRISON BRADFORD. Steel Pen Manufacturers, 126 West Thirty seventh street. New York. LEGAL NOTICES. U)M ON WE ALT1I OK AMPI ilcn ss? Probate Court? T' tbo next of kin und othcra interested iu Hie estate of George Alain, a of Trance, but late oi Springfield, in said county, deceased greeting Whereas, Hilpah D.

A am. the admlDiflratnx of the ektute of said deceased, nan presented to said court for allowance theliral account of her adiumitratiou on said estate, and application lias been made lor a distribution of the balance in her liaudB amonj the widow und next of kin of dewa-ed. You are hereby ciled to appear at a Probalc Court to be ho'den at SiiriuglieM In sani rountv, 6n tlie third day of laaHn uoxi. at nine o'clock hi the torenoon. to sbow cti.isc, if any yon have irliv sal I necoonPsliouUl not be allowed and distribution made according said application.

An! said III' pah I) All orderidto serve thin citation by nutdishlng the ame once a week. In tli" Springfield an a new spaper printed at Sprlngne and the New York Herald, a newspaper printed in the eity of New York, tlnee success. ve y. the publication to bo fourteen at leest before said court, and by sending or causing to be written or primed copy hereof, properly ma led. postage prepaid, to eacli ot the heirs, devisees legatees o1' aid deceased.

or their representatives known to the petitioner, with: two of th- dale of said publication Wir-LIAM SHURTLRFF, Eaqulre, Jiiate of cat i court, thi? twenty seventh -Is' of duly, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and sixty four. SAMUEL U. BPOONLB, Eegster. A copy. Attest: AML'EL B.

SPOONER, Register. A YOUNG ABAB1AV. LillLT FROM ARABIA, desires te form the qnair.tance of a young lady, with a view to matrimony younj, ricb and is eonh lieied handsome All communications stri tly iniiJenttal. Address Llanove, box 9,411 New York Post oilico. AMERICAN WIDOW LADY.

TRULT RESPECTAA ble and relined wishes to form the acquaintance of a centleuiiiu ol means, not undor lorty, wi a view to matrimony. 1 trust no one will answer unless sinceie: must give perfect satislacllou as to character and means. Add .1. ir tun-e. nays, station New York city.

'THE ADVERTISER HAVING HIS RVENINGS UNKM I plO) ML and toeing nil lout In the city, himself of this method of expressing Ills desire to coltivato the ntanoe of a roitng ladv. with a view to matrimo nv. As th" undersigned la very fond of epiiet fun. he trusts wnoever favors him with a reply will possess such a disposition ns will insuro mutual enjovmnnt. Address confidentially, for one week, Eugene 0.

Morton, station A. Springst. A PSHIOIIAU. BEAUTIFUL INFANT TO BK ADOPTED OUT TO i nd home. Call at741 Oreenwioh street, near Perry.

Any gentleman, aiilb and willing to adopt au Amen an rl, aged 1(5, an orpiian. wbo is well educaied and refilled will confer an everlasting favor on the advertiser ailing 40 Macdougal street. Particulars cau be ascertained. Df.SKRTED WITH ALL EQUIPMENTS; HAVE heard that U. was caught and in camp.

LEROY. DR. WILLIAM TBI PP PLEASE CALL WITUODT delay, al 4.i:t Broadway. Mr.w Yokk, August 17. Denis ring, a native of the county kkbry.

parish of Kuocknacoppul, townlund of Clo ints, Ireland. arrvnd in this country on the 27th of July in tbe shn and left Brooklvn for New York on Tues d.u morning August and has not since been heard of, Anv Information of him will be thankfully received by bis I later, HflirtUr McCarthy, MS WlBte sireet. Brooklyn. Frank it arnold of new york, wiro spbnt time at Bonn. In Germany, will bear of something to bts advantage ou addressing retcben, station G.

