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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mmM mMMwwmwW tit It ft W. VI it 1 i It ATtro v.KOtrsc Abnt a Sartlafw: at tk Mr. HUh to BMh(IUiffc, Mr MCr vittkawMte UrpWOdtaf, Mt MkMrM.C werea tarraaeKi nOwmmuT ten kfM(MVr7XHntUtw. Tha Uo atom Ste pofict AFpolslcd tint xAWftft 1 fflnSr, ma wait, twtwrftwyrt. wM Wrest Mor use Von Ii "Tflw alt eVUck la tb won wSilJitSwrS watt a tS2 mmM Vora tha bat aoun at tha Mnbn were est am" iittow, flM Bfc twf riw fror about isBwtrfclnj ww.nths, aScan Usawttttaa i JwWhSsMia a wa him whs wedted tor, wbici he mM dwtlwUdr6n.Bl cuivum; BiDlno nu.

At that sTsansrae thT wre tonus it fcy a jam ta ib coach, wh.MMhrtktwfolMfam,4 tat trforb at art an. Th wOeert did aaa at any KH hi eh. rsaaeh, srhsAdiwva at yMt mt, bat tanse. away la short tiro ftwaa lb tinctiaa of BuTuaj. Sit LoR Matob wk pntly tsupitaiB and dWpUawd ki tht caaetaet af th poraLta whMntojr th nirmurr boss, iney osata.

acouwa uatusry hw TifiUanwa thh iMthlnc aMnabeai tha nochiac ejedlnory ml ika ptoaia tha coach than that af aa and at thtr had aa idea at th that that a robbery had beta cwaMnitud, they Mt a nataml tdactaact run tht hararet af takia him iota caatasiy. They, bovrrcr, rwead Mm wdL and coatd swear to him. On H'edaeadar the rriwocT. Walker, waa uken bna rottody and th twa abart mcaoociad amccn iwort yoai. nrdy that he wat tht aenea whom Ottf eaw la tbe coacaaa li Mesn thai awn after th coach noted aff from Bads tMh MTtetthwaifcaadthat a aatatl door leadinf lota th uthmrfUr.

WUIt thraarh a in mre, had been broken th panel haia been bunt thnmirB. The front door ihewarehoaMwattbeaapenad, aad arrenllarm ptaees km kdaQr, ttlraftaraokk Mr.UriDUa. UmtrriTM laaa tM ocKaaaat n. ana eotta Tin iliaaiW MlTrl 1 ''r 1 Uu UurntB a caald not Bates a moment to hi naaaw, far in att arobabOUr, th coon panned, had diftaaaed th pmbUc of fear Baa a macs. Krreter pat the into tl poor box.

WOasMI mtZT An Infannatlan wa preferred aralnat llaMra. Tramaa. Uaabarr. and far aUdac their dran my th aid af th bir, in Black Eefkatreet, and auBcrlag tnam ta rcmant mere anui waalad lor ae, la toe ahneat total deatractiaa of th paaaaf of the tercet. Mr.

cKTT wa or wpuuoa taat to act aader wnicn to tnwr of keneymere were taken oat. It Mppoard by lioe who m. rmt ITw MAIM fl IWIIHWim la a bw wmu aa q(NCk had already taken away one load of fooda, aad wa ja about to take away another, when their object wai wa broorht an, aararrd the Lord Mayor i. MfcinvwaairreT about tbe robberr. The IaD Mto Well, it tt ta your power to dear yoanclf, by prormc wnat yoa iuu piw Walker.

I am sure I don't remember beinjr in a coach aa wUere; but I often do ro Into a coach, and drire from lie toplaee. I don't remember erer teclnc either of taeae p.twLWe ut tou in th coach, and too aaked a vnatwc wanted, and told a yon wcr gotaf to BUHnfHaU market. i .1 nij Walkeir weui wnat jwm ww aeraL Wo, wc taw aothlne. Walker. No that well I can't be charred with the Yo were in the Mibourhood der the moat taapiooa dreumetance.

you could not UT been in the eoneh, at out o'dock in th nwminf, without "w2ker.I hare a rreat deal of buoWj. to do a. a hone, oeakr, and I ride about from pUc 10 place at all boon, on ThfLoiD MAYoa. I do not peaalr. you to tell me withwhom you dl hw.lneo.on i that morainat BiDinn.

yate but you mart recollect, and it may be atrriceable to you "wSS' Ireeoneet nothinf at an about It. I ha. been otherwi empterod than in eommittta. buwlanea, my Lord both of my brother are aader aeateace of execution, and I am otherwW employed than in robbing now. The Loan Matou How art you employed Walker.

In eauaounnf to ear the Urea of my brothert I am too oerioualT onpUyed to eontempbi a hery TheLoiD MaTO the priaoner could hat been oc copied in 00 other tnan a had way on that whaicrer heroirlitbeoifarhUbiwthera. In anrwer to a waeetion from the Lord Mayor, Mr. Brown, the ManhaL eald tbe priaoner wa a coalmen tbieT. TTie Loin Matoe (to the priaonerV I am not at all in connnoment under auch drcua. a52 nwhichyae.

rjeed Uh red to zrlbrotheni but 1 cannot thin of dHchargmg yoa. I Sa tLlooomiderwhotheethe not, a. it now UmVd out, a earn far a JurT. Tb priaoner wat tbea to. "uinibm bT been ant about th town, and a reward been offered far tr bwrnbreakere.

benr th Lord Mtror tome that hi(Mr. Orood) preached ta tht mark darlne; charch toun Ton SunaaTThM Toomplalned that the aceount in dTdrStS. an what 10M artimthim wa inorrtod, wkhoutbein. eoaunedby what told In hi. brour.

Our reporter fed. confident that Mr. Oteood moot bar fartotteVwhat tor place on th. oeeawon Th. only thinff Sltted wa.

the faHwin rtron. ttmooj to the imeriuufth cber. which our reporter did not tot at the ManaUm. houarbatih. aame time but rirht to aay, that the Lord jjlyoe imputed no offence to Mr.

Oarood. Jl only men. tuned to hfa what might be lb eonaeqaenc of takia money from the Bimnirarat atlas wat laid nw him no power to Inflict puniahment, but thereouotof lb eompbinint: panic, adjourned tht cat for th prod action of further evidence. Uto.UALU ThTMrirUafth tora were charred on taepieion with nartat robbed a man named Fattier, of hb watca ana umbrella, eoapiainani, tt appeareo, accom. panird on of the prbonert to a home of (ILlam la Tower, tercet.

Ht tent out far tomt Conor, aad baring drank a mail portion of according to hi. account, wat toon ached with atapor, tad ItQ taletp 00 the chair In which be wa. ait. tlar. When he awoke, be not only mUtad tome loo.

aUrer be had in hb pocket, but tin hb watch and ambrrUat and when ht mad a nobe in the houat about hb lows two other women came into th room, aad be wa. "bundled out neck and crop," at he docribed It. la reply tt thr mafbtrat. the complainant admitted that he lad been drink. Ing prerioailr to hi.

haring entered the brothel, and wat therefor uabt I dudnctly to th identliy of the prbonen. Th Magbcratt tad there wa. link doubt tocne narcotic had born admlnbtered to th complainant in the brothel 1 but, admitting rrea that he committed the prboner. far trial, they muat be aeqattted, in csaoquence of the com pUlnant being to much under th influence of llauor at the time, a. to be rendered wboDr incapable of tpeaking with ac eurarr at to the identity of the panic.

Th prbonen wtn therefor dbtharged. Dir, th driver of a hackney coach, and hb mother, were charged with Mealing a reticule, containing a valuable raid chain, a pair of gold adwori, and other artklea, the property of a Mrx. Gilbert, of EarT court, Old Brompton, The comphlaant. It appeared, had hired a hackney coach on the lkhaJt of which Dix wa. the driver, and on getting out left her reticule, eontalnin the above article, br mistake, in the vehicle.

The property wa. af erward. advettbed, but no. thine wat heard of bantu M'edneadar laat, upon which day tht'. mother offered tbe rold chain In pledre.

The pawn broker, tuapecting the had stolen It, sent for aa officer, who on searching her, alaolOuTM a pair or gold teuton in ner possession. It was discovered that Mrs. Gilbert had lost the propertr lu the way above mentioned. The prbooen CJUrier Mtakt, a coalnerchant, miding at Bankside, fined 2M. far having sent out five tacks which were four and five indict deficient in lemnh.

tk uBnicBa. luvta mew Mr. lmswm ror sons ywmn SLSLZtfe? thTstitiTts. a4 tW ssssas of ssarsl aa. reuniow lMriuu ra hnU kara Mt.

aa4 sre tn raviBcvv upr irtlMiM therActt tha. W. aM last sir. uuw toT rtrrtsVcTriin eatirrlr ee hmtt to beaevotaU a T. SaUTweU 3r4 the msli r.

aW sups 1 j. Gnui Pva. J. 1. PariWEic.

S. Hoaano Oar.a. MeutrsaL AprU ll" OriLOHAH A respectable looking slderty man named jJl Kr2r7 breught befor. Mr. AMerman Wlir CHE.TEE, charred wVh ttealing from a book io at the corner of ehanceryJane, a hole volume of Matthew Henry's On A PlecMtnu RtSgiout Ltfi.

Mr. Hodgson, the auctioneer, Mated that the pntoner. face was familiar at hb at which little volumes, which rnirht be readOy concealed without observation, were missed ontinually and on Friday the porter detected tbe "boner in secreting within the breaat of hb coat, the work above named. Upon being told he had book under hi. arm, he nciied he waa about to take it to the light for examination, butit happened that tbe on which he wa.

was the lightest in the room. The porter confirmed thb statement. The prisoner said he had not put the book under hb coat intentiouanr, but the coat might have fallen over and hidden thTbook! without attracting hb notice. He got hb bring bv obtainmg order, for turner, near the Loodon road, with AMerroat WiircHE.TM taid. that although he had little dwobtof the it wa.otrf those cases which iurU.

were apt to dumb, and therefore ne should not commit nim for tnaL He remanded him till Tuesday, to produce friend, to hi character. Bow On Saturday a middle aged man, named ruiktr. who buelr kent a cotTee abot in Clerkenwell, wa ctuirrcd by Mr. Robert Henry Evans, the auctioneer of FaK maU, upon suspicion 01 navmg suxen iiwn nu hk iuwu saano edition, in 4 volumes, of AHuo'i fTort. It appeared that Mr.

Evans, having mused the books In qweenou from hu sale room, triced them to th shop of Mr. Bassett, a pawnbroker, who stated that be received them in pledge from tbe prisoner, to whom be advanced St upon ihem. The prisoner was accordingly taken into custody. Mr. Evans stated, that the books in question were Intrust.

jt 4rh mrrl other valuable works, for the purpose rf being sold by auction. They were the property of tbe widow of a general omeer, wno pucea so mgn a aiuc wpsn them, that she spoke to her friend, Lord Bexley, to beg of hira (Mr. Evan.) to be very careful of them, and no account to teQ them at sacrifice. Mr. Evans added, that daring the laat IS mouth, book, had been stolen frrxn his sale rooms to the value of several hundred pounds.

