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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 6

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

vy f55 vvv 'X fV 6 THE TIMES, SATURDAY, jDECEMBEfi iU, 3I8M. tb iim I wat t. ancaJMlhabawaw I tiaheat hafcpaot a mm, I BOM Mm wsari learac, "fn.J a rwsrrtlained that rWS Dm CXjuUMtCAa Bret tekea flL hoar after ttkfauhb at the mom tha et thirst. ta hb throw. I aeked tend be said "Oh.

all then i ii ill ill toy attention to tatfctoifadrod. "1 CLKTSklm. lotioxly. H7fanM that it vm jguifcri Hale copuM reMeVth. tenOT, a found them ill UboartB; under JJaaymptotBR.

ftepulotd of Ik ihtm.Tlt. Bo. sl. iawti few dlankok. but that TO not lb ens with snefibem.

iBjeusdoaltythallhey had all partaken fth mim food. I fclt wiibfbdihelthadienpfo. by teen man torn ana ween cceaddcrtng all lb trvpUBt of tbt ax, I thought than at about I o'clock, tad ptodaced theto th two pockagw and th two books. 1 never prodoeed a third pack. age, aor did I trcr hav one.

I shewed Ml. bran tb broken bottle with a math of tit lUuld uletU tolkct, la a iambic? which 1 got at tbt public house, Mr I wrok n. 1 Mac nun Mtor tot canon to lb Monday following. WhO ba wu In my custoJy I never had aay eonvcraetlon with him aboat tba butlneas. Inow rodstbctckares.

(Produced. They wen sealed bctce to corona, when tney wera uu Droacu apes ana cx. Templs. tha alteration at rev boat la tba Poly." gon. Tidtbrtat tha tuneaooa of atr.

Udertcav rege, Bor Tana did I nek tha alteratloa. How many yean ag bit tine ron vera or errand bar? I wsa toot asntadct. nam your rrrandVloy. Who got yoa lata tba workhouse of at. Uetrge UaooTcT aqout CtfAiaxtAX.

Yoa need not answer thai question. Tba paper do produced ta la my handwriting It wu written by ma In tba station house. Tbb other paper caa aentln to me by you, bat I Md not read it. Do you know that rcnUemaa laoiaiiDc to one who ait before him) Crow examined br Ml. BodiiMv I am a conaraMe.

Chaibmax. Ur. rut. If too pat a collateral qaeitlos. aa caammed tba other dar.

ta another caae, and waa aa and ret an anaver yoa don't like, cannot alio Too ta call beam theaaa 1 am now. 1 aaa alcr node of aspenalon. sp Irnhwlmeawa. I avor la tha other court yeaterday that UefendaaL Ob, I am not men a nortfeaiyoa may tale that I did not know what for. Tba allered reaaon baa ncrer ma to be.

Laughter.) been alated ta ma hy I bad been auapaaded. 1 had beard Mr. PacaDCBoaJT Ob, araao Dorlce. mat it tn ia conarqaeaeaoi my nafioa pean mnmcaua. i uocboiol stop, oir, uaa jour tmca, Miau knew vbara to fro to fc lha pclaanei from a letter that cam hate mine.

(Ioughirr Ta the aitneta How your tat my banda. 1 left tnat letter ita aire. Anarr, iui wiia (ureal After 1 1 rr v. iw Vul fin mtple. I avQr4 the ben remeaiea I kae of to combat thoat lymptoma.

A the dcecaaed aa aa aid man, the irmptoma voold not appear The tnflammallQB of tha atoroch ould not occur to aooo. It depend ca whether the anealc maoUtknccaobatanca. If tha aratBk had been tntrodaced lata tba ayatam, 1 am of opinion that an maa ooU not ran or reeprer tha efleeta of It. on waa caOed la aa tba Monday, and an tha Tueaday MbBodledied. I belWra that hla death waa produced by k.i i.v (Mo Mm wnirli on the moralae of 8atordar.

The body waa dimmed after death by myeejf, Mr. bolly, examined lu We found the ttomacb lanamed, aa the right aide la particular, but not to any ery peat extent. That aide ndM rrrr Jlffumt aracaranca from tha left. There, wera no erldent marka tn thaatooach that tba dc ccaacd came to bb death by takmf ararnlc. I would not wear from the appearance of the atomach alone that ha bad taken ararnlc We found Inrlammailonof tha Inteatlnal canal, mora particularly at tha commenceaient.

There wal ilao InnammatloDof the faucra, and the back part of the throat, and thie extended doan Se tube to lb atomach. A (Teat quantity of mucua corertd thla part, eapecUlly the faucet. That aaiiated fcrminf my opinion. Ifhaatlnedfroai the uaittpoodtotaprearancea of tha tancea. the atomach, and the linrnp' canaL that aome britam bad been taken Into tba atomach.

Araenle doea noCalwayi produca the earn effect. Scenettaoa It doea not produce InHammatWw, but treneraUy it doe. I hare aeen two eaeee wheretbelirinf membrane of the atomach had been destroyed patchea, by corroaion. We ioundaTeatquantUyofarramaatbabrala: but I bare area ulH aa much ia other caae without lu producing marked tikiimm 4nrtnr Utk. Fnea theaa appearancn I could Dot take uooa tureen, from the aoaf oiorfra.

examinuion alone, to aay that be died from poleoai but from what I aaw la attend. In; nmvi ncnerta tnai tne rcunarj cuuw i inta tn tenach. and that that nwoU. and that had euk under It. and died, lie ma iv nr dlnrtiom.

and took, aa I heard, a pint of al instead of hla medkine. I reeeJTtd aome cofTee around 1.. uvl vs them ta Mi. Faradar. a practical chymiat.1 did not analyse it myself.

I receired a bottle which i.l.ft4 iK mitaita tt the atnmafti of aom one. which I Kt to Mr. Faraday. I Inquired the next snornln; for bottle that bad contained the coflra. 1 had it brought to me, and It waa then three parte full of fresh coffee, which 1 turned (TadaallyouL I found adhering to tha bottom of the Vwil.

at erJFr. of about an eichth of an inch in thlcknee.ThU waa evidently old coffee and of a different colour from that which I bad turned out. There waa about a large ttacpoomfu, which 1 gate to Mr. Marsh. Morris, the coo.

aubWpraduced to tn aome little package. That was between 11 and half past 11 o'clock on Thursday morning. I opened them. They were two small whit paper parcels. 1 acBrrc on of them w' about half an ounce, and the other about half that quantity.

Tha rim appeared to have been noopened i tha other waa wrapped up In the earn llard paper, but soma bad eridcotly been taken from It. I wu (nuVtna Ann th Baser, and th war la which they bad been wrapped up, that they originally each contained the quinthr. A bottle containing a similar whit powder wa aWftttfought totna. Cross examined by Mr. Clabksow.

I can't lay whether the eonataale mlgnt nave got oruna ana sputea kwc mi of It, or whether be had been drunk and broken ibe bottle. Tfcmiifem1rhhH come out of the bottle If It had been mlxad with the coffee, withvat learlng any part of It on the crust at tba bottom tnai la, it naancen puccaai we top of th coffee that la certainly possible. TV. RnrttM enmhmled the bat wimeu aa to the irmptoms, and said, that Tiewttur all th facu together, waa of opinion that be had died from taking something deleterious Into Dr. Solly corroborated theeridene giren a to th lymp toma.

mow appearaacea coum vaij dtvu rmuwa th tntraductlan of BornetBin deleterious Into the stomach. Could only speak of th caaae of death by adding to th knowledge or that tact tn Knowledge uu ympan iuco had preceded It. Croas examlned by Mr. CtAtisox. Th amallest dose of arsenic on record that would cause death fire grains but from tba effects that be bad aeen, he bettered that a smaller dose might be ratal.

Dr. ChTistlsaon etated that the aoantitr be had referred to was four grains and a half, which had destroyed a child of etc yean old. Dr. Boater, surgeon, of Woolwich, spok to th appear. anorof tn body alter death.

Agreea in tne opinion tnai oa been expressed by the other medical gentlemen. lie could not form a judgment aa to what that irritating substance was. Air. Marah, a chymlat of Woolwich, who is also asslst nr to Sir. Fsradsr.

stated that ha analrsed the coffee grounds and the coffee found that they contained arenlc lie HA not find un la tne crust that had been taken from the bottom oftbecofle bottle. There wer about fire ounces of the laid. CroM exhnrfnrd by Mr. Bodxi. lie bclicred that th Infailon onlr eontaiaed from tour six graina.

Th krttle mntained 7 auarta. or Jfii ounce. Tba quantity of arsenic, required to impregnate VA ounces to the same extent would be 36 grains, lie bad Impregnated terra quart of water with half a grain to an ounce of fluid, ana tne appearsaee tne irn uoc tctj iw uu sister, where I took him. I bad a little rum ther. It wu rery little of a glaaa.

