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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 4

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: SATURDAY, MARCH 7, J9031 LACK OF mm if warn mates When the Grand Climacteric Period of a Woman's Life Arrives' Paihe's Celery Compound ROCHESTER HAS PUREWATER AHD JOJYPHOIO, (Continued fro so page L) supt. skier's'' defenseof the merritt bill Able, Reply to Gross Misrepresentation and Bitter TWO TREATIES BUSINESS OF THE EXtjiSESSI, Panama Canal and Cuban Reciprocity Are to Be Regard Pe-ru-na as Their Shield Against Catarrh. Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrhal "Diseases. Miss lienor Allen, 407 Dowell street, Ban Fratk'. Cisco, cJL, writes: consider Ptrun an infallible remedy for catarrhal diseases.

For several years I have been troubled with Intluenta, especially during our rainy season. I nstd fa catch cold so easily that I was afraid to be cut when the weather was the least bit Inclement; or In the evening air. But since I have used Peruna I have nothing What ever the matter with me. I am In perfect health, and find that Peruna acts as a tonic, and seems to throw all sickness and disease out of the body. I go anywhere now and In all kinds of weather, seem bavs an Iron constitution and enjoy lite because I enjoy perfect health." lenort Allen.

When you formerly did twice the work with halt the fatigue, think of thli as a possibility: "A ttrlklng early symptom, of consumption Is lack of endurance." Father John's Medicine cures consumption by feeding the tissues and nourishing the body. The money Is refunded for any cough or cold Is cannot cure. THE CARE OF CHItiDREX. Croup and whooping cough are dangerous. Father John's Medicine cures and builds up the body at the same time.

No poisonous drugs to destroy the nerves and weaken the system. Asthma and all throat and lung troubles are cured by Father John's Medicine. Not a patent medicine. SO YEARS OF SUCCESS. Father John's Medicine Is guaranteed to cure any cough, cold, throat or lung trouble because It has never failed to do all that la claimed for It in the fifty years since It was prescribed for the late Rev.

Fr. John O'Brien of Lowell, by whom It was recommended and from whom It derived Its name. ODD BITS FROM THE COUNTRY PRESS. A girl who ran put a square patch on a pair of trouaera, may not be ao accomplished aa one who can work a green worsted dog on a yellow ground, but she la of more real value In the community. Portvllle Autograph.

Castile is Liberal. Castile can be depended on to vote "yea" on all questions of -improvement and advancement, even when it costs a little money to do Hard on Their "Think Tank." A broom corn company has been formed' but some husbands find no consolation In It the handle of an old broom being no softer than a new one when It lands on i their think tanks. Brockport Republic. Whett You Hare the Floor. If you get mad at a man, make up your mind what you're going to say.

and then don't say it, Seneca Falls Reveille. A Squash Term, at College. A Blnghamton young man who Is at student at Cornell recently asked Prea- tdent 8churman If he "could advsota- geously take a shorter course." "Oh, yea," was the reply, "that depends on what you want to make of yourself. When God wants to make an eak He takea a hundred years; but when He wants to make a squash He takes but Six months. Star.

A Natural Query. A Frankllnvllle woman, after buying a ticket for home at the Central Railway station In Buffalo, asked the agent If he did not give trading stamps. Go wanda Leader. Why Their Faces Are Genesee county farmers sre facing two conditions that gtve them cauae for worry. One is an inability to procure hired men.

another is that their barns are swarming with Herald. Some Star Voters. Wellsboro, like other places has some remarkably intelligent voters. At vthe polls at the recent election one of theae Individuals called a colored friend into the booth to assist him in marking his ballot Elmlra Star. I Wool Business Is Lively.

Ontario county sheep owners have commenced shearing and the wool business will be more or less active until May. Hornellsvllle Tribune. i The Woods Are Full of Tbem. The woods are full of fertiliser agents, each trying to prove that his brand Is the best and cheapest. Chautauqua News.

The Real Boys in Blue. A youth In a neighboring town who enlisted in the army advises boys who wish to don the blue to buy a pair of blue overalls and a blue shirt and hire out to a farmer. Le Roy News. Heard the Early Bird. The bird editor heard the first song sparrow trilling his sweet spring note last Thursday morning Keb.

26. DansvHle Breese. Words to the Wise. Work your eyes and ears overtime, but give your tongue an occasional rest. Albion Orleans American.

