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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 8

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TgE TtttEvIirONDAYQWiYmTlMg: it aaa (BT BMM VMM. A. aaarrcl It MM4 Aslw task Base. 8kg irtilil to aat to attend Bar Ika chana, and went to tarheato get mi ker beet efcdkee, aad On fond IWlUtWM titeMfn4taJk. ft MMk Ik Cpaatkb Wtothriwrendehatfrd UatttlMlifMl irhttWkex, serf antnde4 rkia want kk4 VUllilL fnw her box, a weaubcktBo aid A would aot kav ker pitee cnarti kyeay of kb MKh4 OMnlnrtltMrMMa, fUUUlM eat kaeebng bcfere lb box opea th iter aad ea atvonag re farce tae lock; ah received a WHwl Baw Ih berk part el tke bead wkick aued Wr JciT 11.

lfejti Pattern arrived WnttiMWU rMlilUt efhrmeea, aad tke nawilalna kavtac Im cyaned at Ik Ooaty Oanrt turned ml Jatada Mna. Than an atprtamtanly In ueu for trial, all of them apeareatlr of the meet OJatotorasting cursater; It ta ra mound, kewtr, tkat a (pedal Jury aaoat, regarding aa atkd laMamaMal at a pataU rickt, la IrWa. Tka eeloadu contain the names al 19 orisoner. ka Jtrov to riar, bat tuaid at for torn time, whea (he diaee UTWUaaeUartAad: 3tabblacUkktaatlaaacnT9M evarvd. th prfauaer, aaa, eiiee mi atracpa, toes troea i book? karat, I robbery wita nairnce, neaanccaxing.

(aid tight la Ua tree, tat aat vwrdket tt ka for aba for U. nhaauaOiaaoarnrytMililtoay Uaarttaa. Tka verdat we takai for tka ptatana. aWieet at eke, aa4 wita tab eaast, ante bat aM aaMaforakb atkaroat. tar al o'clock, tka baalana at tka aaatoa.

kim a kwaatrr ahuol a foal loeg, aad wwigalag nearly a (WobbI (fYs haautrr, ea Iron aaa, wtttaweadea nru jwodaerd la cwwrt, and there wu vaublt apoa tkt aWalte under iroa a trace of Mood.) Tka poor watnea outd not ty, upon craw nataintUoa. wUk which ad aaa had beea atracs. Ateewnrdt ik weal daa a aialra aad adeavoursd to get thrcuah tka back dear, bat It ni belled, ad wall trylrg la opea her kosbaad took tka kammer wn. Tka prearcatriz. tkttk door, 4 Urecay, 19 afcetpalaatUj.

2. HOME C1SCUIT. nCKTrORD.Jci.TJl Caovi Coctl. (Beftrt Ifr.Jtuhc OoLiatpac) Aa aanlicathMi Btada la kit LordtbiD to diteow of aa ladtetaMat tkal vu prtfemd al tkeai aatMina IMi acaiaat 1 11 pcnoot, (or aala(uU; krpU( baotki for tka purpjati af laatlac, al tka Oerhambvrr raora a( tku Tear. Tar i lot rummer I anistt all tka I drfcodaaU.

akoat oamct iiprartd opoa i t. aad tkc trial of tka Bniuvw mart M. 1l k. i A.i t. IMODIBI VMia Hit BHV Ut UII IM1U ftMUM.

r.tfRK jwvtt'w tM warn comb hw iuuh sZZ 4kt la a Mauor aUtr. aad prafaarfj fraa PP. aooaai la im aaao. lit ami lor atratcu aaatUMe. oraolris.

after aoaw Um. mcc i epealnc tka f. "Jf r. aad called la neWkboar, Mr. JakaiooT or 'WT "LU'TJ ku aa ona tiH tH rM ihrtrn 1 tkairadluryrttradatnbUli jrt.

aat kVU tatter to Ikat aelckkvar'k keoar. ffk. Cto'irisi i Mr. Walkj apatarad tar lt jiiwuHia, aa4 ate.ratr itaadadOoerr aad Bean r7 aad Wlfikrteaae. Tka atker arlaaaan vera aat fraaitk liUkanayaf Mr.

IjW Mnaatt It apoowtd tkat tka koan af ikair natter, after kavfac kata attamptod bilvaalaackjtkraBB, Wkna fooa prlala wtra daarty traaad (a tka aaa. waa a0y brakaa toto aa tka aj(kt la tatatlea tka raawral af a paaa af ghat, kick cava ready aeeaa) to Ua bettor apaaara door. Tkii talaed, tka bar (lart cot lata Ika MrTaata kail, wktaoe Ikry carrlad aft tka prapar la foaatloa, witkoot laUmiptioa. Wkaa tka rat bery waa aoiaad abroad It vaa dlaetotred Ikat tka tkra yeoac aula prboacra had beea (peadlac tka reveler, before al a loady pokHo koaai, aaar Uutflrld, kre tkry all lead, aad aboat tea mU froea Mr. Eyln' auaw, watre im etaer xey aaa lonarny urea lor li yean aa roarhajiin, aad tMtt tka etkert a abort imm aiaot aatootmaa, eo taatlary Nit aad aUU knoaledrt of tka prembea.

IltTlaf qaittad their qoarten Ute at sWkt tka Urea priadpali retoraed early oa tke tMawiat noror lac. aad, peodedeg a qoaality af perk, bad eonM fried far ier ore rtet. a 'ur tail ateai aaa ai taeta leu uleepod tbe otkere aiylBa: tkat ka aol kalf a maa to be kaoeked op aritk one akkl work." awake kla. aa whkk tkey all weal away towarde UirttclJ. wkera tkey were Ukra aa la a few dayi, eosM cf tka miulag artielei bariof beta faaad oa their Tbc oenreoa waa atleeded ker eVaa Ibed tka woud aad ia tiea kflJ, wkkk ka aeid were jort onck at oikl re beea ifl.U wltk a kaiaaxr af tke deecriptloa pro tfoord.

Tbe iwar wae apprtbeoiled at hi own kotite tke day Tier tK oernrreane. Mr ViLUa.lakeaddrretotke ery, aoateaded that i ran otiie itmoi, iron ine waote circamaraaree eor tae eaac MNnnullht ibal la alt profcaMity, ike kamowr aad otrark are a Mw vUk tbe wooden haadle. If be Bad iatad a Mow witk tka Iroa part, BO kuatan akall ceald kare aecaped beia: trpt, aad death woaU, la all probability, UU Loaiwmr luieani ap, aad tka iary Ike coamoa atOKilL Mr. Jaabe Parrcao. la naaatsc atBleaee.

teldtkoprl ataxr ifctt kc bad ha I a Terr narrow eeuoe Indeed, for if hie ante bad dlrd af tke waaade by kin kii lie would feadaaU. bat it rtened tbtt tke proeeeator kad aot Ukea aar etepe Bare ue Butter oroacni btfere tbe Voart, aad Mr. CWrkeoa thereupoa deetred aa aaqalUaL The jade wka prodded laa.aired wbtther tke proeeouior kad bees eerrcd with the aeal autice of the latentiaa of tka defcadaata to aurrender, to which Mr. CUrkeoe piled, that they oaold sot aaorrtela wha tke proeecBtor really waa, aad Ike oaly peraoo who appeared la the nutter waa oae Moeeo Jaeoba, wh bad ataoe beea aenteaeea to MX atoatke' latprlaoameat. for radraroor IK IA mMH I Ka mJi.m Af lM.ln a.m..

tb.1 the prtaooer aerer iateaded to lad. ZZCIIIImZJ r. 1'' r.Vir.JL a cnpoa prored apoa hie we, aad arced I TZI k.L. jhJm irrtt.iTTv. tw.

far aa aUaraey who coodaeted the eue, there wu reaaoa to beliere that it wae the real Broeeeotor! bat rtiUhe mmM Mwrnni vt ui BpwtaivB iivyuve I fcare bara frfritnl, and be woald DVWI errteialt hare bora eft for izrctitiia a amurdrreri ae it teemed, however. that aiaee hit apprehearoa, and arerlovtlr to that, while al wk upoa tke rutraad. bad tillered from rioWnt head arkr, which alawiat dVprirtd kirn of hit atatet, be weald take that im emittdfratNo, IhooRh thie wu ao exeoae for kit rulny to au wiCe, wboat, ol all other ta the world, he buamd to chert aad protect, lie thea aeateaced tke tKvaaerit line aaontW latpriaoamrat with hard Ubsnr. Jnxli. The whale of tka crleilaal baaaeai ef thUaariewM eoa (laded by 9 o'clock yetterday when the Crown fary were hacked by hit Iordthjp for their attendance, and cvbnted.

Tbe btll iut EI i beth Qaartertaaa, rharged athh artoa, Wat Waotod by the pud juiy. Mr. Jtt or raTTtaoi httua t. nraaa. Thit wu aa action in debt brooch! to recover the torn af 9K.

