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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 1

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE NEW YORK HERALD. Vol. No. SSO-Wbolo Ho. M80.


THE NEW YORK Pnblislied every of the year eeeept New Year's Day and Fourth of July. Price 2 cenu per $7 26 per annum? postages in advuice THE WEEKLY every Saturday morniuv? price 6)4 ceuta per copy, or $1 par paid, cash in advance. ADVERTISERS are informed that the circulation of the Herald it over THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND, and lucraaamf fait It hut the forfeit circulation of any paper in thit city, or the world, anil, it, therefore, the nett channel tor busineti men in the city or country. in advance. PRINTING of all axecuted at the moat moderate lance, and ui the most elegant atyle.

JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Proprietor or tmb Hkralp Establishment, Northwaat corner of Kulten and Nassau atraata. A It A Mi vi J'ARE THREE SHILLINGS FROM PaTERSON TO JEKSEY CITY. On and after the Utof October the cars will leavel's tk" Depot. New York.

o'clock A. M. I 9 o'clock A. M. P.

M. 3 P. M. 4 On Suivdats. 8 o'clock A.

I 9 o'clock A. M. 3 P. M. 4 P.

M. stO tf ec STATEN ISLAND FERRY. FOOT OK WHITEHALL." The Bona will nuRAs follows on aud after Sept. 30. NEW YORK 9, and II.

A. IK. 3W, aud t. P. M.

leaVe sTATEisrIsland 8, and 10. A. and 5K, M. P. goods mutt be particularly marked, and are at the risk of the owners thereof.

s24 HUUK CHANGED TO S1A O'CLOCK, P. and after Monday, Sept. 16th, 1844, the Night Line to ALBANV AND TROY will change tlie hour of departure from 7 to 6 o'clock. P. and will land at Poughkeepsie during the great Fair and Cattle Show.

Fare 75 cents only to Pouglikeepsie. The steamer SWALLOW, Capt. A. McLean, Monday 16th, and Wednesday, lHth. The steamer ALBANY, Captain R.

Mary, Tuesday, 17th, Thursday, 19th, at 6 o'clock, from Cortlandt street pier. Morning at 7 o'clock, from Barclay street pier, the TROY and EMPIRE. During the great Fair and Cattle Show, Tneaday, 17th, Wednesday, 18th, and Thursday, 19th, will reduce the fare to l'j cents to and from Pouglikeepsie and New York. sit TROY STEAMBOAT ALBANY AND Line from the foot of Barclay itreat, landing intermediate I'he Steamer EMPIRE, Captain S. R.

Roe, day and Friday Slorning at 7 o'clock. The Summer TROY, Captain A. Oorham, loesday, Thursday and Saturday Morning, at 7 o'clock. Eveniug Line ft "in foot of Courtlaudt street, direct. The Steamer SWALLOW.

Captain A. McLean, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evening, at 6 o'clock. The Steamer ALBANY, Captain R. B. Macy, Tneaday, Thursday and Satuiday Evening, at 6 o'clock.

Tlu Coats of this Line, owing to their light draught of water, are able at all times to pass the ban, and reach Albany and Troy in ample time to take the morning train of cars for the or For passage or freight, apply on board, or at the offices on the wIuutos sM PEOPLE'S LINE OFSTEAMBOA7S FOR AlBANY. DAILY, Sundays direct. P. from he Steamboat Pier between and Liberty JL in Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings, at 6 o'clock. From the foot of Barclay street.

At Five o'clock, P. at Intermediate The SMamfioat NORTH AMERICA. Captain R. G. Cruttauden, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Afternoons, at o'clock The Steamboat COLUMBIA, Captain William H.

Peck, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Afternoons, at o'clock. taking either of the above will arrive iu Albany iu ample time to take the Morning Trains of Cars foi tiie east or west. The boats are and substantial. are with new and elegant state rooms, and for speed and accommodations, are unrivalled on the Hudson. All are forbid trusting auy of the boats of this linn, without an order from the Captain.

For passage or freight, apply on board, or to P. C. Schnltx, at the Office on the wharf. ol AND CHEAP SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW BRIGHTON.

PORT RICHMOND. (STATEN island,) And new york keiIrV. From Pier No. 1, North River, foot of Battery Place. jga The Steamboat CINDERELLA, ill ran as LsrHIM'follows.

Daily, from May 20tli to OclftW 111 Leaves New York at 9 and 1J o'docc, A. at audi P. M. Leaves Port Ricnmond, at 20 minntes to and 10 mmatee to 10 A. at 1, and OH M.

New Brighton 8 and 10 A. at IX, 5 and 7M On New at 9 and 11 A. at 6 and P. M. Leaves Port Richmond, at minutes to I and 10 A.M; at 1.

i and IX P. M. New York. Mar II, 184 my 11 rc FARE REDUCED. FOR CROTONVILLE.

SING SING. TARRYTOWN, AND YON and after Saturday. LAugust 31st, 1844, tlie new aud substantial steamboat WASHINGTON IRVING. Capt Hiram Tuthill, will leave tlie fool of Chamber street for the above places, daily at P. Sunday excepted.

Returning, will Crotonville at tiX. and Sing Sing at7 o'clock A. landing at the fool of Hammoud street men way. For lMtaaga or freight, apply on board, or to STEPHEN B. TOMPKINS.

192 Went street. stftn'r eon tiATli, I1ALLUWLLL. The new ec earner PENOBSCOT, Captain Kimball, leaves rheeud of wharf, Boston, Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 5 Stagee will be in readiness on her arrival at the above to convey paateogert to the neiehhp'irte rownt. FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NEWARK NEW YORE.

FARE ONLY lMl CENTS. THE NEW AND SWIFT STEAMER RAINBOW, CAPT.iIN JOHN OAF FY. ON and after September 10th will run daily, aa follows Newark, foot ot entre street, 8 o'clock A. i usfc, foot of Barclay street, 3 o'clock P. M.

Ayr- foil lie iNeer tdMWfVI'acUsf 21st superior fast sailing packJHMHaset ship ROi HESTER, '00 tons burthern, Captain Button, will sail as above, her regular day. For or having elegant aud accommodations, apply ou board, west side Burling Slip, or to WOODHULL M1NTURNS, South street. Price of Tassafe tlOO. Tho packet ship Hottingeur, Captain Ira Biinley, master, tous hunheu, will succeed the Rochester, and sail on her Metohee ee FOR NEW ORLEANS The splendid new cket ship EMPIRE, Captain Russell, now loading v'urray wharf, foot of Wsll street, willbedispdictieii lor New Orleans ou the 18th instant. This Iwautil'ul ship is 1200 tons register, and fitted up in a le illed by any ship ailoat, for the comfort of cabin, second cabin aud steerage passengers.

hose ahout to embark for New OrUiiu at the above date, will find it their interest to examine the accommodations previous to their engaging elsewhere. For imssage apply on board, or to John herdman, e6ec 61 South street. FOR NEW recuUr packet with fast sailing packet tihip UNION, J. B. Battome, is uow loading ave dispa-ch.

