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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 1

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
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I EIGHT PAGES! I DFFALO fc 1IIK tWAIII. It oftM 2 For Huffalo nivl vn'i'iHv: 'I Uy wurnnT: dnnur noun or instil; wt-st-rlv to MjiitrHTiv winr 2 Toiiicrriiw by lncirtiMUt, tJ- inetfi Hinl rain; witrmtr. s. 1LH VOL. XXX NO, 49.


WHY REED IS SOEL LOST IN THE SEA. CDE-G HARDESn JURY DISAGREES. FIRST EDITIDI Ea Has Bead Mr. Hill's Eut Doe Nat Believa Ila Author Has, Cixcinxati, June 3. A special fro--i Hansfleld says: Senator Sherman, in rtply to a query to whether he had read trenator Hill a criticism of his Zancsville speech, said l.s had, but that Senator Hill's would Indicate that he (Hill) had not red the speech.

"At nil the conventions In Ohio," sa; 1 the senator, "we have declared that vn are in favor of the use of both goid silver maintained at a parity. To tho extent that we can maintain the silver c' par with gold we coin It at the preset, rate. We buy the silver at Its inarKet, value and coin It at te legal ratio, but we maintain it by receiving it and paying it out as tho equivalent of gold." "Is there anything In this to our dollar standards, as cenator iinL says?" "it does not degrade It. The whole of our policy is to maintain the two metal at par with each other." "What about Senator Hlll'l sarcastio reference to our sliver dollars and greenback dollars being exponublcf" "Mr. Hill only displays his ignorance when he snys that our silver money ond ail other forms of money are not receivable In England at the value we put upon, it, because we receive it and they can sciid it back on the steamer at a trilling Ou-i and can use it in payment instead of gold.

They con present sliver certificates and we receive them tho same as goid in payment of duties and otherwise. If we refuse to receive them on the parity with ail other money, we would at ouco bo on tho staudard of silver." REPUBLIC. Hong Kong Correspondent Eajs tha Move1 ment for Indepeodenoe is Not a Popnlar Ona. LONDON, June 3. The 'Hong Kong correspondent of The Times reports that tho Formosan republic is not popular and is clearly only an official movement, having no connection with the southern agitation.

The president of the new republic, Tang Chlng, commands lOO.UU) fciwatow, Hunan and Cat) urn braves, together with the militia of Hakks, the chiel who km proclaimed king in Northern Formosa, lid well armed with Mauser, Lee and Pca-j body rifles ond Winchester carbines, with plenty of ammunition. Her majesty's steamer Red Breast and the German gunboat litis are inside Taut-sul harbor to protect foreigners. Active preparations are mating at Tal; Pen Ku to resist the Japanese advance from Le Lung. Resident foreigners Inhere that the Chinese, will not defend their splendid fortifications. mm-'tij.

Rattan Promises Reparation. Constantinople, June 8. The sultan has sent his private secretary to the, French and Kussian ambassaui. here to express his profound regret at Jeddah outrage and to inform tne -sadors that the offenders would be coui1-niartialcd and punished. Ten Bedouins have already been ed, but It is feared that It will be diitifu; to discover the real offenders, OS theevvi happened, at twilight.

Mouam.nt to Bismarek. BERLIN, June 8. In the presence tt typical gathering of students of all t- i tiorman universities on Saturday, i foundation of a monument to as a student, waa laid at Andeltdm' Kosen. Hans Hopfen, the i president of the society of old studeui delivered the oration. Emperor contributed 1,000 marks toward the the status.

Saltan's Beply to the Powers. Constantinople, June 8 The sultan bos undertaken to reply to the propoou iuu of the powers regarding reforms lu Armenia before the feast of Balram, the po ere having declined to entertain a proposal to have his answer deferred nntil after that period. HeporU from are to the effect that Armenians still being prosecuted. B.ballou la Italy. Rome, June 8.

In 62 districts reballoii were had to elect members of tho chamber of deputies. The result was the eieetlun of 80 Ministerialists and of the Opposition including three bcclalists. Pope Receives Cardinal Gibbons. ROME, June 3. The pope received Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore today.

Cardinal Gibbons olio hod a long coufereois with Cardinal Ledochowski, prefect of tha propaganda. Lake Traffic Increasing Dally. The steamer State of New York of C. B. line left for Cleveland last nlcht and the State of Ohio arrived here ti morning.

Hereafter the C. B. steamer1 will make daily trips between the t'-v- ports. Since the opening of the season lii freight business has been very heavy, ft)-, steamers leaving each nUht with loads. Since the warm weather set In tin passenger business ha-s Increased dally.

IOO LATSC TO CLASStrr. ylfkl M'YS fire seres nice garden a lrid In Tltlnse: 1.1 dewn a a-. int percent, uff for sarreunJed by clo.e to the depot, sebooi, ciiurcu, eta. Norlli DtTlBlon aireet. v1 fro A.NTKI) (irmm girl ior 111).

liousewt ITANTBDAt W.Vn.ntnn ntrect .1 fteneral Ho tne wo rK rnuat speak sera-. a. vANTlcr-itrl for hniiwwork: three ir. no waihlnc: fnur doiiari wpt tYf VtANT Kl our ftrti to do bp Kuaii por a4 1'trter, 2iiu Waiiiinaton iicf't. ttT ANTKO-uood (ifirman girl to assist iiuuewor.

Kast ituron iirveL TlTANTEu-lruraefliatcir. mii' fi. t. vralgini lor in and out ciif. Itreot.

XJ A NTK plrl for rfneral cooks, mama, rttmselitir'-i-r, tie; ei i. a. forema an at once, l.n rrup'ei aTCi.uf. IlMlMfN Air Marinate, uor hams: re ncf u-me 04. ha Mn Muieia fimviiU now.

