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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PARLIAMENTARY INTEWGENCE. HOUSE OF LORDS Tnr iT O. Tkek- Urdthlpt met at I o'clock. rX15T1OX. for euej from o'clock MMtnay.

won pmeutod II girl wnaaraT from St. Seemr Chunk Li' Wmieya of Ttbr Tilo Brtchtrj. ItrU- i T- lrt iJlriS 17 iakabitcoli of Wettoroogk MM ran tsth 14. fm UM ewigngtli1 ladefwwdeala Pnaulrn Metke- Lrta. a WeJrvaa tto Qly of Durham.

rtJ tie MiBieton tad Drlegtto. of NwrUu.tor- UWtadlWrkaoi A tt OsstvipLiI MiaWen aadCkantoa. ALKALI WORU REGULATION BILL. T. 11 a I Uto usas Ui.

Bill. 2. 3 wen agreed to Ilk tern verbal So etl 0. tliatt 4 convene to MtottoprnnrMy 1 oMt woreejew to qihhs fcw wilful of lie re of fUU to lb. thelUrlof lwry.

wto Buiatola that eMv4WltolewlB4rtwJmMa mf II. Mill art KliUll agreed wr toU 4 lkk raI of ZPMY tnr il that Ito 1 enwad tMiM th to M. to ant Uet IU weld the I -l, I. MM wket a sUuq to told IN nUXWOMTI oMJ Out uelil court of A. had deckled that Ito owner 1 Ito nunluJ a Uw It would to reiker kari CHELtrORt idlkt every Ukall work to to owned be sustpu 1 lb.

I. Not to do wai in PIf offeon under UM Ad MM he did uI 0 hu4bip of tnereMiag the re LorJ KTAXLEY of AI J1ERLET Lard STANLEY ot UDERLET frnpnoj lb. tffnuUurlt nkUMprctun UM Jet tUw 12. to Uk my ho. rallXf mn IK 4rt miiLm mt mtva preocdiif with titrir ST UX to tlv MF1 JvrWiKiiM UM ntrjt vbr pnit Uw am wd Owtrt to eNf UM a WM MM IUML to to ii.

fI1ASLEYof AWERLEY id wliiU lb. ip r7 olcr ta. UM eoiim tt to UM oaJsaturar of a victios to Yrn wriou as otofoua far As Ioosr Ila i apfol lh UM Al of jvwhMMo dmM wiUwvt jury. lx CKAX WOETH ttU Out lb. UMidnMt worn to.s UM pmHio ou it lb.

Rill VM lK th HTM tw to Mot in UK UM jr la which to bad uwtitf Uw sod fp ili sow iflowd osly wton WM a rtia 1 w. 54 ant poo Mar of tact. waa ii fort BO afTJtW UM iti ni of a word but UM prooi tiling ft. peinoed by ui tiorari lb. snort wosid tk.

otx of ay mm wtich aposrei the fsos of 1 CHELYHFORD said Oat a UM aa I IJ mmUao i tto eUua it ivi ht to uotcvoI to KMtranrthinc torood lb. ordinary The host to aimif to aut lb. word raUUof to lb. Aftrra rt cosvrostoa tto wart. referred to osittod tad the claate amended agreed to" remaining eIaue wit aJord and UM BUI vu.

OF SECRETARY AT WAR ABOLITION BILL. Earl DE OREY sot RIPOV. in moving lb. oood reading of UU hill state. ttot it object wu to mill the teto OOIIfity with lb.

prieliar oeoonling to which the of Sooerrtary ii War sol Secretary of Step. for We. wore BOW bell by the tail to for the dBeharg if the ditos of UM farmer office lb. Secretary of State. There would to a oonveniraee is making thu alteration of the Uw beeaute th ommiBioa of the Secre.

tare et War. which had to ho told hr the IIoocntary Stet. for" War yea at to tefriorffisr him to obey lb. qIys of UM Chief certain mat. a.

obsIcw which it wt the duty of of tet 10 rrmkT. The Earl of LLZNflOROtGR mid a. this Bill mtiie BO praotieal alteraben Is the powers sow sir by the Keeretary of Stats. II wool. to bettor to tot matten re they wet a cad to leave to the rove the powe which it now of these two office II.

did sot think that experience of 10 yean ufPI sost to juify PialDeol Is firing it auction to the I this. two oiKce 11. inconvenience taigbt ens true tuck boeseso it might a to tepanle lb. office at a time when PerIienen wa sot rittiie had alysys objected to the union 4 those two ofiert ehich rd hue to to Irat with other. The duty of UM Secretary at War wa to 4 wen complied with.

whit. that of of toot. wee to direct the ulfldilare eat lb. iaraeuf money. two function were.

is hit opinion quite lacontfetiU ought net to to hscharod by th taawmdiridnal. la ISM lb. Duke of WsUintoa though that I inea of lb. Secretary it War wt much II mul. to dot.

Is office sod it had ritOy time Diet time. Sotbllljf soul. to prejudmal to the public tervice the. to heap upon a individual e. vat ttaounl 4 hiMJat.

to the who cfwtiehto canM act poooi1l Mimi Bo maty dutir sow CM uf lb. Beretary nf Stat. for War 110" hi ml hot to nally rsseihI to Parliament. II I. red U.

iot4 aarl oppontt who hail to perceive wit veal MttofacUo rt1 tto 4 KeenUrv fo WI eexlUpply Ltmetf to UM rvmtruUoa of lb. kirtliva jwdi the Wtr Itertartawal wWh hi a If a ehtn unisI a hoot. aln i ixit lH fration human aiuin. In Uia bMr I. Uhw to WUeve-l to to 41111.

the I truto1 thorefuc lb. eob sort wmi I Or liKteutin nf oilS. lit iouvlh II la to rkl whelp for the atml ialralioa of the armr Hr I KI KIXFII wi Ma rrfUwi-l to thai snn4rsh I In htaoj uWn rextte-lfruia UM alteration ht lvI. ma Karl KIIKXPORnffll aid there veioant wler the IN 4 the of PIlot. l' Wr iii II.

It ww lint Me to rII1 perform all lb. it in Mh now tteohod to he oItiot mUotootorlI. Karl RK ol Ute pwnt orraBieaion of lb. Wit. ci lo Kr i imi in priocl4e cal Inormrenirnt in practice in the irMuct of the military affair of Uie soaatry.

That a qof ti' wlich ver. he 111 wit think waa is soy eTctM lb. Kilt su4ri- diKuaaino. The Ron wa tUee rest I arenod time. tiKMNAGE or LA XII BILL.

TV iixrti" toy the thin rrxlinf of thia Bill waa it the rar7 ti. uf Lonl GRANTILLK a Tl GjTramant IS AmnJiurnt Bill puoosd titrm ontnniittre. I OCKVVUI pROTcmoM ACT AMENDMENT BILL. Tt Dale of ET. in nmriii the moon.

reading 01 thia Hill. osI that it merely jrave power to pueke re uU- Uotti to th 4sl teauien entering Royal harlHiurt at i vca a nchnog in I puaiUoa which they woull way of othor teaaela. The DKition agreed THE SEIZURES OF BRITISH SHIPS. Tie rn of nAXRICAKIIF sold that before they Mjc roe hr wiihel to pot ovrrel questloos to the noble I the Srerettrr of Slat fur Forel i Affairs to the pro- wehui 4 tnfr5 Stata' oflcm with UM apparent ross- lenaror of their Oorrninwat in referenoa to BritIch ihipa in 1 Indian end Xexleaa watora. He waa well aware of the itT tto subject bat UM drcumaUncej were 0 Solorm.

to the world. a of a character so deeply etmt the ntarorta sad banns of III. that so time jM to lepos before It was 51110 known that both tm of Prlinirnt sould not hear of thees traaaaetiooa wHhwrt iDn1 feelinp of regret iod dJaapfnbation. II. did tx know what soewar to ihoohi raoaira but yojeos the Ue wj gre rood nai in for orbmraaoa se mid tlr.

ti tb which atoat to zotod So UM troart of ererr Eigtzhme further action moat wiUuwl toUkrn is Prliaaeezt The SM to which the tiolpuin. A grester outragn so property or I prater luselt to the British flag sould sot to in gia if the xmnti were he priwemel. oorrnct. The Dolphin a Liverpool slip. She psibol tot Nisuso with pap in HT that she woo a legitinute trader to Xaeaan tohagordento touch at Madeira end 84.

A. ato soosIn oat frois RhO aeunl a wet to a. Anwrioaa osrt a prlaa. Tto orew were ti 4n board the ihip which eeuad her so ort woo axle to put then sohors either on Aswricso or Britiah 1 satil HerMajeatyi hip Nile had left UM port of St. omaat when they wets Uken to sad pat on Daaiah ad.

Kvppnaing there woo any preUrt which ttora for UM tesr of the tolpMa it vu agroai fcwctlarUy oat to put lb. swos abort either en Lmrb Engfieh aoO aa pnaday poeabla awl St a fair la- thee UM Aswlesa sptois waltad lb. depute of er Mateatj1 ahirxrf mr tohtrinc that lb. mer kaowa e. ovtrag of that cherisher weld set pa wMtwnm.

newiatodtokaovwtoUiar any oOaial 1 aU bed Vac raaaival of aawra of ttoDolnkU 54 shM toe OOM to B. Maje Oow7wa4ta ttoaHttor. TtoyoMia otrlwwII oo a laolaiadoaaa of Uanaal of a tlhb oOaar. Tto el tto It stid Bt to that lbs uS wars rfrate4 ImmedUitly UM 1 ttmme by aa. tiinili Ik affair of tk Treat.

thibdb tnatod with to Mek Ia oa lb. am we. ottor agoalc of Ik teSt4 State tokand a me. totaQyupreea. eated nad totally oaJaatiaaU A AqMMas bed wolto4 lbs Foreign Searetary.

aeeordiag to th aeeoual. i Bwar rt laid hefcnttoa lo md a txtmpU tuck tadaeity at atUom ssn4 I. tay atry. It rara Uat Mr. Ada goes a isi15it.

to hlp to Um to sLl smtly tie. Ibis iay to tral Berta tk West ladwt sod Max Be appnkeaded tkat lb. fcralga feretory kad mad sn. tweaestowe. tkat toad to- aaettouwl day Bwcpap rtvif it Ik I artef X.

A4MwkmU there oo ml. ertiteate. Tto ottor day II. ewwcn a 114 Ik rWQeeHaewaFalic lknMroro fttoatrti. cairn tadMr.

AoMBitAoUd great mrsis at lb. tfpU- btkHtaraUkrfvatorvKr AeUmt wrote to cokBewUdgetto receipt 5 ar Mi dated ytora regret to fwreciv tkat you lubwe nder a MmfmMmma4mmmt mm mmmnWwml moaVaBm mmt Bmmt taaBammmmJmmm tk wB oBBBmi oaomF tBBBOBja-Bmi BkcHmfmel WW BnBlrtin II muet to etffto to ywe thus I boo tetartty to usle aay 4WrlmUeUea la iwgard either to Ik veamk tk voyagn 1 Her Majmly uhjosm Mr. AiUmt the added what teemed BM Iroaf Wke they an ssse4 Ural uBoermklan they kan a right to rely po the rtrtio 1 her Govern- meal 4 they wtfl ssIosblmfly obtols It Wke It q4heewbos of muris they would sot eipcot it from tor. or sob It truss a rvpmettaUvt of tk Ualtod State II. sespostod that Utter wt prodeord by torn eon of blot rsoolvd by Mr.

