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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LlV REPORT. nr rilA.VCKKT, TiWBWI, Aran S. I wspeeting eotls, thnrgwnt la when th ttart wo. A aTV LnitT rsnrr. some be residuary tail ftSrtS teeoateat to th.

order for Joha Simp tor, ira rtf41 tat 13 1 hid nrT ronjroi, frVaa hive WO dnwn without Hr.rx (mw here alter TUWt notice, TO BPS CASK. t. UK HI 10SD ficsrixtm flU ST OF BKVIKW. UrouVIa. AraiL 5.

I liov ia furtherance of tha ia far lb bankrupt's own Lny" Th court was dI crowded during "I RsmaT. 9J himondes, appeared i.rperleJ tbe peti K'ranAe Attorney General ul Saaastoa fcr Mr. KlXir. nU 551StaaS ttt.r. tbinkingit ted bsnnx Vi. under th. ttn of nor HJ.iw of 101. not Wa la tridi, ui pntml Out it hl eom wiima ft miamu doc or rnoa Mpuia ImIt la tlM back part ef iht eoort, mi otUUd HMid read It. po'jit wm wirti In Um ihm iUl of th eua. aaitba pa to raouia rr to ba produad whan cUd for.

Data txamlaad on Um aabjaet ef tha raeht, bia LordaUp bad amd for tht parcbua of It ia Jana, J8II Ibat ha bad Ukra oot a pauport for KamUM aid taa HMiurraaaaa, al boafb bit intaaUoo onlr wm to tail roaadilbtUlaod; thatbaatst pUta aal otbar propnty on board to Ua amount cf 6.000f.. which ha hA r.mi .1.:. In Jo! and that in Aatnst tba oaraar of tba jaebt (nona of uw7 im 10 ins PNC 01 LtT nTtt bta paid to bin) rtcOTtrad poaaiatioa of bar. Ua tb tnbjact ef bi daelinp ia banai bi Lerdabfp: apoa tztaloaUoe, Mated that blrdest for home amoonUd to aaotS.00V. tbat wu nmhVta t.ll th amoani ot aon raettrad Ut baran told br bim, and tbat ba bti dirartad bU amnt Matbein to take eat a lieaaat for daaUaf ia bonaa ihvrttT aftar ha want, to Pnmn In th.

irrioaof 1811 bnldoM not raooUaet wbatbar thaapro carwj it. To a oaaaUoit pnt br Mr. Kcur. bii Lordabio wosii no! twrar. tbat ba had or bad not atkad a Mr.

Cattr. an imati of taxu, aftar 1841, wbathar taklox oat tba Hornet of borae oair wooia mat axampt htm from tba Us on bortta. It ht aid ate men a qoetuon. It ru atnij for tna atat of obtain tnr Infn mutlon. Mr.

Kilit. Wblla at Pantaa. war too not raaklnx in' qnlrltt for a maadon and aark fit for tba ratldanea of a ooblatn and a tantltoten oi fortana I Lord Ilantinjtetrar. Jfo bat thtra ware koni partita vtia ware willing tnoatfx to (at ma Into tomt ptaea of tba kiaj. On bainr asettionad br Mr.

Kkllt to the nature ef tba eoaiaoniealioa ha bad with Mr. Kord. a aollcitor. in January of prvtra't rr, bii Iirdahlp otjctJ ta aoawar, on the groani ot iti being a prirDeged eoamaaiealioa betwtaa at ana After axaed deal of ditcoiilon. Ilii HoMei Radlarted the nutter br cirina Mr.

KaUrUire blp at tbai.intertiew with Mr. Kord, ani br ((ring bia Lord aaip parmluian to obt anjaipUnauon in bit power wit rrtard to tb conteati of tbat paper. ttaint adJreaaad to Mr. ford aet forth in ab taneethat hU "had dralt ia hor for bit own tnoMmnt. not for the botdomi of trade and alto.

14 that ba had foil made ap bit mind to nprda th eom minion in Dankratter onlinc attinit bia. and wat Iconrineid that when hit Jatt rrelilor had beta ae THE TIMES, THURSDAY, APBIL 6, IMS. Mamilr' diflmnwfiid I PV! Jf 7 oaU ral.aa from the iV i i.U'VrSfW'i danjtejn in which ho wat ncarrrtd." Hit Lordthipt It wa. noun bo. doeamtnt wit.

tbt Mr. Ford, with whom I bt had hld eonftrrneai at talifitor'for Mtam. Cox and Ce k'n it bi on hU bbalf, fr any rZs." lMl.bat nothir.K tiar. Btnkraptcy wat not WLU lh 3P.UT11 ffliCl WtT i7. Llr.l oc.

Jt nci. and th Noa. btd no proptrty wht.rr. Uijht v. Jjt Wrist arbool, and nnc than mrrr.

tat ai annota. Kt Mih a and Talrt, a nicinm. tt're fmaV Mrrtatt, Ct tirl Mattitwi aaJ.Maatin. wrr. atw in hit Cforaff hi 3 i pr aaaaa, th only 30, he wtt bGla fit ti tataat at th wre nrr paid, rliied teirf: os ti A trtoitctioa.

Amonttt th hor for lha wu r.t kjatht for fttchtd tttt Vfore irtrinj for Frata'o. Sold tertrtl horwa at. ti Tratca inici: thtma grty(boa(bt for 3i'. at "tjiS, UleUi tlsrr SO or TJ go'intea'at Tatttrtall'. ijull 7i, bi: btltpt co book', wtt ipecify, cxitrhil rsdoab: ka foremui Montaxar.

who had a fx ofiorj, be aV.e to partiealart. Monttiiit eoatinl'ta He wrn hita aiz moauu attar leaTing tl.a. be: hal tine. oVlaisti another titaalioa, AI: of aorvt at Prntca 7ti b' i had tine at UagU better Uttrly. nauurtagaaai.4eiii proa: the fim ArxoMir.UEKEaaL.

At to the dreuing.ea pw; fit tptnt i.i th noit. ticerimr on iaiUnc. ht ntrrf koacti: for lb Oa'icktilTtr6och wtr pareha4 with, a ti a atora tale if poor and oat of condition, thy im 7l in v'o wtult oocatwnuiy working in in eotcn. job nc nanlT nonti lor inir.o,icot inch at fct aontat likely to at it tor more w. bmtht anr lor cnraM ate rxeiasir.1T.

lr V. i a hfaprrv i btc Valt not n. r. bti Mr. bill eoa iif.r boy W.

on dtmaal rtant banker, hid iaJue4 bim to that, by addrrniag to bid a tttmnt of tba kind, which be, Mr. Ford, eoald how to tWdettiain; rrcditortl hit Lordahip wosld be re jfr.m eonBn.meat ihat, nnJtr that tmpratnon, he hat pat hit litnatnre to the ni.r in qiMtim upon Mr. atkaX Wat 2e 1 KorJ'n'atfuranoM, orally and in writing, thtt it' wat a Irani K'prriaii be mi3e available a'raW hi. HU lirdthlp for mcntbt tfd thit Kjrd had Itnt him money at th rat kk rer ana agauitt uit cs.ti tb amoaat of 1.G0W., pirt of whieh wat for a bill of rot'j whieh be had nw eeen. In tht coorte of tbit part of the it appeared by the eridtact tha' Meaart.

Cox aad who are credl'ert 'of Lord llaatinztower to th amoont of about lO.OOtt., were intro dacI to bit Lordthip darmc hit minority by Mr. Ford thtt that gtAtleman negotiated a loan from Ibam to Lord Boat matnwer of th. tmnatt! i.O'W.'.r 3.000 of which loan Lord Haatiaxtower nrer peraonally receirtJ mere thtn that Menra. Cx and Co. hart not crored oiuler th tommiuion of bankruptcy; and that Lord Hantingtower ac thtir debt at a jast except at to on tmall iva', which be ri' her dMt not remember or doet not onl.r tttni.i th th.tim'tattion by the ATTOasiT at to hit dealingt in hr, Iord HantingtowtT tUttd tbat he bad 50 or GO of them at otue and thtt berwe.n flo or aeenritr told the r.mber, 18M.

and December, 1841, he nerer had lett at one orh.r'tife than 15 horiet, and in th whole of that tpc about Admitted had while ronton; lirfwrwrSirtW. Healtottated th.t h. wa. not foad or ia the habrt 01 rfyl lnibtdnTr hunted. w7rir0S I.

