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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mtecit of tbe trial antil Beat wlm fed awe US of ehantteT," tad who the nm eb gcrredlhet ft reported Oat eat ef the bargUrs Wed said ty palclt tad UBa, aad I wCl blew hia (a Mlt "rra r.j i i 'w. fi.j pj tkat weed will de bw." tsntody, told a person ttati Webb, who mi Um at the Fjeiagtoa Ami, at Erdington, that Ik nward of lOf. bid hewe offered for Mi ape rwlieejeioyi. but that be wU Sot be token, bat would Lira Ual! op la Much I Wtkb, 3 Webb could find ot Out Um rid nee lAtiaet him eremU Ml twmcieat to lag" Mm. II nil he wouht w.

Hitwaa wiw rcn, wiw tt Mr.SajMot Mctmr ppja motion UttsoMnd he priM U3 lb to evidence then uvn bun. exrewt thil lbeU n.J ik.1 T3 JT TT? BtubU BUiUWA ftikawHsQtefMt of meeh ettnortJ at the dmgt rnae ijrxlast tbTnukd were of Mr. Osrdwn, tfae twtilioner WmUM Ideate rfOnuw, tguine: the tittlttaejaheT hctht borouk tf CliLberot left Lattdcex lb n'ghl Bterlooslj, ttted tUl the committee bad Jcterseiaed It praei with the pelitioathe next univ, mad tU prradpej wit BtMM tjirmtbUftiis4 tht WMutimm. THE TIMES; THURSDAY. MARCH 17.

1842 la imu harare thai raniraltlaa iw v. to lean fLoeMiy that day, he kmd hi Lcedship ww pratpaie loe WW. ftU window, bat thought that Turner eeeld not iwtu te exeaediagly anxious to hen Um earliest OMwrtnnitf of that, end to eeyiag th he cried. Bath the prieociert were line: there elves from the stigma under which thwy at MtuWbnrttotiitMUeiHMditra. Ubewvd.

Uv jiry lb4t Um cut, cW op Um tUtno. tolJl IO. Unotuoi lUUJ Uut )m la nicbor 1 itm mm ol nacb ImporUno tioa thoaU Im nxli is Umat of tboM tala r4 airty, pittJ ft Pil SiBwtnt witk nct to tb ph of nit7. 11 mi qti. mdf to vrootd bat in bob, It Ur.HUMlSpMiwuJUrtt At I btiT4 thftt tho om eoald not trial bOor lb wit I 0 PMnUr 1 im bond Mlttn In obooVncn to tb miTUSU of tM wif diuliUc, ni nt ra4U lli Spelter lh nu Cummam.

ml rT tf thy tVenht thy rlj Bfon Th lanmW laet oUerrxi tbu tbm vol Menli ia.a.fto tm. IWi nantlimw no bin Wfarwrr.MW iiui i 1 teaoaotobrisf Lalojaate. "I'H 1 tf bob tatt Rft. Flmborrfttroat. blk vu ol to P.

Utum.TPxv.Bir. jon wiin ta Ux. Rxiiinc. OtoUbornf IbAsibotMoarMrir Mr. MoltoOv No.

1 nmlr M. 1. Tbo Lmd MiTOK tbca oUainol fnra Mr. BUUtr. ft nv n.tb;UtnotofftcftM ttM ftt wbleb ba dUau eooeeiW, bri tlMast bon m4UprprltfjctT7ia1LUrtoUMtnomiiltc.tnt 1 Mr.

Mtltw bm lUlkLOiiu Vh tu ranwlMtoUMeomctacMof Um trtaucUoa. 1m ubU! ht Um rmnm ehuujwt to MilftloMt. orWUUn Ua H4 omortnahT to mtk taqoirr, Md tbnt vpon maktec in. iriirj, fornd tUt Jl r. TioapCT did not Unit Um ftd drtMciaVrtbfttsaaUoBua.

Ho (Mx.Mollon) Wd Mt find Mr.Ttyapt(B,andnadlMbitoMti. If thatsmton bad, wba thcr wero ibova Um noto, it TUibmcr er nriadluvf IniutrlUi. tboj n(bt bar pat il in iLau P. laraiiB. Pray Wbo roeoauaasioa Mr.

WIBiaa Tbarapm to yon I r. Ktui.l nat maait HluU talad IbU (MtMO. TO Umij hrt hrrn lnairtion of Um Hoom of Coounan by 19 o'clock in lb mania. rn m. aai a jawauo.

'Mnotbrndrd Umn Mr.8riant McftrRT iith wbom was Mr. DrasltXaii Aldormaa Lccft Oo aoakoow Um partoe, bo raoom. forOatf Lsrau. At to tb mfaauoni aula ky tha pri. and tbt decision la UkU aicU (torarn Um mC JL biU 1 Mr.

MaUoiuh. daar. w. opaan. taa Jary woaJJ aay wUUmt tbay UMaxbt that Um kaan ocad fiait ttmti tarU, without any notaca yixkU AliUnaan Lent TVra a kaeir kk uiat.

What wiMa waia aecaraiai; (Iran, I arwr, ana no uuj umj appaw4 to Aaarara Cm cU'r, it moUra can jon tun for eonarafiac bia aASM I yvmiywm inn, aitw laa caargvi 10 tka jadenant Um rifotaa. tl wM, mattaf arily in tk aaaaVaad that waa, Out Um ttt taai aonaioaruiao, Ua atata of alana ta watch onaoalaorr warakt to aoiaar tK nt i and if to. bUMr tear ra as oaantkamont in thml tbu Uwy anut ba takaa to ba adotitaiant of tkalr riflt ta ra ffranoa to UiU tria ctWm. or war tatrty tarmiom of timr alara aai apprabatuion, koowiui ai thry did Uut Um bad baoonr muter of notorily tm tba evtixj, and UiU UMyvaraabJarUot aoapwioato Um poliaa aaacajont of tbair bad Tba art, alter dalibtriliar. for ball boor, rtUnd from aanrt to conaUcr Uir Tardic'aad akoat 8 o'clock rr tnmad lata coort, tad Spanecr and JU.

JaaCca CaackWtxi. dafcrrad pMainc arnUne till lo morraar, tbt ba'did not at meat know tabi not cooiiJer it tli da: to laav Lorctt for co pan. aaag orar tbaai far atx taoalha loncar. Aflar aocaa artkar eooTanaUoa batfratatUi laaroad oooaaal. il waa asraad Utat Ui caaaa ahoald itaad orcr nnl3 Um arxl aaiiaa, by tba da fandaata beinj allowad tbair eoati.

What Um iwlara of tka' ebancai an tbaat tlacton of CUUmkm did not tranaaira in ooaK toay, bnt an tarar rio( to tha la! aatliai it appear tkat ara rkarnl with briaarj anl attampt to briba, and otVn witk faUal; an wring Um qaauioca pot to tbaa whan Uadtrior their ToJra. NORFOLK CIRCITT. BF.DFORD, Timdit. Miacn li KotaiM O'Calluhan WU indirtad for ataaliav taar MatL fonr waiatcoatr, aad faar yir of troa the property of Mr. Jntira rattaaanbat baan mtxrrd tka aatrr nut af tba day in tryiiu; primjian in Um AVi I'riu CoaH, a TVrenee Swraney, on Um 17lh of Falihu y.

apaeial jmry rasre. isTol'iiiit ft qnaaUon raladrc to a riht of I Mr. Ikuent aonJaetad tka tut. wa. krr taasinaiad in a rrrJvt far tta plaintar, Hbiact Tba proarcatnr a targeon, Erin at Mirkt irtraet.

in UiU to Iba opiaioa of tha Caort on a apacjal ca. I eoanty, and a faw waaki ao tka prUoarr called a hia aur Mr. Njaaat Ladw baa alao batn oerapiad in a aiailar I Itary in tba a' moat dlttreta, and afu khaninr torn cvrtifWo EMTkLariaUM Grand Jary roots. af hsttoff svttd blaiarpfal xwmUon, and utiaSai Mr. araiwaapaoai jarr rasaaa.

lh lart on tha Int. flxrd bwaruay by bit eoarrrution that he had been a rorton, tha ta uxama, oat ther wSl not uka np ranch time, and proaecaU afraed to take Lin into hi itrrice, and ba Mr. Jatar ratteaoa than ba able ta A vol hia enttra aaaauon to Um Crown baaloaaa, a great portion of which ta be dapoaed of. WESTERN CIRCL'IT. EXETER, TtoiT, XIaii IS.

aceorlinT receitel into the houie and duly enrolled am jnjit litt dooeitira. lie was fel an I clothed by hit em p'orer, aad attenJed in the tirrcrj, tthara ba dLapanted nediciot. In four or fire weak, bowerar, be baeuae UI ill dmoinv, ant opoa remonstratal with, ba rnJnrf.t timtr .1,., .71 The (wtmiuwn was crer.M in th riir x.iVr.'.r. TTalwaa to rt vt. is beary.

Uwr Uinjr. npwarJs of COprUrnan frlha bad recorrfed Lis ene, tha proeator diacksread coaca tire ana expentos to Loa the pr'soner said ha wished to (to. retoroat to Market straat.a&d Mr, ttU. aad Um cffaooM with which they are hargaj are of a him, and paid hia cm aery eeTWisnrore 2 are charged with Border, 4 wi aan n. to which place thi Ctukter.Ssaaliricnrwoand'jiZ.