Mary's Lamb Not In It. Burt Hamer was in Lynns yesterday rejoicing over the birth the night before of an 11-pound lamb. We came very near saying boy. Wayne Democratic Preas. In Touch With the World.

When the country gentleman finds himself on a daily mall route, with a telephone In his houee and his name In a directory, he Is reaching pretty near.y the place where he can call himself a person of Observer. Imi Than the One Way Tare. I Only $10.00 to Boston and return by the New York Central Saturday, April 4th. tickets good returning within 10 days. Ticket offices, 377 Main street and Union Station.

7tll and 13 How Had! Mr. Wiggins It tell here how a cyclone out In Aroerk.t swept away an entire town tn one minute. Mrs. Wiggins (gloomily) Ann it takes Mary Ann half an hour to sweep the front steps. Tit-Bits.

RHEUMATISM Cured Without Medicine Trial Pair of Mafic Foot Drafts FREE ON APPROVAL to anybody. TRY THEM. Don't take drugs most medicine Isn't at for the stomachbut try a modern adaption of a very old principle, gnd cure yourself. Almost everyone has soaked his feet In hot water to cure a cold In the head. Magic Foot Drafts open the pores of the feet, the largest In the body, in the same way, stimulating the excretory functions of the skin and enabling it to throw off the acid Impurities from the system through these large 'pores.

Mario Foot Drafts cure rneumatisra In every part of the body, Here; is the reason. Every drop of blood In the body passes every so often through the feet, where the circulatory and nervous system are exceedingly susceptible. The Drafts have great power to absorb acid poisons from the blood. Each time a contaminated drop of blood passes through the foot the Drafts id sorb a portion of the acid poison, gradu ally but surely purtylng the blood the only way to permanently cure rheuma tism. If you have rheumatism write us today and we will send you, a pair of Magic Foot Drafts on free trial.

If they relieve you send us One Dollar. If they don't, keep your money the risk Is ours. We know that they cure to slay cured. Write today to the MAGIC M.KiT DKAFT COMPANY, 7 Oliver Building, Jackson, Mkh. Send in monty only your name.

Takes Her Jalslj Ints After-Ills Fr Fro si th Aliments im Dingtn Jo Si Change of life, which usually comes on between the age of forty and fifty. Is to thousands ot women a time of serious constitutional disturbances. The danger time is made known by Irregularities, stomach derangements, headache, nervousness, pain in back and bips, limbs and abdomen frequently -r -1 A 4 4J MRS. NELLIE TAYLOR. Of Solon, Ohio, Who Has Been Restored to Health by Palne's Celery Compound.

swell, piles do their annoying work," there Is vertigo, palpitation ot the heart and debility. When any of these warning ivmo- toms are exnerlenced. the use of pAlne-a 1 Celery Compound will do wonders tor I anxious and suffering women. Palne'g Celery Compound used regularly tor a few weeks will build up nerve force and physical strength, tone digestion, keep the kidneys and liver In working condi- tlon, will banish gloomy fears and give sweet sleep. It has saved thousands of women from: terrible sufferings gnd death.

Miss Annie Pasold, of De Witt, Iowa, tells how Palne's Celery Compound made her mother well and strong; she says: "My mother was taken very sick by approaching change of life and was confined to her bed for seven weeks. We employed the best doctor, but hie efforts were of little avail. She could not keep anything on her stomach, could not sleep and she wasted to a shadow. We pro. cured a bottle of Palne's Celery Compound for her.

Its use gave grand and wondrous results. She soon slept well at night, got stronger and her appetite returned. She la now well and strong and does her work with pleasure. She would not be without Palne's Celery Compound for any consideration." Ible at the time. He will be Immedi ately renominated and promptly con- nrmea, nis term or service having expired on the 4th inst.

In view of all the facts. It is. there fore, generally believed that the session Just begun will continue for' at: least three weeks, and possibly until the first day of, March, WO OF LAST CONGRESS. Now that the Fifty-seventh Congress has passed Into history, a few after thoughts regarding its doings and failures to do may prove of Interest to the NEWS readers, and are here given: In a word, the total appropriations made by that Congress amount to aaiiist in- th Ftfty-slxth Congress, while the fJOQ.Opa appropriated for. the Isthmian canal accounts for about one-half of tne increase, Among the important bills that failed In one or both Houses, are the Omnibus statehood bill, which proposed to ad mit to statehood the territories of Aid sona, New Mexico and Oklahoma; the Ship Subsidy bill; the Aldrlch-Fowler Currency bill', the Philippine Tariff bill; the Pure Food bill, and many others.

