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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 4

New York, New York
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NEW YORK HERALD. JAJMBS UOHDOM BKIIBTK IOITOK AND nOnUIOOfc cma f. w. or fcltok and nassap rtk Volant No. 815 M.


Bowerr OEORCS I I'OBk FlAAMAM? 1 UMUUHlCK BBOAOWAT THFATHK, Fkkhoh Sit? Put or im BARK W18EI M. Broadway. Two OunTI, Two DuAKrv Aifcixac. fiir.Mi. ai mi bourn.

MaiiLa-Ai 11 A 3auu i f. IT OOP'S Ml.fSTRBI. 11 ALU. M4 Broadwar. Btmori ai Dakcaa, BaMHiRL.nk.Nr or Ekiahsiobu.


A. H. Uil 10 f. HOOIjKT'B CPBRk TIOOS8. Brooms I ChOA.

Dancbs. BialI'udu. Ac. New York, Tburidajr, August 4, THE SITUATION. Tbe raid or the luto Pennsylvania and Maryland again claims attention and awakens II i a undoubtedly tr jo that Goueral Early bas a force of thirty-five thousand men In tbe Shenandoah vatiey, and keeps his near Marlins burg.

A of rebel cavalry visited Ilagerstown on Friday. They crossed at WMiamsport, and despatches last night siate they were crossing there then In very large force. It was elated from lorry on day evening that the rebeU, uudor McCa-Jsiaal, Lud been overt. ikon at Cumberland and dereatod by Generals Avcrill and Kelley, upon avbom they made en attack. Several caissons and one gun were reported to be captured by Avcrill.

It is generally believe 1 In WaaUingtou tbal General Lee contemplates on extonBlvo raid on tbe Potomac, iu to force Gone al Craul to withdraw from Peterf.burg. We hope tbit s-iue better than hereto ro will be sdoptad to moet him Tbe time for burying the daad under the flag or truoe hiring expired at Petersburg at ten o'clock Mouday, tbo rebels again opened Ore within ten minutes. Generals Buhrod Johnson, A. P. Hill, 8andera aad Mali one were in the field.

The rebels state their Ives In tho tight of Saturday at eight hundred, while claim twelve hundred prisoners. but tbis Is not It la said that military inquiry Is to be made Into tbo of our defeat. Rumors prevail iu Washington that Joe HooKer will get the command or tbe Army of tbe Potomac In do's plaCT. Our Intelligence from Atlanta up to yesterday is to tbe the Macon had been destroyed by General Sioneiaan. Genoral McCook's divl ion o( cavalry tLrcj thousand two hundred strong? wbilo returning by way of Newman, bad Just captured a number of wagon? Oiled with valuable piivate property, when they were fiercely by a large body of rebels under Oen.

R.ans;>m, aud Geu. McCook 's command was routed tbe yreater part capture I. McCook himself is reported to have been killed. Five hundred of his forces returned to Marietta, bringing a sad tale of loasi b. Tbe appointment of General Howard to the late General McPberaon's command bas offended General Joe Hooker, and he has consequently resigned.

It has beeu ofTic ally ascertained, and admitted by the tbit their losses In the of tbe 22d u't. were tnree thou aand killed, one thousand pruonors, saventecn buttle flags and sis thousand stand of arms Tbe news Southwest slows that tbe eootny continue active aad dangerous in various quarters. A party of guerillas atti -ked a plantation Ave miles from Vicicsburg on tfce 2S ult. a.i doatroyeJ everytblsg. Another band, with a battery of four guns, Are I into the etesmer Fuircblld, at Aston larding, and struck ber seventeen timet, killing otic m-n.

A party of Texas Infantry, over sixteen hundred sti ong n. a raid on a plantation near Xatcbcz, kiilrd a Union offlcor aud Qirried o.T tbe negroes and property. Our dates Orleans aie to tbe C7ib ult. A bvdyof rebels were beaten near Baton Rouge by a party of tbe cavalry. Nice buodrod I'nion nere returned fr' Texas In a mUerab'e pl'gbt, without bats, shoes or sblrts.

They wero very badly treated while in rebel bands, as will be soon by tbo graph. account of their condition In another column. EUROPEA.N HEWS. Tbe steamship Bremen, from Southampton on the 20th of July, re.rbel this por' yesterday, bringing our (lean dated to ber day of sailing. Tbe steimaLIp St from Londonderry on the 22 1 or July, passed 2 alher Tulol ye-terday on bor to Quebec Her news Is two days later tUao the rei-ort of tbe Uremen.

Tbo news by Bremen baa been anticipated to seme extent by her lelvgrapblo trom Race, publtitbed In the TiKRAiolaet Sunday end Vond.iy. Tbo details of tba advicss (Iron In our columns will be fouud very interesting. Tbo reports of tbo Liverpool cotton and breadslufls wblob did no' ul by telegraph frcrn Newf undlasd, anaUogtreu ti.lay. Tbe Ixtndon Timet pr nt? a letter from Ireland In wtmh the writer assort" that two -aaier? bad bad a naval tn' o.T Bant ry lily, and that at Its 0 urcoue vessol seemed to be on Ore. Tliry (ban separated end Steered opposite direct.

