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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 7

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

kiMm a cCTioir. A UQTION MOTICB. UKITfaD STATER UOHI AB? OABMIAOB ADCXiul MAST, fifth iffiiM, sornar of fourth Street. lort. Ths bog ioovo tnlynn lib that their uk tutu ww oomg lolod for tho tttptloo Harare At.

loUadad for public By aoetlou, and they aaouro their pofrout (hat Intoreeta will be faithfully protected tad roturoa holding aalet by pobtle auction on each WBDNKSDAY and gATURDAY UtrooghMil the year. and no Jobbing or deoliag upoa the nari of any oat connected with the batabliahmeni wli', unfler any oircumatanuot, be allowed. They to waive the uouoaaga of tha buelnaai aad commuuiti, and will alwayt endeavor to merit their onotlnued coaBdaoce and Tue.r for tba exhibition of Buggiet. Harnett, oanaot a sot tied la llili country. They have accommodation for fl with boatiert fully ac instated with tbair dutioa.

together with carriage showrooms capab.a of oihibitmg over Horeoe. Carriage' or Harneaa intended far Wadoetday't ah(Hild be sea lu an tba Saturday preceding, bat will ro red until 6 P. II. on Monday Thoie inlandad for Saturday aalaa thou be sent In on preced lag Halea day, but will leoeived until P. M.

oa Thursday. N. Oroorat will be In at anv railroad depot or itaaniboai landing la York, on receiving lualruotioni that bursas or oatrlages will arrive by The public are Invited to Impact the M. J. JORDAN Fifth aventia and Forty- fourth a tree t.

AUCTIOtf OLASS AMD il Fancy W. SHIRLEY. Auctioneer. On luamlay, Aiuuat 16. at lu o'clock, at Pearl atreet.

by D. EMBURY extra larve catalogue sale or bait And aaoondt White Granite and Oo'nraoD Wsra In lota to suit oltv and country retailers. for eaah A well gaoked for aAlpment. D. A UOTION SALE OF CROCKERY.

HEWBY O. -ft KYaNS, aut.onee., will Li on Tuesdty, Augutt 18, at tan o'sluek. at 13 Barclay aire -t, In Iqts to suit Sealers. A well tabaorted a lock of beat white Granite and Common Ware, Qlaaawara, China Tea Seta, Toilet Ware. Ac Alto tea Common Ware Seconds, to be sold without reeerre.

Alan the of a retailer aecllnlag butiueta. The will ba carefully repacked for shipping. AC. HAYWOOD ACCTIONBBR3. magnificent poi'8kholu fuknitdrb at auction, on to-morrow Monday), August 16, at West Sixteenth street, between Fifth aad Sixth avenues.

Sale oossuieuolng at 10K o'clock. B. T. -AUCTION NOTICE. -LAROB 8ALB of Rarthenware, In open lota and In packages, on adneaday, August 17.

at 11 o'clock, with a line aaaortmant of Olaaawara, French China, alto Parian Ware. Cata1 on Monday. W. IV BS A SALES room Mt Broadway, mortage aale of second hand Purnltnra, oa Thnndar, August 18. at 11 o'c'oik, ion slating of Carpets, Itirrora.

Baddlng. PaliHion, Engravings, Crockory, aatware. Silver Plated Ware. Ac ALU If 11. OUMMISQfi.

Mortgagee. GO HOBTON, AUCTfONRER, WTLL SELL. ON Moaday, August IS, at 10k o' Hook. 8'ook Fixtures Laa an of the Jaraa nilly urocery, coraer of Ninth and fourth aranne, together wltb Horaea. Harnaas and Wafans.

Stock consists of our. Sugars, Taat, Ooilaet. Brtoea, Soap Starch. Candles Pork. Ae.

GBORUE COOK, AUCTION HORSES, WAOON8, ilarnaea, On August IP, at one o'clock, at raWsrooana, U1 Broadway, teveral line Horaea. Warona, Harnaaa. PartMulart to morrow. N. B.

At II o'clock, above, attparb of Pa-nlture. removed for convsnlence of It Includes several auporb Parlor Suits, Bookcases, Chambor fulta. Library and Dlulog Boom Fnrnlturo, Ac. Oaiataguee at ORTOAOB BALE. ElOHARB BBEEIFF'S AUCTION EBB (SALOON RBSTaUBANT), Wfll sa 1 on Monday.

Aug. IS, Br virtue or a ehattaJ morigage, at tOu Nattan street at 10 o' olook. Bie eootaata or a Saloon and Restaurant, conatstIng of a Bar Counter. Oy er Bar, Oat Flxturea, large Water Bo lley, a largo qutnU'T of and Tables, Steam Table, Jllrror, Boar Fnmp, Statin Bol'ar and Plpot, Crotkory and Cutlery, Cast-rs Table Cloths. Cooking Banco, Pastry Bench, Ac.

JOHN 80MEEINDYKK, Attorney for Mortgagee. VfOBTOAGE DODOHTT, ADCTIONBER. iH will on Monday, August 16. at II n'eloek, at aalea? room Tt Naaaan street, a Spring Wagon aad Harueta To be aolA bjr virtue of a chattel raort HOEATIO N. WaT.KKR AtV'rney for mortgagee.

Alto, by order of the Mhi at the same time, ont large fireproof Safe, WlUlrr a patent. NO. T. STEWART, Marshal PUBLIC BALB or CAPTURED AND ABANDONED PBOI'RRTT. HsNirsin, Omr? Sbconp I 4.

August I8A4. A large and varied lot of Captured and Abandoned Property wfl! be sold at public suction, to tha highest bidder, at 11 Alexandria, on of Angaat, IMA at ino A. M. This sAle will comprise a larjo and very valuable assortment of PURNITURE AND MISCELLANEOUS OOODS, Burh MaliOgany, blank walnut and cherry Furniture. Carpets.

Crockerv, Coak'ng Utenslla, Oiasa and Tin Ware. PlHunfortea. and Chemicals. A valuable lot of Dr? Large lot of Miaoellane ius Books, Fancy Stallone Laritelotol Cotton Waro. Wool.

La ge quantity of Manufactured Chewing and Smoking Tobaooo. Wlnee Liquort, varioui Rlttert. A a large ouaBtiiy of bt'ie aad other Rags, and a variety of other goods too to be mentioned Termaoaah, Ingovrrament funds, on H. A. RISLKY.

Sap. Spee. Agent Treteury Department. PAWNBROKER'S SALK? ON TUF.SDAY, AUGUST 1(, at IUS o'clock, by JO IN MORTIMER, 15 Kaat Broadwav. BOO of redeem ei consisting ot ladlat' and giullemm Wearlag Ap; arel? Silk Calico, Delaine and Alcaoa Dreaaes: Remnacta o' Silk.

Calico, and Mualtne; S'ella, Broche an Cratv, Cloaks, Sheets, Sliroads. Counierpancs and Drawers, Galtera, and a large lot of frock and Sacx Coata, and Veata. an I varloiia other too numerous to mrotton, well worth the atienuot jf tha trade an others By or'lar of bOi.OMf?NS 173 Surlni; street N. A large lot of ladies' lino Linen and Mualln Under PAWNBROKER'S SALE. ON FRIDAY.

AUGUST 19. JAMf-S aUAK will ae 1 at 01 New Bowery, at o'claak, a large a-soruueat ot womeu Wearing Ap psrel, hbartk Shirts. Spreads, Tib Itoola. Shoes and a variety nf othbr artlclot, too numerous to mention. By order of J.

