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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 6

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'relied Utel iu KMtM wco aciae uof a tuu C.u.l lee etur.tstic in Mancttfller, nad not mdrMUw rnrpw. lo wbkb no ic onras i mi no Bopou, thai ow attracted attention, end would pbtaia extended' It U.b hil would Ci a of ciac forth, lb ax fcii Ua'u ad talent la! reaction it de usaa, but h.lhMgbl thia ni a fallacy lit calico had Da three month, daring Which ftxj prrtecied, and he (Mr. ALraulrs thought lUulinott; lywUch ptvAecltoa to he el lea dad would be JasUach Lett, a xreeld swear lb aanmtvtenr lb twoafit of talent Umu MoJariloa for oc tit had mU thai be wpuVI. th xtrl of g'yirig lx' Btctb' he aaU 's4 lu pod Ih aca. jmUt It ImU MlH Ue operation aT th awhmthatUra.

Vu HT2ROY U.V.hU hat idariiw. MMumn sftsntb ikOM. MoWt Aw IMfeat th pre gety of bnstw witloB the wvwaea of this bill Um carpet 'W thu Thii wm brsssb. of mana. htfrln hfch lb wtrt of tbe eopvHrhl at tho 4.

tfww asof iwmmiM tluhMUWtMroat BoawrfiKta or rcaaMt arotooiod by thuhiU. Ml lb eos pct Uade sta aa tb baneAl af a Ihelr BoUnu torn wood of li aeuut bat.UwM fafifii by tkMBMMCMBtnlUtiTMe(iaiMiaa the eohjeet, that Qoitra wm wholly iaufiriant, and that BO lees twrW ttar yceriw to wiim thorn kl fair sad set rr4erun Klul those who new pirated tbcir prodao allat UJ COW. of ta loons. Mr. MORRISON' sail the euMcct xww wlr IMn a at fed of wilacullir, and caTted for groat nation is l.

htK fv Od cf lb diScaUit tn from th fact. Uti rwrnaror ut in iwrx jHnto ra tMi axrf Mn)tfcl Pmr. Tb be. Mlw tot uitiMir aU Mld iw lfUaw of th Kat Uttlnl ma UHi ton ooli to'tw iTiSennt honM, nd a nr. Mrr) knew tMtuc( tho uaitlre kmxg a difctvtt xniM II.

Sowewr. dli not bow rH vuttfactmn, of hli ctry' rtmld faprT (Jo VP' oom' Amo rwti w'kffar44tbnu Kcmccmm U4 Miny wo su t'tMiM Urniin In wpKklactMMOTr ll'ibrt mUai Uwoskt wo facll ot sutaui tbU iuAom km tllmtiig wr siJ tb Uw of ppprnxbt of 4mm. (5H not thiak re fwn( trtdo rQM bo lntJ by tl, tt bad bt ttktod tM Hnffwt woaM bo to fivroM sorolty; bat tbo orw thai poUftida bi Pnara Hi not promt nortity Mr. J. HEATHCX)AT i4 ban.

ismlxt for DolAut bad sot raukiorod bow bit aMooor wu to tarried TV macbleorj' of tie bill wu drfoctiro. Br tbU bill a err tato im to tb oweor of a dn'gn, witboot anr rum! coHon, I ton jew orUnc of iu orinIitj. Ur iaortodcoaoratltutbodoUiUor ttobiTL It woHl roalor row? Banafortartr ao4 bopkroporla Ktan ttfblo to po witb it other thtm ri moral coram On tho tLroo' rroon li wUeb ba to Tttxrl ha wif.i alrtrr uXl ho drrirwt hh krolJr.ora' rtM fooling, so emld Ni. Tiotitioa rignod paroekial cUmim oral doranrrirwatw tbu tug'i ornd. ti 1 rrntlrrnm 1 ikl 1W1 Mkl THE TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1842.

oba frW a na. whoa tba taot aotaMoa tiiwiil tap tWUtoUrLr1' Hut 1 tapkM fflW II U. II. CWUt of tbo bo bor I tbo iBlronltt of OxiorJ daatroiaooaauaarilj lolorwieb. It eoali not tboroforo Ukon a an iadieatioa of 'htfom of WC; lUcUHm lUl lit aalioriXr of Soriptar tiati of tba elorrr frIJr.

IUt'ac rogaVar torn. waaagaUat k. bo Bait aUowod oxproaa bia oytaior. iwaieaUoa witb laooyo tiU rocbUI tlortjof tho eoorT. frorc lL rjriatiplo oo wtki WMfouodad.

Erraif ilia eWxiw, aod wbaa opuiaaa rr alitlo'l to WwjtM, omiaiioiy a amorooi now H. to raojoei ima wmt wrapi aa maiiiainto, not mmt aa affoot tbosgbt tboy war In court? raworal (tat of aoeiot y.Vat alao aw atebor graoada. boosd UaSow bin Introdae tbo bill. Uow woold tbo iTbjboiuaUtoaTaadgoatlwaooi il.lor.iid tbooioo thogroaad. taai a uwr woro pamnttod la foroiga CMatrioa, a ws not daairablo tbal a diSoroot ml aboold bo oatablMhod ra RogUod that pvtM wooU bar wob taarriago aaUbratad abroad, aodlbtreby eaaa Croat cofaaoai la familiaa; and, paaUncof Rooaaa boo.

and Uarad goaUo nua aalrad bow tboy'eoald objoct to lrgalb Tatrrian la 'Kttra4 wboa otbora woro aaaar ponooi tbat rtligioa paraaaaiaai wrtbia tb roaln, to tb aatborttiaa wboat ebarcb It waa ooapatont poravt aaeb raarriajra by a dirpcoaatloa; Tb baa. gontlonan. boworor, aboaid not Mb C. DULLER woald aoaroaeb tbia rnbioet aoUlr wiib lhxt. ttMr no riome to natiooal aU aay.

tat al Zi ulZZ'ZTi ta tboocbiatb Ant a off P1 for imtIo mmU bo by Rocaaa CathoOoa, Tte. gfW tkrlr da, wwrkt to aUTb. roUou wbkb tbwl I faoi.baroiot($u k.lagUa)ULO boar tbat Or. roaoybad piuaiwi wan uaan now preaaaiy in taof aa tboao of tbo boo. baroaot biauolf oa tbit oaoatioot and.

tbat. en atbar.baad.. tb Arehbiihop of DabUa bad doelarad Ua ofiaioa to bi tbat tb eaa wa oa on wbiob tboy oogbt aot to lagialaU at all, bat to loart panir to aot apso tbotr own fotliagi 1 Oa tbo limrJt groniuj of ooartory aJoo bo aboold aapport tb noblolord'a motion. oo soaaoaia naroanor OBiortam aoabu ol tb yroprtoly tW.MoMfU Matondod. "'AH tbotrihaaalt of itefeo oaaoatottliaiadof Tb FIr Oqnral baring wi op waa oonjaa nraT.i5Al BBvnagot aot' oaai aad aiaoaa abaU arobiaiud.

bat wtU Laaow dtrpooaaUan 0t, Uat tb aaa abonU bo tb com aoobow. wit, a niaailar powar and, tbirfly. tbat aiarriaga. bofaoa, bootbora aai aaimn ttw mow Do praaiaiud, b4 tbat for tbaat Burriwoa tbar obaald no wbat. Li (Lori Aablor) woald aak.

am bo tbo otboboob la maaoor war arroodi I TTkay eooid not ato tbaro, a woald bo oaon by a lafaranaa oa lb aabodal of tbo aoblo lord' bOL Wbaa a grant obango aatbaaUa iiMaat ia lropood, not only abonU an orarwhalmiax nooaan tr ba bat wobomld i in in rw rb udaul nL. wa atroactriatia Utobt. aaa. aa aright bo ton aarttM it tarawr. aboold wrt to know wbat waa tbo azad aai nUcrabIo op.

wmwuBrarpaettott. ll wm cortaia for ba awn part, tbat tb paopl af Earlaad war not favoarabia la tb uwa aartaui Uat it waa not nawod fuamW? bo tbaJinn which b. inflotoiU him. aoco to Si rWatiooof rirint th irat.r th proaont BMaoaro, but go otOl furtbor. aad hi.

nTl Ttrirt 1 iMjv for Ko anttbolli raoaoor ondoabty'wU; tbat tkaTorith. pStio 11,7," W. aJaobo abowa tbat tb national role fTar. tbi wa alaari not tb brtbo paucity of patiuoa pro Bofora panrng anr aioawTB, tboy wbat wnt tb nxai aai BBBUcrabl ep. ta tot tb Urnuo of coprrirbt.

Tb proriaiona to goXTklioa of copTrighl in tb bJl wfr mat drftrtlr. Xo cla roail whan offendad agitait a eopjrljtM by the toward ytom of rrtUation. In France tb regiatry wu (fan mc ci.niiim.m. 5fr. XUUITUERTUS tboacbt an OBAciont toaaon bad bra pron for akox altoiation ia tb law.

