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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 2

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tef worm is King." iadcod, most mighty and one, do doubt, in hi" powerful to foment and augment the all ilu winch be is poweiless to allay Ofull'uu itl tI'O North the arrogant aaaortlon th it I Bought King is iho very last with this pr.we it. of a r-UectRig people should ha o'i mbaitd. 1 or, in fett, he 'to a tales fix to have completely outgrown tho Kt gn'f. unuds no iiiat. urgCBt tu) is our iv pres.

lug as is tie' occasion, no man or set oi men I come forward capable of ining alKive tho nnrrokV Ik.i ixou of sectional iniluincos prejudices, an I wiui cnlightoued, just and boneflcont, to cmbrav the entirety of the luion, and to secure its proaponty raid preservation. No. my fi tends, is not Kingaadnuma i 'i. nut not King, The Ixird alone is King. be mtuhoUt, and His roya'ty roig icth ov.

c'ay of humiliation and of pray r. what is ii the rrc i Ition of His supremacy, tho cm; ion 11m am! of our i.wu weakness, the htcli our addresses to His mercy? Hut in ttiat Uicht supplications may ho gracious I re vr Uiat llin supreme protection may bo vouclmalcd into oar uniry, it is ct ary that should begin its tlv pe of did; wo must believe in (io.i. An I when I -ay we, 1 lio mean merely us Landfill of ac i i.Min loving Hebrews. but I mean tho whole of the p''i jtle throughout the I'ldted the President and bin Iiiik the Pi evident elr. and his ndvisera, tho aders wt public opinion North and South.

If they truly and hcnerlly desire to save our country, let them heliovo 111 and In His holy word and then, wlien tho authority the constitution is to be net aside for a high low, they will be able to appeal to tho highest law of all. tho revealed law, Word of (Jod. which ailords its supremo to (be constitution. 'Jluvo can be no doubt, my friends, that however much of personal ambition, sellishness, pride Mid obrimucy there may enter into the present unhappy bof ween rhe two great sections of the Oommonwealib. I "-ay it is certain that the origin of the quarrel tufcif tho diflorcnoe of opinion rt ctIng slaveholding, wIik tho one section denounces as sinful, aye, as the jooKt heinous of while the otbor section upholds it perfectly lawful.

is tho province of Btatesuien io the olicuirstanoes unibT which the ooostltutlon tho I'nited States recognlr.ed th- legality of slavohold kg, and under what eircunnitanres, if any. ft becomes a crime againet iho law of land. But the question wLoJicr i Ik is a sin lore is one th it belongs to the theologian. 1 have been requested by promineut citizens of otle-r denominations that I should on thi? day examine the Bible of slavery, as the religious of tbft country requires to oo enlightened on this aubject. In compliance with th it after hum bly piaylng that Father of truth ana of morcy may my mind direct my ids I ain ibout to solicit your earnest ii ai, my frieods, to ibis My will, 1 fear, take up moro your tiuio tiian 1 am ill tho habit ting from you; is a day of penii.

nco, and having to lis' 'o a long and sober ujtc must bt ai a ponltcnlial iniiiCtion. The subject of my investigation Talis into three p.irts:? 1. Hew i'ar back can wo trace the nceof slavery? 2. li suvehoiding coudemnel as ci sin Iu sacre Scrip tWeT 3. What was the condition of the.

in biblical tlntoe among tin: Hebrews? anving, ith our father Jacob, for "Thy help I hope, 1 proccod examine Ilia question, how tor back cau wo traco the ezlstonco of slavery? It is generally admitted thnt slavery had it? origin in war. public or private, The victor, having it in hs river to take tho life of bis vanquished enemy, let him live, and reduces him to boudnge. The life ban spared, tho body ho might have mutilated or destroyed, bccome his absolute property. 11 m.iy dispose of 'it in any way he pleases. Such was.

through a great part of the world still to, the brutnl law of for e. When Ibis state of things first began it is next to impossible to decide. If we consult sacred Scripture, tlio oldest and Meat truth'ul collection of records now or at any time In nxtttcnoe, we tind tho word slave, whieh the ring Deb version renders "servant," first used by Noah, who, )B Genesis 25, curses the of his son Him, by saying they should be njabidim, "the moauen slaves," or, as the Fnglish vei ion has it, servant of servants question naturally arises, how earr.o Nmh to uso this liow came ha to know anything of J'hero existed not at that timo any beings on earth, except Noah and b.s family of three sons, apparently by one mother, born l'ree and their and children Noah hail no from the tiin" he hid quitted tho ark he could have none. It therefore becomes evident that Voih's acquaintance with the word slave and the nature of slavery must date from before ibe tl'iod, au I existed in Ills memory only, uutil the Of Hum called it forth. You and I may regret that from b.

neath tho waters of wrath V'oah. his arper should have tl-hed up the and practice of slavery; but that he did so is a fact which rests on the authority of Scripture. I am tbereiore justified when, tracing slavery as far back as it can be I arrive at tbf conclusion that next to tho relations of husband and wife, parents and children, tho oldest relation of society with which we acquainted is that p.aster i.nd "lave lor an instance, stop at this curse by wHh which slavery, after the llood, is recalled into ox Metice. Avong the many contained lu tte Bible and having roferen. to parti cular times, persons and events, there ore three singular prodlct'oua, sent day.

The first of these is the doom of Ham's tie ant'. the African rare, onounce.i upwards of fnur thousand years ago. The coiul is the cliiracterof the descendants of lfchmael, the Arabs, prououticed nearly fOnr thousand years ago at.d the and list Is the promise of continued ar.d indcstrtntlJlo nationality made to as Israelites full two thousand hundred years ago. SI has been said that the knowledge tliat a particular preplie exists helps to woik out its fultilnvnt. An 1 i win qn'te willing to allow thit with us Israelites such Is the Isct.

Tlie knowl-dge we ive of Cod's gracl pro renders us imperl-ha'do, even though iho greatest and most powerful nations of the olden me hive utterly pcri-b' d. It may be doubted whether tho fanatic Arab it the desert ever heard of the rophoey Hut ho is to bo wild his hsnd ngshist every man. and everv man's hand against Rut you and 1, and all men of orditary education, know ttat this prediction, at nil times, be-n and now, strictly and literally fulflllei, and has been Interrupted. Not even when the of Mahernct ruslied forth to spread his the Koran In one hand and th" sword in tho Other, and wb-'n Arab conquest rendore I the fairest portion of the old World subject to tho empire of their did the descendants of Ishmael renounce their eha n-ct. Mr' I nt I Wblury, and frequent Intei course with Western travel 1 lent, leave the Arab a wild man, bis ind against and every man again nt most eon toeing and durable p'Otfth it th word of (5od Is true, that the prophecies of tho Bible were dictated by the Rptrit of the Miutt High.

Hut though, in the ease of tho drab, It Is barely tiiat lie may be acquainted with the prediction made to igar, yet we sure tlMrt the fetish serving benighted Af. lean is uo kuow ledge of Noah's prediction which, however, is nuwhero fully or more atro' io'tsly carriod out than In the native hoim. of tho African. Wltn as tho berrwl fact that the Kiuir of Hahotney is at this very time filling with buntan blood a large and deep trench, sntUeiciit to lloat a bout, that the via time arc innoc nt men, murdered to satisfy Home freak of what he calls his religion and that this monstrous and most net has met with ao vppe-ltiou either from the pious indignation of (Ireat or Uk sojluus humaiiity of our country. Now, 1 awell aw ire th the Itthlicaf critics called rattonalists.

who nv Hie prophecy, hive taken upon tbemsi'lv'is toi 'hat the prediction of wbH 1 have spok' nevor uttere 1 by Noah, out ut jip many ecntml aft. hl.n by the Hebrew writ the Bible, in order to lit" extermluation th? whose land was conquered by tho Israel fees. With rhuman knowledge like tliat of the ratioiialist'. wlie claim to S't In lodgment on the word of Cod, I do tHtt think it worth while to argue. Hnt I would you bow it tbut a prodtcti manufactured a rraud in short, and tliat a luuie and im verth ventiiiue in form and bo carried wit during four, or three, or even two thousand yeats' for a thousand more or le-s.

