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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 11

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I lit Ita. i I act nt crt 11. ruc Man Marabl Ob nwmiaz Mr. sV beard MM at chamber MtrtctIi WT Mr. ttt.

solictLv a via bb wmacrl. Ttcttd I a lal flV4rat4 won. light own 4 7 bnht bta haadkenhlW aroaad II. i Mt. looUsj cu apparently AT1Ix read a lengthened aSdarlt mad It set cat that tta wlf wu at ta tf jfMtVy aadwu Ug with hlmatClrtoa- TvTarrl ce ts4s.

them olmatw4 la July. U- about 40 yanof ag aom an at th Acapeooa olfMrlMa a Ar. laps. r. I eaa to the twdustoa tbat It ll wtr i IT tnt and triad ah would II then ttIt Prlac leT ba Wt.

sad that eh. bad. in a Tbe neaben of tb rTai rUg to Ud. htr too kn. hit la order eel erf71q out rrfeeil permit Mi wit.

Ufcar. lie further tdSd that 4 i act too llTewiti Urn at he AI tad farther that or a pantiOD Utwaea they. many a hi iwera ta either at I famf hi. Urtihlpttal bi soU tb tidy MUaioLlMs eJ1ablS la lane la rd BO be- Sabsuitally they at oat th ITilW sosIeid. citing tb of Ccebna.

LutatIB i the precrat tb husband had a Retrain he liberty of bb ad whet no wrong bid tb tutbaad. I th od i iTlTIWC that prooN4LnfS la this ease aft at is lady herself bit that they 1 In. tarkey. tb wtf St Ii Intuit. of the a Starker who wu formerly a clergyman ink England and Eector or Cfaarlincb Bear Sh tad ken persuaded Yr.

IL JI ilef at th Aranemon was th Deity Mnmf KB AWV kcual tocWy kb directions. I I sra Wait thcubt they bad better tot go lath I aJitl tavciT. cub of theological I r- tfcnjr Af urd bi. Lordship prooml to caattitiaKliiMnrtlx Ii till CAM th wUs Wrttt said that a former ooeadoa upon Mr. rill to deilTer up th lady ah ff lb.

Ceuit and poa bat it found maei hi custody atalL Tt huSaai tIM In tlU ttlzed tb a rtl ttelence. I turn Wort That bu aathiag to do with kaltu la nch a et yox tnigbt tl article of peaoi. f. That is eiictJy what Intend to d. by Oh BO.

tot bat. I deal se Ul' ibi gMnPriae I Tbtn are many act wblchtcnito ibow inc lanaibi Mr. Pric wfU allow pe ple corn. to it tb a place but t. doe.

tat wlih her to return latlripasae. i IL Las. Tart TalonDtedly tb proper rwldeno I kteeCslswIth ber busbaad aad until th wlfebai rxjrf si tb ecdeaiiitinl eourt tad got rrliered frent krtiVfcOX ber husband Ii entitled to bar cuitody. tobi. aaiSsruUtyof Uloslng ber make bii bn ID te taUt In.

th sMtietI oocrt would re- Kfer ttht case were of nSrlemt rsv1ty toladaeetb IBS a t1frte car under rich drcuautance would th warn fore rraUete. WhC ther. wu BO cruelty aT itUJti nltUwuuaabeaTedaBd while more- had reason to idle' that his wit. wu Ii improper ulaos bid a rfeht to deta a two rf that if bU Lcrdablp thoajbt Mn. Pita.

kasarcaredby ber huUad by violeoc. be ibotid not I tWoa It sppsaTI that Mr. Pttoe wtnt sod i ill wtfe that wiihad to tak ber I sad that lamaUao4gabBiu. take ber sway by other mean jfcoc. the went.

I to tot tllnk tb order for th Let Mn. Priaab. rsti4 to ber1 Sake' ease and I apply Mr. Friaabaibeeapattoeoa- ii upa In tetoglag ap bi wit. I am sorry I ban to power ti I.

new It th custody or the Court. DM Wruit No. I cannot order costa. Let bu rflab rha baad. I tr the left th.

court with Mr. Bile. Mi solicitor tkw4tou4 tLat will osovay hi wit. to Glaittn- 1 jun aitg. ai fticui of th Acapemon ar toad In th erprmlou a lttraJutlaa to Ladles all th prtlet oncezed In or conspiracy.

I Stft. 21 ComnuowMr HOLKOTD. BBWA I CtW LD ms Tjoini TODD. I 1 unpsiwb wer merchant. or street I 9 lUaewtreet and lane earn tp on th quea- OKt to The accounts com mecee on the tll oM SB th 27th of July 100.

ar rrturarf at 10512. ditto i ntTSOiy.e-Ktton for advtaet. on enitgn i- it KIXL 106 JOt sad th ista an and Start tot tb assignees said tori inauted that th tsIet of tb I kajTCaiia Uahl for th fall amount cf th debts i 5- Iwiiry wu needed. CTCI YrIii14 lad Co. said appeared for a tfti i4 Co.

of Gla gow. and Jo for Mesan. Snith who tad la their bidi I bill of I Kfwti tad beat tamper with by tb bankrupts Cu4t3 apoa being umnd said I tU rxpUymeat of my father at a weekly a packer aad carried en buinns at' la December. 1S57 when la soy wt cx a eoaiBeaced bujieg goods. Tb.

busi- vV wndoa Un Tbcnamccf ae best or bltfit wu don too I At BUD Tbomu i up. Tb. alteratioa wu made wear thatldidBot. It til wrltinv I i particular reasoa for that. It 1 v-T" prMcuiar mat it jwwtly tlat I knew of prni.

bsnkroptc of I iiTlU" kaaknpt before. I ban seea Mr. I tisTZrCnJ9rld etPremises. strse4 K2 troia Latterly my la l1 ptreet 1 saw Mr. May or the beginning of June.

MklnI pjrchaa roods. re or tb did set yon that for. uyouhaJbeen Yoa will tot swear yom did not rt html 1 sot like to do so. I reotiTed kiT1ff0 Me Mania and Co. The lat rf ioicjtar.

I thoutt it was an lat iJlf from office or th official lleaUoB hating been made a wamnt. tiao d. Then a orrerposdezes 1S11 letter paa thatlrecol. rT Mrtla Co. and my lf.

or ttzt1a 0 Caadell and Co. I Ter aawtb Co. of th 15th Jae I do not aqr fc rIrt cay that yea MCY kept nwaTW TbM Gsndtil sad Co. dated jf1 4 th bankrupt whether adeU and o. I I myself th earl Th nnuGandeUaadCoTb eart TUgcodswereoVliTeredto Todd aad to A.

W. Stnpsoe I son. ut Bombay. I thiak. a great deal to Bombay.

iat ly Ittttb. rtceipt OBUIalnf till rwaag t- Mr. TtaaiM Oaa Wl ha. anrr kid anyiirtDn sad nrKtU aaknptcrwf Oaad ae4TdJ Uatkie Pa had Isse mtmyM Uaiaeai. or that good bad Mraha rBU I UUer.

tbatti perfr llf tra rD" rla lft hIs lasUn of th bask- riptUaodil piLl fc 9rr tauUyforUmlry Th Oo MUaio M. AsrnwnI for aU weeks. ZXSOlrEXT DfBTOEt COURT Sq. 21 Crr M. Cp4ssiO.

NlCUOU. 11 BE ILDT MOKLAyn. TUila JrralT Rtindlintraaat ooloarl la th Eatt Mr. StfgooJ uppurled aetrsI creditors opposed la Mr. HoMei aiplalfie I that about th nUdl of Jan th tsolii sagsI lbs to act a.

dally tutor at a salary ct IS lnrup quarter Wt at the end tb tuUowjey moatabli rtm dlaooaOamed. taioent being arreaUd. II Xr. It bdea bad reoelTed no paymeot on aooMat. and lag a taoUy mloWnb.

thoiLt Laid that babaldaaTbeea treated. la aawr quwtioni from th Court tb lnr lrent milled that at tU tia njpd Mr. lioWea tbenwu a jadfBMat szabat him and this another creditor hat Uuedawritbat did not txpect that tb penon would bar. rosocde4 to rxtrrmiUea. PW 4 that Is July th tsolveaI told him vs.

is I rood poaitloa sod wked for the tea. of IV. a a bill for to. month up which Mr. jSTl ercrttlIWT1P re 1 apW that their debUbaiheea oontr rt4 laiproperly.

and sipelaflj re. ferrdtiUUm d. th nsolet wit. toth f5 t. 1 fcu n- rtcciTeJ Lii Income quarterly sod that hi pU also paid quarterly for which ah reqont the creditor to agree to quarterly otWcmenta.

ery 8001 slon lr as to tb admiinbUity a. vl4oce of the wit. UWmoU bat titer beaiutloa lb. learned i CotrtuUuootr reorlvrd th rideaoN I A witncei wag oall to pron that th tnolvettg pen- ti-m wag Jy tat LirtLj charged It to the tiliti of 22V. per snan th Ott amount rewired by him alter I for x.x.

Ui widows laud. la. a. rely TK a year. The InMtlrenta tgrlttr.

wu claimed by a Mr. Wak unier a bill of aal Tb. kmsd OOMMI IOXEK ttIoIghtthst none of the m- idltorabadmadeeatany vaUd ground of oomplaint up MrHeodca whom thlawlmit bad so right to engaaat aUoMwheabewula tziertzlcbI dlJBcalLM. I Mr. llWen said dli sot with to press hll opposition.

The learned OOMxisuoxcx sold he should require son. furtvr ttesos rwrnMting th bill of tale and itoold aljourn the CAM until TtesLyfor th attendance or Mi. Blake. CXVT1UL Stpt. 21.

OLD OOt7RT. Effort Sir Jiatia Bnuj Ltwtrd ITElrraa a private In th RoyU Artillery. wu charged with bortUrfoailT break lag jot. lbs dwelling. boa of Philip Ornely with intent too stesi.

Mr. Beat conducted prosecotica. It appeared that th prosecutor a bare milder at Woolwth so4 that for aomaraaaoa or ether on the aleht i the ooorteno took place he had not tone to bed bet was I tlerplBg la big clothe upon th sofa In a room on th ground floor. While la that positloabs felt th hand of a man ps Over hi face end he wu then seized violently by th throat. Heitruggled with hli sasaVant sod tneoaeded la glrinj an alarm sod th polio cam la and th prtiovr wu aecured.

sad on bit way tb polloe-itatloa 1. taU he ujrht he bit got into a good crib but had mad. a mUtaiaad he wished had cut th old throat. wag somewhat th won toe liquor bat seemed to know perfectly what wag about. I Th prisoner.

when called open for Ma deteno. said vu bUT drank at the time and bad no recollection of anything that took place. I A corporal lathe pthonera regiment raid that he had beta to th regiment two yean sad bore th character of a good soldier. Tbe jory found th prisoner GuCty but recommended Mm to merry on account of tU condition at the time. Th learned JtDI a 14 that draakenncei was no exenie.

Th pthaaer had sommittod a very action. onee sod Isis oompoJod to ietonce Lb. to three years' penal I jeivltods. Jame FolIos. 24 and Edward Stoke 23 were ebangel with a benglany la thedweUln boaw of Tbso.

William Monks and atealin aereral waciiei sod gold chain Lii Mr. Bctt proaecuted tb prlionen wire dafenledby The proeerator la this caw a watchmaker at Brltton atd It appeared that oa tie aljfat of the of Asgoit be was ok by hearing a loud stab at lib shop window aad upon going down ttainhauwtwomenla the act of rilial th Ibop window but they got away tails with i them a I deal of valuable property. A psnul wu made lid th th0DiT were traced for a eoniiderable distance and along tile rout they took then. were picked up th tickets that had been pulled or th wstshei sod the greater portion of the lUlea which they appeared to hare tkroa-n away. A pmemr and a quantity or ladler otilebe.

al piakad sod when the prisoner were apprehended they ref to Eire their addrnaS. 1 Tbe jury found both prliowe Qilt3 and they were HII- to thy. yeanpenal Scrittido. lJifon M. Jutia 2utCKBrcx1 Frederick Auutu Dull 33 who had pleaded Guilty at lb of th session so three charges of forgery wag brought ap for judgment.

Mr. Gu7ARDwho warn innructed to protecnU on behalf i of th Bank of Eaglud WmDNl the Ooart that tie pot are. load a II' account with that establialineat and ptcd three bUll for mnt which were placed to ha I credit sod the whole of which turned sot to forgeries I Th total ani2n1 of th lIillI la rjnnl nowhere was bull I Mr. ElST who tppeared for the prisoner laid that bi bad tiled a very reipectebi. poJtion and beli Ted that it ho had beea permitted to do he would har taken 111 the whole of th target lartrnmenta.

