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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TOOL' THUBfflUT APML ff JfM. TJIUJUIDAY. 27. ltl MI Article Rhodesia in Need of French Leave On Doubt. MO ft 9 1114 of Dublin.

7 7 I Our Aid to Our AUie Renumber Wrttenbeg Lily Parker Belgian Find Hospital Lord 8)'Habum MUlyand Freight Mr. Houston aUX II Work for the Blinded 9 Uooour tb Deed Deaths to Infancy Lady Plunket 7 Tka Secret SeaIIoA 7 Court Circular and New. 9 War New fta Fallen. Oat. 4 Roll or Honour 4 Thutb Eye.

5 Sc. In Brief nt nl Ntwt 3 It 9 The London Casctt 4 Naval Appointments. 4 Flames Commerce and Shipping 101112. IS TILE TIMES" FUND. Acknowledged today 3117 9 4 Total to date.

3680347 6 4 Lit on pate 4. The Goveremcat asd' Irttaad. The Pants amassed yesterday that step been taken fully and rately to Worm our friends abroad as to the veal significance of the lrrh disturbance are very glad to hear it. but why are the peoples of this country UH kept In the dark as to these events I Why are we and our friend brad 171 restricted to such In. formation a it may suit the toD-enieDce Minister to give us I TM OIIIaOnhip it i taro ea we write.

Why it it maintained if the whole h- is so trivial as to Government ML Br irtJ. assert that they eet up out of their extreme anxiety to avoid the on of abadliiiprnssi on in neutral countries and particularly in America. Could any df won reveal more hopeless incapacity to undor- the psychology of newspaper reader in all countries and especially in the United States I Tie enemy may be trusted to have already supplied them with ample report of the most full-blooded character of event that I tare rover occurred and of deeds that. bare onus been domes. The fiction they habitually invent gird as to the result of their naval and Zeppelin raids show what they ova accomplish in this There is sirs old saying that a tin which has twenty-four hours' stet can never he overtaken.

The Government have deliberately given tm- fiction two or three day start and' declare that they have dote in order to prevent the very irapramon they horse given the enemy time to create. They here done worse They haw themselves made taleimens4 which were manifestly incomplete. and they Mr. bens obliged to jjlemrait them under the pressure of question What do they suppose le the impression this proone la tidy to metes on the neutral opinion to which they rigs ty attach importance I Will not the i-bvion reloctano with which these meagre iW ik have been ed be regarded se ronfirmation of the enemy notion or at mdraatkn that Minister have something to conceal I When will it dawn upon them that myitetyKaongering the very best and surest to at homo and abroad Tbe statement which Loan WxaDOWlrZ mad. yesterday was much less Incomplete than thou.

which the Pana aad Ha. Brxarrs In the Commons. The Lotto LrsiwrAxT de. MTib the tuatlon a on the whole tiafae key but' we do not find any distinct sent nee that. the rebels have been drives out of their portion in Dublin.

Stephens' ham been oocopkd and Liberty ti erno of Ma. Lniuna former triumphs and the headquarter of the Soren Army wholly or partially destroyed" and taken tniom of by midday yesterday. Meanwhile the troops bad succeeded in prote Ung the me from Kings Bridge Station to the Qntotna tiinaw and the North Wall and a cordon has drawn round tb portion of tt city north 1 th rivrr. To anybody who knows Dublin veevent are not altogether mg Loon I further un. us now for the first i UutTe insurgenta made.

a half hearted adc on Dublin cu on Monday. and that try coned two station. WI also now era that. there Mae been attempt at risings a couple of place close to Dublin. The rovintzs in general are howVrr quid.

trial law has been proclaimed in Dublin and County aad a proclamation in last hid Get. Mwpend throughout Irelaad the of British uberU charged under th fmce of the Realm Act to tried by Civil Drastic nteaaarc we we soused ere ing taken to spperea th movement and arrest the ofttlDderl. surd haw II dispatched from England as wen a from fat and other point in Ireland. though no tttion ii snide of UM fore. actually avail.

in Dublin. agree with Loan Lute. 7E that thk roost recent Merman ampeign a the Punt rmeI it is prodeaUaed to igttomiai- utu failure wt the whole character hi reply to Low Mrourrox' weighty TO th set that tLe Irish Govern tit allowed to be caught napping the ace of the trong evidence that tlitioo rising was being pupated UDder their The they have bad' ample of ttg trouble and that. ha tematicJly sad ttJy cbostn to dir them brie Is sea room for doubt. IOKD Jo WItOIt.

chart in this respect Everjbody wbo know ardtaate have sire thriven to of tb wAay thousands Nationalists who are piaaty theft WIowajectl ha bag been a tag scandal. Yet they have bees allowed to arm to parade to drill and to pntcliw treat fighting tile Irish capital molested by T' wea to Ireland tarn night. Loan Lvu thboptkUtowc UtayBara reidemoe the country which be bas Mia apposed to govern for the last un. years would certainly a novel experieae to him. Me hardy rev joe near it and appear to treat hi office as a.

sinecure. WreeaIJ the his last appntanee In public before the present trouble dragged him Into the limelight WM at tin entertainment in given by certain post. and young women and we were assured by th reporters that be was in hk most mleeiaideg rein. Had he trot better eoaSu hlmeeU to the rO In which ha exceb I Ills whole has been a notorious and iprrominias failure which has brought the law into contempt and he has treated the failure and ha oasegnaoa with cynical iodienaoe and levity. ParUatnent and the country win require an explanation some day but in the meanwhile is it expedient or i it even safe that the of a great war web a uses should hold to chief executive office In Ireland Geoerak who fail are rightly die- there any reason why politkiao i who ooorpieuoruly fail Mold be allowed to remain in office I The Irish Executive a combination quite unfit to deal with the emergency which con it.

