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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING POST. TUE30AT EVENING, SEPTEMBER SO. trb oorr or the democracy. TtefrimMyalMUoot MU held te-aigat la this aity, art oestlned to xrt the most BaofaetUous Infla- boor th denial of the whom country. Upoa the ebAfcor af tbe fclegUloai tkNM, win, to peat exteat depend, thB itfm of support which tht tlektlt they may aomlnat will reoeire lb ehoree-bf those ticket will aetermia probably, whMbr OMoonUa lUU UekM li to cUotod UfMt-4 i Bad Bpoa th snjMe of OW Otai tmket, mart Um ape, toy other im eeeuisg-eney, depends ttihUrfUi Bozt fmUMital oImUob.

11 clear, hit agtlast the eombiawa aod disciplined potrooac of tbe municipal, Md -tloaal government, It teipooilblo to work mj ubataatial change la poUtloel oomplexlon of this county, ipt wltk the old of a ticket which beyond riroech. Wo mast bav mea of honesty and eapertty iittnt elaw of bob from those who, taking advaatag of tko distracted eondiUoa of tho party for tko pest year or two, have forced them-oloi ipoa Iko party at oaadidaUt for IU honor. Tko oeaveatloal ko olootod to-night, will karo to choos eaadidate for kotwooa thirty aod forty Important pablle offlote. To oao will ko delegated daty of selecting propor eeadidetes for tko omoe of Reglatw, Oerernor of tko Alms Hoooo and Com-miasioaar of Street aad Leap aoothor, th selection of eoapeteat pereoae to 111 tko eeete bow oeeupied, tko Superior Court ky Judges Oakloy and Mawm, ia tha Soprono Coart by Jadge King, In tko Coart of Common Flea by Judge Ingraham, aod for tko offloai of JLooorder, now held by Judg Tellmea, aad of Surrogat. now bold by Mr.

Brad ford. Besides thee ooooty (Boers, four senator ar to ko ehoeea, eigtooea member of Assembly, aad tlx JaiUooo oil of wkoB art to ko nominated by eoaventloa now to bo chosen. tIt will ko lM daty of vry democrat, therefore, to vet npoa tko selection of eaodidau for oaek of thee Important offleea, and apoa tko faithful discharge of that daty, ao wo karo already romarkod, will depend, to far a kamaa jadgmont may discern, the fate of tko democratic party, not only in this city," bat tkroaghoat tko ttaio aad nation. From tko tono aad character of tko meeting last evening, at wall at from other wo art tatUflod that If tko democracy do not reeame tko eo- trol of tko city government, It will bo their own fault aad It la ooaoeded, wa believe, that the demooraUo ttato ticket will bo lure to reach this city la a malorlty Upoa the harmony, activity and disinterested toal of tko democracy of New York, tkaa, will la laet depend the question whether the constitution la to ooattnao to bo the paramoant law of thU atato whether her credit aad honor is to be tin'fi'Bf1, and whether tho government to be pradaatly and eoonomleelly administered, or whether extravagance, lawlessness aad dishonor are to oon-tinao to characterise every btaook of oar public policy at heretofore. Wa hope, therefore, that every reader of tho Ewtnine Pott, at least, will do his daty to-night, aad for th convenience of rook at may not know tko way to tho primary wo an aex the following list of plaoot at ordered by the General Committee i 1st Ward Deanl Molllns, 110 Greenwich street.

Id Aeeoaa Ward Hoose, Nassau street 4 1M Qreeaeleh street, from to T. th E. H. Flame's. 3T James street.

ata Emblem, W.t Broadway. eth tilth Ward Hotel. 7tk Madison street. Nth Badd's, eoraer Domlniek and Badson streett. Ot Dmlth's.

00 rerrr street. lota Teat Ward Hotel, eoraer of Broome aad Forsyth street. 11th As directed by the Ward Committee. 11th Hope's, eoraer IMih street and soarth aveng. 12lh To be dastgaaUd by Ward CommitUe.

14ta Taossey'e, eoraer aUsabeth and Urand etreeta. isth CoaatueUoa Halt Broadwar. Iftth Bsglaa's, It West Seventeenth street, between aevaata and aignin avenaee. ITth HermiUf Hail, eoraer Housua and Allen ttreets. IKIh Uatoa Ms 11, oorner Third avenne and Twenty-eeeoad etreet.

10th DsvU's, eoraer Broadway aad Fifty-ninth street. 10th Ledwlth'a. eoraer Eighth avenne and Thirty-thud Street. SYR KIT A L. OF THB AMERICA! SKABCH- XKO BXPEDIT10H.

Vwrtber Traooo of lr John Franklla. Tka two toomU tent eat tomt two years tine, ky HnryUrinneU and otheri of this city, and whiok war named tka Advance and Keeone, Lieutenant Da Haven, commas dlofi arrived this morning, about ton o'olook, and ar now at th Nary Yard. Th Advance wat hoarded on Sunday, about two hundred aod fifty mil oast of Sandy Hook, having been parted from tka Rescue daring the heavy gal of th 13th Instant, lino which time th vessels havt not been la sight of oaek other. Mr. Grlnnell, at soon at it wa announced that th vessels war la port, repaired to tka Nary Yard, where ka kad an Interesting Interview wltk th officers, whom ar glad to learn ar all in good health aad apirlt.

But they bring ao favorable report to tho reeult of th expedition. Beside th few traoot anticipated by tka English acooanta, they ooold lad ao olao to th probable route of the British Bailor Sorcaoa Kan came to tho eity this morning, and ar Indebted to him (or tome particulars of th rait. Th previous date are to the 13th 1SS0 when the American left the English fleet. On the tarn Bight they war (reset la opposite Wellington Channel. From that point they went north to lat.

