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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 6

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ki.iaifc.,nmi. VI If vW rw tw i 41 mfc 1 aw jr. "5. i rntrATM comukspovoxkcx. iyz tf tOU to pRftct uy hu pitnOtd, ttrltbtttad tog bwa Mttjrg caiWly, reported tint th ftl loving a It MnlTowrrf Mtnticm tt Ptttattl, aa actc opt would Im road to follow tbt tratBpla mddbof th Co atlmtWs life I am hd torn, acta ypw of wy dbr iUiut ybtimt TPMnd, ablMmck It It mM thatpdraf mirtitobdny bMttaitFc4MnbdliBTKiowptiertaU dry, bat mm of th lrb Wnc mdacad jiaat th radoa lot bwdtabb dlflwMti sad aotrchy, prudently look la their agtr, aad, after Bach pcrmiadoa, prtrdbd apoa tht ttt a detbt frou th.

Imended plan, aad inkll4r thttawduf of th Com, ttbtrtottpbaMtM llweiMxt month, though Km gMnajWSrrtbHUhadbm dtddwl ta Cooadlu for thtrorofwt It sta Jnuery not, tad that thb fddftn would Mrtbwa canted lou (fleet, had not ta uivnpected From what I Mat that mm of tM ax vlobm rambaae evenly that It act tea aay pcneaal dbllk they hart tetht Hlaltetn, bt tM measure they hart persisted la aoptiaf. oy nuuac totM without paying aay regard st nana or rcotacUMBt, which they think an highly Mcwary at time when tht nation labour! nadvtMhMcaalatrdUScahict. However, the tcverd Mi aUtarial ecofatnett which hart beta held at tht Treasury withia thttt few day, to prepare the budget aad arrange aom ceaxrirance far reform aad retrenchment, Inspire tbcat with the hop that Mlnbteri win bring for aid beocS mi ui i a wm oc aanataciory to tne country at large and thereby antidpat their atott ferrrM wtthe. ad ton OppoairJoa de(lea hart com to fat at to ttale, that if tht bt practically rot la force, they irin corduHj cJtc the Uorera. meM their moat atreaooot npport.

From thttt jadldoo aeatisNata, UarobabU ihU teuioa 01 aot be to starar aahat beta predicted, aad that aay lean of a rerolirton or tuoilt may iaUy diarcOed from tht mind of that per. teat may bt ret tocrfdoloaau to entertain an Idea that tack It la premeditation. bo 'norated witk filitlSi lew dart aiace aaum borot aoldleri were draiu hted from th A n. i other com latatha Hh rlm i attach itlnitttrialiat, and tha difftaetrd i MaaldraiOaard art to be ptmd orer thtJJae: tht rft alar troopt fo, tht Wtnirtry hart them complete I TSjtMMS TOffffKt. Saturday seftembee Slsaa.

LISBON, Au.c.r h.Th M. TTZr.r!" 7. MMoa Taftra ibtnactiBrvai fipartntrtTa mmlt.r. rTr.T pMMtMMjatttteK hdd to March liVhada. Btra tx rSrSrf it Atth a ihttaactaallrtxttadtdabon Ct ati? tMrireT UmifrTUSm IJdtrt ftrmtclj Mt JinituC'kaTwiao? Ptof Jwrd.

aad rood iwaad. TtaMwctoT I calealatad aaaaaka iK m.iiMi PaVUc enitairr aad mtartathad aot eti! Sj" VV i twaWnf to rarmlady mortd fawdawdjr ioMWtifBr. Toamta. Tht aaiatuaa ha i ndaalelythaatotwtiatlMaathtymlaitfhirtdoora. rwrUl tttntitP to woaia ttatt, Uat la the rrat 1833 ZT ETT waoiatptcttd tta tassel amouaW td to Wi, at la, head, la IS33, ta reedpt.

fhn tat tot Jh rrodac of whole of tht rtat WW. Beeldea JltiitkBa had been allowed to mtwet the worki by be etariaarn. who did aot with to conceal their operaoooa, bnt were at all timet rbd to hart than eiamiaed by practical pram. Scarcely a farriracr who rialtcd London failed to rrtna btr of the Koyal FamUr had 'ntrrcd it. The whaU .1 TT wtuam, wat upward! oi 300,000 T11.

"eB wae la a lair way of comnlotlon TaLtllHr'jS? fta 21 atWappiBf. CUtaraBdalanrh.) i wmI the report, which re 52 b' CMfaMav, andakd tbt atlenl rftryeietoriui inothtrt tb. tonoel rain IKMLAHD. (rioat otm owk coKxroniKf.r DUBLIN. BXIIITAXCX TO TrTBCt ATTCMPT TO IIBlJii I hata ttccmlr referred to rariou cfratattaacr.

ladtl oriafarerr tnnbUtom tetcr, at cctmtctadwithhtc. aot wttMted that early lath aehtoaibj thetrolr alam totJmoMcmatjrWh aabjein, taken hoiaVluSeal "i tT eiioa itwa ttdt mora bcpiWjiuwjaat han tofamtd that tht Data, vat tod at es Saadar It.LawataJaadSo'ekKkfcav XMm.rea5emrw, TT wnea iw men at i torn ind, bat happUy wSiut tfteu, TM other aamikat waa alto bc4Mearhlht anuwaroo attempt, whan ih arriral oi a I aMrilMrrtttted him. BiierjUiJ, thttoermS abte om af tithtt, fit, Coot hartofhmterrmcSioO wrha la that cooaty." Thederrrman who that prorUaadaBy taeaped tht ballet 4 1 thtataa la it, I hart ream ta konJoitrf oiS rtnd'heatttd men la that aart eiha emntr arlmdoa aolattUthatarrirtd at a. (real hdibt, he waa tatnly, tht iUt. ilrvCoou hat batoremarkabla rxrrl timiotaaarethUUral rlrhu, aad henct hat beenata.

iw otu aa um nnia at rat mat aaa caldblaoded ThU. then, mar he reaaidad aa tha unlu camDaifn1! the approachiat winter, which, thtr It too much rcaton lo apprehend, will bt marked br tht moat cala miuwtdatdaofbbod. Th bat wiater aad tpruc aatted orer la comDaradre tnaaaUllir. hut tK elercr aad Um llxht ncuaaoti 6 daily bceoaUac ckaer, br the v. wiiimiHMi reneuion," and I fear before throt month elapat that you wDl hart ro record ut touta ana weal of Ireuad.

In Kukeaar Last week a man tumxt flnnu.u far Dort parnMnt of tjtbea and teat to pritoo. In cotuequeoce amoetiaeotthtlnliabiuntaofJit. John, where heraided. fuuu mi, wucn ujc iMjowmr rcaolutlooa were adapted That JUr. John Gutlioylt hartnf been antfed la con.

MtDDLKSXX SSXHOXS. Friday, Stft t. atwftaataadfmr the attatat Uialatrv on iKrfr hM iw7 MMnm, ucj oare maaafea to par to unt aiw7, nT7, onpwTca, aoa eucr oepeaoefiu of all cUtaetaader the Crown frora the 30th of April to the end of Jaly Uat, thtM troaU torn oTSa M0 Tbt Oppoatriea juraab art rery nralent aralnat M. Ml raada, tht hi inlaw ot JJarint, for harinc mured to their rank trreral naral aeaom who were diamlued br JerrU dAttoruia, while at the head of that department, for arrrUu dariac Don MlroeTi relrn, and many of them peanirrlr M.laturU, ta.Pmmia of eWa, i. arrfd Mt capital from Madrid, aad proceed to England to merrow totMOpooraa packet, which conreyt thit mafl.

