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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 3

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I work, and having accepted oflea, and in the discharge or their trust invited the public confidence, we can. not conceive the motive of their general back waul nesH, tor there ia no disguising the fact that the fubiciiptiona progreaa very slowly. If the will rot a.d, why should informed, shoulder the whole burthen; and, ill fact, how cauld inch a result be anticipated, according to the rules of comrnou experience? The force ol example in this cose, is of extreme withhold, is to create distrust, while its exhibition could not tail to operate as guaranty of sincerity, affording a practical endorsement of the value of the investment. It alio presents another consideration, which ought never to be overlooked, that, with the atrict personal interests of the affairs of the oompany will most likely be udiniuistercd with economy and judgment. The plan now proposed for the construction of this greut thoroughfare to the Lakes, appears, net only reasonable and practicable, but presents the most flittering expectations that the ultimate operation of the system would prove more advantageous to the stockholders, than a full subscription to the whole amount of the capital stock.

If we compare the general features ol this road, with those of the Western road from Boston to Albany, wh are presented with the extraordinary result, that, under every disadvantage, the public spirit cf Boston has overcomo difficulties which seemed to be insurmountable in tho con. struction of a road through a country any collate ral or local the citizens of N. Vork dare not venture on the completion ol the Erie road, parting through a region oi extraordinary wealth, and in its progross uniting with canals, railroads, rivers, anl lakes, each in iti turn of immense tributary ri-source. The Boston road is in length two hundred and one miles, and costs of which $5,000,000 is debt: the Klie road will be four hundred and eight miles long, and, $3,000,000 debt, will not cost the company over Tbe Boston company anticipate to pay large dividends, bated on their present success; and by (he operation of their sinking luud, will discharge their indebtedness within a reasonable period, while such is the confidence entertained In the profitableness of this that the bonds of tho company aro at a premium. Under such circumstances, it does seem incredible that there 'should be any reluctance on the part of capitalists to en'gage iu the Krie Railroad, the local interests of which are beyond when added to the though would, in less than five years, free the company from debt, and leave the capital stock, under $6,000,000, to eujoy the sole profit.

With a subscription ol $2,000,000, tbe completion of the road is rendered certain, as it has been ascertained that contractors on tho western portion of the road will take $1,000,000 stock in payment, which will leave the cost of the superstructure and other outlays, buildings, engines, cars, to bo discharged by bonds, to sui the convenience of tho company. To make up the two millions, in addition to what is already subscribed, about $1,300,000 are wanted, which the energy of ten men could easily procure, if the direc. tors will commenco and head the subscription with a small testimonial of liberality. It is understood that three of the directors have taken three hundred shares each, and supposing six of the others to take much, and the residue two hundred each, we may th pe, with conft" deuce, that the following schedule wo Incompleted 6 Directors, to subscribe 300 shai each, $180,000 8 do do 200 do 160,000 20 do 100 do 200,000 50 do do 60 do 250,000 AO do do 35 do 125 000 1(10 do do 20 do 200,000 200 do do 10 do 200,000 $1,415,000 There can be no doubt a largo subscription of less sums cauld be obtained, probably 2000 subscribers, at five shares cach, making $1,000,000, which, added to the subscription already made, would form an aggregate exceeding $3,000,000. If the directors should desire to decrease their subscriptions, let then be diminished in the ratio of their excess.

Every facility has been extended by the State to ensure the completion of this road, and only hing now a union among our capitalists and business men. We care little how the work is carried through to long as it is eventually finished. The receipts of the Charleston Railroad for the month of November, 1844, compares well with those of the preceding months of the year. It has been shown that it was only necessary for the receipts of November and Ddcember to equal those of the corresponding months of the last enable the Oompany te declare a dividei 4 equal to 6 per cent per annum, and have a handsome surplus besides, after paying all expenses, and the interest of its debt. The receipts for November, 1844 $56 269 72 Do do 1813 46,501 19 Surplus $10,768 63 The receipts of the Western Railroad for the week ondiug the 7th inst.

1844, compared with the corresponding week in 1843, were as iollows 1844 1843 Tassengers 14620 $3834 Freight, ike 3240 7266 Total $12,860 $11,100 or Dec. 11, 1844. Hrrhanli Board shares East Boston Co, 81 Norwich and Worcester RR, 70; bO do, so6d, 70; 36 Island Kll, 73J; 60 Western RR, 87J; 100 do, so6d, 88; 60 do 88; 60 do Auction-3 shares Lawience Manufacturing Co, 71 per ct adv; 6 Eastern RH, 14J per ct adv; 4 Boston and Worcester RR, 19 per ct adv; 42 Franklin Ins Ce, a per ct adv; 6 Hope Ins Co, per share; 7 Traders' Bank, per share; 6 North Bank, do. Exchange Hoard, Dec. 11 50 ahas Reading, so5d, 26 do 231; 65 do 2Jj; 60 Norwich and Worcester RR, so6d, 25 do, bofid, 71J; 26 do, so6d, 71 156 East Boston dividends, State of Trade.

Aftir.s?Pots are iuactive, and declining. We now quote $3 a 3 Pearls are now held at $4 25. Exports from 1st to 1,765 bbls; Pearls, 614 barrels. are now making to raise the price of flour. Genesee now from $4 a 4 75.

sales to-day are 800 bales, of which spinners have taken one halL Prices generally are a shade lower. qualities North River bale sell at 46 a 60c- There very little doing in the article. pork, prime new, at mess at $9 25, with a tendency upwards. Lard as wanted at 0 for kegs. are held at 24c.

Western and prison wc quote at 24 a Whale Oil and much doing in whale oil. Crude sperm sells at 90 cents. South Sea whale bone letches cents. The transactions in smrm, in New Bedford, lart week, were limited to several small all, about 400 bbls at 90 cents, which is a decline. About 1,200 bbls.

sperm oil have been exported to London, via Boston, within the last ten days. In whale, sales of 700 bbls. ordinary quality, have been made at 34 a 341 cents, cash. The latter price, however, refused on Saturday for a lot of Northwest oil. We have heard of but one transaction in that of about 10 000 W.

coast bone, at 39 cents. The stock on hand, of both des. criptiona, in New Bedford, is estimated at about 160.000 The whole stock in the country is estimated at lbs. exclusive of 30,000 lbs damaged, in this city, and that in the haads of and manufacturers. Brighton Cattle Dec 9 At market, 820 beef cattle, 18 yokes of working oxen, 26 cows and calves, 1,700 iheep, and about swine.

Pricks-Beef quote extra at $6: first qualitv $4 50 a 4 75; second quality, $4 a 425; third quality, $3 50. Cows and no'iced at $22,27, 29, 31, and extra cow at $46 60. sheep-Sales about the same as for one or twe weeks. Old sheep, good $3 17 a 3 44. One lot at fit 33, poor.

orisk. Lots at wholesale, 3c for'ows, and 4c far barrows. At retail, 4c for sows, and 6 a 6jc for barrows. Beef cattle are generally very poor in quality. Foreign Havana, Nov last two cargoes of riee, that of the Tower and Zephyr, sold at 7 a7J rs.

If Importations continue, piices must go down to 6 a 6j, now that the holidays a approaching. Coffee is beginning to come in, and brings 71 a $8. Molasses, 4 rs. and scarce. Ex chaoge on London, 11 a on the States, 3 a 3) pm.

I'sssciigeri Art-Wed. Msnhostedt, and in the foreign Importations. Bk? New York? (Hearted botes It tc? 46 balrs 6 ham? 7 wine Uelrichs Hrnschen 68 bxs Kcimer casks Clark O'isse chests H.i111:i St Ml bxs 8 chts 1 bale to order. MARITIME HERALD. Movements of the ttuamshlpi.

