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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOOKS TOBlitSHED THIS laMnICtlMtm. Seed by S. TfOCRNAL VISIT of Her MjotTlbQDEN toTBKU. Omm, aad MaMlM. LOUIS.

DC MONT, wrta fajere nBwwl la SwRtcrltad trnaalatad by Edgar Qai Uaa. Prtated w.T. J. Alttia, knhdlin btr MJ y. Priiws jxreet, IkMfMwn: wiser but be bad, price 3k, a mack edition oftbe ttliuramltiM of.

Syr fUiBLTS TEN NY Em M.P. IMrta 4 M. rtxh MnaertvC Matt J. Tin day rubAalwd, 4 BRIEF Pair, bat; for oraemo or other, un 3L KXFO of the CASK of KINO. wmm aod Penal, thrwwa into th farm ofseHi.

tupanaed to havvbeeoraadtattb HacaTeeT Mstssf. Br FR LCHOLnCR of the mty MMHx. Sold try Jarr lUdrway. IflP. rvtadnjy.

OCTM AlttlUCA in an elegaat niui, with Portrait. VliwT TLf EMOIRS of GREGOR tod the rtber JLTJ. velefcrsrtd Chieftains of tooth America, with rlcw of the tat traaaet1ons la that country. Br J. M.

RAITER. Is (toienel ia tlM rrlee of Ntw CraadA. Printed for J. J.Stoekdale. Tha.

day la eU'k hed. i a vl. tw Irco, arte II. II a. .88.

jrd, hCT ENILWORTA Rotnince. br the AUTHOR IV WAVER LEV, Ivaat ee, Plinth for Archibald GmstaM uiTV. John BaHaa'TM. EaMabarrht and Harrt.RoMaMn.aa4 Oa BO, Cheesaldt. Loedea.

Of whom mar a hao. br tha nm Au thor, L. tm Mauawrr. a Rtnuw, 3 ta. i im, pnet 1 1.

The Abk at. a hnM. vet. It no. Brio IL 4.

board. The CHURCH, the QUEEN, and tb Thls day 1 pub A SALFORD SALAXiANDER ANATOMIZED XJL Nla Letter la answer to tha Rew Mel vm Norno'i late eenv pVCt, Tha Moral and loUUra Crisis of ARISTA RCHUS ANTl HORNEVS. I etaouid think thU a gu but that tha white boarded fellow Hi rarrr nanot. hiatotr la oath rfao. Saatapaara.

mntai fo tnapua Wlbon, 88, Roral nn tlral (Mm. CEORCK lOMtiKD rtnttoa.gI.Bt. Paaraeharrtrfanlt awdj. Wataneo ftaei. wnau Thla4av te nklfawi.

tho MMrt oottlaa. aVo 1 npHE NATIONAL JOY on the ABANDONMENT of m. tn aiLuof rinn rrr alt its TiaaieatM.iaBLmtrKaa rrlcod. Br Utt rtUovaf Nw Tb. A r.

aro Bd "DARTICULARS of the Oircamtttnces Iodine to die RCTtRCMOrr of Captain STEPHCN SHOTS ROWC. lata af an nn Mia ufimmi of root, in eoaiaananot or a wcwtouita on of laBborlaatlon Mifutri nrt Llm br llaeanarla. Hajor Gaaoral. an4 Oumai of Near Booth Wales. rrlntad and vtfV Uiboaby Hmry Rowa.t.

Aniwxomar. ThU aaj aUUh4. In I roL. Sro, rlr boarda, tht 4th mi nnHE PRINCIPLES of I DWl FERY. Br JOHN oL BVRKS.

Rtrlax Praftoaar of Barcarr In tha ualrarittr of CUagoar, Ac Ft bit far Lanrmaa, Harst, Rata, Onn. and uatM (it trnoa mar tx nao. or taa aunt Aataor, roauiar DtrtctMoa tor tha Traauacat af tha Pimm of Woman and CfeHJren. in gro, anot ooaraa. Thladar board.

TtyT IRACDLOUS PROPHEUEStnd PREDICTIONS 1TJL af rMIXEXT MEN. from ta arUaat rotorda, rtlttlnt to tb rrrofanooaof toirrtand Ktaaaoaa, Barueaurir MUM and tTaiaea with apUrvrtof ttaart Onat, not onir a rtamrda Kaatn, for tuxsi.and Maalaa. bat otbor ouatrlrt ynvutng tor tlmtlar trtata, prior to BahrMM'a falL tb Raatoratioa of tha Jawi, and a cmcral Rtfonnatma orer au caa wood, rrtatad toe warda and Knlbb, tanmtmt. I Vl KUiu Jqt yubllihoa. Vol.

v. of "lIETHBRPOCKETXIPANIONfortheFLnTE, M9 arW J. containing nacas of Sonra. March, Third XditlooJoat aobllOiad. hi A rol.

8m. board vrlc 20. npHE ROYAL MILITARY CALENDAR, or Army ortty, the rrlcaadproaTtaof aramotloa of tb Otncrala, Uat. uficmi. ujortfrncrau.

unoocii. utnuoumtu. ana aiajora oi Armj, with detail of tb prtnctaat military rrenta of, tb last ccn ir mw nr itr. invn, nsiwuui boaron ana ihs ana au othT boobarlWra. OS WORT H'a POETICAL WORK Tala day ar publlahod.

In WaJtwa. Ktaacts, Danen, Qaadrtllea, alaa, priea 7a. DurU, w. an ana Branny or mane ror or aati LoWarotttar. en door from Newport tr.

brWraalxkr. tt. Uahtraat, 4 rnlanH ltmL 1 1 K. knorda. TIHE MISCELLANEOUS POEMS oL WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, cm.

TM edition eon umi tkt LrriealRaV of tha author! other aobtUhad taocnia, with th txetftina of tb and a fbw amall nicer. Printed for Hunt. nto. wno ana Brown, ionaon. ur wnom mar ot nan, a now tlon of th 1 In Irro al parat edition of th Rlrer the Whlta Peter Ben.

tha Wunntr' and Thank. rmpf uq GREENOtuiri ctoLoaV SARRATTa NEW WORK on CHEWThfj'dar ta pobUahed. in vol. 8to, niea.ll. 10a.

hi bnarda. ANEW TREATISE on the GAME of CRESS on a lan of ramnln bnnMm ThlthMte bmii.iumJ ttha object of which to aApraettaed player to arrompllh the dtf uranm ton onrauae inuna: ay tne lata J. ilmhhai whoa talents a a nUyat and taaehar of Chesa are wlrtraaily known. ranted for R. r.

Uoors. Malic library, Stora etreet, aodford aqiiar andmaytwhaAcaUhookaatlera. DAL Rio on CHISa4n aa aletaut rutorno. with cnt. prlc 1 HpHE Incomparable GAME of, CHESS, derelopcd tftcr iBir tmacbod of tha mataat "faefllrr.

from tha nt alrmenta tnthe meat WlentlBc artlBcn of the eaaiei tranalatad frca th Italian a ur. arcoM oal Rio. ay Bingham, eoa. to wnicn prcaxM rnntca ior mock th Orfjrtn of th Oam. by Eylea Iraine.

eaq. jj, randan. Just Teuhllahed. A PRINT of HENRY ASE, Chief Cashier of the m. Bank or Enrurid.

rjurrared by Wlltln, froaa a portralf (alia or uni ay r. w. uain. to tm tae proprietor only. 31 Foley atron.

raniaacyr. Mr. KEAN Jot onbllahod. by Slmpkln and blanhaU. buttonerT TXBERRY' FLOYERSiof LITERATURE or Knrrcloaaidla of Anecdotal a will dlvcralSed eollcttlon.

In History, BlofrapriT. retry. and Rnmaaeti Talt (arrlotia and comic), Eiaaya: Joax EarrW, AnecdotiU MarrcaaT. Tiadinonary Retlca. CntteaT Seraa lor Pltli and Uomentri.

TranalatUm of aaomvad Author, ancient and modern. Ac. This number Lb drat Tolom. and. independent of many enriona article, contains a lumln pn.

anioenoc aaa orisinu Memoir tn nr. witn an eiefantir TMararea porxran Qi taai auunauiaaoa actor. Just ttblbbei. No.L.of "I7NGRAVINGS otTDISEASED APPEARANCES, JLj more particularly latendtd to inuatraM Ventraal Complain t. witn tn jBipiiMns, prorrcss, ana treatment oi ta BtJOHN "Bronva.

and treatm HARK1SOM. Bieniber ol the Rural Coller of Sureeona In London, and price 10. 6.: aiao, A Plan of tb Orlrln aad principal Dlntrlbatlon of ini rtrrrea oi in oram. aciuamea to assirt tne student in Anatomy, price 5a. To i he had of Bnrress and Hill, Great WlndmlU ttreet, Miaa U'LEOD'a TALES of TON.