Oa uano, hb eaUeaeae, aaordr expected folUw him. Two hundred pipe c. French brandy, which had been baded at VUta Conde. were acUed while their road fromthanet Oporto they are nppoaed to belong to a IWormUu, a Urre rtne eTower in that district. Tber can be ao doubt at to the purpow for which ther were intended to be wlied.

The journal hart itronrly anlmadrerted upon hb fraudulent conduct, to the rreat pteiudlce of the rrrentt, aa well aa th arricuIturaT interetu. aa it would rrquirefrwmS.000 taijm pipea of wine to make a afmiUr" ouaauty ot rw. Ebron peraan of the hif heat rei peetabtlltr, and amonx from th Lfaboa CUb, la comwoneoce of tht ioceuant Shi. iunniu cninrr 10 UJe rule oi that rtthnhmnt) hy tome kxjaadooa Oppoaidoa member, and mora parncalarir to by a noted Count, who ttaodt prominent for hb coanaual rituperation aratiMt the UinlttrrV vSJjSj InomparareI from Rio dt Janeiro, la 74 day, brinjrlnr date up to the 7th of J.wa bam, that oa th Slit of My the Prtoee Donna wwi Hnm idc iTown ot rortucal in that dry. wfch th aaaal tarmaHtfaa obatrred on tuelj ocea DJ Portarue Enroy utiZt Court, WMbbourla under aa attack of morpha a.

ramooaM taat (Stoaalattlruei art roinr on. both in and out of the Palace. A canical aftair hapenedit (Snt here the Queen Kill b), which ney endedta aoe. Donna JJarranda de Mella, one of tbetlAlL. uZ nour.fdta hob Ldbpoard, iadttaT lfaiT Phrridan, Bajon de AhSS; E2EhZ ,0.

nmbtr hio tbTboV. adaZTb.nS CSV fHP fub of rrfned '11 CiTl" 4 to uch a derree at to alarm th iamatea at ta i Sr "rurfrom auaiuea to announce that the I miarmed yoa ia mr bat Out a commercial treatr had rruel I. a carried brrond th centre of th rirer, and rapid aawoae ert of the the Vapplmr thor. but ft h. kSl 'iC? aa far ail wact were arovmdu 1828, aot bacanae of aaraawlBeariu but aoidr oa account of the aetffiaal capital of th bcinftthauated.

At that time M9 feet out af ditTicaldea. uoaenBcrt betaw xl "hob bnith) wen eompletad at to i ae turn recctred br Um diraeton from the uncnoer at la.goot, but th difltrenca, ttfiOOt, ah wariawaiDtjacarr laf ImW lfa wMlwtatiaMaa otoer property, lo enabb them to bad, and charrea incurred by th two Irruption, of th. deer which took place, and tht malatenane of th work during S. wpeneonoffuidMroperationa. Tm toandaeu of th bade leftS.teWte yorernmea, i rT aat oi cuinnoa and Earl Qr.

In thdr former report. director, hadjuardtdtxamtt 2i tbebliaSdeee in Mr. Brund aa thdr eodneer eotuinued uajlnrteerandhb admirable ebna la iluMn.mMi i a MaTbH u.kT. "ny of tnem continuia in the cmplormcnt under ererr dbadraat, unuj tfte difficulUe. were cooaUerablr, if not entbelr.

mb. itl.zznz5 to tMddihwid'taii; ta HdMtwhlch tt ff he. cdered That on thbdatwtek ther ahaBbt a yentral mtetla of the Inhabitant, of tab pariah, to make arraaremeau for th crfbcfloa of the juaUccj rent for aa th only cnec tual modaof counlznclinr the nnaecnilaBi IA1m iK. IKvpia aj mm uum irtlrn. thi tacajit JUDas.air.

Tht OuUim Mail atatea that Mr. U'LofhUn hat actually accepted th racaat judahlp, but I bar raaaoa lo holier nothing ha. yet bean anally arranged. itatx or Ttrrraaar. 30 Drbooera wen lodred in lha aaal a thla 1mm on 4Ufu.

day bat, bdng th contribution of the county for one wotki 1U bar been committed dact th 24th of July bit, being little more than fire weikti ther an at Meant near 4tM la th gaol, aad it tot rcnerallr beUered then mutt ha a couimuaioo fewieu ta dear tM prboa out, or It will Inea pabb ot containing it wretched tenant. Tbb a frightful and appalling etate of it make one heart tick to think of Um deplorabb depth of human crimt aad rtckleav an. fa which the pcopb aank. Wei lb rrrurn. wt iuti giren uot oi ta enun country, tiiey would be (hock Inowaend you, pubhScd in" dal J'r WMNdloih tioSint tiat ni'ht uppd to cared Aeaancaon of the Queen'.

OinJSai TtZlM artide of thu treaty fvrmtu tht tapormtaofenrr rcrln. ru aad her colonlea.on mnmi u.kt 1 than an; or pid on dmlbr artide. by UvTmot. muoc The 11th artide i. rwrocafaTrglrd.

lmporudinto the SLu SLTtL. i naa one Uilid du 11. rf HihtT n'ion whatrrer The be en the ith udt oT rf December, 1812, appended to the take treaty of commerce (with Lngland) 3 18IL7 pulatea thatdl rood, which bar, not filed rJuaUon. in the rliSf.i!i within dayt, coaxed from the day the good, hare been dctdned. rernmcM wfll renture to ratify thi.

treaty. Fuw. became all tbt adramarea are in t.r.r njt Deeaf afrhat earrytoponed Into PoflurdrraUy Meetd.S PorWfoee. producrion. exported from bend Mr Be! no rood from any foreign country, not enumLJi or Baring a ffxed.rduarionta oTtarS "Xft Cleared upon the deebranon of the importer the ralue of which deurouoed by the cubnWcl "fZF" to rr the dutie.

corrondmTt uch adutrary raluanoo. a. tiey may think ropeTto leVr JTt 0ioeeMl0 rraote.1, Britiih produce and manufacture ahould no doubt be the aame rate of and lily, becauae twTo meatmuat be that tiut of OreaT Britain J.T agree la any future treaty 1 lV BnS prnduee or manuf.ct.rea be placed on lerourabie fuing in regard to dutie. be paid or? thra on impottatiop into Portugd than are pa.d byho fiou other nation. a.

they cannot adrJeth. QueearanTr ceanncj in farour of Briu.h commerce, bich 1 bdore 0. countrr at urnent not .1 2Z j. oaiere mi. Hi.

Majeaty'iahip Kodymion amcd on the 23d in. from forunna, while Ow oritSS TTr uojru nu urace and daurhtr a run to 1otd and iTil formerly coming bt needful. Th di, k.j ra intuch obrblha. oeTaer! director had permudon acUJ aoeaort modjofeurin, tunodhaec.Jy.2, rUl nnM oecom more caiy and rapid. From Um caea account it appeared that Iharaerinia Jone werTl5siri0dTP2 Tk.

wuk a. aou available. warn. ai wafl a tuaeaf awl tk. Lt a Mr.

Adam, wjahed to know what amount of wtkl. ing to reflect upon i but to find all thit tremendaui amount of pertona, accuaed or ue moat aertoat Crimea, la on county, won than bocrif ring And bt It alao be borne in mind, that lireetort recdred l.OOOt a year orlgtaaUy roted to them by the loprietorll bai UZfx. othirkien! Mr. Adam, thought Um account, ahould be man dLi unT'JSii oUb lubJitie. ot the eompMjy aaompuy tW pr0OlUtd VwiS ahould be () the morion of Mr.