For cabin, second cabin and st-ernge passenneri, having accommodation, early should be made on board, at wharf, or to JOSEPH McMUhRAY, 100 Pine street, correr of South street. rUK Line? ttegular PacRei of Kth regular fast sailing Packet Ship jUAltRICK, Captain B. J. H. Trask, of 1,100 tons len.will sail as above, ner regular day.

For Ireighl or haviug accommodations unequalled for splendor or comfort, apply on board at Orleans wharf, fool ol Wall street, or to E. K. COLLINS It CO, South street. Price of Passage, ship Roscius, Capt. John Collins, of 1 If0 tout, will succeed the Gernck, and tail 26th November, her revnltr day.

sSTre "for NEW ateam WnWrVthip ALABAMA, 700 torn burthen, Henry Windle, 'oinmauder, will sail for the above port on the 15th Octoiiei next, at o'clock. This tplendnl and stHimch stenmer has been thoroughly overhauled tlie present sitisteer. newly copiiered, and is furnished with a powerful set Boilers, made at the Novelty Works of this city. She isWiwted to make the run to tlie Baliie with ease in six dayt: and having handtome aud comfortable accommodations, tor both cabin and tteerige passengers, oflert au unusually deeirablr conveyance to I lie travelling community. Kor light freight ol apply to G.

MERLE, sll VJ, Front tt. OLD ESTABLISHED PACKET OFFICE, 61 South to and from Great Britain and leland, via Liverpool. Patiage can at all timet be at the to and from by the regu lar pai-kei nhipt tailing uiidar the new armigeinent every lew dayt, and draft! can at usual he furnitlied for any amount, payable at the National and Provincial Bank, Ireland, and theii branches, and throughout tlie United Kingdom, aa well as at ail the principal banking institutions in England, Scotland aud Wales, without discount or any other Forfurlher par if hy letter, pott paid, apply to JOHN KKRDMAN, 81 Routh UUt EXCHANGE ON ENGLAND, IRELAND, sMFVSCOTLAND AND Subtcriber hai JllHBbtti all for sale Drafts from XI to 1000, payabli it all tlie principal Banking Institutions throughout the Unite4 JOHN HERDMAN, 61 South st. NT B. to and ftom Liverpool can be secured at th? loweflt rslea by sny of the line of sailing on the 1st.

8th Kth, list and 36th of each mouth, on application as above Jv2? ec i M)R of the 16th of parketshipENGLANU, apt Bartlett, will an) on tlie 16th October, lier regular day. She accommodations for cabin and tteernge paiseu gers. apply to JOHN HERMAN, l'Tc 61 South ttreet. Nr.W LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACRE1SPacket of spleudid last tailing liel tlup HOCll ESTER, Capt. (1000 hen) will tail poiitively above, her regular day.

The of thitfint packet cabin and t'M-nge cannot be surpasseo. To secure bertha aiiplicatiou should be made on board, foot of Burling Slip W. J. T. TAPSCOTr! 7t Soath at, cor.

Maiden Lane, up stairs. all oat, for Mia by 1 burthen, B1UTI8H AND NORTH AMItlilCAN ROYAL MAIL 8TLAM 8HIP8. Of 1200 Com ami. 140 horse power Under contract WRk of the imiralty. H1BEHNIA, Captain Ryne.

CALEDONIA Captain Edbard U. Lott. ACADIA. Captaiu VWtum Harriaua. HIT ANN IA Captain John Hewitt.

CAMBRIA, C. H. E. Judkins. Will sail from Liverpool and Boston, via.

Hajlfax, ai follows: From Boston. From Liverpool. Caledonia, August (6th. Acrnlia, 1st. August 4th.

Hiberuia, Ryrie 16th. 80th. vessels carry experienced surgeons, and are sullied with Life Boau. For freight or pass are, apply to D. HI OH AM.

Agent, auSrc No. 3 Wall street. THE NEW STEAMBOAT EMPIRE. CAPTAIN D. HOWE, Will leave BUFFALO for CHICAGO, on FR1DA 23d of August, at P.

and perform her tripa regularly duriuglthe season, aa follows UP. DOWN. LKAVKS LLAVES CHICAGO. Saturday, Aug.23... at 9 A.

Monday, Sort. 16... at uo Tuuday, Oct. at do 16... at do Thursday 31...

at do Friday, Not. 15... at do Pridaiy Aug. 23,... at P.

Saturday, Sep. 7,... at do Monday, 23... at do Tuesday. Oct.

8... at do Wednesday, 23... at do Thursday, Nnv.7... at do The EMPIRE is 260 feet in length, 32 feat 8 melius beam, 14 feet 2 inches hold, measuring 1280 tons, and is the larirast steamboat alloat in inland Eugiue 600 horsepower, boilers provided with Evan's Pateut Safety to prevent the possibility of an explosion. The Cabin is 230 feet long, with separate Saloons for Ladies and State Rooms extend the whole length, ventilated by doors opening from the inside and out, and all Earts of the boat are finished and furnished iu a style unequalled any other in the world.

Ample accommodations for Steerage Passengers, in four large well ventilated Cabins, oue of which appropriated exclusively to 1ne boat is provided with a good band of music., Marsh fc Buffalo,) II. Norton Chicago, Agents. J. N.

Elbert, Detroit, li. N. BARNEV, August 1, 1344. Cleveland. auBtonvlrc FOR NEW ORLEANS AND GALVESTON, HAVANA AND KEY WEST.

To SailonSatubdav, I9th October, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The elegant well known and favorite ship NEW YORK. John J. Wright, ComImander, wiM positively sail as above.

This steamer has beian overhauled, and put in comsplete order for the season, and no expeuse has been spared lo make her every way complete-has large and airy state-rooms, every way adapted for the comfort of She carries sufficient fuel from here for the voyage, and will not stop at the intermediate only to land and receive apply to Capt. Wright on board foot of Clinton street, or to A. HUBBARD It CtJ. 013 37 I'eck Slip. BLACK BALL OR OLD LINE OF LIVER POOL PACKETS? KOR packet sailing on the 16th of October.

"The magnificent and remarkable fuat sailing packet ship ENGLAND, Capttain Samuel Bartle't, will positively sail on Wedusday, the 16th of October, her regular day. It is well known that the accommodations of the England, and all the eight ships of this line, are lilted out in a most costly style with every modern improvement and convenience, thai cannot but add to the comfort of cabin, second cabiu and steerage passengers. Those v'siting the old country will at all times find it their iuterest to select these desirable conveyances, in preference to any other. For terms of passage and to the best early appli cation should be made on board, foot of Beekman street, or to the subscribers. HOCHEi BROTHER.S ol2rc S5 Fulton street, next door to the Kulton Bank.

