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The Evening Post du lieu suivant : New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
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THE EVENING POST. mlDAT EYEXIXO, KOTEMBER 14. irAlkMrfBookulMrrlitfaowdrtW a. i H'T nnnr u4 an Iht aaa IR SIOllR or EUXTTNO jtocn JL -Tlr are two radical deiooa is tha svstem try which e-r judj-: art chosen, one legUlati and tha other oasutaUooal, and both eoosfqrtecces of not keeping la siol tis discretion bet woea judicial and representative officers. We refer to the law which direct the election of Judffra to be held at ths tim ol our trncnl wleclioos, and to the provision of our eooatitatioo, "Which provides for the Selection judges of the 80-Jireine Court of the whole state, from aeparaio jodieial aUtUicta.

The motive tat paaaing ibe law to which we kr referred, waa to secure Ibe polling of larger voto upon judicial officers, thaa a judicial election by itaelf waa likely to bring out When the eon-Btitutioo. want into operatSoa, it was generally understood that the judicial election were held by themselves, and as far as possible, la point of tune, from an other election. The first Judicial election "was eceordinglr appointed in accordance with that mderatanduig, and the result was, as man predicted, that a Terr small vote was polled. Alarm was taken at Ciie feature of the momentous ssperiaient we were trying, and the 'next legislature, without an decided ejpreeeiuu of 0inioa (roes an quarter that we are ware of, certainly not from the public press, directed the judicial and political elections, for the future, to he held at the same time. This wt then thought, and still think, a grand mistake, into which the Legislature waa betrayed by supposing that meagreoess of the rote was the result of iDdiflereocsto the character of our judges.

Itwas concluded that people had not been to the ballot boxes beeaoss they did not care enough lor the purity and dignity of the judiciary to take the trouble. We submit that there was really bo ground whatever for any such inerence. Let us suppose that both parties bad nominated unexceptionable and eminent candidates, men who were well known throughout the state to be the very bast selections that could hare been made for judicial officers is it not obvious that la such a case the Tote would bare been much smaller than where the party tickets- offered a marked choice of candidates. I a the former, tlis great mass of intelligent sad well informed men, and especially the influential portion of the bar, would hare taken no active latere in the success of either of the list of candidates, knowing that good ones were lore to be chosen. Ja the latter, an effort would hare been made to defeat the lass worthy enndidates, and corresponding efforts on the part of their friends to insure their success.

It is only where there it contest of antagonistic in-terssts that a large rote is polled, and the magnitude of the Tote always depends upon the magnitude of thaw contending interests, Butia the sees we supposed, where there was practically no choice between the candidates, there would caroely be any motive for going to the polls. The voters would bare no ulterior interests to serve by the exhibition of special interest in the success of cither ticket as In the election of representative and xecati officers, because the judges have no patronage nor other considerable means of rewarding partisan devotion. Thus, to great extent, it was with our tret judicial election. Both tickets were quite unsx-enpuoaebla every one felt that the success of either would give us as good, if not a better judiciary throughout the state than we had before, and the eonaaqoence was that the class who under different circumstances would have exerted an active influ ence spoo the result, did not even attend the polls. It isa great error to suppose that all who do not cast ballot, therefore do not exercise the elective fran chise, and are indiuerent to its resultsf A citizen may stay at home and rote as systematically and as intelligently aa at the ballot box, only in the one case he votes for the candidate of one party, and in the other fur the eandidate of both parties.

It was else suggested, as a reason for altering this law, that where the vote was so email, the facility of corrupt eomLinations to defeat the candidates of one party or the other, waa increased. This presupposes what, in the comparative absence of all judicial patronage, is never likely to occur, that either of the two leading parties could be Induced to nominate a ticket which eould offer inducements to the formation of any such combination, upon scale of sufficient magnitude as siatcrially to affect the result We have already had sufficient experience of the elective system, to foal eon ri need that this is an idls apprehension. Vo judge who can get the nomination of any poli-ical convention, can offer corrupt inducements to any considerable number of voters to support him and should such a candidate, disposed to maks such arrangements, get a nomination, there can be no doubt that bis opponent would rather profit than lose by it, provided his success did not involve the defeat of other candidates in whom the voters had a deeper internet in other words, provided the judicial and political candidates of the par ty were not made to stand or fall together. It, how ever, as at the lata election, every voter is called upon to east a ballot for from fifty or a hundred different candidates of his party, in the success of some of whom, at least, he may have a deep concern, be will not put tue success 01 his ticket in peril, by leooauwnding any of the candidates of the advene party, except in ex treme cues. The uiiioc of we-Avjliucal and judicial elections in volves another irregular and disturbing influence upon the character of the judiciary, which is perhaps aa pernicious as that which ws have noticed.

The judicial candidates are, aa matter of course, selected at the party oouTentions which assemble for the nomina- ttoo of political officers. Those conventions are representative in their nature, and are designed to select candidates who shall, as far as possible, represent the political interests of the several sections represented in the convention. Judges are not represents ti ve officers, they ought to be, officially at least, insensible to all political influences, and to know no party nor section of the district with which they administer the law. Delegates to these conventions, of course attend to their primary duties first, which are or a representative character, and every energy is devoted to the acT lection of such political candidates as will best serve we interests of their constituents. In such a conven- tralking in bis footsteps, walks ataa immeasurable distance behind him.

Robert Macairs and Jacques Strop are the types of (he two diSerent orders of rogues. Bobert does his vlaines on a grand scale, with a grand swing of his long coat toil, and a grand nourish of his red bandanna handkerchief; bat Jacques sets to work sneaking-ly, with a mean opinion of his own ability and the (ear of the police before bis eyes. Bobert contemplates nothing short of the assault on House, or the murder of countess, while Jacques more humbly pockets a spoon. Bobert has a profound disdain of Jacques, kicks and cufia him aa a aorry fellow, tells him to his face that he is no better thaa a thief, whils Jacques is fain to believe that Bobert may be mors than half right. The parallel might be made to now rood in other respects, but ws have said enough, we think, to teach both England and the United States, that it would be well to drop the subject of annexation aa a ques-tion of controversy.

THE BJBSCLT VI THE STATE. Ws had hoped to Uy the official easvaas of the in this state, before our readers to-day, but are yet unable to complete our tables. It is generally conce ded, however, that the whole democratic ticket has been elected. The Argus, which has hitherto been very cautious, now claims the whole ticket, and the Eoenmf Journal and the TrSmnt both surrender it but the Albany IieguUr hopes for the success of the hi Canal Commissioner, and gives the majorities on Wright 858, Chatfield 1076, Welch 812, and Fitxhurgh 555. These majorities, are as favorable to the whig as it is possible to make them, and yet we know that the vote in some counties is reported very much greater against the democratic candidates than the official canvass justifies.

In Bsmuc and Ko CTH. The Republic has at last given reason why it did not publish the address of Kossuth to the people of the United States. It simply this: that the address first appeared in the Union and the Evening Pott. If the address of H. Kossuth had been furnished us simultaneously with its insertion in the imnl ti which we refer, we should have been most happy to publish it as a document of more than ordinary interest; but when, most uncourteously in our judgment, the agents of If have seen fit to make exclusive application to the most vindictive and intolerant opposition journals, they cannot justly expect that any administration newspaper in this eity will seek to give an unasked, and therefore probably undesired, circulation 10 a uocumcnt 01 mis description.

This is petty enough, but is not the Republic aware that the Exprete, an administration paper, claims to hsve received and published the address as early as me JLoenuiy l'oet. Try again! A Important Decision The North American Fire Insurance (Xmpany, vs. Samuel Jones. James L- OraKam, and others. We publish in our paper to-day, a oner abstract of the points involved, and decided, in this case.

And an extract from the opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Campbell, in pronouncing the judg ment of the Court, upon that portion of the case which involved the validity of the Bankrupt discharge grant" ed to sir. Graham. Our readers may recollect, that after the commence ment of the trial, in October, 1849, we published an ab. street of the charges made by the complainants, in opening their case, and in stating the facts, which they expected to prove, and the grave allegations which were thus made against citizens, sustaining un sullied reputations for honor and integrity, caused the result of the investigation to be looked for, with more than ordinary solicitude- After the most full opportunity to prove these charges, and an attentive hearing of all the arguments, which could be alleged in their support, we are gratified to perceive that, in the judgment of the Court, the complainants wholly fail ed to make out a case, upon the merits, as sgainM either of toe defendants.

n. mjm. nirai on iacow. we give a report in another column, of an amusing criticism of Lord Bacon's character, by a distinguished divine. It will be obvious that when the speaker alleges that no one has read forty pages of Bacon's writings, he must have made the inference from his own experience.

The scores of editions of his principal works, that have been printed in England and this country, are an excellent commentary on the learned Doctor's Baconian learning. By grossly exaggerating, however, the defects of Bacon's personal character, and misrepresenting that of his books, he has made out, we admit, a tolerable case for his audience. Card from Ferxahdo Wood. It will be recol lected that when this gentlemen waa candidate for Mayor about a year ago, some statements were publish ed just before the election in two or three of the city journals, respecting a suit pending in our courts, to which be waa a party, and which were supposed to hare contributed to hia defeat Pertinent to that controversy is a card from Mr. Wood, which has been sent to us for publication, and which may be found in another column of this paper.

Powder as a Motive Power. A Mr. Daggett, of Roxbury, according to the Boston Traveller, has invented sn engine to produce either stationary or locomotive power, without the aid of steam the propelling medium being nothing but gunpowder, and a very small quantity of that, acting by concussion upon compressed sir. The machine is very simple, consisting of a large reservoir, constructed ef iron, in the form of steam-engine boiler, with two explosive chambers attached to it on one side. At' the connexion of these explosive chambers with the reservoir there are valves which open into the reservoir, against a spring.

iue reservoir neing nuea witn atmospheric air, a blast is given in one of the explosive chambers. This shock acts as plunger to an air-pump, and forces a new supply of atmospheric air from the explosive chamber into the reservoir. The air ia of course worked off from the reservoir, like steam, operating upon a piston, and giving the motive power. When one explosive chamber has been discharged, and the valve closed, as it is instantly by the force of the spring, the sction of the machine is such as to produce a similar discharge in the other chamber and thus a regular and constant fresh supply of atmospheric air is kept up. The discharge is effected by a hammer, moving backwards and forwards with the machine andstriking, in the manner of a gun-lock, upon the exploaire chambers alternately.

The powder is supplied regularly by the movement of the machine, and in Jjon, JJChip Is altogether a secondary matter, guch quantities as may be desired-the arrangement The candidate, if successful, will hsve no voto in the legislature, no executive patronage, no political influence which he dare exert; he is perfectly dead capital to ths, political party which elects him. consequence is, that instead of being tbe first, judicial candidates are totnroouly the last things thought of in our state conventions, and the nomination ia as liable to be distributed as mp is allsr to an unsuccessful candidate for some boots lucrative political station, aa to a meritorious snd competent man. This must continue to be the ease while such Incongruous duties are imposed apoa our political conventions. Were it the practice, however, to hold separate conventions for the nomination of Judicial candidates, a very different class ef bmsj would be chosen to attend them, with Terr different objects in view, and Interests to serve, and their deliberations would be attended with very diScroat results, as all who give the subject mo- mewi inaugut will be prepared to admit being such as to admit of the application of more or less, as greater or less power of propulsion may be required. It is evident from the experiments made with the model, that an astonishingly small quantity of powder will be requisite for any practical purpose to which the machine may be applied.