II did not urge tLta a. say pelluatton or. no. toe th prisoner. bat it was an I.

the which he thought oait tJ bro" to the notice of hi. LoriMilji. Mr. Jsatlc. LACK ECUS la paniliC sentence said that the prisoner had pleaded Guilty to three charai of forgery and the ni no donbi that us had eon.

mused that cSecee. It was an onoa of a vary eorioui character. sad one that It WM impvaRta to UI oter with a light teacc The learned oounavl had nrged en hi behalf that he Intended to tak op the bilU and. robal7 he Lad had Ii opportunity would ba 8 done ao but that wu on care. whatevet for him.

la i cTerycaae there a clerk embezzled or mtaappropriatocl i n000ya of his mpoJer he seaeraUy Intended in the Lost Isttanee to make it good. and probably La mtay loilanoes he did ao but the remit vs. that lie continued la a sauna of and extent of Lb dfalatbos became ry neab. in the present cue former rpeelabl position of the i pruoncr wag an UljUraoD of Us oUaaoe for be toast hire koovo perfectly welt the nature of the act lie wan con nitttg and It. janjeroii character In a moitrcUl son.

zaunity. TL nollll' of the forgeries wu Tory largo sod tb Ttry ltbIest intone. could pouiul pronounce was 1 one of alt yean' penal terfituJf. Allen Firle Johniio 2t. uphJitortr sad Sarah Elliott 23.

were jvilltl7 charged with baling fliloatosily sod by fore. i taken saiy from tb cuitody of her potent. a child named i Clara T. South ah betig under the Ii. of 10 yean I without their consent.

Ther. were a variety other eaob varying the torn. of i th charge and by one of thorn the indictment alleged that the object of taking away th child warn to iteal the clothes I Mr. WDoni4I oI1 appeared for the prosecution. Th woman Elliott hid been admitted to belt sod the did not surrender sod Mr.

Jonas th Governor of Xewgate banded tothlearned jud Iotkr that had hon reoelnd from her iddreiaed to the man Johnaoa which was dated from Southampton lid th writer itated In It that before tb receipt of letter tb writer would be no more and would be at the bottom of th Southampton War itwu not OOI1Ii4em prudent to show till letter to the prt on obnioo- sad he wag or ooune not stare that snub a con. munication hat ea reooI" Mr. Jutloe Brian baring Inquired whether any further information had been reeelTed la reference to the state. meat Ma1u4 In tile loiter was Informed that nothing Imare known than what appeared la th letter. Mr.

uUoe IInas aid that all that could be done was sirsat the rooocnlall of the womioand proceed with tb igaloil the prisoner Johnioa. The evidenoe vent to show that lath. and mother of I tb child la qne4tloo raided at lCnlghlabrtdge and that th la was lit tb habit of tnglng at different concert room. lath metropolii with the child. wholt appeared Is only fire lean ano four month oldbat who laid to poann con- iidrra 4e muslosi talrat.

The prisonee and th woman Elliott II la the aims neighbourhood paatitif man and wile I 1 by the IDea of Mr. and Mn. Elliott sod it seen4 that ey were 011 tntIate terms with th father and mother or I i UM child. On th 30th of July woman Elliott went to i Smith and proposed to take th child out and buy her i a sash and th moutr oonetnted that the child should i company her. but np a tb onentsnding that the was too briie her back very shortly.

It appeared that immediately after tb woman had obtained pseseision of th chill ah I warn loUd by tb prisoner sod they all three stayed la London that night and on the lag morning they proceeded to Southampton and thence to iortamouth where both prisoners wet. takei. Into custody on th 1Ih of August the child being still In Sate onpny The real motive that appeared to s11ee1 to the pr and hit Mrs. Smith. the Bother wa sailed sod stated.

In III. to question put by the learned UDO that none of the child's apparel was mbW xept ft' Mi. HeVelcthes bad. however been somewhat changed la iioues oaa nowivir TOT uo. by being trimmed with black la or other the en med to has dulnd that she should appear to be la mourning.

4 It OiOtLST what WM tb MrJustioTL ul no wa Taluoftbclotbe. thai wen VPCfl tb. oW when sb wu taken away i The mother replied about 17 U. Is Clara Tsoo Smith. the child that WM th nUeet of the alr wu stamina and although of sach leader ac sh latti77.

aaswefcitbquettloB pa toted a good deal or dmc. She wutak from rbomby tbc that when sh wag takes to thmptoI sh. td a rnoManswuo the eadoftbe week but when that period 1 ha4 Iapoo4 wutoUthMslwsboaldBotwbomcsall. THE TIMES. SATURDAY.

SKPTRMHRR. IRflO. ti TWcMMaaldthat sh did set perform anywhere sad BO ukod to to us. CU slsaddthg thy did ad ia aay uakladly while tl vu la their Mm- TIM prisoner. wb a called upon low Us IWerIOIto wetland that WM entirely I of be ctrcamstaa nder wUsh Sarah Elliott 1011 of tb SLIM.

sod I 1 Iran. what mated that bat brought the ct lid a way with the nether. Rcfaruhe wag said that lb Child was an Incuubraaoa more tII. aathig ela. sod.

with regard prorrlltfac her clothe the fact wu that they bought clothe. or her hn ii wu with them. Tbk iiMdJiJorlastmmln2p. laid that th aM waa. tadoihtd1y I very utnordiIDlI1 one and although ey poesIbI.

enduvnr bad been made too bring tb chi wtthta th tens. vi tb statute. It appear to him very doubtful whether any or thouU had been supported by tb evidence. Th. Jury.

alto a short deliberation retur a verdict of Upnaaaamt Uanrabr raratfyina by Mr. Stncn on bwhaif of th ball 1 the woi ta Elliot her lances were respited to th next ala. NEW VQC1T. Th SnutA sat la thb court during the by and disposed or serera minor cases. THIRD COURT.

RtfonMr. 011 Km At thsUtinjrof Court bb morning Mr. plied to th Commissioner to make beulute a ml which had been eblancd to thee. of a person named Hart wbo had a directed to deliver up certain property but which order bad not obeyed. I It will recollected that at th tart sitting or this Court' two mm named ni Wulllez were after.

a trial which I pled two dan convicted of stealing a quantity of plush. the ropen of Mr. GUly a merehall" the muter ot I Wrn Upon this plush a person named hart. living la ttrxet St. Mary-axe advanced 1200 alit.

the commission the property being worth about 18001. After lbs annotation as order vii by lb. Covet for I the refutation of lb. property which order not having been obeyed a rein was obtained on UI. ant of thlj sesto ma for lb.

oommitu of I. contempt of Court a not obeying tb order. A rale was obtained calling span the proseentor to pbocaia why the order sbnld tot be roscinded. Yr. tlMcalfs with whom wag Mr.

Poland appeared to support the role. and slier some diseuslon it was agreed that Mr. Metcalf. SbOO1I1 be heard to support of tb era I rot which his client had obtained and which would rain. tb whole qU I Yr.

Mncun. alter allowing to the gnat importance I of th qu Uon raised a far a. the commercial world was concerned briefly shaded to th drennuUaae of tb ewe and la opposing order of theOrart calling on Mr. Hart to give np th property. vce4 that.

it enforced It would ha tL1n. aside rot IlpoII th action of troTrrwhlch bad been br nrbl by Mr. Gllly the Lord Chief Jostle. or tile Common PIes. before whom th action was tried directed th Jui a' to the law or th UM nader th Factor Act.

Lth and Cth Victoria cap. MO. I and 3 and they scttn upon that. found for Mr. Hart th defendant thug Mtatlubtng hi.

title to the property by Qndlnc that had acW tonttJtla th matter sod farther that bl client hart knew the prisoner WIIID. a. 01117. Under lbs. ctrnnmatanoes.

the learned eoannl contended that Yr. Hart was not to blame. The COMKISSIO R. You rare only lVXV for property which th prowoutor valued at2OOW. and which there Ii no reason too donbt WM near iti worth.

Tbe Chief utloe at the trial. to Umiq VP. told the jury it wai worth 16011. Mr. uucun said that it was only a loan upon tie Th OOMMI8SI0510.

Yo. bed lovelies with th rod Mr. Mrieaiva nr that It was only a loin and that by the section of tb A. which had retorted to the di mltb' riren poII the lien which there upon them being paid. Th.

contract was be contended a loge and binding one. The fact wat the prosecutor. Mr. GWr was not satiated with th prospect of a new trial. and lobed to orerthrow th decision of the jury who found a ymUn in favour of Mr.

Hart. Tb Tag Y. and th jury found something else. Yr. Stwcn.

They 110 loan" that Mr. Rarti mode of traniicttng btttnea wu prejudicial to th Interest. of Mr. MlTtuJJI thought that It was not lair to Mr. Hart that Ma actions thoulI1e jaded by the Ra of the trial In till.

Doan where for Lught that IS known. the prisoner Wuw. might la the Lop. of paving LLrslf seal. aocniatioa which he did against the other.

Mr. Hart Lab a attacked to Ibis matte and he felt that be Lad not had a tunlty of clearing hU character. which as I merchant of thu city was more to him than the amoint In e. ilng to a ca on record similar to this he Mr. Motcalf.

found that Mr. Justice Patteson had there id that th rotUr ought to he settled by an action so that both parties mlht cleat themselves that I what his client now asked. I Mr. POLIND coeld not let A Important matter lit. this pan without offering a few remark.

In the present Incline. Mr. Hart ac placed la a most dlzaIvantageon positian It with him a qoestlon of character. At the trial the jury found la bl favour then Le wag eziuined andcrou- examined. sod Mi clerk alo as to the nature of the transaction.

The rloar Bit. wu also examined. The CoMMiMioriR Ye but on of the chief wit- was not able to glue n4enc. then. Mr.

louttD did not think that would hive attend the ease. Mr. Hart bid oar put la affiiUrlU as also II" his clerk- he the loomed counaelJ mUht aid that th I. which came out upon the trial at this court. went to show that hi conduct la the matter wag open and undl gnlad and that when he discovered that a fraud had been practiced he did not attempt to pert with the property but gave th prose itor every facility which layIn his power.

Xh I a have the mian of Yr. Hart and hU eert cftJmlll. but I cannot try th qoestlon of the loxafJel of Lii lrtsrtloa upon them or oplana- tlon of eonuel. Whit I hive to decide Is th question of whether the power of tuidog the writ of rwtltutlon tlollallll' or mlnlnerlal with me. Mr.

Mrrcuz said that hit client la not obeying the direetioni of the Court wu LD conyjaeoc of lib not clearly nndetstandln them. The COM MISSION said that could not be the case had not only satod to Mr. Hut what wu required of him and what had veil properly been agreed upon by hit XI' Hart' counsel Yr. Metcalfe and Mr. Sleigh on the other ride but lbs the CommlaslOllctl had written it down and read it over to Mr.

run. aTl he nsa Tomato to I to It Mmtlon hid bejn made by Mr. Hart that his counsel Mr. Mttcalfe was ant present when the Covet made the order but it as quite unnrcemry. The order merely re quired that in undertaklllc ihould be entered into to pro.

duoethgo hi. section. This Mr. Un would not agree to and then it wu that the writ of retitaUu was ordered. U.

UI. Comii ioncr tall inn that hid th refusal own attempted to he made through him Yr. Metcalfe Its would have thrown ep hil brief rather than make It. There had not been th ill htett cause to complain of the learned ooulIICI. Mr.

METALrK and Yr. POUND having It tome length urtd their objtCtiolll to the order of this Court Interfering with the decision elf th previous jury in tile action and cited seicral cue Mr. SLnGIIats000 length addressed the Covet la soppoti of th rain which had Is-en obtained too enforce the order or rrttitutioa and retted Ui argument upon th wording of the Act. of nh and Sib George IV. sap.

which. mat. Utlltl of propotry Imperative upon tb conviction or tb person stralint or ombrulift. It. II contended that th Act lei' th judge no discretionary power la th matter.

The oonltract1ol1 which he put upon the Act relied on by his learned friends wag ltedeel rehr to the case of a man acting as III agent baring in independent salon or the property dealt with 01 IA Mr. Mr. Hart thought be was dialing with the principal lit the transaction. Mr. SLUGH was sorry that th qosition of Mr.