nitke no Noah, on the o-1 in ie Hon, bestows tm his son a spiritual Ulesaed be the Ixwd ihe God of Khetn, und to thin day it remains a fact, which cannot be deuie that whatever kt.owle.lge of Ood and of retlgious truth is possessed by the bum mi rac i has protroiigated by the -can lairta Sliein Noan bestows bis son Japheth a Messmg. chietly but prirtaknig slso el spiritual good May i.od enlarge and may he dwell in the tents of Shem," au-t to day it reinams a fact th it eantiot bo ilenied that tha descendants of Juph 'th (Kuropeni's ami their have been enlatgisl so that they dominsin in part of tho etirfti, while st the samo time they Dhare lit that snou'elge of religious truth which the descendants of Shem worn the Hist to proratilg te Noali did net bestow any on his sou llam but uttered bluer curse agsinst hl? de adan'j and to this day it remains a fact whieli mi.u be gaumi)od tliat in his own heme, snd generally throeglioiit the world, th 'un fbrtunate negro the of slaves. Mueh has been aaM r' -i-'ctoig the m. rioritv of his ioiaUectual and that ne uiau ol his race ever mscMbed is name on the pantheou of llenee. either onental or moral Rut this is subieet I ill not iliseiuts.

1 do not attempt to buikl up a theory nor yet to defend tb" moral government of I'rnvidem-c. 1 stab' fsets, and bar ing done so. I remind you our own fathers were slaves in Fgypt and alflleted four hundred yesrs: an I then on words of tlio inspired Isaisli ghfs am not vour thoughts, neither are the ing thus, on the authority of sacred Scripture, traced slavery back to tbf remotest period, I ro qoest your sttention to (be ipiostmn "Is stavehold'ng mtl Visll How an fct all trim It tho mind man thit ti ro" history of the Blblo, is a phenomenon I eannot eznlaln to any-. If. and which tlfly years ago nX dr.wnTt Bat we live In times when we must not tlung Sunday an eminent to We deelarnd from the pulpit "that the old served Hielr purpose during the i 1 social of mankind, aud were rendered I no longer neeessary now when we were to be guide I hv the superior doctrines of tlie New in the moral instmc lion of the race." I had always thought that in the "morsI instruction of the race the "rcjuiromnats of Jewish Scriptures and Christian Scriptures were idetiti the same; that to abstain from murder, theft, mini.

tery. thnt to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk hum with Wod, were "requirements" equally migrative in the ono course of instruction as in the other Rut It sppears wss mistaken "We have altered all that sa' this eminent divine, in luippy imitation of Moiiere'a whose new theory ed tlio heart from the left nf the hnman body to the right. Hut when I remember that the "now" refers to a of which yon although no tery aged men. witnessed the rise; when! moreover, 1 that tbc "we" the rewreini preacher speaks of Is limited to a few impulsive loci aim gifted with great but it tie knowledge, more eloquent than learned, hi tter shle to excltn our ons Man to satisfv our ren'in and wh-n, lastly Irememl- soorn wltn which sacred riplme (Pent i aks of am-tafM wj. your fathers esteemed not;" when I consider all this, I thick you and bad rather continue to take our "requirements for moral instruction from UqmI ami the I'ropliets than from the eloquent i reacher of Brooklyn Bot us that reverend gentleman takes a lead among tboee who ii loudly and most vehemently denounce tdaveholding ns a hii.

I itht'd to convince myself whether ho any Scripture warranty for bo doing, and whether denunciation wan one of those requireineutu for moral instruction advanced by tho Now Testament. 1 liavo accordingly examinod the various of Christian Scripture, and find iliat tiiey afford the reverend gentleman and his compeers no autuorlty whatever foi liand their bold declamations. The New nowhere, directly or indirectly, condemns indeed, is proved by the universal piactioc of all hnitiun nations during many centuries. iv rg slavery as one of tho conditions of society, 'he New Testament nowhere interferes with or contra diets the Mavo code oi Moses; it even preserves a letter written by one of the most eminent Christian teachers to a slaveowner on sendlag back to bira his runaway slave. And when we next refer to tho history-and ''requirements" of our own sacred Scriptures, find tha'.

en the mo solemn occasion therein recorded, when Uod gave tho Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai? There where His finger scorched the tablet shone; I here where His shadow on His people shone His glory shrouded in its garb of Are, Hirnreli no eye might see and not expire. Even on that most solemn and most occasion slave holding is not only recognized and sanctioned as au integral part of ihe social structure, when it is ci mmanded that the Snbbath of the ord is to bring ut to XpatdrKa to male slave and thy female Ex oil. 10; iei.l. 14.) Uct the property in slaves is placed under the same protection as any other species of lawful property, when it is said 41 thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, or his Held, or bis male slave, or bis iiln slave, or bis ox, or hia or aught that be I'igetlj to thy (lb. 17: 21.) That tl.c male slave and the female slave here spoken of do not designate, the Hebrew bondman, but the heathen slave, I shall pruently siiow you.

That the Ten Commandluents are the word of fled, and as such of tho vcrr highest (uithorily, is acknowledged by Christians as wfll os 1 would therefore ask tho reverend geutleiiian of Brooklyn and his dare you? in the face of die sanction and protection afforded to fi'tve prcj.ei ty in tho 'en Commandment how dare ou denounce slnvelioldlng as a sin? When you remember that Abraham, leaao, Jacob, men with whom the Almighty enmmuned, wliose names Ho emphatically ccLnectB His own moat holy name, and to wbom He vouf 1 safed to give the character of perfect, upright, fearing (3rd ar.d eschewing evil nil these ueu woic laveholders, does it not you that you are guilty of something very little short of blasphemy? Audit you answer me, "Oh, In thoir tiuio slavuholdiog was lawful, but now it become a 1, in my turn, tsk you, when and by what authority doyou draw the line? Tell us the precise tluie when ceased to bo perniitti and became sinful. When we rimember the mischief which this inventing of a new not known to the Ii'ble is it has exapperati the feelings of the South und alarmed tho conscience of tho North, to a degree that men who should be brothers uro on the point imbraing their hands In eath other's we not entitled to the reverend preacher of Brooklyn, What right have you to insult and exasperate thousands of God fearing, law abulirg citizens, whose moral worth und patriotism, whose purity of conscience and of life, are fully equal to your own? What right have you to place yonder gray beaded philanthropist (Touro) on a level with a murderer, or yonder virtuous mother of a family on a liuc with an mlulterefs, or yonder honorable and honest roan in one rank wilh a all this solely because they exercise a right which your own fathers and progenitors during many generations held aad exercised without reproach or compunction? You profess to frame your 1 moral instruction of the race' according to the requirements of the New Te-lament, but tell us whoro iiud by whom it Is said, 'Wltosoevcr shall say to his neighbor, ltaea (worthless bo in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, Thou fool shall bo in dang'r of the juduient. My friends, 1 Und, and I am sorry to lind, that I am delivering a pro-slavery discourse. I am no friend to slavry in the abstract, and still loss friendly to tho practical workiuc of 'hit I stand here as a teacoor in Israel, not to plaee bwfore you my own toolings and opinions. but to propound to you the Word of God, the Bible of slavery.

With a due sense of my responsibility 1 must state to'you tho truth, und nothing but tho truth, however unpalatable or unpopular thai truth may be. HI. It rcmuins tor ni? now to examine wnat waa trie conditioned the Blare in Biblical times and among the Hebrews. Ami hero wo misot at once dial iiiK'iisn between the Hebrew bondman and Iho heathen slave. Tbe t'oimer could oiily bo reduced to bondage from two

If ho had committed th ift and had not wherewithal to muko full restitution he was'-fold for his thoi'i. (Exod. 11-18.) if In' becume mlMrably poor thut ho could not sustain lib" except by had permission to bind himself In sei vltmle. fLevit. xxv 39, et.

tiff.) But in cither case his servitude wan limited in durution and character. "fix years (hull be serve, and in the seventh Im shall go oat free for nothing." (Rxod. And if even the bondman preferred bondage to freedom, bo could not, under any circumstances, be held to servitude longer ti an tbe jubilee then next coming. At that period the i slate which had originally belonged to his father or remoter ancestor revetted to his possession, so that ho As Tlei'rew citizen "was" nna the law, in permitting him to be sold, contemplated his restoration to his full took care that irg his servltudo his mind should not be crushed to tho ah.ii ct and crirgirg condition of a shall not rule over another with rigor, is the of the law. IjOV.

