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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 1

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

III! ill Zeds V- jnent'annou ilRTIWn WCWC Ac tu ri i vfesS'; WPNTV OF? BOONl FOR EVERYBODY. tW-EMl Thousands attractive and comiortbU home in Buffalo are open to Pan American Uttor at from 50 cents to $2 a day. Nobody need pay high rates. EIGHTY COLUMNS. BUFFALO, N.


LiATEIST ADJUDGED STEEL MES 1 -J ii -a Sj -3 T. LAST THE PRESIDENT AT NIAGARA FALLS BIG SHAKE UP Compaoy Will Now Opep ar)d Pay No Further fit to the Strikers. POLICE officer; i. All Negotiations at an Return to WorK as Capt. Michael Regan transferred td Mr.

and Mrs. McKinley Made an Early Start From Buffalo This Morning. A FEW INVITElFgUeSTS WENt WITH THE TARTY: i President Drove Through the Exposition and the Train at the Railroad Gate. Will Return Early This Afternoon. Reported Ready to Re sume WorK- No.

1 Station (By Associated Press.) PITTSBURG, Sept. 6 In steel day it was positively' announced that combination had been rejected by the negotiations were ended CAPl; rKAWK. RILLttH Stl i It, is strongly intimated that a number of men had TO NO. to work in the event of a failure to of the National Civic toleration. The local officers of the steel corporation were liniisunlly busy this fartf Rnrfpinrl Transferred to sNo 4i4 What McKinley afternoon.

All who were seen declined to discuss the plans except to say that all the works are to be put in operation at once and that no further 7 1 f8pe At i i vet 7r propositions are to be made by the United States Hteel spectors Martin and Change About the Illumination. It's. lnu! it' rranl Tit's a ost magnificent spectacle! Thepeo-V le of Buffalo. are to bo praised for tUcir entermae in building thisi jrreat This is' a- scene which I ncycr shall forgot. Never before in" my life have I seen anything which can.

surpass it in grandeur. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it superb? President McKin naces-iwo frejncTueTec-tives Shifted. ley to a vs S-reportor on I numphal 5 ridge- when the night illum mi Capt. Jona W-ll 1 13 jAT BLACK ROi Acting Capt. Glrven of the Nln been ordered back to the Third as a sergeant.

i Piiecinct.i Detective Caney lot Thirteenth has been ordered to plas with Precinct Detective of the Tenth. GO INTO EFFECT TONIGHT. I Tae charrge's all go Into efTec? o'clock tonight. Bull gave out- the news changes at 2 o'clock.

A NEW askijd him the cause of the "Ji don't know anything saUn. the superintendent. in i'y the commissioners ju meeting adjourned and the the-ltst. 1 did not know, the be fhade." Tfce changes will be pleas' era; of the captains. Capt.

K1 bed i trying to "get out of th fort some- months. He has be-. rW get into the surprised, at being sent back corj mand. Capt. Kllleen.

pror p. be, (leased. The Third is coiLaf: rnojt important in" the city. nearer home, howyer, theif Thirteenth. Tayt-Fiivit Precinct, but as he of to irnibrrmt precinct, ter.

pre-wll'g not be displeasing. Ci CP's 'c woald rnther be in any Trr or fa! than the Fourth. It l'1' 1300 1 ination buret into nil its glorv last President's Day Breaks i The Attendance Record. Fresidejit's Day Mas a glorious success from the standpoint of attendance, as in every other detail. The attendance fell short of' t'he NEWS prediction of 123,000 by about 9000.

It was the biggest day in point of attendance the Exposition has 6een. The best previous das were Midway Day, when the attendance Avas 10(y3K, and Labor Day, when 1 0.1,? 72 persons entered the i figures for yesterday follow: Amherst ilrte. The President's Programme Today, 8:13 A. President and party, accompanied by mounted escort, will drive from the Milburn home, out Delaware nvt.mii tn T.incoln Parkway entrance to the Exposition, through the Exposition to. the Railroad gate.

9 A. M. Special train of parlor cars will leave Railroad gate with the President and partv and aife-w invited guests and the escort," numbering about 100 In all. The train will go overhe New York Central to Lewiston. i 9:50 A.

M-The President will arrive at Lewiston atd trahsfer to private cars of Gorge route: 10:50 A. M.The President will leave Lewiston via th Gorge route. 11:15 A. President will arrive at Niaerara FikMs. where carriages will take the party fr a drive to Prospect Park and Goat Jand.

12:05 P. President will arrive at the Interns ilonal Hotel for luncheon, at 12:30 P. the hotel ballroom. 1 :45 P. M.S The entire party will leave the Internatlon, I Hotel, driving through Main street to -ttt jRiver Road and thence to the 1 2:00 P.