75 25. the area test northing ever attained on that me ridian Then they drifted to tho aouth, and reached Lancaster Sound la November. Daring tho whole of this trln. the eold wat to Intense that no fires ooold bo kept for any length ot time. Even tho soup aad eoifec froao, aad tko Ikwmomtter ranged about 11 degr below ero Oa th Btk of Dooember.

they were completely imkodod la to, bat then tka loa broke, ky which the veeeels wr lifted ao tiz feet even Inohe. It like living ap aad dowa kill, to use tke language of Surgeon Kan. Every man, aad offloer, with three exceptions, wa attacked with the Marry, bat there werefortaaately ao deaths. They emerged from the loo oa the 10th of Jane, I860, after aa Imprisonmsnt of nine months and a drift ef one thousand and sixty miles. This la the re asset polar drift oa reoord Capt.

Back' famous drift la Hadsoa't Bay, was lees tkaa this, aad la pea to yt Strang to lay, only Immaterial damage wer don to th vessels in this perilous Toy eg. After arglng Captain Haven turned to th aortk again, aad saooeeded ia reaching the upper Melvlll Bay region, but was one more een fined in ike Ice. On Ik 19tk of August, th season wat to far advanoed at to preclude all hope of reaching the ceneof action- It we then determined to return kom. Freak meat wa procured at Greenland, ta erew restored to health, and after a pleasant tail, reached oar ooatt wltk every man in good order. Tke Advance ha brought with her many sped, aent of Northern fart, and several Esquimau dogs, shaggy looking fellows, bat not fierce.

The oil een of this expedition ar oonrlnoed that it Is possible for Sir John Franklin to live many yean ia tho regions thtre it plenty of game to be kad, aad mean! of protection ar at hand. Bat we ooafoss that we have great doubts wbetker he wil1 over be heard (rem again. Lady Franklla will now doubtless surrender the stop of recovering her hatband whlsh th hat to long cherished. When th British squadron toned th wrote to Mr. Grlnnell that her only reli ance wat npoa the Americans, aad that If they failed, th most gir ap la despair.

It It tad to think that a eeatuaey so devoted aad eaergetle should only be rewarded by a final aad bitter disappointment. Her onfideooa, la the safety of her husband and his raw, ka been, la said, beautiful aod almost nbllme. At ao moment hat the yielded to despondency, bat kas throughout mautaUed her eonvietiona with moat steadfast resolution aod keerfalaeas. She kas keen ia the knhit of sending Utters to Sir John by very expedition to tka Polar teas, and, whenever ah ceald, ka givea ike moat minute aad earefnl In atraotloa to offiears aad men, as to kow they should eoodoot thtmaeiv towards kirn, when ka should be found, to prevent lurprise aad txeeasW emotion from endangering hi health or mind. Had tke known th precise spot oa which ha xitd, th ooold scarcely have acted with aalmer aetaraaoes of tueeet.

FtUBTKHJS. Hat any body ever written a physiology of the trades, or rather a treatise aa tbe peoallariiie of th diOeraat aaadicrafu 1 all know what a lawyer la what a eUrgyntaa what a physio Ian what aa artist aaa what a merchant, even.j iterator aa4 the stag abound with thelx types. Tb vary xeemeat yea tab ap aovtl, wbr on of thtae pro-faaaieaala la utrodaeed, or a play la which walks ea lhesiag, you know not eely his looks and his dress, aal the loiags be will da and th words bs wiU Btter. WbB, for reels ace, ever taw a doctor la a comedy, eraa old priat, wee did aot wear a big wig, aad carry a ran at the eod of hi nose! Are aot olergy. mea anirersaily represented either as sentimsntai.

goedleh peiaa amiable, bat weak minded eathu-tlaeerMgreaAbypoorit, who go about robbing yoaag wards, aad keeping a ejaaoeatiae serretpoad eae with aakaowa widows la black 1 Are aot the lawyers treailieaally Oily Gamsaoaa, er else etc ksted, saartlsg. Blotting old salsara, wboa trank are BUed with tb tttl aaeda of estate wrongly aoqalred. aad who Vaad thexettl vat te rvsry old rogue ef a but- lar that waaUUaaamt am Btaatarl Wa hava, sadeed, ta (am sort ef tUreotyped re- prttaalaU.a ot maty ether vecatioas aacb aa Jack. the teUaakug aaiier, peayed, tt eta Usee Ixtmemorial, by a T. P.

Uobai Betty JfU pretty bat lmrtlnwat aar mam tae w.aBiag ahem bar warata. who to tho ldtt af Mr ywas attrias ta tor swOteTa, aU betrayi arerykody, for a small piece of money slipped into tka palm, oxotpt Tom, tko postman. whom aha afterwards marries, aad the two toko to keeping an inn to say nothing of those regw-lar old aeqaaiataaces, tka country gentleman, aa aaole to somebody, who la Tory torero la the ontatt against that anooascionable yoang dog, kit nephew, bat wko always relents la tka fifth aet, aad give him aad the yoaag lady la a whit drees, long eorJt aad a tahkiag face, his Ueatisg aod ten thousand a year. Tka novel and tka play karo embalmed, too, tko aeariy the whole oi oar editorial career, and several, who like oar lamented foreman, tireeeded us in the establishment. Bat time, daring nearly a quarter of a oeatory, has sadly thinned onr rank and, in so ooing, naa, wa trust, not admontsned at in vain, that too mast be in readiness for the grim visitor, who aate at tae employer and the employed." It there any other trade of which this ooold be said 1 for what is true of this office, we ventur to say It tru of otarly every other of long landing ia the eooatry.

We know that in oar own establishment there hare always been several men who have been attached to It from twenty to thirty year. The man who sett type then it not of tho nomadic or locomotive tribe. Hit desk is hit stake he seldom wanders away from it, or if he does, it Is only for aa occasional holiday, when he returns to th old stand, to say th least, a tobertr if not a wiser man. What is the reason of this peculiarity 1 when the shoemaker la almost as roving in hit disposition as tht sailor and the tailor wanders restlessly from board to board (a wag adds from cabbage to cabbage) is the printer to stead fait in his mind, and to firm in bis posi tion 1 Why should he adhere to hi stand with a ten acity which the journeyman carpenter never exhibits towards the shop, or the wearer towards hit loom, or the blacksmith to kit anvil 1 What subtle magnetism it there ia the types which holds him elose, through the laborious days and nights of a thirty- year servioe 1 Other meohanlo are perpetually shifting their locality, bat the compositor, with the patienoe of Job, and the adhesiveness of a plasten seldom changes his habitat, bat through good report and ill report, keeps hit nimble fingers busy over the same perpetual case. It is true that hit occupation is an unsocial one, and that he may lose the desire with the habit of convening with his fellows.