I2t tor warn and board rrca the 11th af October, 1812, a tke llik of ApHI. IMS. Tit K. kalf a year'e warrt, aad tkt retaaiad IU.12,far board. Tke declaratloa eoa tained tke roennfm count! (or work aad labour, and aa ac xu Ud.

pleaded tke funeral latee. Eymeosanawtos. tot piutun. It appeareo, had beea raaay yrare n4yrd In tbe arrrieeof the defradtat, arbo ie a ch tvrmin N4dtsr the hrlnr af Wnt UimArA in Bh td, aa eM na now 80 yean ef ace. Tke defendant be aarie eatwrrutra in aw cireomttanoer, and wae for tome time, la the Utter rrt of 1W2, and ap to Mar, 1543, con tWd lor oct In Mtecrott ttrrct prim, when be wai Citrcfearred.

Tbe ptaintin" eate retted upon the defeadant't kntrn to tbe attirney of the pUlatlfl, and upon tka en tVarc of a UJlt, wba It aenned wu la the habit of euiiar aad aud Hoc tbe deleodaBt't accoonla. He etatod tkat Ulaul kad hren for 10 yean In tke terrice of defendaat, that Uium were MC per toaaa, thai he knew of plaintiS feet left of a kooe belonzlar to defendaat, near TwbneW. 1 that be(pUIntin)deUrered up poteeasioa tM the hib to him La A imAnt ih.1 th UA the IrtUatint: partlet ireaent tocetker ia the 6a one dmw tha lapritonneet, defendant re CosunrBdrd pln ifl to aid lire a Wett Hradred, for arpiDr, awiu lc i inrnaaot; roua(t oitalatn tettled. Chat went to pi bra on erreral tocatioot, and ttthonth foe did aot tichre him from Lie altoatuo. Tbe letl rt put ia did not forward the plaintifl'f caw, for la then cUre 1 to Mr.

Omoad, the plalnttfl'i attract, tht be had paid all tkat wat doe to Edward Mtlea, and that he eo. tt Kaa be wu wkca ka tnt entered temcr; Ih.t be had been paid lit. by aa otderopon Oxford, the rr carer of tkt titkee of Wett QeBdred, bWo 71 Tt 3 1. from Mr. Crouch, the rtcairer appolated tino the dcora r( HMdy, aad alto that the pialntifl had told a copper fr It 3a totautat to defendaat and kept the asary.

Upon cron examination thli turned oat to be eor ttct, and aU wrrt paid after April, IMS. Mr. Lll CDOhndeO for the drfdaBt that th tJ.lnUff mmvi pcen. wfm pu own tnowing, atore Knaa paio. ue bad arcrlrrdU 1(W 21, a nt htl alalm, by hit own parrtca tart, wae rnl 241.

12c He ttitvatieed the action al a dit aaoalul preoerd tt, brmrht to extort mney fraai a geao oca BAtfrr, ia the dcdiae of Ufa, which wai aerer dae. Be srfd that ao wrteht ceald be attacked to tke ceneral autcaxBl Mr. Hillt leased froaa tka pblatift that a HipuanijiM. tt wu eammea an waaat were paid ap to Ocirter. 1812 wkere, tkra, wae tke data I Ut.

JarticerATTXsoaaamtaed up, aad tald tke realeaee tka ia tb oate wu, whether Ike plainti! kad been paid rr tr the oetj errand apoa wkkk pUaclS could rett cue tow wu thtt the tumt rrcWred by him were appro ia Kjaiditiia of priar clalaa. Ia tke abteaot af pwi ef mauler received and dae antecedent to October. JU1, tbrm to drade. AtW a careful eonaderation of the whole eate, tke iary, alter a wMtfuluuoa togttker of 20 mloatea, rctarned a ret ct for the it fWiut. Tke Court then Ltvke ap and adjoursod to tke Town hall C06KUXI T.

001. did not appear, leially, la that character, ta that, point of fut, they did not know who to terra tbe notice upon. tae meat ctrcuattaneef, airootea that a notice apoa the party who appeared at attorney ia the eeue hould be derated euflciaol, and the cue ttood over to the prtteal aanaet apoa that One of tke defcadaata, named Henry Oidntld, bow ta peared to anewer the charre eaade acaiatt hlav aad aa affl dant aiade by hit attorney wu putfaV, which Mated that ao ute ol Ike intention of the defendant to turrender had been tZllw.L temd atoa the penoa who acted tka attorney for Ut ff "SJStJiSl proteeution.andtke defendant kiaeelf aade an aadavit I ELVJ 'TSXF11 1' that ha wu entirely Innootal of the charce, aad thai over tnree kad been made to Mm to compromite tke nutter, and thai ka bebeved the pruaecutioa had beea got up by Moat Jaeoba, and that the object wu not to tarry oal the endt af jattlte, bat taerely to extort money from the ptrtln who had beea indicted. Hr. Juttioe harinc read the aadariU.

and otrutnea tau no one appeared (or the priaeoutJoo, tald be thought the defendant Lad done all that eoald be required of him, and therefore he wu entitled to aa aoquHuL The Jury acoordiaeiy, aoder the directiea a kU LordthJn. AllAAAfl RKttutKAlC (IwM BsrkAi O. WtMI. Sktdbolt. 20.

and Jonathan ShadboH. 20. all eWritod uosurera, ware inotcteu iir a oargiary ol a vvy aarlnc cba racier ia tbe dwelHnjt haute of Pritdlla BlindeU, at the parua oi utue wymonaiey. Mr.Bylaadproteouted; Ur.Lydtkker defended Suloaon Shadbolt; aad Mr. Uawkiot and Mr.

Chamber appeared for tbe pror cutlco. ThUcuecameoBoa Friday, and. from tke volemlncnt Balure of tke eridenoe. It occuDiedtha court natO bte ia the day. TheproercTtrix depoerd that the krpt a reaeral ihtpln the abore rillaee.

aad oa the alaht af the Si of Ftbnurv the weal to bed tearing her houte properly tecured. Ia the court of tke nwht the wu awoke hv heaHnr tha footilena of men ortr her bead ia an ap etaln room, aad rery aooa afterward the taw the handle of her bedroom door tamed twice, but Be farther attempt wu aade to (tain admittance. 8he wu too much frightened to (ire any alaim, and the nexi on ner (rota aown itain, the ditcorcred that the haute had born rantuked. aad a Ur aaaahtr of dto perty, oontteUnx of wearing apparel, flannel, ealioo, lea. At, rrmoTro.

Tke oOcert here orodoced aerenl lam bnndlea. eontiiit. bf artidrt found in tbe poeaeetioa of the prttooert, aad tereiai ininct were loeaiinra oy tae protecutnx. Two Inmectonof the Uertt conrfabularr. named QW aad Banket, were thea examined.and It appeared that la the oegiaoinf, oi Apru uey tearcnea toe couaree or tbe priao nen Boloaoo, Beomin, and Oeorire, at Buraham creea, aboat tight aulet from tht reidance of tke praeecatrix, and they there found all the trliclee they had produced, totretber with a chitel and a centn bil that eorreauoetded In aixa with the marki apoa Ike door of tke protecutrix't vwv v.mwvw vtWHW Was MTVI11VNIV IB I penaaa.

Tkey ware all throe committed for trial, and tke iw other priaoaen ladaded la the charce reeeieera. In rotpect of thote articlae which wen found their pottentou, ana: aot exactly aoeounled far at the time. The cue afalnri thete Utter, kawtrer, tamed out to ke very itUht, bat tke facte depoted to acaiatt the three young men ware quite eoacJueirt af Iheir guUt, and the jury accordingly ratarned a verdiet of Otuitf agalut them, while tkry acquitted tke girl and Ike oilman, who had rewired a good character. Under three drcnatttaace kit lordehlp Knteaeed the three young men to 15 yeare trantporteOes, whempoa Heniy 1st winked at hit friealf ia the oouit and aud, Ay, that Jutt what I Ktil Flirt Cocxt. (Btort Mr.

JuMiet WiLUtMi.) nOLLAIP r. aits AID OTBIU. Mr. O'UaBey and Mr. Welle were ooontel for the plaintiff.

Mr. Serjeant Brief and Mr. Oanninr aoneartd for the fentlaalt. Thle wu aa action of tretData. on which the w'ntlfl aowgkl to recover ooapraaatioo from tbe defendaat.

for the wroacfal)ieitara and diatreat of bit good and chattel. To Ihlt tkt defendanta pleaded aot guilty. ii aarrare iaai jar. hub, tne prudpal defendant. It a tail that nartng I deallnn with tha ur oi ua nuiaun, a atortgage wu granted to blm ior ju over certain property, including a booat, then oc cupied by the pialntifl, tbe tenant of hi father.

At the con erajtoa alUU trantaction Mr. Kuh gave notice thereof to the plaintiff, requiring him for tke future to eontldcr himtelf bit tenant, and ta pay hit rent to him accordingly. The plaintiff, kowerer, took no heed ef thi bint, and at the conciu tioaof a year, not having paid any rent to the mortgagee, a dittrrt wu put ia on hi premier, tnd the property ia quevttoo told thereunder, their nine being (worn to bo 2U. 10a, 6M. For thi turn, and fcr inch farther com pen cation the jury might think the iajurr demanded al their hand, thi action wu toon afterward brought.