Mr. Hata.r oa. of de of 1.000, for tJJnrk fetched l. orn.w about. I gar.

him on on. ocea.ioa a bill wifcJ fCS oer ock a. Uc IM r. it. IlW the amount wtt too Jeamey the next moraiag, ft wa iiteorereI that two large rmrmw tn wwi, iuu 1 JLJ pvTBU, Bit WbUS liodc forjiU Ia.6tV for coed annpUed to tbat abep.

iU aT tw nu a agmraniee lot nit otignitn. ut aaa xepi Doeka. pot down hi reeatpU daring tVefomryaan from 1839 to tbeprettat time at 93K and that amount, to the best of bit belief, wat correct. Ii had aold ia Anil, 1841, aoca boaaea for.990f., whieh had been norrraged for ow. lit eeM laeet Mntti to enable bim to make up hit aaconati wiu tka parti a.

lit paid lata tb baakeri ef th paHth a tarn ef 360. on the eta dir that ba raird it Mr. Frederick Abliog, rttry lerk of the pariah ef Pad oiagtoa, preaaoea to Daaxer book, ia eraicalner wu no ram of JW. paid la one ram ia April, 184 1. When the Jaaolreal tandeiwd hi migaatioa, hit beokt wr looked orer.

and aa appartat defleitney ef JW. la, 3d. wai diicorarai Tbat tarn wat ttated to hare been paid into the pariih baakrrt. oai waioa wu not ao. paid ta.

in amoant of eommtnioa paid to lb taeolrent line Jaaavy. 183.0, wat SX la. 5d. The total aaioaat of tba iaeolraat'a d.faiottlm wat 517. 19a.

tb difference btweea that aad 308. It. 3d. baring been cUtoorertd by the Intolrtnt't tneontort, being rami whieh the iaeolrent had bat had circa no regaur receipt The Uatrantee Boei.ty bad aeuaned the panaa tor to tnteirent ataelency. Th.

I. LT 1. appeared, bad been gtnn at ftrbaekat July. 1841. The intolrot that bad been behind in bit aeeoaatt to the paiith for seme time, aad in order to con ceal that fact, be need to get tome of the reeeipt booki back from the reatry clerk btfor the Utter had nnithod th.

audit of hit aeeoontt, and by that meant collect taffieitnt to enabl bim to btlanee bit ae count at th el of tb xa minatioo. II. had th jm oontrird to keep on moath't ae eouat aader tb. other, and aeraen bia daSeieatiM from the obeerratioa ef the rettry Urk aad finaaea eommitt. Mr.

BiLLAXTlBE erged, that tba iatolreat had beta guilty of a grot rtod, and ought, therefor, to yemanded. Mr. CommiatioDer Law theueht the eat a clear on of a debt fraudulently coatraeted by meant ef a breach of trait, innkeeper would be for any loa that thoald oc and thoald treat it aa inch. It wat tb eta of a psbti I ear. The qnettion wat, whether ih goedt wtre dtlirered officer noeiring mon.y on.

behalf of bit tmploytn, and ap 1 to the defendant or her terrtntt, the plalatiif being receired pr priitlng it to hit own oee. i alto at her gueat. It wat the en that ahr bad, ia feet, re The into! rent wat remanded for eight calendar month eeired the goodt into her honae, for the waiter had ttated to xrom inesiai ot ait rtirjg orjer. ta piaioim mat tney might left tbr la sifeiy, era rwvage imperial, lae goad ta qeeation were tima. They muUttd prindptJly of wearing apparel and tome th property ef the eiloaat'i lair, Aa Inreo.

fry wat prodaeed, from whieh, with the ralae aanxd to the Afferent arttelea, it appeared that tba whole wtrt worth rf ta addreai to the i try, ur to ran ot tmeoa r. whieh bat oe arrd at Berwiek on Tweed, the rale ef aoa tLaaaadi ITthe haadt of eeaeh" proprietor, to earry it to Neweattl. The bailor ia tba. eat bad girta no notice of the rata to th baik the parcel wu ww ou wm hh tuat ta Dtuee wat not uaai aader the eircamtuaeet, taeaaBtaal eelae of the content of the parcel, it wu the daty of the farmer, fa whom onlr th. knowledge of that faet to make it known touo ctrner ei nil property.

Tbe roodt in Da dmI ee, alleged, were of aaeommoo ralae, eonaittiag of jewellery In part, of rich dretiet for a lady, a cap of th moat eottly description, and one pair of lae ruft1a, aaid to be worth at moeh ai Colonel Kinloeh wai a gra'Jnaaa of fertaa. and, beeaate he eoald it, 'ebote to earry laggageWthat kind about with hit family: bat it wu a hardoata foe tka Innkeeper if ah wu obliged to pty for their lota, beeaate it wu the baiinett of the plaintiff to hare apprited btr or her arrant of the aatore of hit nreoertr. in order la aaenra far it a ear proportionate a ith its rtlut him. The partiealart ia the inrentory prodaeed were really tack might turtle a bachelor. lit (Mr.

Watson) wu nit ta that state of lift, bnx be questioned whether the exhibition that had been made; in thit east wu net calculated to deter some ef bit learned frieadt among tba junior bar from placing themtelrea in a condition where inch perUt were poaeltl. MieLORDSHir toiain jury, tbat, a general rule, the SMlXIt ASSIZES. aTtt kukt r. or rats A. Tfjr 71.

a ctlu horte, ai it woald at' nor iriris tTia. felt thttanrona not knoaing fta anil bat bia Cvl Itouh: a black hone for atultrxter. aai hirmt met with ere to mttea at a and I gar him two otSert for btKV. ttch, on un nianlisr that be aemld rettore to me tb. U'g.

biu; oat. with the im of SOW, I hare ttea neither money nor twee. ThATTOiL'ET rMr. eaw.MUiae? kir to Cornel Cota'and for lSOguinf AmmT uuzzmAU uaawr v."' Defoe ti.

rtinnti at'ther wei nerer nail, realised hare jou had wi'bm the two jean Lord Uuntinrtower. My firtt were Metre. Hanning and Dobeon. Then cttn Mr. Ford, recommended to by CobaeJ Copland.

I then had Mr. of Anderer, for whom MetirtvJtar and Bixterar th town agent. AfUr them; I bti tome trenuctiont with Mr. Hamer, aad my preeent attorneyiilr. Kllaby.

Tb ATTOkJtET UoEBAt What it the amoant of the claim niaieagaimt you now; and what, do you calculate to be the amount unpaid for which you hare receired ralu tianiingiower. ice ciaimi agauut uio uiuu. m. The prow ue on ine nHrlTMjIti Wt the Iom the wt STeawrrtrturraCy too large to enabl. bia t.

Vo. fa. lOfMOfl whish sum had been correct! nit jaagmeni.i mt. Kcauuxwuina um gumiu aountei to aererel taoutanl palf. gnt 4t th, prie, and Kwl't era: a bene eicst a Tied to a tale at a nrnGt thit iuTir.niMi1.!h.!.ii.4 niiv.l.lA

Tnehonea' attT Hon use. erer biaiLt any for rnTte ate exelasirely. fici that wu loting mccey by hit hone. rrjpvteu to hay cheaper. her wu not an inranaoie, 3 nI loet jtt he west on, thiniir; he thoald" elj a.le mooer te ietlirr.

While ia private ate, hit ri wtre tlvin Ut tale ani he from whom bontht them that neaitt to tell arain. Told ColoAel LitQccrer that be dealt in torvf. OJerei bim a pair rrtw rabmitt.d them to hie inapecUon, and a with Lia to be fried. Could not atree with bim aet rrlce aad btrisr ini aired what tort of cattle. he went daim.

to Hxeter en purpose, aad pur riueiirt the: tut cobU not rait him. Tried to effect kt rvin with him at Andorer. but crer cam to any Wai'. Went to Exettr on oUier oecationi by th Tel Ir ipi coach, Vat oa that occuion. took a carriage ana tut rn.her 14 tr expected to tell th latter while down a tit foreata with and wtt three day on Sured fa dm eicha red one of th bortee he Mk iewii, tni retnrcei with nine, of which be tent four tna racnea come oy annag oil own Mtll la T.Kn.t, iK.f rfnrrmA in lflll Eeaeobtred ike weather wu rerr hot.