Oaorz, aeconded brMrArra. ct, the report wi. adopted! 'moata VrJiIM A rlortlCTOtberml uu l( il. ji anynotice of an uupleMnt buer which had awSredia tZ aMit.containh)ratMnn.Bt.i.k..i. lirT comdetdy an.

ered by dTe report "aao'n The CualBMAV add, the director. hA i. lor the allegation, it eootained. It waacadlr tobJi ruU WouM Vutr which to a prattled man preaented no ground fcVfWAl ViL lnc eoed the author IfJr gentleman choM to attack them openly ther would UZ NrigiU Commirte B.woo. UMdinMCon, toed th.lSiSlS' the nanr.

1. 1. ZZl ZT'TZ Mm of M.r'or had Jh. Ld JnTpth? wtkljT' KSMaS they felt bound to thank hlm.Her 1 adfotrnel" the Chdrm and thVeiing ro KiiiTonoF thi timks teMr dclin of 1ew 8outh Wdcinc thegoremaent ot thai colony waa auumed br bit RIeharH Tt t. t.

w. I i uaa TS.R.Sfl "'W uwment would rfTh. CTVJ Mruun PuNl tnore diatinct 'U0all0U 1C PS with the execrjtion el the iu thm pmintlM ikjv r. tk. do not contribut thdr quota of culprit, to the of tb country and fMugb Tipperary ttand.

prominently forward to the annab of Iniquity, tbt hat admirable adjunct, la her unuunoiag nagnooura, Zleperarjr CuutUvJion. lxCirrjiAai.w,cti?irTr nr nir On tht night oi Tuetday, the 30th uIl, a turf Mack, tht jrauptu uamaany oi uroeera, wu ma. udoudy art on fire and eonauined on thalaiut Tmnhln, tni the pariah of Lower Cumber, In tbb county. A reward of j. ui ecu wcrea iot um aucorery of UM perpetrator, of uu.

uugracctui act, ay um gentry and rapectable inhabitant, ofthendghbourhood. l.tnJonJtrrj Journal TITHC IV NATO. The pariah prlett of pariah a ew mile from thU lown wu errtd, aomt time ainee, with aa Exchequer proem, fcr th aoo payment of icreral of hb paibhioncr wr abo terrcd with mix and an rmttvtn tKm it4 a I zr? rr nru inatrucior iot aance la tM matter, tie told them, that waa himadfiaUMumcdtotlan they were, but that he wa. determined rather lo hlmeeU to thruU into not than nar a mm of tha TM, kJ. conduct oftheprieat could not fall to point out to th pariah' loner, the coum Uiey follow to thty reaolrrd to tajut th patriotic prbat.

and become nth martyrx. I It. naa no intention Of Decom lag tM iamal of a gaol, intimated ao, before matter came to aa extremlly, bt tent prlratdy and diacharred th amount fcr which he waa rued. Both before ana after he had acted thU pradent part, he nneea. Ingly Irapmaed upoo hb Jock from the altar the nectadty that cxbted for them to redat.

ererr fnl the payment of the tithe which bwf ul manner tap. pore meant to take the Hre of the proetaa terrm, lor tab wuacadyaecomplthedla th tarn, pariah, where they Cdred a dobnt bearing. WdL wluMn.prl wtTthn., PyMat af dthea, th d. laulter.

who had been terred with ptotae wet. arreatod aad uat iato gaol, where they, ao doubt, la th draplidty of their Mart, expected ro hare the company of hb mutuee. But 1 oopi expect audi a peepoatcrou thing a. that? for, If th price ere thrown Into priann, aura hb flock mu.tUire few tn warn of No, no, that would aa abaard erpectation on th part of the people ao they mist cseutnt themadre with uch goodly eompaar a. they can find in the abaenee of tha nriea.

K'h hJTiu' reren" ha Tbited UMm, or done any thing ta render thdr rrZT 'J' comioraote, or wnetner ne na aaatieed their familiea, we hare not learned and therefore, a. wt do not wbh to aet down aught in malice, we not aayay thing that could bring hb dncerily ta queadon. MmyCtn Ititulton. Lady Menrirrta, who hare been here LJdy Howard it Wdd At Franca, aeren baruea dtatant frn a i To comprea. ihU into the (mallest 1 mt LbUm" ir6idBau aoout trie year 1826, for an extendre embeadement of tl proprny of hi.

employer. On hb arri.d TnXcdonr he a. aent to a dpot which wa. formed lor tb7reDd evSta nrSTcdbd Wellington dley Here hi. abilitle.

attract ZtTl tne lanmn MtrlMt .1 r. utv KiuniBir. amf k. ki MUMMBR NORTHERN CIRCUIT. LANCASTER, Wtdwday, 8xpt 7.

(BtfrrtMr JuitKt CoLXDOX.) DOT, DCM TATBaX, T. WtlOBT Tb examination tha npt rJ k. t.l.ia returned thb morning at the uraal hour. The Earl of Derby atated. that in ih.

rr 11 ki. i .1 age. he wM a candidate rer ibt rtpmentatlon of the county of ncaater and In that character, while earj anlng, the elector, called upon Mr Manden at if nrnh iJ Pny with Mi Wlbon Franc and Colonel Houghton. Mr. Wright waa the tint 1 1 h.

....7 1.. uu. Iheywmeondueted. Mr Martdenaooa after feUowed. He then acquainted him with the object of hb rbit, aad add that he came to aolidt the honour of hb rote.

Mi. and to 'noted toward. Jlr. Wright, and boweiThe brier aooa afterward, left the room to order aom refreahment, and during hb abaenee he tried to engage Mr. Manden in eotrrerwibo upon Indiflerent lubjecta, but without ucee.

he made no ana er to anything Out wa. add, but bowed in the moat eourteou manner! At the (uggeation of om of tM gentbmea who accompanied him, they went out upon the teofof Um cattle to aee UMrbw, Vt7nT4.k aeTO 10 enrage him In eomrcraa tioa, but atlll with the aame uniform urweeeu. Blr U'rigbt tocicaa. ana air Aiaraden, during the whole time af tfv. Il M.i .1 1.

IP WhJD'brwardi recdred a letter frora him requeuing him to make an application in the orooer auarter of Jlr. Wright', name In the com lBtrtMr. SitjmMt Ao xx, cJUirwan, tataf mBnck Jofca OSrer, and Cathermen. wile, were ladletedjmaretd with tartar romtnltnal aa aauult oa WIDJam aradng Maat ftatar en her of aordty iateeat. TteJfMifB'bedipdaeMr.

Timothy CarraQ aad John CarroD wert todittad for tot5rljl of taBamaf Unr Aaa Shewn, of dy. It fParfd from the tearhnoay of th rW, that on the day In qaeatkn a "row" took place, during a oceedtag of which Mrraother wa lmotklTAlr.ZZzEJl acrot tht end threw hendr upon herpaicnt, with a rlv TicrecDta; her from oy further Injury. Immdiatdr IfX UfWd her up by th hair of her btad. whlbt theratmwr n. Mrk.k.T.wi aererdy.

that ab wa taken up la a Mau af Luen atblllty, and ulnm.tdy carried to Uut London' HoapiuLwhcr remained eight or nine daya. Th mother of tM proaecurrix eonflrmed thb tetdmoay 1 aad to htrutaa ixamtnatlo by Mi.C. Faitti that ah had aerer had any quarrd with the and had acre had tbeca bound over ta keep the peace Mr. Pm nrr. Did you ne er tak them to a pollca meaP Wltne.