Mart' character should bars Ii introduced as It called spot him to state that had only done what hat under a notice from Mr. Uillys attorney not to part with th property at his peril. An offer wu then mate to th prosecutor Yr. GiUy either to pay into court 12002. to bid the issue of the new trial or to pay Mr.

liar' that sun. or to allow then under the protWons of the Futon Ad to be sold and the balance pall over too him. Till he would not asseut to. After some farther discussion COMMISSIONER wd that this wu a mort Im Important sidewind question and ought not to be rot rid of by a 184 be wu rather in fOIIr of enlarging the role anti after tb new trial but thought 11 not the power to do so. was most nilooi that Mr.

UUly should not key I out of Ui property. After some further eourertatlon The teamed COMMIaMOMH said It should give a docWoa to-morrow. iThe argument which bat been specially fixed for thb lay. lasted some hours. sod seemed to create great Interest the court being very fall.

POLICE. John lebon. 57 yean of ag nIUn Mniedf a lahonrer. and who refused hi. address wag charged before Aldermen Sir R.

CARD is with haying in his pos- emioniix pleev. or ZSSysrds of mohair of. th rite of Cl. 12 tapposed to hare been 111. i About 6 o'clock on Thursday evening th prisoner von la street Dahopiate by Charles Baker an active sad Intelligent city police-constable carrying a very i large parcel on hie hick wrapped la at apron.

Baker having reason to suspect him. followed Mm into St. Xaxe and then Into Iloeudsdttcb where stepped him. I Tb prisoner I. reply to questions by tb officer said had brought th parcel iron.

th city and that be tiling It to Worship-street. Baker Importuned him to I a more precise and satisfactory account of the manner which he came by the property upon which affecting III. i dlpu as to the reflection on his honesty which luohin. terrugatorles implied the prisoner threw th pare lute the road and told the officer ho might CIlf7 i It himself. He wu then token lot.

custody end con. I doctod to th station where having again opportunity of accounting for the of th parcel. I be slated had picked up near Loadoa-bridn sat thi i he was taking It too tile nearest rtatioo. The pore oa being opened vu found to contain six pieces of grata I checked oUJel or mohair for 14. dream each pice being 43 yard In length each or 288 yards In lb.

whole I The property as Identified by Chazteg Turner sad George Bordham. warehousemen la tb service or X. Thompsen aid Patterson of Enad-ctnet Obeapsid. wooU. I wanhouseoaea as having spew the trademarks of II.

4 ton and to thin. Th prisoner wu Mr. 0 TUZse about put 4 oa TIuln7 afternoon standing I AthewarboMC ttclth complainant Hcpnahadth I dear sad asked some question which Tanner thinking had somrtklag to sell answered abortly bslnitn a hurry The gwo wan pnv by Mr. BorcIam to ban Ilea lathepnawedtB or his employers on th trout eotntor 1 their warehouse Utwe ID sad It on Thunder morning. TV wore 55 by th soenptalasnta or UI.

sees-sat. uatfl yesterday A eosu Ii court said rvmwabend tb priaoacrbalaf cbarg 4 at Oell4ha1l sea Haw I. or a similar cffoao and senteecsd to thne months' peiionnwnt as a togae and Th first caUbcwu Innocent of theft adding that a men gave him tfc pared to carry almg d. bridge bet lading wu boot to committed admitted bb guilt qualifying tb acknowledgment or by re. petting that the parcel was to him to carry by soother prom.

Sir R. Otipre sal It as a most Impudent robbery. done la opet day. and committed him lot trial. A wvIldoted man named Walter CrJIWeO yean of age wu brought la ta enaladyof et Thomas Smart a detective oficcr who tad annealed him en a war rant granted on the prtou day by Sir Carden and charged witb embezzling the nominal um of IX but la reality a nih larger mo telontln to lib OIllPD7en.

The prisoner as remanded until Thru lads arm wen eharjM with otrnctf1f the street traffic with their barrows en which fruit warn ox. fur sale. la several of the leading thoroughfare abutting opus the Pojal Ezchanti la on case th defendant Was rrotIeCI to hi. TAH9 Then4I. In midday wtta 145 truck III" to bare stopped opposite a shop at which a gentleman who drove op in a tnp wibe4 to alight aad requested him too move on bat he re fused with in oath sod set him at 011 define Two of th defendant had bp a each fined crown at thb court for a similar off.

nor one only on Thursday and the ether last week. This. Sir It. CRDZe mulcted la each. or In default.

four daya lmpiisonaeot. ant th I third th alderman let off on payment of crown or I three days' ol1lllell" at the option of tb defendant. IIamblii driver of an omnibus No. 13582. running from UkhUJ to Westminster I charged with hiring caused the death of Alfred Smith elrfht yean of ag who.

parents reaii at No. 3 Henry- St. IIIIefIIIo I Tb prisoner wu remanded that day week. Bail wu taken for Us reappearance WCSTMISSTIR Mary Williams aged 19 was llroqh' upon remand bufonMr. PAVXTU sharged with having pawned several articles which toe la a ready arnUhed room occupied by her In ttrrsce KppdIIreo Chris.

Ill caw was proved on the former occasion by Mrs. Bee. I croft. the prisoners landlady when It was stated that the prisoner sail that she II obliged to act as she did. as she had bit nothing to eat for three days lid had I no friends to apply to.

In oonswjnenca of that statement having appeared la the dally newspapen benevolent persona forwarded to tb court donations for her temporary relief. It now appeared that the account the prisoner had Mr. 1ATTea eberved that some ladles bad greatly exerted theniselve. on behalf of the prisoner and it was to regretted that they should bare been so Imposed upon. The prisoner wai toed Is.

and 2Us. UI. value of the anti- clce pltiJpt. or 21 days' imprisonment to default. WoMnir-STRMT.

Edward Den-al a respeetalle-looklng Frenchman of about 28 was charged with the tubs-tag robbery Mrs. Sarah SIehl wife of a stlTerrroith and jeweller la ShorJltoh staleJ that while engaged la her shop between 4 sad 5 on UI. preceding afternoon the prisoner entered and desired to see me gold watches. She placed two before Un for inspection neither of which be approved. saying ho expected to see umethinj much betters and she therefore placed those watches on a back counter and banded him two others.

With the expressed himself satisfied but sail should also like to choose a diamond ring and she therefore thawed hint on train th window priced at 10 guineas. This thought rather too much and declined to purchase it unless ah mud. a lied redaction which she at length consented to and as he jibed II. said to show the watches to his wife that ih might mak a choice of on of them she at lib request made out a bill of parcel and despatched hop lad with it and the goods with direction to accompany the prisoner I to his residence which he raid wu la Mlddleton-itrect Old road. The boy was gone but a abort time and when ho returned be did so without either the good.

or AsV la Th. shop-lad deposed to going with th Jewelry and pot. saner to a boos. la MlddMon street on th door of which being opened the prisoner keel him for the parcel went Into the house and lift Un standing la the forecourt but returned In a few minutes and asked Liar Into the pszlonr. then left him there with the door open but returned almost dlnotll to complain that the glass of one of the gold watches had broken while wu opening It.

Wltfleas told blur that al of no consequence II they would replace it with another without hesitation ant the prisoner. after looking at the watch a moment walked lebnrely out of the room but so quickly oat of tile boon that he could only catch slht of I back disappeared I through UI. gateway. A strange part of the aiIt was the prisoners Pf1Ihn. lion" which was effected by Short a detective of the 11 division who stated that In consequence of a description of th prisoner and the property being urnUbed to th polio made laqutr and haling that I man had left a gull watch at the shop of Yr.

Smith. a rUer on Ntwbig. ton to hive a glass fitted to it examined the watch and determined to wait for the person who had left It. lie bad not been they long whea the prisoner entered and asked I. the watch ant en witness toiling him be must char him with stealing it he exclaimed U.

me I know nothing boa ltanl mad. a rush lilt. the yard at th ink to escape. Witness followed I seized Mi an1 the prisoner restated so violently hi As obliged to throw him down to wear him. on which UI.

prisoner pulled a phial full of potion consisting of a mixture of laudanum and something else from Lii pocket and tempted to swallow th contents but as prevented by It. new who wrested It train him. On thrusting his band Into hi. truawn pocket found then UI. prosecutors diamond sing wbl In another of Iota pockets wen several duplicates 110 of them tot a gold watch pledged just before for two guineas and which the wttnes.

had no hesitation la saytn al the seooad of th watch obtained from Mr. Sacbsand which had not been recovered. Mr. Beard fur the dfuo animadverted upon th ytolenc of the constable iii flinging down his client in th manner described sad th prisoner who in erg distliet English characterized the officers evidence ualie was ordered to be remanded for tie completion of th dips. I tuaug HIV wiuw um aii money BUI uwvvTcm i WM gone.

The bed bad been slightly raised lid the bag drawn out. The prisoner Wlldsmlth wu in the house on Tuesday morning when witness sent her children and servants alter tier daughter. He called out the stair. There Is no 011. la the bar I will top here until some on comes.

Soon afterwards WiUsmlth called out Here II Ton. the potman I must leave. WIMsmlthb a married man and ha en. child which as born 10 or 12 week. ago.

Mr. Stoddart. Whea did you see your daughter Emma gala Mrs. Perkins. I saw ber thb afternoon la custody.

On my way to thb court in a cal with her I laid to her. Emma you ban gt me into a nice thing at last yon. Lid bitter toil the truth. Sh said. I took the bag sad the money from under your bed opened It sod took out I portion or the money left the bag on a chair and went down stairs to Anna MlllalAd.

and told bet I bad taken a portion or the money and left UI. bee on tile chair. I then went up stain cleaned myself put OIl my clothes and as boot to make my escape ram the house when my brother stopped me. I afterwards eluded him aad got Mrs. Peru.

then Identified a white hUaad bag produced. It was In the leathern bag on Tuesday morning and contained the pr dpal portion of the money stolen. In answer to other questions by XI' Stoddart th witness salt I telegraphed to Liverpool giving a full description of Wildsmitb tad my daughter. I had a conversation with Manning yesterday and told her I had reoeIftC a brie. gosphie message UI.

Emma and WUdsmlth wen raptured there. Manning said ah was very glad of thatand It she hid told me alt she knew I should not have had them for they told her UI. were going to Scotland sod I would bavi boeB ca the wrong Manning also said she knew all stoat robbery whlchbS been pUaaed for weeks that Emma Intended to run wt WUdimith and tab. the bee of money with her aad wiahed her Manning to go with then. bheuuked Manning If she had received any of the mosey to which Manning replied.

Yes I have received IV. 5 or the money from your daughter to enable at to follow them. sod I bare Jot the money nystaire which Emma gave see. Manning then took wlaae. op to bee wa bedroom and took from under her.

bed a piece a newspaper containing 5. which she delivered to her. Manning also told her that sh weal eat on Monday algal and toot a dress or her daughter1 with her to tb beaus It Downey In pbee street and asked Downey to let Emma Marthen till a young nuacalbd for Mr. UsrsbterU first re land her oaeaat sad afterwards elbowed her to do so and Wildnltt fetched the gist from CLlRItUWIILL.1h Th sitting magistrate vvnestvd our reporter to acknowledge the receipt of the following dons. Ions A.

II. for tb poor man Jones who was re used admission to St. Paaeru Wsekhun sad Iron. C. B.

for Inspector Stokes division forth. kindness i displayed In saluting mill lone. bu al wen sent by a few benevolent persons Is High nolborA for he orphan children of the late Sergeant Tit AM is. James Wlldmalth. Gold apt Emma Perkins 16 Jobsanab Manning 24 and Catherine Downey 9 were brought before Mr.

YARDUY charged with stealing 901. in gold 31) In silver a brown leathern bar. and three linen bags the property and moneys of James Per. Ins the landlord of the Bricklayers Arms pabllclwue la tiloowter-strect roaa east. Mr.

Stoddart. solicitor conducted th prosecution Mr. Charles Young. solicitor deleted Manning sod Dune Charlotte Perkins laid sh. wag the If of th prosecutor.