Bat there are other oc cupations quite at unsooIsJ, such as those of aooount-ants, whore tho tarn effect it not observed. Again, there ar others, which ar not all unsocial in themselves, a where a parcel of tailors ait roond a board, which proverbially lead to melancholy, as that rare philosopher, Charles Lamb, has showa. Or does the fact that the printer talks through his types to all the world, that hit profession brings him necessarily to a knowledge of all that it going on in the world, satisfy his cariosity and prevent the wish for travej or locomotion 1 We oan not tell, and therefore leave the problem to others. the The Fire KxtlngBlaher. This extraordinary Invention threatens to revolu tionize many of onr most important domeatio inctita tions.

There seems to be no doabt that Mr. Phillip, hat discovered a machine by which the ritks and dangen from fire are considered comparatively trifling. If It can accomplish half that he tayt it can, or even half of what many very sensible and honest men say it hat accomplished. One of ita firat results moat baa speedy and oomplete re-organliatlon of the Fire Department, the expense and force required for which, moat inevitably be reduced from three to five hundred per ecnt. Should the corporation see fit to require every building to be supplied with one or more of these patenta, according to Its dimensions.

or take some other means of having them at hand when fires oeeur, very much, though not all the ex pensive retinae oi firemen and fire engines could be dispensed with, and the usual police force of the oily wonld suffice for moat, if not all, the casualties of this kind which ordinarily occur. Another result of this Invention, if its perform ance keep faith with it promise, will be to reduce the rates of very materially. The num ber of louts cannot be as great after the inven tion comes into general ate, because fires cannot tpread from one building to another, if properly at tended to the lossot will, therefore, usually bt mnoh lighter. Whether the people or the underwriters will moat profit by this, it is hardly worth onr while to inquire, for It mast prove a very substantial ad vantage to both. Oar oompeniei will no longer be exposed to those desolating disasters which overtook this eity la 1S35 and 1845, and whloh laid three-fifths ef San Francisco five aoeoeaaive times In ashes ruin ing alike insurers and insured.

The business of fire-inaurug moat, as a natural consequence, oome more entirely within the reach of ascertained principles of scicnoe, and become more safe, and, of course, more luoratlve. We would be very mack obliged to any one who would give us a good paper on the probable effoota of the general introdnotion of Mr. Phillips's Invention upon the business of fire insurance. Brilliant Atmospheric Phenomena. The ptesent month has been remarkable for the variety and aplendor of ita atmospherlo displaya.

On the 4th Instant to begin at the beginning in the northern part of this state, there were meteorio manifestations, which are said to have surpassed the famous shower of stars of November, 1S33, and whiok, for extent, magnificence and duration, nave never been excelled. A writer in tke Evanttlut, dating from Wilson, Niagara eoanty, describes them thast The Aurora Borealis I have often Eased aeon with Interest, and had supposed that the polar regions exhibited that phenomena with far greater intensity and magnilloenoe than could bo anticipated in the temperate sone oat this morning about 3 o'olook, a meteorological appearance was seen in heavens. whioh, or its extent, magninoenoe, variety, beauty and duration, has, perhaps, never been excelled were roused irom our slumbers by a neighbor, who inquired if we did not wish to see toe tttvhant. Presently we were abroad, and in company with Professor B. Wilcox and others, had the happineee to witness not merely a fine Aurora Borealis, but in addition to this, tbe gorgeoosness of the rising and setting eun, and waves of glory that spread from pole to poie.

it is exceedingly aimsnit to describe the diora- mle exhibition which attracted the eye to every part of the heavens, and oalled forth exclamations from the spectators, who each made some new discovery as he turned his observations in some new direction, and wished his friends to enjoy with him the vision of some greater wonder. A cloud of glory rested on A returns and his by which the darkness beneath was rendered visible. Iu edge wa convoluted, and thence thot no streams of light that centered In Aries, some fifteen or twenty degrees beyond the senith. Here was a ngure like an angel, spreading and folding his wings, and Hashing light beyond the rosea Serpent of "Jets and (treams of Heht are common in the Aurora borealis. but I had never hefore aaen snAh flashes of light as oi the sun ehuing through swift oiouds in a clear night, and such undulations as of lumnujtrvuM titer pasaicg from the north beyond the senith, aod thence by various gyrations diffused over the Zodiao, and onward toward the Antarctic Circle.

The whit phosphorescent light is common bnt look I yonder is a pillar of fire east of tbe (iemini, rising from the horitoo toward the Flying Angel, torn fifteen degrees In diameter and sixty degrees in height. Look now north or west, on tbe tame parallel. It ems ss it th tun wa riling In that part of tht heavens. A corresponding pillar of fire ia there teen, ana remains as long as th spectator desires. -in intensity ot tae phosphorescent aod erimson light begins to abate.

It seems as if the day is about to break at 4 o'olook. It time to retire; bnt a lone meteor In the west glide down tbe horiton to- warns tne north, and presently a our tain of the richest possible coloring aad vividnssa. annaarinr like ue uuue oi locina, is suspended as from nothing in uoa'ons, aoout twtnty degree from th smith and its i drapery, aa if in perfect repoee, rests down uuiug we enure neia oi vision ana hiding very star. Th folds of that drapery ar as distinct a th groove in a Corinthian pillar, widening aa they descend to the base. Sonh was the A.

rora Totalis. I have recently Visited Nlae-an, in onr vleinitv. th wonder of tb earth, but last night 1 saw this greater wonder In the heavens. A vivid imagination might compare tt with the vision of Esekiel. I so tneory oi resilient nitenoock, in his Ke-llgioa of eoaoerning luminiferous diffused through space, teemed to me to explain th undulations of light.

The duration of the phenomenon, according to the statement of different persons, was from 11 o'olock, p. M. to 4 o'clock, a. m. five hoars.