1hH.MN Alj- Tmorrnw eroEiUii' pesm (trllt AcaOVI!) V. iWHD ft.ri'.l MiHl- i erery Monaay aaa jr riuay Cain nig; Circular 'TAMME cun if after Tj: ANTIiO-l' AU1 na for njtl. flremnu Ore yenrs. A ITK i per! "need tun m.n loot. A.ui..

Lcujuci.e;. 1. inill r.rr-.HT. 1,,., I IVAvrrtl-Otrl for ecr ere-es I lug, suo kiteLeu g.tu II 1 ') He and Gen. Harrison Do Hot Speak Einos Heed's Candidate for Collector at fort-land Was Turned Down.

New York, June 2. The Advertiser publishes the following regarding the relations between ex-President Harri son and ex-Speaker Reed: Scarcely once since the inauguration of the Indlanian in 1889 haa the Maine statesman so much as nodded to him. Indeed, there is about as little cordiality between them as there ha been for three months between Thomas Collier Piatt and Mayor Strong. The trouble began not long after Harrison took the oath of olllce. Reed called upon him at the White House one day and Informed him that the Democratic Col- lecUu- at Portland, the home of the ex-Speaker, had been cutting up so many monkeyshlnes that he thought lit would be conducive to the excellence of the public service that he be given his conge.

The President replied that he proposed, so far as possible, to perml Cleveland's appointed to serve out their terms. But, of course, if charges were preferred he would- be compelled to consider them. Mr. Reed formulated charges and presented them. The President did not hasten consideration of them with the speed Mr.

Reedthoped he would, and the latter chafed much under the delay. Repeatedly did Reed urge the decapitation of the Democratic incumbent and the appointment of a sterling Republican by the name of J. T. Bartol In his stead. While the President was' heal, fating Mr.

Reed waa elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. Soon after he learned that James G. Blaine, who was then Secretary of State, and Senators Eugene Hale and William Frye were quietly grooming a candidate. Inquiry revealed the fact that they had already recommenedt-d the appointment of a son of Gen. Neal Dow, the Prohibitionist leader, and that the Presl-dent was seriously thinking of naming the young man.

On hearing this Speaker Iteed hurried to the White House, saw the President, and secured from him an admission that Dow had been recommended, but could obtain no satisfactory reply as to whether Dow Instead of Bartol would be chosen. During the interview the Speaker, In his own peculiar sarcastic way, reminded the President that, as Speaker, he thought he was entitled to have a little something to say as to who should occupy the federal otllces in his own home and his own district. "I beg to remind you of the fact," continued the Speaker to the President, "that neither Blaine, nor Hale, nor Frye Is a resident of my district. Blaine has the world at his command, by virtue of his office as Secretary of State, while Hale: and Frye, I should think, ought to be content with a monopoly of about all the good things In the State at large, without intrenching upon my territory. Things have come to a prettty pass," added Reed, with a scornful tone, "If the Speaker of the House of Representatives cannot recommend and have appointed the Collector of his own port." What Harrison's reply was has not yet been given to the world.

Not very long after, however, the President sent Dow's nomination to the -nate. The Speaker learned of It on one of the dnys upon which he had been wrestling with over M0 filibustering Democrats, with Willie Breckinridge and Buck Kllgore at their head, and a madder man was never seen at "Washington. -Asking Julius Caesar Burrows of Michigan to the chair, he hastened to the Senate Chamber and called Senators Frye and Hale Into the cloak room. There he gave them such a dressing down as they never had before or since. The epithets he applied to them were said by those who overheard them to be unique in the history of billingsgate.

But they refused to ask the President to withdraw the nomination. That night Speaker Reed sent for the writer of this story. When the writer entered the Speaker's apartments at the Shoreham he found him pacing the floor like a caged lion. He ground hia teeth, and then turning upon his visitor demanded to know what he thought of a President who absolutely Ignored suggestions from a Speaker as to appointments In his own district. He waa told that old timers would probably agree that the situation was most extraordinary.

"Well." exclaimed Reed with all the rage he could summon, for the ncca: slon, "this little man over at the white House will live to sorely regret this dny. It Is an outrage on public decency to be treated as the Speaker of the House of Representatives haa been treated." Then the Speaker dictated to the correspondent one of the most venomous attacks that was ever directed at a public man. President Harrison waa flayed most unsparingly and unmercifully, and hl Administration, so far aa it had gone, was arraigned with all the vlndlc-tlveness of which Reed is a master. After the attack had been made ready for the telegraph, Speaker Reed requested that it be not wired night. "Let me sleep over It, and come and see me in the morning," he explained.

The next day the correspondent visited the Speaker In his room at the Capitol and asked permission to telegraph what had been dictated to his paper. "No," responded the Speaker, waving his hand toward the other end of the avenue. "He Is not worth the powder." This was said with a look of mingled scorn and contempt. From that day to this Gen. and Mr.

Reed have scarcely been on speaking terms. Much as Reed resented the interference of Blaine, Frye and Hale, he regarded the act of Harrison as so much the more reprehensible that he did not darken the doors of the White House during the remainder of the Administration. And when Hirrl-son came up for a renomlnatton Reed united with the admirers of the Secretary of State In the plucky but unsuccessful battle to name him for tie Pees tdency. Repeatedly since, on hearing that the Hoooler statesman was to be the guest of honor or at any rate a guest at political banquets to whch he haa been Invited, Reed has sent his re-gretrf or ignored his requests to be present. Explanation From Dr.

Foote. Dr. Foote denies that he charged $5 for a death certificate In the case of the little Polish girl who was knocked off a trestle by a train on Decoration Day. The child lived until the next morning under Pr. Foote'a care and he charged is for his professional services.

The parents probably misunuerstooa tne matter. EVEXTS AND MEETINGS. Academy of Music, Ada Rehan In "The Last vt ord 8 P. M. Lyceum Theater, "A Scrap of 1 A Court Street Theater, Allen May's Illustrated songs, etc.

