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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


RATES OF ADVERTISING. W)rRR TAtl.Y-14 over 7. and lei. than It-fl rat tn-e-TUnn, 71 pnrvnd and third Invmni eoch cents; and ISk rmti for s-h Mba-ar-mt Hia-rUon, HALF xgrAKK. IMIIT-ron-i-tingof 7 no-sor fc-MAr- In "s-rti'-.

to cent. s-v-r-nd and third tnrtlotA each IS eeoi and I -nm I. wh thrHii)t ba-ertion. AIivrKTl-l -MFNTA nr-n wha-ti the nnmher of times trr In- nm IK Nut MAkkaiD, will inserted and charged snul MiUpH mit AlivKKTlsvAfrvTS krptootbcbuUcorihcpvMraracharced Pn ps. IARI.V ADVKKTISITA lano melnt-d.

Itt wtthnot the a per annum; not, however, for a leas period than six THF. PRi iPRlrrOR? ar nnl r-ayjoriaCbls in damages for am M. which may occur in advertising. Tnr rrF-r-wrj pot crvii wmctT. pnMtshed mu Featav.

at SB pee annum. para in advenee. Kara nmlwrennUinth kst--l Intnlta-erice. pnliural. foreign and tnntir: and ami oS by liM earnest toads to obatribaa part of the I'nlon.


AND OS KK.ASONAIil.l! TtRUH. PUBLIC SALES. Anlhonr J. BWckrT. Anctfoneer.

BY ATIIOW J. HI.niTiKR, Olfics No. 7 Broad Bt, near Wall. NOTTCr, TTia mlfTir. In Jwilttirwi thHr Rt! FutA bo-AnM-.

rv prpvnJ to ftUenU lu niM of jiihfll furniture, VmA MOLktvac Ant)t-rv Htrccker. Uvun M. wka cMt ttub-r. VfHa laou at n.ftnn. H(ta-n NUivi, b--lnff prt lh Hiirtrhr fcrm.

unH "itiiti nxt north of the ltiT imprirM lij Mr JCConrrnr, mi titwn th nt wm. ii. irnin-ni r.q. on the nni m. ti.

ATinw0. Fa on th Tbw Drntwtv front on Vulk-T una no Tnir4iti vtm. ntvl rt liUnt from CUflon wltarC by It fhr urmmwhM. via fiv pVm Trrn n. tv Tomt r'nrT rWnl rnnt.

Thf parr-U are All With rfiaTin; trrm. nt nrinti 14rirhlf ixwirm hr rwtin a fin ho-iw. with ornamental rroarwK The airxx-r nf a hri hnilt on ithr will roinmand a of ti ravan Two of th Mrrcl nrvm the he'rht of lanl tn iihnfr an'l oiitr hnir. ami will twnrea view of N-w Yrk n'i Hjv, a wll aof ihr ncrmn. Trie four iou con- L'n fr.rtn 1 llll to 1 M-KMl wr- arh.

Knr furtlter particulara, apply to Uiw auctioneer. No. 7 Broad rr. reet the rtiltifh thr frtorr lrkk hooj an1 lot rrtin'l knoirn aa No, Fji IP'th nreet. hefwf-n lTtftArtnn and 4th avfiir.

The hu fp hv 1 ft in rWth. wlfh pMsra ernil with 1aea, an1 i nnih, in erellnt ptrk with all moilern tniprovntnu for rtnvenienre, Mich a Tr'tton wr. hot arvl ril1 room, kitchea range, tr. The tot in 3" hv ft in in oVpth. (fo hnlf of the ptirrhaae money can remain on bond and iprrrt fur three Tfn rn Muloerrr PtreThe Tahmhie lot of aroond, with the htuMin- ttterean.

known a Mti1rwrrv went me. be tween irione and Pprrna tn. rrnmtrHrina feet touth of pprnt In the rentre of aid lot there a two atory and at tir frame dwf-ninr hotie. 22 feH 4 in hv ft ft in rfenth. flni-h ed in af'WMt tvle.

with Oroton water. e. On front of the lot there a on "t'TT brVk tore. 11 feet 2 in depth ixe nf irl tot a 23 feet 4 ina front, 23 feet 7 ina on the; raar. by 75 ft In lepH.

On Ynh arreef Tle vniendid 1 torr hrnwn ptone front honae nd lot of fnnd jtnatl on the antith aide of lf-fh at letween thm fth anl fHh avetni. romtiw-nmr alxiiit 10S feet from the venue kit ietna fn "fe3fi ft by P2 f-et in depth. Thr hoi" In 42 feH In dpth with an extension of IS feet in the rear mnk'ne the pr1or feet in depth, and flniahed in the rnoAft henut ftil at vie. with all mo-krn improvement for ronve-rtirnra. rK-h a (otn imth room, hot air fumare.

ga thronrhont. apeakinr tnnea. tatnriry mantel in pnor. aiauL fhrtrtii ami 1ioinina' th iwre. nearer the irmu.

The ho)tr HniriMl in the fme tvle and of the aame alxe the Vit 1 however. 2lt feW lr f-et In ilepth. the hne mn- utreet. 20 feet eat of Hit last tiame-L of the wame kiml an Te ahove hnMdlnr are nf the first cla. and are built In the tno mihaiantiiil and rmtlv manner.

A yvrtofia of the purchase money can remain on bond and fJlontaTe. F-wnirtherpartlenlar of the above property, apply to the auctioneer, 7 Ilron At HoVlork. at the Fsrrmnae. On atreet ral'iaMe hniMinff fct ititated on the aonth aidef "treH. otweeD rolwav rthI avenue, rommenr U.

A--i (m.1 rYnm tli Mh avenue ml about 7frrtfrom Uroail wav. Hnid Iota Mrtw earh in ite feet front and rear ty ft In in depth. Thirty emnd treet ewt-red and the atove kt are in a heantifnl neinhhorhooft well alptel for ImmetliaU Imil'linn pon'' and are every way denirahle both lor Improvement or the investment of rapitaL A portion of tlie purrhaKe money can remain on bond and montrittft Mni -an be had at the aiwtion room No. 7 Broal at. 4-S i-ir'ile llHrlem huilthna lot at anetion.

vir: 1H form inn the entire front of hot of the block on Jd avenue. lHween and 113th lot in the rear of theatove, fronting on 112th and 113th St, Of vartoua mea, 9 lot on the outhwet corner of avenue nnd ta. 9 lot and partaof lota on l-'uih ami Ul-t aU, between 3d and 4th avennea. In L.t- 4 of the aitme on and next the south wet comer of 4th avenu nnl 11' th at and 'tot fronting on II nth at, in rear of Uh- la named M. eah full 'e.

Tie2l avenue is opene.1 and rear and theot are all fit for immediate ue. there beinir no rk and very lit! le uneven ground, rendering them very desirable for pernna of small mean to purchase building lota that must soon become very Taliiaok. 11'Jth and atreeta A1n. 19detrnh1e Imildinir lota, all ly ing In one parrel, of the aame on lHth nt. and 7 on ll'Jth the 4th and 'ih avenue citnunenrinte about 355 feet from atih avannv Thf lot are mostly all full aiynd For mnpa and furtlier particulars, apply to the auctioneer.

No 7 Uruadst. FR1HAY. At nt the Merchant' Frrhansre. FTtertlve Ktle if lnd f.iHi aerei of hind on the Ohonpie Htver. k1onirmTV County, and Hute of For term and further pitrtU-iilnr.

apply to the oftire of the auctioneer, llnavJ at, where a aurvev map of the property can be seen. TrFSlUV. Iec.M. A 1JnVlnek. ft the Mrrhnnt Firhanire.

"dth street 4 tine building lota ituntri on the aoulh aide of Mth tre-t, tetween Hroadway and Mh avenue nam lot ar; earh by liNtfeet A ina in depth, are centrally lorntt and are yery dasirabk- Nith for tMttMinir purpose-tor mvtmrnu II-im ran he bad nt the auction rooms. No. 7 Itroad 14th aTeet Two lartre nn.l rnlunble kta of around, with the tSvictt liraiaM (tirron mtuateed on tlie aoirth aide nf 14th Street. petwet-n the hih and 1th avenues), rommerfing IRW ftet west of the p'thavenue; en'-li lot being 2 feet in front ami rear ana lut pef inmea in oeptn. For further particulars, Apply to the auctioneer.

No. 7 Broad Vilth atreet The valuable four tory brick house and lease e-f of arnFund known aa rmtn street, soma woe, nc- ItravlwiT and Mb avenue: thehou-e is large nd in Hvrt'lL'nt stvt with all modrn improve- nviiU ihi ha isi't bT bit Ui. and ia on b'ae from the Hnug Hart -or. from 1st May. at a ground rent of lrf per annmu.

A portion the purchase money can remain on oom Bl IIK.riu.ill annlv to the atirtlnneer. Na 7 Broad at. 1'Ath street -bdeairuble huilding lota nimated on the north aldeof IJOili at, tH-twtt the 1st and 'id avuiiiies. cominet'ing lai feet from Id avenue aaid lot beiug each in aiaci ft Iruiit and rear by Mu feet io in pilu For map, term and timber particulars, apply to tlie auction ter. 7 liy A.

H. Mullor, Auctioneer. IIY MHI H. U.KH, Htr No. 7 Wall stiwt, corner of New street A II will give hi personal attention to of real estate at the McnlvantV F.xfhange; also, to of general mcrchaii-diae, Im ludinic furniture at the residences of fuiuihes, A Kegistrr will i-k'Ptfr the di-r-atai of real estate at private Coutrsu and lor the pna-unng money on bond and mortage.

SHiNI'AY. Iec. 1. At 19 o'clock, at the Menduuit Exchange. Pupreme Court-1 infer the diretrtion of Thunuu Carnley.

tq. heUnryatreet-ahwawith thebufHinga thereon, tuate on the northeast corner of IH-Uuicy aiui lUdge ta, each Ai feet in Width by UNI fe-t in depth. rsv notice in press, Uwia atreel-An irregular lot of land, with the buildings thereon, annate on Ivewia fi-e notice Courier. f.KhtliMreet-hix k.t- -itujiteon the aoutherly aide pr stn in? feet A ina eaterly from Avenu-t'; being together 14t feet 0 in ill width by li7 feet Ina in depth. Fleventh street -4 on the northerly side of 1th st 27J ft ins westerly from Aveuue a each 2j fet in width by ltfc feet 3 iti in depth.

Kenol-learCountv-Atruitof land Uenseelner County. F.rhnnpA. Fiit.rcine t'urt-l'uW tlie direction of Tlioma, Camlfy, Esq. ClK-n-r Vt oflnmL with the two ftnry brick hoiwe tlirraill.

ituale the iiortli.rly i knon aa 3T; Uiiig SJ leet in .1 feet ID Inches ill rtrvth. tm leial notice In Courier. KirM nue lota Mliiale on the eaterlr le or It avenue. fi 2 inrhen norUierly from 4Tth utreet i each 25 feel in width Kn on the northerly ni'le of 4Tth trret, 1m feet eagerly fntn the 1st avenue each 2i feet in widtli. by 100 feet rtreet in tlie rear of tlie uut nicuuonrd lot, and of lh.

aauie llllil ll'loll Iff il notice In Pits. HiUiaveiiue-aHiilutedonlhewetiTly le of th th aenue. 'i f-et 3 iM-he. from i.Tth utreit; being 7.1 fe 1 lii. lie.

In widtli. by 100 feet iu depth. iee lcl notice in Tribune. Mailewn avenue -The lnd. with the three rtory browii front I mi-c UoTeon.

mtuau- on the easterly wde of -Mmh-aon avenue, fi-et 4S inch, mtherly fnm tit street beuig 'M feet inchea in wi.ltlk by lltl feet io dcptlL bee kiul nitice ill iL At 13 oVloi k. at the MenhumVKxehanKa. Supreme Cun I uiler Die direction of Thotnaa Carnley, Esq. bttliVtreet One Wit tritimte on the northerly nkleof 13thrtreet, Ul feet 3 aiiehe. from avrmie; ueuix a feet 11 Ulcli in whIiIi.

Iy (' 3 iiK'hen in depth. Sec kital uotice ui Commercial TIILllr-DAV. Jan. At 13 o'clock, on tin' nreuiiHeii, in the vuuee of Mateawan, Duu-heiw County. By onler of the Keren er of tlie Mnttaawan Company, all the meiinve nianulMturiiig pmpcrty of Una wejl known company, ronirtinir of two cotton null, with machinery in complete order 7.utiiriii.

U.ntieL, nunljikon stult AIms an exteuaive fr.mii.lry aud Mu-tune with every Tanety of toot, and pattern, for all kinds of erijnne. locomotive, and other utaclu-iiery eonncvle.1 therewitlL Also, thirty bouse. I operaU-ieH. and a itenteel resKlenoe for tlie Aiteut. ruil partH-uUirs ami utiiis of sale o( thi valuable property, .,,.1 intentnrv of the inacliillerr.

tooia, Ac. apply to the Receiver. John A. C. tiray.

Kau. No. ui Cellar at. or toliie auctmie'er. The atfelit in charite on the preniine wiu ev cry facility to ucriH-ns dcMrous uf eKiuiimiiig tlie siune.

Janus M. Miller, Auctioneer. DV JAMK4 M. MILUrUl dt Store No. 79 Maiden lane.

Hardware. Real Estate. Leather, 1 loots and Shoes, Ac. xtiiier A iv aiii their nennnal attention to tlie aale of funuliire at the residence. if Uuuuaat decluuug ImUfT.erpllia'i and toout-ihsir aale.

gcucfaily. MuMAVriec at iou .1... M.iilen Lina. fiiUM. bull, alioea and bro- (ana.

tnau the manufacturer, and compruuig a genrjil aniueut at Ixeah aud aeaauLaliie gouda, orthy the at cuuou ol tlie trade. I 1, K.' F.ctllUlffe- .1 a an ai-M (ti eaCelletlt bUllt UI Ul- llvafk mi. tut fnun ll.L..i.r ati.l tiudsOO CalUtl. two miles from the tuniiiNiiue viiUa'c of (on the vest atdr.) and within hall a mile of the ana unlL It is well W'tl rs-h.

a ttreat abuudauce of beach, uiaple. white oult gij.l iiemss tri-civ The alsite lot i a dlvkdon of lot No. 4S Mtniaink Patent. Til l.KA.-K-A tariu at urlldalii. Vtsi l.mier I'ountr.

1(1 lamma Uie Harlem Kauroad. and withm tl mile, of the city. It rotilaiiia alxsil acleik a Hit tiaru. sliota. staLles.

4c. la MllUk- tie lor a mil. man luui great taojitiea ur freighung. tl I'ur fuil parus uiara appiy at the aucuou ruum. A.

M. ilerwiu, Auctumoer. DY 11 VX.Si UHO THKII 4 TruJo Sale No. 13 l'ark Row. EPNKSDAY KNINO, At i.

ii'i ki lL ll.e room. V.I.I AKI.K SlAMlAlUl biKiKy-Heuia a lam roller ttnti of rtisi-e works, in Uie various brani-tiea. enibrabuia uiauy that are ta'arce aud valuable, aud a variety ol miscellaneous lit al Ar. Ak Amiiuila for IA1 and other illustrated tolotues, Lulled JutcuiM; bii. Ac. tvENixn. ret i At I o'ila-k. at th. auetsm room. 1MI-OHTKU AMI lnilk--riC MAI'lONKKY An ex tea aive i41ei tsn of new and Ireali awk, euibracitig alarire awsirt- Bient ut pupie and rancy Matioucry, cousiatuin of superfine hotflMih cap.

uuarto isiat aud uole papenc enveliiues. various ajei rreiieli and fcjigjsh vkiunc cards, gokl anu penaropliiia paper and booai. uikanuiUa, pnrte iuook-i, aann. artl. Iw kaaiunwui bill nie drvMuig cwa and a variety nf Uuiy articles, UKlusiuig papier niacu, port Aimsji in'voto.

of Knittali valeotiuea aod richly Ulinninsteil a. M. rm-A ami riVIT. Aiikau a-runenl of Buuik Books, full and half bound, of aaoeucnt qua! Ay, ac TVarma raluaile atVerwrtiDc plauw: Quarto Bible (Cold atream with DiargmaJ rerreoea and Ulustratana, b- Ma. laJin Hfnwn.

and iraDMroua critical and ex plan inrv a' ka. J. H. Pmtteraun and Rev. A.