Hi earner Leave Liv'l. Ouei iJIme'a. LsareJime'a Caledonia, Lott. Dec. 16 Acadia, Harrison 4 17 Jan.

I Cambria, Jan. 4 16 reb. 1 Skip Maatera and Agenia. 'Ve slialt esteem it a furor if Captains of Vessels will to ltoaCKT Sii.tkt, Captain of our News lioats, a report of toe snipping left st the whence they sailed, the vessels spoil' their pusatfe, a list of their cargo, and any for ma newspapers, or news may have. He will board them imla -diAtelv on their arrival.

Agents and Correspondents at home or nhroau, will aim confer a Tavcr by sending to this offirr all the Marine Intelligence they can obtain. Nautical lnformsuua of anr kind will be thankfully reeeited. POK 1()K NKW votfck, DKCiCMBKH 13 ivn nisei. IITI. 34 I MOON ,4 I WATIk.

mi Arrived. ScCo Jay5 from with kc. to IMow. barque, two brigi, unknown. Sailed, Buuker, Cristnval Colon, NlT Larrabeti, do; Iria, (Br) La Poole, Tn Savauuah; biigal Kendall, Kobinaou, Orleans; Billow, Lawrence, St uid HIwcIIuimu ltuunl.

obii) Ct Higgius.of lite Caroline It Mary, at Unxoit, laHO, l.ju 73, Tell iu with brig Cvp and for Bo.tou from Philadelphia, in a condition, having beeu boarded by a heavy on the 7ih which her to leak ao much that (he crew were forced to abandou her. can' Irpperaud ciew were taken off by ihe (Urolin- St and carried into Bostou. 9thiuat. off Cod, pawed (lie hu'lof of Karaich, aeil? and rigging attached; taw a board her.

1 Commcbcial. Navtn ok Auiiri'n Llrvil Ihe of commercial naviaTof Ships Nit at Britain 23.162 u.sii "min Kuaaia 6, i'n i II mover Mtcklenliurg ijr Hamburgh 2(7 V. Hremen I 1,752 Holland fni '-JS? 275.0W lonumftanda 2,83 il! ii! Wlnaleineii. BelTVLn!'1Bowrn- Indian Oe-an, No. 4 inoaout clean at do July 10.

Arab, Harding, KH 'ioo 700 r2" 1'ortamnutli, 17000 Octafia er, 590 wh (iO of 1 jm I afew day.prev.ous, bark Klniie, Down. KdgartSwn 2 (iuauo. alio 200 a nl Kugliah veaaela. Idg Spoken. from Maneille.

Boiton. Oct Jl, off Oibnltir Thamanoo, W. 6th uli Suiyrb. (Br) bound Went, 12th ult lat 2ti 20, Ion 30 10 31 fun 7 352 for NOrieana, 3d Lat. lat 14 of Calcutta for Bu.ton, Sept 2J, Ut J2 40 Ion 36 for fhiladelphlk, 7th inat.

lat 39 31, Ion Wiacnaaet for Havana, 2Uth ult lat 26 J7, Ion 74 08 iSath for Cardenaa, 9ih iuM. lat 1125, Ion 10 Nov 29, foreign Ports. fm Ny' Mary Juie, Sid 17,1, f0r All Nov port, Kinina, Wait, of NV'ork. unc. Home Ports.

indVvNVV'tl. yen- Kuby' II. Jacob Perkim, Corp, awl Naples liataTiai l'trok" I'arker arleaton; Oainanli, (rarduer. 8myrna-6th a VVNW of Tjiomaa, where the put iu distress; Spa-tan rouslaiid Nirk ViVZ'S, C-Elnff nui foil of a ami carried fway.her jibboom; Porto Rico. Cottnll.

Aas CJayesTl'araMio uiiiuig, Miragoaiif; 8p edwrll, Piatt, barolino Sl ei Wilmicgton, Montevideo and Buenoa Ayrei-' 1l Chaie, York: Levelled Glide, pKWaAnNJW, MontilWotk Hwmhli i Below, Southport, (iorham, from fj? BoaT-'n; OHARLESTOfr, Dec John Fehrmaii, Lon? I I John Allynt New Harding. Cowea Mobilk, I)fc Huma, Linnell, and Gazelle Allen OallaPhiUder.Ihr. VUrk- Boiton; Mary, Ilicliardton, vv r.J nli Coveland Aichmend. rpHis LIFE PILLS. 1 counterfeited.

Purchaiers will therefore be sure of getting the Keuuine article oulv of agenu, all ofVhom are WBfBNJEEP of fin? herbal m-dithat fhev ",1 of a bnx wi" conviction I "he iivaU to hil to nvigorate the feeble, ine invalid to health, and do in all cases rtr fi have in their houae. as they mav ycai" 1'AKh ft TOTteA tu or'in thi tl' from our Agent for the Western part of Hew York. 1'homai Robea, Co November 4. IW4. t0 to Hi" Mr.

J. W. iflTp at the emcacy oi rarr a Life Pills, Alao, Mr. J. Jhairchilcl.

of in which opinion Mr. A. Bellamy. iif tei Qilly accorda. Indeed the.e Pill, have alTSfhen in New Jrork are not bri.k pill, and wl" and I have never yet inet with an iuatance where an iuvilid in taking them, (hat not of the obatinatc and dyanciitie eomplainu i- .1 SINCLAIRTOUSKY, oattna-ster of Joilin a Cornera.

Madiion couuty, tl. brorn our ill Philadelphia. beneliti from the favor wJTuVfm will' the Liver Complaint, and iny aide very attended with considerable coukIi I ln tlia throat. Kor three weeka before I uaed the pills I was completely reduced, and had become so ihtn to walk; and I could not sle.p more than two hours of a night, so cominrtely waa my system under he lafljene. of mv complaint.

I Lve over iwXXd dollara for medical attendance, and all the different kiuds of ''I 'hecureof the Liver Complaint, without lnviug received any relief, and I can say now hU have Parr's l.ife PilU, liave lie" I for llte laat live I am distance 1 did' walk any these a. iucorrrct. by 111 quiring ine receive moie particular information. Poplar Lane, above 7th liarden, Philadelphia. inform-o that Parr'.

Life ilia ara put np Hrench, Uerman, Spanish, and Portuutieie wrappers, with tw'imoniala in the language. (14 I re KOHiKTb I roprn tors. lw f.c. 117 Kuliou tib To aa pin eternity, by all who wineaaed, the pale and ohnet, caoaed br blood, and a moat Violent ooagh.with night.weatf. VhoWBenei.

and aiuad of the voice, indicating an alarming of diteaan: myelergv man waa'plam with me, and thatl had but a few daya to live, my ai.ter, who waa uiy anxioaa cart taker, made inquiry where ahe 10 "lief, i Compound Syruvnf Wild H'ih Vi- Ken'ral nae thronghout iff iftiiied for the eare of congka, coldt, comamption, of blooa influenza, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough, lickhaig or riaing the throat, aithma, of the nervou. tystem, or, impaired coiiatitution from auv eanae fa I ling into a decline. She waa informed if thia medicine tailed in the cure, my life wa. tyrup waa then orocured, and the fir.l bottle gare by the time I had commeuced trie fifth bottle, my ao mncti improved, 'hat tlr rrs'' NJ. a abort lime Kor a corroboration of the truth of tne above you can call on my inter, who in Ju.

aiper one doortelow lUc, I'Tia Lt.l8AAC^1? AN KKKVK8. poind Swayne', Preparation, from ST flctitioua aua counterfeit; prepared only bv Or. Kflef i 'Jat th: corner ot KiihtLnd of 'ladeIphia Agenta-Dr. W. H.