The loss la tan instance waa the more vexatious, from the par. rjcul direction which wetc given to him by the owner of the Tnf prisoner declared that be bought the dapBcat of the bnot. horn a person named Chapman, from whom be had i w. Ki rf Durehaain books for some time past. i hauman.

said, was indebted la him in the turn of SOt, 2S the book. wa. pueed In hb hand, in Kok shop in Busll.court, and in the haait rfpureru. uoua swr Kabmueht them to hi. ahop for sale.

it PP 1 t5f trTpriioner Aould himarlf bar pledged the book, and the pnaoner ir tn turn ainc i the books ws kept by him, or handed 0r to th penon whom he called apman The prisoner replied, that handed the 3t to Qapman, who ttood outside while wont in to pawn wetaining th duplicate from Chapman, be conceived It wa worths: TheprisofdeUre4luwa.petfeedyiruiocerrtof tbe charge, and produced a ta wbjd. be panted lout neral entnu efltterary work which had imrehased from NXWMARrKT SECOND OCTOBER MEETING. conctrpxr). The folWwiaeraoMwersnia sfter our arcouat left the rars csurss oa rrMsyi MBirn ini sots, ssu sia. as m.

A aa rat, sm woa ay asa bv Araall. ta Dv bv Dosamv. iiwiwiia is sots, isrr war rr mas. asi. 71D.

1 m. wtn. iwo.1 m. set. as a vrt aa wards, an.

7is l. is win ner to ataoU At. Puk of Portlaxrt Caller, 3 rn Mr. PsyVs by dustsr or OrviDe, yrs Mr. R.Vovee'sMoTaslia.

3vrs Mr. Forta's (.. by wrfl, tyrs a lencth, after a smart Mr. rMtlts by Trams, out of Pra Mr. K.

Boyer i ch. by NteoW Tean's itm fhru. Ma. 8. OayH kr.

by Cealsar MsrrsatWs dam fUtmtf Tlili mA Ml. OalWv'fl Bmlti. bIm, Mmrtrnd kal wiioiot stand 1 to 4 ant NkvIo f. a very lae ran, termlaaud 1 a end best bif ss the Nlcnta smt Trams glim. sAer vhieh ta Nkoas I.

walk, over, as Mr. Pvetit sad Mr. Boyre 4iTial raaua. in jsmow was rooe wf r. noyrs, rros oy nooiaMm, jar.

a. uays ay a sm. swunasoy Arsaii, aa aaifK vrncaiiey. TPassrVAaas Theoaiwre ta I antAdrano 7 lam uM wusoax sna to 1 ant Mont. Ttwi ICOtt Ml I Mshmnu.

bsdius laobiaual. the brttia was Th sseetra wat very well extended, the taort excefieat, sad th brttia 10 a very kw msl Th matches la whkk lxrd Csrter'f owl exnee ta mow lasvase latrrwt, tne ei awctlv awn crastlv dnissoiatsd bv the kmiIu wss matter ttseet but Orsea Msatlt defsst besrt dlRVrent are la, aa wss Wat eoaamoa asater. If aspsrt. ta sToarrI fmrysar aid, at aoarty eves Tnev ssr thst she aevsr that the wia bow oa. Tbe money staked oa th two matrass wss JoM a.

toa. Brio. as. aoarda. T'ESTIMONIES FAVOUR of SALT at a JL MAWrjtC.

tad a lhasal for More. Cow, and shoes. wUb tsstHaoajo. af tt. vast tmoortaors la la Arts, ktssmfactaess.

aad lb rwhorletl srrWoali by Tojttmoolot ravwarw Ari rahsee. By the Krr. ETDACIIe, A. I a. Uadoa.

soM by a mi, Oims. wooa. aod Crsoa JwMraOHiasd. to Orsv. Ma.

bav. ta Ui odoaoa, mock salotsad, of rriin ELEMENTS of lH YSIOLOUT, tranaUtcd ta aaKMa or ritmsur aioawasarm, tea. By JOHN CLUQTMJN. M.D, Cans of nysletaas, sod fUrtlrUa MwoTMsaVhwra. at, Thomas's Hos jLfrasslWLsUaofth4lhaJWa of rofsetor JUmsokork.

aad rasoftsd oita uisstat r.R I Pelktw of th Raral Loctarv oa th Praolai pHsL Pttoesdfae Issewisi. Bess. Onoo. Brows. ABBBNKTHVs iUKCICAL WORKS awbUshod, aew osiUeu.

ta I vol, tra 1 7s. boards, tbs SURGICALWORKS of JOHN ABERNETHV, f.B.V. Ac 1 eosairi. of ta foiVswra Treausss. whkh may tad stssrstslyi Oa ta CoaaUtaUoaal Onns sad Tnatmeat of Loesl PlMawi, sad oa Asourtems.

as, t. Distant friembua gvaMas. asdaa Dltasin of th Urethra. S. l)ariot of th Head.

7s. 4. On Lumkar Abtrstm and Tamors, as. Priatad for lamii, Rras. Orme.

arowm. sad Oram. BECK'S MEDICAL JUKIkPRIJDKNCE. aew aaiuoav JaM ruk llshod, la arte Id editno of By THEODKIC BOMEVN BECK. M.

Leriarer oa ModKal Jariteradear la th Call of th Western District of New York, At. Brwaeht down ta th prsseat Urn by JOHN PABWALU M.D. ton, stratsd foe Latum. Ron. Orme, WENDEBOILV." PRACTICAL GERMAN GRAMMAR, la which eseh rale It tvttemstieslly.

rlsarly. aad roaettrly rsslsmed aad imiiisdiatsly foflooed by sroper nrr elan, for themwof EoelWi Rtodeats oftaeGonnsB Laainisee. The rwkl sdltioa. eaotidstsMy aalsrrid and Imseond, by D. BOILEAII.

Aatlioe of th Natar and Goaiat tb Oermaa Learns, th Umnlst. th Key to Oerms t'oavenstton, Ac Pries m. boood. PBtod for Booteyst Lnoemsa, Rrvs. Orme, Bfow.

and firseai tlhlttaker, Troachsr, sad Araotti Mmrkm and Msrthslli Rlark. Vobb. and Voaa 1 J. Dancsa 1 J. Hodoa sad Treattsl.

Watts. Treutlsl. sad Rkhttr. Jasublithsd, la roll. with Portrait, "PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE of Dr.DOLD Ju RIDGE.

Editsd from the Onemslt. by hit ami Grandtoa, John doddridoe Humphreys. ei. Pnatrd for Hoary Colours sad Rlehsrd Bealler. New Barllarloa ttrort.

Jast paMisbrd, la I vol. vitk Putts, TRAVELS in the INTERIOR of MEXICO in ItM. IU7, sBdllJt. By Lteutvasat R. W.

H.HARDY, R.N. Fraud for Hoary Colours aad Rkhsrd BoatWy, fcrw Bsrlin toatrort. Jast sualishod. In ruts, sort STORIES of WATERLOO, and other Tale. Period of honour, at of woet.

Wast bneht carsert'toat thin to elate St. Printed for Henry Coloura and Richard Beatley, New Bur liaetoatvrrt. Jstt subllthod In I vol. I.o.. with tS Illustrations.

TRAVELS in CHALUEA, induling a Journey from Butsorsk to Bsedsd, lllllah sad Bsbybw. aerformed on foot la tn rear ltT7, with Obterrstiont on the Sitrt sad Rsinaini of Babel, Setairis snd Ctmshan. By Csststn MIONAV. th lul lomponr 1 'xttm. rrmtea ror Henry ColBvra aad Rirhard aentlef.

Bsrlineton ttrret. JM pablubod, oditma, in Isre with 7 PUies. rm it. bound snd lettered, ST. PETERSBDroH Journal of Travel, to snd from that Casiul throueh fUndert, slon the Raakt of the Rhiae, tkrouch fratms, Ruttls, Polsnd.

Sasonr, Vilctis, Banna, sad rrancs. By A. B. CRAWILLE, M.D., r.R., F.L M.R.S., Ac" A book which ronulns (rest dosl of aaefal Infor ssv writer (Sssetu. His siosre of St.

Petenbunth ranlsisi th moot en. plout sad detslle deterisctoa of the aisntie ediftees of thit extrs. ordissry dty whkh hat hitherto been bud before th public" Quarterly Hertew. It will be rasd by errry him who hat either trsrtlWd la lbs coantllee visllad by th Doctor, or who it drttroai bscofala acquainted otth Globs. Prlalcd for Henry Cnlnurn sim! Richard Bnllv, I.

New Rurlineton tlraet. ACTUAL STATE of TLRAKr. Just pubuthod, Ira sdiuoo, la I 'PRAVELS in TURKEY, Epypt, Nubia, and A. Paletllas, la lWt. 133.

ISM. and It7. By R. R. DDEN, M.R Ch.

Anonc other topic of Wsoin intsrett trrsted of In thit work will be found Present Msts of Canttantlnopla The Rrieaia nulua Turkloh Msnnrrt, ustomt, Rtlifion, aad Pre I ursitn Laaits lalerior of the Hsremt Ibrthim Pacha 'limst snd DHestet of Eeypt The Pyrsmtdt Mohsmmed All Plseu Praclut of Emkalmin Arab Poetry The Bednuint ict at MaK 1 Syria visit Th nphis. tha Sllaa or Trwv ncin, and Cspula KrsakUBds Trsrels ta rontisatinnple, In the yesrt 1AT7 snd let i onsvo edition, with 31 Enersvinet, In price 31s. aVl Hit volnmrs teem vltk laterwt aad inttntc. tloa. btcsat It la impoatible not to perceive whet tlron snd new Hahuthey thniw upon the preasat tost of war betweea th Tuikt snd Rattisnt," un.

Priaud for Henry Colbara sad Richard Beatley, New Barlia toa ttraet. Jutt sublMBod. is win QUERIbT. By Bishop BERKELEY. rBmb.tahBn.

with Comiom NotsM. atr, how raf th mid quct4MM Mill rtnain to ktti rw ygctiwy Irtlaad. v.mtM Ri.ry. PiCwadiUr i and by or4cr of vry booktclicr ta tht ktlBsftttini. T'i! la few dart will be puoltshed, I tola.

with Portrait, HISTimiCAL ACCOUNT of Ml OWN with aome Rcflerttont on the Timet I hsrs llrtd in. (I7. 1731.) By EDMUND CALAMY. D.D. Now tnt pnatrd, illuursltd with notes, hiatoncsl sad bioersyhical.

Pnaud for Hoary Cotburnsad Richard Bentley, New ButUnclon stiret. AN XV L1F the Otswa Maatle ts S. better laaa Vara I who rant rood imr rear aid. st aosrlr vea watckul. Illy bs They ssy thst she never wss la farce before, and what must the The roe's esasoa will terminate with the Hoaehtoa Mettle.

which conuneacsathit day work, sad It likely to be busy one. siiir NEtrs. CowEt, Oct. 17. Arrived the ship Maria, Francis R.

