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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 8

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 TBI fATSL ACCIDtXT T.T TUS ZOOLOOlCAl 9JLKDZSS. Ttetepky asoraiatT aa Itwl ntWUilU fork asd XbmjTxm, by Mr. Wahley, th the bdy (Ih Umttt Oerlanf, keeper ha the Oaiw, gatVrrk. vb loataJsUiaonWedaaaoVIaet, wtast hi on iatswwdoaeo, frasn the Uteef a eobra da tapall. Th.

way i which the accident auppaa. soon toad, aad kn a neat ior eoajeeters bart th atagularity tfUMMujUM atrcnaaataa. that it aSbrdad ninl xaauaitiu for awsdacel nwnk iato the acttoa cf wound, front aonu reptiles, lavet tha evidence with nor Uu vrdiaar htorwst, Th body, Ui liml by the jury, pruouted MT17 hmmI piac aot Mi( inlbt or otherwise dia Iin4l aa4 th mark of tb serpent i hit being Indicated ejaly by slight discolouration on lb WUg of th nose. From Tlraf body th Jury praudel to th. garden 4 uueniael lb opot vbr th acod.nt has Iad.

It earurred la th 8rpet which, everybody who bo visited Ut gardeu win r. eoSaet, Cited la raca a manner at with th. moat or ekaary pewoasUoas toiaatsre parfect safety from casualties of Ineklad. By anew sfaalroa red, Itooksd aitbeeed, aad Userted thrwagh amall aperture at th ton of each om. partmrat, th reptOst an aaily removed la to tt compart anest usat ww owa, aaa made secure there, vail th keeper lao twd ia aad eUt oat the VitiUri areeTaUeitoeaetheeerpeaUln perfect security through Ut thick front of IS eompartnwoU, and nothing eaa iinHw uMKonju uut por tioo of their display, lb koepen having strictest orlr ever oa any account to lift th glaea slid or to attempt doing aaytkiar ia tb eoapartmeaU vitkoat firtt nnortir their oeeapaat.

Tho eobra lrkich iaW r.t.i woaaa Uit found ia Ib4U, C.ylon, aad Ih. ajaeaat iaUad. aa4 i.Srt frjm tho Afrieaa oobra, a tpociawa of vkickUpUoalbocidoit, ia kaTiar iU tkia nirl.l wtih riaji of a dirty yolloo cuJonr. It Mean mack nor lirely tkaa iU eompaaion, aad took rofoja yntenUy from th raw of th rwpeitahl jary in a tiuaU water taalc With which the eompexUaent prorUad. wUnte'waVela0t 10 th lint 1 Mlii "fS" Ha Uairrty Col HopiUl, who ajid that wu prM.t at the th of au pw ju.

jia nai eo tUroabaat aa hoar before th rat took pUoa. Wha Ukta ia he appeared alaioat if ui uahle to apport hi bexl. Hi. be. wa.

liwid, hi. rUpir alion Trry imperfect, be dmtoJ hinnelf nneily, and pointed to hi, throat and mod. The popil. were ratheVlar. and actedimperfocUy.

the left, beinCt acUe. The arfaee of the was of the natoral timper. the paU ptetty cood aad iroor. H.aiWr aau eoald Dot walk or rtand. Wit "dJpt tobI.whea artJaU rrtpiratwn aad eilTaoum we at oao reaorted to.

"TT1, The arUficial rcpiritS aecned ahU to keep the acUoa cf th heart after natural mwratwa had caued. rapidly nk. andvlniim ration wa, at 20. hot then and it ahorUy afuT o. caM Tory lo aad eeaw.L Hi.

TV." thn.rhmt, bnt did not cite inJicltl. Sat Uch ta fc.U?, and the SSS San ttch. It Ud throuihlth t. cdluW tn.

hat wttuen oH not dUet any mark in the wriol. and coatiaaeJ much Mfor anm, time. It txtendod. th "''f" taminatic wu mad 29 hour. uiv oniD vnere wai no Tuinttaral count tht and lBg.

w.r.lelrollapied than la ordIcaioV! tortrd. the hack part of both loan ther wtreinUnily bUck in na hUckh ii3 from the Uau. Th, mueotu membrane of the iaur p.v aaiwof aTyUrk colour, and the rm tbern elT fuW a dark frithy fluid! TufTma atioV IWtindalSon th. re.pir4oa rr iuiu uie puuo eeaaal to bail wa. nothiag nnu.ual about tU hrrnTorrloUid there wa.

no of conrti ietion. The tUckW of "he jnuoou. merntrn. conrmd in the loww rtof th! il i Ther? waYnothig ITa? Uft 1 brt wu free from di tr', were firmly contracted and free from TTcremaimwiy fa'J orduk coloured blood "frery loi. ooegulunC ThVmaTh i c.7,vU.L:r ST "wca and in ton VT 'tomb contained a imall ntu rtf but JrlVrr 00,11,1 "7 of "tat kin: wf? h'ltJ'7 Ihroujhout: ta.

lirer wa. of kMoey fluid. There wm an eecb jmi. uX the akin, euch a. rnht Uke place from any other runrtare' hat no anntua iaflammatorr rt 1 uaciare.

The Coroner. jou diacorer the canre of death VTr.PI'1 Vf from "a he had no Joult that it a. earned by rcneta! We of the Voj'mo coated for tl. rtuf the The Oruoer declared hi 4t. lhSth.Ti and Uut the oaly thint that coold hare pren Jecwod nce wl, to eaoked fch, wojad.

at He would not, hU he rrweat, hre heaiUVd to do so. By a jorrmui iTalth. i. 1 "1 .7 ueaiment at 7. reached the hoepital it wu tooUte.

JoIiUe" UWBSUI tL1 rrlur itwouMbcaJruableta kin. hat a rewort had heea aaad kiai aa the (abject, ad kaawaaf th daaaaaad to datiaaa haalihiwitaca. wae'UataaeMeiHac hiat aUeatlre, to Uke thebast riew of th awe. Had ha kaawa Ue truth he weaU have iaWi atott laah.n.i hiaa. Oa eaeaatoa ha r.niiar.i akkf Oartiat rery amnly (or lifliaf the aV aad pnt Oacta far thamarai hwwl withoat laaioriag It, Mr.

Allerd. a aontaoa. whe wa itiaaat oa. th eea aiaa. laalriil Mf.

MHahaff eeVUaoe a to Garliaf' i lrraii mlj 1 urn it fr tuiliae; the) paff adder ay BlUa lb (laea. Ha threat. to diacharn hia 00 the jx if k. erer did afaia, aad told him that Lha aaiataUbit hiaa wvald cane iaaUat death. Jaaaea PhilBpa.

eerteaer to the tociatT. aaw Omrliar di rectly afUr wa bittoa, aaa to him with hi am extoadad aad bleed ea kb faea, aad took him round the ac aad ottfa turn to rt ua medical aaetataaee, a bad beea bittoa by a eobra, aad wa a dead man. fie then went to the washed his faea. lie told wilaea that he bad placed the eaiaul ia hi breaet, wbea it bit him. Jlr.

JtttcbeU eaM, Uat there wa aa aUeced aatidou to laake bite, called the Lilamm OeJroa, which, heverer, he did not LelieT ia, aad em of it had heea (iraa to the deeeawd. who had sot atad it. Thi. doted the eridenee aad th. coroner hartst; briefly charred the jury, ther returned a Terdict to the eCect that th deceeaad had lost hi life by the bit of a serpent kaowa th cobra de capella, wbea ia a state of iatoaicatloo, aad ia eoDsequeao of bis own rsshaess and indiscretion.

JtAILWA DIRXCTIOX. TO THE EDITOR 07 TTIE TIMES. Sir. In IX Timet of yesterday the nam, of Lira's WhamdiiTe. Klnsaird, and Pawnor are mentioned as pro.

table rueceuora to Mr. 0. Glya a chairman of the London and orth esters Bailway Company; the Bnt two noble Lord, bare coniideTable experience ia railway mancmnent. but Lord ranmsrri connexion witb railwar matter, is almoat limited to a of a former board of th Caledonian uomjany under ctrcumnance. wnica at tracted tne souee 01 tne uuadotuaa tjommittee 01 lam tirstion.