The iourner nai tin eiet 50(U bat certainlr not 100. Did tot whit he gtre for the re horset, tboath he a. rme pur ceet him IW goineat, aa would nare ed im iz Ijadoa. Ctmli cot remember what they jetcied tea to! Xerer ittrodued any one ta.Celpne4 'Kpr, cr to any one elte, under an auumad name. a.

trJor.oLtUIy known Thomu Henry Horatio Caufj, io kal riaiud ki ri (. iaietocSmii't houo2i threw effat Peatontter both hunted, fr1 hi th he introduced Ctu'y to MrVJmUh at aaty. Afterwtrdi receired an invitation to dia n1z, ls nT. friepdt who might btp jas at hu'hasie. Took Captain Canty, and intro xi Lb ta Mr' Vmttk ..4 tsA (Wn TUntintl.

Jrtaltew a. AccilentaUy heard Ma Smith eddreea tj C.ptun Moatagae. On a iubeiunt ocaation Ma. ica a turn en oca aide and amplaiad of the raoa af C.a whom dneribed at of low eharaeUr. aew tili.l tt w.V..

V.S..1 th. hint, and asolo f.frtarig taken him. Canty wat not introlneed by nwaiwaiM'! UtpU'a Moniagae. nnew Ir 3ttiar4rapt.batdid not know that bawu dia rsuK. KtUT.

Did Car whn. at Pen ton raak any pre to a mnnf OtHi mtneu nnon the exerei of i an obietion wa takmi by the Atternty bit it watiU' allowed by the Chief Judge, I.aed Hnntinrtower. At the time I made the parehaae I wu ia wtat ef money, aad Colonel Copland tag getted at a pita ef raitinc it, to giro a bill of exchange for th amoant of th dreuing cue. with bt nam security, a 1 after gettiag it to divoee of it and diride th Tail wat done! and the dreuinr cit. went to Mrs.

Elmonia, where I taw it last. The bill it itill outittndinand I hart nerer got on. eVKicrn to schAh.r fca would decline antwerinc it. "xt rlanuartower examination cominuao. autT point' ut bow, try a tort of legerdemain, with die any on might tcMr! The rropbtal about alhsafand eaineu wu not TLe qaeation wax, what would pr to oe anowa cf.

performing thit It wu not thown when first bat en a eubteoent day, and then grataitoutlr. caa H'H cim to air. aawrao nmia Af er denying that he had ertr introdaeed Captain tnith under an aatumed name, aad detailing ttmtntieet which reaJytosk place at the time, aad with raferenea to thai tnt roa ocuen. Liora njttarjjwW to etate. thtt beine afttrward in i v.

iamrr, be bad giren ait acceptance to aaiy upon a f3rX.t, kii had never teen tither tb money or th UA jo Wn arrerUd by Caaty for a turn of Jfigt't order and that the akor mntloned Lm. harinr been aeeepted rg Lu aai I Jkeated in date f4 tt the awitet i twelren at taeh upon hit aehcdal. had termiatted. aaa It eleemonth aro for neriary. Ka tilt in ih.

n.ieen't Bench Priam Cauty to lie od eai4 that ouUat tthrnnt wu mad with briii. wi htea. and eohviet him r. vaptain jwaaow you ew. VI 1BU, uu ww iu Peci to them, while at your boot, at ronton in 14ti; lf kin ta kfr.

A. bttV5' The tricktat cards were ahown ra 'laa Latt of ra txliaf. lha faluidiaa arer not tf the ie th action. I bad tbn beard "triir.n,. vtptain ituty.

nti tt wouu kir KiiiF'u1 tfraid of a quarrel wilh bim. fritnliki, 11 lkt I afterward continued Vigt raiployed bim ai th captain of your i i'r Ue wu'no friend of minf. I htr'lee although hi dined at my table of Ub. "wify at voe time, ana a withe Tl. Arrnnxir lirsPBil Who it thit Mn.

Kdmonli 1 Lord Hantinglower. She it a diicounter, and hat lately become bankrnpCH Laughter.) At this point ta the examination, ani after tome few oh terrttiont froa hialf onour, to th proper form for bringing ap Lord Huntingtower to morrow to continue bia eri dene th Court r'oee. The eoart room wai dentelr crowded throtuhont the day. and the gresuit interest termed to be uk en in the proeeed INSOLVENT DKBYORS' COURT, JpriS. THE HCTCtL PROTECTION SOC1ETT.

i.i joux s'aASJtr. Inihia rate aa aSslieation wumade on Monday by aa attorney, styling himself solicitor to the" Mataal Pretee tion Society, leaking for permission to conduct the can of lh tSJOireat, who it now in Ayietoury uaoi. Mr. Cemmittioner Law adjjaratd the matter for andeno of the exitteace of the society, mentioned in our paptr of Mo dir. Mr.

Cooke vetterdtr haaded ap a paper to the Court, wilb the name of the three perunt who were styled tb managing committee in the protpetat, but whoa names wer not declared. The learned CoiiaissiesEn inquired whether Mr. Lord "wu present, bat wu entwered in the negative. mr. vommualoner uaw taia ne oaa dmq ujivrmvu uh Mr r.M hitculf had reeentlr paaeed thronrh thit eourt, and abont a month ago' the Court had been moved to compel bim to girt information to hi assignees retpeeting certain biUi of eoeti which were due to bim from clients.

That matter, however, he rappoeed had been arranged, the Court had heard no mora of it. He (Mr. Commits! oner Law) would like to know th exittence of suca a sociy, ana mutt therefor see Mr. Lord. Mr.

Lord tubaequently attended, sndutd tnat tne society wu formed at the reoaeat of a number of prisoner! in the Qaeen't pritan and Whitecrow etreet, who wished to hare their eeee coniueted in a cheap way. After thit a rot pec tut wu lined, and he iMr. Lord) thought it would bs better to have a committee of retpecUble pertont to look after the application of the fundi, and be therefore mentioned it to two or three parties, who consented to allow their namet to be need. Mr. Commitaioiier Li w.

How many suheenbers are there! Mr. Lord. There are no tubecribers yet. An adrertite meot wu innrUd in Tie Timrt, In eonaequenc of which a variety ef appJcationt were made from pertont connaea in eonntry sttoraieeand wiahing the society to oonduct their cases for them. Mr.

Committi3ntrLjiw. Bat thers are no sabtsrbtn, I tnppot there are netfundt Mr. Lord. Jhere are no funds yet, because th prospectus hu not been tent reoni to persons whom we expect would become subscribers. Mr.

Commiationer Law. How are your charges dtfrtjtd then I Mr. Lord. Until there are any fundi the partial pay according to tht tcale of feet in' the prospectus, merely the trt relliagexptatet and eoett out of pocket being charged. Mr.

Commissioner Law. Then it come to thu Mr. Lord wants to prtttie in Aylesbury because ha. thick he can do Buxioeir cheaper than any ether attorney. Thr it no such thing a society.

After a few more Court rtfaaed th application, directing tbat the insolvent should hive notie that if laboured ander the delusion that he wat ia th haadt of a eociety, he might be aadeiivd. If had experienced any lost of time by intruting bit cat to this society, it thoald be eotiiidered ia the order. im ax inos3 raK. This insolvent wu opposed by Mr. Ballantiae, on behalf of the Uttraate society, til wu lupponea oy aestrt.

voox and Woodruff. The iasolvent ttated that be hsd beta for some years col Ucter of the poor rate ia the pariih of In cseqaenee of the death of three of hissuretiat, applid la iF.brutry, 1841, to the (iatrtrtee Society, who became answerable to tb pariah for bim. II contmned ta bis employment nntU Jane, 1842, when he redgaed. He wu p. tn the nansh.

bat could not raoollect the amoaat. Mr. Abling. th rattry elerk, wu ith person to wnom rrri monthT ui bad returned the amount his faleatioas to parish math tmaller than the real amoant now stated. ItwuhUdaty, when be rteeirtd the to gir a pnntyd rtpto a book with whieh be wu provided, luring the JounSifoU la th.

book, mVA Mltd a hU gir.a receipt, on bUak pper cz ft. nolle. tecler" aadTung bU acTnta. H. L.

nMUllthtruuofany ptfMtobteM aaCitV0 I ti Lordthip't baadsaletUr, kl TLZt ftr having ,,.4 t9 repeat arain lha be Nhtk. atf5.l Lordllaatlngtoww that the Utter shop for tb ben.Bt of bii a. CI CP Caaty, although signed ttxnrnt. I Us e4rt. which receipt after pring a receipt MP'" r.

bat bad don to In numerout Uisuae u. nsa to 18J9, which cott him about tOtV. ttat rsa were soli In tht shop and th. Stlml He b4 giTtt abUl to Maori. BgtUb Th Jury r.tir.1 for a good whil.

to eonaider of thtir rtr I uib. a enmus; Kau into coon, loaaa itrourei ta puuiuu a'auagei low. WESTERN CIRCUIT. EXETER, TnuDtr, Aran. 4.