Cibb, mmmander, from Samaran and Batavia. Left the former place oa the JJd of June, and the latter on the JOth. Cargo coflre, oozarpdiro. Ice, solely fce the account of hi. ownen, Messrs.

R. Thoruoo and West, of London and Antwerp. At Samaranf Captain Cobb received on board tn Mam the 3d officer and one teaman belotwinr formerly to the British brir Comet, Captain Fraaher, which had been wrecked on a reef at the entrance of Torev's Strait. The 2d officer stated that th Comet tailed from Sydney for Batavia on the 13th of April, mad Torey'e Strait on tbe 2th of May. On the 6th.

at 4 a. thick weather, struck on a reef when the lead was bovc overborrd, found th surf had hove the brie into aU feet water, a current runnlne; to the north west at tbe rate of Ave knot per hour in a quarter of an hour the brie, filled, and was complete wreck, the surf runninr; so hisrh that no boat could put out, obliced the crew to remain three dart exposed on the quarter deck, tabtiitinr on raw beefs at the expiration of that time they succeeded in renin; the pinnace throurh the surf, and by the assistance of that boat laid out a buoy for hauhrur th lonr boat throurh with the rest of the crew, th outer edge of the breakers 1 then steered north for Murray Island 1 at p. m. saw tt, and a brie at anchor at 6 not on board provrd to be the Fairfield, of Aberdeen, Captain Both, who received ui politely, and attended to our Immediate warns on th 1 4th of Slay the Fairfield spoke th ship Japiter, of London, from Port Jackson to Batavia, which nad on Boot reef, and wat then making nine inches water per hour the wa. proceeding lo Calcutta for repairs.

Prior to th Maria's leaving Batavia. Captain Youn formerly of tb ship Oovernor Reading, of London, bad arrived there with part of hu crew, that ship having been un. fortunately wrecked wa a shoal in th vicinity of Murray's Island. Captain Young had taken the command of the bng Harriet, by demise of the late captain. Ships spoken by the Maria Aug.

li. In sight of the Cape of Good Hope, bark Prince of Orange, Jamison, from Bombay for London. Aug. ji. The American ship Friendship, from Sumatra for Gibraltar, 1st.

30. 7 long 30 W. Sept. II. Ship Vesper of london, D.

Brown, 1st. 11.44. N. king. li.

W. left Sydney for London the 9th of June the Princes. Royal, Sherwood, left the same time for Tbe Pyramu. to sail lo a fortnight.

Sept. 2IL Th ship Favourite, Oukiaon, from Bombay for Cork, Ul 31. 60. N. long.

38. 30. Scabbobocch, Oct. IS Tb Cowslip, from Lynn to trangemouth, which came on shore yesterday, is wrecked 1 part of to materials saved. The Bleating, of aad from Spalding, 00 sliore near Filey, has duchargid her cargo (wheat), part of which is damaged, and it expected thai she will be got off next spring tides.

bHIELDt, OcL 14. During the whole of yesterdsv and the fort part of last nighi, it blew a heavy gal from N.E. It reported that yesterday, In a heavy squall, the ilhelmina. of Stettin, was wrecked oa Mersdaa Rocks, and all on board drowned, and that most of th rnauruis are saved. u.

1 Tk. Hmilr1, Vrind. rrnm flaina borough to Portsmouth, has put in here with her cargo shifted and loss of bulwarks, stanchions, Ac. The Idnes, from Riga, which in here the 1 sailed tor Newcastle, afire being repaired. 18th ulL leaky, has I Advertisement.

1 We art requested to state that the fd. lowing aew works ar thit day published by Mnart. Colour snd Beatley. New Burlracton strert i l. Epichsnt.

a traeedy, by the author of Orsnby, snd Herbert ley I. Trsvelt In Cksldws, by Captaia Mis nan, inrlndin Journey from Buaaorah to Baeuad, Hiilah. sad Babylon, pstfaraasd oa footi with ni.mrrout runout ilhittratkuM, I vol. Stones of Waterloo, 3 pott Im 4, Tb Borderers, Ule, by the suthor of The Red Roto, the Prattle, Ac BIRTHS. Ob Sotordsy, the rTlk the Isdy of ths Rer.

Charles Wodt worlk. A. Prrfeeoiary of It, of dsuehter. Oa the Itth iaau. Mrs.

Ed aid llbronn, Plntburyircut, of lit Friday, ta Itth the lady of Caarlst J. Manala. Maast, orefcrTtos; ta thttt triet, declared that four oat of Ore of th. works at entered answered tbe deaenpooo of wiKM. vita mintine from hi sale rooms.

Mr. Hall, appeared at first UscKnod admit tht prisoner to bail I but afterward, said, that the circumstances of the Brer Or to taspscswa a ruarwnsr twtia the ttUinTfT varil Wednesday aeL la lb. meanwhile, gta. tcwa directioas ta tract the boaka. If "oa aiblei tod ate serrrxtTtitsi to aopreowoo jupinan.

"iTtaH kaAtof Mlow, about a wtart of act, naasrd XfonlUsr, wat Pmw4 at, bar oa Saturday rvctung, cs w. mt na Beat. aSaa taat at ins Da pouc. rut a a ftiMMiA ImvWbaeB Ibuad txpaairsr hit peraoa 1st a froasly lLda.1 ttMwrWatai'sa see the ocluek seuej.1 BarWIMwaeaWeVjriaT ra 2i rjEAitf' 1 lunntnwn r. MARRIED.

Oath lath si Oxford. Mr. W. H. Tilbury, of lmdon, Man Asm Randall, of the Iimer city.

On aaturdar. the 17th mac. bv tk Un Dr. flardtwor, Wiluam eldest SOB of Wilbom Marian, of Colney hatch, lo Ellia, only daxhlrrof H.J. htabta.

Ea jpf I Sutton, surrey. At Kenatnetoa Cauifk. oa Thursday, the ISth Itirhard Plimptoa, to aussseta, uura asugnirv si. 'aau, not Jutt publithtd, td edition, in CONSTANTINOPLE in 1HS. By CHARLES MACrRLANE.

Esa. With an Assendls. ranlaiiria. marks snd Obterrstions to th Autumn of ISA. Printed fr naan.

den and Otlry. Conduit trt when may sb had th Addi to invwora, vnant tepsraceiy tor ine coovcnience of er pBrcBtfi. Jut I onbliahrd. price ts. the aotood sdiuoo of IJKKSfEUllVK SIMPLIKIEU; JL iBtrodactloa to Drawin.

or, a Complete km matter of sttnnith. meat to st, thst the ntlot rtsportlne thu brsutiful srt were made I we arrhapi even child msv desl iter. London, puklithod by W. Srely.Chsnae sllry. ao completely anintellicib py wnicn even can i 1 K.U..I I Captain HALL't TRAVELS la NORTH AMERICA Ju.t pub lithod.

In .1 T1 lit. d. l.nfRAVELS in NORTH AMERICA, in 1897 1. snd lilt By Captain BASIL HALL. R.N.

f. Forty Etchiaes, from Sketches nude in America with the Camera Lucida. By aplai Hail. Royal Ha. kL Printed for Csdell sad Edinburgn I snd Simpun snd Marshall, London Jutt publubed, in price tt.

boarda, A TREATISE on SYPHILIS; In which the Hil. tory, Symptomt, snd Vrthod of Trettin erery Form of that Disrate, are funy conti. cod By JOHN BACOT, Suraeoa lo the St. Iimtt'i snd St. Jsmet't DuprBatry, snd latrlr Surecon to lb Drenadier Rseiment of Foot Guards.

Pnatrd for Loucmsn, Rr, Orme, Brown, snd Groan. Of whom may bt had. Elements of Mr. dicsl Stallttlea. Br F.

Bittet Htwkint, M.D. In Jt. bnsrds. Dr. TURNER CHVMISTHY Jutt publithed.

wcund edition, enlsrsed, sad carefully reriaod, ia one Ursa rolum price in. awn, including tht rlonc. Bv ED want, runntn. tt.ii., rroittaor of laymitiry in th Cniremty of London. Printed for John Taylor, bookseller and publlther to the University, is.

Upper (iwrt ttrret i snd told bv M'LarhUn and Stewart, Fdinhureh. ina. awn. ELEMENTS of CHVMISTRY recrnl Diwnrri and Dos trmn of tht lrismct. TEP 1 Vrai a NUP BONL at AM HI Jutl nukhthr.

nr EPORT of the DONCASTER Al.RICULTLT. AL ASSOCIATION, on the ADVANTAGES of BONES at JRE. founded on theAntwrrtof Practical srmert of ererv deacrlption of toil, to certain Queries from the Committee. Alan int nniiin rarmert vuarterly Maasine. M.

Ir, devoted ti clunvrly lo Atncultursl and Rural ArTairt, prise 4a. No. 13 will be publithed oa tbe lit of November, eoraoletm the third volume. antra Kidwav, Piccadilly, London; and the booksellers st Don. cstur, Ac Jutt subliahed.

snee newrdition. A TREATISE on Uie RADICAL CURE of ii. Rl'PTURC, by muu oi aCMirtw of Rnivrdpni tth Crt KMit une rtpt looaUr by orTr. of parifth mi, by pn tc intliTtduaU rllWlsl without any operation, pain, nr tt patuioo of th patMpat't ordinary avorauoaa. Aim, OtetTtvatHnu upon th Marmit of Mroi, and upon th oo.tnH t.on, tat, and Adaptatroo of tha Tru.

By M. DUTuL M.ff to the Inttltotion for th Radical Care of Rupture and tnctura. author of a Treatise on Oii tK, of the rethra. aad Mle proprtrtor of tarin 1 cTrroraiea xratcaieo iioufie. ruMiinn oy i.

nap pie, Atf, Pall mall, Sinpkm and Mar aha I. Siaiioner rvurt, Ludjcate itreott ana Awtnor, 3. Mortimer ttreet, arenauh aquare. Jvui pubsLshed, ltfth edilwn, price b.t 10S8anl 1. The Alci.

of Life VJT conlaimn Practical Obarrvstiona Diaordert arum from sypniui, ana tnevsriety of liitestet connected tnrrewits, st stnr lure. Nervous RoUxatum. Ac recommendine sn iuierovtd modi of treatramt, st once ante sndenVrtual I Local and General Debility are particularly advvrtrd to, sad each Subjrct illuttrated by inierrtt Ine eaara. i. Tht Syphifnt, popular trratit on crrtsin Ji or.lnt And 3.

Hyeetsnat conteinm t'ractics Kemarkt on Female owi. auih cases. Printed for the Authors, snd told by Shrrwood snd rs, Hstrrnoiler ruw unwhyn, 4, sthenue tlreet. strand i happle.te, 1'sll mall! Caltoo Jtrrrt, Fdmburth Sfc. Trorutste, Glsvow i Porter, 'irafton ttrret, Dublin; sna of all book aetlera.