It should be strengthened without a moments delay. Walt and See WHh a Time Limit. The Lteat Government recruiting scheme was published ye rday the form of an official report of the neceet section of the lloueo of Gommona. It oootama nothing that had not. beta generally anticipated and there is not on 1 the face of it any obvious re on for the myitery with which Ns prodoetian was ktvested.

There however this one advantage for the public in the unusual course of procedure which niIIUra have thought lit to follow. The scheme can. and indeed mutt be examined end judged entirely on itl own merits. No one outa the walls of Parliament need be sus treated by the irrelevant re aoning tbe too fwion of figures the personal appoak which too often do duty for argument. We know in their own authorised version exactly what the Government propose.

There la no ruk whatever of their being mkrepnteented. The scheme tour immediate tp to supply the admitted deficiency of men for the Array. It. farther outlines certain eon. ditlone under which Mlnikee pledge themselves to a lull 4.

of nmpulsion within a definite period. They propoae at to compel expired men to am i till the end of the war. to abolish the choice of a between Territorial and other to make exempted men liable for military wnio on the expiry of their exemption orrtificatet. and to apply ten Military Serriee Act automatically to youths a they teach the age of IL These are the inunfdiat pft to ho taken and all that need be Aid of then i that they are each a legitimate part of any general recruiting system Whether they are legitimate mans of attempting to avoid such a system quite another matter. It thoroughly char ctrri tio of this tiovernmmt that the tint people to rl their new determination" should be the youth of II.

who Mrs no and the tJmespired vrt rana in the teaks. who have no opportunity even if they had the will. to protest. Frankly we think it the gronat injustice that any term of compulsion thould be Intpord upon men who have done the toll nervip for which they engaged long as any of their available fellow-countrymen are me to avoid wrricoe altogether. At pert of a fair and oomfxeberufve system the provw reasonable enough.

Yew that lair and corn. prehenuve yt however we are stilt to wait and see" a little longer. There is to be anther campal of voluntary recruiting among the unattested mama tarn. The objective to sere 64000 of them by May and an average of 15000 in every week thereafter up to a total of :00,000. cither of the.

condition the tint 60000 In a month or the enb.q- a week unfulfilled then tie Government will forthwith It for ooenpalsory power After infinite treasure and wrong. therefore they have at last accepted the principle of unlveraal liability to eerie. Cora pukkm finally rneopdaed by the whole Cabinet not merely a the ad- sequel to one of Mm. IqCmI' aooidental pledges but a the plain and proper exproMion of the national Upeet list be thankful at least that that question fir tW beyond the rx-ibilit7' that any single member of the Government can IX- hena4ortli a champion of the voluntary vatem. Apart from that particular form of onity they seem to have taken their new plunge with the.

wry maximum of dkadvantafre- both to tbemnelvea and to the country. Half hearted measurea in reemiting are bound to breed injuatiea and grievance. Delay mesas irreparable to the national on. We will not speculate on the pro pecia of their new campaign among the nnatteated married men. The imagination positively reels at the toughs of the bunW1i tirg appeal the trickery.

the buBjing. the tartbnadng personal decision. cast on patriotic men. which experience tow aroeita a with voluntary" mint. But we are to point out that either the modem or U.

failure of the campaign involve a very sheen. sad quite unneceary drawback. If it uecwedsall the Injustice. ad gnrrancea of YOIII8tAr1iIm remain. It It fails the Oovrrarneat wul merely have- wasted another month.

So true it. that every fresh piece of tinkering inereaee their lSctllies. Kor as we see that orsanised Labour. that peat of modern a whit better oft under hk em4tb. uapdskn then under a eomplrte and logics opted at According to present anaMfiiuepta.

Sir Edward Arty win return to the Foreiga Oftee nextwesk. Atnerinau Anibamador Mel a w0M0Eed laten-ic. with Lord Chew. Acting Fore pi 1 ggcreUrv. at tf Kore Once ymteedy.

Lord NJBW BiLtl L. AN OPN TO-DAY. ON THE ORDER IN COUNCIL. Pfwtsl shpter history nrutting wit than normal aBtt of life. with TM aria open tar Member wit.

Dste Mway Mo of a MW Military Serriee It but a fluting liniiin that be caught of the Howe of Cnmitmns day bat before the gaskrka were cleared for the second ti tile Prime Vinhtrr that the mess for today pubfie of course- would be the introduction of a MStary Service Bell by MrLoaf The lit with WateUswas the htMorio neon which bro cowpujsarfly to the tadows the single men of miiUry who bag not volunteered for service by March 2. It ls understood that the now Bffl ha framed tocairyoutttofropoflakrwieamedtate action which the Government have decided to under. take. They include the three relatively minor propaBak which were stated in days official ccmMuaifW in the following yratossaUu seta UM end the Us scrrtn of tlmr nplr it who. 4 UM vswat law ma xUa tar 0) To tmpoye mOHtrr Mtfcorlty to traeaer SM ral ted for Trn1t De.