TBiqckix r. ixu. This case it the aubjtet of general conversation, and it now appear that thin hu been some sad miitpprebtnaion la tb mind ef many of the special jarere, aad we have lean an affidavit made by one ef them to this iff ict, that ba Cime ta Exeter last Friday in portoane ef bis summons to be present at tht trial of thit eaate, that in antwer to inqoiriet thta mad he wu informed that; th jadg bad stated the raute would net be taken before Tueeday, and be read a statement to that effect in an Extter paper. He reaidad mile, frota Exeter, and. In consequence of thit information, be returned horn, and about 2 o'clock on Monday he cam Exetrr; and then nadtntood that ht had been flaed 107.

ia eonicquenee of bi nbn atUndanc that morning. There certainly wu a rnmeur on the Thursday evening that Mr. Jut Id Crettwtll bad stated be would not take this case till Tuesday; and we are aware that other persons betidet th jurors acted upon that belief. On Friday evening, however, in eoostquenc. of the cantet baring broke down and been settled, we knew that the ctute wt fixed for Monday morn ing, bat there wu then no mod of communicating this to the pablie in any other way than by special letter; and this would shew that It is not only convenient, bnt necessary, that 'reporters thoald be allowed tome place in coartt of juitiee, because bad any newspaper been published on the hit niual health.

He left hit. work to go to dinner abont th jsrors might harei ascertained through. its co htlf pait 11 o'clock, being aomewhat earlier than naat, he aaa, the cause wu fixed for the Monday. The Jadg. hA.

wu could ia'cour, what wu bit int.a.ion, but without iU coming ont of th house, apparently after having gotlwtUt his power. ceased; and ytt, instead of any aniitanct bis tie tnen teemed at weu ninau nicoaru veing rendered to thote tnroigh who miani this necessary on going iato a. 1 houae found all P. 1 publicity afforded, erery obetacle thrown in w.y. put away, but be himself had hit dinner on im.

potato hash, as it wu called, from which the prisoner taid the herself htd With regard to th abaene of ipecial jnrymtn, and there dined. The deceased, it appear', after leaving tht house, I scarcely ever it a fall attaalenee, we think can toggett bad earn farther erraidt to attend to before returning ttati. W9ajJ completely etaoienf. Let all ipecUl Meeira.KdeoairiThwait'an4 did not get hack there nntil! i. i a nearly o'clerk.

He tbenTeeemed very ill, wu troubled jarori who do not attend in fntnra ban their name, placed with a continual retching, and complained of a dreadful pain in th. petty jary panel, and they would then find the boon in hit'ttomacb. At 3 o'clock he wu Anally obliged to' leave they poet tie I in having to attud tb trial only of on hit work and go home. Hit mothers hoot, wu abont a cause, instead of being compelled to. remain daring a long mil.

off. Oa of th. aboat 4 o'clock, wu in the iatii. Petty jurymen are frequently in so poor a' atation direction leading to hit motber't honae, and found him lying I thtt they can ill atfrd to eneeanUr th of staying in a ditch in great exony. He uked wtat he wu doing a week in tn utile town, while the special jnrors are, gene tbere, ant the boy replied b.

wu not abl. to g.t toy farther. I rally spttking, ptnaat of rank and property In a county The witneu assisted him heme, and about a quarter of a mile and yet, if a cause it expected to lut any length of time, it off the priionrr'f hone they met her. anything had ii impossible to procure th. attendance of a fall jury, been taid br either of them she remarked.

You've brought A fioe of 10. ii laruhei at, but pat absen'ees en th com him home, bar youF The witneu replied, Yet; rt him mon jury panel, and jou would nerer agunhar to compum lorn, not tea. aam tntt tpecui jirors am not pnjp.117 sneuu 10 wuij. The The expense and aaaoyaace te (he partiu in this etas is NORTHERN' CIRCUIT. LIVERPOOL, Tt' sans AraiL Caowx Side.

Uitfori r. Ban Paai lanxa. KXTaaoxDitttar case. Betty Keeles, aged 33, was iadicttd for the wilful marder of William Uctlee, at Button, on tb of SepUmbar last, by administering to him a quantity of araenie. Mr.

Armstrong and Mr. Brandt eondactJtb prosecution; the prisoner wu defended by Dr. Brown, astignti ucoon seL The prisoner wat, it appeared, the wife of a pen on residing in Little Bolton, but who at the tint cf thit occurrence wu emplojed in a mill tt Manchester, aad in consequence was daring: the week awy from boms, returning to bis family, only oa the Satarday vninr, and leaving them in time f.r hit work on th Mendty. The prisoner, previout to bar marriag to her present husband, wu a widow, aad had had a family of eeteral children, all of whom, however, were now dead. The deoeueJ wu a tt.ptoa, a child ef about 13 years of age, and the other members of tht family wtre a younger boy and little girl aboat 10 years old, both stepchildren.

The deceased wu emplojed in the mill of Messrs. Eden and Thwaitet, at Bolton, at 3. per week bit brother wu in the sam. employ at a salary of 2s. fid.

per week. This money they alwayt paid over to their stepmother on the Saturday. On tht 1 26th of September but the deceased went to bit work at Messrs. Eden snd ThwaiuYa at niual. He then teemed in aal Houghton war aenUaeed to traa sports lion for Ufe and iretasa jo yearr Rantpartauon.

expena rrygr. Mr. Jutie Crauwtll left Exet.rabiut 2 o'clock yatter day, and all the learned persons ntmtd in the conmU'ion having quitted Extter, Mr. Serjeant A cherley it left alone to ditcharge a very atary raoi, taa it matt oe tome otyi oe home at toon ai you can, and get him torn. At.

I've aoma tea reads for however, wu not in th. habit of going bom. to his tea, and there did not appear any rtason why she should on that occasion have made any preparation for tbat parpota. Th. deceased continued very ill daring thtt evening, but nomedual was aant far.

and in the ooorae of th. afternoon he JUd. Ia th. aoaraa of th. tMxt dav en.

of th. n.itfcbourt far h. it released from hit datiw. railed ia upon th. prisoner, and inquired whether it wat Sarah Btrthslomtw, a very prtttj interastlng girl of IS, Riehard hecles who bed ditdl She uld " wu William." I wu indicted for having wilfully ut are to a stable at Little The witneu aiked if she kntw what wtt th.

etntt of hit bam, In tht poeasion of Riehard Morrlah. death I She replied, Inflammation." It wu th.a suggested Mr. Dayman eondaeted th case for th prosecution'. The that tb. ihould have th.

body opened, for fear it might be tome peer girl wu nndef.ndei. infectiout dittaae.bat the wu very angry at the Frem the evidence adduce! being chiefly thtt ef tht girl's tall the had trouble enough on her mind without hiring more. I own statement. It appeared that she was a pariah apprentice In lha ran re of the stmt dav.Tu.ilev. the 27 th, the wnt to the'workt of Metara.

Edtn aad Thwaitet, to demand 50a, the usual allowance for tb. banal of persons of tn. ag OI th. deceased when In the employment of those gentUmen. to the prosecutor, who wu a tma'l fai mer.

Oa the evening or the 9th or Horember the wu tent oat to tue cownouse. She took with her a candle in a lantern. Hiving got into the yard ih look th etndl oat of the lantern, and threw it It appeared that on tba 10th of the urn month the had 1 down on torn ttraw. It caught light, and sh then thrw made a similar application on th ojcasioa of the death of I more straw on it. She retnrned into the houie ani toll her 1 llsalan.

bnt it wu than I raistren there ''wu a licht in tht Yard. It WU then diiso faaed her, and it wu explained thtt burial money wu paid I vered that th. eowhouee. ttaMe, and bam wtre on fir, only on th' occuion of the death of a child belonging to a Three and 300 bandies of straw were burnt, and very person in the works, or of a child himaelf in the considerable damage wu done. The prisoner, when asked terviceol Messrs.

tie a ana inwaitet. iatnie ay plieation the tuipiciont ef the bookkeeper were excited, tt pecially he himself had teen the child apparently In perfect health th morning before, aad she wu put off with an intimation thtt the oast call again on th following day. On that day, however, a medical man wu nt to i amine lha body. On opening it, he found the itomaeh in a highly inflamed it ate, with a white powder embedded in macus adhering to its coats, and presenting tueh appearance induced him to believe that the child had died in centeqaenee of tomt irritant poison. Tb stomach, tht duodenum, and the fluid they contained were handed over to Mr.

