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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 6

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jW 6 bom, the limestoao left tmtwwbed, tad tbe peat saated, aaJ Mcumtditfof aroaai ll'; waEe'tn people haYti to Import cora tad xacal lor food Mr. ChtriM Crtcbtoa, of Fort WillSta, wbo hta prtetied In tbe district for 20 years, la hit erldeaot before tht Poor Law (fciaialttkOMrt two yean ago (Appendix, toL 2, page 400 at, Ttereba wantof empbTtaeut the eouatry tad tt mU be Ml sdrstdage reawbb It, by aadtrtekmg or other faspromMBU, mA tuU rftede, fax, tits district, decidedly of cfialee Out sgrf. caltaral improTeiBeDb mlfht be profitably nnibrttlta. aa On a greet tract if Ital ia the dbtrict it which the attbscQif Meeileat. Hecbeerree at present that tbs large sheep fcrnan Tory generally and frees 1.009 la 1.500 sheep each to be wintered la Booothlro, or chcr green cropping tjouatriee ell white.

If Ue groaad vara propec ry cvlUntrd, saighl ba fed la 'tit country, sad tbe preat th winter feeding krpt in it." So that sot ooly this (tarring people pay money for meal for their food, whicK tby might grow, bat the farmer' (topic also la scat into EaSUr Bom to be toraip fed ia winter, vbea they migbt Crow turnip for tbtir stock jut ss wvll tbt people of EasUr The tune gtntbman, whom I bare) jostqooied, thui dttcribes the condition of the population which adopts Ibis fashion of working oat itt own pro iperitx tnla Ueir eltingt la a Tory wretched' stats. Tkty bar frrjaootlj rtrj littla or bedding they bars no Ems, The; art natarxllj of dirty habits, an are frwjueutly la a wy nlUy etete. TheysuSer" for wantof prerblons snmetisaec bat he dee not knew tbat they art erer la lack Borers tuna aa occurs la tbt low couatry. Tbey bara generally pftatoes and meal till tkt beglaiilng of Jane, wken tbtir store ii exhausted, and tbca tbay nut lira apoa tba cbarity of tbtir neighbour amongst tba' farmers and others." Thit year, howeTer, thtt Una on "charity" most begin in a few from the pretent time. Nor can we real tarrrise that such helplettnett leads to the liTffigoa" Bat; who it chiefly to blame for this! Let ns tee the connetha landlords adopt to ixoproTe their people.

The largest landowner in thit district it a gentleman rained Cameron, of Lochie, the bead of the dan Cameroajsetter known here by the name of "LochieL By reputation thit gentleman it an imiable and benerolent man. lie, howertr, chootet to lire absent from hit estate. Hit factor lira at laremeas, GO mUeton rVo thtrds of hit estate are let in immense tractt to two chief tenants at sheep walks, who pay him about 4,000 a year rental, and both these tenants are aouth countrjmen and entees. No it it in the nature of things to expect an ignorant and a naturally laxy peasantry to improre mder ttch cirenn. stances 1 Yau bare here aa ab sentee landlord, an absentee afi absentee farmers, lea Ting none but a few shepherds and ignorant peasants in the' country.

This it not, bj accident, the state of things now only, for ia tbreTideoce girea before the Poor Law Commissioners I nd Mr. iTDoaald, banker, of Fort William, stating p. 397), It has beea reported sad rrotrd btHaraJ, aadbaba BrmU to batraa, tbat tba lata Mr. Tfllaoo efsred to tba lata Locbiattobrbclato eoltiratioa tba aiaaa of Corpacb. wbicb txeacds a aula sqmarc, at Us ova expanse, proriiad btwoaUfhcaim, withort rat, al9ytarVIeass o( it.

This abaotSSyaarsaco. Loeblal 4 aot cboosa to paat a leas for so kr a period witboat root. Ha looatada aua berof poor erof tars alone of H. tbo baTa brought talitUabtt of it, rary isperfeedy, aad tbay Era ia rtry poor booses iadaod. Hi4 Vr.

THtoa got tba Ut tbxt iriabad to bara of it, tba witaoas bad ao doabt tbat tba frooad would aov bara boea la a eoaditioa to pay a rery baadooma root, aad it kaowo tbat Mr. WUaoa aarcr eaasod to recret tbat bs bad not get tba lease, as ftlt satisfied ba conld bars taada anavar. Tbat bis firm ba Cef it, tbat if tba crofters, in sHaatioas soeb at ba bas da tcribod, rt laaaaasacb rr1atioBt. tbtir condition vonld ba raised to a staia of comfort, and tba landed proprietors and tba country at ktrra greatly benefited. The obstacle in the way of improTement here, therefore, was tht short eighted and too greedy landed whooe descendant now hat most to put him ia mind of bit father's folly.

Let us, howeTer, again recur to the eridence, and see the result which the non residence and neglect of the proprietors produce at compared with an opposite conduct. Mr. Crichton (before quoted) in bit eridence before the Poor Law Commissioners, Being roqaeatad to say vbetber ba bat aaytbint; to tosgest witb ratrard to tb poor, states tbat batbiakstbe increase of pauperism greatly owing to tbo sabdirition of croftt, particularly ia tbe interior of tba country. Hi finds Ibtt wbcre tbis bas tabea'placa, and a number of families srt located together, eaeb on a small bit of land, tba people art ignonat and poor. Tbeas tobdiriiiani tsba plaet Kkert tit proprieton tax wm rttidaU, 'and Oteir crofltrt trt not attended to.

Ontbaia small crofters srt mors eaUrsristng and Intelligent but in tbott sitoatioBS Asr Jte yrvpriaon attend to tarn Otey rrt of a diferaU dan. Tboa on'Mr. M'iein of Ardgoart estate, tiry art filing in, rapectaRtofSm aOtndt to tarir comfort, and bat artabliabod scboob ia' places wbert they are eatCy aeceaaibla to tbeir cbQdren. Tbit bis a rery be. nefidl effect upon tbem.