I did not pay for the rum, nor did 1 propoa that It should be sent for. At the Croat Key wa had a glias of al a piere, and a glass of brandy and water between us. Tbla wu before dinner. I eaixneu tn prisoner at to tnw ivcjh a uiu sou turned him shout, and turned out hit pockets ss much as I thought necessary. I ncrer told the prisoner what I had taken him into custody for.

We remained at the Feathers for aome time be for we went before the Coroner. He told me belie we went in what 1 should find in his box. I now recollect that it ws after we had been before the Coroner. As we came from Plumttead we called in at tba Mortar and bad a glass of peppermint. I waa asked to drink out of some bait I put my lip to It, but did not drink any.

That I swear. I went Into three public houses after I had got pos session of th packages, and stayed arrea hour at one of them. I drank some ale there ana nothing use. i nsa a glass of ale there ia the morning with aome ginger in It, because I bad a pain in my atomach. I showed the arsenic in the Mortar to Mr.

Osborne, who pot bb finger into It. I did not awear before the Coroner that bad not Deen to the Jlor tar that night. I never had a third parcel in paper. Ke exatnlned by Mr. Apoiruia.

I only opened the largest parcel, and I wesr thst the parcel 1 now produce sre the time thst 1 found in the priwoet't box. Msry Iligglns. I lived serrsnt In November last to Mr. John Ilodle, the prisoner's father. I remember Saturday, the 3d of November.

I got up on that morning before 6 o'clock. I went to bed at about 10 o'clock on the night before. I left a email fire In the kitchen. When I got up 1 found the prisoner in the kitchen. A fire bsd been He I wu In the habit of lighting the fare.

I am generally up first, but aometimei Mr.Bodle, the prisonet's father, la. The prisoner was sitting before the fire, I said Hollos," snd he said What did from the Marion of tha coffee, so that he wu obliged to apeak with great latitude. Ma had very seldom made aucn experiments, and had never before made an experiment to detect arsriic. He thought that if there had been any arsenic in the crust from tba coffee bottle be must have found it. Thought that If there bad been arsenic put lato the bottle with the coffe it might be poured out without leaving any arsmic in the crust of tie coffee bottle.

Witness would rely on no teat but that of reproduction. The witness then ifj rhst he had tried that teat, and described the process which be had followed. Th quantity of acrapings from th kettle wu about aa ounce. Jikmh dnxvrd that he wu a eh vmlst at Woolwich. where be carried on a retail trade.

Recollected the 2d of No. vctober. The prisoner came to his shop on the Thursday or Friday previouy.alaoe. He uked me for a little arsenic. He said be wikhed to hsve altule more, for the purpose of poison, ing some He had been there some da) a pretioiuly.

and had thro rwmght tome arsenic lor tne same purpose. A person nanxd sttt, the srhonlinstur of the honl wu with him, and witnessed the whole trsasact'on. I sold him, near I could guest, about ounce. did not on either orraslon state how much be wanted. Witness wrapped it up In paper, on which wu stencilled tlie word Morris, the constable, showed me aom paper of arsenic on the 7th that was about 8 o'clock in the evening.

He brought them to witness's bouse. They appeared to the tint paper that witness had told to the prisoner. On appeared similar to when wimeu hsd sold it, but the other teemed to have had aome taken out of it. There were 30 gralni in the smallest parcel. There are 480 grain to aa ounce, avoirdapob weight.

Morris brought me two bottle on of them wu broken, and had nothing In It but a little round the bottom, which he fraud, by experiment. contained solution of araenle. There wu also a tumbler containing aom arsenic ia eolation. Cross examined. I did not state before the coroner that the amallest parcel contained about 40 grains.

That mistake wu made, but not by witness. Could not positively ssy which parcel wu ibelaat sold, but Its appearance made him beHeve that the largest mm th bat which the prisoner bought. Wirntu had known tht prisoner for about 13 years. At that tim witness wu at school with him. Prisoner knew that witness knew him.

A roan who wu known would be more likely to get served with poison from those who knew him than from strangers. Did not know Watts. Morris wu rather fresh when be cam to witness. Found a paper of ar. aenic lyiar on th counter oa th next morning after be wu there.

Witness found that parcel near to where Morris had been sitting. Witness opened the paper, uw that it contained something white, but not wishing to attend to it then be threw it law the fire Did not think that it had been left by Mania, and did not know that he had had aay there. Th paper wu sensed up. I beard on about the 19th uk. that the prisoner had said that he had a third parcel of araenle.

Mr. Colqubosn had told him of It, and he then Immediately recollected that bad thrown away eaactly tuch a paper aa had been described by him. BclicvcdTost Watts waa master of th National bchooL namtnfd, He asked for two pennyworth. Had had no acquaintance with th prisoner since ha left school. Mr.

ABOLT HCS said that the widow of tha deceased, he had bwea lnfonned, wm exceedingly ill; be would therefore call bet, with psTTnrartnri of th Court, la order that she might go home. Mr. Butler stated that aba wu very IB, and also had great htfrndne. Mr. Clajjcbo said that be had no wish to cross examine bar.

and aha waa allowed to go bom. A ccarreraarion then occurred between th counsel and the learned Jadg ralatir ta tba right of tha defendant's counsel to call witnesses that Wer on lb back of tha bill, when the counsel far th peoaacutloti declined calling them. The learned Judg ltd the court to consult Mr. Baron Vaughan, who wu ia the other court. Oa hb return, a long conrerts Oon aaokplac batweea himself aad the counsel an both aides, and ww aoderstood (but not a word could heard) that It wu tatended rtamint jofio uoau.

Jama Morris deposed that ha wu a constable of Woolwich, aad appMbcadad th aeiaooci at No. S3, St. John. a London. Ta witneaa want oa to aay, I told him wanted him.

aaid You cannot want me, must my beothat Goats yoa I aaid, Yon an the I want, aad I arrest you la th King's name." I did BotaaflalsiwhatlwBaiaablmfor. I look him in a cabriolet te tba Croat Key, Oraceehurcli atrsct, where I seatbtd him, tad fouad some etlvar money aad tha key of a box. We then went la an omnibus to Woolwich. Itookbhnbo. rathaaiarrttha Feathers at Plumataad.

While or (bang a th pwaaega, th pdaorM told in that I should aadtwa Mckagesanda ottWtahb trunk at hb fathcr'a. AiW tha raqaat hwvrivntnu mr charge at 6 o'clock. I took him tomy mute Woolwich. Onthanextday Iwent to adfathrtaoaaMwata aad 10 o'clock. I aaarebadbbboB.

I openad it with tba key that I took from htm. I found a ahbl that contained aboat aa hxh aad a quarter of a liquid. I aba found two ackagaa. On appeared to hav had aome wHcfthswwaabconabMdtata out of It. I also bad a boob whleh tba aaotaar gv ma, aaying that it cceittlned uMc.

I pmt th bottle baa a pocket whew I had my haarliafTi I bmk cm of tba bottbe ta torpmg to tbtay raws I kz. Batlar at Mr. J. BodVa boaaa, aad ahowai ahaiayfrafa. 1 waa ahUrad fa aa lata tba Ltoa to tab abate from thsreia, when I atoppad aaraa tbaa, a It at nau at vf, taqr" you get up so soon forr 1 uked hst It It ocJoca, then II told that wu 6 o'clock.

He tald thst be hod been chopping aome wood, and that a piece had flown up and scratched hla eye. Neither hb father nor hb mother wer up then. I filled th kettle, and opened the shutters, and went about mr work. He continued silting In the kitchen. I think he wu there for about half an hour.

He asked me if If it wu dsyliebt, snd 1 told htm thst tt wu not. Shortly afterwards 1 heard him go Into the store room and get the milk can. He went then for the milk, and relumed about 8 o'clock, lie went out again, and returned st the dinner hour, 3 o'clock, and dined with Mrs. Bodb's nephew, Mr. J.

Bodlr. the father. I remember Mrs. Bodle snd the prisoner being in the kitchen at about 3 o'clock on that day. He said to bis mother that he would not mind poisoning any one thst he did not like.

11 is mother said that It wu light talking The Dritoner said. Onlr give me the stuff snd you will see." bhe said that the aould not risk her own soul Into danger for any one. Mr. Bodle cam bom at about 6 o'clock. lie came Into the kitchen, un a prevuui aay in u.ti wees, I had beard them talking together In the kitchen.

1 was st work there. It wu between dialer and breakfast. Mrs. Rodle ssiJ to the wrlsoner thst she wbbed Mr. Bodle dead she meant her huthand.