Wataan, rhrmirt. hv whom th.v were analvxed. and who applied all the various teats which seiene hu tsggested for tht purpose of detecting the pretence of arsenic. All these thoered that the poiaon wu pnunt in large quantities. Ht finally reduced the greater part of it ta th meullit atata, and it wu apparent that at least from 35 to 40 graini of the mineral had been in the stomach and its contents.

It appeared from the statement of alary reeles, tn utter 01 why the bad dori this, ttid thtt hr tuss er bad kieked and iU nted btr. When before the magistrate the girl was asked if she had done it wilfully She replied lbs had. Th Jury found the' prisoner Guittj. Mr. Serjeant ATCfiaaLEr tst.J that h.

had great doubt to th punament ht thoald inflict upon th. prisoner, but he wished it to nnderstood, and publicly understood, that let th. ag of a party convicted of a similar offence be what it might, he thonldjinflict the btttiett pnniahment the law allowed. He ihould in th. present instance dtal liniently towards th pritontr.

Th untenee of the Court wu that the thoald Imprisoned and kept to hard labour for 18 (ore lfr. Strjt ArcHttaLET as a Jury ef tieeilf of ustlfr.) Thomu Wettlake, 8tmnel Honght and Mary Erint were indicted for emailing and robbing Samatl Barnes, and biating him with bludgeons. Mr. Greenwood and Mr. Merivale prosecuted, snd Mr, Stone snd Mr.

Cornish (Wen ted vrcstiaxe, aaa at tne re the deceased, a young child of about 10 years of thatjqueit of th judge Mr. Tyrrell defadd th Other two on that day ilium and ntr raomer naa promised ner a prisoners. damson cuddies for her dinner. The witneu wu at school I Mr.Btrnet it a surgeon of the greatest emioenee iin iKxattr. hama aha tln.ft afT ttia On MnniaT.

the 15th of Aumtt ltlt. about 11 o'clock at potato hash, of which her ttepmothtr said the btrself bad night, Mr. Barce wat tent for to attnd a patient in the mad. btr dinner already. Sh.

asked forth, damson palding, naighbourhood of Exeter. At ht was proceeding along a and the pritontr said ana naa sot naa tint, to mate ont roaa wnicu na mmm uau. k. a would do ao the following day. Te another party the pri tecoited him, siking him to take a walk wtth her.

Mr. eoatr ttated thtt tht deceased bad. dined off a damtoa pad i Barnes made no reply, but walked oo, the woman following ding on the day in question. It appeared also, from the state him. He had to go round a earner, in he then observed the ment of a carrier travelling between Bolton aad Manchester.

and who wu acquainted with the prisoner, thtt on iht day after the death of William Hecles th. pris jner called to him he wu patting her door and told him to tell Henry, ber butband, who wu thin at Manchester, thtt William wu dead. Sh taid the thought of burying bim on the Friday. On the Thorsday the witneu saw ber again, and brought a message back from the husband that there was no ne in his coming before "Friday. The prisoner then told him that the policemen had come ana i earcnea to.

no oaa, aaa uocsun two other prison, who followed him, and be im audit tely felt a heavy blow en his face, which felled him to the ground. W.itlak. then covered Mr. Barnet'i face with hit hands, and the prisoners among them took from bu person a gold watch and a quantity of gold and silver. Mr.

Barnes wu very raach beaten with heavy sticks. Ife critd' oat, Don't best me, bat take my money." He bad many hard blow abont bit head. Soon after thit Mr. Barnts foun i himself alone, and harried towards the citv. snd ive S3 alarm.

He wat bleed ing much from the no, and month. He has loot th. use of for Dr. Mallatt, bat wu not St bom. She laid the had nerer had any poiaon ia bar life, and htd ntvtr bought any from Mr.

Motterop, dracgiat, at LiUl.Bolton. It WU proved oy in. evidence o. air. uariaw, asaiawua I.

Mr. Meucrop, tnat in. pruoner naa otwu in tna uiii oi hal onMud tha bodr.but it wu all ritht. thty found nothinr. Ion.

naetril. and hit itw it much lHaken. Oatht 13th of Sb. laid ta. wanted iienry noma, ana naa Been lor me tV.

iImhmimI an1 the. would not aire it ta her. The prisoner wu taken into custody on Thunlty, tbt '29 ih.H to another room, where there were four prisoners, and h. To th. constable she atited that tht deceased had eerae thought one of them was one of the men.

He went oat of home very ill, on tae Monday, and tnat tna ned aent I he room and wu aiterwara. ai.m,i."s wu men preeent witn everu. om fiaed on Houghton, He then iw the femtl. prisoner, sad they recognised each other. Dr.

Miller, a physician of Ettter, was passing along the r.A at a.rti.r neriad' of the evetiinr. and uw two men dealing at Mr. Motscrop'i shop for tertrtl oon'ht pririoos and a woman, snd, ha felt torn little alarm, and jooked to thu nceurranee, ana mat nr. or aix oeiore to naa i paruooiariy at uiem, come aad uktd for a pennyworth of artenit to kill rnies. It persons ht then itw.

Some other persons cam ap at was refused unless sh would bring a witness srith her. Sh the moment, and he therefore pursued his cours. in lha ranrsa af half an hoar esma back A naliceman'ancrehended the Dritontrt th next dlV tt a with another woman, and finally was allowed to buy an public hous at aboat 10 mn from Exeter, oonee of put op in paper mukei "Poison." They were all three in company. He told them the "tur of Dr. Brown addressed the tory lor tna attence, contending toe charge.

11.4s.oj. wu iouna upo i nuui, thstallthecircamitanees of the cut were consistent with bad on new hat. Tb. female prisoner claimed a buirt in the tuppoaiiien thtt the deceased had got the poison tomi which wu a cap, whch Westlake said was hir. Tba female when else, in the interval between bit leaving home and hit prisoner Slid, I suppose the gentleman you down to appearance at Messrs.Eden and Thwaltet'a, or that it had by 1 take us." Witness replied, Not the geniotntn, bnt the e.M.t ii.

hi, II. tnhmiiLt nia" Sli. uld. Is tht rentlemtn dead I She the eat. wu altogethsr too doahtfol to found a verdict of seemed much alarmed.

They were placed in Exetor gaol guilty against the prisoner. that night. The witness taw them in the gaol en the 10th of Mil Lordship hsviag tummtd up, the jary re'ired for August. She then said the knew nothing aboat the nlnnal nta unit th a tardict la Bad BOI IDOXen OI tna weica.

oaa ai af flui'ltl There were two other indielmeaU agaiatt ths pruoner for the murder of Alice Ilttlam and Nancy Hailam by the tame means. Alice had died on u9 of September, and Nancy seme time before, when the pritontr wu a widow. Oa the bodies being disinterred, arsenic in large qaantiUti wu discovered in the stomachs. In thee cases, a verdiet of Wilful Murdrr had beca i.tamed by the coroner'i inquest, but these indictments we not now proceeded with. His CdftDsmr ia a most Impressire addrot tentsneed th prisoner to death: (litjort Mr.

Juttie4 Cot TsUX.) KISLOCU T. TTRSJItX. Colonel Kinlocb, the plaintiff in the preeent action, sought to recover damsget agsinst the landlady of the Grand unction Hotel in Liverpool, for the lot ef goods alleged to hare been stolen from Mrs. Tyrrell's hotel la consequence of if ha wonll ro with ber. sh thow him where tb watch was hid.