Railboao CoirvEirTioic at Xsw A conven tion of those persons favorable to the proposed air line between this city snd Boston, was held at New Haven yesterday. It appears that a sum of $30,000 has been already subscribed for the construction of the road, which it is calculated will cost $3,000,000. The new line, when established, will shorten the distance between the two cities about thirty miles. The convention was held In accordance with a call signed by the Mayor of New Haven, the Mayor of Middle- town, and Hon. C.

R. Alsop, President of the proposed road. The following gentlemen were appointed ofS- Ws have given but a meagre sketch of the pernicious I ri of the meeting eonsaqueuce of uniting our political and judicial I Puesidkxt The Hon. A. N.

Skinner, Mayor of New lZTZJl -PEssmEXTs-non. Benismin Douglas, Mayor examination of th. subject by the legislature which of Middletown lion. M. P.

Wilder, of Boston Pro- mat in Junttv nj iL. I i- 1- 1 1 mnner practice 01 1 irww v. rumer, 01 Ainnerai, Aiass. rr eawortn separation may OS restored, untess it baa graver obiae- I aaswonn, 01 uurnam. tkms than any which have yet been submitted to the public.

BuTVH A.v.XEXATlOX 5othin has beta a mors fruitful source of and fun to the Engliah writers, than what they sateens ue Aaaecca propensity to step over Into the territory of oar aehbora, get ops quarrel with them, and thea take poaartaioo of all they own. But a quiet paragraph appears In the London journals now and than, to snow that the spirit of appropriation is not exclusively American. The very latest intelligence, tor Instance, has this passage Tbe Governor General of India, has determined to arias upoa a portion of the territories of Dost Mohamad, of Cahul (the vallav ol the Duwe. It beinir w.11 eituaied for establishing a post to watch and overawe the Appecad A 11 raced wa around Pechaor." II wm) only a little while sines that ws chronicled the eoBvsrsloo of ths territories of the Decosa to British use, oa the ground that the Nisarn was unable to pay eertaia debts he had etmtractod for military defence just Wore that, the vast and fertile plains of tbe Punjab some sixty thousand square miles ia extent, and with a popurkUoa of tour asUlioas were drawn into the same maw Scinde, Oude, Bsjpoot, Mysore, ate, had previously gone la the nuns way; and, indeed, we find that sines the original atabUctioa of Bombay aad Madras, the British have nasaagad to Jay their hands upon eighty-eight parts out of oos hundred of the wliols of Uiodoaian, embracing the moat prolific and salubrious regions, and nearly Bine tea tin of the entire population. The area thus annexed, covers mors thaa half a million of square sails, sad includes shout eighty-five millions of people.

Ws do aot say that these saixures were ht every ease rjnjoat, aor do we opea the question as to the advaa togas or disadvantage of British rule ia India, eonv pared wit the satire, but we 0 suggest that the robbery of such aa incooaideraU alios of land aa Texas, aad aa occasional Clustering expedition to Mexico or Cuba, bad as they msy be in themselves, have yet none of that grandeur of design aad magniS-easses of eraerrtioe which distinguish the forays of our 5 eoasiul fa. Asia. Wa are but timid and unskilful hands ia the comparison. It is, however, tMtomary, if we are ritly toronoed, for your groat robber to look dowa with somwW nf eonWpt and pity oayour petty ksrccuy U.ief. At uos, too, he eaa be as abo-I Siva as hU who Secretaries Alfred 11.

Terrv. Eso of New Haven Dennis Sage, of Middletown. Addresses were made by the Mayor of New Haven, Hon. C. R.

Alsop, Hon. Mr. Amidon, Hon. Albert Smith, Hon. Mr.

Russell, Prof. SiUiman, and Prof. Fowler, in which tbe benefits that would accrue to the various towns on the line of the contemplated road, were proved both by statistics and arguments. The following resolutions were then adopted, when the convention adjourned Resolved. That tht opinion of this convention, fee pabHc Interest imperatively deinaDds the construction of the shortest possible railroad route between New Vork and Boston, whose Sims of su-amen form the regular oommiuiraoon of this continent with fiumpe.

Resolved, That the local buaineai 00 the Une of this road. would aiooc juauiy ns ronscmcuon. KemWed. That the following rea Resulved, That the following reasons. In the opinion of this convention, fully warrant the belief that the stock of this road noveotion.

fully warrant the belief that the stock of this road must necrinaruy prove one of ths most productive of say in this section of our country. First, it Uie shortest possible route betweon fee two great commercial emporiums of the north, ground, lu unity under one Board of Directors. Tha-d. It.'1...

tkuLH b.nn railroad centre of Miai hatetla, some twenty miles Bearer to grw uian by any other existing road; ths UarUbrd and road. afT.vding to the inhahiuuils west of Wilhun-lISiiiU 'r-Hartford. the shortest road, by about urilcV0J0 od hs country east of New Yort Kxnc twelve miles leaf k.V" road: fee Now London and ibner road, mtmJSTSr estimated at three mB-hu. to K5on.UM r3-' land route from Zxrumo op a abotechkic Maxuvactoet is Baookxrs, akd Loss Lira A fire broke out yea-terday la the FyTotechnie est-bUshment of Mr. Hugh atouria, about twelve o'clock, which resulted in tne SijAusioa of a Largs quantity of powder used in the WMiiifaWair- of rockets and other fireworks, ana the eVosSt-uiHioa of the There were tm.

Can 1 of the 11 alas tML Borros, November lath, 1851. Ton have already learned before this, the general result of our election for our state government and the Legislature, and that the whigs have been beaten gainst their expectation. They relied with certainty upon carrying lr. Winthrop by a majority of four thousand, instead of which he falls short 7,925 votes-and although the number of whig votes baa increased' by votes over last year, the increase of the democratic vote is that of the free soilers 907 in the whole state. The election of the Governor bow goes to the legislature, where the lower house most elect two out of four persons, who bad the highest uiuuucr tuid wuca iwo we senate must select one.

The complexion of the House, and particularly of the Senate, is of the rr-aL-st imnnruuvn now. But here, too, the rhanrec are against the whigs. These have, as far aa elections have been effected, a smaU majority of about fifteen ha the House, but in the Senate the whigs have carried but eleven, end the coalitionists fifteen, and in eleven districts there is no choice. In eighty-six towns there is no choice of representatives; of which seventy seven chose coalitionists last year, and in seventy of which the coalitionists have a plurality this year. A new election will take place in these towns in four weeks, when it is prooatue thai toe coalitionists will carry the requisite number to have a majority in both houses.

The question on the revision of our constitution has been decided in the negative by a Urge majority. Par the renins Past Mr. Editor I have had the pleasure, a very high one, of sitting before the picture by Mr. Leutxe of the Passage of the Delaware. The first glance at this work made me feel that I was in the presence of an extraordinary production.

I use the term strictly, for it is an uncommon thing to see a man prepare himself for a great task by great discipline. Mr. Leutze has not only mastered the rudiments but has aimed to em body the higher principles of his art. There is no ig norant presumption, no vulgar slap-dash execution, no audacious pretension to make genius supply the defect of training. The subject has been naturely pondered, its significance appreciated, its moral and poetical grandeur I know not, sir, what are the engagements of this artist, but I hope and trust that steps will be taken to give him at once another equal opportunity to develope his genius, and at the same time to illustrate our history and add to our Blender stock of works of a high order.

Having thus fully expressed my sense of the qualities of this picture, I propose to offer a few remarks with that diffidence which all should feel who and reduce the good, the mediocre, and the bad, to one flat level as the system of slobbering eulogium, mis called favorable notices. The figure of Washington, steadfast and solemn, as it is, wants, I think, that quiet resolve which wss characteristic of his action. I do not mean to doubt that his movements were sometimes eager and abrupt, but I think that the exhibition of these qualities require, insubordination to be quelled on the spot, or a crisis to be met without delay. I find in this figure therefore a straining after effect, which denotes a want of confi dence in the bare and simple material. The effort made by the two figures that sustain the flag, seems to me also to sin against an important law of high art.

A foresail in a squall would be the dignus vindioe no dus of all that struggle. The position of the boat, a dead parallel with the base line of the picture, however grand that arrange ment may be in the miraculous draught of fishes, by Bsffaells, is not in harmony with the slightly melodramatic air of the group that fills it. Had that boat been foreshortened, and even a little inclined by the efforts of the oarsmen, I believe the effect would have been truer than that oven keel. The snake-like line of crowded boats is finely im- and ably watar and igattfsr um, in this subject, exhibit a skilful compromise between the desire to be true in detail with the determination to be broad and subordinate in acces sory I might enlarge upon the well-drawn heads and hands, so full of appropriate expression, but I will close with a wish that public opinion, as it will carry the painter aloft, will also sustain him there by deserved opportunity, and not let him fall, in the hope, like the eagle who soars with the tortoise, of making better use of him after he has been dashed upon the cold and hard ground. H.

G. Judge Cole, one of the Judges of the U. S. Dis trict Court, died at Paris, Maine, on the 12th inst. A gentleman oC" Newburgh, in overhauling some old family papersthe other day, came across the ori ginal order-book of Burgoyne, used by him in his march from Canada to Saratoga.

Commodore Parker, it is said, has furnished the government with proof that Crittenden and his companions had no trial nothing but a private examina tion and that the bodies were mutilated. Nine of the Irishmen tried at Buff Jo for a riot on the State Line Raiload, were found guilty to-day, and twenty-three others are to be put on trial for a similar offence to-morrow. Mr. Martin Leans, as we learn from the Evening Bulletin, has prepared a gift to be presented to Kossuth upon his arrival at this port The present consists of a miniature of Washington, from Stuarf a portrait, set round with pearls. The frame of this is a gold star, and beyond the points of the star projects a cross of St John, in silver, richly chased.

Two drawn swords are also represented be tween the limbs of the'eross. The whole is suspended by a gold chain. It forms an ornament about wo in ches square. Amu CITY IYTELUGKVCE. ents this Afternoon and Evening.

BSOadwav 7 Ire Honor Wrong PatoersTer Hsnnv Mtn. bftocaHAMs The Monej Market La Bayadere Kossuth's KUDL um num. Niblo's flAsnnt Wrack rimwn BjmI die rr amor. BabKDM'S 8 and 7K Pel firiiiar -rw ami Knwm Gnome and FrUTVIHANT luSI ITI'Ta tjl 111 I Dblm. Nat.

Acadext or Dauoa 8 a. m. to 10 r. a. lleuley a Picture, Lecttrr ox thx Character op Lord Bacok.

Rev. Dr. Ryder, of Philadelphia, delivered a lecture last evening, in the Stuyvesant Institute, before the Catholic Institute, on the character of Lord Bacon, and his system of Philosophy. The following is synop sis ot his discourse He began by saying that a great man is a great pub- tefe EVEinNG P03T: NEW YOIHt, FRIDAY, NOVEUDnii iZtll to France where he performed a task imposed upon bim by the bntrlian Ambassador at the 1 reach Court, with pTeat success, looks lancy to mm, ana under the aosoiaes of Essex, her eroeciaT favorite, who was also the reigning favorite of ngUnd, Francis Bacon new to importance, and Held bign places in the gov ernment He was appointed the especial advocate of the crown, and of coi. rse und -r the protection of sex, be rose to celebrity and fame.