Tba children commonieats tba iaforaiaUon wbicb tbey tbemselTet bars recelrod by reading to their parents; aadbs bas aniformly obatrrad tbat cbH area so educated form macb mors ateful aad enterpriaing aembert of society, and art mors able to do for tbemselrss, either at boms or by going abroad, than thoat wbote education eomparatiTely aagloctod. If tbt sama system wtrs extended, so tbat all parts of tba country were sufficiently supplied with schools, sad ths children had tba of getting a good elementary education, and if tbt clergy went torn amongst them tbaa tbey bare dona, ba tbmbs tba condition of tbt people would be raised, aad OTer population checked." There is, howeTer, yet stronger eridence of the good effects which hare followed upon Mr. M' Lean's attention to the duties of hit position at a landlord. Mr. M'Donaid, in hit erideace before the Poor Law Commissioners, says, Tba crof rt are ia better coaditioa oa Mr.

MLeaa's aetata tbaa tboaa in aay place ba knows, as far as ba can jadge from appaarancet, aad bs bas no doubt it tbe Case. Tht crcftenbaTS good bouses, tbeir portione of land are ia' good ordetYjad tbey baTe conttant employmeat from Mr. Mlean. Ha kaowt no one we pjr nek attention, to the coaditioa of tba crofters as Mr. M'lieaa.

lit kat no doubt tkat, If laeaaau attention, tkt eonditUniif tie people mipit he rxtited otker paru of Ue dutricU The difficult, 'then would ba to dispose of tbe surplus population. Somehow or another Mr. MLean's ettaie not over peopled. Tba war ia wbicb Mr. M'Lean bas bnprored tbo condition of the people by giring them pieces of watts land to bring in, and affording tbom facilities for doing so.

That the witness went down this day week, as one of the judges of the Highland Society, to impact tbe cottages of tbott competing or tbe prists Tea by tbt Highland Society to parsons keeping tbt neatest cottages aad. gardens in tba Ardgour district, and paying a rent) not exceeding U. That tbs Jadfles bad tba greateet grattneatioa In seeing tbe condition of Us bouses, apoa Kr. MXaaa's ntoaatlf. Tbs cottages were ia such order tbat say person might bars slept comfortably ia them.

Tbey did not con. las their obeerritioni to the competing cottages alone, bat looked into other cottages on tba same property, aad tbe impresaloa mads apoa tbs minds of tbs judges was, tbat they would bare made tba nicest shooting boxet poanhle. Tbs rooms wars all With woo fan floors, aad lofted orsr, with proper eaQSags, sad fsraiabsd with mahogaay eheatt of 'Ttuawsrs, aaitsht day dock ba srsrj cottage tbey went into. tables and chairs, grates, aad proper fireplaote, aad win apoa htntse, of proper TenHlitioc. Tbs sttribotss tbe superior oeodition of tbe oeeupbrs of tbtse eottscss sattrrfy to tkt continued attention and tnctm.

'tnm nttfm rtrideni proprietor." fetr thit whit a Highland prcprie can effect jsuogtt a' Highland popuauoa, if be chooset lim ply tc do his duty in the ttatioa ta which it it hit fortsae to be placed. Instead, howmr, jej web iCouxte beiag comnion, thit it a in excepuoa. Hare by no meant tingled out aeron. "id Tiv)U Mirin tr. t.

BeltSex better norworsa than tba rml malont hit data here, Taking Fart William at the centre oi a oiftna of aUee diameter, there baaaaaual rental derired from thai dktriet of birIi nf SOfiOOl. svretr; aad nearly erery proprietor it aa aoteatee, or only riatu the country during the thootSaff teaaoB. Iran Lord lUnHf. wKa la a. huge neighbourmgproprietcirandan Englishman, and wao vagus kbow oener, jutt negugent at tae rest.

Out of a lam estate containing at least laooo acres of im pro rable land, be batimproTed 10(f), aad maue a Doast oi tt before tne Poor Law Commissioners 1 Isaw these tea acres, at theeorner of a rast morass. aad they look ridiculous enough. He wishes the people to improve, but Maret Improremeat to them sdres, and fixes terms on them which they conoeire to be hard or do not understand, and they therefore will not improre hit wastes, whilst he himself will not advance a pound for improrementt. Hit wastes. like those of hit neighbours, are likely to remain wastes, aninis poor to be at wretched.

lie, also, is an abteatee, residing only a month or two ia the year. LCot only does the land continue uneultirated and tnATWnpfvfnMnfV lnt tU. maamIa ah I 3 ww. iwm, ucbuHmusg ana diminishing ia number. Tbe population it much less in this district than it was 100 years ago, aad, though lest la number, they are as destitute ai tbey can be.

I will, however, pro re tbit statement to you. It appears from the muster roll of the clans la 1745, that the nadermenUoaed clans ia the district nare marked out mustered tbeaumber of fighting icn placed opposite to each tiame! rTHE 1846. men placed opposite Cleacarry rbaftnald Kippock GUaooe LoebU Pautag tbs MXIeans witbU MO TOO 300 J50 840 seo 23) Learet in all, ficbtini men S.000 Takiag the areratft number of a fknil fim supposing that each family tent out one fighting man, that giree a population for the district of couatry inaaoated, 100 years ago, of about lfiWO souls. Taking tbe parishes within this district, and cal. CUlatiOaT tbe data furnished br the enne a 1 Ai I the fbllowiag appears to be at preteatabout iU popo iauoa brUmama KDmaawalg ArbaigaadMoidart.