The prisoner said that he wished his grandfather wu dead. Mrs. Bodb said, What for He replied that he should then have a hundred or a thousand, I cannot recollect which, a year. She uld, Lord John, bow can you talk sol" He said that he should like his father to die on one dsy, and bis grandfather the next I said, One should die on one week, and the other on the next' He said AU that would do." I have been kept in the poor.bouM since the Inquest. I roM exstnlncd.

1 never knew the prisoner to have got up so early before. The prisoner seldom rot before he break Cut wu ready but be had got up earlier on the few nrctiout mornings to fetch the milk. On the Monday prrctdlng I do not know whether I or the prisoner wu up hrtt. I do not recollect who wu up first on any other morning In that week. He went for the milk before 7 o'clock on the ctaiurdsy morning.

1 never knew of the prisoner hsring nude a complaint of my conduct. He had no reason to do so. I once msde him sn apple pie bed. It wu not the next day but one after 1 came into the bouse. It wu about four days after I had been in the bouse.

Never went Into his room in the morning before he came out. He never eom plained of my not doing so. I did not think much of the conversation I have mentioned when I beard It spoke. I recollect master calling htm about 6 o'clock, and aaid that hb father's fsmllr were all poisoned. Did not think anything when I beard the news about the previous conversstion between the prisoner and my mistress.

I ssid nothing about it till the day after old Sir. Bodb died. My master csllcd me early on the Wednesdsy morning st about i o'clock. I rot up, and aaw him in the kitchen. He uid that both Parker and Sophia were against John because he bsd filled the kettle on the Saturday morning.

He did not uy that he was going to the magiatrstes, but that be wu going to Woolwich. 1 told him what I had heard pus in th week, and he uid that pcrhapa 1 might be wanted before the magbtraie. I never told Bodle, the father, that th prisoner uid that he had done for one party would do for another, and that he wu quite satisfied with whst he had done. Th father did not uk me if tbe mothet end th prisoner quarrelled. I did not tj that It arose la consequent of the prisoner simmering something over the fire.

Had not beard any one that aha had said any of those thing. Msster, ia the coroner's room, called me something like a bar and a witch. I did not uy, How can you tell such lies He said that he had never said anything to me about the magistrates. I ssid, Why dors he tell such lies He had been Uing a good mtny lift before this. Mr.

Walsh submitted that what Bodle said wu not evidence. Mr. Claiksok would not preu it. Re cxsmined by Mr. Walsu There bu never been sny gruCge or quarrel with the prisoner The conversation I poke to wss carried on in joke.

I wu some time before the coroner, and wu confronted with Mr. and Mrs. Bodlr, and permuted throughout In the truth of my eutement. Mr. ADOLfHCt.

Thst is the esse for the prosecution. Mr. Clabxsox. Now there are six witnesses on the back of the bill, neither of whom bu been called. Mr ADOLmis.

You mar examine all except the Bodies. The Court then adjourned at 9 o'clock till half put 8 to morrow (thb) morning. riiAiauiv. i ou need not anawer that. There were duplicate in your pucsessisn when you wu taken up, a bote property wu it? 1 UAiaMAk.

Don't answer thst. Defendant (stamping h' foot and vocMerstior). Wat It your stater property Ch AiauAX. eu need not sniwtr that. I do cot get my living wlh Turner, but I go with him when I like.

I wu Intrusted to psr some moner to Mr. Tsjtor on your account, but I did noi do it at the time because be did not come foe it. Do you know Mr. Capper es. I uk you, Mr bit I indeed, to a person suing a pauper' I uk you did not Mr.

Capper come to my house to demand money for goods hich you hsd 1 procured a quant ty of lea, st Mrs. Piti't request, from Mr. Capper; It was not paid lor, and you only allowed me h'f cron a a ctk to keep mc while yi were at the ulygon. or course I could not psr for It. Did rwu not dispose of some property soon sftrr yoa ere married Iiiaibmax.

i ou need not answer tear. Defendant. Very well, he shall not escape my comments. Cuaibmav. How can tt bear sn lb cat Defendant.

Because be charged with etnbctilement, and I wlb to show how he hu offended sgaintt the bwt of thb realm. Craiimax O. no, no. Re examined by Mr. Prewdeiosst I made the alteration In I he notice, but Mr.

Pitt altered the affidavit. fc amurl Kvans, inipector of the 8 division of poli stationed st Somcrt town, proved the Imprisonment of Martin at the Instance of Pitt. While he wu confined a young woman came from Mr. Pitt with a candle, a pslrof ink, and paper, for Martin to know if be wlthed to communicate annhlne to "Mr. Pitt.

He delivered the paper bark un touched, andrcfused to write anything. Mr. Rtwlinson discharged Martin, remarking that It wu a very serious ca.e,and that Mr. Pitt wu liable to an action for false Imprisonment. r.

Pitt hat a relation la tha police. Croas examlned by th de endant. Yoa have a son who a sergeant of police, but not In mr divbion. i ou never communicated with me until thb affair. Algernon health, police constable 23, and Jeremiah Bankea, a man who wu confined in the at th same time on a charge of Intoxication, corroborated the state, menu of the Ustwltncu and the prosecutor.

The defendant. In a rambling and violent ipeech, addressed the Court snd Jury npwsrds of an hour. II set out with uytng that, notwithstanding the feerned counsel for the prosecution hid claused him with Benbow, his character for honour snd integrity wu unblemished and though be had tpent 17 yrart of hb life, niid 30,000. too. In the pursuit of justice, he had ncrer mixed himself up in politics, and so convince I were those to who he had appealed of lib honourable character that hb rase had been recommended to tl Board of Treuiiry He wu person of the same cut with Benbow Michael Thompson, a policeman, hsd been indicted with him, in consequence of which he waited upon Colonel Rowan and represented the bad economy which did not provide tbe means ot delenre lor police orhcers.

ir it eta not appear use rgotim, he would let the Court know that Mr.Alley wu en gaged to defend the policemsn st his expense, and tney mutt be aware that hit purv wss not very heavy, or hit son would not hsve been driven to tike a situstlon la the police. He lice mint be proved to tuttiln the Indictment, and tbat he ought to have beei proceeded against by civil action. He ii proceeding to attack Messrs. Kldcrton, the solicitors, when The Chair max told him he should not allow him to con vert the court into an arena for abusing person! who were not present or permitted to defend themselves. The defendant, after on In the tame strain sgsln, sud wsa sgain called to order.

Mr M'William (a magistrate) requested the defendant would not bawl suloud. Laughter. He resumed, and was proceeding lo uy that he should certainly have followed up the charge he made, but for the regard he entctslned for the prosecutor's sister, whom he had p'otreud both when a wife and a widow. The ouct reminded him thst his cam wat very short he had only to sntwrr the charge of Imprisoning the prosecutor. He replied that he admitted having given blm Into custody described, but he would not have don so had it not been for certain discoveries he made respecting his conduct.

11 called John Tavlor. who ttated thst he went to receive 4j. from the prosecutor Martin said he had used It, but would psy blm when be came again, and requested nothing might uld to hit muter. Wimeu received tbe money by thre Inttalmrnts. Sir.

PlEKDEiGAlT reminded the Court that ibe wltnefi ha 4 been present, contrary to the defendant' own rule. The delendant declared ne aid not know it. TheCuAiKKAX Why, you must bsv known It, for you called on me witoeu to look Dim. roe BAikMAX having tummea up, The Jury, without hesitation, found tha defendant Cuiilu, TbeCrtAllMAX reqoested the slater of the prosecutor, wu any pretence for wring that Martin had plaJged her goods siinsut ner consent Wlraets. None whttever.

The CliAlkHAV. In pasting sentence, uld the Court could not but feci tbat the defendant had availed himself of some false pretence to shut up the young man, Martin, la prison, for the purpose of obtaining something to suit his ohiect in another cae. He had also greatly aggravated his offence by calling him a pauper in the rneerlag way ke had done, proving the kind of spirit in which be procured hb Imprisonment. The Court felt, therefore, that lttlce would not be done without some retaliation. He wu then sentenced to ba Imprisoned In the House of Correction for one werk, to pay a hne of 10 and to be detained until paid, with liberty to apeak to the rotecntor.

wu then removed in the custody of Summervh, the turnkey. la conarqaene of bb baring nod a cUaeavvcrycaaacxounL book kept by th priaoner, then found that had bora talaing money from hint under ISsTa pretence. Mr.Crokrr thoa proeeeoca ta aeacno wua mil imima tn tact caaacctea with lb discovery of th prlaonct'a dishonest practice. Ha aaid that when he first bad root a to aatpeet th prisoner, tent for blecand also for Mr. Turner, and having aoestloned thb latter person relative lo wbaher he (Mr.