Milnor, comet vJ5? A. ltl rHZffJk ti LSrk? Warner, 204 llleecker Newark. N. Benjamin' P. Pi Backu.

ee.ter Wm Hollidge, Buffalo, N. Vork; 5. "WT wanted A YOUNG MAN, lately arrived from Europe, a situaAction clerk, in a reswcuble ntfiM or couutiDit-hottse. He hand, and will be desirous of making hinutIf usrfuf to any person who may employ hiin. fcrtSISjj Address B.

11 the office of i'ne New York Herald. Un 3tism VJti frijuii St. Loais, iu this city, he to his advantage, by tallini; at the Swedish Coovulate. No. West street.

dll rc JwES? BACHELORS ATTKNTlONAII membe Ik? araoppojed the proceedings of HMtiu livid at midnight ol I iifidiy, are to attend at S. BROWN'S. 51 street, uu Fiday, Dec. i3. at a o'clock, M.

12 35 cu.iiriwn k'? I If'1 Eiekiel, Kil eudorarA by txexiol, dated New York, 4th December. 4 turns and tlm meat tliemf been slopped, are herein rauti ayaiust negotistiag the same. Auy titidiiiK the uiw will ieate it at 81 Pine itrtet. N. FZKKIEL.

NATIONAL COFFEE HOUSE. 321 prielor reajiectfully informs Ilia friends and the public that he haa a splendid establishment in the immediate vicinity of mercantile business; liilliarda and other amusements in the KOOM; tlM prtCM Of li.ll. trda Mil per pM, THs pnpnt1 tor haa had atrict reg trd to elegance aud coinfoit; and that lie lita combined economy the following prices will A room Air one night, for one week, for a mouth, t. H-fieihmeuls on the shortest notice. Tlie 1 orter will be in attendance at all tiinea duriuK the night, to admit lodgers and to let tliein at all N.

who waut lodgiugi after the is cloaed ill riiiK the ball tell. d'3 Hiie for the winter, or to purchase, a good Two liorae Cab, Low Carriige. or Laiidau, without horses or liarneaj. Upper 1'oat Ollice, with tertiu and deacription. d.3 Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm and title of KEARNEY UUIIMNG.

at Chatham street, (iu this city,) was diaiulted by muiual consent on the 9th instant. Mr. George Kearney respectfully hia friends anil the publi', that lie haa taken his old itaud, No. 5 Chatham stieet, where he will be happy at all tunes to meet hia friends New York, December Dili, 1841. dI THE EDITOR OK THK NEW YOKK HF.RALI)' individual, calling himself the Philadelphia correspondent of the haa, ou two occa'imia, made remarka concerning myself and my Lectures, which I da not desire to pus uuui.tic'd.

I do uot consider it of much consequence what may be said in thia way, by au iudividu .1 without name or eh trai ler, (unless it be of that kind which it ia I a HjtJ but I do uot want my in other places to bedeceived by it? here, such trouble is set down for what it is worth, and that is very li'tle. I am happy to state that my Lectures have lieen inoie numerously attended, and more llaiteringly received, than 1 ever anticipated. I have had resolutions iiiiainino'ialy passed at the both my Gentlemen's and Ladies'Classes, expressive of the fullest apt rob ltion aud requesting still another repetition, which will accordingly lie given week. These resolutions will be published in the with the signatures of mauy well-known and respecteble iuhabitauts attached thereto You will su-, therefore, that the only iiersou who is makinic himself "ridiculous." (accordiuK to custom,) is your nameluss eorresp indent. I have, ou all previoua occasions, found the Herald actuiK with justice and I trust that now iu tlip same spirit, insertion will be given to this communication.

yours, t. HOLLICK, M. D. Sainlersou'aHotel, Dec, 12, 1341. ill3 Ifubclkco NEW YORK LYCEUM, 74 street, corner of Bmatlway.

NEW SCHOOL OF VIUtNCH, (JERMAN, ITALIAN, ENGLISH, OREEK, LATIN, MATHEMATICS. UEOURAl'IIY, ETC. IVfONH. RICHARD, iu conjunction with M. ADOLPHE A'L 8CHWOB, ancient pupil of the Normal School iu Paris, Professor in New York; M.

L. UILLKROND, Bachelier t'S and es sciences, D. eu M. MAPLESON, Ch ev'r of Kt. Louis, English Professor from Loudon and otlier several Professors, have opened ill the above mentioned place, a School for daily pupils.

The hours of instruction are from 9 in the mottling until 3 in the afternoon. The system is that adopted iu the College! of Krance Kreuch is the language of the School. The terms for the whole course of instruction aie quarter. Kor those who wish lessons iu any moderu language, $li quarter. Mr.

Richard continues his courie of lectures in French every eveuing at 7 o'clock. BEACON COURSE-FOOT RACE. ANK THOUSAND DOLLARS will Ik- given for Foot s-' Race of Twelve Milev, to come off over the Beicou Course oo Monday, tlie 16th December, weather permuting. $300 to the second in the race. Entrance teu dollars, aud to lie made with the proprietor, or at R.Smith's.

Park How, on or before tlie 7th ins'. C. 8 BROWNINtl. Proprietor. The following persons have entered for the 12 inile John Oildersleeve, Thomas Orecnhalgh, Thomas McC tbe, John Navils, aud J.

P. Taylor. Same day, a purse of $150 for a race of four miles Eutrance Si. to lie made with tlie pmpri ttor, cr at R. Smith's, Park Row, on or liefore Thursday evening, the 12th inst.

The following Pedestrians have entered their names to start for the four mile raceAmbrose Jackson, Geo. Hill, Win. Bailow, Wtstervelt, Wm. Fowl, James Francisco, Andrew L. Vaness, Thos.

McCabe, James Bloomlield, J. P. Taylor, 13 JOSEPH, Maidea Laae, (up sum,) lish. French, and German double and single barrel Fowlins and Ducking GUNS, from the lowest to (beat qualities. Also, alwaya oa hand, an extensive assortment of PISTOLS both Double and Single Barrels, embracing 100 different kinds including the modern Sii lietolvera, all of which will ttsold lower than any other l.unae in theftrade.

Merchants and Uun Smiths arc particularly requested to call, previous lb their parehasos, as they will certainly find it to thetr aJ0 TXf the undersigned, request Mrs M. L. Bishop to deliver discourse oa the Ingathering of Itrael, in Columbian Hall, 2S5 Grand street, on Thursday Eveuing, the I2th inst. Also, (after the discourse) shall be pleased to hear read a copy of the letters written hv M. L.

11. to M. M. No-li, in answer to appeal made by him in Broadway Tabernacle, for female help, in the evangelization, in conurctiou with the rest iration of the Jews. Also, the gentleman's auswer, and M.

L. Bishop's reiily, M. A. He.tger, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs.

M. Gwynce, Mrs. C. Webster, Mrs. L.

Scheprelmanu, Mrs. J. Bagley, Mrs. E. Stone.

N. compliance with the above request, M. L. Bishop will, tlie Lord willing, attend at Columbian Hall, 265 Grand it. on '1 hursday evening, 12th inst.

at 7 o'clock. Free The public are respectfnlly invited, dll COAL FAWN Subscriber is now to receive orders for the above superior quality of Coal, direct from vessel or yard. The Cumberland Coal is bituminous in iu uature, burning freely with a blaze, but uo aoot or smoke, aud has been pronounced superior to the Liverpool Onrel Coal by some of tlie first chemist iu hngliiiid and America. The subscriber has received the first and only cargo shipped to this market sinre the complet of the Com pany's roau. Apply to T.