He subsequently went with her about 8 mile on tht Chnlltigh rJtd, an! sh tha taid th watch wu pleat in a fisld ia a theet of whit paper. They proceeded into a field, and the displaced some earth, i i 1. Mn tn. sad, snout 4 incnet oew to. aria u.

i tarthar atited thit tht kctfr tb gentleman who had spoken to her in the prison to the tame gentleman th bad teen on the night of th robbery. The woman appear! much dittreued tilt Mr. Barnu ihould bar been the ktpr of the prison, corroborated the evidence of th former witness. Ansill Bright proved that the three prisoner bad been lodring at her house in Exe leue, Exeter jj they bad one bedroom, with two bed! In it for the three. Thty left be house th.

mhSarv. Th. f.mala prisoner earned i abont lac. far ule in a basket. Bjth the men wore eletb.

Irtuvand Mr. CeriweU appeared for the plaintiff, ear. and Mr. wauon ir oeienaanr. Colonel Klnloeh and bi family, on their srriral from Edinburgh tb proceed to Learning' en, bad gone, to the hotel ibovrment loned from itt convenient nearnee to th railway Station.

Tb plaintiff, having a good deal of luggage, intended to Nad it at once to the railway ofnet the waiter at tb hotel informed him that the people Wt that woald not be aMwerabl for its security daring th sight, ana It was, therefore, allowed to remain at the isfandanf hotel, where It wu suffered to He ia Vattagi cr 4 else ta which all who fretUi tba might bar taal Mceaa. Whsj war ahott start a lhi ber negligence. Mr.Wortl.yi NORFOLK CIRCUIT NORWICfl, Tctsoar, AraiL 4. Bifart LjtJ Chief JtOiei lisrsit.) THS QCIX.X V. IDWiXD ritxTxx.

This wu aa indictment far a aaaltinr one) Jmaiah Cross, oa ue itu or lass jaae. Mr. Andrews aad Mr. Paloer wrr counsel for the ante cation Mr. Preaderxut for th dtftadaat.

Th Drosseutor Is a msrehanr. livise In this ritv. The de. feadaat is the weU knewa Si rainter," the celebrated igiutc, wnoee ntme associated tn the prixe rrog with aver aad Soriajr. fonaerlr chaaoiM ef the P.

Of late yeart ha bu retired from Dubli life, and Bred in Nor. irish, with bit family. Os daV in last Jan he went to th ttaading" of th prosecutor, ta the Corn Exehang ia thit city, sad eUsired him to meet him at Castoa's, the keeper nf wnu wu to meet ram, in deteiuant repesiei nte aemand, and added that if ha dil not be would terra bim oat." The priieeuiitor did aet go te Caalan'i; but batng a f.w dayt tterwarat in the stables ef one Abel, exsmialag the horse, whieh were shout to ran at th Norwich races. Cut on came to him aad requested him to go ta a puhUa hoas called th Ritins: Sua. for the paroot.

as he said. of sattias the mattor right. went, and feaid th defendant and others at tba place, and after fame eonversttioa the prosecutor left the hous. aad want inte the stable yard. Ht wu leuowen oy toe etirnnani, wa.

aaa mex in tut naad, wi which, aftar aome little parity, be began to beat the proa, cuter. Thit wai repea'ed until the stick brake, aad the defendant thta continued the ehattitemtnt with the other sad hearier end of hit stick. Th witnassu far tha hraecntias dsuribed th aataalt one of vtry great riolanee. and slated that it eontiaaei for a fall Quarter ef an which several person wert looking en, non of whom interfered or attempted to take the part of the beatan man. At hracth, tne prosecutor took rtfng ta to stable, wktre be loeked himself in until h.

made hit escape. The plaintiff was very severely beaten, and wu attended aad for maay days by a surgeon, who at one thought bim in sam. dinger, owing to itoadies having mad itt appursac ia a vtry severe form. The doctor wu of opinion tbat the jaundice wu caused by the treatment he hal received, and ths mental agitation whieh wu tht coaiequence. It appeared, that before the committal of the taunt tome rumoart were rife in the ei'y respecting tomtthing which th prosecutor wu tuppoeed to hav.

ttid as acting the daughter of the defendant. Tb. prosecutor swore that be bad never harboured any im proper thaaghts srith regard to Mis Painter, and that be bad nerer spoken to or of ber ia ear manner whatever. He ia a mar ried man, and ttated that the only time he ever ssw htr wu at the Norwich Theatre, where ah and her mother were in aprivite box. It appeared on all haadt that there wu nothing ta east ertn th ihad of a reproach on her eindoc.

or character. Mr. Prudirgast. ia th sours of bis address to the Jary, altboogh be could 'not deny that in poiat or law a verd ct most pass against his client, stated that th prose cutor aid given ta most aonaatn; provocation lor all that h. bad received.

In order ts establish thit provocation. Mr. uuton, whose been iru called. Uit wat to the affect thava rear bef jrs the aaisalt which led to "thit inquiry the prosecutor atkad him if b. mi acquainted wrn me lamuy ot tne ra nters 1 it appeared that h.

was. aad Cros threapen rea letted Carton to introduce him, obeerriag that Mis Painter wu a most bnentiful rirL and he ihould like to be in ber company for half an hoar. Sjmt further questions were put by the prosecutor Caston, whieh wer. of a very offentir. kind tpp'icsble to the yeaag lady.

Tha witneu in doe time communicated thete mattert to the defendant, who teaght aa opportaaity of demanding an explanation from the prosecutor, which be refuted to give Uuton also stated that b. wu preeent at tn time 01 in assault, and that the defendant repeatedly reqr.ttei to know whether it wu trn that th prosecutor had spoken dirre pectfallref hit daUthter. The pro ecutor said he should answer no qatttions, and tha defendant thereupon told him, n. did not, and ututaconiy too, ae saouia unaonotoaiy flig him and if fc did answer satisfactorily, be woald re serve his flogging for Ciaton," tha. Ths prisoner loidad bii arms.

Ilia be Should antwer no quetttona, ana tn defendant might do he liked. The defendant thea did be liked, and gave bis opponent the somewhat terer. besting of whieh he now complained. Tha Lord Chiep Jcsticx. very briefly addressed the jary, observing, thtt it was impossible that they could find any other verdict than one of Uailty, tne witness for tne drlenaini hirinc proved that be bad ceramitted an suult on the occa sion in question.

With respect to any mitigating eircam ttaaces, if any such existed, they 'would be brought before tna Court 01 vjoeen uench, freaa which tae record' proceeds. The Jary then found the prisoner Guilty. (Uefort Mr. Juttiei COLKBIDOE Seth Rolfe wu indicted! for feloniously stabbing one Ro bert Bitton, with intent te do' him tome grievous bodily harm. Mr.

Bu es conducted the prosecution, Mr. Daaent defendtd thepritoner. 'Toe aeeuted and the prosecutor, in the month of March Were labourers in tb employ of a farmer at Barton Benduh; sad on Stturdtr. the 18th of thit month, they aad ten other personi met for the purpose of celebrating the successful termination of tb lam oing Mason." it appears' to be a laudable custom srith many of the Norfolk farmers to etuse a hat to be erected in the fitldt near their sheep folds, in which they regale tntir inepn.rdi aad workpeople with bread and meat and beer at the end of the lambing season. This wu done by the muter of the prisoner; and, amongst other good cheer, a half kilderkin of ttrong beer, in quantity nine gallon was jprovtood.

loa ic parsons wno were ca ronsinr at Barton Bendith. bavins; dispeeed of a lee of pork and apple padlingt, began to discuss the ale, at whicn that time they weu exceedingly drunk; seven of them contrive 1 to t'agger from the scene of their debauch, if not to get home, and the remaining fire fell aslp in the Th prosecutor aad th prisoner wer amongst toe sldmb ring parly, and tb former slept until a wu roused by somebody pammeUinz" him at a i great rate. As somas he eoald comprehend what wu going on he taw the prisoner stand ing over mm, lousing very siapia sou very usual, out lerrr cioas withal. He got upon his legs qaickly their weak ttate allowed bim, ani then be and tha prisoner eat to and bexan fish tin r.

They foatht three rounds, both fallinr in etch, and at the end of the third round tha proueutor felt a very severe pain ia his left side. lie crawled' into the but, where he lay for tome time groaning. The prismer daring thu time was tn a stale ot great sorrow ana alarm, ani called out dear dear faa't a daad man let m. go for a doctor." Nobody prevented his going for the doctor, and be set off at full spied, returning ivith th Tillage surgeon in an Tb lick tain wu foand lying in the hut bleeding snd weak, and with two wounds an inch deep ia bis side. He wu removed to bit own beute, wbtrt he lty for tome dtyt unable to go about his ordinary buti neta, bis state of drunkenness rendering bit ess very precarious.

