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Macon Beacon from Macon, Mississippi • 1

Macon Beaconi
Macon, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


"1- nn HE BJ Ictw to learn that tha is times as great I which lights our pianex, it circumference of 224, and the sun 01 bmuwu fcx is frottinjr ready to go on limit, Ins Idea netng to tare provisions' along-, get led in the Ice in Hnllin a Bth's sound and wait to be up to the pole itself. ivk now linptist mission idled from Uoston on the vonia for the foreign fields. includes Bixtccn ffpr the Lion In India, two for Assam, man and three for the AfKTH Nkv, who is said to ilntit or tne innominate llniiiinurto. Marshal Nev. ll.imutanrl IVr.

nnd n. ic uf npoKPtif In Butes of some of the heroes Mar stale ior mo norms tiv electricity is being dem- Knglund and is surely ono liilitios of the near future. the convenience of doing a oning with a single olec- that- knows no varia tion of heat, which is nn not only promised but ms handwriting export, urvulho, asserts that "no enn write his signature alike." He therefore ad- startling proposition that signatures purporting to written by the name person alike it is snfo to conclude tliein is a forgery." nut commonly regarded an iii-dcn. but in a largo part of 1 nilia, thousands of sheep car-y miles the commodities purlin! sale of their own wool, lain paths among the foot- Himalayas are so preeipi-he sheep, more sure-footed beasts, arc preferred as bur- nsTiiNB, during his visit to caught the pcoplo ny his sive knowledge of their il its affairs, anil especially knowledge of their Inn- fcy no means common aocotn- in foreigners. He described i a Scotchman by blood, a by birth, a Cockney by but infected by Mrs.

Ulad- a love of Wales. il ipiaruntine comes from the pi "ipiaruntina." The Monk- ate Latin term was applied kio-Saxons about Egbert's ras then the custom to oom- uls of time by forties, and a ing from a suspected or dls-I was prohibited any inter-li shores for forty days. Oth- nit the Venetian first intro-practice and the name. L'n for the 5,000,000 souvenir i has been agreed upon by pi's fair neonle and Mint eech. The face of the coin in Lotto's head of Columbus verse side two caravels, under two irlobes.

Across th il be the figures "1493." Under will be the year in which struck 18D3 or 1803. Director 'sto have 1,000.000 of thosa ink this year and the remain- mo early in pver grows in New Zealand luxuriance, but until re-was necessarv to import all pi England. Darwin showed plants can be fertilized and produce seed only through the ii mimme liees, and, as these were unknown in New Zen- pnipts were made to introduce ii niey were finally, about ten carried the entire journey lc in a torpid state, in frccz-hers. Since then thev hava 'I, ami the red clover bears yours the managers of tha pidcihilt system, known as the lentrnl. have been able tn lost of their aggregate figures.

'es nnernterl frnm 1SH-, crew from OBS in k'IB Cross enrnlnrrs frnm 110 tn til Ala Ann. to tons of curried from to passengers from 'EU. About tho only thing not multiplied by two in the rs is the canitnl Tim pv from to 's lle biggest horso in tho Vie "White Horso" of Berk-is a figure 170 yards long, ent a hill. A long wav off It tlloilirli drawn in hl'l lln. Pntlinos are really deep ditches c.ean nnd free from yue people, who take great ii The j.

1 feet deep. The eye of IS four feet ncivwii tit. In yards long. It can be seen a ics. when the time comes to the ditches the people make a P'cnic of It and nlnv nil Pines.

fr a curious aspect to the ques- punishment In tho ftew Jersni- i. inn prohibits such punishment in tne uoaru ion of Newark permit the use a case, therefore, in xt. ---r-- ww 1110 lew- "l8 i Wr assauic on rwiirt charged that tho teach- "H'li io innict a reasonable ii mlsliehaving scholar. 'egfd misdemeanor was an ag- of "spltball," the jury plaintiff. Is'.

eastern i lor ine in- pnysietans in the Pom, emBle Patlent8' Bnd n.l "uwi me nociresi lntrolued with satis- tm oi PflnaH ui women ro 17 P7'n TiS Wk th.i MJrl FOR PARTY SUCCESS. Senator Hill Urges Democrats to Work for tho Ticket The Trailing lotirt of tha rrralilrntlsl Atily IIUimu.piI iy tli Knted Nrw Vork stalm. mnn. At Buffalo. N.

on the night of Septemlier 34, Senator David 11. Hill delivered speech of the present campaign to a great nndience composed of leading democrats of the city and state, His reception at the hands of the vust assemblage was warm and demonstrative, and there was complete unanimity between the Hill and Cleveland followers. In his speech on campaign issues Mr. Hill spoke in part as follows: "I am hern to-nluht lo aid In the promotion of the drmiKTHtic principles and to advociim the election of Grover Cleveland aim Adhit E. Strvensnn.

No npoloKy or explanation Is need-ed for my course. For over ten years It has been my custom st each unniial election to tip-pcur H'fure my fetlow eltlaens and contribute ray share toward the discussion o( the political questions ot the hour. You did not helievo that tills campaign would prove an exception to tho usual rule, and you are not disappointed. Among honorable men the loyal discharge ot political duty outweighs ull minor considerations, and in this crisis ot our country's history and in this grent emergency in our party affairs Individual disappointments or even alleged personal injustice should lie subordinated In the falthrul performance of political obligations, not as a mero matter ot expediency, but from a high ami stern sense of duty. "1'ennlt mo to suggest that we havo all of ns now a mission to fulfill.

