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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BLYTHEVTLLE (ARK,) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1944' Club 28 Are Entertained Many guests at the regular monthly "dance given lor members ot night, when Mr, andjMW, P. Borutn, Mr. and Mrs yMeyer Graber and Mr anil Mis. Nelson enter- la ed Supper was serVe'd o'clock, with the clubrooms attractively decorated of mixed Summer 1 Guests midnight to music'of Uie Tn addition lo club members the following guests and Mrs. John Devers, Lieut: and Mrs.

Joe E. Beasley, Serglr. and Mrs. diaries Schmidt, Mr. Mrs Wunderllch, Mr.

Mrs Black, Mr and Mrs John McHaney, Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Vance, Mr. and Mrs: Miller, Dr. -arid Mrs.

Don Smith. Mr.J'and'Mrs. John Caudill Mr and Mrs J. Gunh, Detroit, Mich, and Mrs Spencer Alexander. Class Party Given 4 joint Sunday School party was held Monday night at the A Shibley home Kentucky Avenue, wheii Mrs.

J. Miss Minnie Brown's-classes rjf the First Baptist Sunday; School, a "Long Ears Miss Geneva Shibley Is a member ot Mrs. Newsom's class. The Rev. William Saloon of was the only out-of- town guest, with 18 members 1 present Eich guest was presented with set of "donkey-ears' 1 Upon arrl- vtl, and games in keeping with the animal theme were the veiling, with miniature donkeys given as prizes Refreshments of animal cookies, Junco Club Has Party When Mrs.

J. F. Nolefi entertftln- sl the ONE Club last night at home, she also was. hostess to guests, Mrs. Paul of Dell, anj Mrs.

Oenk Riagan ice cream and served. Iced drinks' were Luncheon Given Monday Honoiing Mrs. Orr Members of the Executive Bonrd of the Woman's Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church entertained with a luncheon Monday afternoon at the church in special 'compliment to the Rev Dr arid Mrs Hancy Orr of Buffalo, Va have been spending severa' days here with friends The 30 guests and members of the Board were seated at a U-shaped table arranged in. the social rboh of the church. Sprays of deep green ivy, interspersed with clusters of pink rosebuds, outlined tin table, while was foimed of a low bowl of pink Brief, talks were given on til I early history, of the local church during the pastorirte of the Rev Dr.

Orr, were 'given by Za Harrison, Mrs Roy Walton ant Mrs the futur of the church was discussed by th Htincy recenll accepted the pastorate. Guests at the add! tion to Dr and Mrs, Orr, nere the Rev Mr and Mrs Kidd Mrs ey Kidd Sr, of Memphis, Mrs Molt, Mrs Alice Womaefc, Mrs Gates, Mrs Mc- 5 Lean, and Mrs. I). Underwood. Arrangements for'the affair were made by Mrs Pride Sr, chairman or social activities for; the Baby Gets Hew Dress From Pop's Old Discarded Shirts Bunco was venlng, with played during the higlv score won by Mrs.

Reagan, bunco by.Mrs. Byron Vail, and low by Mrs. Harold Meek. A salad course was-served with ced drinks, i 'hebean'S. Class Patty Given W.

Sykes Seventeen members of the Phc- iean Sunday School class of First Japlist Church attended the monthly business ntiii meet- ng last night at the home'of W. Sykes. when six visitors also were present'. These Included Mrs. Ted King, Mrs.

Woodrbw Fisher of Lafayette, Ind, Mrs A Clark, Mrs Earl McGregor, Mrs Harry Bpgan" 1 The hu-sincis session was pre- Ided, over by Fletcher King, lass piesldent. i During the social 'hour games 'contests were; played, and ate In the evening and lessen course was served with iced )ouble Club Entertained guests, James Lee and -Miss Mary Josephine present last nlghUwhen Mrs. McCalla enlerlslri- ed members of Club at her home on North Sixth. 'High score prize went' to Miss ary Spain. Usrey and second high Miss Margaret Shaver.

A'salad course was served. decent Bride Is Honored At-Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Harold C. Thompson who was Miss "ore.her recent mnrrlage, was coin- illmented last night when the tfisse GeraldIne and Dorothy Ry- ee entertained with. mlscellim eous shower at her hpme.

