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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nr. PrlllflJAl tfftri if I- i tJ-f tnf rti t. IUH Uf il If mil fn" jt II. Jrffn tr nrtHj tirf jvni ct. urn tin I t.

rd r. rir f' tli jir lffl of It V. it ll 10 3iH ri'-afi- i li therrxittiti a st tlr i ant 4 fl mil Nnlscit hw Ire n'-'jii jt. utir MiII UMtrrUit KrI. ui 3 it.

11 urtri In tin tiaf. stttftJ. Villa- IV MM LKCl AI I COMPANY trjloform ir Fnm aM' IVi If iiit ihrV li r- Wulj lUir ni tk if. TI 5 Wt Ai rr rrtinr tir virOp. Mitlitd Hiown.

i r.w-ir Ol. UM. An4Mmr IV Ann. KilJi a 1tic. ftiiti I ix h1in mvlrr liHt Cit i irn ft iMr nf oml a' MxN Jti tic.

fit'S ri it ui J' iJi A II' r. I i1trr Hi rlr HI Id If sin mij mI Or. fUi nun Mr. ir liof jtlll ic aiM ril tint rd actoivui. Jifun jwi ji ntiiil ndjn.

Ct Tw k. UK for I on in intirniati oc I KvtuaifV r3. rVNGlN ui ll tuelirt ft ozuc. rr ririitfr. I Ii.

.1 IW. LWI MII V. U. I tueLitlou.txl.Vi-r. liii I in.

Lftcnntir. f. j- PM Titawrcr. i orjf I jtr- KMI. i I ii Nil.

II inir LIN krtt Fxi W. tV4ku pV. II KI If" Dr. IJliH UrMrrriMiil I JM iki3Nin. I' VJlum ltaIr PirtwiM ar tnk ipr of nrakiic an nrtD A l''l i l3 jf tln ro- tr rrll nt jnaitiiwjii on iit i a li tai when III rcil Minu ili uritj ar lujlv tofi irm I.

II I will not mit ii from iii Ticin jg Ill rma ITUs 1 1 ir line lxiii nttliin rl. wall. 1111 in tlw flf tic TIT MI 11171 hue drmpj rli wfit olilw rtir lii-I'atk-iiK aid UT1. in Ilic fame xriod he at. trwhI if Tlirr tabliJiintUOiMMUtiniacotHiiItin u' trtn.

two ji Jn' in Wrtiiun a Sjrjron. Apothrcarv M-i' nn. ai. irn an alx4il MiMrivrj ed yt the in iniott ttrwl thir t-laiirBN lit their own ui and tlimiilnprt' hi aUi limrnt i tnit i jrl III Ilk' other are rim i'i ra' lr. llir rCmo have lamffltthat 1 il tfMi 4 In tl.

lMixli Ujr lun ilinrilyaml calculitml III li n-i ax uut a Imiltlni tlcu nnl to contain iinlijnKnf rlwiitt at a liulI kaiinoi tliinloi tin iiHintirr. lotlie tntil finacy tlw liumh to wipport ntinh that it ndn lin 1.1 which i moil nrrJ1l1y the ofnuny Jiirit tl lra incn and iwhttrwwr ir' il JIK Viinrn tie JprivCI1 of I to wIiNh. in the hour ttiL they were tonH to mJ tUi trriniiiibict prnitl a great tlrmoe. ltd tue iV in oljl itli tt mlintiMv. lwrru.

tTifantiith me The wnm tm tlwt in tain Is iiHorr a liujiihi lnlJK lone rwwI1i In inure inmioliateatiutiua tit thec cUim they ve mdc. Vhahcter li INI II reri litU tt. va and properly cxpcuilrd. Thr to iTm Iuit IL. Ueul cnqnirj in well a inrrd.

tint ulitn tlicrbim are full kno ill tea ill hr rl I bin apTovtillho In i' ijnril le ne. ami Ijie wauMoT till Ini1ititin en- tfrrlj n4irtr l. Sulwiipfko and llrnrladijiH art received by rt. Dnimmoti an I Io n. Uitlnlph 304 Cork' banker ius Vrrr.

LuciImi Trvi-jliton. LoIC1lMn. hl krr 7rLiMnlMnUlr trrawirer. IV. II.

hilc Esq. rlianirtit Vr iiiiur leri by UilKirdMlicitor fl. u4inllr 4iit 4 lo jlic i1 Mr. Jnlm Mtmi. M.

rc' iJirr IthtVtriir roa' volkTtnrBiid it the Ho nf rnid. LllnlI wltrftepnnlr1 atnuIt of the nature of hl Inxiilnliil and i of Udicrnors Huv be hid. T- rtjy 11 lird price I. OnSERVVnONS Ulive t-i the CORN LAWS aivloT ttir if ffivca before lh Hou nt Prhii. nl en that imrirMit By I FUES ti III COUS TKV.

I J. It book iJler. in OtfoH lirtt Slier tn lst rno tiT rtr ant J. Al n. Qinhill.

for the Month of artmnhniHHff a KTVtcwTof the nwlOp ofLundont Primary Jirc 0011131 irJ-cj c. n' Man liritiunii. sict with America Uotjnii the Kinjure of art Urillin. 3' io Cjm Ali on 2i fnHMJi Arc. Priirl iw F.

and J. Kirinztan 6 St. Ia4e Opinli: I. when rilv I. In I.

liie Uri Critic. toe II. Yr. 1111. in V' 1 iLlllwiiiXth tw tin-I a New vrn and niiber of the former Scrjcs to coin A NTTMII MIFU II PIV.

1lrsilav arc puttihcJ price 011. LFMrKrs nf UNIVERSAL An. ktit aiil ni ronuinin a fVvrijrtion of the Ion riir tinhInnt rvhion iuHilatii lIniit. xnl wliiclioi nr. ljNToiicil Are.

uf the wti Ie My A. t1t3Ui. I' In crJrr to rtiiiler tin nrL llic more oJl to liol a tli rrinte pl ttir Author 11:1.4 coot i it i it iMliuiu tixliuit peVvrajliv tratnrr nnl iHuclnlnit ut iM un4ililvj Pn trtti Laclio ton i.aml Ia Ili lt wlMni fcL Iniasli arc fl ur 11 UPIS tiuli evtty wf rk that rvUut on the edit it UVViioni Jot Mit licd. fn neatly lx i and Irli ml. ilk antknut Irotitt M.

rr iiE I coiiitisroNOFNT titril MK XtMat I lit. pf onil L-H'1rr ranv Ih' II n. Kr TOltif VOtri M. 11 nrnol v41otI will fjr rKtftr 1110 it priiittMe Ttiti can ur In ant partial extract' Vv tUc fitwiII In- trH thit ili1 rk i ititcmld to III i I HI iii ih nult and Mn II win. liitc ari1ijrtil If- mJ iuii nt liC4li Mi.

and irr U4ihlii the inorc SlrjK till' cHiIili teuil It rII to in well rnnilalnl an TT tin- i iti mltriof i I and lcarnc4 autlKir. Vid Kiini an tiiziiic ilniol for LwluMjiiin Allen. and Oi. t. iiin.

Or' wirn ncyiIJT In vlm lniittrn wilt ijliijiwt Hieli. Oiannnr juj uthcr lkxjk it fir UK LjU It HiiliiJiot HI M' tirt lntnr nee 51. i i UN- lalr 100111 ciitorid fl. ti. Sill CIIMJIIV SYSTEM l1XiK.

xf tic tVrcr c' 111 of A Vr-rULK MM MIIK TranicJ by I Jl TUIt JO I KIS tf IV iK-dieocv of a lrau atioii if tn 5101111 Natni 113' lour Ucn I cil and the want nf MCH iv I iir trripal tic or II prrvrnt riliUir ha. UrSirrr it in inVlluiti' rorrrct an clnl a tonnaa the nature tlM11 a bi ii ludcrtalin waulj admit. lite Un. teirn arc oorlN mUu to tU idiom of tin li lan inrr. m1 II rti r1 ptauar rt Die timiarv or it II re prculiai It ii ionalH to tli tit iifftlrxrd to the la ft lumr hit au' ronUim ni I if noIllOI1rail ll ttilwr TV woik i al inc.

uipimd lit Mid coptiri atrkii arriri ilt irtioIii lort to tIle rral at tK i. Bivl ii. ll l.l\- llarr. fluent Printed fur LitKii tun Allen. 4' rkril rrt irk.

If nrois awf tUjnt lui. ii of wlkll a tcr I jtiti po lute TM V'- s4r.i\ i iiusmirD POINTS or GOOD 1U OI1lti witli a tonk of Uon itrn 1110 a uiir uf 3wl I for rvri Mmiih iii I IK tear an I rthsitsI a li4tnrc oh llir iit. eMdnII vi4 Mntiw Tjilji li ili tb ntnry. Wilt. N' a ilvvjrv wlmry lol lr Wt awl Iio n- lJucal II.

AntW. fly If. II AM WOK LL IV Prmtr1 for lj kit. n. Allrn IK Ct.

or wloM miv liii. I. A Kr piiMieationof a very lair Wl urio zll Mr wiol Wmk wiili Mislile of the ri. tltU inmlcJuilujpuckct twll It hon. TLOWEIl-J VI I or a Collect ion I tliaiK-Hnt en.

nv rni with MOJ I IK crilicIu iiM. i 11 SKY KIT Iunhtir tlw ntaimif tiencral Kr- IrJirr. A. 4 We cannot OHK Imlc nw iiii of ihe lit. in iinc wtilmni tain thimkh Mr.