Tb ob Ct of tb bSl, loerraaa tb proAu of tb prinUr. and waald swt'isak cbaapor OH pattorsa wonU bo kart lf.vr th pnbliC II. waa aaaorrd tW tba bill would wool lituatien, and p. ria. to nscb oprroariori.

Hr mnlorvd tb bona, to prooood orr OBBtiooalr in Mtabliabinr tbroi Tb X(arntJtm affretaaUy btaafiuod BXS prunon UU UH pBUC ili, HKSLKY wa ooooaad to tbo bUL It wonld osaraU roc rrsa'waaly ob lb iberpon, ia rondoring brm liable Vj Uw tn'ta. tbwb; anirr iw laaehiaery no nun ronld tocTword of anytllcj. afr ttl AOSTliXE rra to air wry frw wordi on a raHict whirb had alroadt andoi row ewtractod a dUeao cja. Hj ban. friond Mr.

li Tonoont) badboni dadroo BamwittM of oTortag ton ozpanaury ttatotnmt aa to tb aatiiur of thr trad, at to tb waparathw important of IV frm rnctgod in the trad for and aninat tb m.ainr.. ffa ooblo tnond thrtsrmVr for Sontb LaneaaUr bad stated. tl nt it BrTflii)rt3 tax trad.oee war agataat lamif of tbi doacriMion bat it had boon stated br raViaar giron bofero tb eoomittoc tbat boo 91, with BMttotbtoiunSitTof rood, rrinled. wr mater crodnoan eif tb articW than (b wbale mnainrnf nomarr of printers, 1 Tiat Ttatnnoct ru qmt wiuuouaa. Oot of IP flOt printing trbno ordoSia Mncvd to tbo typoawi af tbU moaaaro.

Oat M) dob oapleyod only war raployod by tboatwbo woro aainat tbo maeasnrB, Oct el UjJOOpX) cf pr? i rriatod onlr 4A0O4 wm printed by tbo who op pgord tUf bin. UnloM fhrat figvo rooll taeeoatfolly ser39od. it wu rortaSn tbat tb pnml arno of th trad oat in favoorof tbo SMasor. VTitb raopoet to tbo objection wkkb bad boea nw to tbia woro Tided nrto two oiaaaov Oag elaoa of ebjector woro oppooad to nay lrgiala eml of riitrat5a bat thought that wat a natter wish would, be more proyaily attoBdod to fat eommbto. TW ncbt bon.

mtlentaa Mr. 8bil bad ootimatod tb nam kw of doaucsa winch would Toaiatoiod otbtt roar at tb oonBoaa amount of half a million, Hr. SW1 xpnaod diawst. VTeS, waa miitaVan, and tb right bon. hsa.

gosUrcan, trusted, had discarded tbia ground of ejection, tt nu(Bt tnai sora taooaaoo; oatcns woaui rirht too. nntlecan had obioctoa to tbo ccrtificata of th rem tarisr cSrer briar mad adruaabl ertianc in ooarti law; but it wa aamianbl only al rrioat facte Tidonco, and if would bo perfectly cocrpetent to any party to an setionat law to show tbat th certificated design waa aa old on, ia which eaar th cortificat would of Talaa, and th party alhring would Bat tb position of the retail dealen would altered, th rirht bon. rantloman' ia ion tended toth distBrbaaoo of dotaoatie. raUueua, ana niajiii mat aena of a aaan toward his wile' in fart." almost retard her imraodiat blood and kindred. Now.

war ha fair. Onl ler) to oonfino bta attention solely to tb upper rank of 0i7 lkoa cooaidaraliona would wih Biich with litou If tbo law wnre to apply aaUy to tho rliioes. than nndoabt odly tbero war raaay reason why tboy aboold desire to raise op a feeling that no legitimate interaoorsa aoold take pleee between nersons ia the degrea of relationabip ontomplated by the bilL got all tbOM reason gave way to eooaiJaratlooa of eisodtonty and jastioa when looked at the operation of tno toeaauro upon too outer iaaaas, npon tb nsmblar per lion of lb nuddliar, sad on lb working tlm.i. The strong gronnd open which be was, for lb sake of the Intereata of the claaiea, diipoaed to overlook all other considerations. was to noceaaity tner waa lor allowtng tb wu.

aia tor to booora th SU on other to har deceased aiatar'a ehiren to deroM to tbera that car which no on ooald oUkerwis expected to afford, nnlea induced by interested motim. I a th hlgbef claaart no each exlreney arose. la those claaoe there were alwaya relatioa. to step ia aad preride taton or gonrwoa for tbo hildrsn but in tb working dame a vary different state of tbinga existed. It wss hardly posnbl to aupsoe' that neighboorly charity would ro so fsr aa to indsce traagra enter tb poor man's cottar, and befriend th children of his deeoasel wife.

Therefore it waa that a marriage with tb daoeaaed wife's enter heeanto so desirable arnong those claase. They bad ao atatiatieal inforaaatioa oa the and waa ooaae oaonlly obliged to make ua. of the beet bo ooald obtain, and that eras supplied by paroobial clergy. In a petition which tber Dtninlal to UkIuhu th.r unaJ nwiu of tbia kind were. ery cnaomry ia the country, sad that children erexe frequently In th'a way cared and prorided for paa th death of their mother.

II. himself beUered that ixt tbo countrr it was a rerr common mod of nronduu for then, and that aaoont cottsgen was the origin of most of tbooa marriagea; lie beliorod a'sa that such marriage frequently took pUoe, not merely amongst th profligate and those who ware inclined to despios the law, bat amongst Yirtuous and iadastriou. vooole. Now. what wu tbo oonao quonoo af a law prohibiting marriage in such eases "ttfhy, OTtooaiT, lust to partial wenla dipens with marriage.

Thy did not, therefore, prarent inierooart between those paruea, out mersiy prireuiea iu taxing place wun in aaDC' don of lb law. Not merelr that bat if lb feeliar won one way.and tb law another, the result wu that the mar siar took olsc rerr freauentlr in irnorsaoc and that tb penalty foil, not npon the persons who riolaled th law, but opon wnr cnuorea wane, rogaruoo ino turner ciasi, where pnprty wu affecd br sucn marriaxea. it made th law aouroa of neat litigation, it tbonght it rery right apon in pan I ta Mass not to allow in uucnauoa upon thisqneatien to taken theological turn. When th com aianda rolirira wr a clear that all Christian tarn ooeyoa worn wnnosi eunerono woro migni do no ooieeuon. out uto moment any culrTrry aroee npon any ol Ibose eemrBali, ho thought, it most nnwias I make that hau the arena of that'eontrororty.

(Hear.) It wu bis puuan. tberefor. mat in nouae anouU neror nroco tboological groanda, except where thoeo ground, wore undU puted. Now, was there OBsniinity npoa the qoeetiea of th I IHd afl Unnatian men aola them in snbocioaoel So far from it, that the croater part of Chriotondom tbat great part of Europe, and of tbo whit population of America, hollered that thoeo marriage were perfectly lawful. Now bo thought it a very improper thing, in a country whore toleration of principle wm allowed, to task the canons and rule of on particular church tb ml of all th churches.

Generally speaking, Roman Catholics regarded thoeo marriage prohibited; but tbo Fop, in certain caw, had tb power oisponae with th prohibition so that their Roman Catholic fellsw conntrmMn were able, under certain circum stance, to contract these marriagea. Th affect, then, of a law prohibiting rich marriage would be to deprire Roman! Catholics of the power of doing aa act which, tinder certain dreamttancea, their telirvoa declared to be ltwfuL The same micht bo said of' tbo Pretest ant Dissenters, who, he believed, bold th greater part of thoae marriage to be lawful. The hon baronet th member sgeetodtbirwademootk)ieaoar oaj tba oorat dlgnlry of BMarhvt. aad bo WU Borfoetlr aaakaed. tbat if their ao'iolaa bad been taken into account, the hUl would neror bar Veen HurouBooa.

ill ear, near.) Mr. bad bean armed sennet tki. KO that it sude sa innovation spaa the law of marriage. Now, tb lanoration complained ot had bora already made in the clan of a bCl brought by Lord Lrndhunt, tboorh tbo clause bad not boon latrodaood into tba bin by tb noble lord himself. Th law bad already gtrea a virtual sanction lo the marriage by declaring them voidable, but not void.

Tb proposed measure would not affect th higher whoee morsh'ly there was hut Etlle question, aad araongtt iasistad, by tha bBL' and th mod and manner of tot University of Oxford laid no great strem npon the fcritriig these parties to account had been much objected authority of the father, in mpoct to these tnxrrUgei. but v. mad. a timid allusion to that council of luscncioa nam be r'lr. tv I meant th Council of Hvberin tha first lo prohibit them.

wu so additional severity, but. on tha conlrarr. 1 1,1 tbem' askr themselves the plsin fact wu there decided ia the mod of briorinx thee par 1 orai or "'igWM teeUrur amonrrt tn rjooploot Ih tb act of tb 2d luu country wiuca mxwu 10 iiijiim i lias to aecoont, al eompared with of Victoria. Another obiectioav wat that twa nartiea raight pDrchas tb asm iaveotion tbat on might register and the other, being a burnt foU purchaser, nugbt treated a pirate. Thu certainly wu a posaibl ease, which ndrht occur under thii bill but so it Eilht occur under the xnckg law, or under any Law of patents, and he most perrsiued Lo lay, that when it did occur, it raust owing in a gnat meaear to th neghgnno of th partis thonmlrr.