appia iTSl XSOO S.1J9 TeUl 1S.S81 Showing tbe following decrease in the populatloa Populatioa .100 years ago 130. Present popalatioa Vcrnm pcpalatioa dariag tbt last 1 109 years But, can we wonder at thit result when we re member tbe dearings" which bare disgraced tbe "iguanas of Scotltad I Or be surprised that the people do not imnrore. when ther have btm eVet. matically neglected, deceired, and crushed KErcry man who has studied the Highland character knows that the people require continual swwiWaaL nmA yvrtimy on, and encouraging, to accomplish erea their own welfare. We get no is the cry of tbe people all orer the Ilithlands i and though tbe cry it not one of energy' tad independ caoc, out rainer one ox belplesaaess, yet is there much justice in it Generalities, howmr.

am nn. needed aad I will giro you a couple of instances which I beard of in Eoeathire, such at are not fare in this county. Last year I tent rtro maar instane of and harshness towards the natire population oa the estate of the Duke of Sutherland. The factor of thit nobleman it Mr. Loch, M.P.

for the Wick burgha That nobleman bat rtceatly told a part of hit estate ia Boasahire. near to Ardnr. in a wealthy gentleman named Mattheton, the present proprietor oi tae Island of Lewea. A portioaof the estate so sold was let to aaextensiTa alwonfcrmM. named MXeod, who hat now a large sheep farm in we isie oi stye, loot gentleman by hit energy and enterprise, beiaz without lease.

imaiv farm ia raluej In all these improremenU he was prnaea ana eaoouragea by the sub factors of the Duke of Suthtrlaad, who held out indistinct mises of remukeration te him, it termed here, meliorations, Inus encouraged, he turface drained the hills of his sheer) farm, and hndWanV m.r,, stantial improjTementt, at aa expenditure ef upwards i.wi. auis was to unusual aa experiment, that the result of Jit was watched by tbe farmers of tb couatry. There imprbrementt were" rained on the sale of the estate, aad their ralue pasted Into the Duke of Sutherland's pocket and from thai ti thit Mr. JfLeod hat not receired one fsrthing in compensation, ii appucattont were put off and postponed, aad at lentrth ha was inform! uh from Mr. Loch that ao compensation could be paid mm ana uu refatal wat afleged to be grounded onprmdplertbe" when exnlainei rin understood to be that bo' tenant would undertake such tmproremeattif they did not pay himself.

The true reason, bowerer. watsimnlT thai Mr. MTwi happened to be oppoeed to Mri Loch ia his poliUcal opinions, ana naa used tus influence against him; The effect of such a princiole." acted on in nrw torious, an instance, was just this, that erery tenant of the Duke of Sutherland, ia Roes shire or Sutherlaadshire, who beard of this treatment of Mr. M'Leod, retolred, "on prindple," not to improre nu land to the ralue of one tXilling; the explanation of the phrase with them it was unwise to improre the land for the beaefit of tne landlord out of their own pockets, as they would reap no benefit from it. They got "no encourage ment." Yon will remember also that.

wbn in last year, I tent you a detcriDtion of tba clmrin ont of tbe population from a glen called Glen Calrie, ia rwstsntre. xae pubUcation of that case of coldblooded cruelty excited universal distrust and Tfnm. bation. The proprietor, Major Bobertton, of Kia aeace, nas at iengto let the glen, aad aa adjoining onirics, to a tneep larmer named Munro. Tb howerer, of "weeding out" the people naa not yet neea aoaaaoaed, but it more cautiously pursued.

It it dangerous to turn out 20 oaoe it acquires aa awkward publicity, aad the shame attaches where it ought. Now, howerer, the proprietor bit bit upon a norel expedient of carrying out "the priadple" of extermination, whilst ae nopes to escape bota toe pubudty aad the shame. He hat contrired a corenant in tb lease of the farm to Mr. Monro, with a special clause ia it, binding him to turn avay twofamUia may rear, until At comettmaa of cotton it crttr. I hare taken the paint to aaertsia' the ac curacy of bout these tntt tapes of tbe way the people of the Highlands are "woomstA before I bare thought fit to maxe them Tjublln.

fc Tali tae tort of eaeirtgaeat on the people of the Highlands get. you wonder at their apathy aad indifference, "or the oouauy is ununpruTcq i coaaact, too, it palliated on the erouad of "Drfadnlar Tt'a a fine thing it There is a weH tnowa aaecoote aoout gooa tntettfiont" torming tae parement of a rery warm pboe below; after such samnlea of nrindtila." howerer: tba n. lUy hat a good UUe to claim to be an elerated pW on either tide of the said "paTBmentw I or tae special acoommooauoa or a select few. Amongst a people eatuy led, aad who ttul poeten the warm attachmentt of the andent clannish feeling towards their chiefs, how readOT mlbt tW quality of their character be moulded to good, did ueir cnieis raini sne auuea ox tneir. staxion i Thm tame enthusiasm tad bund obedience with which of old tbey followed tbeir to the maddest en terprises, would still make tbem rearject and ob.

their injunctions ia the march of improremeat aid driliaation, were those injunctions but forthcoming and their proper execution teen to. A Highkuid gentleman of thit district that wrltet to me on this subject, with a truthful force tndeloauenea wbicb induce me to lay hit letter before you. He says, laa caouatalnoaa aad laaoeaojibla caaraetar.of tala wteltra eouatrr. atMcUllr tba LaUad nartbau of tt. ml tba faaloa from aacieat to modera 'habits and feelings a rery a rtry difficult, sad, to those who foal uiarataM lalhtrttmle a itaanlr ralnfiil nw garry are ttffl aamet ta wbicb tbe hearts ef tbe poorest aad mow aojeci uewBwes mrojunuruy warm.