The motives which have Induced the authors t. publitk a familiar mmmeatary on th show tubiectt sre fnl'i rspuunod in tht introduction. Goat and M.R.C Sureont, are to be contullod daily st ikeir hoate. where Irttert, enciotin fee, may be ad drtwd II. Rouvvrtlrwt Fleet vtrtl.

AS HovttXAm in a email rqcnltr Funflr, a roanw Wasaaa. a to, waa has aa oMartlon lo wail st tabtet east kaveaaoodeharsetar frora hor last sUc. Dmet to B. at Mr. Edwsrsfa.

tarsi. U. Uvtesaoi atrort. Btokosaeataarrset. HoctEMAis, or lo attend oa an elderly Lady, a issptrtshls yoarat pseana who eaa have aa ansnreotwaasble taaracterof I years aad a halt aad hat a stsorooo to traveL Di rves pn.ii.o wool sBoraryi aaBsattrsvarrast.

apaaei. Hoc.cmaio, or to wait on two young Ladies, a respseuble ywua Woaaa who raa work weU with her need) A HoncMAiw, or Servant of AU worlc, in re l. isltBhls Psaailv. a rttatetahls vmat Womao. aws M.

who raa have a rood character front the Lady ah hat )att loft, and has bo obiortmo to tow nr fruiterer. Upper Beraelev afrett. I try. Direct to at Mrs. Osborne's.

AS HortXMAin in a Uentlrmtn'. Family, a respvet sbl Town Wneios who esa work wen with her aotdle and wsrt st tsbk If reaalrod. Csa aav a two veers' character fmru her lart place. Dirsrt UCE, Mr. Oswroxft.

11, Dsviowttrvet, Gros aquar. AS Bahmaid in an Hotel, Tavrrn, or Chophouse, atosdy rotpectshW yown Person who pet fw try ndtsnda hn buaineai. sad wntet a rand hand. Direct to A. Mr.

Wibon't, Cherry Tree. BowrirancrorB lsa. CltTkenwrO. AS Waitre. in Dining itoms, or Chamborm.irl ia a Tavern.

rsosortsble vtrtne Woman who hot hvt.1 In bmh capoatlrv. snd can hsve sa aneacrwtionable charscter from eltker of her last placet. Direct to F.IJ. at llumphrevt't. hmoncrr, St.

Abb's Inn, eooout th New Pottofnc. No offlcrkevprr nd spolv. AS Chambermaid tn an Inn or Hotel, a rVepcrt ahle roan Woman who would hav ob rrtion to Ih AS Upper Servant, in or out of livery, where a boy it kept, hi smsll Family, or alet lo a tmel Oentls man. a rowi Msa, ace li, who apeskt ths Irenrh and l.erman luMtusim: hat no objectum to town or country, or to travel, hsviae been on the Continent. Hit character will brsr the ttrictet: inuiry.

Divert la T. W.O., st Mr. bskrr, Frsncit ttraet, rotten snvmu rt msn. AS lrttxioR Servant, in or out of livery, in a email Family, or with sn elderly Lsdv or Gentleman, re pectsbie, active, aieadv, tirurl Msa. see 3.

who ttrfmlr under ttaads hit buttaets. mi ran have a i Boraceptionable character frora the familv he haa Uteiv left. No obnctWw, to town ne munrrv traveL Dlrort to T.C. st Mr. MslthrwVi, perfumer, Motv tlrrct.

Hewfnril.ouare AS Footman where a butler kept, or in a small Fsmilv where only one it kept, a youn Man. sor about no can nave ao annrrptiontble charscter from the place he No orecekteper neod apply. AS Footman, a young ape 19, who i to make htmaeir useful, snd ran hsve sn unn tireen't, baker. 4 Footman in a Family, or under a butler, Ja. syoun Man from the country, am pi, who ran hares ei AS Footman, or Valet, in a (Jrntleman's Family, a ynun Msa, setts, who hat jutt returned from America nai obiection to eosbrosd.

snd ter. Dirrrt ttW.T, Viorceaterthjri A Coachman, or Groom, a respectable M. youn wan, ae IT, with sa unexcevtieoabl two yran and half a rharacter from hit laat place. Direct lo A.B.U Mrv Jefert, pryen piace, niacsneatn vsle. AS Coachman in a Family, a Man, age 3ft.

wan csa have a ewod chartfter from hit Uet FliMt toJ.M.,Mr Pshner't. CTI, Oaf.ird ttraet. N'ooflcekeeper need apply. AS (iaooai, or Groom and Valet, a single young Maa. aee ff7.

who csa ride and dnve well, wan ar r.KU make himself cenerally useful can have two years snd half's unncrvnauiat iiunruT. Hired to rr. Tf at Mr. Bourn nite rtorao ttreet, ncraailly. AS Gardener, a respectable married Man, age it), without encumbrance, who underttandt hit huuimi.

livm. out erounds, the prapaestnin of choice floweri and ihrube, and the maaseenarnl of meadow land stock, from many rears' rsprrtencr. who wishes A Gardenfr, a single Man. age A. tobt with uiet snd reenlsr Family.

He It writ acquainted with tbe kitchen earden. sleaaure eround. and rreenh. u. un derttanda the nvanatement of meadow land.

Can have a eood character from th place he haa jutt left. Direct to fi. CrawfordCrawford street, Pnrtraaa sauere, Marylebone. AS (tARDENrR, a married tge V7, who iho rouehly anilerttandthit butinett in pines, trapes, meloni, Ac, the kitchen snd fruit esrden, snd rsn hsve upwtrdt of two Brart' character from hit laat place. Direet to Mr.

sttt runtwick Nursery, Sinks Sewireton. Middletex. AS aitjr in a Coffeehouse, Inn, Tavern, Hotel, or Chnekoute. tinete vimisw Van who wll uiwiOT i.nJ. buttnott, snd csa be well recommendW.

Direct lo R. st Mr 41. Crest indmill attert, Haymarktt. No objection lo the country. No nfflevkeeper need apply.

AS a respectable Man, ape VJ, who ia well acsjuaiated with the buanett, and csa live the moat retpectabte reference, with aecunty to aar amount. No obior lion to town or country. Direct to M. S. at the bootmaker't, 17, OULttreet, t.

Luket. AS M'aiter in a Coffeehouse, Hotel, or Chop hooae. tleadv arrive utiu Man. mm 9 .1. mmrmim demands his butiaett.

can bars sn unnreptionsMe character frora Ms Isst eitastian, snd eivt tecurity If iruntred. A inle bandd piece would he preferred. Direct to A. B. st Mr.

Wystl't. IJ, Mlver ttrset. Goidesvtqusra. Al.fc HV AUCTIO.I. To Banders.

Paporstsjnen. Maaufacturrt. Ac By Mr. FORREST, st bsrrswsy'i. on Wednssdsy, October at If.

ta loo. by order of tbe Truttset for aala. Lot 1. A Leasehold rjute, situate on tbe south ride of the hih road betweea Shepherds butk snd Acton, sbrast 3 milee snd half from tawa, nearly cooturuout to Atkew place aad the road teedin by Msrch creeu snd Werjct lsoe lo Htm mertmith i conaittin of tbe brick carcass, rovere in. of tponout villa, of handsome snd uniform elevation, with the quarter parti tmna and Hoorln )mttt, snd very rsteotive wslled pleasure eround and eardeai behind tastefully laid out snd pleated with a vsristr of thruba sad fruit trees: held for tt yesrt.

st imiul rent of ti per annum. Lat t. A Leasehold Paaerwainin Manu factory. Ml feet loa. recently erected, atjwinia ike extremity of the above iroundt, with countln(koute, tttble, snd other uiuMt oat buildin and (srden (round, now in the occupation of Mr.

Mornt Martin, paprrttainer held for yesrt, st sepperrnrn. Immediate pottetaion may he had of both lou. To be viewed Is days preceding the tale, whea psrticulsrt may he had at the Pnn ceta Viltoria public houar, nesr tb prrmiaes aim of Oeore Pope, Eaaacdiator, li. Grsy'a inn equare at Gsrrsway sod of Mr. Fotrevt, B7.

Aldertste ttreet, London. Dortetahire. TslusWe Manor Estate, with a comfortable and hiehly re.pectaW Family Retidene. nchly timbered meadowt, fruitful Orchsrda, aad capital Farm, la the tae vale between MLaftethurv aad Wincanton. By Mr.

DANIFL SMITH, st the Mart, on Friday, Oct. unless sn acceptable offer should be made by Private ontrsct. AMoit enviable and capital Estate, (the greater part freehold), deairshlr innate, on the turnpike raid, between the market towns of Shaftesbury snd Winesntnn, and wKhin an eaty drive of Bath and We) mouth, in one of the nrhe.1 valet of Dortetthire: compntie tubitanlisl. temmndiout. snd hihly re.

tpectablsresideace.poaaetiin every com fert fors family, without any eipeneiveappendaeea. The aisnor, nr reputed msnor.wnh lit rthti. royalliet, snd sppurtensnrrt. and ens of the best ftnnt of itttite in the county, ftme.1 for its nrhnttt of toil, and compritin. in srin fence, nearly atret.

tuhdivided into convenient enrlmurst, i erest portmo luiunant orchard eroundt, snd rich meadowt or psa luret, partly imealed by Ine ttreama of waler, snd besutifully limhered, psrtKularly round the houtei toet her with pood farm houves. buiidinea of evrry dewtption The, whole let to tw. respectable tenants, oa lease, except Ihe retidene aod about 6 ret, tor which also teasnt may be had if detire The ntatp lie viewed with tickets, snd psrticultti with plant msy be hs.1 P. M. hlttv.

toliritor. Mlart.hrv. tl lh rhiinn. Wincsntoa, Virymoutk, Bath. Salithury, Ac; st the Auction Msrtt tnd of Dsn.el Smith snd Son.

turveyort and land aerentt, Mdermaa wslk. Rroed tlreet. lndon. and vi indtor, Rrrkt. msy bt of Sir.

Witney, Oiford.hirr. By Mr. DANFL ktsple hsll Inn, Vk itney, on Tuetdsy, Nov. 17, ta tevrrsl Iota, unlet! an accept skle offer shall be aeeviouthr made bv Private I mtru. bJl'MlRY valuable Frt ehnkl antl Copyhold Krates 1st the propertr of Itlchsrd Psriah Witti.