STOKES DICKENSON. No. 107 Authony st, rear of Broadway Tabernacle, dll ARTICLES FOR PRESENTS. TIFFANY, YOUNG ELLIS A NNOUNCE to wholesale and retail purchasers that they have received by late arrivals 82 Cases; their supply of auch goods as they are accuatoined to import, suitable for the Holidays, comprising an assortment eveu larger, more splendid and more complete than that of the last season. As their first determination has always been to keep articles of the very best quality and lioisn, and ill tlie fittest and most select styles: they are aware that they may sometimes fail to receive the credit they desire to selling "cheap;" yet the distinguished and increasing patronage they receive assures tJiem that most purchasers of articles of 'l'aste aiprrci- te their determination, and they are cunlident that an eiamination and comparison ofgoodsand prices will result in convincing all that they procure a more elegant, better, aud more perfectly finished article without any increase of price.

259 and 260 Broadway. dll is tjl rrc TEETH! 75CKNTS UNIiY. TTNPRECEDENTED reduction made in Dentistry. Te-th filled with line gold from 75 cents to 1 00 Willi tin foil, 50 With his celebrated mineral, 75 Tootache cured or ulcerated teeth extracted, 25 N. TAYLOR, Surgeon Dentist, 62 East Broadway.

Balls, parties, assemblies, iir would do weii to give JERVIS a call for Engraved Ball Tickets, prinetd Circulars, aiid Cards of luviUtiou of etery description, he being prepared to do Ball Printing as good aud cheaper tlitn nuv oneelaeiu the city. and satisfy yourself at JERVIS'S Original Cheap Engraving and Printing Establishment, 338 Broadway, next door to the Taheiuacliv n28 lin'rre NEW YORK RIDING SCHOOL. Not. 05 and 07 Watt at. near Canal.

rpHE Proprietor of this popular establishment, begs to render J- his grateful acknowledgement of the distinguished patronage which he harrrceived fnnn the public, aud to state that his hvKNinn School for Equestrian Tuition nnd Kxercise Riditg will open for the season on MONDAY next, the 20th iustaut. Hours from 7 to Id P. M. The Evenings of Mouday aud Thursday are set apart for gentlemen auu the ladies of the families exclusively. The ruling master I well known to be oue of the moat and aucceaaful in this country.

II19 JAMES CODDINGTON. Proprietor. THE SARACEN'S HEAD, NO. 12 DKY doora below the Kranklin House, lli'tilway. This House, well known to those of our cititens who like to enjoy a mug of the "blood of John Barleycorn" iu undisturbed quit, with the privilege of reading the lalrst foreign aud Amercau papers, has lately h-en purchased by the subscribers.

As will be seen it has become a lialJ-l'HWK establishment; but its old cuatorners as well as new oues, will flud no deterioration in iu usual comforts. u27 GUSTIN Ik PRICE. bushels Lancashire cup potatos of very extr.1 quality, lauding ex ship Sidd ma, from Liverpool, and for stle in lots to suit purebasers, by dlO E. CP NS CO, 56 South st. busbela superior Irish Potatoes, lauding ex Siddous, from and for sale in lou to suit by COLLINS It CO.

Month at. NEW YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY. On and after October 28. tlie cars will run ns Leaving City Hall for Harlem, (125th at,) Morritiania, Kordhatn. William's Bridge, Hunt llridge, Underbill's Road, Tacaahoe, Hart's Comers and White Plains.

7.30 A. 10.30 A. I P. M. and 3.30 P.

M. Leaves Williams' llridga for City Hall 8.45 A. 11.45 A. to P. P.

M. eaves Titckalioe for City Hall 8 25 A. 11.25 A. I 55 P. 4 25 Leave' Wliita Plains for City Hall 8 A M.

II A 1.30 P. I P. M. Freight trains will leave City ilall at 12 45 M. Leive White Plains at 8 A.

M. The Weslcheatcr Train will stop otily, after leaving the City Hall, at tlie corner of Broome st. and tlie Bowery Vauxh.tll Jarden and 27th street. An Extra Car, will precede each Train tit', before the time of starting from tlie City Hall, and will lake up passengers alonq tlie line. Extra Harlem and Merisiania Trains, for Morrisiania aud intermediate places, Leav? City Hall for Harlem and A.

9 A. 2 P. 4.30 P. M. Morris ania for City Hall, 8 A.

10 A. A. 3 P. 5.30 P. M.

By orilerof the'Board, W. H. CARMAN, Secretary. STATEN ISLAND FERRY. On and Tfter Sunday, Dec.

1st, the Boats will leave as followi, until farther Leave staten island: and 10, A and M. LKAfE NliW YORR 9 aad 12, A. aad P. On Sundays the Boat will leave at II, A. in plsre of 12.

nlttrc SCOTIA POTATOK9-A very superior A-' sattable for family coustautiy on hand and for tale, in low to suit, at No. SANDB'8 SARSAPARILLA. pOMBINES iu itsel triad of properties possessed by no other iiifdii preparation, la general practice to eshihit tint an aperient, thru atonic, aud sometimes various forms of these are Admin isf red in progress ol a and tedious ruie But iu we at or pleasant alterative, awl a mild tonic. I ne kireat processes of purgaiou, ueutia'txttipn. and restoration, all goon uether I irraouiousJy.

itsUlaiy inflwy. Jjbe unwholesome particles of the blood are neutralised and cwmu and a healthy tone is restored to ofjjaus the fluid. can and have testified to ettcacy iu removing rhrouic coustitueional an unhealthy or raved state of and other llu icofula, or enlargement of the lands, lumbago, tl? rheum, ecfteina. and other similar affections, sie safei) and rff-c ually cured by its use. Iu rhaomatisin aud other paiufnl affections of the muscular tibre, a Ji-eedy of the pain, and iu all cases a renewal of streugth, keeping pace wi ll the retreat of the diiease from tlie system.

Seize upon truth where'er 'tis found, Arnougst your friends, amongst vourioes, On Christian or on Heathen ground? The flower's divine where er it Neglect the prick'e and assume the rose. The proprietors are daily receiviug from the pro lion, ministers of the gospel, officers of justice, aud private ample and willing testimony, both writteu at verb il, to llie value and efficacy ol this To the poor it is furnished gratuitously, on sufficient prool lug given of their worthiness. The following letter eslnbits 111 a remarkable manner the gtrst efficacy of the Harhaj arilla iu a most severe scrolulous anu rheumatic affectum: N. 11 mo. 12, A B.

bi D. Iii the spriujc ol 182) 1 was atticked with rheumatism, wnicn, continuing, became chrouic aud settled in my right band, arm mill leg, tnd for three years 1 was perhaps as gieat a sufferer as ever lived. The hip joiut ulcerated in eight eks from the commencement of the attack. The bone came out in pieces. I have now lost all the right thigh hone, anu also the use ol the right leg; most of whe bone iu two lingers ol the right hand lias also decayed aud beeu removed.

a. a I resoit-d tn various remedies with scarcely any beueht, and finally concluded 1 must suffer on uutil death came to iny reliei, blit a kind ami over-ruling Providtuce ordered otherwise, lu 18-13 I was seized with a severe cold, which greatly increased rheuma.ic I passed many days in the uiost excruciating torture, without finding any reliei trom any thing i used. In this tried situ llward of your oarss pari I la, ana felt strongly prepossessed iu its favoi, Iroui the great good it liau done iu many cases. I procured one bottle, and found almost immediate relief, i theu procured two inure, which entirely relieved me. There au ulctrated sore on my left arm, near the thoulder, which is madutlly he.ding, and this is 'II tliat is leit if my once formidable disease.