oos. Tbe report seems to nccl en Arm at ion. elk-fed privateer Alexandra, which caused mucb litigation In tbe Court of Queen's Bench, don, bid saiioU KngUbd lor Nassau, N. as tlie Mary Two British veweis report tbe privateer Florida, To ooe of i be in the rebel cruis transferred tbe four men fr lb American George Latimer, who bare arrived New York. Ibe dm reviews tbe ofclal career of ex Secretary Cb-MJ, cosde-nniug bis fius iota'.

plans? so rar tbe rlter aekuowodgw tb it he b-l a phn or polic-? to very rcntlc term Tbo Lond fist-i baa Uttlo that 1 he abl to redeem the -intry (rem ibe rects of Mr. Cisco's monetary maosgo moot A UicLmonl V- of the London Timti say tb it Qeneral r.riint ed eorioua de'eaU at the of tbe rrbets la two battles fought at Cot) lia in the e.rly dynof jly. Irau a tail and shirt cutter hi'ely in -iiroctiy accused, after is 1 of having cmaiweJ tbo recent extraord nary murder on the jwrw. a of tbe backer, pi oai i iage on tbe Nort'i adon fU.wjy. A simple link, found by a ch, brooght forth a most curl ms cbatn of circumstantial whtcb connected llu'ler lib tbo crime.

The 'cfi Lon ion for New York In tbe pack st sblp Victoria, on tb-: 14iQ or July, live b-fore Ibe recta were discovered. On tbe of the 1 of July, at p. us o'clock, Mr. Inspector or the Loodoo Mr. sib, snd caiman ss (or tbe I 'lent i Scat ion of Muller, st tried from KttSt sjuare for en rs far Nsw York by a steamer on the 30th ult.

Tbs farnlabod with a warrant for the apprshen-ton of ilter f-n tbs cbtrg" of murder, aod he also carried with letters from Mr. Adams, tbe American Minister, io tbe Bsecutlre of New York. Mr Adaaaa present during tbs whole of tbs and at bis re test copy of tbs depositions was prsparsd to be forwardel to tbe Secretary of State sailing too. It WM offlctaliy stated the Knglish Parliament tbat ft eras being matured to federate tbs previMes hs tail tbe North Americas ooionies, away tfet Fjf Wsm. tmler om govsTUMVt Htm am WM vost, the Slat of July at an advance of one-eighth lo of penny lor An taoriplioaa.

the sales of tbe week rootod op M.000 The a toot la port wna balsa Bread- tuft ware quiet, but steady, la tba Liverpool mark el, and provisions were Arm. Tho prices or foods and yams In tba Manchester market ware less limn. In London, on tbe 21st ult oonsola, (ar money we.o quoted at 90 Si a HIECELLA.HEOUS UK TO. Tbe national fas! ordained by President Lincoln will bo in this ctty tc-d In obedienca to the pro clarnations of Coveruor Seymour and Ountber. I many of tbe churches sorvioes wttl be held and suit able priyere offered up.

Tba Dr. Suode-lnod, late of Congress, is to proacb in the street 1'rcsbyterlan church. Tb' will be public services to-lay In St. Ann's free chu cb, In street, near Fifth avonoe, com at a qu irtor to eight and half past ten o'clock iu the morning, and at tour o'clock in the afternoon. The former and letter servioa wilt he interpreted, as read o-ally, for deaf mutes.

by the arrival of the steamship Rranoke, Captain Drew, from Harana on the 29th ultimo, we hive late and interesting advices from that city, Mexico, Venezueli and St. Domingo. Her Britannic Mojisty'a Consul Joseph T. Cr.iwford, died at Havana ou the 17 lb ultimo. From St Domingo we learn that a groU doal of slckne is prevailing among tbe Spanish army.

From Venezuela we have dales to tbe Tth ult. General Falcon had obliged to rotiro Tor a while from tbe bo id of nfTiirs, lo order to rocruit bli health. The araeodod constituti is said to bave been well received by all the Slates or tho republic. It said tb it this turetnor is one of tbe hottest experienced in Havana. There is a deal of sickness, but not much as in Matanzas, whore tbe lever has been so ratal aa to attack many natives.

From Vexico wo hnvc dates to tho IStb ult and Vera Cruz to the "3d ult. in Mexico, with tho exception or a few tkli miehos of tbe oouteuding lorces, nutters continue as before tbe arrival of the Emperor. Tbe ctty of Durango was occupied by tbe imperi on tho 3d ult. Uraga is said to have loft bis camp, acorn pa n.o;t by only a nna'i osort. II is sal 1 by tho French that twelve hundred irai erlalists had lately lo't GuadaUjara to mako a ition against Uraga or Ilojas and Ar TaUcio Hivas, attacked the town or Mlchoacao, but whs repulsed with Eevro Juarez is still at Monteroy.

Tba imperialists cay tint Ills troops are deserting, Arc. It is ass ire tint Doblado has loft the country, aid goca either to Toxas or New Orliuns. Tha Ksnperor bus addressed a lottor ta his Minister of State, duecting him to it-quire into tie Unsocial state ot tbe oounlry. Ho has also ordured lie release or all prisoners canTmcd for political aud that cn his birthday five dollars ba distributed among some poor people. La So'ied Jitot the announcej the dojth of tbo Belgian ex-Kuvny, Baron Ahxmder do Grox, end that Dan Igjaclo MeJU, a sou or tba Juarist gcucrJ of that name.