Eaa dereaaed 'J. prtable reidmre, uh Imrce gmr i.Kurrn areen. wuney, 1 miller Iwute aai prvrnj Claohaaa. Maw Mat. a.

t.m Tii rfaaH mium TmHxfJ By Msates. RfjailSt, stwo I nai I I. attto art Je aOENTEElJjBodern Fonuloiw aad Upoipiatawy; JT eos trawJssaliasre pot lattslt with basso. ran. feat her bads, wool ttsllnwst, cbVlu ra vra.

rkml rkwa. swra tiam Hb snoaww frseaes. ksdets. towel hornra. and every bed rasmt raawraH.

aw ass. aaat lonr eoaowoad rJsrwoaicr. pair af swsaltse ditso, wotk aad erca. Ld uhloa. lea sort, wrttmw aesaa.

tea caddie sad droosa rasas. tardea, lea snra. writm and anal stsrao rhsirs. swrtsa of asaanst. ssoesoa ewrtaia.

tecretslre bookrase, drain table, pillar asm elaw. psssarsae. other tabtte, 1 capital taahawaay sness wrreeeslwHb hadr etoth, of nuhocaar chairs. whal aot. tvdeboarwt with drawees, basler's trees sad ttsods, kife trav.

eseelleat stock of now rarpetln sad aoor stnth. bedecks. Also the Leva of tk. Pramlors It veorsl. with moderB ehaVs private door, wrwkahaos kehlao.

a entraac. four doors from the Two Brewers. Ilujk street. CMpaasa. Ma be viewed till th tale, snd rara'aewe had two days prVw.

Genteel Furnnure. toe lore r.losves. luiiisrw BUIIaM TIBS. Btesterie cHrto. sn Wiehl Chandelier.

Library Books eeatl Bookthelvet. TrsatSnratkia la Stained Glass. French porks. nme Paiatinae, Kauars Plajaofort. slan Stoves, Coppers,, and quantity of aeafal Fisrsrsa of all kmdt By eases.

ROBIN, st the Rooms Ptasaa, CovetH eardoa, oa Tharsday st If, ENCINB Morlem Furniture, larce Chimnty ts leh be .1 kaches. 71 larhot be 44 Inches. 7w aches by to mrhes. OI laches be laches, snd others smaller, eauare pianoforte, with sdditmaal keys, by Clententi. a sapevior full tisrd btnisrd Ubre by Thurstoa.

with mace, cnes, beaches, corer. At. bneslell board by ditto, oa tteht rkaodvllee. with ahaJes. a castlsl 7 feel library bookcase, a aiaantity esT bkesey bno.

thetret sad Unmet. Bne laree staiaed lao, iTrsatarursuon. after Raphael), three eleuant Freocti docks sa snsoes. scan eqpa pem. int and pnntt.

an a ousntiry of. nana, aiiam. ttovee. rsjhre. coopers, hhadt, aaa lead pumps, Ac.

1 removed foe ssle. Deaasesot, vm! berfdine. it. and til bed room Bterenta. Iralln of ehint wradow ewrlalne, ood snd other Uhkv, ttainod chain, eowrhes.

sofa. cherTo meet. Turkey, Brtunelt. aod olhee terpen, etdehoard. psrhiur chairs, tet of disina tablet.

Pembroke snd other table, feoderssad ire iront. kit, sen rea rites, sic. stsy so verwwa twv ht, p.v nd cslstoenet had. ery valuable Propenv. ta Jewrtt.

Plale, CeoW Watches by the 1 ret makm. Gold Sr lf bwses. Jewellery, in Pistole, Mustcsl Work b. s. from Mr.

tailram. Priwonwlrort. Sohta By Mttsrs. RUBINS, st their Ronmt, Piasss. CoveatHrsrdca.

oat Taaralay and Fnday. nth and Juth October, st I ClOMl'RISINIr oo Ounce of useful Plate, in a richly chevtd wlvev eih cup and cover. Isre two handled wtiter, tea kettle, lamp and ctand. tea seta, turret pots, Ith kalves, tureen snd tsure ladlet. trrtlle Kandt.

table tsxasnt and forks. Ar. I )ewrllery. pair of hnlbaat damond th sad knew buckle, eom poeen of 'ei laree oniiiams tne tern weivr, mouw rrm imt necklace, a laree brilliant and tasohire brooch. vsrHetr of bnmant diamond ear nnrv, nnet, pint, and brooches, 4V carats of In Ions numerate tuitet in smeiayta.ptas sopai.

seen, coral, eon fine emd. msaaive old armlett. aatk chains, brscvleta. rajs, ptae, anil broorhet. tet with seme.

hiehly aaithed pocket rhranoraeteri, a honsonul sold repeater by Mod sad Datum, sa alarum by Vinet, loil nine turneri, repeatine, dwphra, patent krver, boriauataf, and vertical redd snd silver watches bv Elbcnt. Wahater. Fmee aod ewland.Oanlhony. Grsnt, llswtey, urhtwicksnd Moss. sndoOer eminent makers faahtanable line cold watch swards, chains, sad rait, encine turned sold tn.lTb rt.

ladytmuaKal work bos, pair of durllin pitlcdt by Manton. sVdsy ckkt. Ac. 1 ladiea' aad eentlw men wesrin apparel. Uble and bed tinea, teversl pit it of flo csmhrtc, tunertne woollen cloths snd kmeymeve: entirely iroea Hart rim, Pnnces street, soho.

Msy be viewi wed. sndcataloewetkad NnrUnUm. surrey The MankryHndae kelate. compnsia do atrable Retidence, with Gardens, vsrlous Owt otnces. sad Acres of rich Hop, Vesdow, and Pptturr Laad.

ly Mr. GEORGE ROBINS, at the Auction Msrt, oa Tuna.Ty. Oet. If, A'ery compact and eligible rroperty, called the Mauler Bri.lee Eaute. wtaste on the south aide of th new turnpike road lesdin from Faruhaii to Petertaeld.

is th mott besutifal part of the county of Surrey, beta about miles frora Fsrnhami cmptitin a eeateei snd commodious revadeBOt, with car lens, hop kila, barn, stablet, charte house, cow hows. sTSasry, snd various other huildmca. toeetker with I closes of neb bop. meadow, and pasture land, coatainm scree, aurreunain rrtiilenee aad in a rin fence. The estate is erwyhold of the manor Farnham, and haa very attentive common rihte.

Msy be viewed by applyia to tht proprietor particulars had slsoof Jsmes Shotler. Fiq tolintor. snd at the am ham: at the Dolphia. soath at the Marti snd si Mr.

Goore Rotaaa't ostcet, Csveat cardetu GEM1NE Taiti r.m urn i to. re. Library Bunkrw, anal fhmnoimrtt a DfUel rhairee, BnH aluahle rfferta. Br Mr.OXCNH M. at rua Masckma RoamiB.

IVt, OaforcUtreet. near the Pantheon, on Friday next. 12. witrwvut rwBswf in excellrnt Houtehokl Furniture and KlrerTa. nrnoverl from Hart atreet.

Bfeomabtaryi cnntpiiainc canul matwoaji7 bbrarr brinktraswe. kiachowe aa4 otharr horary tabiVt and chair, adebomida, aeta of patent 4mm UMea. rriaewsMMt and maho tanT aoa, lajn, card, and broke 4itto draw in mom ind fttmr runaina, rliimney and ter jrjw es. Are acrnena, RriM et and other rarpeta, cabinet and aqnare ptanofortea. sS fuaC and other tedastenda and fttmitnre, beda and neddintr warJranaa.

drawera, dreaunc and weeh hand tania, fenden and ftre rrona, a rrveta cmtn LeaurrtoUt Hjnidsnre. ntt isw tral ikf a Ranunu. 3i3. Oaftird atreeC. on FiidaT nemt.

at If Men.tri. A Compact Lrascholil Hesulence, in excellent repir. plraaantly aituate Vo. 3, Imt a atreH. cViee ttwtoav qaare, in the panih of Panrraa, 4 ttonr.

kifftlt contain in rrkTM. rowwmft on rnrh flrtnr. and lanre aaevmm. wrth detached wiiih. Front farhind i tn the ocenpauon of Mr.

Tbnanni Mnanell.teniat at will, at per annum htrtd by lenae for npwnrda otf ynarm. at trie to eround rent of only ltf. leatin a net rental of JC35 a year. To a mall cainUliat thia orrer aa e)c bt Tbe prenVeea may be natwed till the aale by la are of tne Unnnt nattlwnlara bad at the of R. T.

Maw.ty, Ct onc.trar. Tottsr ahara etreefp Fuiroy aaxwre; and at Mr. Cferanwiaa oflUf, OiJord atreet. near the rantton. II.

bv order of the rroorletor. rjiIK Lease of the desirable Premises, COTUuning JL numarroua rhambera, ritunc rooana. aphtoona ho wstb loont behind, kttehrm, Ac held for an vnevptred term of 1 yenra, at tbe low rent of per annnm. At the umt tiwte will be towd Uie ra matmn rKMiwsrno4d fnrnitnre and ntanwla ia trade, of the nana, do Btmetioa. May bevWwedi pnrtistlnra and catainrwaa bad on appli ratvo i on the premtaeei and of Mr.

Allen Dnvn, anniaeer and atrprai er. 3 Karl trret. Black friaTtw and at Nevinctwn. Moalern and coatly Fnrnitare. tnchidlnf a rosewood Cabinet forte, efcnrant Prawin Room Smt in analvmrany and moreen damaak.

bpantah maiocany portable Snrtrry with an drawera and attinea China, Ganaa, and tWu, Blackfriarpv By Mr. ALLEN DVV15, on the Premuaa, SS. Upper Stamford street, Blackfriara. on Wedneaday, Oct. f8, at lv.

by order the rroprtetor. remoeine abroad, i l.L the excellent Ilouseholtl Kurnirure. contisting 1JL tent and 4 poat bedatenda and hmdewa fnmitnrea, irwoae featber bada and brddaiui. aolid Snantah nuJtaranr aim id Waurd. robe, mahoarany waab hand aland, chaste af drawera, and book.

raaea. Hue plate pier amain and rntmary anaaaea, nobte aiaea. rhtnti, moreen, and mu.tln wmdow cvrtain, Venetian, Bniaaeta, and iar raraeta. chamber hone hair Horary and hall chmra, mahowaay kwa, card, parrnt telt aarofe, and library Ubiea, olid hpai tah inaiio eany tra cad4j tabW. kitsttten reaniaites, ASM anmerona acher eaTerta.

Mar be Tie the day precedm the aale: cataiornea had on tbe prtrmitet aad of Mr. AlVn Darta, anrtkmeer. enrveror, aad aetata aa fat. 3. Karl Urret, Blackfrura, and at n.

Hurrey. IwanaU fabn, WaahrWa. aW naan 1 XXTLVSrVLV'JSLILSStSU Oaiiaaar tw. Ta aa he Ka.amaai X. at LAOt A.

jam vrPMinui ISiSSwiSiS sod rheeefsl Hows with aweasa. sttstas kTsS ai" JaMBa. I ay sraSa Ih eaa. whew senlrwann aaothe wrT aad Aacaor. Woolwich th twaaVtmeawati? asswkg wiBftaii sodaf aBaBsjatji" ralaaas linl ill I il "ssas, anaT: RILL, at 011.0'.

oa Taeedey, Nov. a a aC A Very tlrairahfe FreHioW PrepperfVT rX. capital end tpsrlsn. sjwry nf of tat Lsao tuirs. Bevsaoadarv.weJt sbssbb) as.

I fee ktsse of tl years from Chrlniaaa. laslJa TT I'i'S ssbbss. dedocun th use. Ta aa' 'JJ aCL preeedm th ssle. by losv of ta.