Petty jealousies must be dismissed, regular organisations must be respected, party discipline must bo enforced, dissensions must he healed and npalhy must give way to enthusiasm In order that tiio grand old parly to which we are proud lo belong may secure the triumph of right principles nnd work out tho noble destiny which ought surely to await It. The control of this government lor many years to come by one or the other of the two great political parties is the prize at hazard In the pending conleit, in which all other considerations should sink into insignificance. These arc not merely formal words, Intended to arouse the lethargy or to soothe tho wounded feelings of earnest friends, but are a fit supplement to the sentiments which I 1iad the honor of expressing before the democratic state convention ut Albany, In February last, immediately after Its action unanimously instructing the delegates from my native state to present niv niunc as Its tlrst choice to the approaching national convention. "I then said: 'And now you must pardon me while 1 run counter lo your feelings to say that the choice of your next standard-bearer Is a matter of the very least importance, being trimly subordinate to that supreme object a democratic national victory next November. "1 meant what 1 sairl on that occasion, and I reiterate It now.

The test of true democracy Is the support of regular party nominations, irre spective of questions of personal pride, one's own nmbltlon or individual preferences. "The discussion of political topics 'upon the as It Is popularly termed, is a question not confined to this country, hut largely prevails in (ircat Hrilain, where even the virtual head nf the government, tho premier himself the venerable Gladstone ovi wiyears of age, regards It as a duty, not in conflict with the dignity of his position, to appear before the people, face to face, and advocate the principles of the liberal party, which he always so warmly espouses when Its inlen are believed to be In peril. The recent inisirtant victory of that parly in the parliamentary elections was due not only lo his magnificent leadership everywhere, but particularly to his able and powerful exposition of liberal principles upon the hustings. The necessity of this method of campaigning, however, Is not so apparent in these enterprising days of printing presses, telegraphs and stenographers, when the address of a public mnn delivered yesterday at a particular cliy in a far-distant community Is spread broadcast before the people in almost every hamlet in the land on the following day. In this reading and thinking age and with these wonderful facilities for disseminating information, the utterances of public men on occasions of this character may well become more infrequent.

"Tho two great political parlies are divided upon thrt subject of federal taxation. Vnjust taxation Is tho essence, of tyranny. It annoys the rich, it robs the poor, It interrupts business activity and fosters public discontent. The American revolution was largely produced by a little tax upon tea hich our forefathers refused to pay. They Incurred the perils of rebellion and the pains of outlawry rather than submit to unreasonable taxation.

The best thought of the American people may well be engaged In devising the most equitable and comprehensive scheme for the proper distribution of the burdens of government. "The subject becomes yearly more important a the expenses of administration annually increase. How shall the enormous exjienditures of the government be provided for? llow shall its necessary revenue be raised? It is conceded by both parties that the best nnd easiest method of realising tho needed revenue is by taxation upon foreign Imports. It is also admitted that a few Internal taxes should be permuted to exist, but that the main and. principal revenues should be derived from Hie Imposition of tariff duties.

lTpon Mils point there is no substantia! division or sentiment. "It is true that there are some extreme men, now ostensibly acting temporarily with Hit democratic party, but who do not control Its policy or who are opposed to all tariff taxation and favor direct taxation as the best means of meeting our national expenses in substantially the same manner that our state taxes are ralaed. There can be no reasonable doubt that tariff taxation will continue to lie the permanent policy of the government, notwithstanding the opinions of those siiicere but Impracticable theorists who advise Its abandonment. "The dispute between, the two parties arises over tho extent, effect and objects of our taxation. Shall tariff taxatlfm be Imposed for revenue only, or shall It bo used for the purpose of fostering private industries? This is stating the question as fairly as I am capable of doing It The proposition Involves the power of the government, the true purposes of taxation, the propriety of tho exercise of the two methods proposed, and the results produced hearing upon the taxpayer and the country.

"Tne power ef the government to raise revenue bj tariff upon imports Is undisputed, but Its constitutional power lo Impose a tariff foe any othei ostensible purpose is questioned. In my address In Brooklyn the other evening I presented the arguments upon which the democratic party Insists In Its planform that a tariff lmpoaed for any other than a public purpose Is in violation ot the constitution and I do not care to repeat them here. I do not regard the question as a practical one, by reason of the difficulty of having it properly raised. The conclusive and sufficient ob-leetlon to a protective tariff Is that II is an abuse of the taxing power of the government; il compels the whole people to pay tribute lo a few; It Is system based upon Injustice and unfair discriminations and tends to build up monopolies. "The democratic position Is so plain and reasonable that he who reads may understand It.

It bellovea that the true nnd constitutional purpose nf a tariff is the raising of necessary revenue for tho support of the governmenl-tnd that Is all. lt the tariff be high or low aa the needs of the government may require, bet it not be so high or low aa to create a turpliw In the treasury. The place for surplus tuxes Is in the pockets of the people and not in the ted-tral treasury. "Th republican position Is that the government ahotild use Ita power of taxation to build up private Industries by placing tariff rales so high that they will absolutely prohibit fore gn Importation or provont any serlona competition with such Industries. The republicans believe that the oueitlon of revenue should be a minor consideration in the forwatlon of a tariff bill, and that the fostering o( some Industries should tie the primary one.

They shut Ihelr eyes to Uio.fact that they are unnecessarily Interfering with the natural laws of trade. "They Ignore the value of foreign trade or assume to believe that foreign countries will trad with us although wo purchase nothing from them. They forget that reciprocity cannot be onesided. They appeal to the selHshrfcss ot the people and to their natural Jealousies of and animosities against foreign countries srguments nf the republicans In support of thl system are Inconsistent with each other, tbey that a hlih nrotectlvo tariff keeps tap pricc snd tn soother bream thst It roflucci mem. i "Vou toy your money and tl; your versatile and scenmmo- IS their snf uml hi this fespeet a wo kcB samlnto eormltu to kW qualifications was ashed the question: 'Whether the world was round or repliod that It made no difference to him-that he would teach that the world was round or flat just as the immllt-'e "I am willing tn conned that tho first or Immediate effect of high tariff upon a new industry Is usually to increase prices nnd stimu-late business, but this effect Is generally followed by undue competition occasioned by the very success Incident to the favoritism shown: then overproduction results, then a stagnation of business ensues, and In the en there incs rcuiiciion or wages, a fall In prices and l.snk ruptcy to many industries.