L., ureeU PAWBLBROKER'B SAIR-OX THURSDAY, AUGl'ST IS. by JOHN MORTIMER, 15 Eaat Broadwav. or 40) of men and woman a t'iothlnz arid other pooda worthy the atfwuon or dealera and By order of E. 204 Grand Wtlilamsbuig.

PAWNBROKER'S PRIOAY. AUGUST 19, by JOHN MORTIBHK, 15 Eaat Broadway, of a larSe lot of men's nd women's Clnthing, Boots. Shoes an I other gooda, too tiuDurtus to mention. By order of II. McAlartut.

Kesoad avenue. VjBBBIFPS SJlLR. uichard waltbrs, aucO TIO.MF rll (PINING SALOOW AND ERSTAURANT), Will ae on Monday. Angus! IA at In clock, the of nlntt Sa.oon and IteotaiiraDt No. IlO Nas sau 'treat, consisting of Bar i ounter.

Gas Fixtures Strsm a Steam iotilu. a large of Choirs and Table iror. Pump Crockerv aud Glass tare. Cutlery, Ca TaMe ('ioiha. Cooking Eatuie.

Pastrv Bench. Ac. also juadry LI uors. Ac JAMES LYNCH. Jotcra Deputy Sheriff.


at clock, at au tlon ore, 17 Eaat Broadway. quantity of Asoorted Ll juors. jiinrieUutof rials Bourbon Whiskey. old Brandy. Imported Cognac Brandy.

In nt good Brandy. p'ire lluliant Oln. Criampagno and othar Aa A lot of JAMKS LYNCH. Sheriff. LviiO'i.

Dnput) UberKf. A J. BOGART WILI. SELL ON TUESDAY, AU guet Id, at I0)t o'eiork, at I'JO Seventh avenue, oortrr Twenty third etreet entiro Stork aad of a OrosTy Store? Soo Ooffoee. Bpteee, Llnuort, Moiaaaaa, and Weights, Store Flxturea Inrge Bofrigerator, Aa.

Sa CLOTHIlfe. AT ROSENTHAL HA VINO A GBRAT desire to purahaae large quantity of cast off Wearing Apparel, Puraititra. Carpets, Jawelrv. Ae by calling on or fjreasing bim ladies and gentlainon can obtain the utmost Tftlue for aritcle. Ladles attandal to bv Rosenthal.

Pirate remember, aad try 353 Bowery, opposite Great Jones street, AND LKFT OFF CLOTHING for WesL? The full will be paid wtiho'it seiakl.ig to Imp ae Call at the store or address THOMAS D. CON ROY, 501 Pearl a treat, betwoan Centre ard Chatham RAVAL PHIZH MONEY, AC. Ahoy -priieh monf.y to sailors. -bounty MONEY TO BOLOIKRR dlBoharged for aonods in hs'lle, Aa. arget Navy nr Army OfflcersL Bailors or their or Heirs.

PROMPTLY Paid their PR1BB aad BOO MONBYS, BACK PAY, Ac. by EDWARD B1SHELL, Am vend Navy Banker, and late Pdrsar U. Navy, 17. Broadway, oarner at-eot. Now York.


to whom money Is due. ean re. Tf the eaiue at ono? br applying by letter to TALDBN A WILLARD, la' a of otted Navy, 18? Inrkatreot, Brooklyn. lU PRt7.R MONEY NOW PaYABI.E CAF PE nAt? at onra applying to X. L.

TABB A CO. iW tork it-vet, BrouKlyo, Claims ratbed or advances t-K ll the ckbws of nis connecticct, I I'snobs. Huron. Hi' ilevllle. frr sfiia,, Orsalte I'ltv, Tl.

tnd nan their pr! inoi a' "nee bv tllli.g olum i M. L. XAB3 A CO IC York itreet, VroeWj a. i avt pay and raizs money, -Tn p. iirlatiyks a of Hit oActtl of IhogfoOpnf Nt Lavsnt at tae br'g Balnhr'dite at teal Commodore rry'? riuadron Lake Erie, for the -ura of the Brltl.h in reeelre a jnt Of ah.j prl motier.

oil applleallou RIDOWAV. si Pine street Ntrv tor loom IS llo liota showing the nanifnoi all the 10 auth pa, and prise money. PRWR MOSSY FOR EVBRV VESSEL PAYARLB pre Pt'y eollectad Pai. aloes proe ir'-d. Arrea to'psr fkd bounty nolle' ted.

Adores- nr apply Kirhard tn ltd Stetae Arm? and Savy Oglce. r.T Bleocker tl. ANP SE IN toe ntral frvlra oka uave all mon-v due Ibem Mid bf A KBttSAA IID. Navr ink -a. Is7 York Rrjfblyti, An I 101 South strctt, New OLIHT 'la BO "HIV AND MONRY srnvpl in anted snd iner in -d is, i Htfri I.

III IIHKS, Alt CeUa. suiiolt ths Poet N. I. QOLB SLk A' MILITARY AlfD IAUL. ADISOHAROBD YKTEKAN IB ANXIOUS TO come substitute for one year, cither In mrmfmr oat may addfss.

naming prion. bos 00 Herald ocio. Aim KAVr KHWBOOIP8 RECRUITING HEADQUAETEES, 100 BROAD AT. M.rX) good men wanted to represent the city ill MMly of New fork in Dotted States Alt of whom will recstve the lushest cMk bounties. AMI cho breach of service, that is.

I nfautry Artilgry, Seamen, Orlluary Seamen. Landaineu, I Piueri, Ac entering aop branch of the will do well to at ci'lice, where each and every one will receive the honorable and fair treatment. Poor men of and tho- arriving from the country ehould careful how they alluw themselves to fall into the hands of aliarpcrx and prowlers, (of whoiu there are many where, In all probability, would get swindled oat of their bo tin ties. BMT AND NAVY VOLUNTBF.R8 AND 8UB8TI tntes wanted Choice of servioe given? artillery, carAiry or also, hrsineu, coal papers, seamen and landsmen for blockading steamers ana gunboats. Highest cash bounties paid as soon as accepted, which will bo guaranteed by merchants of well known high -tending, to whom 1 refer No swindlers permitted In my oSloo.

sum in theetrret. Call and aee Captain Combs himself. Lispenard street, near Broadway. You may brlug wife or triead-oUh you. A AND If ATT.

A too ONB TEAR MRU WANTED. $400 CASH IN HAND FOR VOLUNTEERS $490 IN HAND KOR SUBSTITUTES. frV) caeb Is hand for three years' Substitutes. Apply immediately to J. WaRRBN PLINN, 26? between and Warren streets.

In basement. ALTKNB AND DISCHARGED VETERANS WILL BB guaranteed $7110 osah in I. and before being sworn In. Is knnbiii. AppW intra- dlataly lo WARRSNPLINN, 2 6 Hroadwav, between Warren and streets, in the basement.

N. No men taken out of the State. ALL MEN ENROLLED AND LIABLR TO BB ed? bankers, merchants and others furnished with substitutes la army navy. Exemption for cne or three obtained from of snv district. References given lo (of this city and other cit'os) or well known gh reputation.

Apply to Captain COMBS, Llspenard street, near Broadway. Brooklyn men will do well to call. All vbterans, altbns and others who intend to on 1st or enter the service will do well to call on BROWN A SHKLDON, Military and Naval Banking OSloe, No. 2 Park place. ALL PARTUS LIABLK TO THB DBA FT, IN THI8 elty or State, can supp with substitutes, for either srmy or navy, at the lowest prloe, without inconven'ecce or delav, and exemption papers procured.