Adama who la UM Utter part up posted to point to what pares. end to whet thin to did UMC urtiSast. but to wat tun their tordahlpt would agree with him la opinion tkat both Ik thlpt tod lb. sub-I. of ottor Powwn were at long a they ruasbood S.

thie 055117. uader lb. wuIiIru1 Uw. of Eglud sod a ahip ii Web port woo emlor lb. aocemity to tore for lb.

purjnce of wsottstisi lie legal character a paper from Mr. Ado. It appeased tkat HowU e. New York contractor Is. u4erttos togtier with Mr.

Zirmaa. to supply UM Xcii. with so. to Igkt uoist U. Fraach then tkia repreaaaUtlv 1 lb.

UII4 Btatoa who Is1eto4 to muck us etru1ity toar. toar p. hit wrticate la of a vote carrying about JSXOL worth of arm Tto cert locate v. afterward pet. to Uoa es4 toaded about to UM Bader- writers.

He Buiataiaed that that woo a grew deports from it lb. rale us. practice of diplomacy is. could to allowed to pa unnoticed. Ii.

pneumed that it would not pam without aotice from he aoble earl at UM toad of lb. Foreign Departaxat so. to ihould ttonfon U. to know what uprussIMioss he. be.

made tkU cakieet. There wooothe topic wkick to IO4II infarmatioo to aHded to be witkdnwal of il from lb. Sea One tad to UM istitoetios that fur he pneeat British ukips tradiej to UM Gulf of Maiieo would to us it woo prettily tsset relieved from the soosity of carrying sat chip Uuen. He shoe like to know whether Rev Leeutys soul. give Lay rssao fur taking tooh e.

ttep at that bud. fear. Us Band UM word with thame sod kumiU- ills but whet could it to I On the letters bring put oo board lb. wun of UM vend mid that they would not as 0051 of whet hi. occurred in orator initincaa when gyrwest violation of tetrnstiue Uw took pleas allow her to sail onleat the Government gots them oosnreou of protection.

Then he. been in thus. es a direct intuit then to Her Xujstr in violating official teal Hear hear. The mail Stop hearing the aaaU of lie- Mestys office were broken. tad the lettrn search.

in order to find oorrospnmieno. with lb. view of txiag tome charge us ttoahip. We. thii to to borne Hear hear.

knew that lb. official pouitms of the Minieten required them to urns a suii. which did not believe soy other FjigLahmaa felt under lb. niirnmitnnci but be thought the tune corn. when Parlieint sboil4 speuk ttroagly is nepect to thii matter.

had spokes otroegly becautt to felt ttroagly sod to thought lb. time com vi. they matt act ttrongiy. Tto owner of UM wp to which to he. just alluded ruled that they would tail the veud provided the Government put on hosed e.

well agent whose pretence would to mm. parent. Is me. cay naval oemeaky belonging to the United State vIotd it that the ship was engaged in legitimate trade us. would therefore terra it a protection aguist capture.

What lb. Goveridetlt ought to have door woo to her. teat a Urge riforoeinrcat to lb. British aaval fore Is the Gulf of Mexico sod to hav dsmtebe4 a swift tteemer to UM Admiral so that otMios. with th information that peel.

reinforcement would anon to it haad to pretest further outrage so British ships. U. know woo asia to be very tiengero. to talk of theet matte but hi. experience I.e.

snarl. him that. unfor tunately too much reticence sod rrvs had toea observed is Pethuut about patrol fact lie thought it heat that the Amerieaa Government ahonld know that thus wen thins which the British people would sot submit to. We ht BO difficulty in arranging the affair of the Trent when it coo knows that there warn sonidrbIc satiny la lb. civil and military ilrpartmeot He thought lb.

Government of tto United State shoe to etlUd ppan to decide whether they did or did sot mean to go to wit with ua. Hidid not think ttoy did but to flagrant bad been the outragn committed a poo ores ladepondeat of these two loot that the ae wtpapon abroad thought lb. Usited State inteaded to go to wet. He reuscbred come of the speech. that hs.

hew. me. by Oommodon WOk" when to wa ftted after UM affair of UM Trent cad they amounted to thie that to would Ins. ao opportunity of iaiultinc the British tag sod injuring Brittub commerce wherever to found them. If Her Maiettyi Government did not dan to aond maiU Into tboie tea if our mer- ehanUdilnotventuntoernd their hint then thisphedoen.

to thit that flommodore Wilt. or Admiral Iupnot might hoist e. broom it lb. ma head aad bnuot that to had driven British trade is. British ships from thee sousa.

Sine lOWS to the Haute to hi. had e. oowupepv lb. ttrmntiU Uimxa xlU. put Into hi.

hood. which Isritol ntioa to the foUoeig tlsement for UM load Mt character of whish it psntsws4 to to ready to vouch wont. a Yrsash a4 losS toy goreS tegitsh Ulaml In lb. Indlos. Ar to TiUsem and Co.

Mo Dial had to tM' that our own murvhat trailing to lb. West tndlea e4flj4 fur Yrensh ships. hootuse they rre chips were wntutoiI sod JUgllah. hl wen net. II thought thai ii I Ut of thing.

which siteS Ivail to very snoe rwulU. llthofoclhli ioU. frU MI to able to give some flUanatmna. II he. pest HnH la hi.

ble trictaat md alaa It UM nnkU uiI ii the hfl nf thOverm il i hut IVIIameal trmld m4pese thou. thiap over hid shnuU thnw lUt It rHolvcd to uphill loth the twrranlll st. of the susitry tad UM honue. 4 the Hellish two. Hear hear.

Earl boUe friend hat ratHe a rry war. web upo this tubjcet sod would to perfectly jvttifted II UM potato to which to ilIcdwl be. hues fools. and were not for the most part med by him to he tort. For inUoce to slot.

tkat vu4ooi vninle had boss eonl moeil by the Prim Oourla tto Adele lb. Ptrhn in. otheti. That certainly unknown to ma bane. though lb.

AdeU boa bees condemned by lb. Pet. Court of Key Ws on appeal hat been paid. tad with re. prl to the PterhotT we hive no account that soy snob event ha taken place.

Hear hear. For my own pert iaaleed of prooeediog O. wenmption. I her. thought it my duty.

In the per. and reeponatbi. position which I hold sot to pmeej In soy of thvs ewe without leaking Is lb. teat place the best Information a to the feet. that could to pro.

cured sod Is the next pleas without referring to the Uw officer of the Crown in order to know tto character to to attached to those fact Hear. I her not thought it right to proceed is matten of rich difficulty without taking wanning at every step. Hear bur That ha been my sooThe in the vertoua Ioetenes to which my noble friend baa referred. With regard to the Dolphin. I thought it Decewery hiring received lb.

report. with regard to that voeel to refer those report to the law offieen of the Crown cit. what they scy it that thee. don not appear from the papers that then wt a rS4 fsric ground for cciran they do not tee soy probable TfO0n for hit capture but they aid there may to fade niiknown to me sod unknown to them. with mpect to the matter of that veaatl which may have afforded ici.nt ground.

for tending the vessel to a Fri. Janet. flat they say that two evident violation of neutral righU ton taken place with roped to that mill. They Mite that the vewel which took lbs Dolphin had mad ne of a titr1 port for the purpoer of witching British merchant veaeelt and that 000 UM Dolphin left the port she immediately punned end when the bad pa and beyond lb. three miles of wets of the neutril power the woo trtroj by thii United Stab.

vntel of wee. Sitar hear. Thor. ia soother point upon which they my then It great reseno for complaint namely the taking a pert of lb. crew out of tto veal end Undine them attrwurda span neutral territory.

hose With regard to lb. two matters they cay then cannot to a doubt that Her XjeaI Government ha. a right to plaia sod baring tile day received their report which dated day. ih sbeflisnm4Ltlyby UM ueet mill bring UMC matter of complaint under the notice of UM III' Stale Govern meet. Re.

My noble friend sup that which ttoUaitod State kan affected to claim It our of outrage which he. taken place UM pert of UM United Now fib regard to that particular pout to which lb. Uw officer have referred namely the I ace of port pUoing there of a vernal to witch a neutral on and Immediately after her of bat kind took place bet wear witk tpeettottoTttMrnn. Itwtt immediately brought to iUaedcs of tto Uritod Government laU raleiWwruAta ri neMa ttB JdBMtoBtrmlttodta ltaid lb. officer who kUeoinmlUee tftt totho thtitotoddoataa to Well 1 the.

Ujat In than are a intkretpeettottoittoyaayttotB vemmwe. totoBBlwitkoutaBarek. It JWB ThUwkcarkMviaithlBmdettoveaawItoBMrtoetoto THE TIMES FRIDAY APRIL 24 1863. aJ of war to tk mttriitm to porttTV tkr wit tk i 14 tW If St tMa ok MwH from. Beatrtl pert to swJ wet rwMwdmc tear tram port I Ik 1 tk U- Nw that le tk rule vklck UM UnLS4 SW 1 State to laid far lb.

guide. lb. Secretary to the Navy of Ik United wy Well lb. Itk otairtoaiBmmtkatm a rwIe 1 prentlj violated tk United ore iii we to hew that UM vie Ma too we not from us Mini pert to but that she via pre. to a port of UM Stole while up- psnsty Mr WIT to a nest.

port. That I a ate whUk tk II. 1 UM Crow my fr tI1 se En seppostag that Admiral Wflhse I ether aft ten be. violated lb. rule we kan to tax nil that revemtte wto 14 will to glee eoaformlty with Ik ruUt lbs t' lted State Ken tkeentelTM he.

dew. I tot lain lbs. oevUt I will my BMT I thisk It to to I. tempt Ik friendly rtkUoa totwot Ik Iw uaLIt at too us 70 Vet a report a outrage to my that the tt a friendly pee will sot I wastnvesUoe of lb. lav 1 Uot owttt to a so.

Ibis they will rats. a. Hear. 0. tile contrary we re bowed to either that then wen tome fact.

net keow to al wakh will thow that be act woo not lalbIe or tkat tk Government of a friendly all win even train regard to It own character gin TkU lb. sea. of UM niphl. There wets 110 up. 1151 cr WI pound.

or the seizure. tad it It turn. out that there won so pouch the mutt not iseem. that UM United Mlatm will reins. to conform to UM rube which they hats I.

laid down. Hear hen' My friend adverted to the letter of Mr. Also. which he. appeared la the public print I moot esy that was a Ii tad ia my opinion a west unwarrant able ct and I eaaBot aoaeoin that It to proper holding a itiflnmitii potition In UU oasety to lees.

eothapermittoavntcl. That 5. making a dlthleUo he- twee ac hero Ito porio of this oonatry sad giving. ttemrity to e. dictiaguUtodfromtaottor.