Croker) owed him any money, answered ia th affirmative. The priaoner. In reply to th mterrefa' oriet put to him, declared that be had paid over the money given to him by Mr. Croker to th tradcanua. but he subsequently eon fesecd that he had converted th money to hla own use.

Mr. Croker procrcde I to state, that he bad also paid the art saner Ibe sum of It 13 that person having furnished him with a bill for meal to that anxtavt, when, in fact, th sum due for tba articb wu only 13a, Instead of th above amount. Mr. Turner, the comdealeT, proved that Mr. Croker wu Indebted to him a sum of U.

which sum, It will be recollected. Croker had lntrpated to the prisoner to pay over to witness. Mr. Ursvrt, a mealman, alao proved that there wu only 13. da to him by Mr.

Croker, who, tn hb evidence, bad proved thst the prisoner had mad aa overcbag of upwards of XL In the MIL Tbe pr oner here Interrogated tha two last witnesses, and hbqurstious were of such a nature to draw forth from the Chairman an bscrraiIon that be wu involving himself another charge of a conspiracy to cheat hit late master. TheCHAtBXAX then uked the prisoner If wu dest rous of making any ttatement to the Court. He had, la fact, already made a coufcttlon of his guilt. Prisoner. I lived 4 yean and 10 month with Mr.

Croker, and I hop that will have some influence with thejury.lf they find mc a uiltr. Mr wife died the day before I wu taken Into custody on thb charge, and family misfortunes made me do that foe which I now Hand here. The Jure returned a verdict of Guilt. The Chaibma uked Mr. Croker whether be had reason to inspect thst tbe priaoner hsd been carrying on a system of plundering him for any length ol time 3lt.

ureter said inst wu not awsre wnetner it wu so or aay. and pork 17 day, without Wawg aJabnai, they war fosad to unfit ta eaten, aad wen thro a away. aakmirud a roarrimaa not Hahb for a Iowa acawriag bt thb way. Th hostlers cooked th pork, bat It wa loo bad fo becalm, aad be gave them torn beer toftca their dlasp. autntmcBL Th whisky wu aaf at Newbury, and woaldba lettered.

In answer questions from Mr. Alderman Btmcat, cam. plainactaaid be wu not drunk, and zwphod for bb hsggag next day. After Mr. angle had mad sonehcTvail, Mr.

Aldcrtnaa Biaaa wu aboat to order tba coachman to Si li but the latter obtained aa adjacaamcat of ta beat. for ten days, ta rroduc torn whawsae. MABLBOBocaa street. The effort of tb tr.hablltms of several parish st this end of the lowa to extermiaat th bouse ot i3 wbUh have racoallT been rwiabCahod ta re aped abb neighbourhood not yet relaxed, aa number of bouse of tbt description sr still beast by lantern aad placardplacard bearers, but th offensive operations ar not accompanied with that species of irregularity ad disturbance wkka marked th first adoption of thla (Legal system of ejectment. In some of the streets when laaicrn beareT have been placed, severs of tbe bouse hold era tn the neighbourhood have taken upon themselves th offk of protecting tbe lantern men from attack, and thus in tome mcaaur have prevented aeeatbea of th pcaca from orrurnng.

The parochial authorities of t. Jamet'e have disclaimed all participation tn the peoeeedinia their district, bat feeling thai the effort of the reiDertabb taaabiianu wer directed to a good object, they yesterday adopted prompt and legal mean to remove a nulraac of the description complained of, ahkh had been established In Kine ttrret. Golden 1 autre. In. brmstioa of the nuisance having born regularly made to th proper parish autborides by two housekeepers, a warrant wu applied foe to apprehend several Individual whoa name were not knon, but whoa person wen well known.

Messrs. Dyer and Conant Immedlaiery sisrnded to th ppbcation, aad th warrant waa mad out and placed in to band of two officers thb establishment, who within half aa bom puee a lour person st tn bar. k.vtdenc wu then tendered igafast alary llara and not, and added that had It not been for tbe ctrcumatinc of I Sunn Green, the keeper of disorder! boose. No. 31, 535.

Ir. ta i tH aaaaad aa vrrSSS fat we sj euadalbad lttalUattokabar7 data. "wm tcigaoourcoaa inMaMWMWiaabahbofi gnater attention uwsMwuiaajMf cm) lewuon ta sooty tbaa aa her bwM etswanZu! a for to uy tt adsriag tba bsabaa ahaS loaky and wtgetahsta aba aSowwa tba wrT having found the account book kept by the rritener, the discovery of hb dishonesty would not in all probability have taken place. When the Chairman wat about to pronounce sentence on the prisoner the Utter Implored for mercy, uytng that be admitted that he did not pay the whole of the money given to him by Mr. Croker for tbat purpose, but that be never altered the bills so to make It appear that that gentleman owed more ihsn he rrally did.

rbeCiialBMAK said that he had been convicted on th clearest testimony, and the sentence of the Court wu that be should be transported for seven year. iUHREV SBISIOXS, Frtdag, De. 13. MIDDLFStX ADJOUUS'hD TAASO.VS, Dec 11 Dtfurt B.Rotc 11, Eiq and a full Bench of WapitrrUet EXTRAORDINARY PaOSlCl TIOX lot A'SAlLT AMD TALIE IMraitOXMCkT. Charles Pitt, tbe well known turveyor of tbe Adelpli, htrand, wu indicted for assaulting John Ldward and falsely causing his imprisonment under a charge of embezzlement and robbery.

Michael Thompson, a police constable, wu jointly Indicted with the other defendant on the same charge. The defendant conducted hit own cur, and stood at the solicitors' table below the dock. Mr. Premderoait, who appeared for tbe prosecution, in opening tbe case, observed that Mr. Pitt wss celebrated a cnaracier Jir.

icudow, wno naa ngurea in tnis court on tbe previous asy, having ay nit variou exhibltlona at political meetings, and In other courts, fretted himself Into public notice. 1 he delendant bad caused tbe prosecutor to be Imprisoned under very suspicious circumstances the defendant had a cause pending in tbe Court of King' Bench In which the prosecutor had given some evidence, or wat to give some, and It would appear that the charge on which the young man was imprisoned wss msde Tor the purpose of exacting some affidavit from him ehlch the defendant wan anxious to get. .11 r. alley, who appeared for Thompson, submitted that his learned friend had stated no case against him, and he wsa discharged by consent of the prosecutor snd the court. John Edmund Martin examined.

I know the defendant be reside at No. 14, Polygon, bstnert' tow n. I lived with him hb office keeper at tbe A delphl. but wu discharged hr him In June Iut, tlnce which I have resided with my titter at No. 15, tn the Polygon, next door to the defendant.

On the 30th of November the defendant gave me Into custody, charging me with embezzlement and stealing a cloak. 1 wat detained from Saturdsv night until Monday morning While In custody the defendant came lo me and said, You always knew, Edward, that I had a feeling heart, but it la not too late foe me to show von merer, if vou will slier aaraa papers In Coombs' caae alluding to one in the Court of ben prosecutor. He then produced a paper which he wished me to read, repeating that it wu not too late for mercy. I told him I did not know what he meant. lie then wished the sergeant on duty to let a man go with me loajadge'schambera totwearto the paper, but neither the sergeant nor woum consent, i wu taken to Marylcbone of.

fice. and no prosecutor appearing. 1 wu dlscharred. Th defendant requested thst all wimeises should be ordered out of court, and proceeded to cross examine the prosecutor. I uw you on the night I wu discharged, but I hare had no communication with you since.

I went to Bedford square with you, and wore to an affidavit, at your request. The defendant produced tome papers, assuring the Court that he did not wish to Introduce extraneous matter. CUAIRMAX. But you are such an extrineou gentleman we can scarcely trust you. Defendant.

I am sorry you have that Impression but I can't help it, Ch airmaX I hare had many letters from yoa they were cxirsneous enougu. Crota eiiminitlon resumed. I receired at your office a notice of taxation, but I cannot recollect th date. In the affidavit the date wat the 8th of June, but I told you at that time I wunot certain to the day. I copied th notice, and that the paper now produced.

I did aot at your request, on the morning of the 8th of Jane, make aay alteration or erasure. Edward Herrlnglon Turner wu employed by you, not mc Did you give him my breakfast In my absence lie came for money and uked for a crust of bread and butter. I wu not taken by Tamer to an attorney's office and shown the affidavit. I did not I wear It wu shown to me before Mr. Jusdc LUUedile CHslkstAX.

What your object in Introducing these with to show hb Incredibility. It net unusual for gentlemen to do ao. Chairmax. Bat it very unasual to meet with gentlemen who know how to conduct their own case according lo bw. No judge would allow yoa to go on thb way.