Keti rttieani iKHt lia II in Uir i aj. will ff rm kaxu a to ll library ike lt m1Lv. awl nr it an iiwetq- if thirh the tIiiIir4 11. kllan We i' li litl MMai tnlnoilf' suet. frr IMP HJIM 1141 iv Hrw wlikli i IKK the to.

rw coi HntrM iuu lt unk IoItion1 to U. tutf of UklkAryoiili thhi honks of tUwTt trvqtienlly bonneL Je UiilU OitxO 1314. Piloted for Latilltucl Allen anti Mrt TMIE ACCIDENTS of IIUMA. LIFE. with WillI rtIir PrctrntVnWtlieltcnioTalot their Conwqnionri NK ION tsoo4lrnl.

llir yano. eriltc Jourmalih Puscwiitnrmty doe iirk loll aUrmstmo t. tmltlir. Ymrntntmtf otbcr the fulinin rnlqas i MrlrckdlM ttihrr ly This uIimne not a jtn iTopnl wbU ca c1 frum it liiU- a bonk contaiuin akt Ieni otnuVfui wn-lvr virinwcircumXaiCninj slann. tb ha ppatutlv orOttt trtecthcr the liol irtb ic lal tlw G.

nckilnniMiu2accUenii. and rpo A' to lb nekmtltrica of tlirr. We think ttItt I pare at I MI ir 4anK raidil he rra I with aJiiiiau to the younger rrrrtlanilr In hi' kinrW. PtWteJ tor Lakictoe mMrJ Feb r. Sin TM in tjufitio ff lU pn trI intcrr mnl word on tliia topic.

This tax Ii nr Rceii ii anti qualitie to it to trx tai mrfi i at. to lh country at wlwnc rit eranfl opc41iOfl are proYed L. iirc an tinl uu okll i- by better iut of if i jjrc amount lle I consent nf states turn of ioipaul ruitrmli Inpiiudr and kanin it rijiul waring uprm t.n\ rent production of tlir iil public fui trmde ofriJ kiiuls the clerical am all otlirr profrssior. anti tlie jiUi mo anti stipeu lia- rirs 01 the tee of all classes. Tlicj plan and resources oflaiMtton mil hit vi Ion time Ix-en UlifillII chiefly to tic uperttinsu or zstunaL or rxtrnul commerce air lue ucli iini 05t Iltll tf 1414 Ot tea tobacco.

Tilijr Wf Xc. it I' the umitly of 7 mccien ai au ti i ml clir iiflia I I 3 1 wine ur ei am tra asinceo ir 3 i pmrlsii. it wai to makr zsiili economy wa trjful i IIe and iH- lirecte lry und occuMtion. slaving for ttotlna or for nor than lIothiil lI4t4uI lo on- 11111 our rCflil nnd LlIMpation of our tst. treasure and our alllIlld all Iii.

luntvveriarf an fn tungr of industrious motions and circuld- ion Dl ttapMimd eniplntinent aui i trtiipu4lioii wliitli tire utosie tliroii lt II. Ixiiuiy of uIre a. the kill jcienc 11 nc in agricultural prettier lii wlv does rnguge inj the lotoonr of pro. ducing tixxl ouls uutl though not the bed postible al pliCdlion of liunuii toil we must riot be in a hurry to tllpi llwiri-flVcIs nor ne lrct their pursuit till we lean lIre of oth and cf Miter occupation without luin ordi tms to the prrnnt occupant of fur channel Qt CrnptVIIWrt and of the circulations of national wrallli anl industry. meanwhile the public faith ante cn gemrntf must he kept anti those who will not allow this manner taxation to lie longer bearable' should cheW the vmcdy and better moans.

of raisin the necessary I say tte uccctsary supplies there is no excu raisin any oilier or any snore. And this carries our attention to the Sinking Fund a close consideration of this remedial reserve of liqui dsion of the hat ional etiaemcid3 will rhaps slww that oust pressing txigetlc may prudently and rind wrw assistance front this appropriation. The jtinites- figures and considerations which Itrar on this rrtIe are too many fur our. columns at this I and would not be intelligible to all your rtoIrJrt A lear case should be made out and a prudent regard ltervid to grrt in present rdgetice for the security of the future. Trades professions.

Intl offices have utsi yet certainly rne their full porportions of the pro. tax IS the und. and rentals have done and at a more Moderated rate of assessment with more judicious proportion and exemptions and without publicity or the painful severities of inquisition and arbitrary assessment might still be depended on to contribute a considerable proportion of the supply now 1 needful to the state. Tile details uf proportion and of repartition of this impost would occupy much consideration and space objections and complaints are now slated nore leudly that distinctly but can be collected though they per. haps cannot all be admitted on the sound principles of equal taxation which.

should leatr every use where it finds him. and take of him propor tionally with his fellows not alter the condition of his lot anti fortnne by dispropf rtionate assessment. To modify the ranks et equalize the fortunes and conditions ol men in society if it cal ever be au is the ask nf a much iii ler legislation und prucknce than that of he mere financier who must JoLoc and conform to tacIi an impulse and direction whcnj given but should not presume beyond his spin-re Id coni ctcncy to rhangc the onl of society by the Tiryiiig influence of disproportion taxation. On the uhole. will probably be found by thcuis- anti patriotism uliawcllt tliit a rnuzraluf the property tax on rtiluatd rate an I with some juti cious necessary nri rasing modification a resort in a pruskut degree to the ample moans the great resertc already crealen by the sinking fund and some increase of lite assessed taxes with every Mfc ihle anti proper attention to economy and retIuLion of expense ii MI I lablishnient will all be resotcit to each in a judicious manner anti dearer to meet the exigency of he time and support with content and honour tile na.

tional faith credit industry nod progression in a eutlure and artp in commerce and internal pro perilv and iiiiprotrncnt. diMHlere tcd aUtI sincere attempt lo promote and facilitate the understanding and content of the public to the measures proposed and tIeIiIxrttions of our representatives is worthy initkaiuiandu eful in it a degree thq interest and the iUlporlan the fits- couqitxheniion and the real" should excuse many an idle difficult of the effort and perhaps lie pleaded for. Your humble 1 i 1AKVlLUJ. SlilPAKnS PLYMOUTH Fin. d.

Arri rd the CJiiijIiaii limit Gi rr t. it Mtnm florade th tooi miMi rlait mill sutisuinita llite Francos trorn Tii-Siiirryftii wltcat lllfl I ri rt moist lUntoiix with 11 iiirsailod vri ilfrirate and let and Irarn iIuiuit otjtar I r. hue line rimeiit. a lijrlit collier on Saturday night nii il tat went on tlic rocks near tIme Stone audwent to piece new uvriL I1V1SMOtrElf. III Arrived from the Downs the lliJ for time rol of Africa if lor the Mediterranean and lift for the lr nitjei.

Tin- MyrmiJon S. Wfrom offllie Western IJandt. tKrrdut wiiluli-ja'clicvimmMiaiil onlirrarntat be Hl uiideriua. ranlinrllMTrforeinlrflrnliaveherii lawkt troin lwrilu eon. jednredrlir tiringintelli iiee rt-litite to Uid Anmi aii fii ite or frr tr wid to have captured the outward hmnid le tustranarn oW MadeiralierHlrn arerxiwclnl in tow it lo iiv riiiii 11.

oiitw ard bound ftret. viz. Spain Port it al lid tllilrr an Wr Indm Itermudi lira Cape or Good Hope and the Ka i Iudiet. win tail iMxirs alter the in" LeroJnn lair. I njnl of lm otsscrelantticii ii arc waiting in tlieDowiu fur a wind to join tlie chose ontoe.

The DiJ man of war t. lUvriiLTT round to rk. lo join ilie cilrtioii at tint pnrtjaud 01 IK arrival it uexpcrtcJllievtt ill itntuediatcy pattowa UtOlllH Ft a. 4. Arritnl tbw mornm tl UutuI OurbHte paclrtwith mail.

ft i snrinam istikh be let no lli toh of December. krtic. on he 1Kb. I Vmerari un the iUt rfl3don on Ilientth andMti- qlt oil tlic 31 t. Ilk ti1 ship Crrs rut.

with left from JHkainteilat ineraraon Ibe IBlllotDcortnbrr HwAujcv tlsliipjl narbII' on Hw p8th wills two suer. chant vr wvtrr nroy frwu NcwIuunUiaikJ. The li I nargd" lu MajoJtV hip lrfiu and liter hi U. tflb iSMaj ty' brijirWr riur ailrdlrunillieiief fvrfircnada. On the utb ut Jaiiiiarva t.

KuLiicM ke In Majeiltoctiooner ttivai' iZrmlal 1i14lon 4 tIJwilh iatrjK tor kntnJa Oatte XUI nl uitJatuiiare thi INK Let II lit with bi Ma eltVbrif lltrtnvi in lat. I HCS7. V. and by Inidake owm to the it naN not lung rrpilurlr snack tIIIllf' to action cad alUr brutdside from the cLitan two lmnrintlulce Trow ttse uliip of war. llir error Was iltMobcttd hut Ulltisrtllnarly the lsrst Ucatenasit STEWART lllnlatyl one man WouNded.

Tbe packet remtnl to JHJ Irk schooner VoIk and ill cutter on a tiujia an ltbelrFiirliMlio inerFaoutitetorliriw A tmKb I ithi btan1y MM iuc was LM am tt near the U. gird DIEt. In lib lib rOeore SiuUictLcnty dol ef ori WJk.E- or UOMOIIIcn atmniMK. Tnctday. the 3tt utt.

at Ihrtbrrlr bmnr. In Mortimer- trrrt Caroline fui nh danebtrrof CoVmrl Ton a 16 On O.UT flirtlli MM alter raintflillnxs with iKr ralt flf1i JMM thc Ire TUuuuwxJi-j I Ycntoii- plate. Itloouwl iiarM. CORN FArHANOK. a jr huh ttnnrilll 1 pike' re fully obtained Cot cr anh fl tlemxid ctfclinw aud be pruUbiUtv of oar ports twin i I bo importation at strirn tn the tra ant adTaucius yr ici wUkb late taken BM wirliin he list te iHiitf i lent trw ikt 7) THE rnrmrt OFT TTMCS.