PACKET FOR ship ONEIDA, James Funck, master, will on the 1st November. TJTlrelght or passage apply to 0jlec No. BTontine Building. for Wsll and Wmersis BEACON TROTTING COURSE. THURSDAY, Oct.

17th, at o'clock, P. Mile heats, liett 3 in 5, iu harness. H. Woodruff br. in.

Lady Tompkins James Whelpley b. in. Amelia Henry Jones gr. g. Gray Bostou SAME DAV, immediately en miles, in Geo.

Ferguson b. m. Fanny Jenks W. Jams g. Bob Logic L.

Rogers b. m. Lady Washiugtou 014 BEACON COURSE-RACING. THE FALL MEETING of 1844, will commence on Wednesday, October 23d, w-ather permitting, and continue three days, commencing each day at 2 o'c'o? k. First Purse, S100, Mile Heats, for three year olds that never wou a puree.

Same 3 o'clock, Puree $800, Three Mile free for all horses, $200 to second best. to the above to be made on Monday evening previous to the race, at R. Smith Park Row, by 10 o'clock. Second 2X free for al o'clock, Purse $100. for all Mile Heats, best three in (ive.

to be made at R. the evening by 10 o'clock. Third IX.o'clock. Purse free for all never wou a purse previous to this meeting, Two Mile Heats. Same Day-At o'clock.

Purse $300, free for all Two Mile Heats. This Meeting takes place at this time, in order to give the different Stables of Horses, which will, attend the Baltimore time to attend this meeting. All of the Stables from Virginaand Maryland expected to attend this meeting, together with Col. Stable from North Caroliua, including Regent, Marchioness and several others. Also, Mr.

Johnson's Stable, including the Colonel and three or four others. Col. Thompson's Stable from Washington, aed several others from the south are expected. Theae Subles, together ith the long string of hones from Long Island -Mid New Jersey, ineluding Fashion, who will Regent the three, mile uay, will constitute a larger number of than attended any meeting at the north for sevr ral years. In case either purse should be walked over for, but hair amount will be given.

The following are to come off during the week of the above meeting, for three year olds. $100, $100 added by the Proprietor, Mile three or more to make Also, Sweepstakes for 4 or 6 year $tJ0, h. ft $100 added by the proprietor, Three Milw Heats, three or more to make a race. Both the above to and close at R. Smith on the Evening of the 22d at 10 o'clock.

The ahove Meeting to be governed by the Rules of the Union Course. audstraw will be furnished gratis. ollrc PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C. SLANDER isliut too often listened to with truth will ultimately prevail.

This truitm may with propriety be applied regartls the undersigned, who finds it to contradict, publicly, the idle ar.d malicious which, from sinister have been industriously circulated, grea'; ly to his it to say, that he is tUll in the land of the living, and in the place ef hope," and constantly at his poet, ready to administer, with alacrity, to the of visiters to the "Pavilion." The maxim adopted by the undersigned is, to forgive his enemies, and to feel grateful RER. N. Omnibus and Barouche will be iu attendanoe at the Railroad I'eiHit and at the steam packet wharves, to convey visiters (free of charge) to the above establishment. September 19th, from the Charleston Mercury We insert the following of an obaervant travel Pavilion Hotel, Charleston, S. C.

To those who can appreciate convenience, comfort and quiet and salubrious table supplied with the choicest produce of the and of unexceptionable quality and and orderly and courteous and attentive heg leave strongly to recommend a sojourn at the "Pavilion Hotel," corner ol and rsell stieets, kept by Mr. J. Ker." oi TO FAMILIES, wanting of rooms for the winter, can be handsomely accommodated with parlors and bed-rooini attarlied, Willi pantries, closets, a private table, if reouest ed. Hiiivle for gentlemen, with and tea. Apply at 411 Houatou street, secoud block e.ut of a pleas-tut part of the citv.

sll lmeorlerc BARNHILL'fl INDELIBLE superion'y of this Marking Ink now vary generally acknowledged bv the druggists aud of the article in large number of whom have already tested it, may be seeu by their advertisements, and have pronouueed it superior to any otiier ludelible ink whether of domestic or foreign make. Tlie whole process of marking may be completed in three mmntes, even at midnight, if desirable. It is callail Baruhilla Indelible Ink, after the name of one of onr firm, who Wholesale DruggisU, No. 3l3Ma Market street, Philadelphia. (Prom the Ihited Sutes of March 13th.)

PotU, Linn It No. 213M Market street, above Sth, manufactnre and have for sale among in their line of druggists, an admirable Ink, truly indelible. It will, by iu beauty and the simplicity of commend itself to the regard of those who like to set a mark upon their apparel, and would like that mark neat and (Krom the of the North American, of March 10th,) indelible have tried some of Barnhill Indelible Ink and cheerfully recommend it to all wishing to mark on linen or cotton. It runs freely and no uiepantion. It for by Messrs PotU, Linn INo.

1UH street. (Copy of an advwtisement of April 19th.) Inor.i.iBi.E received, a supply of this celebrated Ink, aud having tested it thoroughly, am prejiareo to warrant it eqnal, if not superior, to any made in the United States or of the imported. Medicines, PainU, Dye Stuffs, Varniihea, which will be sold on the most reasonable by ALEXANDER HARPER, Wholesale Druggist, Market above I2la jel rc WltH QHAVING a very superior quality, and in the style usually denominated Military Shaving Soap; superior in quality to the imported, and at than half iu cost. The purchase money will lie returned unless it unqualified satisfaction. Grocers, Druggisu and Barbers supplied, and liberal discount made.

JOHNSON li VRUOM, 79 Trinity Place, 2TSC- MINTUJUIS, MB eOM J. laird, WIG MAKER, HAIR CUTTER, ORNAMENTAL MANUFACTURER, CHATHAM STREET, FOHMKHLV OK 316 PkaIIL Street. IN announcing to his numerous friends and hit removal from 31b Pearl street to the store 92 Chatham street, begs leave to return his ht arrtlelt acknowledgment! to those friends and tiie public generally, who have hitherto liouored him with their supiHirt. and to assure them it will evarbe his studylo marit a coutiuuauce of such enviable distinction. Ever since I have been in busiuess it has been my good fortu ne to ac iuira and retain so large a portiou of (Jiw public wimun for winch I ImI grateful.