40.) llo is fen cd with protection sgainst any abmo of power on the part of his employer; and tradition so Rtrictly interpreted the letter oi tbe law in his favor, that it wax a common xay'ng of 1 iblical times and homes, which lias preset ved to us, that "he who buys Ho blew bondman himself a Though seivitude, this lb brew was in no wise fit his religious duties. Therefore is not for him or his that the Ten Commandments stipulate for res ton the Si bhath of the Lord, for his employer could not compel lorn to wotk ou that day, and if he did work of his own nccotd he became guilty of death liko any other Sibbath Weaker. Neither does the prohibition, thou shalt not cov? the pnporty of thy ncighliw." apply tohiui. for he was not the jl his mployer. In fact, between the Hebiiw bondman and tbe Southern slave there is no joint of ri There were, however, slaves among ti Jlebiews whose neral condition was analogous to but of bis Southern fellow sufferer.

That, was the heathen slave who was to be bought "from the heathen that were round about the land of Israel, or from the heathen that sojourned In the laud." They should be a tst stlou to be bequeathed ns an Inheritance to the owner's children after his death "forever." fLevit. 44-46.) Ovor heathen slaves the owner's property was absolute; he could put them to hard labor, to the utmost extent of their physiaal strength; ho could inflict on them any degree I of liort of injury to life and limb. It hw heathen slave ran away or strayed from home, every IsI no lite was bound to bring or send him back, lie would have to do any portion of bis neighbor's property tl at bad been lost or strayed. (Deul. 3.) Now you may, perhaps, ask me liow I can reconcile this state men! with the text of Hcripture so frequently quoted against tlie Fugitive Slave law, "Thoushall not surrender I uuto his muster the slave who is escaped from mas ter unto ffteut.

16.) 1 answer you that accord itg to all legists this it applies to a heathen slave who from nny foreign country escapes from bis master, eves though that master bo an Hebrew, residing out of the land oi Israel. 8m ha such a slave onlv? is to find a pernruito i asylum in any part of the country In may choose. ll'is iat'-rpretation is fully borne out bj ibe wwriiH of the precept; the pronoun "thou" is not hero used in the same "as the Ten Commandments there it Arsenates every -mil in Israel; since every indivldusl hot it in his power a nil is in duty bound to obey I tbe comm tuitmeni Hut here, where 'he carrying qut of the isenmat. Inn nt is heytiod tbe power of any individual, and thereiore the pronoun "thou" used in 1 this precept designates the whole lwoplo of Israel. "Who shall escape unto thee'' likewise meaning tbe wbole people, and not a portion sf tlie people, in Opposition to mother part of the people.

And as the oxpres sum remains the same throughout tbe precept "With thee Be shall dwel even among in tbe He shall eh'Mso in one oftby gates, where It likoth him It plainly sh that the whole of the Isad wilt open to him, and the whole of the people were to protect the fugitive, which oould not have been carried out if it had spi lled to the slave who escaped from one tribe oto tho territory of another, Had the pi ocept been expounded in any othor than its strictly literal sense it would have taused great confusion, slnoo It would have null! fled two other precepts of (iod's which directs that "slaves, like lands and bouses, were to lie disinherited forever," and that which properly, lost or strayed, to he restored to the owner. Any other iuter pretatb ii would, moreover, have caused heartburning and strife between the trlbtw. for men were as tens-tous of their rbhts and In tliose days as they are low. lint no second opinion was ever ec tertauicd. The slave who rati away from I) to Bcrsbeba hid to be given up.

ev.u a the runaway from Houtn Carolina lms to be given lip by Massuehusetis; whilst the runaway from Kdom or In found an asylum in the land of Israel the runaway slave from Cuba or Brazil would flnd iu Sew York. Accordingly Shimei reclaimed aud recovered his rucaway Irom Acbisb, King of Galh, at that lime VHlst.1 of Israel. Kings, 30 40.) And Soul of Tarsus sent buck the ranaway slave tHiesuous ttnio his owner, Philemon. But to surrender to a rutbie law lem healhen the wretched slave who had escaped from his rut lty woutd have been to give up the to cei taiu 'leath, or at least to torture repugnant in the spirit of God's law, the lender tare of wlilch protected the bird in Its nest, the beaal si tbe plough, and tbe slave in his degradation. Accordingly, the extradition was not permitted In I'aloatlae any more ihnti It istaiHiuida While thus the owner poescwed right over, and se cur ity for bis property the exercise of Ui it wt coiiflm within certain limits, which he oould not tailstep.

His female slave was not to be the tool or toy of bisser.suslity, aor could be sell her, but bound to "let her go free," because "he had bumbled (l eut, 14.) Ilis male slave was (proUctod against excessive puubhment. for If the master in any way mutilated hla slave, even to knock a single tooth out of li Is bead, tbe slave became free, and whilo thus two of tbe worst lHssMins of human nature, lust aud cruelly, -re kepi due rsatraiut, the third bat! passli.n, cnp.Jity, wus not i mitted free scope, for the law or to the his flab hatha and tUurs of rest, while public I in a country so densely people am I'ales I liue mtot been all not allow any oiie owner t-- tmpose heavier tasks on his to fee.l Hit wor'e thi.ii all his neighbors did. This, I gnat dmt in. 11. ii which the Bible view or slavery derives In in its divine source.

The slave is a persm whetn the of li'iuum nature is to be resi? ted; hits rights, wh as the atbeti view of slavery which I tevailed at Heme, which, 1 am sorry to say, ia ifio Snith, rcduten thfj to a thinir, a 'Mi can Lave no rights. Th? result to which tbe Blblu vbwof slavery leada us is, lirst, that has ex isti since "he earliest time second, that nosta sad that stove property expr. ssly Ire protect 'lie Ten Conmati'm nts. th'rd t' at tho 'lave is a pci and has not cintboting Iq acrcigf cf rut-) a hlf owner. If our Northern fellow lizeus, content w.Ui following the Word of Cod, wouid uot in boiug "righteous overmuch, 1 on 'tiu which the Hi- ble knows uot, but which is plainly taught by the cepts ol? nun, they would entertain more equity iui 1 less ill feeling their Southern brethren; and If fur Southern follow citizens would tho llible view of Blaveiy.

uud disc ed that heathen code wh. it a few I ad men to an abuse of pow.r which throws a stigira and a uusgrace on the whole body of slaveholders; if botli North ivl South would do wlwt Is right. then Cud would Bee their aiul that they turned the evil at their ways," and iheir case, as iu of the people of Nineveh, He would mercifully avert the impen 'iiif evil, for with Him alone is the pow todoio. Therefore, let us and merci ful Cod. we approach Thee this day, our heavy with the weight of our sins, our looks downcast under the our ingratitude, national and individual.

Thou, Father, all bounteous, bast, in tiiine abundant goodness, plentifully bestowed upon us every good and every bless spiritual, mental, temporal, that in tho present state of tho world man can desire. But we have pervorte 1 an.l abused Jhy gilts; in Our arrogance and hellish) ess we have eoctrired to extract poison from Thy most precious boons; the spirituul have degenerated Into sclf-rtghteousBCM. the mental have ill ied us vain glorious and conceited, and the temporal have degraded us into- Mammon- worshipping slave." of avarice. Intoxicated with our prosperity, we havo t'orgetti fhee; drunken iih pride, we reel on towards tin precipice of disunion and ruin. What hand can stay us if it be not Hi ne, l) lhou who art long as thou art almighty, to Thee we turn In the hour of our ut ogt need.