Thirty guests attended the affair, which was a surprise to the guest of honor These Included two out- of-town guests, Mrs Elcue Tyrone of Slkeston, and Mrs. Ottls Roush-of Term; Summer flowers were used to decorate entertaining rooms of the house, and games and: contests were played throughout the evening 1 After the bride had, openid the miscellaneous' assortment 'of gifts, the hostesses served refreshments. Business Women Meet Mrs. John Tyrone entertained, members of the Business Women's Circle of First Baptist Church last EPSIK KINAItl) NBA-Staff Writer a captivating for a that launders a dream and wears like her pop's discarded shlvt Is no trick nt all, If you'll do what-Mrs. Mabel Carlton did (see her handiwork on the child at the right) a National Sewing Contest'prlse.

What'to do? Plan to utilize the original buttons and buttonholes of the says Carllon, which makes your job astonishingly easy, and settle.for an open-dbwn-lhc front classic style. Cut by a standard ptvttern'and use front of the shirt front of the dress and ditto for the back. Cut 1 sleeves from original shirt sleeves or shirt tall. Finish neck and sleeves with narrow washable bios binding. Or go fancy with ruffling, made from what's left of the shirt.

Make a deep hem to allow for spurts of growth. And there you are. Hut don't stop there, If there's another discarded shirt on hand. Baby can always use another frock, and for vfiVlety, you can give this one a bnck original buttons and buttonholes a pert little Peter Pan collar and a patch pocket, just as Mrs. Carlton did for the tot's frock at the left.

To cut the dress, you reverse the when he celebrated the 30th anniversary of his ministry. While in 31ythevlllc Dr. and Mrs. Orr were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

8. E. Vnll and other friends. Mrs. R.

Meek returned yesterday from a month's trip to Chicago, Flint, Michigan, and Detroit. While In Detroit slie was the guest of her daughter and son, Miss l.ella Beck, and Ray Beck. She rtslted jti Louisville, and Cincinnati before returning homo. Mr. and Mrs.

Crasvford M. Noble, who have been In Chicago for several weeks, arrived yesterday to be here with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Norrls for several days.

They also will spend several clays in Jonesboro before returning North for a month. i Miss Hetty Brooks Isaacs and Miss Patty Aim Green arrived yesterday from University of Arkansas, Fay- ettcvllle. to spend the Summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.

Isaacs and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Green. Mrs. A.

Smith, who has spent (lie Winter here witli her parents. Mr. und Mrs. F. T.

Dlxou hat; left to join her husband, Corporal Smith, who Is stationed at Tonopah, with the Fourth Air Force, W. R. Forrester and young Hilly, of Jackson, arrived Monday lo spend tlie week with he ipthcr, Mrs. M. J.

Parsley and fl'mlly. Mrs. F. T. Dlxon and children, 3lck and Donnii, of Memphis have een the guests of Mr, and Mrs.

Dlxon for the past 10 days. They Ian to visit F. T. Dixon Ills summer at his station at San Diego, where he is serving vlth the Marines. Uiuzcnfch, son of Mrs.

Fan- lie LlntMnlch, left yesterday nfter- ioon for Stlllwnler, where lie vlll attend Oklahoma A. for Ix months under the Army Spc- talizcd Training Reserve Program. He was graduated from BIythevilli' ilgh school last month. Miss Jane Thorn of Memphis has procedure used on first frock, and put the front of your pattern on the back of the shift nud the back of the pattern on the front of the shirt. Cut sleeves from shirtsleeves.

Cut collar and pocket from shirt tall. Finish each with' cotton bias binding. Bits of News JIbstly; Personal Mrs. C. Lqnjjston, Mrs.

Chnrles Langston aml son, Charles Ctilvln Memphis Monday, where Charles his tonsils removed, yesterday at.the. Baptist Harold 6. Thompson left today for Sllomn Springs, night at her home' (where she will spend a week with Miss Minnie Foster taught the who is an evangelist study course from the book, "The Influence of the Jews on Clvlltz- The meeting closed with a circle if prayer, and the' guests'were lak- to the drug store for refrtsh- nents. Auxiliary, Mrs. L.

s. Hale. Mrs Chamblln, Hartzog and Mrs. E. A.

