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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hew Store aad Hew Gdds. Jj JJoutillier II rot hers H.i1m naevi I toswabAr iwilw, one doer fr- that tna read way are leadiluoB to itn a larger meal aa.a steal of LM Mat ntyla of 11; a.U addition, ke kit will wUim fcw, u4 quart Ladim to call aad laspcet Ua atoek- 611 kt. Blsa broeeAea, Scotch paids, Flais changeable sad Tar; saserior alack Eatae AH Wool, tal Couea aad Wool, la a great variety of styles sad tudWal eomblaatlOBS of colors. Merinos and Caunjaere. Ladles Cloth aft Cloaking.

SHAWLS AID SCAUPS. Ribbons la a variety of Naw Styiea. Embroideries ColLan, Caffs, Bleava, Ch.mismtaa, fce. Kid Glove, Iloalery And lHmetUc Jry Goods. CANAL STREET, aalT ITomr doors from Broadway FALL AlfD WHITER Jry Goods L.

O. WILSON Sl CO. RO.ll COl RT LA DT ek 13 DRV ITRbRTR, Her. laptop. a.d for at th.

LOWEST MARKET PRIC E. oae of the Boat uUMln aaaortm.nU of every d-aeliptioa of AMD FOREIGN DRY OOODS ta ba fooad la the Obi (took will tooled a loll assortment of HOSIERY, WHITE OOODS, AS KICK NOTIONS AH th favorite itjlea of BROWS AND BLEACHED HISUII A choice aalaetloa of DRESS OOODS, PRISTS, LANCASTER OINOHAMS, As ke. Also The eelebrated Royal Patent IWIIIDUWl IEWI.1U UITI'U. We lavtto tba attoatloa of tha Closest buyers for eaab el 1 month, aad abort um. mhns aptf MEH8 AND JIOF'S clothing, 33 IIAIDC.l A If E.

Wi weald lavlte MarebanU aad otbara purchasing Clotblai to give aa a aail aad examies onr stock of Maa'i aad Boy's Ctotblag, consisting of a pnt variety of Over Coats, Backs, frock aad Dress CoaU, Pants, Vasts. WbiU aad Fut; Shirts, Orar alia, Flannel Shirts and Drawers. Alao, a aaaral stock of Furnishing all of which will ba sold at vary low prices for oath, or approved oradlt. 4 a20 PkWap BOUOHTON KNAPP. Holmes Or Co.

HATE removed from No. 696 Broadway, to their NEW TO MIL. No Til, oa tba block shove Fosrth street, wbara thay IbtIU tba ttentko of tkelr Meads aad to stuee of NIW aad DIUIIKABLt goods, for tba If ALL TBADE, somprisiag a foil aaaortmaat of PEr OOODS, HOUSEKEEPING ABTICLE8, with a variety of aw aad faabloBabU Style of RICH DkUt OOODS, SHAWLS, fce. GOODS. Crapse, Black Da Lelam, SUki, rich Oroa da Rhine Bilks.

Black Thibet Bbawla, bo. Hoelery aad OInvm of ail kiada. CLOTHs aad FANCY CASblMERS, for Boyi' wear, ka 'lib a variety of othar ooda la tbalr Una, alway oa Blaaketaof all klada, Ftanaala. Drnggata. Qallta.

oantvpanaa, Toileta, Corariuga. lrapery Mnallna, Laoe I ortaina. vanaak Table Clothe, Napkiaa. Pillow I aaet. BbetiBf of all kloda.

Towelling, do, ke be. New Verb. Aaa IH6I. an30 nplm Wilson O. Hunt Co.


Thomas Hunt o.9 9 William street, BIW YOKE, LTIPOUTERS OF DRY GOODS AND DBAIJtRS IN WOOLLENS, HITS received In store aad otfor for sale a large aaaortmeat of AUTUMN GOODS, consisting In part as follows: MACKINAW AND NEORO BLANKETS All colors, qualities and at aea. Tilota, Beavers, Kerseys, Pufflls, CemehV Hair, Wbitneys aad California Cloths. BKLGIAN, SAXONY, FRENCH AND ENGLISH f. lRJVOJLD A IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 6S CANAL STHEKT, NEAR BROADWAY, HAVE NOW ON EXHIBITION ONE OP tbe beat areortad Stocks of Rich FRENCH, GERMAN aad BRITISH DRY GOODS, of thelrown Importation, to be round In the eity. Oot of Town Bayers.ars invited to examine their stock.

Jy0nm ap 1851, Fall Clothing. anrE WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE Western aad Southern Merchants to eaU and look through our stock of Fall and Winter before parobasiaf elsewhere. Ws flatter ourselves that ear ssinilnisnts prepared for the approaching seeeoo, will be found greater ia exteat and variety than baa ever beea got ap by aay bouse lo the trade. Oar exertions aad arraagNnents for supplying every thing that is elegant and new. aa wall aa giving to our garments the fit aad finish of the bast custom work Is proved to be duly appreciated la tbe great tuereaar of our sales to all sections of tbs eoanlry.

aa we constantly receive from our eustcaaata the gratifying reports that our garmente always ait a clean aad ready sale. Bealdea, we are PK-TfcRMINKD TO BK UNDERSOLD BY NO HOUSE IN THE TRADE, wltboat evea allowing for ths superiority of the Btaka of ear germeata. D. eV JT. DETEET S3 and SS Jeaaa ah, Mr, Naaeam.

bb4 BpPkWlta Clothing House BROOKS BROTHERS, 11 tiand 118 Cherry street, SJweaer CatkerlBa atreet. Mew ork, Desire to Inform friends and customers, thatthey have aow for sal. aa sBteaaivs and varied stock of Iteadu Clothing, sbb bracing every quality and descriptioa. AMerchaut Tailoring. They would Invite especial attention to their eeleetloa of goods fee the aauen, which have baa ea re fully pro-rS kw thia aapeilBi.nt nahlT ap REMOVAL, jE.

J7. Fit urn DRAPER AND TAILOR, nil REMOVED FROM NO. 12 JOHN 8TREF.T to 640 Broadway, between Kprlag and Priaoe Bureau, where be would be pleased to see all who are in waatef faealonabl Clothing. st ap JUanttlla and Bonnet Vclrets, Color ed aad black, la all widths aad qualities. J.

W. SCHULTEN HURD, a.6 I map 4 Broad street HielZo Hrother A Co. 134 William street. NEW lORK. MANUr ACTUS ERR OF EVEBY VARIETY A 91 PS, CIIAHDEEIERS, vUlrRndolsra, Candelabra, vUas Fixtures, sec.

sfce. ap14 ae Jllarble Jtlantels. THE attaatloB of Baraens abont purcbaaluglM ANTEL bilavitedte tbe aaaortmaBt, found at the ware- reesBS af the eabserlber, eoaslstiag of all the Bewast aad richest stylet la every dssoriptloa of marble. Monument. Tombs.


la plala, rich aad most alaboraU styles of art, la avary Variety of Marble, as-wee: 4Ut Arsaas auBtt Aatae- PLae alao, lBt aaiwssa 64JA asut TUt Avasaaa. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Jtulgt ef Court ALEXANDER. JOHNSON, Naw York. Far Secrttari of Statt, HENHY S.

BANDALL, Of Coartlaad. Fir Comptroller, JOHN C. WRIGHT, Of EeheoMtady. For Canal Comrniaioncr, HOKACE WHEATON, Of Onondaga. For Atorney Gaural, LEVI S.

HATFIELD, Of OUego. For Etait Trtanrtr, BENJAMIN WELCH, Of Eria. For SUUt Engaurr, WILLIAM J. McALPlNE, Of Albany. For Stat Pntcm Intpertar, HENRY STORMS, Of Now To.

Tit Rt. Raw. J. Pyno, D. Mladon-ary itbihopto Africa, will daliaar aa addraaa oa tha aab jaot of tba rrotaataat tpiaeopal MlaaioB at Capa Pal-aiaa.

la tba Cbareh of tha AncnstoB. corner of Tenth atraet and Hfth aranaa, TO-MOHhOW Wedaesday il I NO. Dlrln. aerriea to commence at o'clock. aa30lt (ef Natlco-CoBtigoaM par fhip ATLANTIC, from Antwerp, will pleaaa aend tbair permita on board, foot cf Market rtreet.

STATS bmm for On iwoeapttoti of wartlneatoa tn adraaoa of (ff blp Havre. From Havre Conaigurea of roede by this ablp will pleaaa aend their permiU oa board, pier No. 11 North River. All goods not permitted la Are days will ba sent to tha pablia store eSO COMET, for SAN FRANCISCO. Paaaan (era arc reqoeeted to be on board thia afternoon.

or early ia the morning. A etemmbcat will leave pier No. 1 N. Wedneaday morning, at o'cl-Hik, to take the ablp to aea. ar30 It -lonaignere per abip TENNCS6LE, from Havre, will pleaaa Bead tbair permita on board at pier 41 E.

or to the offloa of tba snbeoribera. All goods net permitted ia Ave days will be sent to the Fob lie Store. ICAOLE a HAZABD, 40 Sooth st. eeSO dCf- Office of tbe Long 1 eland Railroad Company. To ths Public The Common Council of lha aity of Brooklyn having passed an ordinance pro hibiting tha aaa of steam power apoa the railroad within tbe city of Brooklyn, the public are reapantf ully Informed that the paasengar trains will run aa heretofore between Jamaica and Grcenport, and that all freight trains are discontinued until farther notice.

MOSES MAYNARD, President of Lcog Island R. Com'y Brooklyn, Sept 80th, 1841. ae303tla 8rP- Opjdenabarglt or NoUaera Hailroa of V. 1 be eoupoaa on tha bonds of this road, dne Oct. will be paid oo and after thatday, oa preeeatation at the cmoe of J.

A. underwood Boa, Ex-change, N. or at tbe Treaanrei's effloe. In Boa ton. aaOoclOhi W.

T. EUSTU, Treaaurer. NanonaL Bare, i New York, 80th Sept 18M. i OTP- The Board of Director have thla dav de clared a dividend of Ave IS) per cent, on tbe capital took, payable to tha stockholders on and after the 10th uatooer next. I be tranafar books will be closed from tha 1st to tbe cui uctooer, inclusive.

ao d2wkitaw2w F. POBBS, Cashier. Ota-leanetery or tbe Evergreena-Nonca io Lot Owazs. Aa election of two Tru.teea tor the emetery of the Evergreens, to take the places of Samuel E. Jobnaoa, and Edward Copland, whose terms of service soon expire will take place on Monday, tha uiu 7 vi oMJMr next, as id.

omee or me aaeoeiaClon, No 1B1 Faltoa street, Brooklyn. Tha polls to bo open from 4 to 4, r. M. O.HALL, 3 FTufc deneral A rent. FREDERICK E.

VUETE, COHHISStONKR OP DEED, AND LAW AND GENERAL AGENT, No. B4 Wall atreet. New Tork. Bummocs and Complaints, Subpoenas and all other law papers promptly served. Chattkl mobtoaoes poreclosed, claims negotiated, bills and rente collected, houses let and rented, ho.

CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CLOAKINGS and VESTINGS, I auIeod3mla Biding Cords, Valv.te.ns, Bookings, Twseda, aaacy I, Tricot Blue Cottouadsa, Bilk and Alpaoca Sersa, Batlns and Bladings. KOMSUTH ASSIMr HKS AND NAPOI EON CORDS. CASHMERETTS, QUEEN'S CLOTHS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ka. With a large atock of AMERICAN CAS8IMERES, SATIN FELT CLOTHS, AND HEAVY WOOLLt.tS. sets FALL 1851.

Silk and Dress Goods, OO- tin OU, Usut, t- luld. Cautniiena. WILLIAMS praaniom pine oiLoneecntan hovtr. lur- aiahing a Ught equal to two pounds sperm candles all burning at oaoe, brll'-iantly llghtin: parlors, stores, and tha street, at a distance of 6 or 6 rods, from a shop window. See full testimony cf eminent chemists and others, la this paper.

Also, spirit and phosgene gas, fluid, lamps, ko. Also, bronse, gold, silver, end Florence leaf, for painters, printers, hair-makers, ko for sale by WILLI AMS, 138 Maiden lane. JOHN LIVINGSTON, ATTOKMT AT LAW, If OTABY PUBLIC, AMD COaUIIS-SIOHBB roa Alabama, Louisiana- Ohio, Arkansas, Maine, Oregon Territory. California, Mary'-'Ia, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ma.eehueetts, Bbode lalaad. Delaware, Michigan, South Carolina, Florida, Mloeeota Territory, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Vermont, Indiana, New Hampshire, Virginia, Iowa, Naw Mexico Territory, Wisconsin.

Kentucky, North Carolina, Office, 1ST Broadway, (np stairs.) se30 7tis BALES AT TUB STOCK. KXCHANGB-Beptembat 80. toun B6'a 103 fun do '68 IIS 9tMU do de llo4 1-U do '63 9UW do do 1UU UOCilo Rrigmtg bdalbTO aillj Wl7i laUl lo lurie, a3 aui do do Sit) do do erl d0 do do adU Basils Hf-i buOdo do JO I'MJlha Hud it liu 4) do WO do Bd Bio alia tn. K. 60 do lot) do liu do SdJ de 9o0 do PnO do 68 do led do 1U0 do 111) do jalap ml.

ItOUX, namafactarer of Fatlilonable and Ulcb.lT Carvetl Kowewood, IrlataosanT. Black Walnut and ali. FarMitare, Ml do I BOLICITS THE ATTEN- Uoa of the pablia to tbe extoastve assertaaeBt of raakle aaUqae style Faraltare. lately las ported freea Parts all of which was selected aad axad to order try Fresrerik Bowx, Ne. 6 stoalevard BaaBBtsrebaia, Paris.

TsvaSBbsaribar baaaaaooa bead, aa asaortsaasit ef BaektoaahWa i'araitmra te let, la eaUrear parts of sets, aessrslag to aastre, oa vary rseeoaable terms. Call aad exassla at the utoasnrt wa-noaPA, No, 4T aad 481 aoadwaf. jeiBB do. do do. do.

du. do. do do UM do aju do. boO du. HJ6 do auu lie do 3-JU do do 1U0 Ml 7SJ 74 73S 7 Ti.