It it IK powU. se it ippesre to we I. to see toatow tkat us one venal without making is la. tad perhaps doareo- dutiaetio egaind other veatela. There sun to no doubt that the conduct of Mr.

Adam. Is etiil7 unwarrantable but I should not think of eompUlaiag to Mr. Ads. I ibsil bring .1 bet. UM oanelderetioa of UM United State Government.

Hear laser. It It for them to say in whit mean. such us act to viaited. et My noble Inca. next went on to a which to dsirIbed fairly enough according to the feet.

known to him. But UM whole lasts wets evidently sot no. lit my nobU fries. He spok. of us Interview at the office between sad 0.

of ship. in. persona connected with lbs trade of lb. port of London with tripod to selling to Mtnori The uroosat of that interview generally speaking fairly given. wu certainly moth.

II many ooniicioae. Tto persona who cam to me complained of this grievance. They mid it pt happen that the Utter tsp that wet. Met by their yowl. by the General might contain Utter that were written by potion.

monocle. with or fooanbIe to the Federal Government. aad that those person. might invent a story that UM ship we. conveying More.

to the Confederate that they might put I. to those, that the. letters might to opened tad ed II Oft. igeicat the vuil sod that thus wat sot sn4ent security apiest such practice ill retorted to beouue they soul. not avoid taking the me.

bogs ii sonaanos. of shipownere being liable to a penalty of WV. If they refused to I. letter They ttorrf on complain ed that their ships cod otrgon might to put in danger by act. or R.

Xjflll Government which wen beyond their onD. trot. that matter ami eisa a which they made to me that an agent should be put I. chirp of the toga a. Is done on board the Queens packet ships.

Upon apfiaMvd to me to to masy objection to my taking such a course. I oboWd have fallen into the Ian. error us that of Mr. Alamo I should have lugleil out particular vessels us. given thorn a protection which other.

would sot enjoy. At ill event that thould not lie done without consideration. Then however oa obvion redrew which I rive. I nply to ttom You aty that you an ouutpsflsI to talc. these mail .4 that oar ships and at.

taut in jeopardy by the sot of the PsetmaterOrneriL Writ I will relieve ran I. that danger sad I win sib the Postmaster4lonerel not to oblige you to AU tto mail It ppan to me wai a medy for the grievance of which tbev complained Ma it I sosms to have bees unIeitoo4 out of loots at if it wet- a declaration that we would sot tend mail bug. to tf and that my notj friend yi. we were of the con a saloon. thus might happen.

Whit really did was to say to shipowasea van like to era. mill bug In U. you ahall to at liberty to do an bat will not cam- pal you to do to. I hive no. is my hand a Utter written to the roreiromo by lbs Poctmanter- General which that for tto 1.

Utter mail halt to put on boot- say vernal oaIlI. for uaI. with the fun of the mood It I oily that do sat UM lbs power that lb. law givea no In these uses. I eunfee.

it wool. hive been bud noon th owner. of vessels to ha' to give then the security tar which they cake. I tov no doubt her. will to many vessels the wenmami.

of which will to quite remit to Uto U- tahiti bet it they do ought not to thom to ty they ton bees put in jeopardy be the sot of lb. Government nor ought lb. law to to put la tore. to their lijery. Mv km.

teal ttate. truly that the fear. of be swami or theKeaQueen end other vim It wen fw on what ha fi done S. the CUM or th AiUla aamely that lb. United Ktate sathurIli.

ha. got uf her letter ban. Now la the Utter of Mr. wur4 wt Aa ft tM2 Iton It lb. following order And hall tkat official taaU or or 111.

foreign wUuidUei or. la IKI cat nor inc pnieit to to i brutes. psospI I by Uiem tea. by asp naeal 1 Jii a In KLL i but 11 l-- oUwr so uv ar wtl orlll of U. Halted htaleu But all or Witngteoenying seek pweolj A duly oalxl tie.

foreign ulla4trll4. will to I. dleurrticn th UeItaI tall uflUvr to whom ff my aim. tIII1 to the inns. ommendlsg cavil or Lvfwllea at the liwelga Oovrsmotat to to pwet Nna the mohretsa4ug Wait he.

enntrabaad or Important so moseratsg tli ha a 111 vrwl will remltu1 to lb. Prit Court or to the of Stile it Wellington i or an taled bags or paneU may to it ott. forwarded to this department to the end tkat th proper usthorftlos of Ito Government may the sum. without Wq Dc. 1010 their.

pectJly that naval oftIaen soy be Informed that the tort that a ins. to boss indicated to um cm ervisln In cay limit which ha been prwcribrd to them by th Ny IV- rvt- doe not la icy WIT tbori them to dc from the practice of the rules of vIsitatlu. and pumeribid by lb. law of nations. I the general direction liven lit II Sucretary of State to lb.

tllaefttar of the United SUte Ntrrto to forwarded by him to be oIIIce. of the Federal Nary. It my to that romptainti have bean mad In tltic eountz- which re not without fouadtlioa it may to that UiW Statse oicetw bar. riot observed tbeee rule but hats gun. beyond the dTreeIiooae that they hews received may be that they hits 1.

that were rosily going to Mtamo or tome neutral post wit hoi mffcient eel- deoee that UM cargo was of a contraband character. But it don seem to me. in rile of what my noble friend am. that lb. Government of this try bound tiuk a calm vi of these matter.

to represent them fairly to the United Stat. Government and not to um. that th Government of the United Ststes would fit in their duty to a friu Power. or that they would sounteptence nut- rage which are arainit the law of nationt. repi cecntationi win to made cod I expect that if they are jolt reparation will not to refuted.

Her he r. I hive already said that what took plane it lb. interview which I had with the shipowner. hat not been mittake to oettilulv be that they might rive evidence It caaaot to doubted that then fullr given. 0.

been made. It I. said that I impel. at the information that certain Snub subjects had boss mad prison. in.

detained la a place of coutnuect by the thori II. of lbs United States. I certainly did not expease cay such surprise for I had been tIe that very morning the rereentatleno not only of our consul. but of British subjects themselves who had to to detailed end detained apparently with pest sad snasasseory harsh- Doss the object brine namely to detain them ia order the Pt-Ice Court. art precedents ihow.

lag tkat when a Is brought before lb. Pete. Court the master of lb. may give evidence of the reel character of the cargo an. lb.

dstiaaIio of lb. vntel. that to may to detained for that purpses. But it totnu to that be United State uthoritis kan pa. beyond what they fairly had a right to do.

When wine tolligenate many se evolving belligerent and neutral rights wen brought before a very eminent judge whose eitio an poeraI1 tad uiveiaslly respected and. though I believe to carried the priaoipU fivoninbi. to captor to perhaps rather a sea length. beyond doubt they were in conformity with the Uw of attic I nde to Lord StowelL won lb. belligerent.

are sow IralL Bat I said I thought It would not Ioaoome UM character of thIe aatio we tad changed position to invoke usotbu Uw sad soother to dreler. that lb. dscieiooe of Lord which wen elena- we. to when wen belligerents shuitid to throw we sad rejected by se wtoa we became astzilt A. thoMperaoot who think that.

whatever may to the deeti nation of a shIp what- ever pupefi she may bare hoard shoe-lag that she it to break UM bloekade to oarrv arm. to tome one of the Confederate Stoles cow Is hostility with lb. Ui1 State they us to to protected by UM power of UM sritiei nude. oatoedletios to all oar own drepiaoa. end I.

to th declared law of nation I hope know UM Britiah Government never will place Itself f- l5 I look the which her. a. It soy to that ha. pLe wrong it met to that 0 i iet treat Lb. a tiny.

We ton tka aid of the Ltfaatlsth. of pest ledge it Se. tXevhantto views laid down by Jad Mary sad the wrHJag of Mr. Whostos. With thee.

authentic to guide aUtBtkeltalto uoI be I ia tke aVatbteadaciueitk Itiotiee 1 1 Mt to do Jus" to took Dote to Into cay kfaarwklk I not wMMa ikh touti dl lie less of Lb. world. ta-n. Eertef CAXAVON to took- taiafromkk we Irised a. plaflithcs it pert 1 lbs etearratieae to Mol i Uriinil to rues- pitulotiug eoaaeetod with lb.

Sea ill net. I dated that UM mui of UM wes. pUmedefttodiAeanyU which ttoy were placed by itiiithiBil a tkat they might oltimatcly to cuiairoeiaei by lb. sutot 1 the mail which might I. Awl.

alui to iii. of ei lb term of that isewu appeared to Iwy a serial. dosbt or r. la the mud of I noble friend with regard to UM right it UM A. Geese.

eattoamettaytkia tooptaaay mail hag se to toke from Sham treisosobi. surmeposdeest. which they might If. under U. of sod.

cod learned 4i I to ventured to sey that Be amount of ttsseenshl. erreeprH aee withi. lbs. bag awe they won with sod sail of Englaad. wwaat umatri of i57 filelgi Power la slopping UM vcawU wkltb uivei those bag la Breaking the seals sad to UUiig fro them UM letters which were there WhT.

Ut. letter which bail toe read tm. Mr. rVwarrl to nletlaetlr dUUimed icy tu ritht. cod It thould ant to MnU l.

Hoar hear. Hut I to UMlafenaee waikail tUilrtwifroa thaa wrf I fn-- It was obvlou that a tain pawing from to Ulal tad kaomlae he. 1- J. nearn. 14 heT a to to Am i stuler se teasel.

BtDIo totwvea Ktacta end XaM. Mime. Neseu sad Uvmiaol say Ml. asteai Bnn II. hoped Me noble tries.

wouM he ibis to 1 plait tic umotisfuetory lmpereeloo which he. toe treated by hi wool. If. hear. Earl did sot for moment rapp that is AwnrIai cavil often woukl how a right to Us.

toga. Bit the memben at the deputation said such thing might happen against law or justice cc. thought It woo my 1117 to reSists them from a fear of that kind tar a poisibis. Mr. Reward had in fact.

admitted. a my act. friend he tail that inch a proceeding would not. be regular in. had gives order.

to stop it. The Earl 5 he lb. almiacic mad by UM Government that there was reason to lb. Put. St ulSepri sight mil in illegal act hni which mealy in their relieving the trots lb.

aeeeMaitvof carrying the mail-beg imply a ortof twupisUon on their part of the probability of that illegal act. without cay yic ueclarttion that inch an ad if attempted must sell for til intervention rod very notice of Her Mtjcetyt Government. hear. I think lb. noble earl we.

quit. right is retnoic to put a melt agent on board the. voeeIs to cot one to a particular obiI' without Lkwia sa4in out la lb. other. or without exposing those which had sot as agent on board to tin greater risks thus they at Incur.