They may not see tbt face of their chief far years they may aerer aars srta it tt an? bs may ors sbrosd aad abandon tbem, bat tbey do not forego their attachment for it often the an eentlmttii In VUV V.n fui.4 ..4 eling to It when trtrytUag aroaad them, and all tht cir ounMtaaMof IhairowapoatUurlUtaam toglro It ap. Ia dealing, therefore, wllb tbe. statistics of tbe couatry, tabramaaaiof what was boot la tba old Celtic spirit should BMwtMrorgotteau oht to fena a Kroag bond of anion Utwtea tbe owners of tbt soil sad Its occupiers, sad would bare eneblad the landlordi, had they gotta properly about 1L to aalbl taeot cbacrrkl! Mv tbs serrlcas ef tbs popalatioa oo tbeir eetalaa. Tbs High ware ladoleatto aa extreme degree, but ladattrr macb a nradaet Aatu iiM of tbe cbaatce, aad, with ao precedents of aaesstral lift to foaad a character for maaaal labour, or to orgaaixt tbt Hera and dbdpOaad kaUU of modern toil, bow was tbs HlafrlaaJor taeUaoe lantman la be aMtasiorpboaed Into tbo ladepoadeat workmaat Who were bond to be hie teachers la tbt aakaowa arte at ImAaMr Ii tbeSaaoa race umfetUred by' tboaa babiU of mmd and nrwaneiaanas or eaay art wbicb a seml foadal, semi, patriarchal Mala, aoatara tba daeabnanaat it aW L. strtlek at aaea aay faraa of labour wbicb tba aooeeaitiee rwianomipooti tml the boM matured prtjodkee of the sslad, IbasaoM bTeteraisdalBasof caetom, most be orsr.

eotae before Ue, mhaUttati of Ult country bead wBlingly mxKmuj eo oauy sou. Tou ssay lamoat their Mladaeat ta atlf tattrtat tarn ui. dtv. Waota yoa auy bmutb orer their wretcbedaeas tad rmj. suusiu iot redeem tbs people.

Tbey will ttCl re em la tbeir ilualli Iwvw Miti i etT tbe bad at. lakJorabU iTinaiVranree aalH tbe ailet. emo oi taaueltteraeo beoecaos kbloricml ta tbs eouatry waaca uey tops walla Uaaea wore barbarotae, but from which the nocoaVMoo of drffiaailoa noatUJ lim TV mebacboly spectacb tbtir social poatioa preeeab aae juetly attracted tba attaatW at IU r.TU..nk ioeu wbe ore aadee more fartaaato auspices, aad arana sympatalsoe wtU4be sufferings of a peculiar aca, foe wbooa deeday Was to bare raesrrad tbe mWrable alteraattrot ar extrrme pbytical wretched. or txpatrbtioa. I vtak you thin te analyse tbe old Celtic rptris, wbicb tomaayof lufeeturoe.

aad some of ewaiciouo trulit, bas daoeeadeil to these tlae. aadto toawbal moAml iw. n7i tbertia. by wbicb the change to tbe conditions of ueuera me eaa wn moot eeeUy aad most effectaally complotad. I aak tou ta woicb well tba oaaMlan.

(WW k. aaaatt ao ttroag, wUb natures to cblTalroaa and loyal, tbe pwpte wouu aare rafatad to learn, If ia tbe spirit of affoa tba tbe ekieflj aad taafcwaois eetba eouatry bad been wDlbvsadaaaioastateacb! Interceuree with the touth and tbo adraatagee of fortune and tdocatioa bara ba tbe higher cUseetmtbb country no bstilcalbm tbeir peopb from Indolence to Industry, from physical ana want to ptyaicU oomfort and abuadaac. tbs shame ofthatelu. It i haTe been In their poeitioc.thrybaTacandlcy Mtlected tbe dotbe to wbicb aU things InriUd tbem. In the aouth.

amidst the buttle ef annU lif. ik. j. auadforudepoadeet labour, a landlord may aegbct 'bki uuuee wua oomparaare bnpuatty but bars a degraded pot Palation. imaoTorbbed.

filthr. aUad amaMfilmewf M(Mt VI bb careleaanets with a perpetual roproaeb. And ao it It wnw iu eoounue to be, unta the landowner acts upon tbs Intimate conrletion thai rJA. vu i. to Instruct, aad to superintead tbs peopb whom Prorideaos wfiw to aun, and orer whom the most solemn here.

dUary obligations require that bs should watch." "Ko doubt each of theee rentleeaea bad hie prirate rea atpertonal health, the Incumbrancct oa hit pro. perty.kc for so sbeeatiag bltnsalf but la ths tt the peopb are deteriorated, and their scab af tiring sinks with tbeir altered position, until the slightest partition separatee tbem from absolute ttarrattoa," I can add Utile to the truthful fore of tM, de scription. "Were the course here nointpd upon, instead of a ttarriag aad wretched multitude, a source of anxiety aad weakness to the empire, we might hope to see these magnificent hiHt skirted wiw corn neias, and all the mild eridenoes of prosperous industrr the tea lochs bearing on tbtr surface the trtftSo of the world, instead of a few wretcned nahing boatt and tbe water power of the hillt giring employment to a busy multitude of maaufaeturiag artisaas. IaooacdTsbly faroured by nature, the empire muzht indeed then bena in tml here a chief teat of itt strength, of iU wealth, and of ia resources. When we reflect how haooilr the wealtbr nAA proprietor is here placed, with what trifling eflort he can accomplish immense wed for hit neonln and fnr hit countrr, with the.

power of wealth at command, with people ready to carry out hit projects, aad with the laad under hit control, aad compare hit posiuoa wua tae thousands of mea in Kngbtn Wao at this day create and constitute itt wealth, itt power, and iUgreatnest of men, many; of whom hare started in life without friends, without with. out opportunity, and who "by their own indefatigable rigour now ouiia our snips, direct our commerce, and manufacture for the world jwhea we thousands of such instanoet scattered orer England of men who neither expect nor often get praise for wwummmituH, surety, surety, aaame ouzht tomantla on tK dmn rdsjnor it their public censure aad reprobation Costuiuzd Dzstaunox or the Dud. Although within the leat f.w l.7Vu 1U unm poen Pal thoritiee to retpend the operation. The eonoeonseoeeia.tbat n. IJI "Jtsu tbdr rs eatbebroufrhtto a temiartioa foVmaay oystocol 8ome lda may be formed of the quantity of human dbtorjbsd from the fact that, alrsadr exoarated SO or 100 feetlmg brlooroO St la oraacaa, ana is leet deep, the workmen rtOl continue to dboom coffins, heaped Ise cloealy tbat tbey as nrst Tasalllllll aa.