Thla day la pubUabed, In 4 larst pncii.sB THALES of TON, First Serin), containing FASHION aL ABLE CHARACTERS. "Sr an would not rtthtfnMrhtTi onas dead So. Bettr. air this cheek a little red Pnna'i Rallnc Paaalan. Printed for A.K.

Newman and f.JLeadenhaV etreet. The following will appear this Winter: of Too (aeeond'serle,) contalnlnr the neanuiai ana in Misara uatarnter, ana oraaeiie, tms. bociety and solitude, a novel, by lane Hoole. esq. 8 rol.

a romance by Alexander Henry, in. 2 rota. At tooianment, a romaae or a Century Ago. by Franete Latham, 3 rola. Sdadltkita.

Tb Israllat. or Record of iftld andllRlft, a noreLhy mn avrjiy, a tvu. jaatron oi uu, an uua i aie, py in asm Aotnor, 3 rola. Id edition. Th ITALIAN LANGUAGE rendered easy pubUahed, byft uwiifuan, aroaaTrect, C1RAMMAIRE ITALIENNE, mi Gmnrntire Com Spa com men cement.

In th isth century, to the present tlmtt with an Account of the best writers In their screral departmcnu llmo, boards, t. Uaaier d'Apprssdr lea Lajiguearirantes a the Urine Lxnruare i cootaJnlnr. la a aaoaU com pass, the necessary rules for acta trim a knowledge af them, partlcuUrly of th Italian and Spanlahi ISmo. 4a. 6d.

To be had also of Whittaken. Ar Mana ian i and Mmpkin and Maraban. Button err cotj rt. GIL BLaS, Ulstar ALrcs Now first publUhcd, with English rriev am Ruiiua, A BREGE de 1'HISTOIRE tie GIL BtAS rle SAV. jL TUXANE.

M. Sagtl Par N. WANOSTROCHT, Doeteur enTDrolt. Second edition, rem et corxlreei area ra Signification Moo en Aneioli an baa 4 ehou pare, a rUaandelaJeuneai par Vincent WAnotrroeht, Maltr da rAcademle, Alfred house, Cm ucrwau. om rm cuci aomr tt m.

oajawin et Loumtn et Co J. hfawman. J. Richardson. Shei a uud et Co et O.

et W.R. WTnlt. taker, a Londrts: of whom may had. upon th same plan, and edit ed by Mr. Waaoarroeht.

Telemaue. 4s, (M. i BcUsalre, 4a. dd. i Noma PDmpUias.

As. I RaeueU fAoUl. 3. aVd. GKRhtAN BOI LE AU on tha GERMAN LANdlJAGtV ThU day it Tpablisbed, HE NATURE and GENIUS of the LANGUAGE.

dhaUred In a more crtanded Rirlw nf lr rrn. rnatlcal forms than la to be fe andlaaar Grammar extant andelnd. dated brfQuotationt from the best writers. By D. BOILEAU.

eo, prtr Its. "The title page ao fully, expounds tha nature of Mr. Botleau'e work, that hara Utti to say. The philosophy of the German tongu Is treated la a.elear and acrceahl man nor, and the extracta are elected with judgment In regard to practical utility and Illustration. Literary Gazette.

Aururt. Printed fur Booser and Sens, Bmad ttreet, City i Trenttel and WuTtz, Sobo aquaret Cummtng, Dublin i and nuwoMM This day are publishod, dedeated to the Right Hon. Sir Charles Abbott Rnu.ln 1 UrreroU ro. prscellts. In board.

PTRACTS on the DIVINITY of CHRIST, and on the Repeal of the Statut a ralnst Blasphemy contalnlnr. iJ The Bible, and notblnr but tha a. Cridenc of; tbe Dlrmityof Christ. A brUf Memorial. 4, Three Addresses to UniUrUns.

dte. To which It prefixed; a Preface omutalnr Strictures on the reeent PubUisttoni of Mr. Belahaai and Dr. Caraentert with an Analysl ol 1 John. r.

to. and a Summary of tht whole EpUtie, a crldeocet of CartsTs Dirlnlty. By th BISHOP of ST. DAVrb Printed J. nncai ana mm.

opowite Aiaany. necaailiy. This day is published, price Ss. fld neatly half bound, as a New Veaia Olft, npHE MONARCHY of the BEES hPoem, illustrated witn notes, exniMttng soma or trie most remarkable drcum RtauecS In tb blatorv of that llttla lnm Pv4ai4 ni 1. 3.

Crjwf ord treet W. Sams. St. JametVtreet and W. M'hltaker.

Are Mar lanel and Sim PI In and Marshall This little book presents a rery pleasing nilcmscepic glimpse of those wood erf a 1 Bttle Insect, whose modes of life and gprernment form so remarkable a problem In natural history fulfil all It pro TTSV' 1 V. lu oeraeui ana cratmestion oUhUdren. New Monthly Magazine, Jan; 121 Vide Wonthly Mag. SlMPSO.Va COMPLETE SVSTEM of1 COOKERV. a new edition A COMPLETE SYSTEM of COOKERY, on a Plan cnOrelr new.

of au actenatre and eternal Cnllectlon erdpts In Cookery. Confcctlonerr. with a flu of r. to whlth are tiow added. Tahlea la Article Season, the Mode nf DresslnxTurtlc.

(nerer before given In any work of the kind.) Bills of Par Dessert, and a Sertt of Receipt, and BI1U of far it Ecunn. u'" mi mra amines, particuiarlr Useful to Women Cuoks. Clerk, of the Kitchen, and IJwfleVwhe mprintend iSo he the best IVartlcaTcookery ever published. Printed for W.Stewart, 191, Piccadilly (Baldwin. 0.oc n.d',07' rowi J.

Katcbard. W. AndersSn. Plc csdiUy Rod cll and Marti, ani Booker, New Borrt rtrcet. HZ osealLai EDUCATION i or, the powerful PrtiC I rrLr jrwraiM Mean applied to the Impeuvementof 'EducsCkm and of the Human Mtndt5nder the Pa.

"I wl! iTlL r11 (br ermlasUm) dedicated ATURE DISPLAY ELVin her Mode of Teiching LI unruare to Man: adapted to the French. Br nrrirf l' ri English 'Dlel to teachers and students of th French thcortMZltn mloua and practically usehU. M.thlyTtMSi5e.t have no mitt, adverting to the uncommon merit Of tbe work derlng Its dlaanatlon aa calculated to pradueTjutT l. othe" mu uiurnismng an admirable model for the eneouras a prupowd. re puWieatkin 1 iTT" i i Committee ot the Calcutta Oathk lit of January waa pubUahed, enlarred.and printed npHE FIRST NUMBER of the MEW'mONTHLY 'm pHrT 'llrered at the Royal innltutfajT rL inth celebrated production tbe autuoc ef Don Oulxotc.

a. Pnm. ti. 7nZ.Z:Fn' Tn iVr to hi. Ml.tress on her Birthday, trim r.i.iT.

soanet to tae Night Bowrrnc. Kotitae. 1 10 P' Tra. or Tadmor In the Desert, br CMint Rsewsky. II.

Remarks on th Life and Writh. Woman, a Sketeh. 13. Utter from fJeorc Pertln I. Kalght Jfwmbune.

from the Cermaa of SchUlcr, by 7 Ecpaocoy. R. Geaman antbors. No. The Revolution of Naples, from an nnpubllshed Itallat It.

iiZmZr rw rorn'orr crowier. ou Modern Improvement. 14. On the Causes of tb praaeniaragnaiion otuommeree. 13.

Th PoUr arxaadition. Id. On Origin and Celebration of Chrl Kmu 7. OntSTnesma u3 Jnllanef Rlehardaitbero.ul8. Original A'liecioS eonneSedU rhe Bastine.

e. Printed for Henry Colbura and fnau7Jet. swdoni andsoUbyaU bookaellers and newrveaderv fliiTaailal alilisilTTil in i lasii atlilll BE SPIRIT of. PriBtad for Hocx.4A.Taat gat in fieatttryeraeri. wtth rtntijaes.puiiv nE OmiicS aitha the OUlcatioos nf KorUrr.