Defendant I know many judge, and noo of them ever Interrupted zneu you have done. Mz. Prex dbroait objected to th Introduction of ruch ex tTaaaou matter. DefendanL Iamnot to bt beaten oat of my course. A copy of th notlc wat shown to tba witneaa.

who tald tba 7th Inetcad of th 8th had bam aubetitated. It wa aJtaradbefor I left Yon aarrlea. Yoa took at 1 o'clock at Bight to awaat, nd IriAtened Into It Thaaltantloa aada baton I took; tt to tha ttkata'j offie la thf Before R. Hedcer, Etq and a full Bench of Afagu. tratct.) Fruiris Burton, a gardener, late in the service of th Right Hon.

John ilmn Croker, wss indicted for fraudulently cmbruling ihr different suras of money, amounting in the whole to 81 lfu the property of hit mister. II f. roker tat on the bench with the magistrate. hen the prlmnrr wss put to the bar sad arralmed. he adiirtt tea tne ouu, requesting that bis case might be allowed lo aland over until the following dar.

Chairmax. Upon what ground do you mak thb application The settlont are now Ur advanced, and you must hsve been pprited that your trial might have been called on before tn a. Prisoner. 1 am not prepared with evidence noo of mv friends her to dsy. Chairmax.

lour friend were Informed that your trial to have come on before this. Prisoner I wss given to understand by letter that Mr. Croker wst 111, and therefore unabb to attend, and ibu wu lb reason I did nt apprise my friend to In attendance. CnAiBMAX. iou have been misinformed upon the tub ject, for Mr.

Croker it now present. The Chairman then said that tbe Court had every disposition to grant th prisoner any Indulgence eoasbtent with its duty, but he uw no reason wby the application should be granted. The prisoner was then uked what description of witnesses be expected, snd the reply wu that they wer for the purpose of speaking as to hb previous character. Cook, the constable who apprehended the prisoner, staled that he bad called on the priaoner' friend at Moultcy, and acquainted them that hit cue wu appointed for that day. The prisoner' solicitor said, that in an Interview with tbat person some dsy ago, he (the prisoner) told him tbat hla trial wu likely to stand over to the aultee, and oa that account he made no preparations for having hb witnesses in attendance at the sessions.

Mr. Jimmitt, who conducted the proaecutlonjeaid tbat it wat quite a matter of indifference to Mr. Croker whether lb prisoner wu tried at the sessions or th assise ia point of fact, it would bare been attended with leaa trouble that gentleman If the caae had been sent to th assises, they were to be held in the vicinity of hb country residence. 1 he L.H airmax said that there appeared ao reaaon why the application should be granted, and th trial wu accord. lnglr directed to be proceeded with.

The prisoner hen pleaded "Not guilty" to th indict ment. Mr. Jemmety then proceeded to detail the facta of the case. He said that the prisoner had been in th service of r. Croker for a period ot four years and upwards, in tbe capacity of gardener, at hit mutar's establishment st kYest Moulsev.

in Surrey. wu in th habit of paying bills contracted with om of th trades men with whom the prosecutor aeau. in lb month of October bit. Mr. Croker having reason to tusnett the prisoner of dishonest practices, thoa suspicion were con.

tinned upon hi meeting a air. Turner at West 3Ioui scr, corn dealer, with whom bad dealing for that article. Mr. Croker asked that person whether awed him aavtbln. and lb reolr being la tbe affirmative.

It uaured the prosecutor of the priaancr'a guilt, for bra in lb habit of settling hit bills weekly, and gave blm tb money for that purpose. Upon Investigating the matter at Mr. Croker' residence, when the prisoner and Mr. Tamer were confronted with each other, the former at first persisted that bad paid the money (6V. 18s in three different payments, on account of oati, to Mr.

Turner; bat tb assertion having been contradicted by tbat tradesman, tb priaoner at length admitted that he had convrrtcd the nutter to hi own use, instead of liquidating the debt due by Ml. Croker, and for which purpose had received tbe moaty. Tb learned counsel aaid that thre case had bam selected agairatt th priaoner, and that th first wu hb hariag charged his master tor three sack of oats which he pretended were do to Mr. Turner, when at tbe same time ft would ba Droved that no such transaction had ever taken placoeJthoagh Mr. Croker bad paid ibe prisoner the money.

TbtDBdcaMWM that or th prisoner baring cnargwa ait, Croker for tart tacki of oats, when in point of fact only two bad been supplied and tb third was on In which th piuieBtot bad bean charged li. 13. 6t for oatmeal by th priaeact, when at th tarn tim th Ptoateuloel wu onlr tttdeneed ta tha maalman 13. tVt for that article. Mr.

Jctnmatt tald should en abled to prov tb charge to tb aartsfattton of the jarr, air. looker, oa Dong worn, stateo, that IM prisoner had i gardener, an roucK. Maxsiox iiorjiE. Johneon, who hu undergone several eximlnaiioot In the lutiice room on the chare of fbreU.g check on Meiers. Harnett and Cc, for 4K.

7, wu finally examined yesterday. Mr. Weokr attended for the prisoner, and submitted that there wu no case for a jury. The priaoner had not been identified by any on the person who bad received cash for the check all that could be said wu, thst he had beta in pos session or some ol the notes with which lb check bad been paid. Tb Lord Mayor (aid that ba could not take upon him.

self to decide In a caae which had ao raaay circumstances of utpldrn about it. The prisoner wu then committed for trUL A poor man nancd Stillwell summoned ibe officer of th Friend ln Hand Benefit Society, which held In Lirerpooi street. Tb complainant stated that he had been many years a member of the society, and was, on account of a diaeaee of th pine, placed upon the half pay hit. It struck tha society, however, thst he oucht to be struck off altoccthcr. and tber had accordingly expunged hb name, and denied him the usual benchu of tbe dub.

Tbe Lord Mayob, with whom tat Alderman Lucas, asked tbe steward wby tbe claimant bad been thought unworthy of any benefit after having contributed ao much from hb pocket to the general fund htcward. I bare been 6 years a member of the society, my Lord, and my opinion Is that tha man ought not to ba struck off. There Is not the slightest pretence for such an act.but th majority carried it all their own way. Jeremiah Jama Rae, a member of tb society, uld that the claimant had violated th rules, snd therefore must be disposed of by expulsion. Alderman LiCAS.

How did be violate the rule? Rae. hen ba declared himself sick he appeared at the club, and acted ateward. tor which he received Xi so that be ino longer belongs to us. A Merman IjUca. ou call acting aa a steward working at hb trade, I suppose Rae.

If he does anything after he declares himself tick, he is lisble to be excluded. Alderman Llcas. bo that If a man roes Into nubile and calb names out ofa book, wbtb acting steward, he deserves to be turned out of thasodety by, do you think we am patiently listen to tucjrbeartless nonsense Kae. We are willing to submit th matter to arbitration. Tbe Lord MsYOR.

It no case for arbitration; tha poor man mutt be restored at once to th benefit of tb soeieiv. of which he outht never to hav been deprived. Rae began to put coqttructiona upon tbe rules favourable to hb view of tbe case, bjt Alderman Lucas stopped him 44 Your ateward," said he, thinks ycu are acting improperly. The next thing you'll do, I luppose, is, hi aa old man, to drive him out too." Tha ateward said that the expulsion would be rescinded. The Lord Mayor.

If It boot don at once, well tend a warrant out, and compel tb society to do their duty. Several psapcrt who bad been tent lo work st tb grooad of Mr. Waddingtoo, at Sydenham, in Kent, having rstaraed to their pariah and complained of too for and treatment there, the Lord Mayor sent for th gentleman who wu to have given them employment, aad aatered upon an InvestU gatloo of tha merits of tb complaint. A number of the paupers, who hav been for a series of years living upon tba parochial funds, were in attendance, and tee cen wu aliugetner a moat extraordinary ao. One of the paupers said, Plea you, my Lord, the beer It very queer, for Mr.

Waddlngton give It ao bury a dub of Ad iro. a ale that, taring your presence, it isn't worth a tinker's Tba Lord Mayor How Is th bread? Pauper. No great shakes but it would better if there wumor of tb But, my Lord, lb place sleep ia wu aa old atanle, and there's ever so many rata about ay, and mice too. Tb Lord Mayor Bat It busy to get ridof companion toft hat kind. Pauper.

Not at aD, my Lord they won't go. They gets up into th tic ken of our beds, and tber kick up such a rumpus that non of us can sleep a wink. I'm bletasd if ever there wu sny thing like It, (Great laughter.) Another rauper. fieau you. my la, a body might aad, la been In hi atrric upward of tour ywar filling that aitaation, he wu tatraatad with Bioney toparaom tfe bllb contracted for tb eftb farm.

Mr. Tuner wa la tba habit of ftrmlahrng potion and meal fat tb farm. alee In asite of rota, but lis nt rot nothine aver us. bar. ring a bit of a rug, when we shove our kodie into bed.