The prisoner Emma Perk lIIs was hr daughter and was 16 Jan list. Hr husband had been th landlord of the Bricklayers Arm. for 10 weeks II1T. She had know. the prisoner WlIdJnitb during that U.

as a customer and worked at King Gun Factory opposite the Brkklayen Arms. The prisoner Mansing had been In her employ as general servant for two yean ip I. the time of her apprehension. Downey vu the aisles- law of Manning. On Tuesday morning last between the lours of 1 and 2 o'clock wliceas locked up UI.

house ad retired to rest and placed between the bed and UI. mattress under her head a black leathern beg containing other bags In which were deposited JOT la gold and or 301. In silver The door or her bedroom wulucked until 6 o'clock la the morning when the opened It for the purposes of ventilation. About o'clock she' thought sIt. beard some on la room.

and tailed OD" "Who's there soil receiving no answer thought aha a. mistaken. Boa after wardi III alarm. wu raLied that her daughter Emma had dressed herself sail wag going to leave home. The next War she heard vu that Emma bat absconded and the gave directions to all Mr children and lb.

sets-ants too follow her and bring her back. In two or three minutes afterwards one cf her obUJ1I came into hot bedroom sod wed for change for a sovereign. She then looked for ber black leather bat eon taining the other bags and and discovered it wu Wttlnaltb and Ml' Perkins In boardlth ship NorthAjMriealath bfcrssyoaThandayafteraooa. demanded of WlUbmlth all the money had about Urn. and took from bb pocket a holland bar eoet101a4 73l.

and said. That Is ear joint MriDE' abofcoad a passage- ticket for wbae sad tb Salt Lakes ms tB the Bam of Mr. and Mrs. Stotiliot said believed as tb place where WtUsatlth Intended to take th girl. Mr.

tbenwu aoerldeae to justify tb detention or Dowiayaod discharged her. HaUwdMao ilag to gat tug. span her entering Into her own to appear day. and ngnted to UZ.SIO4- dart that the might be a as a tines. Xb woman vie to Warn- but she hail refunded tb 121.

TM. give. her by the girl bef on sh warn arrested. should remand Miss Pertl. sztd WUdsmltb.

Yr. I ate lnatrncts4 by Mn. PerUnl to reqatit you will tak ban for Ian daughter. Very wet I wd dc so. SoLTUWAKK Aajuxtas TJcharJ Uouchb.

a respect. lookla ycneg mill an brought before Mr. BCEpAM charged with bring concerned with other la stealing a portmantean eontaan ken cheeks and property worth 11 mm the South-Eastern EaQvay ft TJM IA knlnu Mr. BrrrHAM remanded th th prollen tar a week to enitle th polio and railway authorities to mak further Inlutries. LAHBCTH.

A man of respectable appearance' whae 411 not tnn ptr applied to Mr. ELLIOTT lot U. advice under the following cucauutance. Tho applicant sail. that having a an alrertivmrtt In a morning paper of tb business of a beerhouse doing an external and remuneratIve toads to disposed of rplied to a person who represented himself as the agent for the sale.

This tom gm such a flattering account of th business done the improving state or th neIghbourhood soul the respectability of the parties ho frequented th bones that he applicant OODlUe1f4 it a good poculatlon and therefore determined on taking It. lie was then Intro. dnc to a penota wh represented himself too bathe owner of thehouasandwhpr Ud tb concern la higher terms If ponlbl titan UI. agent and presented Um to a of persons of apparent respectability ho were then II customers am th fatur. landlord.

Believ lag himself to be la th hands of reupectehis person he candidly confessed ho knew of nch matters and should therefor depend on them to des. fairly with him. Unfortunately for ho they had not done so for when too lath bad oiscorerad that la th valuation of th gooditbey bail IT Imposed on him. and la representation of done grossly him. The respectable' persois IntrOdOO4 to him is ens.

tomer were ulorlou. IklUJ. sharp. who had svhlently been assembled then for and wer la fact such persons II 1110111 at altos- to corns too nil noose sad in short being grossly swindled and tm. upon by th alleged principal as well as by th agent he wished to know from hi worship in what way should seek a remedy.

Mr. ELLIOTT replied that It th parties had Imposed on him by mlsrepreeeatatloa had a right It action against th agent as well as th owner of th ho. The applicant repeated that had been deceived la the concern for that tat one-half of tb quantity or beet represented to be consemed was sold anti certainly should act upon his worsb1pi suggestion. WICH. John Danlela S3 of 1 rfreel llertondi1ei and William Morgan 30.

of West-lane. Rotherhithe were brought up for final examination charged with stealing two sash. It barley th property of th Con. medal Dock Company. at Rotherhlth.

The prisonen wen fully committed for trial. White a airman in tb employ or Thomu Watkins rag dealer of RolaUp. as charred before Mr. DUIUf. at tb Instance of Royal Hodaty for the Prevention of Cruelty to with th follow.

In prem tt to a tinrB Mr. W. Lore chief oOoer of society as aUendu. to prosecute. SimllOn Sell a constable belonging to th society stated that on Thursday afternoon was on duty la th Cxbridge- road when taw the prisoner driving two horse.

la a cart laden with manure. The leading hors. as walking upon three lop only the fourth being carried about a I. from gronad. The poor creature appeared to hi la a itato of great suffering and upon examining the hoot found the reater portion of It eaten away by disease.

Itwuaaabl a put th leg to th ground end had la eoase uenoe not brought the horse for hts worships Inspection. The prisoner told bim bb maiter WM aware of the late of tb lone sod had gIven Mm wbiptoddn It because a. ashamed to do to himself. In reply to th harp the prisoner said It was quite right what the officer bad stated. Tb.

horse had beeia lame for two yean put. but not so bad It wu tII- Sell said th horse must have been put to mat suffering th whole day II understood that it had brought a load bay ap to town and a. on U. return Journey when topped it. If UI.

bores had escaped Ms notice lb would lan worked at least 30 mites before it arrived born. Mr. I ATM AX said the can wu a very bad one and that wu most disgraceful 011 part or aay maa to put a shot. work ill inch a at II ahould indict a fin Of 22. anal th horse would he detained until It a.

pill. The muter subsequently paid the penalty and he sls bid to discharge the expenses of the greentard helm hi could release the horn. LA IV AOTICXS Tkit Daft. KRrrTmiT COURT l8re Mr. OnutisritMt HouurD I A.farmaa- tt allL to wtesdu at IL W.

UM stamleaglon tuUT-pMl IL E. Ua sail. It 5' 1. rtOal sartlllini. II U.

J. Kara skolo. as- sii eesatkaU a lll. nrsOtiTZTT DuTngs' OOl1ltr. Poarro lmiil Mora tteq CVmm oBT w.

At III Tar T. I. J. Oo4otop O. U.

is. W. Uk 1. B. Mania.

Ad Journal Ourh U. V- 1104 We. wadeses AI pa UI OiVnal O. 4d 1. lilfn Mliii.

J. B004MVOH. A. Usaaenoo a. Jaortwtil.

Bal Peopl in general htra to tabehouse. as they tad themand have no Tolalath betiding of them and builders do not sceet to think of mischief they may cause by omitting to provide fur thorough ventilation sad th rimval of noxiota gem Into the open air Instead of letting them late the house. la UI. report of iU recent examination or th sanitary state of some of our chief towns Dr. Grerahewgtra III of houses la Walts built so is to stint out I.

air from th rooms and a a picturesque valley several miles mm The louse la which th eases occurred wen not overcrowded ut wen very tmperfeetly VSntIIatd Tbe bedroom. have a chimney th upper of windows do set open and sr are not hung so that when opened which nidom lappeaa it Is a to prop theta up. Th rooms were close and offensive Indeed oppressively so common attribute of th dwellings of tb poor la pert of Wales which ar generally WIT ventilated sad on that account even when la other respects cleanly un. pJeawa' to stranger. This applies men prticLarI to odern cottages for tb rough picturesque but comfort- looking old Welsh cottages with their peaked roofs of thatch wide aid open chimneys are a a eared rub.

much 1 do and upUaiant than tb nd apparently more oomroetable modern dwellings. Dr. reenhow mentions among several Instance. a ban. which Wtod whet a fatal ease of typhoid rer had already occurred and a second ease was under treatment tb room which th patient lay tank with tb concentrated exhale.

tions from skin sad lungs consequent tpon tb entire no. of ventilation. The only to It wu by a narrow circular ttaircaa from th kitchen shut at top and bottom by doors while boa or a chimney and th coo- itantly closed window almost entirely ulad64 th fresh alt. In other respect. the room wubeaaUfully clean.

Again when proceeds to Manchester alter noticing I serious defect la UI. construction or the smaner toums with regard too the cesspool sod which. Indeed calls the onster unitary detest of that Important city remarks that the evil II most conspicuous la sewer portion of th town. Nor it only th houses or lbs poor that littl. thought Is given too ventilation of sleeping rooms and exclusion or th noxious exhalations which on tb contrary oounonly more or lea.

permeate th house during wet day. and long winter night. But the tin. II I. coming when tb beeIthInN of a house as depending pea It.

internal arrangements will enter appreciably Into th in ian 01 U. ma CUT PALACE. Oxc SJm1 DIT Fri. day Sept. Admissions on payment.

2175 ditto by season tickets 534 total visitors 4709. I Advertisement. I Army and NT Gull" and Jour! of Mutt. 4 ToWu Tss s4n 4 bf W. B.

L1tt1 of Bvta af to Bspwiabiwu mteiiw4 tie frwlMrtot see. ea Ctnirv. tnlnln rnl1 Mm IttVim Iks Imtilnri Oiirtas DC 1IPVIIIB HW al Mi fc wHU I. 1ww oaMal U. Van.

MiJlva. MI VoteatM wc Bin sis ice onWli. mii ioa sui wxi. Messrs.Hunt and Blaekott' Nw Pas ert1ae1neIlL to had all to the Ik Aou tto AsqakMtM on Ik ladla wt W. Al ppo VGL aia 1 UUtasnatoaseo use.

Ok. tea. num. Mai YW LUsrarr wd Pusal oll lM. Iswesarp Ivla ha.

A iti1i n. tkO rt ot Mil stab Win Sports a. VU tie a. to a to. tea tUansCavabT I ML.

with bf8 naWct Prks ft bawd sin miatisss- t. lni aa4Bla ttsflu ida 4 Tie ae Vmls. OMioaiB iarT sew usMSoasaiuaiu OwasOntoa. S. A 544 vw kl.

a kb wnL-OasoaW TtoBoad soHoaoui. 3 ota. A wwytalnssMiif artrtcgMettf wrttue Morf. tt STlffes lo4 Ik Ma. a S.

Snii Ivote. JaaalialL BWOkwnn I vela A Boil by tto at OMW I TlTwrTTltilli illumml I IlKiri Hi im kfoMf by OoTU Kwaasouhoes lvotaQMSwa4jl. sed BlMkwti snkoifcsra. la7o eM Kartaurae Advertbeaieat1 Steg of OapttalaUoa tb Papal Troop. nicks at Teat ii tkwWarasrs at Cbbs Mok Exn IBrwi el MaUIet tk 8 pu Brmtosaslllasa TV Onu Ik Ftta 1 A taps to Mesese lbs sTUwtiD-Ovrl If" ttt Peer Aa Ovssw Mi i Trial MM 14 Asgkwts UwwfClalltwo a 4l lwr Sawyfofto iiini Aa the Leo4aa 4 ww kU wSloswwjskw talifflswini to Be.

taw Am as. sisiKiiiwiisktni at as ii- at 11 towaiksM tk awwste as Iswisitsaaal too SbwaaM tw Ja jttaata at. 11 sateysws. kfttoPaetaiflesas avtttoaU4mkttoan nks r.cW. aToJtoT lb.

ttonwvw ut baas. g7fSj. uiTTlS ell lb. c55 toT wikAn VatToiltW totm iy. IWH WM Ms bf Ik wkusa acid lid or Caktva ta both trams.

aM inn asoak bon wiie om ylT teas. med is w. on BI soak fcasprt i sutt JtL woaa a U. Cn ll a 4i which tee Br Scjuastjs Mi mc Tutsonerg etT1a500a. to tk 70.

Ma. Is tu 8p f. at the loi I 4 If. ntkooi1i8aolwraia ins. AnmtTlwCItrof Baakvt.

fcw the lbs-Is from th rauiacT a at tar the Sit B. I wind W. wt toed wailaet ins. tu third eb ate Arrt 4 Lii OWkerta Bar. sod UM WUtoa.

Ma trail its Boa A ort. boa ratal au. Bare Marcia. from au fn imwiltsi tin a a be. th Lac sod the Ba at the Cons baa from UieAaTOf ta ma tlba lb.

Poaaa I Wfdak- Ik Lt thi a neul DKAIk8xnII. wind. LW. DM MS of BMofoit. at Dwtantt tie.

the vs. for Uia Biur fIvIa lot LM Ad or naasa od lbs I. Olurow both a Qt Ties of Ih Baibadlaa fat la vsved Ajxbon Tb. Btral Ocitidia fm CM Hooav Wta4 state ml Ice. Tbs Oak Sari boo the for tb wst ai boa loMk Bwinna lh sa bmla aa' Loodoa tt 4 a.

tm Otadiat ice 5 tt 3. 1. nn ice i tae Jaaa ran nml lh ZDonIIoo baa sfMMtfss sot la a tvii bo ataativaa for doa IU KatUda Wsasbaeb frees x. tat Ik WUbam Lots IB tee tie Mtvwd Tee. from.