The new Italian steam frigate went down tbe bay yMtcrdiy on a trial trip. Stie returned at four P. M. lue Board or Aldermsfi mot yosie diy aftornoon, President Henry in tbe cb ilr. A resolution was adopted calling on the Coucael to tbe Ourpcr itlon to report by what authority tbe Crolon Aqucduct I apartment was aih-artising for for street paviog.

An ordl. nanco appropriating $600,000 for the relief of the families of volunteer! wa3 adopted by a unanimous vote, and the ilaries of tbe treasurers and other officers under tbo ordiuance wero raised about thirty per ccut. A number of papers from the of Councilmen w-re cnncerrcd in after which tbe Board adlourced until Monday next, at two o'clock. A meeting of tbe trustees and Advisory Hoard of the Masonic Mission was bold yestorday In Uintr.u Hall. The object of this mtpslon is to procure acd educate women for nurses in tho army, nnder tbo protection of tbe Masonic fraternl'y.

From tho unaided eir-rts of two wimjn eighteen young women have been educated and sent into the field, and sixty more are in preparation for Ibcir duties. Five hundred and seventy six dollars bave been collected for that purpose, and tbe vement Is meeting with success and favor wherever it baa been put in operation. A meeting of sogar manufacturers was held yesterday at tho Astor The object or tbo meeting was tbe protection or segar manufacturers under tbo Internal Kevenua law. Tue proceedings or tbe oailag wore merely routine, and ror tbe purpose or perfecting their orgauUa tion. Tho Grand Jury brought another hatch of Indictments aster Jay into IQe (ion ral ScSslJns, aud, with (lie as'Utince of the attaches of tie o.Uce, were ejiblod to dNpose or nil ths papers presented for tbiir action.

Among the bills found were two ijdictments for raisdomu'inor in violating a law pissed by the legislature last wintor prohibiting parties from taking moa of this State to enlist thorn in other If it possible to try men on Fridi? the District will put the cues on the calendar, ai it is bis to Tig rougly second the efl'orU the legislature putting a stop to this ollouce. Icdoled for the murder or bis wife, by shooting in the head on the 6th of August, lsS3, at No. 90 street. pleaded guilty to manslaughter in tho fourth degroe. Tbe uu'ortun wotnuu died a few luoruetls after the fatal wound wa3 inflic'ed.

On his exsminati the pria said be did not (hoot berjntcntl onally tb it tie got the pis ol down to clean It, and while sitting on the bed tt broke down aud the pistol went ol. n.n of tho wituos cs, however, stated that "he beard in room, and fifteen niiuates after beard tbe re port of a pisti 1. Mr. John n. AntUon, who was to defcud (he prisoner, made an eleq-i ot appeal to tbe oourt, stating aomo mitigating circumstances, among tbcm the fact that soon after the bomie'de Hocgorty becanio Insane and was kopt In the asylum out 1 be had recovered Tbe Recorder tated he bad given the case a tbo rough examination, and concluded to sentence tbe prisoner 'to imprisonment in the Peniteuiary for one year.

I.H/a Madden, joint' indicted with Ann rUnr.MT for petty larceny, pleaded guilty and was sent to tbe 1'euitentlary for four months, hbe stole a portomonnaie from Mr. Kings ley, white riding in a Grand street stage, on the 27th of June. John Gorion, a colored n. was tried on a chai ge of grand larceny, to stealing a wateb and forty-nine dollars from Allen, a woman with whom bs lived at No. 18 Hkotnas street.

Tbe testimony was unreliable, and be was acquitted. Bridget La was also acquitted of a charge of stealing forty-seven dollars fr Margaret Glllegg. A number of cises were put oft till the next term. Tbe court adjourned till Friday at ten o'clock. In the Stites District Court yesterday, berore Judge Hotts, tbe cane of tbe prisoners cooCued under mi ltary authority in Fort Lafayette came up, when it was concluded, coonsel fcr the de'endants acqtilaicing, tb it do further proceedings would be had In tbe matter for tbe present We sre supped to bave an ordinance prohibiting tbe drh leg of animals w.tbin certain limits tbroug'i tbs city of New York, but if there be sueb so ordinance It is never observed.

Every day droves of pigs and cows and bulls end sheep are to be soon rushing through our streets wttbin tbs prohibited districts, and our authori ties seem to no notice of the fact. Yesterday an excited cow got looee in the ark and rushed through Broadway catting up very extraordinary pranks. si was secured before any damage was doue to the people flllirg the crowded thoroughfare. F.lasias bettor known as "Count" Oiessbrougb, mulcted in the sum of 12' 0 yesterday by Judge McCarthy, or tbe Marios for as uniting one of his colored domestics, mrned Tile, without just cause or provocation. Ti-ia is the second suit of tbe kind that has been brought against the "Count'' within tbe last sis montha.

0 An cation yesterday before Judge T.icard to revive the suit entitled "Solomon t.ii:Uiin) Charles W. Mlir," ch bad bees alMt jd is oonwi of tho plaintiff having been sent to lb; State Triton lor defrauding tbe government. The appilcsti wm male by Josoph Stnsrt and Edward Van Witk.e. who appointed trustees of Kohostarnm estate by Recorder Hoffman. Judge Barnard granted tbe application.