Messrs. Catty, Haddoa. Catty, tm4HSmTLJL' court. Thmamorvaa etiset at Ih ease a7V saih reel. I J.

TtewJsswto.yar. mm sVC amaTVr Mr. CAM.bsri ssorrow, Ortoaee at, a. himi, inea are use enQre JL. at fasKIOB.

st ta weet end of SwaTX "1awsB.as7ssn5?' laf Me. CasstaaBwajava ly similar ottantrry hewy. mZJl. il dioo of aiB i. CarraveUas.

Wau svcihon. jl7iwn been fully admitted aad sswrortatad be k. sap tret raaasot' aoctety, sod arhoa aara laT Ma. rlMMMJiasai eaBciewt ndtewseM. Th mass enotrst of a7 a India Msderra.

MovataiB. ties or Lwret. wun mora teal, sa toara deraa wees aV Mr. Caaedell is not allowed lo pahhsh ta aeaauTor 2f" employee, ho has directed the ekes of rao wmeu as kwa?) his owa otaces aa Bishop! etleet i where, rfWoiT ZS day, they may be taxed frowi lb balk mlkwheae.S?" will awle. lo vlvh vin A TTTVa SBaako th swrehsaev.

Cataloiaos at th iimmt. a sm, a Basaeaa I Bwhopeewto sum within. sd)natB ta Cttyt' Ueaaw. I ti I li i i I BtUy. Oetooee n.

a nn'0 Hamlml ami Twenty Utrira' TtraW aa. so otnee snawit. in uw sl i eanrasH pattern, many handiest ysrds as Irtai. BeaasaTaw? sta. neaaeja i i Norwich crapei, Inah ia esceuewt orrier.

sad ptivst laaailaee, saw i eataio aes hod VslaaW Us Hmoom. aad Mr. Barker, HALHIw. DEBENHAM, muBltii ait jst a anahty. rarsvtae akaeae.

mwas 9 th bswwe, and varsou orhee rateLTa sad will be Intta t. saa, Msy be viewed tn aaovJTZ?" sna at th Msrt. and asTMr. tTT1 4 PhldstS. tko oalivw TwaBg sd bL 3RICSlN.r.JyWft ,1 ebeysoort, etonot pasmsrltnT lioae brooches, rules, seas.

Ae sr tit bum asla" iuCZT eeaeratda. seed sapohtrea. tweerb ktwHIevT. BsaaareVeJaan i aosa ca wad rscia cap, aline dm, i iTT kaeda. eotTewoota, tpona.

foeks. ladiea. ase, JLri' star a pistols. ii oaods knew and veonUsw drapery, tlfkm scaefs, 3 es.ara of silk hats, fsihisatbls appssss. dkwa.

iteaaoa, saaaoaaay Iwokeaa. seat of nn rot mxu' prsse to BoobbsssTo? Msy viewed, and eataJonce btei raf MsrWea wid sppronerv, ottat aeoats. aod anrtertsAeet, ff wu.n" sSaB wesi.ayCaronometar.Wstdtee,ototwdHW PuteS (limil. a. sod STORH, at their apooeaat Baosas.

Sa. Baaooi OB Tksusdsy. Oct. TL. sad toUowio day.

AV ery rplt ndid Colltctiori of" Fos teiani Tin crmawtln of a valuable brilliant "i aisl tssaa. ad oT water, ia pair of macaiAceat top aad droo i 1 saewt. tun, erase, see. soeeeeder. boseurfwl -brooches, rinaa.

eke a vary law a'smss aTli'S Bsost fashloaabi descnptioa. la J. pert armleta. saaasiva toe eia erit Mi ae. keys, broochea.

Act a eallortJnw of istitmilt vsaeaaea3k' I vssadiawsaiaiTtiwi It ssaS Plat. r.ri!'tla", hoeiaaatal. seJEeot brvee makers, ehsasd aad pkna i tea aeta, corlb sou, rasa, ins tlaoli i Nssetesseahetl com km, Uktesseas.B pardetd previoatlv to Norrahw. UN a m. ttreet Mr.

Grey, Fleet ttreet. Ac i sad Bvorwiaas of eaJa. Maybe tw tasada tork. PaxaitBre. L'tenaik, T' sa.

ut SISJBotf oca. ruraiture. tevmit. Two Heave. Lars, aaa aVT leyBy Me ea.

WAR LTt US JV" 5J'l5? Oet. 7. It. Mr. Charles Beaae, a koaVraptl a wju rvii3l.

tj pOsMalMl lent BedatmTsaa aasl fssa. altars, feather bed ehatrslsssasjearperakJUlieB rewuwies. Ac Ao. o.asnait stora or tobacco, taarTa. CMrart.

vanows wtetnaki mwaakvawT east, sad effects. At 1 relock will ht told tk sWraai. 4roo.l brtdforaywsrs wad or SBBBSa. Th Bouee auv 1m I trl A. w.Bas etB, on aay prior: catalraraea ow th premti of 1 soitcisors.

raieoa esaarei asms Messrs Tweiv Freenrdd Howeee, Lakw1. MaaaeaaU 'JVELVE wbatantial Wck4iTt FiraaillnaMV Bnahitt ffOW. Old la tk awaoM. EE baal aina, Baaaer atfaet I af Mr. bwna.

nSZlZSTmmmmvmmwntmmm VteS rTWi Uaweaand km I EntraTm and ovperpiate Pnntera and tarter. Capital rinimie ana DwaUtiic.honte.very cr.W tn Patent riiaata. Stock of Paper. rvwidue of (tnt rt Fnrniture, raJuab'e Mapa, Pamtinrs, Dravlnwa, Cabinet Piano by Hilkiaaon, and Wm. Roht.

Gardner, copperplate pnater and eneraeer, a bankraptw. By Mr. BULLOCK. on trie Pr.TOT. 13, in Harpnr atrawt.

Red I ten anaata. THIS Oct. ly. at 12. by or dar of the Aaiiaiwea, rHE spacious ami capital lleaitJcnce, in elegant a order, held for 90 yrara.

at a ttif ine rent aleo baieaa pra mifi in the rear, wtth dt.tinct entrance thereto, conetetrnar of apn an4 office, newrr erected aio rrlbmce and itaa. and the reaidne of the neat furniture and ewe cta. l.eht workhnp, 15 feet by fl, mnannoae, paper i the capita, preiaee of pen teel nd revniaa aaav ba pltm; the purchaae. Catakhrme and part nra hva had capital pi anna of pern liar ea and rente, aotj of the honae and aremlaa CajTatartbia ureal. This day it publithed, tbe Iftth edition, reriaed and enlarired, price 3k, PRACTICAL (USSKKVATIO.Nb on bTKH TL'HRSofthe URKTHRA and REl TO', recommendine an rmprared y.tewi for their treatment and core, ju erScary by numeron.

remarkable and highly im Mrrtant caaea, in ome of which ttrictntea from lo to 10 4 art' dutaton have been totally removed in a few weeka, and it. penon ty thereby full ewUbliahed' tevery athrr method hitherto practtaed. By C. B. COUKT11VV, M.D.

Tn which are added. Ob ration, aad Practical Comment, an local and yeneral Debility, fo the cure of which a mode ortreatmenl, the result of lone and il practice. at once aae, speedy, and effectual, it adopted by tbe ai ther. Printed Tor the Author, Kabert ttreet. publithed and aoldbr Sher.

wood. Paternoster row Unwhyn, 4, Cathenne atrert, Mrandj (happle. Pall mall Chappell, Royal Eichanur: Mar 117, Oaferd btreet; and at 9. Calton atreet.Edinbnrrh: and mav be had of all booksellers in town and country. "V.t earnestly ermnmend the cases related by Dr.

onrtenay to the perusal of auch of out rentiers as are afflicted with tbe complaints which the author has mad the subject of thase oberTationa eeerai instances are ad dnced of the recovery shrrfacl health in states which wee const, tiered hooelesa br racttinera of eminent talent am eerv ex ten sive eioenence. neentertain the hitfhest opinion ot Di. Coune na professional skill, and congratulate hwi on his successful wd utlvc LPajs aaalacatroa nf rrrnmdt0 tbona swera a ni mtar lata) mm: v. rvtdtw. tn lath st Hark Hsldo Rectory, bv Tenter.

dan. Beat, ia Ih Itth ytar of hit awe, Robert, third too of Dr. BadaaM, Professor of taeaicine, ointw. On the Uth st kit bowse, Csooebury Un, IsllafUo, Mt. "STTh? 1.

"SlTit resHirsse. la Hsif Mooo street. Cbrwto. pher Schrsm, eVaeoIr Ismswtsd by his ditroaaolat widow aod MdL w.rrwsr mww tJ'T mm. Mr.

ttfanam MlUUrd. swravwa. i tb ltt year of his as. fSa Waaaasaar Inst, the 14th teat atBnatoo. hurrey, Eliubsth.

taVkesoesd wife of Mr. WUIuun KipHnst. of Chfaaaid. Da lit list." Mist Jsn. itskudsy.

apod U. yoiinswst dsSaivW tWbu Mr. wsuhew HsIUday. 0 Petworta, laemV. snet oe wsok a severe lllaem.

oath Itth last st Boadrill. county of Armsh, after Itnesv. la mam which sn bore wit truly ennotts. MomtaaM. ana en.

UeL Aratwneac aa ta saerhs he gtdosmer. Caarlotu. rehrt of ,17 ST. Bister. A Isae rau wl ad aad Pre PRICE UP BTOL'Ka OMaATUBDAT.

WAN I' fLACfcS. All letter, to be post paid AS NfBr, a rrtriectable young AV take a child from the month sad bars a a oman who can rood character from South street. SautharapiM A ii iSihie to an invalid Lady or lieutleman, a re XJL spectsble middleaeed Pemal who would not object to take th majuuremeat af th household caocernt if required, provtdtd the estsDiithment It airsll. Csn eive the most tstisfsctory refer eaces. uireet 10 a.

B. st sir. miner s. as, Lnrspsiae. A Nibse, a mptxtable rnidille acml NV'eraan who Is fully competent to tske sn mfsnt from the month, snd ths irtery, hsvtos one met titusitou maay Hi(h llolbora.

No officekeepee Bead ttreet. en! meadow and arable land, pan (particular the Held railed the psrk, upon the hih road, within a quarter of mile of tht tntti predentin invitin tpott lor buildme, snd sM wnkm mile of Yt it. ney. Immediste enuniina msy be hsn. The ettatet msy be vwweil appiicaiion 10 uroocne r.

vt nil, e.a., rmsy tlrret, Lon; ui Mr. urookt, nurch cloe. waney, and psrtica srt st the chief mnt st Witney, Hurford. Wncl.tock. Oxr.rd.