3 esses of tioanev. 1 nf At tha eal of in K. arua, of foraery. herse atealiag, shetp ateCiof, 2 Sweeney bearin); a Boise tn tha rnrrery one morning, saw te 4 beio8 kaarieat priweer bakiai tha coont r. looking ika drawers he Toe lonrt took ioae of the miner o'encet dariag the day.

la the Xbi rna CVnrt Mr. JatOca Coleridge heard tone was tamed oat of tha boasa after soma reuUnea and tha rroeeentor batrd nothing mora of him until tha 17th of Pebrnxry. Hating been on a professional tisit thst night, the proaeentor did not gj to rod until 3 Viok in tba rsom inc, as soon as he entered bis beJ room ba saw a man secreted behind the daor. The roan, perfecting that ba was diaeoere4, blew oat Sweney's candle, aad ran down staua. followed br tho latter unu ot aithin lO reach of tha nrm ilu HeiryTiakma was indicted for tke nnrder of tVilliun I and aimed a' Mow at hia A r4hW.uTbcrne,in the MTett Ridhic.

cn Pth lum. The protecntor then threw himself apoo the pri ofJaly last, bj subhiog him in the back with a knife. toner, and ore. powered bioi; and. baring rotuad hit Jxrti.

lUines, condocad Uia proae serTant. they pat a noon him, that cuujc, sad Mr. V. iliini lh, defence. effertaa'ly 'aeearinC thewlves sgsiast farther TvoUnce.

The prisoner was by trade a shoemaker, and for 10 dsrs Tber then aearrW tha ni in iK. 1 prerioos to this oce srreue bad been working in tha town a handle was found, containing four coats, three walsteoata, of Thoroe, with a man named Ko. erts. On the day of the and foar pair of troaten, all beluoging to the proomtor Ulti occarrenca be bad been drinking with one of bis I they were tied in a linen eorcr which hai been taken from roapanujcs, ana was xaaen intoxicated. In the eeenirg UDle i the dining room.

Beside the handle 1st a small niefenJcd caaeea, and triad one require to the right to a NORTHKRN CIRCl'IT. YORK.TrrJDT. Maaru IS. be caSed at Mr. Ramsay's, aad asked hhn if be woold giro his some craft work." said it was not tha dsy ta talk of those matters, andadtised him to go home.

He then became abctire, and was pot into the street by a joaraeymaa named Slater, and a bretLec of Mr, Rob rts'a. In the street be behaeed in a very riotous xnanaer, and a rramher of beet sooc couacteo wnose booting increased tua excttecoeot. He then tract to hia lodgings and asked for something to est. The hoea palled open the shatters, tad cried, "Tarn oat that drsnken cobbler. He got' np in anger, with a knife in his bsni.tago oat.

Mrs. Boitoo, bis landlady, got the knife sway, ana ce went to um noose oi ill. Koberu, bis master. qoantite of tea, which it appeared had been taken from the teacaddy in tha cUning room, which bad been farced open and, upon farther search, a letter was found lying by the tide of the handle, directed to the prisoner. After making these dtaeoreriet tber retamed ta the wiuwr.

whnra thav tuul left in the car of one of the ar rranU, secured In bit strait waistcoat. The partr baring now been inereeed by the ernes! of the constable, tho prisoner was released from Um rea raintther on then Mrjweaney ua nea on one oi own wauieoata, Oalenging to one of the mitt they had diaoorered in taw collar. He stid ui.wa.uii, vmSutn iu imnn, poi uia proaecaurs looimaa tanm oj iua aiigrj man uisicaiea suie. lie sua prveea ibs ne naa tenshea It and tne other clothes, folded be wasted what was hk own, went to hia bench, and took np I them an, and pat them into the wardrobe, on the prerione tomething. lie UienretanMl to UMaeetaAd began to partoe Monday and oaon lookiar Into the wardrobe tkerwara the boys.

He easght one, bat the boy said be had done I misting. la one of tho priaonerU pockets they found a raaor iwi.iTig, ia ua pnaraer un aim go. tie men porsnea i wionging ue proaecator. Alter ne was in cattody toe sr otter at the ry was rnnning away ttock him in the prisoner admitted to Mr. Sweeneyl tailor that he bad pat the back wi a The boy fell, then ertwled a few paeee, clothes in Um cellar, bat declared be only did it "for a ft ap, aa.a leu agam.

sua waa um tuu arc ontie aeoeasea, I lara oe sata also ne "mignl Dare Deo Sea open UM lea who was a boy of weak mind, and had not, it aeemad, engaged in annojing um pnaooer. uacuea eery toon aner irom a worms in tne Jongs, paased nearly throat a the body. A sharp shoettaker't knife with a blade 5 inches long was picked np, which was prored to belong to the prisoner. Mr. Wiifcjws aJdreaaed the Jury far tba defence.

The learned Jctoe, in rroming op the cae, left it to the Jury to say whether the prisoner was guilty of order or masUoghter seemed to intimate nis opinion that it coald be hardly: distinguished by the slightest shade from the Jary foani the prisoner Gmtlty ci mintltnghter only, ana The rncc, taring it was highly neceessry to tnakt an ex ample la such a caat at this, immediately sentenced the pri toner to be transported for life. LANCASTER, MaaXR 15. iUffjrt Sir. Justict WjOHTMl.) Jamaa Parker, a man apparently about 50 yean of age, was ccargea wim a wutui muraer oi loomas isnerwoed. Dr.

Brows appeared far the prceecnUes, and Mr.Whigham fcr the defence. The alleged Border was committed in 1833, and it appeared from the eridenee, that the deceased wss a gamekeeper in the serrue of Mr. Hornby, employed on the preserred manor of Lord Do Tahley in this eoanty, and that en the morning of the 20th of December, in the akore year, from the hoar of 1 ta I o'clock be was wauling game, and on the look oat for poachers with three other gamekeepers. In their rounds they cet with poachers, and they endeaToared to take them isto custody. A teufie ensued, in which one of the poachers discharged hit.

fowling piece at the deceased, who lired only about an boor and a half afterwards. Several ptr.tft bad been previously taken into custody on suspicion of baring committed the alleged murder, bat they were liberated for want of eridenca. The chief witnesses arainst this prisoner was an accomplice named Adam Mercer, who had beea committed on the coroner's inquisition at being an ao oaasory to tke murder. This fellow attempted to prove that the prisoner was one of the party from whose hands the deceased set bis death, but as the other gamekeepers who were called could not corroborate Um witness, be was not believed, and the prisoner was acquitted. Jiwrs, the sm coiut Law lcacce sgitatojl James Acland, the individual who has earned for himself a rather anerMriable notoriety aa an of the Anti Corn Law leaagaa, and as an itinerant epeech nisiirig agitator in furtherasee of the views of the League," in their endea toots to obtain a total repeal of the corn laws, and who, at the last elections for Tare worth and the northern dirision of Lancaster, was employed to stand as a candidate, this dsy pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with having altered a false and tlandereui libel concerning Mr.W.

Ro bmson, the late Mayor of Lancaster, and the retorning omcer at the last election for that borc gh. It will be recollected by the revert of 7V Timet tkat immediately after the aidreat to tke elertort of the northern division of Lancaster, at the last election of Lord Stanley (which occurred on his Lordship's accession to office), be was taken into custody by the con stable of Lancaster, on a bench warrant, for the offence of which be uut day ttandt charged, pursuant to a true bill found against bin at the prerioas assises, and be waa then baiied by bit proposer and seconder to appear these ataitet to tuetr the charge. The cause of action ori gXk' ed from the proceedings of the last election for the borough of Lancaster, when Messrs. Ureen and Morton, two Conservatives, were returned. Their opnonent waa a Mr.

Armstrong, in the Radical and anti Ccrn Law League interest. On Uut occasion the defendant Acland as en gvced as "tne talker" for the Whigs, and at the concloiion ef the contest, in pursuing his oratorical araratiou. he took the i.Wty or lioeate of telling his auditory that Mr. Arm ttrotg was the man who had been returned, but that be had rt doubt the Conservative Mayor of Lancaster would return boil the other candidates, and that 1m knew that hia worship was then engaged in falsiijing tke return. These and other oWrtations reflecting upon the honour of tke Mayor of Iscuter were reported to him, and bit worship, considering hia wa character, and making no allowance for an occa 'Jt il "rerrersion of truth for tha infrtsts of the mo new.

rt.agbt the present action. art previous to its being ed upon for trial, the solicitor fr the defendsnt Acland caddy and admitted tkat be had left his shoes in tha ear. den, and entered the honse quietly the bark way. la hit defence, the prisoner made a long rambling state ment, tending far more to prove that be laboured under an aberration of intellect, than hia innocence of the offence with wmen ne was charged. The inrr havinc found him GaStn.

Tha learned Jcdoc desired him to stand down for Um pre em, oreervuig insi it wis aim cult to snow in watt way to oral witn to extraordinary a ease. POLICE. MiNsiovnocst The justice room wss yesterday attended oy a great nnmaer oi commerciai men and others, who expected that tome of the details connected with the ease introduced by Sir Peter Laurie to the notice of Um Lord Mayor on the preceding dsy, on the subject of ai alleged forgery of the signature of a decease! person to a promissory note, would be expoeed to the public The statement nude public at tha suggestion of Hit Peter Laurie bad evidently excited the greatest curiosity. The esse is briefly as follows Mr. Kini and Mr.