nsatira rJ ParkVIr1si as a ml. a il nit arwwj eaw 1 BBsaaat SjaUfl tappfJsMaUlsTV aV Wrvai of them wore fouad to be quiu Im, eren after the Upeeof ij w. aou ua operauoo ox n. moral. It would apr that at tia time themere aacbat enmna ware JimlU tit w.

i tioaalatos, as xasay of tbs lids still souad beer the inlSoTof deceased pertaa aad tbe date awkod out fa inetalmLfla. aara oeoa eflgtaauy rarjl with soma darkcoloured doth, at the reouiasrf scene web material srt stin attached Sf tbem. Oa Tassdaytsara. ta ttepariaf talfagac faesmd adjoaaSprabss oTXassraTHVbfm Bft lnW? tbey recti a gnat ouaatity MVMMT'MJlBXaT AMD CtTT iBXMLUQJtSCX. Ctdaftswdsv EtmIks) essay s.

aasitaM ytaaj aaV Mow OMiWAeoW6 tUidOonsoli likvf tinefin niffntnTHXKr iritlvmt Trry gmt eUtmtkKsC Sotae attribute this dowxi aalSi awl mmJlkm 9 sWa Vtatawlula A a I tatMsatvai mmutj twanar. JTTI TTmw WQlCu affurd another rAanntl for inrettment At all erentt, the immediate caate it the want of purchasers ia the market. Tbe last quotation is to for mosey. MMnuih am oucr pncea auu 1 Bank Stock, 205) to 208J; Beduced, 03 to 04 New Three and a Quartcr per Cental, to 1 LoatT Aimuitiea. fl Indb.

RnnAe South Sea New Annuities, 94 aad liicbequer biUs, 13s. to 16a. pta. The market for Mexican and Spanish stocks it beawr. anil tha mmmnniMtiMi Ir.

vr i mi.wi iiu, iuupn iw as yet produced no beneficial result, at far at con vuua miv wumt nun ui uic OOouS. .1 DO last price of flnasiah waa fnr tha Vn. rm. Ml 1 aad 2ftf for tbe account aad for theThree per ui jj were iw uone as sit tor tae account. The other quotations were Austrian, 111J Brasiliaa Small, 23 Bcuador, 31 vPertu guete, for, the account, 43 Venezuela, 42 i Belgiaa Two and a TTalf nr (rtw V.

vwui imwr Half per Cents, 40r; and ditto; Four per Cent, A bulky pamphlet on the subject of "Indian Railways has recently beeapnblubed by Mr. W. P. Andrews, under the modest appellation of aa Old Indian Poatmaatar." Tt of information on the particular class of projects, the nj, i4iuwptcs which, ia opinion, ought to be adopted in introducing into India the norel mode of communication, pointing out the ad ran tages, especially ia a military point of points of thit important British possession, ancLfinally, analnlnff th a i. brouffbt bfora tba iHMtinn of Diamond Harbour (or CalcutU and St.

George's oauway, uro noruern ana jsastern, aad tae Madrea anil AmiK niw4 V. i practicable, giring aa opinion in fa tout of the short Madras Bail way (to At cot); and he writes the most detailed aooount.of the East India, Great North of On the first of theaa nroWieta nmV, fal low! Thb great trunk line, which deetiaed ultimately to connect the teat of tbe Supreme Oorerament with itt meet dlJLUli MtllMMl tmtn Im lmm orBar vwvtMmutj uvwrma, oa tne oppoetie nana oftb Uoogbly), andprooaed by Bardwaa, through' tbs i mm wrer, (ermiaauior the nraainl Ifn i i kU h. It the project feasible eaonfh, thb much of tba line being lag out a remaneretiTo proepect but as tbe pronoaed line from iVlmH, tj W.Um.Vi 7 ii)u mm rvqwnie accommodation to the eollbrba at Bardwaa, we think tbat tbe ihh iMjia, or, bs ia cauea in laoia, tbo 'political line should, for Tarious reaeont, deroU Its eaerzbe oleewhere. as 1X4 isoe, the great highway effndis, aad break into. a uirocs lias from Calcutta to Xirxapore must bare fffBlrtts to 7 awuuna; o( sne llarco baa labour of creating tbe Soaae there are ao contiderabb towns ar stations to accommodate the population Is pit tared.

It being estimated that, la tbe route or a distance of although should bare, as its upper terminus, atiraepore, man si iniua, we ao not think WHB, wiwiunii, wouia aarwertheespeetatlons of Ue promoters, as it would be ia the usual rrrsr craft oa tbe naa eTcr seen ue great ooianiercial artcrr of tbs country), but tbe eereral powerful and influential companies for tbe bland steam narlgatioa, tntimatalT connected as they are with the principal merchants and capitalists, would be moat formidable rirab. keepUg ap as tUj taelr Bumcrvus (teamen, a coostaat eommunieatioa between Ualcutu. Patna, Benar. Jdirsapore, AlUhabaandtb. other great dtbe sad towns on tbs rirsr, proceeding at the arerage speed of 50 miles per diem; sad this rate of protTos sioa, an emiaeBt merchaat Informed us the other day.

would ooo be doubled, from their tteamers being enabled to coa should bars a line not free frn dificulty. a poo'r part of a tn' fble CTPoeition, without adrano ,7 77 muj aroat uueai mwaros us i SiT'li '1? UJ t00 many years Alla habaa. milea hixner up than ilirapore. Another objec Uoalo the teUcooaof this ae an txperitalo7preS pore or Allahabad, it baret Ue tra teller or goodsit theTerr bWina. the (iaagas, abort At mmgvw uu inauvwe peine nsea to aaTlstioa erea for eouatry craft is rery precarious, and Us lP anjroUr rocks which rise turn its bed.