(Laughter.) Pbascyou, mv I ord, tb fleu It ao hungry In country places thst they'd tear th flesh off your back. (Unit laughter But tbil a'nt all, for I'm Mowed if the ether wanrint don't make us teir urselvee, Laughter. A third Pauper. Lord, there's no wirtue at all in the flace. Oat of the boys robbed in of my loaf th first diy went.

The Lord Mayor. How do rem Ilk lb week Pauper. It'a too hard, please you, mr Lord. Yow'r ex pected to dig half a mile afore you get your wittle. Mr.

Booker, one of tbe Biahoptgat officers, tald that th persons who had just complained were tha most idle fellows In th whole parish. Their cam horn from brdenham at 4 o'clock ia the morning, half drank, with pipe in their mouths, and knocked aim up, and when refused to give them money, they threatened to go and rattle up the Lord Slave to gtr them justice. Mr. Wadduta ton produced several witnesses, who declared that tbe estsblishment wu most admirably conducted, that the food wu good and plentiful, and that the bbour wu by no means hard. On of these resident! Hated thst he had a narish within a mil and a half, which, if he pleated, (would relieve blm, out greatly preierrea tne agricultural institution or air.

Waddlngton. When asked whether there wu any truth In the asaeruona of the complainants, he declared that the whole meaning of the business wis, that they didn't Uk work. Air. Waddingtoo handed the following list or regulations lo th Lord Mayor i Food. The men who are admitted into tbb Institution are allowed the following daily radon of food coffee and bread tn the morning, one quarter ofa pound of bacon to dinner, or an equivalent tn beef or mutton, with broth, bread, and potatoes; one pint of good beer or coffee and bread at night.

The allowance of bread 21b. per dar. Labour. Each person who can labour well on land, or at sow useful trade, required to work six hour per day, and those who have not been accuttoawd to tuch labour are required to work seven hoars per day they can perform ufheitnt work tn leu time. "Additional rewards.

Persons working over time arc rewarded for th em with additional ankle of food, after the rate of twopennvworth per hour. No person It al lowed overtime who doea not perform a reasonable ponton of work In hit appointed time, and person continuing to neglect their work, or behaving Improperly, will be dismissed Location on Land. Persons of good character and of Industrious habits will ultimately presented with an opportunity of being located an land on thettyowa account, and pours the meant of becommg Independent of public chanty or parochial. The Lord Mayob, after having moat tcrupu loua inqulrie Into th narorc.aad coodqerof th Inatltution, expressed hb dedded approtattion of lb plan, and aaid that should recommend il to general adoption. Ucildhali Henry Boothrth driver of the Age Bristol coach, attended before J)a Alderman Birch yesterday to answer a charg of detaining the a passenger oa tbe 29th of October.

Th ess stated by Mr. Nangk, from Messrs. Har. merand Co. Daniel Donelly, of StaMocrt, Qxnpton atreet, etated that be came up from Bristol by th coach, and hb luggage con.

abtedofavAllbe, agooec vala 7, tied op In a tilk handkerchief worth and a basket mctalnlnr a ham. a bottle of whisky, and a desen applet, Near Newbury begot off in coacn to taa a cap ot cone. Tb landlord told htm would brc Urn to drink It, and poor It out of on saucer into another to cool, but befor could (wallow it th coach daabed off, leaving him behind. He got up to London by th mall, and Inquired at th Saracen's Head next morn, ug tor hb luggage. He could get noodinp of tt for aom days, and then hwu told that tb cnachman had broached tb botlb and cooked lb goose and th bam, bat tber wer to 81 flavoured be wu obliged to jriv th eaters thereof a gal.

loo of beer to wash them down. bad sine been told that th ham and pose, handkercheif aad all, bad been thrown oa th daaahtU, bat bU impression wu tbat th goose and tb ham had been (A laugh,) Tba defesdacd (aid be drove tha ccach from Newbury, and wu not aware what luggage th aaeaengers bad. Tb eom. plalnaBtwaumk, and when wu called to remount aaid Blood an cmnt, but 111 bar my coffe tat," Complainant No, I did notM com" that. Tbb happened at Maidenhead, and tb laadlord, who uca uupropnetan ethacoach aot being abb ta cat bJm to too toM attendant ba tout go without bin.

at tba King street, snd also sgamst Nanny, a blind man, and a female servant for tbe hke offence, at No. Kiag etrtct. Mr. Dyer said he would take th opportunity of nriag few word on the subject of tbos Illegal proreedlnga which bad btelr ocean ed at that end of tha town. Ia tb attempt at what wu termed burning tut bouse of a disorderly de scription, it wu tlwiTt very dlatretatag to see tnamdoals adopt Irregular conduct for th purpose of pairing down ao irregularity against which to law provided aa ruy remedy.

Th system lately practised wu calculated to lead to a serioua breach of th peace, aod fUt great gratification In now lending hb aasbtaac as tb pariah authorities to put down the nuisance by legal prores, Mr. CoxaXT fully agreed with bb colleague In tb Irregularity of th practice which bad prevailed. Th difficulty of procuring evident to insure a conviction against brothel keepers had driven tb Inhabitants to th adoption of illegal proeeedints In order la rid themselves of aa intolerable nuisance. Tb present appeared to be the lint for tb pariah to make an effort to root out seen of thb description of hawses. On of th parish tuthorltiet of Su Jsmes'i observed that ao complaints had been mad to tb pariah antil th riot had commenced.

Mr. Coxaxt considered that a favourabb opportunity now presented itself for the parish to adopt legal proceedings sgaintt those disorderly houses lately established tn respectable neighbourhoods. All the defendants wer then held lo bail, 34 hoars' notic having been first required. MABYLEBOXE orricc Tbomu Preston, George AL lam. John etloagh, and 31 try Abo Jones, aJto Preston, sll of whom, there rood reaaon for Imagining, form part of an extcntlv gjag of burglar and receivers of property stolen, wer yesterday placed at tb bar befor Mr.

Rawliisox for re cxamlnatlon, having been remanded from Wednesday (to live tim for farther Inquiry on the charg of breaking nto and stealing from th awelbng bowa of Mr. imuei Howsrd, dealer la Umber. residing, Dorset mew, west, vsrtous article of plate, watches, jewellery, wearing appartL Ac a triflmc part only of which hu ret been re covered and Identified by th wife of th prosecutor; (th particular of th first examination were inaerted tn TA Ii will be remembered that In addition to Mr. Howard property, mm or wnicn wu dltovered concealed between tb bod and th tacking in a room occupied by tb fetnal priaoner, who for aome time past bad cohabited with Presto, a work box of considers. Lb value, containing a quantity of earda on which wer ea.

graved "Mr. Ktoptord wu found ta lb same apartment, which box tt hu been subsequently atcrrtained wu itcden a few week ago from its owner la the foUowmg manner: Lieutenant Stopford Jonea, No. 3, Cirrus road, St. John's Wood road, deposed that on Sunday, the 1st Instant, hb daughter, Mlu Jones, on going into tb room where the ssid box wu generally placed, discovered tbat It bad by aom meana or other been removed and carried away, and on closer Inspection of th spartment, It wu quickly found that a drawing pictures, a silver keyed (Jermaa flute, a teacsddy, silver sugsr tongs, and other article bad aba been stolen. For aome day prior to th robbery loo lads hsd been seen by bb (prosecutor) children pacing to aad fro in front of tba boutr.

On further search being made, loch footmarks werovtstbb to less bo doubt that the thicvea effected their object of plunder by meana of the veranda on the entrance floor. Tbe box and picture wer her produced by SergtaOtHors. ford, 6 and Inentlnrtl by the prosecutor. In reply to th charge, the female priaoner Jonea said thai ah knew not to whom th article belonged, and that they wer left at her lodgings one night by a young man, who pro mlaed lo call for them again, but neglected to do so. Mr.

Rawlixiox. lib proved that yoa bar betaco. hahiilna with Prcwion. Now. cant Too tad a when tb other young man.

who yoa say left tb thlngwiih you, hvta it yon com oo inn. i must rtwtnaii tnu job at cocnanan wun mors BOuscDreuen man ana. Jonas, ia anawer to thb, (aid ah knew nothing more aboat It than what aha bad Mated. Th other all denied, knowledge of th first named crime with which they were charged. Th prisoner were all committed for trial for the burglary and robbery st Mr.

Howard's, ia addition to which Praston and oaes ataad mmmuted for tb second offence on th pro. ecution of Lieutenant Jones. It wu remarked by th ma. glatrat thai la each of th above cue th polk bad per. formed their duty la a very praiseworthy manner.