Asa Hair Laird stands unrivalled in the manufacture of Ornameuul Hair for which his name has so long been celrbraird. He now has ample for earn ing his inventions and improvements in" effect, msliort nothing that art can iirodnce or command, his been overlooked by him at his new establishment He invites an early iiianectiou of hi? splendid stock of YVicr? Toupeesi and Ornamental Hair, in couutU8a variety aud ei.iuif English and Continental manufactories addition to several esteemed prei.araom. inv.ou.d and soli by Laud. The Cutting, ani deed the business in each department is conducted by tlie priiicipal himself, in such a maimer and on such terms as to sustain tlie pre-eminent character tins establishment eiuovs Prices to suit tlie times. Chatham street.

AND CURLING t- 1 body rtorIcing to PHALON'S fashionable Hair Dressfog Saloon We can explain if "51 'i Hair Dressing, giving an air of Haiti Ion none of which are a second tune without cleaning thus to each of his customers a comfort, instead of a nuisance fuiir try Ladies and Gentlemen Shampooed, and their Heads Dressed for Balls and Parties, on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Wigs aud Scalpes nll EDWARD PHALON, lm in 2114 Broadway, opposite 8t. Paul's. DOUBLE EXTRA ITALIAN-HAIR WASH An infallible, sovereign and celebrated er.idicator of and purifies the head anil invigorates and cultivates the Human Hair. This celebrated Wash, recommended by numerous medical and scientific gentlemen, is for sale the shop of the inventor and iiroprietor.

17 Pak Row, M. i'ork. P. PUK8EDDU. from the country will be promptly attended to, if addressed to the Proprietor, enclosing the cash.

He has no S'nS? wash tlie shop 2J $1 iwr bottle. o2 BAKENNE CQ AT THE CORNER OK GRAND STREET AND BROADWAY, 1,4 tJBAND STREET, fashionable ESTABLISHMENT, wiiere the choicest assortment of Parisian Hats, Caps Head Dresses, wili al be found of the selections? direct. ollrc THK ditii J. SOHIA FRENCH DYING ESTABLISHMENT. No.

4BO Pearl Ntrtet. IE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to state that he has made additional improvements to his factory, for the purpose of enabling him to finish his work more cipeditiouily aud in a muiMr that he, war rants will give general satisfaction. All kinds of Woolen, Cotton and Silk Dyed or Cleansed inllie real trench style. His prices are very low, which should be a strong inducement for the ladies and gentlemen of this city and iu vicinity, to him an early visit. Cashmere, Merino and Brochi; Shawls, genu Wearing re cleansed in the very be manner.

His Branch Offices, for the accommodation of the public are situated at? No. 3J2 Bowery. 76 between 17th and 10th streets. 257 Blfpclter street. 357 Grand street.

Aud iu Newark, corner of Broad street and'Washington Place s2B MRS. M. WILSON begs to inform her friendi and QUthe public, that she is prepared to esliibit a rich anil elegant assortment of ill HaU, which she (Inters herself ladies will find worthy their inspection A few Imported Hats purchas-d for patterns, selling for less than cost. Country Milliners, in search of would do well to call previous to purchasing. On hand a choice assortment of Feathers, lowers, Caps, and llead Dresses, own materials made up in the newest style.

MRS. M. WILSON oil 291 Oraud st? between Allen aud Orchard. FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ANI) FEATHERS 1 LAKOSIERE COURT. IIS William 'stnwt, New York, are receiving by the Havre packets assortment of Kail Oooils, which, for ilegaiice' they hare no rival.

All driers and judges in the abovr line, are invited to give tliem a call, and we will venture to say they will not leave the store without eipressing their admireHonof such a beautiful stock. hey pledge themselves that the public will not be deceived with American Howers for Kreneh as they have their house in Paris, Rue de Tracy,, and deal exclusively in trench Mowers. ni magazin de mode, No 00 Canal Ntreet. Vff ADAME D. BEHRMAN.

begs leave to inform her friends lnP.J.H.." 'he AI-. and WINTKH KaSHIONS, Read Dresses, trench Klowers, heathers, and Ribbons, of the choicest styles, (carefully selected by her together with a variety of PARISIAN MILLINERY KOR LA DIES TOILETS will take place on Monday, the 7th October. Madam It solicits al' "r' establishment, Magazin de New Vork, Qetobeir 3d. o4 HaKIs MlLLiJNhKy. JVJIS9 K.

CMJDEKROY, 349 Broadway, opposite to the w'" "IT" Tuesday, the 24th instant her assortment of hall and Winter Millinery, Embroideries, Materials for Dresses, Hancy Articles, fcc. Country Milliuers will be supplied at tlie most moderate ficpii. FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHEKS. HEAD ORNAMENTS, fee WITZ BECKER, No. 34 John stmet.

will opi Oii. l- frMh. stock of Kr-nch Artificial Flowers (leathers, Ike just received ky the last packets from Havre. The ibove stock wss selected ill Paris by C. E.

Becker, late sales man with Brun of William sfrnrt til LOiMilNUS TWICNYMlVI CENTS, AT THE jJ Ji J) No. 1 BaHci.s Hrr y.Kl, IVKAH Brosdwav. The Hnbserilier having fuied nt and several rooms counectrd with this Establishment solicits a call from his friends ami the puolic. JAMES BYRNES. JACKSON STACEY ite SMITH, IMPORTERS of Tools ana i sine utiery.

Kazori, Heissors, and other descriptions of Sheffield (Joods? No. 1( PLATT STREET TO THE BOOT AND SHOE WEARING PUBLIC. 291 t'J'ing enlarged his for tho fall and winter tradp, offers for sale a larice ami beautiful assortment of Boots and hboes, made of niaterials, which he flitters is as ipond. irnot rior toany in the city. His assortment Consists i.r ladies' and half fJaiterx, Buskin Slips and genu' fine,n Boots and Shoes coarse Boots for WMeVmel, l-iremeii, and youths' Boou and Stilus, of all descriptions laborer fc' desiaeil, suitable for the merchant, mechanic (if i.

for sale at very low prices. 7'lk can prow is not he snr?" 10 wl I hi in a call and satiafi tktM he es not doubt that they will leave his sloe satisfied with a rgain worth giving lnm a call. WM MADDEN 012 Oreenwich and Washington sts. a iu I ship Medors, and now rsady for sale, a complete assortment in elegant fancy cartoons, ass jars the Pniladelphia Spirit of the General Convention of the Protestant KplicopU Churcli In the V. S.

Monday, October 14, 1844 Morning prayers were read, and the minutes were rend and approved Dr. Upfold then moved to postpone the consideration ot the order of the day to take up the report of the Committee on Kules. He thought that by adopting them we could have an opportunity of stopping what would appear an interminable debate. Other gentlemen opposed this motion; they were opposed to piling business upon business; before getting through that portion which was before us, without entering upon r.ny other. Important transactions were to be decided by the Convention, and the accumulation ot so many matters would but impede the action of the House.