S. Patumuo. ka pw-a lyiHs IMut sues, with the Paalim laavM mu ta New PnivaW flihl. Irkiat rated with mar wtth awtvial real- kna. and uun-ad an.

tliouaand vanned referrnr-a lo parauei puauut-a and a eneof uaeiultaOilea to uluat rate the sacrwA text. in pae. roral with the faaJiu. aswisi. Cobbin'.

I'ui-kelLunitiiMitarv-TliMl VulUUie, Which COmblnt all Um advanuar. uf a bU4e aj4 Coainieiilary. cMCiaUy fur lan.iiies and honk, botm'a Cheat, and l.aaiia. latnrle. Mnhraring the Mandanl Tli Anuiuamn, in IS ve4: 'In.

Nrasntihc to vol, th. ItaaSrai. id ti the Illustrated, hi II vnta, and Bono's Dew ehep wenem. To i hi new works ar. added fron bin, t.

labwt reeaveil beinx Viari'l lives of the PaaMera, vol taregory'. s. valence, of Christianity, aud tttraiiaer la londoo. 1 uey may be obtained either in enure a. na.

or Knrw naawa Orders Mtajted. TBEMO.T HOl tiE-BOKTO-J. M-A88. rrUiM wSI known astahliiihraent i. mtm ennnrted in the same scanner a bu al.

ay. twen. Tbceemral and pteeaat aw nation ml th. hiaa a. ouaniuudiou, arrangemenaak aod tlie CKBUiiurt.

aod kisunea luund Ujcra. eoaubUa. to raider st agreeadil. and advantageous to Uie traveller. tlavuig been ou.

of Uie firm of John L. 'Turker Co, long at lh. h-ad of the astatai-uaieot, th, subKnber pledge, hat beat aswiaou. 10 maintain aa rrinnaTrrm. aod to giv.

aatiaiactioa to m. u. rasuii, Mil iHawiiia PUBLIC SALES. Henry H. Leeds, Auctioneer.

BY HKVRY B. 10018 aV tt. Store 5a 8 Wall gtreet, opposite 5ew street Henry IL Lessfci wH nrre hi. penooal attention to aaiea of real airi, mi the Mercnanta Exehanare. AJan.

fen aiea of huoaehofed furniture at loe rrnlence. uf fimiHr. afl of wtuch am reapeetfnuy armnten. S0SDAY. Dec At Inw n'Hnek.

at the fcalea room. II Walt ReavlT-made taahionable CTotlUnc Uf the heat nnalit. mania. faeured exclusively for rrty oMUim. eotwiatioK of beaver, ker-ey doth oraT-coata double overoata of various material.

pilot coats, monkey la-'keta. btaunea coata, under aackl, frock cnau, double breasaed frock, dress chat of Kperflne doOi. fancy coats, fine and nrperf ne pantdoomi. Terta. d.obie breaat-ed dj.

hunting coata. Ac all warranted to be of the best nainu- ansre. uie morning oraai. A '1nr earh day. at th aalra room.

Nub WiB at I.AKI,r. SALr. tltf UiUblt inn d.ui.i.-iio KK1 L-DfrFKATO A.ND AfiATK VASES AND Porretaina, hnmiM. r.i... iis- aqu L4BB (UTSs Ifr.

ac, being r-Uaw-e of invoices Trenton and Niagara, uTRV 14 mo bejkuufuirighial wibiecta in kfcAL iSvliiS "Ptured in Ul exquisite manner ever offered in this city, auch as F-yche of Thorwaisden: Guardian AngeL hy bnaime; do, by Kanet: Venua. of Canoya (roup Of riaruilg ClUidren. first ever mnnrlMl Pavfhs. hr runnl: IJaccbua and Ariadne, by barraite Bust of a Nymph Beeping Hoy: busuof Iante and betrarchio; Cddeas Cerea; do Ne-maaia: Prayer, hy Parapaloni; Lore, Poodora. A more IhTino, our for Kvdf-iia.

Ac ail of superb Statuary Marble, beautifully carved by the best aculptora io Iuly. FMfcjf-ru collection or Aiaiater sunjecta. representing Veima da MeUtria psyche, of Teuevaoi: Venua, of Canov(ftnrt and tecond; euus. in at-iella. off varHjus wzes.

rroupa Ian-nng OirL. of Canora: the Three Graces of Birchanu, from iiercuiaireum trie aJu)ea; iiana on the Fanther large psyche and Cupal. reclining, after Canora; tio Cupids, on irirwfaua, wun ujg ana nesc group La.coonte. ana sere-ral other arsurted groups after the best models from the ao- a epleodi! aasortrnent of Bardiglio. Agate, Yellow of Bienne, and venle auuuue vaeea, of yariutu styUw and sizea, aa Hebe.

Lhuacau. (iisrt.iJi and Htmuuu all moat Uste-fully carve-i in alto avid haaao reliero; Pompeii I'ma and Vaaes. a-imintiilv aiUpu-tl Vr deotnae halls, parlor, niches. Ac large Honian iaua arnamoiieij wiui grape leavea, ana mpfjorted by rdU transparent A.abater for lamps, Ac Bottemian A aeTection of tlie nrest and most beautiful p--inieii irf tb heb fab.ic manufactured into a large variety uf aruclea. comnuiuig utilit and tacte.

Kkgant lironn A variety of beautiful bronie and ormolu mafiUrl clocka and other omamenta, groups, Ac including several very costly piecea. Also, an adhorunent of other fancy gooda of various kinds; papier maa- lie goridi Aa Also. Np.4itjin TizzA Verd'Mle-Prato Work Vases Goth- hc and Grts- ian Vasea, lor flowers; Tazxa of Adrianna: large rruit asea, I'nw; large size Vestal Templds: larue Carrara Marbfe Fountains, for tnl.TA piauas, Ac An assgaruijent of rieli and elal-MHiU mottioi eletrant centre and horary t-jit, rtlaiy inlati uuriptta, watrh caaea, agate aivi niuu.i canuesiM'ka. ooeti-ka, groups 01 oiuerent animaia, UrKe hons on pedesWs. stieUs suppnd by dolphins, marble roniuarpuu, large open work banket.

inodVls of Leaning Tower of Pi-a. frlurcntme baskets, inkaftands, and a great variety of otlter imtry articlesj, u- fu) and ornamental. AUu, the balance of the invoice of rich tv vases; teapots; porctdaine grtHjptt arl curiosities, desert aod tea seta, small Ja-pautie cups and saucers; do Congee bowla, enamelel with antique figure received from the celebrated ho Ude of Uamberger 4 tfmiL of Parix WEDNESDAY Deel At 12 o'clock, at th snles room. Na 6 Val1 stree, (Kor account of whom it may cone -rn.) Also, 4 cases French perfumed liair oil soap and coMmetica. Also, casus UtTK-y stationary; Porte-iuonDjes Folion; aiid drawing lxok9.

drawing pens, therrnometers. wySetAi-lea. and spectacle cases: Tiaitmii: ciirda. enveloped, note paper, mathematical instrumentt. Ax.

Without reserve. THURSDAY. Dec 4. At 11 o'clock, at the les room, Na Wan street Unreserved hale, of a choice assortment of fine old wines and Kuor, compri.siRf Madeiras, bherries. Champagne; Runt, and WhiNkev.

hherries harmony, Pemartin, Duff Gordon, Amontillado, i narte aud other brands. Madeiras Wewton A Co, Old Reserve, Malmsey, Leacock A Ca Ports Graham Co, Royal Wine Co, Fandeman ar4 Har monv. Indun L)oet. Chrtinimtfiiea sparkling Ay, Imperial, Sillery. Moeaebno and and lonhle Crown.

Choice old Hennessey, Otard and OUimpagne Brand iea; Imperial Eagle Gin. and lrlh malt Whis key, superior framaica Uum, brown stouL Jdo. L. VandewaU.r, Auctioneer. BY JOH L.

VADEU'ATER A CO. Auctioneers pnd Commiaaton Merchants. hales Knfrtn lil Wail street near Broad war. Peraonal attention will be given to the sale of real estate, also, household furniture at the residence of families declining house-keeping. Laiberai advances made on coosigrtmeiua when re luired.

MONDAY, Dec At oVlnrk. nt Hie awles room. Na 12 Wall Street ptvk nil. PAiSTiNf; Ac A larneand choice collection of fine oil painting, to ich gilt frame, conipri-ning copit-sof oJifcinals from the oUl masters of the English, Pr, anc UMiiftn acneoiri-. utnosrape? ann xuuian w.ti-b, i we-uc Peret interiors ny andcrooacn; mrm yarui aim maiw; wreiies hy Watson, and others.

Paintinjts on copper, after D'llmffe, Winterhaller, UuhIo, Greedon, and other celebrated planters all handsome parlor subjects, weu wonny mc en at-iiirravmics, alter isAnaaeer. nuaie, auuia catalogues on me mnrninjr "i wur- Tl'l-DAY. Dec. 3. At IOU at tl.f.

tuttt-Hi i-iMTn 1 Wnll fctreCt A. A large nnd costly a3Mrtment of fre 'h furs, muff. txut-4. vii-torines. runs, ffauntlets.

Ac. Ai-o, aieign mhr, of wolf, liuDa.o, leopard, genet ana pantner Biuns, ao au rit iiiy iiniL VdtaloKues on me morning ot saie. At nVhrk. at Mwlea room 12 Wall street TU'TCH liri.ltol K4ors Comnrisinir the usual fresh and varied assortment of llulbs. frnm the ctkerated nuraery of J.

Van hont iina, Hullaud. Catalogues at sale, WEDNF-DAY, Dec At 11 o'clock, at the ues roum, 12 Wall street JEWFLUY. DIAMONDS. Ac to he Bold without reserve ccoosiraiiig of brilliant cluster brooches, pins, rings, Ac Mal-tee croHM-s of grej-t value, necklaces, bracelets, ornaments, Mingle atone diamond ring and pins of binh ca-t signet rintfs, rutty and emerald ear-rings with pendants of great beauty and value. AImo, a lot of fine watches, made by the best makers, and In ca of 1 carat goli.

a lrf of v.U unt le Oriental pearls, conatiog of ear-rings H-rf pin, cluster rings. bnarhea. worked in solid fine gohL Al-L, a Urge assortiuent of fine gold chains, goid lever watches, kr. Ac. L'aLiiogues dav previous to anle.

TIIL'KSDAY A FRIDAY, Dec 4 and G. At 10' o'clock, nt the sak-s room. 12 Wall street PPRFMPTOKY SAI.H nf new ntvlea Kancv Goorla A ITouse- keeping rcceive.1 per late arrival Contuting of Artistic Bronzt elegant French Porcelain, Paris miide inlaid Furniture, Koaewoul and Ebony Articles, splendid Clocks, hue I -is. Ar to be sold without reserve, the whole comprising nfie uf the rirheyt and must coatlv assortments of entirely new st Me Fata-y GtMsls and House Furnishing Articles ever brought to this country, consisting part ol tlie louowmg moei aeaira- Lie ni-tiiUs: Uosewood. Patinwoodand Ebony Article An entire invoice of tlieae costly goods, consisting of toilets, dressing cases work lKixes, souvenir, antiques, curious canes lined ana iur n.HhiNl.

Ae Kkh IMiemlan Glass A most costly Invoice of the rarest and nuiMt beautiful xneciinens of thia very costly fabric, manufactured at the Hoyal Manufactory, Prague. Pearl Inlaid and Silver IVIounted Goods Dressing Cases, rich Stands for boudoirs, Uiilet boxes cases furnit-hed, Kleitunt Bronie and China Mautel Clocks A splenilid line of tiroiiic and ormolu clocks me of which are off very high cost. Ai-o, rklily decorutel porcelain clocks of recent imporia- PtLu rollc tion oflereil thm ALo, fine puint- ins on copper. Also, rich plated g'ots cotta. ware, papier mat-lie stls India and Chinese goods Jitpati va-cs and other cosily in tn'lis a case or Toys lowfiicntue nucnuoj oi me iruue ia so- lic.i.-l.

Cataioiotcs on tne morning oi saic hATl li DA Y.Dec, 6. At fi'i-irrk. in front of wdes mom. No. 12 Wall 4-treet IKUSK'HOLI) AND CABINET Fl'RMTI KE Rosewood and mah tgany parlor Hint drawing room furniture, covered in i.H.r..irv uii.l in i role silk iilu.hes.

tete-a-tetes sofas vol- uvai Ms.srintf Mml w-msv etiwirs. rovereil in brocatelle ami fancv danniidt niahoc uiy nuits in hair cloth; spring seat parlor chairs iu do; bedniMtn aofus kmnges arm chairs rockers, foot MiMtis rosewooii, iiiahOLrany, anu niaca wanim urrr-iiiK vu- reaus with marble tops; enclosed washstanda to match; rose- an.1 ninlmirunv- tiiDc.irvtHl centre sufa and card tables papier mache centre aud work tables complete; lianiistHne painted and enamel cotuige furniture, en suite; rosewood and mahogany French bedsteads, pure hair iua Ureases paJUasters gilt fraiiic mirrors Ac Catalogues morning of sale HY JAIEft COLE, Oflice No. 43 Fulton, curuer Front st Brooklyn. Jamea Cole will give his personal attention to sales of household furniture uud oui-d. -or nales generally also, to sales of real eoUte, stocks Ac in Brooklyn and New qrk.

WEDNESDAY. Dec 3. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange. Valunlile Pn.peity on Huiltsiu avenue, luion. President and Carruil sinn-t Brooklyn, vir: ai lots ou Hudson avenue; 5 do on Carroll at ti do on Pres a lent st 1 do on Union st do in rear of ihealtove.

60 per cent may remain on bond and mortgage. TUESDAY. Deci. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants Exchange. Fulton.

Lafayette and Portland avenues, Oxford etreet and Hanson Place Lots vis: kits on laatayette avenue. lots ou Fulton avenue. Iou on Portland avenue. lU lota ou Oxford street 1.1 lota on Hanson Place. 1 Lit inrner nf IjifHvette and Adelnhi street The slxive streeta and avenuea arc pave-L and all asswsments tiUL This is ou the crown oi miton avenue, anu uie oeauiyoi ocatiou must be seen to be appreciated.

Tenns per cent may reuuun on bona anu mortgage ior a term of years Map are now ready at Uie ofilces of the auctioneer, 43 Fulton st, Brooklyn, aud all st N. Y. XTTV. 111. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange.

Willinmsburtrh and Brooklyn Property, via; 6 lots on First st corner outh Eighth st 3 lota ou i-outh Mh st near Ful st 1 lot ou ifventh st near Graml st a loto on North Second at near tixth st it kits ou Bedford avenue, corner of laii lor and Clymer bLs op- Christ Church. Terms tio per cent of the purchase money may remain on bond aud mortgage for 1 or 3 years if desired. Title peiiect Mriuo and uaruculars at tne onicca ol Uie auctioneer. xa Fulton st Brookly and Na all st N. Y.

William IL Franklin, Auctioneer. BY WL IL FRAKL1 WX dc Otlice No. 5 Broad street. SATURDAY, Dec ti At 19 rtVlnrk. at the Metx-haJitpj' Exchann-e.

20 shares Pennsylvania Coal Co. Stock, The sale of this Slock oCits an opportunity rareb tuet with by capitalists to invest iu a stuck certain to pay a large dividend and greatly to appredi- at in ai ie. ine company own a very uu ga quauuijr ui lands I urnihiiiK coal Iur steam and domestic purposes if equal led, evi umly not rurtasett, hy auy Drought to this marKet either lWeigu or domestic Their road commencing at Pittitfun. ou Hie MiauuehauimlL intersects tlie Delaware A liudou Caual at llawky, through wtiich it brings coal to this market The road is constructed with cauucitv to tiave transnorted over it seveu hu ml red uudhity thousand tons of coal per season. The company bring to market in is year over tltree hundred tnous-uud tous and expect uext season largely to increase the quantity.