Hear 1'ather, for on Thee our hopes are Help us. Father, for Thou alone canst do It. I'unlsb us not according to our arrogance. Afflict us not accordirg to our deserts. Remove l'row our breasts tlio heart ui -tore, and from our the obstinacy of self-willed pride.

Extend Thy grace unto us, that we may acknowledge our own trausgrefslons. Open our eyes, that we mny bold and renounce the wrong we Inflict on our neighbors. God of justice and of mercy suffer not despots to rejoice at our dlssenslOBs, nor tyrants to triumph over our (all. them not point at tie tho finger of i-iorn, or fay, at the fruits of freedom -tod self-government, of equal rights and popular without any real cause, de hi ruction without any sufficient motive. lot not tin wh'i trust in Tlieo be put to shame, or thoce who seek Thee be disgraced.

Almighty Ood aittend Hiy praclous protection totheso United states. Four out ovei the citizens thereof and those whom they havo elected to be their rulers the spirit of grace and of supplication, the spirit of wisdom and brotherly love, so that henceforth, even as hitherto, they may know that union is strength, hikI it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together In unity. And above all things, Lord, merciful and gracious avert tho calamities of civil war ri ni our midst, li in 'Ihy supremo wisdom Thou Fist decreed that this va-t commonwealth, which risen unrtor hj protection and prospered under Thy blofsiug, tin" now tie separated, then we beseech Thee let that se pnration he peaceable, that no human blood may bo shed, but that the py of Thy peace may still remain spread over all the land. May we our prayer' to Thoc, Lord, at an acceptable time; mayest Thou, God, In 'Ihy abundant merey, answer us with the truth of Thy salvation. Amen! At the conclusion of his discourse tlif preacher wo, warmly by the hand by a largo number of the corgiegatlon, several Southern gentlemen linking availed riuelves of the (irst opportunity to express their appre elation of liis sentiments.

THE REV. DR. FRANCIS VINTON. Trinity Clnirrh The snow storm of ye-torday did not prevent an unusually largo congregation from attending Tiin'ty In tho forenoon. Not only the pews, but tho and porches of the stately and venerable edifice woro densely crowded.

Tho unvarying trown of the massive stone walls and pillars was proi'u-eiy adorued and relieved by boughs of palm trees and other pietty evorgreons, and the pulpit, reading desk and communion tablo were tastefully festooned anl draped with the foliage of green winter. The commenced at eleven o'clock. The clergymen entered from tho vestry room, proceded by the choristor boys, attired in robes of snowy white, which were in unison with the I vestments of the clergymen. The services did no', vary materially from the ordinary morning service, but the 113th 121st and 67th I'-alms were tb se specially appointed for the day. and they were ehaunted credittbly by the youthful and numerous choir.

Tho 80th hymn was the one chosen for the occasion. It is very appropriate, and reads as Almighty God, before Thy throne Thy mourning people bend. 'Tis on Thy pardoning grace alone Our prostrate hopes depend. IViik judgments from Thy Iwavy naad TLy dreadful powers display; Vet mercy spares our guilty land, And Mill nrmt' turn us, turn us. mighty God, Convert us hy Thy grace; shall our hearts obey Thy Ai see again Tby face.

After the singing of this hymn the Hov. Vinton ascended the pulpit aid preached the following exosllt discourse, plaintive tone and impressive manner singularly to the tuolancholy subject on which 1 brought to The people came to the nnuM of God, tml abode there till even bt-toie Cod: i.nd lilted up tlicir a and -aid. Lord Uod of Israel, wtiy la thli come to In that iLerr uluiuld be to-da) one tribe lacking In 2, 3. The text acquaints us with a of greet the tribeg of Israel. It wm an era of lawlessness and confusion, when public war depraved; when personal safety was endangered, when law was dls honored and set at naught; when piety was rare and war ship of (Jod neglected, when pood men retired into the ponetuary of their private and domestic flrenides for the security nnd comforts of life which soeicty denied them, when the Coin men was to the control of sons of Belial," who, in the jiasaionato rioting of tampered appetites und ravenoua committed atrocitle-' that appalled the community (Judges It was one of these horrible crimes that roused the tribes against the tribe of Benjamin, and patt ered tho congre giition teg.

ther us one msn, from IHui to Beersheba. Am hoi sudors were ent to the offending tribe to demand tho sinrender of the c.hiUlreu of Belial for puulshment. But tribe of Beqiamin would not hearken to the voice of their but inado ommon cause with the offenders, and gatliered themselves together to go out to battle the children of Israel." Civil wor was the consequence, and tho Iribo rvniainui was rained nearly to (termination Those linrful times are described in thB Ust verse of Hook of Judges, in these few emphatic In there was no king iu ftrael; every man lluit was in his It was onlj when the iatal IsS'M of that civl! war was fell In the be reevi ments and desolation whieh ensued, tliat the pious sentiment wa? roused in the public heart and was rum inhered. t'nder the pressure of the oomnvm wie, ana In view of the impotoncv of mortal strife, "the peo iil? came to the house oi (iod, and abode there till even before Cod, and up their voices and wept sore; and fa Id, lord God of Israel, why is this come to in Israel, that there should be to day one tribe lacking in Israel." My breihrmi, your thoughts doubtless antiCljMite the or a ween the dark aad i evoltirg era of Israel's lawl-isiicss and this in our country's hlstor) Wo have not yet reached the extreme of wickedness, where law and government and puUie virtue and private wrecked and al-andoned. were left a prev to the surging billows of a stormy sen of wild passions and slimy lusts; bnt we hear the storm howling around our ship of State, and behold confusion and d-may iu those appointed to tho com inand and pilot- ge of the constitution, wherein we are all embarked with life's choiee treasures.

And wfelle the is yet sound, wo are summoned by the I'ri sident. In one national voice of prayer to Him "who hath gathered ihe wind Id His fists," (Rev. who the voice the seas, the noise of their waves, and ihe tumult of the people," (Ps. Ixv to Implore His divine g'i'dsnfie aad iw-ot, anil delivernitre, that, as in tlx- ark, the world's may he sived slid we may oomn forth upon the mouut, under tho sun shino of Ills i-mile, united once more around Ihe altar of lhaiikrglvliig. The one bright spot that illumed Israel's night is reflected hero and throughout the laud, fri ocean to where, with the single except.on of loved one to whom our love would fain give Hen.H<min's iiveiold united ac knowledge allegiance the nation's law and rnuder obc me to ihe nation's Chief Magistrate, in ourselves V-gether ill the house of and li ting up our voices of our fathers, why Is Uilh come to in lh.

t'nlted states, that there should bo io day one Mate lacking In Lst us listen to tlie of word. each consult the testimony of his conscience and observstion. and traec the sure line of and cause the law of lHvine retribution. An 1 h-t jour preacher ttv to guide your meditations iu humbli dependence on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, with all sotwmss nnd titlh. why, then, is this citue to that there should today one 8late lacking in our fedo rsl I nion? First- ilrst snswu toth.s inquiry is another should wo expect God's bl.

ssing on our iikn ss one uatMtf Tt.ero is one defeet in our nrganl law. ctaitains uo acknowledgment of God. no p-cogiotrfMi oj Jeeus Christ. I am iwmmif only one provish In our constitution wli.i disiinguHhes our civil polltx from heathen provision Is the oath of off ts. It 1ms been me iced that tin; normal principle ef a nation's is on its ooins.