IvaoHa la Xoe4di tie bar tk Mans. um tat Ii. tat Hans the frt CbaiDa fae ii. Qr4e lee WWooIaJ. Dr.

Arrss all its. Lnateo-lli DUoa-bov Xsweaitl Tkatkebes frossCocbafartoaaVa. Tbs Earn boa Ras-biog Tlrtaao. f. IIcbI Ika Jaa Lakar.

bugs fot tk Aarata. I so W1B4. US. W. dc Jr.

Tto fIvIa ao th bees tfsdaua. lea Dr x. Au. rao Ooten. for ttt Karltlam 0'- tar lbs Llabs4t Jasa boat Sal tk Oat.

Hiitl mr Oaonaa-mopl Kai. itls St. fee tUuitnrl. DOTntinT II. Taoil ten Naniosar.

BIUIAI. Ooxrtnl rino Down 14 at. wiousee at VtJLO The Hats. bade tbsbark 3733. and Ik bat Jams MTrHaoskof I Tto tUMffck.

I so TM lip Matilda ab of KqjBta Obau lll 5 Oak boa 11. for Evttdaa Yasris rum Wins. be Genaeees. of 11. N.

W. i Woo4 Bour in Uranool Au. T. 1 II W. t.

Tki ta. i W. ill MM Ml rasb MoW. Dr Sspt.i\ IOX W. Tb ft ta bill ataal a Tto sien.

bon SnWM Ck 4 a. da TMThrt Kb mBus aai t. NIIllW TM Amasao. at mod bus- big lee MI1bonee Aus. I 4 1 Tto Vss-atiO.

rim teams tar ruena. la Th. on a fV AM. Ull IT W. Tb lien lbs Vials.

iaVJmv. Air. IX N. Ta bark 1. boa for StiMT.

I w. V. JIWH wing AX LQSDOS ItIDaZ 11 JS wsi ff TJAAmioa I I A NoVEL CrstMosr. On Tuesday monuug an laterestlng and la this country a novel ceremony toot place la St. Margaret's Roman OsthOti.

Convent boom. hill Ii th UresUtar of Major William FWchrt Gordon of th East Indian tray with th sod. Gregory Great transmitted from Ross. by Pope Plan IXU a reward for hli braTrry ia the and I. th Ill generally forded by him to the hrIItf1ll com- naalty during th late Indian reUOon.

Major Gordon seared to staff of Sir Hugh Rose throughout th Persian eamplgn as welt a during tb Indian sentisy. on. Mr many commenced at 10 scoot la th morning when a Jam. usemblan or ladle. gentlemen were present to th eonvent eta pal by special Invitation.

Ms. having been said tb Bishop delivered aa oqweat addrMa la which ho id Bribed th origin Christian chivalry it appliance. ia I ormr U. and the uat. It U11 Ta maiden I sword of Major Gordon WM then .4 by tb ob ho hand- lagli to hlmexhartedhb toearrylt latuallJ hLlQ sad country and Dr to as it In th mass of A special for the harbig bona read.

the eereo many or Investing Major Gordon wt th order Cr gull then took place. The gallant Major se paai4 on th occasion by Iwo Mr. A. Smith Slice louis-ar and another gentleman a relative or th Major whose name we did not learn. They were an domed In.

tall nigblaad ocatume. Two young ladles carried silvey silver. on which wore placed th Insignia of tb no. pasty hassling at tb altar Gills formally Tested tb Major with tb sod. th Insignia of which 14 or a ore and pitted which wet fastened on the Majors breast by tb Bishop himself.

Patter Ol1. of tb Society of Jests read the Latin reeeri of tb Pep. a translation of which was af read by Bishop Gw. The Bishop WM us th occasion by tb Km. Mr.

OUtoaaeU chaplain of th convent th Rev. Mr. IXArcy. Pottobelle th Ray. Mr.

OaseJra Edinburgh and th KrM aMabo sad Oorry 8. Edinburgh. theeere. lasted bow an hoe and a half and excited utmost lateral among the. wh were presrat.

A rllit'-- afterward took place at th Clazendaa Hotel la esinbos. lieu or th eat. Caiciosiaa Mereury. AdTertlwBMnt Autralia. OScial tIta saL caistnlukl to all pan.

vrtalr mate. Is Ik lurrli as. WMll at tUf rol Is to Urr to. llliliiil te lk M. rbM a iM a I or The lB UM rematttng optoioc TM tart" a TkwAn ate 1 be WMU a 4 i mui st I.

a sta la' BokwrasHotf lewd ytoOrM nr I Ml to 0 1mm wit to a Tto i el a. -1; swir. KW WM sues to- MuituwKtkval aclw Tw3Cf i ni iiliknii till no. eat Ban. lUtocrapkaa to tb Qua.

I. OM Tdvertb m.nt4A Deserlpttom of tb llamas Body UsBsneSorsaail Is raiwkwasfaal lusraM 4 us. swHiwIpH4 tile WM a to aa4owa twin sugsal sief lot SM paaj teases Br JobS Mn slt tJLCLaJ ttoCarnsoiOon Bs Lmttmmt I MI i is A i AMSoawtotk I- Vi I atw ID Wee Wit I Ti. Piles oT Ik too volOMS. lie.

will to swaof Odds- Af fa Mbs. OrtwMttkiwiist aaias Autumn Spptsnist 25Ua ltesfcwtMrtina tttlov OM waO at to ferww us ats-5IS5's to Jon. Canst aad Oa ssdi 237 a4S3 Advertb oL-Caakda. Tb following works III OMada at BOW IS sate ta salBwr BxMMit twrtlM Kaarsasawwas4kHkfMw Zasitettee Ou iitiswsa jTahwridM Bicaa AtrvaMiwr Matt. MA.

Im i. tial wi. wn uo i be W. EL BaiuTtvola II 4 Sat A Low. aVxTaad Ca.

41. Id. ai. vc. 101 00 to.

a. ton haled. flntt hilt tad QJ fV tookwsflwia idvtrUsem Tb Stadcati Kaabcr tb ran. hBik4iklseaf n4. awjs Tto Fee iiilsa tat OisMnc lawUwal sa oo a.

at Mk the SM to. Ms 14 VDVPWmW fW. ClQWBMn VMV I 0 4 UrM4 Lc je wMPMtt t3. HrasMa UWaUssW ltbqutteatrestt attojr bold ii so cad took a Aa jJ JgU. Ito UwwaUavtwsswrtewawM stoecvwlsel tk a pea.

tor Tket is kKtot MiswkwtoCr laiwwiwa4tkwMa a ewHdwJsstsi1 skUl o. wj crnnrir at ihs st 55 ct tW Is as tahbsd to ha sk fef kkA JlUhnvtaammAnflw kflok UU. II. lf Mr. f1Ilnu al" U1rD TVCL d--1 Ifr.

Blah. or tr 1 I MIld" ppa lf wrt' of II. IV' or Mn. 11ft IMltr" 11 wiLI. ca bi lid atIh1ty bS 1 ftW.

a too thi AIIooM Len. ud sad oUIft Ia I aa bI QiamsmItgr IIeh Iwn. WoI" IMtn ot Jlr1rloo cIor wwt. he te. I i i kf.

u4 111. LthSI4 I 11 1 II. 4 I' TtTn. fn I 5tmad. U.

IIrlq him II nt bot 1 liT. 1o1 or. 1 UI. Inlet Mr. uopee 1It IIIrII to loll Ii.

be pol ib. WM14. U. 554Sf II.llIIpropor 1aA It rn rrt-- tftst 1M. lit f.

ad he ba4 he he JNlabal1. II" no. UIAI Iwt. 1iDoeuIIwiUl he hen the ladn. to fOC Id I t.

If 11IIIIY. If I IIntAu 11. wtUlI that I Wa be ym4ih I JJoIWIU tht 11 lld. tila h. l.

to pb lb. w. dwcbaolwn t1u bit fl' thfft tile rilL lbI ta1 the I c1IatufIl. BtroY1 CoIrt j. aianola.

hfprHPhe hubu4bS. wil. he buaa4 mUW. I dIJ he 1L1 iOHr a4 tncs to att kT ftar lb. will SIr 1bo aIk" that Itl the PS1E.

lb. I iii' II. to 4i th01l at lato a. poIA" I JPIe rrt lbs ukT that. 1 1Ipot I he 1T aile.

1 ct. I I. fo4 I cty a bu alt. kwWL hlto wt Lt. 1.

J' Ib' I I 0 II. i. I T. UMU lid 1114 bo I Oh dO' 1 ndA fo i T' a a to b. I 31 I ao.

pl. e. t. p. bl' 4 rh I' h.

11 nd. I. I I. lut4. 14 he b' I t.

1e lrm hj hbe I ftt be cur. akipl of Cw r1 I. r. th eMu 114 i I wcn1c' rnll to 10. b1 Ic dal 0114 I I.

fo nJe Ir edl rejp uu mr b4 t1 1 tha i a i. iP rth' de I bop I i Lalp th ub loa D' Un 1. I I I w' 1 we w. t. 1 1.

1. la1 I Ia ItAk o1 1 P. tor I TIVr Sf' 141 aplT f. H. Pita.

I pl up. I bp I trU. I 11L11 tI pe 11 Q. b. i cT I So.

C' L' lut4 I to wll Bro. eldl. ub wiYfl I1 CI- Iurr 0 u. A a J41 el. 1ttt 1 I a pe1 f' IJJEtr Ig1- 1 Mr.

C.t HouT 1 I JJ1 CJStE DlfJT JOI TODD I PIb I Grit pOI I' 0 om I the TU al J8 n. I fhfe lO5U 1 3J rlW ft an. 0 enp. 1. LJi 1061 lb.

a ILU 1 ItlIa lbs apH. 1 lu lt IIa t. to tbi lb ft falor cb I' fz54 It I CI1 al fol 14 .1 t1 h. tp bklp t. 0 a n6.

14.1 i Ir lr 1. Jk. 14 0 mb 187. I. cacbJc c.

b. I at 8 1 I of 11. J. wtp At ay I. I C1 C- d.

I IUb b. 11 lor. i f' I To. I C. wh lP ll 1 dlo bo.

ho leo. I w. ta I ao 1 I I a wt. 11Cu.U 1 oiG 4 I. 1 Jt1 b.

ot. bpt tp L. 1. wlclt. Gr tc.

JrIIJI Ltn11 Gfllf 1. M. I o4 01 i 1e fo. pa. o.

wk" IO rto lb. a' too 1 t. a0 uk I lO 1 rt 4II0nl wl. 41 11 Ik. 1 4 a In Kn Xal.

11 d. olyla. luC' i 1. I. mJ" 1 Ittl bmpl a I LI fr.

the o. te ota Jlt brC la. i ko ro w. Itaa I. eldae i 4 1 1.

1s that 1 r. I XaA a 14 mT Gu 1 llnew Ia a C. tl JI 1I0lt I l.e a lt My I 1-1 01e Ji lr i t. I 1 Pt uh drtwnby V. Glde 1 C.

ld i LIJ li lk th bkp' haMt a' a ar CNd 1 f2" CU4e 14 0. I I. 14 Irl 1.4 b. he tA 1. 111 1sh I ff.

t. cl. Ifm Bf. Wt fo ug1I1 Pn tw. II 0 a' 10.

GleU 14 C- 1. Gae o. cUo 1 he a or To4 1 I 4 A Sllp fr Slp. lh bl. T.

1 Ca BT1 bS" 1J a. mT 1 libp ctc I Bkr. i laDT rI I Pp mI 1 pn up hp I or r. ii fbc slp by 1 n. 11 WII 11 1" O.

any aknpT u4 f. b. a. by TJ p. Mr.

OUTJ. hrli nan 0 he np GD. MJ W4 Ip tlIt7 fa 1I T. 1010 Iln to 1. jiiiiOiiir lt c.

NICOL JE LYI" 11 fli. the 11. cPJ1 14 Ultl ktp pl" ao pk lln ct oP In n. tt 1 4d. J.

leY 111. a. 4a It a a pi. qa he lb. lowtn I dltl lb.

Ir hc a U. U.J lym. 1 I nl. latr to I Lt bl1 0 1 1' lr th th Inrlr' a. ha tI b.

a' 1b. ho 1. a' hl. a4 aoh Ctr rtl kt hi a' Up lb. b.

re 1 ulIU. XI. LIte tht II the 11. 111. ptl 14kelor be I 01.

af IP3h L. a- 1 10 n1u tI ti Li tftte sl I. H. L. I oc clt.

to omp a i 4b bit t1ef lpPT 14 etT I lom4 lt by In. too th lo IItr lutJ f. lc. uaIT. a4 h' papi a p4 qulr whe nln a qurnlT IUelt 8 0.

t. a4lbUIT 10 111. 1' ar 16 CI0r 14 ie I G. p. l.

lft rd. LyUc c. h. t. ut i 1 AU.

flt at. cfo. I.I..t. widolld w. 01r je Ifl 11 11.