N. Y. tuohy, son of the lath dr tioiiy, of Ireland, whose mother, Mrs. Ellen Tuohv, died in New about the tirst of January where hl? M'ert are now residing, will hear of something to his advantage ov i oinmunicating With 8IMON CREAGIl, Solicitor, St. Onnond Quay.

Dublin. Ireland. ARRY HASTINGS WILL PLEASE CALL FOR A letter where he received the last. IF THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE OF MRS. U.

I Samuels, recently arrived from New Orleans, she would confer a favor by sending her address to II. Baruard, 21 Third aienue. INFORMATION WANTED? OF NANCY MOBRISON. A 1 sister of Hon. dames R.

Morrison, of I uniata county. deceased. Address Ezra D. Parker, Mitlllntown, Juuiata county. Pa.

"INFORMATION SHOULD THIS COME I un ler the notice of Robert of North Shields, who elt Liverpool In June or I.SrtO or anyone who inav be acquainted with him, he re- peetfull.y** e'l nested to communicate with his brother (Address Capt Laughton. rare of Kobt M. Hioman Edye. 19 South William street, New York Information wantf.d-of mart ann doban, daiiahierof Patrlca l)o an or Dolan, Ninety first regiment Y. 8 lalel deceased.

When last heard from she was supposed In be living with her grandparents, named Thtite. Eighth avenue. Any Inf mnation of her will be thankfully received at fll woo-ter. street, where she will hear of to her advantage. INFORMATION WANTED-OF MAURICE AND DANP llarrett, from the county Co k.

Ireland. Any information will be thankfully received by John Foley, 1SI Plymouth street, A GRACE. LABORATORY. Have written twice No rep y. Aunt Cathsrlne Is dead.

Write to my cousin, J. 0. Hand. Charlotte N. C.

to all Am well and anxious to hear from VOU. Address, by letter or through Personals, Mury A heats n. 20 Clinton Brook yn, Btchmond (Va.) and Charlotte (N papers eascc Yours received last night, will answer immediate a I to hear that are better. All well, ilow are you Mr. Df Tlim TR WANTED-BETWEEN It AM) YEARS OF ajftouotson hand and power preiscs.

Apply to Wm. Ha-sall. 172 entre st near Canal. Baser wwtbd-onf wim bread and cake, and l'iug logo a short distance in tbe eonnti y. Apply We't st DYEB8 DRESSKItS WANT A MAN to in 'km tbrt imfer.

Also one to costs, i ants ami I irng. ne in rve workmen eee apply. steady uands. who thoroughly understand Usui- the b- st and iy loyient. A Itamedlatsy II.

Wlieatley, Ilyer, Georgetown. D. I HOTOURAI'H OPRR4TOR1, OR THOBR WHO I wish to learn, can procure situations ot Konigs tx'rg. Pr nclpals In want ot asa stancn, free of oharae and artists who wish to sell their can call at No. 713 Broadway, room IS.

Money advanced on good paintings, PArrERN MAKBRfl WANTED-AT THE SOUTH Brooklyn Steam Engine and Boiler Works, corner of liniav and Summit sw. Nutie but first class workmen need fPO $9,000 TO A PRACTI I ca bookbinder wsnts to the above amount In a blank nook matiufsrtory, where he em become an aelive partner A. pli to Campbell A Armstrong. Wand 41 Ann atreet, New York. rpo THR A MAN.

WHO UNDER1 slaods manufuclnria siarch, to take entire control of a factory. To a capable man a sp'endid opportunity Inquire of W. M. Lmdinark. John New York.

SI Gi.E HAND FILE FORGER, to work with a re, stee all cut un to hand. Also one jHeurinder. two bastard file cutters and three la rr saw file cutters, P.enty of work and steady plo ment at current Apply to Clarke, Wilson Mt Pees nan st. or at James N. Perry A Co.