"This isa faithful picture of the evils of protection drawn rom tho business history ot 'his country for over seventy years. It is the it.i.'.tr-al result of governmental interference. In private affairs, lnr, blunders incident to a paternal government nnd of the fully of attempt, ing to control the natural laws of supply and demand. Stimulants to business through tariff favoritism an-as unsatisfactory as the continued uud inordinate Indulgence of Intoxicating liquors by man. The tlrst effects are pleasant enough, hut ihe inevitable general result Is disastrous failure and litter ruin.

"A gentleman once said that he liked to get drunk well enough hut the trouble arose In getting sober. Usually the more stimulants a man Is accustoms I to use the more he needs, and so in business, Industry which lias grown up under the fostering earn of a paternal government never seems to bo strong enough to permit Its withdrawal without a disastrous and humiliating collapse. Why should the government by tho use or abuse of the taxing power of the government attempt to build up industries whero Ihe private enterprise and private capital arc not willing to accept the risk Why should the whole people be unnecessarily taxed for half their lives and compelled to pay extravagant prices for certain manufactured articles, In order to got them somewhatcheapcr during the other halt of Ihelr lives' "Why should the government, at the exponas of all the people, offer special inducements to a few to embark upon a particular business In a field where men of genius nnd enterprise have of their own accord refused to enter? 1 do not believe that our American manufacturers require tho protection which the republican party seems to tin so anxious to foist upon them, especially If they were provided with free raw materials, ns the democratic party proposes to do. We are already underselling foreign manufacturers in most or many of the markets of tho world, and if we can compete with thein abroad, especially in their own markets, there would seem to be no real necessity of taxing our people longer in order to enable our manufacturers to compete with foreign ones at our very doors. "Neither Is the pretense any longer available that protection is absolutely necessary because of the difference in wages paid In this and foreign countries.

It Is true that wages are higher here than abroad, and the democratic party, which has always upheld the dignity of labor and which is largely composed of worltlngm-n, rejoices In Ihe fact, and tolerates no policy which would tend to reduce them. Hut if American worklngmcn receive higher wages II Is nlso true that they perform better work than those abroad: they are 'better educated: they Hike a deeper and more intelligent interest In their labor; they own their own houses; thry are entitled to the elective franchise and are In every way better qualified to produce manufactures which can bring tetter prices and which are so excellent that they can at the same time successfully compete with the rest of the world. "All that America needs Is a free field and a fair fight In the race of life and she win prove invincible in nearly every department of human tt.vlty. Ills a narrow and contracted view, however, that seeks to keep our from contact with the commerce of the world. The republican orator who boastlngly asserts that the United States can raise and manufacture everything wo need, that foreign commerce should not be sought affr or foreign markets considered, nnd that our Americun farmers sliould be content with home markets and home prices, and that we can and sliould be iudepen dent of ull the rest of the world my gratify the selfish and false pride of his hearers, but he only exhibits his ignorance of history and his lack of comprehension of the true sources of genuine prosix-rlty.

"We should not ndopt nny policy of administration which excludes the idea that there is more of this world lhan Ihe United Slates, and we should understand that wu do not monopo lize, all the wealth, the industries or the proa, ucts of the world. "Our policy should be dictated bv an en' lightened self-interest, which comprehends the wants, needs and capacities not only of ourselves, but of the people everywhere. It Is the favorite claim of our extreme protection friends that a majority of the people are more or less, directly or Indirectly, interested in the alleged benetlts claimed to be derived from a high protective tariff, and that only a com paratively small portion of tho community really object to a continuance, of the system. "They are pleased to assert that If the gov ernment generously sees fit to Increase the wealth of a single manufacturer in a city the other citizens of that city are likely to receive some sort of a benetlt from the prosperity of their more favored neighbor, and that they ought not to complain of the discrimination. The advantage which the other citizens secure Is so very remote.

that Ihey can hardly be expected to appreciate dt, especially In view of Ihe fact Hint the government has col lected from them a portion of the bounty which It. has bestowed upon their more fortunate neighbor. It may be that a comparison of the nmounts collected from them with the alleged benefits received will show a balance upon ttie wrong side of the account and prove the system In 'he end to be a very expensive Injury. "It is pruhalily true that if every business man In a city Is required tn pay a tax of one dollar annually to be put in the pockets of some large manufacturer employing a considerable number of men, It might add something to Ihe general prosperity of the city, provided the subsidized manufacturer should expend Ihe contribution In advancing the wages nf his workmen or In expanding his business, but the benefits realized would be so slight, ns well as precarious, and the schemq is Inherently Improper that the experiment would be unsatisfactory. "Hobbery is none the less objectionable, even though the whole people receive an equal share of Ihe booty.

Every honest community should protest against such an Iniquitous system, and the policy of 'addition, division and silence. while It may he acceptable to republican! In Pennsylvania, will not bo adopted by honest men elsewhere. The oft repeated stattment that In every protected country the whole peo ple receive some share of the bene Ills which are ostensibly received by a few has never been satisfactorily established and Is Impossible from the nature of thitigs. "Public taxation cannot make a whole com' niunlty rich. There must inevitably be inequal Itles.

The game of pnker was once recommend ed to a gentleman as a game In which every hodv won something. He tried it-nnd he knows more than he did. He found that if anybody won anything some one else had tn lose. So tn uffairs. If few men ac quire wealth without earning it.

hut through the favor of paternal government, It must Of at the expense of the great body of the taxpayers. If it is a salutary principle that legislation sliould be so framed as to accomplish the great est good for Ihe greatest numlier Ihe protective system cannot have legislative sanction, hut the claim that Ihe masses are especially Interested In Its preservation Is not supported by facts. "As we glance over our great country how few do we find of the protected Industries and occupations ns conipnred with tho unprotected ones. How few jieople there are compared with the treat mass who can eay that Ihey are con- scions that they receive the least particle of benefit, dlrcclly or indirectly, In their various occunatlons from the system which the repub lican party for so many years has forced upon the count ry against lis will. I say 'forced' upon Ihe country, because you will recollect that in IKHH ihe maturity of the popular vole repudiated this doctrine and emphasized their disapproval In thunder tones 111 IfiKi.