I A disastrous Ore occrred in Canada, on Sunday lbs Crystal blo mprislng eight brick stores, in ths heart of tbs town, was totally consumed. Ims 000. There wss a very destructive conflagration Id ths Tilings of Bramptoo, Canada Wist, on Tbursdsy night last. There was but little activity Id commercial circles yesterday, asd tbe markets lor both foreign aod native produes were generally dull.

There were Increasing Indloa tloos of a decline In many articles at no distant period. Cotton was scarcely so Arm. Pet mien wss stsady, with a fair export demand for re The orders for eruds are below tbs sating prices of boUars. On chance bnntasss was quiet, ss usual en tbe eve of a holiday. BrsadstuOk gsnsrsily warn litUs 9.

Pork about ft par bbi. Lard wan sonrss and firmer. Whiskey steady, rrslgnts wrong, with jurats Tkt 1 Tfc? Iu timM of great publio trial and danger like the preneut is a crime for men to hold in our armies placea that they are not At for. Incompetent men are more likely to get high places than competent men are. First, bocause they are in an immense majority, and, next, because they make more use of tbo6e courtly graces that reoommend them to the appointing power.

They talk better, and are always more ready to set forth and explain their own abilities. Through the empty-headed eagerness of inoapables the right men are kept obscurity, while the others are pushed up to shine in gold lace and enjoy the popular ap But in the hour of great trial it is seen that the eagerness by which incapable inen pet high places, and which appeared to be either a harmless vanity or an excusable ambition, is in reality a crime against the State. It is certain that one former commander of the Army of the Potomac attained the command of that army by persistent dis paragement of a popular general, coupled with tho most continual and Bhameless praise of his own achievements and abilities. IIo proved, of course, to be unfit for his position, and his preeenoe at the head of that array in an hour of supreme trial caused it a most disgraceful defeat and the loss of over twenty thousand men. Under the French Revolution men wore, in similar circumstances, held responsible for their unfitness; aud there was a natural justice in the law by which incompetency in a man who had pushed himself into high places was punished with death.

That law made many fools modest. Under an indictment framed from the above views, anil against vainglorious and place-seeking incompetency, wo believe that General Iiuin3ida would uot bo found guilty. It is on record to bis credit that if ho had been permitted to do what he thought he ought to do he would not have been at Petersburg on Saturday last to contribute his share of incompetency toward the failure of a great attempt; for he desired to resign and leave the service two yeaw ago. lie, therefore, did not force him self into a place in which he was so powerful for evil. It must be very distinctly In the popular recollection how earnestly he protested against hia appointment to command the Army of the Potomac, and how he desired to resign the command after he had taken it.

He was virtually forced into tho place, and therefore cannot be held entirely responsible for the Fredericksburg slaughter. We must remember, too, that ho desired to resign even his corps command subsequently, and if permitted would, by his retirement, probably have averted the disaster at Chickamauga. But the country has a clear case against the President for tho criminal blunder of not permitting General Burnside to resign, when he so often wanted to, and for thus keeping an incompetent man iu an important place ngalast his will. But for that error what regrets might have been spared us. Wo dire not permit ourselves even to name the many places where wo might have had success; for disaster has followed the footsteps ol this man across a continent? from the Rappahannock to the Tennessee, and thence eastward again to th James like some awful aud bloodthirsty shadow.

With General Meade the case is different, though we havo heard that he also once deaired to resign. But he never gave any part cular emphasis to the expression of tuat desire, lie is therefore guilty, since ihere have been I periods in his career when every consideI ration of honesty and justice toward his couutry called upon Lira to retire from the pos tion he still holds. He ought tp have resigned us soon as he caught up with the array at Get tysburg, and thought it necessary to "manoeuvre and not to fight." Ills occa3ion came again only a few days later thau that. Lee, with the demoralized remnant of a shattered ariuy, cowered on tho batiks of the Potomac, and within a mile ol him, "manoeuvred" to bis hearts content. It is the dislinct implication of one ot the nervous utterances of Napoleon Bonaparte that the general who permits his enemy to get away under such circumstances is an idiot.

Yet Lee got away, and therefore General Meade ought to have resigned then; for no patriot ought to be satisfied while a man who hid 60 nearly proven his idiocy was in command of his country's finest army. achievements at Mine run ought to have made still more apparent to him the propriety of iiia retirement. Aud if only half that is printed of tho late failure at Petersburg be true, be most certainly ought to resign now. lie never saw the day on which he was fit to lead a great and brave army, and he certainly never will see it. He has lost what little he had of the confidence of the army and the conntry, und it ia out of his power to please tbe country in any other way than by resigning.

But it ia not only the Incompetency of two generals that we are to blame for tho failure of the attempt that ought to have given us possession of the rebel city. We must blame also the President and his whole Cabiuet, with its n'ggor worshipping policy. They who have insisted against all opposition that the niggers should enter tbe army are even more to blame than all o'hers. Niggers are not fit for soldiers. They can dig, and drive mulea; they cannot and will not fight.

All tbe sensation stories in the nigger papers to the contrary are mere moonshine. They never have fought well in any battle. To insist that tbe niggers should be in tbe army was to insist that tbero should be a weak point in every line of battle with which wc faced the enemy, and tbe enemy found that weak point on Saturday last. Abolitionism is, therefore, the reul difficulty now; and unless tbe President soon finds out bow to do away with this difficulty be may be sure that tbe people will find out how to do awaj with him. His Cabinet is tbe trouble, ted unless be changes it he must go with it in disgrace.