'a (lie fact ry. West Merlden Cono. JAMBS N. I'RBRY CO WANTF.D? Y1CE, LATHS AND PLtNKR HANDS. Apply at the shop, corner of Yanbrunt and Commerce st South Hrookln.

ANTRD-TWO MILLERS TO GO IN THE COUN. tr? either in irrled or -Ingle Apply this day at 104 and llVi Weat from 12 till 2 clock. 10W OOD MODLDRRS ANTED? 4T TUB BUlt irra lot fffM SHIPPING. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL TOUCHING AT (Cork Harbor). The Liverpool, New lerk Hurt Philadelphia Steamship Company tinman line), aarrying the United mails, Intend despatching their full powered built Iron aleanaklps folUws CITY OF LONDON.

SATURDAY. AUGUST 20. crrr of Baltimore. aioust v. ETNA.

SATURDAY. tiKHtKMBEB 3. and every succeeding Saturday, at nuon, frum pier 44, North BATES OF PAS8AOB, Payable in gold, or its equivalent In currency. First Cabin flteersge $30 Do. to London Do.

to London. Do. to Paris 95 Do. to Parii 40 Do to Hamburg HO Do. to Hamburg S7 Passengers also forwarded to Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp.Ao ai equally low riuoa.

From Liverpool or Qtieeostowu First Cabn, $79, $i05 Steerage. $30. Those wlio wish to send for tbelr can buy tickets here these reten. steamer- have superior accommodations for passengers. are strongly built In water tight Iron sections and carry patent Are annihilates.

Experienced are attached to each steamer. For further Information applv In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN. Agent, 12 Wster street; in Glasgow to ALEX. MALCOLM, No. 5'St Enoch square: In Oueenstown to 0.

A. SEYMOUR CO. iu London to KIVBS A MACRY, 61 King William street: In to JULE8 DECOUK, 4H Rue Notre Dame den Vlctolret, Plaoe rte lit Bourse; In Philadelphia to JOHN Q. DALE, 111 Wainut street, or at the CornpauyN JOHN 0. DALE, Agent.

16 Broadway. N. AIL STEAM I Its TO fKAMCB DIRECT. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S NKW LI NE OF F1KST CLASS 8IDEWHEEL STEAMSHIPS BKSWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. The first five splendid vessels Intended to be put upon thl? favorite route for the Continent are the following Washington.

xiautons shio horse power. LAFAYETTE. 3 204 tons floo horse power. EUORNIE (a'lost) horso power. FRANCE (building) pun horso power.

BAPOLKON III (Bullling) 1,100 horse ower. Until the completion or the entire list the service will he performed bv tne WASHINGTON, A. Duchesne; LAFAYETTIi. A. BO'-anrie.

follow" ROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE. WASHINGTON We Iresdav, 17tn August. LAFAYETTE Wednesday, 14th September. WASHINGTON Wednesday, 12th UFAYETIE Wednesday.

9th Nnvemlwr WASHINGTON We Inesdav, 7th December First cabin (Including table wine) Second I Including table wine). $70 or $S0. Payable in gold or Its equivalent in States ourrancj Medlcil attendance free of charge. For freight or passage applv to GEORGE MCKENZIE. Agent.

No 7 Broadway, New York. At Paris? No 12 Boulevard das Capuclues (Grand Hotel.) At Havre? William lselln A Co. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL mml sth Ms ii ii's, BETWEEN NEW YORK AMD LIVERPOOL. CALLINO AT CORK II ARBOR. AND BETWKBN BOSTON AND LIVERPOOL.

CALLINO AT HALIFAX AND CORK HARBOR. PERSIA leaves New York ESDAY. August 24. ASIA leaves Boston, WEDNI.SD August 31. CHINA leaves New York WEDNESDAY.

Reptomber 7. KUROPa 1 aves Bocton WEDNP.SDAY. September 14 SOOTH leaves New Yoik KDN ESDAY, September 21. ABABIA Boston. WEDNESDAY'.