"How vast are the number people engaged in various occupations who. If their own selfish interests were alone to be consulted, would be deslmus of being relieved from all tariffs, be cause Ihey have nothing to he prelected and m-cfer to mirchase everything as cheaply as possible, livery sort of a tariff is a burden to them, and, white ihey nowciieeriiiiiyeoniriunie their sham loward Ihe support of the government, their selllsh interests would be promoted by free trade, or at least by some other method of taxation. "Tho great masses of the laboring people, of Ihe country have nothing but tneir moor io sen, and labor Is upon Ihe free list. Their real Interest lies In securing reasonable, wages and in purchasing everything which they buy ot Ihe cheapest prices possible, and hence liny kind of a tariff la a burden and not a beniilt lo them. The farmer receives no benefit from this pin leottve system, because from tho natural condt tlon of thlng he taut sell his principal produ tlons la Ihe great European mnrkett whero rices are Hsed for tho world, whllo must his aurpllcsln this country thlnf ts to bvtiflt me other oecuputltia, tn slhl wr.HM.

inched nn buys In a toll cted one, and git the want tk bargain hoik lasianow "Our opponents teP us that the tariff questtoi was settled by the enactment of the McKInlej bill nnd they deprecate any agitation of the sub ject of Its repeal. Our answer is that no publli question can be deemed settled tn this countrj until It has been rightly settled. It ts true that a senate at present blocks the dool to all tariff legislation. Time will change the senate if It refuses to respect the popular wiH. Our opponents have always deprecated a discusion of the tariff sub Ject When the people ten years ago were de maading relief from war taxes in time of peace, the republicans urged that any change would disturb Ihe business interests of the country nd ahould lie prevented.

When, later, there was a surplus of a hundred millions in the treasury hich was still rapidly accumulating, there was the same refusal U) alter the situation. They wanted the tariff taxes let alone for Ihe benefit of those beneficiaries win were ac- cuiniilatlm? enormo is fortunes at the expense of the people. "1 he agitation cannot he stopped until tariff reform shall be triumphant. Mr. Itlaine's reel-procily scheme is Inadequate to furnish tho relief the people seek, Free trade with a few insignificant South American states, while tho harriers to commerce with all the great European countries nro allowed to continue, will not be accepted as a solution nf the question.

It is merely a tub thrown to the whale' in the vain attempt lostop the progress of tariff reduction. The last step which the republican party look in the direction ot centralized govei-nmi nt was In the attempted enactment of the offensive and iniquitous measure now known a3 tho Davenport forte bill. We must diligently exert ourselves to op pose this great Issue of centralization which oertaltily confronts us It presenIB a mnre se rious problem than any commercial, industrial or llnanclal question, moro vital to our coun try's futu'o welfare, more essential 'o the preservation of our institutions. There should be no laggards In this cam paign. Democratic tradition snd democratic manhood alike demand prompt and hearty acquiescence In tho judgment of th democratic convention.

Your duty Is plain and so is mine Work Intelligently, work unselfishly, work un ceasingly for the electloa of llrovnr Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson, lhat our loyalty may be rewarded by a triumphant democratic victory." THE YELLOWSTONE SPRINGS. Changes In the Appenrnnee of the Colored Terraces Ht the Nstloiml I'ark. Visitors to the Yellowstone park who return after an absence of a year or more are generally surprised by finding that many changes have occurred in the appearance of the colored terraces nt the Mammoth hot springs. Indeed, such alterations occur sometimes in a period of a few weeks. The terraces consist of a scries of basins, each set being a few feet lower than Its predecessor, and the hot water from the springs nt the top of the terraces (lows from basin to basin, depositing its chalky sediment at the rims, where evnporntion is most rapid, and thus slowly building them up.

Whenever the flow of water continues constant for a considerable time, the fluted edges nnd sides of tlia basins become beautifully colored. The variegated hues arc mainly due to vegetable matter, and so if the flow of water ceases these bright colors rapidly fade, leaving the terraces milk white. In a little while the edges and walls of the dry basins begin to crumble, ml the most beautiful forms disappear in white dust and clutlklike fragments. One of the favorite terraces at the hot springs, called tho Minerva terrace, exhibits these changes in a marked degree, because of its conspicuous position. Sometimes, owing to failure of the flow of wilier, the Minerva terrneo parts with its splendid colors, nnd resembles a set of fluted basins carved out of snow-white marble.

when the water begins to run freely ngaid the colors return with all their former vividness nnd beauty. The changes in tho flow of the water seem to depend, in part at least, upon conditions prevailing in the heated rocks underlying the wonderful terraces. Youth's Companion. A FORTUNE IN The GOLD. Hero of a lteniarkiible Test ot the r'rench Novel.

In more tlinn cne old romnncc tho hero is represented ns disinterring a great fortune in fold coin or nuggets, and carrying oft the same in his pockets or on his back. A French novel, published in 1889, tells us that the young lover, an athletic youth of some twenty-two years, not only pockets a half million in gold, but boars away the lady of his affection at the same time from those who are animated with the triple desire of taking his life, detaining the lady and obtaining the store of precious metal. Romance has its privileges, as poetry has; but it is a wholly intolerable stretch of probability to conceive of a young gentleman-even were he a graduate of one of our most advanced gymnasiums bearing away with him, at a rapid run, both half a million of gold and the substantial person of his lady love. Recently a treasure-train started from San Francisco to New York, loaded with twenty millions in gold eoin to be deposited in tho vaults of the. sub-treasury building of tlfe latter city.