MXArrlve at Power House. 2:45 P. JIs-The party will lrive to, the Fifteenth sfVeet crosshig, where the special train he- waiting on the Central. 2:55 P. President will leave Niagara Falls in-the special train.

3:30 JIM-The President will arrive at the entrants to the Exposition. 4:00 P. M.J-The I'resldent will arrive at the Temple Music, where a public reception will be'(held. The for tne remainder of the dav will Informal. One of the events wlil be a lti-heon to'be tendered the President and ht jwlfe this evening -at the handsome hom )f Mr.

George L. Williams. Today! at the i i'IA YFLOWER DAY. MUNICIPAL ELKCTKIC4ANS' DAY. RO AL ARCANUM DAY, Gates ofxiri from A.

M. to 11 P. M. Exhibit buildings open from 8:30 A. M.

to 10 P. M. Fine- Artrf building open from 8:30 A. M. to P.

M. U. S. Gos rnment building open from 9 A. to 6 I.M.

Elevatorfin Electric Tower runs from 9 A. M. to 10 F.G.M. Electric ayountaln. North Bav, Park Lake, 9:30 P.

M. llluminagon Tower and grounds 7:80 it. Band coiSerts, 10 A. 2. 7:30 and 8 P.

M. Orc-heetrfti Temple of Music, 11 A. M. and P. M.

Organ recital. Temple of Music, 4 P. M. Drills bv the S. Hospital Corps, 10:13 A.

M. and M. Drill bv ST. S. Seacoast Artlllerv, 10:15 A.

M. and 3 PM. Drills S. Marines, 7:15 P. M.

S. Llfj-savlng Service Exhibition, 2:9) P.M. the use of the TTellncrra rib P. M. WlrelesatTelegraph Demonstration, 11 A.

and 2 Tiffany 8:15 P. M. U. S. School Exhibits, 10:30 A.

M. to 5 P. WOUlDN'T TAKE LEY'S DOLLAR, Programme Boy Made Himself Happy by Giving President a Present. The pnj'Mdest programme boy on the Exposition grounds Is named Is stationed at fVie Lincoln Parkwayi jgate and has a voice like a fog hornJ He rose to the occasion' this morning.liowever, and now is a hero among hS It was jkvhen the President's carriage drove into the grounds, at an early hour, before the crowds were there, that Kloenhammer distinguished Himself. The prantMng horses were pulled up for an lnstanj to allow the President to admire the fbeatitiful scene that bursts to the vlewgjjust before the Lion- bridge is reached: "Here'saa programme for you.

Mr. President' said the hoy, eluding the police escoiffand stepping close to fhe carriage. IlUi handed Mr. McKinley three. The PiRsident took them, reached, ito his pocket and handed the boy a dohar.

Kloenhfmmer put his hand behind him and tjjook a backward stair. "No, that's a lire-sept," he said determinedly. The President smllel again, returned the coin Jy his nodded a -thanks and was jvhisked away. Kloenhammer stood in ftie -middle of the roadway and wati'heil yie carriage until It was out of sight. i 1 MjtTTES OF MOMENT.

John Mo'Connell, a liquor dealer of this cltv. has tled a 'petition in voluntary lnk-ruptcy, wftlch show's liabilities of with no assets. TOO LATE TO CLA9SIFT. ANTll At ouce, sober shoemaker for cpaSr work. Arply John Wright r-(irt 'Erlefi Out.

a Ol It rflothes thoroughly cleaned rn shortUTotlce Thehaud 0tl2 WANTIfD Second-hand paper cutter. N. News 0tl2 lTAXTil.i-Lathe'hands, accustomed to 'llghtTwork. Keystone 3J2 Terrace IVAN' TE I Two i oat makers, experienced custom to go out of town steady wqrk. Pearl st; i Apply.

M. Wile 4-50- cts 1 f'PT gold watch chain with tn- fceward If returned to Room Mooney-lisbane Uldg. fiat, Ixlngton -I two ruiths. U. W.

Goody for Erie Ct7 AUANTiiJ-Immediately. W) pflperiiang-' ers. ii per day, hours' steady worK. Aijpfy Washingt jn D. C.

U. 6t7 A NT I-8D OffiCf bov must have good Apply 3 betw een 1 and 'ANTlf)- r.r.boi at Kllerl Heir mantis, Genesee St. 'ANT!) Barber, at 31G Michigan st. TANTr-3D Good -looking young ladles ut eri et-L luniiwwur iivmp art pictures (tragelinsi. 0luy and Sund-tv after o'c-.

k. 1 IS SoutM Division st. "V-'ICE; r-iSm. two two gentlemen, washing and privatf JI.mi- each. Aliirec Genard, ws office.