7a.w 13 75 iA 64 66 tali 140 do Harlem pld 1U0 do ID do Llaland 100 do PM do 50 do 100 do du 8tJ0 do Bdg do oo. 104 Par Goon, To-morrow, the 1st of October, Fester fc Livingston will offer a large and ebotce variety of French mer iocs, cashmeres, delaine, bombaalnm, cloths and shawls ths entire Im porta tioa of oae French house. The catalogue Is lepreseated to be of the most desirable styles and qualities. It comprises 1,006 pieces of goods, aad 1,500 shawls. A statameBt of ths affairs of Messrs.

hoe. borough, Stearns fc Co has been mads ap and laid before their creditors aa follows Stock Dr. Confidential debts Bun nam do EzUnt of liabilities Cr. Good debts Bed debts Doebuul. coinafo, to which the director replied oa tba STth, aa Iowa: Wii ...3 14 13 Yfi J3, 13 6a OO" o.

luO do do a3 b-lZi 5 do 63 80) do do U60 6S 175 do do 63 60 do Farm's 63 60 do Ohio Trust 1(0 95 do MorriaCan.l SUU do HS 150 do do a3 Bv SM do de. 60 do do b3 liu de do bIS 9 60 do Basan Mia Co. 6 60 do do 6 46 do Rod! St 1(4. 150 do lt4 16 do de 1(44 75 do ManhaUaa 110 do 93 911 do Irving fri'-i 10 do Hanover 90 The market both for mosey and stocks shows a better feeling. Tbe improvement commence 1 at the second board of yesterday, and oontlnnes this morning, owing to the Increased supplies of sterling exchange, as well as of money which have had the effect of lowering slightly ths rates.

Sterling Is now 10, a 10 aad francs 8 Hi a 61JJ. Government stocks continue eteaJy. Canton has advanced Ltng Island 1, Beading Erie Incomes 89; Convertibles Harlem Norwich and Worcester Erie bonds of 1859, Morris Canal and New York Mining Company Farmers' Loaa and Trust de- ellned J. Most of ths stock sold was for cash, vary little at sellers' option, and only a moderate amouat at buyers, optioa. A difference of two per cent, was made between a cash sale of Erie, and one at thirty days, buyers' option, In favor ef the latter.

Money is rather more easy at the previous high rate, of 12 to 16 per cent but with an anabated demand There is soms srrangament spoken of by whioh a very large amount of sterling exchange will shortly be oa the market. Tbe Ledgsr cf this morning mentions three banks, one In New Jersey and two in this state, as having failed, when such is not the ease, nor are the bills of the banks so named refused by the brokers here There Is leas restlessness to-day in nnearreat money. The offerings lor sale are not so large. Yesterday afternoon a sum of $414,000 was transferred from tbe Sub Treasury to ths Bank of America, being a payment to the crier of the eemmia loners of Indian affairs. Ths Steamship Marion from Charlesten, brought 8101800 In specie.

Yesterday Southern Mall alio brought a large supply ef southera Bills of Exchange on London aad Liverpool, which Las eonaideraVy reliev ed tbe exchange market, the rates having declined ief par cent. 1 00 000 atari 1 were offered yesterday, and partly sold at 110 J. avowing 1 or brokerage. The sellers were the Merchants' Bank agents of ths Bank cf Mobile, and Messrs. Rothschild and Co 'a agent hare.

Cotton Is more freely arriving and shipping la southern ports. The southern banks are pressed for spools by tbe New York banks, and they, in their turn, era calling In their advances to ths planters, which compels ths sending forward of the new crop as soon as practicable. Cotton and sxchsnge will go down toge ther. Tbs Stats Bank of Newark on Friday declared its nsnal seml-annaa! dividend of S) per payable on ths 1st of Oetober, aad aa extra dividend ef per oent. The National Bask has declared a dividend ef five per cent, for the last half year.

We bare amnla aama tn tba Tmlwe of which baa been aacenained, aad la ao Uutaaea aaa cn payaaaat bean deeliaed. Wo baro reoerrea daring the week (ending on Saturday.) bnllioa depoeita to tba extent of 1 000,000, aad have already aaaayed and paid of that anm which ia a diapatoh that eccwaij tearea ao jt aaoaaof thai appean orer oae million waa raoarred latt week from the Mint. Tha Mint Mid to ba Imakinf, a daUy coinage of $1600 and haf a large rarploa ia coin appU" cable to any oertilleatai which may ba PTwMBted lot payment Uuobti or Dar Goooe. Wo hare raoatrad tha foQow. Ing eomparatiT.

ataiemeat of package exported from LiTerpooi to tha United SUtea, from Edward Higgina co 1 1 jo aiurr a. I week, eadiaf 16th no lixn oi Frhb May te Slit .11 tx tlct do woarrxn aTcrra. 4 week. eadm ISih uo iw do Fkkh lt Maj to 31at xjo out do BLajTUTs. waek eadinx 15th iota oo WMIIKI.

4 weeki eadlac 13th From l.tMatoairt jo six 04 una LUSH. 4 weekt eadiac Uth uo idui do. Fnm lMMaTtoSUt A.I...1S61 uo Jlit do.M.lbo9 uiirn. From la Mar to SI a 151 la HUt do.M.lbO I 000 1 .1400 OOli I 107 ,000 40.000 8711000 Messrs. Cbem borough ft Stearns nave made their creditors aa offer of 60 oasts oa th dollar, payable la 6, 8, sad 12 oaths aa offer which has heea declined.

Th creditors have ar pointed a coaamittee sf lavestiga- tioa, wae win the as eon a ts aad asax a re- The PaMenal JruelJagencer of yesterday Says, that ap-pUcatioas bev taaa anad. the Treasnry at Washing ton, to utborisa th raamaptioB ef Mint eertineates tor bailies la ccarse of eoistage, la eeBeeqasBcs of taeaa-Paloatloaa, the Treaeitry ansaitavsnt wrsts te the ereo-tor of the Mist to neertata tbers were any wast af New York. 10CI l.SB 7.43 S.K8 on 166 1.070 l.Ci 7M I. on uiu MAaurACTcnxB. Yards.

Exports la 11... 3 Yards. Exports ialMl. LlecreaM. a.44,iu woourns.

Piecet. 1S0.730 77 1.SH8 l.wJa 198 7l 1X6 1MB 163 l.te luis 1HJ 1.4 IXil 77 1U oato Aiao Mraaiasirrt Railsoao. fho St. Louis Re publican says that oontraets have bean made to build the entire road between Clnolnnatti and Vinoennes, Indi ana, and that the residue of the road between the Wabash 1 and the Mississippi will be speedly constructed, making a line of Railroad reaching from the Mississippi to the Atlantic. The Republican adds The Ohio and Mississippi road, when built, will crow the Central Railroad leading from Cairo to Chicairo and uwtoub c.

bud. ma ivw imia LI1B UniO tO TerTS Haute in the heart of Indiana; the New Alb.nv Michigan City Railroad the Louisville, JelTersonvlUa and Indianapolis Railroad. If tbe proper exertions are made, witbm three years we shall have a munioation to Louisville, Nashville, thence to Savaonah uu ukiwwu raiixoau cvutmanication to Piemphia, Baltimore and rhiladelpbia, by two diSerent routes, and we shall be connected with New York and Boston bv Interest. The Interest of the New Albany and Sa lem Railroad bonds, dne October will be paid at the otuoe of the Farmer's Loan and Trust Company on that day. Ca.aL Tolls.

Tba amount received for tolls on all the New York State Canals during the 8d week in September is ...6127.184 63 Same period In 1860. 132,812 61 Decrease In 1S61 f5 627 83 Tha aggregate amount received for toils from tbe com mencement or navigation to tbe 22d of September. Inclusive is 99 Sams period In I860 025,127 87 Inerease In 1851. The Increase of the bullion, and decrease of the circu lation is continuous, and, it is stated, great exertions will be made to recall th, forced currency notes of the government. New York Markets.

ICarefally prepared for the Evening Post. Tcssdat, Sept. 30. ASHES The market is steady for Pots at toa5 06, and Pearls at 60. COTTON The market is dull and heavy, only 60 bales were sold yesteiday.

Tbe receipts at New Orleans and Mobile have great Increased, and the banks are calling In their advances, which forces sales to the depression of prices FLOUR, ko There Is less doing in western and state Floor, aad the atarket is dull, aad oa some descriptions rather easier. The supply Is ample, with more new offer ing. Canadian firm and ia fair demand, with light supply; sales of 1100 bbls at $4 for new No 1 in bond. A no sales oi aosnesuo reave a ww ddb, as ions eif ror state, from oiA and sew wheat i 12 for Bew Michigan aad Indiana; I 87fat4 for common Ohio; 4 16 a4 24 tor pure Genesee. Southera is not plenty; new is Arm, with sales of 240 bbls at 8 87af4 for o'd common to good straight brands; 4 12, a4 24 for new Baltimore, Alexandria aad Georgetown.

Rye Hear is quiet st 8 24 Corn meal is scarce at 3 3" for Jersey, and 8 40 for Brandy-wine. GRAIN Ths supply of wheat is good and ths market heavy, with large arrivals in prospect, ws note sales of 88 000 bush white Canada at 0o. Rye is dull and small sales at "uo. Oats are in better demand for tbe trade 8nd th, east and the market Is a shade better, Bales new state at 86 and Jersey 33c. Barley scares, prices Domi-nal at 78c.

Cornliardty so firm, demand less native for filling contracts sales of 18 000 bush at 69 for unsound and 001 for rood to nrime western mixed. PROVISIONS A retail demand for new pork at 816 62, to 816 94, and old mess 816 24 New prime Is neid at 818 42 to 13 4. and old do. at $13 S. Dressed hoots ere eel cable at 7 to (6.

Bref Is In good demand at 88 74 to 811, for mess $4 CO to $6 06 for prims. Beef hams are oat ol market bald by brokers- Lard Is quiet and heavy, sales of 160 bVs at SaOj Batter is ia good demand, and is more plenty at 8al2t for Ohio, the latter pnoe fto fresh via Erie railroad, aad 1014 foartate. ensese a in tatr supply, and is saleable st 6.6 tor fair to choice dairy. ki'y so firm with sales. Prime 32i and Ohio ta.

Drudge la dull at 22 tuna. Row Yorai Cattle Market -Sept. ta. Carefully spotted for the Evening Post 1 lAt the Washington Prove Tap a.v 44th sttwaaBd at the HodsoB k.v Boil'. HeirfooTof uuoiaar.

aanaa, lia: pavraa POT OWS. Cad rmm TTHfiSTV'fiNINQ POST NEW itOIffi, TUESDAY, BEWEMBEH l85t Total TtiOm. to the delohia. I pom. 811 Lum 92 a l.tiS 106 c4 13 Mas U.C61 USB lO.Utt 164 1.SZ lltiii J3.60S 1 I0.M2 1.408 Faa BiDtarTio-i.

Tha adrantages of par redemption araaeenitrikinglyJtutBOWlB the working of theSof-folk Syatem aa compared with that of oar own. The 'itobrrubratrr T.t.0U.-. Fortnnaxelyfor LIA A ae30 D. HUBLBUT A 84 South t. BW "gland bank clroalatlon, tha holders hava a een.

I 8 11 Also, i. 0 tral point of renimption so that ao fears need exist. As long as the Boston banks are sustained, those in the Interior most be also. The 8uffolk Bsnk System works well for all three parties the city banks, the country banks, and lastly the noteholders. A'o rue upon lAe interior cam take place, Occam, thtir nous art tqmvltnt (e specie at any moment in SliU ttrtet." It ta the real intenart of every country beak, Bot la this state, but ia neighboring states, to have their circulation equivalent to gold and silver la New Totk Their circulation would be much greater, because bills convertible Into specie at par in New York are ever wanted, and In all parts of tha states.

The system of issuing notes at a discount Is a mlsera. bie one, aad unworthy of the Metropolitan City. Tba following la an extract from tba returns of the Board of Trade and Navigation Tables of Great Britain for the seven months ending 6th August, 1851, aa oom-pared with a similar period in I860 COTTOa MANUr Yaidfc Exports in 791 14.0! .255 tfauK). COTTOll TIBS.

Lba. M.90.iF3 7 740 RBI 7s.3S.4i5 i.554 4U U6.490 Lmea Yarn. Lbs. 10.089.397 lUoi.buJ als.tC 6,173.01 9 6.k4ti.6 73.M7- 615 JM3 4.7.6W 37 .674 The increase In the quantity of Cotton Manufaoturvs exported ia again very striking, the excess In seven months being now 116 millions of yards, against 88 millions last month. Cotton Yarn baa lost 1 million of the lba previously in excem.

Linen Manufacture have been exported more largely, whilst Linen Yarn atill shows a decrease. Woollens, with an inoreased export of goojs entered by the yard, show a decrease of 180 780 pieces and of value 73 637. Tbe total exports or the articles enumerated in tbe tables amount in value to 40,612 066 againat 37 808,072 the same seven months of I860, and 32,879,866 la 1849. 25e .768 62 We copy the following from tha Daily New of the 16th Inst. Ths Bank of England returns show considerable payments of notes for taxes, a diminution of circulation, and an increase of government deposits.

The decrease of bullion has attracted some notice and caused uneaal-Deaa, though it is observed large supplies are ooming in this week. Tbe decrease is, bowever, of no importance, as last week waa that of tbe aniellest imports, sod there wss scarce enou.h Imported to meet the current demand. The state of the bullion market likewise shows there is no great operation from abroad, though the Sardinian remittances might have been expected to effect tbe atock or bullion Here. Tbe Bank of France returns for the week ending Thursday, the 11th of September, (how the following results, (24 franos for 1) Bullion 24,803,088 .40.011 Bullion on deposit. 93 304 Increase 2 010 Circulation 31,066,814 Decrease.

808.900 Publio deposits 60M090 Increase 43.33" Private deposits 6.065.061 Incraase J8tb8I Bills discounted 8,881,190 Decrease 133 til Gov't securities 7,064,464 Peeress 764 In ths above returns ws find that the Bank of France bullion has not yet react el 25,000,000, and that ths accumulation has received a slight check. Towarda the end of th. month a further check will be felt, aa the half yearly dividends are payable on soms of the stocks, and are taken largely in ooin. The exehanse at Paris on London is so far Imploring that exports of bullion may be expected, though the large export, of wheat to England, and tbe expenditure of the English In France, give a great advantage to tbe latter country. Tbe last return of the National Bank ef Belgium, as I up to ths 81ft August, Is as follows, (2bf for 1) Bullion Decrease 21043 Discounts 1.241,469 Iccrease 66 992 Circulation 1.625 964 Increase 6298 Current Accounts 823,069 Decrease 86,962 The accounts ef the National Bank of Sardinia, for the week ending the Srd of September, show the loUowing results BuUlon 864 048 Increase 59,986 Circulation L46i.272 Peerease 48 9S4 Private deposits.