SIB rlrl to tM production of a fewoftu proof wfrifli erre to stabish the short history of tilt' Je uil nif tns only that the mass ftTulrnce frnm facts are lilrn rnnit be consulted pr ilsrlf. rM-fiirf any ite itln can be formed 01 theetiU of tile Institution and Flit AsTOTRE COHSTrTttTIO AND KCLES or THC SOCIETY. TIltJ mav be patl frr from ihl' volume rlllMrat1 in Libel Instituti Srcielatis pzbiched by tie Jrtuits at I Us tO particularly from titutionrs Socutatis cwnj examtoe ilrxlarat in that list and from thrtrown account of themuIvrs printnl in their Jlfge I Irazsw prrseutnl to the PdrIt4flttflt of Paris in 1757. tulill1 lastitiitum SocK Jrsuaoclorilalf Congrrpiiioni 18 It is here seen that the whole society forms one universal monarchy of which the General is the absolute head a form of Jo Wilkit pe Grrjfory 14 by his Bull jul59 cutninnidi and confirm. The unuuilccl ower oVlime rn ral anti hi tnIll meant nf informing himself on all that passes hue already hero noticed.

Hepo jcs entire control ver the conduct fortune anti conscience nfierv number hecandi- Iii rtl front the therm fir vows ju spite of the IoK and from thy fourth VOXY of ufiedience to I I 1 the Pope 11 li was lit In- on shreds use rlilsi. fiteliot elects the irof siors Mt all the i Univeniiir ili in i us is tile sole tihisministrtor of use property tlo irx-iety lecule without clrfptsrsorjuitkul form. UH. illllflJfftIIlly fa iherpoireri a privilegeconrtrmnl tuy Popedrrjonjj in 1582 rh the constitutions at ion clulI Mgfs urriiiliried oliedience dismiisrsl whom lie Mill and when will ickmwlrd rs noati-jt thtrit above. him.

spirituil or trmyoral decides all ontrovrr ies wwcb CHN arise tnAri contracts with. ut the privity of the community dissolves all engage. merits uud rudlitics all acts which he disapproves. It is to him. unit lot to.

God that the 31 and 4th ilas nake tlitir ov he may lawfully restrain by seen. iutrucliollii the powers xifcicli he gives puLicly and retoke whatever ula be duw under his exprSl 4 orders ir is the solo jiid in hmi' own cause and maii be tiletl no tribunal. Every meml cr thougli a Itishop ra Pope isaLioluIely bound by the society and mennble to its General. Of the members there are iir classes the rtr consist of ttotkijtrsorprotu- ioncrs the fccond of approved disci the third of oadjutori and the fourth of profrsMtrs of nil the four tows. No member can by tilt' laws of the society an opinion of his on as0ppou- lo Grucral ut must pay the most blind nbrdkiwe to discoui- nan Is.

The Society as a bull gives aulJiei ticity to ill comments and ezpbnatins of its constitiitions and has prisons indepeuderit of the wvnlar tstiiorstv ini which refractory members are put dmih aright I which Lainr obtained for th in I tie ires of lime I rdrr may be laid aside by all the classes and any olher asMiuied the Sock Itutids tlhlf i rtivillIal" to itself without Deing bound itself. It may i awfully receive wets or all religiuns uul Mdc Vallury i mbai ador from France to Prussii records th smwu-'i ar fact of a lnlhiran jiiercbant at llamhHrgh lime iyi reIuaing to rcomc a Freemason alleging as a reavui i that he should lit' comptUt reseal whatever secret1 might contain to is Jesuit who was hii confessor. Time Jesuits claimed exemption 10111 till" uiiitvr a Hull of Gregory 13 who was blindly fed to thetis. They also to be exempt from the sacrrd as a matter of obligation and rtrftix to pray in common. In matters both of faith and priclicr il members are bound to obey the society and not tin church.

Indeed they have ill i iiK I rpKcn racy in the four quarters of time world nod dlim" to Lie independent of it. The have ie vatr lit list right of ecclesiastical clraptrrs. and ilinlo General Councils. evjwcully that of Trent although they were represented tliere by two their principal one of whom was JJJll lluir Grnriul In fat tioliitlsstanding their vow of pupal ox icnces tlie Society is by its constitution ti to nm aiiihority temporal or spiritual when it interferes with Us own interests but it wholly exempt from I time laws and authority of Popes Uhop or Ksng when they' oppose it to alt of whom it has publicly i- filled obedience especially to Popes Clement the itii Cih.j 1oii. llth 1 and init Popes UtIItlict tli and 14th ltmnxesit the tuil Illh.

12lh. and KJtli the last of whom was universally unmcrstood to hatej been murdered by the Jc uit agiii whoiu as. nieclitating some strong incj utei. appropriates to I amfiinites in itself tin right and pshihegcs fall otLt. societies past present and nn future alth the' la sition involves an aiiMirlily IP lernw.

1 1 Iaiii I supremacy otrr nil other lodks and may annul their' privileges as Ixclongin wily to itself. Its is tliesamo fallacy as that of papa olwdicnce since it can lawfully collect the largest wealth both1 real and ersoiiaanil lusever done so. One peculiar object of the bock is to direct mid aid ti ratioiis of tJit Inquitition where it exists anti to exercise its several functions set ret Iv in countries where it is not established jarticulurlywitli rvlcreine to fhe Govcrn- ut of those coutittie And tint' of the first acts Xavier on at pna was to establish the Inquisition theie an institution wlo grrat object we know to lie the discovcty und tlUliillltlCill of tics or as we should call them Protestants mid which the auie Pope who has revived thll Onlrr of Jesuits has therefore with perfect ton i tencv ru-esUhlished Its addition to time riTogui ed laws of the Society I lath here hoped to have given a sketch of the Sffitta Manila before mentioned but my contracted spare and the ho thai ur itirCorreqvmtrBtwlioluiaIreaJv ad to this abominable book will ilocnfie if induces time to pass it mer. hsrosD Tit MtstRits usnw IS ALL rISTUIES FR lM TllCItt StCtT- UR SPIRIT 1 pnnstcrTioxs ANO ST LESS ISTIUGlE WILL AIPkAK KHOM TIUR oSIHiCT WHEREVER THEY HAVE EEN TOtE. RATCI PROM Tilt PLBLIC EXP ESSIOSS WIIICM lOLLUWEtI Tilt TAUT OF THE INJURED.

In Portugal where they were first received became the entire dint tor ill ttiit Court which or a lonir scries of ears deli vr red lot their. tin-consciences of Is Prime and the education of its people overwhelmed theta with riches ItltllOnlJllu. endowed rich colleges for tlieni gave them its most celebrated Univ rsi- ties 111111 granted them the latest privileges tbej abused the confiJeiire or those nifcguided Mound" both in Portugal and Spain who trusted them most de prived titeis of their truest subjects disposed of the most Taluuble appointments to their creatures and overturned the srfibcvUiit Portugal ho forward llieiroMu views indeed so vas duration to them that' when atonetimeilrivrti from into. tLey collected its youth at Dole in tnvhe Culisuir to wdifciite it. II wa Poring-Al which iprtieil oor to llieir WI3SUUS gave tliera eitabltshnMiitt in Astir ftfricg" and thin to tOml INlir their grand olJevt of foundiag a temporal monarch Ll vain fur nsvs did time cries of the prc iTiit Ii the Court of in vain did even UHHIC lrrselt prutraf lIJilir.

the rnuf mitin of her owu children. all rise way before UK- superUr rmul rait of Ihc Jntit Thrj 11:111.1111 the Oft of Laraguay sniTI rolttc UK Lswlui forces of tlie Kings of Portugal and paiss vliu cluiwd it. Wbeu Jos iJiTf Portugal ouUl tm's ir shut lib eyes to facts with which every tlmuhl of the vvwtil rung lit' ordered IheirexpnUion anti I In tinise pieii that I wo cosss1uirjvkso of lipeJtsstita agnhist iiiMrli and his whole fatnil followed. Ixnig tor this had supplanted Autbwiy Kin- uIurluial and twus- 1 his Crown tic Sbi offpaTw cora to take refuge it Terccras. one oftlie Azotr wlir tli seikla revolt iIain him.

nrbrlmdnl 110 tnni. and liung60O friars fur reajrjtaiahig tii rigL The ciueltics of Xavier WM nit sent from al to the East Indies are 100 wtlllmnwTl to rfuire notice while in the West Imlios tlirlaterv in wlikii they lucid the js of tr3Y and tfrapiay and ticutrcntle they exercisetl tire equally ellestbli hrd. If Rome was the nuncn rrislU3s Lc cradle of the Jesuits Mid P1i11P Uo city La sbrartcd wume from fu. tering them. i The great pretext of tlie lsc vr in rrane.

was to defend CatlioluNm against Caltiit- in hut it it fact It conspiracy of the Jesuits with the sintiati Pope Sixtus the Mtli. to disturb the Mirtnsioii of IL" rruclt tliroo in Isvour the Cardinal I urb n. 4 creature of their and they are. in the judgment ci the best historian the author iii all UK tuixrics ut Lorrori which desolated France in consequence. The Pope omitted ex rtiiii sending Cardinal Ca.

jrtan into France as his lrate. ard a supii him advisers the Jesuits IkllanrJul' aid Ttrriu-- with or. der Its prcveut tw elect 5oi of aii ProtrstJiii Kug in France and ii was the same Pope who jolted the league of tie liiii' Spain again rn Ian l. Time Jesuits' CuhIeg at Paris vtas pove I to he the ICU of I the M- 4it nsand lrej i u- wtiicli theit tlisIulicd both the Mate and ihemtinrtnnd tieHiiri ltIc Jesuits was Presidintofllie Council tren which satlhtrr. ave iheinpnhci llzt Irajnrs furoii to that city and thurntIhiolt France.