TeadelL the executor to the will of Mrs. Ann Weldron, represented thst Mr. Melton, a solicitor, had, after the death af Mrs. Wal dron, applied to them for payment ef ft proounory note, of which the following it a copy 33 4a. London, May IS, 1841.

Eight months after date, I promise to pay to Mr. William Piddiog, or order, the of thirty nine pounds, four shillings, for value received. A.V WALDiOK. Ptysble No. 7, Stebbon healh Terraee, Limahouse.

Endorsed, V. Pidding, J.Shsrpe, Q. Howell." The executors baring resisted Um demand in tha confident belief that the instrnxent waa a forgery, proceedings were taken by Mr. Melton, who informed them that he was employed bv a Mr. Thompson to recover the amouraf.

and the enute was laid in Lewes. The report of a ease la IHU Tunes newt paper from the ork assises, in iu most Important feature! resembling that in which Mr. Thompson appeared to be the erincipsl operator, having met the eyes of the executor, they applied for and obtained such inf rmation In certain quar 1 tan as induced them to seek an interview with the Lord Mayor, and at the desire of Sir Peter Laurie, who, as might be expected, entered rigorously into. the investigation, ob 1 taiaed a summons, which was served npon Mr. Melton, call ing open him to appear and give an explanation of Um whole transaction.

There were present Aldermen Oi BBS. and Sir P. LscaiP. the first heinr in the chair. Mr.

William Melton having appeared at the time appointed. Sir P.LsCaiX proceeded at onoe to question him. In reply to the first interrogatories puj to him, Mr. Melton stated he knew the complainants Mr. King and r.

Teedell, and was suing them as ne'executon of rs. Ann Waldmn on a promissory note, purporting to bear the signature of the testator; Sir 1. Pray win is the plaintiff in the ease I Mr. Melton.

A Mr. William Thorn peon. 8ir P. LucnlK. Where doee be live I Mr.

Melton. They say he lives at No. 6, Fini bury street. rinsoury square xnai wss tne aaoreat 1 receiver. Mr.

Me'tTL 1 think I ewit not ta naniMnit: I ii lar Mr. Thompson at ray cheat. bog to stele Uut Mr. nanportrs. wno appeared elsewhere tor tba txeeutors.

nat 'faestiea the propriety of my eoudact a regarded my client. Why did not the executors sty to ma that there waa ft. orgery or, a fraud, and tell me to take care of the noto If liver had told me so. I woali have acted diOeeaotW. Mr.

King (one of the axeeatonV We wen taken by, sur prise, sua tra distinctly say that the signature it ft forgery. Sir P. Lte ajEv It waa rngetuoooly ealealated that tba exeotrton would rather pay the note than allow the name of the testatrix to be broaght la question but I rejotos far the sake ef the public that they bare acted diferealle. The eaaeae they bare pursued baa led to Uut detection and iara asnie expoeare and I bone, aad have wa doubt, that Mr. Bishop will ukt care to indict tha villtiaa who were con cerned in tie eoreXDirsev aaaanat hita.

Mr, Melton said, be had no doubt at all ol the bad nature of the transaction in which he bad bean, eery much to bit re fret, professionally engaged, and that kt should appear wnenevrr me Aidtrmaa wished, ana render any tstmtnot in kit power. Alder een Lrcst Now vu caa have bo oection to rive op the name of Um person who introduced Mr. Tbompeoa so T001 Mr. Meitan. No.

Sir. I dl nat eaniid. that I am tos tlfiad it. giving up his came without peeking to him oa Um aajet. The Inairaeea waa done ra tbit wayMr.

Tho aptoa rsme ta me, and slid, Mr. (mentioning the name of the gm ue.oan mentioned you to ma. nd i want you to apply la tne executo for the amount of thienote, and to the business wss nixseruaen. Sir P. Larutv No jr.

then, I ask you to prod not tha promimry Mr. Mellon. Mr. Thompson hat rot it Sir V. Laraia.

Mbat Did yoa girt back tba bulto uua penaiag um action i Mr. Melton. Yes, certainly in order that ba might pr Nior a witness to orove the had writing er the testatrix. Sir P. 1.11'B.tE.

Well, thu is very extraordinary. It It rather unusual for an attorney, who bat already gone to expense and trouble, to give up the' authority upon which be nil proceeded, especially an a case la whtcn Ms client It al moat wbnlla unknown to him. I want tke bill. Mr. Meltom.

You giro a maa ne eoeoaragetaent to render you aeaittance. on denounce me at once, aad I hare merely done mv datr at a crofesuooal man. 8ir P. Lai air I that yoa will proluoe Mr. Thompson and the bill.

You are rtUasad up. a your promiu to eouM when reaaired. Alderman Gmna. Yoa cannot rassonahlv have anv ohiee tion to mention the name of the person who mtrodoced William Trompson to yon 1 Mr. Mellon.

I shall speak to him ou the subject, and let yoa know the result, and I shall attend hare whenever yoa bit reqnir my presence. The case here terminated for the present. (IriLPHiLL. YeeterdaT a vounr woman ntrael Eons Orimsdalewu brought before Mr. Alderman J.Jeantoe, cnargea upon ner conieaswn wua nanng.snurdered aer la fant, and thrown it into the Serpentina, in June, 1S40.

Joseph Colton, city policeman 293, stated that the erisoaer came up to hia in an the previoot evening, and said she gave herself up for commuting a murder. She had killed her own child when it wet a month old. Ha asked her what she did with the body, and she replied she threw it iato the Serpentine. He asked bar where she lived at the Use, and she said at No. 50, Eagte etreet, lisestt greea, and that the now resided at Ne.

7, liteon green. He inquired when this affair happened, and she said in June, 1 840. Mr Alderman J. Joaason, atked if she was sober at the lime 1 The policemen staled that be bad no doubt she waa. The Alderman asked if be had male any inquiries as to the iruin oi ner representation The policeman taid, she waa net.

knows at No. 7, Useon creen. bat at No. C. a roanc woman named Emma bad lodged.

She bad not, however, beea there for six weekt poet. He could sot find an Eagle street. The surgeon at um tjempter tnougm sue waa mtane. la reoly to Queetioae nut by the nuristrate. she said she bad been accused of murdering her child, and it had to preyed en her mind tkat she coold not rest.

She bad a sister rvauoing in ureen aircw air. Alderman J. reman jea ner. aad directed um policeman to envearour ta find wut her fneada. LA VT ffOTlCSX TTiii j.J The lard CfcanceEor not attaad Court loar.

elCB CUACEl ORT CoruTK. Lmcota araaait St It iiVere "tr L. Beaewsu I Isiitnnrt Hnliieiilii I'urT llawaru (1 OtUldletoa v.Mniataa Campb.ll v. Campbell (2 Kirkwall v. re at caovar daeer llalnei AttoraerGese al v.

toopr mm t. fcaliat Mees aa. C.W S. ihmimum rilnfM.Tha fiini v. La Grlce v.

atlEaie Jew Waad W'ia v.Baathara KetSoav.Lrnca Lewis V. Laataam llsar v. Uittiae Traa noifc. matutt nit j. arc btai w.

Ppm itLa Altnenae Oaatetl a. Btawa The earoe t. llau Orortoer Ooanaer "tmp 1 oe earns i iiraiae v. niewaii rowisr v. weal v.

vuui uimr v. iiou ieiV neaaler v. Kesvoa Criftn v. Ve4 Cooke v. TnmW komer ueaeral v.

aiirara. ROLLS' COCltT, Caaacaav.Lava Mt at M. iraMin v. UaUwia De la Oanie v. Leeaartere Wood Fit'la Fslksee v.

ltatthawt Oeaculv.Heveaa Uwwlas v. Laaka Htill wall v. Oarka u.oarsl v. 4.heeiae ric Jonas llewilal WsS v. lUAat tinmth v.

Cvaa Tbomieoo v. Jtoa. aft v. Uraam. SUKRirFS COtTRT.

Rsa Lwa aeraaa at II. Dakar v. Broa kas taith v. PtdiaUiek LorUaf v. UaUet ShemrJ v.

Uiaas. I adelandaa cautat wD utakeaaitaaumaf of the coin. The Court wffl not ail ou the Tn adar la EaeSer weak. BAWKRPKTCT O't'KT. rUsiaaasu erasrr.

iHafoee Mr. Commlaelaa Faas.) PhCDsi vVQm itt. of Klk kfrian. liaaadraper aoait at II. Hamoel Lewis Lstirus.

ef Jennro ttraet. eoaci imrpeWtoe ekbice of aaSimsei it 11. Maair Chapmaa Carter, ef llsmraaiwiiita, ea jwuter aiKtlt aad divMeaa at llf paat II. Hobert Uoia ru. ol liower atiaat.

wraaroaix iani aonn ai diei tetid at half aut ft, aiiijaAwi, ol uuurarew. te oaeier sietn ana ainaeu'i at i. Joaulian Nicholion. of SoulhauiEWaourk Holaora. cirvetbu niaker dirtdeat at half raw I.

Rahert AWtatHwr. of CalcutU tnd Great CraDaxret, beoktaller au4U aa4 divMd4atl Uetnea Mr. co nmunoaer roicauaqra. inituxa DCBXIX, Maacz li. til rjanaoaaewia.