8 and 8 P. M. People's Dime Museum. Seneca street- Andrew J. Seymour, clairvoyant, and vari eties to r.

M. Shea's Music Hall, varieties 2 and 8 f. M. Board of Aldermen. City Hall 2:30 P.

M. Police parade, start from the Arsenal at IT. M. Young Men's Association, Delaware Ave nue M. hi.

(Jhurcli- P. M. Meeting of citizens to consider plan for raising and dedication or tne new liberty Pole, Mayor's oilico 4 M. You can absolutely denend that our medicines are pure, fresh, strong. At the time our prices are low.

Many Children Received Into the Catholic Church With Solemn and Impressive Ceremony. Yesterday was the day of Pentecost, which Is especially notable In the calendar of the Catholic Church. At the Holy Angels' Church on Porter avenue a large number of children were admitted to their first communion. The church wsa crowded and the service was beautiful and Impressive. As usual confirmation services were held at St.

Joseph's Cathedral, when by the laying on of hands by the Bishop aw chll. dren were admitted to the full privileges of the ehurch. Communion was administered to 14 first communicants In the chapel of Canlslus College yesterday morning. Like the service In the churches the service was solemn and Impressive. Solemn high mass was said In the chapel at 9 o'clock, after which an eloquent sermon was preached by Rev.

Father Zahm, rector of the college, NIAGARA BIBLE CONFERENCE, Its 19th Annual Meeting Will be Held at niagara-oa-the-Lake, Fiom Jnnt 26 to July 1 The. Niagara Bible Conference begins Its 19th annual meeting for Bible study on June 2S. The meeting will be held at Niagara-on-the-Lake, and will last to July 18U6. The topics for consideration this year are: "The Integrity of the Scriptures," "The Uses of the Word," "The Spirituality of the Holv Law." "Re conciliation," "Adoption," "The Work of the Holy Spirit." "The Resurrection of Christ," "What Is the Gospel," "The Mysteries of the New Testament," "The Types of Worship In the Old Testament," "The Coming of Israel's Messiah," "Future Prophetic Epochs," and other sub jects pertaining to doctrine, life and service. Among other books and parts of the Bible will be studied: Joel.

Is. 6ti, Psalms Imprecatory and Messianic, the Sermon on tne Mount, Acts 1: 1-11, Aets 1-40, Kph. 1 Gal. 1, 4: 7, James 1: 1-27, Rev. 1: 1-20.

Matt. 25 31-46. The meetings are attended by people rrom atf parts or the country. J. Brooks, St.

Louis: H. M. Parsons, Toronto W. J. Erdman, Oermantown, Is the committee having the arrangements In cnarge.

MINNIE TOOK POISON. The Fitch Hospital Got Her Case and Pumped Her Oat After a Great Deal of Di fBculty, Thereby Sarins; Her Life. Minnie Morrison is the star dancer In Joe Hart's concert hall on Canal etreet and she has a 'partiality for one of the "scrappers" In that redolent resort who goes by the name of "K11" Lavlgne. Minnie had a quarrel with the "wrapper" yes- ternay ana maue up ner minu tnai sne naa lived long enough. It was about 10:30 last night when she went around to the saloon from her home at 164 Canal street, where she lives with her and mother and where she Is known as Minnie Sweeney.

Sne got a glass of water, and after drinking it pulled the cork ot a small phial ot laudanum una uranK the drug. Hart, who was In the saloon, saw her and picked up the bottle. He saw the laudanum label and sent hia wife to take the girl home. He has had the ambulance at tne aoors Deiore tnis ana Ota not want another vlBlt. Ir attracts too much atten and attention Is not good for a concert hall on Canal street, especially on Sunday night when such places are supposed to- be The girt was taken home and put to bed.

Now about an hour before this little Domlntco Barreese. 3-yearold, whose parents live In the Hevers block, fell down stairs. He seemed to nave hurt himself pretty badly and a doctor was sent for. He did not come quickly and the police were anally notified halt an hour after the Morrison girl had taken, the poison. The Fitch Hospital ambulance was called out to get the boy.

The little fellow's parents would not allow him to be removed to the hospital: nor would they permit the ambulance surgeons to look at him or make an examination. When the doctors were departing a woman who lives across the hallway opened her door and said her husband was dying of heart disease and asked the doctors to look at him. They found the man, whose; name is jonn meters, in pretty had shape auu carneu mm oown to tne amuuianee. One of the neighbors told the doctors about the Morrison girl taking poison and they went to her house. She was a pretty Blck girl.

She was put Into the ambulance with Peters and taken to the hosDltal. When she reached the operating room she sssumea a very sullen- attitude and refused to take an -emetic. The stomach pump was forced down her throat and she was pumped out. In an hour she was. She refused to say why she took the poison.

She told the doctors that she was married and said she and her mother came from Wunvtlle, about three months ago. Amalgamated Association Adjourns, Cleveland, June 8. Theoonventlon of the Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steel and Tin Workers has adjourned. In the contest oTer the paddlers'.

wages In the scale the finishers and sheet tin makers won, the price being kept down to per ton. The office of treasurer was consolidated with that of secretary. President Garland, Secretary Ktlgallonand Assistant Secretary Gadden wore unanimously re-elected by acolsmatlon. Hottest Jan. 9 Za Mao.

fears. New York, June 8. It was the warmest June since the weather bureau was started in this city. At 4 o'clock In the afternoon the thermometer went up to 94 degrees. But from that boar It got gradually cooler, and Local Forecaster Dunn says that by Tuesday the weather will be quite comfortable.

The nearest approach to yesterday's heat on a corresponding day was in 1891, when it was So degrees. Rev. Moxom Declines a C1L SPRlSOflKLD, June 8. An extract from a letter read at South church In this city from Rev. Dr.