The weather wat dear, dry and cool no poroep- tlbla ehange since. Ono streak of orange light was eea ia the Dorta-eatt. me crowing oi cocks, tne booting of aa owl, and tbe lowing of cattle was beard during the Intensity of the phenomenon. The fol- wwwg evening haU a dosea meteors ware seea. Agataoa the merninr of th 27th.

Saturday Is it, about two o'clock -let ao on Inquire why wo war upas tweoheur-BotijAdtfca whole of th eoatbera heavens above this eity, flooded with the pale Rght of tb Aurora ABatraHa. When walntre- appearance tba light was spread ut bom horixoa herisea, ia a uniform mas ef white, lik ao ocean of silvery foam, bnt tt tooabegaaUeoIlect late a sUrUka term, aad about Ita ran a. 4- wardsth aeaJth. A aaoment after the whole dints- -J -T kad been visible before we saw It, or whether it appea rod again after retired, we eaa aotaay. For asveral hourt last ereniag there wat a majr- aifloent snow ol the Aurora Boreelis.

commenced I about ten o'clock, jast is the dark olouds at the north I opened, and set the heavens all a glow. Oaeobeerr- ay Th display wat one of annxoal mairnill- eeoce for thU latitad th gtreamen reaohed evea Beyond the ttaitk aad fitfuUy flickered far down tho ha-ka-ing ooaokmaa wko if always cracking kit whip, I southern ky. The hate are of light reached over a tko poor player, oat at tko koala, ia abort pants, I space of one hundred aad sixty dogroea, aad retained with a melaneholT old white eat, a Urge bandanna I much of IU brillianeT for the anaae of two honrs or handkerchief, aad a red drunk ea expretsioa ia the I more." light were laid aeroai the tkiea. How long the pke- eyes, and others, at tka auctioneers say, too namer- I Another one adds to tali, that the lights took oat to mention. I every possible shape, aad shot athwart the heavens Bat there are class, etpectauy in van country I with tka rapidity almost of lightning.

At oao time, point of the eompaet, meeting in the centre, and thus forming a superb arch. Suddenly one of the tides changed to a doep red color, and immediately afterwards different oolored ray of light were chasing each other all over the firmament. The spectacle was unusually brilliant aad beautiful, aad large num ber! of onr eitiseas were oat all night witnessing the phenomena. New PmbUeattona. Histobt or tbx Uhitid Statxs or America, by Richard Hildretk.

Vol. 8. Harper Brothers. 1351. This is the second volume of the new seriet of Mr.

Hildreth's work, aad embrace tke administrationc of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. It is interesting period ot oar history, and th author' grouping of men aad events it skilful, and renden hit rapid narrative pleasant reading to those whose studies and observation hare run in the direction of politic. This volume should be specially acceptable to all that survive of that old federal dynasty, whioh believed in the Identity of Jefferson and Anti -Christ. Mr. Hildreth never alludes to Jefferson, nor indeed to any of th founders of the democratic party, without a sneer or some offonsive epithet.

He begins the lint page of the volume, by imputing one of the most magnanimous acts of Jefferson's life, to cowardice and selfishness, and followt it up with a systematic impeachment of every critical aot of Jefferson's life. Monroe Is treated with no respect, he ia termed the facile Monroe," his letter to Pickering on his recall from Franee is called insolent, and he is charged with a traitorous subservience to the views of the French Directory. Even Adams is reported to have been jealous of the tears whioh tht allusions to Washington, in hit inaugural speech, drew from the audience, fearing, according to Mr. Hildreth's interpretation, that they sprang as mnoh from the new President's accession as Washingston'i retirement. In thit volume we deem it oar daty to state that Mr.

Hildreth kas entirely abandoned the neutrality of the mere narrator, and has made himself a devoted partisan of federalism. Hamilton is his ideal of a statesman, and Jefferson never does a right thing bat with a bad motive, and never a wrong thing but by design. By those who take that view of Thomas Jefferson and hit publio policy, Mr. Hildreth's history will be valued. By those who, like ourselves, esteem no small share of the prosperity aad happiness of tkU country attributable to the supremacy of those principles of government of whioh Mr.

Jefferson was tho most distinguished ehampion, thit history will be esteemed a false reoord, and unjust to one of onr country's greatest benefactors. Biographical and CamcaL Dictionary or Paint-xas. Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, from Ancient to Modern Times, with the Monograms, Ciphers, and Marks need by distinguished Artists, to certify their works, by Shear-jashup Spooner, A. B. M.

D- Mew York G. P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. 1852. This it the first part of a work intended to be complete in ten or more Lumbers of the rune sise about one hundred royal octavo pages each, and to contain every thing of most interest in the well known PUkington, Gould, Bryan and Strutt.

It alto eontaina, aa the editor states in hit preface, about fifteen hundred names not found in either of those celebrated works, besides a vast amount of information derived from other eminent French, Italian and English authors. It is, if we may judge from the number just published, quite the most elaborate and oomplete work of the kind ever published in America, and will supply a want whioh has long been seriously felt by the friends of art la this country. It is sold at fifty oents a number. Drayton, a Stout of American Lifb. brothers.

1851. Tub National Democrat. ThU It th title of a new morning paper, which it designed to advocate the principles of the democratic party and to support itt audi dates. It edited by Abijah Ingraham, onoe editor of the Globe, and more recently of the Stattman and both, while under hit charge, sound and Instructive papers. Tbe Jfulional Democrat is printed npoa the same sited sheet as the Globe, with good type, and presents a very neat appearance, it is sold at the same rates as the Herald and the TW-bunt.

It contains this morning quite the fullest and most accaratOjreport of the prooeedingt of the meeting at Tammany Hall, hich it to be found in aay city paper. Amotbbe Fugitive Slavs Caik. We understand the bloodhounds are oa the track of another black man who, it it said, does not belong to himself, but to some one else. The man is, or has been, staying la Hudson, and application, we understand, was made to-day for a warrant for hit arrest. The Mar.

shal.havisg declined to give onr reporter any information npoa the aubjeot, we are unable to give th nam or occupation, of the alleged fugitive, nor do we know that the warrant has yet left the eity. Of this, however, we feel assured, that Mr. Tallmadge will leave no (tone unturned to secure tho alleged fugitive with all practicable speed. SENAToaiAL Nominations. The democrats of the Fifteenth Senatorial Distriot, have nominated Henry B.