Ixmk at the otns 11 Knrope asd you observe the gvnd, God's grace." I at and you lead indejiendeui In colonial times In this -ouBtry the liiils of lading were pi loted with a recognition of ndence on for the ship's favotsble voysse but nowadajs the hi'Is of lading ss tiust In tni strong Isi.ts and timbers of the craft and on the of the shipmaster. But the peoii cr will a What profit is there in tho acknowledgment in the futeiamental constitution of a uatii and iif ihe ordinary ventures vt ti mBiercef Aie the old nations any bettei for (hen pious formi las slid pn t. ndtMl recognition of 1 arswer, the proilt Is in telling the trntlt uhI not biding lie piofit is in kei pil Ix'lore the eye of the nation the truth of Uod pr? (-? nee and power in the world, and thus edi stirg the people w. far una wlti. --s for Mi may.

if yen if ilie old tiaticns ere any bettor for it, I i how cm th? ixi old with ert mtrls lo ilfr ard He of I -rty in I snuii ie yd old oauna I is but yet full, while we arc not out of the first cen veiy i biKhood of natural lif and arc sudthreatened with dibtolulion. But best answer lirjl mi Hliitf agaun-t the duty of a n.uio lalacknowledg ment of Alm.ghty Cod may be wanes-? in this national fant day, when trouble tbut no human wis lorn ban guarded against and i.o human foresight can foil -1 the nation to tin rcy i cat, and uipels the ui faith iu Cod's pi i and power and goodie sh. I'or ir it bo atid roper and conservative of our national being to cofi Cod to-day, a nation, it is right, proper and native to con lies Him, not umrely ui a spasmodic way, but on principle, and iu the of a cuiwlitutici al art. I'nt our fathers, iu their opposition to a union cl Church and tale, with just apprehensions of tho domineering exactness of bigotry ana the predominance of cturian ii.toli tanco, swung hack on tbe extreme it' of ignoring Ood as the Ruler ct the nation It Is a hi pi I'l of the influence of Christianity that the lawn ami practices Of moist States anil ol' the I lilted -tales obsorve the Diviuo law of a (lu'i. i an Si 'inlay.

And It ir? an oineu of dark portent that the eon vent ion of the seceding Stato of South Cm olina profaned the Lord's day in not ob erving it. or th- ro be any truth in physiology, it is that the seventh day's is wholesome and man. And when and his godless ami hi' "dy ventured to amend the illvmo law, by appointing the tenth day as the decade oi' refit, the mmy, both man and beast, fa'nted and sine imbtd i i 'ier oppressive toll, compelling tho First Consul to restore the seventh day And among the practiiul ti iiihd of Christianity is the fai that the people who, in the spirit of observe the Sumisy for worship, fur rest mid for deeds of necessity and charily, are blcH-id of Cod. both in health of body and in cheerful piety i heart. I et it be a lesson of this fatt day of the nutii to train a public sentiment for the acknowledgment )f and ihrlst our civil constitutions and tin- mnui utcs of our rulers and iu the habits of the pie.

further cause of our natioiuil trouble may he trace i to our Pceial and political corruption, l'ride and bcA. tiug. reliance and individual Independency; self will nnu liberty sprouting into licentiousness; violent ci mpctitk iu trade and anu for place; reluctance to the slow processes of labor in agrlcilturo and in tho mechanic enterprise, pushed Into impatience, through haste to be rich. These are our national cburacters, in some of which we observe virtues it rdinnt'ly exercised till they become pervorted into ices. Hut the erowning shame and the damuiug stigma ii tho fore front' of the republic is bribery.

It is historleal tbut the decay of every republic lias begun iu the form of a corruption mnvt subtle, by intiuoncing magistrates and legislators Judges through -onic kind of pin 1 are. It was the rn-o, as every i lassicnl boy knows, in the beginning of the downfall of the republics of Greece and Rome, it was the premonitory symptom of the mid if the theocratic republic of iBrael. When good old Srnmcl resigned his Vicegerent he appealed to the pi i pie to attest bis personal whoso hand I received Ivibe to bllud mine eves therewith?" And iln gaid Tlem hast taken might of any man's And be said to them, "TlioLord is witness against you this day that ye have not found nnght in my hand. in witness. So boldly uiul solemnly did that public olllcer purge him selffiom any suspicion of a crime which ho considered the fatul htemlsh of character in a public man.

But of the r'ons oft-amuel It is written, tliat his suns walked not in his ways, but turned ar-ide after lucre, and took briln and perverted (1 Sam. viii. 3.) And with this record, it follows, in the next verse, that tho nation iejected God. ''The said to they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me. that I t-hMld not reign over them." Iu this short history is not the portrait of our country sketched? Our fathers, like Fauiuel, could call God and tlie poople to witness that no bribe had ever blinded tlieir vert judgment, while their degenerate bods, in tho high places of the nation, in the halls of the State and ot the shall I ray, In the of an olcctivo aud poorly paid like the sons of Samuel, with turning aside alter lucre, and takiog bribes and pervirtng dgment.

The subtle temptation appears not at thil ufllie glitter of gold, but In an agreement between parlies to heip 0110 another in some favorite ihe is deniandod and pit id for a bribery' Next tbo promise or the hope of reward in some place of proilt, Is the motive to ft vote. And by this i-elflsh aim the heart is corrupted with bribery. At 'ast the eonvi icucogflts hardened, and tho people yield to the arrant the public penliratnt and the Itching palm of a covetous hand IB overlaid with the bribe, according to a tariff of each maii price. Alas! are not these things notorious. Where is the mire man in public life who exclaims, I ord, I have tov.d the habitation of Thy house and the place where 1 bine honor ciwelleth.

Gather not ray soul with niv I'e with b'oody men, lu whose bands is mischief TdXlr hand is f'ull of bribes. But as for rue, 1 will in mine integrity in place in the congregation will I bless the xxvi.8?12.) Wbcre is fiuch a Here and there he stands in his uprightness, "the observed of all observers," the cynomae of every eye, revered ami hated; a pattern of incorrupt virtue, s-'mling forth tie beams of his light over the dark of pwiplo, like I hi lighthouse on the headlands of the coaat, to Joil wrcckeis and to guide the voyagers In society. My brethren when an honest public agent becomes conspicuous and is urnised for his tidelity, it is because or a contract with prevailing dishonesty. That he should be r'vbte' Ui'inhis ommon wickedness. Aid when soc.ety exists, God comes with his deluge them all.

God complains of ui in trains is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgment righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with thy aro rebellloua una companionb or iliiev.s; very one loveth gifts and followeth after le wards; tiny judge not the fatherless, neither does the the idow come unto them. Therefore, saitb the l.or.l, the I ord of sts, the mighty One of Israel, ah I ill ease 1110 of mine vcrfarles aud 1 will avenge mo of mine emwlrs." (Isaiah, 1.21-21.) Such is the.Innctegc of vents, interpreted as Divine visitations js thin day, the public conscience becomes hardened, in tolerating bribery and iu ministering tocormption, the'on is surpriced, onlv for a moment, at he diicuveij of traud among the subordinates. And so wo are startled ut tho tidings of a wholesale plunder of ti national treasmy. of nearly a million of securities, held in trust lor the poor Indian saered fund, more sacred than any d.

in the uation exclieqiwr. stir tied, I s.iy and theuturu to their strong box to examine their securities; and if thereto no Individiml lees, we hear feebk: reprobation of the public theri. Iiitfc nn arc amount us of uloisof int.irrlty, which may well go to explain why God has permitted cue star to be dimmed in tlie galaxy of our na' ion fig But 1 now reach a third cause of the nations is the question of slavery. 1 should be remiss if on an iccasiou as to-day, I shauUI avoid a que-tlon that so absoibs the public thought, and freighted with suoh momentous It is a problem which must bo solved, weal or for woe aud when tho pulpit speaks according to the oracles God, we may expcct the Divine blessing. in the reconciling of opinions into a common faith In the extromcsor and, slavery is distorted.