Utcratart. aad the Arta, to th Eexdeal tn Adivaatu or aa ewimienea rr 0 HOTTLEWORTH. prlaxad forT. Br uo WALKER. LITIearnf CoUegsv Prrnted for J.

Rldgwsyt g3. roeadlDy. Thhi day Is published. In Bro, price 9t boarda, A CRITICAL EXAMINATION of the Fint Principlei of GEOLOOYt In a aerlea of Essava. Bv R.

GREENOUGH. r.ui. Printed lor voat ur wood may President of theGeoloaieal.Sorietv. P.RJL man. Hurst.

Reea. Orme. and Brown. London. raa, oy tne same autnor, a leemngieai Map or Kngiana.

eoiourea. accompaniea oy amemeiri to waiea It aoaea. an aipnabetieai in a ex to tbe bills, and a list of tb bills amneed aeorrl1na tn Monrlasi nn 8 sheet, prtre 6L Cs, or 7L 10. mounted, either on rollers or is a case; imLBLALNS, MJLDn art sawn Sal PalaMS ClTlX iOafinWllaHrBa. ssiSsiiWis Ililnatr I i i ll.

aanritad areata. WlattafcaasTi rasufly Carat MtraietCi.S8.8act tnsai est aararr laasOslM vaderUtatwai haaack tek etasua srith the arunw of' TTHaPPED HANDS aad CHILBLAINS PRBVJWi ED COLUm AROMATIC CAaryTfORATX ivxrnmm Pmslas7f7dlarcan.ate.i tsalsoa eertala prvt ofehUaJxlns, nsolsriess. andiMins the otnts. freer, and all rnfecrtwa dlsnr absraoapTsndwCl a fawad extresMlr pieaaant to tntMrnea wbo bavtruoTtcnder faces. IBS.

C. RtcadVJltors.rvnhirl4Usett duly ery Mr. mmm rT fWrnMt VtrAM DweSinsMOsc. of 2 rooms tad aeVwetomosehaW, wlrha neatfrootad shop, ta "a T'UirJsiiW4 FLUID it recomroended ts A. aa lant aubstltut for oO.

pooutum. and crtrset. ta anirtaVnah ft eleaa the head atmrf, winelnerrne. of the hlr Iin tb earl nxtheexereis danetng. as It both keeps th carl trm.

and iraei lUrfErti which hclronsprodnc tji f2 feiaiaira lha ntnrt rtrrrt aaparttes far proasottag the 'fj iil w.i. Zi i. seeseribad for that tMSTpoat, by physicians wtenocbermean have proved Inelfeerual. Sold, jfrtc. 3 MjOfS? ESLeSShsd on the sraHee.

at th Use of of Messrs. fatawasM limarin. aaftTtinaT. 44. VfTrnsTWIW.

asst I 1" 7 anlnfUf tfTnl HIT fieriVnd Sr peoprketort algnatur ana aaarsss on taoei. A ValaiBTe Freehold: Estate, comprising OTrenient dweQmthoue, with larr abbWrtwted ahop. warehoosts beamd. bng No. on "fj Trail it tb occupation of Mr.

Chainsers. shoemaker, wh 1 esai sibsslmaa. 1822. when th anaaal ralueaf th premises wm'beron. NidersWy esTcreaaed.

To be viewed wtt Son, auctioneers. saviiieow. MR. MQNTOOMKRVs POETICAL WORttS Thl day publUhed in lzino. tne za'aamnii.

price Doaraa. dpREENLAND, tnd other Poem. By JAMES ajTMONTGOM ERV. Printed for Longman, Hant. Ree.

Orme, and Brown, London Of wheal mar tad. th World before the Flood, Ah edition. 9. i The Went Indie, and other Poem. 5h edition.

8. I The Wanderer of tth edition, 6s. Verses to the MHnnrym wryaow. gs. ThttdayUpublUhcd.tnltmo, prlc4a.

board, tb 4th edition of jt ING COAL' LEVEE, or GEOLOGICAL ETI IV.QURTTE. with txplsnttory notes and tbe Coonrtl of the Metal I to which Is Baron Basalfa Tour. Printed for Lou man. Hurst, Orme, aad Brown, London i aad J. Upham, Bath nf whom may be had.

Court New or, th Peers of Kina Coal tend the Errant i or, a Surveyor British Strata, with explanatory notes, in Till day are publlshed. in irroo, price 4. Cd. board. PRAYERS to be USED in VISITING the SICK; in from th iJturxy.

By th Rev. T. LE MESORIER. B. Rector of Haughton le Skernt.

In the county of Durham, and Domestic Chaplain to Lord Viscount Sldmouth. Printed for P. C. and J. Rlrlnrton, raai a cnurcnyara, ana J.

rermo pic, inut maii ana i. rarmcr. uirero. 110 LADIES curious in the irrsTTaon oi Jiusun BL. Lswn.Laee.

dco R. CrrCOURT. lavrator vn ZSi "hV? SsTsni; whS lahTbr ra, of ta abort daorrlptioav. to which It is wueo. rTrjJThlita aad brillbvat ttnae or eoour, "mou r7 ffected by th SrJluary Ion af tndljot free from wrnjt.

no lesa marked In tb art ting up of family linen, watre an whitened. detlrahT. Ps. ScSJrt solicit, only ai WjL rlnced that the prominent ad vantages of hi in vention wtllfoilr Justirv the above eneueaium. Read by grocer.

emn, oje, in each, re In packets of 11 cakes, pries 3s. NToOm whatnot aMuetomedto this blue. It Is recommended to use a imJJ jtklng doubled, observing not to make th water too blue, aa the least tmrawtii eesunieiMw PMOfXiLATE mule in ONE MINUTE bottles. rruan3a.8d.Mas.esch. and the chocolate in pofs si tiM.m rlcsftw Put ai Spoonful of either of tbeajejMne into a the usual jropormllk and LA" 11.

i.iJ. th. and expedition attending thia luvenUoa. It becomes a valuable acsjUUlon to th pabUe. and li tspeeiallrtoOmeera In the Armr and Navy, to Captala of Tet Tvira.

Innkeepers. Public and trt fruly to or OeaUenwn not keeping an establishment. Aha D. Dunn of Olnrtr, mace, riorts. eunamoa.

R'Sk 'ThV eerlandtr and earrawar teed, hi rU" bottles, will trnnble In cooklnx. cMifecuonery, andin rase of tnnen are truly valuable. as a froi ponred Into ii rfn lr aiallar davnur. Of P. Or Sara may alsabshed th tne aavourtdpulrerised genuine Jamaica Ginger.

pre pared front the Internal partoi in; root, oi rtZi A Vi pound tin eases, 1 s. td. each. Real Korerrrt Uauortr cakes. Orlnal and sole roanafacturcrof the much estsemed ginger flavoured Barley N.B.

The trad suppiiea. TBI dsr It puMlihed. price nnHK EDINRIIRGH RRVIRW nr. Critirsl Umir naL No. Content: 1.

MitclieUs Aristophanes i t. WhltelaW Hlitarvof Dnbiln i S. Curwena Observation nn tha lltata of Irelandj 4. Gambit Vitwsnf Society la Ireland; Katcr on pen dulamt; 8." Quaker Poetry: 7. Trantactloaa of the Horticultural Society nf London i 8.

MademniseUt detoumon, a French Novel 0. State of Science in England and Francs t'10. trtlys Tour tn Botany Bayi II. IUxlltt'rctureenth Drama: 13. Mercian Colonns by Barry Cornwall 13.

rarllamentary Reform: Quarterly List nf New Publication. Printed fr Archibald Constable and Crk. Edinburgh and Hurst. Ree. Orme, and Brown, London of whom may had all th sveccdmc numbers.

rHK LONDON MAGAZINE MEMNONt HEAD to the Curiotltiea this Country by the ladefatlrable exert km tin th. TftoVVH AcH lnti CLEANING the TEETH, a TINCTURE, that Is srarranted t.rt Ire.1Jf'.",, in most will perroanently rnore th TOOTH ACH al m. which, though It ha not th ahurd pr ctrastoni pf I or converting thegum to wlllb rouna andln a nmtlfrie. rea dentifrice. i cnenMll.