Smith, of Franklin county, for senator. At thit nomination will be very gratifying to the democracy of th distriot, we regret that it should not have been equally acceptable to the editor of tbe Evening Journal, John Livingston, or 157 Broadway, has been appointed by the Governor of California, Commissioner for that atnte, to reside in the City of New York. Lictukss on thb Scibacb og Language. Wi have some knowledge of the profound view of lan guage tangbt by Mr. KraiUlr, and willingly give place to the following communication on the subject.

Gentlemen Tho interesting loot ores delivered many year sine, at Boston and other places, by Dr. Charles Kraittir on the above subject, and the general acknowledgment of their practical importance of his profound, intelligible, and simple views on the organ ie atruoture, and reciprocal relations of the modern and ancieiit Kurepeen languages may hava stimulated the curiosity of th learned men of this eity. Th sntouneement that Dr. Kraiurir ia ahnnt to deliver a series of lectures on the same subject in this eity, 1 hope will, therefore, be gladly received. 1 am permitted to give the following programme of hi leetarec.

Tb topic to be treated of, are 1. Haravony between the external world (megro-eosm) aad the world within man (microcosm) on the harmony between man's intellectual faculties. rnutA hi. .1 fc Z. Organic genesis of language, ita original unity and so bees sent oversity.

3. Primitive and natural signification of the elementary Bounds, (fibres or roots of words) as a condition ef their derivation and conventional or pertphieal signification. 4. Psychical aad physical (phonetical and tranni- eal) momentum of the roots. Method of tracing thsm 6.

Distinction between th lexical and grammatical material of languages. 6. Vital eoeaeouon between th several I ado European saaguaget, aad their great affinity to thoae ef all other faculties. 7. Everyone of tbe la do Earapeaa languages ooa-taias almoiit the whole material ot tht others, and each eaa be changed tats aay other by a ttw orgaaie S.

AB nedlaeaAloos, sitantiomi flmrrewment as wbU aa of tb Bounds, letters, forma. peered, leaving olear Uae aheva. aad the briTkt I MniB of words aad ef pbraee, caa be accounted I tirNoa. a ooiu tav? heard la THE EVENING POST: NEW YOfiK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, Harper This is the story of a young son of Crispin, of great quickness of parts and studious habits, who raises himself to a high social position by the foroe of his ohareoter. It is well told, and contains several scenes of vivid intereet.

The author is said to be the editor of ono of the leading newspapers at the west. It it bo his first production, he should feel warranted to try again. Lardkek's Natural Philosophy. Blanchard tc Lea, Philadelphia. This volume contains the various popular works of Dr.

Lrdner in one the Mechanics, the Astronomy, the Statics, the Light, all neatly printed and bound. Six YxAxa Latkb, oa tbx Taking of thb Bastilb. Hy A. Dumas. H.

Long ic Brother, No. 3 Ann street. This novel it a continuation of tho Memoir of a Physician," and the Queen't Necklaoe." it has been translated from the French by Thomas Williams. Wo have received, however, only the first volume as yet. Tub Stkonq Tower.

H. Meeks. This is a little religious book, written for Sunday Schools, and giving the history of Joseph, Daniel, and Lasatos Tbx County Mbktiho In another column will be found a brief aoooant of the meeting held at Tammany Hall, to ratify the nominations of tbe State Convention. In oonseqnenoe of the storm whioh prevailed, the Hall was less crowded than we have seen it on other occasions, though the attendance was quite large. The most perfect harmony seemed to prevail amoog th audience, and the speeches, whioh generally displayed more than usual oare, were received with marked enthusiasm.

It was the general impression among the more knowing politicians with whom wa talked, tkat tke democratic party had now within its reach an easy victory. 9. Applications of tke foregoing view aadjirinoi-plee to the study of laogaag. -10. ilesurauoa of the canaiae LaUn proanneia- Nrae now WxaT Linus.

The tteamikln muda, arrived last evening. By this steamer we have received Bermuda papers to the 25th instant, for the prompt delivery of whloh are indebted to the captain. The Bermuda Legislature passed a resolution on the 22d, that foreign (team packets should not be subject to lest dues than British packets. The postage on letters from New York, by tke Merlin, wil1 hereafter be charged Is. 1(L, instead of 9d as hitherto.

A notie to this effect has been issued by the postmaster at Hamilton. The American ship Byron was at Bermuda when the Merlin left. She had been in sight of the islands four or five days previous to getting in. The schooner T. O.

Thompson, from Alexandria, anobored off the west end oa the 16th, aid had also beea prevented from getting in up to the 25th, by contrary winds. The visit of the Admiral to Cuba has beea postponed. We have further acooanta of the severe gale of August in the West Indies. The blow was very violent at St. Kitta, and most of the small Teasels were wrecked.

Six mills were blown over at Antigua, and several others damaged. An unknown ship, in distress, was signalled off the port. Thb Broosxtn Railroad. We have only time to refer to the notloe in another column. The Treasury Department notinei mariners that the floating light lately stationed at Carey's Fort Keef, Florida, will on the first of November be removed to Brenton's Reef, Khode Island, and will exhibit two white lights.

The population of Rhode Island, according to the official statement, is 147,544, and that of Georgia, is 52A 318 free, and slaves. During the absence of Hon. Daniel Webster, Attorney General Crittenden has been appointed active Secretary of State. The German Turners, to the number of 2,000 celebrated their festival at Lemon Hill, Philadelphia, on the 29th. Societies are present from Nea York Baltimore, See.

Preparations are making for tke reception of the Contizential Guards of Jersey City, who are expected, her this afternooon. Major Tochman, Washington, Sept. 29ih, eansed the arrest of 'a Bavarian Captain named Henry Ahua, for circulating a malicious libel against his wife, late Appoliania Jagello. The libel is con tained in an affidavit a orn before natice Brownell, Williamsburg, N. by Charles Koelbel, a Hungarian.