On the one sale it Is represented as the token of "the highest conditiou or Christian clvliiza tlie other, "the sum of all Iniquities. These extremes are Irrcconc.lable, and yet. like single truths, made Errors by lack ol union with other truths, wedded by Divine appointment, they may be seen to coalesce, wheu their are developed and made mauitest by the chemistry of God's word. It will be round 1 think, that the Northern abolitionist reproach the abuse of slavery, while tho Soc'bern propaganda, confines his admiration to the spectacle of the a'Oi-ct of the irstitution. And if such be the case, Worn the remedy for the evil will be to correct tbo abuse, and the point of coalescence will be the mutual olio, by moral and Christian persuasion, to redr.

the wr.mgs of be servant by the Justice of the master, ordltif to 'lie rolden i iilc of "doing toothers what we wouk they should do us," under like circumstances of relationship. this vkw.l proceed U. the Divine law and to the 1 And noticing, ol soci ty. we observe inequality. Wiero are.

every whore, the re's tiens of subordination and authority, whether in tlie family, or in the Mate, or in the church. Hut ttie chaiacteriftic of society, ascordtng to the Invine idea and Divine appointment, Is mutual rights and corelattve obligations. There is no such monstrous thing as an individual prerogative that carries with it no corresponding duty but so. lety iR framed on tlie principle of mutual iiMielli, both lo him who governs wid to hiin who is Loverued. io that, if it be the duty of the ruler to ad minister government as the vicegerent, it is the right nf the subor.l.nate to be ruled an If II be the right of the to receive the hoiuage and dience ot the inferior, It becomes of the infe rlor to render due homage and obedience to the superior, as to Coil's minister to him lor goud." hi these social ielatn n3 we obstrve differences, both In degree and 'n the period or tin.n, of the mutual service.

In the rein tun ol husband and wife, tho bonds are for life, and dissolsblo only tor one cause. In the reWtion at parent aud bilil the rights and obligations are, in some respects, rnr life, and in others lor a ieim of years. In the re la Mt master and apprentice, tho tenure or the relation is by egret ment, ror a speeltlc tune and purpose. In the i. lut on master and seivant.

the relation Is ror a time, or at will, or ror lire, hen the term o. I lrc. lire, aud with tho condition of iuh -riUnce attached to piopvrty, the t.nure IB that of slavery. Hut iu each of thrse relationships the prmciplo of mutual hem fit. to either party, is the ordained and unrevoked ((institution or social life.

In none is either pnrty IndcunO. nt or the other; In none Is either pnrty frunpoUut to tnko couitfldl only of hwi owti Mlf will. But each is icrvant to the othei? bonnd by tnc of Divine authority to study e.icti mlu i good, and to be governed by tho principle ol it utual eneOt. All are, in e.snc and degr.M>, virii. and masters; all arc, In some sense and de irce s.

i rants and subjects. Much is the Dlvmc onsf.tu ta it of society. And if any man should rebel against it, ihiouih the air. gancy ot self will, be would be rushing "the thick bosses of Jebovsh buckler," end would be en shed betweeu the upix and tbermlllst. iio of the sccinl lights and obligations of mankkud.

If, then, tWviry be subject to this law of God, wherein the mufter must govern with an eye to the servant's as well as lor his i nn interest, It will come to pais itiat emaia. ipa Hon mav be wrong, becanse snlthid and unjust to the suivc Wh.n not for the slave's bcueflt, abolitionism wool, be a sin and a crn. thing. And hence tho ques on ol muiicipui ion can never In- del. rmlued juatly as a tenets! pi( i-tta 11, but ninsl be with in cach fit nlar ei se ho neither does tbe of deter mil Ibis question or emancipation belong any per kii lb.

n.Shter or authority repre ibe master. Any roreigu Interference btruslvs and tyrannical, and subversive of aocleiy, xcent nuh perMissh ns as are ueriv.d from th G.wp? i of rislitciaism ss sti.l pesce, tbe is willing to hesr. For, ir the master's ear be heavy Ins heart he It is no for resorting to force to pierce th. ear slid break tlie heart. W- must trust iu God to and (oiivert John tlie reb ko os his throne But It was iot ev 11 duU Iti Juili a to the of John the iuipt Ai so likewise, on tho otbet it lis- hoi I thetlav.

for tn. mutter's interest; If Is d. nv 1 tbe rivlleg's ol mental and moral and ell. ah ture if he rallti. reeegnis.

and withhold tbe rti bta or to be iraii I tje sorv ice ai I tlie uf l.e-.v* 'f tr. him oiilv aa a brut- as a cl.atb.l male IT h. ri Is a-nsl i' oi I (i (I If Of UK fe? th'- 1 that God hut instituted in Paradise, and which i Christ restored to mankind in their and their in any of these things, or others. tlw Blaster the loud servant of thai whicb is J'Wt and equal." governing, for his sole, then hi abuses the power which Cod given h.U, cry of the opprnMd "hail the ears of the liod of appealing for deliverance for juatice. Hutii a ii'w of l-oa Providence.

us now resort to (iod'B writleu and then regard con duct of and II18 Aposlkt, as Hie law and the- loetime ny. The lation of apprenticeship was allowed among the Hebrews for period of six "11 thou a Hebrew servant, years shall he serve, and in shall go out free for nothing." I. hut emancipation was prohibited if the fwrvant chtvjj to rtmain for life. ''And the servant shall plainly say, I lovo nty master, uiy wife and my children: i will not go out tree; master shall brirg him unto the ulges. he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the doorpost, and bis master shall bore his ear tloough with an awl, and he -hall serve him forever." (Kxod.

0 Ue'U. 12-18.) Voluntary slavery was thus permitted out ot paid to the piaWB will and preference. In allusion to tfci.s fact ulU ceremony, the spirit of prophecy, ppeaking in the nuirie of Christ and foretelling his voluntary aerv tide for our salvation, describes Him us saying, and offering thou didst not desire; mine hast tliou opened: burnt oflering and sin otfering hast thou required; then said 1, lo, 1 con.e to do thy will, 0 my iPralius. xl-' compare 5-9.) The Apostle to the Hebrews employs this prophc and its familiar illustration to exemplify the voluntary nn ial suffering of the Messiah. Tho slave, among Hod's ancient people, was as ono of tho family to whom privileges wore allowed not ci anted to the guett nor to the hired servant.

As on example. the pricst'B portion of the sacrifice of the shew bread, "which it was not lawful for any to eat but the Driest'-and his family, was the meat of the bond slave. There rliull no stranger eat of the holy thing; a soiouruer of the priest, or an hired servant shall not eat of the holy thing. But if the priest buy any soul with his money he shall cat ef it, and he that is born in hhthouie, they shall cat or his meat." (Levit. 10,11.) The enactment which authorized bondage for life to in these words bondmen and thy bondmaids whicn thou Shalt have ihall be ef the heathen that arc round about you; of them yo buy bondmen and bondma ids of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of thorn shall ye buy, and or their families that are with you, which they in your land, and they shall be your possession.

Aud ye shall take them as an Inheritance for jour children after yon, to in herit them for a possession: thoy shall be your bondmen (I-cvit. Taking these pprmisBive laws into on- view, we see the institution of domestic slavery undoubtedly authoriied; but in every case the ocnditlcn of the servant was improved by his servitude. It wftl nn institution fur the mutual benefit of the master and slave; for, In the case of the voluntary slave it was to iffatify hte affections, and in the case the bcutben it was lo bring him into tho midst of civilizing culture, both la mind and spirit. It was eminently a domestic institution. Yet, the Word of God does not fall to represent the condition of tho slave as a hardship wlnn the civilized maB is reduced to bondage: for it is among tho dreary denounced lesinst the apostate tribes, that they should bo told into bondage 'halt be brought again into aud there ye shall be sold unto your enemas for bondmen and bondwomen.

In the morniDg tbou shalt Cod it were even, and at even tbou shalt say would God it were (Deut. 69.) In all this'werocoeniM a certain authority for slavery which It would be uncandid to deny. Yet It remains to examine the question by the light of the New Testament. And it is admitted on all sides that the institution of shivery was universal during the human life of Jesus and His Apostles. Yet we read of no instance when our cliauged tho ancient laws on the subject: but he taught those pnncinh and precepts of equal love, which, if obeyed, would mitigate, if uot bless, the relationship or master and servant.

idolatry was forbidden in the Old Testament, hile Blavery was permitted. And tho Saviour and Uis Apostles denounced idolatry, but tolerated slavery. The Apostles, Inspired on the day or taught bond slaves the Christian duty or obedience to their masters, enjoined masters to "give unto these servants that which is just and "liet as many servants aa are ui rter the count their own masters worthy of all li. nor, that tho name of God and His doctrine be not Masplumed. And they that have believing masters, let not despise them, because they aro brothr-n, but rather do them service." (1 Tim.