Ilwu material thai the bone shonld cbeerr, that th great objection, after all, was th fear that th rnaasor would ba iefxiou to foreign trad. fiat should expect a jodldoot ia had been aeid, they to not on a. copyright law, but on school Vf desfgri, forth extension of teste. He, for Tike to see schools of design flourishing bat thnngh it wu all very well la establish eobooli of desirB ud thereby create a race of food in Teuton, ret. if rra aid not also giro thoae hires ton, when the moans of obtaining a livelihood by som such rAeasur aa this, tb ia (Ctition of schools of design woold be nugatory.

Seeing that tbo bill cam before them under the recommendation of a cocsmtie, Le truted that th second reading wonld obtain the nnar.imjQ con Beat of tb hose. The bCl wu than road a aeooad time, and ordered to be committed tat Ue ol Apni, wo OAderstood. THE COPrRIGHT BILU Lord ilAIIiiX, before moving the second reading of thii begged to present several petitions ia favour of it. The Srst was from a number cf authors, and lure th aina tares, amosgxt others, of Csmpbell, Uleig, atrimen Locthart, felt that it must load oeraens to consider whether those marriage' might net bo broaght within tbo range of aceotspliahmeal. lie believed that amoagst other tUags wuca to tmppeaou of tb married lite wu th impossibility of 'eUseolnng tb ti by which tb par tie wT naited oa tb ether hand, he beliorod tbat tbo happiness of domestic society defoaded maeb apoo th hn poaaibilhy matrimonial connesioa betwooa relatioas of a certain degree, ar.d be therefor doubted whether tba mve diacuarion of tbo aooation then before the bono did not tend to create thee rata, surmises, sad calculations, which woro likely to lead to great disunion amoagst families, and lo the deatractioa of diiaiatlc hepeaaees.

If each wm tbo toer caret dneoannn. howrmaeb meter aa affect might they not anticipate from UriaUtioa. Far hia own part, he height that the bill of 1S3S carried with it no small vu. Mt or marriat a tai sort war prmousiy and tber invsriablT excited rather anrJaassat observa tions. Bat as aoonu Parliaaaeot gave out that they were preparM localise too irregular marriage, th amber lacreaied at least tenfold.

(Hear, bear.) Parties veryju turallT arrned. tbat if whoa aa offene wu a eaorally eom miuoa raruanwnt woeaj sup in, ana bees see ol toe number of offenders, would apply Its legislation, tboy bad only, ia point of fact, to increase tbo extent of the offene ia order obtain ill fegsitsalion. (Hoar.) Ver did he think those wer th only rus to he expected from this meaaare. them one open th door, and it wu' impnoriblo to my bow moon runner in present law would be tnraooa. My eno by it would be said indeed, he understood ooe clause of this bill did aay leralUe tbo marriageo between tbo widow aad bar nnsoand brotnor toon It would bo attenrpted to mas valid a union between a ancle and a niece, sad, perhaps, soon after tb prohibition applying to other and nearer relative woald be attempted to bo removed.

(Hear, hoar.) He thought, too, that aach a measure wonld greatly un settle ia minus ox now men ana women, ana ones Bnsettloment would, of coarse, recall ia disunions. To bon. member for Ltxkeard bad adverted to tb ad ran tag of placing a wife's slater in position of a step mo inor, ana no dm language very greeny calculated to aroaw tbo feelings, that no das of marriage eoald be mor proper, or more likely to origiaate.rn a par fee) rag, (atr.Uoalbnrn) wu quite agreed ortta the bon. memker that, aa txf as the children war concerned, no relative eoald take eharr of them with more adraatajr than a wif'i Bister bat ba did at go tb length of Ihiakwg that, in order to invest, that relative with their car, it wu nc but to lecalix bar marriaro with her sister's husband. Tb hon.

member should remember tbo treat somber of ia which wive sister at ptoses devoted theiaselvc to the car of their deceased aiatara' children, without entertainiai any idea whatever of aa intermarriage with tbo fathex. ,11 aboold remember, too, that aach a state of things could scarcely eontisae, if th bill proposed to bo brought ia passed into a law. Great diBcolti and delicacies would. in encu acase. Miens.

ino uioroourae oeiween a bbmoou and hi wife's aieter indeed, he raieht go Ihe Leoxtb ef say ing that la many eases it would entirely Mop tb utorooan at praseat eiliting with' so much benaAt lo all. (Hear.) Taking that fact into eoaaideralion, he would uy that be tnongul tney mtgnt be strecttag a great diaBdrantag by the bill tbat tboy mirht be nctta without any suficMnt cause. aad might bo aiming a fatal blow at domestic comfort. On tbM grounoi a tnould cartaialy oppose in measure. Mr.

BROTH ERTON said, tbat if he wr argue this OBSstioa oa scriptural groanda, he thought it vary probable that should arrtr at tb concloxion that second marriacos wer altogether unautBorixed. II wnld not uy, however. tbat he thought tbo biU of 1BU bad bad aay good results. It wu only sine that bill passed that these marriage had been declared literal. to tbat time the law made them voidable, but not void.

Ha remembered that when the bill of 1825 wu before the bouse, it gave rise to much excited feeling, that there had been a canvass of mem ben on the anhieet. and thai tbo meaanre bad nndeviono manv eltem tions during Its paaaaga tkrougn not a reuses ol rarUMneat. Since tb passing of tb act bad known of man mar tb class below them again, thee tasjriaros took plao a eonaiderahl extent. He (Mr. Wood) had it from a gentleman not at rreeent a member of tb hooaa, who bad eosaidersble experWa apoo tb enh ttr tbal IntKvliufLm V.

I I LyndWst'l bill bad no effect to cheek the practice at wnich It wu levelled, and that that practie wu carried oa to aa extent of which the bouse had no concept! on. Tho arils which wr anticipated would net really bo tbo ro auu oi in oui ooior in noose, but el ia ciaaao waicn Bad ban latrodneod into Lord Lyadhurst'. bQh Tbo arrumerit which the aoblo lord adduced from tbo pimaatlngi of the Council of Slate ia Franc did not auk so ranch against the pioaosod measure at It did against tb faculties which war eaereu airorea ia ins country: nut moo Tawirtte dad not ftxlit bora, and it wu to boood tboy never orould. th argumenti drawn from that louroe mast Boeeesartly fait might ovai the Earhah Uw. on the bead referrei to, by re sorting to ifaoUaat.

and he tbesrht some evil wm tl oa iT4 discuosvoa oa the subject before th auorsvaus laUaAl oa tbi The boo. aad Ureal member for Oxford bad aalalr rooted hi. oWectlon. te hU (Lori F. Egertoa'i) roearaTco the ground tbai it wu Ppoaed te tb practie af tb early church, end he had cited the authority of Basil ia fa roar of ass opuooa.

no vmi r. crrtoB) wouU merelr ob "TT, VT that howorer ex eaUoa 1W might ba. ha character wu to aeeetie for hi optnioxa to be octilled ta snraeoiiol deiermoa. A oa hwriaei of tb sxtrsvagancie iato which that father wont, ba would nam bis onfaL v. v.

aUsw raarisgos, wberom he bold, tbat Bales th7'laTi nsasier'i eooseat wu obtained to hu xaarnag tb alar became a fornicator and hi wife a harlot. Bat be (Lord F. Egertoa) would no longer detain th boose. "I exhort you." ceodeJed the noate lord, going into thai lobby ti record your votes, to proceed ta no stnrh of nettarvm uxuraetw or neen to ttscaeaeod by bob af those loot' VM to TOCO tn fswn mM IK. K.l nto mow.

or ta vote aeabui bin agar eVnoas. but rather ro a the rarnnaa easeiba tv. com bearing oa hie fsltensg tenrBe lb eapital aoalinee. for rest a avured lhat the resolution you this sight prooosmca saay be th death warrant to sime of all Iboir mc and bsTrcinesa npon ibis tad tb grave." The house divided, and th aambart won For the biU loo Acalnat la Majority against 23 CHILD MURDERS. Mr.