atill mora AimMim v. These remarka almnat tnclnA, tv. 1 pwthe Great North, of froa aii.v.i ws aars ssen, was to pwceed from CalcutU to lairzspore, and STtataaliy to Delhi and tbs rv "tr ijjmcuu poruoa or ua htur. Tb. Great Narth cf livlia, onTcon.

vnweeu vaicuiu ana Allana UAd ttoua XeATtatioa "PnUi, oommnci AiUV. SHVWMi tWSamaejaj. fcUfJ aa iai qTiTlfTTl ITjoM aa ta at ca fesTBIU iaUM tweea that city, Cawnpora, Agra: and Delhi: 'but as tbs fpaoiipo. ot comparaurely short Unas tbo best mode of iatrodadag railways into any it proposed to compbU thb andertaking section by section j3Tthb plan be adbersd to, ws would recommend at a first step tba connectinj of any two points bet wren Cawnpora and Delhi uwi vhbhiii Tma Xicawaa OT riYli pwreeto Agrs.orfrom Agra by Mattra and Allygbar to Delhi tie tramc on the road shore Cawnpors beLVmacb naater than Mow that station, and tbe gdbemsTlf vlr'1 Utter for railiray. TbVsat Aorth of India proDOSes a eonthmatian af th 1 1 bhabed to Mirtapore, aad from Delhi to tbs north weet nuul, on tbs adranuS.d of a lmlt f'd.

the north woa frontier tbat we dTnot arnalgimtte, sad Uus adjust Utir riral claims thscpsbZ wz 4 i ua, mors jUulcaOUS sebrtbo of a starting point." jkwus artwwwuag ue ureal western of Bengal, he art, "Til lm JuV tuntiia owHTa cousaosrasioa at era from the immediate facilities which it would sire Terament and commerce, it tht line from Calcutta to cUtm ViatitJ of registration. Weatsrn BaUwsy of aid bom U. eapiSibU Sd merchants of CalcatU extending to it their and support, it known ia India as Us ewamsrcbllinerin eoitfradkincaooto Ue Eaet Indian, or thepStinLe7 TVitl flassstkt a Hail 7,1 tsstaaaa ustllWoaj ayt JjsjnsgmA IQT Uk pitt3P QQtW nnedlt attention to ecsnecttsg CalcutU with the Ganges, rid Bardwaa. Berhamnora. Hoonhw n.tTTv? wbers lit would rsotlT the cratratad commerceofln a ium aun aenaeiT poopioO; nor Hf" TriU form the only linknBnih! ir!" iiiiihtiihwi onweea ao rwo great chaanali mtv xxotjkut.

ii it aireaaT aJcerUiued to be of easy construction, haTini? been carefully iLH nce to the introdtioi Thn laat rtnttrmA itniul rt mntuls, the only railway of the west Mr.Aadrewt "TajtUneli proposed to bs made cautiously, secordmc to Ue encouragement bald out, and abould It adTsaeeso far as Nsgpors, 1508 milee E.S.E. of iomUrCeSss to Kamptee, the mast central talUtary position Xbi wiU proceed either to Calcutta, or, what mors orobabbU "This btter srrsngemeat would giro as our mteQizeocs from Upper India and Bengal a week earlier tlianat ere. tt eonjunctiotj wiU the trunk line from Calcutta to Delhi, would enable Ue combined anniet of the teTnra. emeentrata their powers on almost say point of aiJjpooiurT do threatened. Thb solrad the diflcult problem of climbing tbt Ghauts! TRAPS JUCP9RT.

yIfaatsTto SOsTeT 1W 01 were mostly disposed of without TtriatbtT InrtaSS Sa.6d.toi3a.6d.; 1 esses of SuSbasLxTpsoUfrS 82s. teSSs. Cd. SO barrsb aad lSbagsrfwssSdS wiU mi. demand, only a ftw barrel warsofat wat accepted for broken fine Bengal.

u. Jrrsr sou at ran S3. IS. GtnL ITS i Tiaalt of Kut Tiutt ei. 'm ardmary siftmes ta good quality.

rrra robiae tad tags of aagP psppar, wert oaersd Icby stMbUsaU. Tbt 1,000 whins Ware all bought la at Sd. UeSsS all sold atJld. to tbt ek4kcla'toexh1C eotaawv aad 4. to Sli.

tat ciialattvr TMJC VOJUT TJUDX. a jeat tteadr Sena ad te wheat, at il ait tar lawae Vrlaililiatiit MS, sad Sbsfflat wttaoajs slteratloa. arssass ratase so aaao. Mir. Oats.

Saa Peas, 17 XtS SSI tta. (Ta ta. tU. Si. 44a Sc.

aaairais scant sas waac On. ,1 00 eartUar. SSlK KIWCAsTLX CTOX rrXa. Iimui, Oct. IT.

Tae Wale Ikmewt Ue era I weak See eoatiaaad at nrmmt LlweTW.taeanaaTeeTtaeSinaAtmu. ehaneat atffl. howw mr. BUDate waewera Wn i.ninn i ll. Wlabaaek tee.

at SSa. aai np Ca aat SSa am emM fct MX folk or made 31bL par baahaL Oar adrieai tram 2Tev Terk thai week atffl ertase aa aowart tmiej; aad seat of the eruen watt had Im mmit wj a i ii. in pamT mea waat af stock, and peruj taea the Unite Mag too tack eon, ciear we caaaot Bare aa assaai ef an atId haTe maA welftu bath with oejer aadaaOer arejaai. At tae kvieet datiTerlai at waeat Ireai the irowara w. wn i t.i ajtrhOT rtdaeed prisu were eeeptd.

r. ta rtalitr, taUag the una aeeeeat, tae trade caaaot be eaOed aay cheaper tbaa oa tbk da, t. a fair I aaa I aae daaa. fcitMk ted weeMtat SSa. par teener.