Bast of reference given as to responsibility and Integrity. Apply at thq old established office, 138 Eleventh street, oorner of Sixth av. ATTENTION IS CALLBD TO PABTIKB DBSIRINQ eubstltaiee or rep rase ntatiees in the United States aervlce. The undersigned will rronipt'y furnish alien substitutes for New York, Kings, or any ether district in the Htate. on reasonable terms.

Apply tn person or addresa No. Pearl street. New York, or No. 99 Fulton street, door below Harding's WANTBD, 40 SUBSTITUTES- OB VOLUNTEER? To 811 the quota of our town. will pay $900 for Substitute in caah.

One rear volunteers will receive $550 cash and $103 government bounty. Runners paid $80 HAND MONET FOB VOLUNTEERS. We do better with ranners than any other parties can, for our town furnishes us money to fill oar quota. OPPICB, 34 THIRD 8TRBET. NRWBURO, ORANOB COUNTT, V.

Y. ISAAC JRNKINSON. 1KB M. MARTIN. VOLUNTEERS AND SUBSTITUTES wanted for the Army snd ca? aid In the oity; no deception.

Every information choerully given. Apply at No. 4 Centre street, up stairs LEE ft ROGERS. thb bighrst cash in hand Bounty paid to and Volunteers for one, two and three years. In army or navy.

Call at the Jersey House, 71 Coitlandt street. N. Y. AT THE AORNOY STORE. NO.

212 Seventh avenue, H. ROSKNBBRO. I received fSO.lOO In greenbacks to purchase and nav the hlshsst price for Oast OfT Clothing This order must be fulfilled at notice. Silk Dresses from $0 to $30, Coats fruit $3 to $25, Paota from $2 to $7. Also Carpets.

Furniture. Jewelry, Ladies and cents, I you to tire vonr orders or address me with a note ROSKNflRRO, 212 Seventh avenue. Ladies attended bv Mrs. Rosenberg. Orders at tended to In and cut of the city.

ico volunteers wanted for thb new; will be taknn for one ear: a very cash bounty glveo. Those to the coming draft may leer and thu? avoid it This la the rarest opportunltv ever offered. Apply early to J. C. MILTON A CO.

203 Broadway. Bureau op surgical examination for subject to draft, No. 9 Snbsiltutes and recruits examined for brokers I'r. POWKLL. surgeon, In charge.

Reference? Mavor Ounthor, Ojidyke, K. I. A. Ctty Inspector. CAMERON RIFLBS COLONEL 8.

M. KM lot commanding volunteers wanted Immediately Company A of this fine new regiment, now organising ft. ittln-itv. Suleodid chame- for pro-notion for veterans and recruits joining this new regiment. Promotions made from ranks The wl I be olicered by men who hare seen eerv.oe lo the fie d.

and the well csred for Highest bounties paid tb volnnteera. H.VI to $2Ptl to anv one bringing a recruit App at 42) Broadway. New York. GRRAT FIO II TIN 11 AT DRAFTED MEN csn be supplied with and eiemi ens pro. e.ired st thoshorte.

m.tlce and on mott App at the General Substitute Agent's Ofllce, No 1 Chathum sriuare, oorner of Dlvlai street, N. Y. HO! FOR THR NATT, ARMT AND MARINE COItPK The highest bounties cash In hand Cho ce cf regiment. $0' bounty for one year In the naw. 1 hind un paid any person bringing recruit At'ant'c street, up stairs a few blo-'ka from the ferry, Brooklyn.

and see ua We deal square with all. MERCHANTS, HANKERS' AND GRNBRaL TOLUN. leer and Substitute Association, 4tS Urosdu-ay, New York volunteers wanted immediately. $150 to $2'M uaid to anyone bilnxlag a recruit. bounties paid to on pasting examination No delat No humbug.

Mtney paid right down Apply at the oflloe. 428 Broadway. Kew York. Mem wanted-for tiie army or navy, at the Rec ult and OflBcs, 19 Wall near Hroadway Uesi olTerc and boa tieatment. Notice? ninbtirth nrw tork vbtrran vol.

State bounties will he Daid to tbli restment at No 7 State street between the hours of 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. until the 17th inst.

Notice. thh highkst bounties paid for aod vnlu band money paid for substitutes $1 0 raid for recruits at General (lulled Stste? Recruiting otice The highest bo io'les paid In Stete wtli be received by ca'llng on Monday, oorner of White and Centre streets. Colonel CROFTS ft CO. ONB YEAR'S TOLURTKBR3 WANTRD bounty pel cash in hand, to the rcemtt be ng mustered In and (75 hand money to tbe person who him. and government bounties secured.

Call immediately at th" New York Army and Navy Boerultlng Depot, No. Chambers street. ONB YRAB VOLUNTEERS AND SUBSTITUTES wanted tt 0 and $100 government bounties. Reerntt" have choice of my command. 180th Na York Volunteers.

eamr at Blmira New Tork. or any artlilerv, cavalry or infantry or State: or naval service. Applv early in morning to Captain COMBS, 10 sweet, Bros Iway. ONE YEAR MEN -WB ABB PAVING THB HIGHEST bonnfy and premiam for tnen for army or nacy. can chooee any branch of the service.

Ap ply at No Bast Broadway, United Army and Navy Kccrultlng Oihoe. MOLaN ft LANIOAN. ONB TBAB VOLUNTEBBB. ARMY AND NAVY. $S00 BOUNTT.

$M0 BOUNTY, CASH IN HAND. pat the by antboritv of of noar this cit Ca.i early In mornlDgon Capt. COMBS, 00 Lup i ard ort near Broadway. RRORDiTiNO IIKADQUABTRBS -YOLUNTBRRS ant ag enlist In ike army or navy wouUt do to apply at fllNonth street, near wall sfreoC The highest bounty vatd; also gentleman furnished with N. No I'rtuJ.

UBSTI rUTKS? srS8TIT0TR8? SUS8TITUTBS--OALL a on posKlbia our ofBse. No. 12 atreet, and set me ithesl ooubtv given to New York. The uoing bi.s1i.css at this uOlee are licensed, and. by authority, now to shll men for one, two or three la tho navy or army.

Any person having men to put in anny or nsvy "an have tnem put thra sh by Oaptain J. Da A CO. ii'BSTiirriis now on hand for thosb who applv to A OOLiMAN, rand street near ferry. N. Y.

t'PBSTITt'TFP WANTKD-KITIIKR IN ABM OB Navr Two one year men sr lecelve the h'gliset bounty, by app vlng in person tl 240 Broadway, room No. socoud tour. L-i 17 bboadwat, mkah battbry, in UBBmi'TES-AT 17 BRUAIlWAY. NEAR BaTTP.RV, at 17 bkoadway, NEAR BAITKRY. furnished for dnirtcL bv anoreliablo Apply from 7 A.

M. to 6 P. M. wUBSIlTUTR ANT KB IMMK DIATBLY? AN ALIEN 0 or vetaran (one 'I mlb ect ts drafti to eerve for three for a ilbersi rrtce will he oai I. Anply In per? Letwcon U' A.

M. and P. M. at Rivlogtoii atreet. OKAY.

Sl'1'81 ITI'TB INCJL I KB AT 41 MAIDKN lane, brokers need PT INTO THB NAVY ANSWBR FOR men drafted in tbe my. and are obtained. We near nary yard gsto, snd are furoteblng Iweiity subrot ilea to nuyy errrr day, and will contract to furniah fifty rs'ah dae xftrr thlo week. RKUME.V VOSB, Seamen's Bank, No. IVS York street, Brooklyn.