He cannot possibly have any hope to end the war with that Cabinet as it now stauds, with its "to whoso it may concern" policy, its niggers, its and its shoddy corruptions. But let him form a new one, with Charles Francis Adams, John A. Diz, Genet al McClellan and Admiral Dupont in the chief places, and be may once more rally tbe country to his support. Savk the Croton We call the attention of the publio to tbe notice of the Croton Water Commissioners, published in onr advertising columns this morning, In regard to the condition of tbe water in our reservoirs. It i that tbe severe drought has had effect upon tbe supply of water for this city to suoh na ectent that It ia essentially neoesjary that oar citiiena should practise the greatest economy la Its use.

Let all reiB tl notice Th? Haw Oklo-iut tk? tmw Um Ortela. A number of intelligent and patriotic cltieens of Butler county, Ohio, "formerly attached to the various old political parties," but who, "since tbe rebelHoo, ignoring old party iasuea, bare cordially supported President Lincoln In bis prosecution of the war for the Union," hare broken ground in favor of new Presidential movement, which we heartily endorse as juat the thing which the present crisis of the country demands. These patriotic citizens of Ohio, "ignoring old party issues," say that they are painfully impressed with the belief that no candidate has yet been presented for the Presidential succession "who can sufficiently eonoentrate the loyal vote to secure that success upon which the best destinies of the rcpublio depend," and, there fore, in viow of a more "vigorous prosecution of tbe war to put down the rebellion, and to maintain the supremacy of tbe constitution and the laws and an unbroken nationality," Ihey propose? 1. That Abraham Lincoln and John C. Fremont be severally respectfully Invited to withdraw their names as candidates for the next Presidency.

2. A national oonventlon at Buffalo, on the 22d day of September next, for the nomination of a new Presidential ticket. This first proposition we may dismiss as a mere formality but tbe second squarely hits the nail upon the head. men initiating this movement are from "the various old political parties" of tho country, and supporters of tho administration in tho prosecution of tho war. They proclaim their platform to bo the suppression of the rebellion, an unbroken nationality, the maintenance of the Union and the supremacy of the constitution and the laws.

These arc t'ue men, therefore, to lead off iu this new departure, and this is the very platform which tho great body or the people of all parties in tbe loyal States do most earnestly desire as tho policy of the next administration. We share, too, in the opinion of these independent men ol Ohio, that it Is not yet too late, upon this strong and substantial war and Union platform, to gnpersede in November all other tickets, platforms arid parties with a new and independent ticket and organization. Why not! The" republican, or rather the administration, party is falling to pieces. Tbe apparent harmony of the late Baltimore Convent'on was a trick and a delusion. A decided majority of Abraham Lincoln's original supporters have become wearied and disgusted with tho imbecilities, blunders, corruptions and buffooneries that have thus far marked and continue to mark bis administration.

He is by common cor.seut pronounced a failure, and every intelligent man, even of his own camp, has ceased to entertain any confidence in his capacity to extricate tho country from its present troubles. In tho next place, the impracticable radical abolition anti-Lincoln Fremont movement is a humbug, and amounts to nothing. But the democratic party and tho Chicago Convention of the 29th of August must not bo overlooked. Wbat aro we to do with them? From all the indications of the day, between the honest war and Union democrats and the rccklcss, revolutionary Jeff. peace faction, the Chicago Convention of 18G4 will result as disastrously to the unity of the party as the Charleston Convention of 13J0.

In other words, the Chicago shent-pcr-shent Convention will culminate iu a rupture and in the division of the democracy Into two or three dashing factions. We have yet to see the inquiring democratic philosopher who expects a iy other result. 'l'Lo proposed independent National Union at Euffa'o on 2 2d of September, then, will be In good time to meet this democratic ffkuHy. as well as the discontent of tbe republicans with Abraham Lincoln, and the iudifforence of the radical abolitionists In reference to Fremont. Wo call, therefore, upon the independent war and Union of all these parties to fall in with this Ohio movement, and to prepare for a full representation of the loyal States in tbe proposed Buffalo Convention.

Father Grant, McCletlan, Sherman, Hancock, "fighting Joe Hooker," or any other approved, reliable and popular soldier, will tho people independent candidate upon the war platform we have indicated. In view of the weakness of President Lincoln, tbe work of discontent, desertion and dissolution that is going on among the rank und of bis party; in view of the Fremont abortion and the demoralized condition of the forlorn democracy, wo regard the next Presidency as clearly within the grasp of this proposed independent Union Convention at ttutfilo. It is, indeed, just the thing for the crisis, and there is yet plenty of time to work out through this movement in November the most glorious political revolution in the history of the United States. JCXKKTTNO CONORrvrONAL CoMMlTTKK DOWN Wo have received an invitatiou to attend an excursion gotten up by the Congressional Committee on the Defence of the North eastern Frontier, starting from Portland on the 11th of August. It is stated that members of the Cabinet, Senators and Representatives, and other distinguished persons, will accompany the parly.

Among the number will probably be the Secretary of tbe Treasury, who seems to have hurried down East for the purpose. Mr. Fessenden had better be looking after the defences of bis Treasury froutier, instead of junketing with a party of convivial patriots looking up the defences of the Northeastern frontier. Tue General Gloom? Ira Caches Anvicx to Old The stoppage in tbo calls for government loans, the redueiion in all sorts or government securities, the apathy in regard to enlistment, and the gloom prevailing in financial and military circles generally ut the present moment, are to be attributed to the blundering before Petersburg. again was caused by the stupid policy of the adminiatratien in making generals out of bootblacks and trying to make heroes of them.