Ar he union Mart snd of Daniel Smith and Hon, land seentt. Alderman walk. Brosd ttreet, London, aad mdanr, Lapiul Public houte and Lia.uac Brydaes atrort. Coveafrsr den By Mr. Bl LI OCK.

at Carrtway't, oa Moaday. Oct. K. st 1 for by order of the Administratrix, sad with erssarat of the Morteseee, 1 1 very valuabl 96 jrcara' Leasee of the Yorkahira JL. Cray, oppratte the portico of Drary lan Thearr, st th tnllina rent of (iiineaa.

Th hoot is of ntontie fmalsa. eoo. elevation, and respectable i snd hss liauor shop ib front, a i apital coffee room or parlour with lantern hht, capacious dry reilar and srrhed vaalts. sn excellent diain roora sad kltenoa oa lb Am floor, with duor openin ta leads, i chambera oa each mt th 1 upper floors, snd flwht of stairs to rater an th roof. Th baas.

nett mty be inrreated to a treat extent, sad that In Ike most door tbe wty. Poteevaton, with proper licewaes. my had Ib Noveva ber, on tskin th efrctt and stock laa Baaal) at a valuation. Th fteimtet msy viewed, snd psrtieulart had therenai alsoof Miller, 'tq Bedford row John Larlon, solicitor, Mib street, Msry. lehnne st Gsrrsway't, tt the Msrti sad of Mr.

Builoek, Mleh Holbnen. Improved Rent of viser Innunt. Crofton hsll.near Farohnrouerh henL Uy Mr HENnV I fOOPKR. on the Pirmitet, nrl Thurtday, October 89, at 1, byorder of the Proprietor, removm to the sea cuatt, A Valuable I eascholil Estate compriitinfr, a deuchol retidene, with conch houte, ittMin. laree (srden, and IS acres of park like land finely wooded.

The houte preeenla an uniform elevation upon aa eleiant stale, tested on a lawn, and sdspted lor a family of the first rejpectsnillty. The tenaat't flxturet tu bs included in the purchste. The it held on leate about 17 yesrt unespired, at rental of i.IHi per snnum. and let oa leate to huhly reiprctsble trnsnt, st lM per saauin. To be viewed, snd Bsniculsrt hsd st the Trowa snd Sceptre, (ireenwieh.

Green Msn. Ilackheatki Ihe Bull, Bnmilevl Tleer't Hesd. Fct't Crsy; Rlsrk Lion, Fsmroghsm the Ceonre, Fsrnborouxh I llnae and Trown, Tunbtldeei of Metart. Puher and aoii. itort, Vneen atrret.

Chetpaide and of Mr. Henry Cooper, aurtiimecr snd ettsie seent, 03, Bithopteste ttreet within. On the tame snd follow in dsy will be told by auction ta modera Houaehold Furniture, farmin ttork, andettecta. I of yeara. Direct to A.

IW, sppiy 8 Ni'mr, or Upper Nurw, a vounjr Voman from naee a ood character frora th Isdy sh has jail left, la tow. A 9N sad kav a Dirsrt la B. JO. Quoin itretu New cuu spfiy. 1 taurWAfjt, I sre.

siasL.aaial 1 safxts. Bsd taml fraCaAilH par USUI seoe, evp SiibwKwiwfflt 'iftilml51' tfxM SitftmLmtii tatt atrsaiHCBt. iTfTiiiiVriiF TT. TL JLtwhellrahtBB aaftwalasfar "'rLT Ji teaoatdii tuk Mr we a vota. et.i tw is Bills.

lis. lo Jit. in rOatWOM rCMD. oaCt.wM at Msalcm U. mi.

at seeCu. Ml I aaeCtrUsti aMitaBrawCsssUalMiJ OtwsfetmwOsasU.swtk.1 ji. 'mSTi inmiu. at 1e4Jt i3afW xrlMKfJM' 'n Psttssraatf rpweCoai, 7I s. Maaataa istseBasT siBBaai pwr raat lot I HUM WAT8B AT "2BB TS1ii.ia saa.aqaT I AS NvBtK, a aceatlr youog 'fman who can take a child from th month, aad kav four character from ar uu Isst place.

Direct lo K. IL. SB. tenith street, Mtryleaoa. ilov.KKBiu'M to a tingle (ienuetuan, a aobtr.

pseuke, mmillt set Wcaaaa. wan it a oo puis eoca. AS XJLsw.1 snd ra vl 8 Uov.kbbcpbu to an eMoly OenUeman, a tpertaki salddls ed Peesoa who raa ctv tssoocubae refet Direct to A. Crotnutiewl, riatbury. A 8 (rood Cook in aOentlenntnt pamily where a vawueavetvHweeivn evt awrvaot at Worn, wa eaa atr a troof i wmsm sail tlloa fram th family sb hst)uetleft.

DiisauA aMb NaaaaeaaosBs Bead aealv. j. ''A a CofJa.BrtTrrtwabfe tnlddleHt IX. seefcctly aawetstsad lie. Wsss.

hdineof ta he af a awryi eorenaa. asm Bat ao oof lowa or eoaatry. Direct la M. MTU Mft aUasairi, saoaaar. IUaojaa, WtMesaBtvPrt Crofton hsll, near Fsrnbnrouh, htol ValutMe Improvnl Rent, excellent modern Houaehold Furniture, Csmnet sn beusrs Pianofortes, day Clock.

Lie snd Dead Fsrmirw tock, uarful fill Pony, Capua! Hamoaa and well bu II Stanhope, snd ssnous Effectv By Mr. H. L. OOPER, on the rremUes. C'rofton hall, near Fsrnboiouiih, Kent, on Thuradav, Oet.

and followin dsy, st 11, by order of the Proprietor, retinae to th tea coaat. "IHE Furniture, which i. nearly new, comprises fl. raslunrany four pet, French, snd other beiletrwds and fur. nuures.

prime teaemed keddtn. wardrobes. rhttt of drswrrt, dreuin sad waah ttsndt, mshnainy dinm( room chairs, Psriaiaa errttotre, sHebostd, tet of patent dinin card, Pembroke, snd Ion tablet, norn chimney end ti'ct elaiaea. Rnielt and Kid dermimtcr caipsu, ruadtome French rod window drawin room chairs snd ante tne toeied chifiet M.nnd, Yw Tomkimon, a equare ditto, capital day clock, barometer aad innimnnno, Bti.ll COIieCTiOOOl BOOSt ami prints, rbllia Slid msoele. aets of brewin ewdlt, teversl lots of ire wood, as iny oett tu end casls, Ac.

Amon the Fannin Stock will be found handsome Alderaey cowt in calf, a quantity of dorneatie r.s, i. wvii awt meaoow nsy. tne trawia "TJ1 aw turnips, potatoes, spples. larre caat iror land roller, a market cart, quantity A msnure, snd vsrious aari CBltural requisites i tnofuf harknoyi, fast puny, modera built stanhope, art. of chaise end cart hameaa, saddlea, bn.llet, and tun dry htrnem.

Aleo the Lsate nf th vtlutbU Premises, stunt 17 Veer. immmI mi, ib improve rent of 11 per saaum. The boas to bs vnrood by Uckett only, snydsy Bcpeiosw to th sale, bunday excepted i the famitur. and eflerta oa Tuetday, Wednesday, and noraiBet of tale cataloaruet and particulart may a had on the premieea: si the Cro Vand nceptre, wrreawicni ureen Man, Blsrkhcatht BaU. Brora lev i Tlaer Head, rent's Cray the Block Uoa.

rarniBehamTBiIe rsw.Fsswborotuiht of Memn. tsaer sad solicitors. Quets street. I hespside: sad of Mr. Henry L.

Cooper swctlrntifand relate sewt. ta, Rltnopante elreet withra. maJ1 Houte of modern Furniture, sset varaabl Efecrt i imuml irom tne ew rnoa ny wetaes. niullRU, at their speclows luciHMi tin, uxiora euwcx. oose sono tqaar.

ro snorrow lTu.lay),st 1. 'IIK superior modem Furniture. Four pott, Field, B. ami French ted tteada arid Bcddine. evcllet m.he.M,w nf drawers, plain and winerd wardrobes and rlri aeni ataad salt of draw a room cartsms.

chairs sad sofas ta solid roe wood, ewe rabinelt. card. tofa. loo. sad ninnoatl Itbllt.

pedeatal tadeboarw, and patent extradin dtnia tardea, breakfast sad wriUa dtua, parlour snd liktsry rhairt. ecrrtsir aad hook eat. BrBsaete snd wr.ey carpett. laree namieom rnimoey and miirors, floor cWh, frnders snd iro iroot. Ax.

the property of a ewatleanaa. ne viewed catalogues had at Ule aactlOB room, tin. rn. May ford at reet. near ho equat.

Illdlaaat IrHi.n witlTTni F.rmTI" A RetpecubU Cottaee Residence, with ewskeaj hOBMWjd. A sesuotafseylksUPhnte.a I row. Kewreton, JTyT JS rBtmvptse. W.H,iB. aeveat BBS sd Baildia Grouad.

VaasJuU raast. sea est feaswassTT Freehold Howaee, Bear th Bspetet Chapel. li WaVhmyJ TV1 T'. nnei ro a. teesas stsssss Hatsses.

Utile Leat urert, Mist. St rlemaea, Boroturh. Tlire Ua a ZZ lSfTl Haees. OrotB coBrt, i rSVi Swath's Show. No.

a. Mew Pwl sw.aap Hsildlbrd esreet, Bswkatdo. A Hobos. No. I.

NadkeAasssas. Bma no. MeBoesieet, Assasns, as tZT jr Th.reatadixVrsnZwmxw Jf M'T jWwed by Irsv of that iitankji aim. vMouei iiu etorws. aswsmnjsaat Bwtskeja as.

CWM. Ne iautoa, ef M. TtaSl BtaesmZ V. vaeiaw awawajsr tp HVSSTS. TSSaW nTaxtMBw bsbbT.

'l' sabwai. Phes sBri i oof Msatea. Warhere aaa C. rwet eaarkes. irate.

Flower KootaBy Mr. AOAMM1. S. raw 0T'VS'' aad oa th CM tjs, fc Caae of rrmarkablv tin. Bulhotai arnMBla "U.D aaM "Mb hvarvaths.

Mil i I at JfdTMaael tarry tslips (Basnod) jonqaillas. i wc r. bs www tn sautaio ef awes i hod at lb Mart, aad of Mr. Adaraaoa. II.

BTli n.t.i Booka By Mr. TAYLOR, sw Ul run oat, '''HE (renuine siiaaJaadlB v.T.?,S DAY' Oet 't saw Maswka dwea, st a 'HE cenurne Stock of valuabst BMJrra nak hoards. Han Balling vnejew ebo every elate of htorataro. Cstalrwass at th assnp of anas. ByMr.

HODGSON, at am rroet Boom. tt. viumcery iafM. irmtoeed rrstnsn. oaWiAinlt i.T "ys.

st hall past II preaecry, by otswe of sko Assawav I rpHE Quire and Botjrid StofioYBoola, 9Hataw tree! and ihtM. SiiiiSlil. 1, fc bm OIbV I 7 77 1 evnw Aouciaun. ox vt ow amttaaet, moeieal kvaai comprmae; sa ex ton. odlorttoa of work oa anatomy, seiyuoesey.

sad Botany! aw in. writm. anaflBrz alnttiae. mim. mmA eea onaa pencils, wafers.