The following gentlemen compose the olucers of the Com- pauy Directors ql F. llavrineyer, Isaac L. Piatt Daniel rarn. jonn r.wen. ia.vior.vtm.

il raits KuU. u. ilm-turn. lrad Zawley, and W. K.

tiritlith. Preside ut John Ewen. Treasurer m. r. liavemeyer, lrom either of whom, or at th othce of the Company.

31 all st any information may be bad. as io iu preseui, wuui.iuitor luiurc prwpocu. 1 Li CjSUA. 1 UeC io. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants Exchai'ore.

Fifth Avenue One lot on the east side of 5th a.enue. 75 feet south of ypth st '2b feet front and rear by 110 ft deep. There is a anialt frame house on the rear of Uie lot, unliuislied. street Mue lot on tne uonu saie uixus leet ins east of 6Ui aveuue; i feet Croat and rear by loo leet lu ins in dcplu. Bruce A.

Chilton. Auctioneer. BY COLE IHILTOX, Sales Room No. 9 Wall street WEDNESDAY, Dec 3. At 13 o'clock, at the Mexchanu' Exchange- Positive sale oi 10 ku uf grouud ou 4vth and 4otii street, near 9th.

loth and 11th aveuuea. saHh street sA kts north siae, commencing ieet easi oi inn avenue, aud bet ecu ItAu and liin aveuuea; eacu lot by liai feet 4 ina deen. Al-tk 4'tli street 5 lots on south side of 4.Hh street commenc ing AjU Ux west uf llih aveuue; each tot is 2a by loo feel 5 ins deep. ALsO, 4HJ1 Biret i a tou ou uun.ii siuc wiu su ret, vuiuukuvjuji luu teet west of 1 Kb aveuue each lot by lou fevt i ins ik.t atiatii nfi-M 4 Iota on north side street, commenc ing 4j6 feet west of Ail aveuue each lot is feel it ina by lut) These lots are uncommon ly well situated, being in the immediate vicmity of tlie Hudson River Railroad aud the iieighbor- uoudmpKlly improving. or term and parucuiars appij aw.MSMivKta a au si, wberc maps may oe nau.

MUHUn it, o. kt 1t i lan-luaJita Exchanire. Refissw'tsuL. i ftlurrav Hoffman. Esa 4-lh street tot the nnrtheast sale oi 4tUl St distant teet Iroin the northeaat corner of tth avenue and 4th street each lut ia i teet roirt and rear by 100 leet inches in drplik tWeet 1 lnl of ow.i.r..

on tK nnrtherlT Bide uf SaM street distant 4.l feet 3 ins from the northeast corner of -th aveuue aud 4. Ui street Tins it a sore lot For partunilar di- in uiemumuia Ltjuira, H. KJMP. Auctioneer. Sale Room Nassau at, between Fulton and John, i R.

C. Kemo will give hie personal aitnriM A ismL 1 tune at private dweihngs stocks of caiauet furmture, fancy ar-tK les paintings and nierchaudue geoerairy, and would respect- uuj Mm saaea ui turn uuu. svttsi preparetl to snake liberal cash alvances when retjuired, and moderate charges Ha suire Um; largest aud mucfe the best for aucciaa saiea of any in E. IL Ludlow, Auctioneer. BY Iw L10L0VV Office Na 8 New and Vail street Real estate at public and private sale, by E.

H. Ludlow. Loans ua real estate negotiated by K. J. AlaUett.

PRIVATE SALS, Ptore and lot No Ka hnxlnr. 4ii luu. lor bale A valuable corner ua Broadway, above Bleecker street alao an inside loL tor sale ot lo lei. Tea lots on Broadway, between 8Sd and sua Iff ATIIKM ATKAL lsjTBlME-TS-Jui received If at an aMortuient of Mstht-maliral lnsu-utrierita, to sain aod tuaaiugany caaim iruu Khuul to nn. Also, on hand an aasuruiieut ol Land Cham Tape Measures, aild austriuaent ae pa- rale mini tne eases, ror aale wholesale and retau.

try MsuuLU a luwortMa, 1 aunoa pU betwaea Uroauway and Xaaaau street. DlCKI V) l' Vs-Just received a tot of Ducking Guns. Alsu. on hand, duuble-barrelled auna for cocking, snipe and quail shootuig. of superior quality, together with Walker's caps, bakiwui wadding, flaaka pouches, botUea, Ac, far sal.

irnxjoner, at alaraware ana uuna, all li ruttoa streea VOL. LI. PUBLIC SALES. A-so. Scotch lonr and sanare nlaJii Shawla.

John Keese, Auctioneer. BY LYMAA A RAW DO fi it 1 1 Edward J. Warren, Auctioneer. BY WARREXS A Store 'o- 57 Beaver street. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Dec 3 and 3.

At 18 o'clock, at the aoction room. No. i7 Beaver street LARGE SALE OP STAPLE AND FANCY FRENCH. BR1T- IsH AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. (The stock recently belonging to JEWETT A PRESCOTT, of BOSTON.) For approved notes at four months credit A very large and moat choice assortment of fresh STAPLE AND FANCY FRENCH GOODS, and STAPLE BRITISH and AMERICAN GOODS, being the best and most complete jobbing stock ever offered at public sale, and to which toe attention of the trade is specially directed.

The entire stock will be mid without teset, and consists of EIL.K. IKJODS 700 Dieee. 1ft a 40 inch extra rich. nlaid. stri pe, i anu orocne.

uamasse ngured Koult de tfoie. ruuu aiiu urocaue utacK ana coioreu caun ue t.uine Glace Poult de Sole. Striped, plain and chine fignred Satin de Chine. Hlerk and colored ReDS. Artntire.

and Ottomans. Gros de Af riques. Gros de Royale. Gros de Nationale. mack and colored watered Poult de foie.

hatin de CbiKe. Black Gros de Rhine and Gros de Striflse. Plain and fiminsl Pmilt .1. Sru. hrnea.1.

ficmred Gros de Rhine. Corded Pooh de Sole. Figured and plain Foulards, mourning da Black and colored Satins, of superior qualities. India Satins, Sinchews. Sarsnets.

Marcellinea, Raw Silta, 4c WORSTED GOODS A ComDleteawortment of wiailen avvala eonsiat. bxg of pieces of very superior qualities, choice colors, 64 Paris Merino Cloth. Also, double and Bino-la ariilth French CaaimerfsL of the best manufacture and colors. aio, a mil aaeortuient of black and colored Mousseirae de Laine. Also.

130 pieces of very superior fabric black Bombazines. Also, black and colored Aluac-oa Mohair rioth. nirured 1.TO- naise: Orleans Mohair Lustres, plain and figured; French Poplins, Ac SHAWLS A complete assortment of entirely fresh snods of the foQowina Styles, vis Paris and Lyons broche Long and Square Shawls, of superior Quality, the latest designs, and best manufacture. Pans printed and broche figured Cashmere and Thibet Shawls, splendid qualities: black and choice colors, plain and embroidered Thibet Shawls, with rich silk fringes plain, plaid and figured and satin bordered, black and colored extra heavy uros ue uniue bnawis; superior quality Ottoman onawis, out and colored. Also, plain and ngured sQk and lace Shawls.

Also, a fun assortment of white black and colored, plain and uainask emnroidered crape bnawls and sianuea. Also, figured, plain and plaid black, white and colored barege Shawls Also, colored and black Stradella Shawls Also, colored camel's hair Shawls Also, a full anaortment of rich broche Cashmerd Scarfs, of va nous styles and sizes CLOAKS. SACKS, MANTILLAS. Ac Ac A large assortment of the latest Paris styles of rich brocade silk, satrD, satin de chine, cloth, velvet, plain and embroidered Thibet cloth cloaks Ac mostlyof Paris manufacture, comprising every variety of style and color, the best assortment ever ofiex-ed at public sale. MILLINERY GOODi Consisting of assorted Nos.

plain and rich broche figured and ptaid Paris atin and Poult de Soie Ribbons white and colored bat ins ros de A riques green and blue Bareges black and colored Velvets Crape, Crape Lisse. Brussels Laces, Ac Also, a large assortment of black and colored Gimps bullion Fringes silk Braids Jenny Lind Fringes, black lace trimming ana rruifcos, oc cc Also. 5 cases Irish Linens rich velvet vestings Canton cloths colored Cambrics sewing Silks Satin de Chine and watered silk Panfols black Italian Cravats fancy Hdkfs lldkis Aa All of the above stock to be sold without reserve. Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. William Kobbe, Auctioneer.

BY VAX WYCKE dc ROBBK, Store corner of Exchange Place and William street. WEDNESDAY. At 10 oVloek, at lhe auction room. FRENCH GOODS lot) cases comprising a complete assortment of French staple and fancy Dry Goods of recent importation, at a credit of six months for approved endora notes over aiou. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF NEEDLEWORK-ED EMBROIDERED AND LACE GOODS Including the entire stock of this seasons importation nf Messrs John HigKins A Ca, which will be sold without reserve before Uieir removal to 45 Broad street These irixxls will consist of the finest em broideries imported into this market selected with special care by one of the partners now in Europe, with a view to first class irane, and win comprise lull assortments oi every article in Una line.

Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. FRIDAY. At 10 o'clock, at the auction room, PACKAGE SALE OK PORKIftX AND IiOMESTTfS TPY Goods Broadcloths Cassimeres tailoring goods Ac at a credit of six months, for approved endorsed notes of $100 and up- wnrua. Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. SATURDAY, Dec ti.

At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. LARGE SALE OF PARIS FINE JEWELRY AND REAL AND PRECIOUS STONES Comprising bracelets crotwes breastpins riugs ear rings brooches Ac, Ac, net in diamond and precious stones at a eredit of 4 months fur all sums over tluu. Awx a lanre invoice of assorted sized diamonds nearla and fine and rare stones 1 hese goods will be onered in lots suitable to the trade oniy. Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale. C.

W. Foster, Auctioneer. BY FOSTERS tc LIVCVUeiTOX, Store No. 41 Broad street John Kudderow, Auctioneer. BY JOH.

RLHDEROW A CO.v Store No. 163 Pearl street, TUESDAY At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. CT-OTTIS. CASSI.MEKES. Ac from tlie shelves A sreneral aa.

ortment of cloths casaimeres satinets Ac WEDNESDAY. At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. CLOTHS. AaSl KEri. Ac- from the shelves A sreneral assortmeut of cloths cassimprea satinets Ac At lu oVlork, at the auction room.

CIXrTHP, CAlilMKKI--S. Ac, from the shelves A general assortment uf cloths cassimeres satinets Ac on a credit uf six montlis Henry L. Hojuet, Auctioneer. BY niTFJlM A IMMH CT, Store No. 13 William street, Liberal cash advances made upon consighcasnts when required.

MONDAY. At 10 nVlorlt at the auction room. CATAIXirK tiALE OF FRENCH, D1UT13H, GERMAN and American Dry Goods for cash. Also, a complete assortment uf woolen Hosiery, comprising Germantown woolen hofe. children's fancy plaid and striped do; woolen comforters of assorted shade and sites Ac Ac Also, au invoice or cherry, white, pmk aud ulue Pans quality Satin Hi boons Na 1 to i.

Also, an invoice of woolen Plaid Shawls Catalogues and samples on the morning of sale; TUESDAY. At 11 at the atierinn rrvim. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OF CAP FLUSH ES-On a rre-lit of ti months for approved endorsed notes (or all sums of at.oo aud upwards Comprising 80 pieces black, brown, garnet blue, transparent, crimson, aud fancy colored, superb quality, all silk Cap (Mushes. These Koods are entirely fresh goods having been received per steamer Africa, and hive not been offered, at private sale. Till RDAY, Dec 4.

At 10 o'clock, at the auction room, SPECIAL SALE EMBROIDERIES, LACES WTHTE Go IDS On a credit of 4 montlis lor approved notes for sums of iuoand upwards Comprising a splendid and desirable assortment of French and Swiss Application Lace and Embroidered Goods The above invoice has just been received per steamship Africa, aud the goods being particularly adapted to the season, will be sold to close the importation. Also, 2 cases rich needle worked embroidered and lace edge French Linen Hdkfs Also, lo cases rich, elegant and superbly wrought linen cambric collars feather edge do, volauvent do, rich peaji edge nee-dleworked bands needle embroidered standing cuffs; needl embroidered and trimmed putTed and sleeves needle em-broidereda nnd trimmed chemizettes and stomachers rich nee-dle worked and embroidered jaconet robee, Ac Ac Also, tore application and richly embroidered ca ps, bertha, Capes, cellars chemisettes Ac Also, superbly embroidered and lace application, Kossuth, Maria, and Louise undersleeves cuffs capes and chemizettes. Also, an invoice of white goods fine qualities S. Draper, Auctioneer. BY IIAGGEHTY, DRAPER Jt J0XE9, Store No.

54 William, corner of fine st TUESDAY At 10 o'clock, at tlie auction room. i PACK AfJE SAI.K At six montlis erediL for aooroved endors ed notes 300 packages Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, suit able lor the I all trade- Catalogues and samples on tne morning oj saie. John 11. Austen, Auctioneer. BY DAVID AlbTE-N, Store corner ot William street and Exchange Place.

THURSDAY. At 10 nVlnr-Ic at the auction room. PACKAGE SALE 3ou Dackairea Foreign and American Dry Goods, suitable for the fall trade. Catalogues and samples on uie morning oi saie. AT PRIVATE dALii SO cases furniture and fancy prints, 20 bales blue and printed denims 25 bales Wilmington and Laurel ticks.

Ho bales manner ft stripes Successors to James E. Cooley and Cooler A Keeae. store ios 3. and if uroauway, corner ot line SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 39.

At o'clock, at the auction room. A fine assortment of New English and American PuWications, embracing many finely iilustratefl copies Alo, the usual assortment of half and full bound Blank Books Stationery, Ac TLtaMIAK UOItM.Xi, IJsjC 3. At 1 1 o'clock, at the auction room. EXTENSIVE SALE OF RARE PALS TIN G5Mortly of great merit by old and celebrated masters The list will comorise about one hundred and fifty capital sub jects among which will be found the following errer, CtaivauM- nopo. VOtiriej.

vsrio win irwiugr chene. Van Bloeinen, Areoxzi, Girdano, Poussin, Albano, Piom- tX) del Sibaatiano, onunanuajo. megKeu. ernes oenwone, ku-beuA Rosso Florentiiio, Gessi Francisco, Scacaati, Barocci, Gui-do Beni, Gaiofiiio, Velasquea, Teniers Paul Patter, Cardi ai Co-goli, Saseaf arrato. and Von Or.

tvhali oner at tne same uinej, ue sura pvvmpturuy, ior account of whom il may concern, a large picture, suited for exhibition, very well known throughout the land, being Dunlap'a laitiiful copy of Benjamins West's renowned painting of Also, a full lenvth nature, by Boyle, oi Biahoo Hiiahea recent ly created tardinai. Also, an eiiueMrian picture of her majesty. Queen seer. Tins nainuna- is valued atone one thousand is consiucred the master piece of those great tuastera of art, 1'-Orsey and Landseer. At tne same tune win be offered a lew Tery rare LngraTings, coraprisuiir a set of 75 by Londoniu, (tlie master of Kaphelta Morgneusj bems the only ensravtLurs or this mawiter wtuclt can be bad in the country.

ny. logs, S3 crotches Gonaives mahoga- terms 4 months over I10CX appruTed endorsed notea faiairariiea at mrIh. At a o'clock, in Knano Day1, yard, foot of Coriear. at Mausanilla Cuba Cedar 31e log, Mn.nin, cedar, enutled to debenture, cargo ot brig Peri Attaal Intra oioa cevlar, per ong new noria Black Walnut Jdu black walnut and oak crutcnea. fine anali- ty, some niottled.

THURSDAY. Dec. A At 3 o'clock, at the toot uf Walnut street, in front of Chabert'a 31 1U. Hia Janeiro Rosewood 130 logs Rio Janeiro Eosewood. eoio- prisuig some large dark color veneer Wr A18Q.

2Ora VI OOQ lOgS SCUT, mw, per WMBXWt. Terms i months over luu, approved endorsed notea AT PMT ATS SALE Senna avta. a a ail nf van anaaftn- Kamn. mxr BY J. D.