Tbo at IW commencement was greatly success ful for the Union armies, and v. re owing to the adoption of the nigger polity by Old Abe. As the republicans killed of; McClellan at the beginning of tbe war entertaining tbe idea or nigger equal it B0 will they try to kill off Old Abe and tbe whole oountry because Old Abe did adopt it? now that they see McClellan waa What Is demanded now la a radioel Change In the Cabinet There most be a 0ogh overhauling of all Ae tneonpe tenia. is wanted if ttwjvtfi lantaous Staaton. FeneadA, It imm, prefers a Dowa Eut chowder party to attending to the financial affairs of the country, and bo la no man for the ezigencj.

He baa proved a failure, and some such man as Geo. Diz should be immediately put In his place. Old Welles' unfitness for the Navy Department has become a man-of war's proverb, nod a naval genius like Dupout should supersede liim at once. Some suoh changes are absolutely required. Now let Old Abe go to work, let the nigger slide, aud labor for tbe balance of his term for the country's good.

Rebels In forte on tike Maryland Uorder? An Urgent Demand (or General AloClellaa. Our latest advices from the Maryland border show that the whole command of General Early, ostiinated at thirty-five thousand men of all arms, is still hovering along tbe banks ofthe Upper Potomac, from which his reconnoitring and raiding parties are detailed into Maryland or Pennsylvania as the occasion may offer. Now, although it has been suggested from military authority that General Early remains near the Potomac to protect the gathering of the abundant harvest of wheat, rye and oats of tbe Shenandoah valley for Lee's army at Richmond, we apprehend that Early is charged with a much more important mission than this. We suspect that he is covering tbe accumulation of supplies at various points iu the Shenandoah valley for the subsistence of a supporting column from Richmond for still another and more formidable and desperate effort for the capture of Washington than any that has yet beeu attempted. Such is the critical situation of the rebellion, from the ti-htening of General Grant's combinations at Richmond and Atlanta, that some such daring enterprise as this has become a necessity to Jeff.

Davis. It may be, however, that General Grant will give such active employment to Loo at Petersburg and Richmond as to disable him from pending any reinforcement to General Early. But oven in this event a rebel column of thirty thousand veteran soldiers may do an immense amount of mischief in Maryland and Pennsylvania if permitted to linger near the convenient fordo of the Potomac. Nor will it auawcr to push these rebel marauders a few days' marches up the Shenandoah valley and then to abandon them. Early must be pushed completely out of the Shenandoah valley or his forces must be routed aud dispersed in a decisive battle.

To this end, and iu order to protect the Maryland and Pennsylvania border from rebels at the same fime, Gen. McClellan is wanted at Washington, and as the commander of a department covering all these contingencies. In this connection we are glad to hear that, independently of Old Blair, who i3 an old humbug, an earnest appenl was made on Tuesday last by leading republicaus to the President, to give Genera! McClellan tbo command suggested, and for strong political well as military considerations. Whether Mr. Lincoln, for the sake of the country and his own sake, will act like a statesman aud a patriot in this matter, or otherwise, remains to be seen.

Wo have only to Bay that he will strengthen his enem.e* on every side by persisting in still declining the services of McClellan, when they are so urgently demanded by friends and foes. Fast Day. This is the President's Fast Day. The inmates of the White House may possibly indulge in a starvation diet; but we doubt that they will have many imitators. The people are not in tie mood for fasting a id praying just now.

They arc much more inclined to anathematize the administration. Tbe Tribune displayed its appreciation or the spirit of tbe day by slandering Governor Seymour in its yesterday's issue. It seems that the Governor's talk about sectionalism and fanaticism in his Fast Day proclamation does not please the Tribune. But Seymour is perfectly right, and if any proof be needed ot the existence of tbe fanati cibtn he rebukes it may be found in the Tribune's Fast Day article. news from WASHiaaTQit WisaixuTOx, August 3, 1304.

TUB NATIONAL DBBT. Tbe weekly stitement or the public debt bis been Issued. It shows the aggregate of djbt bearing interest in coin to bo aggregate Interest 134, 840. Itie aggregate of debt bearing interest In lawful money is rfgvrofito Interest $23,283,179. The ag of debt on which interest has ceased is aggregate of debt uot nMriug interest $651,684,027.

the recapitulation tlie total amount outstanding to be 1,827,402,170, interest TUB MFiiAT AT PrTKitSBOHO? BfQHLT IMPORTANT MILITARY INQ'JIKT. It larepnrted hers that a iniiiury inquiry Is to ba beld In this city, to loTe-tbfgtio tue ca iscs of tbe defeat or Goneral Urant's iat? plans before Petersburg. It Is tbor staled that tiuuorai Burnaida'a nduct will undergo investigation. UOOKCR'S KBIT COMMAND GBNBr.AL MElDB TO IB RKI.1XVBD. Much speculation is rife in re'erence to tbe new commaud to which Gene Hxjknr to be a.seiKUcd on bis arr val here 10 repjrt to tbe Adjutant

It baa been conildently 4 tbit he be restored to the command of tbe Array of the F'otcmac in place of Generni Me ide, who It ia is to be relieved at an early day. Tbe more general Impression, and tbe one wbiob seoiai to bare tbe foundation, is that be ia to have coromtindof the army operating in and la tbe Ctitnberlacd and Sbenandoab val.eys, against Invading or raiding APrUUBNVBO ORAHD RE0SL CAlirAiOS ON TUB crrnt ro tomac. There ia a very general impress Ion bare that General ia about to inaui urate a grand campaign on tbo Potomac, in order, if posaib'e, to compel General Grant to witbdnw forces from tbe aiegs of Tetorab irg and Richmond. Ample preparationa bare been made to meet amy, whether united io one body fa defends of their bsleepired capital, or divided In attempt to transfer tbe war to Northern soil. In any evaat the seige wilt not be raised.