to aaj Daft wb they are Lrd. To rredrr a. nnaptud uses list. to military lmmehtdy on the rxptay at Us or It is understood that the Bill YiD also contain the proposals or the Government for bringing under the terms of the Military tiervioa to quote a in the official all all youth under 18 on August lb last they reach U. Ma The proposal.

of the Govern meat for bringing the unattested married men to to eoIoura win no place in the Bill to be introduced today. LINTS OF CRITICISM. It is not to be supposed that the Dill will receive unanimous acceptaaoe at the bands of Parliament. Lord in hi. speech in the preliminary debate in the House of Lords on Tuerdy said that the course which the Government proposed to commend to Pam.

meat might not meet the full desires of peraons or either extreme view. There is very good reason to believe that there are two schools of thought at lout in the House of Common to which the Dill will not be wholly acceptable. The mug important of these the Unionist War Com- mtttee. lent Sir Edward chairman. tahip this Committee hr.

paused a resolution recording its dissatisfaction at the delay in- 1 volved in the proposak of the Government. It. ii significant that while thin were 5 Unionist member. present at the meting at which this i resolution was passed only eight disputed tram lit. At the other end of the seal.

there are the Simonitea. Their pant or view ls wolf known. I and is not lately to be cbanged Their view until recently was that any extension of compulsion most be opposed and there can he doubt that they will record a protest against the now Bill. Further utagni of the Bill will probably be taken in the House of Commons next week and there anrm little likelihood of a Parliamentary holiday for the THE LORDS TILE CABINET. At the moment member of both How a keenly interested the Irish situation end in the new Defence of the Realm rrguls.

tiosw as in the recruiting question. The now Order in Council indeed barn provoked more discussion sod eritie than the Government could have imRined Lord rarmoo who got a wrong righted ones before In the matter or Defects of the Realm regulations sounded a warning note in the Hon. of Lords on Tuesday. We are now promised a la that ion. on to serious question raked by the Order in Councfl.

LardPr has given the following notice for next Tuesday To sail uoUoa to the e0a rncnfb of nU- lion IT ad. Mow of Ui Cbnofid Act. 11140 sad PtbIahed is OsjrfM of Apr9 II. III Noll to UM ward. It a not lawful for aar noa to say msst iiii periodical rirrvUr.

or other rwUUd peblitaUoo. or to say public to pabl uq tvpwt at or la purport ate to tl sad to art rlreuMUsnai Ova arisr so crsv. a sasuicttoa bilc critl THE IRISH SITUATION. wen of both Howe. Mr.

been pro. loudly moved during the last two days by the news of the In Dublin. They know that the Government have had repeated warnings of to existence of a revolutionary movement they are painfully surprised in spite of than warmness should haw been to come to a lead. be House of Common knows very little of Sinn Fein. That otwanimioa ham never had a representative in sad has only once some into the open politically.

That WM in 1968. when Mr. Doles who bed hem returned unopposed for Note Letsii as a Nstinait in IttTthrew his lot with Ska Yen shied hk seat and sought re-election on his new pro. prmrtime The Nationalist. put.

forward Mr. Ie ovpoaHion to him. and the Stan Felaet defeated by a vote of 7 to THE DEATH OF LORD QUEYISOTO General regret was express lot the House of Commons lad might at the news tit Lord Queningtoa. the only son of Lord St. Mdwyn and the Unionist member for Tkabary.

had been killed in action. Ifie is the seventh name on the Commons' Will of U. otWn Mr. OX 1L Mr. Otidatopo.

Mr. Mills Mw. Cawley Lard Ninsa Crirfctoa- Btuartsna1 Mr.Akr-Hotrt Twoaauabu of the 11 Mijr Morrison Beg Mr. l3saeley WI. ar prisoners of mat THE NUT MARRIED GROUPS.

MEN TO OK MAY 20. Tt 4- Ousp7 hems UM TV R. BUM the lees. Bm1 BaW tatf a offa1 aT aTT a rr a paaMV 9 ar I tiiUums to a rmisilil or aa TWy TV to toow 1 Mom .11.4 toW arid to bf I a- 1 a aTat- iiseiiBii k- i a sW Mtssstaa fcr ies AttTeM a ft ftta sTMkMrsrsws4 ta4stalW Wt. Piety Alfred 0 st CMe 1.

Cmstom Seals tar. Tbosaas 00 TftritiiliM flanaral ajr. Mr. ThoaMoa tz Lo CkkoaaaOtoooy. Me.

II. Bd un toot pill. ester tor UM ssjsyimiawit of the Mo kpd II sloe OUR AID TO OUR ALLIES. TO THE OF THE TD Under tole beading fe mW dkeusse this morning oa recent Irsaeh semmm upon Ube Rtdsin reonwfcifi quest inn. and mk the foOowiag stoisting NM.

X. Qao tM ai4 Mlmlini rfer Is kte a be Us tee. bet MM tt awn The ore mm. How are these assertion to be reconciled with the loBmriIIC pgea from the official report of the Prime Minister' declaration to the secret tfsrion of the House of Common. which yaw eon.

temporary prints in column I 1 It. shown teat UM I ii WM4 to Me bed hat UM ulras Web tatal out prop TnHd. ry wait mm a. rafmi that tb. an 4 tr td tc sc tffs ea ba Uos wfUaet fc UkU lor sttk less by ailiolsiail tress It 11 rt II The assertions of your contemporary which I have quoted are notoriously fake.