BOLBROOK, AartioBeer, Hmni AA Pairl KtrveL J. D. Hnlbrook A (V, K.m I.V i. a la Parl a and are prepared to reraveoonsienrrienta of sJ articles usuaiiy sold at aucuun, aod are prepared to make liberal cash advances on goods 'hea required, bakaiof real estate, houseboat funu-I aveguiar Bale iiaya Aloodaur. nrr ilniilaj aad Pnday.

Homer Morgan, Auctioneer. BY HOMEK MOBGA.V, Store No. 1 Pine atrvtsL Homer Momn Will ai hi. Mrmal te. ha a.La boTanbold furniture aod omtoor sadea geBOrialy Aao, aaieaaf mm wi.ii swi4ts, a a uir TrnMMf, nl9 lm NOTICES.

NEW YORK, 8ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1851. New Your. Not. MSI tr otfrs-. An election will be held on MONDAY, the first of December next, at the Banking House of the Mechanics' Bantona Association.

No. iiaU all street, between the hours of 11 and i o'dort p. a. for seven Directors, (to supply the places of loose rxwe lerou will expire on taat uayj anu lor LQree laapec-tors of Election. The transfer oookl will be dosed from the 37th instant to 2d of December.

nlU Uri J. CORNELL, Cashier. IV An Rlessrlnn foe Tnraetnra the Unweev Rank will he held at tlie Banking House on TUESDAY, December 3d, The pou win oe open I rum LI clock a. until I p. a.

nlT dtDS s. G. BRADFORD. Cashier. I orlre.

An Flectinn fiw Twelve Tnreetora nf the Man. hattan Company will be heM at the Banking House. Na 40 au sireex, on nuilAl, the au dayor liecemoer next, mim ii-ioir. w. j.

m. uunier. November 1st, 185L nl td2 tir" Kol ship INDIANA from XEW 0RIJ1ANS, is ilischarging at pier 41. East River, foot of Pike street. Consignees are requested to attend to tlie receipt of their goods wiiituui ueiay nit FROST HICKS, S6 South street.

tW Xollce. The scliooner POCAHONTAS, from St Mark is uscnarging at pier 3i Lin River. Consignees will please at- teno to toe recant ol ttieir goods. ni ED. Hl'RLBCT CO, 4 South street tsT-JHr.

J. (inrdon. Consignee of one Trunk, received per stup auty last, win appty to p25 WM. XELsOX A SON. 6 South street he onMmre of two Trunks, marked N.

D. received per ship ClLAi HOLMES, lust, will please ap ply nu tiasi a wi.v, nii B5 South street FINANCIAL. XW Dividend. KxiCKEKBorggR Fntir l-Nsraira Compact or Nrw York. November 15th.

W.1 The Preklent and di rectors have this day declared a dividend of ten per cent, on the capital stock, payable on and after the first day of December next The transfer books will be closed from Juth instant, linn, me nrstuuy or Ueceuioer. liy nnier, nlo ha GEO. H0PQ3P0N. gec'y. I Ur" DirldVnd Manhattan Fin? Inmrancr romranv.

A dividend of Ten per CenL has been declared, payable on the firrt tlay of Decetuler next, at the office of the comp-tny. ajH vail street. The trans er books will be closed on the atih mnant. ay oruer 01 ute ikaru, D14 lm W.P. PALMER, Sewetary Bowtuit FiRg IxstraAXCK Compact,) tlllifp.

1'U IVPrtr rvu- llnanal ct XT Divldrnd Preftittent and Directors have this day declared a dividend of Ten iur pmhi tnr tt. 1 1. lujt I months, payable to the stockholders on and after the first of I Also, a full of Bay buta long aiutrsqaare, plain I 1 taer books wuJ be cloaed frora the 22d instant till that ntre sn.i nlaui (Uiawla I UV- DW OTdCT Ol Ul ItOarU. centres and Plaid Shawls Q. G.

TAYLOR, Secretary. Metropolitan Bank. Nonca tu DKPOtsrmas Rills of I me farmers Hang, at Mint; James Bank, and Bank of New nocneiie, are not received at una nr. October 1st, J. WILLI A MR, ol tf Cashier.

(Wl gfg 8IWMM). 20.KM-TO CAPP UU TALISTSEither of these sums of money can te invested a manuiactunng uusmess now in suc- ceivrui operation, for which sum a proportionate interest in the ownership and profits will be given, either as a special or general partner. The business is safe and profitable, the sales being made for cash. The amount is wanted to clear the establishment and businesH from liabilities of every kind, and to extend Uie billinrm To an nrann ilisruUMl fn maL-a llu. i.ivu.l.,,.nl further paicuhirs will be made know a The present proprietors are men of the first standing in tlie community.

Address with reai name in strict couUdence, 1U) box lOW Post uuice. je4 CO-PARTNERSHIPS. TOW DO The firm of B. and B. P.

Be Us is this day I dissolved hy mutual consent au DusmesH nt tne nnn to be settled hy Burrell Betta alone, ftiuveiuber lslh, IHL 111 I1KTT.S ltKNJAMIN Itt'TTS The business will be conducted hereiifter by the suimcriber on nis own account. tltKKfcLL IiKTTIn nli 2m Tow Boat Office, Nu. 3 South street 1T ri OF LI.YI1TKI) is ia hereby Biven, that a Uuiited Partnership is formed between the suliscnhers, pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, to he conducted the name or finn of -BLOSSOM A MilSAIi AV- in the eii. Vw turL That the tteneral nature of tlie business to be transacted is tlie general (rrocery, commission, and shijipiiiK and freiKhtina; business. Tluit Henry Blossom and John J.

Monahan are the general narUiers interested therein. Isith of whom reside in the city of New ork. and tliat Sumuel Burstow is the partner interested therein, and that he reside in the city of New York; and that the said Samuel Burstow. as such special piirtner, has coutnhuteil to the common stock of sai partnership fifteen thousand dollars in cash. That tlie said partnership is to com- Uience ou the first dav of Novemiier.

one eiirht l.nn. dred and fifty-one. and will terminate on the brat day of November, one thousand eiaht hundred and fifty -four. New York, November 1. lsol.


nKAKY WKLI AMI MTtll'iS ArDEMY FOR lancing and Graceful leportment at Stuyvesant lnati-tute. Broadway. The following are some of the new and fashionable dances and waltzes introduced and taueht by IL Wells and Sii-ter: La Cellurienne, La KosKuth, Li Nouvelle iscnnitisn. la Kedowa, la tariit7-i. La aNe Simple, La alse a Deux Temps I-aSiciilienne, La Polka M.aurVa.

la Valse Ellaler. Ia avhottish Simple. Ia Polka Simple. La Cracovia, La Valse 1 Henrietta. Ie Ouailrille 1 Star I Polka Quadrille, Le 0.ualrille Polka.

jt O-mdrille Onlinaii-e, La Noiiveau Cotillon, Ie Sianish Cotillon, El Ilahanero La Tamjte-te, Ac Classes fur Masters and Misses on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 o'clock. Classes likewise, for Masters and Misses, on Tuesday ami at threo o'clock. The tevona for adults will given by courses of 1 earn, aw i wui take piace every Montiay and lhursday, at eight p. m. for gentlemen, and at ten a.

a for ladies These, lessons are desigued for the adept to practice aa well as for the beginners Hours devoted especially, mornings and evenings for private lestsuus either at our Academy, or at -ucrcaiueiices oi lam'ues niutl OTU'K. Mrs MEARS has removed her French and Eng-L lish BOARDING and DAY 8CHOOL for YOUNG LA LI KS, to Na 34 West Fifteenth street, (below the 5th avnu0 Where 9he ha.1 lnmtwnl nrnilimivl.tiitint Inp Rnunliiiar n.t linn uinis. at nM ruteentn aireet or ai liV wir. utvv jii i.

i an-vaa v. UUAJ- CaV -J AA I tat. JT. UU 11U W.ANTS. ATF1 Baine Teleniph Stork of tills state.

Alao, the New York Oil Mamifaf turers' Company, ILBarMiniug company, meaoove -toi-K want en uy n2iH MILLER A COw up stairs ATEH A room for a single gentleman, with or with- 11 out partial board. Address A CO at this ollice. VT-A VTED A situation aa Chamber Maid, bv a young fl woman who can come well recommended. She is also good scamatt ess Awly, or address post paid, to J. Bookstore, 47 Atlantic st, Brooklyn.

in exchanae for Straw Goods bills on the fol- lowing banka: A'tos Bank of Clymer. Bank of New Rochelle. Bank of Mina. N. Bank of Salisbury, M.

I Commercial Bank of Perth Am boy, Peopka1 Bank. Patterson. N. cwie Donaui uunois at at ntf tf 66 Broadway, up stairs AVTKD A respectable lad, 14 or 15 years old, to go of ww errands, and make himself uacfiil in a store. Apply to I j.

aai i Am, aw Broadway. UrOM WA.ThD-To Uke entire charge of the culinary department of a plain family, (consisting of live single gentlemen and one lady.) on or about the first of November. She must le a good washer and ironcr, and come well recommended. An American preferred, but nativity will not be ui ited ad an objection, if tlie applicant otherwise suit. Please address a note CO IK.

and seud it post paid, to the bookstore I(IViiDOK FIKI-HKI WWTKII at iNear the city lor tne winter, hy a small quiet family. xceptinnable references given. lorx. FOR ALK 407 acres of fine tilled land in Pennsvl- vania for sale, or exchange for city property, by uz2 cutiouroauway, up stairs LOFT TO LET I'F XRI. tT.

The flnt loft of mi Pearl street near John street ntted with class cases. i.OC APPiyiO V.VL 11. t'AKI A 'I- session given immediately. Broad street o21 tf Na 345 Pearl st Inquire on the premises or at I MARCUS SPRING A CO. CLIFTON.

KTATEM IKLAD. FOR 8ALE Building lots and cottage sites with a commanding view of the Bay. The constant communication with the rit v. vicinity of church, schools and markets, with the uneaualled beauty of tlie view and drives, render this property unsurpassed by any in the neighborhood of New York. The avenues are being graded 70 feet wide, and to those proposing to build immediately, every facility will be offered.

WM. VAS WAGENEN, se303m Post's Bnldiogs Hanover street aAi FOR ALK A delightful residence, opposite Ru-t i per1 College, in the city of New Bruiuwick, N. J. Houte 4o feet sauare. with niazza front and rear, lanre riutet.

ct'lumns in front; 19 rooms ground 17 feet front and rear, by 214 feet deep, fronting on Somerset and Washington streets Fruit of every variety, and in great aoundance no grape vines; flowers shrubbery, Ac A. B. VANDERPOEL, ft l8 illiam street TACAVT LOTS I BROOKLYN' TO LKT 14 lots bounded by Bridfra, Plymouth, and Water streets La part or the whole with a new brick build ma on one of iie lots suitable for a ahon er factory. Annlv to WM. H.

CARY tu, as.) feari wl. HEAL KKT ATE IV RAH WAY. IV. J. For sale.

a larm acres. A bouse and lot with 4x acrea a oncK store and lot if ny ii leet A dwelling house and lot by Hi fees A shop and stable on lot 45 by 113 feet A large double boose in upper Rah way, 60 by 113 feet A handsome dwelling house ia upper Rahway. lot too by 130 I sceu Appiyio A. ik A JJf.KrUti feia William street COAL. ueen ictona i a Victoria Ma tonTorrelCoiV.

iu cuineaa. ana 1: euineas, and aiiiMJAV tvt.l.u, nee e. At o'clock, at the auction room. And the subsequent evening of tbe week. LOT SALE The and erwn-n will hoM It Sal.

nf Unnlnv aia, vt um ereu uirec. irom me suin. a tso ka sale, laaca-awanna, Lehiph. Peach Orchard, and Cannel coals. a.

mm sw.t. k. vo. oo Aiurray, cur. canal anu rJm, and n3t cor.

Jane and West streets. raper. Btauunery. Annuals, and other article suited to the Ho- I af-to AT. I have now afloat and diariu-in.

rf uday reason, commencu.g on the ioth of Nove mber next, and tPeach OrchartiSiearSli 1 nnnfinn.1 nn lh. i- ..1 .1.1 1 VTCOini tnue aTM SViTe COaL And am also 1 muiaiid Mm na AnA 1. Consignments respectfully sohciaed. on rath ainnM wia ue inau. wnen requirea.

i.1 A KAH LKI, cwuceawn tojamee r. cooley and Cooley Keese, 877 and Bradway, cornes of White tL Walden Pell, Auctioneer. BY PELLS A Store Ko. 109 Pearl street, HanoTer Square. TrESDAT.

iw i At o'clock, at Oonstanune's yard, foot of Broome st IJIAt lIKt HtRU -0L, LWOIVJ Discharging, a cargo of Egg and tore sizes, of A 1 quality, and sold at less than the yard price, if taken dirnet from th. iui- jmuiKi auu uvcrvooi iiH.Kt.KVE Co, 88 Murray, eor. Canal and Kim, and cor. Jane and West sts. 1 diacnarging Cannel and dney coal, in first rate order, and of a oa.

am uica-r vimh. uucr iur saie irom vessel or yard, at 1 the lowest possible prices. Every other description of coal al- a-atj. III 1 lKtl 13. tTOaClWay, nl and Fourth, cor.

Thompson. ED AD WHITK ASH COAL AFLO I unr this week, ww-i of (Whanl i I WliiteAsh. of aualilies interior to none hrainrht tn m.i, i I sold at a reduction from yard prices, if taken direct from the I boats. 8. a 1.F.EVE CO, Murray, and cor, tanat ana ram, ana cor.

Jane and est su Port an Prince Mahogany ot logs, aba crotches Port au Prince IVERPOOL ORREL CO AI Now landing, a cargo of mahogany, per bng Uayo. WA Halliburton's Urrel Coai dected uprees Ij-lor famuy use. Htim, Ivfra famila junaivea Atatiogany- 1 .1 .1 1 I awaamiUIWIMU.IUISUCIU,,Uf a., laroanway, ol3 and Fourth, cor. Thompson.

trK4Wtt til l. The TVLiwar. nxt n.l S-i Canal Company are now selling their Coal by the cargo at I wa awv.uj. yiM, pa auafe u. aW III.

U1C WUan At EoodouL At New York Lamp Ci IS S3 64 Grate. ISO Kl Pea a au a lai An additional charge of five cents per ton Is made at New or. when dearered to shipping. ttuouout, tr all street, sew York, aa, oepr. jo, 1501.

aelb tf ESTBIVELT OE LAIATERb7 Wyoming Coal Yard, Corwerof Flftecnta street and Math Avenue. AH kind, of Anthracite and Kttauaota Coata. Hy the toaor cargo. J. J.


Bunker nritrpfl ru Paints, Oils, CUa, Varniailies, Ac, AVE CAtstanUy oo hand, and fur taaW Wliit TW and in Oil Whit and cnLvtri i.w. -kVv- 1 wtth a general assortment of 1 uaaja, Haw, AT-OTL Sperm, Lara, and Refined Whale Oi. of the b-a sjotdities, tar THE EVENING POST. POEM AT LTTCHTIKLIX, COXX TBM OOCASIOV OF THE CZSTbTSKIAI CaLBBBATIOW, ISoL, BT REV. ioin PIERPOVT.

One hnndred times hath this celestial vphera Marked, on its orbit a ompleted year. Since, with a bandage over both her eyes And her scales bfted lerel towards the skiea. Her drawn sword waiting on her royal wiU, Jwtir first took her seat upon this biS. In legal form her jmljrments to dimense. And make her shield the citiseo's defence: Justice, the regent spirit that presides In every hut where love with peace abides; In every shop, where thrifty labor delves And piles his honest earnings on his ah elves In every church, whose preacher stands una wed.

Though rich men frown, and no man dares applata And. bold as Paul, and yet as Moses meek. Speaks out (rod's truth, as God would have him speak; In every halL where righteous laws are made. Or. of a stale.