40.700 Eacrease 12 488 Publio deposits. 111,900 Increase 49 016 uiecounts 1,171,164 98,952 at Browaing'a, Sixth street, aear Third nvenn mmA .1 r.h.nk.-l.ia, Sw. UaV.1 Ae V. en Tk. ot Deeres offered tbe past week was ubususIIt auue 1 markt beltr "PPU'd than th.

wnTt oTpuii I chaaais evidently warrant. Prices, eotaaaqnently have gone sown a rractlon, and It was probabU that fully AOO head would remain over, undisposed of. Good ntaiHng qoaiiuea selling new at from eOalt 76, say to 87 lol 87 40. Most cf the cattle came from the south aad west, Av Baownins's Business active 75 Cows and Calves offered and sold, abont the prices ef last week, which we quote to correspond 26 to 836. es la que'rty.

Sheep and 8447 00 Lambs plenty sales 6000. at 81 60 to 60a 74 for tha tonner, ana rl jaax xoapjgror tne latter. A few left oa the market unsold. At CBAHSxautia'a. At market, 400 Peef Cattle, 83 Cows aad Calves, and 8400 Sheep and Lambs.

Beeves aold at frem 86 to Ta7 60 all taken. Cows and Calves, 820. 628a840 all sold. Sheep, 1 74eJ T4ad 40. Lambs, II eoal tun -ell acid Porelga Mstrlieta.

HoepoRAB, August to Floor la ssBiBg bare at Balls, at 17 pm bbl: Mam Fork 618: Rise 854: Codfish Asa: Chseaelse; Batter 14c; Lard Life; Bread 14; Sugar, browa. 18 ta 14c: aaflxtolto. The IbllowiBg see the qojotstioaa of ths pgwdttce sf the eoanlry Logwood 18 to 34; Fastle 18 te 14; Rosewood 8 to SO; Mahogany, email wood, 854 Par ths eupsgsleim feet; large do, 863 to to ds do; Coohiaveel, good, Tse: Unalila ts ait; ladtgo, 63 to 108; a.r-rfn- 14 to S4e; old Copper Hi tc la, old Coaposltica 4 to ti; old TsUtvwMemdtoll. rT Baloa Rami Rata, Sept. 3).

By A. J. Bleeeker. Brooklyn Property A lot ear Gate' aad Temp. Una1 avea.

I lot on Gate' are, adjoiaiag aw da Ao each 8164 1 do oot Tompklne are aad Madlaoact. oo oa do I do ao do each (loe 1 do tn tha 3ntr of Oatea', Tcwipklna' troop 33 loe SM 109 160 avefl aad Monroe at. 1M I do oa Pataam are, between Bedford aad Koa. trend soo I do adjoining 00 4 do do each 18a feO I do oa MadiaoB are. between Bedf erd and Noa- braad eee.

106 1 do adjoiaiag Id 4 do do each plot Tag By A. H. Mnllac. Irtoryboooaaadlotaorthaidaof 4th (treat 3S7 feet btehea weat from aTaaae D. A.

J. Delatanura TnmaaaHur. Sept.30. lUsi lgao lb4 1648 latt 6 a. at.

i 47 60 64 i el- at. I OS 6J 64 74 6S If. M. I I eS 66 7i I 68 6 r. at.

I I 60 61 69 63 BIRBIKn. Ob tha S4th ioataat. at rrorideBea, R. L. by tha Bar.

Dr. Clearland, GEORGE COLLINS, of New York, to ANN1 daughter of Orray Taft, Elq of tha for-mer place. DIED. Oa Monday evening, Sept. SBth.

after a protracted HUTU WA1TE, la the 64th year of bia age. Ob Monday morning, ttfth instant, of tnnamiaatioa of tbe brain, ANN MARIA, wife of John Cerrlgea, la the 28th year of bar age. Oa Sunday, September 28th, JAMES SNOOK, aged 18 years. On tha 12th of September, at the Hotel de Bristol, Paris, after a short Illness. ANNA LIZ daughter cf William Newton Mercer, of Laurel Hill, Mississippi.

At Carthage, oa the 16th instant, of cholera. Miss ADAH HAMiLTON, aged 64 years, four months and five date. on uesnme day, of the same disease, Miss AME- naniLi-um, aaugnter of A. Hamilton, Esq, years, 7 month, and da vs. Also, on the 18th.

of the same disease. Mr. ATT A HAMILTON, wife A. Hamilton. Tm afed 60 veers.

Also, on the 19th, ot tbe same disease, MARVIN M. HAMILTON, son of A Hamilton, rged 24 years and 24 days. AIM, on the 24th, of the same disease, Miss LAVINA HAMILTON. A whole family struck from tbe rcll of time, tn a single week At KobertTiUe. 8.

on the ISth Dr. THOMAS H. HARRIS, in the 66th year of his age. At Eastham, 24th instant. Rev.

OEOBGE W. BATES, minister of the M. E. Church in Waltham, aged 89. On Taiwdsy morning last, 23d Instant, at ths residence of C.

W. Jamas, on Walnut HLIa, Cincinnati, after a severe illness of two days. Mrs. ELIZABETH JAMES, wife of Israel E. James, of Philadelphia, in the 60th year of her age.

She arrived here two days before her death, accompanied by her husband aud daughter, on a visit to their relatives, which visit had long been antioipated, and when abont to return to ber home, her children, and numerous friends, she waa suddenly arrested by disease, and notwithstanding everything that skill and affection could do, was stricken down, and that form so much beloved now lies cold in death. Her remains will be taken to ber native city, Philadelphia, for interment, Cincinnati Gazette. IMPORTATIONS SINCE OCR LAST. Finrrmso Piiwns lOOcasks. Bkick isJUO fire brick.

Coppsa 40 caaes copper. Coal 311 toeacoal. Chkesb3 tabs German obeaae. Corpse 1070 bar. Dsuus 170 kw ohemioata.

40 caakt '60 tierces soda ash. 102 knjfi bicarbonate aoila. 41s boxw niedicinm.uxi bara nitrate aoda, Iboxbalaam. I box 1 kex arrowroot. ilRT Goods Kipackarel, per ahiu (, orse Greea 80 doner ahipTenneuee 7 do per Charlotte K-vd 94 do per ahip AUaa.

tio 148 do per Carnnrton? trom rJhancuai. r-Yas 10 cerooaa indigo. Fbuit aU oaaai sardioea. 47,000 oranres. 26 bond lea bananas, 69 packages fincer, barrels lemons.

cocoa Bats, 64 oaass trait iu brnoiiy. tyrop, etc Hints 314tiox hidea. Oi casks akins. Hemp leti baleabemp. Honkt 35 tierces boner.

Iron 11.773 bars 6uo tons railroad Iron. bait 10.598 do, Fweduh iron. 13,8 bundle hoop. 2Me do sheet, 500 do iron wue. oi ao tBDes.

Leau lnus nira. Lbathks 1 1 bales, 8 caaks skins. Matting 77 mlk mattisg. MoLassas '457 hhdsl6 lea. Paibt fjo bbk baryus 1U0 bbbSO firkins colon; 8 asset Frasaaa bine.

pBonstows 25 hhda pork. fptBiTa ct a ru hlli Wl qra 658 ca liquors. Sugar 87 hhda 1 bbl sugar. BtbrL 879 bdrair37 ca. i Sal.T-la.fB-i baaiHMa 915.

sacks salt. fctKOARs 37 Havana angsri ig oa Gasmajdo. Tip a bis tin, Tba 11.W7 lea per ship CarrlngtOB. Vinboar 9 oka 95 qra vinegar. tvtaa sni okts Hi cast ckavxnnus wineiucs anisette.

Wood toea maboany3til do cedar Sju bill, aulow. Wool 94 bis wool waste. Window Glass 9.433 German window gloss. Zinc Ul cs 80 cs zinc 6.839 plu apeUe. uo.

Arrived. In the bark Chase, from Turks Island Bmith, Coasnl at Tuika Lland. THE EVENING POST MARINE LIST. PORT OF NEW YORK. TL7EHDA y.

BEPT. W. ca sue. ..6 fiS suit sets. 46 I nigh at kr.itioyti CLTABED THIS FOBZNOON.

Bleamahlti Uaiso, Bndd. New OrlesnitrjorTord, Tiaston ft Hhio Comet, Gardner. Saa Francisco. I aeklv ft Crane. rlhip Sidoons.

Howes, Liveruo! FLKttid. Tilestoa ft Co. Ship lila, rftaftord. Rotterdam tlarlknt ft Co. Phip Dngo.

Doeae. OharUaUMi Dualun ft Dimoo. Kark r'anoy. tfimonaon. New Orleana trunloa ft Thompson.

Br bark Odessa, cwtey. St Jobus. Mmtara ft Co Brig Taistine, Hill. Philadelphia. Brie Lowlier.

Brown, Alrics Maafar. -kk-h Julia NO Piatt ft Co. cVh Francis Aaa. Conee, Washington. fi(J BalocuAn ft Rud-derow.

Sch Cicero. Thomas. Beanrort, NC. Sen Saperb. Appleby, Dighton 11 Havens.

Sell l-nora Jane, Delano. St Marys aad Newport Cos, Aa demon Co. r-ch Julia VV arrea. Loxier. Richmond Vaa Brunt BlaghL Sloop Wn 8 Mount.

Hawkina, Warebvun. tSlooo Harvest, p'rench. Piovid.nee. HlnopOdd Fellow. I Iyer.

Dijhum. Propeller Ironaides. t.ieen, Tnompean. Canal boat Elba, tAuunbr. Bultalo Cnamheruun, 1.

a Ca, jMHirHD TIUS FOREHOOH. Ship Hartford, Bulk, 15 days from Sarxnnah. with oot ton to Dunham ft Dtmon. Ship Wm Travis, Bolles, 36 days from GsJvauoa. with cotton, I II rower.

Bark Mandnna, (ol Thomsstoa) Colter, from MaraailUs, and 47 daya linm Port Venders, r'niaoe, with mda. Dutih ft Co. tinrfc I'eirea. Inew) is daya tiom oavannan, wiu cotton, io a Demillft Co. Kark Pari, (ot liemanaootta) Cotter.

13 daya from Saata Crux, Culja. with mahogany, to Nesmilh ft toa. Lelt ao A veaesk in port. Kaik Cliarkme. Wynns, E8 daya Irora Siuieiilea, with mdse.

to Cue. Andenon ft Co. liaik Cliaae, Chase, from Turks Wind, 13th inat. with 18.030 bnahela anlt. to Niamith ft then.

4 panengera. Bark Vernon, Fay. 7 day. from tsavaanab, with cottoa, fto to Hturgea. Clearmaa ft Co.

Bnrk Uarveat, NmiIuih. a daysfiom Saviassh. with ootton, ftc 10 Siorrea. Clearuiaa ft oo. Exulnnn.

hii. Advanoa. De Haren. from Houenbera. Green.

land, tkb Setit. all wall oa board. Tbe A a anchored at tbe Navy Yard. Calendar. Tarker.

16dars llomSan Jaaa A. laa Rernedirw. with ausBT. ftc. to Maliiewa.

Fox Finaigan. Bug Harrier, (ot Richmond, Me) Gihaa. trom Cardenas, and SI daya Iroui Havana, with molaaieato maatei. Vaatels fort bstore re ported. Krtg Raklwia.

Bbore. 7 days from Charleston, with ootton to Duorram ft Dinton. rtchr General I'snarann. Chase, 8 days xrom Viixlaia, with potatoes. SchiJoha Ctockiord, Chambers.

8 days liom Vugmts, with wood. Sohr Eliza Manning. Bnrbsnk. I days from Virginia. with wood.

Scbr Siook'-oa. Fatrnon, 6 dan Irom Alexandria, with ooal. 1 rchi rmrlmore, Rnnuold. 8 days fionj Virrinia. with wood.

Boh A Deruaaett. WooUbuU. 6 days Com Wdmmgton. NC. with naval stores.

i Sch Mary Powell. Powell. 4 daya from Wilmington. NC. with naval atorea.

1 1 I Tl-. C. r- eCf, KiUii.iHa, 114,, iivw ir.i.Hi, euuu, Sch Sruan. (of lioatun.) limy, liom Uaiaroa 19tb pt. with to-bacco, fto, to Moller.

Sanits ttrers, LeltnoAmericaa vsssok iKjrt. rich Peerless, Burnet, 4 days from Wilmington, NC, with aaval atorea. Sch Empire. Lavraon, 8 day, from Viri inia, potatoes. Sch Col Stanley, Bali.

8 days liom toning too, NG, with naval atorea. Sch Michigan. Beam. 4days from Brfiroote. with coaL Sob Dix.

Cax. 3 daya lrom Virgin, pot. toea. Sch I Lee. Chambers, 3 d.ys Irom Vuginla.

wood. Sch Parker. Truman, 8 daya Irom Virginia, wood. eon i.rooa avramer, aoaya irom irgiaia, woou. SchHvuehon.

Den man. 8 dara trom Vi-rmia. wood. Sch Waertiaetoa. Kghert, 3 daya frem Virginia, wood.

Sch Ab del Eader, Price, 3 days from Vuginia. wood, Sch Kipple, Sopav. 3 days trom Vlrgiuia. wood. Sch Wm Capes.

Vsn Name. 9 days from Virginia, wood. SchGeorre ranklin. Mott.Sdays troai Virginia, wood. Sch Predmo-e, Soper.Sdaysrrom Vuginia.

wood. 8oh Manoing. Burbank, 3 davs Irom Virginia, wood. Heh (1 lerria. Knah.

2 trom Vir.inia. wool. nob Mary foweli, roweu. 4 days trom VY luniagtoB. aaval atorea.

icl LamartiBe, Ulmer. days trom Rockland, with bms. a. Id. ewam aeta.

iwaar. new Naw LoiBoa.At.I.-Ai J- Lma. Caaba. MY Baa- NrwrowT. 8eoI.

7. Ia wait. urbn Lexiertaa.Kebia.aa. fm seenoon fm bm Vet4 a al rejet, Tk far New Yett: V.lewa. MarfU.

Uaouoar Mr do. New Veik: V-loerc. Manal, Beouinai ler do. rUua. Smii Ar.

Aiania Ama, all. tit Geanja bw New llaoBoaa, AtaioaaT, baaUfOtt lor do. Yen; ark; t7" fVaariwaleradtieaaii TKACHEH VP ANTED. Owe of elaaaioai at-taiBBMratotakaaharref aaehoolla the aawe. diate vtelMirT tr tha oitT ew.

Leaa lalaad. Adareea. with refcreaeea, te ra 1147, rwat Omeo. ae3 It ikr with SAILED Ship Biddona. for LiverP30l.

aad a large fleet ol DISASTERS. Brnpvntgcya. The brig Callander, st this port, from Saa Juaa de ajs Remedtos, has experienced very heavy gales from east to northeast, during the paaaage. She was ander close reefed topaail1 during the greater part of the tuna, aad received enttnalersins damage to ber sails sod tigging. CsptLia Parker, owing to tbs vuleace of the gals, was obliged to cat the foresail from tbs yard-Tba deck of the venal has beea filled with water, aad tbs cargo afljat.