1 was also for eight years most of the time severely alllicted with a chrouic diarrhea I. which the gariaparilla entirely cured. For the sake ol buffering humanity 1 wish these, facts made public, and hope it may induce others as 1 have beeu to try the same remedy. Your grateful friend, WILLIAM O. WARINO.

Arm hn, Nov. 16, 1814. Mkssks. A. B.

8c D. Sands statement made by W. U. Waring respecting his case, auu the suffering through hich he has pissed, may be implicitly relied Very respectfully yours, Rll-HAHU 8 The following interesting case is Hreseuted. and tlie reader invitedjto its careful Comment on such evid'nee is uunecessary.

Nkw Mkssrs. consider it but an act of justice to you to state the followiug facts iu reference to the I have received in the cure of an obstiuate Canckhoui ULt rh was atieuded eighteen moutlis by a regular and skilful physician, assisted by the advice and counsel of one ol our most able and surgeons, without the least beaictit whatever. All the various methods of treatiug cancer were resorted to for live weeks iu succession my breast was burned with caustic three times a day, aud for it was daily syringed with a weak solutiou of uitric acid, and the cavity or internal ulcer was so large that it held over an oance of the solutiou. lie Doctor probed the ulcer and examined the boue, and saiu disease was advancing rapidly the lungs, and rl I aid not get speedy relief by inediciue or an operation, the result would oe fatal. 1 was advised to have uie breast laid open and the boues examined, but finding no relief from what had beeu doue, and feeling I was rapidly getting worse, 1 almost despaired ol considered my case nearly Seeing various testimonials and certihcates of cure by the use of Sands's in cases similar to my own, 1 concluded to try a few bottles, several of which were used, ut from the long ueep seated character of my disease, produced no very decided change considering his as the only probable ei re lor my case, 1 persevered, until the was entirely wed.

It is now over eleven months since the cure was OlvHed there is not the slightest of a return. tlui-tfore, pronounce mytrlj wkix and the. cure cniirtiy fated hy "hi anus's a il a ah i li. a as took mother meritcine of any kind the limel tu.n* taken any tince. PlKue eicaae long d'lerred aLkaowledg ment, which I think it my make.

our valuable parilla cured me, witii the bleastug of Dinne Providence, uothing clw couli, and I frrl myself under lutinK obligauout to you. I can many tliinni I caunoi and I do invite ladies afflicU-d I beeu to call me aud I will aatisfy tlirm fully of the truth La ted above, and many other thiugi iu IM ine cMf; NANlyY MltLLtti 211 Sullivan ilrfet, next door to tlie Metnodiat Church. Kor further particulari and evidence of superior value and efficacy, paniphleu, which may be obtaiued 1'ri-pared and told, wholetale and retail A. B. 1).

SAN US, Urugawta, 79 Kulton street, 273 Broadway, 77 Broadway. Bold alio bv DruggiiU generally throughout the United Btatea. Price $1 bottle botHes for public are requeued to remember that it i. Sand'. Sanaparilla that has and conamntly achieving aucb remarkable curr, of tlie moat difficult claaa of ulaeaKa to which tlie human frame is subject; therefore ask for Hands oaijaparills, and Uhe no other.

a3 lm ro Medical AidSKCHET ii a certain aecret vice eviating among the youthful aud indncreet, tliat to a premature debility, deciiy, old uiwnity and deith and auch a death aa none can contemplate without ahuddsriug and ihnnkiug irom the horrible thought of aelf-deatruetion. to which the.e deluded victims are rushing with such fearful velocity. Ur. Bell, superintendaut of the Asylum at Charlestown, in alluding to the subject of this notice says 41 There is a foul plag ue in our I midst cutting off among the young, the beautiful, and the pro- i mising of our land." Dr. of tlie Massachusetts Stat Lunatic Hospital, says: It is the vice ol ignorance, not i of depravity, and that something should be done to rescue the I most promising youth of the State from this mind-wasting in- i dulgeuce." The late Hush in a letter to Dr.

Oreuory. says I It is time for those who love the purity or the well-being of society to speak out upon a vice which is dangerous only in proportion to tnc secrecy and silence in which it is involved. Dr. has recently receivid a letter from Dr. Monroe of the nTV.

8. Lunatic at Utica. He says. It is blighting to body, iniud, and soul than any other vice We have now in the Asylum about 300 confiimsd luoatics, whose mental as well as bodily imbecility has beeu cauled by this insidious aud desolating Impotence and barrenness frequently arise from this cause, and should the health, either mental or physical, be si ared lor the present, yet does nature keep a most ritrid record of all delinquencies, and sooner or later will bring tlie transgressor to a fearful reckoning. Dr.

Gregory has published a treatise upou this and other subjects of a private nature, highly interesting to all agfs, sexes, aud conditions, but the most agreeable part of this notice to those interested, will be that which relates to the remedy that is caoable of repairing a broken constitution it is Invigorating 'Ionic it may be relied upon in all cases ith a certainty of cure, except wheie malformation preexisted, or where orgauic derangement has siiice occurred. II it were a subject ol propriety to iiubluh the ol value, the Herald would not be large enough to contain the half of thoae that have beeu received, and tlie that have been offen It a medicine that, invigorate. the system, ami enriches and nourishes the lluids, aud is peculiarly efficacious in repairing liiwaid wastiugs. loss of indigestion, depression of spirits, shortness ol breath, and many other symptoms which are generally to In-long to, or precede a Consumption of the lungs; price in cases of half a down for $10. and forwarded by express as lier order, the price of tlie book is 60 by mail will obtain it post paid to any part of the United UK.

OHKODRY'S Residence 66 Uold street, fc. K. corner of Beektnati street wheie he may be consulted in his profe.sion, privately and confidentially, at all hours of the day or evening. Orders by mall will receive particular care and prompt may lie addressed to Bui JC7 Upper Post Office, N. fC COKBITT may be consulted confld-ntiallr at hi? Ut LJ iic? if Uuane street, two doors froin Chatham.

Strangers are respectfully informed that Corbitt is a member ol ths University of the City of New York, and Out he hat eiclnsively confined his practice from ueiug to the trwtmeut ol certain classes ol diseaaes, (now over eleven vears in the city ol New York,) which engf ibis enure attention. 1 he auiali ol medicine do not record ater snccew than to be found hu crtctiee. The Doctor cautions the unfortunate against the of inerearr, aii kaj ts of iictima. KeceatcMea are in a few days entirely from the system. Bee thai you are judiciously treated by a person legally Qualified, and not by pretenders and quacks as there are several of them in this city.

1'eraoDS afflicted with jirotracted and inveterate cases need not despair of being reatored to health, by applying to Ur Coibitt. A practice of many years haa established the Doctor reputation lor skill and respectability. Mtrictoires engage tht Doctor's profound attention. A mediciaa tuay be had to pre vent a certain disease in any of its forms. Im re SPARRING ROOMS.