Judge IIkkkikn thought there was a process bv which unpleasant state of feeling could be allayed. The means lor producing conciliation pronosed, was a resolution that the Convention had heard the defence of Dr. Hawks with undiminished confidence in his integrity as a man ot honor. This could not be introduced without the consent of those who originated the motions now before the House. He would, if they passed this conciliatory motion, move to postpone the further consideration ol the matter until Wednesday next, and in the meantime gentlemen could intorni themselves, in any manner they chose, as 10 the other subjects of the memorial.

This would ail onpleasant debate, and it it should be pressed, he should feel it his duty to unulyze the memorial, doing injustice to none, but in such a manner iih must neces-arily lead to a protracted debate ot a painful character. Rev. Paul Trappir was about to speak to the question, but was out of order. J. L.

O. Ciiamrkks said that Judge Berrien had, in his proposed motion, covered the whole ground ot debate, although offered as a conciliatory measure. He (Judge had taken it lor granitu that all were prepared to vote on his proposition, he had heard no intimation of such readiness; it there he did not know their names or residences. The question on the postponement was then carried, and the Report on the Rules of Order taken up Some time was occupied in discussing these rules. The House refused to allow the motion "to lie on the table" to be taken without debate, and passed a rule iallowiug a substitute for an amendment to an amendment.

The House nUo refused to adopt the previousquestion. The Pkksidknt stated ihut a memorial had been laid on his table by the Rev. Mr Forbes, of New York. The reading was called for. It was signed by the Rev.

Dr. Muhlenberg. Mr. Newton, of objected to the reading if it contained any new charge against Dr.Hawks Mr. Cunningham, of also objected.

It was unprecedented to present any memorial or other similar paper, unless through the agency of some member who would vouch lor its being respecilul, and pertinent to some question before the House. Hcv Mr ot Nhw York, Hated tha'. he had halt lly read over the that he could vouch for its being perfectly respectlal Mr. asked it it wai any explanation or amend ment to the former one I ll it Intended to introduce an) new matter he muit object to it. The tlrst memorial had made all the Judge Jopiki said that wai a disjointed thing.

Mr. Nr.wrots said he knew that Dr. Muhleoburg should have considered that and should have better prepared himself. He had been according to his own accouut, two years concocting it. It would at this stage be the highest act of injustice to receive anything further The accusation had been matle and the defence also, and until they were acted on, until the question had tried, under the which the party bringing them had thought proper to is the duty of the House to pause and consider the course they are pursuing.

Judife Jomee of New York made a reply that the only question was as to the ordination of the gentler an were not ui'pnss on any imputed House had ao legislative power. Mr. CuntMioHAM of Pennsylvania, after reviewing the whole proceedings in the manner, thought the question of moral honesty was to tie most it hud been brought beforo the House, aiul it was intended to attach it to Dr. Hawks. The resolution of Judge Berrien proposed to meet it, Mid that was now before the Houce What had been the character of the charge against Dr.

Hawks in the me otial ot Dr. Muhlenberg, he shoull not now stop to characterize. It was read and answered-when heaid no allegation of new evidence; the whole wns stated and submitted under the answer of the defence When the teply was made, what then was done Did any individual propose rebutting testimony I Whs there any one said we want to answer Dr Hawks No. A resolution then was moved to the effect that the had been tamely answered. This is now the question not to be answered by further testimony, by additional facts, not by any rebutting testimony which his prosecutors might bring forward Kev Mr Kohm.s again entered hia piotest against the use of the words prosecuting and prosecutors He begged the Hauseto mark and enter this his protest.

The delegates from New Voik merely seek an inquiry bs ta his as required to become a Bishop they made no assertions or chargrs. Mr Cun.iinoHAM cared little what the words used were; when a memorial goes to charge crime on a person, he keew not how it could be better met than by calling il a prosecution. Mr. equally objected to the word was simple statement. Mr.

ConinoHAM then, the statement was read and actedion last Friday Alter the the House was called on to express its opinion as to the valid ity of the statement, some gentlemen proposed to adjourn that we might come next morning cooly prepared to decide whether it was well founded. The only argument Tor adjourning was that all might avoid the irifltnnces of Dr. oloquence. What transpired in the Dr Mead came forward and wade new charges or produced new evidence on the old ones, and these Dr Hawks again answered before the House This answer was ssI tisfactory to mnny others were not entirely satisfied, I not at all flow does the matter stand I We aie asked to express our opinion on the subject matter before us for our decision, but when it is found the shoe maypinch too tight, new statements, one nfter another arc put in. just as members get up to call for action'.

''Such entirely anomalous He was prepared i to admit that new evidence might be proper when the question comes upon signing the testimonials, as far as they have reference to tne "good report" of Dr. Hawks, hut now we have nothing to do but with the first state ment and its answer. We are to decido whether the ar cused has satisfactorily answered the statement against him. It is too latn now for rebutting a thing was never heard of, when the jury had chaige of a I case. Judge BK.aRtKM, to place the matter in an intelligibbposition, moved to lay the motion to read the document on the table.

Horack Biftnky, said that would again bring up the whole question. The communication presented had been vouched for as respectful and pertinent, and the reading is objected to. The house was in a false to do what it had no right to a precedent which had convulsed it. Hail it ever happened before that a paper of this character had been returned or lain on the table In this case it involved a personal matter to Dr his here permit a letter privately trearing on his case, be laid on the He wanted all possibja wanted the mind of the House drawn ttrall possible evidence which related to the signing ot the testimonials. Judge HKRais.n replied, there waa no desire of preventing information, but this new document was out of order object to be attained was a settlement of the simple question before the House.

Atfc proper time this might probably be admitted now it only protracted the derision of the legitimate subject of consideration Rev. Mr. Posers said the object of the itatement was only to nut Dr. Muhlenberg in his proper As for the document itself, the House may either receive or reject and ware petf. ctlj indifferent on the matter.

Hev. Mr Bovd, of Mississippi, argued that the House could not go on as an ecclesiastical tribunal to try the Bishop elect of Mississippi Heobjected to the receiving ol the paper, and also to laying it on the table the House had nothing to do with it at the present stage, nor until the uueition of signing the testimonial upthen, if difficulty existed, it should go to a committee The House now had no tca'imnny competent to fix the character or inatain the defence. Mr. thought it unfortunate that the gentleman who sent in this memorial had not thought of It betore he sent this firebrand into the had it year and a half under consideration. He waa a friend of Dr Muhlenberg-he hal entrusted the education of his children to care But If he in an awkward position, how are we 7 He has chosen position and mint abide it, hut to read any additioral document from him would be most unjust to Dr Hawks, and undignified in the Home We deliberately decided to hear the communication and the there it mint Mop.