COLTTLLE xoorad fw rnrna ef nimW r.f vietian for the murder of illegitimate ehihlrea ia England swsBM us eacuox uo years rrotn to ami, Dota clntare, and aimQar returns of lb number of coot ctiocs for eoacoalmcnt ol tb birtlx of UleriUmate csairea. Mr. HINDLET mad a remark which eould not catch Mr. WAKLEfsaid, tt eoald not be poembl to fram a return which would giro mor tacorrtct information thaa that just moved. The aoxaber of eoovicuona would not give "wwsai, oDo uiueu oi ino number ox luagiamai CIUI droawho had been deetrejed aad sa.

of coarse, th object mast to srrir at a correct knowledge of these numbers, be hoped the motion would be withdrawn and remodelled fr, at preeent framed, the mult raust daooir the home and tb country. Nothing wu mar common thaa for children to be expoatd ia roads, tad had sometime throe or fov rush csasstaeao day; but ta many rnefanc, although it eould be aeea that murder had been eouuaitted. no eonvio' lions for mardor took plao i consequently the return of con B. iss ergiuuenu urawn inn suas aoorco must Beoeonruy rau mm mww. wv rw ivnii use resura oi ran to th ground.

For hii own part, be did not think tbarej ricaioni would aot at all Indicate th extant of child murder. Tb contrary wu th truth. And if they prohibited tbeeo marriages by! law. they rexnaat inexorable npon th point tbal the Law would remain ta danger Inai lue general cus tom oi r.uropeaa counine aaa America wu agaiaai sacaa law. and that thrv could not pertuad penon to look with horror npon a marriage ia England which wu common to all other countries, Protestant even more thaa Koman Catholic Hi ground was, that from experience and tb state of pablie feeling, it wu quite clear that by prohibiting these mar risree they were keepinr sp a law which wu contrary to th genenl wishes of the people.

One argument used by the hon. member for the University of Oxford, was, that if they made thii first step they might go oa through all the forbidden degree of kindred. If," uid tb bon. mem ber, you allow, aner a lapse ol seven yran, a man to marry his wife's titter, after seven yean more you will probably allow a man to marry his anru." (A langh.) would reply to ttar argument by observing, that when th Catholic ehnreh crohibited marriares between persons related In th Jenth degree; when there wu not a Royal family ia Europe wntca coma marry witnoot tno rope a aupsnsauoa i wuru, Lord Coke avid, a man's xnarriag wu annulled becans he stood godmother tohki wife's coaaia" (great laughter) Oh. he did not quit so far al that only said Godfather," 11, when th Uw wu carried to such a length that, the bon.

member for the University of Oxford for he eould fancy the hon. member living at. that period (laughter), might well bare' com forward and asked, nnon a prooosition beinx made to rtltx the law, and allow a man to marry his tenth eoatla, Where will you stop I Yon will next propose lhat a man snay marry his ninth cousin, and so you will go on until you finish by proponing what must terrify ni all that a man may marry riage of this son taking plao ia tb face of tb lair indeed, it wu only a few week tinea that the case of a dom lie servant came under his notice, who, "although warned of the consequences, nevertheless persisted ia uniting herself to her does seed sister's husband. Ue wu convinced lhat tbo general impreoaion wu tbat thee marriages were not illegl, ana beueving mat tney wr not mor onscnpinrai tuan second marriages between persons not so connected, he should give hi rot in favour of th introduction ef the bUl. Mr.

V. SMITH itid, the only hesitation he had npon tbia subject aroee from the consideration of what wu dne to the wu any obstacle, either ecclesiastical or civil, which could prcuiuo sumag wmi woo sister oi a ueooaaou wu. Sir nV FOLLETT tsid th hoc reatleman mlaannre nenaoa ta nature or tno bul or for lb mamagea lo wntca in clause referred wer always lUagal atae ta marriar contract wss known and recognised in Ihil country. Not only wore they contrary to the ranca law, but also te an act of Parliament passed ia th reign af Henry T11L Th bfa ef 1835 had no reference to marriage wiA a wif! slater, iu obioet behas to alter aad eerroet an aaoaaalr in th law, by declaring marriare which war ta illagal void In th Kfetluse of th part lam. Tb bum law had reference te asjriao betwBoa father and daaghur.j smel and Biece.

It wu intended to remedy a state of ihingt which ought not to aQwd to aonttaaa. If It eesbnaed he issue of a brother sn sister wenld, after tb death af lb parents, and if no objection bad been taken daring their lifetime, pronounced legitimate. 8urly, it waa not a state ef th Uw which ought to be eoatiaaod that aaii each marriage wore not void but only voidable. For hi own pan no never repented or in part Bo took a aanstisg ta th (Iteration. If marriasea aril hia cartsia Asms of kindred wer to be prohibited it would be batter that th Uw saade th prohibition of tach effectual rather than, by making thaa oaidabl only, Ua ring them open te dispute at sa vpuoe ni oiaer pwes.

luwai 1 npou ia taocJorioal view of tb quoad en, it wu bis iaynesiun, and he baliovad it waa the gexteral tmpreaeien through the cona try, operating strongly apon th lower upon the higher cli wis, that lb tooralilr and heroin of the neerdo wjuld bo better proaervod by adhoriag to th yraoaal Ww fur taa ra kusuub uumave usan ov lnironiscina; aaj sBeewuse vi re IsntUa. Tbia, he Tvpeated, wa bi opiuiori, aad nothing that' ho bad beard during ih diasairioa of lb quattioa tended in any wsy to alter it. He eould not agree with the boo. member for Ltskeard, for if ta mother' aster wu tb bast of the children, tb surest way to destroy her af fection and regard wsa to convert bar lata a atep uuiaor. He (th SoUritor Genere!) uould not bole thiskinr that tha happinea aad.

morality of society would be fa better, preserved by maintaining the present Uw thaa by attempting aay relaxation or change, aad tbaromr ahoold feel it his daty to rote axsinst th introduction of this bQL II eouxMrd that tha bona wer now' diaenannr th. atinetpU: of th moaaaro as aaoa tha aeeead rosding. aad to tbat principle wu doadodly posed. hid almost forrottes to refer to one observation which fU from the boa. member for Liekeard that it wu importaat that th Uw on tbii.tabjoet should bo the earn la different eouatrie, alladlng, apprahended, principally to tb continent.

The boa. did not con sider that by the Uw of one part of this empire. Scot' Lead, thoeo axarriare wore absolutely void, aad had always been considered so. (An boo. member oa th Opposition aide made tome remark, If ia dissent.) Ue believed that bytboUwof Scotland a marriage with a deceased wirVl sister wm illegal, and of course Inceataoui, bacauae all marriage within prohibited derreos were Inceataous.

Upon the grounds be had stated he thought it ma daty to op poe the out. Mr. WAKLEV tald. it must be rerr rratiTinr te th hon. and learned' member for LUknard to learn that hi speech bad produced such sa impression en Or rami of tb hon.

and Isarsnd guntlesnaa who bad just rteamed hi. aeait. He thought the of. the hon, and. learned member Liakeard a rerr Mtanent and arramentativa one.

bit it ap peared that It bad produced a conrictioo oa th mhsd cf th Bon. and learned gentleman who aad just tat down, that relaxation proposed wits respect to me uw si marriage shonld not take place. That wu another example of the dancer which attended hon. and learned gentleman when they mad speeches Without fees. ii nr.

riasjoy) Believed tae non. and' seanseq Areata, Hsaawmaa, A. KiJis Hon. Cr Ula lleUertb. J.

RscsnavJ. r.Ueu.ll7r. ILi ard. lleo C. W.G.Reta.lUa Ci ft HesarLllnvICau.ou.K.

(Hear.) Mr. COLTILLE said, bis object wu to srrir at a know, ledge of th effect ef the New Poor law regardisr bastardy (bear, hear) but if th hon. member thourht the ebieel would not be attained by this motion he woald withdraw it. rrovMou to bob, toomoer wouia grr nia attlitino tn fram Ug on amor ffliaat. Mr.

WAKLE assented to this, and th motion wu withdrawn. TRANSFERS OF LICENSES. On th metioa ef Cantata Rot. Ihe bona want into eom mitteo on th sabieet of spirit Seeast. and ason a reaolntion IVreoa moved, leave wu riven, th house hirinr resumed.

to bring ia a bill providing far th tranafer af license, and th regulation of public bouse. On th motion of "Mr. RxtllTOV a eon af the latter af Mr. Lucas, Under Secretary for Ireland, to tb see rotary of th Royal Dahlia Society, stating that tb Lord Lieutenant had autho riied aa advance of money to that society, to be repaid en the money being voted by Parhamout and alee a return stating in what particmlan th. rvoosnmendauorjicf the committee of this house ia 1834.

reepectiiur that aoeietr. have been complied with, were ordered. Th bout then adjourned1, at 1 o'clock. BLSCItOS COMMITTEES, Aarc If. Th roneral cemmistee on election notiiions assembled vea terday aftemooa at 2 'clock, whan they nominated th two Knowing bodies to inquire inte tb menu of.

the respective petitinas from Lowe aad Wlgaa LxwtaMr. Qaintin Kek. Nr. Ailionby, Mr. J.

Neeld (Chippenham), Mr. Wynn EUia, Colonel Rawaon, and H. llauii. Counsol for the petitioners Mr. Serfeant Wraneham and Messrs.