Ute sore foundations laid tn- Addreag box IM, Post Office, sell! HOl'SE WATKI. By the first of January next, a two-story, or small three-story House, in a resoectalile neigh borhood, above Canal street, west of Itroadway and south of I lotn street, riease ait.u-ess dox aiu t'ost uaice. nl WAITED TO It CAT. An unfurnished house on west side of Broadway, between Chambers and ennnn mmi tteBt aDOUt fOtM. Apply at i TAYTOrVS.

oi tf Si7 Broadway. FOR SALEnoiTTisETr" rjlO LET An unfurnished front room, with pantry attached also, one or two other rooms that are furnishtvk with nar- tial board; single gentlemen preferred; at $14 Broadway.just axrove jutn sireei. iteierences excnange-L 014 kFFK'E TO LET In the first loft of Na 2.11 Peart street Apply to WM. IL CARY A CU. nil 45 Pearl street near Jolin street Where arnates comiael weiy tor lhe re-ihn.

Or, with true greatness monarchs hold the helm Of the wide empire given to their trust; Nay where, heaven, the Almighty and AJWOafU Over all empires and all worlds supreme. Weighs Icings and culprits with an even beam. One hundred times hath Winter, drear and ciull In his snow-blanket wrapped this sleeping hdl! One hundred times Ktth Spring, her naked feet All red with snowbrotb and ditwolring sleet. With snail pace, toiling up her cold sides, crept. And drawn that blanket (XT, while yet she slepW And, blowing hard, to kindle up a name.

Hath started out some ind flowers ere Jane came: One hundred times hath Summer, blight and hntf, Rotted in green grass in bloatsum, and in leal. This and tlie airier hills that on each aide. Smile on her, an do bride-maids on a bride: Ami then, one hundred times hath Autumn come, And that right early." to sing lletrvest Houm; And. dreamy Indian Summer being o'r. Hath given her back to Winter's arms once mora.

One hundred years have brought their bloom and Iruii, Pine "every one wtio had a cause or suit" Might "come up hither" and present ht claim. With do misgivings that whoever came With a giMid cause, good witnesses food men t'non the bench as iudgi-s anL again. ith twelve honest jurors if he saw Tliat well-fee'd "counsel. Warned in the law, Had courage, after half a dosen fights. Would stand an even chance to get hM rights And then, at last the controversy o'er.

The case all setUed, to be tried no mora, Those hundred years as onward they have swept. Have seen bow calm the litigants have alept: Judge, jury, counsel, partbca have withdrawi-w And to a higher bar together gone. Where every right decree is ratified. And every wrung, reversed and set aside. Those hundrel years have seen reat changes her.

For changes come with every cirri, ig year. No little change this very hill hath i'elt; Time's patient eye can see it stowlv melt. With every rain; see Bantam River take Some of its soil to fill up yonder lak-. And. as the wind sweeps oer it aee each gust Take on its wings a portion of its dust And bear it off forever: thoj thia hill Itself is changed nothing on earth stands atill The ea rth itself, sine from God's hand it came, Hath never seen two centuries the same.

Its Alpine Nee-lies" shooting up, in front Of melting glaciers annually grow more blunt i-" "iir vi men criAKK "lean iu crn.t nac pjv Cn.ler the power of water aod of frost Heights gruw less high, with every shower, that ahsua Its Hoftening intiuem on their rocky heads AnL aa tlie rocks disintegrating throw Their fragments, crumhung inus soiL beJow The witter broots that run among the hills. To cheer tlie valleys and to drive the mills On their way aea-wanl, bear the mountain's ffifU The river's bed, or sunken pbvn to lilt. And push old Neptune, though he storm and roar. Hack from the line tliat marked his ancient shore, The Nile, tlie Miajaissippi, and the Po, Rear tus exulting, as to sa they go. Kich hi own burden, to enrvh his plain.

Or win, for man, new conquesta from the main. So, every year, does this our beauteous star. Borne round her orbit in her viewless car. Her f.u-e more beautiful display. As every year, dark forests melt away.

And. in their sti- td, glad husbandmen behold Fields now all green, now ripening into gold While those old central tires tliat ever glow In the deep ca vents of the world below, Frora age to age, the fuaail wealth refine. Tliat lies locked up in quarry and in mine. In God's own time to grope its tardy way, I'p. from eternal darkness into day: To Iwk in sunshine, on a mountain's bead.

To roil, with stnds along a river's bed. To gusli, for sick ooes in a mineral spring. To bluh. for fair ones in a ruby ring. For orient queens their radiance to throw.

With Koid and silver, from a rich trousseau. To grace a noble, as a star of gems For kings to sparkle in their uiadeiiis So with the of this changeful earth Birth, growth, maturity, decay, death, birth, In one perpetual circle roll along The strong gruw feeble, and the feel 4e strong; Thy children's massy locks grow thin and gray: 'i'lfir children take their place, and where are thsy T9 Thy fathers Litchfield County, are at rest: Thy children meet to-day, to call thee blest Honored and loved, as by them all thou art They leave their homes and gather to thy heart-To see once more thy venerable face. Once more to feel thy motherly embrace, Each others voice to hear, toclasp once mora Earh other's hand, still warm, and to implore God' bieing on thee, for ail coming time: Me have they asked to bring a gift in rhyme. To thee, our mother: cheerfully 1 bring The best 1 have; pray take my offering. My native County, from thy nursing breast.

Young I withdrew untk Iged I left my neat, A mouest mansion, in a sunny nook. Tall trees behind it and a babbling brook Flowing in front not that I spurned the spot, Nor, Kood old LitchHekt that I loved thee not; But tliat where broader Aeldi before me spread. With ray one talent I might buy ray bread. And now, for more titan half th time tliat fills Tlie century's chvle. alnce upon thy hills Has justice, laying judgment to the line, her homo, thou never bast been mine So tliat while many a worthier son hast Utou, To wreath a eartand for thv honored brow.

Worthier, since having longer seen thy fitce 1-ain in thy lap and felt thy kind embrace. He better knows thee, and might now reltearse, Our common mother's praise in loftier verse, Thau can the wandering, yet not wayward child. Upon whoee face thou bant so rarely smiled None is more happy at thy knee to stwd. And lay his filial offering in thy hand. Of all who fill thy balls and thmng thy door.

Who know thee better, not who love thee more. When, on a day like this we come, dear mother To honor thee, and welcome one another To tlie old hoiueHlead. nature bids us look. Tosee what names are blotted frora thy book. And what remain, of those we used to see Honoring themselves and, in tliat, honoring thee.

Myself a stranger, I can only touch Upou a few, perliap e'en that's loo much. O'er once familiar names aaliade is thrown. Ami names now honored are to me unknown; Those from my memory I may never blot; Will these forgive me if 1 name them not Thy Reverend Cham jtion. champion of the truth I aee him yet as in my early outh Hisoutward man was rather h-rt than talk His wig was ample, though his frame was atnalk Active lib stfp, and cheerful ras his air. And bow free and fluent was his prayer! He sleeps iu peace and honor; but no son Uphold hia name.

Hw followers Huntington hti-wr. and all who, since, have filled his place, Are running yet and running well their race. 4'ttiihtM. who prophesied ere Chumtthm came. Has heirs to uphold his venerable name; But other names names honored more or less.

Known or unknown to me. around me press: Some were familiar to my childish ear. Others I knew not till I saw them here; A few of them into ray verse I weave; The i est to (ate and tardier Fame, I leave. This is demanded by the fleeting hour; And over Uiat not bards themselves have power. a ChMren.

like these, hast thou no cause to curse Nor they, in turn, their mother and their nurse. hue thou regard at them with a mother's pride. They owe thee much, nor be that debt deiiied. Small claim to filial love hath in store, Who gives hr children birth, and nothing more In her arms foldeL tolier bosom prest. They must be nourished at her loving breast Taught pity by Iter sympathiriug sigh, 4 'heered by the light that sparkles in her eye.

Braced in their arms as round her neck they cling. And in their legs aa on her knees they spring. Then taught tu walk, by tottling on the Uoor, And to get up. by tumMing out of door, '1 ilk by her training, hardy, but discreet Having acquired the use of hands and feet. With something iu their heads the little elves Are turned adrift and toM to help themselves; So do thy chiMreu.

Lilehlield, owe to thee. And thy hard trvatnieot wliat they've come to be A vigorous race from a harsh nursery. For, when thy skies have smiled, and wept, and scowled, Aud tliy winds cut and sghed. and swept aud howled. Aud they have borue the various buOeting, They've had to bear.

they can stand any thing. Bo has it been since first the race began So must it be tlie character of man. Objects around, in nature or in art Do much in moulding each performs its part Mountain, lake, forest waterfall, the sea. The hiarh or low land where his borne may be Hi home itself, a palace or a shed, The air he breathes the soil that gives htm bread. The stock he springs from, whether weak or strong, is early tr-tiiiing.

whet her right or WTong, His native cliimtte, rigorous or kiniL More or less work, or masrie or oi mino. The state, tlie church. her or alone, Tne ballot-box. the altv and tlie tii-wie. All help, the vJiixiAor oi man to irame.

let leave ho nature as iroin iron New England's air, her bleak and rocky hula. Her crystal springs, cold we' Is. and babbling riQa, Her sou. that drives her children to their work. By this most Christian onler.

"Starve the shirk. Have not done every thing, but have gone far, To make New KngUnrl's ctuldren what they are. Her keen northwesters force the oxygen, fresh and comlerued, into her growing men; Her unshod boys, at day-break, are air. To pick up chestuuta, beaten from the bur By those northwesters; aud when falls the snow. And they, no longer, can nut-gathering go, They, in the snow find exercise and sport Tlie snow-ball missile, and tlie snow ball fiat: And, as the battle rages, and cold shot Fly through the air innocuous, let us not These mimic battles of the boys condemn They make the snow-balls, and the snow balls thara.

These forming powers produce a race of men, Not seen before, nor to be seen agaut. On the round world a stirring, hanly race, Keen. carefoL daring, ready embrace Peril for profit, in each form, or all The forms encountered by the Apostle Paul Perils, that press around the pioneer, The fearful antlers of the hunted deer. The ambushed Indian's arrow, or hat slog. The panther's leap, or Bruin hearty hug Penis that round the full packed poller press, Orinthecityortlie wilderness Perils of robbers, perils oo the seas, Perils from heathens, Tartar or Tongeae, Perils of waters, such aa those assad, bo board an ice-berg, or harpoon a whale.

Perils that throng the Amazon or Nile The anacotxla or the CTocoiile Perils from famine, perils to his neck. Kniru Lynch'slaw or the niaraader's deck: Perils from thieves, while trailing at Loo-Chco. Of getting lost in finding Timbuctoo; By the rspokanes. of having his head flatted. By the Typees, of being kept and fatted.

Or, by the r'ejee, to a jelly beaten. Or. by New Zealanders, baked crisp and eaten; Perils by float and fire and perils, then. Worse than all these from has own csiuntrjinen. These penis aJL the Yankee will despise.

When be has' speculation in his eyea" were hard, indeed, exactly to deSn, The Yankee nation by a boundary line But draw one north, that on the west shall ran. Of FairtieH Litchfield. Berkshire, Bennington. On. towards the polar Bear, till you arrive At the north parauei of forty-fire Thence towards the rising sun, until yon tread On the last rock fallen off from Qanddy Head; Between those limits, aad th' todctited shor-.

Among whose crags th Atlantic billows roar. The region aea of which, if e'er bereft. The Yankee tiAUau will nave bttlelen. Here dwells a people by their leave I apMk Peculiar, hon-og-eneoua and nninne. ith eyes wide open, and a raady ear, Whate'cr is going on usee and hear; Nay, they do uy, tbe genuine Yankee keeps One eye half open, when he soundest Seeps Indaeuious.

careful how be spends his casri (Though wbe. he pH-ases he can "cut a dash) Quick at his buancss. in tbe field ar shop. Hell traffic with you. boy.

or sett, or swap And. you get iie better ia the trade. You earn your money, and your fortune, made. Think you to joke him. as you cross his track The chance with lum.

tliat hell joke yoa back And. your shaft goes aearsr to the spot, Than hia, well dub you an aa-ccaoplakhed shot. Or. in this wordy war, should it ensue. That the lauga rests not upon him, bos f-stfc And.

feeling galled that in a bout at wis. He, given, aod yoa have got the harder bit. Sftouai you, in wrath, attempt to tweak DJ. oca. Or with your bcovbeel grind bis boulUm loas; Or should yoa.

rather, to your fight enaat A smgle barrel, tnaa a oooue nsl. For either job, a battle er a spat. Tbe Yankee read. If acomea to that 4Kl 0m. NO.

18 NASSAU, NEAR PINE ST. He lows his neighbor, and he fovea his wife: And why not love ber? Was she not the pearl Above all price, while yet she was a girl And has she not increased value smce. Till, in ber love, he's richer than a prince Not fovea Yankee wife what under Iharm, roali he fove. then, and hope to be forgiven bo fair, so faith fuL intent to please. A help" so meet" in health or in disease, A counselor, at once so true and wise.

Bound to his heart by so endearing ties, The cheerful sharer of his earthly lot Wliether his home's a palace or a cot, W'hether she glides her Turkish carpet o'er. Or sweeps, hare-footed, ber own earthen floor The guardian angel who shall hold bim up. W'h'le passing near tlie Tempter's couch or cup Not love his wife, so constant and so tree Of si) unfaithful wiv-a bow very few Are there, or have, there been, who made their bed. Iwixt Byram Hirer moutlt. aod tfuoddy'.

htaJl And tien. aurh house-wives as the. Yankemak, What cant they do Bread, potding. pastry, cake. Biscuit and buns, can they mouki.

roU. and bake. AU they o'er see: their bahea, ttieir singing birds. Parlor and kitchen, company and cur.ia. Daughter and dairy, linens and the lunch For out-door lahnrer-i.

in-tead of punch-Trie balls of butter, kept au sweet and cool. AO the boys heads, hef.ire they go to school. Their bonks, their elnthes. their Won. and the ball.

That rite has wound and covered for tJirm ail. AU a o'er-een I o'erseen Nay it is ooma Bv these same Yankee wives ir you have run Thus far without one. towards your setting sua. Lose no more tune, my friend, go home and speak tor one! The Yankee boy. before he's tent to school.

Well knows the my steries of that tnagic tool. The pock-t-knife. To that his wn-tful eve Turns, while he bears his roother's lullaby:" His hoarded cent, he gladly give, to get it Then leaves no untunii'd. till he can whet ft And, the education of the bid. No Utile part that implement hath had lib pocket-knife to the young whittier brings A growing knowledge nf material things.

ProjeetiH-s, mnir, and the sculptor's art His chestnut wruslle. and his shingle dart. His elder pop-guti with its hickory rod. It sharp explfMon and rebounding wad. His cor-Testalk fiddle, and the d-etiertone.

That murmurs from bis pumpkin-lraf tromtiotte, Conspire to teach the boy. To these succeed His bow, bis arrow of a feathered reed. Hi. winct-milL raised the passing breeze to win. His water-wheel tliat turns upi a pin Or If hi.

father livm tiratn the shore. You'll see his ship, "beam-ends upon the floor," un-ngge'L with raking masts, ami timiiera su And waifinv ii-r tiie wash-tula Iur a launch. Thus by bis genius and hi. jack-knife driven. r.e-re long lie ll solve you any proniero given i Make any gim-crack.

musical or mute, A plough, a coach, an organ or a flute, Make you a loeoumtir or a dork. Cut a canal or build a floating dock. Or lead forth Beauty from a marble Mock Make any thing, to short for aa or shore, From a child's rattle to a Seventy-four Malt. sai I Ay, when he undertake, Hell make the tiling. anl the machine that makes It And, when the thing is maile.

whether It be To move oo ear-tin in air, or on the sea. Whether on water, o'er the waves to glide, Or. upon tan. I. to roll revolve, or slide.

Whether to whirl, or jar. to strike or ring, hether it be a piston or a spring. Wheel ptlllv. tnbe nmorous. wood of brass, Tlie thing designed shall surely come to pass For, when his hand', upon you may know.

That there's go it aud bell make il go, Pee, what hue come nf this mercurial cast Of Yankee mind, within a century past: Nay. within half that time come, go with me, To such a farm-boiis. a. we hm.1 to see. Or may see yet on any of the hills.