Mattlici uJ Anger both Jesuits were of Ilenrv the of France Anger sought tocugigpbiin in tluf league and opeulvj. boasted that it VMS to win that lie ha' tell I. tiut Mouauhs puNr awi taken the gauge of his conscience. MaUhilu WI sled the Courier of the front life iil rnifs between tome awl Paths at that fatal period anti ti- Pope supported the leajws by hi money au' I influence. The result that league was theovcrthrovy of Henry 3d whose a sa sn was undoubtedly instigated by I the Jesuits.

its the three months that Paris wa besieged. it was supposed that luOOUU erWied by famine and war. in misting Henry 4111. Tlie Jesuits were incessantly I embroiled with the French clergy anti those quarreI were a fertile source' of half the affliction of France both in Church and' State for nearly to centuries. use Parliaments and Unverstiei of Frjnce wefpt' also encased in iiu sant controversies with thienianl not unlreijucnily with the Mooarchs who them to lie utter interruption of national concord and pri- vate peace.

I If we turn to Germany anti the1 neighbouring prixsci- polities we shall find the Jesuits wherever they tier known. lullonnn the Jesuit. was the Con. fessor of the Euip ror lfdinan the 3d whose von- ti deuce Le abused. use Bishop of Atigsburgh was divested by llic Jesuits of his right of visiting the Univrr- sitv of tJill4ntlI hue appn prtate to the society the tidiest hfneticrs in Germany particuIjrK those of use monasteries of St.

Ileucdict and St. fornanl. Calha. title of Austria reposed her confidence in anti i was supilanlrd by them. Complaints the mo atTrct- iiKj is tic 1 from Vienna anti scarcely less striking were pr to the rchtIuke usli bv the states of Styna Carmnthi auth Carnioks.

Bavaria uttered the i loudest groan and Liege was not a silent suulerer. In pMlaml especially al Cracow the capitaltheir excesses were as revolting as elsewhere and Uwir cruelties to the ProtCotants at Thorn will never be Mnllm Siguuioml tlwJ I of Poiu shtinjclf a Jesuit. They were clnl from siiiLt because at the uiecrte states they titJdhed uitia airs of state. In Ja. 1111.

winner llir vterc banished in 1507 they were I accused by the lrupiur that under prtltnre of teething the way of silcatismut they had united his i suIict i jin lsimnalI alii Caught them trwon instead of religion. And Colladu says that the tonseqneiice tf their COtlIIIC in Japan vas that CIsnstiazmty ito4l was uholiourd there iii well as an order vvliicli gave such I. distorted view of it. il Tlioy were tI4lIt frusus MaltJ in the 17th century I liffMUio aujniig other :11" they obtained thee motto t' ly of KIUI ilwl starved the itlull and Itfli Cochin Ijlwcause tty sought tp engross the pearl ti hery. lit jCliinvt they po sed such an influence over the wind i of tie Emperor Cain us to tJljo the power of life mill doalll uu hr Ititmi the disposal of civil tfioes anti of the efcro itself auth it was iii hurt tlwymurdered the Cardinal IC Tourrion who was srnt out.

In America ant Sid shie their crneltie outraged rhiiinanity mini the atlVititi" account of Pulafov whfti writing to the King Spain and the Pope will sici utah in inmidiance ut all ttttijiit and without respect C1 itIer lo royal or epi cojiil authority they had cutlet fdev sUtioa ldoodttttj wherever they went. It is stated in ttiecdnt fur their banishment from Bohemia blin 15111 that they 1 incited as in nlltrllr kings inteif. red with affairs of state and tern tIlL author of all th miseries of llohnnia. Indent the severe pcr ution rhISrtI 11 ipm against time Prote laut of Prague hardly yields to any inlr er ecution of Pagani ni mid it was rdy It OM tJieprojnrttf of its rkliins. Tl proclamation of the Duuhs of nuuillu in the I ow Cowtslriea may al ol consulted as well as that of Iratuatst.

lime states of Venice ejected them lifter a patient rrdurancc- of the worst ot cviU and ptihlicl protested agulust them at Chsaniliarrv they were forbidden to educate youth and Victor Aniadetis tit. King of iuij issued a siuniLr a a line of roiulitct which form a striking I that of the present Km of Sardinia who fro" late ndelligence has rtrolle tilt ordur anti near to establish a ller und no at Turiu. vtluch facts astitnt nIltCt1ilhrttCe from the circumstance of the wluilc trnU4 having hero lately ceded In tlii monarch. At ICulullliuOIIl their rondurt excited the greatest rtnn Riot ions wlierc they i a pertecutiussm against Christianity itselito further Ihcirowu purMises. III time like at Naxii in use Arthil rbo.

In Ius4ia generally their conduct was indefensible sveciall at Riga. They were at It ex ell tl tfmMfl Moscow the capital ofMuscwy vth gr tNi duke they posed with great bloodshed fur a cr tjjre of- their own. Thdr excesses throughout Ilalyparticulatiy in Genoa. ran only be adverted to nor vats more be said at timely us1wjafluii iu AnSiserp Guess Brussels and naut1n generally. To lie contuinrd.

JAJU 31. On tile 2Gth autl 711t. very severe measures were proclaimed in time neighbouring French Df artiixuts to make all rrrucb soldiers relurning as prisoners of war all those absent on furloulz snail even the de rlln job the army. ny tlie me the French army will be considerably slrenglhencd On the other hand all is ipjiel and tlie trade with France incrrase daily. TJi Prussians ire still in motion but the garruoo of LMXeHtUir whtcb had been dimiui hed is again It BRUSSELS VMlIun these few days several battalion of infaatrx beliae blat er qptuin fronillir province bujp b-avc Uiiunt llavrIaoge lluv anti Ui-r on the Mse.

II the Pni suii cavalr kuiclt Kienus tUa' the wl olc cavalry of the I Wnaruiyvvill be stationed on both aiues the Rhine. U1 lead Its to believe that tlse movements la are taking place in tlw Prussian arm are intended to ahevi that the a nay is ready to-take Jhe field if the interest of the CalHattof Berlin lUould require it. If we may believe account that liave readied us froui Tttres a rj tousidmLJe tops oftlie army or Grist ral KIit it to occapj llic important torim lit key Lower itrmaoy. The wLrle IVIb iiitnny it row nnj infantry in dark Mill' with orm tthicets hive an orafle sa h. Therrgin carabineers on hrvelnjcl ingimscn all praise.

Diglish. Ifu rruo cbu rmy on this side of the Marie state nf discipline regiments an-4 five rsinsetim Hairfrri and lIuiun Tjw infantry i in proponkmC sunrrou. If contrary to all nerssay t-i augment this force fur tlir CUUralla few days would UtIftC 11 terdav evening a this city who left Viran on the- lit. Otutemd. It is rrporleU is is tie of the highest impurtauce the I VKMiJiJ I It is alarmed that Ilte Jesuits male st Tunis.

where they have a college i favour and meet with gremt protect of Africa. A General A eiubtv of JeauitaulobehelJon the 1st of February GENOA Jvst.1- J' The Sicilian truup till a plan is spoken or. according to effect a chinsr in our political ituatxa. affairs again tlCfole the Congress ill may be wade free city. like FRECH 1 I We receive frequent accounts rolD Vfcie by PmssFain who are now.

I here fiomwk that the indemnities of our monarchy art Hotter and that there are very warm disputes on tin" It hat for some days post our Cabinet Las relinquished the i of incn jHissesMOiu on the left bank of I the Raioeafl4 J. the contrary to obtain indemnities QO time rHaSI tint river. It has no with to conic ia France and begins to perceive thai for time interest of our TnQflarthv that i should Le too widely scattered' and taut from the emtrf' or this season. rous tint the principalities. of Anspach ash should again united to Prussia that it an possession of Saxony and Tharingia that its vV even directed to tlleprincipalil1 of FnldataJi countries of Damberg and Wurzburg.

Xurrtuber would be accepted wills We areevrll assured that there is i foot the execution of which would lie advantageous to Prussia. According to i time Duchies of MecUtnburg Schweria leDLurt Strelitz would be incorporated 513 and thetwo Dukes would obtaia the i States on. the left bank of the- Rhine I Southern would be given to the King of Banni I sia in this case would renounce all possessa. he Rhine. If Russia and the two nrg acetic to this plan the affairs of SIMM probably be adjusted according to tht ns Austria and France.

Prince lIudlpbtr his sent an courier front Vienna to Sack. Middle Rhine to procure from him as possible an exact statement of the country under his government. It is generally asKrtd that gland has. teen so fuourable to us is she was. The Kin of Saxony some times arrives Vat 1 Fredcricktfcld.

All the Members of the Prussia receive Urn with every orark Wd is reported that his Majesty ii about to Prague. AUGSBUPOjAiit9. The Duke of WellingtonMr Wrtleslcy hi Colonel Frretnantk aOtt twit de through this city to-night. VIENNA. Jim is.

The day of the Empress of Russia I celebrated at Court. This marain reign accompanied by the Duchess of Ok Weimar went to her Majesty and had tbeMlt nUunced under feigned names. Titry pleasure of Ihesurrtrisc both on account 1 tat i cralulationyuulribe presents. About noon tkl Court proc totb Greet Church wW i I useut of cavalry was dirrvtee1t keep order vine service. To thy the.

course of exchange is qUGIedcai al' I but at the closcof the market even 28 of Tn rcncy was offered per cent. bRKSUENjAxJ4. The little fortress of Koenigstein three 1 I the frontiers if Bofiemia on time Elbe nowlII picuons part by its neutrality years war. The Allies had granted it I Itcfore the conquest of Saxony anti defended it against the attempts of Boooafart. Pruviiional in Governmentrespecteviil Prussian Governor has followed tliiseraaipfc ring.

hot a battalion at PirnatowalcliuVi and in particular the roads lending from ml The prrwut Commandant of the' fOTtreS WarnylortT htisiulrustedwilla with tilt' valuable articles belonging to time Cabinets ofPe the plate Part of this plate was the Kings consent to the llus as a uIroge ur a loan. JAN. 3. Our States-General before separating. fore yesterday.