The gold, weighing some forty tons, was distributed upon four cars, the whole guarded by thirty-five or forty armed constables. The train reached Jsew.York safely, and the vast load of wealth was carted in express wagons, each bearing two guards, to the treasury vaults. Romance aside, we can easily calculate what pace the ardent lover of the novel would liBve made, bearing his lady in his arms, and a ton of metal in his pockets. Ileino rest A CHOCTAW TRADITION. The Indian Idea of tho Immortality ot the Soul.

From their earliest traditions the Choctaws have been taught to believe in a life after they leave tbis world. They believe that the spirit, the moment that it leaves the body, is compelled to travel a long distance to the west, until it arrives at an immense chasm, at the bottom of which flows a very rapid, rooky, and danerons stream. This terrible gorge, which is surrounded on every side by great mountains, the soul has to cross on a "long and slippery pine log, with tho bark peeled the only passage to the "happy hunting grounds," whicli lie beyond tho dangerous bridge. (In tha bank of the stream, just on the other end of the log, there always stand six persons, who have reached the "happy hunting grounds," und who throw sharp rocks at whoever attempts to cross the treacherous log the moment the middle of it is reached. Those who have lived properly, according to the Indian idea of morals, have ho trouble in crossing the log; the stones fall harmlessly from them, mid and they reach the "happy liiintlnir grounds," where there is perpetual day, without difficulty.

There tho trees are ever green, the sky cloudless nnd the breese nlwiiyt gently blo.vlngi there, too, continuous feast snd dance nr yolnir mil penphj nnvrr glow old, but 1 U'u forsivBr, anil revel Ir per txtuul V'' Yttokee Hindu BOLD ATTEMPT To Rob Keystone National Bark, of Eric, Pa. Four Desperate Young Men, Who Were Broke, the Robbers. A Plucky ranliler and a Clerk Frevent the Job-The Former Seriously Wounded -The tVonld-lte Robbers Caught nnd aro Landed In Jail. Eiiie, Oct. 1 Four young men, ranging in ages from 20 to 25, armed to the teeth, entered the Keystone national bank Monday afternoon and ordered Cashier Frank V.

Kepler and Clerk Charles Licbel to throw up their hands. The cashier, instead of complying readily, began to protect the cash, when of the men (John Courtney) began firing on him. At the same moment W. Hawlex, fired on Licbel, whila Daniel i Evans and Charles Smith covered the doors and back offices. While Kepler rushed- up with a heavy weight to brain his as-snilent, he received a shot in the face which felled him.

Courtney emptied a revolver at the prostrate cashier, who recovered sulliciontly to drag himself to tho vault and slam the door. Although empty-handed, the bank robbers rushed out, and liberating a team, started it mndly down the street, thereby diverting the attention of the people till they ran almost a square. John Seidler, a pedestrian, had heard the shots, and, seeing the men run, followed, keeping them in f-ight till Patrolman William Doehrel enmo up in a buggy. Doehrel closed up on the lleeing burglars. As ho gained on them they opened lire on him.

but missed their mark. lVhcn within a few rods the officers ordered tho quartet to halt, and, being wounded, they obeyed and threw tip their hands. The officer, with the assistance of Seidler, brought the prisoners back, although threats of lynching rang in their cars. When searched ten revolvers were found. All but two were loaded.

Tho bank robbers admitted their crime, and said they were broke and had determined, after making an unsuccessful attempt to get a bogus cheek cashed, to rob the bank. Smith nnd Evans declared they were novices and bad only joined the others in Syracuse" Inst week, after robbing a More. Their satchels contnincd burglars' out fits. Kepler's wound is not necessarily fatal, although his condition is serious. Alter Itunk I'rcftltlcutfi.

New Youk, Oct. 4. The green goods men are now tackling the country bank presidents, Henry Clews Monday got an indignant letter from tho presideut of the anners bank lit lirooklyn, asking that some' measures be taken against tho senders of a letter and circular from New York, indorsing the usual bad green goods literature, nnd the banker was invited by the writer to communicato with W. John son, Stamford, Conn. Mint Serve One Vear, Rix HKRTKR, N.

Oct. 4. At the court of Oyer and Terminer, which opened its session here Monday, Hughes, master workman of the National Trades' Assembly No. ''Si, K. of (iaimeiit Workers of America, was ordered to serve a term of one year in the county penitentiary on a sentence fur extortion pronounced against him in June 1SSM.

I'ooley's I'ftl Cant-lit. Tmom-own. Oct. 4 Ramsey, the pal of Frank C'ooley, who was killed by Sheriff McCormick's posse Siindav evening, was captured near Fuir I'iiuncc Monday morning nnd is now in jail. It is believed that since the death of Cooler and the capture of Ramsey the remainder of the gang will disperse and leave the country.

Hrlilenthnl I. might. Toitka, Oct. 4. J.

W. Ilridon-thal. chairman of tho people's party central committee, arrived in town Sunday night. Tho populist executive is inclined to laugh at his arrest for violating the state banking law and has nn air of easy confidence when speaking about the campaign. Meet.

I.miian.U', Oct, 4. The International lirothcrhood of Blacksmiths met in annual convention here Monday. Sixty-eight unions are represented, with l.IiOO membership. night there was a joint meeting with the machinists and boiler makers looking to federation. Navigation on the Ten- ossee Closed.

Chati anooo.v, Oct. 4. Tho Tennessee river has fallen to 1 foot inches. All trafih' on the river is suspended. From liridgeport to Decatur the river is open, but no boats nro running above that point.

Five boats aro moored here at the island at present. Circulation Statement. Washiniitox, Oct. 4. The circulation statement issued by the treasury department Monday shows a net decrease of during the month of September, leaving tho aggregato on the 1st inst A year ago the circulation was Tlirentfl of Lynching.

Atlanta, Oct. 4. Thero were threats of lynching Henry Ramsey, the colored man who shot and killed Marshal Harris in Snmmerville. The city and county authorities had police nnd military to guard the jail. Three Un.en Kggs at a Meal.