'PHB NEW YORK ABMY AND MAVY RHCRLITINO 1 t' mpany hap been estahli-hed with a view of having a reliable office in the ciiy where reeiuita and principals will rec. ive faT and honorable treaiiuout. Every made wfli sei upul fulfilled. fu: at 'lie 'uriest noi r.e with so, in I en who have pre yut-aiy eis iitnod bv an torw ir.tnd to any disirl I in lhi? stale, or mnsiered into Hie 1 up. inn obtained Volunteers snd i- fr-a'-d i i men.

and highfH prices ps'd, and Rconltlag No 9 Chambers stioeu MILITAItr AID UVilf 'JHI LA EC EST EOl'NTT T0LUNTBEB8 AND D'UUO ON YEAR MBB VOUTHTBFRft FOB THh A KMT AND MATT bounty paid Hand money paid to the person I ringing lh? recruit to enlist ..7. .7 If the reerult or the Is presented by pc for whom he gore he (the recruit) erU. bo-nty V.f. STTB And the haed 100 tan vn 0. Ul' NTH KB.

Mayor. MATTHEW HEKNN AN. Comptroller. OR 'RON BLUNT Supervisor, WlhUAlX M. TWEED.

Supervl or. WILLI AM R. RTRWABT, S.ipervlgor. ELIJAH F. PUROT, County Volunteer Committee.

ORISON BLUNT. Chairman. Auguet 13, 1864 TUS DllAKT ON OK SBPTEM HER. KIOBTQ district Oeot'emen In the liUhtaenili. Twentieth and Twentr tlrst wards of the ciiy of New York, comprising the Eighth of the State.

will famished promptly with Allen Snbat tutes end their Exemption Papers (for three correctly by for their te the oUr.e of the MervhanU', Bankers' and Vqluuteer Association, 128 Bros New York. Moner parable only when the lenrnsenlative is furnished nnJ exemption secured wishing to eend a representative to the army will have their promptly attended and will preoedence. The Eivhtb district, uuder the superintendence of Captain R. F. Provost Marshal, Is fumtahing more men In ths wajr than any other district la the St'te.

and with oontinued energy will probably fltl uuota without a draft. Ron ol the hare been procured the Rankers' and General Volunteer AaaoOUtlon, oillce 438 Broadway, Mew larkThe iira i will pay each foe four Substitutes for three and for one year. Apply Imtnedlate'v at the ofTtoe of J. Vf lll'ame, 442 Eighth avenue, near Thirty -I out th street OKOEOB DA CUWHA. 11WO BUBHTITUTKB TUB HIGHEST bountv will be to or discharged veterans, to go either for one or tliree In the amy or navy.

Apply in at 240 Broadway, room second floor. VETIRH CORPS OF THK WAB OF THB tickets for oxeura'on to lake place on the alxth day of September next, are now read for distribution to the committee and all for the benefit of the Indigent an burM of the dead. Please call at No. 4 City HNl place, next to oorner Chambers street, aov day the week, from A. M.

to F. M. H. RAYMOND. Brhudler General.

ABM. DALLY, Colonel. I. M. Adjutant.

TXT ANTED? 20 TOCNO MEN FOR 12 MONTHS' 8BRvV vlre on board one of tbe finest ships In the aavy. They will receive a bounty oflSOO ra-h la band, in addition to good and a rare iBBnce for prlxe moner. Men wlahiag to Join can receive every Information by lmmel(ately at the United S'atea Naval Shipping Oll oe, 151 South alreet, oorner of Peek si p. 900 WANTED-IMMBDIATFLT, FOB ONE OF oatee A T. Subst tute Aasociation! ANTED? ALIENS OR VETERANS For the Bank.

1H York Brooklyn. 50 N0W 4 (TING FOB APPLr Yardgate? Qlt' neW.vV aa? sw? hand monbt paid agents or MONBT WILL BB PAID TO ANT person bringing a SabeUtqta to ilia $300 IN HAND. SI OCTs s. raai'f was Wo. But tfroadwijr.

$450 IN FOE VOL17NTKRRS for tm 0 army and S40H oath for one year jSftli rg.n^PJAU*Ut- N0 a 35550 t'SO CASH HAND? FOR VOLS IhetTfoy for on? vcar with rhntM or regiment. Art'lv earlv 10 Cspt. HL'RST. 317 urci nuirh sUeut, between and iSfiOO hand MONEY PAID TO ANY street upsu r2er Bleecker Ztf W2KR5, FOR TH'j abmt and 15J Follon street sod 113 Broadway, up 3 if itSdJ-J" mwm al 168 and street and cach 163 "troet and every tDd ornlMo ottat? 10 006 000 BRCBUITS Wa NTR A AND at 1 1 1 Nassau street up CASH IN HAND PAID KACH MAN at III Nauiu street. 1 cash in hand paid each ham, 111 street CASH IN HAND PAID EACH MAN at.

i at 111 Wntlemsniy manner and will receive HANDMONET will be paid to any one bHnglag a reerult to thii office. $900 C.ABIl SHgJ; the sunnMnfchMee 1 ptaw- SHQ00 P9VJtTr-PX0 CASH IN HAND, $300 UNI. p. AV.r NOLAM LANIQAN. WABTED OLUNTBERS OR 8UB8TITUTB3 to aaeaasKxr trm COUNTY OF NBW YORK tub ARMY ABP MATT.

FATMBNT To TOLUNTBBRS SOTH ARMY ANO NATT. For throe yoara-conntv. or three yeara-government. 3un Total For twrt county. For two yoara? JJ) Total For one year? county I 'JJ For one year-government im Total HAND MONET S1KSIA ABMT AND NAVT.

County? fbr three -Wln for two County? uue year ioo RAND MONRT Jbsi he an alien. loj the or navy dur- I fmmmsmmi view of raislna tha r.i!\..^ry with the PreMdeatfev moil Ue ea.I by the 1 i laaetnueh SUBSTITUTES. I Inter for suc'i ma'v'rfl of I apprehensions or ih? relieved from snv not liable tTdrZrt as ere ar or lty fro Addition to their CommMee 1n such 8ii' stl.mes 1 "lih thl? secure hend monev. to 130 lor one vhbi fjo for two years, C. fitMlFI'BT OHX1 tJ I ELIJAH f.

I I. hv.V!l\ i Comrrillee I New Voas, July 13. 13H4. BLUET. ClMtirman.

10.00Q( RIUTA1IT AID HiVAU Oftll BOUNTY WILL PAID, T. a gsullsiaea for an represent bl in the ariuv ef tkc Ualti NT veteran lulled Siatea. Apply onee to KOHlNbON A BLUM. Bo. 1 Tryoa row, corner ui Centre atreet $1 d.lU\ OA8H DOWN BBFOBB HDBter.

fur two no as subeUAute. for three er for oee nnr. aibei lawful bounty end eruiseai uuk or $JoO for one otaa. will paid wlen required taunt responsible party before leaving my Sr service (elected Apply 10 JOHN PH FINK, No. Outre Kraal, la Cart wlae cellar fi90 (WMl UN UAMO TO OIVB BBORUITS f) JaU.UVU artty and Wanted.

twebovs, about IS old Tor the navv. 1 will Aire the lan-at bounty and secure poaitious fore (hi man, if they arerapsble to till them. hen a man pasaes tiie dectO' if ho 1st in the army, I will se? he baa every opportunity to tna any arrangements lia rruuiiea. II. BROWN, room Mo 2.

Moutague Hall, oppoeite (ha Clly Hall. EACH CASH DOWN WILL BK PAID FOR four aliens or vcterane to tin aa auhsiliutes la tee army or uavy. broker or ruuuer nwd appK. Apply, A. II.

and 1 1'. at 149 Brecac Jersey Clly. huhsiituibs cash? an a $7ji cash. Call at IVj Spring street, basemeat. With choice of regiments and department.