Our e. know them to false. What must they think or our veracity when they nod untruths so palpable advanced a argument by a journal reputed to in tb toueh with Mink. curses I am. Sir.


Kr. I hue br a readinw with matte UM ttMitfvuuirmtm Ukin plus In year prr with Tant to laUat III I itnetead. 1 brtD. tors yea 0. UM mslharb ed by Dr.

Traby KJn to hi snorts to sop. with this to 7 Und la I vtim UM Uu male tot Intuit nvMldity tfB nA utladel end on- erltsms hwdine. sad an Impars mot supply. to ei to xab4i UM tf ld by UM dktoty teacaiox prnaJ sad to roles UM frMraJ Uadard et knovtn bs uwde4 Un HorMr tot UM Pronoun of JlraNI Women and Chiller. As latest bnopttal as cstaUiahMl.

which rrstralianl UM dIk'-c7 ft UM tnrtuaw. lee. It d- arced tattanti ftlrin Iran UM of lxorant treatment. mainnUiUoa. or tVt A much' sremmaatloa as peiN I ii 4 tor the Tb com to UM taa tram all paste of th Domtnioa.

and aba their Mith iMm by a as UM wi ys wry mWoarW UM RMdiral bring la UM tarn. jMichbourtaod. it Yard Urn times a week by studrta la Uwotr Baal year. acomip Dj0d by their psolra. UM mDr el auraqoeet at hi 4y rtimaUon.

hoafiiUl UaliM a staff el bum mmuihAuit 70. TIwT ar to be toond 1 vwy town sad la many eountry dktrlru. that MarUoas bcin to pr. Wte sad Yrtortkn' to la their Mews Tbs sUifleatiaas GI taw. i to be wry al TM mwt boo hMpltal with additional one months' rpseUI tratausc.

Th are eni lo7 i by rich and rope at8 UM socity 1 line that dl rnotben seed Uaoito toacUa At UM cad of rir two yen they ai required to mum UM iwsW far a short rtod I to bete their ko Wr to date. Ave tau tm on el the urttyb bet tho papers puhtMh wwUy article applied by the oaetety. twalu UM snciKy rheas ir So- fIIIdiI Tho daalh nu siMmssi stfant ha Wmo UN lowed la UM world. ArWIdal haling Me reduced. A mad iiona been Th dtppearaeew II.

and redodio. 01 sale ptent 14. Mol entaia pteat raodictees been mated Also Irspeo laUo- nit In UM hdllag GI the SQ r. IIDtUoD UM vvvUUUd prsai hood. A bonk.

Car and otBahbi Troby JUnsl. la eeecte4e. I would to say that sock smelts ot to be pot dove to mtfftint tlirDa" or dtthms Tho soeMy had to ntM UM same se-1. the earns roatradtetory tosrfchn. UM seas dirty mitt safpiy.

UM aosaaa Batons law sans sad iay ptBJiidiaoa. sad the tack or tends hero. I' has sow wo ho one. the. roll svppnrt of the 2 Zoalaad Oveeelst and is raeofiked a ea of UM grotto work of the day Teas tasty virrmw A i BW ApMI it.

REMEMBER WlrlIINBDG TO THB DtTO or TH TIMBB I voBtst to i iy as wf vsiuble as I cMtet tat think that wsy fed that anal ho to U. ol the. tare bn doctor who died Wl Camp from typhus whiis dot their utmost to alienist. tli awful ulii ij. a which ha all with a tirtt horror ti the irnnru at PriaOy.

sad Las r. U. Ma ty hr as oar by has Redcq4 U-tow a sees. ant wt tea. fret that the these who filed should be tioMiatiinl la thoyoats to i eoi aid redlag to tae resent do I shaB ral Hatty rosin sad ar4B the ws3et team.

I ft BO oak tot hips boa. ysy ate traded lot oar vplradiJ met. bet wS Ctosb wh UM nothon sad win eel 11--- IN DUBLIN. AILS OJIRISmG GORDON OF TROOPS IN THE cm. HALL DESTROYED.

Mr. AH again tMed swingers in the el Cams-a- to-day. Howe of Lard with or wjefaoul the tevoar of the Lord to the pubic in birth House tore was a very mock then ca the day before sad it worthy am. that many member of Commons led from the score of their own x. to.

the public proof the llama of Lord A usual all rettoeaee wa I to the Commons sad as U. reahams wa prrimtad is the ready G. Cbsmbrr. wbor Lord down. save tile tust yet published Casmot The Prim.

Hisser eeme into a MhfMkd 0. tmm-ti-1rlj- altar th devotions of hk Ie8ew innmbne Mr. John Frdmoed was in place at the of a law attendance of Xattoaaokt There were no peers present in Sexy sod her than a doom members of th puMio looked upon tb unexciting seen. below. AH the Me transacted before Mr MqW1h happened to notice the presence had to do with the Dublin riot.

Mr. Birred could cot Worm Colonel Crawford who deed to return to hi. military duties In Ireland whether soy route to th country WM now ooen. but be oftWed to take him there with himself to the wares of the afternoon. There were' loud and ironical cheers when it became known that the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant intended to go to Ireland and a member asked why be had left that country.

MR. ASQUTTtTS STATEMENT. TM Prime Minister read a telegram from Dublin stating that Liberty Hall and Stephen' bed been occupied by British troops and that martial law bed been proclaimed in the city and the county. Drastic action to suppress the rising end to saes the culprits was being taken. Only three minor rmort of disturbance had been reported ouWde Dublin.