London Mr. saun der, TstTjame atre't, Brighton iti Mf. Williams. Urary.hel tenbami and of Mrs, uwn, aiwwwmi mm SI' OR CORNS. BUNIONS, ROYAL BKUNS 1 WICK CORN PLASTER, prepared.

from an original recrpe belting to her Ute Msjeitr. giveato he rwMtor brWUt Royal Highness the Dukeof Kent, and now generU use by the Royal Family: ltUn excellent remedy for eradicating tbe least pain 'or Inconvenience, and will pnrr rerr efI fm ui acaij. Ukawls for bunion: tb real efficacy of this pUiter la surprUlug. It nwr beyond all rpJ tlon. of which ready to tettifr.

aar thf respectabntty. wherein ka utiUtr ha been tatJag th ooVnt, and giving relief' to taes who to tart BeAy suh tanca at th bottomof their feet. Prepared by l5L' Mr, drustl'tft, medicine render. In every town through out th vnrtea Kineaom. of Mr.

Beltnril, will he given In' the February number of the i unuv. puDiiaDea or Baiawin. craaocx. and Jot the vrlnelsal articles of that number win be aa follow. I.Memnon'e Head, nracuisr and poetical S.

On reading Old Bonk. (Table Talk): 3. Visit to LaTrappei 4. 8lgnuftbTlma, by the Editor! 5. Mrs.

Battle' Opinion on Whist, by EUa i Edgeworth Ben aon'a Travel and Opinion, No 2. sales of article will Isielad A luueiaeuisttive Kevtew of tne present Manners, Morals, ronttcn, and Literature, ancient and modern. of Franc and ItslTi 7. Pnlult Elo. quenca, (on of a aerie of notice of popular Preachers, tn be regularly ennttnnedi 8.

Oarrick and Fnntc's Correspondence I Critksl Notice ofKenllworthCastlei also a Review of Mlrandala, tb successful Tra geay i witn a variety or articles, ra pros and poetry, not specified in this which Is only to point out a few of the aiwt yfwniiinn natures tn implication. Thltday puhllMied, In lSmHLjric 3s. 64. boards. THE MERCANTILE LETTER or, Cnmmereial Correspondent I contalnlnr a fcerlet of Letters on Business comprehending almost every subject which occur, in ta couatrnghouse, fir th us of Commercial school with an Introduc tion, containing remarks on tn style and manner or mercantile letter writing.

By JAMES MORRISON, Accountant. Printed for Lonr man. Hunt, Ree. Orme, aud Brown. London of whom may be had, br the tame author, 1.

A Conelne Sj.tera.of Coramerclal, Arithmetic, adapted to modern practice ISmo, 4a. bound. Key ta Mor. rlaoBB Commardal Arlf hnwtl In IIma IU. liAnn.

Th. ot oooaetptngt Bro, naif ionna. iuIii, riTiH.nUiiiT raaulrlne rnntinaed electrical treatment, aa in droMlcalarBarslvtle cases. xutU Serena of long aiauu inc. A HALL on the M1MOSES: tecncMt edition This day it published, in DESCRIPTIVETbLAGNOSTIC, and PRACTICA ESSAY nn DISORDERS mf tha.

nlRESTIVa ORAIMt anrf fir. NERAL HSALTH, and ptrtlcalarly on their tiumaroui forma and eomplleatlont. eontrasud with some acute and Insidious disease i berng aa attempt to pros cut the vltwt of Dr. Hamilton and Mr. AUrnetby, and a second edition of the Easav on th Mima, with ny Marshall hall, M.uF.

R.S.BV, die. Printed for Longman, Hurst; Rees, Orme, and Brown. London. Of whom mar be bad. by th tarn author.

Cases nf a Serious Morbid Affection, occurring principally after Delivery, Miscarriage, Aev, in 8vev4a. sewed. On Diagnosis, In 4 part: The Phccnooiena of llesltk and DbaesM of tb Dlaessea of Adult of Local Diseases of ths Dlacese of Children, In 8vo, 18s. boards. Mr.

MILLS CRUSADES, New Edltlou Thl. day is published, lu voi. ovo. Doarus, price a i in secona eaition or HISTORY of the RLf A KS: for th Rnvrr JL and PnMciwloo of th Holy Land. By CHARLES MILLS, author nf "A History of Printed: for Longman, Hurst, Kte.

Orme, and Brown, London. Mr. Mtllahaa given tn th public a valuable Work, from whleh much Information may derived, and many parts of wbltb will be read with great interest. Edinburgh Monthly Review, Nov. 1820 The ability displayed by tb author.

In hi. Hlatorr of Muhammedanlsm. afford, a sufficient alede ss the competent manner in which he has, In the present Instance, dl. rharged his task. Etltette Review, June, 1 SSO'' Ills (Mr.

lu fA and vllh btitnr aMInhnwl, RM. tn rHlttiLAiNS. MARSHALL'S CEJIATEi is the KaV.S.r.,?aJ, TSffiSin' It removed them. whetherln a broken orunbroken state, the Itching and Inflam mation on th Ant application, and, wnu ttroatn, nai a iau. Hm.

than caTTse credited bat by experience. Wound, ulcer ated tats, burns, scalds, scorbutic humour, sore nipple, eruptions and pimples in tne lace, nrruuip am mm, i mmttMMnf everv denotn natla. and are effectuallr cured by thll cerate. Mra. Marshairaacculnt ctratt win nav jier E.

Marshall, Executrix. of. John Marshall. and Shaw and EdwwdvtPJTSt. Paul's.

on the Sold by all respectable medlelse venders, bookseller and dniggltts. price onlr is. ltd, per box. The LABOURER'S FRIEND, and HANDICRAFTS CHRONICLE un to ist ot January waa puousnea, price' to be con tinned Sonthly. by J.

Whit more, 62; Psteruoster row, and may be Md of Bookseller "4 Newsmen. A MAGAZINE under the. above title, intended aa a jL'medlum of conveying useful knowledge, to th Indoitriou larva, aad.evenruallv. a a mean, of better I tie thk condition of tha agricultural labourers i also a medium of com monies tlon with several handicraft trades, forprotectinC them In their aeveral callings, wwii mii jiasamie la prcmiariy wt)iu uiriwra. LADY ht'SSELL'i LIFE and CORRiiPOXDENCIi ThU day la'pulH MabsM.

third edition. In 8 vo. II. beards, SOME ACCOUNT of the LlFE of RACHAEL WRIOTHESLCY, Lady RUSSELL. By the Editor of Madam du Dtffand'a Letters.

Followed by a series nf Letters from Lady Russell ner nuaoaaa, nuiiam uoru husssik irem 07a to lertx together with some Miscellaneous Letters to and from Ledr Ruasell 1 ta which art added, eleven Letter, from Dorothy Sidney, Countess al Sunder land, tn George Savtlle, Marquis of Halifax, In theytar 1880 publish ed from the riginals In the' post anion of hit Grace the Duke of ucvnusiiire. rnntea for uoagman. itarn, Hees, tirme, and Brown, and J. Ridgwxv, London: of whom may be had, also just publtahed, the Lift of William Lord Russell, with some account of tb times In unicn nru. oy borafoan nusjem.iae tuira eaition, in vol.

oru, in. mjhiuh. Th iTdaylspcMlsfaed, In buw vnl. 8ro, price In board's tl the edition of A HISTORICAL VIEW of the RISE and PROIX gress of INFIDELITY, with a Refutation of It Principle and Reaaonlngs: in a Series of Sermons, preached forth Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, In the terlMi etioreh of.

Mary lt MILbtRT, Lord BUhop of LendtfT, and Dsan of St. 'Paul'. Printed for F. C. and J.

Rlvrairtonj 8, Jte'Paur churchyard, and 3, Waterlon place, Pal mall and sold by all bookie 11 eri at Oxford, Cam. unu.r, in. This dayiapabli.hed. th td edition, in thick vols, 8vo, (eiaaely printed, and Oluitrated with 9 Plates, by Lowry.i price 11. 11 a.

Sd board. SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION, or Elementary Intruc Uon In the varkm Department of Literature and Science, with Practical Rules for tidying tch Branch nf taseful Knowledge. By the Rrv. W. SHEPHERD, the Rer.