My daughur hw been rery rel hurl, and thatVvaottgb. Mr. fatLLlp. Prey an you manled? Wlmea. That not materid mr child Iu.

Km, hm in turn cuuiiKU. Mr. Phillip. Hart ycu rrer been marricdr Wlmewk That aot materid cry child ha. been bun, and that aaugb.

1 cam here ta anawcr qaacHon about rryehild'. baring been hurt, and that enough. Th told th wltan aM might a dl arwer cue qc 01 um learned coanMM. Mr. Phillip.

Now; then, ate you married Sheen? Wltnema, No. I am not, but that not matedd. I call him my hothead, and, dtbouga I am not marri to acuaaMMlome. (Much laughur air. i hilli un, tnen, you are not marrrM to him, nd Wltne That aot materid; be acts a.

net, and that btaouga. He paid for Um child' ctoirtenlag, and that Mr. PaiLLirL And really, madam, then you were acre married to Mr feheeo Wimen. Na, 1 never waa married to htm that not material, aad tha. enough.

He the Am man I crer earn arroaa, tad aaa atack to truaw, (Laughter) Yea. be tha fine uu uul h.i 1. laughter. Tlr. Phillip, addreaaed thej ry at condderabb length.

mb a "JT ut cnii kpCCC TM urr returned a rcrdict of Gntlt. Robert Nrhunata waa InHlxarf i h. tn I'J. renew, on to mgnt of tM znta of July bot. TMaaMaUwaaataladlo hare been committedmg noua la Oanberae cnaii.

I4 Mr.C. lor lha defendant, wa ready to admit lb aanuilt, but contended that hb dieat wa a certain ex. tent tuatified, in eorocquene of tM proroeadoo afered him by proateutoB. A wimea. waa then ealkd hw tK.

I 1 ,1 PWator uatd by th wroatea tor were ot tbt Hrimn i Tipuoa. TM Jury, under the direction of tht Chairman, found the defendant (wdly. Tb CHAIBM lf aald that It ni nuy wita mm whether he alwuld fin tM defendant Id, or w. ue prwrocarion onered wa. certainly rery great.

If, bowtrer, partie. would frequent acme af rle. they could not expect at all timet 10 aaaodatc with th moat enlightened Under dl tM drcuinataaee, then, be ibouM rbit tM defeodant with th penalty of la. TM amount wu paid, and tb party dbcharged. The remainder of Um day waa occupied ia hearing atualt eaae of a minor of which were totally deatitul of any feature either of nordty or of genenl IntcrtsC POUCK.

Maw.iox.nOD.t. A maa with but on y. mured Thoma Qulgley, and Maria Smith, a femab wdl known lor her pereerrring qudiUe at a petWoa bcrrr, were brought before Um Loan Mirnt br th Sodety, charged with baring tenured aereral ttrceu la th dry In queat of prey. Om of th Mdety't officer. Mated, that taw th two ffatTt pubUe boua near LondonJwidge, bttiy appointed th recdTing houae of rtgabond of thb de ad knowing that they were oa th (application rig, followed and watched them.

Th nan appeared 10 be the directing power, lie gare Um woman aoDMthing. with which th went lata a home ia King WUHam ttreet. She ipeedlly returned, eridently uanicceaaruL From thence they went ta a retpecttbte houae la 8.Tge garder. and th woman, pon entering, waa reproached with not being th penoa ah reprreented beradf to be. When the cam out, tb went a another houae.

but wit told hw th fi tolidlod, that redded la the country, and limited hb iuuh nu aunnci. vr nea uie departed from that place, th man looked angry, and teemed to abut bar poi Krar tnoner. ARr a ii cuwouy awng wim tn malt priaoner, aaa baadb of petition, aeacrihina' a neat tuHmt l. liri, into which Ihey etesded that ther and thdr fanUfe. rf COKOXRXTnfQUKSTS.

gaming omce in ftydney. wneTe b'e 'TJ. cL .7 rTT 7 "nbe. publbaccounu which had fidta 00. lTiwS Exchaaire upon Londoa.

30 Sk. bnt6t H.e Mpaper eatabUahmenl ci ii 1 per muree. ffirE5ni ela cholly Accident rna Solnd or Mt lu Zl b', "h'ch a. held on the 24th and 2fth of Agu, acrcrd boat, ere enr cyaad paaamger. brtiuth.

Market buWad7i! wttrr toZrZS.i Ardtaro h. inb own wTk ry to tratnaet eon hurince. at the market aad near thei. rt Ml I rn' T1" "VIZ'" hl5e luTffibleh ttmjt dier. bdoodngm Hurt M'PMc, aT'T dU and to windward.

Mr htr i j. tea PhtZah beingonthewmd.ndoatheai i rnee. aod mAaw li A tne water. 11 waa ol urae Ur. Oreoooo', objer, to pa him to leeward i11 h0 kept ul far a.

pedbUu windward, foe had he done ao the apa Utwcea tb beats would hare been widened. Had IK IT Wr "'nroreont whenV wSu LSWi2 3aW7w boaawereexu Bgbd. cxmaon bovd ttawherr, and were fret a daoerrnmuned. wml dawn with leeaMBMrt. with th excrpdoa ofon maa, whowa.

deked up'th daad body ef a wema. That wen dx fndirldaab adenlrdeor7red3 Ilugh H'PU. lUudTbd a BMTftL F. tadaatrkuu dMaaa. Hb rf hHBllr, with th rdadr.

ofthoa Vrmfff7'j rom a Mi yrwdrnt wfth JUbi editor, and 7i TT1 ni the Perty of theToumd orl'on' rd.tor be induced one of the ted a printed which contained th? copy aVSh cution wa. terwarda abandoned, and tWertitore JTS Sefy etWrf.uUequeoUy obrncd The lcimg corrict complon. wereuSJfe Charge of tM learned Judge. The court wa. crowded with eonrirte.

who i. ta h4 MX dS 01 one ot IhUobitrrociou. mk .1.1 ered hi. reaidence, ami J.t the aedamationJof hb tbe trU1 In hb defence, took eccadon abu rery icrm. of flXyS 'n Ul.

Mudi't dTer. Dcror uw BeneB mgbtrate at .1 MdTw. her' chgtLo7.i!L tM laer were ao much utimldaled UiaL aVSi? JZl r0' no did not take ur hupunbhmenL Tbe aid thb peWbdor.S Pdic odMaTwi'M, toL rourt Um nultfm. Tf IT ab la. '7rrr aooaa olSarent wi aitaia 1 act ia a decided manner ani TUT n.

TT A lPrtl tW r. wniDt'i name In lUerora miHMnOI IBC tWlt. l.tlt Wrk (III. a 1 oHnln of hb uifni hif "2 "rtag that he thought him utterly Incapabb of making a will. Mr.

Wordwortn, of Rrdatmouw, Mr. Southey, and njrafedier genuamen of cUaUngubhed literary atulnmenu, had been aubpomaed, and were la attendance, for the i rom. 01 oacldlng upjn an examinadoa of the letter, put In a. ed gnature of Mr. Manden, whether JH." Po no were ta 2Jr bowerer, been 11 1 l1 objected to thb Uatement being recdred.

ill tbU tarertigloB wa. no matter to which Um odakoiot men of deneer UU1 could be of araU, it wa. on to which dl pertoo. were equally capabb oJdgfat they were to kouett by hb deddon, be uiurping th pri rilege and putung hlmadf la Um jpeodoe. if th.