On the other hand, the recently-ended Congreaa has dealt with more great subjects, and has enacted more legislation of far-reaching importance, man tny congress for many years. 1 The Naval Appropriation bill just passed, carries nearly W2.000.0OO, and Is the largest in the history of the (government. The faet is partly explained by the statement that five great battle-1 ships were ordered, three of them of 11.000 tons burden, and two of 13,000 tons each. For the last hour and a half before the final fall of the gavel. Mr.

Cannon, who Is to be the next Speaker, occupied the ehalr acid ass given an opportunity to show what he could do. as a presiding officer, It Is no dlscredltVto jils great ability and integrity to say inai ne nas many tmngs to learn before he wfll be at home in the chair. When on the floor and in charge of a great appropriation bill. Mr. Cannon is certainly at horns, and can hold his own against th questions snd Interruptions of the entire House, and eo great Is his fund pf Information that he can command and bold the closest attention of th Hous by the hotir whenever he deems it necessary to apeak on any measure.

HAD "STAGE FRIGHT." In the chair he seemed an entirely different man, was afflicted with what is knowp as '-stag handled the gavel with bis. left hand, recognised members by extending his right arm at full length and with his forefinger extended, as is his habit when speaking, and, in short, showed that he was work' Ing harder than when making one of his fiery and Interesting speeches. Representative Sherman of New Tttrk Is the only man In the House who combines a fine voice with an expert knowl. edge of parliamentary law and all the requisites ot a good presiding officer. The Sherman voice Mr.

Cannon can never posse, but a little practice is expected to materially Improve him in all that goe to make an acceptable presiding officer. That he will make a popular and successful Speaker, no one doubts. The Democratic filibuster In the House during the last few days ot the session has not had Its equal einca the 60th Congress. Then the House was tied' up by a proposition to appropriate $20,000,000 for the payment of Civil War and for eight days the House did not adjourn, but recessed from day to day. During that period hher were more than 100 roll-calls, while during the recent filibuster there were about 85.

Ki each roll-call consumes about a half hour, the performance of the last few days has again revived the talk about voting by machinery. The House Is now waiting anxiously for some Inventive genius to perfect some sort of a recording machine that will be both quick and accurate. In view of the faet that Speaker Henderson was retiring forever from the House where he had served as a member for SO years as a Speaker for four, his farewell speech had In it mueh that was sad and pathetic. It was no won-tr, therefore, that his voice slmoet 'ailed him, and he was visibly affected as he tried to say the last words he would ever utter aa a member of The former reservoir, nine miles south' of 'the city and situated upon a high hill, has a capacity of (1,000,000 gallons at a depth of tt feet. DISTRIBUTING RESERVOIR.

The distributing reservoir, bulK on a lofty eminence In Highland Park, about two miles from the center ot the city, at a death of IS feet, holds 22.KAO Ann ml. Hons. Another reservoir, designed to hold lu.uw.uuu ganons, win soon be ouilt upon Cobbs Hill, not far from Highland Park, and having an elevation equal to it In the distributing reservoir is a fountain through which the water Is forced by its own gravity from the Rush reser. voir, and on clear days the lofty column can be seen sparkling on the high hills like a flashing shaft of glass. The water Is aerated by this process.

The necessity for the second and larger distributing reservoir arises from the fact that as the population of the city Increases the dally consumption, of course, follows In a direct ratio. Previous to the construction of Conduit No. 1 there was a shortage of water. Since Rs construction, the consumption has Increased at the average rats of about gallons a year, or from S.818,000 gallons In 1896 to about gallons In 1902 for 170,006 people. In this period the average annual Increase In population has been figured out st 2226, so that It csn be roughly stated that the dally consumption of water Increases at the rate of I2S gallons dally for each single addition to the population.

The consumption varies during the year, being highest in February of the winter months, and, of course, much higher during the not days of July and August Taking the supply of one week in July, 1900, the following figures have been obtained on the dally consumption per oaplta: From midnight to 5 o'clock In the morning. 60 gallons: from 6:30 o'clock to o'clock. 0 6 gallons ami over; from o'clock to noon, the same general level Is held; at noon there is a sharp decrease: then, from 1 P. M. to mld- night the forenoon figures as either maintained or excelled, PRESSURE FROM SUA VITY.