Although it occupied the attention af the jury for ttrtral hoorr, the point la lame between the partie wu limply whether the plaintiff kad iweogoieed tka defendant Nub kit landlord, la any way, to to confer on him the right of dittret. A I It otnetetioa, the jury, being unable to agree, retired fur tome time, aad at tke nting al the Court retoraed a vtrdict for tke plaintiff, Uk 2K. 10. 6 J. daaagu.

NORTHERN CIRCUIT. YORK, Jcit 11. The aaai far thi eouart commenced hen thi morula. their Lordthlo harinff erjened tha eotmmlamitm vettrr ereoiag. Tbe calendar la light In point af number, there ecing dui cuee tor uui.

impllaaUng prieonen. There are two eatee of manaUuchier, four of rape, 12 of robbery with riuleooe, three of cutting and wounding, and eight of borelarr. On the dnl aide there an 21 eane entered for trial in tae Ot for the North and But Riding, tnd 68 eaotr in that for tha Weat RLdlar. mUn tot.l ol or caare, lertrai oi waicn are luely to occupy a roomier aoie tuae. Citii 8itM.

(Dcfart Mr. Baron Eoirf.) xicrjAXneoa t. BicuixDaoi. Thi wu an action In which the plaintiff tought to recover oompeatati a la damage (or tht redaction of her niece. who raided with her, and aattftcd her la the management ol her houaehold.

Mr. Puadu and Mr. Pukley appeared for the plaintiff, ir. pun ua mt. feeroey tr tbe de(eBdant.

II appeared from the eaea on behalf of the nMntlff tht the it a widow, fjo yean of age, residing al Popptctoo. Iier maiden name wu Ethtlbv. and hr ik nwk of tha young penoa who wu the Bufortanate eauatof the Jtonl action, wu married to a penoa of tht nam af aaaa wy ajnana at aaa Mm iajkwja, tTetat af taw praeaear' tari aevfjerty aai foaa4 awaa tkenv Tka leteonm wen foawd OwBrw. flratewae wu deferred. Cim BUaBcyert Jfr.

Barm Mourn.) AUtm a AJioTSBa, intiaixu, r. tnaur. Ia tkt action tke plaiatiff, at aatkraat af a penoa a Oa tSM af BarkiQ, toiaghl to reorrtr fraai tke defendaat lam ef iHL, ketng a kalanea aa aoawant of draaakt drawn kyBnrkiU baforaki baakrustey, and accented byoaeWU nam Jacket, aad wkkk wae allefod tke defendaat kad received fiwa tke kankrvptoa a promaw to djaaoaat kt, aad pay tke banlrnpt tka aaa la aneatlf bj part el tke pro Mr. Martta and Mr. ArckkaU were far tke plaintiff Baiae and Mr.

Hendaraaa for tke dafendaat. Tke bankrupt. It appeared, la tke latter part ef tke year 1840, wu a eora aprrchtat, aad kad bought from tke de readent and at partner, merckanl uuiO.1 earn of neat. He kad engaged to pay for the ky baakerr btll al two mnlh, bat being aaabi to do to ke handed tkea bill of lading for a cargo of barley, which he expected from Hun burgh, aad which It wu expected would kare covered tke amount of hit liabilitle on account of kit porckat. Thtt, however, la eoaaeaueaoe of tke fall ia tke price of grain, and tke hatting of the barley on tbe voyage, Kored not to be the cue, and lb Mean.

Keighley applied him for a farther turn af 100L to aexet ia paying fmght aad duly. He met tbe defendant, Robert Popple well Keighley, al OrlTtby markvt, oa the 13th af November, 1M0, and produced tbedraoght ia owcten, which he ttid be wu going to dieeoaal at tbe bank ia Oriaabr. The dtfeadaat, the bankrupt alleged, raid ke would duccuut il hioveif. and took II awtv fir thai Daroote. nromiauiv to oar the baakraet the balance thai evening.

He did not returv, and the bankrupt having la vala tought for kia in Qnouby wreto to tke Arm Halt, oompbuning he had been twindled, and aakiag wnuthey aeaaltodo. To tait a letter in replr referred him to a note before reeetved from tbe defendant at Onmtby, rUtiog to the baakrapt that tbe aeeoaat which be (the defendant) had ard of the acceptor wu tc antatitfutory. that Be wooM kaM the draueht and tbe barley too, an Ike baakrapt account wu tatiefaconly lettlrd. Thi wti the foundation of the preirnt action, which, howerer. had not beea brought until lately, ia coaarqaeoce of the bankrupt not ktring obtaiaew hit certificate until the put year.

For Ih defeacc it wu conleaded tkat the ttory given by the bankrupt wu not to be believed, thai tbe draurht given a tecuritv aad aot oa the term al eced. aad eri dence wat adduced ta that Jackton accrptans vroulJ not al that time hart leea duoounted at the bank. A verdict wu finally returned for the plaint fl. WE3TERN CIRCUIT WINCHESTER, JctT 12. TBI OOeroRT DCIL.

The grand fy retaned a true bill tgatntt Uentmanl Uaakey and Pym for murder. Mr. Bxwlitso replied for a bench warrant tralntt thete partlet, which wu granted. Mr. Biron Piatt wu oeeopted nearly the whole ef the day la trying cue which were totady unfit ftr pnbUcatwo.

Ntn Pairs Corxr. MILLS OOLDIia Mr. Cockourn and Mr. Rtwhnann mmrm ffnnna! tr th plaintiff, aad Mr Crowder and Mr. Btrton for the def ndtnt.

Mr. Bawlujov Kited that John Mile wu the pUimiff, ana ue ner. it. UMJtng wu the 4 fenJtnt the declaration Mated that the defendant hui l.h of and concerning th pUlat0, to which the defendant pirsuea uu no WU hat gully. Mr.

Cocxanaa addrjJ lh Karw mA mlmA IK. I u. Mill wu a geatlemaa probaly katwa to alt of them ha wai a gentleman ot fortune and ttation, ard be had fell himtelf called upon to bring thi action annul the defendant, a bo wu clergyman, anVT one timo curate of the ptrtrh ia which the pialntifl retided, in etnteoueeee of a letter which tke defendaat kad published, ccnitiaing imputation! on the character of Mr. MiU. Ue (Mr.Cockhurn) wu verr htonv to tar that Mr.

Ouldmran the nreamt ae cation had come forward ia meet proper tpirit and had wlthdnwa the iirnutitinn mini Ida rS.rai t.v Mr. Mill, and hi learr ed friend wi prepared ta make a ttate ment whieb he believed would be quite tatitfactory. Mr. Cmowpxn takl, that ra behalf of Mr. Ooldmg he had tettete, by that gtlema' direction, that tbtt which be had written and publ ebed, charged to be libetlou.

wu puhliibed by kirn aider follsge of great irritation, and under the belief of tha cxiiteut. ef fact, but which be had nnc found BOt to be correct. Htvinf fmad that ha hut made a etatemeal which wu Lot founded on fact, he begged 'eprrti hi great regret for having wounded the fetlmg fottndr Aa Itnalir nhl tkat lima acre aeaatntwi a etaUoa tke traia trrrvwd atbetwaeaCVw tadBrigktoato can eat Ika bum at tke alaea. to ewea tke aartiaae daeee.

aad awakaa aaaanaants wait were attirp watdct a kR was Ml nagtag la anal IM atataar awra aara. wae aitnoeraett to IM eSCB. the defendant, teaMee aajwogtag ham to pay Ue Ian from tke Three Bridge to town. LA B0TKMX ftsy The leaa Oaaxctixaa wS tear mill It ate Htnte if tmla. nCn CHJjrCXXtOXW OOCBTfl.

Imu araa at Uk itewi aw LtuMHii nter. BanUtpttaa to Otavtrtr anWikaWtraar NaiavwT Hcitia.aaar eaw UH' Lavw, Vf Mwiaav WTiawi dita A fewer TlaBl.cnM atvtoa v. aaeiae euvaa rmimm Mefe MmIU A ArW4 llatlia Chtt la Wrlete Skhi Harry v. KtNatt tatliw v. OtTainna Atteruf aftl.D4a.

icWtee J. Imt BaoraJ BiahraM (CaMrt BTlAf KitartaSartM.ara Darto Ka pvn SaKt. a IStaar pant B.0T.LT C0CT. Crfur taa. tt Is.

BUaall nrr it Bafrtua 41 adh Pirrr Wuttakte Watt. Uia BctatttT Un IIrvfcerr)et tet Htrrit riart Iiiamtr Baaaur Omar Cn. BASlSFFTfT OOTJBT. tuiMiiitmin. (BfMr ii Qmnmmm 1 0iiWit Muiaawnull.