Seconal ssdeowy books, taaol' sad) ewssserAW. prrata. aad korkbtader tools. Th eair start swaB ABatomy. by Kaox.

avn.i Uoyd onaass.Wa taeaaro oa Heel ti, JImo. i last AvorAweary Caseet ra a xreao. i son rrretrs's niai.amaisi asr sawaw owcawo rever. vo.t miPnophlcni TrassasTtama, vols. SUfct awsteawairs Manual.

ivao.i tfj Ssfs I iea. a. rnca OW in Era. tv Watsoak. Beawa BBBS1 csluret.

parts. Ac To be viewed ndcatakinti a V. T. Usaers. othets reqaina aseoktrs.

F.kawisaitt. r. reqaina powalatu sitikasrhaaat aa ana ssmass. Lestehold Howe snd Shoe, wtth aad as I tsjral i By Mr. HAYDOM.

aw th I near Totle.haro rowrt road aa) th I i li I AMOBday. Oct. In. st 4 preatedv. 3 Leaoehold Houte ami Shop, dTfalrt aaw ssskoret cootsiaia If awed rotate, at sssrattss.

sssBtlsaai a private tid rntrsncei for IB years, at a an arasv vtewedoB aad printed psrraradam and SB) am I st the erScwof Cone Ssrntb, saheisae. Bnttassx. st the Cora train tad barrawty'ti sad of bW awaasas Lapital Howaehold araaare. Plat. Lcnon.

List att ed sw an, ass bv order of the Eaoratars of Thoa. EdworaS. lea. a lwaara laa Mew ttraar. ted them aeraaii Sisess.

arxa WM. Ckilht. Ac Bv Meawa. WELFTlRn. tkel.

A union Rooms. 41. OxforsVetrtwt. Bear Soho wrasr. oa We4 kii, mi A 1K)L 1 641 pieces of fine Irish Shirtintr, ftrrrign IM.

sad Enelhh theetiaa, and hook mathas. French cam. bnca. rich sllka. thawbu acarrk keoakarebiee fau.

M. cknkt, keneymerrt. rmtiery. sad (real variety of other articles, uited to rami lies s. well as lb trad, sad lo be anid without th tmalleat reterva, Msy be viewed to morrow and ntoratn of tale, when cstaloeuea may be had st th aactioa roots, 41.

OaXord. ii i noownoers aaaxaaw aHtewmi sey ne, Te ntorrow, Oct. Jo. st II riOMPRISING mahogany Vrjoat.

uari a Vy othte Bwdatead aod Faraituret. pnsa swsa amths ketswt tooaia set of patent diaia tablet est exu suha ixasea, wa celleBt saahoraav Tranbmr rhane bene at I BBS, sew raarr ha aaotocco. cksroner sad stev elttiaa. tawiial banaeaae. dsy bracket dock, asiect horsey of kw th works of esteemed author.

shoos am eoJoaaaa. tars, urenaa lamps, nprmi Sou bit bsers pswoeajsaw doetlm ptetoes, small saamrry of ptsr. take aaat ansaw i various flirts. Msy bs viewed ob Moadwy saM swastsss To Private FsmiUes. Tavern keepers.

Glaaoiealeet. CAa ea traaive tsortment of rtch aad teaMtul rnt rim, rw. Plate, and a few lou of Hewaehnld Furniture, take under sdit. trem for rentBy Mr. 1.

NORMAN, st bis beau, 7. Cloak I resiiiriT vneepwo. o. vtwmmiisy. wet Jl.

at IL rvllh (tlaat compriaea Utjfw anil small diandefisrra, X. teversl pair of hanJaoovt ejrsadoles. larre aad aaaaaav flower "wbes. decsatert. wster jv eat and edaia wiaet.

tamtrlert. and variety of other snides. Tbe ptsts eoeapemm tmC pots and caddart, tsU. dee rt spoons, ate. Th rBraitar la of the usasl desmptloa.

Msy be viewed t. morrow aad am ram, aale. aad caulorues kad at ths rooms. To Msthemalleisns snd othrrk Hikle deairak PatenL By bst. at It in wart, on Tkaradsy, Octo nHE vtTT TBhubla Patent Rightfor Workina; Air 3 DTwT Hi snd assy tha.

say ktthcrt ks rented the asatioa st rotarr nee fenlr aew, and from Hs prodaeiesr i TSZlT' awsseroas advsataees over the eomtnoa air pumpst smtns othuil JKbarreirS'rmxiyb StoehwwII iBiBBioB. By Mr. O. YOUMO. at th Aactioa Man.

oa SZ'vviatim't rfMsitKE ana particularly neat Collin KejMences, aJraat aaa bt 7. nj fc Ap eta taii To Pr.vstt Fsvnilies. Broken, sad Coof rtioneru No. 47. Boa, moot tircet, Hih itreet, Msrylebrase All th arwBia Uoosetwold Furmtare.

Plate. Ltneo. China, sad Chua. prwechor whb qeaotity of superior Fixtures and L'tentiH la Trade, toitakl fee t.aeifectanrri sua Urn quantity af Presetted rails. Ac Bv M' NORMAN, em th Premises, 47.

BeawiSKSststraet! oBThuray. Oct. ti. st 1 1 precisely, by ordet of thTassicaaor eo hsakiBptT rpilh Purn ture comprrs. 4 poat, tent, and French unneew.

wim wrspevy. lenuter be aaa bedVHaw, saahoinsrv srdroc a. cheau of di. srs. dresstasT.

seer, aad chimneys ore. of mah jcany frsaned chairs, coaches, diam. peoVbeTand rsrd ubles.Brat.el. and Kiddermla.rer rarpetsTieu Amt. eatd "2" mrtaiB, tevwrsl aeta of ksndsnni.

Frrach vaaesTs an ot loislaa taalo Smw. Jr. vir'i JT" tttm auwam. resaovmi fnwa Mo. Cattle ttreet, easnarlte 4 Urpa easterns heed with load.

corners, feet mch new kitchen raanr. a hwsw com trot snd flttimrt. aeweral pretervnut Kaves. larw cowJeemaaT vMr i ArT piweiowTaBSTBoea! "2ri Olpstoa ttrttt, 13 rejcT, wsisuowta stieati of Mr. J.

soeUooeor. 7. Chmkdmw. OmmwrnZZTTiLmZ To OrUemtB. Bidldors, sad othervBr Mr rjBIM.r'i'r $ftiir ,5 if oS tie la ldioU ReMsdencea, not rruite JL ialshed.

recesulr ersetsd sradee the a iTTI; JZ we TWXSBSflss.UT (JJ Xrm, rn tiie Tictnjty lUnii nravauniT Karrnwai i.naae. anal Eo cra, twrnanr im tar stkbi a uviiuti BVbt ewvinj sajaaea ea, bbj Wi aVej eMSJ mW rnannaeisial ruml am T1ikatfiv. Ort. ft. 'PHB Stock in Trad, of a Wine MtwAa JL aestiB of BW dosen flaw flevemred Pee Wax, A.

tZ yosrs ta bottle. 100 doaaa af aa baeery aad Bern, arm woraeira. le uaasw of t.ap wsassra. asts aaaroa e. Iai Red ConeUsrtia.

aa excatleat bottle eaa oa spriuas. tsassvtojr hore chase, wine pipes, sad of bee eworss. Te adas ssw ia th cellars, from wheare they wiO beiimillilsawLaa, and will aold ks lou sauubl ta th taaaW aaal assasswnw Samples may bs hsd, by parks; fc seat! est imeraes bad otkpremn strwstt tb Aat Tsvera IsMa wall 1 th BinCtB haad. btntAardi at reet, Katcurr. eteawiaoia uocas.

jtsrot stasa 1 Hainssaaa Bnw Stsv aad Headin Toneues. IVewood. bm asaassaasowg 1 id roppev. Brass. Wrottiht saw Caet Issw, JJSUlm i axww, asm anaaeieut vtaresw ay ssr.

tat Taeowat th Coeapaay't Works, at the entrant of saajstssipan. Torsday, Oet. T7, sad (oilowia dsy. at II ttin ayastaaaww 1 order of the Dirretors of th West lattia sit 11 COMPRISING 6,000 Rant Paw It, tot rwm pwncheon WJotsfaeeswi bsBWl tW past of raa. hsads.

tnt akt rsea waastsswao Ihssll. tawdry cataa. laaatose atacks tWkei wJJJBoj raw sad of sadien 1 uty of spars, lint ilsst. erap Waet laatto Dorka. aad of tko I ill II n.

sw. 17. Sntitbury etreet, aiiaoe. testeat mlirl aBraassalaws aa a aWy DiaL China, fich CsABaass. Zm Tsbrt pty tarkaevoahmc.

stay l. peter as th eel i catstosrwea bad at th pnawssa 1V1 R. U. l'ARNELi. L1X.

(tepfVrmT. i iieatewe C. vf eowe ataiu swtrjaca af Mw Hams ptoa USUI aad tatkrr a.ik mmA exrenotv views af ta limn Ua ow.W. wa, saat roeeeaeu. aad are aaaatad ine t.TtZZ.

TSZ msa tee ail vases, a a eaean e. tVtlT tttwrsrs. A Desirable LtWtoid PsinilT, lUaifWce. with wt rs wjaaaarn irnat aunsee. aats i Theeottae aad laad ar is aa span ex th jJot aaw sbj.

mm eaWmw, swtB WUm eStatmsaW awtr avvr afjajp as. Ssltsaesry atroet. Strand, wa Taasswy. useatsegejr as nwrasr soveaaa. Zm a Aasapsj rvamTUXli usmii'iin ta sfpn 11 jJoBwaa.

ii tansw swaasa aad partoeas, estesd pnwssnltnsaww Iks diaso taales. ai lit airs'. ss; carpets, abrst kookeae. rhiatl and saeseawrsn a)at eartaia. Grarisa rasjca.

rwarebsssslsJ Apnea aad Ma kidstasss. anmbssMMsssaw tbisisBV naiansbss. deswsrs, kssnsi aad ibrvsiaww vaasa1 't th dsy prevsow aad ssorwin of taie. JsasjtsaoraaBw oa Us seetaiaoti aad at IA sae of M. afcHraw a srrsot, SueadV.

ow aae iw le. jmt.Mi.. a. ne. rtw aa WsdspwaVrr.

paobse tV AValVUbsO JSrtv oJtew.oxissa Apraawdsrd; sOwse. and jTSltmt a aad sasifimia't aww apsarsU swsek" imii eoatsa. we ei esJtstnrticseat plilfiiistUi Mamst.awwaa OleVsOWMTiisasav.amhPswal MskdsnB rsml Jlatphy. Uatsfssad tlwt week. ts 'itl 3i df iTr j.V itvP o.

rsw a. 1 5 v. iC.

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