So ueh for the water used for do. Purposes, and kept at high pres- f0Hofl.rye "ht. .11 rnuS ffil rfini lVSl ning of elevators, lift bridges, manu facturing plants and the like. The water for this Is supplied by the Genesee River and la pumped through Its own mains by a Holly quadruple! engine with a maximum capacity of gallons a day, two Holly quadruples engines with a capacity of 2,000,. 000 gallons, operated either by turbine water wheel or an independent steam engine and a pair of Holly rotary pumps with a capacity of 2.000,000 gal.

Ions. In case of a large conflagration. It Is possible to throw th two systems into one, but in most cases th steam ers are affixed te tne nemioca nyuranw, snd the hose direct to th Holly hydrants. The total cost of the entire waterworks system of the city to the fiscal year of 1902 was WMVWL, and the operating expenses mr $115,000. The meter system is wi gradually lntroauceu. nf the Rochester water works is not without Interest to sister municipalities, for It teaches a lesson 1 economics whose fmlts this city l. now enjoying. Fifty yars ago the agi tation for a municipal -gun. Six years later. In 1K9, a plan outlined by which water could be suoolled from the water shed of Little Buck creek at a rate of capita dally for a population The following year experts submitted these proposition ior a i rtv elevating water from Lake On- from the Gen-TBlrcollmVnfai.

upon the source, of Little Black creek Int. a reservoir near its it th.nxo tn the raolds from whlcn it could be elevated by Pumping. 4 By taking water trom i Honeoye Lake, near Smlthtown, in Monroe county, In a 20-lnch pipe to a receiving reservoir. 6. By taking water directly from Hemlock Lake In a Id-Inch pipe to a distributing reservoir.

A POPULAR PETITION. Of these" plans Nos. 4 and 6 were approved, and a contract was struck between the city and an organisation th Ttncheater Water Com pany. Considerable work was done In building reservoirs' and laying conduit and distributing pipes, but In 1872 the company collapsed and th project wat hung In the air. A Board of Wate Commissioners was appointed the next year, ana mucn sniiiy-anauyuig lowed.

At last, In March. 187J, A. S. Mann, a prominent business man of Rochester, and afterward for many years City Auditor, drew up -a mandatory ptltlon urging the commissioners to decide upon the us of Hemlock tjake water for domestle purposes and upon the river water for fire an! manufacturing purposes, and to set to work Immediately. This petition was signed" by thousands of tax.

payers, and the commissioners began 1L. V. mMM nn.L nai IS now ma immicbiw "bwi system. For a time it was feared that the scheme of using river water for both purposes would be adopted, and hints of Jobbery and grabs wer frely thrown out The prompt action of these cltliens saved Rochester from fate which has overtaken many another municipality, and gave to her people the purest and most perfect water works system In this country. It Is probable that before many years Was passed.

Caned lc Lak. a sheet ot water lying near Hemlock, and as pure and clean, will be brought Into use as an suxlllary supply source. Already the elty has obtained options on much of It shore line. The purity of Hemlock water I kept st Its high standard only by constant vigilance. The slty now owns not only th water and lake bottom, but also th entire circumfer ence of th shore tor a distance of 200 feet back, with th exception of eleven holdings, which are, unobjectionable from a sanitary standpoint.

The city has a force of men constantly at the lake whose duty It Is to carry away and bury by the "pall system" all rat-fuse trom buildings and cottages which stand back from the elty line along the shore. The result of this care Is seen In the fact that no epidemic or even sporadic eutbreak of any disease has ever secured In this city which could be traced back to Impurity In the water supply. Once there was an outbreak of typhoid HEADACHE, whether cauied by nervous affections or from bilious condition Ot the system, ch te quickly cured by Hosteller Stomach Sitters. 11 gets tt the root ot tot trouble the siomich. and by making strong; and hcjlthy, the nervei are itrenothened and the liver and kidneys stimulated.

Try It the next time your head aches. It will also cure Lyipepsla. Constipation, and malaria. sTorcu Personal OPPOSES POOR SCHOOLS, SMALL SCHOOLS. Merritt Bill' Would Not Deprive the Regents of One Prerogative They Now Enjoy.

ALBANY. March Charles R. Skinner. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, has 'issued the following statement to me publlci Jiducailoual activity along' right lines la helplul. Agitation of educatioual ques-Uona toundea on Jealousy and misrepresentation produce unrest and discontent I sincerely deplore the present unfortunate misunderstanding of the educational tlttiatlcu at the Capitol.