Tbaee 1 1 I taTI astasia ml vat read, tha fruit af Um labours af ft select anasasi lit tii polatadte taqalrt tau the expediency tf thaMaring brvkola st aa UM afflean ef tbeeWeaot bod, aad ikaawby aafaeiag fnah lire into the ew try tuhetilauag peraetM wboassgbt aalo tba rasaflda Lea' rj ih. Ti. rv swaleb was sohaaqaeaUy adottad.raeonttan1i1 QM re omrT ef UM eld etsrporatic.3. OTllSCttlUrPtVTCT L9XX. TO THE EDfTOR OF THE' TIMES." Sn As balder a awxi.

i rwji l. 7 T. sa niaiiiac yowl The ywrt y. jfiaTSU. or lea ywrrtrm Js ia3 diviaaaKU have bee.

bends reardent fat tbit rwmtry; bat eo Wtaly appWar to UMee rentle aen sa wraal for nrv mrklextds, dae the 1st of war7l adaras wasmaiet Uweaeti ketid. Of tfk per rs 3 sterling at lietmUm for Um paynMrrt thadiri Wmw dend ia Londoa for a farthar periad, they would eon nat to may ay interest. To this demead, which appeared to i2 aae a ramhnary, 1 etWted. and eo isxrairy at several rw i TvTSm pawte Dsuera aaa orsrsrs tne city, i Bad the eharrt, iskcr'dsrad aapraoedtatsd aad aeaal abarge war taaet. By thia'arraaa emeat MasaraTltcutebQd vsiu aav la tnatr power to tax Um htMtrt im Um i SfVMTUHb kt tau.

Baaaacae fa raa Caw. as. I Taeeaaglsa The Meet Jeer tar ruaaaw yra. ecsa. i Til tta wto tin.

Hasraeaar eaw raa Jtawea Crr. rr aa aad meemreriMnce of trajsaxaitang their betvh to Aratteraaa ror rtnew aa piyment there. Now, at I. in eanwaon.I awii, wua auer nomtsot liaii liaaa. eareaaaaw Ussra falad daae who are thmtiaettesasttl oaaly to ba seat to Um right abaat, many of Umds after lemg yean of aarnee.

im fertbe aasjsrnea trtitliaas Ikma to ho vecatel are to be taken tato eoatVWttVMi te usotivw weak. tm aUIiuas tka Iriak sataA ditm. I haTedeacribad, or compel therm to blear the expeeee, deiae. 1 trU llli ieillaliie nf Im jillili Il I I I UatJeoeral, to the SarUMrMOT OerMranS CwaapbaU. iormeriy Deputy Qmai ser ssa1it43eaeial.

to Um aartraara aad Um Baas. Major Qaaaral Heary array, he fr yrs easataaaded. Um laU 1SU Huaaan, to the Soath Wsstarm Katrlct. Tke Slk ILtciiaaeU (ant Zyiaioa) ia Kipertad here tkit eremimg froea Balfaat tke rttaaiader te i fcUew oo WedtMtasr, to reokvoe the 7am UVrbbvadaes, who embark hamadiatejy em roats to Chatham, lor ladia. The May of Um 29Ui ia Uiia gsxrieoo win bo bat taeaperary, aaUisooepe will sr tediry msrrt the asual ftagttaatttlati of eOoers aad teen pv fparatory for tadlaa terriea.

The 53J. from ScotUad, rallere the Wk la Balfaat. Tbial or Ua.Caaskav Tha trial ef Mr. Coooar, far de lirtriag a sadilieos epeecb at MoaataMUick. ta Nerember plaea at Mary ho rough eeaisee oa Metsday meralng.

Tba jary ware tworm without any chaBeage oa Um part of tha Inverter, aad bat osm by Um Cream e. Mr. John Dunn, niiaii. am raaictmeai waa eery voisraiTkoeit. timbo 'saial It tit rs.

rt uaaa Malar The Teusg am TaaMaM IIsm 4 Aca Uawtben Ura. llaraasaay a 1 tt a Ucttor Oenaral staled Um case for the pe Maeutiom, and ealled ve Um dativerv of Um tedittesM laagaage. wilaeeaes to prow Tha enaaawr delivered a very long apeech ta bit def eaves, aad ealled eae witness, whan the trial waa adjourned by ootMoot of the Crown. The trial of Mr. Samuel Uny, forthooUagat Uvea MurDGT.

takee nlaaa at the Uanaeham aastxaa em Tbanday next. The Solicitor Qsnera! nroeeeatet for the vrvwa. ARMAGH ASSIZES, SarcaBsr. MaftCH IX Mrant a or MB. rowtu.

At tba aitting of thaeoart this mormine Mr. Waiuxinx stated the priaoaar't eaee ia a Terr able sneenh The eridenee tee tka dtfeaee waa, am. to eatabliab aa au'iZa for Alexander MDwen, agatnat wnoai Ilaaratty had tworn at a. tke conspiracy on the 1st oJanuary. Tbea Patrick Coo iar aawi one or two snore wttJMtaea.

proved aa oust tor JUward at aeaaa, aaa aeat four wirneasea deposed to the prisoner Bigktfall, and at an boor (ia the worde of the learned jedre's charge) imcoaoilahle with bit pros snos at the taarder.if Um evideneebe trucencued iaanaiehbour'a boaaa.tettinra nair of linaa trouaars oat ewt by a wiiaeta, Charles Laah, UkW, ier ait utue sou. uwartt a.enaa, and Kichard Bialea aad Lamb, were the three oriaeiaal winaaaaa for this alJbi. Lastly. John Reid.JametJohntton.and William Orav gave cvuenot at to um geoa ciiaracier el um prisoner lor a long Mr. lUsna commented npon the evidence at botbaidea.

and Jadga Ctuarroii annraa.1 ap aS by a moat judicious charge. Tha ary, after deliberating antu batf aaat 8 a reruicioi uaaKa, Mo.aruT. Maaca 14. This morninr. at tea aunutea to 9 a'elack.

(Iuthaa. aad the other priaoaera who were remsiaieg for trial, Uft Um gaol, and were eacorted to the ooart boaaa by a strong guard of armed palica. Uagkea appeared haggard aad can worn, much more to thus on Saturday. At flea in alee past 9 o'clock Jadga Cratsptoo entered tka oourt, aad teok his seat oa the bench. Clerk of the Cream.

Kraaeit Hashes, too bare bean convicted of Um murder of Thomas Powell by a Jury of year country. Hare yoa amy thing to tat why jMgment of death and execution should not be passed npoa yoa according to law I Prisoner Gentlemen, I hope you will all bear what I say. I eaa declare that I know neither act nor part ef the coups racy, er of the murder of Mr. Powell. I cleared myself of it.

I am at innocent aa the child that is anborn. Judge CaaarTOJi then, alar a few peeliminary remarks, said, Francis Hugbea, you stand there at the convicted murderer of aa innocent and unoffending man, aad it now beeeraet my duty to past npoa yoa that eontonoo which Um law awards at the pani hiaant of soeh crimaa. You. committed this cri ae undar eircumtUncee of great atrocny. Yoa and year associates entered into a eonapiracy to commit tbit crime yon combined together for that purpose.

Eight penoaa were collected together, of which yea were one, and yea came to the vicinity of the place where Mr. rowelt urea. I oa came to nil bouse oo the 24 ol salary, and itsvaealru L. BaTtTtwo AT MAHCHESTBB. Tttamar.

1 Tanx Ovaaaa ar Wuwks. sa 1 atw Wi ae rentvaa I to I a Itarrothaee. IVI GaMe. I 7 I Cecal. L.

a i AI Pi. in I pa lTm I fwearaa Cee. aaa laat aauwr Um premiaxs, if maiatad upon, aWU be paid by ua IXasak Oa eMMt, that Maian! ujw a rawjv saa wweoe aeirein so UM tarao at la ether eeeea. It ia ealrmlaaed that taia tan it the whaie lean, would aaraaoat to. aad for what 1 Hoping that Messrs.

BorhcbOd will favour the penile witk socoe eiplsnition, and that this matter wiS not be drirea te lenoer expoeura aad eontetitioo, A asm, car, year aksitMat tarrant, Lerndsa, March la, 1S4Z Q.H. NA YAL JXTELLrGEXCK. PORTSMOUTH. Trmuir. Tba Tiadietrta, 50, Captain J.

Toep NVaolaa, with the flag of Rear Adai iral Sir Thomas Cochrane, tailed yesterday evening for China. She is tplradld frigate, aad baa an exoallant ship's ccavpaay, who bare only been eight or aiae aayi tram um Bat tne mi tat dock ta rigging tee eat from atom to stern. She has a Mwerfal arraaiaemt af AO long guns, rarryiag 32b. shot, aad 10 long 68 avwnting altogeUMr52guaa. Her bows ara paeuliariv teflt.

to that the can art a battery of ait goat right ahead. The wind. wnai uiue inara wss oi n. was not auoa etnar rsTonraikia. aa that the will have to beat down CUnaeJ.

Tha 1 in r.i.1, e. Admiral Sir Edward Owen, was said in advance oa Moedae. vu. aau ih wwia Riw ium tansMinis ur UM Aem lerraneaa lo morrow, tnooU Um weather adaut of it. The Formidabla, 8t, Captain Sir Cbarlet SolUvaa, was paid in adrance yesterday.