IfMtA RKORITITS wantkd-fob thb abmt. UUU 17 $400 cash In band pa'd r.u man. 1.000 veterans wanted for the AT 17 BROADWAY. $400 cash in hand paid each inan 1,000 Heaoien warned for the nary, AT 17 BROADWAY. $400cssb in hand paid each man 1,000 landsmen wanted In tba nary.

AT 17 ROADWAY. $100 caab In han1 paid each man. 1,000 tireinen wanted for the oavyt AT 17 HRO $400 caah In hand paid each inun. l.OUO wanted for the nary, AT 17 BROADWAY. $400 oaah In band paid earh man.

Men coming to lbl? ollce to raly upon obtaining the moat honorable treatment, upon receiving the money ottered In foil, upon oboioe of regiment and arm. without humbug or imposition. Come and see for yourselves. office open from 7 A. M.

to P. M. $200 HAND MONEY wl 1 be paid to an 7 in, womau or child bringing aa acceptable recruit to thla office. M1SCELLAXEUC8. A LOVE TURKISH PBBPUMB LOVE MR Erer, fascinates and secures the of the op SMlte Unsurpassed perfume and smetlc.

Price SI. end stamp for crcu'ar. Addreaa lfadam Marra, box 8,730 New York I'ost office. Abtificiai. human eyes made TO ORDER and Inaerteita bv Dr.

If. HAUCII A P. OOUOKLMANN (formerly employed by Boiaeoaaeau, Paris). Broadway, N. T.

A RM E. DAVla-DEALBR IN PINE, OAK AND a Hickory Wood, bv tbe load, curd or cargo; aUo Kindling Wood in Yard, font or Thirty atitb atreet, corner Firot avenue. All ordera by mail or atberwlae promptly attended to. MADB THI8 A 8PECIAL atudy during many yeara' practice, the underelgnad bolda private on the aubjeot, either personally or by latter. I F.

I. KINO, Oouoaellor at Law. Mi Broad EDMONSTON'rt CURKERCY TOBACCO. Notice to and Joboera. -Thla Tobacco haa not ralaed.

The prl'? re ualna tba came, ao aa to enable it to be for live centa per paper. Tboae who hare not triad it aheuld for a paper of EDMON8 ION '8 OPRBENOT TOBACCO. Exclusively frknoh three boura' notlra only required at Mrs. UOLDCVH French Klutlng Kstabllahmenta. 14 Amity atreet, ooe block and a ha from Broadway; 117 Bleecknr street, below Wooater, N.

and 241 Fulton atreet, Brooklvn. N. No machinery used in the genuine French fluting. Headache and toothachk any person Bending oin twentr-flre iwlii give 'them lnatructiona aa to tbe cause and aure cure of headache and toothache in ten All letters should be addressed to T. W.

Longfellow, atation B. Orand street. New York. PATENT PANTALOON STRAPS. 41 U0Rray atreet, are for sale at wbo'eaale at moat tailors' snd military trimming and at letail at the moot fashionable merchant and furnishing stores.

Marble best place in the citv to purohase cheap aod well finished Maatela is at A KLABEk'S Mantel Manufactory, 109 Eaat Blghteenth street, near Third avenue. New York. Cut this out. Marble mantbls-a fine selection of Msrble ManteN on band, aelllng cheaper than anywhere else, at S. KLABKR'S marble yard Si Pirat avenue, near Third (trael, Naw York.

Call snd examine. PARTIES WISHING TO QET RETURNS IN COLD for of all klnd? of produce to the of Cuba, conaisued to a first claaa house there, can sddreas the subscriber for full information, giving name and address, J. box 3,209 Post office. JINGERS' SEWING MACHINES. NO.

2 WANTED TO ffood order A 540 Pesrl street. rmPR METAL AND OLD LEAD CASH will be paid for a few hundred weight of Type Metal aadold Lead. Apply at the desk or this office. WANTED TO BUY? AN IRON SAFE. NKW OR second hand.

Apply to MARX ROTHSCHILD, 122 Chamber street. WANTED? A LETTER PRB8P-W ASH1NOTON A Smith's Hand i'rnsa Ruyai, platen bed 28 with patent ataam Inking machluc. Addrea.i for two dajs box 217 Herald office. 8 1 CENTS A POUND PAID FOR OLD NEWSI'Zl aad OH Booka; II oeuts a pound paid for White pound for Colored and Woollen Rags, at IS Blm street, between Petri and Duane 9 CENTS A PAID FOB OLD NKWSPAPBRg and Old of all kinda; II cents a und for White aud 3 ieota for Colored aod Woollen Rags, at 1'3 Elm street, between Pearl and Duaae. purchase, ten or flrteen, in good order HORACE CARPRNTBB Bf'KCIAL.

NOTICES. GBOCRRS' a tea CLERKS' EARLY CLOSING ASaOciatlon All the members of this asso 'la: on are earaefctlv requested to bo pietent wt Mi liaty iia 193 on Monday evening, Au ust li, at 6 o'clock. Everyman sboiil 1 be punctual, proving thereby that be has cea? bualnca at 7 P. cry Important will be trausactad ar.d all should attend without fall. By order of JAMBS CCoICK, PiTSldent.

1 1 kii'k O'Nri' Secretary pi tern Notice ib hereby otvbn that, in pursuance of a penMsslon Jveu August a. by tbe City In Sector, tu tbe Reotor, Mr of St ark a uroh, In tbe Rowerv the leumlna ol Interred in the old burial ground of sai ctiurch, altuatea In the bionk between Eleventh au 1 Twelith airee'a snd First and will, from and alter the 20th day of Sep ten bee next, be remove! and relntwrred the new burial Of St. Mark's church, In the OmVlery of the Evergreetia on Long Island. Any frien Is desiring to attend to such remoTai, or to have any nthor tion made of the remains, are invited 10 apply to CH aBLES TKB, su' ton of St. Mark's churob, office 21 Third avenue (BltHe PLUMBERS AND OAS FITTERS OF Wsshington.

D.C., are on a strike, ant respectlu ly the plumbers and lifters of New York and viefnitv not to i ome hero to work or Interfere wh la are on it strike. JAMBS P. COLE. Vice President SBOAR MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION OP THK and Blghth Aaacesment dittrlcta? The seta' maanfacturnra of (he above districts ire Invited to attenfl a meeting on Tuesday, 16th day August, at two P. at Mlllemau llall.

avenue, corner Twrntysixih street. Business of Importance 1 tranaacted. H. D. bCiytODEK.

Secretary. SPBCIAL NOTICB-NBW YORK MUTCAL FREE, hold Htilidlni; A-so-lat'on sort holders of the above association are nollfie 10 meet on Tuesday August 16, at 8 e'cloek P. at Canal street, to receive the balance due on each eorlp; also tor oloalug the aiTalrs of said association. By or ler. ISAAC MARKS.

Secretary. UNION PROTECTIVE ASSOOIATIOII will hold a meeting at 12 South on Monday. August 13, at 7 P. M. All Interested will please attend.