Philip 8. Moxom, dated Cambridge, Mass June 1, ays: "I hae this day declined the call to the West Presbyterian churoh of New York city." Or. Moxom's parishioners ere are much pleased at his decision to vnialn here. A Dangerous Man. Lykh, June 8.

John Taswell, 85 years old, has made a full confession, admitting that hs fired a barn on. the Fay state and attempted to burn a bouse adjoining on the nlgbt of May 83. Taswell baa served time for larceny. Ell llaelcet Acquitted. Norwich, June 8.

Ell Rooloot, who has been on trial charged wltb killing Henry Hervlux on Dec. 18 last, was yesterday aoquitted by the jury. Road Coach to the Falls. For single tickets apply at the Gehe- oitix THIFFT-At W. 18, John Duffy, In his 44th year.

Funeral from famtlv residence, 616 Best street, Tuesday morning at 8 80 and from St. Joseph's Cathedral at 9:30. Friends and acquaintances Invited. THORN In this city, on the 1st Catherine, widow of the late Charles Thorn and mother of Mrs, Emma Fetrle, Charles Otto J. and George W.

Thorn, aged 64 years and months. Funeral will take plsce from the family residence, 90 Deduce street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and from St. Paul's Church on Ellicott street at 2:30. Friends are Invited to attend. KELLEY June 2.

Mara-nrette, wife of Henry S. Keiiev, bk1 ven.r, 10 months, 16 days. Funeol from residence, Bennett street. Wednesday at 2 o'clock, Evsntrellcal Chur- Kp-uce arl Svramore streets, at I xi. an 1 s-qualnt-auces respectiuUy liivut-J to luUi.j.

Grant Etreet Bridge Bet on Tire by "a firs Engine KesiQjnos ana a Barn Ablaze. Glor Grldley's cooperage factory on Chandler street near the Military Road, caught fire yesterday afternoon but was not much damaged. One of the steamers on Its way to the fire dropped soma hot coals on the Grant street bridge setting it on fire. Policeman Graf put out the blaze before much damage was done. The two-story brick building at 561 Michigan street was slightly damaged by fire last night at 10:30 o'clock.

The ground floor of the building Is occupied by T. V. Stephenson and the second floor by Thomas Vlckery. Thomas Tigue's barn at 264 Northampton street was burned last night at 10 o'clock. Loss $100; fully Insured.

Illinois Anarchist Governor Yents His Spleen on the United States Supreme Court. DECISION AGAINST DEBS. "XiTr Were There So Many Influences at Work Strangling Republican Institutions at Wfishlngton," Siys Altgeld-Turnlng tolnt In Onr Illstorj. Springfield, June 8 Governor John P. Altgeld is of the belief that the United States supreme court has established a dangerous precedent In remanding Kffgene V.

Dobs and his friends to jail. Ho eiprosscd himself In a very caustic manner regarding the decision, accusing the court of trampling on the rights ot the people and being the tool of monopoly. He gives his views for publication in a 6lgned article, In which he says in part: "This decision makes a turning point In our history, for it establishes a new form of government never before heard of among men, that is, govornmont by injunction. "The provisions of the constitution 'that no man shall be deprived of his liberty without a trial by au impartial Jury' is practically wiped out by this decision of the United Stafc-s supreme court, and the theory that ours was exclusively a government of law is now at an end, for every community is now subject to obey any whim or caprice which any federal judge may promulgate. And it federal judges can do this, then It will not be long until state judges will follow this example.

"Fur a number Of years It has been remarked that the decision of the United States courts were nearly alwoys in favor of corporations. Then It was noticed that no man could be appointed to federal judgeship unloss he Wits satlsfoctory to those Interests. "Over a year ago tho New York World talked nboue a packed, supreme oonrt and tliaicotirf hiu'-WTthm a few days rendered two decisions which unfortunately tena to confirm this charge. "Copital sits in the White' House and legislates in the CapitoL Court of justice are Its ministers and legislature are its lackeys. And the whole machinery of fashionable society is its handmaid.

"Never has there been so muoh patrlotio talk in the last 25 years and never were there so many influenocs at work strangling Republican Institutions." RETALIATORY STEP. Only Children of St. Adelbert'i Wboss Parent Are Loyal to the Bishop Will be Prepared for Communion, No religious service were held In St. Adelbert's Polish Roman Catholic Church yesterday. Bishop Ryan order directing the doors to remain closed until the controversy between himrelf and the congregation of the chucrh is settled still remains In force and Is likely to until the breach is healed.

A pettlcment appears as far off as It did a month ago. The members of the congregation say they will not submit to the dictates of a prl-st whom they believe Is directed by Rev. Father Pltass. In the meantime two lawyers are trying to effect some sort of a reconciliation. Some of the parishioners who favor the actions of Father Flaczek w-ent to church in St.

Stanislaus' Hall at Peck-ham and Fillmore avenue yesterday morning. Father Flaczek preachd. He announced that all the members of St. Adelbert's flock who favored his course might attend the services. It Is said that a resolution was afterwards signed by 130 of the parishioners promising to obey the mandate of the Bishop.

Father Flaczek 1b about to prepare the children of the parish for their first communion and It Is stated that only the children of parents who have signified obedience to the Bishop's orders will be allowed to partake of that sacrament. Sidewalk Settlement. John Matthews, a young Canadian, went into Edward O'RiellHy's saloon near the International Bridge yesterday afternoon and called for beer. The saloonkeeper says Matthews owes him money and refused to give htm anything until the slate was cleaned. The Canadian got saucy and O'Rielley attempted to throw him out.

The two were wrestling about the floor when Policemen Lathhury and Raymond of the Thirteenth Precinct arrested them. Each was charged with assault In the third degree. Memorial Service at the Y. M. C.

A. Rev. Andrew Purdy, who ts a veteran of the civil war, conducted an after-Decoration Day memorial serlvce at the Young Men's Christian Association yesterday afternoon. The service was held at 3 30 o'clock, the time of the regular Sunday afternoon meeting, and there was the usual large attendance. "Our Soldiers" was the subject of the meeting and a fitting tribute was paid to the heroes who gave their lives for their country.