1. ak 1 Th OIIIO t. IO' l. I dll. hmad.

0" say t. n4 Jl r. Uba U. i la rChl f. be In tAntcb.

emt I nob a ad be eU Io to. Th 1e OXXIOU 14 Iole IJ 1m. fnOr eUIO ltoc Ie 14 hld ij01th. unU aeIo aldc Be I CZVrIL IJlVAL COiJT 2 I OL CUT. Jui Bnu Ew J.

ra Aln. wtL IU Ikl lt t. dng b. Ip Oa. wt a lc lb.

to I IJ pt I ble Wowo14 all ot 0 h.llbl I 1 tk cn. I I ol" lb a. I rm IL. IllelO. Wtu I t.

pUI l' theh4 0 11 otr1 f. N41. 1 a rIIIT Ir the tf nutuJlhh tl' 14 lea4 rI I aa 14 pllJ c. Ile pr. N.

14 too ptO aJ II ha co 11. co cb he ba Ile. e' 01 tht le I whl lb. lquor. hi 6 pe1 hi T.

rre a llr ro 4ctD 4 h. 1. a. ha 10 UOI lk pl Crr I lb. pte' mlt a4 tht hl I' liC' tw lele ol lo ald.

jaf lon4 te pl Clil 11' flend lm 1' 11 olldloA 1. T1IDJ IJ 4rkl. WIO uni. pr. elm' eo Ollo be a It 1 ea pa lt ae Fel 2 1 Lw4 Stk.

elg1 bT II te UI b1 0 Tbo" Wlm MOn 1 14co. a lll. plrr. X. pt l.

pr 4 d6 1. u. I tkr Brdol ad la" tai 0 IIA' 0 tOUI ofACUI II Itlln ho. 0 mell III lb. Co lhem I ubi.

pIOPffTA till tre0e4lor lI IIl 1 lb. lbs uelth. ra also up pr IIen UI ref. I I lean' piJ nLACItBt" 1 CIIU I of. lb.

ODt. IOtI rJ jll CIII Dt. GlnUtDbo infII I lb. n' 1. too o.

Th. lb. IIDi Jlrlurho 117 rpe tob JUOll btlied 11 do. 011I4 hole lb. for II.

oD the Ol hJ oz. BUCatrai 1 pl a4ed GlliJl- clre dIIII It. DOO HIIWDceTh take he have 10. eerr probabJ7l11mu lIItu so. lL II' dtfala DI preeeII the poIi OD priaoDu.

m. mltl 1zern. TL. f7larlr lbs f7l16hIH tenoe he olm years rle 10111121121. IIpuJdrer1Id hlIIl1ldooloaalT ftl the lb.

bellDllII14e1' co. lJ1etr fob tlVJ Dglb. the 0 the to1eal lIe iA on at the time. The er hIII eelto jade fromller ad reued the lb. lb.

lb. Iho tile It was I pl OlI I course1 aro IItucIa bl' Ita DtIIin knowallwa lbs 1 pr the 14 lbs the 1ur be lb. a11g1 con. III tbe bo II oAI J. ucfrou oIdhiD al11o idorsMe lbs alinC" 1lotl m64 they wi lbs UI.

111 lbs FlIlou. Ih. oo lb. motbr cbllelbould the ho a. 1C 11 ap the II the lb.

lb. eeI 0 tII15L11 Of I Au. lgtIlI oU. eompsetoe for eztraordIairy condnct to make out of tile mUIIuJ talent 1'- by the I ebls I tooqustioa. IIlHrDIUI7DGEtIIuon.

II. ohild' mlseIig I hatter that III hr 11. olothea ppeanaOll fact. for some objeet eel bn Jlr. rJoe ByLES iMulfed 1IlIIoUln hat the II of lb.

this poIIthe hOIIlb kJr1y ibontl7a. Te the ueeI lbs qUlltl pet ftl1 roa4I11 ud IIIIIIIrmao4 the of her mother he tbISIZSUS which lb. Iakaa her horns by aU eaI4 ub. kJr to ntua home ud she told aile aboaId JO JIoIIIe at ea4 he old tII 1boaI ot JO at 11. Mt.

Julio. Bna IIb4 tile 011114 n.Mr.-- 22. be 1 with the prisoner sod I TN child sild 21. III Dot he at. lAW I ttiy lb.

pili a' be IT IA lb. be bettered be stUd wI It far he he the lIIIlncsbrllll uW. I. aloa. for I lb.

tbe Juoo. 1IImIa tp the Ivory br lr lbs UI. lb. appeared 4. the snails beclllllrported Ib" j.

at returned V4Oaiy. tYpes IfPIIoUon nJ11rUr male bYllr the woiin lb. NEWCOUIT. The Tt Ilith" fr4 01 Stnenap. lJNI rat.

1eh tbe or. Hart host dUrerp be he leck the Covet Walll ere da" nceel of BIII1. Af nOII bT' harm 1c da eon tempi In be 11I10 tor owoa he I I me dIacuaalOllIl. Ith. be c.1 hlah the I alllld l' lb.

qUO II mercial alIa4ed lb. the I e- III d. the lb. a. a ellIIp the Ih.

4a4L. of tIwt Iwt thacUoD badbeBb 1 Gill OOmmOllll thuctloa tried. the UIIa the I UI. 31. ll11d 3.

actilltr OUIIdor UI. cIef JIdID III th. U. Ulld ha Ton oDll1 lb. 2000 IIId I 1 ja 1IJOIIIae goods.

The lIIot the gods. arJeclIb. 10 tIolI lb. be ned good. r11 lIrena I roI tract colltn eel.

1 aIDd tbJrooeculor he prooo the ho f. I The the ThfJ buslll the trad ohoaltbe jad rmall pt ho In have hlOC1IlatIOll h. ha ackeeiIA thltll I Doillad olearin 1II0re1o mttnl Alladla to. ca. hi.

r. the b11111 ac 1t th le m. poidti la hIloroar and cr 1. prisoner OollIS IO one th lk II. tbl03ned the which COlli" hi.

a. tcr C. prowollor I 4 the the 11. the hlh h. er bn lZ Culn.

th CollISSIO couI4110' ash. bu him. beflllree4 a 1I elcalt 1 I bIlb HrUrt he IIIDI he buit qui mrel re. atred duo. the gaol.

nL 14 ttI. Comnisonr llt lbs been 1 throwap It 11 the ttu the jlll1l11 SLIIGIIhomleIIgth the obta llood to lb. the lb. the the n. he the ju ge the manacling IOII Ith 11I4 vl 10 roDen In UI.

OD 11 r. 11 11 r. though'- he wu' the olI 1. ilDtro I ced calle4poII bs I lII1 er. mu attomeDOI Itllthe fT.r the 11I.

IIIer thproWoDO wn i. Id I A Iter 10. The If' bT. IIdulllJii lilt the II' bu he He. Gil171h0uIJ be loa' 1 nher Yena" Thleanaeel a 011141 Th.

meawhlh dIrted w64 IN' I lOrCE 14 1 ohll 1 571N11 I uffr addr Al etm. StIR. CARDIM soqcloit i pl 2. yards lb. 1 11 oe ck the prlt IA Camomil Chlker1II 11 rap ecl 1I0oll adHcl1.

f4 Th. prl lbs h. the lb. saLiar aotof7 011' alf Ctbar 1Ic ooa snob III. the paroe1 the.

notoclyni the h. oIlItillg the ho paroeI 1aIII lohock. pI the tra4emarb. The atterD at at lb. or the plaUWa.

lie pashed h. UlI ia lie 7" na' godi PfOed I. the lbs 7. the ptalaata llO rt he 1ooh1 lb. being charged for 01101 mrat" 81114np A on.

said be 10 the addlll th I h. too" a4III1. lb. IOkDO" h. No.

inc b11 Cl1DnU mllkcllal. Crall Weed the IocIT led 0111. 1 R. II4J n1ada 1IIe. lMdJo I oJ aI 00.

the nJ n' ten sin 111I b. ttIIu tnp. ba II 11I4" the tlllIn lor. oal Th ml I r1a 4a eIl' the the balf erowa imp the I ranniID yean" age hole ptellLlreaiJe 3. Th.

Bait. tor1b YarT 19. up on butoe 4 vnu pa. reI readyfernlehed herlII Jr Ch. lotm III aOlhlll 10 I the 1i11 of herself uatrot' I' A no behalff befonlO lDecIlt.

hi oIth 41" WOIbID1PsrUJTE.1ward char 5011 ing pl 1I lth otllinZ hs np h1b01i14 lilljteN lC one the 11I be mcl1. declia al she i oolli onled to I wlahedl II she ol. ahe. I haId III Mldd1 tolltr Olell cI1cIlO tIIr aI 4 the 1111I14dMOII" UI. beln ntam II.

h. Im h. b. hat. 01110 tII.

IclnirelruI back. he the pl' pfrtyl p1I0II1I. lID 4 tchI bop Newta hi. he 4 101llh h. WUaghlm charre i.

IIIJ tile follo04. him pl rtc rlo wa prboDerluD64 11111. lall ilium IOlJIethln else. the 111I the 11' be wblla pookeere rel4upUcaee lot. kIa wttn i the oballle4from chi 1114 1a1411 1' wlIIl4.

eoI lb. Il lbs ed. the id lie. lb. 1iItiOLL tte IOkl1Owled ol1ola H1Ie.

the IIIdll. lor klnda ia lC the 1 Id. also been III the ulE91.met Perk ilia 23. AIlDLlT atcalia co1 1 alii. kina UI.

the tor. daqhleTtd In 1 on. the 1. lond lhe dllr ljl 1IUr. he WOMfI up er 1It boors 11111d 11 Ilocked up.

10 i 111425l. llllilr Jucked lIIra IIJ b1aoard the Who's 11I lIIIer Ibe. aftetwards I. ome. C.

h. 11111 01 ol her-black tala llr motlCTt 41aooorecIlt. fIUecI pri oo Wi1 mhta morningheIIil 11110 one Is 0011110 St. Pnklull1. herthlAterDOOII callo4 tblloourt" 11 IY.

lIOlalo She frelllllllder I. IIIC111OTIra eIltaJrs p. IIO front III a II. 1 he1ll tallied l. the witn UlIII4 001I.

Xllln lC leI WUesmlh she lber4 u4I1M1l4 kar. WfOIII- b. Li Ian. bhoke4Muialait Yea 11I0117 oar a. i c.

HIIIJI llC pIeoe. fl she tbs Ia Bro u411b4 let OUI- esliedfor 1 slates at a 10 rr-DoWMJ'L John tdeethe butted beu4 lbs ahI North Amselsa it the X- Thuiday iltomocea. II. he hi it. took.

j. Hi also found Sal Mr. he the lbs cIzL. XrY UDLrJ laid II no evidence tIae Dos-cay and cI1tcharteder. HaII aJarrepoa wallO lI 8104.

bI. the belait the nlboa14. I 8tod take r. do. 8otTIW UEA.IIIt1ll JelooklaC Dcacueac cha belli lablc SouUlEastenaEall knu lU.

II OIlbriJ nrn41 eeI beth lb. fr It the po ce L4Xt lTILA II. a Id nco IaariD 1111I a. 1DfJI' I' rr lb. 1otaaI cloI ukrollY.

be he noD lfpNlft rlOll pvc the buol. lJ the the hou. 1 IUoII BbeD duled 110 the the Lou. and who praised the oma of' the aro Iaa UI. suebi 014 lie lbs the coocIt th.

the lb. dooeitIeCIl rile" ldeatl the sin. f1Ie lie 1111 me IIOUIlwllD41ed he the b. hi. be UI.

hs the lbs the hi re4 the aoId. It. Johu 33. 011 IAad lHtreeI 30 hroaghlIp ob the he ULtiIWMiTs--JIznM the betoVr lbs the its 11'- cruellT hone. LoYe.

lb. the the he the h. pl oner drI riDl I alklll OIIIlho Iaeht a' lbs 1IIe1poD be Iteta II. nash. to be the CJ01llldc.

he ha4l11 colllC JUftI. lor. Tho hlm11 muter. 0I1b. hone.