Xan ul Itotw luiaatouu It CI hr eroMll iia vmtitn uhwOMt il 1 BT tU mUml totfawtli, Wbiberj raurai Hr IX. J. P. In HeJerML. TOXZM JoWTOdt or xxm tutu Strr MgeedutoarndoMtfyoBr tenefters fo Falans yara.

to aut a rru faM keforv TfililIWu BaB. ewtraaee to tka aafl. ana along Ue aertkern end et aader IM wnaaWaaMaffow wnedea workaW thova. atwa4tdwitklkhnDdiaarsiMwU Ptrnaaaent, oovtrvd witk a reodng af for or bituaen, ent af wkkkatTcrallow cateney peojeet. If ky aay ueUtct Lkett eked eantkt ire Ik window at tke kaB weald la faliaty ke cracked ia pk cea.

tke kaniag emben weaid eater tke kail, wkkk I new tiled to Ike ratten witk tke Boarding af tke exhibition, end that magninoral wcnld be toevitaWy dettroyvJ. I do aot thmk II aaVaraUy wateked even new. I came through It yatterdiT evrnla duak, wken net a teat appeared; aad It mUkt kare keen eary forill daoafd peraoo, with a few saatckn, to have rt fire to tke koardiag la tke Interier. A fow week ago, under the heat of the tun, Ue bitumen wuaehiagta the roof ef then iked, had dropping tke tavea, and men were employed La watering it with a retail engine to keep It coot I have tke honour to be Sir, Towr obedient hankie terrtaf. Ind0B.J.rylI.lM& 3TATJ or rouues.

zair jtswx Ouo. M.rHv, wig ba a pUehW (rata LUm aa I tr tttm IBM. Tht Ml Will for tha W.mX llAl lnlkilM, .1... XI Km impmtcm4 tram LrUoa a Ua wwraLir Utirutn. TH ten mmM I AtMrwa.

br fi hm4 wtu ae aa patUd frsa Uaaaa ta the aa in Ud ku 0KI5UXD rilBUT. IILLL. VlT TbmMaS mA IZ i ulii I i I T.Ml.fc wirwHIM rtpa Ue.l,nLh no of rWla4 IV4B Httjlhal Sum Mat. IMml IUwKMmj.

lldMlll tai 1 1 a CO" Mil aa tJt0 teUm. fodoa at lmlrin. CllOB, WU BUTri petty wu diKOvered. Il tJto wu proved thU while th nri 1 D1 aora TU.I.m mA Cm I. I "aa.

neaTQ Of. fVrrraT Ctttf JtuCtct Dxxbas taw wu an action ot rrover brought by th plaintiff, a enagHvrtto tor thit countv, agalnet tht defendant, an attorney practiaing la LoDdoB, pot having property La Berk abbe, to try the right to a certain aim tree om conaidar jkte vW Tire, ootarailty and not poamacd. Mr Hnateky, with whoa wu Mr. Walteby, ap aearwd the plaiatiff. Mr.

rierteant Talfewd tnd Mr. tX)wlrt 11 rrpnaentrd th defendant The tree abich farmed tbe eurjret of tbe pretest tctioa onen Beajamd aad George wen ia th enaiody of tbe ponce one oi taem avid to tne other, 1 aappoee (hall be trantported for thi;" to which th reply was, MI appoe we taau, out we naa not ccea at nome that night the koald bar had a job to catch ae." The nroteeutrix. af coarte, from tbe natore cf tbe artklet ttolea, wu unabl to iJenlify them poaiUvely, but il wu rather lingular tku the pritonen having aareletaly thrown about tha ticket with th price that had been attached to maav ef them, tha wu eaabled to Identify them powuvtly, from their having her naaawnuag upon ueu. Th Jury found all tha priionen 6Vfjr. Eridenoe wu thea given that Sulooon bad been before convicted of felony, and th conatabte Mated that they had every reeaon to hdier that th wbl of the primer wen conaeeted with a daring gang of depredator.

Th ttolcn property wa. la th flnl Tnttaae. ami to London, when It wu divided. Jonathan retaining kt nortioa. and dimoeina of It, and the ntaainder wu then neat back to the other praam' cottage, when it wu found Mated by the police.

Mr. Juttiet Co LIBIDO tenteaoed Solomon Shadbolt to ka trantported for 20 and the other for IS year. NORFOLK CIRCUIT. BUCKINGHAM, JciT 11 Tke coamlatisn for tht count wu dulr ooened on Theroday afternoon, by Mr. Janice Wiluam.

Bnh th ooart were opened for the despatch ef banner yetterday morning at 10 a dock, with an entry of tla common jury eeaae aa tke civil tide, and IS pritonen on tke Crown tide, ot which all wen tried, or otherwi dimted of. la the course ef th day. Among them wen the following cue: lUtfvrt Mr.Bonm AUgssoiJ Jonah Brooke wueharced with taaaliinc WBliam Blackwell, oa th 10th May Lut, and robbing him of a boadl and a of troueen Mr. Sandcn prosecuted the praoner, who net de fended by counsel. Tae proeeeator reddn about four mile from Great Martow, when the prior er lire with hi mother, and, having IMim.HwaiAVTv iw wuijrm HTni hhvb wv, warn IK (Vim Cl itci IMI ua awww.

anwi, ata.ion cntl Vri rmrtttly growiag in tke pariah of Ardington, bad ocoatioa to go thither oa Lb day aimed la the Indict ta thW memtynd to tbit parith aa old gentleman ot property, Vfthenauaof within th lart two or three yean twice tt rewde. Amoocrt other purckaee made by him I tke village alekowae, called tha Whit Hone, abutting dot atpon tke naa church aad aear to tbit ancient hoatrlry, from time fannrmanal, had atooda duster of tima, which by their wabraceow foliage bar for generation afforded a eool and refrething thadt to the weary and tkirety rustic, and rwatiM kia to enjoy hi al ia peace and content. Th boater of three tree was, within tke memory of torn cf the a itneaara, 15, bat tke ax bad from time to time thinned tbtlr number until, in Mr.CUrke's tiwe (tke party from Urn Vernon purcbaaed the property) tke tUwer wu reduced to five, by Ciarke't direction, and tkat lumber wu again reduced onul the on la qeettioa only re rialned, a tad eprctaclc of farmer greatn. and In tt ioce aet It tad beeonj donhly dear to tke people of the pariah. They it wrmed kd never belere Intericred oa behalf of tbl prove.

tbirt it teod to the public road, bat bo tooner VM Mr. V'mcn'a order to fell iheir favourite executed, and the tree ttretebed upon the earth, than tkey met together, aad im r4fc.Bi ipreanre ot their astonUhmeai at the Cwadoct of Mr. Tirana ia catting down tke tree, aid deter bleed to Uk the tree Into their po aion, kelng parith mrooerty, and farming on of an ancient avenue of tree trading to the church. TLe eurverer of tbe kigkwtyt, how ever, removed tke tree to a hort dwtane from when It lay, and directed the coceUbl I th panak to as that 11 wu avrt Ukra away by any one. la thi te af things, aad alterjf i.

Berne, th vicar ef Ik panak. and othen nad expressed to Mr. Vernon a Strang feeling area th subject ol the tree, and after the lap cla aebih, Mr. Goodlak eppeen upon the teewe, and eaten into negn Utioa witk Mr. Heath; the nephew and ieot of Mr.

Vcrnoa. la the matttr, and purchase for tka turn of U. tke right to tke tree. No money. Bcwcvtr.rtini to bind th bargain, aad tke Ulntiff toon alter preceedtd to obtain pot netnon ih tree.

For thi ttorpo It wu cat uto thrt marts, aad a timber tru with warp and a team of horses seen tent by the plaint ff to remove IL Hie bailiff aad wr without iaterraptloo ta remering on part, arpnc ikair rrturr, but far another piece, the defendant CVx, aided by kit at ran pre vented tke wen from taking it away, axd tbe wood wu placed In th tempi" road, and aWry tbe whole if it wu deposited la a yard keloBgiag to th. Landlord of the Whit Horse, wken It now remain. the cre exascieetioa ef Mr. Heath, one cf the sSUatll witneter, by Mr. Serjeant TAironan, It wu elicited that witaeu had taad to th surveyor of ta highways Why, have taken poaeeaiea of tke tree and removed kt.

and an action wUl be hronctL" swrtMnt Taltocxb tddmsed the art for th defence. and tad there wwald two oneeUon for their oocaidcraU' nr ua partly ti law and partly et fact. The first question wvaid whetker the tree a aoattioa wu the pro Tmta aiaXand tke eooad. It ever became TT1. Ji ihila.

lilatiruilM In a tatriak anarrel la which dVrkad no interrtt he wu not aa takabtntat of th pariah, afoot Bred la apUcr three fa aU dtetaat, la bayiag TL tWk wulcnUnted toMBtlgtkwJthfotrewu Marded br Ue vicar and hi paritkwoaen ut ablest of ieW sadiarm aSatUon, and their feUg wu evry Strang eanenttwufoiUX De thoold pot In tke reeoUUoet deter rTrzLTik.r mJettec. and should ask tke lwhetkTby th word of Bhotub contract with Mr. eCeitk anjLoprty la tbe tree eoald pas It wu wtU Tnawn iVplriB Uw that tke srerebto la ckatteU we Averred by uehvery tf th artlcfo, arky ef tke poesesttoa wat KT! ZJla imerif rt ail passed from Mr. Vernoa to tke SiTl. inTBf Ae pretendtd sal, the tarvryor of the Ugh nvat kad takf a the tree awy from Yemen' ecsatatia, and 1 ILtrTV WU 9V CKJiTrT en aUl WV nak hT Pllwm Xamed ttrteaai then proceeded to wot legal snikatWe tkesarycx.wn 11a LOaUwUIP itunerru, aaaa Wwa4 if yva kl to leave kt to te my brother Patto argMH.