That with tus sons, the latrhtletd farmer tilkt No wave or wizard's wanl we need to throw Ourselves hark, half a century ago I-s-t go in. then, friend a. you down there. On that Inard sur. iw splinter bottomed chair: Beside tlie hlaaing fire of hissing logs, Keptfrora the hritrth-wme by cast iron dogs, There, on her lowly the housewife see, A pair of hand-canls pressed upon her knee IVrsall ami IVIL" upon the back displayett Informs the world by whom tlnr-.

cards were made I A he.n nf entann. Ivin. her aale Cottoti that her own hids have wash-d and dried Anl as her busy hands their t-isk perform. hite as a snow-wre-un. in a Chnstma.

storm. The pile of rolls swells slowly, as the day, W'asling her patient spirit wears away. Then. when, at Inst her weary lalsir o'er. The raw materinl tiken from the floor.

In her left hant and by her magic sleight l.aid loosely in tlie basket on her right Then comes the thought win doth not with her feel? These rolls mu-t now be upon the wheel Tlie spinning wheel! ne'er was that monster dumb! Fiuiy and late, you tieard its d4eful hunt' fTen from the ning ti the setting sun. Fairly and Lite, tlie weary woman spun, ith only this, to help her bear tlie curse -A fearful looking something worse. Tea: for although you may have lieid it hard. Day in and out that cotton thus to carl Though you might alm st hold It as a sin. Day in and out that cotton thus to spin We must insist upon it with your leave.

Twcre worse, that cotton in a loom lo weave, And could tliat wouiait as she sat so meek. Carding her white rilis, or as. week by week. Herspinile's dull premonitory hum, Were hennl Icive failed lo think of spools, and thrums? Have failed to see. amid tlie gathering gloom.

Tbe reed and treadles of the uppruatuuig foam? Let us be just That true devoted dame W'e need not name her here, nor fear to name Her lalior Uy iu no ignoble line Fhe mav liave been motlier she irxte mine let us be just; that faithful woman had One tliought. am, 1st her toils, to make her glad. Her motiier's lot compared with hers, was Lard: Her mother no cotton wool to card Ami to her mother's lot it never ft-lL To use the cards, made by Persall and Pell Her mother's wheel it may have been as big As was her own it was not yet so trig: Fhe'd seen such progreas, in the arts of li life. As much to aid the mother and the wife. Where'er the husband or tlie child might roam, In making, for them both, a happy home.

O. hal that house-wife as, fatigued with toil, Phe sat and watched to see the kettle bod, evening tm. oti-erved the iron crown Of hr tv. bubU. o.

aawl loan. And seen tbe vapor, as it issued out Poow white, aiei hissing, from the heated snoot; Wreathe itself up. all spirit like anil warm. Into the semblance of an angel form een it utif.rf.1 its wings, and lieaed it say tt utnan. fear not Iur Uiou slialt see tiie day.

Wlien I. yes 1 the vapor Unit 1 scero. -Uf and water Ikii-ii. anU baptised ill save you all this labor; i wiu gin Your i-olUin first, then will I card and spin. ItecL wah.

dry. the tilling, size the warp; Nay. if both your eyes you look out sharp, You'll so? me Hing it so that both your eyes Shall fail to see the shuttle, as it Hies. AtuL as the shuttle shooti. the reed shall strike 111 drive them both, and drive them both alike.

Ami when the well is through the loom, by dint Of my own power, 11) calender and print Ay. maitatu. through these laimrs will I go. And give your daughters printed calico, "tor less than half Uie money, by the yard, Now paiil per pounii, for euuoit thai you card. "Nay.

ma'am, that boy, who, as I tell you this, Hears, in my voice nought hut the kettle, hiss, "That boy by spinning, from his towy bead, And reeiing ull lines about cotton Uiread, Mixll buy more oouou atiirtiug. in one even. Than you can card and spin, tliis Sale of heaven Hail the rtearo hpint then and thus addressed Tier who loved Lie wtiora 1 loveit first and best Would she not starting up. have screamed a Mrream," And cried I know thee, thou foul spirit of steam' I see tlion ri-est from the tires below both wiio thou art and whit thou wnuldst I know; I know tliou liest I'll have no part with thee 1 Ilevil avaunt will m4 taste thy Tiu Yet have we seen the I'ower tliat we suppose, Tn Uavespnken thus titan the tea-kettle's nose. More than nrtk 'gool wliat first, appeared to be At once a boast! ul aud folae prophecy.

The wings of Tline, who ne'er suspends his flight, W'dl not allow, although your patience might Your bard to the multitude of Unngs, That time has brought us. on Uiose sweeping wings, Kruio Yanke genius, mdustry and skilL bmee Justice look her seat upon tins InU Innumerable tilings, contrived as means Of -avlng labor: multif'irra machines, lmiietled by wiwl by water and by steam. By at tee p. by bonass. by tlie tardier team rf iHillocka, nay, for labors very nice.

Mills and machinery that are worked hy mice! A lathe, that turns, out of a wooden block, A last an ax-helve, or a musket stock. Nay il you ll stand so, that it can get at you. win i vim vn. mm a marine ataine. A pnnUng press, that by hot water power.

Prints twenty thousand volumes in an hour! A ear, that if you wish to run away. Will carry you three hundred miles a day! But thing uut that when in that car. you've fled, you Are oo so last Uiat notluug else can heart you. it so you ve tnougnt wmiout your host you vc ne news snail run a inousarei miles a secouo. Along a wire, by Yankee genius given.

To make a tell-tale ot the lire from heaven And, if your friends are an.sius to re-tore you, Tbe lightning statu next day, and gets there long before you Tis not my purpose to appropriate All tliat is clever to our nauve State Tbe children of her swter states, our cousins. Present their eUiius mlVm Uiera though ITJ dfrttns ere not like dugs, ail hghtaig for a bone. And every snarler growling oer bi. own Not like the runners that enrolled their names For wreaths of laurel Hi tlie Pytinan games Fist, mere, though all ran well who ran tbe beat. Alone bore off the crown from all the rest We would be just and.

i-o. divide Uie bays' The wtt a common oHxttnonbethe praise. But when we've weighed them, in a balance t-ras. And given our cousins lUi that their due, dl nut tlieuiselves as-knowleilge that the weight Inclines in favor of "Uie Nutmeg Tliat true and tine as is tle-ir razor set. Ours has an edge a UrtW finer yet Tliat tliough Uieirs leaves tlie visage very sleek.

Ours hugs, a tnlle closer, to the cheek 't ho tliat ui all that give. lh. Yankee place In Uie front rank of Uie whol. human race. Among her si-ters.

when all's nasi and done," Our little Motlier must rank. Number One. Waal if her faUh. lo wtui-h clings as true, Appears, to some eye, slightly eingeil with Oiumt lib blue (is blue, as-de Irom any asm, find no fault tiie spectrum of a prism. The raiubow, and the flowen-ue-iuce.

that look. At their own beauty, in the glassy brook. Phow ua a blue, that never Lai is to please Ni does yon lake, when nppied by a breese In morning glones blue looks very well And in the little tlower. tuey call "blue beU. No better color is there for tiie sky.

Or. as think, for a bfomle beauty's eye. It's very preuy for a lady's bonnet Or for Uie ribbon that she put. upon it But her taitlu as also in ber face, tsuoie will insist thai blue is out of place: As all agree it would hem uie rose, brie wean, anil perad venture, in Aer ansa, till for ber shrewdness, must the -Nutmeg Slate As Nuwaber One, among ber -asters rate; And which, of all Aer counties, will compare. For siae or strength, tir water, soil or air.

With our good mother county '( Which bas sown Her ctiiVtreu. broad-cast o'er a wider soua. Around Uie gfobe Anil has she not by far, Out-doue the rest, in giving, to the bar. And to the beOA'h. for hah of all her year, The bngutest name, of half the hemispheres Nor have Creation's UnW engnse.l her care CreatiouB Itvliem have leceiveil tiiear share: For.

when to Keeve and Gould tiie fua-mer came, To Pierce the Latter Pierce, an honored tiaine Yea. thnce and four times booorel when it stands Beside Aa. name, whocoes. with bloody band. From Del, of battle though tbe appuudmg atiotxt From Myriad oajuihs and musket.

call at out Though by him, armies were to vk-tory led, Aad groves of laurel grow upon ha Bead BfoodV-sathe honors that to Pierce are paid: Bioiles. the garlands on ber temples laid. To them, reproachful no poor widow turns No aster-, heart trteoua. and no mother mourn. Tone them fiounsfi.

Ne'er suali tbey be lorn From otf her honored brow a Long be they worn. To show the world how a g.jod Teacher's name Out-Weigh real worth, the proudest warnorl Our soother county never ahalt thou boast Of mighty ciUe or a Ha-waahed coast Not uuue the marts, where Commerce apr-avl, her wisga, And to her wharves the wealth of India beings: No field of thine has e'er beeo given lo fame. Or stamped, by History, with a hero's name; For, on no bead of thine was e'er displayed A hostile host or drawn a battle blade. The better booors Dime, that watt oa Peace. Thy sumac, are chosen, not from martial Cet-eeee, Wbose bloody laurels by the sword were and Marathon But from tbe 'JCal people, strong and freie.

Whose hills booked down upon the maliaoc sea, The Holy L-unl Thy Carimtl lifts hat head Over thy AisJeAevs thy house of bread" Not Ecrpt'a lead of tVoeAs-aea)taaled thine. For wealth of -Mature, er weU-favor-al km. While many a streamlex through thy C'tfaaoa flews, And thy blesme. msuiy a rose. But axsl-er Utciitiekt haM -tronger ravims To be railed holy, than thy holy name.

Can give thee. Reckon as thy jewels, then. Thv ssantly womea aod thy holy saem. gearc. have thuae early Sards tram sfoep awoke.

And up thy hiii-aades curls th. cottage SK-sake, ben riM, with n. on the avnuni air. The vote of Bsnsrhosl worahip aad of prayer Aad when the mgbt-btrd sanks upon ber oast To warm ber fievtatuiags her downy tit-east, In revered post 'ire, many a father stands. Aad.

o'er tus children, kiutvg holy handa. tiives them, aooua, the tauas-uiu of their While, -round ihew beala toear sugbdy vigu, kaa Those Angel aBmistxr. of heavenly grant a il I li-rlill And when the day t-euiroa lor kas to oaaaw. ah tbedisripk-saf the Prance of Peace, The race i-eapons-re of thy vtlage beha Praam hut and valley, ea the clear air sweOa, Aod thy hata aad dowa Ihy vaawy. go niis kt no trtinai sa la aeeteri.

tm Thy son, and daoghten, leieinilry slow. To eat the bread of life, their pastor bring- And pay their liotnage to the king of kings. land of my birth, thou fi-J a holy Wnd Strong in thy virtue may'st thna ver stand. A. 10 thy tnd and mountains thou art strong! And, as thy atountaun echoes now prolong The cadence of thy water-tails forever Be tbe voice la-tad op of Time, broad nresv As oo a ruatie.

to the eternal sea. Sounding toe praise of thy tuns sod Thee WHALE KILLING. Frwsa Moby IMc-h." Mr. Herman Melville, in bis new sek-gtoTT, de scribes a marveUotu chase a whalinjr mocMxnanutc after tbe Moby nick," tbe fabulous leviathan of tbe sailors, daring wbicb be probably let as into tbe realities oi actual whaling as minutely and faithfully as any sea-author bas ever done. shall give a I couple of paavutges, hoping that they will put the leader on tbe look-out for the book itaelf.

If to Starbuck the apparition of the Squid was a thing of portents, to Queequeg it was quite a diflerent object. ben Ton tee turn, quid, said Uie garage. boning his harpoon in the bow of bis hoisted boat, then you quick see bim, parra whale." i ne next aay was exceedinplv still and sultry, ana with nothing special to engage them, the Pes-nod's crew could hardly resist the stieLl of sleep induoed by such a vacant sea. For this part of tbe Indian Ocean through which we were then m-raging ia not what whalemen call a lively ground that is it affords fewer glimpses of porpoises, dolphins, tiring fish, and other vivacious denizens of more stirring waters, than thov off the Kio de la Plata, or tbe inshore ground oil Peru. It was my turn to stand at the foremast head; and with my sltouldera le-ininr against the slackened roral shrouds, to and tro, idly swayed in what seemed an enchanted air.

No resolution could withstand It in that dreamy mood losing all consciousness, at last my soul went out of my body; though my body continued to sway as a pendulum will, Hog after tlie power that moved it is withdrawn. Ere foreetfulness altoirctber came otvt me. I bad noticed that the seamen on the main and miarn maat Suddenly bubbles seemed burstinir beneath mT closed eyes like -rises my hands grasped the sliroud. some invisible, gracious sgtncy preserved nte; wrib a shock I came back to life. And lo! close under our I lee, not forty fathoms oH a gigantic Sperm bale lay rolling in the water like tbe capsized bull of a Innate, nis broad, glossy back, of an Lilitnptan hue, glistened in tbe sun's i-sts like a mirror.

Uut lazily nndulatiog in tbe trough of the sea, and ever and anon tran-uil-ly spouting his vnpory jet, the whale looked like a party ourgncr smoking his pipe ol a warm aiternoon. But that pipe, poor whale, was thy UsL As if moved bv some enchanter wand, the sleepy ship and every sleeper in it all at once started into wakefulness and more than a score of voices from all ports ot tbe vessel, simultaneously with tho three no'rs from aloft, shouted forth the acciuttinied err. as the t-reat tbh slowly and regularly spouted the ng brine into uie air. "Clear awar the boats! Luff!" cried A hah. And obeying bis own order, be dashed tbe helm down bc- lore the tie I lusimin could handle the spoaes.

ine sudden exclamations ol the crew miw nave alarmed the whale and ere the boats were down, ma jestically turning, be swam away to tlie leeward, but wun sucu a steady traniinlitr, ana making so tew ripples as be swam, tliat IhiuWing after all he mig'it not as yet be alarmed, A hah gave orders that not an oar should be used, and no man must s-eak but in whispers. So, seated like Ontario Indians on the gunwale of the boats, we swiftly but lently paddled along; the calm not admitting of the noiseless sail being set. iTesentlv, as we thus glidi-d in chase, tlie the air, and then sunk out of sight like a tower swal lowed up. I here goes nukes: waa tbe err, ar. announcement immediately followed by Stubb'a tiroducinir bis match and igniting his pipe, for now a respite was grar.teiL Alter the lull imcrvai ol bis sounding had elapsca, tlie whale rose again, and being now in advance of the smoker's boat, aud much nearer to it than any of the others, Stubb counted on the honor of the capture.

It was obvious, now that tbe whale had at length become aware of his pursuers. All silence or cautiousness therefore, no longer of use. Paddles were dnrji- jjeu, and oara came loudly into play. And still at his pipe, Stubb cheered on his crew to tbe Yes, a niichty chance had come over tbe fish. All again, by a few rapid blows against the gun ale, then again and again sent it into the hale.

I'uil up pun up: be now cried to the bowstnan, as tbe waning whale relaxed in bis a-rath. "Pull tip! close to. aud the boat rat.tresl along tiie ti-h tlaiik. When, reaching far over the bow. Stubb slowly churned bis long sharp Lance into tbe bah, and kept it i -i ii- his own from bis mouth, Stubb scattered tbe dead perform the labor of caule and htaT-sea.

Indeed, no other domes-tie animal could bve in tbat bleak and cold -region. Tbe aoga are companions and bed -fellows of their rnavaurra, and are more intelligent even than tbe moat knowing dogs among tu Cht-uuaoa. To protect their feH from snow aod ice, socks of fur skins are made for thewe RixiGraca txTfZUeaet. PUTAJLU TOM. ITDIIi POJT.

Her. Hem. TiUiua Eddr koo to ssvil trotn this port for Smrrcuv AiavxiATKKf rom Iapmovuta tbi Coxmtio or Pons. Thi beocTolnit institution hat pobliabe4 its I eighth annual mrart, which rire a most aUoenng ac- teet of the aaancislioo to rdie-vr, tofar as its will allow, all tbe needy and deserving applicant, for assistance, and in every way to discourage tbe tic-grad ing and disgraceful practice of street begging, which even now prevails to such a great extent ia this City. The sot-iety appoints a Dumber of visitors, each of whom bas acertaua sectioa of tbe city allotted to bis charge, the poor of wbicb be is required to furnish with medical or other aid.