TOK Eighteen-foot lunch co'un" ter. cr used, cheap. 277 West Dela- van uve, 6,7 4 nergctlc "and iTifiLiTi.i loiiM ouni man oi 23 -w-trw good habit of and education, desires position )l ri responsibility can furnish ai irM-lHH'-i uvniiru. IVJUrt'lf Com petent. TA NTH sight Pianist desires fader, well up in dress i IINK Ldern two-f beautiHy locatet thousand pawn a 1 ti 3 Il'illUI'-'l ft 0 C'oat-)rtti, A Vttf wcu M'Kfl 1, "'es.

A a-School tailors' a hay 7 ttt Mil' '11. IS REJECTED. Its Mills tention End and Me Can Only Individuals-p-Many i corporation circlfs in Pittsburg to the last offer made by the big steel Amalgamated and that all agreed to return peace committee settle through the! Corporation. Two more mills, he said, would be started this afternoon NOTICE POSTED AT THE DEMMLER PLANT. At noon" a notice was posted at the Demmler works cailling th attention of the old employes jto the fact that the plant had resumed and requesting all who wished to return to work to renort -for duty not lter than next Monday morning or their places would' boj filled by other workmen.

The notice, was signed by the American Tin Plate (Company. Manager Lauck stated at! that time that he had sej'en mills running and had enough men t6 operate them fully. Later advices from McKeesport, indicated that the statement this morning that 1000 men were at work at the National Worksj had not been exaggerated. It was said In McKeesport that the strikers seemed to feel that their tight was lost, though they would continue their picket duty and endeavor to induce the men not; to return to the mill. At the Painter Works in this city the management announced today that it had enough men toj run double turn and five mills would be; put on at night next Rumors were current on the South Side today that the Monogahela Tin Plate Works would be started in a few days.

A wagon load of cots was said to have been taken ilnto the works, last night, and sleeping! and eating quarters were, being erected in the mill for t.he use of the Imported men to be br.ouiht here to break the Strike. MORE MEN WORKING IN NATIONAL TUBE. Five hundred moire men were at work at the National Tibe Company's plant at McKeesport this morning, making 1000 men now in thd plant. A large number of others applied for work, but they were turned back because the mill was not in shape to take any more men' on. There was no attempt made by the strikers to stop the men as they went In, and the management say by next week, the entire establishment will be In operation, and- the strike a thing of the past.

The situation at! the plants in Pittsburg was not greajtly' changed today. Twenty siore men Returned to the Pennsylvania Tube Works today and over 300 men are now atj work. A. meeting of the former employees who are still out has been arranged for tomorrow after noon at Moorhead's Hall when Manuger Latshaw will have a conference with the men At the Star Tin plate Works it is said there are now morel men than are needed are being made to ants. and arrangements send 100 to other (Continued ori Page Seven.) WANTS TO GO TO BUFFALO.

Permission Asked or 1st Regiment of I Illinois Militia tq Accompany (3ov. Yates to th Exposition. SPRINGFIELD, Sept. J. Sanborn of Chicago, commanding the 1st regiment, ha.4 asked pe.rml-sslon from Adjt.

-Gen. J. fJ. Reece. to leave the State with his regiment to attend the Pan-American Exposition with Gov.

Yates on Sept. 16. ably be given. Vrmission will prob- FAST MAIL WRECKED. SIOUX CITY, Io-jra, Sept.

6. It Is reported that the Chic ago Northwestern fast mail, has been Wrecked near Carroll, Iowa. No details pve been received. NO SERIOUS DAMAGE DONE. CARROLU la-, Mept.

entering the yards here oday the engine and baggage car of th Chicago Northwestern railway fat mall was derailed. No person was Injured and the damage was slight. EVENTS AND MEETINGS. East Amherst Ga Buffalo Pill's blu- show 2:15 nn.l 8:30 P. Star Thenter.

Priniirose Lockstader's Minstrels P. M. Teck Theater, "Cq nstantlnople" P. Trip to Buffalo" 2:15 "Foxy Grandpa" New Academy, "A and :15 P. M.

ii Lafayette" Tlieatpr $:15 P. M. Lyceum Theater, Lost River" 8 P. M. Shea's Garden Tjheater "Fiddle-DfK? Pee" 2:30 and 8:30 1 M.

Court Street Theater, "The Devil's uaugnier ana M. City Hall meetlnirR Aliprmortirt tees :30 P.M. mnii. Tent e'reopUenn lecture on Hawaii by W. C.

Wfedon 45 P. M. Thejyeather. Fclr weather tofilght and Saturday moderate temperature, light to fresh variable winds. da0 0nS polnt faIr feather Sun- Of heralded, fojtv Present's L'ayf OIWe OFFER CONTEMPT i FINED Heavy Punishment Meted Out to John F.