But whil your columns daily teem with compUiat of railway management, and particularly in retard to tne two leadinj companies, it heoomo. essential that the to Mr. Ulya ahould not only posses, a name which thoald be a gaarantee (u hi. name wai) againit any malpractices, or cooking 01 aecousw, nut oe aieo posaeoaa 01 ample time and leisure to gire all hi. attention to the high aud onerou.

dutie atucued to ma cnair. In rain mar roir correspondents conralain. so loer an irre.poc.ible board exinti with neither heart to feel, nor body to be nogged I will not pursae tne quotation, sacn complaints sre sub'eet of mirth or ridicule but tbey cease to be so when addressed to ons particulsr persoa, and sir. annuel iajoi. us iuu umuuws ui um XAiauua aad Brighton Compsay, at once how.

to auggettion. which are puma oj nnceeiejai r.unon4quare. Mr. dm, retirement thould be availed of to obtain re sponsible indiTidu.1 management, a control over officials, and a name amenable to public blame or praise. The coin ny could well an jri to pay lor tucn and might then dupense with the present amateur system which dran a Liverpool cotton broker, or a onal proprietor from the Midland counties, to a burned board or committee meeting, and leaves to men.

already bunting with their own occui. tion the control of. property yielding an income of a year. It 1. said that jaalou.y prevent, an appointment urjver sally acknowledged to be necessary, and that the present director, would not williagly permit the pretention of one who, if he uiumed all the responsibility, would naturally also claim a leading control but, surely, the tafety of the public and interests of the proprietor, should be preferrei to mere prejudices.

The London and Xorth WesternWestern Company meets on the 3d of November, to treat of an amalgamation with the Midland Company, and thut add one million sterling to lis yearly income a revenue which cannot be intrusted to an unknown or irrospon.ible Voir J. or to uncontrolled officials. I hope, therefore, that the comirg meeting some shareholder will heboid enough to bear the frowns of the would be potentates, and direct the opinion, and reeling. 01 ni. co proprietor, to rtspoiuiUo, dividual, and properly remunerated manigemcnt.

Your obedient servant. Svh arbor, the iU.i a. 1, 1 wunmw. luenunej iSi'r a OL of th kIr. of the rep The CorcLer TVa V.d ...1 times, but not T.

T.rk went it 6 ia the morn Ind Wbisi i Li. 'f Vn from hi. work, tlcudaat.ofthehummi: Gorlil momins an excited vtmM7s. LTTu aiug wnica lenced off the lzrt: TT nts'are iuu room intj liiue. auJ witnu uxnu.g round to Oorlinf.

said. "Ior God1 77i i S.f H. replied. I itspired," tb. wake round tie aonlderSwrt.

DON, wno looi doira. in.l aI.l wi OUer wLjeL he il bck then a ke, i'7D th room, going on with hu work, when the decelseJ tlJd the railing. 11 Tra. at had the eobra out before he couhl I prevent him, and put it under wairta" It colled it. about a fout trcm th head with one head, and with the hZTl Wnm, aw Uood from the 10 tin" JJruti'C(rfn1 'onf away he feetly sober at th uw.

had seen decoadTx cited Tth "Xlrr UCote Hu when he 7 II BTT hnme. TL had bocS toccther aU n.ght. aid had not at Tbey went to Soin A.fraa, and after which they went to.a pub.ic.hoTO in Shoe lane. Curling wu not Umy whrn berot baca to the gardens, but wu in an excited Une. another afterwards, and again another at o'cloci" J7n ThtU where th.

sencnU were slid np, hut not ea, Jy. uules. one wu iued to it. He had never fcaker Edmmida, a helper in the gardens, uw iotoxicatod, and also eras the lut witness. Garkng had the gls.

up and cut. and aaid, "Look here? T1 erpeat. in thelrdecs, witIiiJTF letter wu not aware of it until rirr'V Pat HP red right witness left. not "rort that thca men were Tk iatss. They might hav beea Ktarged if der100" 1' rod th.

life of the jlBi W' creUry the Zoological SorieU had hired CtrliBg at oa gaiaaa per wwsTad5 temporary uaiatAt at iS, wBufTpklU at os ia th senat kua, and hariar rfr fxom wMpIcad a'tlTwi fcL toLaachhim hisdaUca. IlTaVtcidaolucci? tim, to do anythiag to th. diaaWiT eaawhTSl' AtoM, namd cam tower with htWatd A. it. ir.i irrso ul.i Rin awtfaraad wu absent, wl tats wa told thai might bar baas druik orsr aitht, aad desired Mr T0.T1IE EDITOR.OP THE TIMES.

Sir, I'ray read the following, and say whether I have not a right to assum. tb character in which I mjtelf: On Monday se'aaight I wu at Newport (Uon moutluhire), intending to go on to Bristol, in order to be present at a sale of property at 2 o'clock on that day. The steamer would hare taken me for a but it would cot arrive in Bristol until 3 o'clock; consequent! v. I took a ticket at the railway aUtion by the hall put 10 o'clock train, by which I wu told that I should get into Bristol by half put 1. Unfortunately for me, the train wa.

not punctual. I waited at the aation quarter hour after quarter hour, until aa hour had elspwd from the time the train wu due. The station clerk could give to conjecture of th cause of the detention, excepting tlut the line had been opened that morning to Caruarihen. lVeeettly the train arrived aa hoar after it time and I hnnied ofTbr it to tbo l'usace. and thence to!.

which I reached an hour after tune, an! just in season to see tne comiany leaving tne ale room, the beicg over, II Ik.t mnrf. and I ahouM not have Veen the purchaser even if I bad been present. But it might have been otherwise, ud I might cave net an aarsnugenu. investment solely from the een turable and unexplained irrerularities of the railwar nun pany. A.

it wu, 1 paid lUs. for my journey to Brittol instead of and the anxiety and disappointment incident to the circumxtance. I have mentioned. The same I went on to London by the Great Weitern (uodcr the same msnagemont), and, after being detained at lid lot and eloogh waiting tbe passsge of other truti, 1 sr lived at l'addirgton 25 minutes after time. Lost nicb.

1 returned by tbe toail lrain from London to Exeter, where I arrived 55 minutes after the hour fixed by the time Uble, resolving to a. ence nlyself for the tedious protraction of my nigbt trsvellibg by adding one to the many who hare reported similar grievance to Ike 1 ma. Barnstaple, Oct. 'JO. A COMPLAISANT.

j'EKsIAX llERETIli A.VD EXECUTIONERS. Tlle 1 1 attempt to assassinate the Shah of Persia wu ma le bv tao perron, who belonged to the religion, sect of tbe Babi. This wu tbe only oonfstsion they made in spite of the inex pressible torment, of the rack, and, though their mutcits writhed under redhot pincers, though their bone, were crutbed by suu their lip. remained closed, and ther was, We are Babia." The Babis are echi.mau and they pray to the prophet, but they prefer their prayei in a aauer wmca is somewcafc aiuereufc irom vce aevo. tional exercisps of orthodox Moslcmim.

This sect ws. foundol Sjbnut 15 yean ago by a man of the name of Bth, whom the King ordered to be shot. and who wu shot oordintly. The most devoted among his followen rle.1 to aengain, where tbey were attacked by the rung a It 1 Hv.1 tKat all cf tt.n man wnmM had been put to tbe sword, and that not a single Babi coull be leund to disturb the equanimity of tbe true believen but intolerance hu alwav. the same effect, and Babi Ao: trine, took root and spread apace, and at thi.

moment there is a town in the kingdom without it. contreration t.f secret Babi The Government adheres to tbe sy.tetn of penecuxiou wmcu come, so natural to a reraiin, and the heretics have consequently many opportunities to assert tho purity of their laith by martyrdom. The prophet Bab him slf told his disciple, that the road to Paradise lay through tbe chamborof torture. If this be true, ther is no deny icg it that the present Shah ia very kind to the Babia, for he docs hi. best to them to he.

Ten. 1 lu lut decree treati of the utter extermination of the heretics. Sow. connidir isg the peculiar character of Oriental ethics, nobody could end lault witb tho remain if the poor sectarian, were simply and quicklr put to death, but the manner in which the capital sentence i. executed, the circum.tsnce.

which precede tbe last blow, the torments whirh consume the body until life end. in a lut korriblo couvuhion tlicua are so revolting that the very thought lushes oce's blood run cold. Counties, blow. fall. ing bard and fut on tire backs and tbe feet of tbe unfortunates, and the' singeing of the limb, with redhot irun.

are mere ouuiuiuopiao toriueata. aod he to whom ther lire I applio.1 may thanlc tn.l for being treated so knienily. i.ui looc a. vnose wretcnea. who.

with their eves nut it. aie compelliid to eat their' own ean, which have been cut on, ami eat tbem raw. lxmkat others, boe teeth nave been broxen out by the band, of tbe executioner, offering their bare bead to the hammer which is to breik their skulls. Or look at th. woful aoectacle of the bazaar.

lighted up by heretics, whose breuts aad are drilled through and made to contain burning candle. I have seen them marching through the bazaar with a band of music preceding them. Some of the candles were burnt down, and the wick and grease burnt right in the quivering Cash. Nor are these the only torment which the inventive cruelty of the Oriental, bss derived. They take the skin tbe sole of their feet, them i tbey would shoe a hone, and after this they compel tbe victims to run a raee.