Hv 0 der OAMPBKLL, Secreury.l MED A LLION ADYPBvv tlsament appeared In the speclsl notices of tbe New York Barsld of Auguet 4. emanating fro a tlio ao cnl'ed Washington Medallion Pen Conipanv, which la calculated 10 deceive dealers and tho public- As It ever beeti and 1a our deal re to protect the public from deoet. we atate that atvled Washington Medallion Pen have not pen df any description since 'H The pen works of said '-am 1 -any, afuir lyioit ulle for ulietn inon.hs, were, th all origin ti disc and machinery. re nilaMe for making sa'd pens sold to us oa March 1 1 Stnon that time tlie (aid pans have been manufactured by ourselves and bvnonne We repeat our eantlon to that tbe on geiwiine Wnahlsgton Medallion Pen that Harrison A Washington Medallion Pen" The Washington Medallion Pen Company obtained, on eiparte sfT an in unction us from mak ng snd winding said pens, which Injunction waa. on our app Icsiion.

snd after bearing both sides, dissolved hr bis Honor O. U. Barnard, as reported In the Herald of August 1 HARRISON A BRxDKORD. Steel Pen Mann aeturers, West Thlrtv seventh street. New York.

DBRTIIT1T. MOST WONLBRFL'L ERV -TE Til EX V. trailed wlthojt palu or no oiia lloautiti.l tnilli Itireited. Si li Teeih wnh or wltiiout evtratig the p'Ois. All ns warranted JaY VILLER-, l.v> street twe blocks iroin Hreadwai Aching tp.bth not extracieo hut and lered pet ma neatly u-e ui.altb Da aless Adamant at) white fllliug.

mv- ncsd by Luther 1 ra.ial aujati'ute for gi.d, at liaT fie Okpense. superior go tllbng. Every style artiile si feetn lower than la uab elsewhere e-jtis lf soper'or ia-t Twenti aecoud at.eet, two fro Broadway. LirrtihR A iJe.Hlats 2-" MONTH. Come and sat.

a ft wilt cost jou nothing Teeth e.iraetcd positively witho it pem and without charge until Her twr. In or to aSor.l au ooportuolly 10 all to be te.i ol ti, fact ao 1 tuake it known. American Teeth t'o. I'entisls, Fourth street, corner of Bowery. I) WntTR'S NBW AND IMPROVED ABTIFICUZi lietli? Whole Br $lo and -f 15 superior lu besnl', riurahntty aid o.efumesa to 11 others; all work ed 1.1 ha the other dentists at XV street, between Gro -e and Bsrroiv drects.

I IPOPl.ASTIfi. AKTIFICI VI. HONE FILLINGS I lor ilecavad Weill old routs h'l tip, mere hells, achlns teeth aod every class wlihont psln, 1 the sco It remoied to 29 l-ast Pou teen'h an 1 ne toor west or Union gqnare. Ov rl sjoteulmenials WATCHED, JIHWKLKT, dsO.

UIAMON DM, GOLD AND Di A. HON DS, OLD GOLD AND SILVBB Persoos who wish to sell amouds. old ooid, Silver, or any xiud of old iashione.1 ry, to LOUIS ANKlCii, 7J.H Broadway. A pi iltivn fact, hap per oeut mors than auy Ket.j shed lu Mew York since tba a luiimstratlidi of the late Van Huron. Make no mis'ake? Broadway, under the New Yuik Hotel.

PIN FoR SALE 4GN1 FTOS NT MAI mend Pia (' sale a a low at tktt Broad 1 stairs, row So. 6. ltighist pr pall fer Ac. t'K' HIGH PBICBH FOR Jh" elrv, ivsris, Watrhes, bv B. W.

I -I Tt I nion I llto- e. Bro idirav Ofllee ho ira only till in A. M. aud from till .3 P. M.

Va.oatioas uue per eest. WALLACK'S Monday. weak the of the celebrated MIL DaS BRYANT. BoaclomilU irui three SAWN. (With the or "The Coiieaa wards by Bouetcaiilt, Bulk by BaIiI.

JfVif btfuri iuik la Mr. Uau Bryant Charle. If Mr 0 B. Mr. Daly Mr.

A Paysnnort. Mr. Norton, Mr. Brown. MIm Peony Ma not.

Mrs. John Seftoa, lou Uurke Mil W. M. Pto I will a pear rie.4k7.THM COLLKR.N BAWX W'-jneeday-r-HB ImISH MIOKANT and HANDY COLLBEN BAWN HOOLtra OPKItA UnUSK, BROOKLYN Monday evsnlux. Augu.t lu, auJ evei aiahfr SULL CROWDED KIUHtLr ANOIUKK BL'DUhT OK NUV3LTI K8.


Budworth ASTRUIiWOY. AR. MAURICK. I.KKaT ANO ilKAIa ASTROLOGER The advice of this real Astrologer, A B. MAURICE.

In baaed wholly on aoleutire Hid na never known to fall. The band ot fate baa marked out the path of oaeii individual. au the plaaeta are hourly Minting oat tha desusv of mankind. I'mfeanor Maurloe liu a profoaud knowledge gf the or the acienee of the Htura, and oan beat the world lo regard to telling all that to the or misery of whole life; with several mat no Mag mortal aver knew before he will bring su-oess out of almost any undertaking. In causing speedy marriages he never He describes the intended husband or wife: tell, the very day yon will marry, and afcnws a likeneaa representing the true complexion of the IntaodoJ.

Ha your UL your enemies, no 1 you of danger. good luok in or In travelling by act or land, and the best Of health, long life and proaperity to all who oonault him. Those at dl.tanon may nand their age and and aodreaa A. R. Maurloe.

box 5,603 Now York Poat office, and net in return the of our whole life. hours notti 7 1n the evening. OflUe IJH Bleeoker atreot. uear WodU' I Jo count. Ueute.

A MORROW, 8RYKNTH JAj daughter, with a natural gift of foresight. how soon snd often you will marry, even your Magle Image In full oporatlon her equal not to touud; a of your Intended husband and absent 184 Ludlow atreot, four from Uouaton CJentlenien alinlilal. MADAM BOOTH PROM CALIPOBnla. can bn consulted on all of and given. id ceuta.

90 XTl Spring street, up one flight. pLAIRVOVANT -IF TOTX WISH THB TRUTH, 00 AT once to Madame R08B. 8ho likeness of future hu. band or friend, and never to hrlag those separated together. No.

9A West Twenty. seventh atroet. between Sixth and Seventh Ring tba basement boil. from 9 in morning till 7 In the evening. GO AND SEE MADAMB 8NKLL, THE CELEBRATED and renowned Aslrnlogist.

In the sclenue of aatioloey baa no auiwrlor. She the aclenoe in alt Ita branches (the Mars, and and entire aatisfact'oa in tolling the past preaeut and fu ture. 8be never la causing speedy marriages and biinginit the together in businaM affairs her ad vice Invaluable, a large number of people ive been bnaefl'od by her aid. an evidence of her skill she has reooivad abundanoe of testimonials from some of the first poopio of land. will bo discovered and cured through her only known to hanolf for ladiaa, Mc gentletiea, $1.

Residence 119 Baat Twentyfourth below fourth avenue. Persons at a dlstanra may coasuli lady by letter, stating their and enclosing a faa of St and a correct answer will be promptly reuirneo. Address box 6,747 Now York Poat nlUee. GO THB WONDER THE THE toung. baautlful and aocorn pttshed propheteu.

SRCOR, tells yonr very gives good luek lo all or life. She the only person who hat the genuine Bgyntlan secret fur making yon beloved by the opposite set. It necessary that every pereoa should know their lot In life. mice 40 Sixth avenue. Ring the ball.

prescribed. Ma dam olvuson has bbtdbnbd a nd Oan be consulted on the past, present and future; In U4 speedy she never and can reclaim drunKen husbands and unfaithful lovers. Tome and see this lartv at her Ill) Sixth street, third lloor. front ruom. Oeat'ero-iU not admitted.