The Blazer steam ahio has arrived from tba West Indiea. She caree laU from Antigua, when the sickness had abated prevtoot to ner eepartare. The Albaa steam veaeal arriTad last evenisg from Pry raooUk with vol aa teen for the Qaeea, the Foraudable, the Alfred, and other ships at this port. She alto broarht aa officer and asme men belonging to Hex Mtjeaty'i shin RoeeJ en um oesu American coast, woo aad Been put oa Aoara a tlarer captured by tkat reavl under French eoloora, and sent to a reach port for ceatdemnatua. Theee mea take a pat saga ia the Alfred to join their own iMp.

When the Albaa left Plrmooth Um Ileele steamer aad oat arrired freta Ue West loiiet the Lfrbtaing steamer bad alto arrived from Woolwich, and the Driver steam frigate frota tbit port, on her passage lo China, The following ships are oa their passage home to England The Oaricee. 84. Captain B. Remolds. C.B.

tha Baa. bow, 7i Captain H. Stewart, Cja. Um Crorgoa stesra inaw, vapiaia v. ji.

neaiereoa, ana um wasa, 1 6, Commander Hen. U. A. athe Meditemnoaa. The Lame.

18. Captain P.J. Blakt tha Solnhnr ng reesel, Captain E. Belcher aad the Starling aarreymg I lal i 11 1 I It 1. 1 TarlSeaa a.

ta I aaa anaa BvW. It I Xt I BeJtmsseA. I a wtlaatltaaeal. etkag was eoae ana the Rorr Man nakrat I IT la I sees BeAoaa ital I RerrOMat I Piaatha. Daaav.

I Tke I nCaia. I Lord llillariaat. lard WaatravavawV WrElaa aa KorUeu. yr. tst lm.

iWaacat I Mr. Bsat Sati Dt. AHaa. rra. av laa.

MaCisBarMsfrGaeOo.trrs. et. tap. Mr. Rawnaaoat Coral.

1 rra, M. tad Mr. IwwteWi HarraU Hea. 1 era, taV laa, mlm Watted. twttaa 1 let saw WUui.

I lit CarraVktoa, lo I tot Geeoo. aad I to I aa Pv. AlWa. Waa ar aaeair tart aaai a. snar a tbiara a.

Tke Waswicw Baaoicap ef It son. eaee. a. ft, wah adML 1 a aaa II eaWwikan. Mr.reeil arvrkancJrr. I Mr. Harvejl jrv tat. i'i. IW otaarsesanad.

A naa race bet aee lae two plaesd. Varca fcv leaf, h. ft. M'Ueeane. Mr.

NMrretti Lya. Im laLO. Mai law), seat Mr. Goodman I faaarie liWaaa, i rra, fca. Ck acee a taa race.

TaeRorai, Lasanteree Ifnrr IlA'OVie ef I ton earn, waa aadsd. taulea. vt.te7.barv Mr. Braeaes Ota at. lead, laa.

Oh. I Mr. tltkim Taw tat art raa. Tke Rsam Stakes af leva cK as 1 sided. 1 taSet.

temlwrse i rWara. were waa er Mr. Wialene Tha Tlasr. saw. Hat.

Hh, aauscg Mr.lUetaeaa't PiaaJty. ages. I labs. asvOlr. ttooaasS Otaat, ate4.lltt.i0iL Tha rasa aaa' PliTt waa won Mr.

Cewpart The Mite, baatiac Mr. Robteaa Uratoa aa4 two mWv raiwe art. AdvertoteaH tmr E. L. Balwer'e New Wart Sir E.

Boheet'S aew work Zaaeai" rent he triad kr ctkav tetts thaa taoai af bLtad eariaarr ee eaasr creselitr. an mack vaaaaaeaif It aw aot crease a deeper mtereal evaa ta eur msterlal ra of tkne warid at to earttaatt woaldtateeoBe had a heaa deatmwd teaartar the taae val tea tint txeld ef naterasT. It Is wi unary te read the wraie so eater rats aad to ttSaaarad ty the axtawu arwueeaen ks wkkh Ike arires beeaibe aad acl tf you thonmAtklr tsel aad tcra the entie, vaaatf Vm i v4 neratKa. Taa meruiv ef Viola a ehaemlailr Crewe. II ar reuse eatexiea, her twritr.

kawne. reeaa. an sowaaai wtsk a radiaas aaaea. Jior kar falhar. rtstrd.

wee trees ta kit vtia. lets leactrsOT sercravee. WeharutrkaowaaeuiaesHra aathetle ihe tttarath ef Iheaacr eeiJrawaat wkes Ms eanchtw speeart at Pe grass tkaatn ef raa Csrtoa. avMbrauaeewawaatssragaaaaMettoiUeua AdrertiaenveoLl The Medical Independent, No. tor vessel.

Comniandar Kellatt, from the East Indiea. The wJST? PraaLden' JO, Capuia W. Broaghton, with Um flag of Rear MareXla pans, is Juki MbUefte. eoetsialmf Anitas ta ai JtiKtne. sr jsraoa raaec.

lo tka itr: A CoZ4 of llavtb foe ha had of all tha aivata foe Moraoa'a PUa threaihoat the eeaatrr. Aae the 4 aa abar of the Meant Oestioaof Iba 1 1 rtw rtUm Mlb. raa Editesl kv MrJaka fra at. or vuBDurtiu ueaeru a tret so tae itr. voyage i Lrttu Ueaeral A cent PrWa aad nay be had ee atova Urtiish CaJaia ef Ueaih, Itar aW Pnaidenv SO, Capuia W.

Broaghum, with Um flag of Rear pUca7Neradoar Rrfi fManTfh 'TviT 5 1 lAa CX 4Ptoa ho kse, Sohd. The rale ef the fro Xorth Ataenca aad hnaaaa; ai ealaiTion MearTwaa sa4 Creas eaakaeat tne est Indiea. Loetlte lUta sat reserve: ta eoaaatuacea ef tba (real erae In adiitiori to the num oat steam Meatae U. commission then art 19 new oaet bow baikliog at the various dockyards The CeuUar, Beeiseeub, ThuDdarbeit (recemUy launeheJ sad Soourg at Portstnoutb the Balldog, Rocket, and Virago, el Cha ham tha Cormorant, Rattle, and Ruby plelely rigged, aad win sail ia the aouitt of Uu week for Glssgow, to be Sued with her engines. The Alfred, 5', Commodore Punris, hat had the defect ia bar ruJder made goad, aad ia now aearly ready to sail.

She wulleava Uua, ia the course of Beat weak, be the BraxQa. The Caryiorx, Capuia Lord (Jeargo Paolett, it ex pected to go out of barboar tbit afternawo. a at The Qaeen, 110, roraaidahle, 84, and while year victim wee rrf reeking binuelf after the laboon of Shim in Harbour. The 8" Vincent, Victory, Excellent, the day yea came into hit boose, and dragged him from the Wicchnter, Ringdove, Royal George yacht, and Nautilus! midst of h'e family from the armi of bit and Blsier, and Alban, steamers. heroic daoghters and yoa bruU'ly murdered him almoe; la their preeeoee.

and in deoaaot of their cries for mercy. Yon ata to hart taken much precaution far the purpose of escaping discovery. Yoa est ibiiehej scouts In different placet to give you lintely aotiee if any person should approach aad when you wan about to ba broagh; to Jet tioe, yew pre eared witneeeee to ewear falsely la year behalf. Il beea of no avail. Yoa have, not with standlag.

been breucht to justice, and it is an additional proof that Providence seldom allows the guilty murderer escape. What was your okject ia taking away the life of tail innocent aianl Mr. Powell area a stranger ia the country be had aot injured yoa. He wee only the ser rant of snouier, aaa was anoui to commence rmprovemen's on the eats ta of the gentleman by whom be waa emoloved. Probable yoa were obeying the bloody code of some eecret society.

wuaae taws wiio respect so lae rig nis ol property your rlctita wis eapeoeed to be infringing for ia Um midst of jour bloody deed you told him yoa would put him from planting TaUrard." Bat. however tbit mar be. and whatever Tour ebiect may hive beea. your case ia tilth at precladea all hope of mercy ia Uut world. It Boas' Becomes my duty to past on vou tne sentence which the offended laws af year country award at the pottiahmeat of the crime of which yoa hare' been found guilty end in doing to.