1 shall never forget the acone. Sot a groan had escaped him he bad borne th wont torment in gloomy silence, but now they ordered him to risoand run he mako. an attempt, hut tbe fiesh is weaker than the mind he and fall. For mercy, uke, give him the cos) iJt and make an end of it. So the executioner Nourishes the knout, it comes down upon tbe quivering feet, be leaps up, he ruabes forward, and That i.

the beginning of tbe end. The end itself ia that tho rcarred. mutilated body is hung to a tree by one foot and one hand, with the head downwards, and then every person may hare a shot at it. I uw bodies literally torn to pieces by not leu than 150 bullets. Fortunate sre these who are strangW.t, stoned, or auffocated fortunate, ton, are those who ue tied to a cannon, or who fall under the the dagger, the hammor, or the club.

Sot only the executioners, but also the populace, take part in thi. butchery. The judge now aad then present some Crown officer or dignitary with a few Babia, and tbe Per aian feela delighted and honoured' by shedding the blood of a gagged and defenceless man. The infantry, cavalry, artillery, the King', guards, th guilds of the butchers, baken, kc all took part in tb bloody acone. A certain Babi wu sent a present to the officer, of the garrison tbe commanding general had th fint cut at him, and th other officers followed, each with hi a word, according to rank aad seniority.

Tb Persian troop are butchers, but Dot warrior. On. Babi wa sent to th. Imaum Grume, who killed him offhand. The Islam hu no notion of charity.

After their death, tb bodies of th. Babi are cut Into halves, and cither nailed to th. gate or thrown oat to th dog and Kfluer Ztxtung. The KxrEvsz or Pubijo Jubttce. It ii abown, by a Parliamentary paper famed within th.

last few days, that la th year ended th. Ma of January lut th expens to th oouatry for public justice wu 2,855,6667. tt which wu oa aeoouatef court of fustic. for potts criminal vraecutioos, and Tti.iXL for eerv rectioo. Tex Rrnsnro Birjusms.

Vat the lart threw TAlTaUaLL'sy ratar. I to 1 atst W. Beam. Aaa. tasks.

1 1 air. S. X. Mnar aassal awaatsa. Kr.

T. Iwrrt Vasaasnas (aa. MBrsawaaasMafaaaawlreiakaal. 1 Major Hartrwa Oia UO Itr.lVlUprsU Jslf 91 tsaaa). 9 Mr.X.

rnffiprt Ki I acsr. Ex. B. T. aMwaran rtasrwOa.

aaasLwkhadtbcanf Bstart. was aasaad Bwaly at I as 1. tto laranrerestoctaieea. Tto Katrai af tka aate aadlaJaaTwae. saatararesrataa baun ea Ttarara totttsa, tae eattaf, kevevsr, batag meoaaldaraU.

xrsmar. 1(00 to CO atst Mr. Bower. West aaea). THE SEWMAEKET HOUGHTOS MEETISG.

fiorat marked thai are bow at Xrwmarkit, MOIDAT. Dasnirar run ef seta, far rr elds aad awevda, Xa. Uau 1 boss. Caasbrtdisilili Obstss. A lUxticir as nmim of 8 sev.

each tot rr cIds aad ap wsros. U.K. A. SwtxmAKts ef aevs. each; 5 jroWa, Tt.

4 rr eld. tw, tftUM. sat, jr okts aad arsd, 14. 1Kb. The stsrar to be sold or 0 sots.

D. U. A Ivnmua ct 10 sor. each jr oles, )st. 71a.

rrold. kt. Sb. jrild. and cpvaros, est.

to. The wmaer te be scat JorMOmvi. Crltertoa OoarM. A BssmiAS of 10 aora. ac rroU.

ooita, bt. aula aLKb. Tb atosar to ks sold Bar XM arts, rtrat half if Aa.Hl A tsuraiin ef 19 tor. adi: Srr oaai, 1st. rr odf.

1st. srrouf, sat. yr aua aaa area, II'. Tb wmaer to to sold tor 5 sera. An.

K. afsvir. D.L Dal. of rlfbrfaOpiomedji, tat. Ttt, afat Mr.

O. trm. WartJer Tb Csxrrxjo Stub, ef 30 son. seb, fu for 1 rr e'o. eoHs, St.

Tib. CXe), Sat. tin. tb sister of the Ilopefsl, the Tvo yrold Trkwinlal, OaarwiII, or Preodertaa. Stakae at irra markrf, tbe Xew BUke.

at Assot, tbt Has, Larut, or Moleemb Stake. the Prtaoa of Wake Makes at Terr, tb Cbampacae or SO sots. Two rear Btakss at Doocatter, Cb. ef any teotf tbossatakea, Th. th sinner cf ear ether swasestakas, value SOO nva.

nxlwihic the wtaaer. ewa stake, aad sot barbat be. than 10 rabv. Sib. extra aeboru aaor tbaa 91b.

extra. Fnxa the Turn of the Laid. ra. 29 sabs, Jack th Cant Killer WilLaaaRsro. 'Xlcotiae anb Pole OsaJasl Barbeu (paid) Taara, appears ly a return to th Hovw of Commons, awsawalauriwl oa aoeoaat of iba satrritTi uistod tomiliofTOvTlwwl)7rm 'c br Tlew cat cf Leslas Cbsddsr Tllben HsiDscter Noaats lamlia 'loaki CsblbiUoa d.

by Alans oat of Allah Cut rut 'Mikalaa AjiaUWiaioo Barfspslt Stlpbtse cb. a. by ViaUa MaJeltna loaidl b.tbTBaraiutdlstoa aarjusteeB ipsau. apesd tbe Plaera. Vatcb.

IOO, a. ft. al. Tib. aach.

D.H. Duke of Bedfura'. Peasioaer Sfal 'LocU Glasf ow bj Don John oat of Conspiracy. MATCH. list, Tib.

eaob. T.Y.C. Dakecf Bedlord'. Ioaiadia aral 'Lyrd Bibhlssdale'. Bouaty, Jllt H.

T.T.C. 'Due of Uedfwd'e tMaUp. lat. Bib, afst 'Lord Exetera Waot, 7.iab. TUESDAY.

A It OMoir Pi ate of 100 aorv, for yi oida aad epvarda, D.I. ni rr fay. 1 oUa, fit. 1 yr oMa, Tat, 61b. 4 yr olda, (.

tlb. frjr olda.Ost.Jla.: gyr oU.aDd arsd, Ost, Tib. Ths wbuer, elth his eacacemenU, to ba sold for 340 raioaia. Ll thrse ssUes of B.C. A BwrrrvrtKn of 10 son.

nob: Syr okU, 4 yr olda, Ut. ilo. 5 yr and npearda, Sat. alb. Tb.

sinner to be SI son. Lwthalfof Ab.M. A KwrrrrKDi of 10 son. each rroiJs TK. 4 yr olJ.

gat, 31b, I yr otd. and apwards, tit Kb, Tbe winner to b. sold for SOO ion. criterion t'oorss, A 8'lxiAsof lOaov each fur 2 yrolJs oolti, tJL Tib. Oct, fat, 41b.

Tbe winner to old far 200 sovi. O.U. A tsrxmuci of 10 sora rath, for 2'yr olua eolts, 8k. 71b. M.4:b.

Tuslanertobs soMfor3aon. Last half of Ab.M. A Ktixiiii UiMji. ir SwtcrsxAKD of 16 son. 10 ft.

for 3 yr olda and apesrds. Tbe wbuer to be sold for 200 son. D.U. A BAMiKAr SwEtnrAxn of 15 son. each, 10 ft far I rr Udi and Jyr oldt.