Oa tbs 14th inataal, off G.a Key. Captaia Parka spoke a ntiah wreck inr schooner, the captaia of which wlormedlum that tbe bark Condor, mm Boston for Havana, wss or at away ea Foiat Bimiai. oa the 23d of Aaxust, aad becams a total loa. Tb. craw and paaaeageraor tba CkrndorweretaAm to Ngasaa.

N. P. Tbs bark CoaQueat, from Boaton for New Orleana. was cast away on tb. mat aaa.

of Bimiai Beach, on the 1st of SeptamhaT, sad ah became a total wreck. Hat crew and paaasBgars wen resetted and tafcm to Nassau. Captaia Parka spake tbs British brig Eagle, from lnagna for Balilax. lat, 33 95. loa.

74 40. oa tba ai mat aad the captaia reported (bat ia a gals, oa tbs 18th, bia vessel rolled away ber for. and maiajp mast. The Brio Habbiet. at this port from Havaas, surnetttsaed heavy northeast gskadnriag tbe psasage, ia which ana lost lore top gallant mast aad all attached, and while layiag to received considerable damage ia sails, fto, and sprang a leek, aad was obliged to start part of the cargo to lighten tbe vasal aad tava ba from nakmg.

Tbs wind has bean aortbeast for fifteen days. Baracoa. Bent 19 Ths British brig Eliza Henry, of BaJtfax, Imace, wbsch was driven ashore an in lath oi Aagnst. aaa beea coed em an! a VV era-. Cant.

Coombs, of the brig Acorn, at Boaton tram Coombs, of the brig Acorn, at ftceto. fro. Malta, leuoita that on the 96th of Septaabw, a 1st 43 37, long 6350 he saw theunmiBgi at a hatch of a vasal of abont 8u0toaa, attacked ua th. deck baauns, appsraally had not heea hang ta tke wear. Wbbci or Barnsn Brio Clarbncb Capt Oiaan, ef the hark Chase, who arrived tba wrarjeoa trom Tarks Island, retrorta i' British bnz Clarence, of Nova Scotia.

Morgan, fm St Viaeeat. tor Turks fuand, to load alt was cast away on tbe 19th I iaatVoa the North Past ot Graad Turk. Veaal a ustailoa the oaplaia and crew savco. WHALEMEN. Sid from New Bedford 25th, ship Triton; aad from below, ship Mairarat.

lor sonn racuro. Sid from Bemrly 96tn. bark Cbaae. Mtlla. ladaa Ooeaa, (anchored below, aad remained evening of xOi Bark Oscar, ol Matupossett.

ssoeatiy retained boa Cahioraia. a to be fitted tor wbaliag. The new wlaaleaJ.ipaaoatttly taBBCad at Minspoaaert and own. ed by -r AUaa, at aimavea, a aaaad Nortnera Light." SPOKEN. rauv.isti.

a 1-. ae Mai b. ur Eannare. from Malaen for New York. 9sta.

tat 43 87. loa 31 al. Ed raa, tram is, la 10, las 18. bark Alba, tm eisal fat Boaton. abort ot provanoaa; sapplsd tha-aa.

Utf laaosga, spaks bark PewhaitaB, trom Card ill for New Srptkth. bt 35. Ion 71 SS. bark Martha Aaa. a and tioa York tor Havana.

San 14ib, let 37 14. loa 41 90, bng Haatiagn. frem Malaga tor ept let 43 T7. lo. 6S 50.

nchanged BxmAh wiU ahip Ed-wina. lica Rotterdam for Yak, FORZ1QM PORTS. SnDTtBO at Bauxa. IloaniraiS. la port.

Ag 89tb, barks Wa Alia. Bates unties wuh a.laora'ay tof ork an aad a a new dara Zaiaa. Brooks, Item Wilmington. NC. dacb.rg-ing.

ua kd eaahotaar Ida Yerk, The baik Lady Saiak Kay. ar. iroan xa xara. kmiaasrrrvad. c.AVa.

de Im aa. fmpt le-Bnra lUiaa B.rsaa. Gleaaa. kaa boaea, an 9th msu Ml rail fs t-k Id sanfmiPartJsMl a TT a Ut immmi tit ST aw i Ula. el Ymk 8BuiBa, bng 4akW.Ueamy.Xsw aw Harm ta Iftk mat.

tba ealy Am vamlmlioat. DOMESTIC FORTS. f4TJtBta Ar. aitv. 1.

tya WVaek-. aa Babtusoas. Sept BAAt. sek Maitba. A vary.

lark. ANTED' A Clerk la a wholesale Hardware ta- la tbi. elt dentaads the bmoBam. Adlrcao with faraaeea, ofloe of thk paper. Hot Hi eeSOlwie S30 as30 2awto28 thoroachly Bl a- A aoIOtt II LACK, HARBCKUtx aad other afSUrmtareaJe.asiBesauBBw I T.

PUNLAP. 68 Broadway. strs. DAK.SVS SBITU will ietnre at tne Iz" rrrrLZ-. nruniv m.

laraiiia, v. 7 October 7th. at o'clock. Subjacw wuhsbouuv. Tickets 60 oent, to be bad at U.

F. rntnam s. 166 Broad- ay at Bartl" a Wetfora's, saw en's. 09 Broadway, and at tne ooor! K. OELAFIELD AND DR.

KaRKOB have removed tp No. 1 fcUst berenteenio screes, comer oi Pifth avenue BaZBJtla MARUIBKRS' STRIPES, J. iUFKA't, aad others, .1 dlffereat patterns, for sale by BeJO AWLENC CLAPF CO, 86 Broad street, TOBBPH UIPBA'S PANT Sil'FFS, a good tJI assortmeKt of styles, for sale by eeSO LAWRENCE, CLAPf 86 Broad street NION, 'WELLINGTON, BERKSHIRE, aadothef popa ar stylof BaUneU, of dlflereat qualities aad lxtnres, for sale by seflO LAWUENCE.CIrFkCOIBrtwstreet fT ONSDALa, BLEACHED WEE riNOS, No. JLj 40, also dOesias, plain aad assorted, a BBBiaroas variety of styles of and 4-4. bleached, for sals by acSO LA WRKNCK, CLAFF so Broad street.

GUNS, and Sporting Articles 8ingle and dmble ba'rel guns tor cocking, snipe and quail shooting, of rut mior quality. Also, Walker's esps, Baldwin's wadding, flasks, ponohes. bottles, ke. F'r sale by NEWBOULD BUS.4EL, Impo'rteTS of Hardware Guns. Cutlery, ko.

se83 I 140 Eulton street. Mathematical nstrumeBta, aad a general assortment of Drawing and A rlists' Materials. For sale by WILLABD FELT, Importer aad Manufacturer of Stationery, 191 Pearl st, near Maldea lane. SHEET GJSRB1AN SILVER, of all thicknesses to No 84, warranted of superior quality sheet Brass. Also, elerman Silver Wire, Copper.

Brass and Steel Wire. FiK of ai kinds, for sale at tbe very lowest pr'. jes, by NE WBOTJ LD a RUSSELL. 140 Fulton street, Se30 Importers of Hardware and Tools. N.

Orders by Express will have prompt attention. "NANCY ROTE PAPER Note Paper and Evelopa, just received and for sale by ILLAttti illi, Impoter end Manufacturer of Stationery, No. 191 Pearl street, Qj-Paper and Envelop stamped with Initials a80 AtriYRl'S VU. FIELD Af No. 11 Cliff wy iNew sola Agents la the United States lor Muepratfs Superior Bleaching Powder," Tisane Papers." and Victoria Milla Writing Papers." which thay offjr for sale at the lowest prices.

seSO APalsoTKitssES-A fine assortment of vL presses, fr the beet manufactories in tbe country, including all d.mcriptiona of screw, lever and notarial, is now offered for sale. Copying books and apparatus, oil paper, a new article of damping tablet, he. copying paper, trench. English and For sale ty W1LLARD FELT, e30 191 Pearl street, near Maiden Lane. RAGSt 1.AUSI KAt8 The highest market price paid In cash, for Raga, Grass Rope, Wrapping Stock, Canvass, Tarred Rope, Shakinga, Bagging, Rope Cuttings, Old Papers, and all other kinds of Paper Manufacturer's stocks, by jCYRUS W.

FIELD CO, at their e30 'Rag W.eehooe. Wo 0 4. Reekman N. C1 tlllS V. sTlELu eii As.

11 I offer for sje a full stock of all kinds of Psner. anaone eiucu may oe jtounu an assortment or riatuer a mitn'a, Owen H'tribut's, Victoria Villa, Crane fc Uibbs fc OHt. Dot en, Mapsleld fc Root,, tieorge C. Msyuard, James J.

cutler, Warren, Wheeler fc David Conger fc Co it. amitn T. W. Bird fc P. O.

Richmond. and many of tbe prinolpal manuiactuiars in tha United states ae SO IN TH CI OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YOkK. Gaitiuda I oiuag. araieat r. Janea.

Jamea R. Waning aad CaLbanae ba wile. Paranaat to the decree ot tba eoort. made ia ui alav. e.

titled canes, will be eels aaderlkedirectio of PhikiT Kas.laa. Keleree. br Jamia M. Miller, at nnblie annwa at the Mercbsnu' 1 xobanse. mlh.

city ot New the 88lb day ot October, A. i). 1851. All that oaflaia pure or parcel ot land annate, lyil.s. and bear ua the ISiaeteeatb tlat Twellth) Waidol Iheeil, mf New nrk rmtnm tfmiMl, nan nt r.

ot tne lata Joha deceaaed. and kao.a and t.MiBgewhed oa a rusp or vnnri uwreor. maoa uj r.rm DaBcsar, luaior. tity Snrvayor, aa lot uomber 8 (tliree) on tbe weal aid. of ttte Btoom-ingdalj Road.

brBBtled weavwardly by tbe Iladann River, enolh- Waioiy DJ land Lirrolwvl medsiror flOedeel Ivlra. and Iritrof Jobs Jsoob Ano'r. ardly by tbe road raaaiag through the centre ot the aai farm, and eaatwardiy by lead late of Jolia Hopper, soa of Andrew Hopper. decaad. oonuuaing, aeoordias ta a aurv.y ana mat, rnereoi man.

uy ui.ia nmun. city surveyor, oa Lb. tw.oty.tb lar ol November, one tbooaand etpat bun. died and aSVewSJlssaj 1 .01. 3 lO.UIvO IM, tMMVJ (MT IMS iim? lou beins; an jitwraa tm bah fnaVi irora otre to vo hondrM tortr-spvpB an4 eVod ft til wht-ri nieci in the oihvm ot RrtstRff ol city sail omtatv nt Nsrw York, in etas uumtsirad IM.

and asa ail tha nebx, utla. aad iatarM ot tba tlolskeatlaDts. Oi, v-. and to osm hail iaxt of th lasvo hai1idc to aod adjoiBiDR tba sa a urvmiwsss, of tiMaaato a laid dtpwn acta ahown qimpb lit stvi'l aau. cxotnitiaa froa sanl pm.

urn luU auiabsjf Uwaaty-trra.) iM (iwontr-kBi.) aad US (Mxtj.fiTa.) ua faid map, inada Uy Edwm bmilb, IcirHhet wah laca pofthms ot rYenlh avenue at lw id tioot til saiJ Uir Iota aoi exioadiftc to the haoof land of the Ht-'toi Kiwr RaiL road (Hapaar. i Abo traoeutiat; a strip ot land abotit ihmy-two trot wi1a Tanaiua throufli the otius ot the Elerepth aveaoe. seaisBii' weivwjanj un siausvw Bivor xdlllevu viajw, eatay. AlaSB). xceiitinB Uiatptrt or portion ol ruty-bral aueat lying between in.

r-wveuui aa I team conveyed to the Mayor Aldermen, and tXdmonartpel the enp ot (Sew York Ann OPimag all i boa. owuua eightara leu. gone, paaoea ea Mieala of land, and the beildiaga ereut. I theeaoa. siluale.

lyiat and being in Ue Nineteenth (laleTwelltb) V.r ol thecityot New Yoca, between Fifty emaa and IFilty.third atresta. III. Kleveath and Twelfth avannea, known and drauntEuiahed oaaosr-aia niapva-tnlcd mspol lai da in IbeTwellth WaidofthecMyar N.w a oik. part at the estate ot Charles Wilkins. deoeaaeil.

latesied tabeooa-veyed to Geruad Cnlung raade by Edwia SonUi. Cry Sarveyo. enthetwenty-lillbdayol NovemL-ar. oeetltoBMiad gblhaadred and KegMel ol aad coun ty ut new xoia. ia un oaae nnmrior on.

naiMlrau an I eiahty rae (11.) as loianai ibera one hundred and niaaLevn. (II one baa. died and twrair (IJU.) one handnd aad twentya. lUl.loae I 1 ir. (13.) one hui.dred and Iwenty.four.

(llM.) on bundled und twenty.fjvd, (125.) one hundred and twenty.nx. (IX,) one hnndied twenty vrrv.n. (1x7.) nn. to no red tilty4wo, (I6J)1 one hundred and brty.three. (153), one huadred and bft.four (154).

one baadred aad liltr-ve (Ljo). naa hundred and bl-y-n (lie), on. faandrad aad nllvvea (loi), one hnadred ai-d ttlty-eight (I5A), one baadred aad 6rty.Bme (159), one hundred and axty (ltll) aad aao. all tb. nghl.

Pile, and interest ot plaintiff ot, ia. aad to th. land adjamias on the north side the aaid pramuea, ar th.reB.Ul apt ertai.iag, a. laid dowa aad alowa noon the said map aad alao the aortherly half part of a certain atitp ot land, deals Baled oa the said map aa a ooatampuu-al atreet, to be called Fdty.aeoOBd alreet aot yet opened, lying is front ol and adjotntnethe aaid iri.iaea. I 1 LtUyJKJ I I liaie, ri ID AO IB.

1-U1LO T. RCtaGLil. Retaiee. One box ambers ft lleaaar U. Mo.JNiaaastltt.

NEW YORX SUPREME COURT. -Cjodrni B.Ceaant. and C. Demereat, agaiaat llaukiah Davw. Salomons lor rnoai demsad on cob tract.

'Com. aot To the above Jeleadaau: Yon are hereby summoned and required to aaawe the complaint ia Lha actiea. which will be filed iBineunice ot jie cieik ol tne enr ana oounty ot new lork, at the City Hall in the and city, and lo serve a copi of your aa. swer to the sanl complaint, on Uieaubaonber, at bw iitiioe. No.