September 23. FHOM NKW VOKK TO It POOL. Chin' Cabin $132 B0 8econd Cabin Passage. 80 00 BOSTON TO I.ITKRroOI.. Chief Cabin Pass, no $112 P0 Second Cabin 05 00 pavuble in gold, or Its equivalent in I'nited States currcncy.

Herilis not secured until paid tor. Ao experienced surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for specie or valuables hills of lading having tho value, expressed are signed therefor. For freight or passage apply lo E. (M'NARD, No.

4 Bowling Green. NATIONAL steam navigation company. TO QUEHNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. LONDON Saturdav, August 29. ERIN Saturdav.

August 37. Cabin. gold -leerage, $50, payable In currency. For passage app WILLIAMS A GUION, 29 Broadway. Tup: London and new youk steamship company will despatch semi monthlv their new and first class Prltlsh iron steamships CELL A.

KKLLONA ATALAN TA. IOWA. INDIAN and MVNTIaTTAN, each S.nOO tons burthen, between London and New York, calling at Havre on the voyage from London Rate of passaie. pavabfc to cold or Its Froni New York, first caliin $7l); second cabin. $80: stuerage.

From London or Havre, first cabin, For apnlv to CflAS A WHITNEY. Broadway. For freight apply at South street Advances made on merchandise eonsigtie to the friends In London of the tin. der-lgned. These steamers connect at Londou with steam ers of the same commnv tor the channel ports, Rotterdam, Amsterdam.

St. Petersburg. Copenhagen. Bordeaux, Oporm, Gibraltar, Alexandria. Smyrna.

Cotistantinople and Odessa. HOWLANI) A A8P1NWALL. Agenta The uambhbg american packet company's ikon mail. steamships. From Southampton.

From New York. SAXONIA 27. 1 -tM Aug. 20. TKI'TON! A Aug.

10 Rent. S. 1SB4. GKRMANIA Aug. 24.

lfVH Sent 17. IH'Vt. BORtlflSIA Sept. 7, 1H54. Oct.

SAXONIA Sept. 21. 1U(M Oct 15, 18ft4. From pier, foot of Third street, Tlottokcn, taking jinssengers for Hnmbnig, Havre, London and Southampton nt the following rates eabln. $105- second cabin, '2 50; steerage.

$37 60, payable in gold or Ita For freight apply to KUNHARDT A 45 Exchange pUce. For passage apply to C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, 181 Broadway. STEAM FROM AND TO QHKBNBTOWN AND LIVERPOOL.

CUNARD LINE. From New York, $80 currency; to Neir York, $30 gold or in currency. KEDAR, We Inesdav. August 31. HECLA.

Wednesday, Sept. 14. For passage upplv to WILLIAMS A OUION. 29 Broadway. THE NORTH OBRMAN LLOYD'S 8TEAMSHIP HANSA.

II. .1. Sonten. commander, carrying the irnlted States mall, 111 sail from the Bremen pier, foot of Third street. Hohoken.

on SATURDAY, ADGP8T 27, AT 12 O'CLOCK rok BREMEN. VIA SOOTH AM PTON, taking passengers to LONDON. IIAVRF. SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, at the following rates, payable in gold or Its eoulvalent In enrrenev For the Unit cabin. $1115; second cabin, $A2 90; steerage, $.17 50 Tho nANSA will he followed by tho NEW YORK, September 10.

For freight or passage applv to OELitlCIIH A fi9 Broad street. OTEAM TO GLVSGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELO FAST AND LONDONDERRY. FOR $50, GREENBACKS. The well known and favorite Clyde hnllt steamers of the Anchor Line are intended to sa from New ork as follows BRITANNIA.

Captain Fnrrier, Saturday. August 27 CALEDONIA Csptain Craig, Saturday September 17. Kates of passage Including an abundant supply of well cooked provisions'? Saloon cabin. $120: fore Intermedial steerage All pavuble In United States currency. Apply to FRAN4MS MrDONALD A No.