J.JOYCE, and the Rev. TIaNT ne auniur, ui luia wora nave nau it view tooffer such elementary In.tmrtlou a may afford a good preparative for future reading, to point out the belt sources of farther Information, and to compress, within a narrow compass, a great fund of Ira portant knowledge, which could only bt obtained hy tbe perusal of a a multitude nf volumes. Printed for Longman, Hunt, Reea, Onnt, Dr. LAURENCE. BAMPTQN LKCTURES this day is, published.

prlcelta. Wrt. a new edition of A ATTEMPT to ILLUSTRATE those ARTICLES OLD LONDON MAGAZINE and titratdt Cooprr, hj Romeo, and contains I. Oc RhlneTnilft, tht Xefie rTrVSionMoIrt "Wbr wtfl of th Earl of Baykand hi. ItTtoes? tiZJtrZJZLzTlVLr.

1, 1. German VII. Let. s7lilal7, rn. SSStaiCSt ir rnffrri i Kit! TrTl P7ITr Covot srdn.

and Minor. Th. rMMiiuniiirif rewannea to tnia number. th aelebclty. laaddltloa eulsltoH Is aanexed to a greater variety of literary lutem! iramrethaa tW hara hltbeen enabled IWrTorte fa? easpnacaxon for tht editor, to be atta lA Ca, IB.

TKilreet, Cereat gsrdrn. wher rohl 1 MdJ tnar fc KtsraTiat, ftUt If ewthjmtiThalf I. con.lderai lvlnb'tlcal, In eight sermons, preached before theUnf vi mi jrrai lou. ai ma ieciure rounded brJ. Hampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury i with tnplousnotes.

Br RICHARO LAURENCE. LUDj Regius Prnteisor of Hebrew. CinZi of "hru" church. Rector of Meraham and Rector of Stone, In Kent. Printed Sr "SV 1 nehrrt.

whI 3. Waterloot place, Pall malli and J. Parker, O.furd. Ou Thursday, Feb. 1, will be published, price 4 br W.Barueaand A GENERAL CATALOGUE of SECOND HAND JL.

nwaa. ior ron.iniag or an extensive coHactlon of old books. In every Un uir hd department of llteratnr. unongst other of irearrarlty and most, uncommon occurrence! Rodew Speculum Vita llrnnanie, I488 Aalu OeUtus, 1489 Boeea? uuuu, ncoraice, prrated oa vel lorn UK2, a mairnlScent folio Bible, 128 an.aiesVilu.ocVo, Tor Martyr. 3 large paper, with additional portrait of re.

i Hapru i ngiand, a with upwards of 100 additional Dugdale Warwickshire, trrfnl edition. An copy i Ashmole a Order of the Garter, Bridge Northern atpri. Mr. Thoroum. Nottlngbaro.

Prince. Worthies of Derm, and Ckrtudoti a HUtory of tb RebcIUon, 3 rola. Uiuatrated with i day lipubUshed, in ltmo, pries 2s. bound. I A CLUE for Non.rt!..

XJL l. to Trac the original Form, and Slrnlfleatlon of Noun andV.rbs, from their Tarmiaarlona, alpbabetJealry arrayed. with 3Matorr References to tb Grammar. By iOHN CarEvvLl? aoaian CUrta prto. lied.

brnTctia UtPrU sody, niustratad, prlc li.6d. bouM Alphabetical Ktv ta IWte price 3. Skeleton of the tatln Accidence, arte la. Qua. Marl bus," NLreatfadiui breviutekua mtmorlati I fiori, plctrmnque, duaati rParaW pieean rartc urxtieot Peclina biles, ad fluem asqat vsrhe grVWtrS TtfR.

ADAMS ELECTRICAL BKl a discorerjt LTJ pecullariy hi own. eonrtKutlnr a new tu dWder to tola 'period considered incurable, over which the ad mliustiatlonof meaielii. and skill of theptactltloner. however judh ebsirty applied, have of themelre llttleor no luflucuc. nevertheless.

The Fountain, the rp eatvrvlfrinr princhi of Nature, Uf tad Health." Set a aiuall raunphlet fMxtA to the Faculty to be had at Mr. AdamsX pate Mr. Lowndes.) 43. St. PauVtChurch yard, london.

Among tne aieaes enumcrKcu decayed tne reis.ea ore. or Gran i fW Al.l.KMnK tn All the WORLD. LUXURIOUS SHAVINOiiderthdtMkironagi hhintptrial Highness th STROPS ar recommended to gentlemen who ahave themacl ves a an rbev are warranted to make raxno abav tb strongest beard, with tht thinnest akta as easy and Pe aant a th weakatt, aid wOl keep rasors In the flaest poulbl stat tor (having without once using a hone th very, highly respectable Hit of patrrna, whleh may br seen at the agent, bears ample testl thaae strops has induced several vatrag itropt roony to their supertorlty over every tertle unprincipled person, ta Imitate, In appearance, and call them reno tr.i. i.iKnhi purchsiiers aralnstan nerariouja Tana.ineyarerepvciiur iuiuiuj nAndtreet. are the aole venders for London, and the only nouae wnere in origuuu ana cured: aaa further security be particular.

In asking for Holbroor. I and observe bis name tignea on ui laoei. wuimii wuicu gen nine. TIhR FLSSKNOK nf PEARL tnd PEARL DENTI JL FRICE, Invented by the late Janob Hemet. dentist to jRoral iCiw.

v.iwun inne ainrlece tn ereatlv excel, both tn elegaac and efficacy, evtry other pwparatlon for the teeth and gumsi they effectuallr preserve to teeth In a sound tate, vn to old age. ecnaer thVmnlle andiMhuiUKil without Impairing theenamel. fasten aueh a are loose, and keep turn a art decayed from bewmmg worse taey likewise render th bream aeueateiy weei. prevent "TliL 7 nMb.ii mm in the ram, and rcalt them grow firm and eloa to th teeth. The essence particularly recommended to parent and person, who have the care of children as the areatest preservative of fornix and tender teeth.

None are genuine but what have the worda j. Hero ex. ay icy ana rue vl' '7 tTeaseoutof sflk stuff, wnofien cloth, kt.j price 1. each. Veritable Pomad Dl vine, price 3a.

fld. the glass. Sold wholesale and retail by Bayiey ana mtw, perrumers. coapur trrt pacJoTrs partiSarljSjh crclatal for a Jar. aa lannn ZZrZl'JZTu ami, at Maasrs.

ruemjmrs a aa 'T'" TViT iKwKoriano AiWyr.Colenetreet: and of Mr. Squibb and sop, aarujo cow. Ca' 8aUasartitxtt Anatl ArUaal natatrsl CrrlaaBtlea By Mr. CHR aear the Opera UaVmade, tn suan. ea tttmfiir.

torn Wtaaaatlay. AprMd. E. eta tae THE taraj eurWus ta the history Baa.rn ann. ay aaieiial ra acsalae aTidPrlnaatoaBrieaas Menrv IV Wrt.

mad twe of th Elactsta of la' rrrTealrxnMoBlBanngiaeBn war( rarta, tb 1 war, 1 said et petaaeaaaf all "ritv Freehold. In of 4hrnt kinds of chats, semle, and piata arasoar. in eootpiet sasBaTT; dataefsadaatlaitsaaeaandab Vhul ke Alltnl. aad achae araae artists i oriental wcayonaesLjTiapoa. Sultana, the Klaar aad ethers, af the a set cost naoahlai others from theSoetif aTarala inn i r.ltT TrrTB kT T1 by tha rreueh Directory, also theelesaat mimtanM Tl mm lank inauune bvxba mTTmmlrm atock of ewrtosKar.

vl. hixractcal i traita and MMimPbJral rfcrw I Till M.lrtiir,.fc.iM Mi rx ri ctecks, pahrtef rroouiu csbtnrts, dte. MJTW nmarmna aayspt wMen mar be bad at la each, at the GothJ bail. Pn Rerrrsion ofTOOL StrIIuV rMejsrs. DRri at the tart.