1,2.) rive unto your servants that which is Jnst and equal: knowing that ye have also a Master in heaven." And there Is no respect or persons with (Col. Kph. 5, Col. 1.) Commentators of every complexion of religious persuasion express no doubts that the "servants under the yoke" were bondmen and bondwomen, the slaves of the Roman empire. And there Is, moreover, a fugitive slave law of tho New in the Kpistle of St.

l'aul to 1-hilemon. OuiaimuS, ft fugitive slave of Philemon, flees to Romo, where he is by St. Paul. (Verse 10.) The Apostle sends him back to his master (verse 12); for he would not keep him to serve himself, out or regard to the master's right and the slave's duty (verses lie erjolns l'hilt men to treat him as a better servant than ever, even as a Christian brother (vertes and he tffciis to pay Philemon all damage. (Verse 19.) If we believe this Scripture and acknowledge the authority of this example, we must admit that it is a violation of the i nrisiian rmm their masters, and ror the masters to treat them cruelly on tholr return.

Such, my brethren, is the statement or Holy scripture as It i ppears to your preaiher, on this question ot domestic sis very. Have the Southern States complied with the or when they refuse to their servants manhood rights, when they profane the sacred bonds or marriage; when they separate a fnmlly in the tenderness or their 1 Have Northern fanatics fulfllled the Christian law when they proclaim unqualified abolition, and lure servants from their masters, or interpose hindrances to the fi gitlve's rendttient Public sentiment at the South is last rvachirg tho truth that separation of families is wrong, and seme states have already forbidden the out rage by ir luw. Public sentimcntat the North is wber and just and scriptural on the question of slave ry, nnd profoundly respects the responsibilities, the rights and the duties of mastei and servant. But his now usurped the ne of reason on iHitlvsides. Tho constitution or the United still spr-iads Its majestic rolds around our countrv it regards slaves as iiersons having haman rights of prote- tkm and of representa ticn, yet as servants owing life service to their masters.

Put the fury of jolitxal partisans lias trans ferred a question purely spiritual from out or tho moral code Into the aiena or a sordid calculation or selfish profit and sectional pre-eminence. And in that lustful controversy, the battle of the tribes is re enacted in our conntry one fair State is lacking In our Union, hall othi States follow in the wake or that one? I saw the meteor or last summer evening rtoe In light from the horizon to the zenith; and at its highest ascension it into two beauteous but divergent spheres, and thin Ihey were both qnenched in night. Was that the that presaged our country's doomf Have we reached the height or oor graadeur and prosperity to break and be extinguished? No, no, my brethren. The lacking tribe or Henjamin was not lost to Israel, but came back reformed sud And the eleven tribes who, like as to-dsjr, wept sere before Cod and a-ked of Hini wisdom and iuigivcuess, learned to be considerato and kind to their stcding brethren. So, ir it please God that we Study the lesson of that rccord.

shall oor present ditto bonees promote our future welfare as re-l nited States In the more perfect bonds of Christian brotherhood. I co not, I will not, of the republic. Collauons of tin! and steel produce sparks of light. The storm the air. The very lightning, whow voter thunder, dev.

uif He vupors of miasma. This day piety, at the 'hhist of the hlef Magistrate of the nsiion, ihall rem jr.i. (oil's blessing. And our chiMren's hildron, in tbi.t better civ illeation is in hall reenr to these ns lo a beaoon which txMb warns and gi'idts lLo pilgrim traveller to eternity. THE REV.

DR. FRANCIS L. HAWES. Calvary C'liurala iKpiMopalltB) Fourth Avenue. A large congregation assembled ynaierdav tnorutng to attend tbe of the day.

After the conclusion of the regular service, R.v. Dr. instead of preaching a Benson, briefly addressed tbe congregation as Tbe latge audience assembled here morning, not withstanding Uie inclemency of the weather, is tndlcation of the deep interest taken by you in tbe questiou this country is ao deeply affected. It In Almighty God wbo maketb all things, man is but an agent of and therefore, in all our oar first refuge shonld be to Htm who rnleth over nil We hare bowed ourselves hero before In tbe cenfersion of our sins, and have improved of thin We mercy. And it beflta me as a minister or tbe Prinoe df Teace, not merely to exhort voa to Ibis eoaree, to encviutiige jnti by mj own course.

1 therefore will of and love to n. While 1 am not cm', nijseir to mingle in political strife, yet, having oj the exprereton ihote opinions may n.y (brisuaii brethren, particularly ns they tend to brethren, 1 doubt not thai there is diversity of opinion among you h. re before me. Bat I stand here to say that it idle to discuss nun the diversity of opinion which mar owt, as II would be idle to deny that there are (units t.pen rides.

Yes, my dear hearers, fr.uits uton both cidrs. As In all family fo in great family fend, both sides are to be censured. Wo are in the condition of the ofantdifke which burning. It Is idle for us, in tbe n.idt-1 of the couflarration, to ark what canted the (Ire. first b.

ns occupants of the edifli Is to extinguish the and then wo may riisnirs tbe other matters. Our duty as fhrMiana la to iperk pei 'f ss happy peopl. heretofore, and oui grwU )y oi Med, our duty is to cultivate peace In the tit ef the teat pt.rpneoe hkh Cod seemed to hid in store for us, It more emphatically our to cultivate pence Then the nnestlim Is, what out duty? My people, 1 do not think that (Sod's people ran mart thretifbrut tbe bngthand breadth Of ih land, prnyir.g for (lod's bles- us wltb a tin'tnl do hi'I thira thnt hi eh things can oo without peace Nay, I tli.aik God, I I tire, now, the onmlng of rtnw aitbo mat have furtingt and trlbula tli Df Hut. my threti, 1 think will oocmi, ill have merev upen us. for it Is In the hearts the tart nnO'ritv of the inhabit of this beloved thai 'her should be and must peace.

Of the ten milMornot vctets th.s gr'-at country, I feel a perfect or. fiction lhat. were tbe question distinctly presented to everv one entitled to detsislt whether he desired the perpetuity of tfcia ef fraternal feeling, feme and love all Its numbers, elfht millions if the ten millions would stiewnr ea- N'o. aad South ttnM swiwer yea Now, I hardly oenoetve that In Mute facts political detnaj professed poll tirinnt of all patties and finen latitudes, ran lefeal the purpose eply r.tcd i.t thr hcai of so many of thoe? who hi ve a fht to upon this subject, If they will but ok rrt'y The time e. me for the people ut he' whnt be? I'een i'one by one ntf tho patriotic true Stated confederacy has 1.

'Uid tugU t- st tu. i all partita to net together. the therefore, which 1 make, with all deference, in ihu to conum-nce to get up and not your memorials, but your iijiiihiiIb, to ihow whom ou to the uhtiotal 1 fgirhituie to '-upjtort and oonfede to act as the times J. md for that purpose. 8c ud your commands to iheiti tins be done throughout all the tf this confederacy, and the pressure will be so i erfectl) irresistible tliat it will unpossi bla to dtfFolve Union, which ten of thane who have a right to sjhuiW have said should be tlirsdolv- d.

Therefore, humble i scomuieudation is to instantly tr.menc< the preparation of thneu or mauds, or whatever elan you may call th- uid send them on to jour servantsby thousands and tboasand.s, and tell tlu ih.a thny must act; that the hopes of that the sovereignty oi this country, the peace of this country must bo preserved, and that tho opportunity shall ho alforded them to express their desir-B. For tbcre is not an individual citizen in this country however humble hemsybe.who has not an interest in this I'nion. It Is time for the people to apeak, and the people may very respectfully and properly demand that thi pliall have an opportunity to be beard, and demand it in tones that will not admit of refusal by tbeae who after all are our more than our servants; and it would be a marvel an.t un anomaly, under a constitutional government like this, bat they should be more than our servants, secure our rights. They must otherwise be trying to i cstrov the very tlnugs they are appointed to secure to i s. These sboold not be so.