Hear hour. But I thIck to we. to blame is admitting at a ground of 11 exemption from the duty of carrying the mail-begs. that a practical sod seriona injury done I. British commerce in admitting that then we.

aritk of officer of the American Government to mlooenod. log themselves to take these veeeIa and to break open lb. mail-hap en hoard. I think we ought to have held this language that shipowne-ri wen bound to carry mail and that we were hound to protect our commerce IB be Ir of thoes vseel Of this I cm quite sure that if those comet. La.

been captured whatever might to the reaalt of the investigation this eouatry would never have submitted quietly to acts affording so oerIoua. a crowed for Apia lb. II Government. Cheers. doubt they.

would to a serbia ground of oIplal. end I will not suppose that the Pails. UleGovernment would auction icy such proceedeg. But we have sees. both in the Ces of Tueearort cod is that which happened tto other day that naral ol8crrs have ants.

ii entire enatravestlo. of We. hewer. desire cod. therefore.

I certainly did tappoa it possible that tome United officer might in this rospect lib' violate lit. rwraI raise sod direction. of the Americas Secretary of Stile. I thereto thought it might hove been a verv harsh operation to put in tore. agiiiiat gentlemen who ms those rewseentationm to th soinpabiry regards lb.

of maiU which its La th wade of UM 00. lent. Hear hear. The Kid of DERBY. noble earl my to dot sot so to contend that lb.

United State Government would have such a proceeding but he doe. think it pos- tible that without the oanct. of that Government some isellacreot olCeer might adopt this nawrruntsbl oourw. Evidently the danger which we. apprehended from the break.

in open the mailbag. via that letter. would to diooot trading to the ion of the Earl I did sot 101 the emu The Earl of Well. if not eipnaed to dunnaitoo what was UM injury done by having he letter. hag on hosed If the veaael wa subjects.

to no greeter from carrying the latter. than to wt have been if tb earned no mills at all. I do act an what was th ground for exempt Inr hit front liability to perform this duty. But I the case to to argued en lb. ground of lb.

risk which it 1 would to incurred if en oftoer of the United KutraKary by am iUrpI art obtain. of trauma. eorromoodace on boned a British hip Doe lb. soil. lord mesa to admit that if nch a roer.

wan purmed this country would recognue the right of Lbs United Stoics to condemn lb. vessel on viduc so procured which eoold to rally brought into court CIa. Would Ii. sot to bosn1 to proteat egaisot lb. nee of if Niattoit uird in such a manner at well ii tgaiaat the oririaI act of iUsaiity itself Hear hear.

Earl RUSSELL. Tton can to doubt that oIaoulot hut. a veer rood ground of oorepUiDt that we have a right to radram. which so doubt. would to But.

of court very Injury would msawhll to the of UM camel through her being taken tret to Key Woes and afterwards to torn other puiipnihly to Botoo or New York. Heir Ear I think it isgresty to to regretted that my noble friend in stating lb. course to meant topunoe id not explain himself more clearly to thtpartieaeonoerned. Hear. The noble earl shot.

bee. laid If you curry the you will issue so danger heron. It they are opened the officer who open them win commit ta offence sgalet this country which shill to bound to null. boar hear and to obtain for you ampU pecuniary coin pen ut ion for coy damage or low which you may puatola. It farther appear' Mi that lb.

parti Intended la th vessels might filet and reiuuiiahlir li to tarry the letter bags bewuw II I am not pulataltin by tltlppUg II to a osetrol fl hey HIM vnilar a enntrael with Hellish luveritnent to go to that urt. Ttoy are lamed It Ullvef lb. Ufl ii th utral purl to which ate iundgttI cad I prenime that It they filled ii I en they would loot. th preiltics to a of 1. with II.

tajely hl oil. It might tliefvfi nhnf Inporunee In UieBtohan tin bogs II Tnf llng pnaamritiveirltenot that they wets kn a Malimoras. enil not lormenf the nfnl rtl port I do n-H Ihliik that It Is al urreemilthatIIeltlshewsyewlto who ire India to a really neutral port in. who se long II their U1Inoa I. that port an at lltortr to carry enetra- Kthl nf war not aw any nn why ttoy thou to deprive uty a which mar to aNeded to them by lb.

pretnmMinn which might cries from the VYT1nc of letter. The only fault I hive to tad with the noo1e le that they no151. toeipliln this more fully to the men haa on With revue. to lb. other vessels.

I not doubt that they will porn. a right satins. Whatever ground tb may to for touring that lb. Anwrlou. Jocsramot will not act fairly by us.

we an it prweet bound to am. that they will do an. Unless then is a denial of juti. we have no right to make a quarrel with them upon lb. I hope and tenet that the Sir court.

before which the vryts ca brought will do their tlutv honestly and fairly cod it Lb. fact. art as alleged will award proper pecuniary oomueoaatioo to the owner. 1 UM veewlt. II.

hear. Lord STANLEY of ALDERLEY. that tiers wa a great distinction between ii ordinary ship taking letter. unit a pocket which took them under contract. la the former there ye.

so contract either or tin. plied between the captain or owner of the chip and the Fist- office the tlaoriiea of which had so meant of coo trolling the voyage of the ship. There. wai nothing ia the engagement to prevent such a thin duicting from her roarer. a for Inutin.

calling it a Oonfedente port biters the went to Malamute. It would therefore to no advantage to the owner of a thin to hive letters on board. On he cool. it oooUemi in ouroua obligation. as we.

proved by the Imposition of a penalty of for a reined to take letter. It was of tie that the tnipownen complained in their interview with hi. noble friend. They eat. It 1.

bard that should tollable to a penalty for not taking letter. which may reader a liable to condemnation or interference by American it it possible that chip letter. may to wriUea by friend. of the Federate to eornprornie us end our intend It so III to eev that the American captain would to doing an tinge act if to opened lb. letters because although red- might tLimjy to obtained from the of Wathingtoo' the ship would lie subjected to gnat delay and loss which might tusk.

thrnownen unwilling to Scour the risk. and Seduce U- to ash to to rot-1 I. the ohlintioo did not sue what kk sob friend could ton given them except to recommend that lb. right of the Port-office to put time letter. on board all ships should not to insisted nr in.

that they should. it their own request. to relieved from Us. obligation which to Uw upon them. x-d WODEROU8EuI said that the aobU lord to overtook lb.

feet that injury vu. done to lb. whole of the public by their being deprived of the opportunity of sending letter. by coy thin that murht lie wiling to a neutral or friendly port. Rear near.

He thought that lb. noble Ii ouxht to have mid to deputation which wilt. span him sen you that tb American Goversewot ton give. ltIrooctione to their ottomi to reaped the rule that the teala of Utter beco ball sot to removed but if such ban are opened. and in I of the rrepnodeoc.

which 1 Id In theta lb. ship i illegally condemned that it a proceeding to which this roututry win never submit hear. hear tad cay ebipow-aer mw such rich may to certain or the rapport of Her Majettyi Government. While to I with hi noble friend the Secretary of State in thinking that questions to pave as. Wiets la their to to dice meed ia ttomcet calm cad icosiducte spirit.

vet ii. lb. other toad to muet xpre hit II. eosviclios that tuck the temper of the people of the Patted States that It we. ibeofutl asej that this ouatsy while asttnq with otlmaeat ahould alt let with a foe cod pUieoaiit Hear.

Tied lortIalpo tpt ntvapea llUetttooaly la UM tomieren we. II see ibseg mmito the titUeef ourewa risht while right. it ton. CHk tt arl GRAXVUJX-Botk my feiamtp Ut tore sad lb. we Oreyk wU- tk lt omewkat difonettorma lbs which aub rioad wMarndealefklatokanrtveeiwarttorof It would BBT toe taking a peat DoaTilenelftoUvw the tad anal tomaenIataajBeeutcIM Wikaowtkat who.

I tad tau. on a court ultimately re. wade cover vn tk at torn damage whisk La II beg I it myU Iris. had Ii. the which ton toe ttea might ha.

toe aeliiUnl at a to Moon aw. wore tka US niniritialit yraoIthikthatltwwUtonkee wiMhrkimtoton a fvacjdito lag that those sad wme' to in ill Hi I I trust that araatM are MMV- tooo Uriah that it so detest la the count which the ton take or see pre pared to take eh that ttov an not reedy i every MM I which the If the letetuets it lbs stunti are sad to with all do rag to Ito ok. vie of 1.1 Uw with tl cod NIunap. Hear Lord KEDaMDALK a cd wtottor the oU owl II lb. I toad II lbs admitted that UM United had rich' to orw ktter-kac wto In I.

of a 1 III. atomalliiai teemed to go that JM Karl PILLL an observation term tk Ik purport of 14 did not peach th pi1ft- Urdahlpt adjourned it a quarter peel I lsh UOCSM OF COMMONS TMIMBAT Arm The SritKia took lb. chair at 4 PETITIONS. Pwcltioac tar liuSg puKHchnuv on Sca Uy wen pre-led ird RlcutiDOunsYcvom. fmai Buckley sad PnJ.

fUala4l. by Mr. R. P. Lo fn-a the WeaUyaa MtIhoolloll of MeIkham Wills by Sir W.

MlUBt train hi Sir IL from of WctfOJ and Baahev Hertfordthin is. ft hew ROetnnuo" HtfMhire iv Mr. lIi5iT true. Inhabitant of tehvdl Stratford. ea by Mr.

Rourtu ft. St. 110. sad St. Timothy tad from KSrkIaIe Liverpool hr Admiral DOS- owul hose pica.

In Durham Ysrhabirs by Mr. LYAU ITO. the Primitive Metrmliat iagriiariia at Whilehav by x- Kronen In. Aldshsih SaOoIk to Sir T. CmossHT from Lwdteoten Mythetm- toy.

Nob. Bridge Uolmflrth Hnehbte Mill Aecteiley. XeIaana ac. Oak worth by Mr. Htrn' Its.

Ouc4is Oorby Pytoey. A. forthampto kin by Mr. Sow. from tnhabttab of Welch Skraoahin hr Mr.

Utttatuy from Hsrliazlou Sir W. Vu tram Lorgna in. Csty by We. lLgwDAU from the inhabitaati of Altarwi Cernall by Mr. EvA front inbihitsuts 1 cad Wale-ran eongrngation.

of itAchbnerue. Finicy Bentley. Reilefrd ad XivScld by Colonel W. SrtriT. from inhabitant of Bedfor.

by Mr. HLIuIc from oooxregaliou I. N-on-True" by Mr. Dr front Nusterfelul North la the North Riding it Yorkahw he Mr. Ouuu.

from Madder Sareftkin Mr. WyL. from mi. by Mr. Mourrr.

hew lark North Biding by Mr. Fun. from West Hartlepeet by Mr. LunU from Primitive MetkndiM of Wakeaeld by Mr. tuYTJr front inhahrtanriof Swamsi be Ocloacl L.

WtnJ1tI from the miniiten tad rid. ttoCarriaiatic Methiwliats of South Wiles being ieMUlefi it clue' MO ehre. by Mr. P. WtTUOTO from Theviton Bali IN by Mr.

lituizy 12 from the boro ii Oldham teach. and senior oeho of x--d Primitive Methodists Suaday School members of T-- Semi- nary toacton sad seholaru of Free Church or Seheel eleigyniua toaeben and senior scholar. of St. Church Sunday School teteton end 1 St. PutoVe Church Sundty School teacher.

end senior scholars it St. Domiago-ctreet Wealryaa School teacheru sad sesoor of North Moor WnleYan SuaUy School sod senior echoic of Mount Plrauat Suaday School teacher. sad scholars of Unitariaa Sunday School teachers and scholar. of Sunday School leaeken cad Knior I of the Independent SnUy School toochecs cod traior echoic of the PrImitive XMhodtsts Sunday School. Petition ocaioot tilt tubjeotioa of et to tax presented.

by Mr. Tm from tto Gotarcon St. Thoinoos Reepital hi Colonel Rwtzv he. UM Pram. deCVk lrntTruteeajndGovrnonof St.