Talbot and Hayward. For the sitting member Mi sir a. Austin and Cockbara. ArenU for the petitioneTt Prnmor. Clark, and Co.

For tbo tilting mem bars Meaen. Parke and Preston and Mr. Brier. itr. M'Goachr, Lord Lincoln.

Mr. Campbell, Jtr. rioocn aeon inauaii), air. itunau, and lion. Howard.

Counsol for th petitioner Meesrs. Austin and Coekbura. Forth autragmambors Messrs. Tslbo: aad HUdyard. Agent for the petition Mr.

Visard aad for the sitting memueii Jir. ajomnrron. PXRLtX MKSTARY PAPRKS (imti Sri ail Denis (Uxuxo) Bill Thu la a hill to imoca an additional duty on spirits, and to repeal the allowance on spiziu mad from melt only, in Inland, which ha Just neon orougu into ino uoua ot tommons, in accorjanc with th announcement made ia the late dnancial state rs eut, by Mr. (treono (Chairman of Comimttees), Mr. UhanoaUi of tbo kjuboqaer, and Sir lubart reel.

It contains 10 iitnao. Th first claase enacts, that there shall be charred, raised, levied, eellected. aad paid spou rverv ralloa ol tpmia, oi tn atroagta ot nydrorarter pror, wtuen shall. 7 iirotkenba, J. UeoaH.

Mob. It. land, or be ht tbo stock, custody, or poaosasloa of aay die Huiaessr. Miltaw. Janba.

W. aua la Ireland, ar wucn, at vine bean nulled lu Ireland or 1 uuorae. ua. a.

Scotland. an or after th said dar. be in wareboose in Janes. CarutB noble lord, who had given the weight of hu high characVr Bvember'i speech to have been a Weetly honest one, sines Primer Ward, Lady. Morgan, James, Cunningham, Palgrave) nia grandmother." (Langfater.) (This kind of arEumout wu and position to the meaaur now proposed to be introduced.

On every other ground he wu obliged to offer the taeatnr a oeciaeu opponuon. uia noi care 10 icoa iu sueasurc in a religions point Jif view, because he thought if there wore aay religious objections no Uw eoald obviate them, and every man' ought to be left to Ju4g for himself (hear, hear) bat he did deeply feel, very acutely, that socially thii measure wu most inexpedient. Who were the promoter of thii bill He did not wiah to throw any ridicule upon a very respectable das but he would take leave to aak, were they not a number of gentlemen of mature ago who, being widowers, wore anxious to marry their wires naters I lie uw notuing eo distressing in th case of that individuala wonld indue him to vote for their proposal, whilst, on tha other band, ba uw very forcibly that tbo passing of tbo measure might be very distressing and highly inconvenient to persons now living together ia a respectable and harmless position, woo Wer not al present called apon to marry, but between whom th'i law might ac he did not soeaV as an advocate, bit a senator and If th hoa. and learned gentlecnaa made tueb. a mistake, be (Mr.

Waklej) hoped it wu participated in by the hou. and learned gentleman the Soliater QeneraL He bad been mack mrprieed to see te what ioutd tb nobis lord the member for Donttshir had resorted to find mate rish for arrulnr aramtt the bin bef ore' th bouse, and that al bed goo the Council of France ia tb year 1792. He hoped, after this, that revolutions wonld not appear to terri hie end frightful to th aristocracy of this country. Why, Ihe tentiaiaaU aad oWtriae which thcBobW lord advanced against the proposition before the bout were boo which wtr nttered in the Council of Franc under the presidency of Xapoloe. The noble lued, with hi ability, must bar been very hard pressed indeed to go to tush a quarter for doctrine wi'h which to support hit opinion.

The hon. and learned renlUmta the SaUcUor uaaaral had informed th hous for what parpot he conceived the oiu oi iiui lo nave oeeu iniroauceu. An opinion esisieu coantate a anion by ceasinr an entire change in th ton of I in tbo hensa al thai tiM nad it oxistal oaiiaf the boose at society. (Hoar, boar.) II. oonsidered thij, raoreovsr, an as present, that tVubill wa brought in for relieving a noUo tamption of propotitien which be wu not wilhng to allow, nun from th eulur tirtutfon which he wu placed.

namely, that affection eould not exist between tbo sexe (Ur boar.) That opinion existed then, and eon without passion. fell thu tb case was not en is which tinned to exist now, and he for. one believed it to be the feeling of yaoth alone bad tway, and ho oould too no i tbo truth. (Hear, hear.) He wu somewhat turpriaed at tuch impossibility a wu declared to exist by the other aide, i maaner in which soma reaUroen kad treated the chain ranzinr tbo widower to retard hU wife sister precUtlr in nrtmr rJ F.n.);.h tn iKi. TVu lui nnrmmA the same light uhu own tiater.

He thonld vote aga'aat the bill. made li appear that a wiVt sister was a kind ef Ifr. Youtr, and IVoiresor WiUon. Tb teeoudwu from the perfectly ludicrous. The aniwe? to it was, lhat tneee propo 1 bill, believing that la many respecu IU tendency would be rmalo with whom tha hrnhand oonld do jaat what ho pkeaaed.

rrsat pabluiiicg houses, and bore the naar of Loorman. I sitioni wonldjtep where the convenience, th justice, and the very vicious. i(" Oh, That wu their doctrine Oh, jl'l r.i TTi 'I a K. ...14 inr. Mr.

O'CONNELLaaid. that the bill we! stated to be re ih. A. K.J fin I from Tiroes tataj, tW KTeraiani hear.) He wat on of those who frit that beyond that which i quired by the state of torietv in thu country he eoald sy it Rrraoou ef mind Oh, ohlfr that ah bad no power te LsJtiguedlt who.were I'ongly opposed, to th bill "at it now sought farther encroachment would be desired. 1 wu not wanted for the Catholic population of Ireland.

He reviat imoortonity. They treated her as a child. waa onrmailj iraxoea, among mo name mOSO CI sra pswer viuiei is idiiuuiu wwi uuu i. iw, su imam, as a pfnuu wim nau no nawn, wao wi wm id several obtarnod a dispensation to ensue rum to marry woaiu oe inwr mio uo imosi nuu( oi neresrn. no.

no doubt tt waa oxeeoaingiy nn wosers. iiaaaaru.s Mrweo. uuorn ana ruvmrion. ana severs! vduum uweensaiivu so viiaus. una vwrj wwvsu.

uw. hi smm ethers, The fourth petition wu airnod by several tUtlonert I and yet he Mr. Iluller) believed that tuch a xosrriago had dueed conviction in tis mind; npon Inst eonvlc pleasant for them to bear this, but tueb. wu th fact. If asd hoolLhindera.

These petitions being laid oa the table, th not taken place in tklj country. But here wu a description bon, be felt bound to oppoeeib that was not the tendency of the argument which had nohle lord sail, that on moving the eeeond reading of this of marriage which the community wished to tee legalised, and Lord ASHLEY understood (hat tke bill was supported on bfen urged, why did they fear tko course th would LL he had ranMflvad thit be should have had tn state tbs to which he law no solid obiection. He did not think th vkuitwI bi it wu intended to assimilate th practie in pnnoe 1 Whr did thev BDDrehend dancer from her eon main arnrnentt" in favour of it, and also to reply to the 1 that in 99 casrt out of 10 marriages arose under. nor tbis country to that which prevailed in all the Protestant Wht did they believe that she woold pollute tsaia objections which had tem taken to it but since he fsvourmble circumstancet than those which character eouutrie in tEurepe. New, bo wool produce evidence of th fountain! of society! Not on fact bad been Lad icio the houae, the hon.

member for Finibory (Mr. I ild the clan of marrisgrt to which be referred. tn important nature to show the working of that stated, or argument adranced, which ought te tke axiey), woo cad lermexiy laxea cssuuu on Osi nbject, bad 1 ws.i ilutniM ta the third elanae in eorrmittee. al full and mutual knowledge Vcween the two pttieonoftbol far did thit proceed, that ther ws th anthority of catet of restriction ta thow tt neeeaity. anl if that wa! ton.

member for Finibory (Mr. I ine ciar ol ma mi cm to whicn rererreo. tn important nature to show the working ol tbat staled, or argusient adranced, which ournl te tke akea active a part in the die In the first place, there wu an equality of affinity, practice. In the other Protestant countries of Europe honss to reject tbo motion Of the noble lord. When these 1 told him that il woald be far1, if not of original birth and in th second place.

If ll there wst bat little sanctity attached to the tnarriage bed, reatrainti on the liberty of th subject wer proposed, if the discusilon were port were sirsb.e that muritget should be formed upon compared with that with which it wu encircle! here, it wu the bounden doty of. those, who wer the adro HOUSE OP COMMON' Tre.n.v Metis li. St. MerjUbeo Pariah BilL Uirder for axon raid. klocioa nial, and qusrioa prepeasd," That the aiU be Ben read a as send time ImsBifrsant foyTmi, to laro sxt th word BOW." aad tbo end of tbo aacetietf to add use warus apon ute cay ax moot ft.

leesuoc That the erard bow' stand part of tha Jf A701TT ATE.,VT.D. VoaifU. Masaer. J.