Cincinnati, Oct 4. To Shipley, a carriage maker employed at the Favorite carriage works, belongs the credit of accomplishing the. feat of eating three dozen eggs In almost us many minutes. It was done on a wager. Death of i'apt.

leein. Cincinnati, Oct 4. Capt M. M. Deem, one of the best known river captains in the country, died Monday afternoon at his residence, at Home City, nt 3 o'clock, of malaria.

His age was 01 years. CHURCH GLEANINGS. Mary Scott bequeathed to the hospital of to endow a memorial bod. The bishop of London litis appointed diocesan lay readers with the right to preach in parish churches. Tim memorial futul for the bcnv6t of the Institutions founded by Charles Bpurgeon has reached Tot) Ofaeu ritvtniit KplMeopal ahtttiirt, New fnrU.

Is iMiltillnir it home for aged irn ami women aid Uttls children, JOHN SULLIVAN Think lie Mas Drugged and Yfants to Inve Another flout With CorlM-tt. IIohto.v, Oct 4. Ex-Champion Sullivan is not satisfied with the out come of the battle at New Orleans, ir, which he was defeated by James Cor bctt, of California. Tho big fellow It inclined to believe that he was tamper ed with by some unscrupulous purtie to whom a Sullivan victory wonld havt meant their financial ruin. It said to his most intimate frlcndf Sullivan complained bitterly of bis treatment, and declares his Intention to tave Ins money and back himself against orbett.

He declares that ha an defeat "l'ompadotir Jim" and re- jraln the title of champion of the world, ho is permitted to go into the ring a Bound man. such as he believes himself to have been when he left Canoe Place on the 27th of last August. He was seen in his dressing-room at the then tor before the curtain went up for the first act of "Capt. John Har- conrt, or tho Man From lioston," and questioned concerning the reports. there wan fire in tho ex-champions eyes when lie exclaimed: "I am saving money now with a reso-inte determination to challenge Corbett to fight again und give me a chance to win back the money that was stolen from mo in New Ily stolen, do you mean that you were drugged?" "There was some' thjng wrong.

I am not making any direct charges just now, but that 1 was not right 1 well know. After the first round I could see half a dozen Corbctts, and, ns good a man as (orbett is, I don't believe that he or any one else living can stand up and fight me twenty one rounds without being hit. There was a scheme nfoot to break what seemed to the pool-room men a dead sure combination MeAulitfe, Dixon und Sullivan. The book-makers took chances on one or the other of the first two to full down, but they were mis1 taken. McAuliffc nnd Dixon got away with their men, and it was Sullivan who must be made to fall to break the heavily played combination.

"Well, I failed, and I'm not satisfied with the result bv long ways. In a short hile 1 muy be able to tell some' thing interesting, but just now I de cline to mention names or to go Into further particulars as to what I propose to do. VAMPIRESrFEAST. (irlnnliig Skeleton Surroii'iil the Han' iliiet Hoard. Youk, Oct.

4. The Vampires held their tecond "death watch 'Sun day night at Sixth avenue and Forty ninth street. The Vumpiivsare in New lorkwhat the members of the lute chapel club arc to Chicago. Their club room presents most ghastly tippear- nnee during tho sessions of the club. Sunday night a grinning skeleton of Christopher Columbus leaned up in ono corner rf the room nnd skulls hung from every chandelier.

In the center of the room was a colli it, and at its heai a cross and candelabra, and at its foot nn car of corn standing on end. large vampire, with burnished wings unci big red eves, perched on a steel slack wire, holding a skull in its beak, and when Chief (ihotil John M. Turner tapped the club skull with his cross' bones gavel, the vampire slid along the wire and let an awful whoop. No one was permitted to enter the dining room until lie had drained a glass of whisky and smoked a Yarn cigar. The menu card was allegorical and on one sidi was a picture of the chief ghost climbing out of a coflin in order to reach the feast.

BIG SCHEME To ltiiiltl Konr-Trilek lliillwuy From Cliinigo to New York. Cm Ojt. A company ha been incorporated under tho laws of Ohio which proposes to con nect New York and Chicago with four-track railway. The com pany proposes to make the line di reet as possible and it will pass through the following counties Ohio: i'mm bull. Mahoning, l'ortnge, Summit, Ciivuhogu, Medina.

Lorain, Eric, Saiv dusky, Ottawa, Wood, Lucas, Henry Fulton and lllinms. The capital stock of the company is $100,000, to be increased to $75,000,000. The name of the new company is the New York and Chicago Short Eine. ''he incorporators aro John Jay Me- clvey, of New York city: John Me hey, Henry T. Huntington, Charles A.

and Latham, of San' dusky, O. A WILD ELEPHANT Terrorizes People down In Texas aoil He- lies Capture. Cons icana, Tex. Oct. 4.

lie reported rapture of the small elephant belong ing to Lemcns circus, which escaped from its keepers when thev showed at Athens, was incorrect A last accounts it hud outrun all tho fleet est horses that had been brought into requisition to aid in its capture, and was tearing through the Trinity river bottoms, creating havoc with barbed wire and other fences, and carrying consternation to the farmers in thnt vicinity, who were frightened almost to death, and were fleeing from their homes to places of refuge, despite the assurances of the circus men who are following it that it would do them no harm. They say that it is wild now as when taken from its native African jungle. Forger tiottllrb Sentenced. Xkw Yoisk, Oct 4. Henry Gottlieb, tho lawyer, convicted of iforgery in general sessions, was sentenced to fly years in stute prison by Recorder, Smyth nionday.

Gottlieb fully expect ed to get ten years, and left the court room in a cheerful mood. He was disgrace to tho bar, and there was no room for sympathy or clemency, the recorder said, in passing sentence. A erased Striker. Rt'FFALO, N. Oct F.