Following the, luncheon, members of the Executne'iBpard held a brief business meeting," 18 -members and four visitors attended. Mrs. Zal Harrison presided over the meet- ting tthc'i plans 5 for sending a delegate to the 'Sufumer conference at Ferncliff near Hot voted to the discussed. Members fourth Mondaj. in each month In work on the cnurch building and grounds.

1 La Neuve Club Has Party I Three guests, jj Miss Jeannetta Jeanne Sebaugh, miss BUlie leg- sell and Mrs. Newell G. Jerome ucie guests ot -William Boyd when she 'entertained La Neuve Club last night for an eve- mg of bndge. Vases of flowers were arranged in the living room. High score prife among club At the Hospitals Blytheville Hospital Admitted- Gordon Hammock, city.

Unda Hannah, city. Jackie Baldrldge, city. Walls Hospital Admitted- Mrs, c. B. Blanton, city.

N. E. Disniore, New Madrid, Mo. Harvey Dlsmore, city. Mar city.

Memphis Baptist Hospital C. Langston, city. R. Maxwell, Osceola. Mrs.

N. S. Rossi, city. Tommy Brlst; Frenchman's Bayou. Nettie Powell, city.

Memphis Methodist Hospital Robert Earl Lynch, Osceola. Jewish Prayer Sewce Offered Here Yesterday Members of the Temple Israel, Jewish church, were rcpre- membcrs went to i.Mrs. W. N. sc nted at the brief prayer services there.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Anderson have guests their daughter, Mrs.

Frank H. Ashby and her young daughter, Carol Lee. Mrs. Afchby, the former Miss Irene Anderson, and the baby have been witli Corporal Ashby; who Is stationed at Gardner Field, Tiilt, where they plan to, return nflcr brief visit here. Sergt.

Marly Abshire of the WAVEs, who Is stationed at Chelsea, Is spending brief furlough here with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. E. E. Radcltffe, and her aunt, Mrs.

S. P. Lee mid family. Lieut. 'Joe E.

Bensley, who is stationed at Bermuda, with the Navy, Is'spending a short lenve here with Mrs. Beasley and their daughter, Molly Jo. Miss Gwendolyn Orr arrived home Monday from Dcntoii, Texas, where she has been a student at Texas State College for Women during the past school year. She will spend the Summer with her parents, Mr. txnd N.

Orr, nt their home north of Yarbro. Miss Mary Lynn Jackson has arrived home from Lindenwood College, St. Charles, to spend the Summer holidays here with her parents, Mayor and Mrs. E. R.

Jackson. Miss -Beverly Thomas arrived home yesterday from Bristol, where she has been attending Sul- llns College tor the past school yenr She plans to spend the Summer hen with her aunt, Mrs. Warner Haw- kins and Mr. Hawkins. Enroute home, 40 girls from the college stopped over In Memphis for two days.

Mrs. Ottis Roush and daughters Runda Gay and Sandra Kny, ol are the guests ol her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Rylee am fsnilly. "Mrs. Elcue Tyrone and two children of Slkeston.

arc visiting here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs Luther Tyrone. Miss Jane Cnstlio has returned hbnie after a visit of severnl daj wllii. Miss Alma' Van Hook at Mill- ps College in Jackon, Miss. Miss Mary Katherine Rose ha rived home from University of Ar- Fayeltevlllc, where she lias attending school during tri isl year.

She is with her parents r. and Mrs. Charles Rose, nt Rosc- nd. Nita Rose Castllo is spending this cck In SI. Louis as the er ntint, Mrs.

L. C. McCnuslahd. The Rev. and Mrs.

Thomas B. nythe are spending several in Helena ns the guests of her Mr. and Mrs. H. H.

Bookart. Mr. and Airs. Jessec StHt nre at- ndlng the Mississippi Hotel Asso- iatiou meeting this week in Biloxi, liss. Dr.

and Mrs. Harvey H. Orr ave returned to their home in lUffalo. W. after a week's isit' here with friends.

Dr. Onas guest speaker last Sunday Ight First Presbyterian Church, Young and second to Mrs Melvm Halselr, while Mrs. Jerome received high guest "prize. A dessert course was served! Mrs. Martin Entertains' Ctub and Guests Yesterday Mrs P.

members of Club yesterday afternoon'', at her home, when, in place regular afternoon party, invited the group to a 1 c-ttocV-luncheon. At the, same included an extra table of jirs. Hicks of Los Mrs! E. F. Gay of'Hfclf 'Moon, W.