61 Wall alreet. ia of New York, withia twee iw daya alter tbeaervice ot von. exclusive ot tht da of anch eervic: aad lad lo anawcr the aaid compla.nt within tlie time alonavud. the piamutts ia tha aclioa win take judgment against you tor-the sum ol three hundred and aves dollars and two oeela. witl interest limn the eishlh day of Apdl, one ihoua- ,.,1 1 ..1 Iwslita tne eoats this The complaint th actum waa thn dar filed lb ItMoliica of tbe Cleisot th.

City and County ot New York. Dated New 1 otk. September Znii. EDVVARO PIERREiNlNT. te801aw7w Plaiautl Atuxoay 61 Wallst.

UNITED cTiTATRS OF AMERICA SOUTHERN DISTRICT 'IF NW YORK, m. Wrmeea a bbal aalfc bean filed mine lhatnet ajonrt oi in. uaivea otaaaot Amen ea. lor the Soulmra iDutrict of New York, oa tha 31 at day ef Aasuat. and as amended kbel.

oa the 3d day ol teiHeniber, ia tho year ol our Lord one thonssad eight hnadred and hltyna, by Lawrence ii. balwardaand otlaara. aiauat 3 btrxa and 3 lea. tha laaga. ooaLaiaing goad daat.

marked and numbs red (as a early as the hiiellant an stale) ssJoJIows One box ft No. 33. One box Thn. Wataoa ft Sobs, (ot Co.) OneboxT A. H.No.33.

OaeboxStoi.tft Ward, Ho. 8. One box A No. 35. One box P.

Siragu ft No. One box H. No. 34. Oae box P.

ilpragna ft No. One box ft No. 37. ilu Ka. M.h a MvrlAk.

One box ii- a Uiaag-s, No. 9. One box Hn Maiheaon. tsa- One box sua doubt, triangle. Pio.

tt One box Setourd ft T.y or. 1 One box ar-d a diamuad. NO. so. Oae box Js.

H. BrowBiag. One box Ii. One box So Ule. Wardwetl ft Co.

One box i ft Co, No. 10. One box Clan.bera ft Hener. No. 1015.

One box -aad J. aao ia auiaunoou. ns.w,; One box in adiamoaa. no. a.

Oa box Chambers ft Heart, No. 1011 On box 8 in a diamond. No. 81 One boxO. W.

ft S.Tbixaas. Nad. OaebaxT mo. A One box ft R. R.

rives. One box 8 3 C. No. 2. One box O.

H. Rmren ft Co. One box in a diamond, Baebe ft Ce. Oae box Lib Omrnond. Brno, ft C.

Oae box Radrlph Rya. One box Page aad Joha Wauoa. I On box ood st vvesr. One box Coming ft Co. One box J.

ind ib a diamond. No. 60. One bag A Ibert Chaa. One bag W.

J. Beaaett. Oca bag BuTta ft Co. And whereM tl aabataBOS ol ths said libel fiat the said goad duat part tee eargoof the neemahip IJsna, wbsch went ashore on the toast ol Loww CaUlomia, on thebtb day ot Jalr. leal, and that hbeliaats snoceaded in mvmg the said boxa aad bags ol a'jld dast fiom the wreck ot tbe easd aad guarded aad protected the aaaa antd wm aaeWy saxaisd, lor which Ibey cUim aaJvage rMraaat'On.

a ueiaai boaa aad bars of rr Id dost aay be eoademaed awl add to pay said salvage, with eoau. eiaaiges. aad "iiiowTherep'-re. ia psraasaosof the saosntioa aider the aal of tbaaaid Coon sn. directed aad leovreo.

ae mreby rive pott. befoes theaaHt Dmnct Coart tab sd al the ntvi ef New kark. ia aad far the aasd Co. them Dwtrlot of N-w Yerk. en tbs kaer.

teeaih day af Irctobet aext, al asere. oleck a ito Jorawaoa at that carTlpro iced the same shall ba a day of mnadicOoa. etha. w. aa the vMxt day of jarfadacoon tbsraaaftar,) toea aad there to tntarpem tiiett claisss, sad to mass that atsaoens ua that aled thn Sdh day of Septeraber, MSI.

H. yTT AI.LM A UG E. U.Md State. Marshal, to. Wm.

Ama Rrrrxxa, Ptoaoc toe LaueluinU aai id COCB TUT SIR RCM ANTS ACCOUNT BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER, fce. fceRICH fc LOU-TREL, No. 61 WlUUm street, New Invite mer. ehe.ta froea serv sectioa of th. eowntry pi their exten sive stock or Psper, Blank Books, Ft at is.

aad all other articles SOld by StaUOBBra. we, aaaa Bseaj import, all our goods at first cost, aad sup dying, wbot-salesBd twtail parehapers at the Vow eat pea lible prlees. Mnaaraotrrs of Blank Books All sisea, patterns aad style of atxdieg. sni table for marehanta, maaafaetaiwrs, banks, insa nao eompaalsn. public offlees, ooorts, eoua- ,1 sra eiveaafarmrtolsn.

Boaaeaaeai, mm. Impcrrtaira of Fermga Stationery Oar arraaaraaseaU to reeerv treat from France, Engtaad aad Gswxaay. every deser.pttoa of faBey aao sarrwgn aooaery and papers, are sseh as will gtvs to ptmhaaers great ao- Preanirinl anirold Writers a have renal pad the first praauria frees the Aaaerionn Institute for five ooa-LernT. y.ars. for the ba manifold letter writora Letter Copying Prem-W.

are eoBetsnUy reesivlag from the inAaufactory large quantities af copying Notarial Ureases Eight drflwreart siam cf seal praams. large and saaail, screw aad aver, at satremeJy aow pri; The trad) and country msanhaaU suppliad at tb atrw- Ordara br mail raspectfuBy sollcltad. JAMEri V. BJCH. WILLiAM M.

LOUTRXL, a ee- rin A H.T AT f- fry- aiagaetie Tiligra Omee, earner of Haaorer and Beaver stoeets. BY TSLE43RAPQ. RxrokTXb st Abbot Sc Wixa. AgaaU of Vk Associated Evatung Presa.i TBBKB DATS LATER PROH EUROrS. AjLBITAX.

OF TBS CsJUOA. Hautax, Sept. 10. Ta Royal MaQ itMauUf Canada, has trrrred I impaxraBLf saa mi aeT6 wiU Uvarpooi dated to the 20U, ureo Sajl later. Tremble la tave Cataadiaja Cab weat.

Taaoirro, Sept, SOthi The Cktmalaa Cabinet have aearij all redgned- VERT LATE PROS BUKNOS AYRES. lactnrm BtalMiaaa MSI no. at aw, Amor' ad Caadi, for tb Sostftera BamAaa tfm Baarm Praam. 14S Bn, llasaft. IS a A mnnprate Um.

i A. ts. petweea Covaitiadt aeAlatasnrsW. Boston, Sept- SOU. Bark Dragon, Captaia Aaderson, arrived hers this momlEg wiU advices from Baertos Ayres to Aocmat ath.

Sha left in port th barks Mkaon, Barney, from New York, condemned Baltic, for Now York, ia thirty days Undine from Boston, discharging Mantel from do Advice for New York la twenty days Coooessicn for do Alma, (Labee) for do brigi Cutter for do la It dayi Palo for Boston ta thirty days Biaiuaa for Salem ia seven days; Ooeaa for New York. Ths bark Weybossett, Carter, had sailed for Bos ton Ths rebel division, headed by Urgoexa ta person, crossed lha Uraguay oa the 20th The total invading foroe. Including 340 men oi- leged to bat passed over with Gomel, Is slated by tbe ComtrtiS at 5680, Inolodlng 1000 Correntlaos. ENORsUSN EXPRESS. The aaderaigBed hiving I The Packet, of Augost 2d, eontains ths following JT now a rahident partner In Paris.

Mr. B. W. Baa- bitt, a rsatltmaa thoroushly acquainted with thai ay ai American and French Markets, will continns to receive orders for the parchase of all kinds of good. In large or small qnantlli24, ia act part of France.

Bills on Paris at lowest rate. Express freicjht received and forwarded ss nsnal. i LIVINGSTON, WELLS Be80 6t 6 Well street, N. Y. TOV COLORS, Porte Crayons, Crayons, Leather and Fapr Stamps, Crayon and Drawing Paper, Bristol Boards, -Newman's aad Beeves' Colors, Dividers.

Urqaeia, Garneo, aad their partisans, have erosa- ed the rableon, and itaked toe issae of their cause oa a general encounter The Packet remarks, as regards the BraiUIaai, though as nnmerooa as ths locusts, aooordiiig to tha Commetola, wo do not Bad that they have yet ven tured to cross the rabieon. The oatue we eannok assign, bat It evident that a gsneral encounter most tako place before they eaa render any assistance to their republican allies nr kwait the result of a general action with the utmost confidoooe, and we believo that President Oribe has been concentrating hi fore for that purpose, and that ho was to leave Cerito on or abont tha first Instant, to join the mala division of his army." Under the head of Buenos Ayrof affairs, the Pack-tt say i It Is astonishing how case-hardened ths of onneed, no sensation whatever has been obeerr- able" General D. Filllppa Ibera, the Governor and of St. Jago del Estero, is dead. A Teasel had tut arrived from Corrientas at Saa P.en.nitA writ nanara fenm nrhinb tha Paektt infer.

the Gorornmont for the use of the army. Ounces oa the 2d were worth 812, and oa the 3d 306 to 808. BnddaB Deal ft of a Broker. Boston, Sept. 30th, 1851.

SheTbara Rows, a broker of this eity, fell down stairs at Hodge'f Coffeo House, In CornhiU square, early thil morning, by which ho wad Instantly hilled. INTERMENT OP TBE REMAINS OP OIRARD MASONIC PARADE. Philadelphia, Sept 80th. A large body of the Maaoaio order, paraded to day, and after marching throngh various streets, deposited the remains of Mr. Stephen Girard in the BATOcphagnJ prepared for them tn the rear of ttatne at Girard College.

Is is estimated there were about two thousand persons la the ranks. Tcdaf raphie markets and Receipt. BcrPALe, Sept. 301 p. ml Tbe receipts sines yesterday have act been of sola slant magnitude to report.

Owing to the limited supply of floor there Is a better feeding in tke market, sales of 1000 bbls war. made at 88 67i3 44 fr Ohio. The market for prime wheat la heavy and inactive sales of Sauo basnets Mlceigsa were made at 73 easts The receipts of com are vary small, aad the Boar at Is buoyant. Mixed Is held at 44 cents. Albawv, September 80th 1 r.

at. Receipts within ths past It.hours Flour bets 10 OOS Wheat dJ 00 Cora do 84,000 The demand for Floor Is much lees than It was, bat there is no materi.l change la prices. Kales of 800 bbls were made at eater day's prior. Of Wheat tbe supply la good, aad rather pressing ea tbe market. There is no change to notice In Cora, the de mand continues fair and tb market steady.

Sales of 4 6t bus were made at 66470- Market for barley steady, with seise of 8.800 boshels at T2a7ee, and TsasOe for prime. Oats are e4aS6e. Bales of Ohio whiskey at Ujo. BftlpfrlBsr M. Boeven, Sept.

80, 18SL A bark Dragon, Andrews, fra Ayrea Aag re porta speaking Jnna 10th. let 84 south, loa 34 neat. Witch of the Wave, fm Boston, aad aaw tt June, IB las souia, iob oo wma. BY THE SOUTHERN MAIL.

I.swes. Del. Ben E. Tbs brig Cleveland, for aaa tram ham taiala lleelotien. waa.

bp the Wrrrk r.i. demned abaadoaad on Maturit.r. Th. sek tilenroy. of Fall Kivet, Iroan a aottliiwn port BK ra lore, wnioa naa been th.

Bmcoa Li.nt liuu. wfloatel od oa rtaiardar afleraooa. and a aow at the nreaawaier, nni.g a aacnor ia coaPAay with three bnga aad eight achooaaw. boaad lor Bpelbsra porta. Rng Imm Waa 1ml Ma.

n.d tw bera brwa. are new tl Ua. BraakwahM. somg up with a tine wind Irom the eonlhward. Sept 99.

7 p. st The alnp WeatnHir.U.,1, ler Ufleaee; batk, Levant, tor Wan l.diea; Detawan. brira tsaioa taaa, and Caaiaa. for Ito-toa; Joha Ganeabaig. Eltsa Padley, aad Giey honed, lor Eaateru prebK ogetha with a fleet at anon era.

whoa Basse, aa iieeuaauoaa eenra act as aavja-rlaiaed, weal lo I mm thn kHenooa. Early tha afternoon, foer kera. bnga aad twa tiga ai topaaul aclKronera, appaiently a wind Irom WW. 6-4 figured and bine eloth. 4 4 do do do 3-d do do do 6-4 plain do 4 4 do oo 8-4 do do paaned Bp wi itk a Arlnih.

brie ladiaa Qlm. Varaee. fsarw Edw Adama. Steal. do: Giraffe. MSwaia. Tswaaaad.N Yak; r. nasard. nuraica.

oo. KicuMOBD ai a tn, aca Baaova. i -aeipsm. ia era. BLANK.

BOOK.S AND STATIONEHY. GREAT 'S tbe anxiety to gain Notoriety, But few with propriety state of their Books, Our work Is superior," when it's inferior, As alt tne interior paipaoty too as. Ws Invite close Inspection la every db-aetion. Defying detoetton of Works, savs tb Best, In ruling or Binding meres bo eaanee ef nadiog Aa error worth minding, sad this yoa eaa test. We have oa hand many made, raited fbr any trade, M.a too of aay grade her, eaa get what they will.

Year orders then ssnd as, our work will dafead as, Aad all who befriend tn aekaowledge oar akilL Psbs. Ink and papers, sealing was, wafers, And fiaest wax tapers, we oner to all. With evTy Invention that's useful ws mention, To keep 's ear intention st SEVENTEEN WALL. bs0 yum, w. BUB.

flkl-. PIECES OP INDIA RUBBER CAB. n. nn aw KlAOt CLOTHS. The sa beer 1 ber weald invite tbe attention of mere cants, carnage maker, and all In pursuit of a superior article of India Rubber Carriage Cloths, to ths extensive easts I issiit be has now In store, eonttsting or ooo pieees or aor.

aad embracing every variety of widths sad quality, as 8-4 flgared BtotalUe doth 4-4 do do do 4-4 do do do 6-d plain do 4-4 do do irintnal Deneflt Elfe adleatios at do do 3-4 4-4, and 4-4 plain aad figured high finished Rubber SPECIAL ATJCnOIf SALES. 1 HENRY B. LEEDS, ABeOeBea. Special Bale esT Csialre Wlaoa, dash, oa Prtaao nFNBI B. LESIM CO.

erri mm at eesnwa aa WIO. NkJDAT, tkaaaeer ka. at 11 a' ease, at tke saas asean. Wmm. oe.

at. Hiatariisa ban at Fan. Rmwwtwi I vtthewt Selay, aad head ta Uhew bOtaladrag. "'aiawr rapenaa ir uaren. ra: rtma I v-Mfc-ai tg rata.

vm aa, 1 1 rw Heew. bm ax lie -a i a a. ia m.i I. Caa aeeBSUBrsdae tbsee 1 1 i tar. 18-11 Uewaid kadra, aawaraaal ar ta.

kueThaaBa. OmmU rood MumulhaiTr, trm Utr HeaalsMck: A A adeara. BaeanaS ia U. A atue Carasahaa. kr Cms.