It is an intolerable condition for which this department Is in no sense responsible, but I realise that are subject to unjust Criticism as the result of gross misrepresen- tations which have been Industriously circulated throughout the State. As the State Superintendent of Public Ini.truo.Uon, and as a member of the Board of Regents, 1 dee re to place before friends of education through the public press a plain statement of facts to correct these misrepresentstlons. At the University convocation In Julv. ISM, and In my snnual report to the Legislature which followed, I advocated 8tate payment of non-resident tuition In amit. emic department In the following words: "I would enlarge the scope of the Hlgh School and make It absolutely free to; ail pupils, providing by State aid for ad-, vantages now secured only by payment of tuition.

Every child should be educated free In the High School nearest to him. There should be no favoritism or distinction." Through myself snd other representatives of this department, the subject has been presented again and again at teachers' Institutes and other educational gatherings. I am not aware that a similar proposition had been advanced from any other source. I am not aware that the proposition had ever been opposed. FROM TUB FREE SCHOOL FUND.

In mv reoort to the Lecialitun. lajit January I asked authority for the distrlb- uuun ul tor mis purpose trom the free school fund, which ha always been distributed through this department, and at the opening of the Legislature a bill was Introduced embodying my recommendations. My snnual report had not reached the press before Chancellor Doane Issued a public statement denouncing the proposition, and the Regtita immediately raised the cry that they had been attacked! The plan proposed would take from the Regents no right, privilege or prerogative now enjoyed by them. The "right of visitation would still remain with them. The right conferred by law to distribute special funds would not be Interfered withrhe right to conduct prescribed examinations would not be disturbed.

No academlo department registered with the Regents could have its charter annulled or endangered. If the so-called Merrltt bill should become a law tomorrow Jt would provide (or the State payment of non-resident to Insure to the boys and girls of the rural districts the acad-emie training whieh is their right to enjoy and the' duty the State to furnish. Following the outcry that they had been attacked by the Introduction of the Merrltt bill, came a manifesto from the Regents, generously offering to assume con-' frol of the whole public school system! i There is friction between the department and the Regents therefore abolish the de-: pertinent! Aa a measure of retaliation a Mil Is now brought forward giving the Regents control of the whole educational scheme of the Bute by empowering them to elect the State Superintendent-placing the control of the public schools In a body elected for life, no member of which 1 has ever been elected became of any recognised service to education, or because of any experience In public school work, thus removing the schools ss far away from the people as It is possible to place them. DISGRACEFUL POLITICS. Hence all this agitation.

Responsibility Should rest where It belongs. I repeat what I have heretofore said concerning the attitude of the Regents; Assuming to be afraid of political Influence In the school system, poll lies of a most disgraceful character has entered Inte the discussion of this question politics of a disgraceful character for the reason that it hat consisted largely of personal untruthful atatemenu and false Issues." me add the following conclusions: 1 No district will or can be deprived of Its academic department through pas. sage of the Merrltt bill. a I am not opposed to small schools, but to poor schools. 1 would make It possible for the small school to become a larger school and would make It necessary for the poor school to become a good school.

11 most heartily favor secondary education, tout that thorough elementary training la of prime importance aa well fo the few who enter a high school as for the many who not. and I therefore Insist that elementary education should not be sacrificed for advanced work, but that all departments should receive adequate consideration. My record of 17 years In this department shows that I have labored earnestly to 'build up all departments of the public school, to elevate standards, Increase the efficiency of teachers and to secure more liberal appropriations for school purposes. HIGH EXCELLENCE ATTAINED. I The State Superintendent has by legislative enactment greater powers ever public secondary schools than over public elementary schools, notwithstanding the statement ss to the Regents' exclusive Jurisdiction over the former.

The standard of excellence attained by the secondary schools ef the State 1 largely due to the high grade of teachers which has provided through the various institutions for professional training and the uniform licensing system; to the Improved condition of buildings and grounds; to 'the enforcement of school laws all agencies under the exclusive supervision ef this department; to the encouragement and counsel given boards ef education and te the general uplift to public education resulting from the Intimate relations existing between this department and the puhlic school )n every branch ot lis activity. 5 Should the proposition providing for State payment of non-resident tuition in academic departments be defeated It will be due to the Jeaioua opposition of a body which hss heretofore laid exclusive claim te all encouragement gives to secoadary education. 6Th statements circulated by the opposition regarding the recent hearing are maliciously perverted or entirely false, as may be clearly proved from the official r- nnU and by the testimony ef the mem- nf tne Way and Means Committee In doubt as to whether the bill Is or destructive in its tenden-c eeciire a copy and exHmine for your-i- if. I shall be glad to furnish copies of tn Mil and to answer all requests for Information. I do not ask anyone to write personal li iters to the Governor or to members of the Ieeili lure to Influence their action.