Steps wet. being taken to give information to oar friends abroad as to the full gniftranr of this most recent German earnpegrs Mr. Asquith added that the association concerned the rising were being proclaimed He hoped that English joumaikta would be snowed to accompany the American journalists who. according to Mr. Ashley were going to Ireland to-night.

It. was not true that the retook bad a enmiderabU number of TM Lord Lieutenant had been in Dublin throughout the turbaoco Whitot he was speaking Mr. Asquith was handed another telegram and be stated that. it an. nounced the situation in Dublin to be us factory and that the Nationalist Volunteer at Drochfdt.

lied turned out under to assist the Government. Alt informing the buss that Mr. Long would introduce a new Military Service Din to-morrow and that the Hook would ahem ward adjourn until Tuesday Mr. observed the presence of strangers and there upon tracer were ordered to withdraw. LORD LANSDOWNE DETAILS.

At to Instance of Lord Xidleton. who charged the Irish Government with having tolerated the preparations for rebellion end ignored an kind. of warning a N1ar statement to the Rime Ministers was male in the Notre of Lords by Lord Lansdowne with however the addition of certain detail. He said that on Monday the rebel. made a hearted attack on Dublin Cattle which warn not pri snl that they held up" troops on their way train barrack and fired on them from the windows of booms nod that in addition to the Port the City Han.

the Low Courts row Station. and. he thought. Broslstoo. Station were eby Suns The Dublin garrison had reinforceroeata from Belfast and and the Skn Yemen had been driven out of Stereos.

Crsen with. a certain number of On Tuesday taornM they were stilt uiAuyylnir the buildings mentioned but by the aemig the military had ruee iJ in protect- nw the tin. from runes Bridge Station tin J0 Customs Boor and the XorthWafl. By midday yesterday it learned that Liberty Had. tie headmiarter of the Oti Army and formerly of Mr.

Larkin. had hem wfeoBy or destroyed and VlM by to military. Loan Lxnowxe added that to showed that there vu. a oudoa of MB of We river that two morn battalion were to arrive in Dublin yesterday skeraoon from ad that there lead been a niaf I. at Ardee.

is County Loath and a a serious one at Swords and near Doha The earaakka he put at It kiUed and SIR ROGER CASBfZXTS CAPTURE. Lord volunteered are interesting and quit. fresh account of the attempted aan tiding en the west coast of Ireland. A German vessel dkguki a a Dutch trading vessel sad a 0- nbmaria btouplnt the invaders. Prom to ebmaria.

tie landed in a ok bra time individual of whom two OM Sir Royr Qssemat were made prisoners. riiipiiii ship warn stopped by one of hk Majesty's ships and whit she bring taken into Qsmmmon lSarbwr go sew having been pot on board she exbAited the Careen flag PUN OF DUBLIN. A ROYAL Pw0LtXATlOII. A at or CIVIL are Ac 1 1 be by a aril Gust. DM Pruulsinstsnay le enaa In I ami I of the.

Me. pmna that Ia U. al nvtde or other mMsarr srSeagr II oa of tb of sill Mithisr is the House of with suppauii ta oeetitioa of or a say area speei Sid. The pfockmal nooncesi try the I Commons ytMteikf ff to the dry andeowtyof I the Proclamation will 0. aa to ta whole of Ireland.

It we too the ail olfness created by the DeIeooe of tb Arta sad th rrgalation made under then. the ar th 1. of Seeseo the impottrtlas of riSee or npbi. and the stofaga of various in. materials without tb permission of jMtoatlttValorflaafc Cy.

The eft ctof ProokinaVwtktod privaparsoa who oSend. tiers rtatatory re uk Uon of th right to tri by a Civil Court. MR. BIRRELLS DEPARTURE FOR DUBLIN. Mr.

firedll left Leaden last night I. Dublin. travailing by tb night mail from In the same train were three American journalists and representatives of the London and pro. newspapers who had been specially invited by the Government to proceed to Ireland. THE CAPTURE OF SIR R.

CASEMENT. FATE OP THREE SINN FElNXBS. The official communipUt about th Casement ode may be llUiIMmeDted in certain re. rpeets. The scene of the UD-11U1 was tl neighbourhood of Tras on the west coast of Ireland.

Sir Roger Casement end two companion one of whom has atoc been cap. band were landed in a collapsible boat from th German No on wa there to meet them a tact which is probably explained by the news that three armed Sinn Feiners to a motorcar went astray in the near Tralee. felt into th river and were drowned. The other German vessel. disguised under a neutral fl was penned by patrol boats and scuttled by her crew in shallow water.

Officers end crew wer rescued and arrested. All the prisoners have ine been removed to London or Its neihboarbood for examination. Our Dublin Correspondent telegraphed th following aecotmt of the attempted gun- The Constabulary hi Ooonty Kerry on Irickr lilght riled a quantity of arm and ammunition which we. bring taken sear Trek. Bay to a puce caned Ckrraban Strand.

A man who was found on Ife Strand and whoa tame has. not yet been aeert ined was taken into tUltOOy The boat tarried' tires Xauser re. rorrer end one thousand of ammunition. The man who was arrested woe brought to Dublin in tb evens and additional mtlH tary and polieemen have hem seat to un Friday night two other arrests were made ht Austin Stack a solicitor' clinic and captain of the Sian Fen Volunteer and a man named said to be an accountant lit the GPO Dublin who had been motoring through Kerry during the day with Stack were snorted. On Saturday morning theywere ed beforee a magktfat is the Teal.