However, Essex, his paOr-a, met uis uoom, ana, wowa 70s oeueve it, Francis Bacon who basked in his aim shine and power. 1 among the erst to justify his execauoo, and oQer- KmIl Hen then voumavaea him seated on I iw reauu 01 una etecuou is Darucuianv imDortanx 1 th wnoiau envarad witn ine ermine 01 inauoe bat in regard to the contemplated nomination of Mr. I y- that white garment will be no emblem of the WiJiM Fu, (h. 1 .1 .1 1 MAv A A vHUwW A Vm9 WGT raj JB people, before the election, to give a large majority to their whig candidate for Governor, particularly on the ground that it would show, at the same time, their preference of their presidential candidate. It is now evident that Mr.

'W ebster would not carry his own state. You will have observed bv the call for a convention to nominate Mr. Webster, that it is not made by the whig committee, and the Courier states that be will appear as a candidate, detached from all party. Mr. Webster, whose boast ia that be is "a Massachusetts whig," a Boston whig," Faneuil Hall whig," a candidate detached from all party It sounds hideous, inaeea; ana he may well asK, Mream 1 10 go xne answer is, however, plain enough to Marshfield, to catch trout and cultivate mutton, of which his friends admit him to be an excellent judire.

1 be result or our election is also an answer to the election of Mr. Sumner for our senator. Mr. Winthrop was his only rival, and the appeal to the people shows that he lacks nearly eight thousand votes, so that the popular ratification of our new senator is very decisive. The rood operation of the secret ballot ia also demonstrated by the increase of democratic votes in the cities, where the cotton whigs exercise the most influence, namely, in Boston and in LowelL The eagerness of the whigs to throw ridicule upon "this mode of vottne, only showed their con sciousness, that it would operate against them.

I have heard whiir manufacturers nnblushincrlv avow that they would discharge any man from their service who would not vote as they wanted him, and assign as a reason, that they hired a man to do every thing to promote their interest, and they must know best what their interest is. In a state, where there are individuals who will openly avow such doctrines. it is high time, indeed, thai the law should protect the independent elective franchise, and the citizens in the exercise of it; and if there were but ten individuals who would derive benefit from this secret ballot, the rest should cheerfully submit to any inconvenience that might result to them. 1 ours, tc uxeoa. elisrselraf its In this new position he was the veriest pettaogger that ever existed.

Ue was approachable by every man that had a cause ia chancery, and those who could pay him the best obtained decisions in their favor, which were given by this just judge. In this state of things the rjeoole were oppressed, and the poor treated with injustice. The man who waa wealthy was sure to succeed in bis cause, while the man who was poor had no hope or chance of success. But Almighty God, often stops the career of wickedness in this world, and eventually his misconduct waa made ap parent to the community; people couiu no eutau uia exactions. He was impeached oy Parliament, and on hia trial acknowledged by bis manner that he waa the assassin of justice snd the oppressor of the people.

lie wss condemned, nnea in toe amount 01 iorty inon-sand pounds, and was excluded from ail honors in the land, and prohibited from entering the limits of the court. Here then, is the man who is held up to the world as the exeat and illustrious Bacon, condemned by his own conleasion as the renal magistrate and the oppressor of the poor. I am aware that Bacon waa permitted anerwarus Dy James, 10 come into we court, out uiu that efface the stigma from bis character the traitor to the institutions of his country and the corrupt judge if Certainly not. After bis liberation, be went te his extensive possessions, which were restored to him, and played, forsooth, the philosopher, and though be has given to the world a variety of work filling ten volumes, believe there is not one individual who has read forty pages of them. Ue left in his will that his name ana memory saouia oe ue possession 01 nueigu nations.

A pretty bequest! The man that is degraded in his own country and held up to the scorn of bis fellow citizens, has the effrontery to bequeath his name to foreign nations. This shows how dead ne was to sell respect ana now little entitled to the name of the great Bacon. It seems a foreign nation took up his works and what fcinglana spurn ea trance, in lis uay 01 levity auopieu aa a precious legacy, and from the days of the Encyclopaedists Lord Bacon was recognised ss a great man, the lather 01 the sciences ana an eminent pnuosnpner. But this is only the tribute paid to him by the French Encyclopaedists whose characters, I believe, are not unknown to an intelligent audience lute wis. 1 oe lieve a more notorious set of wretches and infidels than these men never existed.

It would, of course, be impossible to give an outline of Bacon's philosophy, for it diffuses itself over a vast variety 01 sunjecis ana objects dui aa to uu uaviug discovered anv new principle, or given an elucidation of obscure points of philosophy In the sixteenth century, I say without hesitation, be has done neither. in tne nrsi place, ne wouia not aumu uuu any uung was worthy the consideration of intelligent men but physics, so that really a man feels tempted to say, p-ive Dhvsie to the docs." Now. is it possible, that any man who confines the sphere of his intelligence to physics, can be called a philosopher 1 Surely, before physical science became as popular as it is at present, there were philosophers in tne wona. Again, nothing but matter is the subject of his contemplation. He pronounced Aristotle a fool, a madman, and accused him of having dilly-dallied and played with syllogisms like a child.

Syllogism, he says, is not that by which science is to be obtained in the world. Now. I ask. eould reason exist in the world without syllogism for what is it without syllogism which is only ratiocination Syllogism or ratiocination is the only way by which the mind can operate. I mean by venture ultra crtpidam," but also with a firm belief! syllogism the art of reasoning, by which we may that nothing tends so much to discourage emulation detect sophistry.

Bacon pretended that induction was the Treat medium through whieh men would attain to the knowledge of truth, but he did not introduce this induction, and yet he has the credit of having introduced it by exploding syllogism, so that he is made another landmark on the road to improvement without having deserved it. lie says that motion is heat, because by rubbing your hands together rapidly, you produce heat 1 This perhaps might De amusing, Dut wnen we consider that he has made fools of his readers, it becomes a serious matter He had the ettrontery to inveigh against the connection of theology with science. Now, i ass any intelligent person, now can tne worm ana society be regulated without a knowledge of morals and ethics How can we know the duty we owe to our fellow beings, unless by studying the science of ethics, and being allowed to put it on a level with natural science If morality is to exist without religion, what are we to do for if Lord Bacon is to be credited, tbe principles of religion are nothing. iter. Air.

Kyder oombated the assertion mane Dy Lord Bacon, that the fathers of the church had con demned the Uosmograpbera who bad announced the discovery of the rotundity of the earth, and said that so far from opposing it, one of their number, St. Augustine, had centuries before proclaimed that the earth was round and surrounded by the ocean. This assertion ol isacon, he said, was aictatea oy malignity towards the Catholic C'btarch, and tor the purpose of pandering to the prejudices of the sixteenth it is recorded in nuttory mat igtiiua, aa Irish Catholic priest, ks she srighth century, maintained the existence of antipodes aud Bacon, knowing of this, said he wss denounced to the Sovereign Pontiff as iutrodte ng novelties against the system of the redemption in saying there was another earth, another people ana anottier nrma-ment. What occurred afterward we know not, but we know that Vigilius was elevated to the bishopric of Kome by faul the Third, and complimented on nut discoveries." Rev. Dr.

Ryder next spoke of the materialism of Lord Bacon, and contended that it was not only subversive of religion, but of morality. He denies, said he, that our soul is spirit, and says that it is nothing more than matter, with tne sole exception mat 11 is more attenuated than matter so that because it was not as palpable, Bacon could not put it in a bottle and experiment unon it He also ssserted that nature waa nouung more nor less than me supreme Being, anu the cause of causes, was displeased with God for the manner in which he created the universe, and said that it was defective. Now, said the lecturer, in conclusion, is this the man you would tolerate as the in structor or your children, ana is be to ne acknowledged as the leader in the pathway of science and scientific investigations, when he would lead us to our own destruction 7 Dr. Kraitber's Lecture. -We were not so fortu nate as to be sble to attend tbe opening lecture of Dr.

Kraitser at the University, but we learn from a private source that his course is likely to be continued. It gives us pleasure to hear this, and we strongly urge our readers to attend. Dr. Kraitser is most profoundly learned, and proposes to show that the European lan guages exclusively studied among us, vis: the Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Ac, are all dialects of one language; that their identity can be demonstrated by applying his science of the alphabet to them severally and that their chsjreteiistic differences can be shown to be so superficial as to be easily classed and commanded from the point of view he takes. This evening he will treat of the Engliah language, as the medium of learning other languages, to which, he says, its peculiarities especially fit it He then proposes to tell the proper method of acquiring each separate language.

Mr. Crosby, Professor of Greek in Columbia College, spoke after the lecture on Monday, with great enthusiasm, and called on every one present, to make it a matter of eonteitnot to bring as many hearers as possible, if only for the sake of science and good learning. The time and place of the course will be hereafter announced. Murder Trial. The trial of Lopes for the murder of policeman Foster, was yesterday by Mr.

Roessner, one of the jurors, a German, who in- truck 61c end of the bag, which wss lying on the ground, causing all that were in to explode with tor rible effect The boy, himself, was seriously injured, as were also the father of Mr. Bleakley, who was standing near when th caps exploded, and two apprentice boys, named James and William Crow. Their faces and portions of their body were completely perforated by the caps, and two ladies, who were faring by the store when the explosion took pises, were much a ed up incense to Eisibeth'for the sentence she had JureuL iu" j-oaounceu against mm ouca wee ua tee una; pro-1 lwr- -j limd bv this act of insratitnde sod treacoerv. thai I verv danseroos condition. the Knplish natwn wm overcome with mdipauon.

So great was the vwlexice of the cooCTSsioa caused 'mt RaAwi survived thiamtinnuuuTty. and tn ihm I monarch who ascended the throne aiW the demia. of by the expkn, that the wiakms ot several Iwuses EUxabeth, he hastened to pay bis bomage. He pre- in the vicinity were shattered, and the store itself sented himself ss the hnmbie servant ofjamea, and by md all it contained were greatly damaged. force of adulation and fawning obtained aa easy ad- i mission to the good graces of that very ainjrular moo- ArrarntD Escats or ox or ns Foaosas.

arch, who sndeonceited as to Uncy h.m- whifcoaeoftheiraiigof forgers arrested a few days aelf a ereat theologian, writer and statesman. He uiiagined there was nobody like himself, and so ready ago, and who was permitted to remau. at hia own wasbe to believe every thing that nattered his vanity, house in consequence of his illness at the time of hia that those who were most Uriah in their prai were arrest, endeavored to escape yesterday by removing Ztv. into tii. ew York Hospital, whk be entered under Ihixe of Bockingiiam, and was promoted by that no- the assumed nama of John H.

Grant. He was found bleman to the othce of Procurator General, and from his new quarters by Capt Trumbull of the Eighth that agsin to Kauon 01 ixmi trianceiiorana auiep- 1 j. to City Prison. It an- pears that aeveral persons who are esteemed as moat respectable citizens, arc implicated ia tne Jorgenes committed by this man and hia associates. Tsiplxs Hall.

A grand musical entertainment will come off to-morrow evening at this place. Aa unsurpassed combination of talent is offered SteflV none, the great Druidess; Bertacce, the beautiful and charming Laura Pico, the unrivalled Orsino Cos-tini, the successful Adalgisa; then Bettini, the favorite; Benedetti, the popular; Badiali, the unrivalled baritone, together with the grand orchestra of the Italian Opera, under the masterly direction of manager Max Maretzek and finally, Miska Hauser, the violinist, all appearing on the same evening. Hons roR Seamex's Childum. We would direct the attention of our readers to this institution, as particularly deserving of their charity. Donations may be left at Putnam's bookstore, in Broadway, where all information in regard to it may be obtained.