III. waa.eaara aratawaaiia. vieare aieaei una oumm imai mm warranty, tb. a Carriage Clout, naviug every appearaaac eg tae Bast patent leather. Al-o, heavy canvass and duck 40 aad 44 laches la width, Tbe above are aeaufaetared by the an ban ri ber at his manufactory, foot of 14th atraet.

East River, ot the very best quality of gam, sad ew vary heavy drills, are warranted not to peel or a rack, are act the least affected by heat or cold, sad are offered lor sale oa liberal terms at very low prices. Ai. N.w York India Rubber Warnboose, No. ST Mat den lane, (first corner from Broadway MM aaa awn at the effloe dairy from 1 to 1 o'clock. Dr.

James Stewart, M. 11, MedmBl adaamea No. 6 AblBgdOB sooare liisnrance Company, No 11 WALL STREET. The funds ef this Company, on the 1st August, 1841 amount to over 1,300,000, And the aaauat Inoome is now about 1380,000. ROBT.


B. C. i llr Secretary. L. C.

OROvBStcsABseA. aalt TaThftSaPftW iriarata's CoHrte of ILeiL.k.eepiRs;, OO p. bowad prise 11 to. THIS, the latest oad aaast kmnllfa wwrk over pnb-Bssaed ea tb art, ec-ataias ssmilits set ef A. eoont Books.

Aeeoaam cexramk. all printed to salere. (red aad biaek) with exampaaeof maisstll alallraii tawn rally etdatad la 10 pages af teaailmr tnauaalkms esplied ei- rwaatetth sstsirr-s mag and tonehnrefbccft-kasptsai, erssTB'rt- aad bbsUbiIIts ark kamlnsr Pm ease ak Use aaUMrw Cwmta the Bawdy sad Ptwatiss sf Ink biiflsg. kud Bmadeej TaftaMpsJAlefcedla the eeaVM style to ths Bpaaat tnalars, with tagms, fce, of Mr. Msaahw ItoaeWT.

K. LUDLOW, A artata at in laaiasal a as use oafaa. ai att Caaa.aBeat Ireif, baesea i stawii eiaaase Put: La. lSi; steaaa' Beany. tas aa mmmrta em aa Momka II lan Pa part SruDr.

vaataee lax. (Jtaat. PriDav nun IM96: Baat, Raeoe caw's aak Part. lea; Pesa rent Meeaab Wat Bias I.

'a Uaaaxeasraa. JtsaBllS Staaa. I Ur.Csajst. Re. R.

Osa) aaer. 1 A sVwtrwJtBtra. EH. H'DLOW wdl aetl at satiaa sa THT7BSDAT. aabar Bd.

at 10X e'eleos, at ka. leaivu. ta i faradare 1 1 i Md b.ass. raalaf. aeefaxei raaaa aad ftarhsita.

Beda. ateddaax. Rraaai aad lasmia I Cos. pata. matnatt, Ui CleUi.

B- Pine all err of PalatLags mt Aaactleva, at WIDIEIOIY, lStm fXtabar. rpHRsabaeribar raterw tke arra af tha Bee am that ha I A mtmrmt. bf rataanivaai Iresa aip.jiwai i el Oil Paratiara. as th haat aaocaaa Eauahaed IM a aaainaa ever sal wits a aa aa aa aaaau ehrir ta eabtast aasa, aad seabiaea a swal varatv a eW parlraabrts. Moat at taaaa paialavca an aat dm (a bow b.

wh aracrnxre. aaioeea Naoeaal naa. No. A Hieadwar. Beat a alkar auvat.

Bate WSaadar. the Ikh Oeaober. WBee ta. war waawa anai imwr dwprmdet r.w..rI iliiiiiaBwrerrea. ismi r.

HENRY H. LEEDS, Aaei Lsuwa Bale Rica Faary Wars, Plated Dsn Malt mmm Ittllaa Mr-tla Hatasry, ate. HENRY H. LEEDS CO. wiBal1 maaetioB.

FRJf) AT. XdaadSATURUAY.eik. at N. ail stsast, Broadway at a alt rat tan e'otock eaeh dav A hvse aad valaall. amiwiBii'Btaf frea.

ee I laacTjee and stataarr. jeat spopivI. cowaMiBg partly ef eawlawanl Mai. ta white atoae statsary. tlf eat aad eotieaty new.

kvaag the tMimpavtatiaa. sad aow laaataf from Uaaatup. via eareed va. aaa. eeali piaeaa to lonataiBa.

ta (oar woaa. afeaase; riias sutaary. Ian, aad ether ilcamtiwaa. An. Nuea t.i.

ka. Abu. a burs aad valuaba, awsilaiaal mi rwh fell faaey hroaaaa. cweaa. paaaao mmim, awwara.

i i. Freaeb pareetaia diaaev. danrit aad tea eat. faney hnsi, aaache goola. af every kind, ssaas are vary aaagapt, aad ether aphndid soar.

Am. nphredai Itairan atatasry. aaarble. parkwaad swdea stst- aaa, approunal toe aau alahae, mapanad npveaaly ky the urhibra. tad ac.lpior A E.

Learnts, aenr ta ban aay I aialaii l. hrred ia th aad Baeekaa. Rorgha. tne Feej ISeaaoas, ft. If keagkl by ssaatta, thay and be wed peaked and aaipoed frwei expaaae.

Tb. aioT. apdid sooo. wi" b. withvat leaarva.

(l31) S.3B C. KEMP, Aactloaeer. Large and PecasprT Sale err Elawaat Cew tatnet Pwraltanr. Rtela Pin spvrtco, ACM WBONESDAV aad TtaCRAV DAV, October la sutd ad, at 10 o'clock eaeh day, at th large liau in vninaae aaaaaa ssuaias, No. 639 Broadway, betweea Sprtag aad Priaee street.

RC. EH will sell at aaeriew, as aha, nilhsat wan in. facsna. by erdet of sengaaa aad axassa waaaa assay ana. LOTS OF VALUABLE ROfJEWOOD AND MAHO.

Kiy Cabuaet FarBitare. af the very beat qaaldy. all at whack heea naade tor the evty ranora trade, aad eaa ke railed apaa aaaf laevery be qaairty ockasaaahip aad malanaaa, aad u.nunsm a very large aiunraisl at ncaly carved Bsaaairad and VunrtaM aa ranlv oltaawi. MMMtHd. fern hMMlMOM I nun ha filM mma an 'Anil EBVEiLurB I n-kiii.

a an .11 I rr- AND RNVELOHS A mrt-i assortment of Freuok plain and fancy I pakuib lukxlTllrrMcastCarnS Iu. Kama oraauiaoa auts Lyiuucaa. asu wiua uie eaoarxr- i i I. mm auiaiis aa aioeaMl r. iv.

I BiBsb, valvals. tbe nob rat aaaisawaadatrka; haW via va wiaava oa a acw -a I arood cabtaeta etrrera. wrua Blinwr IroaU aiaae ataada aarv. ad rosewood entre taowa. wrta ecrpua awa; mmm swi.

mmm wba. llaJuraarbaatepa: aarvad aaaharaar f. tea. air, aaaf aad apnea aeal parluf eaaira Beoaar aaeeha peerl ia mm. liaa4aaeatAblt tloaitss, ssaihw.

asattas tap laacr ssalis, BAjial sveirri BSVd BBrff imKasaa PIJuSu-BiiOM AND LfBRABT FTJBNITUBB-Ex. teeexra aad eum diaias labwa. aaahocaar enaira. saSabiMida. rk wood henry aad aremary book caa.

walaat aad ai.hsB.ay da., Vot'ajr. chaua. nteinc rei aaaiia. CIIAMBKK FCRMTUBli aiasaUr JAMES COLE, ABetlssveer.

Tkev eaU tanlsar stale, that tlaey wa ta coeieiB good, el the aaa onat aaaa im1.t Mine Fall latwetarioe ha.r.i tkrnarrn thai aha wulbelueONLl lii ia ali that a reaction had taken place la that province In I pXch pkiu lienTsaita lop eaeroa-4 wantataada aad era- 1 sautes; nek paieupi and eaanvaard ahaaker lamiiar srai tavoor or thd national Cause. I aaiinianagaay aoackm. ram nmt eatus 1.11 OA tti.t weeiAeiA ti.4 I -hAira. waraat onuaa. fame.

re. earewaed and iheadinnaag ta- baaj puu. mahogany and walaat caaabar lnrna. wa- arltranivil. and tb market aetir.

Kreirhts hare I bui 2 4 Fr-ach chain, sonag ami ana and paakiag chain, dt- c. .1 vana. aewtns chaira. AUa. bruanad iraa hat stands, mahogany declined.

Several Vessels had Mid their Cargoes tO I do. hall enure, tabha, nboie smswat a very late. aad apkraont aaaonasml. ail as wnicn aa wnruaj ua. anmiaa i Ptn7CTlNOS-al pamfaal nek Boral WataaValwal I Ta pantry.

Iliamli Three-ply lagraiB. Vnmtiaa. man aad tad Cloth CanwUBga al af wham ar el pabmh iitprtalja. ef haad-ar-n atylea. and are peroc.lapy werUay af the atarauea ef bonaeksiiaaa, aa ttaey wiU be sold as km saa.

kr erdet af as. lANO FORTE Four etagaat isna til aad ectav Praa Ferae, wenh (rem 6 SaAJ each at vary neh ksne. md aat bmaul al rnaunanma, aad ate b. aead with maaalao when neagut at prrvar mas. eas7Bi 3SO Valaabla Lsjta ea BtaA sued Powers Btrewta, tfte PwourtJA a Years, a sad PaclBe, Dean, Berrgea, 'WyeftaBT, Warrra aad lvalue atrwata, kssws roc Use aaaa aeatpu-y aa sjsa Pewsrs Estate.

JAMFR COLE wdl seal ataaetioa are TCEHDAT. Oct, het 7th. 11, at Uo'dook. allbe Msrcfissis' Etckasge. Bew York, tbs kMlowiag lou.

era BU kau ea Aiauuewreaa. keaMiee. mam BMT haan. Panlic areas. Hiaie BMt.

llaaaalreaf. Heigm WeekoeT atrmt. Werrea swa. Value sxraat. Powaira areef.

fu.nk arm as. .1 It air toe prrvai. aad win, at rnkat, Sa. til.

a aoo Platbaah avenae enmad. hoi wis. wpi, It. aadnsaai. Taaaa per earni, may saaaaia ea boe-T aad avert rare tat a term el yeara.

denfed. (aS J6 ft C. W. FOSTER, Aaetsswaar. Latrwo and Saectal Bale FTasaem

FOrTTF.R ft LIVINGSTON wiB maWWSWDtT. I Uctooer I ctack. al ike aatioa eaem. la 41 Bmad I aeaea, th. EMT1RP- BALAlSCSt an ak wia'al-.

a a i m. i.enwi in.'i ANU BbT AMMJRIMENT OF FRENCU tVOfcraTU) liOODS ever allseed. Tka aitraenveaad dmmlilBBaawaapa-ant i. part ot lb goret.

IMupwoa MKKI.NO lUiTHS. luauiiaag a kars samrt, anmtol Para aadealaek. naw. and aH the am Am ew ti aaaa. aad the kaaan soorta ever ne ported ia the Dared PH.

lea. (Dpaawl AsMMtlK SINGLE aad POCJ. BI.K VVIIITH-a kupe aamrtraent at tUrt. aB the iuipaaem jlC sil.L,l A L.AINCA. aeaek.

aaaat. Bad high ia a lair. a.nna tamr weal aaswaayaaa. eanv nea analHass. a wosive.

sou pJcaVKAkltt boMHAZINES a vary tare aad li.i.l the larnt Paia fabn. Tka aurtwisl will can La as tke uaam ever ottered ataertjon bvaar ae. tt meoa URAPtt. CHAHRORD AND SATIN DE CHIN a eeatpkaa and very nek a iinw at mf taa tevwme atraaat tali ikii II PARIS PRINT Pf MOUSfSELINE PE LALNF. CACHKS1.KE I) AND I'DIAMDOA Tka teei tail at wal aiatiiss as lh aw an laaan an snae la eiiaal 8 ho mtaiasf Lang and rVra-a PARIS ALL HIHJL Hklrt'UE SHAIVLK.

rick ori.ted TAISIS. hmvy Soa.a and Loeg TARTAN SUAWLS. pnaunt TARTAN SHAWLS. Aiac. a tall line as as uvmvarvma ayipa.

anginal iiaoB- ag bean reeatved. they pvadse LY SALE ef thai stress And beg leave te eel. the parts-. lar ettpatae of tke asm Traie to ten aaa. wtnea, a every psapwn.

will wead wartkyet that! alteatioa. aea a ANTHONY J. BLEECKCR, Aacttoassr. Parsaaptarp Trastaes' Sals af mi BtroaaJya HalldiBa; Lapis at AsssMsoav. ANTHONY J.

S1.KK1.KER aed be anotx-a mm WED. E-Mll A tke la. Oeaiiae, l-Al mt IJ Wm lb. trier, ha. 'a' Kiolwrage, a lb.

ealy ei Hrnm Y-Kk. ay an Cbarra B. Mam. Tinaua. the kdiewiad dmrslils iPBildsag ana.

It ai- laoe reec'r-i-atk RrasaJytr I lataaf greaad aa the math aide Hairaaon atreet, uetweea Ctiatsa sad Cnat aMssa, eaa-sn-aeiag 17 lea Chavm aajmu ea tbe urtb ad. af BalUc MinaCnnd bnalaaavaA aateot Wsr-enarmt. katem eiteedoa. (rem Ureas wnreet, art.

sled ami tb Buddie at the kksca. kntsrsea Smith aad Heyt Tli hate, Isatfia Slinav, nao inn veerrew wavm raa. Bias uareaak fear, airmt to atarea, auaadad Inai baulk aad Hmaiaai, ooinenci.s leet been Hoyt atna. ive lota on in noavnaue a ummmm armaaaavaraaaaa a avea virl at Hoyt atreet- Sev-a loiam ttoaoetkaamof tWgwimatp VA'aae- Vaahrau sueata. eamraeacaag ltal paet tram Cwaabaaajmr.