Madame estbll, seventh dauohtek, oak be consulted ive marriage, loasex, all kness, lucky numbers, Call at 21 Domtoick corner of VarlcK. RS. DBCOLAM. CLAIRVOTANT. WILL RECEIVE I rom 9 until SI and gentlvmen, S3, ose who are dextrous to beer of absent rrleo Is or the future arc invited attend.

No deception til Bast Twenty-seventh street, a few east of Kourlh avenue. DKOOL AS RKTURNED AND CAN BE ivl oousulUil on all the preaent and future. 60 East Twenty aevi-ntb street, a fe durt east of Pourtb avenue Ladies $1 and yrntlemen SX MrT a ky ou iirM diTTaland busTnkss olair vnyani. AM agd cured, If curab e. late and wbereii-o I- of abaent made known.

No. 101 West Pilteentii street, oorner of Sixth urenue. THB ORIGINAL MADAME BYRON HAS P.KTURNKD from t'arls and he oon ulted on the present, puat and future. She 1- the Krratest spiritualist, medical andbualntu c'atrvoyai that ever was known. Si to geiher ioae loi sep rated and has thnt never failing secret to make yon bv your heart's Idol, ontre 310 Fourth avet.

ue. llrst house aboVo Twenty thirik street. Ladles 30 MEDICAL. A CARD TO POWERS. 61 FRANKLIN street, relief in a fesv from d' ties, whether domnnd'ng meilloal or surg'cal trjatmenL Commuulcatluns sacredly uoatld.ntlal.

A CARD TO TH3 CHARLRS LUTZR, M. Professor and Surgery, and orer 17 years or auocesaful practice la eltr. gui antees a positive cure any lady requiring special irr surgical treatment in twenty-four boura' time, oo matter how complicated the ctse may be. Can consulted st hit old established nrivate ortlco, Broad wa v. and lie re never falltrg female inndinlnes be obtalnsd.

or sent by letter to any part of the United Htstes: price $5 Doctor has elegant roens and the best and attendsnee In the city for patiouts who wlslt to remain lonnn treatraent All ooininnulcations sirlat'y confident al At boma all hours of the and eveningACAKD TO POWERS, fil FH AN KLIN street, warrmta relief In a few hours from didlculties, whether demanding medical or (surgical treatment. Communications aaciedly i VDVICB TO MARRIED LADIES, -MAD A ME HES TKLL, Kemul" Physician an I I'ro' -sor of can be consu ted oau'al at I I street, But one interview wii be neoaaaarv. No charge fbr ad lee Her inluli.ble can alno be oblained at 127)4 Llbertv or by mall: prr.e wh? board and the beet medic i lur ng Conlmrment can be acc mm Her Krenc'i Pi 's, No 1, ice $1 a box, or No 2, which sro four "t-ong tlian No I. andc. i never (ail.

are safe and hedihy: price a Can be sent by mall, with full directions N. B-? Ma lanie K'stell dnetns It her dutv nautlen against imitators of her a iveiiismouts, who not only rob the. of thuir means but tlielr hea th. ArfLtCTKD RKMi'tmitD Tonorafcb bxposrd, Ksllacles tin II ghly imieirtant to boih married or sing lu healiu or Dr. LAKMONT'S Par's, I.ond"0 and New Yorlc Adviser und Marriage Guide edition.

t'lO liXI noon He. bllltv. Prmary Bladderand Kidney Dlseaaes. the author's unequalled and Lind ireaimem. All shoui I purchase this wor? ef WARNHR No I Veaey street, lor or ixnsnit the Oo tor, 171 Broadway, up stairs.

New York from 10 A. to 5 P. M. BE WISE tN TIME? RP.MKMBER THB SURB PLAOR fora'pealy cure without meretiry: 'tiifortunates tl And it to their ad antnge. Dr.

WARD'S old established oillue, 01 Franklin str et. Advice free ana small charge lor medicines. DR. 14 DCANR ST KK r. T.

BK CON oo all diseases. Thirty exclustvelv do voted lo diseass-i him to warrant corn In all cases The of misplaced confidence in med "al prelen ler call with a cartalnty of bams radically 1 or no pay. DR ORINDLE. FBMALK PHYSICIAN AND AOooocher. No.

6 Amilr three fr Amity street, makes it his speeial practice 'o treat all female coinrlainU. from whatever cause pro luced. Ia ir9 lo give reef to the most pa'i-'n' in twenty. four Bleganl room lor la lies re'iulrlnc DR. POWBRS, 01 FRANKLIN STRKKT.

CAN RR tJON. gratis, with unparalleled oess. on all female eonpialnu. His Perto ileal Drops, per expressly for obstinate easea Beware of Da. COBSBTT.

NO :0 CBNIKii KTKK. BRTWEBN an I Reads (tree's, nan lie consulted wllh maiidenoe on diseases of a privaierharactnr A prseti -e of thirty four vears. tbr -e of which have been In of New York an London, him to treat with nervous general debility The victims of Imposition can call on blm with the of being radically or no charge N. I'r. diplomas lu nls office, aa member oi the Neiv York Cnivareity Co leke and of Surgeon-, Lordjo.

Sun from 11 A. M. to B. WEST, FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND ACOOUCHBB, J7 Duane afeet, between Centre and It practice M-eat female complaints with professional ak: II. Montiojr Tjnlo 1s a never failing remedy.

DB- WATSON. AN OLD AND BXPBRtBNCBi) PRACtltloner. Is enabled to guarantee acure al eas-'s by safe insdies, and without of diet or restriction from business. I)r. bonk tho in1 t' ilKistrated lino' ghout by snu 1 Ac mntafne nable Inforinail 'or such a.

ar? fr eiiher disease or dcMlity, o' who con emnlate arriawe Price SI. Po by Ml' er A Post ofloe. Brosdwa- hv tuesuthor KM Broadway, next b.u-lt above he MelroH'sii llotaL YOtTNn IRIRND. DR. aRD'? 8i ecliie a id the wor Wlibeut Uiy orctiangeof diet Ward's Magical IV rating HUa, Si per Asira ire where t.anaooj been Impaired BE C0SBD BT DR.

WARD. I atreet. from the tail of 1 ondoi- He the g'eatoat know n. being the of the oo1 reins. MVNHOOD ANUTHB VI'iORor YOUTH RESTORED In four wee by Hr, Kicord i of I.

won 'er'ul wl I restore mkn' ood then, est I constitution, fro self ab- -e. the effe- of intake natural time reijuired to core the mv-teraie rase sloiirneeae Failure is i mP ssibie. Dr. It erd's 'n Life is sold in wlt'i luatrui li.T* for use. $.1, or Ues lu oi.

i foy SfHsni caref illy na. on recc'p. Of re-nlltsn-e by his ercl'ied Sgent. fir free on rteei nf four PHILIP IIKI.ANO AgePt for 1'nited StAtes, 417 Broon street, one loor west rom Broadway, Y. VfADAMR flRINDI FEMALE PHYHirtAtf, NO iVI three Iron Amity can he conMlieU an all diseases of leinales.

Hei me. urines are sale and at for lull's who oareaad ea luring aCuein.nt. MANHOOD AND TOOTH KTL TTOOE A RtOAtNED in four tlaj hy the woaderf it Dr ssnno 01 Llf 61 KiankHn strae 1 remedy. SHATTERED CONaTTTOTlOXS RR-TORED BY THT1 guaraateed remedy, Powers Eis toe of Llfn? Franklin tin. flan ot! er All those matr'age sho t'.

take storing remedy. Tub olohy man is tukukvoks the tiarvon and demi Hated abo ild Dr. POWER ag I of Mis. Off- Frank a street. A eimaoeui eura anaated.