Police Barracks with having conspired to lend enemy irons in Inland and were remanded fora work. BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO US THREATENED. WASHINGTON' trsu 26. Sir Cecil Spring Rite the British Am. bassador ha refund to th Stat.

Department an anonymous communication declaring that if Sir linger CUilJmtt 1. treated otherwise than as a prisoner of war it will men sentence of Math upon Sir Cecil Spring Rice and otter English servants in this country. wfcr LATE WAR NEWS. LOYAL IRISHMEN'S MESSAGE. Msiwunsn April Tb United Irish Leap bas cabled to Mr.

Redraond that Irish- urn in Victoria View with' lobaolDCe the 1 rebellion in Dublin Rtuitr. CAT Towjc. April ST. ir Ttoau UM Hooao Asarmbly. said Nat a rtai Mctloa th bleb a had ufort a Uly adopted a policy simile to that re by ftfWa au a s.

people i Sooth Africa. Me bYsmr a a. IrUfcoMs rrcntfaDr romrifd that this Mbry mU tatag pom Boron the Irk a it had hrooa no a III UM Dutch a eoordrrabe of woo aid tdbulaUaa. itultr. OPINION IN SOUTH AFRICA.

no or coaamsroe1eeat. CT Towx April Tb eaptwe of Sit Rooer nirrl ha excited pM. interest in South Africa where he is writ kaowa. Hk brother Tom is WMtIY with tb Lnleet Forte in German Tut Afro. The Caa lutes after reviewing tb growth of the Irish Sinn Fein movement damp the hot few months nion that Ca limits the opium Cssi its capture in th ed of UadiBg awns sad ameeilieia rom a German war Teasel may til British GovetnaBeat too tabs nor iajita dNatia dice DEBATE IN THE LORD UDLWrONS OF Ill 1.

1st How Lug Wit Jist Oewwmt I. ta to sewn- tee iMuiiin wawa bas. an. to avwf tea' fished. I.

a a a swirl a ta aaatioa MSS Mw to Ass end tow to rto sad to them Mastaa a My OaUavbo a aaartaod ba Uri by to ho taataVaathaoj 1st' ta So aadbss BBBWto Ssla rf BB to be asfaaaaa ea TJlU Yo 1 Iflt. It Map I I OurAidtoOurADi8I" 4 1M Italy lad Hr. the I. I It N. ar a 6 Fa I Briel.

Geoersl N. GazetN" 10. II. 12. It owl I 0.

t368 347 41' tees bad signs iIe Its abndun or in lorce. ined Btssa' a td ImpreMiOA yln a ty I I I lien I bbitualJ I kind. ring four haunten Cv. Mays' to i auppJrmm the Llipr I eomethingnou Theet. wtMlthePanaJlnr1afta andMa.

gay. ontbe are all ooeapiedmd 7 dea 1 protecting fromKinga orth the he thtlriwr lie mtl 11' 1be ta half I aUan a ca Countywnd subjar- the 1rnce be lit mfll 111 u- the lMa I It II Oft I We fJ1IJCr Ow nnnd. ily JI his imcb to feet 111 hoe seurngat a I to-do I 4 011 Mon. ha. ftnalbl JI Dtr lKMIyho pt and le IMn v.

that lk--- 6' ban. tou I 1M. Ltaa tint II. 1. We oveeIftI' 10 e.

1 I ftIe prepawliwa am aN" their II r'- pt peak the of bo Me a a. arm. hWa. Ma. 11 the hope It ha woaW A.

tlJq" to a 11 II a be goes his bil1ut a I Lundom I to I I 8Om81 da mea bi1e. is Mf. in CIODIp cuoua1 With tlng pub bed yesterday In I I it obv oUlIflUOll iA Tbfore' l1 i en ftIy de I omiagthe I a of tea t. I ir 18 mr abo i II steps is Jrgjt ting ti a nc such. mat.

r. tharadrn. I. I be ty. tten 10 fellOY tree 1 provision nouonabIt UQtrr ay :7.

ooo In. 11000 week- i tmfultiUed. the OP Jiah ity to. pWe on LaI nJ" is an d1t I 01" I wd nen Un I ce DNa oIlheir OO ittll I tm aU ad 11" 0I1Dodna oIllB11rr Iihia lllsl plete cow 1 tee I 0Iiee1 next Am W. 7.

I Lord 0 BILL. IIION DUATB or trr Cite Gars- a. I h' Xl their 1111I1 II" toe If I of of en MIl Pt. ala I the peWio Fa tame UZ Mr. iti6 We co iee IU.

xI Hill. to carry out the jit relaUnI ip' terms tea wp1N4 a I the tte4 10. wt Crt 1 J1kae un Xili you II UDltJt. I ftoOe p' I T. to noW I I I ahi OQ I deIa to Dg 001 I 8 an an oa liuJe deems i we In a tut on I I UDI lru ri nr llrd OUN Lord Pl 1 olll fllaoo fa the eI the Of.

4 ioII the 1511 It. td ol. the XJ 0. wbd stirs to 811" a public criUn- da ruo I 001 1M8bra ho tftm. NaIl Ii.

l8I lfte4 hiI. ioa Jaf1. 1 i. byof2oL I I ODIF- bring 01 un red Mr. Two 11 M.