The Opera. This evening Maria de Rohan is to be given, with a very strong east, Steffanone, Brodiali, Bettini, and Pico. FrRsiTDRB. A splendid assortment of household furniture ia now selling at auction by A. L.

Vandewa-ter A Ca It consists of the stock of the celebrated maker, A. Boux, of No. 479 Broadway. To the PabBe. A new mode of enforcing the settlement of disputed accounts and unjust demands, has been put in practice against me, by seeking the intervention of a Grand Jury.

A person, who, two years ago, commenced a suit against me in the Superior Court, upon the most false and calumnious charges, finding the utter impossibility of sustaining it, and obtaining his object of extorting money, has now recourse to the secret session of a Grand Jury, which, jrpon exports statements, innocently lends itself to his designs. This body has often been used, like the inquisition of Spain, for purposes of private vengeance; but a new element has now been added, that of pecuniary speculation. This prosecution possesses both; but it gives me no uneasiness. It is but supplementary to the efforts which sought to prejudice me, a year sin; when I had the honor to be candidate of the cratic party for Mayor of this city. The matter on which it is predicated is the same which has been pending in the civil courts, for two years, as a mat ter of accounts," and also the same which was sprung upon me, as an electioneering trick, in the fall of 1850, on the mere story of the plaintiff, and before the true merits of the cause could be defined.

From that time to this, I have eagerly sought to press the cause to trial, but have always been baffled from that vindica tion, by the action of the other side. Such evasions may be said to exhibit the character of the cause and this present step in secret against a man who was in the city all the time, and who had not the slightest knowledge of any such proceedings, may be said to exhibit the motives of those who direct it I do not wish to anticipate the questions of the case; neither do I ask for any suspension of public opinion in relation to it; I merely wish, at this stage, to place beside the announcement of this action, the general aspect of the matter out of which it grows, in order to afford a true appreciation of the movement, and to protect myself from being prejudiced anew by the novel reproduction of a derogatory charge. These considerations have conquered my reluctance to press purely private matter on the public, and I resign it now to the due course of law, with the conviction that mistaken malice, and avarice, have rendered me a service, by affording that opportunity to vindicate myself which the peculiar nature of civil proceedings have heretofore denied. FERNANDO WOOD. New York, Nov.

15, 1851. P. S. It is due to the District Attorney to add, that I acquit him of any but correct motives in this proceeding, which has been, upon his part, entirely offi cial, and forced upon bim by parties who base ed him. 1 t.

W- I 1 at ax A fian tlffltlntlfti T-nrr" 1 TwesAp-fcarth Annual Pair of the American Institute. A Challenge. Besevlns that the award bp the Premium Commit-tee was not a aur and Just reward, tsmderl upon comparative merits of the aaaueiintype specimens exhibited at the late Pair, and ahoboUevins that the decision of assl committee a such aft potBtrwdng other than enctmirsffin inducements to tbe putlic au-l the Mlawers oftheirttttamrkXto foster iavtew baltzburg, so that we may conclude be was not pun- I then tacts, I deem itsiy duty to protest against such ded- ls bed, as this would be a rather singular moae oi order UiatntytHeods-thepubUo and mp co-labor- punishment. I en mj hare an opporumity of haring an honeat and fair de- ine lecturer also denied uuu tne tamouc vnarcn 1 efainn 1 -hii -take KUAiO aninat SUKJQ. that the kMlivtdoala thai had ever persecuted Galileo on account of his system ot astronomy; -lor, said ne, now couia uuu agree with its treatment of Copernicus, who was invited to received the highest award from the Premium Commtttea did not exhibit, their whole collection, sixteen pictures of equal atxe, dbplaying.

each for each, an equal amount of skin aad fidelity as the sixteen I exhibited, to Justice to mp reputation as a dssuerreotypH, I offer. In good outh, tbe above sum on the fcaue. the question to bo decided bp seven competent aad impartial dAguerreotypi-U. AD I desire av a ftk- field, and no (avors. I am ready to deposit tbe money, and abide the test forthwith.

nM3t J. GURNET, 189 Broadway. BsoAnwAV Trkatbs. This evening is set apart for the bene- fit of Mr. Collins, who win appear in The Wnnf Pajwenaer.

and The thi ree nieces Irish Honor. Happy Man Tb popular fa- Ha vonte always receives irom tne playgoers 01 new loraoumper benent. snd on tbe present oocaaion, he a sure to meet with a similar proof of their approval of tut tsienui A Sfusdid Trnsa A treat Panorama of the Worlds Pso itis just been completed here, and will be exhibited immediately. It will prove a great attraction by and by. i bow, every-IhxIv ta running to tee that nunular and stirring Prench drama.

the Mysterious rHrsnger, at Harnum't Museum, ss well ss that I new, and exceedingly comic lares caueu Love ia laverp. Trav Goods. The ladies wis find one of the best aamtiiieula in the city of all kinds or fall and winter dry itooda, inelorting silks, shawls, cloaks, merinoa. de laines, plaid Ac Aa, at itch-cock A Leadbeater'a 347 Broadway, corner Leonard street. Thry have been purchasing at auction, and are selling at auctiou prices, very cheap.

Their atock embraces every thing a lady or family can want in the dry goods Bno. They have just com- Hcbenefactor. He may be considered as light that formed rurt that he did not understand En- W. JESTTS. uiiiuv.

mio jmwn.j kuv rwiug Kuneratlou, aa a model for the imitation of the growing youth of the land; as a beautiful study over which the youthful aspirer for real fame and reputation may pass his days and nights in useful contemplation. But a great man, so called, who is not truly a great man, is very far from being a great public benefactor, very far from being a light for the guidance of the youthful generation of our times. There have truly great men in the world, and I trust that there are great men still living but. unfortunately, there has been always, and there is still, a great facilitr in canonizing a power which the Catholic Church alone possesses and in holding up to the world and crowning as great men those who are far from deserving the title. The name ot Bacon has been enrolled amongfhe list of great and illustrious men of past times, and he has been considered by some aa the founder of Natural Philosophy.

He has been held up as the greatest man of the sixteenth century as the first who raised the torch of science, and who had thrown a lustre over both science and philosophy, to which the world was totally a atranger in vearsfeooe by Now, I am not dis-poeea wantonly to assail the memory of the dead yet wnen loose woo are a eaa. are inns held un. and are improper objects for imitation, it is the duty of every reuectuig nana 10 oonsiuer weu, wnetner xne homage paid to such, should not be denounced. It is the duty of every one to tear down the idol that mar beereeted ia the buildinf when tbe explosion occurred, twn "Tf VP18 emulation, or of Christianity Loxu. vounw hnra about mxts-n -r i only Rtanfr to cantKHi the unwary wikoiB, younj boys, about sixteen years of of ace.

BMd Micluwl McCuo and John Duffy, were burned to aiavdars. Michael Cooley, 14 years old; Michael nutauiick, BfWen; sod Peter Skelly, forty, were taken (roa the buildinf seriously injured, sad eon veyed to tbs eity hospital. The other two escaped with some slight Injuries. Th loos ia estimated at 1500. juuui woo is prone to renuer nomage to such men, and totcU him that the light which he follows is un- anu win lead nun astray.

L.1 reunion to Lord uaeon, whether we eon. der him in the character of a civilian, or a 1 believe that theunprejodiced contemplator of double character wUl be satined that he is fT mn nor philoeopher. It may be that 1 am touching anon th rw-inViir-. --nt gneralion, or of those who think it is sufficient to The Alexandria Gasmtu aava th.i K- r. I Pk4h of Bacoa to be induced toainp -777 7 I th therefore, it is but fit- py SVAVWJ SPJBBB EAJjaSB.

fm nfE BtMl a. and is very fatal. Between twenty-five and thir ty children have died from it din-ins; the last four or five weeks several families kaina- two and thr childres. Dr. hodal.

Bear Pleasant Dale, within the last ten days, bad cune4 all lu childrea, three in phikjaophv. Lord tSacoa waa the ana xt v.j i OAstingtiiabad by hi. mmX for thVproWaton of the new reliRvw which arwana-nn 11- was a favorite in the rns-i of Eluabeth. and r-eoived thedotnsina of fcdmood 84. BoVwbh.

sufficienl to keen him stead. hs, eariy penoa uu cotcpieiea lus studiesrvid was sent glish sufficiently to comprehend the evidence that had been received. Tbe case was adjourned over till this morning, when a new juror wss sworn in the place ot Mr. Roessner, who was duwharged. The tes timony of the witnesses examined yesterday was read to the jury, and the examination of the other witnesses proceeded with.

As yet, no testimony hss been elicited, which would directly prove the identity of the prisoner as the murderer of Foster. The trial will probably be concluded to-morrow. ScppossD Case op Murder. Last night about ten o'clock, the residents of City Hall place were startled by a cry of murder, which, on inqfary, they found pro ceeded from No. 14.

Infomation of the afiair was immediately sent to the Station House, when Captain Garret and a posse of policemen repaired to the house. It was a considerable time, however, before they eould obtain admission, but when they entered they eould find no trace of any violence having been committed. It appears that a servant employed in the house, named Aon Welch, la missing, and no knowledge of her whereabouts can be obtained. She waa last seen to enter the house about nine o'clock at night, The following persona have been arrested on suspicion of having been accessory to her death Charles Porter, Charles Greimer, Gustan ZeUan, Hannah Ryan, Mary Otto Soeider, John W. Rankin, John Wise, Catharine Connor, S.

Franklin Bowne. AxonrsE Exrmgros. Several Persons Injured. Yesterday sfternoon, about four o'clock, an accident of a serious nature occurred in Sheriff street, near Ds hacey. It appears that" a boy named John Knight, called upon Mr.

Bleakley, the owner of the tin and stove Store No. 44 Sheriff street, and offered to sell him eight or nine pounds of perexassioa caps. Mr. Bleakley refused at first to buy them, supposing that they were valueless. To prowa that they were good, the boy took two or throe from a bag, and was in the aot of striking them JwiUi brick, or stone, when nsed his aim, aa4j menoed the ribbon trade, and are telling one of the flnrststocks in tbecity, at very low rales.

Baldnp5S In mm Aim Ccxro. BV H. T. LovsT. Also, GRAY HAIR KETOKED to Hi original color, without the ose of dye, and prevented from fatting off.

by the use of hit eetebra-tedwshpene. Wliolesale and retail, at the office. No, 37 Cham bers street, New York. Retailed at ths Prmcroal Draiwitta'. Fancy, and I Allies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing ntores tlirough- I out ins cities anu country ue unnea ouues.

Ftbst PxEwrra Dacpbbmii 1 rsa Su angers in the dtp should not fall of visiting the celebrated Estshlishmrnt of Mr. B. Bbadt, 806 and S7, Broadway, where may be seen some of tbe most perfect anecimens of fes Dasusrrian Art to bo found in ths oounu-y. The collection of portraits of eminent men ia alone wortny 01 a van. Mrs.

Jerrls's Colli Caady-The Bane aaa Antidote. Hechkmgh! Hech! HedMchism! A cough and a sneese. Who desires such a vie paroxysm As these. A sort of a mixture of spray showers and thunder. That seems to rend lungs, nose and larynx asunder.