Mr. Rawlixsox, in referenc to tb dally polio sheets, wbtchieregnilyleftu thpollee andnirloa bouse', and which contain deaerlptloa of property stolen, obacrved that much geod would, thought, aria from lb dreulatfon of them among tb pawnbrokers, who would then mor frequently bar It la their power to be instrumental ia bringing thieve to justice when offering their booty for pledge, and inquired of Mr. Oofton. a renxctabb pawnbroker, residing ia Gilbert street, Ororveoor square, who wu then present. ine numoer ot persons in bis trad in ta metropeoia.

Jlr. Oofton replied about 330, and coincided with tli maa brrai in bla view of th matter be added that tb paper on which the Intelligence wu st present printed wu of aa expensive quality, and that if aa inferior sort wer uaed tb trad might all be supplied without any additional expense. Mr. Rawlixsox said it appeared to him that tb adran uges which would be deiived from a taor extended circulation of tbe report of robberies mutt be to very obrion that be hoped soon lo find th important subject taken lata conai. deration.

QdEZX.sctUAkE esterday afternoon, iuat at lb clow wttbbbdoakr bu, eahtaauiea, ak tasttratod tMwUaow and wai atrt, jicaa, (tha iiniuaiita) waa the iiinL of tba reports dab. rrocswded to her when aba wu treated wW steak aad could rectrv ao astUfacUas, wbeatallriwBB42 tciatd ea a wrauwash keaah, aoi bebbwared Mnad t. lT1 11? rventaaHy tart th brathaThZ bead, which wutcaauaalt complained of. Tbt iimim i delivered her evidene with extrem rolubikry. tb Bkiaistrst that aba did aot Uy hand area tba her sua pertactod hex, treed bet bead aad shoulders over th bar, aad was aboatil address hb worship, wbca a sweep, wko stood by bar aid tad teemed to pay gnu aucatwa to tb I'rriilnjT hfung np the white, of hb g.v heiTisiga, aad laS Flat up, Mary, don't ba sirred.

mm Mary fbred ap, and aaiC Nw, year varsklm. Ittfc you the whole truth, aad auffea boa tha t.lL ft vomao aaid bow I rae ia the habit of eiria tt l. (Japping th oa the aboulder) Kbrrlea wot else rw my hAbawiwght so uke, vweurship. Ikawd how that ar vu wrong, ao I axed bet aboat ir. Tea aa bad to iaupercac to tell right afor my turn that I allow Bui (ibe twetp) to do to, aad that tew I hxad him better tbaa I did my own husband, ywar aad tbat ah bad sera me tak sff all mr clothes fas hb st.

(eac. Tber lasahia towia tar boldly whether 1 ever did Com BilL BuL No, never, your varshlp, oever. Tbonet Tber! Il wu werry aggrawatia, tout rcnhls. my blood tb'd, and I ap with the broth, aad I aarularr didby into ber, but notukowsh uya 3b threw a put of water ever nt fast, your varshlp. rotccsenx ua I uise.

i doa't keep a paO. Mr. RoeEB inquired whether they bad any wlcoeases. awu answered that ther bad aet. bat "bar' prisoner, Is Bill, he cm do away with tb hinpeetatioa upoo my Uiu stepped torward, twlriiog bla sooty cap, when Mr.

Roe tat aaid tbat hod beard quit enough, and discharged tb prisoner. Thame Police. Yesterdav Tbomu Craaka. a mLf dk aged man, of respectable appearance, a porter bt th crapUy of Messrs. Robert Brodie, Foreman, iwi niwwi.Mn, a aitiiMitu tutat, wu brougbt befor Mr.

BaoDBBir, charged with stealing Jvory, wine, easier sLhorna, drags, aad other goods, the property of Ms cm. plovers, and ot th St. Katharine' Dock Compuy. Il appeared that tb prisoner had beta for soum iim la th bsbitatydlonguiaDockwarxoousesfotsaniJuofdrapsod o. her good aodhbeoodact baviag excited torn twswioon a wu watched, aad oa Tuesday be called at th warehoas for a (amnio of nana foe ab mpWjcr, be wu btcrved la pat bb hand lato a bag aad abstract a large "tip" of Ivory, which he put into hb coat pott st, Uewu tmmedlntly taken Into custody aad eoovsjed i the atfie of Mr.

Taj lor, the principal of tbe St. aUtharlM's Dock Cora. Cay' police, wbca be aaid, I know what yoa waat, I no other property, her ia," th asm tim predating th tip of ivory. A search warrant wu Immediately pr. cured, and on Taylor and avUia, bad officer of the Tbamasp.

he, proceeding to tb priaoact'i bouse. Chirlw anut. Mile end, they found a grew quantity of property ta every room, which moat hav beta Molca from the Dock watt. bouses aad from lb prcmbee of Meter. Foreman aad Ca.

Th officers brought away, among other property, Sff bat. ilea of caster ed, It empty (hub labelled, which bad eta. taioadcaator oil, 11 pounda of arrow root, aU nsothcrV aeari shelves, bv piece ot rhabarb, two bottle of port wine, a batik of essential oil of aa isr tit, the tooth of aa biayep. lamas and a quantity of hee's wax. chocolate, ttvwl stags' borna, aome tobacco, and.

other aniclca. OaElUabv forming th priaoner what be bad found, bt tald tb wbob of tb property consisted of perquisites allowed aba by bb employers, and they gv him all ibe sample whoa thry were ooo wko. Mr. Bovver, tbe clerk to Messrs. Foreman aad Cat, mi, tb firm allowed the prisoner ao tuch perquisites, sad that samples ot essior oii in bottles, alauiar to tbos fosad ta ia prisoner's boose, bad been lately drawn eff.

Hb amploren bad also been recently bottling off" win correspoudiag wkb that produced. Alt. lajior laid, tbat tuch property thai found ia tbt priaoner' aparunenta had been lying aboat tb dock wet. bouses, te which the prisoner bad bad constant access, Tb pntooer, ia detenc. admitted atcahsg tb tip of ivery, bat persisted that lb iwmaiadct of ike property wu peremiauca, and claimed them hi own.

11 alleged tbu jjewjer bad had a spue egsinat blm, and wuaow showing It, aad begged for merry on account of bb wife and tv cbildna, Mr. Brodebip said it wu prepoaterewa to suppeas tbat ao much valuahb property ahowid bar keca presented to It sriaooer pcrqalsitta. com mj tied tb priaoner fox trial on both chargek, IX'IDENCS IN CQUKTS OP JUSTtCX. yard, and tb dacjtTwaf tatraatad with thactey totittb tJmod. Oa teaching Loradoa tba bgxaga tbowdamaoda, of the office, a man wu brought up by th pollc const abb of th division of police, fblbwad bv amob of several ban.

died persons, on th following charge. Th defendant pre. tented a very grotesque appearance, being nearly covered with soot and lime. On being placed at the barb threw himself into a theatrical attidoda whib Athlon, the constable, gar hb evidence. The defendant gave hb nam Oeerg Hamil.

ton, and declared that b. lately had bad a call to preach. It appeared that about 1 o'clock la th afternoon the defendant made hb appearance in Orchard street, Weatminater, and commenced preaching a sermon oppoait to th King's Head, when be wu toon turrounded by hundreds of person from the Almonry, Duck lane, and the adjacent court and alleys. 1 ne preacher, alter promising bis auditor eternal punishment foe their tint and wkkedneoa, which wu leettved with mingled groan and hisses, concluded hb dlaeouru br inviting them all to a aplendld dinner and wine, at the Grove tavern, uunnerweu. Ann announcement wu received with loud cheers and applause, aad the about rent th iky when tb preacher assured hb flock that they should all be conveyed down to Camberwell at hla ex.

penae, in hackney coaches and cabriolets, and after dinner be would then farther expound to them th Scriptures. However repugnant the preacher's doctrines might be in the first instance, no maa ever finished hla discourse amidst louder shouts of approbation. Th mob increased every minute, snd the preecnexwentofrioPalac Yard and ordered several coaches aad cabriolet to drive to Mx. Oallona, the landlord of th King' Head, in Orchard etrect, to convey iptrtyof bdiet and gentlemen to dinner at Camberwell the cabmen and coachmen wire all on the alert in an inatant. ia a abort time Palace yard wu almost deserted, and Orchard street filled with vehicles.