I cannot bold oat to roa a sine la af ym. mvm piuwhv, nu.u ecu, 1 tilUI, mortal aaa about to pronounce can, however, only affect your mortal body. But there it another Jodt at whoee bar von mnar also appear, aad wno can send boa soul aad body to hall. ie iw, mva twpv itfr oa i i oa, eicaaaa oe itoa, men it mercy for vou. and for me.

and for all. if we aeet it arirhL It was fcr tinmen that Christ died, thst hit body was neuea to um tree. 1 ne oiood ol Jesus rleanaetb from an sin, and I would advise yoa eeroeeUy te See even bow te your Redeemer, that vour ties may be wsehed in hit blood. Tarn, then, your mmd from all worldly hopes, and let year nlianew ha naan vonr divine Mailer wtui lrw. r.

pardon your manifold offences. the learned judge, who ceCvered this adJrasa ia the moat tolema and affecting manner, then placed the emblem of death npoa his aJ, and concluded thus Il only noar remains that I shoo pstt on you the ten.ence af the law, which is, that yoa, Kraocit Uaghea, be taken from the place where you now stand tact to the gaol, and taat you be taken lower, on ednes smp.v&trs. JtZ!" Fime. from neckkoe to Weramtk, wrkh waaaa thon tear VYrwart, laatrth nut, was aasaied efaad take Kena san sa vsemerrr reporUd. vera Denkirk te Domeattx.

wkk vnsea snore near this aevt sa the leik Ua. r.1 offHUioThJ tsnaavneieta Cosre. r.b TJ The Lolas bom Aacrwa to Falawotk. aaa pat fat keee.rOi rouet ata karra. rautwrMarcht.

laarwn.aa alM these ef GrvafiweU aad We4aa an tree af ire. Ross. March 1Tte CoaUeare, fraas Doaaae te MeraaL which was eathon of? klunrrera. new Ueale, the lU as, has keaaaatMedotrtad one nv pen vt ciaua Ravwjeaa. Maerfe 10 The Bileeaee, frees tsetse lo the Medttarra um uaj at twsear.

aaies rant, aaa keen cMemtlwnaeeArUkaon. Roneaav. Match itThe 1 liiabeth. from Rameeea to Baltaal. whv eat aiken la losttea oar, IkeUuat, tot off today apta li e.L, IJt ll Tt, Liverpool, hbauliis ut tetha Qnar.

Ike ilth laL. (o lUtoetto tke aorta of taerlrwiad mut M. au TV. Maeoa aareour strack oa the recks Sow sf hewneai tavnna taa kutweee.taer kava keea aaahla va.taonus totUaAajMtt. rttraMOueeaen taaawTeaa4 aasnjareat tSMaei leeeire lira, rTOwk and tka valveu, and eaeahra haaJSea etiats; thak faw ef Basra far firaar aataweetkr ef eataatkea, havtoa ava vaanarataani at lae sawraann evpraverrror vaaawaaiiiiiiiiiis.

Laaiaswaewentiaraiailit Isstwaak a mak af vkair tew katat at run rami at kka eeaei kaviae lava .1 A 'La vacft eae. are laHnafairr kslnerawl that lharkave mew nvte tie aeeaavary arraat aiMBwme in eawa reeai lerutecsaekdsAlr. tt sad Aa.ol4 eeeea a aUat. aexlM aad It. rritk sa vet, teae.

I Advertaseroent. Ne Touaneaa. Wa know of depri veJi a sa awral as teakwsef aarveua kaaiih weeoaatar the raarvatual was has beea so teRim ts te Ulacatez nmedr aw SBt'ii cetorlamtsssd In asity a kanearicr to hia erativa. aad eutolad rnrauea uxt rnnle Mtera. Ws kan staa leetrmenria fnra rerveriaol all raaK.

frren ae pear to the peeeaat. aniraaes Ikatr xratv. tada Dr. WT3, Mcseiey. OurCsarraet, WnoaMOurr.

tit earea etvedad try haa ef xarvoea sad laeaee rervooa. There a raacft aoeairr ki are treanaeril. aad ear teaonlihmeat taa keea eitited by a BkajonTattraeareakwMevhrsrd at ax wills, aad by reknaas aet ci.aiiiai. ti.T,. The means of run sn aval te a'l pane.

Let led wet rate. At kama fre a II te Jaet puhluhed. third adlbae. br Pr. MjeeAry.

Lwa llepten ee Merreai CanmlarBlv ut ww ibvuiksjias by which all tear be cured. aiaaa a aad Hi sad all boeatallan. U. Advertisement Newiy tnvtntel Spectacle. The artv artal aid arrbrded te the sUH by Lseiea one of the ami valuta llrlseaereedfrowtCMUia.

Meawa Ik. aad ftoleeweaa, AJtwraaf lw etreet. PavaAdy. epoeeae the Yeek Hettl. sat X.

aUag WBaaa. sa ioi ann liar van a vile ui tnata er alSeaipOeif eery heavy sale at west yaateeeay, Inwaa lo bunder aad, taaOei seta oataee, aad has heeeme a ee, March 11Tke VtaleA. of aad far ftfar 4aa. rete tT her "at shtTkaity, Aaiatatskla, teAexpactea off if the Couateet, frota Uvarwsol te 1 lee Erases. vraWi was athsn ta Red WearMar.

live bwe. va efT i latn Aral wrn aartroar. leaky, aad wiU loatef saiai. balaarla, ae. The Prweeaa ILaih.

aad aal Ike Umir. Hut. Yi irmniThlt trrliail lalnlim LIVXHPCMll. TU Reval tua imwd ken, tailed frees Cek Mia It, aad (roes as. IJaUna tea.

(a tae IXhtaa.takU. 1 Nleactl sue iip, euppo be LetWUvot. from China to UvwtwoL Tka Falirae. oraChiaa. bat smesd at e.

Iteaaa. Am el .4 rrora Leahora Lory froea 8ato rta Frsreaa tnm a aiUui iiuuiarrnrn Kaues l'iliKvai Rani trora HimfriiTntkt llesliaisiieae raJad. AAfaellA ta In. A H. ri i fie Ilia Jaeeiro Thoreas vVortoiartoa fje I Ims lliaiia fm "rlwa Va anaAafbeMaesaha kivanv fae tkawtt.

tr the Iort, The Cskuia (rem Boukbay. GRATESEwn. Maaca 14. ArrivsdThe Man fenra MfKaure. IX TSa IU.1.

one Kainora frm Afain Geraeaf Ttahew from Te rara trvrov, raetdtts fnem Olieat Conrver from Mnrrna VrewtluJoa from Naatea and Uvnr kiat ettaaan rrartke kave anaUal xa lo kseaat Specula we, anva a new eoart urikra. which kan tnhwd aakrwakl if rrtXZ' uaa. ajaaaaAavttey an placed bafon bajerferk rmaoTSSmt day er eaad ehatrt. laas mat aad ealaava wtorJk ZnmuZul eaee rveaevee. every ehja bere aea clavTal Dvrt the meat mlnete particle ia area with araattnai.

that the raoat seed hirrerfeet arht batnaea bright aad beaneatTaaa abeougtt to Its yerd Vut. BataraL sad ueuiaal aala. TkeaX! bepa sArn Vaice IVctortoe loeaeaf penjos is aok the leaelpeeaaotk xlre rmrre ra af te cad ataodiat extreme cases af avahaaT wi cwifieit wh peeieas of tke same asms. "IRTtte. MeaikX.the lltk IU ad, J2 Sl iSS tCa SSvsns llknoler, AtWrrineath.eaihe fth law, laotenaat Juaal Doualae MnliL BeatalLiahl Cavairr.

re Jetoaette Jiat MiSM. iuias aoam jHKl a. eUaat caushtar of the UM Riv. JoehuMsaa. ef Cfci IS Baulsram S.

Prlaeh. rector rfDalM JohaLiakhuer.Eai., ef r.nvweoad. ItrUiTto Geowatallt youagaa diotLiae el rwlaVk WZ. kZT Oa the ilth test, at m. Mary's, ttrnaaaiaara C.

trteo, Henry Jame. PtorV. tiir4 JT UU" 5V" WaldTai aiaaT.en the Mh ig II saeatha. 1 i FlUjvraM. ew4 wratie lloa.

JaoMt IntiW tyeamed lta f1 "roveheaee rweaeuf. lUaharn roromoa. after a aattaritrai Mia Oa raoar.the Anadelatraet ntO. rank. the'U Ioed wife ai Thouiat Kirk, Sramd'araa.

wad uT day, the 20 Ji or April, to the common place of execatioo, and eoo A JonTStOetSSe 53 all then be hanged kt the neck until you be dead, aa thst your froa llamturgs. lOn Vbrovat liewne from Uamtmrrh. mites of Mr. JarJine, turgeon, I1, Drury lane, which de tempted. With considerable effort, however, after the pri imtilekw il, i year, morh and aaivsni ly rarrauaL AMW 'i lAotbtef ef Uobert J.

body be buried within the precinctt of Um gaol arfi tot, tte rrunTrT.u wi Prisoner (holiio, ur both LU hvn Br th. crrt God Vwiu Errnu Llfiv'i rth ymz tr oVPin "ow of tnore than the chdd that it unborn." I burgh Haroa cWisAi from iMaaa llenasnaa lleerietu frora Ur The ihmttrrf the mirh, hn nmplrtrly Wl rd ttirtltU nf trtr imrrslrmi Bhr flttii Urtiretrrnm Miraa 'ss Hntaitiln 1. 'J i. "Ll ''arah Leuaa. cnurt became, at this moment, absolutely frightful.

i nwu Maral (sere! xi. Laas aflee many yean luSering. Miria. the aist of Mr. I Tavatocfc itra. W. 11 41 nailowaa ia the llae Fluevaua, ran, boa rVaeciaoode li.ef Ua arm of ds Lliardt aad Co. of Leadua aat Cltilii OereiiH am r. u. 1 Tle Champioejoe Uiaeaary OeaLy lor Uarahanh faack Nyaiph I ttiRS tXCHAXOK Wesaaasav.

Maaia 14. Jl. TT1 V.v fc, MmiIlWK for iteSerSnr ttadoul. fcr ehlrh thl nrunntv ln loJ.flMnile Af thintmfMl .,,1 t.ina lt.n h.mS v. JOka fMZlita.