It if 1 lie however, to be Informal on a that so Immediate- lv reneerna Ihem. Thf" explanations not n.ap for tfrui-oni. but i fte- of the IS. pub'to schools of whnee inierema it is my duty R. SKINNER, n-itiit of Publly lustrue- OoranU'crt dire for PU.

ll'flKtimrr nf proir-H'rf pile, fftt AH liruji'ltt are a.nuri IM iiT ft Miu in ''lit to p'f 'ifiti Uio tn ne oniluinr In alt iu 'firic-m O'lO w.n ii'f N'U. HiMilnn It dUorsry ah A I- olf lHl 1 ft i-i9ilU ft!) UUf, B4 -Settled. PANAMA TREATY v-v-WILL BE PASSED. Outlook For Favorable Action on Cuban Bill Not So Bright. (Special Dispatch to the Evening News) WASHINGTON.

D. C. March 1. N'ow that a special session of the United States Senate has been called by President Roosevelt, and is already under full headway, It may notbeunlnter. esting to note Just what la likely to be accomplished by the session, and how long It Is likely to continue.

The two most Important matters of business that are expected to result from the special session, are the ratification of the Panama Canal and the Cuban reciprocity treaties, which two treaties are the sole and only cause ot the calling of the special session. As Is well known, the Panama treaty has the almost unanimous support of the Senate, Senator who has for many years been the strongest In that body "of an Isthmian canal, being, strange to say, the only outspoken opponent of the pending treaty. But for his opposition, manifested during the last few days of the recent session by his long-drawn-out speech against the treaty, It wuVld have been ratified before the close of the S7th Congress. Sen ator Morgan la now expected to start In at once on another of his "long distance" speeches, and as there will be plenty of time, no effort will be made to stop or hinder him, and It Is hoped that after a few days of he will conclude to quit and allow the treaty to come to a vote. When that time comes, the treaty will easily command much, more- than a two-thirds vote, and thus be ratified without difficulty.

The outlook for favorable action on the Cuban treaty Is not so bright. In fact, the scope and extent of the opposition can not yet be determined. A few weeks ago it was widely announced that much of the opposition to this proposition, which stood so stubbornly In Its pathway a year ago, for which the best sugar Interests were largely responsible, had been overcome by th President and his advisers. If this Is true, together with the other fact that the treaty gains several votes by the changes juat made In the membership In the Senate, the Cuban treaty ought to be ratified within a few days, and without any real trouble, as Its friends believe it will be. It is not believed, therefore, that the opposition to either treaty will be very strong or Very long continued.

OTHER TREA TIES PENDING. Other treaties that will undoubtedly demand and receive the attention of the Jxlra session, are the extradition treat-es with Venezuela and Mexico; and perhaps the reciprocity treaty with France. A few nominations are likely to be sent to the Senate and confirmed during the continuance of the session. Some of these will undoubtedly be new nominations, while others will be In cases where the Senate failed to act during ihe recent The mars noted of these cases are nomination o( the negro. Dr.

Cum. wno was for Collector ot Customs at Charleston, S. the nomination of William Byrne for District Attorney of Delaware; and the nomination of ex-Representative Page Morris, as a District Judge for the new district created in Minnesota. Adverse reports were made tp the Senate on the first two cases, but the Senate took no sctlon on the reports. The President does not thlnk-the fight made on Crum was justified and so will renominate him.

Byrne, who had been District Attorney for some time, resigned last summer to run for Congress on the Addicks or anion Republican ticket. was defeated, hew-ever, two Republican tickets being In the Held, snd a Democrat -was elected. After the election President Roosevelt nominated him for position, but the light on Addicks 'as at that time so bitter that an adverse report was made by the Judiciary-Committee. No action was taken by the Senate toward election, however, and now that the Delaware Republicans have gotten together and elected two Republican Senators, thus practically settling their long-standing family row, there will be no further fight on Byrne when his name Is again sent to the Senate for the attorneyship. -Mr.

Morris' nomination was not acted on, or even reported an, because ef the fact that he was still a member of the House, and was thought not to be ellg- THE EFFECT NEURALGIA HAD ON A TOMAN FACE, Bnt With the 114 ef Dr. WtUUsas- flak Pills She Was Baablea free Het self From gaSutag saut Is Well. "For a year I suffered the agonies of neuralgia, my face and head nearly withered from the pain and I found na relief till I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and was cured This Is the statement made by Mrs. J.