Would you endure it? Of coume not then eare k. If you want a tpeeinc just fro and secure it Dont make your friends nervous. But seek Mrs Her candy is always of infinite service. It extirpates Bronchitis, And then it so sweet is. That instead of a medcine, it really a treat is.

Its sale is immense, For who minds tlie expense, When A COUGH CAN BE BAN'kiHED FOR TWEJTT-FTVE CENTS. Sold wholesale and retail, bp Mrs. W. JERTTS, 378 BROADWAY, corner White street, and toid by druggists generally. Agents ill) nroadway 10 Astor House: Mrs.

uayea lot rui- lie sore to ask tor MRS. JfcHVlo" Cukt Candy. Pfew la rated Wisa. Bstrhelor new invented Wtot snd Scalps, made of fee finest natural curl hair, and adapted the bxb essy manner to the peculiar Kyle of each individual. They are entirely anew in Teuton, doing away wife aH fes vexatious difficulties so kmg experienced byfeose whowearwigs, Tbe public are invited to inspect a large and weii selected tfcck, containing every varts-ty of site and color; they will thou be abis to judge of fee effect WM.

BATCHELOR, taveator and only Banrrfactorsr. 4 (okt Ho. 1) Wail street, sear Broadwax, Dr. Blake's Ansssrln BUtera. IV AT tww buku as tub vub.

whea fee talhfT SJ so changeable, and colas, with then- attendant trita, are so pre-vaieut, it a important to havs in irndmest irlinne feat will check them 00 fees' On appearance. Many a valuable kfe might have been saved if tbneiy attendee had been paid to the fire: symptoms of thess dieuniera. No medicine bettor okt-htted for tha purpose than Dr. Biases Aromatic Batera. While they eradicate dstease from the system, they also strengthen and invigorate the couwiiiMlnn, and enable the pauent to itj'isl more effectually in future ak morbid influencea.

They ara alike valuable in bullous and other daorders srkang from a deran gement of the digeture organs, tiBmerons tomimonialt of highly respectable persons who have moved fee virtue, of tha medi- Cfflft can be -n on apvhcauoo at the Doctor oraoe. Por sale, wholesale and retail, at US Ihvksoe sues, and by DrugxxSs generally throughout UM UoiUd states. A medicine scientifically and akilnuly cunipouiKVd. which makes 00 undus pmiaiksia aad rscoasaaendad by tlkwns of Iht lililnal 11 spin ulalkj. iliwi 11s Ihr larrnneiT r-be.

Such a modktos a fee Oxysnnated Bitterafor fessnro of PpsBepsia ia all ks fcrma. For salt by A. B. A Sands. MS Pukca street; A Scots A Co.

US, snd H. Rinc X9S Broadway, and ky fes ha Raaor ptrop kltnnfactory. So. 1C WiBBan at. TbaararJa decktedhr the beat to ass BvaaskiaR beaatofal bBfear aaa safs enmg tht beard.

Or-The Btssass raatto BiaSiBi lailrnaa'l and vickuty, wffl find a eamxaat sBsatpaffes TT I lilirt fill sa sis 111. 8 r-imVT, TksDaSp Ij Is nai.U" "i Pgsfttrrlspatjteaoon. tr A. Ikswwovtb a Dauariaw AotAeasT. Bo.

4SB BrasBasst Thwt.hiekmnwaonnBwtitow-AC-Wd-siarisji snd Batardays Bar Lodisa aad Satwrday I aw feosa who wab toalsead saeea west asdThartdavs. Ofesr okuam an Wads E. CkatotosakUwdsys 1 MiLfwl LAROK PERKStFTORY SAL OP eTLEfJUB Household Furniture, vo visa tun si rsa EFf ASUSHXCrt Of MX. A. BOCX CI UtD BXOA0- WAT.

cnvssqcDcsav sunaanos at senscas. ti" Jorrs TAKDrwATnt ca, wtn an PBXDAT aad BATCKOAT. Knaalw 13th aad Mta. atsw aaaeaavoaitwaft at MX eAdoek. a astsadU 11 muesli bf ttiiaatiuuasaat masjisain rfeahy carved centre tobies, hi ealn: ssl unit 1 (Yieax seat) Baaardravwaooeradataw4m.

Thai nesswsornon of the sartor farataare wfl seU wkhes Ike esterase, am aa scpsftassur fee soared ts freesn um i Ttassoaariaf ms akevs aratses save been aetstasatrpr MX, at Paris, 1 ne inisgy, Is sal sad lakis ilsrs Teraai sf Sals Over HIH ears; cvar Kta, 4 tadeaOwiniil rataua. KEE8X, sUI THX CHEAT SALE Mr TAB UMmtB JAftYsS LIBRARY. Terra rvcaxe balm. Prialearlev.atTsanckfrsaw a sslakisaU BIOCELLAKEOUS-IxiSi X.TK to X.74R THEOLOGY Continued LsWtaStolJH, POLEMICAL WORKB-aes iimm worts On Janmmiett, sta-Loti to ROSA 1BK BOOK CASES ef fee Jsrva Ubrsrr wB be sold Out eventac ELEVENTH AND LAST EVENING BALK, Satarday. Sov.

15tk. at VSock. r. a. aoawrsns: tlftCELLANEOUS Lots RSO (pate 178 ea catakcae) to S.075X- POLEMICS, (contoooO Loto LOT to UK.

SERMONS, DISCOURSES, m-A far mpmtion tfOtem Sermons were JbrawHy Ike proper BI8H0r JAEYIS, and bear his aatoarsph. Lots U38 to IXL ADDENDA Lots IXi to BJSR awsvaiwi Brest work ea Bards; 3romfs sJistqatDea Snram't Dtouonary; Oamde Lorraine's Liber Terfcaaa Coiiine' Peersae; Grose's AnUquMea Boubraben aad Tirtmts Heads; BooorbXi Works Moses PrancaaNaooiaon; Mosee Rots! NspoHoa. tBatesof da de i NAPOLEON'S Great Work ea KtTPt. RiilosoDblcal Trsoastioos, 18 vols, ste, calf, Ac, LYMAN A RAWDON, (ButiiJiaaa te James K. Cooky, and Pooler A Tessa) nil St and 87 Broadway.


LX embradnt tbe enure ef the sue ANCIENT ARCHBISHOP OP TARA5T0. In tbe Kingdom of Nsptea, wB be esottnaed from dap to dap. eommenciaE at 11 oMock, a. a. The rrsrsisnlsiirsi as te sathsnHrttp of Ota MssUsa, ae.

Is perfectly reaaMe, aad coram direct bum Dr. Jsrva aad the Archbiabop. Tab Brest sale wfB be fcaowed bp SEVERAL nrrolCES ef eiceerlmity rkh and rare PAINTINGS and ENGRAVINGS, mostly works of obsat assn sr rslsstiTtp susram-A supplementary eatalocua has keen piupanid, am about ONE HUNDRED AND PORTT CHOICE PAINTING8. The whole are now on PREK EXH3BIT105, at our eztsoatve Picture GaJkry, over the book Mies room. N.

The aUe will bt eonunaed from day to dap, till both cataloRues are cM. LYMAN A RAWDON. ITT and 171 Breadwap. nlletnp ear. of WhHe street.

OFFICE OF THE SUN MIT UAL EVeSCBAXCS COM PANY, KEW YORK, October SI, 1811. tr The tMtowte Btateaset af Um ASUrs of thai Company publuhed in contormltj with the 10th Section of UM Act of its Incorporation UnexpirM PrriaiMoa tlM4thOHobar, Prrmhims reoetvad fcr the pear ending eth October, 1861. via: On Marine SUXSJ6I 48 On Inland Navisatkn and Transportation Bisks. 84 OnPlrsSiakl E179 88 Earned Premiums during the year ending ts afcre- tation Risks On tire Re-insurances during the year. PTpenses K8J01 11 L087.M IT wx sunn Net Profits The Profits of the Company to 4lh Octooar.18S0.lar which Certificates were auued, amount Additional Fronts from 4th October, laeo, to 4th October, 1SU.

Ceruncktet paid off to IMS mXlmflmn sakL BL13UMM Return Premiums. 137,101 87 Net lamed Premiums. BLKbJOI 4t Looses during tht same period: On Marino Risks 40 On Inland Navigation and Transpor- LUU0B4T kskas 4vn a 11M0BB II Net Earnmgt to 4th Oct Ml LillZ a The ASSETS of fee Company as fee 4th October, 185L ware ss fcuowt, vis: Bonds and Martcsget Stocks and Loans on Stocks. (SUM IS Real Estate. MU31 8 Cash IXMS Interest Accrued on Stocks, Bonds and Morta-ae-aa and Loans.

Ot Bills 87,198 74 Premium Accounts llumBrclsd, Botip of sundry ln- AOTAPtSSt Tbe Beard af Timlin have Bus day declared aOvidendof 1 Asa A Halt rsa csarr. 00 fee Ptmtd Pitaih of toe raw andmsOrSober 4th, 18SL for which eartnVates wt be Issued oa and after 1st January next They havt also dirtcted the paymeot of Six rsa cn-r. dt Cass, for kitereat 00 ths scrip hsretofcirt bsuuil. psjabis sosndaAer lst November. The Trustees have further resolved, That, after reserving Ovs Muuoe or Dollabs.

fee omsiiiiilliig certincsies of proflu. kv sued far the pear and Piftp per cent of those tar IrMRke redeemed and paid to tht holder! feeraof, or their kal rrpr-aantativoa, oa and after fee Mat December next, from which date all Interest thereon ahaRceasa, By order of tht Board. 10US WUITKHXAD, Beorotarp. TKUeTEES. MOPES H.






President. ALP RED 8ETON, Vies Praadsnt. JOHN WHITEHEAD, Secretary. Ntw Tokt. October n.

1861. nllmnp OFMC'K OP THE MUTUAL UFK COMPANY Of SEW YORK, Jio. 88 WALL STREET. Stateroent of tbs affairs of tbs Mutual Iifs Insurance Com pany of New York, for the Uuarbraudiiig 21st October Net Assets oa band, 31st of July, 1L Per stata- ment of that dale. LstLiafel bbcbvis ddbdm tub ocabtbb.

Por Preniiums, Pohdet, snd Sea Interest on Bonds, Ac, Lossti paid during the Quarter Paid on Paid fcr rent, change, Ac. Pakl tor commissions, advsrUsina. State taxes, snd postsges. Paid oa account of First Dividend, for profusou PoUcks tormUULted by death. 4JUM ...301500 00 1- U98M km 871 88 iMi n.

Cash on hand and In bank (000 Bonds, Mortgaget UTAoTI St Stocks of ths United States and City of New York. 10778 0T Balance das from Agents RUT 81 ADAJ0L9 St Great J. Appletoo as. PUBLISH THIS WERE, IT. Oa PsatAT.

OLLESDORPTl GRAMARR, roa a Lear. 1 at sBBBBsds OtaBaosspt ana al arioctoki aa apeadlcs laatabra: For A UI TO THE EXERCXFES, ht a Tke abb) and MfAtvU LMLVT8 43JST8 84 tfT84 Bp order of fes Board of Trust ses. niarwnp 1SAAO ABBATT. Secretarr. California Freight, Package and Parcel Ejcprt, JKH TJ.

H. MAIL tfTKAMER ILUMH, On SATURDAY, MoveaberzSd, BY li. SV. MAIL WKAMKK 6KOBG1A, On MONDAY, Movsafeer Safe, and Bp TJ. 8.