Moffett by 4 Justice Lambert. "Moffee adjudgred jguilty of contempt and fined J6000. 'J. 3- Lambert." This notation was made on, a legal document by Justice Lambert this and the official record of the heavy punishment meted out to John F. Moffett of Watertowin.

N. for ha ing: put In a fictitious surety several years ago and for having: committed perjury as an incident thereto, as was alleged before Justice Lambert when arguments were submitted to hlim several days ago, as told exclusively in the at the time. I "Moffet is receiver iof the Medina Gas, and lElectrlc Light Company and the title Of the action In Ithe course of which the contempt was committed Is the Buffalo Loan, Trust and Safe Deposit Company! the Medina Gas and Klectjric Light Company and the Holland Trust Company. The plaintiff sincei has assigned Us claim In this sUU, which was a foreclosure action, to Cornelius Fitzgerald of New York 'City, Who iis now prosecuting Moffett. The papers submitted to the court assert jthat several years ago Moffett swore that he was worth $10,000 above all debts and liabilities, and, on this statement, hs bond was accepted and he was able to stavei off the litigation in question; The fine imposed, it is under- stood, represents the value of the de- ficierjey Judgment reported in the fore, i closure proceedings.

It Is said to be the heaviest fine ever inftposed for contempt of cojurt in Erie coumty. 1 THE SHERIFF 0' LONDON TOWN. i An I Exalted Official of the English Metropolis and i M. P. Visits the Pan.

Joseph Lawrence, member of the lish House of Commons for Monmouth, famous in Shakespeare's Henry sheriff of the' city of London, ip In Buffalov When asked what district he represented In parliament Mr. Lawrence answered In the poet's words. 'There is a -gallant town Called said he. -I represent Monmouth Burroughs embrace five towns, Fluelleli, one of "the poet's characters has immortalized it) in these words: 'There 'Is a. river in Monmouth and a river In Maeedon." Mr.

Lawrence is mah-of most pronounced American and speech. He is dresses in better tastethari ohe Knglishamrt in a thousand, is alert-ntiinded and says exactly what he wants to say With lightning rapidity. He Is a man who "eats up the kind of man who is characterized in "Fire Alarm" Foraker's description-of Roosevflt "a steam entfine in trousers." WHOLE COMMANDO CAPTURED. MIDDLEBURG, Cape Colony, Sept. 6.

Lotter's eri'Mre commando has br-en. taken by MaJ. Scobell south of Pcters- burg. OneTvundre aftd three prison- ers were captured, 12 Boers were- killed 46 wounded. Two hundred, horses also were captured.

WILL SIGN PROTOCOL PEKIN, Sept. 6. The foreign ministers have accepted: the Imperial edicts and 1 have arrange? to. sign the peace protocol PERSONA ND PROFESSIONAL. Regiilarthornlng ser-ices will next Sunday-at Ziora's Second Evangelist Lutheran Church.

1 nesupporters 01 nr. nonnar ior Ainynr willhold a meeting tomorrow night' at Union Bank Hall, 7 West Myhawk streft. A. Nicol Simpson with a party of tweU-e from Scotland, are atl Mrs. Agnes Jackson's house, 1026 West ovemue; attending the Ex position.

Mr. Henry D. Flttgerald will speak at the public meeting of the Theosophlcal Society on Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock. The lecture Is free. "Followed President Package In Hand.

Detectives Four Times Pushed Away a Young Man Who Might Have Hadjan Infernal Maehlne." These were headlines from a morning paper. That young man may have been a booik agent. Think of the horrible i ReV.f Jasper N. Field and children "of Fargo avenue leave) town today for Ft. Wayne, where! the famllv will move the last of the month.

Ethel ahd Mr. Erriewt Field, after la. week's visit In Ft. Wayne, will return to their studies in Den-isnn University at Grnvllle, Ohio. The Ancient Order of Foresters In convention at Troy yesterday broke a record, as announced In our telegram, they elected Kverand A.

Hayes of this city, High Ranger. of the Order. This is the first reelection of a High Chief Ranger in the history of the Korosters. A magnificent basket of flowers was presented to Mr. Hayes and there was great enthusiasm in the convention.

MrJ "Hayes was tendered an ovation. I DIED. THOMPSON Sept 5th, John Russell infant son of John L. and Grace Hitrdley Thompson. aged 6 months.

The funeral will take place fromj the family residence, No. 12 Woodlawn avienue, Saturday afttr-noon at 4 o'cloc HAMMEL September 5, 1901. husband of Emily Harhmel, and ather of John, Peter, Ausrust.i Chaes. ErrlHy, JoHe- phine and Clara Haanmei ana, Frank Pemlar, Mrs. Joseph Day and Mrs John F.