6 Bowling Green. REOPENING OF TIIF. NICARAGUA ROI'TP TO CALIFORNIA. THE CENTRA I. AMEKICaV TRANSIT COMPANY, ON SATURDAY Al AT NOON, will despa'ch their elegan' new s'cs" ship OOLDEN ROLE, from pier 29 North river, foot of Warren street, connecting on the Pacific Ocean with the steamship Mosea Tavlor.

The accommodations on these fine vessels are verv superior and especially adapted to the comfort of families moving to the Isnd of L'old. For apply only at the office of the line. 177 West street, corner or Warren, to D. N. CARRINGTON Agent.

UNITED STATES MAIL LINK FOR CALIFORNIA VIA PANAMA. Regular sa line davs 3d, 13th and 23d of each month. when tbese dais fallon Sunday, when the day departure will be th- Monrtav following. The first steamship NORTHERN LIGHT. P.

Seaburf. Commander, will tall from pier No. 3 North river. Tl'KSfMY August 23, at 12 o'cbick M. The steamship NORTH STAR will succeed the NORTHERN LIGHT and Septembers.

For freight or passage aprlv to D. ALLEN, No. 5 Bowling Green. HAVANA VIA NASSAU. N.

P. The British and North American Royal Mall Steam Packet Comiisny's new steamer CORSICA. Captain Le Meaaurier, will sail for the above jioru. from the wharf, at Jersey City, on September 10, Axn MONDAY, October 10. Psssage money to Hassan Passage money to Havana B0 Payable In sol I or Its enntvnlent.

freight receive. I on the dav btfore sailing. For freight or passage spplv to K. CUNARD, No. 4 Bowling Green.

HAVANA DIRBCTE The fast or i KEGULAR LINE FOR HAVWA DIRECT. The new and first c.a?s United mail steamship LIKKKTV. omss W. Wilson Commander, Wl'l s.itj for ths shove port on Wednesday, August 81, at 'Ck p. pier 13 North river.

For freight or passag' applv to HAKGOUS A 33 South street. T7H)R NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. To sail "gATUHDAY. AUGUST 20, 18M, AT 3 O'CLOCK the United States mall side whol RTF, NINO STAR. Bell will sa 1 as above, from pier 411 North river, third plot above Canal street 10 Barclay street.

I30R NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. 1 The United States Mull Steamship CREOLE. John Thorn Commander, will le" pier 13 Noith river for New Orleans direct on Wednesday. 24, st 3 o'clock p. M.

precisely No freight received or htl a of Isding signed on the day of sailing. For freight or pasaavs apply to LUuLAM, HEINKKEN A 118 road war. FOR NKW ORLRANN DIRECT. On Thursday. August 18.

at 3 P. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, having been unavoidably detained, will sail positively at above For rrulght or pasaage apply to CRoMWRLL A CO SB West street. OB LIVKKPODL-i APSCOTT'S LINE. Ship OYNOSI'RK sails this. lay.

Ship GRtTlTUDK sails August 4). K)R LONDON-X LINE. Ship HUDSON s.iils August jo. For passage to er from the Old Country, or drafts it the iewtit postlh'o ratos, spply to ttmjvH iHimva. LIVERPOOL? TH 8 CBLEBRATBD SHIP ASHBUBTON, Captain Bradlsh.

poaltlrely August Her accommodations are nnrlor to aay ahip In port, tecond oaiitn. $25. currency, and foood. Arp lr board, at pier 19 Kaat river, or to P. II DBMAREHf, 40 it LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FOR LIVERPOOL.

L1 The BEIDOfclWATKR tails IHtb August; the J. H. FYERSON on the 234 August. For London? Tha W. B.

I BTSO.N, on the 114 August For pansage apply to I LIAMS A OUIOM, 40 Fulton street. "fori Pier 5. North river, poai lively olioa, 276 Jtreet. Por appeal tha TIUVKIil.KIlH' GVIDK. HtiwoN RIVElt KAILKU AD.