5 Toesoay, resruaxj xu, as is, mj a aauv rape, A Abaerate HfTertnon to aterunfc wu attsfai IX. hy bend of John tpbelLMq "rtnjpjbtjterttn Greenlaw, esq of Hilton, tuV writer to theenrt, aad TaaB it SaflbilM VaauAble Freehold Farav By Mr.aQUIHBand. SON. atGar Vdlutble Freehold Urnibain Iodpe rarm. tituatt In th Parish of Larrehamta the ounry rsur about 4 nuit ntn ioos eira.

rj JVlT7 in tlof.eS'and lu WrThT Mp n(hnnrttlntii KHl inarriaa. In which bond la a seseiS fot tha payment of a uquieaiea pens'' essara. heconstdeiatlon Mnel eeoja im assssat winifliaaiT ar. Martinmas. aArr.

ta ttaaa. itei CT'LC'IV. mature land, in Wfite: It a rVn of J70I. per annum, auk 1 .4 mn rlMral an imlttslUB A tri itlar had 1 4 car PWcedlnr th tal on tb rrembesi at the Bull Inn. at Loag Mtliotat the Mm mouths next, aod lmsaeUtJy Rowing tXb or her volantery ranaaflstton.

ndletal tat fSl! iMiwniaKMI Ject to deduction for may a tae rremrwsi a bum Crown. Sudbury ef Messrs. Montrtou and lswi. Arna" Xcman Mtasri. Shaw and Stben aSettor VeTUlam ftUuanig.

urars mu 5 a torn yy m.r Soutluunpt. rrw. aUiasell aquarev By mr. sw. at it.

at in nn, anjc 7. r. made ay rnvai uiuubw and Son. auctioneer. SaviUe row.

wher a map af tb esut may be seen. tinrTrRR erwi SfiV rira rtfallv trmoance to the Nobility and Gentry. tost tu. ireat Room. Savllle row.

the middle nf next mth.the reserv ed part of tbe very tnsmrtuou Dtun i'' V'L XjOUh fUHNITUKIi Barn nouae, mii, quenre of the mansion being about ta be taxnaown 2rSr i it i is and Him and alaek itrlpea tttln FreneiM with ttoeaaa fas. xieou he. jiind chair, to correspond 1 two maanlfleent glasMS oextraord ndhren lil'z: W.iL. k.Me hv a aride. a ehimner glass 7 "cbea by 21 splendid rosewood trumcaa commodes end tables fc PI and Bnissels carpet.

1 marble ubles on ZiT" cabinet, a raperVbuhl arm Ire: clock, table "Jf HT. vTiSr. TimVly notice winbeglren of the day of sale and vlewinsv SavUl rnw, 15th Jan ini. 1. ihrirv tj Neat HousenaM SS.l?l!o.0ec moras.

17; Catherine street, atrana, in" THE irenuine Housdiold Furniture ind neco, cora njt tbles. sideboard, secretaire nd book csc. "LrA kitchen requisites, and other effects. To vieweo, ana eatalegue nau at tne Konm 2ZZTtmlT. tha eeuiestl.

ofle la thejkaw ptrannum. and exonerated from th land tax. yyT had at tbe Marti and wita newjnx New BrMtretrtet. ree PbAc botr tly Mr. JTT.

J'r T. IX, unieiisnarrrptae" Prlrste Contisct. thepreernl ocniyli mHE nhuM mrtwed LeTBSC Uld GOOdWlil OC ti. X. waeatsbeaf and CsledoaUn eoeehro w.

nvortdealri fnrgrDeral resort, No. 433. Strand Wotmhuttr tneuraace eaVes tha prxoee1fvl k. tieuiars ai toe mncvwi i New Brtdrs etrettt ana attn jxan. a cvBt GIBBONS aud X5.i at Mr.n.neuiAoiiiw""Tu" rT Hrmteholil Fnrnitnre.

comnns4nz double and JL single ebests of drawers, beds, bedding, touch, sofa, table, afew loiTnf plate and Jewellery. 2 diamond rlngt, earlng Ubrary of books, a few specimen of pars, table aad bed linen, and kltchwrequWtea. of a lady deceased, removed from th Kent road. To be viewed on, Tuesday preceding th sale, and eauloeue Arfd Of UIQQon ana on. J.

oacKicmn.iry. Extensive Stock Pttfnmeryj By Mr. BURTON, on th Premlaes, rnHK firer narr'of the TaJnable Stock in Tratle of Mr. I Wyeth. perfumer and fancy soap manufacrarer to hh Royal Hlirh tii Prince Leopold, removing from the Cnrnhlll th stock eonalst of a general assortment of of th flnt quality, perfumed waters, IneludlngWyeth smurh approrad.

l.Tender water and curious extract of lvender, twang, and ferehtn ros waur, essence of Mrasraot, violet, miueaeurs, wkt llTender water and cori rnaa water, essence of t. fi m.m and mlacellsjienus PcT' fumeryi also a variety of' razors, drrsstng eas. combs, rad hair brush, a few articles of cutlery, dte. To be viewed TaHsaorro and morning of sale, when catalogues may oouunea mm ip. and or Mr.

Burton, lornniu. Ilnushold FuriUture, Pianoforte. Linen, ChlM, Glass, and KflVct i By PARREVSO.V. and KLU9TT. on the Fmlee Parad itwt.

Lambeth, aeVr th Church. THIS DAY. Jan. 30, At II, I pmperty or a uenucman utcosaien. rkHE Furniture cmnprises mabocany four post tnd tent chest uf drawers, chamber chairs, dreinxtaUes nd rU.

djnlnr card, and Pembroke tables, mahogany chalrt, Bruseland Kdderm.n. rlaasea. secretaire bureau. Plate chest, mmitii. iirinta.

fender and Are Iron, useful kitchen re if. rlrWed nn Mond.v and morning of ale, and ratalognes had on the premise: and of the Auctioneer. Ids' 'TtimrmrjKtTmmt c.Ki a. ihifr. ar.nitirxiE.

at hi Rewwitorr. In hx. Martin iane, on cancwiay. ed of br private eontraet,) by order of the Assignees of Mr. Thomas Manaen, a Dansrupt, mriHR valuable Lease of those muchesteenied Lirery Stables and Job Yard, altuate hi nmst desirable part of rtmueo.

near Bueainxnam eate, tnmpii.iua containing a dlnlng mom, a drswtag roomj a kite he Ac. bosUers moms, granary c. an extenlre dry covered ride, a tpacloua paved yard, with counting house, and in n4 mair. and are allowed to be equal to any in or about the metropolis. For particulars Inquire of Mr.

AldrMge, la Martin lane. 1. r.nm 1:1. rnnti. nmunn By Mr.sFvOREYtat Mr.

Pustan'J Auction room. IsSMets gate atreet. THIS DAY; Jan. 30, at II. removed, a sale not being permirrea on in premise.

rmHR Fnniltnre ctxrtDTlses four post beilsteads tnd fur JL nlrarr, with dr rperle. caplul toom lI blankets, double chests of drawers. drealngnd pier rlardad pi.r tables, carpet, mahoexny and panned thairs, a prtated ehlna rot giaa decanter, fln. prints, paintings, Md other effects. Tobyicrea mm 1 1.

a nmnane of annerlor Fancv Cloth. Hair: sih Tools. Ground Palrttem, and Djastexiw By Mr. BOOTH, at his Auction. Room.

4, Walbrook. Tomorrow, liRisiVfS 2 ooo ninth Hair, and other Brushes, 2.000 ground palnur and dusttr. Tuesdar and morning of sale and raulogue had of Mr. Booth, auctioneer, Pltfs plsce. and 24.

WallreioK. Lrn'cn draper Stock In Trade, Hosiery. Habetdasherr. tndmhu SL Br Woi. J.

asd E. MUSGROVE. at th Bank eoffwhouse. Tivnomi. Jannarv si.

as 11. mm ir nience of sal, under clrcuranranees that prevent reserve. tniPRl.4lKfi i dth and 7 8th fine Irish linen, Ltn eaahlre and other sbeetlrir. long lawn, broad ctoth. elSak ditto, shawls, sesrfr, whltt e.

diapers, ttblel for bed furnitures, blankets, bed ticking, brown holla nd. bk and other nTUiIla. bombasmandatutr. a vyletr of town prtnti. haeksbeek'.

mantertsuies. Lancashire and vin aanneia, oaiae. aurcucw, li.i Jhic. Ac To be viewed on Tuesday and morning of aale. and catalogues bad at the place of aJe, nd of J.

and E. Musgrove, anctlnneer.dtc 181. Shnredlteh. and at Hackney. By Messrs.

J. and G. SHARP, at th Auction mart, on Thursday, February 1 at 12, kvT ft iV Orlontal Pearls', loose tnd set Brulunte.EiTievaWs, rubies sarhlres. topazes, amethysts, act also ease nf Genoa oVsl beldl? recin ly Itnorted. To be viewed the day preceding and mornlug.aleVwhin catalogues may he Bank cnrecnouc, ana 01 in 0.