OI'SaN D8 A li DISA PPOI ft' II 5 'N I -u' i'ii' Dr. I 1 ant. in tr es, wH'ioot pa mi i i i setiloh ever I'm ss diaoasea, urcnMcrrs. COM MBNCB8 TO UMHlllMlir WUUTIJt rnt coolest theatre tw thb mr IBM 1LLUM1N A1KD GARDEN OI'HM EVENING. MONDAY, AUuUBTJft.


Collier, I Nunau, Rltuadell. 8cm ir 1 II Mleaee Mary Saerre Ac in th" cuat. Uur the evening. nodular inuiie by the under the Jire ction of ilur eyH Dodwortli SEATS 8BCUEED SiTdaYS IS IT 0 "rTthb eeoolae season Drama, THE MOUNTEBANK IB KS5.t>3R H. Chapman, ARNUM AMKRTTAN MURIUM.




Km, Mr O. Davenpert. Mont. Oroaat. Mile. ami Ml Krneatlno appear. klK. MOBllld, "tlermaaleo American." wlil "shpeak some tlnga1' upon tk? Mm? Exhibition every utornlnt at II clock. In Lecture Room. without additional harge.

BERK NADOLSRl'S WONOKHPUL OAblNBT. containing ilOi pli'ixe of furniture. THK UKAKD OKCH8BTBION will play at (hurt day ami evening, with all aUoi of a FULL ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY INSTEUMENTB. TUhl NEW VENTILATOR. DRIVEN BY STEAM.

3.0UD feet ol cool air par miauie. MARYBULOU8 LIVING AKRICaN MUD FtBB. brouuht tiereladijr. aolidclav. DWABFS, ALBIAOS AND A MILLION OTBBR OOW.

ElOSITIES. Admiiuion. SSeeali; children under tan, 18 oenU. MINSTRELS. SU BROADWAY, Oppoalie St.

Blcho aa Hotel? Henry Wood, ProprlataA. THK BUST VENHLATKU HALL IN THK CITY. Mouday, Auguai 19. and every evening during the weak, THli M1LLKU ANU IS MRU. THE BLUNDKRIM1 SRKVANT, THE LOONEY NAPOLEON, TEE BACKS.

SONGS. DANCMM, PLANTATION BV TUB STAR TEOUPK OK THB WOBLO. Doora open at cotoiuenoo nt T.okeu 18 1 CAMPBELL'S MtNSTEELS, and 111 EOWEEY, Oppoa 'u Spring ntreet PRONOUNCED THK PRESS AND PUBUQ; Aa well as tho or the east atde, THE AN OP BANDh. ling Hie attremn heat, ALWAYS COOL AND COMKOKTaBLH. 1 Lis week the toUowtng pew KATY DAHLI Nil, CHALLENGE DANCB, pilgrim fathers.

PoLEA. sally comb up, HOT CORK NO RAISE IB BICES. 26 to all paria of the houae. ashiboton iiall, Corner of Fourth and Soulh Seventh etreala, R. D.

IMV GRAND DRAMATIC COMBINATION, COMMENCING MONDAY, AUGUST 1ft, lSMk Hulwer'a b-audiol play. THE LADY Or LYONS. Claude Melnotte K. Paulina MyraM loM followed by the immense farce of THE ROUGH DIAMOND. Admlialon 60 and 26 cania.

Doora oiien at Performance to commence at 3 o'eloeR, 8eata can be eeoured at tlie box oidoe from 10 A. M. to P. M. STADT THEATES.

37 and 99 Bo? ery. Leaaee Mr. P. L. ana Stake ManagHr.


W. THOMPSON, On which occaa.un MI8S ATE RAYMOND. '1 ha daubing egueatrienoe, ml Mli. O. H.

COLLINS, T'ie Togethor with Mr U. H. performing mare, LACK BBSS. The champion aenng mare of America. MONDAY i.VENINU.

ALOl'ST 15. 1AM. The gri at drama of THE FEdALK HORSE TIIIKP. M.irg*ret MU? Rate RavmapB Will Mr. O.

B. rolllWl followed bv THE Oil. MJER OK DEATH. Burl dag Mr. Oeo Thompaaa Margaret E.

I. SiciaM To conclude with THB WANDERING M1NBTBBU Jnm Bagga Mr F. A. rarer Milly SaokaM B. Don't forget Monday August 13, 13Gt 444 -AMERICAN Til KATKE.

BROADWAY. GRAND KKOPBNIBO MONDAY AUGUST 15, farorlte liavtng been thoroughly raaa rate .1. repainted, redecorated, Ac WILL OPEN FOE THK HbASON on the above named evening, tli the great COMBINATION TROUPB. wlio have turned fmm Boeton where they bate acliicred one of the ar'-ate an cesaei on record at tha BOSTON MUSBI'M. The following artuta will appear every night TONY PASTOIt J.





All 'he oin titrnlait will appear In a grand and varied program ma. See h.l,* of the day. R. IF. BrTLER, Manager.

J. S. MAKKIT. 8 (age Manager. DAVE BRAH.VM Director UK II A 1C KIM, Carpenter and Ma: hi lit.

TOLIDO. Coetnmer Moils (i ROSSI, Ballet Muster. J. AM MK km an, Treaaurer. INTER GARDRN-THE LADIES "aND engage I al the above establishment meet the Stnge for reltearea'.

on Anguet at II clock A. preparatory to the opmlng on rh AngiiM IS. 3. O. HANLKY stage Manager.

(H). C. CHARLES. THE ome having a most lucceaarnl encn ement at Oro er tteatre. will Opera Bonaa Aug for weeka.

wlahtnr to arrange with Mr Ohatlei for will addieaS oriner A IS Houston atrect. lji HARAtkS THBATRR. NEW ORLK iNS. Leaaeea an I Mn B. and H.

A appllcatluna for enjsge neti's muat be made to B. Fddy, 'i 137 L. New York if. VNTED IBM KDt ATKLY TWELV voir lagtea mr the come de ballat. av from ftiO to par wen.

thoaf can dauce oa r.xtr i ply ro 13 to 3 to uay to Coouar A Itij it AffTBD? DRVM LA niF.8' AND OBBTLEMBM for a Wvi'ern dm the coimltu lee '-t daity, from 1) 11,1 o'ctouk, to At KISMRR, W1 4th uear Bowery. Banjo "rbfrctlf oh threb mobtbb les-ons bv new mil whlek meijiatn In toil m1n tftor wh'cli the poj play aiglghi apcrfet una Ihe Irat le.won* GEOROR C. DOBBON. Br adwav. CLEILAV Si'AVr A Pttiea," Battfil of 4n "lam.

with opweids lit) o-lier aad arealag at the Put Ar-. roastant GouioiaU and Vtu.tney# atatm I "Oo la' 4- vv Vo'aur tie 1 tie Ho, day Ined Waah'ngton Addrese I'fioe. A. Hell, Stajie HoUda. Streot uojore.

ALm r.ABTNBH WA.vrBO-Wirrr A cood to seaaie In a Jfmalrel Aav person little 1'iall" -stione een -re in e-inal perimTshtp a folnetrel hat at 74S war, op two ef stairs, Parties having buhtnfbr wirn THE UNDKSI alined wll lln 1 him 0. I. Parslce 3' Bro war. corner of Prince rtrt-et, from 10 A. M.

Ir M. and from motliS P. M. A. TA NN RH ILL, and Manager the new Memphis theatre, Pi iLLO THB ATRB LRXIRtlTON.

BY. 'A Not' i (star oretoekifur en're will not be honored ed iOlDfiN Ifo. 9 Carroll eei ker -it, -ic nd ert if the Wn'itsl va on, ai na H. df 1.000.

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