B. Whittlesey, of Turin, N. Y. Her neighbors can verify the truth of it. "In the winter of 1900," she con.

tlnues, "my general health was poor and I began to suffer with neuralgia, I tried three different physicians, but they did not help me; In fact, grew I suffered untold tortures with the pain In my face and I don't know what I should have done If I had not acted on the advice of a friend and taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In three days after beginning with them the pain began to grow less and after tak ing three boxes the neuralgia had entirely disappeared. Since then I have not had even a touch ot the pain. I have recommended Dr.

Williams" Pink Pills for Pale People to every one I have seen who suffered with neuralgia The power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People In the vast number of llpeapis due to derangements of the nervous system or to Impure blood has been demonstrated In thousands of In stances as remarkable as the one re lated above. It Is a well-established fact that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for locomotor ilaxia, partial paralysis, St Vitus' lance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, icrvous headache, after-effects of the palpitation of the heart, pale and complexions and all forms o' aeaknees eliher In male or female. Ai druggists, or direct from Dr.

Wll-l imt Medicine Schenectady, N. 1., ,0 cents per six boxes 62.50. to say that in three days the phlegm ha loosened, and f4tt better, my appetite returned and within nln day was tn my usual health." Miss Helen Sauerbier. Mrs- LesU Carter tarsr "r-rn-a as Sure to freveat a Cold." Mrs. Leslie Carter, probably the most prominent actress In America, say th following of Peruna: "Peruna Is sure to prevent cold.

It win stop a eeuga befortjltbecome settled. It cures all catarrhal af-t i like magic. No money could tempt me to be without this remedy for even a day. It Is just the remedy all women need, especially such that are exposed to the vlcissi es of climate as I am. "I never neglect an opportunity to reeom.

mend this remedy to my friends. It is America' greatest remedy for America's greatest enemy, catarrh and catarrhal affections. I would not have catarrh for a million dollars, and as long as I have Peruna at hand to check the slightest symptoms of Its approach, feel perfectly safe from this Leslie Carter. Any one who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Car tarrh is well-nigh universal; almost omnipresent.

Peruna is the only absolute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds. to cur colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Peruna not only cures catarrh but prevents it.

Every household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds and catarrhal diseases. written grammar of the Yagin tongue, and compiled a. vocabulary of 30,000 words, but both work are still In manuscript Here Is. (air gpeci-men of a Terra del Fueglan word, taken from Mr, Bridges' collection; Cgwa8btak.jaladaguplklnamasb.unde-aea! Tbls It really a complete sentence, meaning, Tee two ay theywil do It In tueb a time." Th Yaganes, the principal tribe In Terra del Kuego are called, hav a rooted objection to printer spaces, but their language very logical one, all the same, and superior to mot tongue in precision. Their' nouns, for instance, not only Eatasltsbt Mrs.

Leslie Carter. A Wssaa ef XaMoaal Vast F-r-s la Bsc Family. Mr. Mva -Tckwod -rths) mriitit barrister of Washington, Is the only woman who has ever been candidate for the Presidency' ot th United States. She is th best known woman In America.

As the pioneer of her sex In the legal profession ah ha) gathered tarn and fortune. In a letter to Th Peruna Medicine Company he says; "I kark aaed yaar Peruna katk tar myatltand my matktr, Mr. Hannak J. Bennett, taw fa ktr 08 tk yaar, and tint It aa Inrataakla raatady tar tail, catarrk, hay ferar and kladrai aaaaai aita a fole tar taakia aatf aid people, ar tkaa ran dawn, and wltk atrvea unstrung." Dtlra A. Lata votHf.

-v A cold Is th beginning ot oatairrB, It may cause catarrh ef any th inter nal organs th head, throat, lung and stomach, especially. A remedy that will cure a cold, then, would our all these direct effect of oold. Peruna' is such a remedy. hav letter from all over the United States attesting to this fact Th poor and rich alike use and recommend It. A book of monlal in th exact words of th writer tent te any address free ot charge by The Peruna Medlctn Columbus, C-blo.

Cold ar considered one of th a see. aary Ills of lit. On Is liable to eatch cold both summer and winter, very often' a oold is the starting point or cause of a lengthy and dangerous ea tarrhal disease. Cold ar always dangerous and should never be neglected day. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory result from the use ot Peruna wrft at one to Dr.