Major Toohman swears his belief that the circulation of the libel was aided and abetted by a Foreign Diplomatic Ahua has given bail to answer the charge at the Criminal Court. A rattlesnake, over throe feet long, was caught a few days since, aboet throe miles from Albany, near the plank road tending to the Shaker settlement, by Mr. Wood, the driver of an omnibus, wko kad brought a plo-nio party to the ground where the snake wa captured. A panther, meats ring over nine feet from the end of the note to the tip of the tail, was killed at Arietta, Hamilton county, on the margin of Piseeo Lake, by a hunter named Naihanlel Morill, of that place, whilo hunting for deer on tho 4th instant. Arietta is about sixty miles from the railroad at Amsterdam.

Piseoo Lake ia nearly surrounded by bigk hills and dinse forests, in which bears and panthers are frequently killed, and deer are abundant. A trial of locomotive engines, in respect both to speed and strength, will take place at Lowell, as a part of the Mechanics' Fair, on Wednesday and Thursday. The trial of speed takes place on Wednesday and a large number of engines have already been entered for the race. The distance to be run is five milea on the Boston and Lowell road, near Low-elL The trial for power of draft will be on Thursday, on the disused track of the Boston Maine Rail road, In Wilmington. CITY lliTELLIOESCE.

Anauaemonta this Kvenlng. BROiDWAT Romeoand Jalist Bbookiag KrenU. MibloV-fjrowe Uiaojoeda. VeovoBJLM's Actmeuf fades Ronsh Diamond. Bahnoh's allerauoa and eveains.

Autos Flacb Oraaa frol, Anderaoa, the Wizard. TaiTLaa all Mm Cathana. Hares. Church Dedication. The dodioation of the new M.

E. Church In Forty-third streot, near the Eighth avenne, take place oa Wednesday, at o'olook r. at. The dodioation sermon will be preached by Rav. Bishop Janes.

Rev. Dr. Kennaday.of Brooklyn, will preach in tht evening. Berviooe to commence at 71 o'clock. Faik of tbx Akkxioan Institute.

The great fair at Castle Garden opens to the publio to-morrow. Yestorday the workmen were bury in arranging the materials, and be'bre the end of the week the whole place will be crowded witn goods and visitors. Mrs. E. Oakes Smith.

This lady is to lecture on Womanhood," at the Stayvesant Institute, on Tuesday next Will the be dressed in tke new Emigrants. The following vessels arrived last evening: Ship George Green, from Liverpool 8 SO Ship Atlantic, from Antwerp 2o8 Ship Aebbunon, from Antwerp suo Total. .818 A JuvKNiLi MrLlTABT Compa.1t A military company, oomposed of about thirty boys belonging to Mr. HaH't boarding school at Whit Plains, made its appearance in the Park this afternoon, to the astonishment of the City Hall officials, and others. After marching about tor some tune, tney stopped in front of the City Hall, where they were reviewed by Alderman Sturtevant and General Striker, who expressed themselves greatly pleased with their military appearance and manoeuvre.

1 Be members ot too oompany, none oi wnom were more than eighteen years old, were dressed in regular military uniform, aad aaeh was armed with a gun proportioned to hit sise. They were accompanied by a fins band, and in their whole demeanor and ap pearance, they migbt eatery near oompansoa witn many of onr older military companies. Grahd Larcesies. The police returns of this morning are filled with reports of arrests for laroeny. A large number of the offenders are boys from twelve to fifteen years of age, many of whom have been committed to prison on the same charges before.

These juvenile delinquents have, it appears, a regularly concerted plan of operations, and to expert are they in their work, that they seldom fail in securing any article which they have da tor mined on stealing. Their depredatloni are, however, generally confined to the hallt of private homes, into which they obtain admittance either through the carelessness of the servants or by some lose of their own. Edward Mebam was committed yesterday on a charge of attempting to rob a money drawer-Charles Antonio was arrested for stealing a eoaL The following extract from the police returns, may serve to pat servant npoa their guard George Wilson alias Williams, entered the basement of house No. 4 Lamartine place, yesterday morning during the absence of the servants, and stole several silver spoons. He was detected at he was makinr his wav out.

and the alarm given when a policeman arrived in time to secure him. The tpoont were found ic the back of hit coat, between tbe eloth and lining when he was searched at the station house. A fellow named Doonan was arretted about two boon after, as an accomplice in the robbery. They were both committed for examination. Death op am Old Poucxma.

On Monday evening Policeman Huthwaite, of the Sixth Ward, died at his residence. In White street. The deceased was ono of the oldest police officers in thisoity, having served under the old police department, many years before the present system was organised. He was among the first policemen appointed by the now department, aad was detailed aa a Deputy Inspector of Hacks, whieh situation be held up to the time of nit aeath, respected by all who kaew him. Fiut.

The stable No. 74 Robinson street, belonging to Mr. Chamberlain, was slightly damaged by fir about eight o'clock yesterday evening. Attkmptcd Hiohwat KoBBXBT. Stephen Dolo- han was taken into custody yesterday for assaulting Mr.

Tnmflr. and ittemniine er.K him In the nnblie I NiBLe'a. Te-Bight the admirable vocalist Madame Thillon, wfll again stag the exeeDent musie of the Crown Diamonds, supported by the favorite performera Mr. Hudson, Mies Mary Taylor, he. LEOAE.

1ITELLIQB9CE. TJktbb 8raTEe Darraser Cavar Before Judge Batts W. Byrnes end Edward SeaL va. Ship Koekaway. Libel for aon-deTery of freight Damages $83 IX.

Mr. Beaediot, lur Ubeilaats. aad Mr. DevBa. tor Soraaam Cocar.

Special Term Before Judge Ed-naonds. la twt matter of the Flatbash aveaae, ta the eity of Breoktya, N. T. Waring, new nee! tor the Corpo-emrioa af Beonkrem I a i he een firm the report ia this I Th eoart Arreted ta eottag at aB la the matter, the sane haviag beea berere the indges ef the SeeeadDta-triet- N. T.