Now Dr Muhlenberg has no right to rejoin, for he cannot, without further inculpating the gentleman accused Dr. Hionca of Y. had intended before the commenced to make some with view to conciliation. The gentleman last up, conceived il not pro per to allow Dr Muhlenberg to place himself right before the house- it remained to be seen then whether lie would allow him to place himself, his colleague and the whsle deputation from New Yoik in their true position before the house. Whatever word whether persecution charges, or or all ol them applied to any agency of 'he New York delegation, either lay or clerical, in making any accusation, chargc or statement, to prejudice Dr fUwks.

he most peremptorily denied It Whero came the difficulty in which the involv ed Cm tarn were placed in the of the New ork delfgation in his sought the advice of to the disposal ol them iny courie tinder advice, In order to avoid making iny statement or preterring any accusation, to know nothing ol the of the and for the of discharging my duty deputy. In the most delicate and friendiv manner to Dr Hawks I deaired that It should not be read in the House, but referred to some committee. It waa further hia object that the committee should seek a friendly conference with Dr. and kit and.then report the mult of such friendly conference. He informed Dr II av.

ks of the i Mture ol the with his rtgiet thut hin name was brought up. He seemed to appreciate bis motive They ie ie ferred to a committee. He told the Hause ali he knew about them, mid they passed theui to a committee. The gentleman liom Georgia (Judge Berrien) had moved, lit fleet, censure upon lum, when the House acted on the it saw best That coutae he regretted at the time, and regretted yet; the effect was nut good on any puny engaged. If the had been will th? committee, and it lepoited theieon to the Housa, ihetild not have betn in our present position, all that lias transpired sincu bus been oiled with lorrow and shame.

Same remarks here putted between Judge Beriien and Judge Jones to the origiual relereuce to committee aud the action ol the House. Dr. then proceeded as to the nature of the docu did not inrpeai Dr. Hawks' moral honesty they spoke simply to the tumors having refer- nee to his requirements lor the Kpiscopale Dr. SrnoNu said they called him a swindler.

Dr lliiiiti said no -in the document it as stated 'hat Judgo Strom: huj said in reference to some money trans, action that Dr. Hawks ucted like swindler. Did Dr. Mulileuburg say that he was a swindler' Did lie ever say Unit Judge btiong was coriect Not at all; but simply that opinions 01 Uiat nature ere abroad, which should i.duco us to pause ami reflect before assenting to his testimonials The resolution before the lluiiis was to pioceed to the signing o. testimonials, win lithe Secretary, by ordei ol the House, read the document, and Dr.

HawKs ausweted questi .11 was course, and the document went to inform us on that issue Dr. Him ks, he thought, was unioitunute that bis answer did not go to show these rumors did not exist, but to the tact ol their tiuth lhat was not the question before the House. That presented a new issue disastrous to all panics. Thus have we on one side au accused pel son, and Ins supposid accuser on other, and bo that accuser and aecun il aie bouml to sustain themselves in their position, or soirow, woe and ruin will ensue to rue 01 the other There is no avoiding can never go out of court as long as they are ministers. It cannot be stifled until it ends in the destruction ol one cr the other.

Dr. H. spoke again to the expediency of riltrring the whole matter to committee for friendly comeicnce. This course might lead to an harmonious decision and honoiatile adjustment ol the question, but if it must go 011 us now il iliu House decide otherwise, It equivalent to thou ait now hut course thou After some further remurks by Dr. Judge Berri en.

Key. Mr. Korbes, aud Kev Mr. Cross, the question on laying the motion to read the document on the fable was agreed fo. Ayes 47.

The question then came up on tho resolution ol Judge Berrien. Mr Collins, of N. explained his reasons for voting against commitment, because insinuations involving the fair construction ol the Committee 011 had been thrown out r. Cunninuham, of Va had one suggestion to muke? his heait was sick of the entreated the House to refuse all reference, and vote to exonerate Dr. Hawks Till thut was done the House could not act in a chiiattM frame.

Mr Binnkv next rosu and made an extendid orgumcat, in whick lie asserted that the House was in a laise position, which commenced 111 the resolution of Judge B. asking the House to take upon itself judicial action There were no specific charges-what Dr. Muhlenberg had stated was uot to establish guilt, but the mere existence of prejudicial rumor, that Dr. Hawks too had an infitmity of temper, opposed to that sobnety of life called for by a Bishop. There were 110 such things heie us fegul charges no defence, and no body calculated to try Dr.

Hawks The Dioresnn Conventions and the House ol Bishapi had judicial character, which tois Oeneial Convention did not possess. Mr. B. was cut off by the hour of 3, when the House adjourned until a o'clock. At 6 o'clock the House re-assembled.

The debate was continued by Horace Binuey, ltev Mr. Korbes, Judge Be rien, Mr Memuinger, Judge Chambers, and Rev. Mr. van Ingen, when the que-uon was taken referring the subject to a diooses 13. Laity 8-31.

13. Laity 1. do 3. So the motion to commit wns lost. Mr.

Cook, of 1 then offered the lollow ng as a sub. stitute lor Judge Berrien's resolution, which he adopted Resolved, That in the opinion of this House, the integrity of Dr Hawks has been satisfactorily vindicated in rt ply and proof in relation to the charges prest nted ugainst Uim in the memonals belore the House. Judge Jons moved to postpone the whole subject indefinitely. A motion to adjourn was lost. H.

Bnvstv, moved to lay the whole subject on the table. Judge Joists withdrew his resolution, and the vote was tuken Dy Diocese as follows 10. Laity, Nays? do 14 do Divided 3. do 8. The substitute then came up several persons asked to he excused from voting, and their reasons placed 011 the a long debate on the subjtct ensued between Judge Jones Dr Uurioughs, Mr Newton, Mr.

Memuinger. Dr. Ogilhy, and Judge Berrien. The vote was taken 011 the motion exonerating Dr Hawks, and curried No negative votes were given, those opposed being oil excused Irom voting. The vote stood: Cleigy 18.

The House then adjourned. Thk Mokmon following letter received yesterday, but too late lor insertion Si it a 0 at Gai.kna, Sept 30th. Ma. Koiroa Well, the faice is ended, and Governor Ford's army is disbanded. As was expected, tho whole affair hus ended in and every man is convinced that the Governor has been humbugged, except himself.

He, for appearance's sake, still raves and swears that he has no doubt but that there was to have been a bloody olt hunt in Hancock but as this to be his only consolation, it would be cruel to deprive him of it. The Quincy and Springfield companies areon bo trd the Gelena, on their way home, and Messrs Sharp and Wil liams are in company, on their way to Quuicy to stand their examination before Judge Thomas The mode and manner of their surrender forms a rich chapter in the history of the Morruao Wars. 1 his morning, (Jen John Hardin and Maj K. Baker were deputed by Governor Kord to cross tho river Bnd propose terms to Messrs Sharp, Williams and Jackson. Those terms were that they should surrender themselves to be examined before Judge Governor to instinct the prosecuting attorney to admit cotiftttio that the presumption was not great, and waive all objections againit the prisoners being bailed in case the Judge should co siuer the evidence sufficient for their commitment.