M.UL8TKAMEB EX. DORADO), On WEDNESDAY, Novembar RXh. In cooaequence of fes ar rmnlalins savsinl sf IVciabt ordered fcr th. Cakiuriua atarkat. to go by our kna, bare kxmd rjecssaarp to send off a Special finusa, ks advaans af oar nguUr day.

by tbs United Stales Mail a lamer ILLUiOUL as SATURDAY, Mav.XkL at Soxtock r. a. IS CHARGE OF A SPECIAL FREIGHT AGENT AJfD SPECIAL THROUGH MfStUaiGER, Wt aball akn diepatrh a Pares! Expreta, bp fesTJ. rteamar GEORGIA, oa MONDAY, Nov. Sua, al 8 sctock r.

ni cabs or a Taauoaa MasantaaBtoSisiliitliiit Oib iniikji Jiiim kVsillili fris'BB all iut asia bp fes Mai nn-n-T EL DORADO, as WEDSESDAT, SSfe atlodockr. bussbbusI, a csiana or oca Sraa 1. Fa, aaa Tnsonua Mawgsnts ARFrtaght kaeaded lor either sf these Ptiitmna an debreredtoas wkk tovotoea, prior to tka aay af asdktc. BiaNxkspis ASS oxaxAasfesskp'af ADAMS A CO, and 18 Ws8 BOOK NOTICES. Bacribery Habtor El Isolbs, nBsaWatodo as Piibsbbib bBBonanai al aa aas aWs as RsBssarilFsssiIsp Jaaaslaa as asta ctodad.

Oat vst rsaaa. T. Os RtTwasAV. hark ProkPaieasBMSs and udera fes wiaal wa rk "--rk I SSSBSBS, TSEATISIS OW ARCHITRCtTRa, BrTLDntq. MA80WRT Thomas Tr TV.

aihimaiim ts nadk ism risnlkaig I iibbibs Tsiilii I AD CAtU tNIalC. By Ho-tiigL m-wu. ISmTS Uiadrea. AR fes BWdera Dasees are kJCkSBtd to Ins eoarss I A pracucal and aaaud week las taxkuakt w- 1 wimn 1 a -BBBia. COOK KOTICES.

CL P. Pntiia 111 rest si HAXB book or nrnrsEsAi. biography. i vovra or rerun 1 Ms. mil flu ana an at n4 a farwlej taato Stoops! IsxTooswJass bad me ssVaftj ts arsasrs taa aaatdicooaarf at anrranal stnavssap extant to as aaal easssam Ha aa has aaae aa weasve bsaa 1 1 1 1 Sv a casMcasaasanaasf ntesvsaaaa We save esassSkst wall wsMsadebsaare, ssmilam ssrfasxsaat sad las si mm mt sasn sivsiaoT sslssaiSsrs'i Masaryi mat save el a la a werk at the lsaeaaa art aas a Sa aaasaf Mr. OmmwW aaara, sat wrasas tke awAJsapoMaaL aas essasai wast saaaas esaaad 1 1 I Ikaadias inimlil mvmm ska 11 at everp dkasasaabat Assarkaa whs aas died aw a a reseat daaWOisnraaf Jiisweiiw. eiiiasaa whfcatasassaadej liistTssu aiartr si mm I wain aad sons aftbstatapssa sabacasra easeesas wkk aUBtp sad saodtaaa. As It saw sat ton.

team il inl 1 HavilH I Kctlaaarp as ska In 1 Baca a werk a ss- awaaaata, Batbstjartk as Bom tVcbasssUa, 1 af Ibe Bast eosspaaJsa eikiai toasssarkaef PaV Charles Scplbner, Hew Trk WE Potash ea Satardap. Nevrasber IMb, THE PALL OP POLAND. Together wkfc a etotory at Um Osanar a-oaa as Crajav Bp CKanus. trakutsasa Tfce entire work aa fcastv atoim thesaunr hasrooVmly Sued kiswrsr Aw Uw kTba derukan. by artsviy sf history sod psrticvtofir a oarer ol anasrwa aa isms vrsm urns srr In srdrr to bs man immnkut UM isimms bosh ander nrTerrat beads: ss fceugvm.

tiovensseas, Onat Mra. CiriBsatm. Sorirty. Br. thai ensbline Ik tadrot to rrr d.

mss. GroM Mr. km nruy 10 UMsanrcct, nn as mxr soars to stvaa a witk ks asaeupriau feats, to ajaka a vataabsj work Bar UM BbraiT. HERPPrtTg CAPTAINS OP Till OLD WOKMl 1 pel WAKKKNT ATTACHE IN sPAIH. 1 voi Print WHKRLF.K'SRt'KAL

I vol Price St Mi CHaKYAJTS iOCIHPLLCiiUTlAX. I voL Pries SL nl Bf lite AntEtwr Tj-pr Omss." HAKPtX A BRwTHEXUi ON miBAT, Nov. MOBT DICK: OK, TT1E WBAIX Author of Redbara. Mardt, Oawo. aad "Typea.

lan. ajailla Pries U. Let Mr. MerriDe wrIU as mock as he wffl, provided always be wrkas at wed at now, aad be lhal Rod as greedy devuuiis of bta pradocaooa Be has a rare pea tar the de laearioa of ebar- sr; aa epa fcr the bwmeroat sad gnavoaa, which is wank a Jewlitlar the dienlpUna of astiaal easaarpha a Bet to ba baaUn, atther on ttdt Okie of the Alisnue or Ow ether. Ukaea-cl is moat diet, the eoiorinc beaotJrd and rich.

Airorhv boar aaasparbna wkh the Sb9st canamc of fee atodera PreuchicbooL Lomdon Timet. Mr. MehriBe stands as ar apart fross aap past sr present storms painter to poa sad Ink as Turner dots from Vander-rekto, We cannot raoal another awveast or sketchar waste (rreafes poetry of the skip, bar voysgea.snd hererew, la a nnsrataBrsamihltfig bm-Limdo Athrnmtmm, Bad not Mr. MelriOe ab-aaiy appeared bHOrt Um world wkh loauottoas whssh, bp their sowartal anergy and Eeneral worth, have won both attention and admiration, thai work (Whits JackaO voukl be ssffloirat ta establish kka as a sob-atanaaiavarfcalwUMfatara. writes weK and thnnghout bb paces, suea thorn wharo pea boat of beauties and suMuarkira, theatnsiaeatavideneeof aaantirmg apkit, great vigor.

Mtp kntgrnitton. aad a purs styls of wrkkai If wwfoa Morning Ams. Ships and the sas, sad those who plow with tbewbekasa-kigsoa shore these subjects are UenOnai wkh Herman Met- ekaetp or plumed Ihem more sign iatiTjy. Albion. Herman MetrOe Is ens of fes lew who has made amet mark on fes aerators of hia Um-CTAifadalpAta Sank AmeiiMn, The author needs no commendation.

has already faund haandieDoaand Is not wanting namban, hi tests aad la discrtminirion. No wraar plans better thaa he; as one mmm msieriaA or Elves them better ens pots to amwe eaqostte rmsav-t Wommmr JhUladimm. The robot wffl daeovsr In baa, at least, a osphal aaajH.m addnioa to the fiartntring noveBhS and pamtar of lea BBv ILUerarv World. u. Far Pirrssa sr LONDON LABOR AND THE LONDON POOR.

mtlM Nine teenth Century. A Cyciopedja of UM tootol mgs of fee poorer classes of the iroaoHa, aa oil sue- bob with fes country. Bp Henry Mapbew. Wkh of the scenes and persons described, 1 takao by Beard, im aty tor EagTarmgs Dagwarraotrpet work, palillskiiig at aamk ira Sra Paper. BH cents each.

Tot (embracing chrran amnhrre) haowiaadp-booadtossaaav Price 1 Ta. HABPul ak BHOTHuiB, bavb jcbt pcsiasre PpnuTCAL REQPNERATIOX, with reference to hues A Charge dekTered to tbs Clergy of the ttOtam, at ths Thirty Ajurth Annual CVmvenUoa of fes mmm. Oct. 11th, 11. By Chasus MrlLTAlsa D.

Bobop of ths Dwcesa. 8va, iper, price BH cents. IL Ktnrasa boarBra or THE PICTORIAL PI ELD BOOR OP THE REVOLUTION! Or. nklnlina, bp Pea aad rancR of fee Usury. Scenery, Bkajraphp, Rrkea, and Traditions of the War fcvlrjdrpendeaca.

By Baaaoa J. Lobbum, ga Wkh aver mm EnaTsTingt oa Wood; bp Loasnra A Babbitt, chiefly from Original Sketches bp tbe anther. PubiMhng In Numbers, Sra, Pries cents earn. The work wat bo coan kto to a Tot Lkastdsostely bound to Bsasba.b Bow ready. PriotnSR THE PIPTTXN DECISIVB BATTLES OP THE WORLD; from Marathon to Waterloo.

By Creasy. M. THE YOCNQ CHRISTIAN. By Jaosk AaMt, vat, at SBS'Toaaa CkraSlan Sarka, Tbe Young Cbnsuaa. U.

The Cormer rkona. UL Ths Way to ds Good. fcuptaved aad satergoiL wka moahn; 81 pervokuna, all MDttWltfeW ificdical Work. Lerturre on Mawria Mniira and TherapOTTUr, oVkmul ia the Ooitogs of Pkrwcaus and Surgenos of ins Lnnawlf sf law lUUa of New Vort- By John Heck. Du lata I'l lessor ot MaMnt Hotira ana Mrum unapronenra.

l-itparra sw oai araaa bv bja fnend. tl K. Ouman. M. U.

ProfcaMr of Uhxara Ac In fes Colaof riywrians and Sorgeooa, N. Y. Just pua- laaadiip n. a a w. soonai rsanstrssc A no.

Karen uj i-uoosneo, Oregory ea Erupurs ravora Tilt Adaad kj Dr. Bulklep. Mou't Veqwaus Opersavo Surgery. UlVsaoa. 4 jn'a fWiauiMa HfdnM LhnA Pvnncv'a aouiacrn Uoml Krporta, TaV CTamaehaa on lMalacuUon af emur.

frsnmcuonsaf New tork trsikmp of Msukjae. Bmub's Uperslive Surgary. Carpenters Oomparaurs niyakaaxy. United nates riaraxaennuaa. Wood A barite't linpin.try.

Haaaaira kliroaoona; Aoauanv. Acton 00 tnuary sad Oeucrattve Organs. Groat on du 00. do, Malgaftioes Operative burgery. Ltxaraook Urruva.

nshloo Death rrom Snfracsooa, BAXTON'S COTTAGE AND FARM LIBRARY. voLcas nan sow bsasv. Tbe Cottage Dee-keeper for many yean. M. bAJLIvjM, U3 FbBob strsst, T.