Ceorrei Horoital be Mr. W. CTWTT from St. BtrtholoeteVt I. Mr.

Sours. from the Wardewa an. Cowosalty of th Mystery of OuIJailbe of the City of I by Mr. Ruluatl fro" the Society for Advacoung lb. Christian Faith in lb.

West India by UM Lou Xuoa. from 0. Governor of Chriifi Hctpiul by Mr. Xowiay. front the Treaauren of th Society for Promoting Chrirtiaa Kaowl lge hi Sir tit.

SoaT1f from UM President awl Governor. of Guy' Hotpitel by Mr. A Herman OortXAKD. from the Corporation of the Son of the Oergv. from the Royal HospitAl of Brilewell.

and from the Royal of Bethlehem. Petition la favour of tto tm Irla0 Bill presented by alas. PUOfII from the Wetleyan Methodist snnngitiooi of Ilvmun. Hyde part. money.

Ports llvcl is the county it La. trim try Lord Psocy from the Week onsiregitles. ia RaUidrni and Boitiagtas. IIW Wieklow by Mr. Cit.

front lb. United Presbyterian cosgve. tioa of Lout End county of Am hi Sir W. Vr train Wetleyan Methodists of Riekwoll. cod Oettytee by the OXToxoB Do' from the Metho dm.

of the county at Roienmenon by Mr. PntUaJ UQt1IT. from the Methodist. of Oaa. tea.

town. the county of Wtmsth a ht Lord A. IRnL THITOR tense the Weelcia Metkeliet Oimrregation of Doaa kan tflMry us. Gitfoed mesty it and of Avehagaflos. eoontvnf Antrim.

Petition ye. aim te.t. by Sir A. Hoot from the clergy of the of rietoeter. taI the Radar.

School. Bin from the WJera of Dticeter. in favour of the Poblichouse Bin as. from the rlergv of lb. deanery of BridYr against th Burtit Bill ky Mr.

Ssor.a- S. frown Birmin ham. for nfar the sesIIthose of tickets it lean by Lard R. Ono ioa from he -of the raral dMnery of n. in of St.

ccilast the Burial. Bill sod r. cad buy it NortknrsFliatehlra 1 BiUjev Mr. S. 1' fmm lb.

01 Highwortk Warmlaeter. Wilt. against lb. heavy duty BOW raked spa. sugar and Ito method la which that toittlen Ii levied I to Mr 058 W.

oaLlaJ. stag. swIp it Rioter ugalset tto mileage duty an Sir M. rl1D ft iMiii it alit. fwwi isle of 1.

Iii. WItiupelic Turnpike AM. 04'-Hill tens. tererra of II. Uks Ml4ltame 1 Mr.

Ilounu. from In mt trtei of praflag that a. humble ebtew to preentol to tier Mtettf II. win wwnmawI that pooh 4 a ticket of Uan thn. it being UWnted.

to I to the Poll of UM 0- In which to may to exit tad that may to token II west. the enfnfwmeiit at the the tlsou I iv Mr. lUMU fmm tIoI of wiek la ut ltI. of WI. mi 4ke reads.

and train rmerr stud laktbitente of Mont. I fscns of redaction ut ten itotias I by Mr. UIotl lt. tram tk em of lb. litlahuegh an II.

Rail war Onmnaay mylngtkat sisue. post to ln YteH In the irui nt la. come tax Bin retwolinr that port of the nl of Victoria sap. which ta that railway arrvaato hall to cmi. Schedule E.

end to COM that such rally servants chill to under Sctodak I by Mr. Cttao. train Pruvo4 and magutraUt it Stirling against Sane SnIrteri Bill. and for redaction of In in- uris duty by Mr. Allermaa SAtniiova.

tens of St. Miry. Luntta ogiln. the Thames ho. South Side Hill he Lord Htu from YtxUy Ink ipiost the alteration of pn it law is ngarJ toriaU In hny and burial grounds Mr.

Start. LAWTt. front lb. i tntenf the Part. of Li.

oolnehlre. agaiet the Prima Minieten Bill hr Mr. PATH. from Jam. Keseell.

of St. In a iot UM miV duty on stags earriagei Colonel Tn arint the AM relative to rnectimal ekildn la one from the Roe. of Guardian. of Cln to ii the other from the Baird of Guardian at Faniskiflei hi. Onptv from the pariah of npIIiD Bcdf rd- obi.

ac Prison 111 Bill hr Mr. LA I En fret ti. teikr unit r-o' BSrIrenhsut praviar that the redaction rot ulntv mat to prwtnnnid until the Ulla it Mav ty ta ictor. uty pnylac Inc It shelitle. I by if Urahalag with a fm I and se-ct hr Mr.

C. TntIK from the operative tradesmen in. of lb. hamlet of MossIer. nest irsiast UM Bin for timing puWichomes as SotwIcy by Mr.

Wun unjust Pi Xjiatan Bin. from WISdI. Sian. Svmv be Was TOoxon 00. from Loan.

cu lie of waM. Formby. end Rninhifl. 1. Mvsi 1 the Prison MitWten Bill hi.

Sir W. oTt tress the S. habltao at Hunch. for itfcrnnticei Is tto ei. if Poleed by Mr.

BtTLft hoe lb. seer of the pistil. or St. canard. Shnmlitch.

itatinc this ttov view with alarm the tntmrtantioa 1 the Rill far lb. ttttHTametira 1 the BolitoHacdatvPolioe that U- the of to the of micipal rithts aid that a tore of loverwmefit thooM to reUMithed for the politaa districts hi Mr. r. U- ten. the rmardiaaa of the poor of UM Wserintoa Union So.

doe uaywtasosl of a comm ooei to 101. hito th ttate of the I nvuraractoring dietrictl hi. Mr. CnT. from UM manufacture.

or lie met inset the Sate of Go Act n.tmeet Bill hr Mr. Berlin Toxr from the Rural no- of Canterbury. lIpi. auv altentioa sa I the law e. to harial rroaiwle and I.

rnleraorv iaicst the of G. Bin Yr. WvLtt tnm Bodnai. for lb. re of the duty on issrame by Mr.

SrTtTIit-BTnTiT I. lb. rxrieh Crux Facto. Ktinct the Fad Scwvtls Sift We Mr. W.

I KwAvr arnj tress the manacenef a free ached ia lb. richefM nerNnrto st I hr Mr. KllHAItn. tie. the dirertere of tto Mtrspolltn OrrU nipaav.

in favour of a nviawe of tto Hackney Act. and wkiag a ehve of IL rad of fid. mile lo from the mevcKaata. maaofactann. ai v-ten.

Perth. is favoor 9 U. it 1 tsrnmk. cc. ether from Mr.

P. 4TUm vfnm and WiItbaaistflW. tnvine for UM of UM i eoaditieo on ticket of leave. PRIVATE RrSfltL5S. Stain it-d Wokta Jsaetieu RaQwtv wm read a third time and 1.

NEW MEMBER. Ltrd FrrntoT took UM oat to his for Taid roucE. My. COX ran aid. tkafeo T-- xi towwaU ewe vanau sues to lb.

a em aim lb. li 1 It. Motoupohea. uee pest rVOaeMet for lb. II HiVe Is tfc room of Mr.

lawns Stusateld. ok to BllP it the efeoe th O' for usstig the fmae Lard AiatiialefOnalEtitaiaaWlnlaad. zDLx3uGa OTAJfICAL OAiDl i Mr QR0OZT a tat samdIes lb. Qvl leikawkm. 4.

to vs. sees that the of that UoeM Lbs I Gaelic. at avTUOughttotoopooedto the If 011. wrriIe ili tlMB7wvik III ether katoaMtl ar II PwIlameatsey gnat Bearkear HIQHWAT BOu My. HUNT Baked the IWe let Ik bepartateai it wee a highway Utr liii 1- Highways Ass I to transect U.

the boards after tk tret war it lack kwr Int. al aav BUM cot ef dietrkt fly. It aay pete tusm with. UM limitcf tk dktrkt. Mia a- witeins 1 the lee the pure UM AM KrG.

OilY' laid WMBeeianm peels. talk Highway Act is to UM tk msatssgs war to to held after tto I rat soetong i but. awrdlag too asset Vt100 la tack MM IS veil. pat to right even wltki Ik Utter of lie law UM BMrttng of lb. hlgnwtt shoe to hold I a mile teeartte trees Ito kcrkw dutrtet TN Utter part of th to cuelerstewl to refer to siVtksill wHni the UI 4 sectItneiit pill.

of It toviag Mi. Acts. It would uhvlreiely to for tk ujvr of the Bn ra it Ii. knar. that the mMltot Shoal to toU Ic dew BUM they won rtl when swems held hr the tnacactmq of Ito palate Utmtrn i UfCdMtriel.

TAX. Sir 1. FUGCMON Ito n. of lie Esebe qwt whether then was iy 11. of altering Ik elief lag machlaery by which the 4 the leant tax WM I i Bad.

it cot. whether be escasment wwald I lion all the by Use lead tatkantem. The cn lNC1LLOR it lb. UCHIQUttJttaiol. thee woe 110 LatotlOc of 1 the machinery which a mete wen ww mull lie aoahcniv or the lusarim IN by the local eases.

at any Is. the 001 had asy prupsul to make that neieet an regarded Lagleid or SootUad they would make it after tall BOXIC HOLYIJEAD HARSOPS. I DUXXE asked the Socntarv to 4" who. the retiree endured e. to the Holybec.

pocket Me MO eorreeiiuaiUacc with lb. Dahlia Stssapeckvt C. Baay. would to laid spas the tot. of the Hone cod ytJrill ld to kiuttail carry cut the practiced I.

HetVbd Pr far the puipam of the tafety 1 the a lacitui as. the paeetagtn Uadiag from them. Mr. X. GIBSON mid that UM control 1 801-1 toviag bee traaafmd by a.

lei 1 loot Notion true. lbs Aimiralty to the Board of Trade. it devil. au. to the be.

IN pl1ae1 wnnsbrt. Tto none Sc queetioa woo bi prepared would to laid 110 table. A to UM ilteraticue at pier to vi. informed that the pole. oooaecUag Ito jetty were completed.

The which ha. ten- wpIad De he jetty not Being proceeiled Oh but earn sabeillute fur it wa annl riliiia. Ooloatl DUNNE wuhed to know whether aometknc mw 11 deal the. lb. were driving it then pile.

wee cat tobedowe. Mr. GIBSON 14 lb. ho. member1 question referred to" the promtMd I The only alteration which to UBOentood to bees torn promked by the Admiralty cad the Trososry wets the Sitag of piles to prmewt the ii.

pamag through lb. 1 jilt aid UM 1 a iwofedttroctun the jetty. PRISON MINISTERS BILL. Mr. R.