The prosecutor did not tee any knife la the pri tener't hand daring the fray, nor could any be found by the ojnateble wbtn be tearcned tne scene 01 ue outrage. staled ta th prisoner and after waiting four or Sre hown. aa appeared to am rased girt any exp'aoatioB, and ht) was therefore given lata custody, taken beare a tastpttrat. aad fiHy eommitud jt trial te the thea aext qurtar session. At the session two tadittinenti bad bean found against tha prisoner, oa for tb three aanu before mentioned and tb ether for three small sam reeeirtd by bim at different lira aad net en tared ta th credit af hie hn tka application of tba primer coons tba trial wu awstsisnoif aatil tha asrist.

Since the .1 peered hare tean clurtused. bat tha nwi jLt prefer more than one ether indicttnentaad this was rttaraed th grand jary a trn bLU. Mr. Hn.rxxr.iatb first: cur. tank aa.rai a.

jeetions npon which points srer reserved, Ht JeeUa to address tb jary, aad, subject of coots, to the points at law reserved, tb prisoner wu eoorieted. A nether indictment, free frem all th Ural aMarttana raised in th. flrtf. was thea Drocteded with. 2nla wu three Mrral tarn of I8t, reeeired frota Lady Cam.roo; Ua, raainaHiao aar.

ooiito, nasi i tj. reoeirta xrom Mr, Elliott, withia a tMriaj of three months. Oa th reeaiata in the piitvner'a own hand writing being shown to bim, ba looked ia the books, could not find tb entries, and aaid to each, 'Of course it' omitted, thea, there can be doubt. OS, jee, I mast hart reoirrd iht money, no doa'0 Collirion. the Deeatv Clerk oi the Arraigns fan tha rwaait).

and aa accountant, wer preeent when be said to. Mr. UtmrRXT addrest.J thalarv an hJialf otha iii in this east. He complained ilurMr. Sadamtn hadbeea rtsted upon the admisaions of the accused, extras ed fraaa him a clever atiorner and a elavar aceanatant had east bim alone for the purpoaa.

Mr. Baron Gcxtttr tamtntd ap. He ixpleintd that thr wr three charge contained in the one indictment, whists wu authorize! to that extent bv an act at P.rti.nant they had ocsarred withia a period of tix mooitx, to obriit thetiiffleulty of siagle act being explamed away mar but, if there had been 5oV. no: more than threw' eoald be included. It appeared to him that the facta wtre proved, independently of the sdmiuions.

Tbtjury expressed a wish to rdira, bat afterwards, with oat doiag to, returned a verdict of G'y. Mr. Hill. There it tnouer indictment, apon which. after ftaUrt verdict, with your Lordthip't psrraitiioa, I decliae to Mr.

Baron Grayer oheervtd. that in tha v. had been poiatt reetrred, the conaiderarion of which had now oecomt anneeeeaary; lor, in puwng teatenee upon the verdict returned in this case, be matt look to the facta ot tha former. Ia that he wu thowa to have been robbur hi masters or a very targe sum, by the abuse of the trust re. poeed ia him.

if he had net baam anitt.r th. of em be ule aunt. Th prisoner wu far mora guilty than marry of the poor wretches who bad appeared at that bar, andiwho had perhaps starvation and misery fer their excuse. Saeh offences most visited with severity jn.ea they were brought borne to persons in hit condition; and the sentence) wu jthat he bs transported for th. term ef 14 years.

Joaeph 22, WU.ism Allibone, aged 25, and Thomu Bennett, ared 21, wn indicted for the wilful marder, on lb. I3th of Deeember lut, in the parish of iJlieote, in thit county, of Emmanuel Hunt. Th bill, preferred, included also Thomu F.anell. bat ts this prisoner it wu ignored. Mr.

Mellor and Mr. Adamt conducted the rroeecatio. Mr. MCltr defendtd Btanttr, and Mr. Msetulxy the cri Pn.l.t, at The death appeared to have retailed from a blow inflicted with the stock or barrel of a gun daring a poaching affray oa the night in queitioo.

The 1 arned JcDcx considered, that there eras co ess against Bennett, and Mr. Millie, was. therefore, not called nnon to addreix tha Jary in bis defence. ror iua utuar ig wu comenoea mat mere nid beari no design of resisting apprehension, and that th death resulted in a caatict in which blows had beta fin; it ruck by the gamekeepers. Toe Jary foand them both Guilty of maatltuihter, tad they were each tenttaced to transportation far 14 yean.

Mr. Dx.TT, in addressing the jury for the prisoner, con st no knife baring been teen in the prisoner tended that band, ths probability wu that the wounds wtrt received by the prosecutor in consequence of filling against 'tome sharp instrument in tht hat and tvtn if they ihould be tttiiSed that th wounds were inflicted by the hand of the prisoner, he contended thtt they could not find that they were inflicted with the intent alleged In the indictment, hit ttate of drunkeanett readering it highly improbable that any inch intent existed ia bit mind, or indeed aay intent whatever. Mr. Justice Coleridge, in summing ap the evidence, observed, that it wu impossible for tb Jary adopt th suggestion ef tb learned counsel for th pnsorsr, that ha wu aianarated from th letal consequences of bit actions bv having been drunk. It ought to be anirersally known ihat drunkenn.11 formed no excuse for th commission of crime.

the That which, in drunkenness voluntarily brought en, a man committed, he must answer for when sober. The jury found the pritontr Guilty of an aataalt, being; of opinion ten ine circumstance 01 uu wmj ww uw, he committal the offence rendered it improbable that be bad in hit. mind the felonious intent charged in th indictment. Tb learned Judge, in patting sentence on tbe prisoner, dreadfully frightened, and almost involuntarily exclaimed, obMrred, that ha wold not br any mesw agree with whereupon one of oaaid. in their' verdict, exonerating tbe prisoner from the const be eWed.

w.U not harm yon good ght" He quenees of hit act from the cireumstaoe of his being druntftten nude bis war through the flthu at a rapid pace, and LP. tickle, a tttrakty i tb prison, dipoeed tba', when In bit cell, be beard the prisoner Houghton uy that he ao Uk robbed Mr. Barn, bat thty ail not. think woman would split npon them. A man who had been confined in prison itatad tbat Wettlak told bin tbat and U'Zgian bad been eon earned In Mn, Mr.

Barnes. Mr. Ttxxxll shortly Vilra4 w' jury on behalf af HotuMon, an. Xl. at patauitzMm lagth for wut Tht lairnad Jcdcx baring autanud dp.

tb arf retarned vtrdict 9( Quits HP tt prWaavs, aa4 Wittlakj it tLe time. The prisoner wu sentenced IS be iopriseaed. and kept. to bard labour for 10 monuis. MIDLAND CIRCUIT.

WARWICK, SiTcaDiT. AraiL I. Caows Cottar. Before irtm William St. Clair, a xtallemaaly and rood lookier man.

of aboat 30 yeart of age, wu ladicted for cmbrulemaat. Mr. Hill and Mr. Mellor wer tbe counsel far th procreation Mr. Hamfrey appeared oa behalf of th defendant.

The indictment ttated tht prisoner to bar been clerk to MassT. Stephen Lewis, i Everitt Alienor, and; John James Sandeman, at tb pariah of liflington, in thit aoanty, and eharged him with luring mb tiled, on th 31st of March, 1841, tb earn of 200., and en th 30th of June lut and on tb 3lst ot August uti tr. The facts of the cue appeared to be ehitfiy thete The prosecutor, Messrs. Lewis and Allenby. the two first aimed pirtnert, were very extensive silk mercers in Regent street, London, and htv within th lut three or four! yeart erected v.

n.s a aa uiv.j Leamington th. other partner, Sandeman, having been first bv MstarL Lewis and Alleabr their brewer snd resident manager, until the beginning ef the year 1841, when he WU a'mitted a partner. Antral July, ii, ine pnsoner wu engaged at clerk and euhier, and continued so aatil tha end of August, 1842 and aboat June, 1842, the London partners became apoa certain points connectel with tha eaneern. and in the autumn of that Vtir a diijo iution took place to far regardtl Mr. Sandeman, the pri toner baring left ta orewcry on in 01a 01 oesteoiDer, 18(2.