Also it was further stipulated, that if the bonds were forfeited at the next term of the Court, the forfeiture should be set aside on appearance at the spring term These which were more favorable than were asked were accad ed to. Messrs Sharp and Williams (Jackson being sick) went across the river, walked into the camp at their lei sure, were arrested, and are now proceeding to being treated with great respect by the troops and oflt' cars Neither appear to have any fear of coaseouences but are very cheerful. By the steamer Boreas, we learn that Messrs. Sharpe and Williams returned to Warsaw, by the Boreas on her upward trip, last Thursday Judge Thomas, of (Juincy not recognizing sufficient authority to warrant lus action in the case, declined having any thing to do with it and so these gentlemen, who had conditionally surrendered ta Gov. Konl, found themselves at liberty to return home unmolested.

The intend to hold a rrand barbecue nt Warsnw, having secared Kord for a roast SI. Louin Hevttllr, Oct 0. UtJTRrtOK and Vfot.KNCK.?It in with feelings of grrat pain that we are called upon to record outrage committed at a political meeting in this city, where, heretofore, it has been our pride and boast that' the canvass had invariably been conducted with order and tranquillity. On Haturday night, the Whigs held a meeting at the shed of the I'ontciiartrain railroad in the Third Municipality. While the shaking was going on, a large number of the opposite party ume down among them, and, it is said, attempted to pass into the interior They were remonstrated with, but expostillation seemed unavailing.

Persisting in the endeavor toice a passage, the resisted, and though, we believe at that time no blows were struck, one of the banners be longing to the locofocos was torn to shreds. The Polk and Dallas party then retired, order restored, the proceedings of the meeting was resumed It aop'sred. however, that the oco Kocos had only withdrawn to ral ly and en'rench themselves in a position whence th might lie assailed without danger. They botook themselves to the levee, among a heep of paving stones, by the darkness, pouted volley after vol ley of these the Whigs beneath the rail road which, being brilliantly lighted, ennbled theii almost to pirk out their men The be ing totully unprepared for this attack, were, of course taken by surprise and unable lo df fend themselves Mani were struck down and several received severe wounds Among those who were lit and bruisid are Alehouse Canoage, Henry Ogden, Mr Roberts. Mr.

Simmons fcc No lives were lost Hit, Oil 7 Tiik Mi-rdkr in Madison County readers will recollect the notice of the xtiininiary exe, ution ol a man named Abraham W. Smith by a mob, at Krede rickstown. in Madison county, Missouri, on the ttih of August that the ringleaders in this outrage escaped, and wete still at large. Of the number a man named John Sinclair, who was accidentally and recognized in the streets ol St. Lonis lately A warrant immediately procured for his arrest, ami Justice Butler, on an examination of the case committed bim to Jail, where he will remain until he is removed to Madison count v.

Sin clair said to have been the principal in the afTsir-. to hove tied the rope around the man's neck, and to hove he swing him up. Kight or ten of th- mob are now in Jail, and if Justice is done them, they will share the late of the criminal hom they execute I Htnod or Pastor of the Preeby terian church at Norfolk, notice that the Sv nod of Victims will Borough to-morrow he f'eiby teries, and meet, annuchorrh member, and each church is entitled to one Lay HepresenUtive There mi connected with the 13ft chuiches; 111 14 Liccnttatf randiditft. the an I ttionty of a clergyman resident at Valcartier, that a sins ft shock of an earthquake, waa felt on Monday tUreury, 10. 1 Naval Coitet Mautial trial otCapt John T.

Newton, in winch itie Naval Court Martial now axemhled in City hum ti. gaged tor the last three terminaUd yesterday The case, which has occupied to a pot tion ot the at.nti.m of both ol tbe ai.d d.seivet muic than a passing nutice One ol our moat distinguished and gallant officers haa t.e ai raigned on thr charge ot ntgligence la the lost ot that splendid steamship, thu Muaoiiri which was destroy ed by tin- at (iibialtar in August, 1643, and Inch he commanded In older to find where the blame, it uny, ically rested, were prelerred againat bar commander The true object ol this trial was to elicit v. ry tact, and to make the whole mut er one of The its haa been but otie opinion to tie ntiie and loll exculpation ol ('apt Nawlou lion, any cenaura on thia great na ioiial uiislvrtune Ilia late tiial btlore a court compost ol men in whom we at the identification ot our country'a glory, haa lenioved tven the moat imaginative point mignt momentarily have ap eaied to cast a shadow upon escutcheon Patiently haa be passed through this oideal.and nebly haa be mat and confuted every chaige and aptcihcation Yesterday, at 3 o'clock PM, the hour deaignated tor delivery of the delenco i apt Newton and Ina oouuael, Philip Hamilton, at New York, appealed in couit. ll wen; impoaaibie tor ma to give more tnun a la.lit idea of an addleaa which occu11. .1 an hour and three in delivery.

Thetestl mony ol thu witnesses wete clearly and ikiiluliy arrai that a child might read and understand that v. hit before hail been intricate in the extreme The very simplicity ol tins ui langenn nt denoted tbe mantel mind, teiseneta die scholar, legal acumen one well veiled in the theory aud practice ol proieaeion. The discipline of ilic ship was pioved by many to have been of the beat. With i egaid the tin pentint it waa clearly ihown to have been carefully concealed ironi tight Ironi the hour 01 ita arrival on board at Noifoik till ulter the departure of the vessel from Kayal, and then only seen by and never reported, but s'owed away and covered with lorty pounda ot liemp and leit in a Uttln iluik cuddy below deck, two leet wide five or six long. 1 ha testimony Ot these witneaan, who they it.

to eutirely contrudicioi aa to give their deuce but little it any weight. Many other witnesses swore, some lo have searched the loom and to have often looktd into it, et they never saw any The probability ia that tbe tuipentiue waa never put in thu lure until a day or two belote the vtfsel reached Gibrultar, and then urjKiaely covered up by hemp an to defy observation. A iitghct of duty in some ol the in not stowing it away proper ly, in the place, rendered in their a continuation of concealment ol the tact ntcesruiy. That the Captain knew not ol ita existence whh evident to all On thia point the lestimony clear, fml, aud conclusive. Hiving traversed over the wide field covered by the (likened by counael to a wide-cast fiom Norfolk to Oibrultar to catch him in ita and pointed out the snaru which had lieen laid for him in the training ol thoae chut get, (one iprcitica'ion charging him with committing a certain act and anothi ith not tommitlirg the tame act, making both the omitsii.ii and commit? ion criminal.) and congratulating himtt It thatthafeature ot th? evidence adduced the pioatculii alone enabitd him to both of the dilemma, he concluded by slightly alluding to long service in the navy, (six and thirty yvait aud then ajiri that, while the pngttol hie country's history were emnLzonrd with the of the immortal l.awienceand gallant Biddle.