J.U.n Mr. FIDEL, at the Angel Inn. Purton WUt. an Februsrr at 3 hi tb afternoon, nl Lota of fine Maiden Elm Timber, with tbe I 1 uKiniMi. kv tiiKt oendneed.

standing depot for thl tiseful JtEDICINE. ta REMOVED from 21, 'on a farm at Purion. In the occupation of Mr.Su et. to Nav 1 32. Btrntrmtreet.

Oxforittreet, where It Is pre 'and numbered with white painL 11 SS" irilng to the recipe of the late Mr. Swatasoil, entrusted to lent turnpike mads, and nearlv adjoining H.t?!l.V tjmoer Z.m 1 tiUarTVbeei: wrSbtv c. Furlar Fanngaon. nerx nHHB OKNUINE SYROP of DE VELNOS. The JL, only di frith hi.

nephew and. successor, Mr. Thomas Canham, alone the erpe i BMrir a emtnrv has orx red this medicine to be the most In nocent and effectual alteratlvet it corrects, purifies, and sweetens tbe blood 1 and those who are anlleted with erefuls, leprosy, aeurvy, and many of those melancholy dlseatriilng frocn Impurity ofthe blood and Jtlleei, slM thoM wntJ suffer from dJseastd llrer, sad from dlsslpatloas, should nubrnlt to rag uUr edurs of the verctatl syrups the effect of thia medicine art inch as not to InterrOTt lther busl ueiaorpleajurc. It operate on tb animal Julec. and fl'" m'r the common restraint of moderation In dietr It dissolved In the chyle of the stomach, I conveyed by th crreuUUng auM, and cor rects ineir icnerney 10 au um mi m.v hi it 1.

itiMirii a tarwerfal mbstlrute for calomel and mer cury, and remove the evil whleh ah unxlccejfuluse of those medicine occasion. It if prepared and administered In BerneT under Mr. Can ham's Immediate direction, whereat It sokt at 13. a bottle 1 It la also sold at Mr. Atkinson'.

1W. hopsgatt itreet witb outi and by Mr. Canham' other agent in London, and In every considerable town In the united kingdom and the concentrated, for warm ellmates, by his deputed areata In tbe East lndle. vlx. Mesjrt.

Mteklntnn and uaieuttat Mesr. rorpesana MejrsapeJlndJehnsnn WANT'PCACES. All lettm post paid. AS Hoostittfrt to sin rle Gentleman, either with or eltnoat any ether erclll nAdeatlal rW eke I wn oaaiat4 wnh eenMeg, sad allAwvriJra.rflt eacyiiwtwinscb a olrct 1. oomfaruSl.

mfruH 1 i. rr. an v) nea In ef emnl. OTeet A. Ml.

BilH. chwaept, Vfr MlrrVken. mint, riietlaW AS Butler in regular Family, tn experienced Perton, So itrxWiaivi, Ml btnllMo la all ta srMekM. and taj df rmm k.M mm aiiaMi. Menaneka Am the tBticias ka taivad.

PifKt g.C eaaaawi aaaoialaaWrieiaihowftalMtliaa lim.lahl,!, Wenjetnaet Calili A 8 Botlek, or Butler tnd Valet, in a Family, or tot liael Ocntlemaa. artatrami rerncti aiiehararfer cMlemaa. a laaajt Mao. rd M. eh TftctW Ddfnane ho kawarv, 4 Mb.feandcnUble.

Pttert L. OeanJ Uaai rl" mlmfmm 1 Bonk. Win and 2, runs ar tne jrnciioB marw i m. day. at 12preilr.nscTiTrtof thenumberoflotv A Qtuntity of Surgical Instruments, Urge electncai machine, MO volumes of book, among which are.

the Encr 'lolaBritaanlea. last edition. SO voh.1 Galerle de Muse de k. atlAn. 5 I.

D. I UIQ don Ea nds auTed artklei a th. a gold striking watch, lu Dr Sen eha. IndU martfn. and "ttort viewed na Monday previous ana rarramr.

JTlvr7 J. 1, reat. opposite the Mart. Shell. Cnriositle.

aod Effeenw By Mr. AM, at ta Vine rHcinri of Shells. Foasils. Minerals, CuriosiU'cs, nnrtahle harmonics, la a mahogany case, violins. ted music, afew books, and book of prints, gold elegant ormolu clock, a rowiing piece.

ana TT Zf 1 effects. To be viewed the day preceding and moraine: of sa: andtalnxuts hid of Mr. Wiilams. Thr norton treet. opposite the Mart.

Collectlou of PlcturesBy Mr. WILLIAMS, at the Mart, on Friday Feb. at 12, AVtluablc Collection of Painungs, of the Italian, Flml.h, Dutch, and English school. In a fln tjleo ft aeveral recently Imported from Holland. To be rTewcV thVd.pfecTmdo arid talogu.

had of Mr. William. Taroermortoo opymlt. tne Mart 4' printe ntatmaje ana asaraaure ta. artMea treea Waaarkaa, rhei tpoteou.

the arm mn77 ortrsit. anon, and Mersey. Btnnlnaam. Neath, aueamerejan Ma44anav 4 Canal saarea ry aaxui am, 1 unless wviowsry dbpoaad of 'by Ptitte Cattrart, npRENT tnd Mersey, or Grand Trunk Canal. 2 Sbatrs.

aar. ctj 7LT fund for Investment I and Htaddersoeld canal atiarea. tJcular. at Hatrknrs hottl, ricradmyi at tne star, i sun ai. Bridxe ttreet.

Freehold. Lead.nkJWtrt By the errass: rtn P. at IX. unieaa an uwym" a by Private contract, A Freehold Dwelling house tnd Shop, in capital tr2. tn altuatten.

In Lesdenhall street. No. 1 03. opsoslt as aBae. room, en a boot, Mwtjaaat tssrs.

Jonas and Son, printer and paperbtaawa, av ts. on a repairing lease, 8 year unexpired, who to be viewed by cards. PartJculsr. at the oSSca UneT con tain tnr room, en a floor, 4 torie soortta storrrJetto Me ipeetable George Chilton, esq Chancery laas Mr. Scott.

New at th Mart. Cam bridge house. South Audley streetTae valuabU Cabrtdlaa fl Mmir ahont l.lSOdoaan. it R. RAINY retrpectfully announces to tae and Gen try.

that, by eommana uiiutu Ige. he shall Bar the boaour of subn JtthnWLr 1 12 for! prJchwrntlje cfKAR of WINES. 9im rVMaas. I Tmtl. aoout laaa mbrldr, AUCTIOJI, each day port, about snerry Madeira Claret Hock Cbampagrie Malmsey (In Pint.

I ereiaj 238 248 178 38 White Hermitage MoseU 8. Barsae Sauxerne Constant la 13 Rhudeshumex cellars at Cambrldgt i Urered to the purchaser! they areOei of the moat faraejaaj tux, aad aided by a liberal expenditure i toenrr. The wfase are now Ivtna to the HtmnfiMntTHn. bndtr oapof tunltl of th mate fiMeraYiaa. m.nt unon their xenulne asd atrpertor quality, would, tl at irtsaiiig.

titothrsopeTurm. Six days prior totha saj.saaipiaiawai ii Mr. Rainr. 29, Cendalt street, Maaaeat and catalogue will be ready fo delivery, on th 14th af hi. office, and en the pram tees.

South Audler ttreet. adWalna and park Xpeeioa Leasehold Mansion ana irmcts, "fT tacbed Dwelling fronting lTaimJZ Property tnd late Retidenc af his Royal Hlghne MS ar IS ior 1 precisely, (unle. prrTioasly hTeeda Prtnse tas. traet.1 with imraedMt poaaess last, and Ut option of takastaw IlonUhold rurnltur. Glasieij atafalr rslaaxlon: niHRSE noble and vTY spacious ritauaea are arsi under on leas from th Ut Earl Berkeley, at a the whole nf only 3U.

per nam er rvsiaee tJlFiZoi rrlr, oranr and thev bay also tb adran tags of being In ggltT and library. 33f ett 8 Inches by JOjeat. connerted the former opening to the garden, a nobkt toc talrtaa asesta i an Inner nau to axir 1 1 rooma. with lokilnr 2 taiaSrtt other 33 feet ft toehea by SO fecti also a lastr i iii aa morntag Toom. and dressing the eherober ev tin 14 room, and tan Ti iVbbT rtreet'tnd adjolnlag Ts eapltal tdablbic tU ihorsa.

fhf hoCrTof Ti and 4 aaHyTby tara. tear be had of Mr. Rainy. 29. Coodalt treet, Haueisi iaaa tnanes aiesswu.

gxTden terTsce. and the aoetian mart. Rrrerskmary JJfe leve.tyMrUDSOft'vj LZt'tZ Tuesday. Fehruary IX at 12. by dirtJoa of the Assignee eg ilea wnitmore, a pauxrui.