H. ku fcft Abingdon now TH eta be da la tke cart cf tke rvraltg If we aKnJl giteBtUdtttdaiattiwiiaiaitiWBnda men he fell ia with the prisoner, aad tpeat the evening with him al a pubke bouse. Aboat 11 o'clock tkt friend separated, and the pro ecutor pursued hit way bom, with a bundle containing a bran new pair of trousers, which be bad purcbaaed on tbtt day. Ht bad aoaroeiy got kalf a mil oa kl way when the prisoner avertook and patted hint, after wkkk ke turned rouud and knocked klm down, and knelt on hi head whil he turned out hi kreecke pocket. Not Hading anythm then worth having, seised tks bundle, witk which he went away, and th proteeuter re turned his onward way.

Ia about haU an beur be wu again paaed by the prisoner, who wu thea accompanied by a ttraneer. In a few moment thea two set apoa him, knocked him down again, and th prisoner, Marching in hit weiateoet pocket, found a purse, a blah hs stole on with. taring to ka partner, Ak, ret dooc th old chap at last," Information ru given of thi outrage and th prisoner' boo searched, but tke trensen and bundle aot being found then the scene of the robbery wu hunted ap, and there, andera hedge, wen teen th mlanng trousers, nearly good unw Ia auwer to thi cue, the priouer loudlr protested kl innocence, and called two witnenet to prore aa aMa, Thete person (a girl who set ap with his sick mother on the night la question, and a lodger la the tame hoate) both twon tbtt the pnaoner eare home at to minute put II b'click, and went to brd toon afterwards. Mr Baroo ALPthlos then summed up tke cue to the jury, cautioning la mnt to trual tooroadJy to men eridenoe of personal identity, ahea unee firmed by other cir eumaUao'a, nor to give la too rraddy to Ik aba asually heaped opoa evict TBey wen generally auc abused, aad Ilk i ogi to whom bad naovt wtn given, tkey wen tome time considered bad, because they wen abused. They were, howerer, the belt, aaa onen the only defences which bonett mea could make, and it wu for tbe iary to say, in th preeent oate.wbotber, under all It ctrcumttaaota, they could are their wa to a verdict of luiltr.

Tke jury coatidered for a few minutes, and then A rovUtrd tbe pnaoner bert Price, aged 27. aad John Martin, aged z7. wen 1 dicttd for aeaaulting Francis Saunders, and cutting and wounding him, with Intent to do him some griereui bodily Injury aad to prevent their awful arrert. Mr. Birch wu coaneti tor in protecaiion nt.

rower ae tended the prisoner Price. The noarcutor i th bailiff of Mr. Dashwood. who lives near West Wycombe, and wu watching hit matterV farm yard on the Bight ol the Choi aay lart, at il rcioex, when be saw a Strang aaady cotoured ternar dog ran acrl to th door of a ken botwe. cVa pecting that souatthiag wu wrong, the protecator followed the dog, and toon dissevered Ikat tlcv wen at work among the poultry.

He at once tried to push open tbe door, but in so dotug received a blow oa tke Having recovered from this attack, ke latd koid et lb door with hit ngui hand, on which a deep guk wu Inflicted by a knife. Th dour wu Immediately after brown open by tke thieves, who, two la Bomber, ran across the yard, foiiewad by ske dog whet pretence kad betrayed thm. Although the prosecutor thought be knew the peraou ol tka mea, no taioraatloa wa grrta by ktm again them till it wu daeevered that th two priaoaen had be a drinking al th Plaeappl Ian, dee the premise In juetloe, ail th evening before this ecowrrrno ap to31 o'clock, when tkey left witk a sandy littl terrier lind of a wkick kad beea la tkelr com pany a'l tM day. Mt, r. Pown baring addressed the jory on behalf af hie Oent, Hie Loucmr anamed ap hs cue, tearing It to tkea to ay whether they wvnatind wtUtMerUeac agakat thspritoner.

Tk Jury, without mock kaduHoa, rttomed a verdict at OvOtf agaiaet both tkt Brisoaerr, wka wera vrally transported for IS year. Henry Fay, aged 21, Wiflwrn Bsyceck, aged 22, end Wfl eiam Painter, aged 21, wars euarged with having karglari custy entered the mulrnoc of Mr. Jame Eyln, new deceased, oa th rush! of the 8th of March last, tad stealing lOCrCID BVHJW 1, MMwau wj.i.l.. aiwr, wmtmmt and a penholder, the property of the deceaaed gentlrmaa and wnractirtlyciargdB tana ontutk inairi Mrm Hlait AA alwirtla mftm aad th ehiUrea wen distributed among th sum ring re UUrer, Hannah Stead aad her brother coming to hit with the plaintiff, who had no children et her oan. The frndut, ThcmiS Rxhardaon.

la tha af tka lata band of the ptalaMff, and retUcs with hi mother ia th sama neighbourhood. wu in th habit of vaiUng at the pialntifl houte, aad wu ondentood to paying hi ad dreatrs to Hannah Stead. Ia to Utter part of the year 1833 be (accorded ia obteiaiog preteoaon of ber penon, aad the rrtull wu th birth of a child la June, 184L The relative of the partie (ought to Induce him to remedy eo far wu ia hi power th Injury he kad done the girl, hy marrying her, but he refused and, hs declined to do anything for lbs Bulntenanee of the child, an affiliation order wu applied for, and th defendant direc ed to pay 2. ol per weak. Tke reasea alleged by the defendant for declining to marry th mother wu, be alleged, that she had been guilty of improper conduct with other individual.

Th pressoi action wu brought to recover compensation by th pialntifl for the lot of th young woman 's senior. Hannah Stead I bow aboat 24 yean of tge. The defendant I about three year yowogtr. Mr. BlIIKa, for Ike defence, contended thai, even an tha showing of the case at ap by the plaintiff.

It wu one of tke if et iiaa. men wuno premwnuted redaction. Th age of th plaintiff ai tke time that thi occurred, the riper yean of th youag woman, tha facility witk which, even on the plaintiff! ewn bowing, the kad yielded to the defendant withe, negatirad any reck aupptiftion. II would ihow also, by tke tntimony of a person wko rived next ooor to ue piamuB, that uaanah Btead had beea 5 nitty of such csndact with other partie could leave ao oubt on the mlad of th jory that latercours ol an improper kind had taken place between them, teveral witaessu wen called oa the cart cf the defendant. oae ef whom, Rebecca Hop wood, deposed to having srea Hannah Stead in th neighbourhood of her aunt'i hoove in the company of one William Richardson and of another party, under circumstances which.

If tha lurr believed tha evi dence, wen Inconsistent with aay ether lupposttwn than her pnrioui uncbutity. Mr. DrsDii, In reply, called William Richardson, who, to fir he wu concerned, ex prroely contradicted the evidence so adduced. Mr. Dcidaj, after some observation by Mr.

Baiae on thi evidence, rrplied oa the wbcle caw, and Hi LoRMHir having (ummed wp. The jury, after a few miautn' eaaenltotion, returned a verdict far the plaiatiff Damage 60C 8attuat, Jclt IX (Bton Mr Jtutict CatsswiLL.) Levi GledhUI wu indicted lor a hlchway robbery. Mr nail aad Mr. Buothb conducted tkt prosecution tbe prisoner we defended by Mr. BUuahard.

It appeared from the statement of tbe prosecutor, William Oooksou, an elderly penoa, affected by epasm in all bis limbs, which gan him th appearance ol a person in an advanced stage ol intoxication, that on the 11th ot March lut ke kad beea at Haddersfisld, transacting buticeii in hit trade a clothworker. In tke evening be set out on hi return bom to 8 aiDland, aad had arrived within a few hundred yard of hi own home, when be (topped at a public aouae Kept by a person of the same ef Calverley. Tke prisoner, Levi Oledhill, wattt en whea be entered. The proteeuter tat at Calverley's for a considerable time, and bad three eereral twopenny worthi ef gin. Thia, however, was, with th exception of a glass of beer, all he had had doting the day, aad be wu perfectly eobcr.

The prisoner, la th conn of the evening, a ked the prosecutor to kt klm bar Id. to pay for a gias ot beer, he kad dror all kit money. Th prosecutor did so and, having h4 occasion to go to tbe dcor shortly af ter.lhe prisoner Mkty) the landlady of Ut house how itwu from Hod denfield. to which lUe nplied that she supposed be kad, but bad left htm oa hie getting ao near home. Th prisoner left tbe bona a UUI hefan 10 o'clock, and th protecator Kl out to go home about 10 minute after.

had goo bat a hort way whea be heard sou one coming after him, and drew Hide to let him pa. The person trippd him op, thrust his hand Into th prosecutor' pocket, and took away a sum of silver which wu then, amounting to from 8s. to 10. He could see II wu the tarn penoa wbm had met at Ctiveriey'av Th prisoner then and off over Ike wsIL The proeeeator west kerne, and than, it company witk hi ton, went to a pabbe hoa kept by a penoa of the bam of Bike, at a snort distance from Calrul y'i. Us Ihere found the praoner, and accused kim of robbing klm.