FOB Ak bany, Trey, thr North not Want, leave Chambers atroat atf ami 10 A. M. am! 4. and In to p. and on Huo.lays P.

troul Thirtieth street. New yokk and BilUM railroad. Trains Tor Albany, Troy and Saratoga Springs, alao connecting with the North and Weal, leavu a depot at li)lj A- N. rind 4 SPECIAL Oil OK. Passengers for Barmrga Springs by taking ilia III 30 A.

M. dai'y, and on tlie P. M. tram, go through to Saratoga without change of cara. BOAT KOR NiiWBUKO AND POUG1Ilr Farn 26 The new nod fast steamer Thomaa Oliver leaves lay street plur every afternoon at 3)? o'clock, landing at Point.

Cor ens'. Cold Hiring, Cornwall. New Hamburg, Marlborough anil Milton. Return Ing leaves Poughkaepxlo at rt A Newhurg. 7 o'clock; Cornwall; 7 10.

Cold Spring, 7 2.1. 7 40; Grassy I'omt, 8 25; arriving at New York at 10:30. EXCURSIONS. IjiISfTERMEN ON TRB LA BOB BTBAM or VIRGINIA will make an excursion to the Cholera ltanitH on in. lay.

August 21, leaving I'eck allp at Rli, and pier North river 7 A. M. Bait. Lines and Refr eehmenls on board. I'iukeU $2.

Captain GreenWood, pilot. lIlOMAS. HO FOR THE CHOLERA THE NEW AND fast sea steamer MAKTIIA WASHINGTON will make a trip to the Cholera UatikJ Kridav. August 19. SI 50 The limit will cave Siir tig siren.

North river, at Tenth street. East river. 0. Peck alip. 3u.

anil Pier 4, North river, al 7 o'clock. Capt. Main. Ureenwood, Pilot. Ball and refreshments can bo procured on t.

geo. KLLiorr. no KOR THE FISHING BANKS LARGE AND powitrtnl steamer A It LAN 'eaves foot nt li rooms stn et. B- at 7 4. I'cck slip 7 A.

M. fool of Dey street, N. It a. MJj A. and pier 4 N.

at A. M. every day In iho week, except Paturday music. Halt and tackling on board. Kami I lea and parlies can en joy a delightful sail and sea hreeze.

Kish are caught In abundance. Kate for the urslon $1. Tin: GRAND HOP OF THE KR 4SON-N 4TION A Hotel, Long Hranoh, N. tbli (Thursday) evemug, August H. Steamboat leaves foot of Murray liieetat 10 30 A.

M. and P. M. WATCHES, JKWELHT, AC. At KS, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, 8ILVKR Guns, Pistols, Ae? I will pay 250 per cent moro than mil lie obtained at any other placo In tha city.

N. Also, Pawnbrokers' Tickets wauted for the above articles, at the same rate. 609 Br adway, corner ol Houston streot, up stairs, room 5. Diamonds, ac? a lady in reduced circdmbtauces wishes to dispose of a first unlltv Watch, platinii movement, and two hue Diatnon I Rings; also, one very tine heavy Solitaire Breastpin, Address immediately, Vickshurg, Ntw Herald oillce. OLD GOLD AND SltV BR, DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD AND SILVEB.

who wish to sell Diamonds, old (fold. Silver, op any kind of old fashioned Jewelry, go to A.NR1GH. 723 Broadway. A punitive fact, lie pay a 30 per mora than any other person. Established In New York since thn ailmlnistration of Hie late Martin Van Huren.

Mak" no mistake? 723 Broadway, under tue New York Hotel. VERY HIGH PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Pearls, Watches, Ac by W. I'Ltt MB. Dis.

mond Broker. IiK! Broadway. Olllco only from 9 till 10 A. M. and from 2 till 3 P.