Horse Fonnd by the Police. A horse with a blanket strapped around Its body was found wandering aiout near Massachusetts avenue and Ctica street early yesterday morning. The police are searching for its owner. Celebrated Inventor Expires. GALKSBUR9, 111., June 8.

George W. Brown, Inventor of the corn planter, died here, aged 7S years. He invented' the planter in 1863. Convict Bangs Hlrnsslf. THltrroN, a Frederick Ilenshler, a eonviot in tho New Jersey p-ison, committed suicide by harg.sig in lis cell.

Tha Gold Reserve. Washington, June 8. Tha r-rt In the treasury now amounts to Warm W.ath.r at MlDDLKTOWN, N. crsry here et li ai --,) ins as p. til, Isirswa, ALTGELD AGAIN.

Two Men, One a Passenger and tho Other a Seaman, Fall Overboard in Midocean. LA BOl'RGOGNE'S TBIP. Seemed to Be Pursued by a Fatality on Her Voyage Across the Water Efforts to Find the Unfortunate Men Wero Unavailing. New York, June 8. The French line steamship Li Bourgogne, Captain Le-boeuf, from Havro May 25, came into port with all her flags at half mast on account of the death of Seoretary Uresham.

Her officers reported two accidents during the voyage. Shortly before the Bourgogne sailed from Havre two saloon cabin passengers came on board. Their names do not appear on the ship's printed passenger list. Both were young men, named Lawrence, On the morning of the 2Tth John Lawrence, aged 2d, was promenading tho saloon deck on the port side. He leaned over the rail, and his hat fell overboard.

In attempting to regain it he lost bis balance and fell into the sea An alarm was Instantly given, and the ship's engines were stopped. A boat was lowered and proceeded in search of the man, but he was never seen again. Ho probably got foul of the propeller and was killed. The accident oast a gloom over the saloon passengers during the remainder of the voynge. Mr.

Lawrence's brother would not see anyone on his arrival at quarantine. His fellow passengers stated that he was freatly grieved over the loss of his rother. Flushing, L. Is believed to be the home of the young men. The loss of Mr.

Lawrence was soon followed by another fatality. On the morning ot May 81 a seaman nnmed August Gulllard, while attending to his duties on the hurricane deck, fell from the rail. Tho cry "man overboard" was promptly given by a passenger to the officers on the bridge. The engines were again stopped and a lifeboat quickly manned and lowered. Kvery effort was mado to locate the man, but nothing of him was seen except his cap, which was picked up by one ot the boat's crew.

For tho third time the Bourgogne was stopped on the first Instant at 7:40 p. when off the Davis south shoal (Kan-tuckot), the lookout having sighted a steamer flying signals of distress. The course of the steamship was immediately altered and she bore down to the vessel which was found to be the British steamer Kuchantress. Captain Ritchie, from Mediterranean port for New York. The captain reported that the cylinder bead was broken and that the accident, which was beyond repair, happened in the early morning hours.

He requested the commander o. the Bourgogne ty send immediate assistance on reaching port. Tho disabled stenmer Is in no danger, She had her sails set and was heading to the southward with a light breeze from west southwest. The Enchantress sailed from Trieste, April 2(1. via Palermo, May 10.

fche registers 1,609 tons. Lawrence a Prominent Man. L.T.," Jnrie'S. John Watson Lawrence, who was lost at sea from the steamship La Bourgogne, was the son of Walter B. Lawrence, a prominent stock broker, and was associated with his father in business In New York city.

He graduated from Harvard in 18D1. The Lawrence family Is one of the oldest in this part of Long Island. Tellow Fever Ship at Qaarantlne. New Y'ons, June 8 The Prince line steamship Grecian Prince arrived at quarantine from Santos and Rio Janeiro with a full cargo of coffee Captain Mil ler reported that he loft Santos on May 2 and Rio Janeiro on the 11th. At the latter port two of the crew were taken ill with yellow fever and sent to the hospital on shoro.

There were no other cases of sickness on board during the voyage. Deputy Health Officer Sanborn boarded the steamer and on investigation deemed It prudent to detain her for disinfection. The crew was transferred this morning to Hoffman Island where thev will be bathed and their effects disinfected. Meanwhile the steamship will be thoroughly dlslu. footed and will be permitted to proceed this afternoon.

Salvation Army's New Home. New York. June 8. The ceremonies Incident to the dedication of the new headquarters of the Salvation army will be held today, Tuesday and Wednesday. The exercises today began with a parade of the grand staff and field officers.

This evening a grand demonstration will take plaoe in the memorial hall in the new headquarters building on Fourteenth street. Commander and Mrs. Ballington Booth will review the troops. Tuesday will be devoted to three pnbllo meettnes ond on Wednesday a council of the field and staff officers will take plaoe. Staff officers from all over the country are expected to take part In the exercises here.

Handsom. Burned. STRACrsK, June 8. The beautiful residence of Robert K.

Bentley of the wholesale grocery firm of G. N. Crouse at 410 West Onondaga street, together with its costly furnishings, waa practically destroyed by fire. Tho fire originated in the library, supposedly from a match carelessly thrown away after a oignr was lighted. The house was valued at and the contonts at 120,000.

The insurance on both houso and contents was but 112,000, Old Soldier ronnd Dead. Richmond, June 8. Thomas Tay. lor, a retired sergeant of the regular army, who was here receiving medical treatment, was found dead in the Akron hotel and it is suspected that an overdose of morphine killed htm. Taylor has no home, but had been In the regular army for 82 years.

He tins relatives at Kansas City and Dunkirk, N. Y. Steamer Washtenaw Stranded. Saginaw, Jane 3. The steamer Washtenaw, which is stranded In tho straits of has five passengers aboard from Saginaw.