It appeared that tke prisoner kad arrived at jkca'i a minutes after 10 aboat tbe tltie tke prosecutor wu robbed, and that befon the prosecutor' antral he bad spent about SW. ia refreshment ef various kiad. Oa hi pernsn wen found upward ol 7a lo silver aad oa kalfpeac. Mr. Blarsbakd addreteed the jury for th deleae.

Hn LoBMBlr (ommed up, and the jury fraud the prisoner (rUtUf Sentrnor, 12 month Inprieoameat. Oeorgo Ore and Joka Oatawortk wen indicted for a highway robbery. Mr. PaableT and Mr. Overend eondacted the prosecution th prisons wen defiaded by Hr.

BUa. Th prcereator. It appeared from hi aUttmaat, a kop kerper hi Rawcliffe, aad a tbe 17th of April last be kad occasion to go to Hewdea oa kwaiaea. left hi korss at Booth's ferry, and walked oa to Howdea. He art oat on hi return borne aboat 9 o'clock, aad wu accompanied a abort diatanea hv a friend.

Shartlv tiler hla r.L..,4 bbn, two prnon, whom recognised tka prteonrrt, I cane up, ana larr awacu vm tDgnacr. iney IN tons C90 rertatloa oa Indifferent (object, and tkea tbe praooer Green ttopped (or a SaMOcnt to sotnsthiag to hi skoe. He then said to tke other, I'll pbuksndsu for Hals worth replied, Nay, com oa." Oa which Oreen immediately tpnng up from kt stooping position aad ssissd th prosecutor by the threat, who Heltwortk tdaieawd kl rm behind. Tbrpmecetor said, Weu, tkhbleoedngasrloa," and strogxlcd witk kl aatllaats, wkca aB etn to th groard. Oreen tkea (aid, a you, aVR rive It yea aew," end Hilawortk pat kt kaad over the arumeutot't face vkileOrreakadlea ki belly.

The preeecVor then yielded, aim, For Ood' (par my lf tad tak ay moocT. TLer lba rifled ki Ptckrt. ud Green callla ut to Haltwortk, Have yen got hie turnip they both ran wT. Th prisoner wen apprehended aboat half an hour with Ikrt other', when of Mr. Mills, and he withdraw any Imputation founded on that docnmeol on the ebarartcr of Mr.

Mill. A verdict wu thea entered for the pUItliff for 40. damages. The (real eate ef Malin v. Prle the trial of which occupied eliikl dar al Brietol.

12 month a nuee. haa nnm rrmovrd with two other to Card ff, and Mr. Cockhum. who ia rpeciaiiy retained la those cause, hu proceeded to Card.0 COURT Or BJm.VKrWPTCr, BatutfXoa itrat. JV 11 The (eVtral CUM hrard hmtamm Cnmm t.Jn...

lt bam to day merely related to laaolveat wboae etute pn uaiiai leaiuntor puoiic iaiere la one when the opposition wu eondacted by Mr Bechtaan, tt th tnhcitor, representing an awudauoa of trader, ta aubiribert to which an entitled to eommamt hie aerviee for the mrport ortbeirclaias, and th investigation of bankrupts and in Jreetaflairt, Mr. Stcxoiv oljcded to such mean briar employed for oppoeing pertont who sought ths benefit ef the statutes. Hia llosoca allowrd Mr. Buchanan to oppose, aad said that S'DCe late Act! of Parliament ahnaJ aa mh jvm. tideration for debtors, tkonght creditors re perfectly tustined in purvwing a course ot this description to protect tacar vwu ngau.

ISSOtrSST DSBTORS IB hi WILLI IAIOOOD. Ths cue of this lasvlreat wu reocrted in Tit Tima a few day tine. Ha wu a broker, aud having had a verdict i against him for aa lUegal diatress, wu opposed for the earn la this court, To del the Insolvent did not ssnear. ta conseouesee. wae tutcd, oi bm taring on Thursday last attempted to destroy Bimteu ia tne pruou.

Mr. Cnmmisaioner Haxxu adjoorned tke cue ca ll the iDSoIrent Should be able to attend. mg bos tar stcx. This Insolvent wst opposed by Mr. Csoke, for a large cum oer oi creoitor.

ue wu supported By sir. rilanol. Th luMrral atated thai be had beea a tohacsxniit. ta tioner, aad newiveader, tt Chatham. Hi debt wtre about lOOf and hi asteU eoatUud of bad and doubtful dVbt tmountiog to SOCK.

Prom January tth last to th middle of February, whea be closed hit basiaear, he obtained gnodt from hi erediton to the extent of 830L wa ter nd with a writ al tbe suit of on ot hi creditor on February the 17th. Oa February 25 dwpoasd of his kuitneta, stock, farnitera and fixture to a Mr. Oorr, for tomethleg under SOCK. Ttal lady paid blm aw. la eaai ud gave him a bill of exehaaae for iZt.

He Paid the 'JOCK. Into the London and Cbwatv Bank, who had discounted bill for him, on which hi aaat had become liable. The J2, bill, which hu line beea Da I he rave to Mr. E. 0.

Wauon, a taiimaker at Chatkam, who had also become liable oa bill of eichaage for him. Bold hi property ta enable bio io relieve hit aunt tnd Wa'nn from their liabilitiee oa hi behalf. Hit wife I bow adding Mrs. uore ia ta management oi tne nuwnett. Several wllneatri wen called, amorz wbem was Mrs.

Gore, who won to paying the mney, which wae her own, sad no part derivd fna the inaolreaL Mr. Wood, ai auctioneer, corroborated Mrs. Om'i taiement rarpecting the payment of the money, On Mr Coo It's aDoIication. The CoCBTB'ljourneJ the eate, I enable the Insolvent to furnish an account of the dupotal of the good obtained by him from the creditors, from January 1 up to the cloe of hi bttSUiCS. roucx.

a. frh bratta. Tla Aeura. tha Soiuna. aad tha CV.Ua ware Vu aT Baaaai An'.

aa truer, haaiag uaeaad ttaau. rvlaa. Tt rhaloa.theHaMa.aad IhaOaaaa a IhalJae far laald thalfaiuaaa th: Baraatt. thi rt aaj the WUaa Chr BuaaueArnt aalhaTA af alaj TMrrtaaOad BuaaaeAirit foetal tart iiltiilafltu, aad the frate Bars aad It Cuiil a as lU In. Jtavlt Wl.

aMifaeala. TSeLuHaaia. traianiea. haaarrlNdallhlaaarl aaaaa N.1U.J ca ita iaaw mil ThaO aat, froea AaUsaa. Tta Kaaar.

Nemem the Madnt. Maafml ht "i oaat. wr gatarw tat rortart ta tha naarrata Ijr Baa Ja. ae ra. The uvea aad Baa Borciaa.

brvw. tat arrtrad at Xa Talk. i ai mamiai. aara, aaa arrive al Sea onaaae a4 tot teaa. law, I aat uniea at BaaUBMca.

Tat htrhoMa. banea, haa vma at Baataa. Tha TaaUaa. haaaa. umal at Rorarl.

haaaoiva al AMaarp. Tt Caanrl aaJ lha It ravo, ton arrtrag al trad. Tht Daaa an the AaMlla. haaaa. hr amrag at BaaiaSV Tha MMw hence, haa ar tn at BaaSMt Arraa Tea Jean Hettete aad tat Fama, haaor, hat arrive atatk The fW4 JH.

fraa Chlaa. hu arrived at Laedia. Taa Blcr. fuaa Uaaya. aa, aa tmmmm nt a.s.

at Patiaa. Tha Fjk Bnhaa taOsi baa BI.8aUaUa far this Bolt ea a Trtiimnraia. haaee. haa arrlTed afewfxuaglaad. The rLU oaar, (ma AMaar f.

UW frt. hna armed Totbar Tbe 1 1 Cat. ha far Ch aa. aaa unntf mx The hlla, Bb Maaua tar UaJ. hu arrirad a Fahaauth.

atth aaav BvlipniK. Tka I'afcf al ad rraa Bteraawaf lee Oatfa ta Us Idlaat, afar J'J fcrM C' a th raax caa Diadem, (ram Kami k. aa tailed for taw aari aa the mm, hmm Trwaca, 'ww mmm pa mmm aimaa aa uwraMBr. a4 aaik ke Saartaa aa the SMh a tha Trail. al aalia fee Smrna a is ltd aJ tkaiaarara.lrwa(aaaaa.

nad Bailed far Basra, had ar rmdalZaai. Tha Hrtlala Prta. hyaaa. mmA tha laaaA. e.

hmu1 k. amaad at Oaailiaaasl. Taaatta Broata Wrra. TttPanalt. toayIHQ4aae.aaiMlatlae rala.n.Urg The aanaah.

haaoa far a ta Ilia t. ii jf o.t. Ta ran. aulaaag taaadrtca, TatA'a Mvl.kK,l,r Baataa.agBalDr.

TaMBra.kaMavCaltBSta.a toaUtholt, alacpw TJ W.aAai.hrae.aa4r Mabtlkboxe. Oo SUurday Robert Ruit, a cab proprietor, tiding in Drummond erraceBt, en sqaarr. wss placed at the bar beron th sitting magiatrate, Mr. LOI0, charged with the following ruffianly asaatdts on th poUcr, aad with other misconduct. II appeared from tke evidence, that on the nrevioue even ing the trisonrr, who aec mpanied by two i.tharpnseni (aldier went to the booae of Mr.