The King' Head wu quit besiaeed. and In tha last cab appeared tha ptyacber, wbdiavUsd bit auditory tak their places, and also "lb landlord of th boaaa. whoa naze ba had usl Th landlord declared tbat knew nothing of the dinner at ivamDerweu, ana would hxv ZKtZdaf whatever to do witn It, In vain did th preacher mm that th dinner and wine wera ordered, bat the driven aU declared ami woe tbat they would not Mir without th money. The preacher anpeared to want tuat very necessary amcle, and notwithstanding bu oratory and tht assurance that bad bad a call, a cabriolet maa drove him to the atation houM and gave him In charg. The preacher, In reply to th charge, uid, that if the cabman had taken him and bb friend down to Camberwell, where be had ordered dinner for tbe wicked tlnnert of Wets.

mlntter, they would hav been tor to have got their dinner and now it would be entirely ipoibd be waa moat particularly utclaheaithuMz.Oillcs the Ian aboald doubt hb character, for ba would preach a eenaon. ting a song, or fight or ma any maa of hb weight ia tb neighbour, hood, and had many persona ia the outer office who would back blm to aay amount. Mr. White asked him what alae be belonead to I Tb defendant replied tbat be belonged to St Luke'a, th body of Mb Bract, who wu murdered la tbat acigb. botuhood.

In answer to further questions, tb preacher (aid tbat be had entered into aa cngigmcnt with Mr. Scnitberm, lb manager of th Ozang theatre, Pimlieo, and wu to make hb appearance next week uQb'atcr, in XnArt At ThnL If hehaddociewTorig, bewbbadtokBowwbethcr a Uccoc eoald not granted to bbti to preachy Mz. VTbitX rerxuvndod bint for disorderly eondacMnd ta toon he wu locked a be corxuiaCDCtd pttadLBf a atrawa to tb Inmate of tba cell. UAYYOXABSEX reaterday If try Bettt, a eVarfiab woman, whoa bead tcarcely raafhad over tba bat, and of rery dirty ppurmnta, wm brought ap oa a warraat. eaargwa ay jaary iua a femaJa equally anaaa twatnahr aapaataata, with battneT cnmiTiltlad an aaaalt wader tba taL Itapcatwd fa aboat yaan aar.

a abort tha ago Imbs moynwlmbimmtbaakUt MM (lirwutofttavPtkai tb tba of Aacustw Cawarl i (titioa bath beta lb eawafatbci of many i Oovemmral Qmotn't aCxepa, lav TO THS EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, When 1 reject oa your constant and often succeasfsl eftoru ia correcting pwblie abaaea, and ia prc noung th r. aeral interests of society, I hav ao doubt yoa will readily giv a place ia your widely extended journal tothefoDoriag ebservaiieoa en a aabject that 1 think of imponanc at tbt commaaity at largsv Yoa at well aware tkatwtthfa tba taar half caacary chaagea bt aome of oar law, and groat srlitarlon ia staart of them, have taken place with respect to th marring of BcatuBoay ia oar iseurta or rfasnee, aa oociniaas. Arum, Deuu, aad other iaadeb, ar now allowed to giv evideae ia cnmmai twaea. it not very croouahle so tbars thst ws aw tab beoefidal cfaaag taor to necessity, at tb haw.

than to a liberality ia oar nailmimi toward thoa wbodtt. fcr widely, or wholly, from ml in their religion. Tbt atcct. any of tb taa became preaaing aa, bt aU crirniDal tot cations when ta wiraease against tb priaonert wen of these, rml drnnmtnttinn I hiT siiiimttswit, ihtti ualmenj nadd aot be received, and tb end of jostle war tha dawaui, and very frequently hi feawaieaaf the gravcat aararo. Myatteaiion baa bora forcibly drawn to tab.

(abjectly th resort in the public journal of a trial thai look slac at the Old Bailey a few days trace, ia which, according to tb doctrine of the Court, had tbe cat then betore bora en of capital felony, Isutead of potty larceay, atvt that tb ariasneni the bar bad bom arraigned for tbe toardet of a wbob fa. taily. and ta a anaaner tb most revolting teawr aarcrt, tbt mardcrer ntuet bar beta discharged upuaiallf theealy wirasaac agaiast them were Atheist fat their principles, tbeb atatjatoay eoald not hav beta admitted, however ear. robcrated it anight be by drcumttantial erklenc, bet whkb brier evidenetaf taken aot km beta MuWaily (troagtoaswd to a ewerrictioa of the prlsearrt Let carry the wappatmoa a Ottas further, aad aBhoaga to cast would aot be seat shock me; lo humanity tbaa tb preceding (that of tb BMrdcr of a wbob family), yet aught ta lu iraMiaainm prov moat dlasstrowa ta Uat reaas, I win ae ixatcia thePnvy Council to be aloxag, aad ta King pwawai, whoa a band of six or taor lesornt wtB. armed eatwnietator rwah fat aad lataasfaat lib MaMarr, and all tlu member of th Conadt If.

la thb cast, asm the great coofwaioa and dianuy UabantiicBleftbapeBBBi ia attendance, th only two Wtnetae among thtta ah eoald Identify tb perpetrator of tbb torabiatd act ofbtgk treaooB aad of murder should happen to Atheists bt tbnr prindples, their testimony eoald not be admitted, kettm Hpponod, aa in the preccdiag ease, by circumstantial rrf denca. What follow, bat that tbe traitors aad mawdcran, when arraigned tb bar of justice, wuM fbnkwhk Caw chart unpuaiahed from tbe dock If tt to remain aaeatabbahod rale of Uw, toast compctencr ofa witneaa ealr toberaaofaavatdiBga hbbheftaatortbtketofthTarieaadlnitadbtb creeds of tb aatlons of the earth, aad that, oa tb coatzary, wesnnet togvecredenc tothewtmes of st twbriral text, dpi, no matter however high mar staod at man at a. Impeachable integrity daring a bag life aa tawxtr hotter sincere friend and tb kind ndghbour; tbaa, assmwaty. depart from tbe meet unerring teat by which can radges th versdty of each other, far a maa cannot bat fat a short timdecervhb family, hb friend and ab icighbotD, hbactioat; bat ia hb power at any tan wpby hypocrite, and to deceive aU areatad aim wlU Mcct to bw oplaiona, aad although aa Atheist si heart, may prcaradat a true believer in th gospel of Christ. ttsppcanrroatnentpertor tbesrui mqaesaeo, the first witacosea the pan ta Wne being caTl, bt objected to tak lb oath oa tbe Testament, ndafuraftw qiiestloas pat to him by Mr, Phillip.

Icoaascl, tU (Itaaa honestly coolcssed blmielf to an Alhcbt I hertan, athwa, giving a proof ofhb regard for veradry. nothing cealdat tb moment, hav been easier for him tbaa lo bsv a deception on the Conn by leillag tn untruth, aad haa hood would, ia tbb i net nice, hav beta beyond aBtaaaa deteetioo. Aa toon the witaeu mad thb iiiiniiiai ofhU beiegaa expimlan of awrprbetadaf heerorwutrtxerad by Mr. Phtapa, tba ritmiatny tawaaa, uftt I. KA tka rm mmA Ka ai.

AR aw decorum of tbe court of rattle wat now lost tight 4 at eisadits followed the caseation and twaaark of Mt Fa lips, whUat hisses attended the replies of tbe wltaea. a will her anheaUattagry Mat that ta iwj borror expressed by the learned counsel, the Court, sod aadltary, they betrayed, in th first pise, Ignorance of th bomaa miod, bat alto of th alaaxyaf livtaof many of th Ytry fint wrlten andtot awaralswa of aatiquiiy, who were Atheiatt; and, secondly, tbty trayad a taor atrpaxdonabb igxtoranc of tbe acntuneact thb aubjact of tb "muter mind of oar own it airy tbarganstotatba of the eslebrstsd Baeotstaria.bTjl" coeroboratioa of hbtorical facts, would prow tbatAtateaa ta ptiaiikb to npcntiiioo. Atheism, atyt tbat writer, "karesaman to bwt, to rewatation all which i wardBtoral vtrtue, tbe tba diacoounu i iathmloda for it make Atheism," lay tb aaw i whiloaopky, to aacarsl aty, Ttitae. tboaih rsDtlon were notl wat taptoj MaUthcac, adereciethaaabteavwaaa7 of meat wherefore, Atheism kea mea wary of Jf2 farther; and w. the time iaciinmg to ofA.guataa Caaae) wer etvu tnnta, rr baar ensssrss ssaosk.

that ravbbeta aU ta I at tbe raBgkn. Watea farm tbia cxnact tbat tbb great atBtaary couatry eoald reaaon calmly oa AiheUm, acd br a k.k iiIm, mm thm taacj, wr wnm wa wot h.m... toeaat, of th few preceding yean, roan, wswat tvonatiaa wsw vwww jrt auk for that wbieb they war pbaaed to totm awaaaa eacn other. Dect. A tha law at wno aaw not atuvwiNaw a wafritntm taay, todeed, .1 MWa iMaw uatimoar aot aswasw raBtaataTaW tba tral of ft wiae atataalJL, Iiinmilioftaebw MMtetraaaeuil' v.


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