The passengers from Saginaw are George M. Stevens and son Carl; a son of F.z.-a Richardson of this city and two sons ot D. W. Brigg-j. Sick F.opl.

at Washington. Washington, Jane 8 The condition of Representative Hitt continues to improve. Notwithstanding the best, it ws said that be had a fair day. Miss Mary A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton) had another bad turn, but her general condition shows no material change.

1 V.tersn Pnllro Officer IMea, BOSTON, Jane 8 Police Lieotennnft 8. Kendall of division 7. hast bo'on. one of the oldest and best known onicers in the city, died at hit horn. luS Lexm on street, after en lllnerts of seven wcls.

was 64 years old and leaves a son. Cnolcra lisjrlr.f at ece-u i LWDOK, June 8. i Cairo reports a fresh oi. i i at Fmlly It is Not Likely That' Banker llelmer Will Be Tried Again on This Connt. ANOTHER INDICTMENT.

Niagara Falls Barbers Kept Right on Sharing Funeral of Miss Colman at Dunkirk State Keifs. SPBCIAT. TO Tn IVKNIHO HEWS. Lockport, June 3. The agony of the second trial of Joshua 8.

llelmer Is over and this time the Jury failed to agree. As forecasted In the NEWS yesterday the Jury came In with a report of a disagreement at 0 o'clock yesterday morning and were discharged by Judge Nash. When the tlrst ballot was taken the sentiment was about evenly divided as to llelmer's guilt or innocence. After asking for Instructions from the Court several times adjournment was taken at 11 P. M.

until 6 A. Sunday. The vote last taken stood lu for acquittal and 2 for conviction. This probably will mean that llelmer will not he tried on this indictment again, having escaped twice. There Is still hanging over him an Indictment for perjury in swearing to false statements relative to the condition of the bank and this will be moved next undoubtedly.

Klsle Colman's Funeral. Dunkirk, June 3-(Spoclal). The funeral of Kllsle R. Colman was held from the home of Mr. Samuel J.

Glrford afternoon. The palatial was crowded with sympathizing friends, many were unable to gain admittance and the large lawn surrounding the bouse was thronged with friends and acqualnt-am-es. Rev. W. W.

Rafter officiated. Mr. Percy MeClellau of Hariisburg, Miss Colman's fiance, was present. Among the friends and relatives pres-nt from out of town were James L. Fannie Beecher, Lucy Smith, Dr.

ami Mrs. Curtis of Buffalo: Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Unw of Jamestown; S.

G. Allen. Mrs Charles Snlyer. Warren: Percy of Harrlsburg: Dr. George if.

Mctielian of New York. The Interment was at Forest Hill Cemetery, Killed by the Cars. Cansndaigua, June 8 (Special). Saturday afternoon Mrs. Katharine Moore was struck and killed by Knglne 1.12 on train 15 of the N.

C. Railroad. She crawled under a flat car to get off the New York Central Railroad tracks out of the way of an express, and got In the way of another far train on the N. C. tracks that are parallel with the Central-Hudson I e-ceaaed was aged 63.

She leaves five daughters and three sons. Her husband. Martin Moore, was killed at nearly the same snot by a Central-Hudson train about three years ago. Barbers Wouldn't Close. Niagara Falls, Juno 3 (Special).

The barber shops kept open here yesterday notwithstanding the new State law. They say they will continue Sundav work until stopped by the local authorities, which they think will be never. Saw All the Sights. Niagara Falls, June 3 (Special). The Pennsylvania editors who were In this city yesterday had a fine time.

Thev saw the various sights on both sides of the river and took a trip over the electric road to Queenston. They left for home In the evening. MTMFOKD. Mr. Harry Allen of Chicago Is passing a few days with his father, Hon.

Oliver Allen, lie has closed his business in Cht- mlssion business. Mr. Roy B. McNaughton waB chosen as a delegate from the U. P.

Church to the Y. P. S. C. E.

convention In Boston. Mr. Ethen Allen of New York Is a guest of his father. Hon. Oliver Allen.

Mrs. A. F. McPherson Is spending some time In Boston. BKRGKS, Commencement week of the Bergen Union School will be observed as follows: Sunday evening, June 16.

baccalaureate sermon by Rev. J. R. Adams: Tuesday evening, closing exercises In Concert Hall by the grades, on which occasion a tine programme will be rendered: Wednesday evening, commencement exercises In Congregational Church: Thursday and Friday evenings, "Strife," a drama In four acts, will be given In Concert Hall by locai talent. 8T.

CATIIARINF.S, ONT. Messrs. A. Ball of Buffalo and J. J.

Bradlard and son of Tonawanda are stopping at the Russell House. Messrs. L. E. McKinnon of Buffalo, and W.

Ink-Baler of Elmira are at the Grand Central. Drowning Accident at Atlantic City. Atlantic Citt, June 8. The first drowning accident for over a year occurred here. Charles R.

Thompson of Cleveland and Miss Jennie Groglc, aged 21 years, of Ninth and Dickinson streets, Philadelphia, wero in the water. Thompson took the young woman a dangerous distance out from the shore to give her swimming lessons. They were caught In a whirlpool near the jetty and becoming separated cried for help. The girl sank beneath the wares while several thousand fiersons on the boardwalk and the beach ooked on. Robert Brady went to Thompson's assistance, reaching him as he was sinking for the last time and succeeded In bringing Thompson safely ashore.

Miss (irogle'e body has not yet been recovered. Koeney's Complaint Against Hawaii. San Fbakcisco, June M. Rooncy, who was exiled from Hawaii after the recent uprising, has made publio his complaint to the United States. He says ho it an American citizen and a native of New York, but he resided in Hawaii iinco 1879.