T1 ton on tne aeain o. a (V, i hnu.Tn "hUdren. the Uakrupt 1 a bis wire not so smicn sney rmwrrmn. of Messrs. MartiaeauW 'lvriloo nil Maj2bSTe eelrfaJcnt at jGarrawayj and of MY.

Hudson, aa, ntn want. in i w. S.a Chancery Valuable SSilYiT Rroii. rTSi, 3 vols. RoHln' AncWnt History.

Hegyras WVrk. Brk.bwcDwta5s. the hSt of andSf th. auctions. 249, High rlnta.

Books, ana maiemeu GEOsSkJON ES, at hit Spselous Rooms, Leicester street. Lai nRHE Genuine' Collectioo of ltvinp Collector. comprWng choice wmblsge i. most eminent enrraver who havj SJan? aadaarar ral UlustraUoa of th mot tng every variety of ub i ect lc4y rrciesoi Hmenaof the early Italian. German.

Flemish, and rrrngj cnrtc7ProdSct.y ZwZ? Sharp, Heal h.aartolosxi. 4. I a mU le eoU iLSSer Ba Informlng on. ofth. SmaryluaWVand rxpenslv.pu611c.tlon..

and eataJorue nag st me luwmi. Re sale of a valaaMe lai proved Ground reu Ir a 5 ami Valet to sincle Gentleman i .1, ru kirt ui rtvt" from Hi. fmm left. Plwrt ta J. B.

al Wl.TaaW wmmHrr. HI. Caair AS or in town or country can har. I fM rhvmmr trmm hk lart plara, wkenb htrl a aaakaee wmd tm iu. nmcW.

ua kwv. Inn leaaptr la I. Mr. aaidlaead rmnUmd WW, Marjlil mil mmta mrr mmM rfj. A.S UARDgNtt, td between .30 and 40.

who IXr Sril aadrtaetahhakiioaoamaiiat kraactwa. ana harwandekaha. ate, aulk, aad auke kinw? aeniTallT aftj and la iUjaUkk ahar a ta J.H., at Mr. Baaa'l, searher.Taiwahaai. 8ALE8 BY AUCTION.

It CROOK respectfully informt the Public, the SALE. of tentami' HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE, nxtures. Wines, and Leas af Premises. In Devonshire street, Queen square, advertised by hint fur Sal br Auction thisday, is ujiaroiaaary POSTPONED UH Taeaday trext SkmnerstTect. aii jaaw inai Sucjof fauable Fee Farm Rnt.

18a. ltd. pr annunv By "MrT FOSTER. the Aaetioa marr, en Thursday, FW 8. at 12.

In 9 luta. byoraerot the texetateriot Kdwara Berry, a OEVERAL Fee. Ftrm Rents, trisiwr from tnd mumR Imtaactant Katataa. Manors. Tolls.

CoeporaUoo, Kec tarfcs. attk, in tb eountita of Northamptoa, York, warwieg. out of UnenryandSUkwUhoutre Tburday. IU 10 each day. on nt of of toti py ordef of the Aulfne.

of John WBllama, linen nnHfc enure StocTc in Trade, comprisin; Irish Linfiw, Scotch and French eamhrlcs upcabaegs. aapm. im, dowlisThrcvTbeUanda. lm hUri roodVto ana nnmerons our Tarrant and Carter. Baane! xSilde? rfousehokt Furnltur.

win be sold o. Wednesday, Feb. J. of which dn natic wm oe given. toTrrehold for the term.

BhApsate To it failed to i A Net improved Ground Rent of 30 1. per Annaa.v A imPl7ecured by nine bri.k butlt Dy.r ttewhole o75teevs place. S'l Jf' fTi SrT ta Mr. Robert Oraves. a no re jectable 1'JA aad appraisers, 3, Corn bill Vuable Lebold Estates, fcit lesirtoie rajnuj arranged secoin mod fsr a family of ilTeUgl3yff30.

Bernard 1 re.t.Bran.w Stable domertle olces. dtsMRa: IS. New 'gSt to Mr. BafflB. at a rent of 7L lf Vf nu" of 10L per annaa also a coo venlcnt and t1 tea? nars of McausV Sherwood D4, iWio4i if Mr.

Smith. soUdtor. HaUetiprden; atGarraway aa toother. 181. Tooieylteet.

South wars. ,1 w.r ri.l.,,.. aednrd tew Tbe Neat ana "Saaf Chmtx Drawinf room i.uni a br tatar. sarood Cardaad faTshlos, a Patent Bd tJlraH of very Choi Co Gls.Tor aicnera Modern Stock of JewrHrry Watc. Sheffi.ld PjAte.

catsamr atr. By Mr. W. DAVIhS, at Bis Anew 2 rf rLT i th eanvenlence of tale, on iTV ui. and foil wing day.

by order nf th Assignees. 1,1, the Stock ra lrsae ot ter. wilts, Dloctster, Korfolk; Back, aud Devon, tn wnejauonni ing te 804 1 8. I Id. per annum ah tot will for a aaantv Partanxlanma ha Swan, at York, and Warwick: aaaunatai Bronxe.

reoms. upur ttreet. remortn ior ui 7 Mr. B. Glttseott.

of Cbeap miA, n.r. bankrupt, com prl ling asanctment of modern 'I'jlHi. SranehL and neck haiaa. ehaaed arsJ and cceelian ijwikUces. sUver cruet frames, gravy, table, and lacks.

lieneO easy, ere. 1 a rsrirrrhi Sheffield sUted ubl eandjawicks.wftb braacjio braeketTaad chamber eaadlastleks. liquor, ermet, and egg AanataTtwcaT Md cakV baskets. InUtand. coffee bigxln.

tea pot. with aut gliat Tr tTT iH Tuesday and Wsdneaday yeacedhrgta aal. and rst.lorues naa at tae Partsrularsmay had at the Angel, Nortiwmptaa York, and Warwiekj at, the Auetlen naaTUfMesKS. Dawes leUaad af Mr. 8rl trct.

Modern Faniltnre. baaatifnl harnfl cottage. Hamyetsad ny. jbromlh Books. Laursl ta rrtmiscs.

afr ijf 7WWJ, tp KlUt Ticysin "I lOlOMPRlRINfi hsiulnmRlsii adl I TL itraHnfjnam ehjansey aod. other fJaan, ntttaretTTarlma curtain, sofa, and robe, aeerrtalr au4 suver ehesta 1 "T1" Jrl7 VTZ JT a cnonci. ladles. BeUShak. Cf liUhaai tmdeu's Haad, Csra ttrwn.

I JnllrXiii wsmhsiL RT HtHn ATfcA riaACaaS) eMa nisM suwH KtwuarVi: and latowtasr day. at 12. without reacrr. tha bouse AL Venuloe Fioiiiiture, eoinpritinjt 10 foor aoat. aeid.

and other bedsteads, teaxner noes aaa ocuauis. iouWaXataSaeaedraws Kuirand asrietyrf useful bed ha saber faraiture I suts ffj VimZm7irTlaim far toa tog room aad. aariMrs. rattan 'aaatctata and 4Sa af tkealatrt aaalrt, rrenea ptata enunnsT aaaara. ssrrvhtrawCBsderaa 1 culinary utensOs, and 7.

.17. nwrr thTr "r' T' dinjnt tod new JiSStM rirm nf Je. and eaalaatea had on tha Messrs. AVI DSOT4 and tad iuartaf south end of edforrWrToBswrewv Jan. wr at br ortct of tat jicrlk' wlth rich ehtat.

beds. aLl ajpropriate peeoa "r' ir ki.W dim aaners. huaaaned ware. om 7 tiMBSa thTaala.andeAtaUaaha4onOn Straad Bcrtrtlful ssvixa CsJbJ nmtaamei Curtains. Reeewoad, "Vl? at 12 r.

eK.VVaiora, Tif AHOOANYTrtWgjr LVJB Tasxexn euauns wm fjaa a av earpeta.ehljriJ ry.Tan fTSnf mart, window irfalgar AStahl zZ aawotxt Tarasu aMmJZZriU3 bo PxxtuU a 4y biu. "XXZZZr..

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