VanhofT, Funeral Saturday from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Icm-lar. No. 16 Garner avenue, at A. and from the Church of the Annunciation at 9 o'clock.

i TOEPEI Died at Prairie Du Chlen.Win Julia- Toepel. sister bf Mrs. C. mann, 14-J HiKh street, age 21 Bata-vla papers please cojj'. i.

WATERBUR.V Thursday. 5. 1901 Sarah widow of Francis N. Waterhury, mother of. Frank and Haxry Waterburv.

Funeral services from the residence of her son. No. 471 West Ferry street; Saturday, Sept. 7th, at 3:30 M. Interment at.No'r-oton, ConrK i RUTH In this city, Sept.

4, Ijnrv Ruth, aged 64 years, 10 months, 7 davs. Funeral from the family residence, 65 Camp street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from St. Jacob's Church, Jefferson, near High, Friends are invited to attend. 4QOTT In this city, Sei. 6.

Charlotte mothe? of Robert S. Stott, In her 82d. year, -miral from -the fAmily residence. No. kS Fulton Saturday.

afternoon, el 30 ciocK. rvenas are in- I yrjl-. AND $6000 by call- ring the (i 'h on the. tUnlted same 3c super-r Kane of the city presence ed. upon he has not par-uhctlons NO POLITICS, SAYS jf Itehl, when see''' XDWS man, said ferfj wer- not influenced a attended the meetir wh-3e this morning, but pari In making the tran, other "omnilsslone-1 thej- expectejl to make so I to -jto ahead And make th rul.

pot i mys If. Jf or There is no thechanges. The Pol 13 far 1 ouTof politics ns far pactly uniiios It should he is sec- othitr Commissioners Tie- depart- chuinges wer.e to be ma-fie fo note lnl of he That a most ldoj ing for, so I was satlsfie' tleman 1 shofald go ahead without me- ron wit tow in II IA CQ A I A ElJ -VI WASA SHA i Welliam Jeffries of Lo 0 Separated From HisW I and $40, 1 William JrlTrles of LouisvJn mourning the loss of tiO, sharper relieved hlrn of yestei frie'j wont to the Falls at smtjiger, with whom he sf- The two ro 71 theiFalis, then came to the. j-alls, then came to iv Q. or per-l over of yesir ras'j.

I 1 Said 7,818 24,883 14,838 4 1.1(1,000, ffams of Dayton ing. Mrs. John Mrs. Edwin Flem-Miller Horton. Mrs.

Itlxey, Mrs. Griffin. Mrs. Charles, Dan- ii, ira iua x-uu, iiainuum, nt.j lvirs. Adelbert Moot, Mrs.

Harry Hamlin and Mrs. Michaels. Detectives Devine. Haenfelt and Sullivan of the Buffalo Police Department, who accompanied the Presidential party all day yesterday, were also on the train. AT THE FALLS AND LEW1STON.

NIAGARA If ALLS, Sept. (Special). The President's party reached here at about 9:20 and proceeded at once to Lewiston. The party arrived at Lewiston at 9:50 o'clock. There was a crowd of excursionists at the dock waiting to take the yoronto boat, but the President's coming had evidently not been noised about and he and bis escort attracted no ex- traordlnary attention.

At Lewiston the party boarded four special trolley cars of the Gorge Roiite, and were whisked up'along the river bank to Niagara Falls without making a stop. Alighting at Main and Secoml stre'ets, 25 carriages were waiting to take the President and part on a short tour of the Mayor Butler of Niagara Falls, Gen. S. M. Welch and Capts.

Pagan, Chaptn and White-of the 65th Regiment acted as escort. The President was driven to the steei arch bridge and then back to the international. Bridge, where Mrs. McKinley alighted to take a rest until the rest of the party returned for luncheon. Under the direction of Supt.

Welch of Prospect Park, with Messrs. John G. Milburn, George Urban, W. I. Buchanan, Secretary Wilson, Secretary to the President Cortelyou.

the carriages were driven through Prospect Park and onto Goat. Island, where they party halted for -a view of the falls and were then driven back to the Inter-natlonal Hotel. where a cold luncheon -was served. The President was admitted to the reai entrance' of the' hotel, 'while the rest of the party entered thp building from the main doorway. The President's train to the Falls today was made up of hlprlvate cgr "Columbia.

attached to the famoua Saratoga Club Special, employed during the racing season at the Springs in carrying passengers to and from the sport ing neias, ana mteu up with great eieA ganee. Engineer Murphy had the lo-j ctihuuvp 111 cnaige wun vjonauctor Ale-Glnness in command of the train, which was drawn by engine No. 9701. Trainmasters H. F.