LONG caked lb. Rome Secretary whether to woo willing to fii nii be for going Silo tomorrow thi. Jay as this Bill. Sir G. GREY that a.

UM null. fur to ongoing late Committee of SupeJy related to subject. which were libel. to a good deal of to mfcl poolpun. hi till Tkanday Mil.

Hear best. OUt Mr. OOCrTRANK liked whether lb. noble feed os6rm the oMiafwy iatrlLfwaM which had appeared tuacei that the Government had toe we to men. to se iW1iciWe a rerpeetiag tk of G- IN she what tor UM report WM correct that it WM IA.

IatotSO it set GOT era meat to pwu' a oaa a. to 1 lie new King peag to that ouatry. Lord SS ir I caaaot my that all UM iouawuatcacio. which ton been patting with regard to the icceptaso. of lb.

throne of Grate by Prince WiUcm of Denmark art quite eoodaded but we have lb. toot reuoa to believe that their uioo win to tiJMto retpcctinj hi. acceptance it the throes. With rifeivecs to lb. Utter part of lb.

ho. geaUmaat qucitioe tkom pruciary arrangemeits U. of detail about which I cannot my athtag Lsegbter. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. Sir J.

II wish. to pet a qoostios to Poe I of the. Board II Trade soosoeted with a prcmM to had give. on a eveaiag to prootaee sew. The.

had toe sees. eocneooodcoc between the Tnarty- how and Lb. Board it Trade so this subject tad to had to he right ho. gttl mia whether to would pests. it alto.

Mr. GIBSON mid that the Utter 1 tk Board ii Trod. as. UM tepailel the TrInity-Iic OorponUoa rrpiy it with near to lb. ieetii light would to laid tk table.

As to any farther surrisposAcue. to SI. refer to tofan it prodwctio. UrTLY. tk order being read tar pi.

test Could. of ppiy. Lao. PALMEK3TON ran I wish Sir to or that you issue lb. shah.

tad la Jig I sep that porhtft these ton. geatis. who kan glen. aotieaof prelinlasiy to ac Lob. Supply will ton tk I to pnatpoa It I MI Tory sastesas that till II ihovjd prcitod with Ik 1 which I hive given tad II will to to tk pOll.

1. It Ik has. ton will meant to ejtpo their. neartoar CONDUCT or ADMIRAL WIUCU. Mr.

I Me. fir a well. hut I ha. qtnUa which teicrihagtojMlk Mttotl loUclar IlrWentomltet Bw gmtgeala tk Wart India vat. and 7 acariy tffeU lagltsh II.

I aZImIs to UM prurUaga a. tJmlral tk United service with ruspeet to iklt wsriIaiat shipping fete ram al Xagllak post to a aeatral port. Hear hear. I stab to pnfaM my qautaen with er Iw tr rvtlioa but I win ad senpy he er lb. lii.

very tong. Hear hose. Mr. NICIITLY ram amid ws. wSssIun to put It to lb.

Speaker whether UM to sad leaned wand. woo cot mfriarlag lb. tabs 1 the Runs. of 00 Mill to Ms. Rnbuik.

laIIeeoi Sitsrrsplloe. Lord PALXEMTOIf Uterpceed. He mid. May I to not to my toe. coil leaned riewd 110.

Low laaghter. Mr. lb. nobU lord Is cc older was I am but Mill alder a. to ii to win act WI.

me I. 5. that way. A. Laugh.

I wish to sake a few nbeervtieM bet. I put UM I to UM noble lord. relate. to lbs of Admiral WQket. Sir when lb.

America. war broke sot I way my Lb. large majority 1 the English people felt a shook ii opinion la regard to UM between UM State 1 Hear heir. I may my for that ohnck woo of a very troog sleeroow for my early notions wen that is America a great upoliI WM being wade 1 government. I thought they bad stared that zprnioevt in a way that mankind had never dose before and that ortun.

would prevail S. their favour for they wins worthy of governing ttomaelvn. Who. lb. sew ties.

tad that greet txperiaMwt WM it as end for it it it as and chair my Mrt failed ma the I we. compelled to that men tub. UM wool eirnnistaceru kJ pre ttomntlvmaaworthy 1 governing I. That woo foaling at that Us ad my feeling wt I. favour at UM North wee an and who soesiset wMteekM peeved tMa sot soy cuts for lb.

Oftt1I of these. tdm tot unit tar lb. and the tommnaity it 0. eJvObed world Oh ok ud Ok yea Sir. I know thus are its Ziglishnie cheer who- take the putt of UM North against their ew country and tome lute he- tweet no.

awl I their voice i raised en the aide of Awed. sad Oh ok I am perfectly under mad I am very glad to lad that what I my tenth the hoe. geatlewe. It that the ytnttoo. of which I hat.

givea anti. a pest among them. Rear hear. Wen. Sir lb.

of Lb. North America State to he each as taUlliJiaWac I. lb. of 1 0 Tto lord to chow. kkaectf e.

a friend of tto the jaity and the purity 1 England. shows. that wars lb. in ha as Lb. bead it lb.

Uiaiotraioe the air vaMteaot eoaacote with tk Treat Cheers. We ha' toe eukraet to every 1 vlsII net of lasnuitias but of aceamthi Wt wen with war sad Lag to crock e. to to power tad Liag to felled. We neeated ii sad Me them to a. awl tUytrokledlatkeirt wr.

BMttJu place awl to lb. MMtmaa who perpetrated the iaJtWc4toarfla mUMMcef ttoTrana. A' latre tk En tk to i pow- Mr. CkwvieraX tare to tot lust ppas tM7 ii' perfectly to a pert. a sale.

or A. f' EatJkhBiBTito1 mkmtoiiri i LO htU at' pbUsiiis a 01. Irial T. T. 1'- 1Iaoq.

I H. the i. 0. I. II LrI An.

1 I frtll MI. DrIr Nwt" I4 a A AU Ii i. J. IU a lu of I I IIIW of a Jri of I 1' M. n.

of. I aw UU 101 UIw olm Ul ad ll' 11. It. We UM 11 tL tlroRn LIwI al i LaNtfTASLtr lb. I ly lb.

siI. I o.w.- A LEY tar 1 of cJT It 0. 1. on. Earl of UltRB.

loa. take dacWNft lb. of DC 1'- I III III he n1' of The q. the St eh. wvu mMpL.

ha I far 1 r. lb. on of Iot I1har. 11I" by lb. supar4or 1.

The aobIe earl saoetodd IM objM loa load ia We ea of ppi tIIw ha ovta wi or tW" Wdi. fa 1lIowi. vito1 Jrimar1 dec oWuou Lord CIANWOTfI q. otI tht stool WIT i. U.

sir lb. olyWn 1 I' 11 i ed 14 II lIE roRO u. 1 i. ichl unthIs sosit be 10 ened illc d. IIItR OFFICE BI LL.

1 RI' tta Icy 10 Ii WIIIN 110 by yll lO the f. If illllo be bed dI oIl Ib It 11 the 0. 0 it. ann I U. aI.

ion ie hl. daat II' lbs IN be veto. pi lad hile the eye 1.0 oola i 1 Jioeh. lb. illdi a1.

uke ai War. I mete- oIIl-- II. 1 lti lw lIt buai 01. If wb be at so. II.

III for 11. uf WI tov1 hi" isiJet ut tI. ft1I oar. 110.11- fI II 11141. outrspy to II 1 Is I 1.

II. I we 111" I. flIIH I. Ir.t. fill.

I II. I sniuiulrIoq Inn h'1 rIr IIlnn Ilco rale 1. to hit 1.1 11 I. WlRoOn IP lta r. tinhl.

ilios f.RJ\ 1 I rro 1 f1" I. II lat al t. lt. T1 Ir I Ik atll ti tl rl I. tISAGF LASH rEL 1 BI 10 t.

ti1 Ii ti Bi a U. L1 IU nlr Irm n. LI 1 ilk II UI IROEOS AC AHS DE IUI1 no h' IERr mowing t. tnc Ihi 11. I m.

hL. t. I. If lya hr 1 pL ii ld II. in t.

oh I I. TIY rI7J sml T. i WF lid It bo LJ" 1 fl qti1 hi u. fu i Afa. 0 lil St' wl I 0.

tl rlfml frl Bb oip I tn. a ul. I titl I oubj bt c. t4 ol cn 1 dp ty I 1 ti It W. b.

i bth H. PrII b. tl w' I wtp 401J I a r. fo fo 1 nn fwln nl 0" rihma fr a kl II Pwl I. bl b.

llpa rr 0 11 Brlb I nl Dpill L1r I' fu lIa pn tea I. SU I KWra. 1 fr II I 11. A o. T.

I. lb olp hib h. 1 e' ub eLr A. Brl 1 tt I. Jr Ip oSL T.

1Ak. pt Di pa pDC 0i Ip' e. 1. I 1. i i I I.A.- wl ep bil i 1 I n.

u. I 1 1 I b. M. O. I i I of.

1 I 1 I 11 I. of 0 0 W. l' rit. 1 1 1 lb. aa I all t.

W. fe 1 i 1 of at 1. I M. a I I i aa lb. Wela Me.

M. 1 of. UM wh4 II T1 I 1 rI MW u1. ad M. Nr I.

1 I 1 Pu" I I 11" 1 lb. I. Ma' I 1 wl h. r1 rl. a O.

.1 a aU wbt IL W' I I. lb. I. 1 1 ai or bt Ip wil ID i 1 a i I IIa Zr I Rlb fr lei" ll no NYOk1 lIa wil. Xn.

11 a W. Ual ii 11 i 1 1 baa 1 IM I fr a H- il- wil' a1 F. I ufo tI a. li I I. i ar 11.

wi I he. f. a li ll fo Bla I Iia I GII Mui i J1 a f. oi alik. k.

1 0 I fr I lp I il a bw w. 0 a. ti. 11 lh bl f. i rI 1 t.

ol GrD' r. 1 b. 1lt B. Xjy in M. I 1.

1' I td hi" Oi lb. olp lia be eH b1 U. XiI' i ID b. Ft le' boal' l'bl lii a i mt. H.

fe Il I o. OD j. alud Id I. yN JI pl br at Id In Ic I. 8t.

rl il aip lIr Ilro a. c. Wht Gnulel o.l ba. 1 b. ol tr rf Bb I I O.

Kni ba. ef Adm I wl ido ne 1 lu p1 II Brl aip h. I be dc 1 i 1 up ollril bill If. tOllal 1 co Id b. IIII plll UI 1 Ar.

01 hw tl" bi 0. Bt rO 11 h1 ilt111 1 dAr Tl I ko. lo arit un ry 1 G. 0 tb t' 11. I.

hh 1 dio I I IIIL I. tM dl I L. I I Ih t. I lt UW il. I.