T.T.C TbsCAMBKiixitNniBX STAKE, of 23 son. eaob, ft, aod otJy If declarad, with 100 added from th. ton race rand the wiener ef the Dcacaiter St. Lefir lSb, the second la the St. Leier, or tb winner ef Uie Doacaater Cap or Great Torxihln TT.nd'inp, or tbe Leamliir aa Btakss.

STb. tbe wlnuerof any handicap value 20 sova, tnclnd fef the wuner'. own sisks. after the ccbUostloo ef this handicap 8b. sxtra these extra weight, net to be arcumalaUva, but the win.

aeroftbeCeaaresitchTtb, ever and above any other utra wsitht to which he may bs liable lb ssoond to rscelTe son. ont ef the stakes, and ths wiener ti pay 30 son. to th jadr Cam trldje. hire Cour. Iilubs, cq oi whom pay I son, ft.

yr staw tawt aiwaraw ssUSX, lawamwtotoaaiiatwsn. LKPajl bat half Ah. M. A rwxzrrxAxas WW sJiaaslTk Wssnswaj MssaVtW. Tae aTcaaxax BxAxai aasw, asr Stessa, at the tbasef.ia bliss pay 1 sev.

DJt. AaWizrwTAZa ef, Isrlyrsbsi: soai a. ca. Ti i ai.sai I. hi 1 fT T.TA A BwKXTTTAxas ef II sen.

yr olds, aad IrtUa. ttowisaera a saMlar 29 sen. bat half afAa.SC. A BUxowur rrEznrxxx sf son. aaeh.ll Jt, tar yr aaw aad AWKSwrAa3ai'f 209 aesw, aa, b.

2t sbf yr elds 9. Ba. Ha, CMiav lat saaUtsesoat: aaeoease aasnllae.i Isaa. IMWaawn. araKaaaaaa eat ef Oaayt i if SaJ Lead Sarbf.

a. bv Melsoara, eaefMeasaeeCSfsJ HaaA Lort a. by taamast, act ef Astsna ssan pssad). MlTca.UCL tnttolfef aKM. Dak of BeUawi Basparea, tat.

sst 'Mr. Tatllla. ilAnw. 200, b. ft. OaetetbaaosL T.T.O Lord 'raul aad Boaaty atst the Oak ef Balked CLFTAUr BU1SS OS XJltWIT ACCWXST3.Z Ukn from ppr VtAm ri; 'l A am auaniioa ka beea. haatowedwa 1 11m toOowin? ia laian front vOattCTawjsa; laws suaw auaaaaswr si a rw ta aarthar. ra the ariaiat war, by nilsnsya with txmitjtiYj mmim dtriag tbatx BMH iit ratio of asirty ai radaUtahly ia favour of the whD if the digreace of rpead importod bto the cooi.Unt.ri, the rata of the immunity roea aeddant ia th eaaa ef rail ways i eocsiderablr nhaacad. ran, at prsseat time, wbea railway tre rejUif hu upanaded an other mode of TJatbrad ofVe at.

Tib, Seat 'Lord Olki'i T.Y.C Lord Xaatars Mnamliln Dowar, tat, Tib, Cbsdlsr.Iat.alb. BATTJatOAT. Tto BoroBrrcaHAwiicAreU son each, aad oaly I If dastared by 10 o'ctock Iba malar bsfore rwajun. to CO to laa aasood lor lyr cld.

and span da. T.T.C. A BWxarsTAKX af 10 son each 2fr oUa. sat Hh. Jyr oals.taVTSx: 4 yr alda, yr aids aod epwarda, tai.

tib. The wnsber te be sold tor 2 sen. T.Y.C A SwxrjiTAirj of 5 ion. each Brr oUa. ttt.

Tib. rrhat. I4 rr olla. ta. 1Kb.

yr oW. aad parils.Jat.ii:t.Tt wianaciobe soldfarttaon. First half of AklL A Bw axTsTAare ef 10 ton eaob 3 yr oUa, TsX. Stb. Vyr olda, taLShL: I yields, 1st, IS.

Hrold. aod atsd. tst. Tb wiaasr ta to oIJ forUOaun. Ab.iL A grxuso Hasmcat BwcinTACis, of son.

aach. ft. If declared by ewioek the svenlar bstore raaalar fjc 2 yr okls aad apsvda. tUwiamertobesaldtorllOsovs. A.K.C.

A HASbiCAT SwxxmAxm, of 13 eon. each, 10 for 3 jr old. S.M. Mitch. h.

It. D. If. 'Lcrd O'rni Caracara lat. Tib, aiat 'Lvd CJdea Saekbet tat.

lib both 3 irold. iUlXH. 200, h. ft. A.T.

Lord CHfilans Botborp. tat. 31b, Lord Clargowli Kaltht of the Cartar. 7 at. Tib.

both yr old. Match. 200, h. ft: lat. Tlb.

sacfa. T. Y. Ihiks of Bedford. Peradoner atst 'Lnrd CbeaternaU.

Aafelo. Match. 200, h. tit, rb. each.

T.T.C UW Haras aaa. tajse aa aasw ataaa auanv swata vary, at, aa, maiaa tab aoaa ta thai ttor. TW Isct tii IrLbariu antic tf, Vr the rra loaav I bar a i a rr boa. aeiptoatl witk isr aaa wmsaj kail.i. ia iiajnlli lUi by a thorwagh avsraiaaiwa of th aakyeat thas 4inSS asf inM ibPttht yOaWd fCt Thf TToet bTaat iZ ajarchnrli watxooa do aat, ea th wWe, jfra" nk trosxbkw TraoatafcetlTaMitof tb Mn bow.

rrer, the awode of eoapfiax Thi br tharatiaMtaad, a4 tt sf aaaxur OX swxpnsw aasas a vifaawaa awv aoasatswl (floe baa sot been mad by the railway Utareat to improve doubtful whether tb Very UW al tBaaiaw wagaai air, jprmg taayi, aad eia atteadiax oaTeyaac. by bonae ia thi kisgdoea, ooa. raa aaoso rv "ner by hracmnt atopT trsficdonot. JJ Buauy (Xoaaa IS aaiousi uw cia iainee on hu vsa beea urtd, oa ap parently suScMat tox, that enaauis uaia. th.

acodeaU toltrWii a grrea period would wUU th. accwauoo of heavy Urw. raa long train mZt leave railway manag ia a poajtio to point with saiiafac to injure the stock, aad to break any dWa srUeUa rr; tha of thai mar ba eoBvrred ia the tracks: bnt wbea la becomes aeceaaary to arnu a train laddsaly tho The attention which hu latterly been paid to the taH shocks are vary outrneUra to ta. rraawwork. Tki erd.

tics of rail way, aad th. periodical publication of tb. great a as, agsravuau ay sue orousaue. a vemmsnt ntoras direct public attentat very poiaUdly to rarkdy of waggon being run ia the aaav. traia; a th r2U of accident ia a maaaer which hu act beel right and short wtggoa i probaUy fcutd WU lo attempted in any other department, and tend to fx a degree long and heavy oaea, and tha irregularity ef Vwtiat.

ofrupoaaihnity and to cut aa amount of odium which bar. according to th. sUpl. trad, of a particojar dietrsst, aot attached to leu prominent, and rhape leas useful, farther increase th risk. From tb.

throat a aystoa adaetatians of aciene. and diseo rery. Were the carsaKie. of traffic, th. wargon of balf a dozea oompaaie auy fro to ataamhoaU canfuHy chronkled, and th.

death ia ouently be found ia oa. traia, aad i these an i aot built Ut mining tabulated, or wer even the fact of a say particular height or breadth, tha) end do aot athka British Teisel being wrecked on each tide throughout the evenly, aad, oa reewnug a ehecka tendency to awiat (a, year gsneraCj knows, lb. puhlie wouJd vi.w more justly I peeially if tb. waggon ia nrnntj loaUa.1, wbkh ern aU tb. oceurrene.

under the railway syitom of thoa eontiagea way be th cb. with some deeeriptiot of good,) la a p. rise which, even under the most perfect management, mat pareat, Coxored Tans, low umtor trucka, aad bex wag. ver accompany tha arrancemcnt of fallible man. While, gen are all run together, ia bain of fxotd 30 to rcbwbss, however, it pleaded ia behalf of on.

of th. greatest inren at ipeeJ. varyjigi from 13 to miles an henr. Ilia, Uoo of the 19th century that due regard moat be had to ia fart, a wonder that a traffld so eoaductol ia ao euraparaUve results, and while it cannot be denied that but subject to continual accident, and the eircumaUace tha little cociuleration haa been exhibited, either by th. jrablij comparatiT.