Acaud.T.O. IBwIa Man kasm. Ta sonat A'Cs tl Caseaia Iaasla. ir C. B.'. numal Oe nratf vra.C.C. Vwetjt De eeeeweU.r. klasaer.

T. W.q Ximrmrth. PJ arSabl. wZiali't. f.

T. Aisriiiuaat Ixsnrssfi. ltjo.a btibo, I. W. a.

1 f. W. R. EW5C. w.

T. tar Eosriam. far P. blerxsa.O. Jr.rsa kasTVaeBos Marra.aK.C tSBle.R.J.

a ea.lC. XA. a. aaa. W.

fw sod. W. K. rr. Ta seamt ZZfT7 sS" 2oC.

Mia. inaBia. J. w. Honey.

Lori Bwwo.ll.Bi. MO. ISoaaTtW Harrnirioo. Lord PnsaaaaW Si X. riM Lcn easrrsKT.akf IW.

a7)L vasaaa. 1. at. r.9ai. OweTst.

rrawt. W. T. Oare, O. c.

R. Cere, R.O. rnaele. Craat. ran.

Hi tiir.W. Rjt, a. w. j. Richarda.

B. atea.HiTlIoa.bwa. Rcusd aa Rjoi. llulibrjpl, Coloa i Raas W. Rrear.

Has. O. D. roerea. K.

aA Teeooet xosrlen. Hoe. U.C aeest, Ilsu P. aa. Kiai Itoa.

P. t. Oaurlv.A. J. aiasawo.

CrJrsiot lass, A. twrxae.Hoa. O. in a. hctn, w.

Bei i. BoaM, Cs( tabi Blacastroe. W.5. tkaten.H.O. Bortkwsrk.

p. Oteeory. W. IL OnraJmh. T.

OMnmoo, aooaat Or Bale. K. B. Hsrutuo, W. HsmiTlie.Lor4C.

lUfreirlU. u. W. Issuer. W.

rWt, lldo S. lsl.rwU. lUpea r. lloUwo. K.

IlalDM Hn. nr. CWsaa o.lioa.CstasuKei Ilea. C. twrurtR.

Hee.A. cSS.ewj!' u2ai.r7jMr JA ao. W.L. w. TBeo aw.

1 taaJs. ear M. U. Clark, ftr O. I irmm.

Sir W. c. rtno.UoavB.IL Corhraae.A. JoUuJe. r.0.1L CssraJl.nsverO.

Josa, Caetala .11 Bra4aaa, J. tL Hraaed. R. Bruce, Lara B. two e.C.LC.

Hark, LIT. DucaW.K. J.T. BanS. iaa M.

Barroohea. U. utrnfom. a. Lao.

Hoa. CB. lra.O. C. lanarn.LordA.

UaiaU.iioa.H T. Ltnrola. Earl of Ltadsar.U. U. Lsrkkart.

W. Ltmimr.J. IL. TroUooa, i. liima.

J. Tanue. C. J.T. Thrwa.

J. WsCijwije. H. 3. WarVO.K.

Wainnore.T.e Jkrsbam. Hon. K. B. WrsOuoQaooatC Yeoag.

J. Coe ataad. Aloarssaa Corry.Rl. U. Coktumt, Yleeow CrssoU.B.

Cnree. W. Cvossa.T.B. Dajner.Iloa. narbv.Q.

Hawser. Iloa. IT. 1L Kiissua. W.P.

Jta.U M'u acfcv.r. raBWOB. F.IL Maaoo, VkMBt ktncoRiTr. soEs. Afiaaev.U.A.

ITastie.A. Prolbarwa. AJB Uaeoaa Uay. ear A.L. Kaeaoa.

I'oiooel a.s.a. siiararnaT, e. autnaaios. T. rbsrasier, item, tweaiiey, BerUler.

Be uelR. Howard, tlt o. O.U. 3oti. MasBii Howard.

Uca.IL nve.airJ.iL Www.R,J. IlooirwT.AVl rmaa tmaa. Rt. Hoa. R.

T. Boulaa.J. 1. BrnuW. Bc mwvJ.P.

Itowrtaa. Dr. Uu, A. nrVr.H.

Urethartoe, i. Loaswoa, J.H. W. Leacwa. W.

Q. lraB.O. Lrp, Buia i Hr R. B. W.

Unr. CaMala Loader, j. t. MnxK. Lea savbwC.

Tsaovi. H. vT U. J. Tkenerr.

I. Msraeler. Rt. Ha.TR J. Tasvtan.

8u 1. TnmbrvlM. SutT, Mui K. U. TktrtsitTH.

MarshaO. W. TstteTu. M. UiU.

KL.U HjauP, Teraer.R MilcaUe.lL TilLors, Ilea. C. P. Merrts.ll. Vlim.

Hon. Csqwm I'e iej tOBB.J. Mo r.B. lrErcort.KliaUloa. M.pWr.SirC.

vrlrXU U. ti.X. Waws.J.T. () Braw, vr. s.

Weaeora.Hoa. invsTi. O. OTourH. It.

Wild. tii T. reai snekt. w. Rc.

Maaua. U. Slawt, Lord J. wian, v. ltiMetLBlrr.

Murtci W. lira. KL Ho. Ctapoaaa, B. i huans, i.

vr. Ctar.lMrW. rrswior. VT. laalrrmp.Captabi T.

KaeuLftoli. VkvcoUBl tXke. aV. Bptdastoat, IL Kvaaa, W. Pmsusob.

Ciloosl roraor, st OTotaeU. M. J. B.S. Wilde.

Sir T. Wiisama, W. WusemiMo, Mr T. Wood. A.

Weud. a. W. Wrwhtwo D. Torl.U.R Pale, C.dl.

PaesCCnleW PtetaXCatlab PbitosOk. Tetwl gu. t. rail, at. Plsawl 1e, Captala naS.ta Qrey.

RrM Ua. Btr O. Powe Boa. J. O.

WaUey.T. Qtrnntaat. Lor R. rmuJ Church of Scotland. dfetioa made, and Ouestioa pmeooed, That a Select Committee be appointed, to consider lb Conatitntion and Principle of to Churcu of Scotland, and to iaqalr lata th causes ef th uollauon between th Snpremo of tbat Charch and the Supremo Org Courts, aad to report their oboerraxions ibereupoa to tha (Mr.

A. Campbell.) Th Houae divided Ayes, 62 No, 139. MIls'ORITT AYE3. PhrssrUa. Captaia rowe.

AxHoaby. IL A. rsurd. W. IvuiaermaB, A.

BafaaoB, sir K. Htowttt.R. J. Itowrmx. lie.

Hastie. A. Har.Nv A. IUtm, XT E. Il alhcc t.

J. IblLLw M. IreUad. and bo taken out of wamheua for consumption in r. Ireland, or which, havinr been taken out of warabonas in I IkaaO a.

Admiral Scotland for removal to Irelaod shall, on or after the said third clause repeals th aUowasc (ranted by ih. act Of th fWwr, M. Jd WLuiam IV cap. 29, on tpiriu mad from malt only in UO. T.

Maesansle. T. Maaewa. H. la, Miu, Rl.

Uoa. F. Nauar.iirC. IreUad. The ninth, clause cruets lhat the additional datr S.m..R nay oe ous so sue pru spinis eutta oewro wo oaia iiui i day of March, 18K, llarhs.1.

Q. Piratic Woaas BuC ThU a copy of tbo bill just I brought, in. by Mr. Greene, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchoquor, D.

aadsur tin Bccoraaaco wiin ine reooiuiions Acaen. t. ax reed to by the House of Common on Friday evening Uat) I Vi Aatrter, c. b. vusia IQ a umiteu sudusi, i tr cajryuig on puwic worse sou Aatrooes, r.

flsberies. and employment or ine poor, and to amend the arts anthovixmg the Isoao of Kicheqov btll 'or th lik pur poaos. It cocttain a lsaoa. tn nrtt cuns empowers Uonrmiaaioncrs or tier sisjesty Usssury to pay oat ol Colooel Rk.K.R. Rkssr.

J.L. BcSilsneld. J. HmoDett. A.

RueVU. W. at. Taa rVX II. w.

Tlusraelr. T. TaraeML TetM.Tl, M. Wee. J.T WOisna, VT.

Pasel. Uw kA. PetbeU. Cavtaia MAJORTTT MOBS. TeLWn.

CempwoiLA. rTft llailr. Jt. Hariac. Hea.

W.B. RarruiKs. rteeeaa Baskerttte. B. SL 11 iii i it.

Vawoesxt BoWee, U. O. Berthwtck, P. BoUU.t,a BnskCef. K.

Bnowood, ll. Brass, Lent ii. Bruce. C. C.