Wariag. A. Crnnv and R. Emaaet ware oppositiea to the objutirm, and Mr Uaarphrey, id aar. ives in snety.

asked for an erdar gtvin leava ta renww the hwartngwttetoMaUBg ooaaty. Itwas ordered by tke eoart that th Bottom hear which at yet have found no poet either amoog about eleven o'clock, tho light arose from every Merlin, Captain Sampson, from St. Thoma aad Ber now nearly ready for launching at tke yard of at. i.a. ksa isUjb.wmirnu Thaw Yi wa at A.m.

I at. a I b-auia I. a xx i- the tele-wrighti. They hare the essayists or a distinct physiology characteristics that may be said to be universal aad permanent which mark them oat from other Lasses, and giro them a peculiar indivi duality. Mot only ia their manners, bat in their language and bearing ar they peculiar.

We were reminded of one of these elaaaet the other day, in reading aa obituary notloe in a morning paper of one of iu own eompositon, closing as follows: his it the fifth death in onr office within three years, of men who had been more than twenty yean In oar employ, and the long period of whose services ie em viaenee ot tne relation existing between the employer aad the employed, aod of the high estimation ia which they were held by at. Wa have Still around oa man who have heaa with as darins- 11. Necessity of a radical reform of tke method of teaching lac rugos, dictated by tke progress of other arts aad eeieaeea. 12. Glossology la aa mdispenmble gold in historical researchea, it ia the only legitimate meant of mnemonics, aad most efficacious at a discipline of the mind.

An introductory lectnre will be delivered by Or. Kraittir, gratuitously, and tka time aad place duly uimiMdim after his arrival in this City. braochet of seieooe. 1 am, genUemea, won tae Bigneat ooosiaarauont, You obedient servant. BEELSACH.

the flrrt Sveeial Tersa, to be held ia the Second Diatria a Oetobee, oa Bra day1 node, BLARla jVrjTAlKS. ABJJTAJ.OP thb Somwimji STXAXXX8.Th Marion. Captain M. Berry, arrivwd met ereoing, ia iftj -eight hoore from Ckarleetoa. Ska brought tweatw-aroe paateagera, aad $10100 in specie aa follows i $50,000 to Brirhem and Carkart, 121.300 to Beebe and 125,000 to J- G.

Winter and Sob. aad 13,000 to T. G. Casey. Parser Mather will pier as accept oar thanks for a liberal supply of Having exhibited the programme, literary men ar 1 Charleston papers in ad ranee of tka United States able to aDDreeiate we opportunity vuwea dj -r.

i matt. Kraittir, for progreaa in one of the moat Important The Captain Ladlow, also arrived last erealng, in fifty-six hoars from Savannah. She brought twelve passengers, aad a aargo of cotton Wo are. likewise indebted to Parser Campbell for late Savannah papers. Cuffxx Saw Htrxxicaxx.

The sharpest skip that has yet been built ia this vicinity, it tke Hurri- C. Smith, at Hoboken. N. Her dimensions are as follows on deck, 220 feet breadth of beam, 4U depth of hold, 22 ana iouu was ouraea. She it owned by Means.

Thomas, of this eity, aad intended for the California trade. Mr. Smith ia also building a bark of 230 ton for a Swedish hoose. Messrs-Capes Allison, ia the adjoining yard, have oommenoed building a beam engine steamer. Vkssxls Launched At East Boston, 26th Inst clipper skip Scrap is, 1600 tons burden.

At Kenne-bonk, Me-, 27th, clipper ship International, 1,000 tons. At Cooper's Point, N. 27ih. schooner Edwin H. Rowley, 140 tons.

At Port Jefferson, L. 20th, srkioner J. Darling, 300 tons. At St. Georges, 11th, schooner Hyena, 160 tons.

At Free port, Ma, 24th, ship Ox'ord, 650 tons. At Mattapoisett, 27th, a whale ship of 800 tons, called th Northern Light. At Auctior. We would invite the attention of our readen to the large Auction Sale by Mr. R.

C. Kswr, of elegant Boeewood and Mahogany Cabinet Furniture, rich Carpeting, Piano Forte, he. to be eold To-morrow and Thursday, at the lanr hall latheChineee Museum Building, Broadway. It embraces a stock of splendid goods, valued at over twenty-five thousand dollars. We are assured that the good ere ell of the best quality, and that they have beea imported and manufactured tor th tmt eity custom, without designing that they should sold at auction.

The assortment I very extensive aad 1 particularly worthy of the notie of hoosekeepars For particulars as advertisement of Mr. Kemp, th auc tioneer In another column. BUSINESS OTIC ICS. firrt Jlppimrmmc Our anticipations with regard to the dramatic abilitiM of Mias Laura Addiroa were realised last evening to their tallest extant. Her vote, is remarkably sweet, bat at times her movlulationa dewended too low to b.

effective all over this spaoione boos. her acting is evea graeeful aad effective. Her reception was warm and enthuataatle. and bar aaccsss decided. She will appear to-night as JwleU Mr.

W. M. Fleming, the young and promising Amort-eaa tragedian, met with a glorious reception at tb National Theatre laet evening; he appeared as Hiehelien, and ab did he sastala that ardaoas character Tonight he will appear as Sir Hareowrt Courtly, ia Londoe Aaaoraaee, to Mr. Joha R. Seott's Dassle, Mra F.

Niehol'a Lady Gey Spanker, aad Miea Hathaway 's Grace Harkaway. Mr. Blaaehard, with his surprising Dogs, will alao appear ia the idiot of the Shannon. Who it Mae. Hills a A lady of rare beauty, worth, grief, and affectionate sympathies.

Katranged by mis-repreeeatatloas from ber hossand, suffering la aneom plaining alienee for ber error, she win our heart 'a best emotions, until from pity we turn to love, la our admiration- Mias Mestayar enacted the part of Mra bailer beantlfully in the Stranger The Stranger will be presented again this evening at Barnam Museum. GttAT BitoaiKt Dav Ooene, Tremendous redaction in prices. Hitchcoos Lladbkateb, 347 Broad way, oorner Leonard street, bare beea purehaueg heavily at auction the past few days, and are prepared to sell their splendid Cashmer. and Woollen Plaids, their rich and elegant bilks, Shawls, Cloaks. Merino, Delaines and every other kind of Ladle Drees Uoode.

as well as all kinds of Family or nuewife Dry Goods, at extremely low rates. The ladies will do well to call. Fall 8tvlis at Osma'l. Tt genuine Fall weather, having rendered all descriptions of summer hats atuvreix ten, Uenln la holding one eontinuoue levee, from mora tilldewev ere The Oeaia Fall ashtoa seems to be eoa-skiered the leading hat of tb seaeoe but in order to ac commodate all tastes, a great variety oi styles will always ot- louna at nroeaway, opposite St. Paul's Fisst PacMirH DsocxassoTrrti.