Ia no previous year says the report, bare tbe objects contemplated by the institution been more thoroughly and enerprtjcallr car ina, as also tlie pruiiis dented Uieri nira trotn the last tbentionrd dote to the date of bis report. Tbeclrtk is directed to rvt.irt, in detail, tbe amounts expended nf the Iwohta, to the betietx-iarK-s of the fund sod lor other nurrjoara. He ia also reijired to iriiiou lo a true revolutionary fund, than anr IU-d 1U-publican tribute wrung tbe bands of labor to kindle civil wars. Cniicisms were made apoa Ibe ultraism of certain nt-nriag-atvdists of anarch v. and ibe tendency of our institutions to bring rax io4e to sober sense.

A chcetlul new aas laken i4 our as-jiect tow ard, fcurope, e-jieclly in our the Hungarian chief, clearly proved to be a bero aud oralor, and to be known, we hope, aa also a atae--uian and Lawgiver. Tlie discourse cl -Bed ith urging tlie audieoce V. apply tbe text to theinv Ives, and bk oo every their frontia-r gratetully, and rriiien.brr the foeod. east, west, north, aud south, and tlear also who Lave guiae to a lusher than any earthly LUI of viasoa. t.pMal (Fer Uae kt-enaug Post) Atilmugh many uf your i-eadcra are aware tliat Edward Liviogstoa was otejeed lo Capital yet as i.

is probable tbat but few bare read bis great work, ti'ie Ismtii, I bare Copied a part of bi, rejaifl on tlie subject of tbe death -rnal which I bojie may make as deep an impmsion ia tin. in ind, of others as it baa made oa mine. I apiiroarbt-d tbe rnq'iirr into tbe nature and eilect ol this punishment with the awe becotuing a man who felt taust deeply bis liability Ui err, and tlie of forming a correct opiuioa oo a point su i to tbe justice uf the country Ibe life of its cikartM and tbe character of laws. 1 strove to clear my uialerstaadiog from all prrju-dice. which etluoataoa or early unprtaaiuBs might have created, and to produce a tranae of mind hiie-d lor Uie investigation of and tbe iaipertuJ etunai-natioa ot the arg-iuientaoa this great quea oa." After tne-nUooing tbe difficulties under which be labored, in not being able to get aaaliatical inforttia-Uun And very few books oo tbe rnal laws, even th'ne luost cwyimooly referred to," be thus prooersl.

With Utrwe inadequate means but after tbe brat use Uiat my facultie. wihiIJ enable Die lo make ot them; after batig rellcclioo, aud not till 1 Lad cauvat-ed every argu.uent tliat could auirL'e-t itas-lf to my mind I came to tbe eooclitsioa Uiat the uere, careiui cuurumgaaiu, a. aemIh IJ no4 no pUoe ln tb, lv Seekimr to teel after some irold watch that the whale I i rJ7 migbtbave antf which he was fearful Vm'J i breakmg ere be could book it out. But that gold watch he sought was the mtkermo-4 lift of tbe bsb. And now it ia struck for, starting from bit trance into that on-peakable thing called his "flurry," tbe monster horribly wallowed in his blood, o.erwrappe.1 himself in impenetrable, mad, boating spray, so Uiat the imperiled craft, instantly dropping astern, bad morn aao ounaiy to struggle wit irom that Irmiied twilight into tbe clear air of day.

And now abating in bis flurrv, tbe whale oocemore rolled out into view surging from side to side siad-modically dilating and contracting his spout-bole, with shai-n, cracking, atfonised -respirations. At last, rush after gush of clotted red gore, as if it bad beea tbe purple lees of red wine, shot into the frighted air aad falling back again, ran drinping down bis molionleai flanks into tbe set. His heart had burst! He dead, Mr. Stubb," aaid liorgiwa. Yea both pioea smoked out and witbdrawiar cu-r-rwtnewa.

tnUruutt aiae. A. I' Here ia a paa-sage, also, from another Teat authority Jtagar Borr-oAa ow Caittal PmreaagJ-T. It app-ars to me, tbat thecoolempUtioa of prqa-laaJ iar -rtsuoment, aocomptuued wilit hard labor aad occasional solitary cajchtv-rm-nt, would pn-duor a deetwr impi-essioa on tbe minds cf persoos ia whom rt is more eminendy desirable that that irn-r-moo abould be prod'jeed, tbaa erea death itevlL have already obsiert'ed that, to them lile b-e, hot ofler the sauue attractions as it does to perwuns of mnoceat aad uedu-s-trious habits. Tbeir Tery profession leads them Continually to put their existence in jeopardy and intern-France, alucb is ahnomt aaturai to ihetn, marines lhe.r brutal and uncalculaling courage.

All Ibe circumstances thai reader deavlh ieaai foriautiable to thc-m. lender laborioaa reselraint jirrspov'tiswaably more trfc-suroe. The more thctr habttnal stale of exagte-Bee is a-heaover the -rater and for a nomt, stood thought- inWodexit, awl bostile to steady and la- nil. a-VMnw th. waart im.

K. laaA mr.mAm, I 1 I burujaa ltvduaurv. toe more toey wiu be terntml LV a Giving to each of thaw) curyimr sncwg iu doe weight, tbe result appears to be, tbat tbe pa-odag-al tawe made by aegraialora of tbe puniiuinae-nt uf ateavih, baa been wras rf Bkore by tiiooeuus juslr-rnrtrt. ans- ing (rom the ta which tbey are plsisii with SW Wt kr. aLaaa VU- and wife.

Heorr LoMeO. srif. and child, and Eer. Jo-1 Po ofltat to uotbtr. mh W.

Lotpbeoud wife, miMkmtuSts for lb fomMft, tjk Sttuvo gtatioo, bAve takes puip la the bark Sultgm, J. uaat caam utrmg it OlaaraL I to tow Pnstmagler Gearrw oo iorwardetl trded (id, aad 1 -kg following letter contains bis rrapesra io too otner ciaaaea of Uae cuaimuaily,) thaa I from any bLaroeable caua-e. Those who Bnak, laws bm I i any otBioeaoie a.m. r. I rToV whmeau bi.nrraew'of eoouDtm- amo-g wcka, a chUd wtwUd rryj a new of cfotbm.

ZriTJlir "fjl IL Two BkaAon ros Bg-rjro a anew a as. Tow are I eoohncd to thai elaaa. if it nratts-atsble. the French, ara yoa asad owe Uaedler to aaotb sum at might be prod'acasd bast tf ahosr, a totei er, aa tbey got into tbe rail-car at Au-la-Cbaoelie. I want cat ja-meat aod 1-idUictioa to apolr it to a e- Vow are Freach, though yoa speavk toch good laa- fraded ai-4 w-ralched claaa of mea.

wh- mm mat art the (lish saoat -ralia, apoa hie, to whom iadia-aiai aad hard Well, I cant qriiU answer that qt--a-tioa, for I doot labor are snore jormtaabla tbaa death, aad the habte iv-aaeir know where I was bctrn but I ons-ttt tn h. hml i.fanv nl Mtt whaar pes. are author ixrd baU tbai acUeri, wW, the poauf kW kaM mrt-i lb. krtwr was a brv4 IW 4ia- countof tu operauoos duric? the pat Tear. TU ob-1 taooe f.

which the po sd brea pr, Post O-tk-b Drrairnn, I Appamtmcst UXboe, Nov. Sir: I bar nsobTrd "four Wilier of tl "x4 inriit If tbe letters which srers addresaard to York were lorwttnlc4 lo yoa at Boasts. aa4 rih-g Poca, by your carder, they were suhpeel pawaagsa, the aainc aa if tbey were (K-igiaailjr maiUd at Nrw York for tiiuee pLacea. It is true, aletter may be eent by mail tbrwe tbaa. and miles at a j-rr-faud postaca of three orcta, yet the Mote poctage lacbargealMeoa a letter ar-nt by snej from uoe ofbee lo ansrtbsT, tbo-ugb tbey Bay aot be a mile apart, tie irinctKia aod isoauiDf a Msur ried out.

On the Mh of April last a medical disrsro- I sul je-cu rt lo aa additional postage. ary was established for the benefit of the indigent sick, in tbe northeastern -art of the city. This institution was euti'led the Demilt llifpcnsary," in Memory of tbe muniCcent donation of five thousand dollars from one of the Beaidaary Legatees of tbe Detniit lamily. The aaiocialioo cuo tern plate tbe e-tabliahrncnt of another dispeoaary in tbe northwestern part of the citv, far which one thousand dollars bare been already pledged. I or common ication ia writing, or by maris I conveted ia the mail, far ear tUttimei fcaw ne report ot uie ai.irx-t reutrn.

ui rlf tkrw tXtmU mOm. r-srwon-tana laauiie. nr uvui r.rf. tteijy rrna, tnr urtrr eiaSai MM sa-ea av-s.

Novcmber to o. 1, lL The number of I V'U aod bre ce-nU wbea tbe df TisiU made durinc the asme time amounted to ttTt. I MTT Tbe diaburaetiicn ts, according to tbe report of tbe treararer, amount to VS, aad ths receipU to t- 81. The aasociati ei counts among its me-ui-bers, a Urj--e number of our most rcsja-srlable merchants and citizens. Tug MrrHobiirr Carara Case.

S. Dt--raicr Cot' ar Before JuJ-cs and LV-Ua. In this case a decree baa been obtainrd far tbe tlaintifs. This decree orders a reference to tbe clerk of tbe court, fur tlie purpose of a-oeruiuing the auiuunt and value of tbe property and fund known as tbe Uuok Cooo-rn of New York," before tbe deciaiuo and organisation of tbe Methodist Church south, in May, and of lTmdr thpr same cooststed. aud what bas since been tbe ittcrea of us lifelessly swung from the spars, and for every I swing mat we made there was a nod from below Irorn I the slumbering helmsman.

The wares, too, nodded I fring tbe profits de-rired from tbe Book Cooce-ra' their indolent crests and acroaa tbe wide trance of) I mm the time of the (eoerul Conference, in Mar, the sea, east nodded to west, and the sun over all. I 1 as rrported tbereto up to the titneT said 6-c. iM-apecif ully voetrs. IK Jaco r.r-st Asaistent Poatniaatsr GeacraL lUf-aabas Uaea, Laq, New York." Not brUevic? in tbe infallibility of the roatOffica Dcpamucxit, 1 turned to tbe faer, aad tad it thus writ- tea: For rrrrv arnrle letter ia maat-a-crint. or parser of any kind winch uk-naatjoa shall be asAed fur.

This is tbe law, sad if aay one caa Sad aolbaritr from it to charge more tbaa CArw amis frtfmi fwr lllrr amn-rtj tire, thammatU attiss; I ahanH be ghvd to see it doac Tbe law does saof aay, aa lb Post OSce Department bas decided, that "The r-dim-tii and -mailing of a k-Ucr sub-ecta a to aa addiU.eial poataaa. I woald here rrtnari that tmdiT the turmtr las-a. wne-a rates were frguualed by abect ilalsaiasl. Boca aa I V', aund nulra, U-cre was a good mom fw- rhauvitir aa adJiiaueuJ poaaage, baa tbe div.anoe exceexled tbe rate for hxh the postage bad been cha ed or pa-d. Tbe aame irgulaiaaaa anigtvt bold p-ol now, if a Letter is trwardrsl vnar thr-ae ttauw-sacd miles wbea only threw ornts bad beea -orwpaid, but wbev it is eonve-ied only with in tbat disisnoa, af tauouia tie ir-di-virtr-a and rr-ttaaiir-d a apecuic property ana ericcu (accord ng to a i4d that no -wlditwoal posaavg." caa be legally general description or class specification thereufl) the I cbai-r-4.

la I. real liritain, the prjatag. ea a atngle fatter as vaar or two en. is, aad if it tataguld, at tbe i-e-luest of the writer, or the penoa to bora it to be tv-dirrete-d and re-t-nsulcd tmnrm'j tunas at me i-osx omcest. rjo m4J.t-m i mmiaat is c-bai-gv-d.

Miall JUm LoU be more bbrral tbaa Urolbcr iu thanr 1 L'-pe tins qn--Mioa will be tHibmitted to tbe Attofw acy Ovber iur Lis drctatota. Beta. report in what Utrm a. to irottertr. nmrr or I Tag Catu-vt i Tatata ty PaiLaaaLrBiaa -la the aaavAihe tran.f er of the al.are U.

be set may. wi I Cirroit Court at Xorexher Mr. much eoiirebience to both taulu-s, be made aid the defcmUnU are to produt-e' on a branng the Ltmi he 1-thjurt-r was sworn, wbea Diatnct At. clerk, ail deed accounts, txaAs oi aroiunta, itistru- ton-ey A-bmead tbe csuae. He ast awt by rw- mt-nts, rrpiirla, leu -ra, and on)4ea of letters, turairv na-urkitig apun liae iaiaful duty be waa, oalied apoa la Vi r' I with resowecuttnr.

nent lo the rferrnc-, in their noMe-a-on. I-jwt-r. I irr control and the defendant, mar be exatmued on I la tae InU for tniertmevit apoa wbicb tbe tartst oath, on tbe satd ntfrrrnce, and may bare the prot-r. I Cacra ILannam ar, baa bora arraigat-d, if the iilVace is uf the court to compel the attendance of I called wbicb drfinrd ia tbe Coa- ani au csjuiiie. anu qiiewiHioB nn aisj-naea CM py nil.

decree, and which shall arise no tbe reference and on tlie report of the clerk, and all questions of (usts are re-served nntil the cominr: on of tbe r-tw-rt, each taartt being at liberty to apply to this cjun on the having of this decree, until lie cooling on uf therletk's re port. Amecica axo Ia mrr. Thunksrivinj si-rice, were h-ld in the Chuixh of tbe Mi-selali, and Uie djioourae by Her. S. Osgood, tbe j-aslor, was upon tbe Providential relations of America to Kurope," frmn tbe text, IV-uterontimy, III.

U7: "Get thee np into the top of Pis- g.h, and lift up thine eyes westward and noiliiaard and southward and etas! ward, and behold it with tliiue monster perptAdicularly flitted bis tail forty feet into I eyes: for thou fchalt not go over this Jordan." alive lu his jeopardy, he was going "head out; tliat part obliquely projecting from tbe mad yeast wbicb be brewed. "Start her, start her my men Iton't hurry yourselves take plenty of time but start ber start her luce thunderclaps, that a all, cried MubD, spluttering out the smoke as he spoke, "flart her. Dow; I give 'em the long and strong stroke, Tashtego. Jsiart oer, Tash, my boy start ber, all; but keep cool. keep cool cucumbers is the word easy, easy only start her like grim death and grinniug devils, anil raise the buried dead perjiendicuiar out of their graves, boys that's all, start her!" Woo-hoo Wa-liee screianieU the fJay-Header in reply, raising some old war-whuop to the" skies, as every oansiuan in the strained boat involuntarily bounced forward with the one tremendous leadicj; stroke which tlie eac-er Indian gave.

But bis wild screams were answered by others quite as wild. "Kee-hee! Kee-hee yelled Dag-joo, straining forward and backward in his seat, like a pacing tiLTer in his cage. Ka-la Koo-la howled Queequeg, as if smacking his lips over a mouthful of Grenadier steak. And thus, with oars and yells the keels cut the sea. Meanwhile, Muhb retaining bis place in the ran.

still encouraged bis men to the onset, all the while still Hilling the smoke from his mouth. Like desperadoes hey tugged and tbey strained, till Uie welcome err was Ileal Mnd up, lu-sliteiro' give it lo htm: The harpoon was hiirlea. "Stern all Tbe oarsmen backed water; the same moment something went hot and hissing along every one of their wrists. It was the magical liue. An instant before, Stubb bad caught two additional turns with it round tbe loggerhead, whence, by reason of increased circling, a henitien blue smoke now jetted uti and mingled with the fumes from his pipe.