There waa ao ie lt i 1 il diflerent atyb of compoaition than letter, bad been written at all time, in a period of nearly 40 yean, under widely diflerent drcumttancca, and upon many oeeaaion. when tM atyb of man 1 compodtioe) would naturally be dlered 1 yet It wa. I Mweaiiaa a wtueaaa a ndemaa whoa aad of rT Lh WgMat poMibblnpCh" Mwerer. knew nothlnw of th eh. at.

i.1.j.1 knew imthln. hi. rr mn ti, capacity, ad wno araa lh nwaBee. 'under which they had ob ca he might hVr had ia rbw. to aay whether or no the .11 aa ne mu If kl.

ii 7 OT ut Hi 'ere aonnueCL an authon. 'lIlH' wm te bdpd attnuo. iu compealrion. mtght b. edied upon for thdr opinion." and inatead of loo, might hare Md 1,008 wlrneinr dbiuftd eoor'iMptk A number af other witneoe were examined, who art dpdly to factt to corroboration doaTwhW'Md been prerioudy proved It wa add by a pereon who bad bntli hi yrirtt Hornby Ca.o7 wit Mr Manden baring dooe tomeUung to exdu hb db eight or tea children bad fallen, were takfa frem dMta.

Upon th raaa was abo found a paper, which be add wa a genuine document, and could prored to hb pendoo paper. he hiring terred in the army for ererd year. The amount of th pendon wa. 13. ayear, but the description of the pen donerwa.

torn oft. Qulgley. I hare not been begging nor aadtdng th lady to beg, but wa. merdy her the way to the aererd addrenea tha had to ro to, and 1 hare fought aad bled for my Ktogand It'i ithame that a maa who hat area trrrlea hould exnoaed fa thta mrmt ni The Loan atol Very good and what hat du ladv to 1 loppoat know, nothing about you, aad wa merdy thowtog you th way to tbe place yew had to TM female priaoner add that had aeen much better time than Um preeent that actudly pdd 38U. a ytar rent aad taxea.

The Lobd aroa. I. thb man roar huaband Femab priaoner. No my huaband ha beta uafertunatr. and I eaa't bt aay one know where h.

Th Loan Maroa. Vnd your children, where ere they? I oa art not obliged 10 keep them out of the way, are you Femab rboner Tber lih 1 hope you will let me go lo them. They ire all waiting, break, lagthdr heart about my abaeac. Th Loan Uimt. I awi 1 iwn, woo are uung 10 racugtut Merrillea.

a urretkeener whn hu (. aad punulng pertont of tbb deacriptbo, laid that be had BDw tM ddeat hand to Iowa, the dx resra. He abo knew the woman, who waa conataatly aaaociated with tM man, and had frequently een JM pair of them wllh tbe gang of begging importer to long In th neighbourhood of tM Maruioo boute. Another oflcer aald that Oul.ler mrim. 4 Quaker, aad aomettmei a.

a liethodbt preacher, aad teemed to be kindlr reeommmdlnv th. benerobnt. ThaLoao Mato committed each to Bridewell for three Oa Thuraday night, aa hwdddao. wklch bated abortnn hoar, wt takes befbr Mr. Payne, to Um board roooi aftht workhouae of St.

Ooorgt't Soothwtrk, MtotHtreeC. Botoarh. ooricwofthebodyoTMary Abm Whludd, dtyandd wuv aiiraii uw ua uj a lima uanng aatl inpni decto tdmlnbfrrtd ta It. Tbt eaaa of tht prraent i ana out or ctreumKance coBDccteci with at burial ot th Qcocaaco, wmen 100. puce on ea neaaay lau oa which we cadoa, when th coffin waa removed from li houa ofth deeeaacd parent, a (teat crowd eolbetad, aererd of whom ejaculated "there a Ptttty mother to roffer her child to dragged aat and murdered." Tbe body of pee.

pb foQowtd ta tb gran, where a ecfflnaucJon wt m.A, to th Rt. Mr. Hocton, curat of Um pariah, who wt ta perform th ftmerd terriec, tad who wa told that th drrraard, (ab betog buried by tM ptriab) had died on tb MaoxUy pcrriout, tad that th next day th child wa placed to II wu abo requrrtzd not to Inter tha body dorp, 4 a coroner lnquext It wa probahl would be hdd oa th body. Tb rerrrend gentleman cxpreiatd aom aatonbhmant at th extraordinary precipitancy with which tb burial wa undertaken, aad he directed that th decreard ahould taken back, and that th paroctiid authorltie. ahould be mad acquainted with.

tM fact relating to th eaae, and which wa. don accordingly, when tM eotoner baued hb prracript for ammonlng 1 jury. TM jury haring been aad dewed th body. Sarah Whltfleld, WdkeMtreet, Detftreet, Kent ttreet, depoted, that be waa a mudcUn, and that IM deetaaed wa thdr daurhter. On the 3d dr.

ah. called at Mr. Malt', and aaw Mr. Matte to the to whom the related her child dtuadon. Un.

Mabegm witnet a pink powder, who rr it to tM deeeaacd the tame Bight. The next mormnga die had been rery rettlet, aod aererd In tM bowel, wttnett called abJUt 9 o'clock in tne morning om again taw 31 n. aiaH. and toM Mr that tbe child wax won. Mr.

lldt then went hack. taking with her th jr frem which ita grr wfesea Um powder tte preriou. dxy. 8M returned to a minute, and weighed aom powder out of the jar. The quantity wa.

enough to uau uii a taow ipooo. aaa rare tn oaceaaed tM Powder, who beam much wane. Witneu again went the fotlowtoar uay, wnen aawjir. Jiaiae, waogir tier three powder, from the aame jar, cm to be giren erery dap Witnea then told him that aM had already recctred two powder from Un. Malar, and obatrred thither child wa.

rery bad. Mr. Matte remarked, that between dx and arren yean a Terr awk ward time to bare th. meaalea, and that they left many db eaus behind. TM powder were aot Bear ao large thoae recdred from Mr.

Mabe, which wa. enough to make the whole three. Aftot ktortbem tM child cried meat riolenUy wuh pdn. Oa Sunday it. faea began to dl rwy much, when, aa th (waBtag continued as taereatc, wimeaa, ew T.ffr2.',T,2 'tf n.

Mt MtaB with be tM child, which Mr. Mala eat on Um counter aad examined iu mouth. Into which put hb finger tad drew out aom cor rapted fluid. He then obaerred mat th child waa in a aaa. rou akedberif could afford to pay for medicine.

SM replied that wu a poor woman, that had dread paid for her medicine, and that i.t ray high. He then remarked that aM had better take tbe coua to um Dorpitai, here it would hare proper care and attendance. Wimea. then tried tn err ln 1 Pcnaary ta Uniorj.itree SM made fire dtflerent application but wa unraccrreful to each. She next nTlnl ik.

eertoftbaoarbb for an order, which die obtained that day, and on th folio wing morning aM attended at Mr. Eran, tketurgeon ta the parish She taw the two aadatanra, and who. open teetoc tM child, remarked that it had nil. rated. Tbey gare her a powder, which wu not tike th farmer, and raid her to bath the child, face to warm water Mr.

Bran laVaequestiy uw tb child, and approved of what to ladataott had done. ordered oowden ta be rWn I three time a day, and aom medicine abo to giren three timeta day. Th poor Infant did not get better, and a black pot came on un corner ia montn, wmen iscreated to tM tbt of a crown piece, after which it began to eat tM flesh away dear from the bone. TM child died in the mnn coot ax 1 1 0 ciocK on dionoay aignc A few Mar before her death tore bertdf to tM moat frightful manner. Mr.