At the close of tic sir" ho are not members of the Committees i ir homes. They will return by the ll hrn the Sittings of ilie States recommence. The four Committees wlikh are cosf rnrmlJCs. hue already begun their oj eritk lint objects to occupy their attention re sIittu of the taxes ttseninisration ojU1X' iijuiiljtionofllte debts of jhe country. Tlie urganisaticu and equipment of cupies greatly the attention of Government.

I OITV11V Vn 1 In consequence of the disordered state Jhe I jiw Countries the rope gave order lit CnmberLni who acts as Superior of tbeMf Holla ml to Isit the I juw Countries and to even- thing relative IQ the welfare of the chi instructions rr nut to nuke any t1 Holiness intended toadopt suitable rncftsu a Nuncio into the Netherlands. M. Cni- muuicated his iu tructions to time Prince StC" rq li that be did not interfere i lhe n' Church that the Superior of the ili icute the functions with which be was th that for his part lie should be happy laiw oy from theHoly ee. MCeamberb set verbal usteraulfon the 12tb of Jan. liu.

lie had several confcrccces nhtlieVic visiled the seminary and made III state of thediocrte that formed the ubjrrM1 ucy. its the luth of Jan. the Sub receiveJ an vnler fruas the Cumm13a I-Justice Brussels to scod M. Cwmlrtii the territory of lkIiu under an escort vhausser because. lie- niJ.

bev LaJ himself IQ tbqaveutnt and it i unnecessary to state hu i wcr rre TO goou uuioiics. cj It W4y laid that ths thIflUCCS pensiUsiao. ia writu to the Superior to- return to uIecbIin. VENICE. JAM.

JO. TbcDfwrcofPiittaeJwtt wtrGimiwej :11. r' 1 i 1- OFrr Qnv4 la. 1 TIn c1 ir Ail. rJrsl1 rI' 4 Aloif jri III I 111 cfIi1 I.

I I tW ri tc foyft f. 101. I'Z I' hn of. 01 Tw tt 1L It 0 bi4 1. 1.

i. r' If' I. II I I. r. 1.

If II. 1 31" Ir rfl i trII I ali to lh 1 11ffl 11. I lt hl AI. ao tl t3" I IM Ui3i. a' dt I I U.

nl" II lill P1tt rI nd4 i t. Jo 1lm 11 rll1 V' tr I ni a 1'1 In. ler l. 1' no" CI. frl Iu at.

I. If. 3 urt 1. n. fl R.

I. 111'---1' CIrI Jii" I. IifvI flrl. I. lin' I.IIII.

r. 1tL. n. G. p.

ru rr Q' WIar tl nl 16. 1 11 Wh I n. 1 f111d I. 1.f\ I. al" t.

fl I. 1.1 1 I tI I Inl I 1. II 1. tt 11b I i 11. fu' aI I oW" Ii :1 I Ulry i 1011.

i III' I. I. tlti Ht I acc. oJ1n. i I.

I 10111. J. i I Jr II O. 'I'C'I I. I I IIII 1 .1.1.

I an. 0 loclU lit I 0.1 an" I li Hrn nI 0. I It" I. SI. tlr.

olkKVJ iid Ifll" i r. Ur ThAI1iI3. 0 r' I 01. Lh I.t. ante 1J I I Jn fnIiI t.

s. aM fIiJ01M lq. Jr 3. fj. nll 11 1 i HS tJIft II H.

il''I- I. I li I II ti2 rr In lItL Jo J1iI. HI iIiIEiliall I Will. WI 1. It I II I JI t.

1311. Lrq 1 Wlll. TIt. IItr 11TH JI--foj. If 11 Ro MI.

1 Itn. Gihru I JIIII 1 Jn 1' n. I isI.l U. Mrtnnon I. JI JIIIIakr fhr t.

I' I ily nl1lli tw Ig1.t iii mo" In 1 1 j' li' riU 0 IhuII. 11 hrnh n3 i nl rily n. WIiI I. 1. :11.

ii sin i 1 131 11011 110 rr.i\ tI Ii ft the cf llie IIMtf Ii. a in riOtt a' allio. 1l1f' to1blilI1 00 1J cOIIlIltin I II 1 ant al" I' 11tt he 011111Of1OU1 IIrb ru' taUjItmcnt ii tfli r. lf4jralI. 1 10 In 1sittjwi I II Uili dl YI11 et ilia I 1ildilz dI.1 Ijn lonf 1.

ih al. Ii. rrcriie NM' of nI In tie 1 illala tIlillld It' II IIn aitl i IIdnIII hicb lulllI i rr ntmy oIitutolratlt1IIl1ffl 1111 1 and nfp. 1. lli mlnnKtJ 0 tI.

111 idnl at 1:1.1 Ii" II r' ith I. I'M. cotff nod. rnYMI trnt in ill Ii II ln no 1' jiniiiatc tuoIiOllt dc. Wbat" hat I.

1tI' liUrIi I. UIC rll I. Ye lIil' sa td. she rJimuI i refllll knon II. I nt aplrobtil will herllOOtlf1Itd ulIIII IIJoe walll.

01' I I nd Ic. 111100" 1 1" bmkrn OarIIrIa Truo. hIOll. and SD 1.1 1111111 lvllllI tIff" White II" I roIIIiltI tJullllliJIntdt rojicitor nll r4I1t. he n.I MrJMrn I.

ocjhrr 1II roat lit Illd UOIIlial 11 he natn Irw lnli. uan Irhilcfliof the and Snl cn. I fli rI lltdIrkt SF.R\\.TI ti :1.10'1111. tIio ca ltefo 110 Il. I Sr i 01 HI' 111" llJ II.

eJlrtH toe1trrvt 011 nd nrr aD' JIt RITUII Call1 Stw. IUCloi wy 1 hot lye ttJ. IjJl Ula nSH JilIIU- :1 Rc cw of or LoD lont 1tI Cil. Gr Loa' CICOI hrlll. 11 11 Lt" Ali SrnsQui Co Pilli t' I oall 111.

lte Critic lo1n. Ilttire in Ito. ii. ltoIIfi I. I 111 1 IY IIlKr 0 IC fli.

Oro. roj Tit. 113rare puhliheJp1CC 11f. knlll1 rO Ioinini" rilion ut jjlI nlln hhiion. 110111 li.

n. I t4tIilItion. II nr. litol ical I' IIflhe blle tt. 0 tbii W1' a- to Iril ulbor 11111 iii i t' rIIll Inly flr.

th hut lioU Iiy Prif ton. At II. t' J. liiot 1 I' wck 1 ut It I I' I lIoL J. 1 4.

III bouiai llr I an II ron op Mo. 11If. COIUU or. ScrTp 11 I. fo" U.

SMI an1 1' orlftrI 1I1I11IUIJI TUH nf nnrnl. TllCcu I. fa 131110 1 ill i III 11 j' ien 1 th. 1.1. 11114 Ib rlictiin Ihlm II flf to b.

titenton mof blltl nI 1 II. I wit" IIIi It Iwl by tt' It II IJ all hidll hare bofM nf 1'1. uIaIICtI11I liT I.h 1. or itS II CtI. 11 a I YSTr.

1 l1JJhIb ral1 Ai III. rI a 11 rib. or. I U. 1' ota uaati 11.

anllY I ant it 01. ii. I t. i ill intlIii tlillll tonn. tire bIi LI 11e' ttllan I II I to be nh1t hinrinrL I1tf31 OII 1orI3I 0 ilft ttr.

rd last a a rOllt in hPorallical fIll. hll i. aloo It. culJiI td Cf1. II' I tiwior 1 iILpaitment4 Of bidfiIlrHl I.

c. 111D Ct i IIf1arl I rI iUI3' Its 40. uI1 inr. 11 1. If.

in 1 illt II liI iud rit I II IHJ nItEn SUHY i wjtlia Ionchtrr I Lruwiin tr the vc 3nIhitllt fllI" tiji nllI nrrIIbll1 urv jlvtl fr 41111 111' i.n'l rloIl ny UI1 Iadi" la lrll. PI 1. ftJ11lnl. 1'-1 of 1 no. t.wic w.

k. fC Hlllile on. n1 oio. e. Tit I.

i1 Iici nI trhn. 1111 10 1JIaIcJ. itute4 I tT ill of WIT CIIectu M. It Uk 1111 I nIiul IQtI I. Ie.

III" I li" 1 firJp to mllll nittwlc at' tbec yIe 1111ki rtrf' ffI I. 1f1Ic1 4. ill a attttlI 0 IIIl" 1 he IItore 11) 11. Itln ht- 11. InII UII ittJiuhl It Iit i ma1arnismLiuohm 1Iwto.

111101 times IIi bKhull o. 1IOe III i I I iJooa lIItIkary jIb IW. II alloqlltL. Vide citk S3' 10 ItlicP rlfInvIMrt J. pi lilt IUalift nin1Jri 4.

64. rrE CCIOI- STS ItU IA. IIr rtIII UMAMI cI Conoo1nPvt tit lOS crit It anifl dl tolhe Ueu Oll. 11 tj 16. in rnl tJ.

ia tu it 01 111 III 1IOt1 ori' 11 JItC1 ruo" i liIWIt ootcMlaiailii 1 ftdert ieI' sdui nmrllt4ClItta bI1w ic1lorf taalrl1l1r few fJ rlloreja ipwTcck dttu ecciJenta westber. rt I. tltit rni lt real lfithaJ Iru OIID IY 1tHuri tetJ lA ialtoa 4 It J.k- 0 Tn LJl1OR nF rIlt bwprJ att 5I Th' i portantunlQ p. I. f1 II en' nJf I puI4k nd iO Int 1 0 llaft Cn id I I tIle atteniQn of nil' rn33IQn4e1fl CJVU" Ihi.

diill rrquirefJile cnld Much lC1rrilC and tiU illuke 2Iull4pt' I flYttftvutrli iaIMJt it Ic thi. Clcu CMtltrrl I 3 pic. i has many Ufl talsm IPSC Il' ih I OIIC atian to I I ary I RltUI rurlllc ihi frt Ihe IIOjrflml roallu fnbilulln its Iirill rrud. ollsr il ublic uJ of aU kir lls anti 1111 rthH Iro sior. tl a.

ml I. I hI otTeofal Ih oflalliCln.m11 fllra I tOj uplrIoll f1I11 omnl rct 1lrt I illl' tlh 011 llCt I ljrlIl4I. TI un I tour 1iI the trl UlCt of htliu i IIl Iltl" 1. 111 If II" ttQlltlm I itk iIIJI tcltl inln lry i Iain lor h. i slrtoh IH.