Cell age liauldiuga, fcr. 1 Lcrtzcn sxxisca oar Or, PtiggBstlons fur fes Prartacal lltiniiaiial of Iwslisi aad Cottaso Apnwiox oa adenune avkaUptos. wkh aa appeadts af notes, chtofiy atesBativs, By a country Oarata, priosMi To be fcaowed bp others, forvting fes Bust oniniilsls sarka of PRACTICAL AND USEFUL BOOKS that baa Ibe nt THE AMERICAN ARCUITECT-Nuw eoamlrle la asaa- btrs, SIX cents oack angle, or S6 lor fes work romptrte la Mrs; at bound totwovols fes wboto oontslrmig keaa- dfttl desigrjs far eoaou-y rendencea, with plana altvsUoea and 1 tailn, varying from Snuu to S-awl Tut. ono of Uie most at; in arrlitoniral books ever autiithnl ia Uus csuoAry sr Also. THE AMERICAN STAIR BCILDPRS- OCIDE.

to aaa vot octavo, wife Dutneroas aiuaraliona Price Si, lubbed by CL M. BAATvN, La Pidtoa airast, and As- salt by all the nooasrlkra. Irl'B Law aud Practice ol Vcu- dors and Parcbsarri sf H-al EstaAa, A r-rni-endium of the Law and Practice of Tsadors snd Par chaaenaf Real Estate, bp J. Uenry Dart, of lanook-ik laa BarristaratLaw. Wkh Notes and Refcreocas to ImsrlraB Dacasoos, bp Tboraas W.

yalniaan, rVnnaiiBir at Law. 18U. 88lpaea. ASM Tbe dental and acopt of this work, may be gathered froea fes antnors snxaco. It a "to supply tha suadeni, wife a eoex-a-s sad conn 11 asmimM of Uie pn went la and pracuc anect- kg vsnuera and pun of mai lattlii.snil fes srocuusner with a portal 4e book of reference to fee rsoant aad fee Basal riant buimtb-os on toe suiaeci.

an ttrgant, fcrned. and kicat axpoatinaof one af fes ktnaaliiia.aiiil at ins same tuns s-at anatruss kranches of fes law. Tus arraua-en-cal a very ban, and fes sev rsj Bonus are vary clearly staled and Mtuatacturuy aa-pponed by auinor-taa-. There Bsursovor. a wry cnstMut mim, aad a very lus taea oioimieuisana tans of ceaaa.

llariug been very ncentiy iiiili 1 from fee Iandoa preaa rrwilaim uuinerouo anponaot deciwinna wbjck annul bt bund in anv ocunr liaalna It kna on ucued kv Us. af ak us prsutxijasort at tins fjctdotiusuiry. and hss award Oat we uunk suoooMiutiyj at a Biean nettreen a-amge meat 01 wtismau oa fes one baud and pniuky an Iks other, a mmvme in Sugd a oa Vendors a nuk law, ka. at carefully atunj ttd. frasd Iron eosala-ous snd ate 1 aaeu nst as that of as pracucal aukty.

bat beta dropped. Itto prataut ADMnean a jnavjorat-iy enstrgsd Trom me Eng-m nliuon. Ths Dolaa, whtck afv sxt -anas eonloua, anus very fuB catioot from ths nsTknk as wall as Amanoxa eaaea. reateo. lUawaraswssokeouMuis-ew laSMaa Inoaa-usrai Via.

Bail. in nuureina llnl Bit la Haw TorK. TiS il li tilth ltnrn-i liimi sskluliail nilkl wkk Amencu Aoua, by a. raca rjaaiAu, ana, rifiliahii ami Mr toll ky BAKSdS tKrVLO mmnp o. Ht Bsatsa SM-sst New jr A'MbUnta-caL.

Till LADIES OP THR COVENANT. Mimulil of da akxted Wortliak Peaaais Uiararttrs, emrjraauaT fee sartad of I Ux-eoaut aud tus rsnriilis Byksv. Joatss Ann rao 1 vol IXmo. EPLaUDES OP JNfWCT LIFE. PVat Snrim.

to af s-prtus By Acaeta IMnveauca. t. U-I9U1IU Wg AASAA 1TB A -PISODES OF rSBECa I PR. Tkk-d Barks. A Tbst ark wife COLORED PLATES, and hi cxkra gtl Tha work It oaered to fes pobBe, in fes Sal aasarssrn.

Oud a a of um atsst Basoiaia sn or oooa nait evar MB ts lnhlahsrl aad tw mm Bak, CaKTRBwit 'Wajtlod, BW uks ktowtna haadsoBM GIFT FOE 188S, ALKIE. 1M FaBaa gtoweLKow Tork. ODD FELLOW! OFFEKIBQ. at of aaat nelBBarsant la mill ii 1 Crosena. Onto book to drrrt sway trele'a Letters.


Pxtos I GLANCES AT EUROPE, laa Sorka of ltssrstrtsB rsat BrIUwa, iraaaBdy. BwR- sf Baa Unast WerhraFBSc. HOBACB sf PAH MARBLE. ftain-s a ilia As. kyOrr, Irkaa Pal of fan and I IbiBWnlaai txjMPAUOa TO TUB RETER18S OP A BACITEUML-T i 1 griartrtllwa Priotava SXWT-p.

DATENPORT, Fabaskar, 81. 11 1 IWing SIX. uomrnt Oraraax Urrai Ti IllaiuxiaA, Oil Mas. EnciaSI I saa INEW YORK XXOTXI. SlXKSrlXUSI! LATEST IMPSBTATIBIIHI nnWCH est ITXelf AFIRE, 113 Bind 11 BrMawaf, RJXA Vr A si.iis lf EVPRV MKRCHANT KNOUFH.

PRPWCTf AND neak Ac of evarp Sracrtpuon. SI Ircas Sllkvs. GERMAN tVblt GsxmIs. N. York.

riLE-rsL 6KRMA, ITALIA MnaM SILK. f.rx ipa3, aa a fl BP siVff map iM ItTWl I TH PALL to AR1RTT sad KXTB.ST try aa ssssssr Ami iibbissi at mm urJtttTTWTTttriis iVTJL mm wsnap sas sa- lrjLZ op the rickept and Mnrr MAcym os art arranged I esat arK" Prnrn Psslaiatind sod Bros4e Pjhcwa svajl hp I as cshssM. and sdsetM to brsl CSV aad Twa 1 1 SatM. iMa. urss TT--Z 1 Rat fmnn tr4 I Wikrsi BWars ariiss Aisa.

ae.Ae.aBaf the fan LAlAsT awaa. Priatcsl Gexxt. lim PARTS KHriXN LAiXfJI AND CAPfrwTRn. si mi TWELVE ODLORA Pi nm it Onwuk raorslp lr Btyto. stssk.I i ly far the baa Ouj Una Tiasa, mxtrm rich PtoJ sad Ptrsrad Maaaa as I ttora An.

AlJOtamaM ilm ml afild I ad Osakaansa I Shawls. TUTS DEPAmrCNT. WITH AMPLE ROOM PnK TTTS IWUy.srotracra sB Um mam i iilirarhaaf Aiaasaa la NMwa. SJao, tha aim and nobtat panms af teotca, Laos Bliswa, nal "Tanaa nunfs-unl npiiaay aw i and wraths Um atunaoa ol Um Brat aas. nra Bsnaro and Cantoa Crasa baaaia, Prsaok Paka Tkasst.

BlblMPBS. A COMPUTTt AWORTwRXT, CO' Tsrtaia Pbul krsearta and BswrM. at Phut. hra OF RICH widths asd styka. Also, Cap kibhrna hek iCbbasjk piam rana and TaBsta ka bona Paacp TTMnaaris Pins ana Binliaa Tus, Boara, Aa Staff Ciels.

FLAT BLACK AND CTHORKP ALPACA. KICH PT9- attnS MaTsllBwl iWif. DsBBRmamL, RtsTTSaCaSl aaaSSE FlffTaTaBBt tuVsasTnmZ MiBs Bap Laatns; ftntiana Cloth: Pignrtd aad Plata Mohair: Lviisiii aad Thibet Ctoths: Plain Prenrk Merinaa aad Ciiaaa; aan, a ras vaoavy of Fkud BuuT ttaada. Saw SVJMS lTsxtlcrT' THIS DPPARTMTWT. TO WHICH SPKCTAL Al I MHOS Is kavited, kas beta math emsrgrd.

sow mi aa enure Boor, andeaabraeetavrrv extraaTe Hork of Rnahak and liiiaMa II i 1 1 linn 1 1 ii aiii ml. IsalsSaaiiaiBMliiiiss siaisiilhl mm asm utp aad laurwr Traua. ImXC, LACES, IA5CT UJTENSLAWNS CAMBRICS, MTLLB, CHBCKS. SIR1P18 Phua and Pvursd Bwka UitJs, trnaa knot do, GloTva. VTWW AND WlTfS WHITE.

RI-ACW Awn OTIIlPm ri mi li miiilsiimat aiilmil tnil'baoiiknl snitsdi aw oar Alsss, taua-tavns, Praaok Pnasa Issst and rans Cvrcrs. Ao. Ao, Also A LARGE A.rrrvnrNT OP rich goods por pttn mg Drissus. of various tttarios and latest stylea aultDAW Silks! CHEAPER THAN ETXR, AND CHEAPER TEAS AT AST OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. niTCIICOCK ak LEADBE1TEB, SIT RMtDWAT, eaa-uvr mt LEtAFlB BT, srv sreparad to arrra tkair ri 1 inwab HEW AND BEACTIPVL PRESS GOOD at As tnuowmg exwsordlnary low rates: XLEQATt PLAID AND BROCADESILU AT til BEST IRISH POPLIN AT at BR ACTTPUL DELAINES AT Is; HANDSOME CALICOES, PAST COLORS.

AT and evarp Stbsr kmd of aooda. as Merkssa CaaksBsrak CASHMERE AND WORSTED PLAIDS. licb Pruned Caaliiiia ia aad De I.tkiai, Callri at. Oingkajas; BEACTirCL BOHEMIAN DRESSES FOB Loaaad Bsoars Bnawuval kinds; PARISIAN CLOAKS AND OPERA CLOAKS, Bd. K.

BV-A ku-gs stark of rich sad stream RIBBONS. AT LM THAN HALF PRICE. aH Elrgrant Curtain materials. Ac. We hav anasrtod several easts of fee toast aWaad FRENCH CURTAIN MATERIALS TABLE COVERS, Buck as SATIN DE LA 1NR, SILK AND WOOL ROC A TELLE, WORSTED DAMASK.


Tare t-nun. Poukarroto. narrow wnpe SHk at m. 39 IfaaBAtBi at. DUES GOODS.

LC BOKTILLIER DROTnCR fnaisrthdly fcivas fes kvdwa ks Inspect fes I Bnskia BILKS. MERINOES, rJ at to. MER1NOU A.ND CA11 KRAiS at 81 par yard. A Isrge lot of RIBBONS from la 88 CANAL STREET, atlas Four oort fro as Braadap Overcoats Sc Heavy Clothing, Por muen and Boyv llrar, Wt sow ks-t to Wort of MES AND BOYS CLOTHING, wksok wo are Begone oa a to ks w-thto tbs rasck af rrrry asm kt want af any kind sf BUT goods Fwrebasers wal Bad sj n-aath 1 by girkig as a cafl. sod m-arang oav nvook sf swada BdDAWna THK XxlT BOCQHTOS A RNAPP.