Immediately after Mr. Sandeman bad left the brewery, Mr. Lewis proceeded to Leamington, and: th eccoanta war iavestigated, and Mr. Lewis gtv. directions to have th.

cub book carefully cut' np, and apoa this being done by on nf th clerk 1 in tht brewtrr. it wu diicartrtJ that thru ef th castings wer wrongly carried forward namelv, ia th month of March th casting on tbe payment aid of lha cash book, amount ing to 630. Ht. 81. era carried forward 880.

lis. in tb month, of Jan on amounting 504. 9s. 0d. wtt etrried forward 604.

St 01 d. aad in tb monlhof August a third, amouatin; 673. Tt. 2J4, wu carried forward 7S3V "it. 21.

Upon thit being report. 1 to Mr. Lewis ba icmadiatalr left Letninitton with the cash book, and plaeod tbe um in tba bands of aa accountant, with aireetiois to proceed to tb brewery and nte tn waoia or tha aenoantx. in aceouniani aia so, ami luimadiat'iyiisoortrtd tbat great irregularities bad been eom tailtoa lor a long tunt put, ana reponea in same 10 taeurt. wii ana Allanhv.

wha tacjc tup ta nrma in prisoner to au xnlanation cf lha droaautmce io reported ti thtm. After torn little del', an int rxie wu obtained in London, wai jh anoaainusr NORTH WALES. CHESTER, Tcrsdit, AraiL 4. (Crore Mr. Jutttce Williiks.) John Mih.r.

35. John Hopkins. 23. Michael Maher. 35.

and Jbn Bropfay, 30, were indicted for having broken into the dwtltinr hoose of Peter Woods, of Consonant, in this county, on th night of tb I lib of November last, aad stolen thereout a considerable sum of money. The case ex cited great interest, ia eontequeaee of tbe daring and violent circumstance! nndVr which offence had been perpe arareo. Mr. Hi'd and Mr. Townaend eondaeted th cue an the ptrt of the prosecution and Mr.

Yardley defended the'prr soner Bropby. The other prisoner! were undefended. It 'appeared from th 1 tale ment cf eouBael. aadtbetvi denee of th ririoas wiliesses, that tb prosecutor occupied a bouse and shop in tbe little Tillage of Copenhurst, in this canty, at tha distance of about 100 yard from any other dwelling. On th.

nigbt in qaeation he.left home, leaving his wife, his, bit and, and a blacksmith of tbe name of Tbomu Ei wards, sitting by the fire in an apartment tt the rear of the boose. The doors ware doted, but unlocked, at tbe time. Shortly after he left, and when it was about 9 o'clock, th back door wai tadienly opened, and the prisoner Michael Maher entered with a pistol in bit hand. He wu almost immediately followed by fire others.who wet alto armed with pittolt and guns. The unexpected intrusion of tha ptrty, added to the violence of their d.

mainour, naturally nfled the inmates and tin. Wood Immediately got np screamed oat, "Good Ltrl. men. what are too aoinst to do 1" Th antwtr sh received wu, If you make any alarm, wa thill shoot you npon tht tpot." This threat bad the effect cf inducing her ta keep quiet aad to rtsnm her uat, whereupon two of the fallows aetied a lighted candl wrucn wu npon in UDie, ana rassa upstairs. Tb other four remained in the apartment, below, each holding tha pistol he held to tbe beads of the four inmates, tailing thtm at the aame tim to look ia th direction of tbe fire, and cot, npon pain of instant death, to torn their eyu either to tha nrht hand or to tb left.

Mrs. Woods, at tbit period. dropped off her chair and npon her knees, owing to tbe dreadful ttate' of terror aad sgttttivn in which sh had been, placed, upon which tha fellow who teems 'ta hare bad her ia charge raised his pistol, placed it clot to her head, and manifested tha fullest determination to fire tha deadly weapon if the movtd an inch. At th tarn time, htr daughter turned ber head partially round for the tmrpese of catching a g'Jmpe oftb fellow who stood over her, when struck ber oa the. bead with his pistol, asd aaid that if the ceased from keeping her eye.

intently fixed npon tha fir he would shoot ber. While all thit wu going on down, stain, tbe fellows above wen breaking open tb drawers and abstracting whatever money they could find. Ia tha eonru of 5 or IB minutst they returned to their comrades and uked Mrs. Woods whether the bad any firtarmt ia th house! Sb. iaformtd them that there wu agon banging; from the ceiling, bat that it wu of little value, it happen! to te oat of repair and aba wu aboat.

to rise for the purpose of showing it to them, when tha fellow orer ber told her to keep Sown br else ths threat, often repeated before woald certainly be carried into affect. After: they had thamaalv.i taken down th. gun, they uked whether then wtn any watches in tha hous? 1 Mrs. Woods replied in the negative. They liked a similar question of th blacksmith, who Landed them an old watch he bad in hit pocket.

They then ttanbed the kitchen, well the shop, for' further booty and after having broken a box whieh lay apon the dresser, and pocketing its contents, 7s. or 81 they decamped, firtt locking the front and hack doors, to prevent th inmates from alarming tba neighbourhood before they thoald htve been sufficiently oat of reach. Shortly after their departure, and a quarter after 9 o'clock, the prosecutor wu returning across the fields towards Copenhurst, when he met six men going in a dine tun from bit house to Button the Chester and Birkenhead Kail way. Thty wen aboat two miiu frem station, and a quarter 01 a nuie from nit nous. tt tha time they wen walking bruklr.

three abreast. At the firtt three patted him, he observed thtt th two next him bad guns in their hands, aad tbat tb third bad something which be wtt nnable exactly to distinguish. called oat "Good eight," to whieh two Of them gruffly tntwered "Goodnight." he came np to the other three, who were aboat 12 yard distant from the firtt, be wu when reached bom and wu informed ef what bid taken place, tcarched tbe boas, and found that 11. in sovereign and half sovereigns, JL In half crowns, and several taiUiagt in copper money had been taken from the drawer, a newter nit in the shoo. Information of tb occurrence was immediaSTy tent to all tbe potie atatiani af tha district, snd amonatst others to that of Birken head, eoatlruoaa to Liverpool.

Aboat a quarter beiore 4 o'clock en the momiac after tbe robbery, and ihorJr after he bad received the lniormatton in queation, nr. tt. tsontner. an tUPennvVBuent 01 ana auKua pouca Birkenhead, wu walking hit rounds, when he observed the prisoners Brophy, Michael Ms tier, and Uopkina and two other men proceeding in the of liirk tnheal ferry. They were, that time, asout 1 1 ones xrom the Sat ton station, and, tht night being ia extremely rainy one, they teemed to be in a wat, dirty condition.

After short convent Jon with them to when they ware going, ta of tbe Birkenhead police officers approached, where apon the whole five of them took to heels, and endeavoured to effect their escape. Boogheyand his men pur sued, and, after a. hard ran and a tremendous ton succeeded ia taking two of them into custody namely, Bropby sad Michael Maher. Nothing wu feond epon tha former; bat npon a firtt search the tuns' of 15s. 2 JJ.

was found apon tbe person OI uu upou a aecomu. sou more minute a ire a th sam of 7L 18s. 51. wu also foand aooahisu. It appeared thatwaile tbe straggle wu going: on with the officers, Brephy tried out.

to his ttsscia'es "Now, lads, lay 1 into the, for your live and It also appeared test, aeoutv turee yeart ago, ixnpuj bad been lodging at the poos of th prosecutor fcr a period of six weeks. On Ih sam day th other two prisoners, Jhn Maher and Hopkins, were taken into custody whil attempting to erou the ferry to Liverpool The. Utter, when arretted, was foaad to have the sum of 4. 10a. ant soma copper on his penotj and tarn of th iixpnoa tna penny puce mmm.

yrwzv ntiuw vj money wuea tne naa naa ta ner potteiBioai ua years put. Tb cats lor ins prose cation oaring uoeea, Mr. Yard lit addressed Um jary la a rtrj inreaioai speech for hit client. Th Jury, withoat Uaring th box, foaJ ft ft0" MicbalMabaa4HopiCr. ana Ar? fts, ia sewtoneiag tb.

eanrictcd Prtie; uif, It wu impob'iforjSm SwwTwia retixtanc. attemptea aif .72: slthourh) points ta tka clscs at Lha ortwerr. nut ia. pfnaar mirtlt I tne uanax rr. sn.Z 1 Cf'.

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