I I Ithlrj rlan f. iulIlt iJdu lrious I cn'ula'i a and f1II11 mncist ataiut a 1 lopulIioll I idl lr1I tlirntigti IKIUlI ullhe Qf riell rcri I pnulie113pPiyfOls II IlIla Inn ulily autlthnuh br ufllllmm loil. lIt II liumir we call It othrind dicro 111 or ilitrna tjllt lIltqt Dn 1 an" mdust" I IN lire tIW I llil fai thIgtmrnh lalllllho mit thil1umncr u1' Iq lllfwlhe rOIN alltllWllrr uil- pli" Ij for an 1 Alllilhis rrits llhe Sink in tl Ilalion1 rngaemtH1siII pr denlly lIi tance Ihi fi rls con5idcnlli nlan notbe al our out. hsl tlr oflhe ut 11 et JuII11Orp rtinsof pllrIJtu he land- Cntals 1l1S smcnt. nempt ns.

thepanful lof iII cOlllr bult' fotl iderbll Inoport Sltt an 1 plOr bu adut ul cpl Ira tf wh re 1a not pttrlion4ft raq tl forll 0 IlIlocielY. i of" hilrr pr rknce II Conorlll eo JI" lIme 01lcICn it tire is miii 0. tI at of th a :1111 ttIItI tain mudifi alioll. 1T l1r' ItruI it pflhc r4' ru crrlllc111Y sinkillfumlII1 1IXs. IM eron my.

retlu linn prllSe 111 elaLlislnnfnl. 10. dr rer. mr 1 th ni IIIC li" J1 ression a ri- art i trlliirily lr II nf. I ery mIhint It Ill' untllrslandin con fnt lI all llhe wortli in il eiutatid ih cI rce I I II I 1 nI ld 110 lexcust' II I jeffilrl.

all' I. ttitmt or. I lA It lLUJ I p- m' Arrived II Olr liaA Ii cll 1' 11 I' ilc ral1ln TItII I I Saili the It. rc 1. of r.

a rllli. i I nttl' i ItIIIiCIa SIt and sscnt IfJltT lotrnl. to I 10 stet 11IiIi. fronlorlile 1J Crd ill IIchc iimne4iattly on her tm stat 1111 ItUlo1 nnilil IhCrt1nre" I. 1m Ilave II blllJ.

I. it jtttll I hrin indl IIHIn IHIt frilIid WlII hamn Mauleira her rll. are ulec I01l11Oolt1lrow rnonuii OIud 1 izSp3in. PortutalanJ IItan 1 n' Ilid rsl mllaIJraI J. East 11 al 1.

II Ail waitiu the Do. Ii. to i1 0 I i UMlVDv. otwar. 1 atlIunnrr I.

rlcnrollnd I lAk tojoin It Ie IIt. 1111I1rtlIllIJ 1 tier is rtpcttci pal bias I A rr II tht tnCI lIillt" Ilb with i fI wbbe leU. Ilid Dc rnlwlletin I HbImear ht. the II. lIti Met.

IlIt otllhe JII rr front :0. I. rrhhl rara 01111. itts of I brr. His I ju.

h' slip llrtliu.rri..ed at 8th. 110 n. dan yIltIIf1creonYo NelUuI1 atltJ. oekct lilt It him b. I ll rifliAk On I II bj" bl' 1tlltrlrrrilltDiJtod Irvin iIiruc fu Grenada.

JhIl3n Kill ooke his bjoh IlclloollCr bZit let. 11. ifIo dbtllllldlf4lr the tsI IIUISrylbf bI riJt Ii 0 litlal Irltlll 0 111 tl6Icl.llIf he 11 1' tteeflssr w. Snw IT ur111 1 P.d.dl' hljun. IIchn' DD' Iltlte 1I1II1a wimoner tyouiht lr Uttt1IC.

itb teu usJ rCWsftJ I I Dt U. tllr S1IWc1 11) ofGeorp 1' ttntb bnllII' 1 Mre. ml JJt. ullh ot' TOOI Tonieaacd tilt' 611 lntIIII nIIt lIdf ntwW4 1 Jq1 tJIOt oMrlllN. OJ.

IIAMj. t1S. HlYint1l 1iYlIa day 1PIb lo Mb JI Weftr snIde. Iiud rrt II1llu IbajnlportWoft to tlllhm c. OCl.JfI Pt fi bll bllc I I Jtr 11 wbs Iflllf oFrrrl I or 1J lory I Mlil.

qtmin Itlta th ma sr ilruer rltlll lIich a lr the uils 1 liIUlifM1 FIRST. As TO TItE STlTttTIOf SCI TT. mat I II III Sc ltis Jew w. Iul cularl ron to Ciri ua et af1 rown CAlIge Ir Jlr4' IId Pdrlr. t1t 17 7.

Soc llirlli JrSI anctorilale on ft1Itioni. 18- I be. I I hidl Inpe rr ory 14hy ull COIft fs ltOwer url Gtntrl It 1 ti tJ lraue. uolic f. lie po I lt ot.

nf urv tnl itstser lie cast die. rtttue rn tlr first pIeof I he lie ff Lon lro1lon Col4ti. Un Cnili 1.n 44. IIrJol Inihiu i. IfJlUir islr lor 91' II' sncie1y.iIecide vsftters or lk 41 of a priukgr conrirm1 Pope irury 1:1.

182 lIs liii tiiuit-cisahicNges IIllitird ol tlienc-dilm srs I ill leu he wit no decides trie Iut Mri milkt' out IhellOnlUJunity en f- Ii pprovrs. God. Ih du. ir OWS pqw ticIt iyts hi he jute i. hi ca HIIIl1I1 vt1 nllmloer or a is all olllely sncieiy it I rill.

four du thc 111 idr or pro il. the tconlr aplroYf utisei.It.-thIc 00. rlh Itt1f rs rOijr I can. SOCIfI line 0. n.

lit rlllO tt Gf' c.I. but l.i c1u11 OIi1I1ls. ivrt alll IIIliciy cO lmlldS a1id consliUllinllj IUdCJ udent in hi lie a' rillt' theist lbie thicit oriln lI itll' the Soc 1v 10.115 ami in- il lf. wil oul beir. il df.

lafllll clin rcli ulI tic VthInr anihiasador l. this' singu. hat ct ofa HalllhHr h. lly uing Isecome all ill rIJ4 Ihalllt' 10 it conldinlo liit. hi a.

ull la. ho Ishiiihl tnlhtIII1 I oth an 1 a. eohe Ih alllillol the' I Irl atClh IIavkt tCde iaslical allllhpr IC iall Ihe rtpre ulldlllfre 0 tI prirrt' pali. not il hslaMin obtkice i s. iUII nl lld al 1111I ril ilh I Ih till aUlhoril Uihp KIn liie iI.

I III hlid 11 obedi net. tn I' lIilt. tiw I 10lh11lh. 1lh ncf haei jeattits agiint III. as mltl talill stroll inCasutei appr prials to.

I allc mills all pl illgcitf1I t. fill un' illlhh IIII' lat position alJollrJilv It ma I1rh iIg ilsel f. rrly i time a tliztttuf papal 1fullyculIlc Ilalilricsi Isui amllltrsollxl nIltas 011 tl nct tlit opratioii of lnljuii olt nisrsi Ircie setrill i I rartlIII ly with hr rn. of 0J. Ih 1 tli eo IY cs.

or. tlllUIl rul lilnts liG s. he llhiIlIICV II rnoJllicll IlleSucj ly. tn 1IteScrnltJ 1 II 1 Urhff wln hiss aJnJ hok il. illlwr SILo n.

USERI FW rrltstct poss. ND AIP nn tlKES I PC LIC UN Ir IK I 1 CUhrtwilich lOll serif'S trttllo the luscitnc its outs II UI. re IIi' iceldtrII Utmitmursi. lies. thtIlhe I priiI they IhoseIitgllitIc lruslrtllhtm mO prifttltl ut J111 nthijcctsdisposed uthr tlseefubcd I IJ .1 0 rurwa 11 their 1' tllfO IhllIIlh 1 at one time mln tL youtbat CIII was II 1I1tI ortd mis ou.

ic th nr. Jrj lJwrjc nallin them i 1 rlIfl oJto Fudi tetDptrtInIOIttrchv I II trteS oliprtti11 rrtldl Iib ltuAreJ Iru ar I foflJ1K ier Ilw uay. blellhc bw ul ofthse furl" l1 jliliu Jui14i If Ou 1 tIltill imt. Yod1 ruui I heir eaIaLkifl the fII w. tbalhru cOQ lt rd lirJ iti a ial t.

1011) IhifIIK IJvrIUrlall IflU Cr i1 of JY1IIr tortp Lin nru Tcr crs orlhe AZORwlltlM olr nrfwl no lM1J. i Ilu OOfra' Ii ClUCIt r. tolI9 Ind i. luin' rJf1t I II rv II II ofl. lra y.

tc trCIj eyrciSctl. luilllyliI etbliI nunc cridIeof Illrl Je5l1ilntl cil rum terin I rut rrtl tl artr h.l 1fIClholidll1agillt Ch izrtl til Unct A of PC I' h. utEluiouof Ihr fnpurf urbrO. II ir the in I idor oln. tll uf1I tI 1 Jrrora dt' lalrJ l1 coneq tlIct no jItctli rdin3 I Ian lill 1111" Ki niLe pe 1t" 1 If Spainr IilltrIIlalll Cullc- If 0 11r rn 1 ilris unit lSCtlhi tilt' Siul I iflltIllh rnlionm It inhruf tleJrsuits walresilrnt 1 lite CouIcilfSI Cn sat tIIHP.

an" ve blue iutihtikC Ib ka turin il cit 1 rn iaUI. e1 Corr Joluf rall 18 tJ hairs tlu ClJ boastcdlhat wmstu SOffi pul UI 3U orll IS II Ib a 1I" Ii fr" ltlit allhat pc oll. tl Ii. ury usC Ibatlel Ie the rtbro 3d. hose a JISl rs.