He states that he was arrested by the cltl-sens' guard ofter the rebellion and that he was absolutely ignorant of the plnni and purposes of the revolutionists. He olalms he was kept In an unhealthy prison for 3d dars and given just enough food to live on, finally being forced to consent to deportation in order to gain his liberty. He desires to return to the Islands and considers himself damaged to the eitent of S70.00O. Water F.min. at Atlanta.

Atlanta, June 8. This city Is suffer-ing from the worst water famine in its history. Yesterday morning the big water main, carrylngthecity'sentlre supply, broke and sinoe then the ptpes have been dry. Hotels and other Targe consumers hauled water In improvised carts, while private families resorted to the long unused wells. The city is left completely without fire protection and there Is great apprehension lest a serious conflagration ensue.

Bntt.n Factory Snrn.d. Babylon, L. June 3. The Vulcanite Button faotory, a 8-story brick building, was destroyed by fire. The flames started In the drying room, and spreading quickly, completely gutted the structure.

All the stock was destroyed. The loss Is estl-mafed at fbO.OOt); innirnnee about 140.000 Killed Her Faithless Loven St. Louis, June 8. Fred Jones, colored, was shot and killed yesterday by Carrie Harding, a 20-yenr-old Degress whom he had refused to marry. She gave herself up to the police.

STRICTLY PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Fryer and sons Walter and 1-larrv of Normal avenue leave today to attnd the linney-Nick wedding at lirle. Mr.

Morris Levlnson of Manlstlque, and his brother Julius of Chicago are visum their cousins. Misses Bessie and Ray LebaifKy of Spring street. J. Walter Frver, discount clerk of the City is a well-earned vacation of thr- us: ers at Hie I'ione, 1,1 The Well-Known Buffalonian Committed Suicide Yester-day nt Little Rock, Ark. DUE TO BUSINESS LOSSES.

Once Cashier of the Queen City Bank, and Lost a Good Deal of His Money In Marian, and Real Estate Ventures Which Kerer Panned Out. Word has been received In Buffalo that Gue C. Hardesty, well-known In Buffalo, committed suicide at Little Rock, yesterday by taking poison. Among the letters and papers In his pockets was. an envelope addressed to his wife, Mrs.

Carrie F. Hardeaty of this city. It was taken possession of by Coroner Walters. Among other things it spoke at length regarding some of his business affairs. In closing he wrote: "I leave this mesaage for two reasons: First, that if my existence was in doubt, you might have trouble with my property or settlements; the other, that it might affect your marriage again, which I hope you will do.

As to the property, the I. C. case ts a just one. I agreed to pay Osgood by Hamll one-third of all that they got. Johnson will be all the witness you will need.

He should pay you the $1000 less what he has advanced. Pelham, I hope, will do right by you. lie should let you have at least JJ-000 of stock. A large share of my notes to Mrs. Lee were unjust be cause was forced to settle by allowing full amount of contract city school bonds.

I have been to Uod much and am myself. Forgive me all my wrongs and commend the good." The Little Rock officials have com municated with the dead man's rela tives here and the body will probably be brought to this city for burial. Mr. Hardesty was well known In Buffalo and at one time was very prom inent In real estate matters, taking ac tive part In the Marlon, enterprise, and In the Catling Town Site Company which was floated and the bulk of the property sold off on the understanding that the Oatllng Gun Company was going to locate Its immense worka on the property which had been laid out for it. He was an investor, not an origina tor, In the Catling deal, and, it Is said, he lost a considerable amount of his fortune when the bottom dropped out of the two big deals.

He was unfor tunate In getting In and getting out of the deals at the wrong time. For a considerable length of time Mr. Hardesty was cashier of the Queen City Bank, which he helped to organize, and remained in that position until the bank had a streak of hard luck and went to the wall one day last July. The temporary failure of the bank welshed on his mind and he was Involved In considerable litigation, which was a natural result of the failure. His busl ness troubles began to weigh on his mind and a year ago he went West for his heahh.

At that time he lived at 187 Fourteenth street with his wife and rlve-year-old son. Since then he has been traveling about the country at tending to his reaJ ett- business. which in spite of his reverses here were quite large In other cities. For two or three weeks past hi rela tlves In this city have not known where he was located and have been very much worried over his whereabouts and condition, because they knew his mind had been weakened by his business en tanglements, and they feared he mlglit make away with himself. Five weeks ago he left Buffalo to go to Detroit where he has real estate interests.

From there he went to where he remained until three weeks ago. From that time up to yes terday his whereabouts were unknown to any of his friends or relatives. Mr. Hardesty was a brother of ex- Judge L. Q.

Hardesty, who defended the Robinsons recently. Judge Har desty, since his brother's disappearance from Toledo, has used every means at his command to locate him. "Ever since Gue left Toledo," said Judge Hardesty this morning, "I have sent inquiries to every city where I thought he might be to get some trace of him If possible, without success. feared he would kill himself because of the peculiar way In which he actei. While he was cashier of the Queen City Bank, you will remember, he had a very bad attack of nervous prostration which I believe affected his mind to such an extent that recovery was most impossible.

His health, mentally and physically waa destroyed by that attack. A short time ago he began an action against the Queen City Bank to recover $35,000, which he alleged the bank owed him. He had advanced money for some of the stockholders, but he never received any of that back." Mr. Hardesty was born in Eastowns-end. Huron county, in 1860.

When he, reached manhood he practiced law for a while, but later went to Kansas City ana engaged in the banking business, Then he went to New York and organized the Bank of Angelica. Six years ago he came to Buffalo and en gaged In the real estate business. He was worth at that time In the neighborhood of 175.000, but his unfortunate connections with shallow real estate deals broke into this money and he lost tne greater part of it. Successful Yonng Medics, Nine candidates entered the competitive examination for the position of house surgeon at the countyhouse and of the nine tnree were successful. They were Dr.

William House and Dr. J. H. Robinson, graduates of the Buffalo Medical School. and Dr.