Baaetr, 65, Beyiuour arara, urax mm itiduehi 1.1 iui afvuuoq awi iMrniuigDai Railiray, when he became extremely noiay atd abusire, and threw tbe greater portmn ol a pot of beer into the foe of on of hi companion he alto, ia hi rage, da abed upoa the floor a glass which ke bad ia his kaad, aad tkatkred il to piece he wu desired to qail ths premier lut be positively ra'UKd to do so, and, in eonapq irnce thereof, th a iittano of the ptlloe wu obtained, in Her that he night be ejected, when he commenced an attack of a meat vhlrnt description upon tbrm. and Inmred two of them srertly by tbe foros with which he (truck ard kicked them. Witk faculty he removed from the Ure, and at leactb, af er much resistance, he wu cenreyed to th iuii in lHwe, on th road to which ton ou of th tflloera' in attempting to releeae h'mself from cuntodi, worn tome person who wen In the crowd which had cutLcted tu witae the aBrey la the ureel stol oae of th eonauUa a truueteon from hie coat pocket, atd Carried it eft. The nriainer in th first Initanor, whrn given ia charge by Mr. B.aaett, mad a determined atleaiH to thrust hi thumb into the eye af an officer, at tke same ba tscUiaiag.

Hew I may at well aan a regvar wu wtta yea, aaa all that can be to me for it will be to line ae The prwoner. in answer to tke charre. sU that anm the polio kad a spite again kim, and had tUnatraed to srn him oat on the frit opportunity sflo ded theni. owing to hli baneg upon a form eaiioo irtrd a enable th layprctor for being drunk (prfoincrj aided, 'hu hewu the worse (or Kiianr whrn the dr rsntJained of took place, end thai he knew not cxtc li wtu Lc did. tm v.k.1 ik.

a. .7 Vwlm wv wt. mrr VVN a froirl poStiniS lovrarue aiiu, aa ue ua oee mueu nun Bimee t. Mr. Loi told kim that clear proof of several violent and unprovoked umulu apoa officer la tbeix entknaf tkrir duty had barn given, and Ikat la th pretrat cu be tkouJ net isflict any fine, bat aader tbe power vrrcd in kia ty a clause ta Ih Mew Potiee Act.

ke (Brlwmer) would ones committed to Ike Htoss af Cetteetloa fora'nMfita. Htbeci ed hard to be allowed to oar a turn of maa Best ef tuff erlag lapriccaaeat, but ta raitrU rvfued I alter hi eeciaten. BoCTBWASK. Charie EJe, desenVdu a traviBfr, wu hargad with refuting to pay hi fan from Bdjhtoa ly Ike railway. Th ticket coTlec'or et the railway stattd that the defendant arrived ky th 9 o'clock traia the trending ai.hl, u) net pradneisg a ticket ke wu called apoa to jay Lb fare, but not consenting be wu giren lati coatody.

Tke defendant said that bs paid the fan from BrLihton lo a pUc called Ika Three Bridgta, when ke wanted to ga, bat that taliag asleep In the carriage he wu brought away to London, aad tnew nothing about it net I lb tram (topped i.v u. i w.wmwyM, Mia to mack iacavenksce la teuig LrJtgU fa livm home, mi e'eht fr Irwdaa. aad is M.iir kaa Tt aart Ram, haaaa ke Bar Caalear aad tto HaarlaUaJtarx. ewe far Oaioaa. a the atth alt, a to.

it kwr U. Ih At I. feaa for atlnaan. laaaawhao. lo.J)jll VaB flTll IT lill.ui i III ai WW I I mi ttta hJaa Caarag Baa a.

(raaa th CmaeOa B.a. aa avar. Ikn Bajawr. Bauad. theAgta Oil wile the Bawar.

to Jaa.taa th. tfc. rata, ft lb Biaar ea Uua ha Qaaiiaaaas. fee Caicarta tk Tar. tbC.Dahlaara a Tattrag.

fee Laela lHOalaar Ih. Tk Maeaaat Chaaeaa. ta hllraakll ha gna aad Sh "aiaw vaa la UJI. 1ST UM af tVnd llrn IH 'JLl" tk Ih ahaaltf tMa T. Nurr.

Jv 1L 0. the Orahens, fraa Trwfciad. 0.u Jalr ll aytr. the Ha, ISa AWarat tV, Ttaut, a4sil f. Uaoa th Cvrea.

fraa llaauath. nxraiarraa 10. arm la ran Olaaraw. tram Qaare. Vtvrworn.

Jar IL Ot. (he Chaata. tnmirimj. X. Boat fc.

1 MJ ttrt ate rstaorTM, Jolt 1L W. Arnvag. the Harraat H. SLt "wmw, fraa Baldaahaai ih ww "a taa ataaiiea, maa aawaaara. Ta We copy th fullowioz BensiUe remark from th.

LicattrJnm.oI of jntetitj Iolheutimesof pohtioal dimcally, and we may se. rf PoTitlcal Utrignr, It behove every man to act ap to hi pmfetslon, fearleesiy aad faithfuny and be careful folet no opportunity dip armirg himtelf agaiatt tkat struejle pnnepfo wkkk il require, no very great foresTght to for teB win take plae th next election of Parliamentary re ParPament tlowly wearlBg away. In another section or two. a fresh centra pltec, and every elector who ku fai'ed to reier ki claim to vote wm be anrwrrabl for a direct aad Bnpardonahle denBetioa of duty. be al sys pnparrd to fight a battle I kalf way It the victory.

be fen warned. li, ptt. verb, ie to be forearmed. Ia another eetuma appean an vertaement ailreaed to th freekotfon ao4 othen la the Conerrvatin raumt, calling apoa them to ncster ra for ff register'" Thi wu th adric of St Robert PeeL Wrr tke exhorUtioa, regitter remitter I rrgiscer Our esemfet, th enemies ef tke Cooatitatio. good Goverament, an todefatlgabts ia their sffort to ebt a a victory ortr th law and the courtitutloo of the realn.

ii vmacrvanvee or Leteestsrshin be np aad dotrg. Baltl mart en long be giren to our eoemie. 1.1 i.k. th advantage ground by doing the bidding of th Premier to rrgiCer rrgtetcr rrgvterftt Within th lut fow dsys. there hart been ebetVm.

i fereBt parti ef Ike country, and the leeaoa tkey read to the rrrmier ane wu nfry 1 on which wUl not beforjottea when snotker general election shslLfok pUcr. TJey rp A in terms plainly caa be stressed to man' moral eom prthenalen, what the opinion of tke country I opoa raodera Conerrvnuv Mlnlaterial tergivenatioa. We caa call It on. tkisg less. Il wUl be la every man's rtmeabraoce, thU the bitterest Uont which, year after year, wu korled at ths Whir Ow vemmeat from Iheir ConservaUve for wat, that they kad forsaken their principles, and forfeited thereby the good ea aiooj of those who had placed them orBce, to support other principle, and to purees differeal coon of legialatioB.

Wken tkey apaealed to their past history, tkey wen reminded by Sir Jaaes Graham aad Lord Stanley, that their tpproprlation, ortpoBatka, cSauee kad erertd Ih latemt ketweers themeelve and their eoBeagoee aad witk deritiv eheen Sir Robert Peel and the Cotaervatire appUuded tkrir consistency ea tke Cam Laws. Iretend.Bn.Ier the governance of tke Lord Uenicaent, bat really aader that ef Mr. O'ConneU aad tke (ail. wu snotker ttonhii block la (be way ih Whip aad the Llchnsid kosu eomT paet, and ether eBnqocie. altiaately proved fatal to the Whig Cabinet.

Tkelr foreign policy wu ef the am order. Il profeaed peace, and larolved tke country ia wars, actual aad threatened whilst la their financial polity th Whig Ivadieale' foeoosisteaey wu equaOy foil, antU witk beer, red npotatloas aad an empty Exchequer, the country drove them witk Ignominy from Ik hHa of affairs wkwk they kad aahi. part a I iiaaiw harat. a a a ia C. IX.

ke tK. Bema, wM r.kaoauh. fTliraal atr rl IniTal Uui i 1111 aQ7 i a aravuaa. maa aaHla he I a har aalv, he wU praaatd Ih fin seaertsaMg tbTifoas KwatWaad. kleh wa ateaaoX it aaiaijaiiaiaar, aaa aara fl aa and araafU WU Ih a li a Ji 'wi.

a.Dva ay aaaij aaa. ear Juts IL Th CJraaaaa. fra Baaeai far a Bart ta the Alalia. lawn Th Lad Jaaa.hwh waatbor aaar Oaraeha Thw IVwaaWa krt eVrw. tnm Bwaaa A far PaJ tav rataetU I to aahan the hraae eadatna palt.h.l.Mart.elbtltilhna.

Th BlvaJ, traa Uearaoal atd fitu Bw la aawiag aw lb hwtoar aw tha ijla ala. wnaa etariaattoBw ae intiaifs ral.i mil Bats haart aB ftBtaT. AvBBBBn.JesvM. SaBsl TU Olaaatr. tar iwiam ctrll.