BuDev.rSrJ. Tw Purrii iirC, M. HaTTowch.iL N. Cbilii, iaoual CnetevM. fw J.

Cirotooher, R. A. rkttu. w. w.

(tano. R. R. Ori.rU Cuts. IIk R.

il Cochrane A. Colnlo.V. K. Cony. Ttiahl I Crait.

W.b. Ua.lT. R. M. rauuwa, n.

oevuio, k. Tmi, W. B. M.wrr. Turaoal tkil RisrsUea.

J. i cSTeQ. t. rMTColoaet CUb Usht Boa. Paltswr, bt.

W. E. OereOo. Ilea. Captaia PmI.

J. Locd T. Ptj'K. iirR. Oera, M.

Polkva.Slrr. Oonltwni. RL Us II. Pnaak. A.

OmwRkllMj. Pwa 7, p. vil Uniwiiil.P. Kw Rihl Hoa. tar W.

Cseeaa. t. KaakkrUb. W. 1 tir tofdhdl.

T. tMaatoa. Vleei Halo. U. a Has Alaw.

W. J. Hanhare, KLlLaJlII. NaaOwioa. Ilanlr.J.

Healer. J. W. U.rWt. Ilea, s.

Ilodoun. ll. Her, o.w; Horaaaa, Halt., Jwmra. Earl Johns.

W. O. Joanstoae. Str J. Jelxrfs, Mr IL Num.

lion. It. M. HsaJe, W. M.

Klrhara.H. Kosbbmoka, relooet Rrdar, Hea. tt. a. Iwlna.B.

HiaK IVnit NnrUK, Ilco. U. C. Swtt. Hen.

P. Hwwrt. T. tlsbue Naaenel. Lor U.

rVxnsrlro, Vtacoost fualer.Leri Ssewart, J. Keart. Lmt J. rtaart. w.

th Consolidated Fund, tor the purpose sboremenlioned, to th account of th Oommissioaeri for tb Reduction of the National Debt, a mm of money aot exoeedinr 3t0.000i. per annnm daring tbo five yean next antifing th Sih day of April. ist by auarterir instalment! or utuoi aot exeeeuinc per rrairter, io. The biU wai a secoad time on Ineeaay tugnr. COYEXT CARDES' THEATRICAL FCXD.

Yeaterday vtninc. the anaivrmrv dinner of the Corent garden Thaatrieal Faad took place at the Freemssont' Tavern. The chair was occupied by hi Royal Highness the Uuk or Cambridge, tn too abeenceot tbo precedent, ine Duke of Soaaes and teveral of th priacioal coutribu.n to the charity were present en the oecuion. Arter ine removal or tne eioin ue usual loyai loans were prop oa.d br th chairman, arid responded, to in a truly Tb link ol UauB UDQK tnen give tb peculiar' toast of' Cray. ins roniBg.

i Ifni, "mluillf nerolent feefingt of hit' auditory, and obeervisg that the char ntr was on wtuca aeeerre a Marty support mm IM public The trust wm received with an enthuiasm which plainly showed that th company proteat ally exsneidod ia th sentiment! expressed by th Royal chairman. Mr. DlDDtua, in the abseirc of Mr. Bartley, who wa en gtge 1 profrasieoal'y at' Coanl gardoa Theatre, acknowledged the tout. He observed that th fond, which wu in stituted ra tno year woo, ror a corrsraeraot lengtn oi Time depended solely lor support apn inoa peraormers wot were considered bv tbe committee proper penona to be ad irrriine At msn.ta tor ad mitted rbcribfng member, and the annuities st first urincnrrrti spplicanta whoeo case eutitlwd them to th fntlM eontideraiion.

have been, from want of furada, dw a year to year, np to tbe present day, i i. uun nf tke Jmmi disnsn. ever been acriro in their exertions, and tbo funded property vt nf small amount, were lo them of Io W. rotnroowd. ILiL Ihaaeomtje, Hoa.

A. Uoacacabe, Iloa. U. 1'wton. W.

T. Eorteo, Mr P. Ht E. lialst.F.W.. LssS.

a. Lnaes. Lor A. Liacoin. tarlof LbuW.

11. II. iMCkhalt, IV. Lowtaer. J.

II. P. M'Ueacar. T. A.

Miiiiri Leva J. March. Eari of Msmsu C. W. MtvWV T.

Tsraor. C. THiarn. Tiwoual iviaa.J. K.

Waliscioa, II. S. Wkimssce, T. wuiwaJum, Hob. R.B.

Wood.CoioBelT. Waftbr.llea. J.S. Wrolham. fokiaW Takra.

PrematiW. sir T. IL Oefciir. He therefore, Una himself for lb next aiioraM ior acquiring inai anowiejge, uiacsnunc: vscu there would be no rAr the blU, aaT merely an lhat it now be read a other't fanl't and virtue, or of embraoinr the msrrird ttste wu jjkei, t0 lead i t2tuse. Mr WAKLEV wu very glad that the noble lord had L.a.

I riLTtSl vtrltnersl lXhZ lh woa' to flow from a purer or more itwu there decided were thoa. which haJf relation to the do hies. He benered that the general uh wu that authors m. ltSru no idle harrnv of famines. When aaouia receive adeoaau rroieniou I or uo rreat aervice 7.

ianarrumei wct Ujv rsnoVrrd tbe only UuTrrenc was as lo the taol '7. ik.i "I lord th member lor iwrsejsrure nn th. on. I 1 I7T in rane. ne KoTil Natal BE igmKCT SoatTT.

Tbe follow In: ttatemeat ahowt th extent and amount of relief voted i nn.rt.rl. Bwlinr, K.l.t At tha "iTT r. Thatdwd 1 loose, from to.isii. i no eocieiy regret inax. tu.u""" vt I ia coneo.K aee ot naraerou mitted robbing members, and the anmntiea at first lir.ZZt,rtnl applicanta raid lo the claimants were exeeoJingly low.

Soquentlv Joneiaidemfen, have the eomtnitteea from year to year, np to the present day, had lhir p4Btl ever oeen aenve in tueir irnrjni, Ma nmu prnj rriy thoush of email amount. iformed men In Oermany, to show that not done, their es fell ta Ihe ground. Benenag thai tbat had inereaaed, II hJ ever oeen found necessary, order i which only thoae in similar eirrarnfrtaaee can' r.fnp. from tbe evil to which the nerled hal not been done inthil ess, should rive his moit cor i ths' the oririnal mtentiont of th institution mirtA not be "7. 1 i k.

.,1 Wrr? except oy a return to iui cauvu uw. wax that d.ije wtuca involved Ui Principle Ot uu'wot, suntwmuio su vuiuvni Kwsivr orpw''' tome 01 the best laiormea men in itermany, 10 sujw insi nos none, sneiv case ieu ta mo rroitnu. nenevisa; sums mat nai increases, ii woonti nnuu support to the bilt of the noble lord. (Load cries of infringed, that it rule and irtruUtioaj should be strictly ad 1 1 iISJJsZ, tietion" and Cantains. their widow and orphans, le.

HARDYdid not mean to detala the home one no. I. f.i, h.i,r.wr, Iw nr. I (Unrhter. and cries for Finibory oucht to recollect aearibg tlat protection.

rrninc from a deep rooted I svmpathv. created, on the one him rrdlne on the ocevsion. Even In I7fCin the worst rarT ACAL'LA i said that last rear be ahould not hare di by the loss of a fond, aTectionats and beloved object times of tbe republic, when the canon la wai aboliihel, Un 777, i nni i v. Kam u.AAua ns ui to. nsso, oy ine toss oi a ions, aiiocnonaie, ana oeivvru oojsct tirnesol the republic, wrien tne canon law was aooiisur laws i ti.t caiw.

iiiui.i ipecuying, amongn oiaen, sienne omners sjn etyi. wren tb. Krwuwl rlsnaLnn amA tb. Pvwnvril i I fl A.i.1.' V1.M.. nMl rt in1 rYl wtlnr.

tbo! Il other member ia tha houae bat th hon. number tret nuav defects of detail which bo should with to tee altered. Upon th whole, however, ha wu, not without TWO Iks mnnn it vbh Htmnuti rjKaieu. ua to wnoa uni Thobon.andlesrn.d auMeet wu referred, there wer present the Consul Camb 1 tK.I,rm m.m. eerea.

M. ReaL XL Portal'is. M. Emmay M. Boilsy, Ml' er said ht had formed in eoosideration not of th higher Cretat, Le Miniatre de Justice gentleman upon this question a view which the hon.

mem ceres, M. RenV.M. Portal is. eStbuVT Mi I. Wh and wirhe.

atice (Regnier), M. Bcrlier, Lord C. KOERTON said he had tretrpasud loo long on th' ll Ueutenanta, do. do. Zifi Masters, do.

d. Snrgoon, d. do. asert, do. do.

U. oil ChaoUint. do. do. 133 aadhewu har PTU say tba rlr bithorto beaiowedl 1 IA HABCjuiaor Tl, i 1 on Monday evening, la the library, vJining tb ecnaads.