i wscbw M. per qaarter SSK re ntCB Vac lMld wiU and, trtmmmm. I. rataor mote aaenaea taaa aitberte troa ewtac ta the ttmm rssdy BUeUoureitTeme)Utloojo kit week. 7 flour are aalcable at SSa.

sad; poeithtT. for imBliliitexva.ereaaliaoceaiiatbe obtained. naMtmMwtOf3tL)dmlaf mwmtttUtmaaU. ltaltiaslwkrtBxbaai n. 1,1.

fasted at the adraaea, Matt neuaa; prkse aiacooHibciiac twcwvwUMlccM SSlp TllClnTlrflllmiliii i 1 1 pestle pet, tbe datty adTaaetaf prlece at potatoes Boat aeoMarOj caeca aaora aiuiilu ta i mUtlprtawttWaU laM oata. wucaaiwewerafalrlraapiUaliada 'r r'tnint xii rtfartal Uc faS tmima cl Ul. ri i v.u H. whieh ru.M 2 vQUadj Stcq. win aaortir.

la oar optalea. be readOj mid. labooi.tbclttlicr 0. tobcr: Wacat. batiar.

lSJ; oat. T4 pna, at varten. WltBXACH, ItmiiT, Oca. IT. Wa bare ruber a ibort aosalr ot iWi inA mrtiriL free tale.

UabUajuaterlaetweek't price, whit cata taadbcaat ae laur lecmat ralee. Wleat, eU. SOajte dltta, aee. Ca, te 84a, extra. CJa.

per Beast, tla te tea ditta, eld. 4ta te Uk. pcrrtarMc. 01 ta Id. to la Sd, per atoae to the ajrewers.

LirXRPOOL, Oct. 21. 1 E2Wo' 1 MTieetcai.41 II i I 1 1 1 tta. LixW aad Henfe Waetn. IM ten XU earcecre (Valoa BaUvar aae In, Wt UMbyxVaton.

1 a piiMrklad flee aad CkAcCompaa. Jui PadSe tkeam SarltattoaCompaBT. hv. ai ta u. mYM lwm ltiim i SortbJCdkad.

SaJreaTlSI jta. li Ua lad wefnaBotat. tu. MoaCoenenr.lU.i Sgjy gtTT' e1 'Wur. thcurt prloae are laareiiiiri'taiadaOWbalea.

MASCUJUTJUt, Oct, 21. add. auwar aad CanaL i 1S dla Wc KiAtai fiatcTi ill lhi ST iff seaatMiBrSBia? lift Aaar ttaait ord, aiioVSiruaafbain, uneaeatfe, Bew. Orcu Orascbr uid Btt OnLuUrt. aad rnatoa, pa Maa hmai and LXSDS.

Oct. 20. iffi5eKJ2C'I5Si" fHla7ebeB tatodmic tmecat it rca. aad sZ ltTd JTV? pna. Terk aad Tlaeiaa ef Oct.

ia. a aaoksa4ArrIUa.S9ae aUdne. xSSJlmi ATTa TiKil! arsat toatBamptoa. lta tL Xcnk Brttich. acVVmri.

carta! cwoeera aad Dorer, aew atU aa. Sd. C4oale Baaktat OomvaniyrSa, Baak. Ua Utloaaial ot BoataatCgXtr Tie tWrnarlat l.J bl 0 a lZal toAI. rw inucaw la vae otaer dermic r'wi leataaeoBia 'vl.

OajadoaatB .1" Jta, i i cm. mr.vt cacsawaadHcerbaad' Mcraers Tuailalk aeil Baelctmca Da. a paren. Spar P. do.

Do. ITeet aacalaniBctlre act Uacctaaatre rawcra Caioa avtaacaca4 Sflcctic) Pa.labana a Jdtabarrlirylll, tdtakarr aad tt Cxcur.TcoTQ.a Difitta'ai eaarew. aUbnafBoek. aadl De. Xew Pe.aharet tt peretat cIi7l)Sar.

eraw Bomoers Wassrs 0 rml Honk of 1 a Kew Do. Hmm Da. Hem 1 wreat Wcctara m. St Niaret Birilaadtere Btctrce Ipjwieh aad Barr Bt, 1 teBrt Da. da, tad Kerwleb aeyectcraadOertttle new LIwpi.

.1 Lcadoaaad BJaekwad Do. rteaalca irtBMoausBncaaea Leadca aad Ceerdea Po.Owulcd tpcreoBt Pfclatwraueceftliaaie VO. mua mm Da. Bow aim a. J.

Do. ie Bharej It aad SL LadcuaBda.WejaarB go. HnOoaeold.SftSMBr Rev 'H UadooaadTerk Da Im Leedoa. eatebon, a TarrD leoxiooderry a Weratee Lruaad Lna mil i MtAebeeter tad Leads m. Da.

Pe.rtftae Da. So. tUI mTmtt mm Maochatar sWaaawtos Do. Ham Dfc Bratoclaca DerVrl lot Do. Sorts Bhtata, RorMk Do.

rrtwnoloa tons Bntisk DOWBalTOS mm mm Do. tflbe Do. kit endue cMfacracat Do. Scrn Uccaod el I OaJj no. B.

RcV tons Oord. Wcroacter. I WdtarbaraiiacB m. fetaiMh rti.i. rreatea aad Wits Boretoaaad TFltrliea BtwScidaad tut a u.a iJ .11 IS I n4 VesaJ I oa.