Marshall Clinton of the Niagara University. No salary attaches to the position, but there Is always sharp rivalry among young physicians for the place owing to the valuable practice which the position anoros. He 9trook the Parser. The Erie Social Club went down the river yesterday afternoon and a row occurred among the members when the boat was on its return trip. The purser tried to restore quiet, and some one, supposed to be James Sullivan, struck him.

Sulli van leaped to the dock when the boat waa being moored and ran away. Police men Reagan elltngton and Hogan caught him at Scott and Washington streets. Sermons Before Ilaptlst Societies. Saratoga, JT, June 8 Sermons before the American Baptist Publication o- tho Amerlcnn Kni.t Tlnn.A aiim- ion society and the Baptist Misslonarv union ne-ru oouvercu uy nCT. ilrs.

J. Hawthorne ot Atlanta L. C. Barnes of Pittihnrff and O. P.

(4ftnrA respectively. Boys' Department Y. M. O. A.

Saw York, June The fifth annual conference of the boys' department of the Young Men's Christian association oame to a close. Bev. Mr. Dick of Boston and Robert Knox of Pougtikeepsle dellTered oddresses. Oor.raor StcKIiiley lUtarna Bona, Kkw York, June 8 Governor McKin-ley of Ohio has loft this oi'y.

He was no-eompanied by his wife. They will go direct to Canton. O. Cbvice selection of palms at Palmer s. LAKEIDRSTS.

Death and Destruction Follow in the Wake of Rushing Water. DISASTER IN NEBRASKA. Waie of later FiYj Feet High Quarter of a Mile Wide. WEAK-WALLED UESERYOIK Farm llsuses Carried Away and Farm Lands Devastated Many If mors of Loss of Life Details Sot Obtainable. Curtis, June 8.

Swelled by the heavy rains of the last few days, Curtis Lake burnt from its banks last night and the rushing waters carried desolation throughout the Medicine Lake valley. Thousands of dollars worth of railroad property In Southwest Nebraska has been destroyed, miles of meadows are a muddy waste, dotted with wrecked buildings and drowned live stock. Human life probably has been sacrificed In the terrible flood that swept across Frontier county to those In Its path. Details on this score have not yet been secured. About 7 o'clock last night the high railroad embankment, which had resisted the tremendous pressure of the lake on one side, gave way, and the (nt-up waters dashed forth.

The embankment melted away like so much snow and the result was that practical ly the entire large body of water was released In a moment. Nothing, with stood the roaring flood, and the waters rolled In a wall five feet high and a quarter of a mile, wide down the valley of the Little Medicine Creek. Railroad tracks were torn up and tossed aside like straws. Hundreds of freight cars were swept out of the railroad yards and carried away like paper boats. The Curtis Roller Mills toppled over In an instant, so terrific was the onslaught of the raging flood.

The mills represented an Investment of $20,000. Down the valley the flood took Its way, carrying everything before its foaming crest. It could have found no richer course upon which to wreak Its work of devastation. Miles of heavy meadows of alfalfa stretched down the valley, on which graied hundreds of cattle and horses. Farm houses thickly scattered told the story of thrift and success.

The tossing waves covered the meadows and wallowed up the houses In a twinkling. It ts known that many farmers were fortunate enough to near the roar of the approaching deluge and escape be fore the waters reached them, but there can be no doubt that all were not so quickly warned. Medicine Valley, which lies between the Piatt and the Republican rivers, Is densely populated. All kinds of rumors are coming In and the disaster grows more frightful In lis aspect with every fresh report. POTATO LAND NEEDED.

There Were Not L'nonjh Plots to Enppljr All the Poor Who Are Willing to Work Them. Bo numerous have been the requests from poor people for vacant land to cultivate under Mayor Jewett's scheme that a call has been issued for more plots. People having land that they can give for the purpose are requested to communicate with Mayor Jewett. It is stated that about 250 acres are In course of cultivation now and the potatoes planted two or three weeks ago give promise of a healthy crop. At first half an acre of land was given to each family.

Supt. Michael was quickly convinced that this was too much nd he cut the allowance down to one-third of an acre. He states that the poor people manifest a lively Interest in the work and believes It will be a great help to thermnext winter. WHITSUNDAY Orer 2500 Children of the Church Eandsy-School League. Gathered Together at Mmio Hall.

The Church Sunday-school League of the Deanery of Buffalo yesterday revived the custom of celebrating Whitsunday by gathering together the Sunday school children of the deanery and holding a united service. The service was held at Music Hall and brought together 2500 children from the different schools. The service began at 8 o'clock. The children swarmed In and filled the main floor, the boxes and the galleries. The platform was occupied by Bishop Coxe.

Rev. Francis Lobdell of Trinity, Rev. Thomas E. Calvert, assistant rector of Trinity; Archdeacon Klrkby of New Tork and the rectors of the different parishes in the deanery. The short evening service opened with singing.

Mr. C. A. Bragdon, who is the president of the Sunday-school League, presented the children to the Bishop as the lambs of his flock and Bishop Coxe talked to thera In his fatherly way. Archdeacon Kirkby, who for years, worked as an Episcopal missionary In the North catechised them on the mean ing of Whitsunday and told Interesting tales of his experiences in missionary work.

The service ended with prayer and benediction. College Cr.w. at Fonghkeepale. P0U0HIKKP8IE, JJ- June 8 The Columbia College varsity and also the free man crews arrived on the steamer J. li Huurouck with cooks and servants.

There are 88 In the party. The University ot enneylvonlocrew, numbering 12 men, oam. on a special (rain on the Went Shore railroad. Both crews were me by a committee of the Apokeepslng Boat club aod shown to their respective training quarters, Columbia at the Stuyvesant man-. slon, two miles north of Poughkeensle, and Cnivsrsity of Peonsylvanlo si Bell-vue viiio, a hotel on the west bac of river.

The orews commenced tracing over the t-muo course today..

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