Erana. Blaekmatharreet. nr th that when he firat uw tM child it wu to a joj dangrreu. lotmcmui aaa gum were rery mocn twoaen, UM teeth were looae. and talira wu runninw frn 1 tha mik fin left ddaot th mouth wu a large dark about the dx of ajhau a cro and on examining th mdd of tb mouth a Urge nice appeared.

eon mondlna with tha Maek arw an tS. outdde, th eonieqaenc th ulcer, aad eomnvmeemeot af morHflcition. Hecauaedpouldca mM applied totbemouth, ddtad if erery day, and admtobtercd bar. tad qatoto to cheek the mortification la the face. From tb malignity of th dbeaat it went on rery lapidlr, and datroyd both eheek.

TM child died to conacquene of Um BMtdfieattoa. By th Coroner. Witneu cannot paddrdy tal tb csuu of themouih betog to Um Mat deaeribed. At firet thought aroa from a court, of nhration. He did Dot dbcorar any re wa vt Djc ucs, aoa now oi opinion that im dectaard from acariedna.

Th cooMltatioa asore broken down from tcarletlna than Uw meadet, and thb complaint ataally aceompanbd with vutdd eon throat, and near ken HiwkMv ih mcaaw a iot Beariexiaa, do aao maay tnedled men. Utt. Mdae, on witnea cttiag atth houae, thowad witneu tMboule from which tM took tht powder, and which tht add wu composed of julap and a fere pow. der. A cerulo quaarlty of powder may be beneficial, and a brger quaarlty tb contrary.

Witneu wwild trotd uring eatomd in Um meaalea. He would ae tr grreit bimuU. Mr. "xa PWittioM. ae cannot pod tirdygl an opinion 10 the cxUdagcaaae of tM Mate of the guraa, It might dtber from th atat of the (tomach, from cold, or from i roe uoaoner then directed Ur.

Mala umakcaay atate nr. aiBIMUICLUUtwMB Mr. Uaba earn to him on tha IT la Mm. who had rrernaeera ai. I brooi on ooadoa tMlbMlai', wadarerreobetman.

tad lainrlr hi 'a, uw tan 11 1 wbtalwdrrfwhartoudMWwuJr 4 1 aa flit time munadaM went to tb roora ta ctSUaTtJtrT' I JjfShtaihMglbyalortf rnto torftMbedtteal. VTIthqwd Veaet fjf. hi raxarfroo tM drawer, to tM room, aad mtfaajy XtjEul dawn. A awn 1 7r''naMt could rerdtt no errlc fwuaadnliS. kr deMed, it wu ttatad, had for maay yetre Vita rt irofetdo tonaor ta tMtheanleal Iar1i Aatby.

Theatre. at Verdlrt Suldd darto Itcaportry jaualtr; 'ROM TXSTS OAT LOMDOII JtBirWUCI CTOUX cur wad rWdraua. it JaTuii itn wUWleairZf rata hoUtrcamaM iw wn, ertmpwulTmthhZItl? irrn.rsL'iA? niuVta Tr "lw Mm war wtTorr mm cavCU OM Itwii tav M. lha. mt a hna ituw bZnIn iM grr Sr iSTrSl wi: a Mtdi tha ah aar.

ha At.ttti.iat tc SZr a ii uM. ar Ma rioaa at. 1 VZ'mT: IMlRmU mm na wwett. MaJd. 1 aoa ct i IJWfWat dea re.

mi itia 1 it 1 i llS lSl tanerton. hW biLb la a raja whiu. aa SM wu BU, at 2a. twaood iwT' WrS? bftn ata.aclw.a ta wJwyrg Mft quaaty, tor wkxh iLrrla7winSr aa7Xl2 of Ha a uh me aforkToVhand eaeaUtuiSf i 22 ttli iaTllKS mUtti tha fttem now are aawty naUUr to twTwtr7? tiflenawe whea eitMred waai reflS Mokauat Prlea. of Wwt India aob aa haw.

Rnt BaAjrar, awl Hnuna Than u. wa a .1 ftjwa of Id exieo tnaamloai wuuld liare ttkeal Wtr xatd.toMd, LTt gjg TobMoa. with aalaw I paVTawt. mr dJL MuT'llS JK1hfiil iS ethatofhttt wMO. Brandy aad Gonera aVT5 mSJttr" niM Tk la BttMbaa.

doiar lha ln. Wktrawtra rai bu lyod Ttaa da. that. tarward at oato pta wt hit! i rortm of Brit pbatatJaa eoCM Hffl raTa WJ 7" w1 awa rataL oceanoa. a warr aU a a t.

jiT s.rr mt otaut7z; iTT: eaaw ays thaarrrn dt wawrat na wa pua 1 a OLtaa nil law ana waor Itowmj WlW to lata. aaaSaTordaarT. MpoD kawwatattIa.toWi.fce JEfwiZ. thi. tnaow ha aw a aw tai ta.

agneiitr ia tha nk tt: twrOTMrearrrtwl aaat.adiTwwM. ThdeadteEla yt1 i tM.ttmwiwwS ia' a 1 uw ia tfc A. 1 twrr 1 tha titf 1I1 TM arlea. of iwrlca wm tee la. ul kw ihia waa hHaaaaaadw aa Braad ai at u.

Tt a "aU Iota ofstTDi Srk two 01 we waane auta ban ftTB. Z. wtti5j srr tu 4 i a5 Kji irf rat ea Dr uy. uw toawu t. to oral cast At Mktrflrbanr.

tru. amoantlag 1 ofUEV. M4 tk ahoat hair tintlbc. af Java, wd iiinTifTu. ta.

Thawoafchaaawaaw VNMaa tfcat Tacaday. wbib be wu ha dimul terupb oat ofth bottle brauaht. Tha bowiU. tompuod iubp aad aulpburof pocaih, cochineal bang ffi I Ptok colour. It an tperieat powder.

Half a tabb (poonful would cauee a dobnt purging. r. ywi wu. iy anytaiag eiae Ur. llain frnlr that ha th ni Mr.

ab did. aot knowLna that aha an. tha TM Um powdu wen of the um. dearr infirm ih I by Mr. Mai.

CM TadbcoO Market nwlliwi. bf daB Mt raoa, la reply fa Um Coroner, add. that if th. modi. rtnw araa I mi la j.

1 1. 11. IJTJrrrTm 'TT'" ri B.m nun injury, out woaU to a brg quantity on. a child ot a weak rrhntlAn i uca uuMoeceaaed wuj, wboM boweb were rebxed. "i aare an mjunou eneet.

Air. Mab dd that there were ten grain to each began. odded, that to th deceued' Mate, a riolent lr ll wwmHA II fCW mn wai i iw mm tmmm tlA rla arwt ttwaA crwt dythataf tM liroe ard guma, aod a quantity wu Hated to bar bean giren would hart a atrong tendaocy ThK anernooa tht wtTadbo atata, and to, Bnthh Pbattatlna tl kt hni.1, i.r i.l.. .1 ZZZT rtlwia an sBssxsaSeVS hd nriorrj aVSS mm Ai wM ta far ww a tr powder cwa. IlwbMhwiii Ck.fcwAr Mr.

MudX th. nugbiSr.ho tooalhl UMb rSfroal tM coaunbdon ot ih pete, and twoocber tn dMrL 3S aatonthttridf TmC of Mthorlty, tnd Lord 01enSdmw. Skdr dbtarbed I by tMcompbtot. ofreu2.HUl7 For Um bat fir yun, to New tVwth WbTaar. Wnud degree oi ladulgeae aod cbrylu7wrr.lieTS ualeu meaa art dtrbed for aa ltrSrfuySSS.

hrd by 8b KJch rd Bourka. a etrfun htcU lOite ta Great BrUdn eenth laTitbbiSardh rim. which mine tall TirPrr run a ntun noooM of T. AU8TJULUNU8. room.