Men of all parties hotild agree to thia at once. Forget not. however, that all we do wo must have Cert's blessing, that (tod's I Ussiug njuft be it-plored. Anfl the American woman has her duty. Not that she should mingle in I olittcs; Cod' forbid I tiod forbid 1 her Oc cupy and adorn that sphere which become her.

so that her country may point with pride to her daughters. But they have fathers and tethers and husbands; and a word from you, ladies, may prompt them to the performance of this very simple duty of enrolling their names upon those memorials, do mending action of Congress, before we are sacrificed as 1 eople. That is the only suggestion 1 have to make, ask ing i he exclusion of all other questions, sottling this great quest koa first, and I do believe that whenever tho people shall assemble to arrange those difficulties they will bo arranged amicably and without 1 Andiheef furt will be to give greater stability to our own insiitu tiotis and secure them more firmly upon the foundations which our fathers have built. REV. DR.

FRANCIS GAILAUOET. Ann'i Episcopal Church for Deaf Mates, Eighteenth Street. Services were held At Ft. Ann's Episcopal church for deaf mutCB, in Eighteenth street, yesterday, in ac oordnnce with the request of tho President. Th? church wan crowded, und the services and scrmou partook of the political feeling that is now extant.

Alter tho tutu: opening prayer and hymn, the pastor, the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, ascended the pulpit and proceeded to address the congregation. The following was his text, taken from the tlrst epistle of St. Peter, fifth chapter and sixtc yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand or God, that He may exalt you in duo time." lie said Though this passage of Iloly Scripture forms part cf an apostolic admonition to the ministers and laity of the Christian church to act towards each other in simple hearted humility, looking only for the exaltation wtaufc should, for Christ's Rake, be their reward at the hands of their Maker, yet its teaching is especially appropriate to all who this day give heed to the recommendation of the Chief Magistrate of the United Status of America, and, like Hezekiah of old, lay before God the troubles of their country, midst the hallowed associations which cluster around the courts whence prayer and praise are waul to arise to tho great Jehovah. Yes, our belove 1 country is in trouble.

The great nution, whioh in many respects is the wonder of the earth, is in danger of d.reful disruption. Dark clouds of impending peril rest npoc tho land whose sons and daughters could, until reoently, speak with united enthusiasm of the noble stands which were made for liberty at Bunker Hill, and Yorktown and New Orleans. The mighty people whose forefathers mag nanimously compromised the great political principles upon which they could not clearly agree seem about to separate upon abstractions pushed by passionate men on both sides to unwarrantable extremes. In the present upon the surface of losing events what undor currents of murmuring prnl discontent are poisoning the sources of disinterested a blessed thing it is that the Pre has asked in behalf of the country the prayers of ail who arc willing to bow down before the Almighty P.uler, to ttiat He will pardon our sms, and interpose by special providence to grant us a return of united peace and good will. Ck-d grant that the direct result of this day's fasting, humiliation and prayer throughout the land may bedoep, sincere national humility, undor tho mighty hand of God from which may spring that graceful exaltation in national rectitude which for Christ's sake will send happiness to the most secluded hamlet.

God grant thai all those who arc railed upon in their official position to epoak a few earnest words to tho people may have graca to bring down the hearts of their hearers to the genia valley of humility, for it is only from this position tha genuine results can come in the direction of harmony love. Could ail those who so recently acted at the poll' in the election which hoa superinduced the present crisis be found with their loved ones upon bended knees before their compassionate Father Heaven, thero would steal over the nation such a holy CHlm, such a heavenly tranquility, that a few wise hoads at the national capital would bo enabled, by God's blessing, to devise a simple expedient which should haimoLlae conflicting views, and make us once ore a gnat nation of brothers, oh, that some mighty voice, surcharged with tho Divine teaching Of the organization which outranks all tho government of tho tJhrlstian make itsel hcajd this day. in tones of genial majesty, throughout the Isagth iuh! breadth ot our beloved distracted country, say tng to all, from the shrewdest statesman to the lowliest Ireeman. be still, and I will set before you. honestly yet charitably, the sins which have brought jour political heritage to the brink of ruin.

As a whole, you have In these latter years forgotten the God of your great Being of whom the in.mortai Washington was wont upon bended knee to ssk guidance and assistance. Though outwardly jou have kept up in your national and "tato councils tbe Semblance of acknowledging God in public worship, yet tbe majority of your legislators have taken but little interest in tbe devotions of the cboplajis; though the Bible lias lieen used In the oaths which have been, alas too often, lightly taken In your oourta of Jus ice and Custom House transactions, yet the great truths of this blefscd volume huve been but too generally light ly regarded. Yes, you have forgotten 1 hare too often set up in His place the tioddesa of Libert' under whom you have grown proud and self complacen trusting to your own shrewd plans and to your own sta worth right arms. Read over carcrully the eloquent which hare thundered In the I of legislation? study the harat.gues which have characterised the po lltlesl well the orations which hav been uttered the national anniversaries, and ac knowledge with shame and confusion of face that tt drift of the greater portion of what has boen I said In relation to this country and Its free institution I Ins been the direction Si pride, self complacency an' self Itance. And you have lost sight of the tiuth that human government Is of God, that the 1 owers that be are ordained God.

You have forgotten (1 as you were subjects of legitimate government, and have thur been led to speak aril, to use slighting re msiks of those filling high elections, therefore, have not been held with the gi eat motive of perpetuat irg In all its integrity the wonderfully contrived governon nt whl -b held such a graceful sway over this widely extended country, but to obtain pilitical power and pitrinage for selfish ends. 1 the august or you all, for there have always beoa grwa' and honorable exceptions of men in public life tho ocghly Imbued with religious patriotism and reverence for law; but the minority must conftws that I am utter tug true and faithful words, though they are not plcasan perhaps to be heard. As a whole. you have been In too great haste to wealth, thus being led to Indnlge in practices which hsvo searc-tl our consc i. nccs and hardened your hearts.

In this grr.nd scramble for werlth too many of you. sins, ave forgotten to be Just and honorable, to be con rtdTOle or bod's joor and widow and th I many have been Inconsiderately crusho to ihe earth in your haisb struggles to be reckoned i tg tbe mlllioi.uiies. In this feverish struggle to gc i hi Iti worloiy matters has thais not been opprcssi III the vast asrioi.Kx?I I jvv nave lorgotten God nd set up Intaitate man moa to divide the honors paid (i the Godili ss Liberty. loo nnny of yew, continues the voice, hare rorllcd in luxury. You have lavishly expended In atirg atid drinking and apparel what you have masked by uoscrtipulousneas You have not been a'ihl'tcd with receiving your dally bread thankftily at'' le your Heavenly rather, but ymi have sol nn i red yourselves and your families that ssnsivU de lies have made slaves or your immortal souls.

Your wills have been made captive by things which literaflr I crbh in tho using. You hafe tried luird to make tJhur world, and especially this glorious land of liberty, earn to ke 1 our everlasting home, forgetting the uian lets which have been prepared for the people of God. Tty far too many of those who have resisted the sweep irg tendensws toward sersaal tndulgenco have started e.ut In lbs sad race for national fame, wishing to be hand ed down to posterity as among the great ones of Um earth In some department of science or art. aa masters composition or eloquence, or as gallant leaders in their country's battles. Too many or yon, serene voles gees on to abused your freedom of speech and turned It Into licentiousness Kvery thought and whim and notion nnd irm it has" entered Into the heart of man to conceive in the exercise of unlimited, unrestraiprivate Judgment, has been blasonod upon the lie eager to the extreme of the land Monies ceijr nr the conntrv news, so intent upon their seeupation tbnt mvib of their time is occupied in correcting II rumors which they so Hastily dress up into fhrts.

me r.otiont arc worked up into principles. Irrepressible cent irts tbns arise in relation to matters upon whioh the great and his apostles were silsnt. Too many pc pie talk at random, Bring sharp words In an uneharV spirit at their neighbors Yes the people of thM lic faiked much, have written too much tbosetiese a one of tl national sins. JJiVT id.

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