IUlhe mlIl i Ia :1. i l. ri lN rr a mistiu 1I nry uit5 inCttstI11 ullllbo5 qnari sourc il1 icliouof antl1 IIr all' rrmccwJ1 iacuesant onlrQY rain no 10lhe pac rwibb urin Jp. ui n. tl1r Emperor Att bur IheJeuitso ri ht QTisitiorthe sity fl11ropriattit Ih ltie larl SIlk thic t.

her. DI. sUPI lot iti. is' tIl1 enlla Crc I strikisi tiC SI ri3. ullf' ll Lil.

si suUer r. vaLitaI lIsii vtre tlilloc tI Si ulol1lllhe 3J. luauIlS himself upcllll AtIeSLtItd Ir to nl ll1alrJ stal bJnif 1 7 I he ILat. ttldlin II sul i isg4int llim lf. 1 IIht trl' OIJ.

II iii 5. that" II to aholinlhtl II li elt :1" rnul Iah. lathe 5. tl.eDSOIIU- I U. tl I use fiher 11t i Ctdit srasetl I ohhe fml ror oftifelUld utiuhir tl lII.

Ilisl' JI iJ Ih I crown a II ut' I1 nr I meriC I tls ir rnt. ie oulra 1 i tllhl afl ett oPalafo rilm Sp in tll 111' alIrli I It tpiCtil1 I IV 1 lcir Lalli IlPr lt om nol uli i 1U1I1lliat to thsr IIhl. hun to iultfnd st.teiu1t1 lllh 1Il snics It them a nol' Lroteatauh an persetuli Iaoallinl lII 1t tlr PrJllfrt nJei Ih udly low also lit' dl litem. rer oflh wontcllil uhmijci lell a iu tilt' i Kill iuia il iIa uflile Kinf iutelli Ice 11 IS Dr r. 1S a oI IIf' as ml rrlkJ' i lllrt tl uh lli rrai fl Ii rieiI IHr cllti 1I ml.

cJlruliallll IIKir own alLil. Lt u. 1 i.1 cOIltluc6ns Hi a. nlt rum 1 Cuw. Ih of Iu wy.

It. grand i fora crJJ1re Ih Cn lJi181111C. lIs yo cnrtirmnJL nU1vii 4iTi1C nKlI JI Glh IIlihbollriu vIrh uts. I. tIIa c1I sol die.

clumin II I war. furluu tI anu C6uitltrab1 strellt fktl isIUkel mol ion th uoal ollsrlt111lKrwbicb diminished i a iu I ril1 rtcd i I 1. I I ill in r1 battaliorsof inr. tf IKoI I 1I CPtlun runllllrrrovlI I I ium lId 1aTt untM AI. I Jdf It tns' I utsise uan-aruIy wilt lati uN Lw I mo1' l1ts lJin I ce tLc-l'ruu 1ln O-I IIY tfadl ft c1- Ctrllnlwuld qlllrf' retld run :1 ot is uJ i portnt je Ibrle rJlIrun I III ri Iun rtnu 53 1l ft' IL.

I L' cara tncu. on. ac 11 gu scfI 1 Enh lIru Piau ru it. If Ja4' ta I. II" alr co 1I plQ iufinlr is rlOJOn I rllCbI ne nf' UUr ur d.

to ClI tr II Co onlh IIIralid Ote I It. i Inrrrfl ohhe Li hCJt Iml' er rL I vENIiJ5js. II tlal hcre tb4' tt rour .11 Irbttthoa Ih IUJl Ilit li uih is to Lei. on tiueIst Qf1c 1 I trwVlill occur I C1J aCurd hid ch il tlora. ag iu IL I res' II" CJtJlkrl lIIISeT 11 lCI ij A I' fJS.

I flERLIS. recclfe fr quent lruS5fiUlsw roni. id arUoI an lhe fJtIl1 httlQrsomed pasIJltt1 CltQ Iol sions IJ RLiut Ih3triru. huno giDS IIQt. thcinlerest f.

tbatirt idr1 rr tb i boultlk bD led ia I Saxon 1 FtUu QCamLergand wit rpulbCr IlwreJs uucwpla urtU On ti th wd. sia. thet tle. I Rh I Soylb rn Kin nfBaev siain ca lTDOuDceaU III Lu aB" 1 the. 1 nlia GOWTIIII Rh Dl' pr rom himup i sll tnr iobaLibib 1 I auerttdthat beta tim Fredcric fdJ.

lIlbe 3Jt lben oCtile of iYe wil 1 It laju to. AUGSIWPO. Ju. ofWeIl toD.l\Ir.\\'t.ksky" AiJt citltonilbt mornin one altd lTi a 11 I I' url1nsrothOQa I Jrl Mii au the Ilre I. AboullIOOII tc Courtpro led lolbeGr wbetes lIt lr1 tedt Tme butJt dns K.

UFiJn tJrt Koenistrinthrte Ittpt II of mi. as it didduriac" rt II iba ofSaxony Genital JWoaa IJ11IhioDalltlmhn Govtrnmnt res all this na. in balli ionat rima. tondl. Indin I.

Ilr 4nl CAlnm ndant ellull" Cab JJrtl of ulhiiimlate I g' nsml Rusezaa aioan i 5I sGemrl re pAralin t. I before ynlenlayAt who III Si1tin aI rtComm our wbichar co. tI ir' 1 lnl. ofle tlt flLni iilratioD ofju ofJhcrouolr eq. mC Cup GOYfru LOU FtDl ol1.Ji utthedisorderd tJttar III tow Co nl ro tb 7' llolhmuitto tc.ounlrics.

cs' tlli ofllae aid. wre 0 3 cT 1 s7 iIiI e4wo I I jhtadI4 VnL Jvt1fI4w 1 urikr t' IC lt AI tL r4 Amtha bh. I fl rri 4 srri tf 3L9 $4)I I'I 1r hr. hi ii I awi r1iPIav t3. til.

hi flas 3 I I bc i. InI hr2fEn I the rrxti n' rI1 1 Pt tUrirg AjhI ar 1 wo In I hIsP I iir wzrp fIg. efrJ4hI Le pcil i I rt44r1 prv.v4 i Tinitr. puhJI ci cu I h. th.

ai1 i's it vr fla fa 9 hiwiw3. tttsf1flMJii. 1 IcIJ.v4 tr flinl II. RI1l' re i C4M1tiiCLL qjflJc Iu iIi fliiIiiJ Iu ihe hv I1 ihs ve Sqbdtk M9. sit I' jrj ee s1Zi rt fl cII the uii tf r.

14h. 1lt 1 VV ts lt1 I ui 4 iw IiJ si.1 ei ai4 A4hrt IjSddf J4lki IIl kLqTril L14C1PrV ft. p5 eC14t 55I Jd. us C' I 4 Il hineii. rrt I IIrtk ts tilMII i.

Ik7 4 l4h 1i.4 w4 a14rrtj oh p. i rI' 3flf I1 hIo a 4v. Ritji. un il.j Jri tIkvs iii1 Ib St ci tLg ltttust Ci4inantitI. vj nY JtIlrve t- tItIViNU 1 to 8.

5 ZL Rcivo 1 tttE1RL 1 i .4 I 1t I 4 i fl' mu 1 L13tiI 4b pl in I I uircr 11b 1h- hfaiti. W. i Siru re flWI Ja I. Lwkett 3v. ku Ii.

r. 1. 1. 1 Fi1. tr il Api' nt a.

it Iihrtifl to Iirbr4. ttw it ii I. i i l6. i. ItTna iii si4 Iw Af lI.

pt Clp. bu itrc1 rt 1ret lies It I nvi at fo pqn tLv kJn ea ircirpoiis tsonu tIijiihi a 2r 1 iatnitnni ths rrei I1w ti oh jrisiao thianiyail ii s-iie di t. sinw 4 i. ri tinh' utnhtuti at iwiw nrrl tI hitriird Ira4vaincn a iI 41 hnt ui ifl TuHft rtitili kn. eanie pirkla ethienetahiie4jeftndc.