01 Ib. h1 1 Cmo ftl a dar nl lIai loLI 1 ialtu Rlb 4 Bl. fODd I I XJIr 0. da tb mla II' I. i Or dlUldiII olIn hl P.

tllll lIai c1 Wik. Adlir lh 1 bd dr Bllab uo hrtlah hip fr I. 8 hi d. 1 ha Jrl Iip G. 1 11 1 hu lt1 ttO fUoIC oet to r.

br 1 ff. rT Wa le Jt 1 Znrib 111 I W. hol. AI' Ta 1.1 tl. I 0" hl' tllr 111.

i hl thr k. rh bl Xllal 1 n. II. II' thl 1' U. 1.

II 11 b. I tM II 11. IH A I ll. a I tt h.1 Ih. 1III.

Ib. I. Ml h1 I tl rl1 Ilh nU IMI 1 lI IrUh II. I I I. 1 Il I wo rI jol I hlh a f.

1 lo 1 fa ro Int ll 1 b1 Or Adl. twr otn T. r11. I lh1 1 Ih lo bll od. er K.

WI a bll a lIa r1 tb 1 1. 1 b. lo I' ioIot illl Dp h. h' lol 11I I. rb plll be wilhl k.

lm I lafoIO 1 lb f. cur ld lul Il melll thel. uc. Cr. I.

or k. e. I lh fI U. lb' I rbl 1 dilcl inr rr b. be.

I' i. 0. no ID 1 hi lY I frd b. f1 Dp I' bri" re rr I 1 fr 0. omc C.

I. th. It frm ti 0. f. ld fo 4 a Jb 11 fo boal le ta lh nk.

t. 1 tb 0 bih I a e1 i1 f. 0. Pr or I. erl Ti I r1 lIa rr tt 1 lk Dhill I hn Jrlb lewl I 1 I Dpl le a iml pune 0 bl lIa.

mi te lIa Uoil S. of. De. b. i p.

1 blb I OptIe I tt. hen. do Ieb daalrinamadialel II xiw I. tlaaU. edSWoe ed oftnceo pIcas.

part' 1II1a. tnI rar lbs It IMUIlliIed. 001j 10' JaW. which pena1tWw that bed If it be shows that bad lIDo ao tW tMt. That that wt II the II a- wttbmI taDT far.

It we WWrtIW. IIIW- a. it. pi I Iooc fa lit abs shIIJ Ma WoI. he lb.

IIIiMcI it II fair II tI1ww. VII UII lbs Ippaoiaa wilt. I' alt 101. bel I a. lb.

of 0. 101 us rel h. lb. rieOon Innota Its me funn lb. do.

11 It I1aI DI 11. ad I. for di poai tiota airy b. pursuit lalh Ii" t. 1.

10. Then. IDCt plalai" Ie' I OOIIIId a Mr airl 1 m1Dob1e npob oIIi. X. a ior.

falrl plailled TheiJ I 1 iChl lAio hat Or Uae 1 seed I rit epi eoWdfOid otnlf. 0. be Tbr 1 If" yl i. h. ictelt I 1o1Id ci' d.

1Io. b. 1JI1 t. 1011. 1 It I bl 10.

Lhemail Mr. 1m1o Ioon it. Uetemore oftbe reall oIal 1IWIil. ibm we do. POtlll I 80r7li1IaaI ulll il.

I h. lb. Ie h. hr ioh rtad1o the do we I OO. III Ij IIh.

fri. he II haol been 10. the Jritiao I lln II. A A. laI I1W 1IIll riI4eaN I lIMo III 1.

II 1 dId 1001 1 by I111I 1 1. IOIIIlIIIIndlhunl 1011 0. tNI4 I. tl. p1 tI.W I Ie ardrrt 10 I the oIeol 1 IlIf farllh.

hM. malnr baa. riboot hylb. 11' 0. 1ai.J brd ntionL 8.

s. N. 11I :1 m. Ih. ina withoit dO 8 01 oIlbi alrr 1Ak.

view IOJftIfI tairl1o II. 01III1 the dut representationa uprcllbat th ohipo. i 1 je ret Yid in ta 0. I dti I. I oood fairl ht W1wII.

I. Lnl ebbs. iD 1 prilMlit OOIrab1e her 1eAtIa. tonally cl. We art.

0 iuo Ieh 11. tnl eoiiDloa tl.a. Iaoatit ty 1Io II. Is Ieu lb. I that poeitioL LM.

hue. it. a. Ioide I U- lb. II tilt it I 1 I whisk II I.

on.r-IofCAUAaVON tile hi. frieaol. iMe 1oorcIo1aI I. I ttltIlall. lala I ylaIued l.

I lapI I a II' bIe I 10. 1Io' th II II ih 1 a I 1a 1o. biebore I Iaoo 11. I hI 1. 1 the lsl d.

I.he at I re teseepsoble I A lea" Jt II wi I we frl 101. pi 1101- his I. 11 1 IUM ILl. did. fOIl 1 B.

dl Ii. rd 11ha x. cI' 00. iIN n' ibl ie" those ihof tot i1JepI. Ibuu' oueh.

the In lItiotI r1 li. ooadi hen tilt illj. roe risk AlllericallOornmol hiro 110. 10 1 try Ch 1 wiUIllppo11 lited OOIW III t. ble pret 1 lirfCt Amrri I.

epi Iotione lb. Ia lb. I. ell ado I lItl1 mait. Rlg 1 d.

ij 1 h. ah. bat the pt IJabitil dt 0.1 ilia TlIilllIft X. by. t.

II. iled 1 brou bl l. api ion rai. m. he i1 itr RUSSELL.

sodoebt 01. h. ric 1 Id IIry hiIa th proooilol a S. fI 1. the 111 1011 0.

opomallaem OOIIlr we 10 sompeneation f. pieties La flr1rllod al1f to. MYr. I I. iotW.

1iaI tl n. OIln Ilrt I. The 1tI. he Ih. Id I.

he I I thqfopshpt4Imiortuncu 1J atfln. pacmitiv yjlan. to Mal4" un IIlth. hefiaiirat I. n.

sat Dr tlaat Itrluohho 11 rtaU a II1MMh ahol1 an rll aIf. 111 b. I III fU baa Wllbrd 10. r. 1" there 00.

frl ot Ib. e. 10 I Pro oLary 00 hesrj ordill. ieb COG tract. I II ortwcecoth.

obip. oooroUinc me11o 111 00. eel1i. X. of.

hleltn II. 01. XVlor 1Ak1tIte. la I III. drY Ar oriioen hi b.

i 10 do nc drla bli IiOD. B. ci ft. lid ri ht tw. II todt UMI rpo hr.

I lb. I if. ban. 1. Iwo oh Is I.

try Mi" Xj hi. thi. ac lbMy. alae he. II.

try wtaiJe1I III 1. a1oI ala. I 1anWa1 It shot a dui-II. tiatie of Ii I. he.

p. The LpweNIe. II pradeal of Mae takia ut bow that I. the I 1aoIe of. I we I 1 I Wak that It ho.

hi. 11 III I. lilt. PIIII 11 1 OALr uw tpy sot. uloow I al lb.

tile CO UIOSi TIII AT. Arsa. I. 1IIa Lwd RICII Ono II. I 81 Xu.

re S. Chr T' JC 19 I II r. PriIl II. Si of. Outwoeth 0.

re r. i. r. Ot UtaT Kn AItara W. oo Aob RTt.

An. HU UII. S. ortIa Kant. Prillll s.

ldae lIa WifIa 1reoIwn. adcbnol S. lor on 1Ia fOllt 11' lalld. lOlI S. I de1.

uad Oor rIIolln W. tb. A. Chrit II" the IIC uiowielge VR. 0.

Bri tell ou f. 1 thod I BooII. a. ty frombe Ends. Vrun.

liIthnol lIa I lIa Kat 1. I i1rord ty A. rh. 0. ry 1 be the OL" BirInghain of.

1 Onn raI Bml 1 LoI P1Itehlr. Schools Sd Loan Hir" W. I leh 0. I' IC II 1. I.

I 1IIr 1 I A I. mofletat. aM III. III Ii 1eIn. III.

pulls. I. a. Pilt 11. If 1It1 nt f.

aIw 10. 1 11I. to I Iun I' rU Rail. ta lIaat II IiI NI. Ie lie.

1111 Ia 11 Pro ar. ra If A. Th. I 1 I. I 100 1tY" LA Pri fi.

suileag. 7 Ii i en trL F. IJeoa Red'-I. LAt. rodad be ti.

If. nai" S. OO OR I Pomaoo I Mi. I h. fI d.

itIa 100 1. ltilt. 4. an- Patio. II KaMv et tithe he.

I r.w..cro- GUEU W. miDolna hi' the I riIlC r. I Ii. n. ol la' itnt 8rtaTu.

thnTR. oanII Cr' It" tCIIWML of pooriolaJKidooDonoT S' I Cab. Ooorrioc- opu I 11 f. 1 faroor' ooeo t. WTUT Wand.

fnot yilt I IDiad BJ1. 11I1 ti 1 I' I T1tOPOUTU 101 1 I II. Nieel nWWalT. I 0. Mr.

BLIND writ of I. Billa. fill 0-- -U. of Greet Ounu iIIdee r-- pialos pt Viri Ioaodooo. the IN Pvlir (T I.

of the a. 1. 1 lbs 1 of. at I beetle lie' Ioei8r I 11I l1M. lllir O.

n-- tile AeI. the lIaca I L. Uw 1 U. I. 01Itf.

1M 1 ad a II i 101 101 ofttwJ the I 1'- 1 LlI lb. 11 hI. L. Lb. 1 Itu i 101 fat.

Iooalunu 1. 01 1 101 Art 0Iu. IN. I rt he pod. 11I Ol traI be A heY.

As 1eo1iUI 1 II doae. OHISONw 1M. proooa 1en4 tfinI Tnry I rdot I LO i. de GUy. I.

JII 10. roodoI sushi III. n.nda IH B. 4nII Gotcna oa tile Pri ref. I wte detaU- Ib I ne8 Mt TIuit a.

Jetw. lb. Boord. it to aoII1iM 0. the Jllir.

Ia. I'- I. lb. iy. 1iD II.

I. 11M. Is lot we IarL a. it die. laoIIM.

1111 Ii. of the 11 Lmjisfa fila. 1otnI 1 117. HewJr JCNIO laIn. Mr tUotIiI.1 jest uoI.

trSeli am 1. lie. f. Ht jnri' het A 11' ill earl tal be Lored DI. killd worUr 1 o.

11I' Iwa te.t. 1. III worUr iac f. .1 ota. ct erth ea 1 is 1 011' II r.

PMI llir. 1M. Me bra. TNaz UM. oIipy1N ia the 1U u- po1 Ma IIad they traklsd ill their has i IJ lie.

1M A I. tb. Xr. of. Wall II 1 r.

1T I cai4 Iil Pf tl sos I sk N4 TII tla tnh uIVcm ifl. ri 4. Its HmaW 1 I a I trO1 lh ui. 4 D. 1I- si.