0 DuTKirciIVft FllUU Ycaterday morning, about of the pulice, the siarmitg scene coutinued fer a comUrnLle llyvio r. foe itre lijaae it a fcLi. ih. nv 1 time, ft waa th.r K. Mate lor Bertaw Viataai ke Uileltar.TiatalarBCIleleaa.

JL ttroyed the whole of kit fumitun and stock, and very ma toner was removtsJ, quiet wat restored, aad ote of the RihanJ lor eoAarrs iao TAZ Jw, "rZCZZZ. ZF TU Kt uttVt'Uui terially damaged Um dwelling house. Mr. Jerdinciiimnnd trialt wtt proceeded with. I Jdlhje let Ci'tit Aaaa Mara for Macao.

jsf ilruia sjo. ta ai ee Moadar. Scddex Dkatb or Mr. Geoegi Clark, tuc to day. rtleal in the Phtenix and Royal Exchange.

The house af Mr. Walker, nnnuterer. was mucn oamacea. 1 ne premises 01 Mr. Wilson, wine merchant, were alto considerably injured SccLrroa.

The death of Mr. Clark, who 1 be tin burnt uirougn to ixmg aere, and nit proioasien, toua place at Uirminghatn, ia a very tu ldea Tisllta Srgtn wtt eminent in loae. lrah epoeetdlo be Ike LkaerUad, trora Chime (er Sir P. X.alftir. 'He is aa old client of yoirt.

I tuprvMe! nn wir; tr? "arnl Tl'TT i "YT" rrJ. 1 'Mu Caicaita London, aa the Uta ait, la at. l. 1. 11 i 1 um preuiisea Ol r.

aia uaii, vwwu wuuuvr, uMuurr, vu uiwviuux uiu ai uw uiuueat beta De iV 2 JflVHZ 1. il No. 78, which let out in tenements, were eonaidsnbly in fore Dr. Bin Dsries on the Monday foltevring. Jamaa New rtb.VnJ R.rTi,j7 The loss is estimated at between t.dOUf.

tha flnt wrtiioal eianuna irated thet about h.lf pit The beia Ariel, ad thetlel. V. rf rrzi Fortunately the whole of Um parties are Insured. It is not cioca on um morning in qaeetion.wr.Ale in the shop of Mr. tiuare, who it ready to iwesr that no person ol the name v.

ti.n ha. ever lired in the hou since the has been there. Ci Z.r.Tr, "avsmnah. the tfah. by Ike Pri, Mr.

Melton. That il whit wat eiren te me as his address. "li.7: 1. iT 7 cr i itoiv vn ku WiaLwul vii nwMtrsfl iHtk, att, wuu tgtj in waiting oown uu iiimi uira ss arm uair, neaa neiiuag ou one ne lumai l. i i toe stain ol an adjoining bouse, wiin a leogta oi nose aaa sie, ana bis nee goaauy.

uneat cauea lor a turgecn 7 Mr. do nSy thall know n.thing about 1 branch attached to if. slipp! and fell with such violence oo oppcaite. wto procwW to blewd life DXM OwVtZJk IU9 UirtTCalOU VI jUI. lraUU HUlJkjL.

tk ii4AUxl VaVeaVMeeta, Ai. ftewueAta rwiu, LPVaVV UawVUIe COAt MARKKT, Wisat. M.tvii ti rFrVa Oi Cotb 'a tnTT taoa ll ta tha U.rkat i TSa I ta Tj ai fc. area a'tal I ly tt iMm. iv.

ess. k. norrvwr. Mam. n.J Taaaal.1.

la. wl ordi lou.M. Towawy. ea. 4d vaetllanay.

Ti. rVyam, 17a ov um nma aan ira Isl so. Whanehft. li. liatloa, ra 'l lluvU.

lta llJLZ Mimas buund In tka 8amh Seaa tha tlrh a r. iii umiwa. ia eu necessary loconveyuun wvnaruig croes iiospuai, inasense ouu lourauay, woen ne laoourcd uuuer 'v 'e i leassute, drtpepsia, and complained of pain in the regiui of tha Mrt. Mundsr declared that ne one of the name of Thomn LJi.V..L n. i tT ae lh.

hina dnrine the t.l leir. i kid t.r,t 1 J1CRDIR IX LdTtRFOOU in UTCfPOOl paneya ve aaaa wsaeiiHiaw it, She wat quite poritive of that fact. ermtAin reportt of a eoroner't inquett Uld in that town on I lJf 11 V. Ji heart d.y wjjn 26 atsengtn and a quantity of quicksilver, to Sir LTr7.r iKav Mr. MX.Vhave vou ee th.

Man Fridty. on the body of a lad named John Chtmberltin. 17 i T.Jff f'WfW oeiv. at Kalmoath, the moruing ol the lYth. the tulil.

sion bouse account in the nevrseapen of Uut dty! (yean old, wnouied seven lejunes susuineA irem io i .7, 7. i Mr. M.lton. .0 I nave teen no rMwsptper toslsy. rfT ZT TZL 5 'HTZ, was in bit 47th year.

He taa. tve rerret to a. v. Wt Wkl'etrt Hevrt, aad Ca. Mewirt'a J'a jju ScPly.

ha tli. Ke3 llalLr Aiaaide. a BarriMtoa Tare. xaTad. Tne Joeern vi rei r.

Ha rth haU iaLtW.laes.ll. lrT ooa la dt. Beleaa The lloagUea, buuul utha Cepa. aaaa Ur, kr the Morvao. arrived IeeNWv Cewvee.

ts.e.L ILkily, IX at Corkv Shha SuCTHAMnox March 15. The Vet Indii Com pany'a s'eemer Thamee, Captain Heal, left Southampton tbit dty, with 26 (aueogtn and a quantity of quicksilver, to receive at Falmouth, ou the mnrmsr ol tha L7 th tka ruil, fnr Madeira, Um West Indiee, Panama, British Ciuiana, Sarinam, 1 aud New OrUina. The Spasiah authorities at Ha 1 via Tannah impede the arrival aai departure of the West Indiaj a 1 OC t.l UJl rt a. Vlweaat.av.Maaca If." frota tta eAna; iwt the Tin raa adaady ,1 Oreenwood.themiriitratea.onUutiak act! penny lueatrea oi lae lowu, and waue were a gin uameu 1 voeipany veeaele every poaMlkie way. 1 his was ia a trawl i I it num tha aulieitor lo the rjlaintiff.

and stated that the i Mr. It el tun. I Live attended before Mr. Greenwood. I rnma Templetoo came npou the stage, against wniml wwa egaa I T.

V. I I mmI. uu. mv jwa MJV INIAHH UlUDIIAlIieiU Stilus .1.1 havenothing to conceaL JT" V. "J7.7 JZZX.

mocuxv nt in Trafalrtr tausTre. and hai ntabj ih. 7 taaa inetty wat very an'! tflrndant would plead "guilty," and make a publie apology fa the court, if that would ettufy the plaintiff. This was feeuiatlly sxeded to, and the defendant, oa apoo, pleaded Sir P. IjkcatE.

And you an aware that tbit promiawry indirjistiori sppean have e.M,L.lfUI VI Ag for A xi, HIWHi ev is ewe re i ai. Loeg Aaaunaw. daa. 4. IwSt.

JS IHu. ka yean, Hi i Ihtw. wu Kt Ni. lli HjnJs npra. I EiaWrMe eea.

a. Gkieaoa Aynt. AcrL. MaivhII.tI he excited. Chamberlain rTuT.

1 gtr tquare, aad iuj eattsoj ibe two rwrf rm ouaraatme.aud tha Than kZt JTilz? being called 1 note. pon which you ire proceeding against the eiecuton of was proved once or terice to barb cried out, Who spent 5 JLr tB MJor the gre Je djBeolty eecapitig from being also placed in 3 ra.Wal.lron. is believed to be a forgery I jy waxes it woica qwuwn im i'nem qniraniioe, orcaaee sne merely went aionrrula the Tsy Xfiltined the I Mr. Meltoru So the executon sav now but when they rns Kmms Templetow." On one eeraaion the girl Temple I'SATH BT UCRSIXO. 1 ttnlr alternooa An ia ir.

the mailt aad tr ce which the Utter hid gather imaivuimgiiii meiuunm anjiprca wnicaiDe nd tatacieo. If rimZZaii iaam Ti I tome persons at the top qoeat was bef. Mr. WakUy, M.P, eorooer. and an thi bat been the case, tho Tba aea WdUrebaa weekrl tore Celemham, betkrraa.

It r. oianrr. roe tne riiir.ttn. men rote ana ercaag'nets of the case. He Said that the libel was one came to my office they taid aoUung of the kind.

Theyasled ton poictei Chamberlain out eL. i i I It ol the eallerr. an I when ine Dlav or eniariainmeni waa over, iiJi iu ion, in ih town or I im Lis lbs niUrau rMchue EivLuuL li II II i.i t.i. n.ntr rxA ih. ntnra.

wiilnt m.lin. oh rviim, of lb. tlieae Mlowv, ah Dim were KeUy aad M'Caekley, came MrJdlesex.on vievrof the bajy of SaxaH Yoeman, aa agedibpwtvtr. Uut when the arraarementa are eomnVfal fa, th2 1 kin, rant avr'w an lemalc. It aooeared fram tha ihvt rl.