1cr Tnitiun ti avc hia oflTIr Idhtii tteitiC a. a I htfl ecrlleuttluntiartrihly h1 the t. elite anI ntl he tirdi riweh ar a hTcL ash Ab4r. rri bca1 rnIrt hikti Ihi Parhianiriit-lrct. Mr 2iaile Iliilcauf I pihahI rent I 1Lp.

al rhoi prJ3rl ol nJ Snhecribcrs i suvIeh. a I r1lwd nSERvvrIos ziv COU honke1ler. i n. 1trnirrr. Itprnii Cniitc.

pi IU It r. eniraith rnar Lir rc icc. kitisiii nierir on 3.ul pl 1iyint i t. rn tb j. iu th wrka lie I.

tt ai itav pi hit 0 ILEMCN nkiit Ilt dir. cuest. ititiiiis. iN7lahiin. lbIThrI1 Lr.

lio hnhi Hy. nitdcrlbii nrk thcmn. ariil4e wril ruate huis a nt l4 0 I i rdy il 1bit h. iat iiu wiltt. toi fir Lackioton I.

i. C. Furnr liIri pclwnuliri 1fliitii hin tLl ev tnissh I1rC rrl kat Erontrpi Ilif I an I irt rui LlKYMA rc I Vt tIrit. Ciiliti iia it 1t4 lie it.i4 tlbjt th wik hi. ILas t4h siuh1jt ihi 4 ir L1 It Ii i rT of tbo iu4it n1 Pjurnian FiiiJiutqt i wtsrn Ihctiti haith 11w Lii.hiistr ince i4' I.

cut cii ENEntL i lisa. Ijh4 b. cj1ietlieocv a 11w atUtr. 1i 4) i irn Ie ic tie ha tv a. ant taehul iatorcfanes hiitss TheLiii.

rn n. ire a1i0Tt31t4 ttird a nt atvl a 1ioTtrait 04 the anrrpril Iuotuii n(4 I. IplLstqtlarc Jat sIwI. Ilk aart tft. lrsi I ir in rrd iI I.L e4fl1ii oSwlkh if iutcrrk f.

rrLtcEI' I lair ant ntq. re iii thi. 4c fJ wib a tlURSl ZIlt 1lt rantel Lakiiion titwi IT1t ir l' Ii iti Frnntsihis Mnhin J4y tg s2jltL it tt fliT I 4. rUF 1 4 both aisciiiir mitrn lsoralkal u4eriiial isuia lv 1r. 4 il I ain t.rIteanhii4nrt lu4a1lnrtcil mn.

tlp orra. fra1thI JU of lIirtu most ahat we thrirliiurtit hkfweipnut miia mr 4w taut lm 0 mulitir. tIUSu1I a a or fln4Nmnefn2I 4. JIEAccwENrsor fgrirnrnmwttg rItN earioe aurk COWWt iUn as ndeclt4 me tI Iirrvity i oI 2edujInhusiU tiklmtaboo a5bsce of ha itcuIaetbmtlw rf Iirrrn4n rit ot katawe nt otber. an tim ol Wetknk 4 ioaiae it lw.

reey tinny Vi1iulr1Marc. a 4 4 TIlL LDZ1tOP TIM Th panant ueatha of pnnytsi. I1ttc ffi4t1f interreli fElt iUttttttP t1lCI flIVtIS C1Vl dAt zba g. a4 ill tkc so itbubicaitbuut kthui ucutsPQ1hfr rd onhtsia ta ents i ih COUl1t tt1iencrr it snCl Te tiY rtstlt-jt4i eii biiusIe i 1w31155g tlflI ssablictAuih tbecktiaI irofsiot t1u JIiI1fl1V13 stilCUmIia. c1hlie ofati iasaisusn Ofl IItn lcrs comrndce 11 itiqwati I C5 c.

ii fl ttte rtratanCr ofoar hahit FV5L iI tt sid ssiakp Jtectet CIltIOhI. aaTin wotse tlfliIt. It itI h1 1 hstpe Itttwmrt rr irt lnge titiititit IZOI loll' rt wages i ila 11i4 15 tt acietiC 9' tV' tPY ir tns. ui ap- icatinit ffrcta ticghct tI alt1 occlir nti W15III ust III raisitig ui lir5 excuce te Sinkhi salionaI irttaps tttIy itti SOTII I rcs Imic1i ii ourcb1utnus tli ear Irne nd ofassmcnt ns I I iroportin I ni rortion I I nd laps pes tf rri him is I a is dispropvrlion4tc i' con4if ion ca fa Iio am I shcn 0 competency If Iza2 ord4r hok 1- I. ta i 1 dtIie rescr funaiitl 2r pmisille iiri drrr 1 t.

i tial ar I. ill rtwrit iitroteucnt. rrted rottiote the uefuI Ih rta 5miIijeit for uur s1iIiJ fliuhiau werost. lxiu tutt2Jontae. a ilk I.

I Francnw bni Frrd nka 1Iprririarmrate. tel rtie luni Esiueniinetit. taigiituuiiietl tam hiag ecat V. hiunt with anriat mmt saiider rantjtwthctrforejvIefte1 tiateberti let. is jcetutrvtl the hnineintelliruce tls4 fritr.

Icst klfrra rtpectrtl ihenoteard fletizSpain Vitt souits pwrb iiail Downs lii at. I 5s toCrk rtand they still Eta. thr cite tell of I b. tituiquteoti tlucJ1st. renrat.

k. arniseul at linerara ott II. IhicITSIJCT. I tItJii aniseed lh vtwwb I4flu1rrri4tVO 4PtIiD4 lss last bnidFi4rrinE iailed fur JsiiuarCapt. M14.

lumtg4 Uwith lisiiatcjwe S9. a kUSIISj no aiI a ant the I teswlt Favourite a ethic tip. I IMIt core SaIIWC C144 Lriocmswiae ttekt ietummnh dauibteto4olonrl hi itt ajainlL thou aralist1iudejJeie If gialCtNCtl. Ihtoosmnbur4qmura. HIttlt6fkflIflt1 aa- Mnrw4n3tooJa ewrri Ctstinfl5 tt sboi I otl tPidui1G trah caac.

tb priaa plas. idii ic. itr1. ki1ijuuI.j smiie Wriwal. OF TTh T11 hm 1tuelnctkrnofa kw ii enefto s.

af MD Thesirma athirri thevu4timee idistii lG3 runtheirown Coke at fte thewIaole Tins ne nfwjiicli mip rntrI Isisample a pov4es Ortkr 1' P' ow himinete thi a wit Isosil OTJUt545AL Iv a other a irruri 13 obeilience-ipstnlsrs li COflrVetsiCS wLic1 ntA kee heeonununit-dissoiee may umat IS sokjIMJe HI tint IF atiaohuelv thic firet tiiuiitrs iroba I asosposeiI cow- Sodtvas autlwtlicitv I COllatitlitions I ails eir. fah1 rouse honestly I rerct 1 lrssor. c1ainieilcsemetioti mont I a1socLiucd othti iii an our ievatrIie its. i ere repreeutcdthiere i- If tin ir I ow ipiI aulhairit iih1 tne I miii PP liomn shi I Itli Pp liii wa wit I I attn lii is iiei since i ati ijs fully I lst Ii i' irsotia1. anti if Is hcrejt La111C1ti1Y ocru.

siL oa ihose rrat iiiiihimtit I AO rtlir irsuibstxas IlisleliCV hiti uf sp hmopc our tilhtir it EcO I 1 IS KR I 1S ISIsIN FIttM ST- pao FXFUESIONS AIT mhiretbura ofrts to I ithi and lionuitirs or Wt raiIlahIo dc yalmsshiea11wpintmeufs i naw liiqeortant as hiiat siriemit ii tlsemestiblislutait fth ismcrjsgr- srrompxs olj reach IJslstt Iti aigaiitsl ruo utl suwrssrpowruih lhseirsuits. situ loitm ufhise mIuttaqtleti 5f lieu iIjiIaels Ioi utlwhm co1r ii rrro1taarnt anti weit fiunOOfrars selo resin wrhl knnrri a ttt theaJam emdletisL4mTed. thenurscriPjthas esidt rcaze efeuilCathotititn im itus ttt55jOti a 1 Bourbon a ifthmeir thearr. hich a eesrtinisen4in 1 fr td itre el ctioi oaLs KIA whojuretI iiis I EsmiatsuI. ris.

rmt I Nu4 ssu1it. I rtatII4 a tateand the lresidtrmt ntI L1113 I nrr rrit openly onw stien a LtagIs4 I mciuies aul 5isSifl si ae in a1fliviionsofFrnncr rrn were ihhm Muujrcbswho lwt th 1itte5 thl IilIenrpi lkia then istiei1 a asvleewherrand II 11w 3:1 1he a wits they liLt thee in dll I I av be auuuujomig atitcs lNdy OfitiLit lwcaus fishery. It itsc IUII1 nra I of his reign i si4 a Kin' uuSpain I a' tid I Li wets I i I the cubit I in usassin4 km nstsrth ithz bec i Jors ofull thr it pcisciiutmnth iiy toutsy II I me Vetiicetjevtttl II If tiIs I Iisia ott-mstiiet trent ruMs rrralkttfze vohLeutmd wlitd4te ui hsis coinniulioth 3g3itssdmttaltaniIy iiIt Arehui1uekigo. cuzsduwas shmst 1wir nor in JjU 1UJI I fl. IHtJttLjAI3u.

lkpmtrtsncuts unsicahl I jam these ths stremitbencd. I Is arriooei I I 8lWSELSFrai. u14be line scianiing of Lin ibuibje ameit a I IL btstatmed tUeSL1IC leadoims king I 1u4ehe I 1we I av ui al i Gan hr 1klzssanny ass The its garrin ir ll EiilishUiiri511 arts it tIsmecaaIr vohi ft te itt hIliM nI flm2infaIstrJ ounlrva ieslerthiv eseIism atjIihihi clY iti rw. ivour Abrruhtv th 4. eiuuita be ofrch- GEN4Jii.

still iccu spiketIof. uhmc cne sibust a4 ortl say bemade hiketbehmnr. a JSuI. 1 aretoIbare ootirmonirchmyar nd viry hsaaforsomedays hi-en ur Ima iea mnssession3 zjj tin' oh it seaso i5. ven ia4 witg a SotImcmwouId begisen toThe thclthine.

IfRimssiiand eISsuuu. Conner procurerfrom bas KinoSatony smmt cthejied wihisesery otari JIt svw JAII9. Is ViENNAJAetS a mornhm accomp nietl npw4 ii urprise grtuliation jeded Urre he bKEDFNJtt ul ufBohemison asit yrirs' isoui1I. Lruus iSiUaL respeeted eaaapk pirnatoa-akte CabinrtsdL ssilli tiseKings re 1 thirhosues. 3JII when use operiba' ocruptlrir attcntioaare.

otihe 5 fl i niiet. Fra- 5. t1ted suncio stsu Ci5id rDC replkd ia tha4' Supe or WbJ" cute' wi thaz111. hfrtslW. 0v the IlohySee.

SCI. i2tbutifl1t" cubf rtcces ihathmue ws. Zie the diocese objt theitpihi ofian. bevttschie iJ lmLLad Ro fbi tsk itbvnnccssazytostatelaW' thiricediu ee1jrand tb. mode l.

were si3writiHg WIliii..

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