T. Oberst, Mrs; Clara Davis and Mrs Herman Cross. Luncheon was served at small tables arranged in the living room of the home, with each table centered with a tiny vase of pastel colored sweepeas. Defense stamps were awarded ns prizes in the bridge games played during the afternoon, with Mrs. E.

Huntley receivHntg high score and Mrs. M. second high lleve patii uacular rheuraatlm eld yesterday neon over the local idlo station, when prayers for safety and success of our arm- forces were offered. Because the local church is with- ut a rabbi nt this time, a lay icmbcr conducted that portion of he sen-Ice. DANCE Thursday Friday And Saturday Nights 9:30 to 1 O'clock In the Beautiful Blue Room of the HOTEL NOBLE 'Admission 65c'Incl, Tax functional periodic disturbances make you leel nervous, cnnky, hlgh- etrung, tired, weak mid "dragged out" such Lydla E.

PlnXham's Vegetable Compound to re- Ueve such symptoms. Hcrc'3 a product that NXTUKE. Also a fine sto- machlc tonlcl Follow label directions. Plnfcftam's Compound Is irorth. (ryinpf LYDIR I Hubert Potter's STATE LINE PHILLIPS 66 Service Station GAS OIL CIGARETTES COKES DRINKS (Brinj Yoiir Empty Bottles) Bare On TRUSSES Steel and Elastic STEWART'S i a Main A Lake phone 282: Shaking Head 'No' To Fattening Foods Is Best Slimming Exercise been the guest tills week of her aunt, Mrs.

M. A. Isaacs and Mr saccs. Extends Date Applications The Arkansas Merit System Council has announced extension of the closing date for receipt of ippllcations for the following positions with the Arkansas Depart- nent of Public Welfare, Visitor, bounty Director III, and Case Work Supervisor. All applications must be received or postmarked by midnight of June 14.: Application blanks may be ob- by writing to the Merit Sys- Little Rock, or from any Bounty Welfare Office in the state.

rowful Mother was begun last night at the Church of the Immaculate conception and will be continued through the next eight days, It was announced today by the Rev. J. P. McDonnell, assistant pastor of the church. Services will be held nightly at 1:30 o'clock, with the public Invited to attend.

Meetings Chickasawba Lodge No. 134 F. A. M. will meet tomorrow night, 7:30 o'clock, at the hall when the first degree will be it was announced today by Dewey Gentry, worshipful master.

A men's meeting and pot-hick supper will be held tomorrow night, 8 o'clock, at the Lake Street Methodist Church, A program being arranged for the meeting, to which the public )s Invited, It was ait nounced today by the Bates Sturdy, pastor of the church. Coming Eventi THURSDAY Elliott Fletcher Chapter of U. D. C. meeting for luncheon, 12:30 p.m., at home of Mrs.

Loy Welch. Mrs. Marvin Niinn entertaining Friday Luncheon Club. FRIDAY Initial club meeting with Mrs. nne-Nowbll.

400 Club meeting with Mrs! George Inle.V C. B. C. Club meeting with Mrs. D.

Smith. EVEL'VN KEYES; Finds counting calories easy. HY AUCIA HAKT NBA' Stalf Writer inSecond Award June 'i. (UP; sawmill division of Crossctt Lumber company of Crossett has won Us second award. A star will''be added to have been flying at Crossett since they were presented company In .1943.

And vjer- sonVwho began work in bertfliianufacturing unit' slric'e "'She', first; ceremonies will receive Pushing back calorie-loaded food and reaching for the nou-fatteners sire two exercises that will rarely fail a girl who wants to literally cut a figure. That's what the girls 'in Hollywood the cleverest of whom know calorie charts as well as you know your ABC's, and use them as the guide to what they eat. For instance. Kvelyn see her soon In the new thriller- chiller, "Stalk the she sets a daily calorie count for herself and sticks to It. By careful computing, she can get in all of the needed foods without exceeding her calorie budget.