JOHN MeCLBKSTKB He (JKOKOE KEN8KTT beg reJ sivctfullv to inform iheir friend, and tlie public tliat they intend to open the LA HUE ROOMS, ia Monroe Hall, corner of I'earl anil Ceurre streets, on Mondiy, tt. for the purpose ofgiviug Private in the Art of Self IJelence, in the modem aud improved style. The easy and sale manner (fee from unleuce) in which the pupil acquires the Art, will be appreciated. This eiercise is recomineuiled by nur nrst physicians to persons of sedentary habits, and in of contracted diseases, as it will iiiv.iriably unnrove the symmetry of tlie humaii form Dyspeptic subjects partiaularly, will lie surprised at the ebtained from this have beeu entirely cured after medicines have totally failed. Mtrict decorum will be preserved hi tlieir room.

Uentlenien will lie waited on and taught at their reaidences. Kor terms, (which are moderate) apply as above. linje ENOLISH, FRENCH ANU AMERICAN SHUPPINO AGENCY AT LIVERPOOL. Nonctc. HAV1NO withdrawn our Agwcy entirely frtm Manas.

k('l of Boatou and New York, we hereby aaaounce that Mksirs. AniMS of No. 9 I ourt.atrert, Boau.n and 7 Wall sum, New Yorli, ere oor authorised Agents for Llie Stales and Canadn, who are fully empowered to act for us aa our Shipping and Korwarding American Agenta. Te ensure lie reception of goods in Liverpool, and the forwarding of the same to any part of ranee kc- kc it is necessary that they should pass through the hands or our said Aurnti ME8M18. ADAMS No.

7 Wall street, New York. I I'ena. Avenue, Washington. No. Chesnut stre- I'liilad.

1 No. 15 Kourth at. I ltuburg. No- Liverpool May 1, IHIWIl.LMER 8t SMITH take thia opportunity of stating to Merchants, Brolo-ra, Importers and othera, reaident: in every part of the Union, that their Liverpool house la peculiarly adapted for the instant and expreaa iWspatch of packages, sjiecie. raaaing through Liverpool for Bosun( New York, and all tlie citiea in the United Stales aud Canada, and that thai department of their boain-ss has thk snd a rTKifTion or tmk on all nceaaions.

WILLMEH Ik SMITH Have made with Mesars ADAMS by which all tloods paaaing throigrh tlieir Liverpool house for and otleir ids have tlie immediate puuctual attentiou of their laid Ageuta, Meiert. Jtdami CV at lloaton aud New York. will tltereby be from delay aud hiuh 'I hey deem it necessary here to slate, Jiat thev have ao ooa trsion whatever with Mr. (i. Tne.kennan, nf Liveroool ml.LtohH ENGLISH EXPRESSES WILLMKK SMITH, who have for a series of years run private Eipreases to and from London with important iiitellizenee, fieooently performing tlie entire journey, 210 la HOUKS.

offer Ui tiie American Public and Government their services for the safe and rap-d of important li.euinei.ja, despatches, (miiiii. bills, kc which (Till, on all occasions, be most faithfully delivered by their own on vale messekiger, and hoars generally in advance of tlie r.nff,Sh?riTtoLo-iaon. Mr EDWAItb WlLLMER, who i. in Ameriee, is prepared to afford any information upon this inbieet, and give security for the due of all such Vusiness as beegirtsted to his Liverpool 1)11 LARDNEK. CONSULTING HNiilNKKK rnblic is informed, thai Ur.

LARDNEIl cniiliriiies the pracrice of business aa a onsulting e.ngiKiiieer, which be followed on an rttensivr scale Tor many years ill Kuglaud and Inventors, paU-uU-es, maniiUcturers, merchants, and olliers engiged in the arts and mall Iliac tures, ui iy him on matteis reiiuiring the application of the of practical science. erlilicates and opiuions on tlie validity and usefulness of new Inventions and processes in the arts lleports on disputed questions and doubtful points, experimental investigations, with a view lo the discovery or testuitf of improved processes, will be snppjied or underuken when feiaired. Office No 21 Spruce street, New York. All Business Letters tnnst be post-paid, and lo prevent time being lost by frivolout all applicants will petted to pay a rawmiug le? of tit belott i eU iinro AMUSEMENTS. HAHK IT OK Mill.

SEQUIN, Ami Last AnnMW of MB. FBAZEB, AftlJ Mil. AN 1) MB8. BBOU1WTHIS KVCNINO, Drc. IJth, MM.

for I6lh nine in America, a u'evilatled llie BOHfc. vllAN GIRL-Thaddeiu, hoof, Mr Heguiu; Arliue, Mrs Seguia. Tocuuclude withClNDKBELL Priuce MrFraur, Dandini. Mr 'teguin; Cinderella, MrsSeguin. Spirit of (lie King, Mr? Bussell.

iTHjTi? Tier 75 and hifd I til cents. PALMO'Si NKW VUHH UPKKA MOUBK. FBI JAY EVENING. Dec 13th. 12th uight of the of CLNKRKNTOLA will be pfrlornMu.

Siguora Pico; Don Barnir, Sig Aatoguiui; Sig 'lumui; Don Sauquuico. Kirit TIm wil Parqucue, Second Tier 40 cts Private Boies, with 4 admissions, $6 Skason Tickkti, without Seats, can had at the Box open atT; perforatum to commence at Sean seemed fro in 9 A M. to 4 P. M. Librettos iu Eugluh and lull ill can Iw had at tlie Bos Office.

dig rrc THANKSGIVING DAY. AFTEBNNOON A I) KNINU. Half-price iu the Afieruoou to the Gossin, Clown all the Actf. DON UUIXOTTK. ITALIAN FANT0C1NI.

And Twelve Beautiful Acta iu the Circ'e. including llie SYLfll UK Tilt. SILVER SHOWER. 12 ucttroiva TIIKATKK. ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIAMR.

8 CONNER'S BENEFIT. FRIDAY EVENING. 13th, 1141, will be presented the Comedy of Mr on tier; Graven, Mr Burton; Sir Blount, Mr Hteveiu; Dudley Smooth, Mr Barrett; Htout, Mr Kaulkuer; Clara, Lady WOOL which Mr Burke To conclude with the Damluff, Mr Conner; Fedora, Mm huby. GREAT NOVELTY AND ATTRACTION At Nlblo'w Theatre, FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY. 'PHE Lateal and most exteusive Scientific Kcliibitiou from I I KEEVlL, F.

will have the honor of delivering a of F'our lectures, two on the POLARIZATION LIGHT, and two on ASTRONOMY, on MonJ.y Eeeniug, Dec. 16th, Tuesdav, ITtli, the ISih, and Thursday, the 19th. Th? on the of Light and Color, Illustrated by the Pudttrucope and a collection of Crystals, including tlie'l ourmaline, the B'jby, the To pax and tlie Diamond, estimated at $10,000. Th? Astronomical Lectures will illustrated liy the newly invented Plauetarium, Moveable Instruments, and 20.CU0 objects of the Sideral Heavens. After each Lecture, Thos Henry, member of the Nation'I lustitiile at Paris, will exhibit his Diohamic Views of Palestine, anil other places of historical interest, being 4U in number, and the same whioh have been ethibited at the I olylechuic Institution, London.

accompanied by a splendid uul. Doors open at to commeuce at half past 7. Carnages may be in waiting at half past 9. Parqueite or dress circle, 40 cents each Lecture; clrldreii half price, to dress circle ouly. Second bones, 24 A transferable tick to admit oue adult to th- Course, to the drns ciicle, $1 40, may tie had at the Astor House, Clinton Hall, Society Library, Nibio's, or door of Theatre well aired.

di3 3tkltwrc Animal magnetism and 'phrenology. and Night but oue, at the Society Library, Broadway, corner of Leunard street. Professor RODOEB'S will, This Evening, December ISth, give another of his Magnetic and Phrenological by Miss I. iomi the celebrated ch plv er, while in the magnetic stale. Prof.