TUOTIAS IILAT 9J irHUlam mtreet. KEW TORE. 171 PORTERS OF DRY AND DEALERS Df WOOLLEN YTIYE raealTed In am 1 HI mentof AUTUMN IHIIW. i Iprlsht or Cotta-c wmi asm iiiinw vnvm armniAiiapa risL I nisiwatnaiai ii'ii -mm Mmi mm BUka Pocaet Hutttamka aas naanrkv Sana Ko witter, aot ma Marryatt htmseK has observad them smts I ersss kvan Italna and Aa GOOIpS, MACKINAW AND NEGKO BLA.NkkTBASeuaora nan hunt and bshb. Pitsa.

nes-era karaeya lasfba, Camay HmM. wka-nevs and California Onha BKlAilAN, SAXONY, FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOTHS. CLOAKINGS and VRTiGS, Run C-raa, yaws, Bnckmga, Tweeds, rancy (aaimirua. TraA Baas Oo4- tofuyM rut and Alnnrra MrsA Sauna and Buvunaa Klf.H TH CAHMMKKU IlNDMIMLUiN llltlllA. LAN'S CLOTHS, GLOVEa, iiUfSERT.


MERCHANT TAILORING. Tkip BinBdtovkaBsraesi Tbe aooda havs bsea carofaRy kehoval. r. e. pjti.rnLE, RtPIR ARB TAUSB, "VTA unwind from No.

Joan street to to BROADWAT. at bl uttsuus marm ig ana rnsot sus. saais as ate 1 awed 10 to sss aA was are ks wan! sf bubbwbsAsb CsntosBSV nv- BV art aa a. avan -I" a niratpitnl l8AV81WAi5 bv nXJm'm TT I Ronton and Eastern rackae gab) bp A REDPTEUX CBntoa BaA I ID ITS ft. A THB4HA THEOCGH BT LAND.

IN MAIL TRAIN A IN 14 HOCRA TWO TMWS FEB DA T. firwism liBilnlHssslits-dr ill a. orricxB-rVEvr vsMUL. 8 4 Aix irrauarr. BH tmmm RtoBVTwW.

8S CWXPlrXSI sj-tsabj-w. EmwmtimDs. SmAXPonnu ctra 8 84 I wnnr.iGjr EXP It ess. THR RATIONAL GIFT BOOK. I ail iswiif ns nfdtoC-pt-l I tot and fee FtaeaB lAssae, wife ISrwaR of fee P-sadsxa, I tT Havasj -Baotod arrsasBBaaats tm mm sals a-atott af I saarav-loB aoeL Etesanfly boaad anil PrieaBA I Borkasnt to antrly ovary part sf THE RATIONAL TEMPERANCE OPPt-UNO.

LsrctSm 1 1 g-ABr-rtlounsBlssiuasaow-ltofBVBSBWB. ad an 1 Mil It toll Varasa.AlsBa-,1 EDWARDS, IAN FORD A CO. TBsksraBswabei atoaLsa a at ks Sss s-ary sataak aw I 1. Cans af tksaS Fer sVoBUhMBBiwdOBB bvjsoI Uatpc. THE LB HAD STAT8S MAIL sTTAMSMIF FRANKLIN aS BnRbap JAKEB A.

WOTTOX. I Mfe. atal wVtoak, bwat ator Jam Bar Bi-eS Pttosof lisnni STSA is mnilni il i Far Bnnrkt BT laawspl npnty to KORX-mXE UTOI TON. Aawai rcrlr. SS BtSUWIT.

'mX 1 It rmmm fc-W a Wl-'I rjaw-ap -sf ft wSkSKI asf lEPEaaV UH-p" Ertaw 1. Est Um tm.W. mn jarTTdl sr-mm JDolian rir.D I AT Tm op niLLCTT, OIVU CO, ka SWT Kill It. TS ANB T4 MffN wTRPXT, J- htop to Ptoaj a s. f.t,, and vdmt il a Jmm i UM karst.

SasLy mm rmrwtm mt Poi r- svu a unl. -a ml lr-- Splendid rurnitcrc. mtdoYAX. or Callmt ZlMMmlnxlTf ea4 "Yf axepa bsmii. PROM 441 BrUsrar, TO Jf 37 31JCKCE1X il XULUT, JklmTmZZ: Cottage FurmiiRirsj, HjUT BkBaal Efrf mf WattrSUaPPM, Pmt- ni i twrpvfl.

i mm a CAto.r-iuA JA3L C. J10FFET, Gas Fitter a JXaatEfarlartrr CAS CHAjri)lUrjt. PtOArTK BKACKXTK tm -119 lEl It, ThsV BtaekWaalaf Bva' CSUTIO.V." w-anrja MvatotasaM i sf Aba, I limrn rtoral aad bw LTZ I I in. ml i mi i lim Ha mmrm i i I shim I i i tM Mraw aad ssiiiih mm towar pnoai Ibaa rrar batora taJ, arf i iaTrtli Mwar mnrm aasa 7t ha Jcaa srrst a Jnlr Juiremen's nrMnt MTiMrptnrHt. kakg mM iiSi A mt mmm art aaVrMM 1 I i tli aanf 1 1 II I ml a--- harehr bfra UM baiar ahat Uat art liuaiTi 'Ciry art aparMaa nrurmm.

mrm torn, aagrawd aa Um bask, aad a aa- mmji sLavi Mui C- katt ab mmmrnf Floetr (Hi VlUmt Carriage Oil Glottis, Table Oil ClotBuH oVc ALWk EM.LAWH AXE COUtANT Floor Oil Cltta. FLOOIt Oils CLOTHS. 4ft PImV street. W. K-OwsBBBtetsr.

lrasarg. aadstlMr Waaraaa. taa-atoods. Jewelry, mm olvor aara, aan' Siimmi wilblsaadvrykrw. Stl FLOOK Oils CLOTHS.

mMLBtto Jiorr, Ifps. T2 aad T4 JTokil ftrret, afANCTACTCKT" Table aad Farmltare Oil Cloths FIar atBial Table Oil ClsXlts, rUvtos ajtarAaaasl a Dapst fcr aWastosfstofssads at fa.afcwm sssoa ssam isjasaraflp kvrass bat ekt CaakBaaaj saa fiaaaBBJ sal an mm kwsv and ab-cant rvtna doMi nt BiTaL viXt laMsnrat RITR. rail Imprtatl4pu men CARPETING s. rETEitso.T 11 cjarrnir 1. 379 BraavtlwmT, WW4TP! mm Caw.

ku mt s-mtT. mi 1 Sjh and aaa aaat of US Til mm 1 at Mmm Caraaaaa, at tooBnV extataucai at ta. arWfa i aw. RICH TAPtJfkT. RNOLlAU svkl aato Spiy ana 1 1 rl 1 1 as.

pass Tbs alam. guods Swing mt mm mwm snalBan BW kit hkrf and bkrT OIL CiAlTlia. I Saa, aeaarnt aanhinl aliaSnnsa mm mm di sis a aad barrkar PmlLL. M.VPOMlTmtTIOJrS. cAnrETi.Acs, FLOOR OIL CLOTOI, aVe.

sMirn Lor.rsDEir, MtX 4fi l-aTJULL SrTTAAT TT, Pf BSdT ARE NOW PEEP AXED TO EXHIBIT TaUUF. Fall laaarUUwBri, BIMsl IXsET TtrWTST, BWtlarXa TAPTTbY, I waFT-THKAAt-PLY XB IMLAAa A.AJLPVTVBOa BmkrsitogakB-n-avkarnT -SEW AND RA-9UANT PATTERNS. Floor Oil ClBths. A Inl 111 nilaimof altka varlito PiMBaiBvoawasdap Par. Tkry aaty be ks fee nana eajeas pi x-RrkQ RL kt EK nmaiipnl licnraiaod an mm ant uw Una ouananS sa tat fearta Si -jr.

The rwra ti 11 sat of a Meet k-d sad big sursi nmaiilysn a twist ottos rad. Per BnraoBkaa apply to fes laaauVtorer. IL. II. 1.V-1ATV, mm.

toh girta abw a v. ovary tarts ef saHap lm hfT VAM4M rUKTA J1ILLI.ERY GOODS, Jlw.w Broastwaf top Blair. srVrr ATTLT oa toad fes adkaskai anoda, vtor Pwb- Bins as af aS km-to crow Taw. PrnanT aari Bus rsa but luu-anv Ac Pa-nr bv M1LAAA A OtA P. mraa gssds aararA aw She sssSBBBastnaa a nTAPif ratent door srnixGs.

ATvTffTM mr urm aelorsoSer-S to But Panne. BW a sly.O.rtu nar. mmm eaa ko as and to rarv aaaertotMai af CmMMtUmetMlT mVEEDUmtJO. MntBnwaateaBtHPMBw Improved JlelsMleoii, tt eabt Ttsunrxrrni arrmRxr. fWVJIKcbsrBrSBrsf me kasjaBKtisi anui.fci tmnS kp I I 1 In 111 1 ins 11 11 mm nut as Mry da, an.

lam to mmm 111 pn. eunarty aimpu to toipmfna I in sad swasaaaB at ams Bat auand by sfeara from foar to ama octs-sa tryi B-ssars-adsa mans to to aA canto, at BBtbroPy Dressing and tAUTvlEB, W' afal VF Rararlna-m srVa ty-avt UuSnrs snrm. TV-aTretltaisT CaYAeav Axa pipmi MArsvPL FAaVS, la anu i TWO BTNDRTD a rnasBB Tartarp. ymmr Brtn art dauncBp rb araaBtod -rw at. aa lb, 11.

TIPWANT TaCWQ mm EXXAC The Bosrardua Iron Beam. rfrVfrw faT-anBTUBrl ka ast M. KRAkL wtock may ks ssaa si fear I and Dnans aiua It Tmrt hgta and nanna sad a using at 'Sna il al li a rat nun lOnoad. It as vassal at sal ail mm tm Uaa Huiiln mm to an. WtritisninrOiBinii 11 lain mmu.

nainl, grate rnmL ar ss a aaaans al as as moats of tn ol koGARDCBB HOFTTX, OFFICE UR2V IT IIIL raraHW I.Arlf.-PVT and M. ADt'iTiv'ii luamii.a mmm of IIKS AND TA UCa, sf a-srp girto. amuA n.MiMima as, as, as Jctaata Clark FURNITl'RE WIUEKOOTU, 8B818WAY. JJingkmm, JUinei. Cnpmxnf, San Francisco IHAhk) IT aw mrnvstm jArs a.

Pis HAH, OfcOU- AV VKf Bui- lav J-mhm ImMmm. A Oa. Iiaand bamti atan CBBBB lCktU.kaa C. H. a 1 a.

1 a rvanMp Yato4c-Ca. krw 1 bl Wand laws. P-a at ni A Rr M. I Pa-aa Bl far. Aaa.

A toaa rnvMK -1 PAkY. inusy ha. ws an' B. TSta Of vary ak. AASSAMA at Pan nan 1.

wtora a tr-raa 1 a ati 11 pn at Any arurAr 1 'wnswi suns lilt at Has amrtosl sr-J-A Bicw lara. OasBsx, mU. nans Dmrtltt 8 CJalirornia. rkNC-l A. kiVTTI TT.

to. ALUasi BaVAIiajL ns viasL sin a imain. JMal Par a a 111 a mrnmrni. KunaA A Co mmm lata. ita t.Nr-- T1XAM kPTWi al mm.

Crrf. Btwata. kvw km 1 man in tins so mrnt m. BLATATtA ASaACa. was mu a riaat1 at.

UlfVNll AtTA.tJaf Umk. I af Ba SZ?" WW BWA acoicU JiaLt Wai kul. af araal saw sad akaV Btotnnatr aa mil to inn. at koa-w. bras bp JOB InCAN a XsXh C.Ii Aaiiina saw Baffah.

BUB BB latJBtoi SB band. Bf anla bp 1 01 .11 'A.

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