freedom from eaa jaity nlmiamlrsmsf orUhe and itlil Ue. sympathy been shown, daring th txtrem. aafaty of transit over parallel fraa bar tbaa th. 'difficulties under which the railways of Great Britain any defence of a irsUm which la Bo credit to the asecbaaicAl ktve atrugs led into their present position, it i aot con akill of tho country. Until waggne ia covptoi to) tended either that the hu y.t attained the degree of rrriag ia the nam.

manner a a paaaangiir rviTawge, perfection and conse iuent safety of which it is susceptible, and until, either It general eoacert otby coopulaorr rwaj. or Uat it in all cases beea administered ia th. most lation, th. standard central height ail central breadth be, judkioui manner. tween tho boffin are matter of reguhJtiaOj the risk of aed Experience ia daily adding to the knowledge of th.

da a dent and th. oartainty of tlamaga must satiBur. gen which, in an inftnit variety of occult forms, necessarily A3usiea baa now been ma.le to thoa. point ermnecta4 attach to the of high speeds, and thia ex peneoce with the road, aad th mhiary employed apqa ra, freea is constantly freah precaution, and mean of pre. which loss of life and in jury to persoa bad prnpsrty bvmB vention.

generally aria. Th whol. of thee, eauaea. bowerer. do firm, sibetantial, and well kept road is nndonbtodly aot prodae a tithe of th aceidenU whash rewxlt fxeoa taai.

V. .11 in vailaaw travalliav. anj wrilb tha tnluin to Brrnala SJkl th. nez1t of rezulatioBB. Of all i.

i neary and lacreuiag irairu now poising over we irua ujju oorce uao, ei hu out if Mb Sarah. I 0f Great Britain it require, the most iaceuaat ngi Human agency is aeceaaarily imperfect, aad it eaaaot iirxTTNnTppTrvTVTXTM I (aapocially th a peed of the trains ha beea that th aerrant. TIT. bowerew IICXT1SO APP0ISTMBST3. ere aid) to maintain th.

way in the condition which uref ally selectod and diligently tutored, will be exempt, rOXHOCSDS. ii v. .1.1 A naml Us. The effect of a momeetarr Wotaeraley park 30 I Tr" k. i.Z.I.

bm 1 an instant'a aarleet. are freejuentlr fratrhe leu frequent, the speed of travailing is aoceltratod, and with treraendou eorr eiueaore, sn i the massaiosJatiua of ik. n.t,.i,HiM tiHU arbieb nromiaea to form. a Car varrla' mar DrodaOS th most UDSaUU. rw oll.

llSSeiid ere long, the important feature ia th. receipt, of There i. therefore, Tiojartof th ayUfl to whrt too iYuawivamham moor 30 many line increases, the repain become greater, aad at i railway manager koka wtth more anxiety than to the eflL. North Deichtno lit so i the same time more difficult to carry oa. The experienoe I esency of th signal oa th.

line. It these are either da 'X of the author lead, him to th. conclusion that even more fective or too limited ia aumher. th. euualty whirt will vlSiTiS'Kr I attention than ha hitbrto beea given to thi fuadamental probably result muit be attributed to the eareleaeae which) Buum wxwd 11 i question muat he devoted to it in future.

Improvemeats i has overlooked th. danger, or to the injarticviaa sv wwr it continually introduced for the purpose of obtaining a which has permitted it. Railway aUtwoiry have ound continuou. road, and there is ao doubt that tie within a few year been greatly imrroyad. The Baloooibe niiao Il.I.IlltS i recognized evils will eventually point oat their own remedy, tioo of th lofty semaphore, hu JefV hill, to be uealrsd In taer.senau ta th.

rails is now a coouiar. and. aibru bartial this respect, while UM I annex use oi aueauaiuary stisvm ea experience em iteurmine, an emcieni mou or nraogineu eorapieua xnis mcsia ing a radway for tha injiawd traffij it ha to bear. I distant, at which these signal sbraM ptatol 4. Other mea.ures having the um.

objeot ia view are in pend oa the nature ol th ground ana ttt cuaracrer ai tne gradient, ueneraiir spaa, ing, wuu ua 'X Tbunday 8cady br E. II Era will am Moor CtUeamor Frldar Monday edasMlay Tridsy (Uiurdsy Monday Taeadar ThalwUy Haurday Crawley tlloraham 3fondiy WaJneaday Friday Car Uam Mot day wenxauay DnmfrlraaUr Mr. InaTam a Vildir Toeausy, mil; ralay Hatiuday M.xiay Tboralay Cats day Krtday Muooay ntuj Lord Ysrborousa 's Mnd.y waonaailay Southdown Mr. Wbebl'. Bfsnjtaaah money pte Stufurd le IIope Dor and rannde, BihTjrd.

Kuebury hall BUtheald Nalauod houaa Ration Kllkrtos paik Buhner beeonrt lrtday i Teddlnrtoo f.ncla lot mo. eitral 'latljr Kvsl)n iibclu dins Gib. cxtia) Treth Kaaaburouch 11 ami ooa UUsuca Kmctoa 0ckra llsrbicer (Uxludisr Cb. Eahnit KirUbarle. HUltoo ilubbis SMt alevraa WeaUMSTas in Chcf LUio Niciiol Klirs'ilkUtotoo LouflBUa lUvk'tuiSniffey 'Uuntrrfnrd I ncin dlsg wib.

utra Klntt'l (Iny Tommy Ootborie 'Indian Vamut Aduie i The Cutler LJslf lh.b.) Binfleadrr 'Caiscara rhrt TL Italian Mostrlsn Allesro 'Lady Anyott bncltilinK 31b s.tra).. Troaiaii.o Caodleaick 0ccn.l 31b. enrsl IX by rautn a. Lai lag out af Muua ture Kkadidjab Yra. "at.

lb. 9 13 13 6 11 I it radii (inclading Lady Axnes Poodle Miss raaay Dslcet lanceMae Barduluh Kinflpin haceiirul Phiecra Ouavtuaion aanita Hcamacrow Kate Asset ttacZodiag 3ib. utra) Klhioade OU unabOak rfackbut Athens PaUu Bntterfly Koh ooor VarmnUi Bit uf Biu Mcrrynuwn night of the Shirs FoUuw ue Lada Hyacinth Ilex l.lmlriek Muphiatry La Uaia LaUra to. Catan Amuoaia Puntan AUrad the Ureal I Billy Bar nir JuLn uarieTCoen Ph Taated UsorietU Kaclt( Jnhica Yanuint Hter to Sincapor Yr. at.

Ib. 3 i 6 13 6 11 i 11 11 10 a Proctor Heruort ty MfliKiuro Nallv Warfcot eienlnre Maallbld Yaanf Trunbleaome father Thiunei Uelette 11 I'Knwa I Ductus, Laty ..361 Taruaranl 3 6 4 6 10 'liiviuend 3 6 4 li) I'Paucaks 3 6 4 I il Jaw ca 3 6 4 Cornelius 4 6 1 Peacock 3 6 3 UnUood 6 'J Habra 3 6 1 Madeline 3 6 3 laahdla 3 6 Tnrnns 110 MAHH.300.h.ft. T.T.C Lord (Malsu's Pallon, tat. TUX, atalaat Mr. W4B wrlUe'.

look. Est. Sb. Man u. SOO, h.

ft. T.Y.C. Duke of Eedtord'. Xxster, I yrs, tat. scat Lord Eibblesdal.

Lapidut, 3 yn, lat. 101b. Off by cooaent. WEDNESDAY. A II iHlur Pmr, of l1) am.

for 3 yr old. and apwarda. A.P. A Si km r.ii rio Purr, of 60 jr olJa, td. Tlb.

3 yrvU. aaa. 101b. Tbe winner to be sold fur 3(0 son. T.Y.C.

A Swm Ttxrx. of 10 aivt. each; 3 yr olda, 7.t. 4 yr olIs 8X. Zb.

yr oid and apwarda. 84. 71b. Tbe winner to be sU fur UOsors. T.Y.C.

A II tsi SwrnrsTAKra, of 30 sora each, 10 It, If decl.nd within a quarter of as hour after the weihu are fixed jr 3 yroIds. Lut mils and a dUtanoa of B.C. A SwETTHTtkEs, of 10 NU. uch for 1 yr elda colt, tit. Til.