Grant nan no intention or releas his bold until tbe object of campaign la fully accomplished. A REBEL OPFICBK. Lum Cooper BdoDn, a Washlngtoa in-ap lighter, reappeared tc-day In tba city, si tor ao aUaonoa of three yean, as a captain la tue rebel army. to he sick of tbe ccwfederacy acd petitions be avowed to pake tbe oath ot allegiance. THB DISK IBB OP COLOSBL TERCT WTNPMAM.

Tbe dismissal of Colonel Percy Wyudbam from the service, In which be has proved ga'iantry on many occasions for over a yoir past, Isregaded ss an. other among tbfl many arbitrary acts of the Depart merit. Tbo Colonel was mustered out of service without Intimating any charge against bias. Now thai this tng and oapable onioer Is deprived uswarrantably of a I command, would It not be well for Governor fleynctu to commission him to a Ntw York OBSBRTANCB OF FAMf BAT. Arrangements bsvs been made throaghout the slty for an apptopriate observance of fhat day to morrow.

The publication of tba city papers wlU be places of business closed, sad services bald to the several, cburohee. OARTBB, TBI OOK9IMN1P) BbOOKAM BONHBBs Carter, condemned to be ban? on Friday, for blockade running, bad ca board his vessel, wbso tntereepVbd, millions of gnu oaps tha tsM nrsay. Ho waa alee the bearer of a letter to the rebel aathnvHtae hi iuohaoad, ttftmiMitMfttfriuUtfNi wm dkf, iwwiiwmM HUM mKumon vo oft'uniw uu. Tbe toioait of Hbaerlptkma to tlw lkirtr iNt reported it the Department to-lay $1,049,000. TUB BBVBKTNNTH TBltHONT RHIKINT.

The Veimoot which Joined tM army oo the 1st of May, with rail raoka, hu now ibm at for duty. NEWS FROM MEXICO. Advance of the Northward. TBE CITY OP OCCUPIED. JUAREZ STILL AT MOHTEBHY.

Death of the Belgian Envoy, BaroB De Ofoz, Our lUvftaa Corrvipondenei, Havana, July 29, IBM Occupation of Durango? Report! Cone ming Juaritt Defeat i it itiihomcam Juarct at Mon' ray ported Departure of DMado for Foreign Parti Ikt hupyial Ircasury and ItnpervU Charity? Death of tfce Baron of General M'jia't ports from ilatamoroi and Broumttille, tCc. The Spanish mall steamer from Vera Cruz has arrived just tn time to enable ma to send her by tho Roanoke, which lew oh for New York this evening from the caplt tl oro to the ISth, and from Vera Crux tn the 23d hist but nothing positively atwrtliDg Is to ba found in tho newspapers. Matters 6ontinue precisely an they dfil before the arrival of the with the usual number of guerilla skirmishes and pigmy battles, Just as in (he good old days of republicanism. Tho star of empire, however, moves westward, of course, and the progress of French arma Is marked, although slow. For instance, the city of Durango was occupied on the 3d tho Juarlst garrison, under General toui, retiring to the State of Cblhua'uin, accompanied by Gonxales Ortega.

General I'Heriller, in command of the imperial describes march to city as a continual the people (locking crowds to welcome him. It id also reported (but troopa are desertiug him, tliojgh it doe; not appear that (bay aro joining the Concerning Uraga, It i asserted that ha bw left bto carap, accompanied by only a small for what purliose is unknown, though tbo imperialist newspapers iturally suy for the purposo of going to the ters of some Frcnch general and submitting to the new order of ihiug3. The roport Is doubtful, for the reasoa that Urasa could hare reached the hoadquarters of Geaeraf" Douai at Guadalajara in a very short time, which be eertalnly did not do; for according to newa ted to the Ks'afettc a column of twelve hundred Freneh had lately left ih it city to mako a demonstration either agsinst Uraga or Rojas and Ai teag a. The imperialists appnar to bo woll satisfled with oflhin in the State of Zacatecas. There lias been some fighting In Micboacan.

l'alaoM Itiva (JuarUt attacked the town of V.ltacuaro with fifteen hundred men, but repulsed with severe lose, prob- bly some three hundred in killed, wounded eot prisoners Juarez continues at Montorey, a part of his forces still occupying KultlMo, under Qucsida, while Negreto commands at the former place. The imperialist describe the situation ol the ex-President an desperate? bis troops desortlntr, the people anxious tor the now system, Ac. These statements are a mutter of courso, ana may bo exaggerated. Wo cro assured that Poblado has left the country, gone either to Texas or Now Orleans. On ths Oth inst.