Said lata aa ail a sad hat taat aad ami. ky hslt tbe r. depth. Title indmalabie, aad sale pmrttva Far an. re, tarnaa aad fna tha raitaMalaa.

apply te the Wa. 1 Bread asmat. New tmk CHARLES B. MOOSE.

TrnaSm. mltJOBtsBS Uott) PHILLIP'S P1RK ABBlUIlTOkt, rrHE AMERICAN COM 'ANT. FOR THE MANTJ- fact are and Bale of PHILLIP'S UNITED 8TA1 16 PATENT FIRE AN NIHIL ATOR, a well par tb dsapa sitiaB of RlghU to see sad read the same, reap actairy announce that they have OPENED THEIR OFFICE, KoAWabbsw two boobs reow BaesowAV. for tb traaaacUoa ef bnBtBme, nad wiU cadenvor to gratify, as sxpadlttoas mm poeeible. the pnbie dam for tbme remarkable FIRE AACAPLSsnd FIRE A A TIN-GUISHERS.

Tbs pricm of territorial licenses or segment ef patent rights for 8 la Las aad Territories. Counties sr Towae, (who mnet have a cash capital) ea tk asnet Ssvor- able term, which wiU ts aaade known Immediately, ea application, by letter or by a personal Interview, at the office. Th pricm of Machine, aad sf Charges, are as potlowB. 81s of Prtce, PTteeofeaeh Vac bin. Uedadiag oae charge, spare charge No.

1 1 No. 1 0 No. Nodi: 80 BOB No. A 8 S40 Th Machines caa be saad te order of aay else, at a aroporitomat prle. A lw af tb.

ad-raatagm of this InvarBtiaa ever water ftwextiogalaniagnreare: las. The vapor Sssas Beariy ae lasteft-taaeonaly after eeartng ta eaatast with ft sa the samp a wed will exUagaatk a lighted aaa 41. Id. Tb vapor saa be Inhaled aad rmpk-ed with eoaa. fort nad aaeorttv.

Ad. The anmhilaitor directly at baa, aad eaa be applied at oae wltboat giving sa alarm, wbareaa with the present tardy arrangement nn alarm ts givna, aad beor. watr from tb. eaa be brwagat ts bear th whole koam Is la laam dth, AehBd of tea years eaa operau too ABBinitaaur, far he has ealy to tarn ping, give rap with aa Sat, than throw It tat ta room est Bra, aad the work is eth. TlMgrnlTcmtheeaBABaatecMpaw to sjoevle.

dramm. aaealamy, or faraataea, that poodn. dream, atasblsary. Or luaswa, that ef tb erxtamatv aad sesapltastad naaektaevy of th extonatve naa sraaptissiia Baacninery tain two-thirds at aay time, tho balsaee to be paid whea I Urttar. aad sap anpera, era ad the divtdeaaoi ta year Bar waiea an sexip was awnatd a I ajg gt bTBI tsarrsai ered br say hewas ta the sea aiisssed to rm-amb tats snraa- awmapwrp skaka, kvarauag waU, wilkiat atate sia ear- nam every FOR, CALIFORNIA I aaJppers are SBIF WILD PIGEOff, For bar ErsuBClaco.

JS tf JOHN OGOEN.lld WaU DISPATCH LIB ros bar rrsuselaco. saarla arebHaataia CUFTKR SHIP SWORD FISI1, Cap, B. g. BABCOCK, At Pier Ne. 6, Nsrth Brver.

wad I amlpper Caforwia asm Use pwbue an I tavltd vwtt aad aaaaata thai swp-rtar ssmry. I THE NEW AND ELEOANT NIW TOBX BUILT Oe Het owasrs IHmm. Barelay ft Lrrlanystsm) Wv sbbw- ta sbvalaaig ka ass Sal aad aa Sa a ablp as Seata. i ef tb ellpps Raa Bene, tana ardlaary exjarlaass ta oBpa. sld)e aad ta Pasil trade.

rresRtwlUtowASMaralwwayM For wkiaa. or paeange, apply to E. S. SUTTON, 84 WaS at. For Califorala, VIA OaaAORRS) ABD BAB JUAB ICARAOTJA.

TBaavoa ncarra re CAijpaawtA a bbbccbb raataa. TaeBwaadsplarasid 8teRmililp LAFAYETTE, CHAR 8TODDAXD, Ccaaasaaaar, (late of eteaaaer Creaeeat CltyJ wtB sail for Chagrea aad laa Jaaa Nleangaa, oa I SATURDAY, 11th Ctober, at I o'easck, p. a treta pear Nsl Berth Brrer. Fas.sag.rB by tbtssteamer have the prrrtega ef laad- lag at attaer mt tbe above parts. For freight or passage, apply to aatTUt J.

O. W1LUA Ms, 188 Fiwat eti For 2San Francisco, Dtrwrd. ERPIRS LIRE. tbe favobitb clippeb ship CExaESTIAL, Loaoibo a Praa IS, East Bjveb. WILL HAVE QUICK DISPATCH a greet part af bereargo belBg eagaged.

Tbia beaatifal CU poor Is af Tory bbvaD. eaaaelty, aad as. TaaoatHPAAiLv past. Sa Basis the aasawge te sea I Fraaelneo last saasna la 10S daya. Freight win be takeaat VERY LOW rates, fbr whisk or eebta sssaga, apply to BUCK LIN ft CRANE, 86 Freest at, S2S JAMES SMITH ft SON.

114 Wan at. FOR SAif FRA-s CISCO, EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY. TBI NEW SHIP TRADE-WIND, At Ptor St Baat Rtvwr, awxt to Catharia Ferry. Bee aearly assaplatad load tag, aad with bar gag ses eats, has a wary Sanaa p. a pert Iob af Bar eapaetty to spar, which, to est are Bar aenraTca rastvracs re ibst OcToaaa, wiB bo aisfossd of at armiat raUa If applied tor teamed! ally.

Shippers will please sjxaalae her, aad kw ftwlght ar passage, apply to aalStatf BOOTH fc EDO AR, PS Prewt THE NEW SHIP FT to eto Tltolaffalps sf thin Csmpasy. prior to every dSrldmad. tX)Aakliam by ths Wiikeakarr. 1 ar.s-b, eraalantraa aad I 1 r. i.

a I Ts ssksartkas a Steele I rtor Walt Aak Cam to Praapeetss aaa aaaaai wataaaaa rurnnvham tapes en. I a Tk. uaii Z. I Is as Bart Sf th tb etna. Th Med leal tnsraar Ah asaanx tTsea I ami leaia.S aa eakrewra.

sre am aga, atv. Tka aaat la a Sawn ay sea praa BaaBy aea as wal aaaa, aatag ft eataaar, sad amvpag saa i at qsal to th Biwkass, Egg sad Bkeia atna ...4 to per tea sf lkto rk. 4 8 SS ds FoB weight itaiukst, sad sealer BSrptad sa raws-1 aa ANDBEW SEYMOUR. Yavrd-N. saaFroaat sWiit.esr.

tisssssaai ED ASU BUT COAL A anpertor aniam trom EV tla 8posaaadLwfo APpty an sale by ths tsa Pall LKAT1IER HOSE eargeat TYLER ft CO Sirita.s a aa ananwnAaat I XNOR PI RE EBOIBER, atssmkisls, Ft aad wtsl ke land tbs ant I AV Btrwet TRADE-WIND, FOR FRANCISCO, Caa take a te team af LIGHT FREIGHT, tf atmtVai tm if. Yet Cabla Pssmgs, baviag aa-nmmsditlnais, apply to earn tf BOOTH ft EP3ABL, 84 Frost Clipper GOLDEN GATE, For 8am Fravnclaeo, At pmr Frva, Nsrth Rlvr. CHAMBER ft HEISTS, Ne. Bridge Street S.1I or, SUTTON, Ne. 84 Wall itrwat, 8.

I 8, trffl leave BOSTON FOB LI VP SPOOL, aa hwrsmay, Ua Ba af Oa-toBsr. This sal as did fctaaaaablp as latO toe barthwa. ta Vafit la tbe ssost sabssaatial aiaaar. bath aa rasards ball aad aaublaay. has hmvy dtatraaal braam tJar-mgbaa, ssanV I tar to the teat Inge of the Coauaa' Lta.

aad ta ami reapeet ally eqaai ia potat of streagth aad aa gaadltim I aay atmmar at, eat, nr aeeammaiiaBiatiaa aaw ri ef th awakes saia law Yerk aad Usaa-paeL aad kau af ta Snata Tarn- i Aa.xsirliBii. kargiaal asiaibst a va abvp. Bate at i.abaa paassa tresa Bastsa to Uvarp isa. Seaaad Caata. Bt foaad.

St Frcaa Llvorpo. Baaoa, the rat af arm Casta pas- sag, wiu ha A SB stg. rralghl for la. goavda, 60s am ton af ftarty awbie BmS, Fox freixbt ar laaaara. apply to a cu pea wary, seem sera, BARS DEN ft 88 ktato etswaS, Bstea.

ABNDEN ft 6 Coat street, UverpaaL eaa a tap apiui TANDERBILT8 IMSE, BETWEEN NEW TOUK 8 AN FRANCISCO I TUB ONLT TBROCOBI UBS VIA aICBrSBSa A AV31BER OF VAYS SHORTER TBAJI AAF OTHER ROUTE. Com poem sf the rbnawtag pi err ekasa Btwasashraa, I bptwawa NEW IOBK ans BAN JUAN DE NIC AAA- I GUAi Th FRORETHBCt, Captaia Chare kM The DANIEL, WEBSTER, Cant. Baldwin. AND BETWEEN Saa Jaaa a del Bar asm Baat Frwaarsaea i The BOB.T11 AMR RICA, Capt, Blatbsw, Tae PftttlSTO, Cape Jerri The 1IDKPF.IDKICE, Cast, Wakemaa. Taaee rlaana a are al sw, bsfit ex si mafy Sae Reata.

aaa far sraEO, aassty, aad 1 rSOMKTHEUS wiB kmv New Terfc. frsm FVar No North the 7th of eaeh awata, at 8 emek F. eoaunewanar Oateber 7 Lb. Tke DANIEL the S2d sf each sanata. Ike day.

of LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO will be th 1st aed 14th sf each areata Whea the above davs fall as Ssadaya, the day sfaaO-kng wiB be tb Men day Sotlemiag FrosB 6 AN JUA Ot NrCARAOUA to SAN JUAN DEL SUR, pan eager wiU ba naanpUy aoaswyad eg the New Traaat fteateef the Nicaragua Company he, log bat Twelve tastes of Load TrtwspsnrtotJoa. aad al that poiBt embark la oaeef the aaarve asa.d Paaae kvmm- eretwSAN FAANCtaCO. 1 be great met eg of sat asm by this rowte over ethers bawtidiay esaatiashe. saa spasey ass ssmimiaais traaat batweaa the two ssmas. thrwagb a seaattf at aad beelthfBl saaatry, sawr ladaanxaaate to the tnvauJag BBblas eqaaited by ae eabar Lrae.

Nepapmgeaaoarad BBtit aaid leg, aad bat limit 1 1 BBaber a psa isgas wal ke takea. Freight Lakes te baa Jaaa As Ntanagsa awry, wtB be reeatved es the lay of Bail tag. Da. BeUee wit be grtea wkea the Llae ts pa sparsd to take tratgbt throng A latter bag will beam spat the em a a par alt pasnts sa tbe ran t. eaoetag at It Braises sa the say sf sailing Charge 14 east par settee, pis pal A For nag tat or Bases g.

apply ealy at VP usees eg tfte baa. No. Sattar p'see, a stairs D. 1. ALLEN.

FOiH LIVERPOOL. The mew and splendid Steaasthlp PIO.ICER, ASA ELD RIDGE, faiaaaear, WILL DEPART ON BER FIRST VOYAOE YOB Liverpool, aa WEDNESDAY, tho 14th af 0 stoker, at IS o'sleek. Th PIONEER Is StOS toss harthem, sad havtag bass bait expressly for Basket hsfwssa Ula part sad Llvwr-pol, ssy iwi has ama spared la haw asasirBstas te assets a dagrss sf BVreagLh sssfasrisd by say swasel afleat. Ha tsmoss aad staU raasns are Bp as is as aad wal veav Ulastad. aad altBlwthsr, gars are sssarawsd.

la the ttaas. fcar eesaaxrt sad s'egaaee, by aay laerwatonxtsjkaBna ths ewaa of this vesawl have aevea-artaed to Sa the prmsef passage at sseh relet ar aaa aot tat to snamfaeUary, va ta tha Bssst eeeeasxteaL Ab sxpsriesusd ttiTgwoa It alts thai to the aafp. Yet freigbl or paaaaga. apply to SPOrFORD, T1LEJTON ft tf Ka dS Sostft eta a at. evur I REDUCED PRICES.

ths STtcoess aTtoBdi.g Its oparattow ts aapramdaatod I aay be la It a wal known that water ts swt I WATCIARA ARDJKWKLRS AT MEDfTCBD Th. paaa at Mntaai, ail poaicam for to whose Lara ef 1 mttjaxioai aa Ar. I PRACES. life, parttdpaUng la tb aroCts, after the paBsat af lb Is ecaseqo. of the great eBeolty sf masmfaMarr-I Tae saaaarlbm.expmalag to md.i apeerel sond prernm? I tag these ktaehtaes aad Cnemieal Cbargm propwrly, aad I yS larg.

Ueeteee sf Wstskm aad J.wahry tar ta Dividends ef profits are deoUred sa the 1st of January I P.lamary a r- a. aaw salttag eST has psamtPtsi aaaaally, and Ll dividends over the sua of W.eoO, for tba saava, the Company wdl la aa f-, of the I s.dnssl armns, bakag toft kwwaty par sand i.bichmant always twasala with the company aa a ess-1 right to mannfactare alfter MaasJaes or CWmsoal Char- I thaa ssy taar heaaa tingeat fend, ta add! tio to tho Reserve Fa ad) are paid i I I Fisa goad bmrss watika. I lata jWeClsd, 1st tR to th, imanred In mamlar order. I rafttoB caa ae snrppnws, saaa saw, waa n-sawenaa a pad Bill mi I kppwp. rail law mis, nam.

rarties inaurlng fop the whoa term of Bps, are allowed I eestoislng eemraate of nnaarem aad neet- I omd pstost lewwr, tto.ssd sU stftaw Itisms ef to give their aotas, bearing tatarart at pmaaat. frwea I Sen tal area, pvwvaic a waaany aamw wy a at eeeally tow priem half Lb auBBsl Brssxlaas. wham tb saaoaat a neAsr I laslastagieatbra-aest Bawtaga etompe. I aaaa. ell kasss ef sntd over.