Newman, one of the leaders in the switchmen's strike, is in jail, a raving maniac. Since the strike he has been unnblo to obtain employment and con- stnnlly brooding over his misfortunes led to the unbalancing of his mind. THE CANADAY SUICIDE. I l-'rli-'tiU Itellevp That, a (tannine liar gtnrr Took 1'Imcp, not! lie Killed Himself lie ai I iijnatly Kneplrlnnod by 111 I'urtner. Wasiiinoto.v, 1).

Oct 3. Col. AV. P. Cnnuday, ex-sergeant-nt-artns of the C'nited Stales senate, whose death oc curred lust Tuesday, has been buried The ease has taken on several mysterious and tho theory is ad vanced that tho colonel did not commit suicide.

An expert gla.icr says the windows in the room where tho deceased was first found, bound to the door, was broken from the outside, and the gen-tlcman who cut him loose says he hud no idea that Canada had tied the eords himself. Other occupants of the house Btate that they heard voices in the room some time during the night These facts, together with the facl that certain porsonal property the CoL was known to have in his possession, notably two gold watches, can not be found, and the other fact, deemed to pertiuent, that the charred papers found on the floor of the room, prove to be the remnants of notes for money loaned by him warrant his friends in asserting that there was a genuine burglary, and that if the colonel did kill himself he was driven to it by tho consciousness that he was unjustly suspected by his partner, Houghton. PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. Inerenso During the Slant ft or fMeWlWt Washington. Oct S.

The following is a Kcnmlnlation of the; state-. mcnt: Vr- Inieree'-lx orltig dctn Sept. Oi Aiigfffl.VA Dimds 44 per cent, con- 4tt at per cint. St.aWl.sno Bonns at 4 por 1 lletvm.lintt certificates at 4 4 cent 79.W0 MXt Debt oa which-. Interest has ceased since m- 2,510.1 (' Debt bearing no interest.

378.976,848 snfitl. Aisrenuto 'of '4 unit non-lntcrcst ijcor-" i im? Decrctiso Cititlete and TrcaiUrf -V notes offset by an equijl amount of cah iaTreas- 2 mtmm of debt! Includ- litK ctrtiliciiKs ind treos- ury notes Cash III the 1 reusurv CLASSIFICATION. Gold coin liars FRANK COOLEY DEAD. The famous Outlaw shot und Killed by a sheriff's lie. C.nioxtown, Oct.

3 Frank Cooley, the leader of tho famous Cooler outlaw band, as shot and killed Sunday at his father's home by a posse under Sheriff MeCormtck, of Favctte county. Cooley has been in tho habit of spending his Sundays at the old homestead, and Sheriff MeCormick, hearing of this, quietly had the place surrounded Saturday night i rank Cooley and his pal Hamsey ar rived during the night, and Sunday the attempt was made to capture them. The outlaws tried to escape and tho posse fired, killing Cooley instantly. I'amsey, however, succeeded in getting away. There is great rejoicing in Fayette county over Cooley's death, as it is believed that the band will now be broken up.

Thanks for Services Rendered. Wasiiixoto.v. Oct. 3, Secretary Tracy has issued a general order commanding and making public acknowledgment of the important services rendered by the officers and enlisted men of the navy others during the disastrous fire nt the are Island navy yard, San Fran o.seo, 13 last, nt which vi persons were instantly killed by the explosion of ammunition. Mills Seriously 111.

(let. li. Contrary to general expectation. Col. Mills is very little if any better, and is not yet to leave his bed.

His engagements to speak nt different points in the state 1'iivj all been canceled. It is not liki'ly that, he will be heard again during the campaign in Texas, and his physicians advise him to cancel all his northwest ern and eastern engagements. Ono of Turner's Gang Dead. I.ancastrh, Oct. 3.

Chat tenvood, who was shot by tho sheriff's posse in pursuit of Frank Turner three weeks ago. died Saturday morning, lie wns a member of the Turner gang and an escaped convict. Tho wound from which he died was made in the right hip bv a Winchester rifle ball. A coroner's iwniest will be held A not her Order in Trouble. Pmi.ADKi.t'iiiA, Oct 3.

The filing a bill in equity against the order 1 Petite, a short term "get rich quick order, has hastened its downfall. The general convention of the order was to have been held Monday, and a plan of reorganization presented. Now. how ever, the supreme officers have decided to make an assignment Monday instead. Total Silver Subsidiary coin.

Birs 1415 12 Ml. 107 Sfl.fKO.S 3 Total. Pajier-r, notcfold issue it Trrnsiiry notes of Hold cirlitlcates Silver certille itcs. Curi-cnvy i-ertitu-ates. National bpnlt Total Other too'ls, interest and census paid awaitio Minor tMn and fractional currency Deposits in national bank drpisi- MW.

IHJ torlfi- Disbursi nf ral account ofk'ora' balances. Total 1), maud liabilities Gold crtiticatea Silver rertiticatr Treasury nob's of 1K1. ll.Wl.Tn! ii.wt,m na.iH.3a Total I'mals reib nimion of uncurrent nation il bank notes checks and drafts Disbursing nnicers' balances A- ncy iii'cuuuis, etc Tidal (lo'd reserve Net cash balance Air-rrctrate. Cash balance in 31. R.iXrj.-Jsi m.r:4,7rt i.atum.oit kum.tx) i.nv he treasury Ac-'nst A Pardon Pleaders' Convention.

CiiKAiio, Oct 3. A convention of delegates representing 2S5 state societies and a membership of over 70,000 was held hero Sunday to take action toward securing the pardon of Oscar Ncebe, Michael Schwab and Sam'l Fielden, who are serving life sentences for their connection with tho Hay-market massacre. Bade His Executioner Welcome. Dt xs.Min, Oct. 3.

J. P. Smith, a carpenter, while intoxicated shot nnd killed his wife and cut the throat of his six-year-old daughter. A mob took Smith from officers who were on their way to Redding with him, and hanget1 him, after he had thanked them foi their proposed action, which he said he welcomed. Dr.