Arrirl. Th SaTrk paaaaa, haa AaalaMt the Ttr. fraa nuaaa. fma tnta UM real a Heoesioa. na tht Maor ll Oaha tnm Alrta dai ih Oaaatek.

rra Baaaaa Arraa a WliHaa Pita, fraa Bk Jaaa a.iaa itmmm i. ah BwaX fra at Kata lka Cana Urhtaa. fraa Ja au Craala aad Babiwr Xa iWrharat. wi. Mwn, nrnmn aiasanaata aaat.

rraa Trate tlMaW7 Ma MtBa ta Oaaaar. ba Uehart Tla Ka JBrM 8tlfu th AJtoKtma tha Aat M.rle, fra rrta Ir Ohwa Bali.4. Ta Csrt Be star, tar ffcraaL ft Madara, fee Bwiaaa la. Oaata.taera ta. uaUaa Waaanvtar aaerraa.

Arrl TuUta a Maraa. fraa Tatwi ihtjha To hJlvTo t. atr4 la the itow fraa Saw iaaii. la afabt rtmr.lrafil oCrroM BOUtm, Jrir U. vtaatts Barraaa Tht IinriTaTatliih flaaa taiaaai ilka Ma.

Ai bstar rKa Baraatt Ba ABoa, ftea Aswtan aa ta wapakaa tha Jaka Ba. tram Il4akfiV Caav Mjmw.imm. aana ni.a npM Ooaa Craoaa. traaa aaaaa ht tr Btrvtr ta saa fraa OawU hi Pna af Wab. traa Bltuu la Tar.

i rn ili a eaeasa. nva Slalta ah Aia. rraa Astra i Alarm, traa flafta ika VJ Whb Iha yiim luui.k. 5a jrh eVaa a fea the Ceaawd, baa foghen ta OareJa. fraa ir.

Taaeti lataaaa Oirrwaaa. Tit Ja BoB, Ut tUahrth he Janaa. for taB aa IJa. fje 0.aMratuva ta Oartt hdra. ae ByiM aa Rsra th Ctfa Ur Bl BraVt th Bawrv.

for fmttn ai MWla Brawn, far BaaihaU ahnga. afw hxhiaa. for gaar ca ttajaa.a.inn aad the later Sit, tar Ki.aita'wt th ft Ha. fee Si rt an fwrraa. Citaat Orrwaaaa wrrn Cat.

TBaTlrr ft thaJ.wrr Jaa fAMrg Ih rrl Uw 0M4 4b. Oct a Beat aaa. fee B.a iaaWartnt.l Bataara it. niriawaia.te Aawae aav aaa iatuw aad ih Jaha aad Aaa, lut (aatari.a aaranaj. far Oissatti aad Jararr OiuinrrianSiiiur The AM, WH.

aaOJHaatt. rieOaaa hHarrk, far Aara uMaQAaa.t" titanr tha tarn. far CsdarwaJn. Taaatkt Wrt. rrtr.

hart Oaraaiica hatfar Biajaaawe. Ma lahl Atiwarrt.Masl. hi Iibuka. fraa LlvarMM far Arraa. aa hi all.

J. bw "a II il a ahl, wkh w. a. a. th ha aw a fat r.

f. tM hte Tata a1 Mtu a4 ai Biwibi. aaadlM waa ar. aa Ik tiB, a fat, fa. faacT rawa.a.

fraa rMULwiMAAu.aas,KtaaHV art eat ia tht Paa. TW AbafanaaV. fan the 0 Qaafa. Ih tfth alt, fa fat. (.

das Pewr. fecg. A ea la Sua, fat. aaar. t.

Pa, ar. traa DlHB to QaatM. aula Slh hktk at. r. lacg.

IT tht r.a UaS.lmUafarwK 'tfaUUIaiB fatg la sytu llama BaaaaTuTrrMural STah. lUiatrl. aw taaa al k. arvvtgct rai( k. Tie ar4a.

rraaa Lra a ar eaknaa. mm faa tik all nt a ta hwk Lea aa. f. aai Livannol Cutt. and Three Bridgts, af the foci by Ue.ceiBpany serraaU, be Bartaa, senvwisa' Tiliemk lu IsU aot str.Bgt, then, tkat apoa oar CnasrvaUn ktlnla.

re pregnaat of eoeaeearne. andsopUInry pointiag to tke IneritakU resalt ef tks abuse ef a people' coundenee.shealnot studied nly, Vat kav beta Ukra part in, to re BIlU purpose I Sir Robert Peel teeakt set oIytobemulcefbeigtkoogit a faHowerm tksfoos ttepssf Lord Joka Reasea ua free trader, sad wt Lard Mki keaat tkat blended to grrt ia Ireiawd, bat In (tiung a victim to kl everwresing belief, that he aloe right, afal tke country wnng. Wean set not believe tkat, af aatity, aamken always reaeonsar reetry; Vol wkea we dew tack ptrtsrtioa aadnaadtyea tt oa eid. and tack unajamou eocdetBaatfoa ea Ik ether.wetreforwedtoLhiBk thai tke eoontry, tkit tnttanoe, I Hghi, nod the Premier aad hi Cabinet tr wrong. Waal kubeea tke effect afar Robert Peel ne.1ey.tac he wat pul last into tffiiet He toe the rsiu ef Ornament to support tka sgricultiirti laterest, wkick, by Ik Whip kad beea ileapoiled, sad ke ku aot daouwdjlky faint vnim." but earried out very poAer Which, br hi kubeea eoqaettiag wHk the mauarsctnrers, wke, kotk wkea ke wig la oppoatfoa aad wkea called to tke kaad ef tke Govern meat, kad don aUthey aould to deftat Uau tad to font Um from his own avowed ka ku toned kw back, and with him hi pBaat sappMter kt tke How tke sgTWaltaristt, wka Brat (kern then Ie regain th lost read ef a nrrrasry errnife XitJetry.

Tke consequence la, tkat Ik mantLfaetnring Uterrtt regard ktai unth coatempf, and art odng Um for tke fartkertao tf their awa vWws, whOtt Ik airieUtwrisU, fat dlvmrt.txtlaai Th former opea enemy wu hatter than Ike pretest covert en." 80 witt em? Protectant Ckarta. Tka Coceerratin Xhn try wtn kailed witt drDgkl the akampioa ear foitk, thefenden ef ear reBgioa, Ik bulwark at ear Prate tttn titan, aaaf tkey kav made a totgn witk Renamnm, trd idea despite to their awa character, aad talk tfonafnliglia creed aad to mad tka eoatdence ef wa eoaatry tke laawhtBg stosk af the laaVfol and Ik oar BaAfoaal Ckarck, ta a awasare, th ereatan tf th Church of Rom. any be asked, why tkat speak out that botHy I We may be Inquired ef. whether wa am awan that th Cabinet prorcardiy CceMtrvatlvn eejSktadUeatterity btkeHttatsfOeaaoa Brefowdly a Conarrvaliva, sad Protrstaatone! "Tnere th Ink. sptak ti slIyta4 it aly aroestefly CoBssrva tam.

I beoaos tka old sad valand principle sf tru Coaerrvatam an being twaaped nader alaiwgti, tad beeaea ear ancient aad veaeratad LvntitatioM are htosf siiaadotMd, tkat we foal (very must, whs kt tUwetfanedkbMaaUatkestojvBtruxyrennit thateaef ataajy Utiaatwa wkick mart nemderrery ket brwtst, wkea lay after day axneeteaca itaebt at tht attreowntrtb bs danger af tiag lost, aad sur Pretesbwtl kutl being (oaverted Into a Pap dependency. II kehsvef as, thertron, to (peak plainly and forcibly, sad wits a every CTTUn director ef thepopoltr spmbB. Wear act th advocate ef aare party. Kt leak for mettthlag kigker tkx9cfoefarlaelpbl9 tkat party. Wtsrt thick aad tha ntpporten ef anv mi af men.

an Ik men opea. tkcreerr, to saavus their act, sad to eeadaaa thetr hnpoBcy and la ea War, whea we rah ear fotoi waraiag aad censun agsiast Da aly ptflfeaedry 'f" font aad Coaesrvative, we are anavlacad that are aonrtotheeaanef Prolatanfltm tad CeaarrsBafa than we ttrfledear awa principles, and. tmotBirrK aptaiooa. kelped to lore ear feOtw PrattsttnU Cuntervabvca late a fatal ttambtr, fmm wkwk tkey 1 t. i.

t. are CaassrvaB" aat tkrnfon abeolately iCaitteriar tr ProttstatL aat tkrefere licnariry tke avaperer witk Rjaaasav Th eieetfoo wkick kav jut foka aaes, rf aregnant of arrmaairtoB. At Dsrtahoatk. a wvtBTZ kubeea ekcted gamt tka conifont tLas OR TBM RXMAIUDtX OP SAM TUt SVrPLMMAJiT TO TU THIS DAT. rrjtad tad rata I at ra attee.

to IitaMto toaaiaraw, Asrhaawfaaaia. tVmettnn.Um', 'HjawaV' rr iar it fa. re aa. Pnlliai.fa ta santf Bbaua. 1.


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