11 the whip to drive hi 4010 the be om 0 bad. Selll11oJ the the ha bIt of bI1P 1o 1 lied 11II110 home. air 017 one4 It WNIllOO' 1 h. IIIITIIIIII toPU' to II. aza.

2llIId 1IIIt111. aollUT 4 T1iI lBol A. .110 Jticb- 1 oall. 1I1IaIIU. Poinruoracrr t.

IL WIIIbJLII DUA aIf 0101 poJ J.1Ioaceo\ 0. J. sabom B. Optt neraI kJr. 10 II Ib voice III be II1Ill lllC 4 III lbs omiltlll the hll the eI.

hotulttllll the prodoe In the hcalUl" spots I cI equJJcl In the cla city' alley. A group of be hamlst bt1IWalI71 situated In era1l11lln 011I the baa he the till 10. happeu The aI eomIDOIIribate the II the looUIIJ Of close it. he fever alrea be In the IaTk th. IL.

cozueq llpoIIthe YIIIw. ThIIIl 10" the the chl the its beaQW be II ee. Iaoa whlchlnded it. ho h. b.

0. II. tbe bou the he UIIIOUOIII II1. OOl lb. dJ tho hoal arrlllCJlllOlltlm CII1 th.

queetiOll nlllO. Qu Du. a. A lllluiolll pa IIttto. lie" rl ton 09.

Ar1114 udJ Ba rc-n Aa1fI'- 1104 00 IoaoellM 1tIIII1I. If Ioaq Ooooat 01 fI 101 Ut IM Aaao 7. IA Mean. 11I4 P. 1rI 1M.

as IM'- bdIa. IoW a ValW7 Lw 71a1e Mabsi i Oooraoo A as a Bad. a---A brIM a I Ad a. the I TrtaI ti. bctissd Ito 1I101IIMao Lot Jtoll MI IMBopI Tlle JIoao" Bau Zbsa.

lilies 007 ea 0. AIl is. A S111P lfZ" CJUTtO to MLZITi. A. tbe MIa ut to a II.

13 I IIr" kIc rwQola x. UTEJlJuuk brT1I. tIIe JUaIreI. I BaIItq I. II Iqsiqa.

the I A' tLuta tar. 0 1i I. toe. If Oils v. WW1aa is I II.

Ywi-tis 4110 J. JI.J..y 1'-- 0. ti. rII JSa If. Co liar.

y. tOff TIO ao4 r1L I. r. VollU Itile Tasims. 0.

too the TuIaQ I' Jat. i I Ire. 54 lito. ad 1 I. Am.

A. lit ThoLAiaaaool1i. BWtb 1IoQ" I IOM ta chanter liar a fm b. 11. 40aIo JIuoLo Ii Cwatu laa of is ID4 tie Woo ys ro- tlllJoIIIDIDa QUns 11.

I r. lIT home TnmsJP Th. Voe I. bIJ rrora I 000000 I tunwn II. so 1tbtCW.

tIl MIM ri. a. tIII. 111-- r. k.

1 sat toot The cu 01 lao1I I The 8 IM raarr I I 0 a. Wot. Tbs Ubl1IoUa loW UII e. 01 x-bow. Ito.

11Io Bolle tbe A IIIoDoua Du a-- Dur aUT. II. bate. ilia. the tile as L-ice from lb.

lb. TlleBt rc 0. Ou4Iaablf MIeuIiaI the 11Io ties. all UIe. IMa.

I Clla ll at. me 11 Tow-The TIle. hon tee TIIe BaaIoviDr 31. TM lAUr bocatlpllar 11.11 Drlif. lb.

1Iadeino KaoUI tb. u. lewd. r1a raw. r-Oockia Doug.

Cent. Bra. 00. ramowj no Loadoao th. bSk bait II.

r. Y. QJB Dr UP Tbe. YIS lbeT 0lIo. 0.

Wo or rI T. J' Cral1 a If. O. lrsds to II. SW.

Tbelllnae I. 15 1oIooIoa Jr. vs. Is UIpe tl I T. TIuI I.

1f1I JJ to tv. IC. 15 Tbeautda 11Io Ul4e1UIqa JIJ UllI se 1Iartr nba WArnu n1JooI II. II. II'- 1.

II. aftw ruuu TaeIda mOltiliaill CleftlllDDJb 511I8" the Cor 011. lb. lb. It the IX.

IIItheleid. tile lb. the staffet lb. se UI1acIiaD tIII 10elook the ftII' shipI opociallDritatlou. rllDCIlea the t1a1tlUOlllII 1401 the It eIaI" It.

Uln 1tW. he I 11I1 i' I ortecI Um to erf71a lot i oItU1oe. the Gre-re the 1 of lb. 11 ra lb. UI.

lb. the the enlerl. wee. the the na4he pt the the uo1tetl. lb.

the KeVr D' Are7. the EttabuhlIII4 lbs Re" X. Mates 0errr1J. n. 11I4.

lII s-h. the Hutelia the L-C Oct vaisasi. A the WI. at aII soposs or ToI Thor a II. lisi II" I IcI7.

11- the Oats. A the HBoq sd 0. 10 otS V- Osilsis a. toIM lloIba tons a. o.a.- I The All.

5apple 00 I v. tIII sates ao tII" I 4100 anal IS Miii Bo wA A4Hl ThI 1IIo 1Ia J. IbooIdAa I 1FII wlllll UIIoiD cU 00Iaa10I a. ISt the. bloW WI" I Ula Iii 17 :1 TaIoIoM.

UIa Dele. row re GIIICIoI SO lb. 1enoIae. e.dp Us. 1 1A4 nllQ1 tri rat fte.

b- tile MrIIooo ctoial liar" 11II i IIaIA Or. 1 I i1 11 C' 1 1 p- iI I I p- I pS 4. 4ft' Is v. A 55 Ip 4 a i I I I I I I I d. 1 5 I.

7. I a. tct 4 I i pm t. ftb i tS. 41 4.

1 I 7 4 15 4 1. i Li b. I I 1 It I ti I 1 i. I 7 ci i I is. I ta Cf I 4 4 r4t o4t.

I Cr1" r. jib.i.J. BMtt Mw II1 a IIci ItSIsIQS VAt 4.4 is ISbI4 4 Is V1 bstos Mr. Wdd1 ti U4 5 ISV k5 It 1. swsi tad It NhI tIII akq4itab1I 1I UitoS by be4islt 1 Iv Lasts SI.

ItStfr b45 bck. boUt tswU.uua.r-.i 4i. VM at Afl4 itgthaabosi4OysaiiItaia. krV COGt 1 Ui lrksS MsS4i4ibttt rZislfUIWIZIiIZIStfl ZIIbIt1S4 MIS us'S. its t.

Iat I th. tmprop. tsZsms I Jiat a. I badIItt tsfybAfpmIw4e cou sa bar sazvta is bt1 1141W4 0 Is. Lii ocpiY iiit 4ejava 5T tLett 50 liv tub psa I tat t.

a1litaiLi for sU ti lietttraets lb. 1i411Pt 555 th SwI s2sfl ths I altZi lb. Xz. CoIitds dj t5tbIcIuthprtth. ku by inlt4 sd ba 11iSbsifIa1a47beTit1f.

thatibey Xt Sttkeyb. s. i ctot t. 1Wttie Vy E1 ttkb Lirwila ta baWuaf4X4 Ide ai i4byiczstra. 2.

todflvnapthSdysbwu wisiz I sittItctodittsfl or lb. v.WarL-Tst bunotblagtodowitb ILS fl i vs Ob to ldettseiry gtanailaag Mi' Frtoe. Tht1e Ucb tc4 I j3lW3Lt. tU pp1. I.

teMtbn wn.L-rst..n. uI. bwttb be buabaadtadt1U1 ti baa id ta ot tta be ttiy be bm lb. t. tlaet.

ctstcfrtt lzdae. the I ba fo rJi t. ftDl III Wi ttabsd ted bibaC4 sadi it et Li detala rcrd by oI lb. iL ii sa aietLaba ababai a4 iii go L. b.

vs. lb. Oi4 lb. a4 Mr Pit. I.

bar Thi Is hr. e. uIIIIdt1 Costi. has beet pit I. son.

a bia ba mi-Et. Is Lb. Wj-o rtbs hi bli I tbaAgipemoi in. lbs lb. I I 5Jt44 7Z4YZR71eiiibeZZirrtet 4.

kr a Ii ywi1D U1lT JOff I iia4iett 0 lb. comeoe tad eba. lb iiIt4I ttactrA 5tctiity 3 cPdttOTI biis tOGOL i4i. kzioiOIuot tant ti iba aed1. lb.

tia41ia lb. sasoitof lb. IzqIIiiywMep4m4. 1tt G1MOV th ti lb. I I CtdtIIt1Ot 1 I Pli i 57.

lIa1b. ws ai4csriiid I 17. ciahynai. sdtta I hEd fstheni pnenila. lIsa onmt I cr.

very I T.tbe wudoi. t'n i thet the 1 I 4tMc4Mwr1ta. siI2wt. 1dLotkzowbopSdlrectoL. is vifl met Ibis did not.

is 5hwS1i. hs wsa ans Usndefl 4 1oto sod sypartLce1arresontcthat. 115 I bias bsa bs 00 ii IIbaGlee1tlcbtrsat plelolsa. 57 nhd at ISttbeer4ot Mayer begtooIootJun I It fee Pinpos. of I ikeJ for a I I r' rot yet I 5M a4 f.

a' yea Lad been i I zirepIj retleet I TOJLyet 70 oI I pt i I stIItaisd fr. Mer I 1I. tied. I ippa4 the said lb. I I U- 40ttbaLtn ooeot thIOGII2 s4ZNla1t4.

St It ippltcstlon bse JVleeasirraot. st d5 I. ViiM.Iii N1atrped Irecol wa Mu jo sod lv Thot0 ndell ove it. lbs Is tad lb. tJuie 4 a tiWtIm 14tsii.

tzsoictlaoi 1' of letteit. i is' met. to I IIIteIltiFToe rrattad Ufl It Mut lb. I Ite 1 tot sk4 the 44rss freo Tboaaa Gaadell 1It I 3Isr4 tt sad thet ta PIt I I4eet SCI to a bJ 5. throb.

th. be sent for. I caws from Bind I vs rams. co lb. 1 p.

i. Tbeaa chodeu tad Ce5 Tb. ceo t1 Thonli Gadtil roodawer. dslivred I 0 I bblasath warebo. t14 i1 iIal54 soptaso ties.

Simpson. bat I LsUft 5f 1 credjcea. Tb. etber ICbD ltlasIBobay I asp osazona at vW Ia ratda1 Bnb. r.

uiJyo5 let1 it poa lbeoi froot IA so4 a. lb. arpre uil4 7SOII. I. ibI.

Partoith. is eei renatoder sLt ttr. Ictu I. It. a.

kii. Gsrg a. 14 Tsvth I. veft. a bat.

sontsIala Tbs. OabWl an pirtiwe In bulOsI wee sot twins saw lb. huib.y 1 CiadsIl d4 that hi. UOdI LLaW that Li pthet1 tots. Dsto bartn l4 IIsIAatIa ripi Gaidfl L.

boj there wield be apis appor. br tat1r. 1 1. X1cfsr if xciioLs. lLItaitil sM1nd1teetsaatcoIosi4 lath Capa eevta sad roenUy a totot sp rrsos.

mptInd tbi lb. 411 ytInri. pr 1 otooth Its a rIo wei ets UbdaJ rrcJed a 0us aadhaIg be ibetid taotbeea so lb. lb. Itwlvet 11.

tin. then. wag beo4 a wjt persons Mr. toe is ettat. seat.

coapZsjaa4 be spin 0po LvIidvsnosdLlLOs i-h. d00lad that hat inst. the repreictIstion U. 1. tvrtl othet OTS4IIOTI appeared complain 4tIs bea ootzst4 stotearits isid.

the lbs ffct tSt b. bubenl papUs ib. ra lbs lb. callad lb. Lbot Itt.

t. the ttz sate. CuilliIQIOi diteri bad liadsoet Mr. Ilb4m lb. lasulerilbal enjse at I titus Ion hi lb.

lb. CSNT3ALCJUMSAL cowr Ni11 Ltlna lbs bresuisy beePs lb. Ii thatforsoaraaoa ovtbncnthalgbt beds lb. granndfoon. Wbtinthtbat felttbbandof hi.