He immediatdy rote from th tabb. hi dlnat! .1 1 ai.k k.i 1 V.rTT ap a em out, wall. Mr. Wright aad hb runt continued in tha m4 i.k notiemg hu abaenee. Ut wu treated with neglect by roanr of tM nerer appeared MMmulerofhbownhm, The dl agreed to Mating, that from th opportuaide they had had of eomtog to a judrment.

wu lnmila JV writing UM letter that were ucriked to him. or of M. 1 atrucUoat eren of the meat dmpb nature for th pteparation of a will. Nowell. lata M.P.

for the eoanir td UThm add that had one called upon him and had made tererd wowoxaaiui enaesrotin 10 engage rum in conrmatlon upon hb ettatc, hb and hu gardena, tuhject with which be auepoted would hare been acquainted, bat thooaly in. wan. aa, toa. a a axw awning aooar It. but that Mr.

Wright knew. fdt confident, ftom what h7nw. rittt ha Ma a LI. a aw www HHNt; IIHWiywlt Hi HUU piS VWII lgfl ndM thought tliatb wuugood a iuug of character aa anrtaaa. It expected that the erldenc for Um iplalff fl terml.

Bate at aa early hoar le marr and Sir F. Polbck will then proceed with hb reply. It wu remarked that the Una of erldence had aaon thb orranbd baa. lima thaw rk. former trbb, adrcanitaae which wu probably ewiag ta tb marts baring been prmted from Um nous of tM short.

niaaai rtlereac were drays at Imbeth.itbekt. Yeaterday Thomu Prior, aged M. acoofctotM parbh workhooMof St, bu Maa ia CUMod for aame dan aat on a ehr ,1 beriBg pobonou. matter to a youny female, aa inmate of im oj auucmg aooraoo, ne Baring rB mm, mmm otw ugut oeiore air. cootrait maaatraM for further examination.

Warren. Um beaclb of tM nmriah. at.tMl ih.t to Ui woekbouw after Um hut examination aearched the priaoner cupboard la the kitchen, and there found th pice of root which be then produced. inoaa Head deposed, that on Mr Informing the prisoner of her aula be cut up about a teupoooful of th root reducedreduced by Wuitn, and boiled it to a nail pipkin. After it had boiled for aotae lime, be put it Into a battle, and wbri it bad coaled pre her a of It, telling her that womH cauu miaearriaga.

He aubaequcnUy gar her Um um thing twice, and on each occuion It made her very UL but had oik prodoeod Um dfect Um prbaner menUooed. Mr. Buon, tM parbh aurgeon, aald Uat he had aaaryxrd a Portion of the coottnta of Um un nrfn j. aad dborered it to be arsenic. Ht bad abo tattad tatta Uqdd to a bottle, which wu found to th prhxwa rt etipboard, bulnothtogpoboriou wu dbctrnibb.

The root produced 07 nan 1 waa a atrong regeiable poiaon called bdlebore, a tmaU tiOB Of it WU demtrueli a ta IU. reply ta a queadon from the nubtraw aald, that Um poi Moou. mailer mlrht hare nroduead ml 1,. JLJ eject oa Um lyatca, aad added that it wu addom, if crer admtobiered internally. TM priaoner.

on hb bat examination, admitted having th arteai in hb peetcuiea, but add it wu fortM parpoae of de roying black beetlea. lie abo acknowledged to hae boiled down a part of tM root for a lotion for a aearbuitc affection with which wu Uoubied. and that when ha kH don to told tM female, Meade, mm might tak pin of it if auw uicu. oat tnai waa pouoo. TM pr oner wu fully committed ta Newrata to talra 1 1.

trid at the enadng aetdon at the Centrel Cruniad Court Or id capital ooenc. Pouca or mt. The night before LuL betw.i 9 and 10 o'clock, during the torm, M. Meunier, wboli Ul 1C pa uE iranina inM ka nut XMaMI St. letT to Se flu Amdot, wu attacked by three men ia gray tmockrroeC M.

Meunier wu wounded to tM left ilt, knlf or a dagger, and wu thrown down and robbed of all t'le money which he had ahoat him. A person who wu Hauler Um Pwat Loub about nddnUht wu ilonrf.e J7Zt.t mmm mtlvt tttn, hnm t. v. wu. arai next ine Jrlore Loub XV and haring advanced tewsrd the Qud on ibe Champ Elyufc.

dde, Um light of tb moon enabled hkn to dbtlngubb three men, om of whom wu straggling aad tut k. I. aa v. aoa ao Ol UM COtn batanu fell toto the rirer. Two boat woe rooared near lb ftom which It (uapeded that wu a dbput between aom boatmen of the netohbovrhood.

Tha i.4i .1 am mi.Ih he tha Umvii, k. a wu tiki wufund rear tM bridge to queatioa. Tharew re uu 1 woBaa. luracr toe an vewraaf aa Coata rrc. utcsw.

A melancholy and afflietJn aeeiHf fd a fto young boy. tbe aoa of Uu MathaTsur aon ker. lut lb rdy? Ujldonly bftth. SrSaur and goo toward th Pea with a companioa. whea two qiu happtaod to meet one aaotber oa tb road, "which, at tb trot who th accident happened, not men Ihn laSdcatier two ddeb MWh' th two boy kup of th earu, aa, thy coscdrtd, were making Jar nrin door.tooU idteUt ldMro dAo uCn got tore tMdotir BdeciradjbntLMLeaJ,.

eaagntay iMwoaetei Mol tM ctvba witatoafaotof I UMtnuah uaaw tha 4 in ioreoer Barlag lummcd an TJVm7.m""?1 the wlng erdiet That Um ttMde ridi tocxpreu a crroag cenawre against th practice of dlowiag persona to sell medicines who are not qualified to dbpenae aa troaerdMeonoirredtoiM erdict. He never met wUh a eau more diatretatog, and be hoped to future Mr. Mab weald pay more utenrion. 1 eaterday erenlag, ax o'clock, an Inquiry wu proceeded with to the comtnittor roem of 8k Jamea'a workhouae, Po bndjetreet, to toretdgat the rircumaunen attending the de bora femab child, when Um following tddence wu adduced. earat 1 OumMH, terrinttp Mr.

Jonea, of No, 368, Regenfa drcua, deposed, that on Thursday evening, about 7 odoek, ih aom aheets banging upon a dothre horee, near Um kitchen door. wet. haina tha i ol. 7t.j 7 oue i ouwoci a um arcumatance ualsjaae. when, upon examining a chair which wu Mantling near the pot, they discovered an infant A ki.u Tbe child waa dead.

There aaotber terraat to Um house, naeaed Ann. On Wedneaday night Ann went 10 bed at 5. tdt ntha w1 1 dM got up, hewtver, before A O'dock the lolla Hne French' "Pon.Had ex mincd the body of nu tr. reargue, ot Bt. Ueorgt'a Infirmary, and, from the appearance exhibited, wu of opinion that the child had arrived about full growth, thai Tit wu bora alive, and that death occurred cither from uffoca tion or violenet to the bead.