tho Kmjieror addressed a letter to blB Minister of Slate, directing him to assemble a committee iu the for the purpose or taking the financial condition or the country luto consideration; the causes whereby the public revon'ie baa been ciont to cover tbe outlays the treasury; to revise the tax projects submitted to bis Majesty for approbation; to examine these at present existing; to arrango bome and foreign debts; to look In'o the public expenses, pract'siag economy wberevor possible, and finally, to draw tin general report or receipts and expenditures, In order that amirs may be placed- upon an liilMIigeut footing. Furthermore, tbe cotnmiuec aro to propose such publto works as they may tntuk necessary, and take Into consideration elbfti- maters relating to the Imperial treasury." Tbe Socitdad informs us that bis Ma est? has ordered the reltkso of a.l conluu'd for political offences, and the' mitigation of tbo sentences or ih-'to confined Tor other His Majesty tias also determined that on bia birthday hi will give from hid private purte to applied to redeeming fr in pawnbrokers ttu efTeuta at poo: people who have bean compelled through necessity to patronize tho ''spout." The above Items ceestihite the nows just received and, as you perceive, it is meagre enough. i hive omitted the ecoouutH ol two or tl.roo ci erilla lights, bee i se they unimportant iu ovory respect, oui occurred iu piur.e* cille.l by Bitch abominably un; ronouncable names that it would be absolutely harasuing to your readers even to look at them iu pi let accounts in being derived through imperialist s'mr'-es, It la neodies-' to say which side claims the victory. You know I enoueh or human nature to be aware that '-our aide," all the world over, is always right and invincible, or at leaet as nearly so as cirriimpUnceri will permit. I In the of the 18tb, latest date, there are only i two items of any Interest.

One of these Is the death of the Helylan ox envoy, Daron Alexander dn front typhoid fever: aud tbn other the suicide of IV) ti Mnjia, son of the Juarlst general of that name, who must uot bo coufounded with the Imperialist Ueju, a white ahcep of a very opposite color. An Appeal to tlt? Frlenrti of TUB MBXICAN (DKKOOBATIO) OF.SBttAL DON JOSS IMINOO COKTEZ. We understand that tbe above namod Mexican officer, who served In tbo army of Proaidcnt Juarez, undor the Immediate of General who de'ealed tbo French at Pucbla on the or May, 1802, baa arrived in this city, having failed, in consequence of tbo terrible and many which afflict lila native country, to effect a junction with General Porflrlo at Saltllio, and deliver to him a letter entraste4.W General Cortes by Juaret, General Cortex forced to await a better opportunity of aiding country. Id tbo meantime the General Buds himself in straitened cireunastancea and unable to move in behalf of the repobilo Tor went It ts to be that the many true of Mexico in this city, nod the country generally, will aid (he foreign patriot no dier la Ills emergency. General Is at tying at No.

Kelson pioee. New York, "an I the written of his serv Ices In tbo cause of Mwtloan independence will eatMfy.we are cortalo, the of liberty who miy choose to isslst him. I.etters nddrcrsul to our care at ibe Usaai office will ha banded to General Cortex. Wanhlngion Medallion Pen Company we. Ehcrhard Faber end Uthere.

TO TUB EDITOR OP TUB IIERir.D. The article lo your paper of Auguit 2, beaded "Tbo Steel Ten Controversy," in reference to the above salt, so worded as to leave sn Impression on the tnlnd or tbo public that tbere bas been a Anal hearing and trial therein. This Is not so. Tbe Injunction refused was merely a tern, porary ono, asked for pending tbe litigation, and its funal bas uo effect whatever upon tbe merits or tbe eeee. Tbe )ndge who granted tbe isotfon no opinion ever, and Is In hm endorsement oo tbe patters.

''Motion granted. In, unction dissolved." Ho probably deemed the defendant a de-ilel or all or pleintld's bill sufficient reason Tor the or the ra rnrt injunction. rise will be trie) in tbeu and the ilt of that trial alone whether the pialntill is or la nut entitled to use t'ue "VVaah.agtou Med aa trade mark. ABIiKTT FCU.KR, Plaintiff's Attwseys. The Turf.

ItACBB? OAT The announoel to come off yesterday at Bar were postponed cn aooount ar tho rain. Tub Re Lewi Pobtooavj TtnMati lr c1a? frigate Re nee Uig! de Tor'jf nlo, built, by h. Webb, lert tbe rcet or Sixth Street, East river, morning, and proceeded to tie lower bay and in try ier engines. The ship sna machinery perforr ted wttK fully. Bhe retained to Ford's BrooVcjjyn she will coal for the purpose of a trial trip draught, She will leave for Italy during present month.

The anla Snutler'n VoUt IHn towrttiA. AiguRl The mvlorlty la this for amending of ao an to allow soldiers vol islfl.tli, Eve'f nftrd for the amendment excv the Fovrta anditrenteeetb. Tbo Meeting of Jndgn or. Albany. ABgnst 1, 1M4, At a meeting of the Judges of the Sr.preme Court, nt tbe Capitol to.dav for the purpose revising the Judge presided, and Jedge Millr lt A quorum net being present the aetlng adjourned.

nfMa adopting a renolutloo J1Dg in lh, that law bn panned deolarlng number of Juices wha may he required to net la if, ,,,1,100 of the rulak. Vsnden. ennnda. 0.

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