As tlie hoc tuisAed round and round the loggertM ad so also, just before reaching that point, it bliidexinirly pansed through and through both of Stubb bands, from which the hand-cloths, or squares of quilted canra-s sometimes worn at those times, bad accidently dropped. It was like holding an enemy's sharp two- edged sword by tne blade, and that enemy all the time striving to wrest it out of your clutch. Wet the line wet the line 1" cried Stubb to tbe tub oarsman (him seated by the tub,) who, snatching oQ his hat, dashed tlie M-a-water into it. More turns were taken, so that the line began holdin its place. shark all tins.

Stubb and TashU-go here changed places stem lor stern a staggering business truly in that rocking commotion. rum the vibrating line extending tbe entire k-nrth of die upjier part of tbe boat, and from its Dow lieing more tigiit than a naririiig, you would hate thought the craft had two keels one cleaving the water, the other the air as the boat churned on through both opposing elements at once. A coci ti nned cascade played at tbe bows a ceaselr-M whirl ing eddy in her wake and, at the slightest motion from within, even but a little bnger, tbe vibrating, cracking craft canted over ber sjiaxmodic gunwale into Uie sea. Thus they rushed each man with might and main clinging to his seat, lo prevent being toasted lo the foam aod tbe tall form of Taabtego at the steering oar, crouching almost double, in order to brine down bis centre of gravity. Whole Atlantic, and 1'acincs seemed passed aa they shot oo their way till at length tbe whale somewhat slackened hi.

night Haul in haul in cne-a stubb to the bowstnan and, facing round toward tbe whale, all hands Ire-ran pulling the boat up to bun, while yet the Itoat was being lowed on. Swn ranging up by bis flank. Stubb, firmly planting bis knee in the clumsy cb-ai, darted dart after dart into tbe firing; hah at the word of com-niand, the boat alternately stern ine out I of the way of the whale's horrible saallow, and tbeo ranging up for another lung. Tbe red tide now poured from all sides of the monster like brooks down a hilL His tormented body rolled not in brine but in blood, which bubbled anil seethed for furlongs behind in their wake. The slanting sun playing upon this crimson pond in tbe sea, sent back its reflection intoeverr face, so tliat they all ginwra to eacn otner nge rea men.

Ana ail ibe while, jet after jet of while smoke was atrcsnuungl shot from the spiracle of tbe whale, and vehement iun after puff from the mouth of the excited beadsman aa al every dart, hauling in uimhi his crooked lance (by the line attached loiui ntubb atraiiriitened it strain awl The preaclier began by speaking of tbe Thanksgiv ing Festival as of itself a hih place from which we can fitly surrey tbe past and present. As it was established by tbe colonists in gratitude for their prutr-js-rity in their new home, it urg-- upon us ith t-ccu-liar force the whule subject of the txls. tions of America to A -ketch was then giveu of Gov. Winslow's views of tbe subject when di tcrib-iugtlie first Pilgrim Thank-giving in bis letter to Europe, dated Dec. 11, l'Jil, and tbe riews which we lake now our country to our people.

A was made between Window's accotmt of tbe first Pit-month bar-rest and tbe products of tbe present year. The plenty of this day was illustration enough of tbe Lurupcaa's power to bring out tbe fertility and beau'v of the laud. Tbe second point urged the relation of America to the son. of ktaa-af alao UaMli of the Teutonic Cimily, tbe Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Teuton, and tbe aduii-ssable balance tecurcd by tlie I wo chief associate races of our the Celt, ojiecially tbe Irish Celt, and tbe German. Tie lru-h-uuin balanced tlie German in numbers sod tet the former beinj Catholic, the latter generally Prutea-Iziit tlie former leudiug lo crowd iuto ci'ies, the fat.

tef inclining more tu agriculture; the former also bv a conservation, in some wholesome, tending Iu counteract the extravagant sorialisio often sex-n in the former, whilst the Anglo-Saxon is likely to win advantage from the cnltuiMaaiu of tlie Inah'utan, tlie soculitv of theGenuan lrom tbe luslrv ol both. All feuds between races were deprecated, and tbe im portance ot harmnoiztng all antagonist eletnents into a prosperous and united nation, seated together as today lor tbe Thanksgiving festival flic third point treated of tbe I'rovidintial relation of American to Kunpean institutiout in gititig ground for tbe free pnncipU-s of lhe bent fon ioi nations to grow up without hindrance. Our nation was dc-rribed as a gruujie of 1-urupean bousebsdds and ilhtg--js gruwitg undr tisitiie ttitlue-nces and foreicti pressure into a great republic, free alike from the ex-reniesof 1'renca cs'titnJiratKin and Irish suid German dismemberment. The TuankSi'ivinj-' aat-rct of tiie c-Minlry Iwentyiubt states rent of thiny-otie seated at the some li-aat, gave a f.W as lnstrjciive aa it was delighrlul, for our government tnut be inter) n-Ud upward frotu tlie jea.ple to the capitol, not duwu-aard from tbe capitol to the eople. The fourth point was tbe ir.tha-iice of Amrriea nton laelerence was made to the -remarkable tu-tet-ciiun-r beld tliisyrarwilh turope; the elluc-l of our industry and entrrjirtse at foreign markets and fairs tlie duty of Atnmcia inlervrnuon by peaceful ot iniuti aas trge-i.

The peace and of this I'nion is the great democratic fact, tlie beat reVoluUiairy jwer. The sending of bread to Kurosr in tbe Maoe-d'mian did better execution upoo Eiirutaq than any bnauiside eer did and the tia-rnw-nt ni Iw The boat now new through the boiling waier like a I juai debt by Pennsylvania, a a much Lrt'rr witn- saitotioa and the act uf t'uugreas of 17)0, to i only in ler-i iog war agaiaM tbe t'aitrd States, aad sdintin. their rartaMsi I'V giving aid and ootatifuv-l. Ue liiat it mu-ht be dKiodtr onde-rwtood tbat this was not a case of constructive" b-jt of actoal trex-a-n. It was a cornbina'ioa inletuled to reaist tbe law si the t'tited Staira.

lie Hie, rev iewesl the several counts or tbe todict. rtM-nt, and branched uito a narrative uf tbe case as -ui be shown by the a it-ieww-s of goviruutruL lie -scrihrd the cilonnstance, with great minuleofsjs mM to tbe tUiken by the finK-ier, from wbat-b it ap-i. tliat he as very as-rn in n-siating and ti.e blacLs to rvs-s, and ia divlararg that tbe I ugv-ut Law ws m-naaUtiitaucai, and ougut to tbe R-ader ed iiM iraiive by force. On the qtat-stuo nf tisnaoa, Mr. cited varsiius autbnrtiM-a, to show liiatt com-Um rem stance 10 any art uf IVa-reaa bad beea declared, treason, as in the case of tbe in-wrr-ec-boa.

wbea forcibly reataiing tbe collt-cltoa of the tax ow whisker iu WcaOrTa Pennsylvania aad be Bead that, ml-ui wh ui e-s-wpe by boom Saw ta tbe u-sUuicaay, yet be could Dot force from his bin tbe com ictiuu that be atued io taking tbe hie of aa ciUiam of aoidber stale, who waaaalt BerklDg n-eotery of hoaa projierlr. Asliuuaad having hnisued bis oetune. Iir. G. L.

AshtiM-ad oUerrd in ct idctice tbe rv-ourd of tbe I uiu-d Slates Circuit Court, to prove the miaiiiiiua of huward l. Ingratiatu, lawiasa cotri mi Meaner. It was ualed Oct. 6, Tbe olber Bide did Dot ob- Uset. IMwsrd I.

Ingrabam swura As foTsniiesaiwlrr of ilns iwoied this comuusaion to Henry kliae. -1 ne coiiituission was netre rrau. aaica th 01 Marcn, Mr. lograba-a t-owttaued As Pniiiniissaiaus 1 these a ai rants 1 lour in Tne warrants were bere read. Tbe tu-wt cxaoinaada am-at iA Noah mulattn.

Tbe swooad. -re a.iai 01 Ac lord. The third, of Joabua Uami'sond. And tbe fourth, of trewrge flanimovio all fuj-ttive slaves, eaca-ed from Kdward tK-rsucb, of 'IjT-. hitid.

Mr. laead, on brbalfnf tbe -fence, asked tliat all be iiues-sra, except tlie one tatdcr rTsmtiiBttoa, be rtrlusled from lhe court luutn. Ti.c Court wi! tlial the rrtieat was a p'per obc, land llae mi-K J.I .1 ou" ilie court tiara by lhe MarabaL Ih-ury ft. swurn. IV: u-e Kr.

Kline was Thoma. S. Strwart, and draU-unian, was and srwnrw to l-r-ivc a plan -f I lie Ix-o-e of VV'ru. Paikrr, Bear Cbns-Hatia. aud a draft of the roads and country ajaoeaV ruauic by himself.

"fate plan waa givra in te-Umoor. -f MARINE LIST. POUT Of NEW TOUt. eATCEOAT. NOVEHBEI a UH.

tlrsusrsl Va-rrdar. Crig Mar-HtaM. Ptl-jry. I tanu-k W' Trazidr. s.

x-e, i.ane il. Va-fak. li A Cs iir I. ilWla -sans h. aswrngta.

M. Nidel -va Oean-taa I Jigma. ksasi nana 1 aare. eaaerdsy. 21 4avafn-si Lv-v-at avta.

mm4 a ls at A tsa flu 11 Si LIS. I aj livmi -Jo ,4 a.u.2 u. aard. ins. ge Turner.

Praw-e, laa Havre Hit lth. wkb aaose atel pa-ai -ngra. to "nsr. U'k l.w-a T. dars frnas 11 wgh Hr 11 1 1 .1 lw 4 A liar.

LUraluv Ulmt. da li. rw, wKh na aad rr-e a. a Iu. vtataclKsSs-tlataaiaurt.

trtu talk and ma to Sl i nae A I 1 1. tar Turk, imm. traas EM-awt. wwh Brawl Taos A t-'jeir Uift-od f-ljapaaaa. fivca tS aingnrwa.

ess Kef West lf s. 11 Old na to ills. Mi Ian-re, elk -ru 1 Wl. ..1. raw-aa.

a ds truas Mavstiaak. with esBaa ar 1 rvv to rraWf it. SalW aaW It.k-aja tm fcc. WsSt With ken to Vla.Lau,e rs iar UcsaraaaTaaUe. 4 ear, tss Kifhssaaa, with SBstsr tvC Ida tntaVssW III dan ha aut-a-a wah aaias satarea to Ueavj A -saa.

rrm ttavarwaa. a Ak kalKMX 4 llvtaaMi-aa-toav I ke I Um aili Is: Mit-d teasel aai kte a kaa. tuaa. B. f-hassVim.

WtW lieain I kweotWaa wHh tH-wrwa-ss-a ia. a.are hrnaa. mu. a.awi ..4. lam.

I. aastniasi -L aiel Wav-1 l.y Mease. I la. ai Sw wa lie. aaaaas-js, aJl awsasl tXiMa awe.

a-iaavayX, tm taW asS 1.1. afc I SB UB At Itrlfaj. naataM. mt fi iiTImis i a 1 e-al geaorf awii Ilk a-al I tir Jaw, ka. aarf MaM, Wtoar a Tun M.aara tsaW.

A -re. ia, iaa.ianra as. a. la. mi- aaan I I 1 aS i a.y.u laalar4a AM.

Ua, Jmr4 ag ml aas. laarg ata. Ai.ireaa. raw mim U-m. kt liSia-a A.

P.u. i. (Wh tmr- a area 9M.m a-ag-nr. by tata phii.i 1 1 lutaan. r.titaa IVta Ar frrt Jam- 1-rk a I MX KJVU.

N-r It Ar aeh OM-ss-av WavW -s -ea 4.1. t.asa-r-. hnesdrr. hr hr-t aarr br, ge. ri.u.a.H.1..

1 lk. Br Hi mm't ML 1 1 ai a. aa, le. ati.u It si Iswaa 1 W-. a Hea.t.aOa tto-Va laUs.

Iaa' A Ha i i. I. a. taw, earner, m. laa.

it I a-v Ke le-e. -l d. Ilt rumrrr Cla-4--L mile, Oaae-raa: hrw tl.iuitsta.. Ih. Iel'l e.

Um laal mtl Uiaaxre; avasriWaa. a mi a. 1 a.a-aM-al Norla-a-av pa a-osar. WTark I I V- 11.. a jse.

i-fti r-11-1 II afTVS WW r'." -ttfal. I. ti-otnng A tang. nu. 1 1 1 to aw Be li asani.

I VI. Mr a ajataa Moarna hrSg I oC rMWX -Wv Ar wto -aw. BetMdra f-aa i aa K. e-Tauo kaargarea. a for fmrJmxtm aa.alm, o.

Iur Itoaua. 2MM. tmuiK r- aw il. Nov It-Arrays T-rwaW-sga, fc-rle. NTwrk.

Cm I -in tjae. il lark fWah laa. Itoatoa. bras Ciw rr -sortoia, I urt 1 luiaela, PreUe. Haracaa.

ta- faw-ah B-we-a, Aav sr-tr, Brtput-I--. NTark. v' I Ha-lken syk--aa la M- 4IKLA.A utla-Arits 1 laiaa. haath, NT-rtc faanea. hrt-ai: Itnaa.

1 u.ev. wc f-l---w-a. eaar. Jireaw-at. mm: mmm Hmmr.

l' flH Ik-SaWl Ian. ralw. tw-sav I Va-. a- aM. BV I.

11.. Ulr laaeag.iie ihiaaaWI stiiliurl kitrk an Svtle'a. u- a A a. ma, oray. hr Uavaaaa.

ItetU-, UaraUaaV I Mt-f aa-eeia nwra. a i a. tSrawTt-aulaV-au-a. Savk. I III 1.

laorft I-" aaA. mh awstw ra-Ar ss-aaa-tw turn i tpnJ-int-Ar iV turk CrsVt tf W. mvm: are Mm wy. ewtaary-ajet nn waaa,. Is- CMU alel trge l.S,a,a.

-sayk biaa.1. f-ttn-i fl-IX 1- -es la arts, a. ---M-. I ra. II I emtoS-r.

aaaeulavrg-. rnrHmi3m, JaSaB T.i- nd. 1-r wmtrm-i ma. Mif aaiara. 4mm.

riniilu.v-Ar -t-ua, trim H.s-wsv Yrfc Pr.M ite-elow. esaaarv. for a. a iBavg a-sr.

rw a paa as. ANN Ail Ar MC b-nc 'w Maria isl aaatakry. KTerfc tw 1 WKr.TOX. Ar a tr Hr Wig C.Vsi fiw Cmrt AalSata, BStg liaal-Styaa lSaTia I PAMKIACIJW ARRn UL trwat Immlm, Hrh. KartV Was k-s-sT.

I a. Mrs Mary A A -i ASiaa. giwl Waa Maa-uaa km. rrsaw-w u.1Um4. mjtrmd laavwl B-aw.

a-ta r-anau. Aftaw kwa. I. OW kaara In fnaa. H.

sng-Mr. Har, ata. J'jttaaa-a. kaaagaf at. raw suae pa ovauw laawsr-ou.

eDnune- Ma mmm-rmTL, Doca nt KaaakATXt. These dociU and iBtellizmt mrot; r-- degree repugnant Viiiai a ia.t mrm mmA hw th. to tbeir natural IDclilaaln-ua I i. m-mmuulm-urm k. mm at a t-mt uimais art aeed by toe aativea to all to rt aasi m- mmmmmt mm.

Am. WB awri nra-lf at iaMuawsi s-ara Oa to W'. a. aewaawBiaa ww mim Tmm imnmm as IWanaaii SB mmm. mm mm mrm mrm tW ask a.

''l ie wvad nail-, mm aBarajewa-aag us M-Bma. s. aMav Barn-- was. si na. ifaQ mmm um Baaia-aa-asa mt umm traskti mt mm a OO.

h-alksasa Pih I. a l-Bwa mm low a tm mm. araaoo ifTlTKlMBYTt, shLAK I. -U4a waa-y ka-a. Mat at aa asty mm mmtrntw ktsw mm- a aa a.

A. Ota La V..

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