1 lb. casal lb. lb. thooght b. lbs ii.

c11y Tb. In lbs lbs ery the hImtonereyonaccoenoftlsconfltioaatthe Tb. said Tb. 3 I the dweUtnhiaas steelIng aVetsIwatsbci I ioneft7. the difented b1 as aodtappearedthsonttnttisof th2othof hearIo aa nposgctogdown it1rebeuwtwomenLatbsctofriic1 I I wag I I wcre 1 I Tb.

fl lore 3 at 1 toi i7 Eat1aid. I I rnn I I ida t1on be I tibebadbeenpernlttedtodos bewotid bavtaken I I Ipodlcut I It 1 I be ceL e. LIla. od badin 0. ever ao andths very priaoati I set1y ClaOTetaoft andsrthssof of I taktn I i Ci.

fr4. I ot lb. wgat h3 a letter reset ran. be rom tb ot prisoner Te elid Laingtoqulrsd ca t5t ub' a I I bs lb. i hi RSPOIOCd.

Lesraandfostnontbiddbetwb sat netghbotlboo4uIng a loll MzsSmIthsndpropcedIo etbachild andbayber ac er I I whereboth the sadhi I I thou was a proI a was a 1earnedJl7DGEthat was In I ii 0S I sbibeiIIatpetrt bemootbg. IL. I cloths. she maiberreplied baItl1 theCt lb or ai 0 her reryed11 tibi I. e84ncL bI tabs neat be ISdor sh s-ag tibia from I wtatIt 1rtbonan4sbvaito1dib4ib11I0id 1tbeendIttbweek wit that sbel4 boa' BYL chfl4s-bSt I pic iir s-LU.

5bas- 557 that abs orm ssbof way psi Iasit w-t she as bee S. ii Ills TbeIssraedJrvogLatay ease s-aa bI. thesidene. as ltlL thCoortthhaoratog lbs da ol rd day 001U5g ot the I lb. cross.

I th 4 et. the briught Act ti Ldlngthstbbad actadioetddglnthemattey eotnuelcoatsndsd I. I an 1 Yo. aijed be was. the I a cttng amtnttndispnts ot ury hi.

cross. Yes. lbs tactts Lana Jes C. art etscioera ot oi at ri- biciri I hi I I A i 4. I.

ii. a cIpl I I isa oIy be I A lb. a port I tesue ew I nos neitioo ot I ad I di lie at I 5 a theconrtbeiugveryfnll. John age 4 I- sir Zll 125. s-i a 0 ito 7 1.

Ltin ho I. a Is s-i II gic 5 I Ii a- Ii at uigbtcari 7 oi t. a a parer is at ii gcss in 5. Geer Thm p. wooli sa 1 lb at 0 itandl It warebssiis dct I ig baitaasthlag snaworMebcrtli abnrr 7.

Is li al4 yos' dwi. lattI possession s-ageb se pdaoaw a seas tothise i set hevis lb. ales hi sell ra agewag wtz beionlndto cling I ithedtoaligbtsa4reqneetadbiawoovsoabt here. iirniIarelnce nenly 1 ch dageimprijanment esri o. streetStiaacTiA Tbsprisooers-asremandaltiiitbatdsyweek.

It Tb. by some tispa a. net. 1 be ha a dc. tate1that arne these be mat.

one madeontabillofparceasnddepatchedbcriboplad vu 1i. I Mlddletonstzect an has-as die I1h the ho th 0044k wbte gulneasand a Sachaan badnoi as lie a hi Tbe ch it- pr 5. se ha ha ch lb l. 30 oo pl salJ le Pectin ro a Kings li a sail ci I bigcoutatnueg it hich 1. fr hsdoorofluerbeIruoms-asiuckeduntblbe'sloek lath.

A orin bout someone nd I therer I uima for. I 5 It I one. ut. lb. se er otatsa A I Wheo a.

waytothtsoourtlascabwtthherIsaidtoher I yeuhavsgattneintoanloething said 0 onr 0 afteeardsaladd blatangotsway we beenonthewroagsosni. bass-all ttb I Yes Li. liar snaoest Des aots urarpool 14 ba Morusy ag 73 siLt pissagatleket lbs 1 ed aa at is-cog- Iiuaestosppsersaslberday F. art 4 Hi IL byMniIerklns ueoi SOtTI1WA1EAstns man containing A nian trtnptre en a of. flattea4n 1 ble I sothiag we I puss ruin esrtaloi 3 huciat tar enalts ha I It as I putthelegto hssiincouequrn.

I ot tfs polsonertoldhiatluismaiterws thostatsof the I bone I whatth. offluerhad The badbeenlamofo twoysanpastbutnotsobadasttwsathsn 1 efbayaptotown s-henhi I Las dligricefalontheprtofsuiyman I tos-ovkinsucluastat. HesbouIdthLjctanoof2tand I lb. I Day Barwnnastsrnzrr s. Women as 11.

1 isi4.iS seas-I rues 4 age as ps. is. COCa Lesmttoow IL i Tmck biah kan eL Watts. es O.d& fll14gW. NeiTtA nLJ I.

H. fl Ltoictoa. florsst1oopt. them lathe ief gives ale. odnee doasnes.

tenement. In a fever ceses giwsa seen at a no the ere so mmonatributofthedwellbngnef ofs a Is- lb. s-lththe ons ha 7 abuenosot aeblmneyandtbeeoe. esh vu beautifilig gain tL. hattheinulsmosteeniplcnouin hInes-er e.

Norisitoaly Lathe poorthatuttis the the etdayt jflg I. rniss ay Admladonz 2tP ason edited aswdai Is 15. it psat of a sali y. helM. rtt4Msi tus a nat 4 ps i.

sited cbs saesnlOL Ths 1 pat 1 a pes us ustos aud Cie 5 Caralrt. to ti. rlsloMl badsby Mo se Wise fr ii. Was Is I. OOaUmS us t1sesIi.

tus lb. Asses. CI- SV. 5oldl Psi- Mesta LISbIIS abs at en KS nu Is s. es us 04.

It. W.lIltos-cee. 8tt558 WC alaS cs. and sS e. th.

kc. by 7. ii. DStiiaSt pemus so Mw tIastv with 13 tnas a4 iS at IS om is i n4uses as uss Msw 1 a iri esrair I.e. The lid 1SIV to Sta SOot.

aM 5ssag Ythilut Hwat sa4 nss usdant UteiI7at SSZ5IUusI Si tMsa. 3 Sw bssbbt To. soM 5 A ewe teki. Sal Sl40uslt wits ttu D. be las Sante.

A lts JeIs fltst 1 a ieeuL'-Atbusaon. tcse Os eleee sad sew4.14wwp GsaWs si Ia. Bbskata. I Oes aittesesO Slege QapttnIatlonItIbe Weedss. Gina.

ILaab i.ssa.MUes ths sop Uso sitiOwee-Rass fm lb. ciasplosabip at abs bm ssa Pesas at I eOI Domisti 54. Tis V4sis at ib I Is WoISlsq MIS. l4f. at Ms10us abs ss1 Ksa4-Ib at Mi.

JI in at lb. JO. 5 tM aal Sass. W.Tb5 fatl Uceta M.s.ISS-G.usfl SOS St be as PuIse-Dssrtae at Vue-Testtag 55 uaaol att ataess see Jsu se L.eusi-aattbee ilce I.IS-bMMIat at lste- tustetei at OeeS Is Mseew PuO lees Se-1. Vite LasSo.

Mons.s- Iii'S ig ss4 Jo Ausips susate sate bsSaol 1543. Ossesius te at a. as. be- I tei hts isou es an as at a. te te as.

a. Fits. 14. sure. us es.p- catTTOitTo tgs i is.

aidsea WtbePadeI yatiasca Usawp a. it. sOs. aim ss sa se tOs. as a.

aoad ha W. ietug as 5 55. as. 13 Ius sot is aa. Ia.

sew II. at the CilO. tet ts. i a a. ho.

art U. MW Job. Salti. boo- Verssei Is si. casaseiu to.

Visas. 4 Lies. t. Oatsas tig Pwc a. Ku.

bsu4L sfr tee vp to. liedeslacS ioU teas- JAs n. UrsfsW. ties- as Muss. Sate.

boo ti. Pus Kotig.bs4ag S. tbe Ir cus- ciiti Jae se. es Its fr ii Jbss ns- tttussI san a a. Vs th.

Ire at Cones's Ti. ii. Iwae 50. It. Monte I.

ttiPtTiTsa iodtbeTns. tb. I. a. Ms Cs-as4I- tbs cleats.

aM FraaSuejih CiSaea irstos- eia a Pebi ace. scnAia Thi ts1as Oh tar. sat esip t00 so. I a lb. teals.

ii lbs Wad 4 tan. ho atu Aires. ThLates sod tie Ii. B. WteII.

inch less. Mc ms 4os is. pet baI Is attotc us iasa4s l. ijsbL en sLender. a 11 nu ttsirol a.

ii. as Set ot 20 WiwI. N. Lnlrs4 Sodrsm. tics.

odIs Id ii. P-ni ii. Tuta. boo tin the tesa 54 Jassro I. Aoww.

GRAYtSLOD Sire. are Ln1sJ th.touadiLfrmnnneedia 5 a. W. Id Vtb baas seetbee be. lee the I.

ni WIst boess vsibe flates thiPsetber.uoBo.Jggee. ai Daskfri. ZwuId I ittt ey U. d. Its LuiiadaatLU Zaq as boa Souas-4hs 4J bu Us tg Dattta1it.

a wis. ci fe Swaeiss as tabad ao Tb. mes I Mom. I. the Tssada.

usiaits hen it Jolts the th. bc kyib eb. foe. tenO I bsi1it Maa th to en lbs Vs.ead-Ib. Letdc IS th.

lb. Rawet fc Wisah 75. a qvs Liat. Ia London. This.

WteXrLrst TbaJaoeLak.y. liebsiferLua4celbsLtgnta Naobs. 7aWtnLsWoda. and coa- bc a fj tO IS. hi lb.

In LemJu. I aaast. atesatia sena at lb. MTYH butt at s4 Watteabsat Lene sutaa II Tbs irn 0sq at LL1 Ipuxen 5s boa Sd t. ce S.

V. tat of a Sent. J. a Q.s.s. I.

liT s. imaii a71 at I. TbQaeatisetobeusdaIe tONi7W. bsa bon Ii. at Eqes to offascapi.

a. Cui4bi lee. Tub. ties. ato ebpt.

N. 15 21W. as 1 frees I lee Jew Jus. w. Tb.

LsLi tier. tialasita SIMer sesee Libseom Sattattee ZLLte0. morofag and. toe IXaaarewiodforbistotvrrylnthiIebdandfegth aaiatanosgenersflyaffordoil totboCbniatlaneoni the Tb. 1 I forties thinaus IidlUeeesTb MajorCeedea theBishnpwboInband.

himxboiied toeing It tie lb. 4 seen It aeesapsnie4 the rescript lbs Es SJ he sore. 41 I raise aIlf lb. 4tus ss Miaa peedesisrer Psiinbs i a. TIISS1V at biaISse asa Musea.

4. sad Tb. Let at Vats. Xtedc 54 SidIid- 5 tAhaa1 in. 4 at a us ta 1ss a.

cal. at sew sac a sier. U.s.J eatt4 Pisiele al 1i3 insa4 I. si. abe seatce iusaiv 7 MsL Lit lawlus.

sat aMon In lb. a ad Lit xusgs. Vut 1 MO paa at tan eevs. pitieS. i sa I spins Is tla5a 5.

itt IWISI. I 5tt 1 pabteted us a Is a. sIttstt ef kpsaiM LC seb Died asS cso tulsa aausbc. Ste hg ss szIS es Lmbstas 54 a1nI. ptsc saee a uIe es tuU aol abs se a sauces.

at a at sib vs. a541- lbs at isis in l5s. Ss. aa oratters ta aaktei a 1 in bulls. inseelol psa.

tics I W. 5 te sada med Ia I Iv. Zones. se tinysate Ciiis at I. Is.

iwe se Is I 5et Is. ieei. Ms. kiM Peessi. Ps.

Sailt. I rots. e. wI t's Us 055ai 5a. by V.

a. ilusta. lou to. piats. Ta.

OatS. be's NCaia i ais aes ao a. ibre4 Idols. saps' sad 1adsa s. Ths 1 the ebndol ebb iii Zeiste at O's at on AEsrete 4 ii som k.

TateaattbsDsaUsd7saIausr attsus4 ous St at servos. us Vats. Ntedem Iomte be MIeteat Hou51 ad O.M.-ISdausat 15 Is ii. Ut4s- sad Moltal 4 Taste at ate wsS Ge. 1 Vt.

OIS4LOlonSXsdus. sabte a Last Daatbjp IS at Al cue lb 5514 a. a. as is ee ea. on see CysIas sat.

tbew tes. a. diiwse nit se Qta..

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