2. sn 1. i Il I us lM 11 4 SM I si s4wisJ pis igta. I. i I ews ii.

r4 WWOT11smL4tiMssWsourtc1 wii4 U. a4 ftuMb pM IkIIIVCtk md i merIu uuI4 1. 1 1. I a ma to to Ia.u's. to It.

bars ssy w1lb maiictvurs pe icrin tvu i.ruJ7'th..ziss tL to I. 4Mariuta Ins idt ot st IIUI 11 UM quio ttip4 o4rugM nuz a l. rbZ nNodwOt to corr oat lb. obs sb i TANL at 1ori1s1is tto ipa a. wars 7 woslJ ses stjd UI lbs 1 lb.

sosviao. s1toeis a usZ Il. moi7 ooitfsd i that p' Ir iIct quth 8 us 1sZ wnw prooediogs arrtwur. us. ti.

os. wctias oo I ly ag 4 we esl4 to il Howe. i.e. eeii4i oor woe law. stesmieoss We.

ezy farWr hI id th wstcsJ ri- ie wet. er pfllSoSwe 4 i ivin Oosi wee lu rI a peersdte creery 51 so. t1t1moIWy. 18 It byeisoss e. 0 Cc5 ey 1.

mop. voh Uj ens 1 to V. eIJ oIy he. evsery II uPre.IM.e. moe.

ii 14. U. rusee. he. I.a uanl eon ho ur tIts huiig.

nit teIhflbeiih pa4ptkHi of 1eil r' P08km U. el I. wuvj4 54 5 tu i F. sac 51 optiluo rsstI i 4 so Sr whic KEY jjou Ii nflitur I I. tI.

fl the mt4oot LorIGaANVITLF The Lc4 jvrua cr AlLEN DMENT wer rrguIc. II- 5 ir0 Stuia 011 i the winfothar Tbooto0 sigrood tbe LlJUrbf I Scret Forclii Slot teisr I Iau wet. U. oity is. hct5 tb tim oit He rt rsve eM.

poo. to eIj farhrigs es be UMled iinigiid Ior a paprs ibn.1- elei hes1 or4 St. 54 ew piarol bo is. mM. Iler xer i patioS 0554 so wblrb ioj4 toput areIje wosafo 4 ftusso.

lee sh1wer bthevic h0. a fl wl1 boos- wbthw miLl lb. Doll. i los ri S. TheysetMv4wl elI lb.

iI es Itubesod lb. 1. uar esd r4. pu.4 v1. lb.

4 0S54 Ci. I ISiS Ti2 brebt bM Onss Mas 4 eti cP 04 lb. lb. Ti hitop pssitj. 51 totally usus.

0 FuI ooosMS. Is It. sowwIar sobS. mid. oosMry.

r. A4sm. sM utrel pr KuIa. et 4. 5.

hiiv Is ewi wp I Nrt 51 Tort 1 Al. ub. I SO S. 414. iUieu I.

4o lb. I.e. hlp lb. Qui. I.

at Fulmouth tar we lb. It. os. lIz. 4.

eboot4 u1I hslsf mail. S. La. Is bohr 4e5m jreSsrlq Mr. Ade.

p. her. kswwhtge lb. pl jusr 4 we sodur. IILWL rt 51 ib.

te. bi h5fsttr. II Se so itbrst I. lbs lii tb ste y4e 1 0 sfms bs i sr vu. sir sks lb.

oo 4ut ii S. 3i 4 psy pp It pmi tb rs wistUvs vssi rrym esrtisit hem flu ru es. id press. woe sdpawithoulooefrnosths sobtoesrlgth. budut ihoe a.

os ebfrrt to slit. U. S. qi. as.

tbjwsrel tredi. hi. Er ep l. I sIc. ho.

vs. career. eo a. od ship. thu he.

r. Iv- woe a. roses nets it. euos hst sore he Aim the baa. lb.

shoe woe wilbes. IIdilrottblck they. a i4 Into. woo n' sotdaretoeonItbmsflInto lb. oerr chiotadilnot vsotuyeloseadtbeir ihlpsthen oust heodead del.

0W Oi1t. pm. Wost Apply ii. ci some kiev Yreooh ship. p.

It. bopad hI. tur4 wutil4 p. wiSdeitii cable a I helnf we. ixb oo vrry woe S.

conlerunel th. mod. I La. Inst. proc.

e. cove. sw thoCrowo Inordorto knowthechenrierlobs forte. nob re-get- le. selgu rre vi.

V. hi set vi. be. lb. namely.

tI ye. netrilterritoi7. tbcirreport. en. tbUcidSttse bee ass if tw-s with.

to Tserurs we. ieS rilusby SoudueUIOS4 ho do. se w. vs tb rueps 51kM they su Shut so IsbwitSmts Thsyhyhlruni- 5 sot far is ed. I 5' S.

she hiiiueIa hand vIoieta lb. p. ski soSsifly 4 lv. Us4 ersseellIsefrup4Is lbs lb. be lb.

ws 1 N. Its. use. vhswtbersihap lb. I.

sso quest rube. he. 5. sot tormlt7 lb. 1.

1 I m. IaIs Is lb. bet. Iv. 7 si ii tMi I Ii the ssese so.

lve we fri. r. seer. a eush to em. I eseee sot se that soodsot tilt.

ob withor a. vj. to. Intake thIkLtrbgI tbotyfor. en an.

abc. pea ry woe events. shoe was whichIsouM repiytothrmYoeseytbas ir ma. or in. j.opai-dybythe vn Ira yotataktbmillbsp Itippeuts tometbMwiye.

the pod thus. mrs todoeo. ststostbstfothepeseM.aosbip-l.ttera.aflihajl vs soinpeisoryjower rofu. be moo lest. 8 wep it.

It Leg. lb. op. An4fllythMn4IIclilsedasrInsheo a ii. i.e.

iibsr4tles bogs peas. a lb. the ott. ujes h. hi soot per.

prut torelga nay hi. the Isv 11. driurt rum am I. parve the bybimtotheooero lbeFe1srelNcvy. Itmivbsthat ins.

lb. aobIetrien4 eec nontry the Tc os satin ci- I ap resty is rv. maco mi he ri we mao we. hula I. ea iahos vi was bee.

iv as thou. as. e. 8 ow iMioss. all 5.

tlos. Lot a. 4 these we S. repsestios tat t. eel.

he. wrId sihIi w. Is ightsadbohtatbswrcug uI his duo. with sh deStuehsther Ds1hesobhi4bypsiueIal. ta sad be lI4 uI 1 se.

hrdehips. Qsse1 it lb. dIIt I. ppnh---i bsoseposlNIti sp ssed reissr ecirsios sfaslo teOtteUiliU75htptopessay aiedbsgi susisla. ww seerepesieni vu U.

suuv7I bags. Ito. U. 41e. I.

it P. seek I. tteiswI which might he 4raei Itt. lb. iwe tins hi otwusasisoof wenMbejwssehakletose A.

51. sulliag be. N. n. huei Eu vu se se mp mse sat-co is tract aeoeeeitv of met of 14 Iota I.

olS rra vnuilu. a tured rI ha hcp esed nice idsupposs 415 Icr se Go cmeot r-ehsnded ing dime team to. 11. vs. In oose llatos Navy we one ot Was gnu.

thee Inthneeanitth k. I hemeant rot Ibses ir open. 7 furbsrappsei me tthus lbs. mat sot. us.

imet. i ha they monna i ti. In of nIthisifi licUSt tritlog ci hsalnf wse-SitnnnIsp. whytbeycboellhsd price of to oncernsI esanal a. oanpsnast ou suls.

woo thevopge Therewunotbingls Ibeengag. ii. Oath. iuitbel cleawitibi. noblefriend.

It we be hail. so was soed rod. rout red boa ruin con Ingtolawrestedupon tltstmitbt lb. tissasais Ietterhsgi ta 5 sqa. vhS up.

tbcy way be pramrve peas. Is this. west our Sw vs rsgn hssi4 4. ash IhgIs wy lii. to her.

I. lbs wh. apse hIa with sit. to ape. NJ that S.

have gives ha spas hIself to he' gwastsd tbs. cay lose. Wskaov a. litore cad usspscdo severe the who ia. ve4 ow' w7 he det the.

izien. Nar Jo would bee. wise Is have rso4laist p. psi. shave 15 tile fs aitt iv IIaarbooo.

noble hmiar4httuapesbesehopwhslelhhaaM us lb. ur Sowlay I tie. hiatt. lr' ITT ll. r.

Wbjtnl v1bsia- Wu4ili be a. a Sies sbire MotaTI IzITSAS WaL. It I ft. tdivss rout lesoegh an. a.

sbedio were byItr. Trrzfrnot itSi. Precila.nt.Troiteea Governoias Go ruin Ward Lee. the U. an.

Urn So Rota ft. fin Cra4leaa. a theoounty Dosadiadee. ountvnfAtrim a f. RI I.e.

vu. Aas ruin he pn now rn faounr Ut. lea plait en hemsy oesUMes en favour ahnfltln tscsplss IIAtnttsw lbs way egthat a toz a it eervsa alas a. enact sees. BA mstatrotei at Ivos.

ogaisat i'4 Clogluse. ag Ma frn lies el ala S. ollIes nut is erh iIt itou 5 iieU 1. oominiislo. dust.

he oo tor Joinomcr I. f. f' KwairwsriL yes a psrlebitMidmerNertsoweeveetto lhewea6eut twaaran. ob CeretoigeOumpuzit. rvai obir sit ta-sieves1 mir men irutrofram EW octto ii.

I. za he sushi sr Iis tiIei 54 lbs amplsjneiu4 XZW Wkrf. lb. 1 a yea tile dkr ILmalsctIesst abeetoss tbsp. the she aam id 4 fsaeItaiid aid Inland.

an us Is burgh S. be I. an with a best. I. pe4ont Is eLSslmi hod.

eeti Irtalnsvlaeeutitthe4WMwflyctuaypbe ii the a 4th. irO0lYselitbseaspnse Ibepi. vhs vein alt. foil U. tsp In brhvy 4a.

i sun 5u0nnleae. wewhee plo. bassos. is. was U.

it SI U. Ic of ebetlairthat I. fits be ua4 al. by U. we ie ep' on snbert.

care so as. qsst preys. a. pram. ueesre teiuplatedoutbejeywac pruouslslwih we.

si teatei I be di. to ag a isms wut. Snp dy se buss the SirJ. beth. tba en lb.

a. lot ps as. move ay ho. it lbs pas. 11.

peas. otiu. Ie Lb. those mesh. 4 I Meembag wish psitoWiteclulebsuf.

lNIasIsmsIIsosgssgaba lb. aEng V. he. Is. nest 0 IWO Isirea4Sesi 1 It be.

ss Losllaaghter. ha. aob iaio various Iwnyeeyferystftbatthiabnck I. aroe szmst sad-for bear- my ide. w.

the. aivorthy my fit. seat wee curb. C. I.

suefl lbeiri4vuchl. C0ehaodcheen Obyes st I. oclIi I touch. po die- I. pos de be.

digeity ci. H. 2Maa been ni wiidbte sutsI we flnI was I IsiStbiat a. thebes. sdse.

t. tawfooeeybe Ia. oUi denr beks. fat. a.

A. pos a4tbc os 51 lb. sewaLt In hsnewsbls trade bees bee. w1by th.A.-t- a.

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