Br a Juror. There ra ha ,.1 but uooa examinaikm a retu tk l.i i diacoTcreV. Th child had evidently bred om time, the 5 ikae htoTlaaiutL Had examined Um petaocTof Ann MrfoUebrook (th young woman before alluded to Ann), Bad rtceudy given birth to a ehlld 7 toU, an uupeciorot im Ki divtaloa of police, waatent for on Thuraday night to th houu el Mr. Joan! Wee there shown a child wraanad an in ki.k where IM mnth waa. aiul tal k.

I Went to aad uw Ann Middbbrook dtttog by th fire: appeared. Terr ill Ht uked her whether the betog kiiji. MoMrMad onduid, Itb uiu. Karcocu ncr ooxa. hut found ao Mbr.

linen. TM child had not been dbd.u lMd ldintfy been pot up in hurried manner. Ana depoud, that abe wu aot aware of her daughter a dmarion till aha r. TT kH 0 eoraoamd rery Thai frraTlaatP la tadw at a a after couultadoa, returned tM fdbwtog rerdbtrl" dead, but by what roeaaa the chUd cam by its death there no dir rt kr i ometMy mm rf to birUu' "7 coaeeal lUi "'H b' roaniiMnt, before Mr. Baker, caeooer, and a reapeetabb jury, at theBlack Hone Sl on Ul,, tb.

bidfrf iSibS ''rfi9 who wu oWned oa the Swtb i Ulbya boat to which the and two other pertont were bdaa ay im Ulpty, a Ureenwkh Meamer, off Wappiac. TM to. vettlgaUoo. which baa bated erea dich toterut owing to thedrcum.Unee of JefiW iS? k. TTT T.

aauea ax tM time, and Mriar bcen reminded br Mr. BdbaUne. th. TvTl. D.nZTlr' 1 a 114 "aminaiioB on a cnara of niat lanehte.

Mr. Carttar. th corooer for who odidtor and oouuompany attended on the part of ptaia Dooat. the muter ot thTfJpiyTand Erldenc hidog been produced on both dde. Tne Jury lefurned th fonowtogeret iTat th death of tM deeeaacd, Ixwba 8v.

wu caacd hr adnlL that Ihe atermaa, WixWdSrd.hadiactedlala arnnr rn'iTi att in didaotthfakt ocinorf' xtliljBennel JSfttTZ wuattilbatabbtothOIp7t ainer.V Veaterdar afternoon aa toanar waa kr. at. iTTrjr. a ia .4 1, 1 1 hrl aw fillM hi Wt" IMIon eoeoa thi. week at Me ty wrkwa, a MrratoaS ltlbaasa SS 3awMS 1 1 1 atfii tint laalni at ao advaan of hk lor Uw ma nor MertKaaaTTraiaatina7ai oMM iouooiad arraraa Than, ha.

has a iw aa aaa! 1 awaoaBdefat M. SMiTk I toll. a niaeat.najb,,n? a.t. BeklhreBUhutluMdre4 1 imwii fcetrahuaw aadut amvaia eoaiauiiag T7ii7 iiI fa la the of EmTettmTmTm! landed ana at UM neat adranea rata. th antk ateZn.

u4UrttetaoartalueokW. Th hnwa arrivaia of Duaat Udawwav, fa. tbe Has aaaliua. i fatal wb aaoht i 5 i w32X5t i ho 1 4 a iwrtm DamabeWk nnat, aad wrlaai haiw 1 arvera I aMltfaun I mitm ef Watartori aatou ItlTLvSk. wa cap www UWUM.

aRhOUaa III, llanm 1 hat beta very auKkwau foe aieak IhmimijwtlaetotimmremiZmmrytSm fc J5 a rood deal af lanl n. forth month. of oetaaer. NovenrWr. and rniulli lrlaataa.

are a aMjhUhwn eheaaar. aad none but tM wntftadMwA lehv MaMfaudPcluMlUralavaaM. tm SmZmUmrS ataaradTaocadraua, Ia th ran af bale aad ik wdSuwreb Txas Coaa aa akw Uw lad dart ail Mn ttmM with man aaa. raatam. Taakan anra nsrliMnu wwiwrj aar tt if SITE.

afld. of tbbM andUweaoiaMaaiBt M. TMaaawa" I ,1 I II On Thornl night a drradfnl awuknt, rrhJeii brr minated to death, took place at the hawMof a redding to tM vidnity of Udan Un th nirht to' quaatioo Mn. RidMroaon, th wife ef rf thT cupped 2 sc Tbomaa'a Hoapital, ledgtog at tha bouse of MrJ. Eraau linen draper to ij irtaittu 111 aatta order aome beer lor (upper, took the hi bet Mad ami went down ttain to go out.

Whea tht got' tM ttaircaae, bowcrcr, finding that she had tbrgvxtaa thd mooey fjr tM beer to tM room, aha ulaaaA th ruklL. to 5.r l' r.imw uw ka44 a bt 41 aiXl t4IW CnWfhl fi Ml before aM wu aware ofth tact (be a ucsxafeoV twr flighuef Main, at which time th fire coau mnbatadta the upper put ot her rmenta, aad ia a few Jtwc mt tht wu enveloped to amet. Ia thb atata the Ualortuoate woman ran down, aod, luthtof through llbXraea'athaa, got into the oeet, at which iodeVery ar dTei dim abe had oa oaa Ml, lacs vru Mad 4btreyd before udrtanc i could rendered. Sevcrd pVtio. reT 10 bee aid, aad aM wu eo Teytd Into ahooaa wbetediewu taken to Sb.

Ttu naa. trn.nir.S' a lingered until 4 o'clock the fc owir axriiEuVhen put tnaod to Mr eriags. At, the Mtito denued mMd hrough Ir.Evan. tbe fir CCli Ba cSlfa lS drew to aom of the ardde Utt dt p) idhbh tM pUcewuatodud. la tM confuiiannick ncs tnaeddent wu icdcubted ta excite, upward, of wortl, goodTwere de treyed and bad it awt been for ra rtody arrfrdof twm engae.

from th. hre brigade, ad CmnbtiZwmfluZ bad Iiieunnce (brnpaay, tM boo, aod prwertrwodd bar. pony ptkacion toward hnmt, tHunTwiilnrkf btr btotber a youth ewt more than year at Mr. tharL ithSanV high nMted took i JJdMdtheT.hkbwimiT 5J cart, Mb Wihrier'wu pndt gSuod? btararwubratei. fCwSSJa di arabnT otbe bead, ad with hT toother, who waaWtoownTut jret otedta.ttau cdgir.

On Thurtday ai rrttoon. mrjxpefujy Vcnjffrit Of fan greta. Wail ia th act of i JbTtoadrebr, hmtrtotiZZbmmrZ Irwtanianuuily did death enau. Sa SS SSt lSi2Sf, "ft tbto aied 4 mnwmulth oKu ua. mi tt? uraTL n.Tr t21 3rf fctatW raa Utro oft tM stepe ea tM (tones one of her lex.

waa. broken, aad tMeoatalnad athawt a iJltLSr 5 cotrveyed a 8c Geawra'a Ha bt. nrr yiw ailoua vk w5 4ira.naik, nia I rp tlr Ttt eliTe A oBfi ff Tiirim riiiitairiTlf TOV Aloot I cdoc OTratrrsdaT nCW4 ell.alM 4 nk t. 1 'u alSfi rteawidBt tlMltatut, WWwiatttamtf.4vjl nr wu coming aaad lMMakurg tbtra th rlwar. aLt t'9M' h7 ttoJ ww'VaanW ran toccdariak uetcumtoa.

TM thoat the I at li i Hlim. I HJ CA1L1B MT flhaft al. fdW 5oV Srat xSaSniTei rnr nife.

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