"What happens," explains Evelyn, "is you learn what a pat of "butter costs you in calories, ami settle for half a pal, when it's necessary to keep within your daily allotment. When you know that a cup of creamed and sugared coffee means 100 calories, you don't take but one for breakfast while you're on a diet. jAmazing results in building WANTED: Bring Your Leftover SOYBEANS to Us. Blyfheville Soybean Corp. 1800 West Main Phones 856-S57 PRESCRIPTIONS Stock Guaranteed Best Priew Kirby Drog Stores Elmer VULCAMIZI1G Tire ft Tnte Rejwlr Belt KJU S.

Hwy, (Fomerly with Am. PI only of WOOD For Sole! BARKSDALE MANUFACTURLNG CO. Phone 2911 And you'll cheerfully substitute a dish of fresh berries for a chunk of rich pastry, when you realize what your yum-yum dessert going to cost you." Catholic Church Rites To Continue Nine Days A nine-day Novena to Our Sor- The Gift Shop Modern and Ant I cine Gifts COSMETICS BABY GIFTS GREETING CARDS NOVELTIES A Gift For Everybody Ingram Bldg. Phone ZZ54 MOSS BRYAN 1 the flow of vital digestive juices 2 -Energize your body with RICH, RED BLOOD! people, csneclnlly those of grammar and high school SBC, are prone to be deficient In stomach dl- Juices and red-blood. A growing-person who Is operating on ft 65 to 707c licalthy blood volume or a stomach digestive capacity of onty 50 to normnl Is severely handicapped In such Nature needs extra help Ocganlc troubles or focal Infection If they exist, must bo corr ccled.

TL-wtie foods must be dleestcd and rich, red-blood must be present to build sturdy bodies SS3 Tonic ts especially designed to promote the flow of VITAL DIGESTIVE JUICES In the stomach which dl- Ecst tho food so the body can nuke proper use of It In tissue bulldlUK and "Pair (a) to build-up DLOOD STRENGTH TChtn Senclcnl. Thcso Important results enable tho body (o nmke use ot the- food ns Nature Intended. Thus you mny gnln a Keen appetite firm nesli bcxiv energy mental Merincul Build Sturdy Health and Help America Win Thousands and thousands of users have testified to the bcnents SS3 Tonic has brought to them scientific research shows that It gets why co health -makes you fed Ilko yourself again At Irugstorcsln SCO TON 1C helps build STURDY HEALTH MARGARET'S BEAUTY 8HOP IN 8. Flint Phone 2532 Bring Us Your Beauty Problems By Appointment Have Fan Refrigerator Molars Cleaned For Summer. New Location 116 1 sf J.

T. (Charlie) Staicup Phono Z9S3 or 2598 Guy Gean's SKATING RINK Now Open For Summer Big Tent Now Located Across From Nu-Way Laundry Afternoon and Nile Sessions Continuous Every Day Box Office Opens 1:45 Show Starts 2:00 LISTEN TO KLCN un. 12:45 p.m. 4:58 Last Time Today 'Rookies in Burma' with Alan Carney Wally Brown Also, Wall Disney's Cartoon Feature "VICTORY THRO AIR POWER" Thursday and Friday RY. 39 AUDYDEVWE; FRANK PUG11A HAMSiY AMES MBRO.fl OlSEH KDRT SAKE Sewing Machine Operators WANTED! ARCS 57 to 40 Preferable 'Now is llic time to get employment in an essential industry that will continue after the war.

Apply at the U. S. Employment Office 118 Snulh Second SlrecVor Rice Stix Factory If you are working in essential employment do not apply. No- 3 SENTIMENTS EXPRESSED WITH FLOWERS, properly designed, are remembered always. Our flowen wayo fresh, and all work Is guaranteed to please.

Let our designers help you with your floral needs. SHOP F.TJ). Btrrtct mUrer (tl Mrs. J. M.

(MM) WllUuni, Paramount News and Selected Short Subjects ROXY Matinees Sat. Snn. Only Optus each night starts 1 Opens Banda; Starts 1:15 CtnUnooos Shows Sun. terialu Nlghl T.itrj NIgbt Except Saturday. bonored on Biatoy the Boxy.

Last Time Today Thumbs Up 7 with Brenda Joyce Robert Fraicr Selected Short Subject Thursday and Friday.

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