Hartman, giving a full statement ot your case and he wilt be pleased to give you hit valuable id vie gratis. -t i -it 'i Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Columns, indicate the person or object, but the situation which tbe object occupies In relation to tbe speaker, The sound of tbe language Is suave and agreeable, and great conversationalist, the Tagaue can dominate It perfecV ly; but they are Incapable of separate ing the syllable that ge te make up sentence. Still, with a little patience It. can be for tnstgnce, meana, "Come here.

If yet) please, to help to build hous. and la mad up at follow! liRuca," house; "tun," te mak pleas; help; "pean," come. Logical and concise enough, I think HIvon'tos Dally New, 17IJ. 'i If 'ys ti 1 I ik 1 1 Enthusiastic Utters From Grateful Women Who Regtrd P-ru-n as Their Safeguard. Miss May Ktevensen, 110 Hamilton avenue, N.

writes; "Os half lit warts HUH sssw wist ft fsr salt Millers, Uttlt tar my frcsd taow tf tk gsafffa-(fss worry I safltrtt tor yttn ccf gf (ttirritl fe tat? as" tkntt. "I asesT lukilera, gnttts tnt cifrrk rtmtdlts until I katti tit $lgkt caffeine sad grw rffscosrsgfaV Last tall ant at my friends tali, 'Wky 4oa't yaa sse Parana? It cared me and It will curt I Hecldti ta try It ah matt aa a last rtaart, and It fcy tkat I did, tor la itaa tkaa tkrtt wttka I was tatlrtly wall. Accept a kappy and grateful girl's Sltvtaaan. Pe-ra-na Protent Against Colds. Miss Flora Wilson, 2472 Seventh New York City, writes: "For anyone who Is as susceptible to coughs and eolds as I am, Peruna is a blessing.

I am never too careful, and am always catching cold, which sometimes develops Into an annoying catarrh of the head. Peruna I have found Is excellent for this, being very quick In Its action, besides being a most excellent tonic." Miss Flora Wilson. Pe-rn-at Cared a Bad Cold la Three Oars. Miss Helen SauerWer, St. Joseph, wrltesi "Luat winter I caught a sudden coll which rUveJnned into an unpleasant ca tarrh of the head and throat depriving me of my appetite ana usual goou spirits.

A friend who had been curea by Peruna. adviseo. me iry u. sent for a bottl at once, and I am glad fever at BpringwaUr, a few mile south of Hemlock Lake. During th prevalent ef that eptdemle and after It ther wai less typhoid fever In Kocne-ter than ver before.

Regular bacteriological examinations ot the water are made by experts employed for the pur-pose. Besides this, the shores ot the lake are being returned their original natural tte, and coniferous trees planted close te the shore, to that needles instead or leaves may be cast Into th waters of the lake. PRESS NOTES Or INTEREST, Col, H. Eetlll, editor of the Savannah Morning News, has been chosen President of the Savannah Chamber of m' the- Perry Record. Niagara County, has lust been elected Town Clerk.

Clarke popularity has been Hrrnly established, for there was an Independent Republican ticket In the field against him, besides the Democratic ticket He won out with ease. The Data via Times had an olii-fashlotied "pi" in lis otllce, which prevented its P-peurance on Thursday morning. Ths form was. not properly "locked" on the press and when the latter was started the first page boame a JinnMed ma of type. It is a vexatious mishap, and when the breaking of the cogs of the preas are added, as was the case in the present instance, the lps Is more than the of an esue.

I-, Among the visitors to Florida are Mr. and Mrs. Henry 0. of Chicago, who are guecta of J. J.

munag. of the I'map Par- inr Company at Klverlde. Mr. i is the millionaire president. mr and principal owur of the 1 id i inr of Chicago.

He a -o of me Henry O. fihepard Cu.i.pmiy of that city. How Terr del ruerlsns TVk. The Terra tlrt Fuc una linve su excellent laniruitgB In one ny. Thomas;,' vw mvvw wAauvc.

waive Drandrctfe Pills Qr Purely Vegetable. Always Effective. Curts Cbronie Cemtipalion. p' BtANDtETH'i Pim purify tK tin 'digestion 'and cleanse the itomsch and bowek Thy itimu'atc the c-rycT vitiated bile and other i T'. are tonic medicine r' Cri'pitoni Drcv Juoh, Pln In to ma oh, intf I out Jiuneic 4 trra-'m qf tl.

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