Shattuck and F. W. Ev-erltt ond Supt. Bradfleld were on board; COULDN'T GO INTO CANADA. The President expressed himself as having a finer trip than when tit the Falls before, which was the occasion of the 'Grand Army encampment.

He had not been over the Gorge Route on a previous visit and enjoyed it exceedingly. A drive- was taken out on the suspension bridge nearest the Falls and as a precaution against getting away from the protection of his -country's the bridgewas carefully measv ured and a chalk line drawn across the driveway-as the utmost point on which the ride should extend and the carriase was carefuly turned Inside the nngic line. i Luncheon was served at 12 30 in the ball toom of the International Hotel The rqm was decorated In honor of the President's party with the, Tan-American banner- and the and Strioes. The tables wr- adorned with ferns and purple asters. The which the President and h.s wife werl admit, ted to the room was festooned with oak leaves, golden rod tnd clematis The room was set with 12 tab larger pne, covers wer lalr mediate party or the Pri nallv Ij, i.ff I'Q IB om i PITTSBURG, Sept.

6. A conference of' the members of the executive committee of the 'Amalgamated Association to consider what Is, believed to beTthe final proposition of the United States Steel Corporation, will be held here today. President Shaffer was early at the headquarters, and at 10 o'clock seven of his assistants had reported. The conference will begin as soon as the other members of the board TEXT OF THE TERMS TO BE CONSIDERED. These are the terms for a settlement of the great steel strike egreed upon by President Charles M.

Sihvvab of the Steel Trust and the BoarI of Conciliation of Civic Federation of Labor; but which President Shaffer of the Amalgamated Association refused to accept: That the striking employes of all the mills of the United States Steel Corporation be ordered back to work at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday night. That all union mills the7 trust hus not succeeded In operating since the strike be reopened as union mills and recognized as such by the Steel Corporation. That all junloii, mills which the trust has succeeded In -operating since the strike' be Reopened aanon-unlon mills and recognized as suph by the Amalgamated Association. The number of tnese non-union mills are to be determined' after an examination has been made of the number of men empldyd- since the strike, the tonnage, manufactured by non-union help, etc. The--acceptance of these terms would, it 'Is said, reduce the strength of the Amalgamated Association by more' than r0 pe cent.

ADVISORY BOARD ARRIVES IIS PITISBURG. The advisory board or general executive committee of the Amalgamated Association has been ordered to this city, it is said, to consider what Is believed to be the practical ultimatum of the United States Steel Corporation. At 11' o'clock- Pine of the out of town members had arrived, as follows: W. O. Davis of Chicago; C.

II. Davis of Newport, Walter Larkins of Martin's Ferry, John, Morgan, Cambridge, John F. Ward, Youngstown, Clem Javis, Anarerson, Ellas Jenkins, Youngstown, 'O. David Itees, Pittsburg; John Chappelle, New Castle, and F. J.

Williams, Birmingham, Ala. President Shaffer was early at the Amalgamated but he refused to give any information or admit that a conference had been called. The others were equally reticent. Among the rumors current was one fo the effect that the board would go to New York tonight. 1 Another report was that a plan for the settlement the strike would be deckled upon tha would bf the steel officials.

STEEL MANAGER Lei ATTACKED BY STR1 ERS. A Canal Dover. dispatch says General Manager Cllne of the American Sheet Steel Company's plant was assaulted" by a striker, this, mornlpg and carried to his carriage unconscious." It is not known how seriously he was ln- iured. Two sheet mills are going this I morning and preparations are being made to start several more. At 11:10 o'clock President Shaffer cklled a conference together.

The board, as far as could be learned, was complete, with the exception of two vice-presidents. STEEL CORPORATION TO PAY NO FURTHER i ATTENTION TO STRIKERS NEW YORK. Sept. 6. It is understood here' that it is highly, improbable that the United-States Steel Corporation will take any cognizance of the Amalgamated Association executive board at Pittsburg today, whatever the conclusion may be.

It was learned today from an authoritative source that the time named in th? tentative agreement reached by the conference, here on Wednesday' had expired, that the Steel Corporation had decided tn in no further peace dis cussions, and that there would be an im- mediate move tor tne general resumption of jvork with non-union men and -such strikers as were willing tp return to their places. DEMMLER TIN PLATE WORKS RESUME, PITTSBUJtG. Sept, 6. The Demmler Tin Plate Works at McKeesport re- nng. Six mills out of fifteen were started with nearly 100 men, many oi tnem uiu employes.