8 rri 1- Jc. 1 ban JIMr" fte NlKa Jiha. T. II Mr Mr a I 1 r. fte.

I' 11. 761 yes. aM II I. a 7 T1 OFPIOLU. AW08I l1 at.

1M We 1915 A. At li nrt a Lair i. is Ito ctra. aC A its tW lees. that 1' 1 I tar a tile IF II I.

H. III. tU 011I tae MI. Ia II' 1 11. KrlJrwdra Male 0.

I ii a Clio. Mosey Sir. h. od :0. qur a I do 4 How.

top MI'S vs the wW a 1M A iZart 10M It wlW- N. ThemJons be oarm7 paI be I 70 36. I I Gs taller pa reed Sa Ka he ZIIalaM' three lor as. ftdAl IriooaU Iks paid esten teM 11. raI ud tbe Aalafaa' I an ad.

I I. As I' lIIOdat III bla Tby I tile sMw ecUne MeWt N' II PMW an am ae atanGl Aft Is try betq 11- high. I 01 T1Mor rmployed eodat Win tea I an 1Nd period Ja brtnc op aa41 11 eoeWt iot er a aiiorm tuebesg' has The oC Id 1dMI Ln. Ja U1aW J'- Cue ss1lU It aN II dirt 0. t.

I VlaroRlI anK LW. j.i. TB. 1)-1 fI op ikee brae. 1M.

aJt1 this oC her. trna latt er tM tAl take to of taw 11 101 a act lor. 1IwY 444 of lOWTufn PAairrN-1f LA lf I LIBERTY WJrB 4T. pied a i Ir. 6a04opeat UpuYo 1Ba.

tMIM7 bel or Hose Q8I seset 1 II' As all demur of the Ii 1 tly the 1 eel 11Mn. the the tmen tq of bo anL te that 0 tbeofthe al 1 STA Libert7lIalJ 8 Green ed P1 euJ be in ria er Whi he. r. AaqWth. tlI noun a ed atnn en.

I 1 tftnml. I bow. XCIDIk hal I held I loa I Cit 8 pieri MI reinI ta 0 all Turk.1DOfBinc Be ftrnfML 8 CoBeee. to the Nark Wail. a fd I III of she town on the north I 1IItft1o Couat sae 1.

1iiW. 10 I lIDteend In at a of. f881 German fIJ Ibi Qo" JIM. iW 1' mi IZ1. 1 1 ru 1KJY AI.

PJlN8IOM A I ti ia th. el eIIaIpII v- a Let. 19141. I' Mi ita. sot 4J In IIC" 01.

kje I at seethe oilier eperi- JI and of Ue1 the these are U. a the ptnDiv the tIC 1 0 he Pra I' to deprive a W6ory tile be Jr I tile tMina 1 the the oath sine. re eollap ble the one them-a Fc MI'S in ar Tn the i8rd S. ttJed i since ftl O1Pd OoI1lWJl deo1t the Cone uIer7lD arm which. the robes tAIof bro" the 4 po liens Di b' QeSiea 1' VolU rry da 18 tuJllat tbe I IDI.

tfs TIM a GTO ri ab has the I eommun on i nriM I. UwiH U7Rkr. 1f AM TM tl led oUIIToApriI Uac a We reeetty is h. pqIicy1d a 1IJIOIIa raD jjlraltJe tIi nor ors CO AI JSB8IIf. The I.

JicNhAlrieahfore lie. wtllllao. Bg the Cap. the tu I T- t' the from the f. Ie.

v. 1anII. 11 a meld II Pr. wtI6JII Dabs Ja. It 1 rl 11.

had sera I' pods at. lit. dq111 to JJfI MtIe A aC MIl that uat 7 lie ,1 of T' Jf x-- cw ill II 5if tee 1 nt a 4. 71P fl THt7 AY 47 14. e.o.

A 8W ppimg t' e. 9 Correpoadeats t. Our Allies" Iii im eel I 9 Fatter Mooo IOI1llfkl3 FU fr osnoe" it theyet bmprei de d. pr obc fl delib tely it icc rootionoftMeoenyictknsoratlatae myv re741 onggeefng TiredatemeetwhbbLoan de-be Nt4hatkn as" di to ct 11 the auwhofy teeJ the rhea sent snow insurL rnt. i Ir aad tale xe i i.

in as tom this as pevde t1ned euut tming penl teotiy de aM. I 0 anc1rLrsrgtMa Iorerybodywb tate the lehsehid bwewiats Iaereehhf. Ma. baatzti tat disnte a bi. h.

Latrawrs bliss' admit. w. et earslmenieiga have drew' aaWNiea ties pilw' laxly ttsaris may mairt west wee estae11w. of gialaliee aetotIs sad the. they heave Natie2 tea aM oe In ea ital watt 4 world day A rets SSi wall oafs a is toner ida geneallyanticipatedand not reason prodm Lion can ree inolm steps unsure erv war rice as wtomMioe 1y IS vetcsas poet i enditioe-4he powleI the va tmive uI a.

Asgctnna4entel a. exeeicn if rseptct. system. lenity then tJvc mea urr willnot prope4. biimliMng iemaoe.

mi sly t1 ndertir ostd tine pro rot ti ic aeyaObes week. Foregpt he Foreltpu Chew. ISartiise. ION PutInmeattuy The epee. to de a wer tWag.