Bodgers will also deliver a short Lecture on Animal Magnetism and Phrenology. Aduiitsiuii fjr one gentleman ind two ladies $1. Single tickets 40 cents. Commences at past 7 o'clock. dIJt 8AI fHK NINTH ANNUAL BAI of this cumpanv will tike I place at Tammany the.

16th December nett. In making ihe necessary arrangements, the con mittee have been instructed to sliare no pains, and it is confidently einecied th- company ou this occasion will surpass all their former efforts Tickets $1. may be obtained of the following ('apt 8. S. Parker, 4B Greenwich St.

Lieut. Muckeriilge, 7 Spring at. Ensign 1IH Division st. Sergt. Bovee, 221 do.

Whitman, 246 Bleeckerst. Payuton, 4 Smi st. J. Oillhoo'ey, 78 Nassau st. Win.

Biooks, 69 Fultaii st. A. W. Barnes. 144 Chatham st.

H. Walker, 349 Urand st. 12 WM. 11. BOVEE, Sec'y.

GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT AND DANCE, FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE FRENCH BENEVOLENT 0DC1ETV. rpHE COMMITTEE of the New York French Benevolent J- Society has honor to announce that the following emiuent artists have kindly volunteered their rvices for a and Vocal and Instrumental Concert, le be given at Palmo's Theatre, on Saturday, Dec. 11th Signora BOBOHKSK, biennra PICO, aud Mademniselle DF.SJABDI*8 8ignors ANTOONIN1. PEBOZZ1, 8ANQU1RICO, RAPE I Tl, Messieurs F.TIENNE and MARTIN. FULL 8 A AND It 8 8 8.

For particulars of the piogramme see small bills. Admission, first 'ier and pnriiuette, second tier, 40 cents. Tickets to be had at Palmo's Theatre, at the Music Stores and prniciptl Hotels, and from the Committee. Doo's at at 8 o'clock. Per ordsr of the Couimiltee.

,18 Iwjgli OKOB. OIJVNET, Secretary. OLE HULL RKSPK.CTFULLY auuoiiucts that ou Wednesday evening, 18th 1811, he will give a CONCERT at Palino's Opera House assisted by a full and effective Orchestra, under the direction of 8 gitor MANNA, when he will have the honor to perform, lor the first time, his new composition, entitled, "NIAGARA," with other novelties. I in future advertisements. TICKETS ONE DOLLAB be had at the Music Stores, Astor House, and at dooi.

dllrc 188 ELIZABETH AND ANNE Harpists, and Vocalists, respectfully inform the public, that the Apollo being pre-engaged, due notice will lie given where their third Concert will take place. ill I rrc DR. VALENTINE AND BUNKER HILL'! At tbe Coliseum, 450 Broadways rpHE manager, determined to distauce every other place of 1 amusement iu quality and quantity ofattractloi effected a short engagement with the celebrated Dr. Va eiitine, who. iu connection with tlie graud "Battle of Bunker Hill, (which of is the moit wonderful mechanical eihibilinn in the whole real life) will open his budget of Random Head and Marvels aud Sketches, lie.

tie. Doors open at at 7 o'clock. P. on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 P. M.

for families and schools. ICr- On Thanksgiving Day, three all the same, will be giveu, at 11 A. at 3, and again at 7, P. M. dlO LECTURES FOR THE RELIEF OF THE APPRENTICES' LIBRARY.

BK DELIVERED BY DB LARDNER, at the Stuy veunt first Lecture of this Course having been postpone 1 in consequence of the dangerous- illness of Ur. LarJner's eldest child, will lake place on ridav the 13th inst. and iu order to cumiwusate tliose who purchased for the disappointment they eiperienced by the postpourment, an additional Lecture will lie given. Tlie Course as finally arranged will consist of five Lectures, as follows Friday, Dec. 13th The Plurality of Worlds.

Monday, Dec. 16th The Lunar Wednesday, Dec. IRth Sun. Friday, Dee. 20th 1 he Planets.

Monday, Dec. 23d Tlie Stellar Universe. To commrnce at half-past 7 o'clock, precisely. The great of the city aud other causes have rendered the Library entirely inadequate to so extensive a field as that in vhich it is placed. Believing that the commuuity lias much at stake in the future character of apprentices, a in city numbering from ten to twelve thouaand, who may hereafter control tlie destinies of all other classes for good or appeal is now made to the generally to aid in austaimng the provision liere made for the moral and intellectual improvement or tliose whose future career may involve such imiwrtaut couaequencea.

Tickets for the course, of for a gentleman II; lady 40 cents; for a single evening. 24 ceuts. To be had at the No. 34 rosby ('rand and Broome streets, during the evening; at Van Norden King Stationery store, 42 William in the Kxchauge; Bartlett Welford's, 7 Astor House; H. B.

Raynor'i, 76 Bowery, and T. J. Crowen's Bookstore, 613 Broadway, coruer of Bleecker EXHIBITION. THE END OF THE WORLD. A PAINTING, OF VERY LARGE SIZE, by F.

Anelh, at the Apollo, 4t? Broadway. Tlie Exhibition is entirely separate from the Concert Room. Open from 10 A. M. to 4 P.

M. Admission 24 ceuts. ul7 ImrTC NEW YORK (JALLERY OF FINE ARTS, PEBSONS holding Scrip Certificates of this Gallery are informed they in obtain tickets of Life Membership at the door of the (iallery, which is now oiien in the Isrge room of the National Academy of Design, over the Society Library. d8 New yobk fulton and ann street men a GERIE. '49 Fult'io street, and IS, Ann street, under direction of John Stears.

This Managerie contains some ol most remarkable animals that were ever seen in this country, full description of which will be found in the large and sinalI bills of the day. Theie are in the collection a Buffalo, a B'ack an Obrang Outang, an Elk, a Talking Bird, the Mino. several kinds of Wolves, a dox-n of different kinds Monkeys, a I ainel, ('rowued uirda, and timuy of the animals mentiontd in aacrw There is a cspae.ious ring for circns exercises by a wonilrrful pony, ridden by the Ourang Outang Also the amel perforins in the riug, aud can be ndden by Udi-s and children, aud tinMoose is also introduced in the ring. A seiiarate entrance for ladies, 149 niton street, next to Cutler's ding store. F.ntrance for gentlemen in Ann st.

The place is well warmed, and the seals arranged like an amphitheatre, Oren from 9 in the morning till 9 at nignt. Admission I2K cents. fc THISTLE BALL. THE MANAGERS of the THISTLE BENEVOLENT I ASSOCIATION heg leave respectfully to announce, thai their First Ball for will take place at 1 ammany Hall, on Friday Ktening 13th December, 814, to lis studied, is well known, to chantalde 'i'he order ol Dancing sc'ording to programme Mr. J.

Pa'hef has been engaged to manage the floor. Mr. allace esc-llent Bsnd ii engaged for tlie occasion. The Committee have unr- milting in their exertions to see that the music shall lie full and efficient. The Ball will lie op-ned hy ihe Highlai II ig-Pipe, and National Airs will be played previous the mmencemenl.

as well as during intermission of dancing. Hoots nt will cemmence prenseiy at clock. Bll IIA BH8( GEO. HABRIHPN, street, Insurer WM Mclaughlin, 114 Kiiraheth vjrtue. corner 14th street and comer (irreiiwicli and Laight st recta; KS DIJN LOP, John Street, B'ooklyn; JAMES KSI'IE.

21st street snd 1st Avenue: J. B. WAISl'ELL, 84 Hudson street. Checks not transferable. A.