Ttie winser to be fir 70 sirs. Pint half of Ab.M. A BrxiiMi Hismcat 8w rxrTAXEa of It Mrs. each, 10 ft, br 3 rr old. and apwarda.

The winner to be sold for 100 son. D.M. ABwro rtKna of 10 eon. aach: 3 yr olda, Tit. T.h.; 4 yr oMa.

trt. 4ib. 6 yr o'dianj npaardsfjt. Jib. Tb winner to be sold for 40 son.

T.Y.C. A SivirrvrAlE of 10 son. each; 3 yr olda, cat. 01b 3r olda, Sit. Tlb.

4 yr, Id. ljtb. 6 yr old. aad upward, Pit. Ub, Tbe winner to beuld IMajra.

Last half of Ab. M. A Uam.I' tr SwtcisTixt. of 13 ton. each, 10 for jr olla, Pint half of Ah.

M. MatVu. 100, h. ft. T.T.C.

'Lord ExeVtr'i Mountain Rower, 3d. Tlb, ant 'Mr. M. SUslfy. Nicotine, 111b.

AT CViarewltcb Conrse. Lord ClirJen Poodle, Sit, acrt 'Lord Enter Ilex, eat. at 11.100. h. ft.

T.T.C. Mr. Creriac'i ly Alarm, out of A'kali Set. Tlb, atst 'Oak of Bad rd'i Iilsmedla. 8.t.

41b. MtT.n,;).h.ft.:tat. Tlb. aach. T.T.C.

Mr. Grtf Uie FluttrreceiT forfeit from Lord Olanfowa f. by Don John, ont of Pbysaili. THCItSDAY. A si'i T.imo.v 1UNM' ir PtiTr.

of eon, for 3yr oldi and npwardi. D. I. A SoELJVIikr of 10 auTa each; jr 7it. 4 yr olda, Eat.

4 SyrolJi and upward! fit. 111b. Msrn and geldbes allowed Sb. Th) winner to be sold fjr SO eon. A.P, A Swriivrtir of 10 son.

each; 3 yr olda, 7.t. 3 yr alJs, 8ii. 6 Lea aJuwe Sb. Tbe winner b. sold it 8) mt T.T.C.

A II 1Mb: 'tr SivrriTTTtkn cf15 each, 10 for jrolUa." D.JI. A tarnTtxr of lOaon. 3 yr olda colt. Sat. 71V.

unies, fat. 41b. Tbe wiaser to be sold fur 4) san. Last half of Ah, M. A SwtrrrtKrs of 10 sow.

each, fbr yr okU cnlta. Sit. Tlb. till ft, tat. 41b.

ThewtrnerrobetoUforUOaon. T.T.C Tie Pro re 8rKra cf 1) son. each; 3 yr olds, 4 yr elds, Srt. 5 yr olda. M.

4 yr old. aad atsl, 101b. Tbe winner tjbe rU for SOO a. Ilonm entered to bs sold for ISO son. allowed Tlb; 941b.

D.I. Eentwaiofthe Oumw STixxKof 1 Xjaonsach, tuft. for lyr glJa oolts. Sat. 71b.

Last three quanera of B.M. 13 ribs. Cb. r. ty Don John 'Alaraode Priar Tack Potentia Eryetbon 'dpeed the Ploach nardtxke 'Norhaok Br.

e. by Luerecet, Wet AaatraUu 'Filbert dam by AcUsua 'Cunatanlme "Warbler Ardroaasa Idead) A Bwrrrtr.tsraof 60 son. ft. for lyr old. ttt, Ab.M.

J.abs. ElueJvLn Xlcotine I Oloemy iyiiot i Ptsmld Bylphiae 'blaece I 'Uuvon Peach Ipdl Match. 100 h. ft, T.T.C Duke cf EsJford'. Dionsedla, 1st.

Tlb. atst 'Lord Osage 't f. ly Don Joha. out of Coaaprracy, Ut, Tlb. MAlx.Tl.aMh.fl.

Sat. Hi. aaoo. T.T.C Lord aUbblesdale's TaJoard seat Dak of adJbrd1 aittlattoaru. Match, WO h.

ft. T.T.C 1 BibUssaak's Bsrban, tat, Sb. st Dele of TM, 7at. 31b. Qgby aoassst.

TtUDAT. Putt 3 yr olds, Tat. fib.) trr alds, tat. Ilb. tyrnVK ud uward.

tat, 1Kb, Tb warner kstoeeUttjelOlaen. JLP. Tb AcnixrZxa Btaku to sen. eaab, asr acrsssef ailKa Iflll ohai TTTTTtr1) awn AtwxxTTTAXxs of 10 sen. eaaa.

far 1 rid. i aaita, fat. taiu. tat. 61.

A Tr it ah. aa ulj I fi. If ieaasiasl byUitoeretoBnmatpf, go to tto mml Hwallow vUUwe Kstuebia luu.e baAby mue 1UB1EBS. Mondsy Pauhara Wedneadsy Kacecourte Batnrdsy Dyke 10 10 30 10 11 10 3' 10 30 10 30 10 43 I 4 10 46 II 30 10 34 11 0 11 10 43 10 4'. 10 43 10 33 XUMFICEXT HKQUKST to the qiTI of LOSDOX CHARITIES.

Mil Sarah Hardwicke, th daughter of a citizen of London, died, in th 73d year of her age, on the wth of last July, bequeathing to th. charitable institution, of tbe city of London a sum of money exoeeding The old la ly wu pounced of freehold estate, and personal property, consisting principally of money in tha funds, and being a person of very eccentric habits had lived for several year in a email house at Chesterfield, attended by one woman servant, Five nieces, who are her next of kin and heir at law, arrive ber, but om differences having arisen between them and their aunt, no intercourse had taken place fur several yean calculated to remove the cause of separation. In the year 18 lo Miu Ilardaicke ooc.ultod her solicitor to the disposition of her proterty, and gave him instructions to prepare ber will in conformity with the mode ia which it wu executed. A gentleman who had married one of Uiu Ilardwickes niece, attended the funeral, and received from Mr. Shipton, ber executor, a oopy of the will, in which wu no ration of her relation bnt he exprea eJ no ur prise or dissatisfaction upon ascertaining the mode in which she had diapored of her property, knowing that the intercourse between her and tbe numbers of her family had ecasod.

Ur. Shipton duly proved th will in th Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and furnithed tb. Lord Major and Chamberlain of London with copies, in which, after bequeathing all her personal eatate and whatsoever aod wheresoever, upon the trusts, after payment of her debt and testamentary expenses, and a legacy of 100., upon trurt that her executor should eall and convert into money such pait. ai should not consist of money, the testatrix proceeds and pay, apply, aod Jiipoae thereof among such of Ustitutiona within tbe city of London, and in inch ahare. and a.

my uid executor and the Chamberlain of th. city of London, and th. Lord Mayor of th. aaid city for tbe time beingat my their discretion think fit. And I direct that th.

receipt of the treasurer and trsaiurjrs forth time being of institution, shall be sufficient discharges of my aaid executor for the aaid money so applied and in making thia bequest for tha benefit of th city of London I have had regard to my uid late father having been in bu.inees within that city arid acquired there a conaiderable pal of the property which I derived fr im him." Probate wa. ready to be transmitted to the llaak to hare the transfer ma le, and Mr. Shipton wu readv to concur with the Chamberlain and Lord Mayor of London in execution of the trusts of the will. Tbe hoi band of th. testatrix' nieo before alluded to wa.

communicated v.h, and the executor wrote to three medical geatlemen who fur year, had attended profeuionally upon tho testatrix, their testimony to the condition of her mind before aud at the period of the m.kiog of the will. Th. gentlemen who were concerned in the administration of the eff.c;. found that it would he their duty to appropriate a fund amounting to upwards of and determined to act promptly an i with a little expense a. possible, conv therefore, applied to eminent legal mou for their opiniouH "JiBS r7 fertile source of danger has, however, beeo to whether the unction of tha Court of Cbmearr wo considerably reduced.