Mmhu 1M oeweesaeai. gees. pfey and la tr sahrng and the wiA pMusateedghty dfmaasim Comma befu arie aWer aaaouneed steam would ty thus oore oily ago prnposls fee ietaaediio aaoi wow ntrtaI ts. ptaeeat e. nnly.

as nptqt exemprioa note gain ofi1 al no wi ship die titwtion Im i re ds nted iL tl Futterstaga one Comm cis hlr lihocd leis. sea inter teed sot ded li mad. OoesBdatb Ad abed Iwra GaaA41 rl edpdfly sea teem rwt6eDw. pWhrM oa error theme arson a at tLbhrt YaJ Ys WwS meet sew dreum sre di ti bnm thet orp nleation 1 fie 1 nTb. rrh was i.

expremd O'Neill. Claaia hlF AEar Rota a memhene Majee Msrioea an COT flit es up the nn a Sea mast he Iswly hire up to gwepvl be sastty teed. a to a ier 7 NA 1s les e. eweea t4. ire Goneratbipte ymN Net VVr r4 iNadd.

asmkt 1 gK ea Wmeal. bid a Mw IwdM4 lleww 1 r. newUt be raarpeallew yI eh gstel4 Attire ilt14 MaM b. we th NtYrla4 1fms Lwp wyee hlwedr 11. sb.

tng lid ew4 sJ I a. sa4asset a add gNepesis Mar tutasa 1 IIZEATl. 3 ieLIg at tr a Omni Ovule. 1 Bu sT. tsnieW w.wt el am ale tesy it be PM as as Pets that tl a Avemears ha mL Pr.

lwu i art was be 'sees tea. ten.iu.t of lb. l1. ea 1 be i ek Yt he liar so e1iw 1 110 1 ea tte4 ad ea tm am Mow beast ea wp ass tad I pWMat ease leg 4145 a Yobs. i f.

lteam d. 11rir4ittOe1 Pa. 1. ft Qawhed BsOir4 ur1. Aa1ry Ma llewriy.

Ouit oe Mr ltd Yi It ass 0 OUR TTX D. Leeseaeas gem. 4 res guestiem mmt or tm wl 1 jsrhurdvdd a nMsr eve muni t. yea reap egadrvreats pupas mfitry Oevee met hrotaldt aerry gotrd dWMrt. litey eUiactbeesllsbe as ervM4the loci 4L 4 bemma.

Y. req byetaWyddwt 4 aetiMd mas ud 7 harequoted. notaro ery as he er ppr ry bloee mtbe is New eatlmatiet4 tteetw. I Ceder War tioe 4yy Aesith wr civ Qedn Shia milaot yrelet see Is rtbou an eelrtya i4r aeeanpeakd saes a bbiyyCd O. Tbryera wn awntt yd tr townkis tt own e.

nor ere fwd eddM da olt. wry kaeui ed Co. rd bey Ueir4ys i. death ftta ARi rE rleat La meat WY leod etadud ia I. each di mste sirs milkrppty me sdka bosses tailwppet Eft era.

I3LNIm 1 OeetegMi tu pw a 7C I sp. woreme a pat Aitl abag runt aunty we Car re dar URa.M ea mt a be thIreaan WeepMmt tt yea. 0 a Air tetra sae l4 oat 4gead se dae Rae1eM aeloedd a to lib ea e4e mod seYJsg Mw war. ea aoM is kr. rm u------ 1 PAilalll typ WAlBttl ief iDUBLIN.

a 0 RISIlG WS YINgT' IR Asquith House tub Great 1lwbewlala remafaed open nsaOeet of oeediaga warn was do e. memr ri. unexcitin en. oouldmt ores to rvppre th a e. sigai8canro aw disturbances.

rrow oh ed drr iat herted fired' West1snd row and by I ooc aeeadesi Inc Tlmity erdy b7wlsoOltaa dmtr rem Ye coat bank is wosmded. cure rrdo ru. attetn Omaha a. sad er 1 1 se11 Aeemittesaatr I a sale wwww asatrL Rla md ilEtr se. aartrtbtl e.

Ifr. sad Wwaileafisitewrad svorE tt10K TU I heirliisir 1 the. leada td mMht nrpeic tight aabgiseM who with the rglssao herds wades iletdaw the Am I Peeelem at mad. pawae 71 pretxhs sper irl ai ig cud the pwsatt war hr my Preelmtin es' the lemts i' as law as m. eft oomtty obarrvdppOw the the zr ointion.

tor naval er eeeh eity. eltect tcub. ttoeMaaatiea person spec ae1ly aof iemenkd wa aear ero rming I- i rtained to brouh evening tar ao yrsa country. Rekv ni nlakss owrr t3are1 testate oa4aeto pd mi4 So t1 was i yeah sm ertiae red es poi netPo tdteul.tb.-IlrieH. Theea we the ea test exprseea ands tia ZO DS.

RIWOis. Mwf Vsweees ltaatea se b4 ftafetys wWar stet glee Weeatls le tie bar. bees atewbaw 01r 1- ew be the i tpe I. sin a r- rsl a be en New with a e4 lee Onwmrl 4i uUs Ms Mar amidw I. He of me.

beer. A tM ears that tlsla DeliP wr wag Whit 4y sheet the sat wassww 4 worst. d1r saws. tweIe se Yea wale tin tat snags 4 Mia wys s. taiasM p.

burn se adept bed been std be a wart. head Nss4 be a bsw m.t am s. been 7..

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