I Addrem (poetag paid) P. T. BABUat, Omaral aaaa. I g.y, aaaa. gawd pans aad 1 laiks, gotd raraons who dmire, may pay qaartarly sr steal aaaa-1 nt the essee of ua ieansBr, ihtmaam, saaias rrae aaa pan, all.

sarto 6an I a.g pa. goad aad aVvar as. a. sis No risk Is taken presaging the aavawat af tHOOS, I BkAPktU-CYkll W. HELD ft CO.

ells' acram I rtnan, eerrtogn, eSwm fratt Bjrvea. aaBaa asrvmr Ail wke bav. paid their full preauaam aaak, amy rw I York, have a to store aad for eaU by the I ens, ina-tap, k. as aaaefc lavs peVem taaa ssy ealve tbe scrip of UaeCoapaay, apes wkick they ess os- I aas eajy. the largest aad aarat amlrable aaorlaaeat mt I Barn a apesd wtl ska ee sew ss ta ssty save the scrip of the Company, spa wklek they eaa as- I aas esjy.

ths largest aad aao aas ssa asaasagaa raa tad to keep eep pa. 4 tans, ap th a.aiy rata aad daitossdtoaasry tspaaisi totkakes aaa sea tha th waena prism. UBO C.ALLEN id amis sad ratalL Ne WaR I (npsaatmj knasily 41 Bandee. WOklC AVjas a sat to slagaal Rs TSM to Bkta tarBBBdlaaarBawdTaf awswsT4sawaa RSJ AMUSEMENTS. BROAD WAV TKEATTkBA X.

A kinau aaa I i i aaaa of SB Wa.wa atrwat Tbaai. "tT Kit or Mtas laiba avphoh. IAaATS AUialEO AJCD JTXITT. -ale Jattel atke srsaas Oraad WHk aha a SMULKIHa ITlT r7rMS( Jeba San FaaaSy aad Taard mmmTmlmV77'LU mm i etv. ta IT SaUUe-St Jear, saa vwaattat aad Ixavh TIB EVRNLNO.

the SPA ef ABRA TBTLLOB, la la wp mm. nma, aa aMkasBay Taya- ssaas wtB owsbbbsspss wtsb the vaBe 1 TBE CROWN BiAMOJalMl. Canat Caaana May aaaa nanqaas oe Sa a eal a 'ismraas ItiH Phvaa kfJas IB ary Tartar Prtaaa af I aw ana a Tmeses, PUiaks base, SA- rssajsaiasis kssssjsji i 1 1 at ataa OwRppR. SODSSiB'l Small at. Jtatcag BaBiesr.Mr, W.

ALChniaa THISEVENlNts.S ps war BMLk, tapri I with ta aww paay ar THR ACT A BAA OF PAPUA jIAardna La Two. dadowrtk tha THE ROUGH DlAJSOMK JelssS a Margery. sssb akkdtaa aai re 16 yam, la irala, aaa as extra. rvealag, vkaa th ri waa tasssaass kaawleared to a aaa, Balled ta wectA Orand a a. i aad N.

B. Pi I1CS8TBR sAVara ktntu kkrye ana i rt. I aaw a af aaama lass Fad at, teas to I aa.ea, a a a nad nadar kat aa sesa latsa.aad Bat saw I aaa an. WOBCBrTEBt FOURTEENTH STREET. COaJlAR Ow laiss IILUI.

wasaa aiea aim BASS 'BUB a I s. s. to tb Waft toeJsf kfomitrwaasw alia 1 1 amli.ll.d be will saSaaaas as aaasatoAa ta mt TLZZZmZimmmhtm. ssd I am a fa fly salistta as aaamiaa jX7psm trm kai sl i Ii 1 1 banm PIANO FORTES a. Ba, HSLm a ajkpea WaVKE POORS ANU MAJtU FACTO IT, mwm, kaa aaavd IspS Talrd a waaaa, BbYbbbF ast anf rcn su in, jaw an aavaanaanY S'OCBO htrs gkerrwtt Prtaef Alwaaalm nismcra asm nrewas, a eaa.

Penally Cwaa. sea i i StoS aate ,1 Prrvw aa idaily.frwmttm A Bamwrrawvat Si 8 17 SB T. B.asrca, Msasgwraad Piepikskar ieam arasaw. we, AasawsBl Idaaaiss. Aanwnaa lk Tli Haaaaa aaa BvsrsBsmnxawwn Pnrqa-t, MONDAY aad TTESDAT.

Seat SFth aad tmh. aria be pruaalit a gr aad aad simflsts ehaags of esrtar-iBiaBmata as the Bit ba I rnin Ream, ba akVa Lb skaa.e aad bsaattratwa prwenal toe axatafyang essast. ta sa srtsissas, as a waansa. Ths btBa-bable aad vwry lageali as A tuur tin aaiow be kills. sd by aaaa.

saatly smwel PlFORRANCES ON THE ACtuSPAON. by Mentor Bssuaaiia. FOUR yaars am. Te eeaarad wvth aa amanaag ejaraWBsyasaw TUB. F1BK RATER la the Evaata.

at half past areas, wfl ba pswdaaed KstsikBse salskraiil ami dram THE BTRANGEE Stranger Clarke I Mia Hur Mkn Matayaw TaaCBlNEABCOLLECTlON.taa HAPPI FAMILY. aad the rwat eg the BtaUkawra. A VTOR PLAdM OPBtl J. vraakof ta WLZ ARO. aad avkl isiBBBiai I at 1 PROFsASOR AN PERSON'S mat wsaft bat two In New Yerfc.

Pi.fimm A bags to aaa lean that has acyasn ta tbw eity ft bmltad ta tar was Par, asm ha rang st dike, ear that asm, arksre km GRAND DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT has aaaa earn bag by crowded aad Aalerbtod aadtaaeas. snmanssd of the faas ef the eat wl. a e.attasaa ery BWSiiy a. Iff oa- fx- la arsar ka aaaha gsntlsBBsa goimg aaa rwtaralag frees Basts ana mm of anaadmg Ira-ssaaar Aw nolBLRS MYBTER1RUSR to aiaara pi the Boa Omas aad paaa will be ape Par that pm-pr frem half past a- snata a- wha ataees saay bo Isssasn ant Baat aay exLea a ttp- A Omad Moralag Pc Satataay, alt ir at a. an rOBMED THAT Ma.

Aai sue Ba, aa." Dr Fisjasksss. Mam Cataisras H.vaa. Soaw Dte nh wee week Tb Stan dart A krw tons ef uxbt freiglit eaa ke token, Bar wfckra. or I Haaa Mae "Aaid Betaa Gray A saa, u. Oiatese Aaaa of slant sin 6 caa aad Ana 1 carta Larva," (Karma VCtau DST-a sxaa aaa a vosnpaay ma I Pant Qweart Axaara," L'aumtr.

d' Ol MCW EsilRBd. I MtaaaaUMM V.Warrm Tb aval abtn thla Lin, ta I ama na tan ama. Bsea Oar aUtaMAR AaSA-OEMaJT. aeaa aw Itot OOlNil WEST. LS- 711m Catherine Hayes WILL OITE HLB FOURTH OBAN 3 CONCERT XX HEW Y0Br.

ST TRIPLER IIALIm Oal rROOSAbnBE. laai a HepwraT Btstt-- Ua sb are to Peiaaai Sinnaa Lea bps aad Mam Tiaamia Wwrvm. I ladpamt- BUa Lavaaa SaB.4- My dreesas ar aww a avars of aaaaSI Mb. Arewevwe taaaaa. aatch SsSsI Diane thms, BaaaM I iiill" Pwa Mass LsTssana H.vaa pm Yes- knt sae Ua a aatdmr fad" MsrtlaasV (Bytmstioamrrsmptl Woks-Ma.

Aaraawa aa taaaa Tba Piarp that sane Lamnaik Taras ktaBs Mava C.eaaaawa Basse. A Orasd Ow bant la sf amre taaa POBTT FKBFOBM-KRR. tha Bkma innil smtkiss ta Stow lark, km tpamj ssgagnd. ttwtk bastaiastit by MA OEOBOE LOPKR AND MR. LATENT The grnad aaaa inrto amarayndat tarn Ciaisrt wffl tm frem the a.aa laeka of kleaartag Baarvsl sea.

pa-tee 91 TVrrkarta. Twbees tBs a maemad at Ja'jie'a Mam fcAar. ajk Braadway at HeUs Mbsbs Ptor, Broadway, at tbs awasau i Ca I at A CAT ft. A1B MAVRS COICKST A BaTg a ma km of tfte BEST BEATS gar the satire os-gtes Of MRS BATES' CONCERTS IN NIW-TOBE-avay a bad at ta Maaks Store ef WILLIAM BALL ft SON. tat, Ossnttls tfte Pavrtr.

i iiiisi laa ring was at a try aaa i i Tl'a-aOAY. awxk Seat TVkeA fl eaeh. Castes 61 S9 tt LTICA ABt SCMBBECrrADV A1LALOAD. 23 imaaieh.a way train wtsl mrs I nay al 6 dl ae, piaag at ai ai i Hill i watts as, ar. rretagat asaa uaae kae aasaemgmn to take tb I bar a ftspswe train tar ta aaa.

BA Tbisaak tana-em trala wtB kmv Sshsssetady at OS a. aasiag a etas nr wary nasisg is. at Hiring taCtaeasS SS a as. ad Mam traia anil lapwe Bibiaaslady at 4d a. a skuaalag at aal lalaaisiill astnas, aarxtesag ka Ctsaa at 1 St aa Ath.

Tbswwgb Farl great traaa leave lit isirfily at 1 P. taAlag emigraat pasiisgsrs ssfy. aad IA a ttakata bestare aaklag eaau aaftisc esata be ebaskad nntil Mny IttL ease Sap i trala wnl km Biikaaaetsy st gears are laspMlfsn ta the as a aea a Ciinla. asst. aaaa kSS aaaa.

Tm Bam a Saa ka-aamf mt mm aad as aa as asslaueas, aarravsag sift, lki.sah Kasrht EBprms trala wm leave Sch mm tady. at 1 16 av. Bacppisgaaiy at takarsin, Fnada. Pamtase Bridge. Fort Paean, UtAte Faaas Bad UesalaMT--arrtruag ta Lit at 168 p.

aa. OOINO EAST, 1st Thrawgh Esprms trala will las CTIee at 1 a maktag a stops Inr eray paaaaagar. Id. AasaodUoa train wtB have Utiea st a. a stop ping at lafailini ststisss, arriving la lebssac tady st tl a a d.

iiiiaaiasriia trala vB hmv Ctlsa at 44 a. Btspplsag st sa Islam. dais at arises, arrrrtag eetady at IS m. Taswagk Esprsas train arts mass file at 4 14 p. at, eaapptag at Laua FaBs, Pert Paua sad Faaaa, twa way aaanaagaes.

ktft. Thragb Ebbvwbb trala wiB kmv rtm at 8 OS p. at I laaar, 6t- JokaawaJa, Paavttaa sVrmg Vk- Am laamasrasa trala, ear Psmmgare Bad Frarirt, wRl laave Uttaa st 4 It a snenptag at el Ototieaa. arrtviag Is 8 a ma tasty at SB p. Tift Mail traia laa Utme at II 1 i i1- etatte aaty LaA Sk SsaowtUaaw riBBABD.Swp.

A. tTOav, Baa sew ins mwmjmr Ne tt East lth st, 6 14 ASS tm mt, mss os WaaWagtos stssst, SlAttn) Inasw ft OS utft aw, S4eto BTt dth st, II tod foe bat, St Marks pi. Meat As PS ISJant da BmsalsT, hue Ds lAAan) Bed Went ttataSld.sSttoM, 4 Eaat VSa-k ek. It has ss asm as, say. x8 East lTtft st.

It we as Bmar Ussaaser as 64 Want Unt, toAwSlissilet, WeNMthss, MAwPstokp. a 6 tm ISth st Imisi kses, i4 6St IsASPt ss-P is eA asm 816 sea leaWeaiTahsAtsseneem hpks, ea Weat MU ss. Ilea so 1 mm Wmw. tnvk a. as a Sew ath svwm to toti-d fimt wtoa, saw wtthaadamawWTtAAsSahim B8 tokeses.

nriss Wad ttd sA, sear Rh ev SIA saa to SM Aw) ea W7et lint t. A ss ptttotljajg. 8 Mndkwa anwssa tnatotoPAee, a Oa Em xsd atamS- tusas NaT! Ease. iMSlast, lit kOS ew ft til tea Fast ITth st 6 to llAAsa. lea tea rasa, wttft aat sllaent skBBVa.S-a 6 aa Saat Tld an, Sd.

aad BAeS, I sa MtaisaaSqasro. aaeaee lesUsuea sonars, IHtstN lel TeareahrwTthftmea I tPaatotoT- I hs the erty aad eat as. wisest sets earn ewspe pnpsiii rrj I sale iSctawed (nana MOMlA ktoaOAia. naa SJORFORATIOB1 NOTpCS fslki aaa. BicHoa-AAJ I raftrrrtia aobsw-t 1 nan AeamtaS aAv ka nUATW IWT Te Ue tm kw ea a aa uaeaWaf Peak ana -a.

4 earn, p. as. ae aa a a sf a Lamm A aaa, -at I i a Me a. iraa. aa.

a --j liij'l ar Bteuw. tR at tO pi sssltllSaSasm aaatkf I lar Pg af atrasaaas. see saatiamiti rrrg. rrg asm sm aa toss ds ds ds se as a Esar 6 foe aaaa. AO a- Se Raga Ii.

iktag af ma anna. naaa a aaa npnaam pamav. me aaa aaa om I enUssimtmaAs I af Ba, bib lis IW4W, ml aiaa saanb. -BagTtPmnm) I itm ItaSBaBBBSS sax to saas aaa I a. Ea-mbuBa, totamlaaaaaf lift MASS a a sm, aesTIIS.

to Sto mo to sf I to. oj Bars dl ejhwwetapV'T. i A AC T. SbrrTTa. a ad st, ear sf Peart ft tsBB.d lastbnr, wvtft wrwagto sapper rtewta, atwaye I rtjiXoi.

I 4-P mo-Jtvw yJ.T. i anad sad foe saie by I f1AJO'. a I ana ma sf taft pnnd. ewe Owt. ley wfJ to paid sa sad JOHN H.

BOWIE fc CO- TtmT.T I Sa that ssT es st th earns af J. A a- CexrlaraadlatAar DatoMFarysA Z.mmmm 1 sawesd ft as, sar jaw- fasha-as, B. to st I tl-all BBajt aft nkuklia BBB.el I Wka W. 4, ETT3, TtoBSBBwl, 1 ewttto to.rve.

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