Lee's Cholera Treatment. IIambtro, Ot 3. Dr. Elmer Lee, tho Chicago physician, is in this city for the purposeof putting his treatment for cholera into practical operation. Trof.

Virehow, in speaking of the flooding system employed by Or., said that, in his opinion, the Chicago physician was using the very nearly true treatment. All Are Well. Ot-AitASTlNK, S. I Oct 8.

There was no special news from the Lower Quur-antine Sunday. The steamer llohemia is all that remains of the cholera fleet Her passengers, which were removed to Hoffman island, were all reported well Sunday afternoon. Dr. Abbott reports all well at Swinburne island. A Female Smuggler.

Nf.w York, Oct. 3. Mrs. Mary Pi. Slater, of St Louis, was a passenger on the steamship City of lierlin, which got in from Liverpool.

The customs inspectors seized a trunk among her baggage, which contained a large quantity of dutiable goods, and took it to the custom-house. Thr French actor Got has amassed a fortune of 0,000,000 francs during his long professional life at tho Theatre! When he retires from the stage in 1804, he will havo been connected with that theater for 50 years. "As TmtHiBi.K as an army with ba oers" has no reference to the political parade, although the banner re terrible enough, -N Hersld, CrfAm.itMANfj KoHBiKn. formerly well-known tutor lit Uooth'i company, bat dtoided to becnttn tlertfytnhn. AN Kolsenpul paper hiuTWi started tt Usndhlwans, Africa.

It if printed la the Zulu languor. Grave Digger Found Dead. Lima, Oct 8. Sunday morning Thomas Dunn, aged "2 years, was found dead in his bed. For the past thirty years he hasbeon a grave digger at tho Catholic cemetery.

(rapo Seeds Cause Dc.iih. Noiiwai.k, Oct 8. Walter Pent, a son of Win. Pent of this city, died from tin unusual complaint His bowels be-corny elogged from eating grapes. A consultation of physicians was held and nn operation rtortormcd, but he died from exhaustion.

l''uial Slinollnjl at a Picnlo., Ky shooting crape took place at a plunlo about two miles ftvin tCnnxvMia, at Hhort rki Tom Armid shut Hub Joowt and lion Asbury, killing Jones Instantly and wounding Asbury, but aot family. balance in the irra-ury Septem ber I KM III.Wo.DI! Increase diirin the month A CATTLE lli'tvi'cc'i sliprill'H Tosno anil Colored l'lantalioa Two t'nloreil Men Killed nad -everul Mortally Wounded." I Oct. Sheriff Harris, of this place, was notified early Sunday morning by Deputy Fitzgerald, of l'nnr's Point, to nt once organize on armed posse and proceed to the plantation of Mr. ,1.

K. Wflkinsnn, a large planter, west of liobs, a small station eight miles south of this place, to put down an insurrection among the colored people in that locality against the whites. Sheriff Harris promptly complied, and in a short time had an armed poss'c, consisting of twenty-seven men from this place and Friar's Point, moving to M-ene. Authentic information has just IJfen received that two colored men were killed outright and nine captured, and ate now on the way to Friar's Point heavily guarded. In addition to the two men killed, several are said to be mortally wounded.

The blacks tool; to the brush und are out, ail armed. None of the whiles i' iv reported hurt. From coiift ssionsmade by some of the prisoners, it is learned that they havo organized an order among themselves, ci 1111 prising the whole neighborhood, with passwords nnd grips, with tho avowed purpose of killing the whites. Tne greatest excitement prevails. Tha colored men are thoroughly organized.

Mr. Sessions, manager of the plantation, was fired upon three times Saturday, but was not hurt. The town is without telegraphic facilities and tho Wilkinson place somewhat in the interior, therefore news is somewhat scarce. RIOTING, NOT TREASON. The Attorney ol the Arrented Homestead Mi-ikcm Outll'ie the Defense.

PiTTsm iKiii, Oct. a W. J. Bren- nan, attorney for the defendants, said this morning in reference to the arrests of the advisory committeemen for treason: "I do not believe that the charge will ever be sustained, because there was no element of treason in the nets ot the men. There must be a general purpose to destroy and resist all rightful legal authority, The single act of an individual or of a mob of men in a case like we have had at Homestead is described by the laws of the state as riot and as the acts of a mob.

It was wrong for tho strikers to prevent men from entering the works nt Homestead, and it was wrong for them to enter them, and nobody on earth regrets it now as much as they do. treason was farthest from their thoughts. They will never bo convicted on that charge." MctIcii-i buiall-l'ox Scourge. CiiiuTAHl'A, Oct 8. A serious epidemic is raging in this city.

There have been many deaths anil the disease is spreading rapidly. TelrgriipheM Talking Dumnge Salt. Ckiuh UaI'U8, Oct. 8. Three striking telegraph operators, against whom tho company failed to appear after having them arrested, will sue the company for damages.

The operators on the Hock Island road, which is said to control the liurlington. Cedar Rapids Northern, may be called out soon. Intending Immigrants Warnil., Oet 3. Consul Sadler has written from Chicago that the labor market thero is overcrowded and that many immigrants are tramping the streets, lie warns Herman immigrants against seeking work there.

HeelOK Fr ini a Trillrle Fire. llisjiAKCK, X. Oct. 3. A terrible pritiried lire is raging f.n ty-Iivo miles west of here.

The lire is about fifteen miles wide and twenty Kvery mentis is being used to cheek the flnmes, but, funned by a stiff breeise, they nrc traveling ut i swift pace, nud lueu auj stock are llee'ng for their lives. 1'iiTi iil ianit sol Loniiox, Oct Mall Oac nette has betfli sod by Yates Thomnaon Mr, Knlghl" of tin National Mis lull, tt ii favdUvod that lbOa- SL-ttu will become a llbrl unionist In-stead of rad'raloriran. V't a 1 1. 1 1.

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