Facing points' were formerly com. be. necessary to any scheme of appropriation which the Eon n(1 numerous; they are now rarer, and although at authorised parties might think it expedient to adopt; the junction, of bran.nea, and in some peculiar in appropriating the fund tocharitie within th they cannot be altogether abolished, no ruiwa rejected in favour of woJen sleepers. Heavier rails, wih I apehi al heavy trainr, the extended arm of aa anxiliarr ahorUr bearings, are gradually being introdoced, where signal should b. seen at a diatane.

of from 80) to IjJlO ever relaying baa become neceeury, and engineer are yards, in. apace wiuus wuiuu a fully wniible that a read constructed to support moderate I varies much, eecrrding to th. atato of th. waalhar, aa wall trains, drawn by light engine at low speeds, i nlterly in the tonicity of th. the the ia.iaaUna rf axlequate to endure the crushing effect of monster loeomo i th.

road, aad th. weight of th. load but, for practioal per lives at exprus speeds. The defecte of Uminatioo, deSec I pose, the dilsnc named above will be fuuavi aaa ar, tion, and iplitting of th rails are rapidly increaaiog; and less than this ahouH not br a eepte har eirnos whil transverse frsctoree a tpeciee of failure alm tat permit it bjing obtained. Xot en.y i tha a nUe unknown a few years ago are now of frequent oecunwao aafaty of the traia aaoarad by aach a signal, Vrt tb.

aervw arid th difficulty of maintaining th gag of th. lino, under and th of th. lriver a', npanrtoi th. present wihts, not only increases, hut much of tb th feeling that th. mean of protection are prorktol far oscillating motion, which i.

to unpleasant to the traveller I him. Care shoul 1 taken to fix th. tgaal as that ao and to Jeitrjctire to the beattnbutel distant object mar intorfere wita in iriguii u. aaa to tbe ume cause. F.t'i'iiring, as railway do, superior rail to bear the ucreaad strain now thrown upon mem, tt la painful to observe that, instead of keeping par.

with the ae ceuitie. of the cue, the railmakar have allowed their pro ductivn to deteriorate very greatly indeed, the utmost, caution is now rctuired in the purchase of rails. With every security afforded by name and ia th. trs 1, the greate.t disappointment, are daily arising aad the result promines to be very eTiou, nnless instant measure ar. adopted by the piiacipal mak to retrieve their character in thU reipecU Many of the rail recently eupplied have tbown aymptom.

of failure at an a usually early period, and a're, in many In.tancea, ia a won. condition after two or three yean' wear than old and much lighter rail, which have been aubjected to precisely the earn, duty for 12 to Id yean. Ho grave hat th aspect of thi matter become, and so genera ha. been tb. complaint, that on.

railway company hat com. to the determination of rolling it own nils, and ha. given instructic for erecting work, for the purpose. Under all th disadvantage, however, to which alloaionhu baen made, it ia, after all, remarkable how very few accident have arisen irom a defective atate of the road itself. Th.

circumstance of a train run ning off the hna i. very rare, and when ructn an event doe occur, it may generally be attributed to soma palpable neglect of the platelayer', to some defect in the machinery, or to ao.r.e designedly placed on th line. Th latter i unhappily a very fertile source of danger, and on against which, where a moTbid desire to inflict isjury guides th miscreant hand, it i very difficult indeed to guard. It ia little know how frequent, now ingenious, and how vans' 1 these attempt have become, and although from the vigilance excreted, and from fortunate and providential eanaea, the re daiuago effected ha. been far lew tbaa cmld hsv.

been auppoaed, it ia lamentable to think that, ia addition to the ordinary risk, of rapid ahould b. necessary to guard againrt an diabolical a mode of wreaking a petty vengeaccu or cf gratifying a miacbievoui disposition. Numerous ic.tances might be given, which would excite surprise from the cunning design exhibited, and the care apparently exercised in selecting a apnt likely to ba. fraught wth the greatest amount of mischief; but th. detail wonk! occipy too much apace.

"The rapid derelopement of general traffic on all th. main arterial lice in the kingdom, and the transfer to them of much of the heavy trade which wu formerly carried on by canals, have caused a very great extension of aiding jXCGtauicxUtinn and this by multiplying the point, aid creinga in the main line, has pro tauto increased the risk attending them. Anything which break, th. continuity of the raUs is Lecmaarily an evil, and tends in a certain degree to develop danger and these frequent 'turns out can. not be avoided on a line of heavy traflW, tb.

railwar manager i. compelled to rely on regulation, and s'guafe, aid to that extent to incur the additional hazard which attend, tbe employment of officials from whose neglect, or want cf discretion, the mosfrfatal eonswiueaee. may at any moment arise. On the London and Northwestern lUiluay tbe increaae of siding during th. last few yean amount, to .7 miles.

In lavieg down these th speed, weight, aad aamber of traiaa oa tha Ka ra erease opportunity ihjuld be taken perio.tieally torevis the distances, to ascertain that doubtfd point 1 covered, an 1 that nothing which may proviW agaiasV by cautica is left to contingency. Soatt diffrrea. ka existed among railway managers a to tho mol of das' ing with signa's at junction, witb branch Unas. It has, however, In generally rn'ed. that tlia fet nxa ia to keep tha danger, or atop signal, ftxadagaiut th braach, a that ao traia may be allowed to enter on the maia lia aaUT aach signal be removed.

Th. aafaty of the train rnovrsg 'between stations, and temporarily impeded frotn any cause, dpend on tha attention pail by th. guard to) th. regulation to proceed back a certain dirtaae. wftl.

th hand signal. Th.rdastaac. varies from 5W to 0 yarJi; according to the rules of different apAia. Probably th latter i. too tar, ualea tha states Wrnau aate.

ia a curve, a hand aiirnal may be sees. aaJer orvii. aary eireumrtaaoaa, froos 300 to SCO jania farther. Notaiag, ia mora difllcnlt, bosrwver, tbaa to awaar. tlriai heJijea.

to this rule, and the moat particular aitaatiaa beaU axiacha to any broach of it, Upon it hlngss the eaMy oi tha traia. sod the fact or no accident ahowld aot be a aaa to th most revrr. pnnlahmeat of th. i 'ixiiar partr. JL.

careful guard will also ba guided by tha stato ath rail anal th atmosphere. If tbe former are what ia termed greasy," or the latter i heavy, a longer diataao tbaa awdaaary ia evidently reiuired to protect th. traia. Until rreeaUy aot special mean txiated of aecatlng a traia against iwUieaaa during a tug. Th detonating signal suppliaa, this WV eiancy, and ha become on.

of th. moat wMctaa which tb. railway manager possesses. It nee, therefore, i universal, ia a humid climate like that' of i it wu absolutely necessary to complete th. end.

ef aigiaa. During a recent den log, which Lvted for two days, sad wu so thick to reader object iaviaibU at a dialanc of a very few yards, tho London aad Xortb 'ff'aslsra iUilwaj wu necessarily worked entirely by th. detotvatiag atgsals. Th xperiment wu aneouaful; aad although irreg uLaritisa wsre v.ry frequent, ao aocidaat occurred, aaarly 400 train ran during that anxious Una. Great weight i generally attached to th quatioaiaf regularity in the time of th trains aa natatial alca in their safety, and whenever an accident ocean tb pr and public opinion, expressed through a Jury, ia a thi point a the primary can, of th.

mishap, Tha author would by no mean undervalue the importance ef poaa. tuality, and aa rigid an adherence aa possible to tb rah liahed time bat it may be doohtad whctlOTBwJwa streis hu not ben attached to it, Udr wsltrasrelataj system of rgnals, and with a well diacipliiied ataif, tb greatest irregularity, whatever ineenvaaiawoa it aaay rw due, ought not to lead to danger. To a eertain ax teat th very uncertainty of th. paaaag. of UUaa preaiaaa afety by th continual vigihanc it neceasitat, aad l7 accidents occur in tho meet busy thoroof hfare af Ln' ao the mo', crowded part of a railway ihibits th giaslast freedom from euualty.

It ia fortunate, indeed, that th. public saJaty is aot aoer. aarily linked with punctuality, for the extoasioa of the rr. torn, aad the connaxion with cress by enb i i. tha lm traia rresQ chance of delay.

The mail traia of the London aadNertb 1 Western Company atarU from Dublin 'h city they were to confine themaelve. to the selection of will rest contented whU. one of these point. allowed, un LnTb.rof'raUwHS the irregularities of esckaaJ charities within tho city of London, properly ao called neceasarily, to remain upon hit line, auu wuovuoc buu cuanuee wiauin xaucilTOl Linaoa l.t bs taken to be those which war. their principal buildings, uch aa achools or hospitals'; or whether the description it hu been attended with concomitant evil of no trifiie; i mtro ml pertocal impection and manipnlation), it is usually a "Ir, i further I "arca of increased danger, and the numerous clever eon in tbe trivances and complicated arrangement which are so eon jnJSahl.

civtiea whose election, take olace in tha citr. thoueb the machinery twiog a means of safety (w hen used for ui uuuju.y ivaiue uwi.oer uis cny nor in in poli. of London, nrooerlv ao called. The counsel wara Ten nested to atate. Who nreciselr were to innuL pressing exigency of the Lord Mayo? retirement from tmally submitted to the examination and opinion of rail office on the Pth of November, and generally to airise upon the case for the protection of all who were willing to act in execution of tha trust to the beat of their judgment and discretion.