CAMERON, Secretary, 344 Hudson street. N. II Members of the Asaociation can have their ticke's on application lo the Secretary. d9 mTluTPAULINE DE8JAHDINS reapectlnlly informs 1VI her imtrons and the public in geueral, that she about to form a Clamt hanrt" nnllemen. in which will teach the favorite Polka, Matourla, and all tiie other fashionable of the day.

The morning school will be open from 9 o'clock to I and the evening frotn o'clock to 9 o'clock. Ladies and gentlemen wishing instruction are requested to oil I at M'lle Deisjardin's house. No. 4 Park Place. nIO Imis I K'i BU'PTONS, DAGUERHEOTYfE PLA I NS AND INSTKUMENTN, Herman Sega 'I'obscco Boxes, kc French China, plain and ib mm liipcnr BY THE SOUTHERN MAIL.

Washington. of the Washing ros, Thursday, Dec. 12, 4 A. M. Important Movement Rtbitive to Tiziu the Mmtm of on'i biU headed Chinese Treaty? Consul to MturmHUi.

J. G. Bennett, I have reason to believe that a movement will be made in the House of this morning at the opening ol the session, relative to the annexation ol Texas. The involved in the Treaty will form the basis, and it ia possible that Charles J. Ingenioll, of Philadelphia, will be the medium through which the movement will be commenced as he is a northern man with true American annexation views.

will have a tendency to "head off" Benton, and hold him in present position until he is lustructed by the Legislature of Missouri, as he has already been by a large majority of the people of the United states, tug the abolitionists. The treaty with China but little more of interest than has been previously noticed in the Herald, although it is quite tavorable to our trade with that empire. The biographer ot President Tyler been nominated to the Senate Consul to in place of Mr. Croxall the present incumbent, moved. Washington, Dec.

11,1844 to Supreme Court to Release Governor jrom Ktw York City. J. G. Bknnktt, Esu I send you below au txclusivs report of the motiop made to-day by F. C.

Treadwell, Esq in the Supreme Court, for a writ ot habeas corpus to bring the body of Governor Dorr to this city for discharge from confinement. It will be read with interest by your and moat especially by the legal profession. Mr. Trkauwkll, who was admitted laat week in this Court, presented his application by moving, in behalf of Governor Dorr, that a writ of habetu corjnu issue forthwith to bring Governor Dorr to Washington, and give him an opportunity to sign a petition tor a writ ot error in own behalf, and to prosecute the same, to the end that the whole record of the Supreme Court of the State of Rhode Island in said case may be certified in due lorin of law to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the therein be corrected The facts in this case, as briefly stBted, ure? First said Thomas indicted for treason against the Slate of Island Newport, at the term ot the Supreme Court tif Rhode Inland holden on ihe lounh Monday of Auiiu't, 1842, and tried in pursuance of baid inrlictment, and a verdict ol guilty having been rendeied by the jury in the case, was, on the 25 day nf June, 1844, sentenced to 5e imprisoned in the State's Prison at Providence, in the county ol Providence, tor the term ot his natural life, and there kept at hard labor in separate confinement." a suspension ot the sentence for one day wan allowed by the Supreme Court of Khode Island, for the purpose of preparing a bill of exceptions, "with view to suing out a writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States," and a bill of i xceptiona was then prepared. the Court refused to suspend the execution of the sentence, and to await the decision ot the case by the Supreme Court of the United States upon a writ ot error, although notified that the imprisonment of the defendant would disable him from prosecuting this delence.

the Inspectorsof the Prison utterly refused to let said Thomas W. Dorr, aignor see petition lor a writ of error as aforeaaid. the Governor of the State ot Rhode Island lefuses, and, as he alleges, for want of power, to let said Dorr sign or see such a petition. sundry citizens of Providence said have signed petition to this honorable Court tor a writ ot error, or tor a writ of habeas which petition is now presented with this motion. Tne points relied upon for a revisnl of sentence were over-ruled by the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, and are? Firet the act of the State of Rhode Island for defining and punishing treason is repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States, and that the crime of treason cannot be committed against a separate State, but against the United States, and Mr.

T. cites Burke's report, page 1046, to sustain thiB point. Second Mr. Dorr was Governor of the State, duly elected, under the people's constitution a republican constitution and torm of government, which facta will be presented. the whole record shows that if Governor Dorr levied war at all it was against the United States, and cannot be inquired of by any State Court.

The authorities relied upon as giving jurisdiction of this case to the Supreme Court of the United States were quoted by Mr. as follows: First third article ot the Constitution of the United States which vests this power in the court. 25th section of the judiciary set of 1789, which prescribes the mode of its exercise by writ of error. Also, That the writ of habeas corpus is a writ of right, the privilege of which, under the Constitution of the United States cannot be sun-ended, but in the two contingencies mentioned in the second clause ot the section ot article 1st. That the necessity for the writ of corpus in this case, arises, because the Supreme Court of the State ot Rhode Island and the inspectors of the Stale prison at Providence, have thrown pedimeHts in the way of the exercise of the constitutional right of Governor Dorr to have his de1 lence examined by that tribusal, whose province it is to construe the constitution and laws ot the Union.

The motion was submitted and the argument will probably be opened on Friday. There is ieason to believe that the motion will be granted. The nomination ot Governor Van Ness, Collector ot your pott, will be confirmed this week. That ot Henry C. Aiwood, for Surveyor, will be sent in to-morrow.

He has presented a memorial in his favor signed by several hundred af the most extensive shipping and importing merchants of your city, winch will tend much to aid his confirmation. Wasiiinoton, Dec. 9,1844. All Sorts oj 'Dungs. Jamf.s Gordon Bennett, Esq 1 do not assume any of the rights of your able regular correspondent, nor do I make great pretentions to having the confidential ear of any member of the democratic party, himself possessed of a knowledge of every pulsation in the all victorious" democratic party.

But since I have been here, my position has been sach, that 1 do know a thing or two; and have a chance for obtaining a thorough knowledge of certain events to take place, and that too from a near the fountain head. The different cliquet have begun to stakes" and to mark bounds." Rival tactions are watching each other with argus eyes. Every movement is marked, every word weighed. Each class posts their sentinel unon the wall, to make known every movement, to report every spec of to see the latest intelligence. Already ia the worn button hole" to be teen upon the coat ot certain leadeis, who are for information as to the best plan lor me to set my stake.

The current has already began to set, albeit there are not a tew counter and onder currents to bo seen and felt in some quarters. Parties are drawing new lines every hoar, and new developments made every day, that carry terror to the hearts of some other faction. The first demonstration of not "following in the footsteps," or tot following precedent, wss the vote upon the 25th rule, where 53 "Northern democracy" for the first time "broke ring' and voted i for its repeal. Here ta a "wheel within a It is only one of several stndes that are to be nude it is the first of the series; but it isa poke-r. It told with tones of thunder upon the sensitive feelings of certain to i tear;" and yet these General Qusltlebume ottered not a word, they "raised not a 1 not a stone, but left alone in its What a fire brand this has always been.

but now how calm it sleeps in death. AH the former ebullition the "Pickenses, the. MtDii( lies," the "Quattlebums, and a hoet of Southern demagogues now rests in the same grave. President making has begun in good earnest. There is to be no legislation this is settled.

What is legislation in comparison to who be the who shall go into the who shall fill the one hundred thousand in this country I Not a feather in the balance. Already you can see too plainly to be the different factions that now will be narrowed down to two distinct parties of the great democracy; the first to compose tariflmen, natives, abolitionists, and northerner! i the second composed of free Quliitisrs, tad the peeuUv wuum.

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