There was no disorder. The deputy sheriffs were on duty, but there was nothing for them to do, as only a few strikers were the premises. Thirty-six men were taken into the works by boat from Duquesne and 33 went through the gates. On account of the 'heavy fog the striker" pickets, who lined the river banks, unable to see the boat until the men been landed. Manager Lauck stated iiat he had 64 men hot mill department, and by nlghwfttwected to haveiOO men work- The biggest shake-up that has occurred in the.

Police Department since Bull has been at the jiead of the police force occurred this Afternoon. Mayor Diehl ''and Polijre Corhmlssloners Hupp and Cooper got together, ordered the two department Inspectors to change places, shifted six captains and ordered two precinct detectives to go to new houses. The sb.ake-up was the talk of the entire department this afternoon and bids fair tobe the chief topic of conversation among captains and men for several days. Mayor Dlehl appeared at Police Headquarters shortly after noon today and went at once into' a conference with Commissioners Rupp; and Cooper. -The three closeted itogether for more than an hour.

Supt Bull was not invited to the conference. Neither was Clerk James A. Taggert present. At 1:15 the Commissioners threw the door of their office and sent for Supt. Bull.

Commissioner Rupp then told him that a few "little changes" had been decided on and gave them to Supt. BulL SUPT. BULL ASTONISHED. The latter's eyes opened wide with astonishment when he read the list. This the way it read: Inspsector-John Martin has been transferred from the first to the second district.

Inspector Michael Donovan has been transferred from the second to the first district. Capt: Michael Regain has been transferred 'from the Fourth Precinct to the old First Precinct, which he comimanded up to the time of the election scandals in 1893. Capt. John II. Taylor, wtx has been in rharge of the First Precinct since Regan's removal in 1893.

has been sent to the Third Pre(-clnct, known as the red light district. Capt. Burfeind, Who has commanded the Thirteenth Precinct since, he wo made a captain, has been sent to take Capt. Regan's place' in the Fourth. Capt.

Frank Kllleen of the Third has been transferred tr the Thirteenth. Capt. Notter, who has' been assisting Capt. Burfeind in the Thirteenth since the Pan-American Exposition opened, has been ordered ba'ck to the Ninth. EXCITING RACE BETWEEN TWO EAST TRAINS, Speedy Special Chasing Lake Shore FlyerWith Important Mail for England.

(By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sept. special train of one car bearing imrortant letters from Australia tjo Joseph Chamberlain and other high jomcers of the British government arrived over: the Chicago," Burlington Quincy railway at :10 A.M. In order I to catch the Southampton in oruer iiu yi.j steamer, whleh leaves New lprK tomor- row. an efWt is being made to break ail records toU fitch the Lake Shore "Flyer," which leaves here at H. 30 A.

M. The mnil transferred here to another special train ami puli'-d by an engine with a record of tnlles an uti'l In chiirae of the Lak't Shore Sli'iUyn Southern railway, Wt at 10 oi'chxlOln hot pursuit of the TOO LATE TO CL.AS9IFT. WANTLD-V ton st. -Grod -bnri 'fj Washlng'- k'ANTKDi-GlrlH Ir- at 32S (it? Krankilri TA NT I A wash at cott TA NT El. -Kxperii 'k, fcirk ling to jriva ilo sunn generh! v.

famflj Ml- for g' 12S est Kagie- 'ANTIC1 Fifty vc-ft: to who position, tai! at nnrsi be good TA NTEI t.v.r f-work. 1 Indies, J. 1 fer- of- housework ences reijuired flee. pr Ad- New: ANTE iv. hn: wit Irv.

I.a after 0 Satnrd Wh Vermont -t TANTF-D Two U-dv l-rr-v st. roitn. git gass Sk6'7- cp ST. for litht hou 1 i give ca.oiotoi Cash 7 m. 4 nrl fi.C0 HEAD! AD3 TMT mr- i Immfdiatfcft ii rk.

i o- rmm i I waTijiKf) was A -f': let. rompiaineij to 'n- description of the 't" Em O'CLCvhet AXmerltV 1 ne Lincoln l-arKwnv i iiti'i Water (iatti. East "Amherst (iate. Railroad CJate President McKinley rose in fine spirits, this morning after the events of yes- terday. Mrs.

McKinley, also, had re- covered from the-fatigue of the day, and after breakfast at the Milburn house the entire party, with the citizens who form a. sort -of personal escort to the President, left the house for the railroad station. With police guard, as usunl, the? carriages left the house at about 8:30 and took the company through the Exposition grounds direct to the Exposition Them' the President's special was waiting arid was at once boarded by the travelers of the daj'. At 9 o'clock It pulled out for the Falls. There were few at the Milburn house Delaware avenue when the President's party left it for the statfon.