A I vrivw. aerk TZLt leanvend was th, wife of a baker. wtM, JZUTZ. 111 l'i line, per Ceata. AcoL.

Merekt WM iKCWU J4 I aeai. ml. Marcktl. tie i iaKl rWpoei, I att. tii ffioeref tiebXroagh of Lancaster, which could not be kind, end, as they neglected to pay it, I sued them, as I thould "otlM poor Ul andbeVaivl kick rri.eri wim irapuruty, psrueuuny as tucn siatements, si nive aone in idj onmir cat, raj snort wt mprrawi V.Ti Vk I nnviJ.

be, aiik ik. Period tev w.r. rXiUled to cause a breach that it wat mr Pro. coune. died ou the dsy Mlewing.

A rttgeon ko afUnded Jn I provale uer wiib the Jf the public pvace. 'The itttementt had not the slightest Sir P. Lacaie Who gave yoa th ir addreeees I ttr it at bit Aeendatwn; and Mr. Armttrong. the candidate ia whose in Mr.

Meltfrru Ttompeon rave their addreeees to me. sanofmsfter lernt tl v' 1 l. iV. .1 tK. nlae abib WSS tha effect ineta cf tktir falsity, but had hai the honourable be directed you I The coroner summed ap that the astaultwas premedi ieg te tute belie that Um mayor bad acted Mr.

Melton. I emde to them according to the direction, aiid the jury in a few miaatee returned a verv'ict of iu rreateu. imDartialitv. Tha defendant had pro and tbey received all tbe communications 1 tent. mm nuarr nmj ly.

ated Uut Urgusge In Um rxeitememt of the too 1 Sir P. Uvftiav IWl you knew that Mrs, WiMren't will rated on tht coroner warrant aalnommittei lor inai. and on tit espmsior of contrition for tbe offence. tMf.Uraiili) had advised his client lo accept the proffered ogy on the rVeudantfplealing guilty, i et.t then made a pubc tp Jogyin court, wu r.Ltd is, ana diteharged. TB' axBcnox rcnrioe thk qccxx TMoaraoa ad oihir.

iad irT "Ja for tie northern division of this county wen jweTenwi aratmat tha Xine of tnuherae Ate cUkert, ejecton of the Wough of Juwree, at the tasttnee of the npporten af Mr. C.rd well. rwn cabOJ ttheelectia Mr. Wilsoa roach. Tree bills wen faoiut tCea nt 1 Ppfr "Wicharge r.Hrj.Dvjjwe rose on behalf of tbt'Crown to Uut caat, twttiar the tovr toil, tfvlied for tpc mntaina what wen their addriatoe two vean aro I it.

li 1. I v. A i.a i vmi Ir. I ih. Ktb Inif.

ftba Rihl Han. I mama Be groped 1 VT" i 7.l i. is cireumvteact that everr honae in tha nblvnivvuwt wnai was muuu i pi Y' a tr i.uLriii, a urwiar x.f eniar. oiin or wava, i LaaJkja aai nruikea, miiaor note into mv hands, and deairad me to write to them. and eras numerously attended, several country mem ben i occurreace "tnca this dae wrek tha haainAi dna In dotb bit Loodrasa; UeigSiea Loan rr inmi Lr.h' kaf ova La da r.

aot dar aa iaaaf life, and in exmaennMiea I h. .1: tl. opinion that death was. produced by the pres 1 she mas allowed two quartern loavet a week ty the puiihtl day. The Medwav wul bedow the let April iheTeriet upon ihe spinal roarroa and that this matter her son, who was a bir ktaif Uoiag hia best, ia aihlwo, the ISth and the Treat on tbe 30th.

The transfer of a of infWmmation resulting from external inja to keep her from gorng to the Union workhouse. On Saturday large porrioa of Uad, by the mouth of the Itchen river Ik rrrra jinn, uaeoeu ana son ts um est indit Company bin of a ltacov during tU lerawwarj sWno. af her re is now comp'e'd, aad a duck aod annfactanea wlU be Ira lAUjns. end ihe waibuned crawucg heir, rmr. dUely formed, the purpoae of repairing Um com.

'ZT wiwrrw sue was leanAiy peoy ptrteta. The Peuinauiar couRimad, all her hair coming off in the bead of her sorn Liverpool arrived at theMotherbai 1 when be groped la Um smoke for her. It wat a wonderful i quartatlne. tt'iie. MeteorolooicalSociett.

The tnnirrrsAry mrct vular Comnaay's ateamcr Ltnat Motherbanklast eve line. to perform quarantine. (i'ie. jrl treniitr. Statb or Tripk.

I I Haul kta, Aorv. March ta. let I eUAUr ike tasCebeae iniui aaaa i Be. wXXwa refwaan be ptamAm er eeaul. BniiBajl lteea! ihroed at pea.

i. if lei raaalMeaau Xcrp. It CWtaaiaa aad ueait Watara Kat.aay. i. Tallin Ceaanea.

It waev. 1 tl GtaW Watara. e. Mt Greak Waters. Kih tee nruJ Jaauoa.

Ill LeaAja Aal hruhlaa. :4 SirP.Ul'Mfc Whoit Uut Mr. Pidliag. whoee name being preaent. After the usual preliminary buslneee had been cerueraauy uurBed.

on Um back of the note 1 (disponed of. tht terrrtsry read the annual report, which waa AaraovXMX.VTt, 11 It In Mr. Melton. I do not know any of the perttei at all, tx b'ghly satis aetory in every point of new. The receipts lor cept Mr.

Thorn paon. the past year amoauted to 1 Is. and tbe diebune Sir P. Latait llow many transaction! of the kiad have men's te 137L e.7d leaving a small balance im the hands rou had for Mr. Thompson I of the treasurer, with mpwirtlt of iOi.

available tubacripjons, u. Li.u TM. aaa tka fiexl transaction anv kind I Ac The financial derarlmant of the society, tbereton. Conservative caiilidala. ehartgtbem with varkus mal ever had for Um.

Tbere it nothing extraordinary in the weari ia more baalUiy aapect than en format anuivervanaa. Jeet at Um election, by which tley succeeded ia illegally I boainees. A party eoraee to tne with a noto, and lays the ese aad there apeen to be aa inereaJng teal among the mew aa tbe I'arlAaaaemtery yepreeentativt I eutort ef tbe person wno drew muse pay ae ow "aw 7 is tirel tni L0 Sue them. CAVlEg BO rwaaoai a.i ware aaauiuu mm ewn nine neat of the iaatrument, wnle le the exaeators. Tbey Par kar, turtmea, Iieemoodeey, wat elected a Bvernber dU.

licryV ot 0 the mote, Mr. J. B. Juk Nataraliat to tito So, KxpVfW andJI proceed axaVnit them, bow am I culpable I tion, Torres' Straits, aad Commartder R. bite, were elected SirP.Uifc yo Britt fiftJyoar i for that Leadjaal HivuBrkam Railaar QzARaei, 14 UwAeaaaA saraiaisri, nlfni Twraa.

IU 5taaa aad Uaa. ft) Monk Miaaad. Tit Para son Rowa. IJ uaaw Ki i m4 ivwar yu lei aad Monh dtaad. Me I Ton, al MaSaad.

ew, a Leadii sad WeWnfiMa? I 'ji u. w.e j. I ti I 3 uui oa.aeav trom uare marac, and 10 same lime past, Ibeech at prion considered ae totally imada. Vf 7 ttanJe est the soatk quite to pay the voamnfactarer, for with rather a better de armngcath. man who offen oniont at iu modi a mai then bat not benl any adrsace en any deeeriptiea of rlUt mach frej.nud lxulitv.

It goods. At tlere wilt be a general redaction ef i as impevvetaamt an toe sacm as reualdarwd favourable as to the UesU.lated that a aa. pr epact oa lU aorh aria cf Lav wsgei tewa. and tTBPVT line or men wttb Tbit on almanack" for sixpence, and reusing; a slight dlrtrtioa to the rirhl aSmt iK.i rreee of dirty facet with Cotigrtre hghta aad trewaer ttrapt, rJecaething haa bean said ol naverins Um dead cat! from tbe tuloaare, bat is expected that tkit bcl tnveaamn mast be reterred for a more matured period of cirUixatioa and ealighttamentr iara. future; bat there turn been so many dLaappointmeole aa Um apraeraaee af lae last re eetioa, that would be pTasamp taoaa to amtklpate what tbe next mnth may bring forth.

Inyarat theee is eertainly mon doing, met, it is IhaeatkL, eqaal to the prdacion, ihuegh Una pined af tat year ia generally in aetin eet among the thippen prieea, aeeeiei, hart bo tendency dewawardv Cioreal toexaileet at ema i urta Wai'ial Rarwae. StT EaaanCevaeka, 111 1st Maa ar 7 Sk Orad Wasere. Mew. It ami Warn, at at GaaeevU mm. It Tt Xena XU.

New, 41 itt Kuhersar hdu. xewlia nariia. wi te Tl KS 4 psT ratT' Mt Piaiataaw 1 pat fata.m 1 rnrteeaaa 1 par Caaaa. ts toath taaara. tt I Brk lee.

Ui rUaMvaiWI Leaaeaail Bayawai.Xew, 1 RIGU WATKR AT LOXDOX. dUlrvaT TU. DAT. "irrasii Ajereeea aaaeAer.

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