M. Valuations one per cent. AMAOWmOENT ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE FOR Cost jfisVI, fur 8, including Stool and Cover; Parlor Sulls, cost $lfll. for Btageros, Paintings, chamber Furniture: in no mren months. at sacrifice.

Inquire at 113 Weit Twontv third street, bear Sixth avenne, ACCORDKONS KM TEH, VIOLINS, BAM joh. Drum-, Plfea, Ac and Ti nuning- for mimical Btrnrneots of ovary description i'rloe list nent on receipt ot stamp Violin String" lor hot waiucr. Silk. 25c. beat Italian, mailed.

FREDERICK BLUME. 2(18 Bowery. A HANDSOME MAIIODANY PI FOR sale. Price $130, If taken immediately In perfect in fvr rv re.peci; miido I17 the celebrated innrrs htoddart, Worcester A Dunham. New York; round corners, modern style and splendid tone.

Call at Third AFIRRT CLASS ROPRANO DESIRES A POSITION In a choir. Address box 17" 1 'raid ollice. A BARGAIN FOR OlIB-raOl MAONIPIcent rosewood Pianoforte, full short lime original price full Iron frame modern Impro. omenta, went, powerful tone. In perfect order.

est" hllilied cRy manufacturer. Apply at DONALD MB Bowery. A MAGNIFICENT KOSEWOOD PIANOFORTE FOR sale? Full seven octave, all mo-tern improvements, richly carve. I and case, made to older by celebrated city makers: coat for also an Parlor Kuit. for $2U0; one do.

for ISO: lot of P.irlor.ind Bedroom Furniture at a great for rash. Inquire at 11 'J Weal Eighth atreet. near Sixth avenue. A LADY, ABOUT LEAVING THE CITY. WILL SBLL a Pianoforte and Stool on vary moderate terms lor cash; price 57B.

Apply at 2iK) Sixth avenue, near Eighteenth street, over the skirt tore. For sale-one grand piano, $so; one upright Piaii' one square Piano. 470; all In good order. HiUHlOW A II 1 H1IO0K, It; Tenth street. LK)R 8ALB-AN SIX AND A HALF OCTAVE GRAND PiHno.

11 lorge marble Centre Table, and a Grover A Rakor Sewing Machine Thev will be sold very cheap, as the family have taken amaller apartments, and have not room for them. Apply at 1M Grand street, near lilm. Li OK SALE-AN ERAltD SINGLE ACTION HARP. IN good order: has a new case, with rollers, coat $20; also a new covering, cost $6 The whole will ba sold for fin, Inquire at No. I Third avenue.

PIANOFORTE FOB SALE -A BEAITIFI'L ROSB wood Pianoforte, octave; celebrated make; will be sold tor (123: bus grand auMun powerful tone, iron frame, good stool and cover. Apply at 12V1, Twentieth street, near Third enue. SOPRANO. CONTRALTO TENOR AND BASK wanted? For a Catholic church Those having good voices will receive thorough In-iruct on In the highest order of music, as equlva ent for t'dr services, by applying to R. Gonzalez, 20th near av.

The celebrated pianos op j. a fischbr, the most reliable Piano maker', wholesa'e and retail, at moderate prices. 211. VH.i. 245.

'247 and 2t'J cat Twenty eighth atreet, near Ninth avenue. INSTRUCTION. A SPECIAL NOTICE. -GOLDSMITH'S BOOKKEBPIng. Penmanship.

Hroaiwav. The reduced charges of the summer season will lie September 1. All who enter their names pr.or to tliai time he welted at the hif prices, and will oe privileged to continue their less until January 1. OLIVER B. GOLDSMITH.

AT DOLBBaR'8 COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, Broadwav lientiemen or bovs esn have private instruction Mercantile Arithmetic. Business Writing. Prac tlral Bookkeeping. and lesrn more of business affairs In one month man in years st ordinary schools. A LADY ORADI'ATK.