This was because few understood the programme of today and still fewer imagined that the start for the Falls. would made at such an early hour. At the station more were assembled, but yet no great crowd. The President was received -with cheers and courteously acknowledged the 7 "The Exposition seems more beautiful In the morning than eyen In the evening," remarked President McKinley at the railroad gate. Mrs.

McKinley was gently assisted to Jier place In the car and with fresh applause for the head of the nation and cheers for Mrs. McKinley. the train moved out and? the brief Journey was begun. i THE PRESIDENT'S CAR. President McKinley and his party en- loved the quiet and exclusion of a prl- vate housa in the car Columbia, thanks to the arrangements committee, of -which Mr.

Parry of the New York Central was a. member. The President's nrtv wna oomnosed of Mr. McKinley, Mrs. McKinley, Misses Mary and Ida Barber, nieces to Mrs.

McKinley; Miss 'Sara Duncan, niece to Mr. McKinley; Dr. P. M. Rlxey, Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and-Miss Wilson, and Secretary All of the diplomats who took part In yesterday's events were on the train.

They included the Duke de Arcos, the Spanish Minister; Senor Don Manuel de Asplroz, the Mexican Ambassador; Senor Don Roderigo- de Asplroz, Mexican attache, and M. Takahira. the Japanese Minister. The diplomatic representatives were almost sufficient in In themselves to fill one car. Other guests were the President's.

spe-s'clal escort. Exposition officials andjcltl-zens. The escort consisted of S. M. Welch, MaJ.

M. B. Butler, commander of the First Battalion, X. and Mayor of Niagara Falls, Capt. Seymour P.

White, Capt. Walter S. Pagan, Frank M. Chapiff, Lieut. George B.

Rich. Lieut. H. Hicks. all of the 65th Regiment; and Capt.

Walter Grant King of the 4th Brigade staff. THE GUESTS. The remaining guests were as follows: President Milburn, Director-General Buchanan, John N. Scatcherd Edwin Fleming. yExposition officials; MaJ." Sy-mons, E.

R. Rice and James L. Quack-enbush of the ceremonies committee-: Edward II. Butler, George JE. Matthews and Charles F.

Klngsley, Harry Parry, who waa in charge of all the arrangements for the New York Central; Col. Mills, superintendent at West Point; MaJ. Mann, commandant at Fort Porter; Congressman D. S. Alexander, Mr.

Robinson. IT. 11. Baird, H. J.

Seymour, erjc Commissioner John Judge fM. Cohen New York, Paul t.k-f Vommlssioner from the French s. Newton Schatcherd. Harrv Ham- fJudge J6hn R. Hazel a-te0re Blel- ana j. wattn I jrotal I TJ i tne 4jniteu 1 mto deep' xfhvAIUC. N. Sept. act of 'an dr-tjie wrw of tiie Northerri consSdatloh train which ountry de. L.y.r.M, al was in.f President Ij i.

mav never Lorfo, l.ehalf of the rtali fK has 'presented the yVold medal nf the Italian ltorn AJ- cietS. Ejfposl- KW VORK, Sept. The SharJ-''1, notgro out for a spin this to and light winds. Sir Ths led. aoes assln.

and ntini5h h-. as It -i noon, tnat she migAdi'J him i be kjkk, sept. A cort rant: was issued At Vonkers to nf th" arreUt of Fr-lri-k EiivtlK? killed, John. Dura -anflP- whosH bod 4 that last Tuesday ready, Sept. Ue-'-.

i' -pk- hn ate flams at a lunch 1 the of a new pu'V' resident. ft -a ia vs. vK" iKn oeen r- ij 4 die.) i- a oul ilia I at apj Sec Iture retl. oi me i ovk Yjich'i to-iny ttia no j. tier proteKtinpr.

rih'H. I itie to exclude liulr pendence, from rj ftruta- I for the Hfpctioti of h.i 'America cap had yet been rial i i r.herebUUra. ffa life anfiws Unlted 8tbJ "Have iloi.k" at our pinfc rosea. S- -v closes at 6:36 tf at the hi Saturday. W.

Pp K-reet. deplore tl -----i 7pon our honorel 8 ioo i aie TO' CLAj which his Ilf. (i Jbe It '4MKP-Hoy-to work 1 piie Agricultural! V-st st. Pan-Amerl-i diwn, bH4anceJ10 meeting h- st. buys jxpresfi AY.

buys JXprestVrf 421 'Ml 1 v. 1 interest, t'az rVi SIX nat' rm it 'T Fftlary or eo greatest agents p-K-nd fnkl" La uer. ihn sa, ints i employes, was iiuv verlniuaxcer -rlvedTlate after AIv, fi- 1 Vr ai 'M- acre. VI" I I ianu. on diu west m.

I A Jk 1 J' EVVl Vjlng on th, utna.

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