Th. an.wm of th. pbviiciaii. to tha inquiries into the tat of Miu Ilardwicke mind at tb critical ptriod not only proved favourable to th disposition of th will, bat it appear, that in a will (a copy of which wu produced) made in ISio, a. well ia her lut will, mad in ISO, the same arrangement were mad to the bequett to the cor porauou oi amadou, and the same motive were to be operating in the mind of the testatrix.

The medical men had observed, particularly one of tbem, remarkable eccentricity in the conduct of the old lady, and the gentleman is most conttant attendance upon hef had shortly before her death noticed in her behaviour evidence, of imbecility but the general description of her mental power, was so convincing to thou who may be considered moat deeply interested in to unusual a testamentary exclusios, that they do not entertain a thought of disputing the vai. dity of the in.truikent. Mr. Itoihell'. opinion it that th.

executor, and tha person, who filled the office, of Lord Mavor and Chamberlain at th time of th. decease of th. testatrix, hav full power to mak a final and complete appropriation of the fundi that it would be prudent that appropriation be mad. with ui reasoaabl. expedition that th true interpretation is uiai.

uie teaiainx been found wii ptrly so called. be exclusively ucn a. being an immediate did not consider local character and within the meaning of the teatatrix. On th. other hand, a hospital or dispensary fbr the poor, locally situate within tb.

city, although it might receive all eomcn, would be within th. meaning ascribed to the word, of the will and that tb. trust and diatrw power, were Tea tad In Mr. Shipton, the executor, and th gentlemen who filled th. office cf Lord Mayor and Chamberlain at the d.xau of th.

testatrix. Jt i unieTTtood that the trustee will promptly carry into ffecl th intentions of th testatrix. a peat number ot railways tb. trrrguianuee a In connexion with this subject, allusion may he mad. tt i I Vtttraara.

ulf actmg switches, Uaeful thi. inv.ntioa hu provaJ. it quently become aa exceptional traia duriag it boe. Is utter protaeud, or pa aauoaj rraatrr Tha taeiUtT ef werkatf lway.with a heavy tratfi under Uie varUtioaa has.

however, been greatly promote 1 by ZTAt. Zl llTl. i 'TV IT troductioa and exUnsiv. us of tho eleclttd wegrapua city, in which meetings are hell and businou it tnn.act J. lian': on 'hem.

Tbey requir constant vigilance to secure I although their chanuble establishment, are In the Lie tner beirg kept claan and well oiled, and it it very dimcrilt i lC': tropolis and not within th. Tho nustiona extended to proper attention being alway paid to them. It i uj vuiur vaiuaoie cuaiiuuie uuuiuuont. aucn aa Dension the' generall? practical mean, of JXZ il SEE, operation. The greatest aimplicity in c' arTlae with th road, and the signal upon it, srjjyprond the T' r.

f.nisv near eat approach to security, and in was reft ion inch fc i v. i.v L. Jnat the demand, on tha railway ryttem were btgiaaiac it xting machinery uuty xais cam. to it aid, aad (xtsaied i'j capaatf ia a incalcnlabl degree. Dsfectiv break, and fracture, of coupling, on ia of tia euNtaai.

remove ail limnliritv ia departed from it i nrobabl that a practical i k. IK. isuiar SM ucrificaJ favouring to attain a tWi. ITurl Tra bar. "oZT tb.

raiff by cattta Jumping out in transit, a.very 1 "rJrCTS 7j are utnr, the moat urere.y parUofth, wBtrtjl. ZS 52? Ucreiaing aumhw iadieato. tbo great and axle buxe an vehicle, it, if "rig 11.. I. H.1,1.

in Ik. there are uianytnJsmw, A apring rninua breaks to what are termed runaing po It toba and a iie occuionally fails, in which ea th wheel in J. i Trl, ITiW if thi. Vva tm is naraittoJ to ex toad, a claxSer or tTsrixs to but the in.tanou are infre Xlrof t'grea qxtnttijtt they are not tource of much anxiety to a ra.1. "I rTT; XT. JrL mlr nnaaihli to nlnH wayuvnaser. Votive workmanship, where either th. ffi! 1 'lTf rLdlt carriage th. rrinrral part, of it are supplied br eon If' Tl1', wb 17., jA parts oi it are supDLl ooa aaaiuat tract, lu. ti ecially to be mar.led against: where 'these ZT, TlCIZ are sound, and the carriage i.

daily examined it may re vAh lied on ir.ra very long priod. During th lut four run itnallaritMai iTi." l. TherrilalNn.ofrno.tcororaihareawavt aaa yi iuu pio, u. Jl I laa i.iaalflltl .11. Theeo rule are cocsantly andergougmptsr mwnaoa creicr such Chantu have tsi I'aaaeuswra.

ouaow in uaanin srwra lacreasaia ia v. ta iwavwaeil aar bin the precincU of the eily of London pro more care hu been to make tb. oover It develop ittelf. Accidents howwvar, awry rarehy bf lie did not mean that the charities ahould cIon ln'1 preaerv. th crease free from dost, whoa iuwtsm v' rslfy a confined

of thidK in twcBta. of tro4l. hu dinxmWTand th. administered within the city, precincts had introduction or the patent axle Dox, under junction of uveral cana It is east to be wise afWr Ah rafsreno to local wants aad naraaattla. 1.

I proper manasement will run maar hundred, sf mile with aa that wmxion aoeietie. are ebarili I out fed. h.d. fair to obviate th.

evil to a eoneiderahl. tliTTJIw. AjmiiciJtiTa' i t.i. Tha following an the naana of the gaUxosn thrtr rrtaiia.tinn in therinaadTactlc of on nursday, th. Ust of Ootoher, Alfred Earrey BUtar, War.

HarUoidshir. frtdsrick Aahton Haaik; BhLiar aaa. Whicker, Vatshira? Tbi Earns PABIJ1VTXT. Last rear tha ex joaseoa aoooualofthe Hoaart tfParhaaaeat amonatod to 2sH2L7kef 000t iU Scaakwr'rLasry; fUML lb.mWitoaar tWataaanof thTtw. aaatttj ittKlSumt, u4 fl, for pziaUBf, xtrat, if not to prevent it XtogHbeti MU, on a aot akuTroay diminiah.

they will aot prevs 1 1 th lrr rarnmer'. day, in a district with nandy baflast, it is, aad JTLTr i TfnL7i and out blaat. ni will always be, very difficult to keep tbe axlea of a fut twj bathiwa CpliDt, 01 brek tanSit ah7 Tn by iudden jerka. r7V friz. ItVLanaat aria.

TV ia If. however, there is no cart of th. rail ear maehinarv from which ao httle danger may appreheoded the passenger carriage, tb. asm cannot b. claimed oa the part of th merchandiM waggon.

"Whether th i bunco of direct danger to human hit or' an irijuidieious aoaoxay aaa beea the caus, th fact ia, that ia ao portico sf the hu aa littJ improvement beea exhibited, and in cos, at tb ars. ant moment, it there great a necessity lor a couplet, la thi reelect Eaglaad 1 far Vatilad tha eotrtiaaat. Tha axlu of waggoa stock kavw, la many la. ttaaeea, been ef the most faulty modal and awatoriaj. Th.

aoddsmU to th. traia from the fracture of the, part, kava kssn very luwarrooa, whils th of property hu been ulBciat to hare paid ior a ymj iaaaiiox' Tsbid. Ia on. reeant ttttaiea arreral buadreb! asxlat a pscalur form ware remsTed frets a Wriaa; railway, after a short af tbatr wwrkiaw Axlaaareaosr yUdt BuAtVwpi Vbu tamOjihebm w4to ba cause from which it may at aay momeul ansa. aaai ersasiag nature of tha trassat reodsn aweh eanaBsi bl at any moment.

lathe year 1W1, dunaTjwaaca cTthVLcado. and.JJortLira only on. person met hia deatk thi. which, tb Mrtior abo twiVred, wa, gravast rrianbaitia of. ordaTS.


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