One of the ralot i kV. VV.n an arrumrat aorfwru Renewed laoxhter.) When the nobU mnnitie should exceed thai lor iwrsejsrure merrea tn i.oancu oi i did so in his (Mr. Herdy'i) apprehension, and lhat Zm a. the ananitants ahould. on and all, suffer a proportionate de Saenan eveuf, it wu to be nopod, migst beiar on bead.

Her Moot 'iraeioui Mijeary the Qieen nor only em lb patron ros thia charity, but ancuaUy bestowed npon it th manifioent donation of 100 guineas. he King af Hanover has been a most liberal donor. Our 1 msjnaaasi treat kaU of 3rcr 4.r heo. Tho outer coflin naa coTereit with lb rieheet Uono bUck velvet, farniaboi wUh superb St ornaments. In hanBe.

plates, and Bail. Ox titop. wu tbo follnwmc inscription Tbo Most Noble Pi anest sof upon different wu now put forward. He arid there wm no reason for pro lJhat peat incoavenienc resulted frora moving questions aver rroved of "ixhest imrxwlince, Ud fftrmi yean i iJnomberji a Xnt kMwUdseof hibillax nurriace bet wee a "brother aad tistert Ia lw lik tbo woseaL He (Lord F. Irton) agrsod that tber boon indeed a hboral doaor alan.

IU Royal Hhaeaa the I 7.L?r the nf tb. r.irtiMllMl rnaliinDtMfllMt ii nut wu turn reaa a teconu uat, uroereu ui uo ugaoiuo signer and lower orders T.r. KZ 1.. ..1 11. tVt mmwrt I.

andtbo WslfaT OVOn Of ur. LAV) Ur ilAKKlAUU. AIU LK Ule uto umin ta wi wswui uwii i I. Hnirriunci ror.fW tiiAi bt mnriJ In tb several relations the ctuiaren oersaaas inai sncn unions sboui. um ui ht 1 oroers ot tocieiy.

in oojeciwu axaiea oy ue non. snu waves, Vk. i ir. th tobU lord would have been th last man to learned gentUman to marriage, ol tbu kind amongst tb inai 10 wnai nau oeen aa.s Tg lorward the quewtion, and he ba a could ho made out bi flu be found to forbid marriage hd tU wif. wu living.

No a eouli .1. lnr ruTa suca" a7 a ocialS on with "an 'ZTd aiteiio. of interior of The MWof nJcw a might be iaconrruiajic resulting from tbia court, Duk of Suaesx, our rcioaa. president, ttill evinced bat did aot thu inconvenience result from inoTing the wttf 'tatrt in tar proprity: In conclusion, he other querti rnt! Ha for 'ooe Ih xtrht aotoo incon beggou ta exprem a nop tart too ese a valioii! aad tae reuiene bad rasuUod from raising Ih ditcosaioa ol.aonour or oeuvenng. mtrni so reiponaea to oy sno iwiurn 0111.

is pomi avi oeen a sows iseai owwu 1 jt 7 wbelaor parrlculao oon MBeuM wet to a aacribod so aa IW bo om la regret raavrng neen, tarirusteav an act, of th ivixu of IIsaryTUL, or which, had but dividual ao liul ealcuUted to do luauoe lo it. (C'baeri.) recently psaatd. n(Cord F. Egorton) thought of littl I Sir: CtuTtt proposed (ho health ef tho ittnauious rnocaent wbothor the evil wm to ascribed to Lord Lyod Qrairnan, which wm nveok warmly gro rtea by th as oosbly. aoanoBlll SOl luo llureaiu niia, lor wuom v.

vwia, returned and of Mr. emble, wereahe xt riven aad PrTiTBrity to Covotilrcarden Thaatre," and to th admitted frona 4o.k rutrnberiar about JJ neraonav At half past 7 on Tneaday morning tb eornagee whkh were to form part of tb oo aammblod Curxon etreet. At a quarter tbiheartTand mouraing coach entered tba Jvbo at. At preoeely la pro tVt they found Ct was Irue) that lioauaa CUU mH xo tW wi Ws' aster. lerated to Croat fatally brmUi layrvtn sy Ud wrU th a ocal tbe wtaOUiy, do ar to at tirt 4a Uw hu ri to rlrTTltfT thdic A J.7T Zy fA I rrmmttr extent emceirol tba toorer rtaet.bcM tb oppov aad tb eaaae tha ntratrent uiUfor drvwc gMf ufo uitly wm jte; raro ihor, tv? r.

1 1 irt. iO. Ar iii M. H. fTn a nifljVT''iiaa smioinnte ratxaoaa ne nrtanoo leoj eneoa.

nitatsna i so Itr "nar I rem ino lamu quleecoLo the view of tb aavd learaod retrtlemaa tie. given todst orun by tb Uw of I7W; regard to reoaxAad Us lower Cl ix aaw.omeri iroxu mm 11 saaner wjeral reouiooe and lb ovwerai tfisriontai'ioa. with which power it fxoai lb CstboUc church to UveeV him. In "iWo directly nnfal in their atur. Tba Uat.

ob po ni ol tact, im amasaTea. ctieu linat liVbii wroundd iuiort rnXpiy' narriagea a tk ryta a.r ral lbreagbol Ih many difficulty toarosly Fjlll apos oSrTTC JiTTC.Tir Xl. ZiZZl tw3f ai7. Bodler Al Tory sommoa." U. eoald only Th ar rus ant' fove, tlu MUtef 'Of 'Jxlfc.

wm aocn BBuriara att that pwund. that bculdl sawar ta bo ata wcsald taora raay to, pay tha fatting tfi 1 iia rural revsreuce to th aUoUvu that aetnniad Lbal abareb 1 mmmSu alSwwltfl Mprax IU fhmA ''(Lord AOiley' bad end to thoae nsrsoaa he wished God neii With respect to rnaee, aiurasaw raiimaiiiiiB weal, a wavev opiBinw nat Ik kcLand laonodr aUtnaasU at ta ifk apod lb. 7 ,7. do o. mm WsT'a rL 771: Tsbibhionofllt i TU i lb snaxrW betweou lb haabaad aad till ilmitil wife 'a siuer won prrMuoiiooi try voo oai inai, si no th Restoration a i agular ryrtem of oHtftawttlow bad Isted whioh oivdorwd their, laalily offset.

Theee 4ijpenaatkns teo war rranted under rircnrflsUnco wak Owe a otaxryuont wTawa! tlntT war thfrt lxdr hot. a'wa rnsvlfTyBd btahfnd WiaToaJi.rjtBstiaAi Knowliifwtwk Qoaaxti The nbtcriptieni anrsouncod ia th eoun of th evaning a noanked to about7V sTn mraucal a arlcanl waa undo Iho direction of U. Smart and the performance, both vocal and ins rrrmeTTtal, afforded th ntmcst xautlartioa. ana ctsllgby ornwirnrrsar.abigk Bwuaats traati Tha wx erninenl vocal aad instrumental, ortner. gave ttir rra at.

Kjlsawea, aim RaisJr rU, hUs T. lla oMiss Mis. ursnt, is Mixoes i rn.isam i soiria, i rtrOu. lt; teffler'iai Mr? Sti ettoaf Madam Trulek, mSA lUr nta ltrv: BlAieAtsatr llfiZrEL Jtillaxvai Mfc O. Stonsbury, Mr, C.

White, psiVr a order; v.IL wiMw mblaxoned wub the family arm; foar moornlnr, niches, with six her to each; tbeaj earn, rbottate arra of tbo deceased and four hovoas, loorad by tha stale carriag Duke of WWhngton, and OStain Me7tr.ll. Sir Horace Seymour, Mr. Maior air is. ooymwur, aw. nawn, rack, the Lord OitsreCor.

Lord F.SouMt set, Mr. IL Bariar, Sir R. Pool, Jh Oe Yral Frrmanile, Sir J. Beckett, Sir T. Uaiaa Amd.Mr.CDcUnd; lb uauUpagos, wita In uadsr taker, on borwback.

Th rou' wu bt tb Bays water road. Ther expected to reach High Wyoocab Uat evwtnng. and A tber soot bight 1 next pteoe Weodsslaoo Siralford oo Avon and lastly. Rag ley park, in arwick. shire, cuatimr on reachrngihat place on Friday nrrhi eBAnBUw aof aaiol lyiaat inttate to ta laiintba rrott bail ol thai nrinoely rotnsion, in ruaetain place ba Saturday tnght by toreallgnt.

Tb MarquU af airrtfooi, CsrtasnMrjwaiLSir IL rJev noar, Sit a Sayxta XU 10 wave lawn nun aiisnaouw ra'Ma wot hrlerWt bar uy foreigner ll khv iimaiie tTTA Btrearploy foregulrai.r. ia fieaAa, vTrrV tt. Inst mi rwiAt 1 aoaa4 Jat.J ttwwoI iH ft 13 rjcm I oxiJo: bm yrs 1.

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