OH Sl'VKN YEARS BXPErlence in teaching desires a situatou; satisfactory refercn-e given and required. Address II. 8 2.1 1.1 Spring Philadelphia. Deer parr female ikstiti te. port jervin.

Orange county, reopens September IS. Collegiate course three years; highest advantages for music; mountain scenery; home comforts unsorpassed. Address Rev. I. H.

North rup, Principal Fort kdward institi best si Boarding Seminar in the Stale; $50 pays for board, furnished room fuel and washing with the common English branches, foralml term of thirteen weeks, beginning September 1. Send fir catalogue to itev. JOSEPH E. KING, P. Port Edward.

N. f. French germ a languages'? pbop TELLKRING NIK suece-sfnlly established la ork since will tecelve for private tuition In those branches, as also In Litttn and 1' Anglais aus Strangers. Hudson river institute? at claverack, coliimb a oonoty, N. Y.

sir rd the verv lieat advantages for a classical, entitle, commercisl and musical education. French conversation a Lewis' gymnastics for ladies and Hl'nry drill for gentlemen dallv without eitra ehame A new gymnasium aod drill 100m, costing IS instructors. form opens sept. Address, for new catalogue. Rev.

Alonro ack A M. Ripley female college. Pali session opens Inesdwv August 24. .1 NUWMaN, D. Ponltney, Tt HENSSELAF.R POLlTICIlNlC INmTITI'TE, TROY, The Fort a 1 al session 01 th well known school engineering and natural will commence September 14, IRM.

lie neipal I is completed anil ready for occupation Th" annua' rrster alvinie fnll Information, mav obta ue.l at ston's bookstore. New York, or fiont Professor CH A RLBS OHOWNK, Director. Troy, N. Y. CANS SOUCI RKM1NART.

RALLSTONBPA SARA. toga county, Rev. I) SM I I II t'riu noal. Boarding School for Young Livd es The annual sessl nomnteni es Wednesday. R-ptomb-r 7 The couree of Instruction comprises a th rough an I extensive Rnglisn and ornamental ed ication.

For cata'otjues addre-s the Principal. He mav also be seen Fridsv of each week, from lOunlil 2, at the Paci 0 Hi tel. New Vors Teachers wanted? por bnglish, krbnch, German, Spanish, music, drawing, tainting 1. lassies anil other bran dies, ducat ooal corr 'sp nts wanted In every State an. I town to nominate teaeliers pup''; for schools Address American Educational I'niou, 1 13 Broadway, N.

Y. ANTED? TO GO TO HAVANA AS GOVERNERS, about the 1 of Septeml'cr a in' HI'1 1 1 idy. well instructed, speaking Engll and Fieonh capable of Ing the piano, and raking two young ladie. Best or reference required. None but fully competent need apply at 127 Bast 12th st, CORPORATION NOTICES.

MHAftHS OFFICE, Mi TOKK AUGUST 10, NOTICE IN RELATION TO PIKB8. By request of property owners ibe ro 'mbers of the Pire tH iiartment tor the spreadia ef a arm ease of oeeurr ng III the vhte nlhanl Twenty ftrsi wards an.l ylelnUr, until the fwenty sectind street tever shall rehtult, ar rangeuients been made trell of the Calvare Episcopal 1 church, corner Twenty rst street and Fourth venue, fer (ires ocourriag la the First, Fourth and Fifth "ire districts. In of fire the vl lnlty mentioned, eitlrene may cause alarm 10 be hi notice to the police station iionses, in Twenty second street, between First ami Second aventies; Thirty flfttt stre-'t, between Third and avenuea, and in Twenty ninth street, between Ma lison snd fourth avenues, which will be Immediately communicated by telegraph to the Headquarters and to the city Fire Telegiaoii station at the Cltv Hall, and tnenee to tbe several Fire Bell Towera throughout the city. By order of C. OODPRIY QUNTHBB.

Mavor. V. First Marahai.

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