he who had itood ith tliem aide hy tide, and participated in the capture of the Peacock il Penguin, was now artmgned a criminal la-fore a court loi a constitutive, aud endad by tuying that to men so sensitively uiive to tha honor of their couutiy fiom tin ir pioltssiona and their wire the nn cil iu ol tl.ecouit, he Inlly confided own honor. Thus terminated an investigation which cannot but bring out in bolder teliil thu cbarvct and conduct of one wlie in public or private lile ever been, in tha st ictett sense, an oilier and gelil.tman.- Litur, Oct 10. Kkpeai. Cutback in ia our painful duty to record tbe perpetration ot some disgraceful outiagi in hample stieet, on Tutsdny i vtning last. Atiout o'clock, a iiinb, vuiioutly estimated at itom SUO to 600 bearing with them two blazing tar hamls (taken fiom Mr Jones'whaif) and shouting lor "OCen ll and Hepeul," paraded this stieet, breaking the of tveiy house in wlucb no light was visible This I'estiuction indiscriminate and Anti-Kepealeia, suffered alike; and the windows of the Catholic urch, the and Wesley an herein ro lighis could hive been expected were dt inolished.

Huge were hulled lor this ptirpote of destruction in several* breaking sash At tsvern, the tge inflicted wss very great, and to incensed was hn that, alter w.lining lliein to desist, he ft eJ and wounded one man in three es, wi'h small aniJor. of the Clio, we are told Tliey returned hi again at I0o'clockt menat-iug lui life, when he again fired, wounding another person Mr. Leek, ut the Cove also fired, and while prepanngto give a second shot, was knocked down by a stone thrown a. him. it is said that three have been wounded, but none seiioualy Mr.

unnolly, endeavored to the but could not aucci'td in doing to he, however, peisuaded them, when about to to throw the. blazing banel, which they had thrown wu on the woudtn pavement, in Mous-le-koit stieet, ovt the Wharf in doing they were nearly settiiifr fiie to the iteamer The were too small a force to contend with the Yesterday evening company of the 43d Light liitantijr matched down to the Qui en's VVIiail to an exprcted reuewal ol thtat of violence, but their leivlces were not required We are informed that the actual were not many way conmcted with not, and an- glad to find, by the resolutions of the Association given elsewhere, they have promptly vindicated thair Innocence, ami lioldly denounced any ol associates who may be detected to have been implicated Two men have been a bailiff ot the Vice Admnalty Court, and one White, who is now in jail in of not heu.g aide to procure bail for future Quebec Merct ty, Oct 10. DgsTRticTivK have a letter giving the particulara ot moat destructive tire which broke out at Springfield, at one o'clock on sundsy morning, which wa have not time to give. The flie originated at the corner ot Maine and rtanlord in the shop ol K. Ammidou, which communicated to the adjoining buildings destroying property to the amount ol or Tbe loss tails veiy hiavy on a wotthy class of enterprising youi.g Botton Ttai.icnpl, Oct.

14. Tiik National Jockey Hacks racen terminated on Saiurdiiy )nct, and nflorded good sport dui ing the last week to the votaries of tbe turl, and to those who attended the race course as meje peclators. 7 he tollou ing the result ol the race Foi'stm Uav Jockey Club $360 Three Mile g. Wilton Brown. I 8 I James Williamson's h.

Ilegent i 1 'i O. P. b. Anthony ...3 1 Time 1st heat A bH 3d heat, A Ati 31 best, 0 OA Col. Williamson's Urgent understood to be which together with the trark being very heavy, will in some measure account lor the leatol thia horse.

Ht. Linear Jot.xrr At a late met ting of this club, James Motgan, V.sq President, Wm Parrott, Ksq Secretary, airacgi ments wne lor the ensuing Kail Itacea, Inch uro to con iff over our couiae oil thr- iOth day ol November next. Many fine 1 stables, are expected to be attendance, and much 'pert I anticipated. Lexington rveraud Rrperter ot Thursday, haw the toilowing A man calling hlmsell Kaiibank been aliout this city lor two or thtee werks past, endeavoring to pass liitn-i II as Methodist preacher, of which, however, heexbibited no authentic On Monday evening he was arieated near en a chaige ol three the property of lliain, Oiant, ana Baxter The which have been developed are tDCb as to leave no doubt of guilt, and to pioduce the impression that ot meicenary, his design being lo obtain such the lervai.t* by prudent economy had laid up, and then, to of the servants for own advantage We underatand that to cover his he induced a young lady ot this city to trecome a pailnerol guilt, by a pietenceofa run away matrimonial connection with her. to he consummated at Aberdeen, They have both committed to the county Jail It may be that the crime ol the man la the result ot some deeply laid polmcsl plot in Ohio, to pro dtice an exoitement jusi upon the us af the election, which is to take piece in tlitt State next week At all if guilt is wc hope be will meet tbe punishment be justly Canadian politiciann of Canada nre once more i.bout lo break the lunce (in an allegi irical and no doubt about to huak heads in sense, the lo expected dissolution ol Parliaasent having et length taken place Tbe for tbe new election aie Sept J4 and are returnable en tha I Jth ef Novembei next Th.

conservative drrounce (and so) profuse.I conservatives who bv offer ing two lor one county io to divide their engt give a chance lo their to pn fit by it. Thia election the fste ol ''anada Fterfiictnn Jj ynutt. Circuit Court. Oct the Seventh Wnrii Bank Thomni Hai nn an action i-otlced in lleruld, biought on two April 1043, which di-counted by the llie bring given under tbe following Mr Bacon, who in Ogdensbnrgh. failed in business, and became a bankrupt Pending the action ol the court, on a petition lor a oischatge he waa opposed by Wood, Orant and and also notified hy a Mr Woodward.

ho to oppose him An agreement, It apptared, was entered into, and an offer waa made to the creditois through nn agent, of AO cents rn the dellar it they withdrew opposing" Mr. Woodward acceded to tbe proposition but Woerl, tlranf and Ce refused. An arrai merit was made that Bacon, after diachanre, should givebla notes, en demand, lor debt provided they did not run bejond thrto years, md Wood, Orant assigned tbe Mr James. th? it I'tirit'es, which were given by defendant, and were to be returned in ol defendant not ecerbng to the proposition On his acceding opposition withdrawn, and he declared a bankrupt when the notes were mnde. Verdict for fendant.

Court day Niraaioa Cottar h4, ha, he, fig, 19. S3. Mi, 40, 74, 7A, AA iscoir Cocat tw, po w7. itk, rt, 4tl, 6J, 40. 7A,.

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