1 1 ra ri I pa. da. esa I "tfc i las fsM. sex a "iff WUb. Hi.

a ttpm. ca IS. IXC Tt SS I S9 ani tan lfii WS. i. aa i Taw.

ll ll i I i' i. aa. te St iB iiz 2 tH?" i i ii 11 in. iTillaiiiniatiniliiaiJI I i. US aSsTwWlbr7e WoNwksatt Soev aad Boats teatanU BkrewaSur a Bttwtatbaai BSropcatre Catoa Boata DcTca teuaa reaters sad Pores Do.5cwMo.SSi.

taHjjl e. Jiew MO, PX.I mm SI vaaviMiKi AaaX Batteld, sail Xeath kaadLeadea rt aad Xlft easy d. Wezfers, WicS BcejtkWalce warwwao Wexford. WeacrtcceTt Taj wen aaeiag vbmb Ml WBts, liaetrtrt. aadWeyj Tort aad CarQala ion ana I Ymmw mmA WmrnH VUU e.

BiartSeoBSk Bnasb mtDHrHTRQir, OctASO. tSc. Direa Hortaen. Kk.tinA. iAv I PcvlinraSiia beaaase Baak.

gaS Rattoaal Baak. AlTiaiL kySbatSoat reana sUitwaTt, Jf. Baftadeeo Boulnfaeaad Aleas filViJJ'ViiS1 laorta lStiS; Oeewmlof team auekal.i: glTSc.d. twaeotiiraseatvwclcWiaoa. atSatd.

Xonk laairnreSalre, 1 USd. St BDL SoaU Sia aav so, SLeaaet aad Area Canal. SHocnvn Cm nw Tim. ir STsnbttg polfaw ronstsbls Harrsy, 113 was called to a small tenemsat in Pear tree court, Sborsditch, aad ia the lower room found an old woman lying dead behind the door UU nadirr, wiU Ue exception of a eloU tied i uai penoa. tanoua BSSilimsats, takLTS bad apparently boea recently colbctioa ef bitt of rap aad ttraw, which hU beenWarbei sad the place presented altogether a sickening esene of filth and wretchedness.

Tbs poor old creature was stated to be tbe widow of a baexneyoacliinin, who died firs or six Yeere einM ami 4to9 Am. oa I miTam, jeanoi aga. lOI body was terribly emaciated, at if from want. In the ptace. saltlib, some potatoes, sad apart of a loaf, all of which proriaions wart mouldy aad atiaking, and hIdrrtdeoUT bean was tUted that Ue parith oficers ofghoreditchhad lately been applied to, sad lastsskseat her a shilling, beeiaee which thi bid beeaUUndad tvr but ah.

would ivTaX worxhowi, as 7" miftii wnero ins was uaa ae so. t105' hadnoleeathan mole care uaa ot aanell. bat STTzr eceoosr. too. WlffT ll, A Vmnwm Ttf.

A 1 1, 1 etplendMachoonerjracbt tbe 8pirlttbe" w. tt'rt J'Mt soa of Lord SoaaSsEet wfcibbesiatoKiasab oa Saturday sight batTwesUea tbarkarbearraadat ajaaaa) aaawraiUltl UTBtB DVT ft TWf s4eCl gerous petition. Lady Kcenttessbsl sad two of baraSl bAadefaoneof Ueboats. Oa mtelliceoce UefialS fPTrT adsatiae tender, aO Whooler, started for Ua sjjot, to reader all Ue ssaiUnaia ws lean that the Wuidering Spirit a total aadcnSbta wra aad attest ere tsaafWs go to i Bratxix ixnjwmox haTe ea two tWMrale mmmmmUmm. 7 I "'T baTtsti bs additbo aeariiTfSaaBuTtalbw 9Si Jrs riband DisiBS: 'rM3 eravtladtaareatacaki ureal gcnisere at stadas.

tanJire Iecoi sad AtIcbob SicSitpaSra. aad iMtj Ratasread Uate a enaen et naes Ceavi Orleans aad Tttrtea unaaateaa nmaaaaa rule tad leoat OoasiS fartceadniliTii rarjcaad ItrietaTS CeeJ lieaaaal Hawe BambraaadMceae Toert and Xaasas OaaasT 13 taaa SB tSS. It 1 1. 1 mm St te. il i.

I. am, ia ll lfE I let in pa. a tt 4z IS I Idis. "lo HI mi a a aii i if lie Sill! Ullsa gill I "ie 'i a Jl I da. il Upt am.

wa 11 pav III IStpa. 0 Ut pa il 11. 1 lta. I Ida, Oi ta. i 'tg I iwa.

3 MCa ti' Stdkv III 3 as 15 ILutBOBorjoH Fara. Tbit gmi ko and eattb fair, which one of Ue larraat in LecewsUi commenced oa TuesdaT. and will continue sightdsya fair much celebrated for itt gnat tupplT of esBSP bortea, oolta, and buntars, and a lsrrs atrmbtt brders sad dealers wars sttrseted. riege bones were in good roqaasL sad were bcogM tfg London horss dealers aad job nisstsrs, st pjcesriapj from to 45 guintM walbehsptd youag bcw to double barasas, fetched 0 sad giunstn sad matched pairs of grays aad bays sold for J'JZ rises the Colts, rinbrctoa, msds trtss guineas. There was aa sxoaedinglJ ass sisw amtsrs, which aoid a prioss ranging wawjL guineas aaea, aad btssot ofgood pexfigrsssad eaylS hunting beary countries ebsdlriwMtoMga'S sustasts was llTafy grass attetr oeaca TrT Ci X2t.abead, storsbuOoeks from lblKskM wktoe.

ezea mot prices of Ml sad aai irylas; sold as IdSlSguiasMsaeb.Bhatssaw head acock lambs otdEi ra, a bead good twos, UIt.JiSirw ajbsl Jcevtoikvaead. TbSr st fewtA SBseatdwitk else sad and wnrl for oaJrytog gooa; ket iaict.ani.xtjo. artradsiUtpcrt eflaWpoot btSiSSi a to ilmaataT ef wood goods, the JkiV voau Dazrats aosr. esuaaainsaBrouaBo. rj av srioJi 7.

cZTTTV l. rVaaa tbt eswv Staiea of HecU JLtatsltsv SMtapaaMttkttM tfi.

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