8trangera in the city should not fail of visiting the celebrated Katabllah- uient of Mr. B. BaaDv, 106 and BJ7 Broadway, where may be seen some of the most perfect specimens of the Da-guerrian Art to be found iu tbe country. The eoHeetloa of portrait of eminent men la alone worthy of a visit. Sjia Falmoaary Cow.

sumption. From its having almost always baffled tb most skilful medical treatment, it has very Justly been termed the Opprobrium of Physicians and, until within a few years, been generally considsred incurable, although many medical men of the highestetanding, among wbom we may mention Laennea and his friend Beyle both distinguished authors, admit that this much dreaded aisease may be eured, even in Its advanced stage, wD-d the longs are not completely disorganised. Tbe remedy whieh we now offer, WiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHfcKRY, for the euro of this disease, not only ema-naftes from a regular Phvsielaa bat has also been well teited Iu all th complaints toe whloh it Is reoom-n ended. BRONCHITIS AND COUOH CURED. Boston, August 18, 1848.

Mr. 8. W. Fowls Deer 6ir Having beea troubled for a considerable time with a bad eough and bronchial atfeetion, I was Induced to try bottle of Dr. WISTAR'S BAL8AM OF WILD CHERRY, whieh I am happy to aay entirely moved the difficulty.

I deem It but juetisa U- say this much for the benefit of those who may be similarly afliieted. OEOROE H. DAVIS, Firm of Hallett Davis. Piano Forte Manufacturers. Boston.

I hereby certify that 1 am personally aeqaalnUd with Geo H. Davie, and have tbe fullest eonSdeaee ia the above llatimint. H. O. BARKUS, 'Formerly Practising Physician, Boston, August 11.

U4S. P. 8. Soeh teetiasoay eea he retted upea. Be earefnl ef the ertiete yea bar.

It must have the signature of BUTTS ea tbe wraepar to be gen nine. For sale by A. B. a D. 8aads, 100 Fulton, corner ol William by Was.

Barges. 84 Courtland by Havl-lead, Keese Maiden laa by Rnshton, Clark 10 Astor House, and Irving House, Broadway. New York, aad by Druggwt generally everywhere, eeSO lalqaid lieii op a. Batohelor's Improved Liquid Hair Dys will positively color the hair, eyebrows or whfekereth moment it I ap piled, without injury to tbe hair or skin this most ex cellent hair dye is mora easily applied thaa any article ol the kind known in Europe, or America, end is entirely tree irom unpleasant Oder. Its ereot upon tne nair i merely to ehaage the eolor from red or grey, to a beauti fal and permanent black or brown.

Country fancy store keeper should call aad examine this article as tt Knows and asked for ia every aity of the Union. It ia applied (a sura guarantee that it Is as represented) er sold wholesale and retail at BATOHELOR'S WIG FACTORY, Co. 4 Wall atreet. Bear Broadway. Agent Iu London, N.CerwiB,S8Pin4iadlllv.Beart Jamas' Church Hew Inr.ntaoiwigra.

Batohelor's new Invented Wire and scalps, made of the finest natural curl hair, and adapted in the meet ease manner to thepeeuliarstylsoteaohindividual. They ary entirely a new Invention, doing away with all the vex a. tiout diffleultie ee long experieaeed by those who wear- Wigs. The public are invited to inspect a largeaad well elected stock, eoataining eve-ry variety of sise ead eolor they will then be able to Judge of the effect. WM.

BATCHELOB, Inventor and only manufacturer 4 (old No. 3) Wall street, near 1 road way. Oxygenated Sitter. Thi famous remedy for Dysr-epeia ha reached distinction end popularity far beond any medicine beiore the publio. The certificates from members of Congress, aad other distinguished eltlsei-s, sre a guaranty for the superiority and efficacy of this medicine Mee ft per bottle.

For sale by A. B. a D. Sands 100 Fultoe atreet, A. L.

eovill lie, end C. H. Blig, IDS Broadway, audby he druggist generally throughout th United States and Canada. (67- Kwwlera etc Wells, rhrenciogwta and Fublln friers, 181 Nassau street. In Clinton HaU, emoe of the Water-Cur, and Phrenological Journals.

Professional Examinations day and evening, families and parties visited when desired. Tbe Phrenological Museum Is always open ead free te visitors. Bty- CktsBu'i CelebrAteOl a hewing OreaaB pat Bp at his Baser Strop Manufactory, No. 101 William at. This article Is deciladlj Lie best in use for making beautiful lather and eortaalag the beard.

Try tt OT- Bs waaaa atreet. Soot Makers' Union Association. Boots, Shoes, sad Outers at retail, for whols- sale prices. 09- Th Krenlng Post 1 a Boston. Resident of Boston and vicinity, wulfin I a constant supply of the Evening Poet, at Mr.

GeoTg W. Light's Publishing Rooms, CornhilL The Dady will be delivered regularly in BcetoB by the press, the morning after ita pubUea-tioa. Uurney's CigserrUa Giliery, 1S9 Broadway, Tste oldeet eatabllahiaent la Use city. $7- MR. O.

attend personally to the operating de- Ipartment all persons wishing a good picture will Bad it to their advantage to examine the large eoileetioa at this gallery the mammoth sites recently taken, being nearly the size of Ufa. ere universally pronounced qpe-rior to any ever before produced by the IHguerriaa process. Call and examine them. eel Imeodnp AUCTION KOTICB. iArge, Attractive, and Special A action Bale af Imported l'rpet.

0CJ- D. AUSTEN a Co, eoraer of William atreet aad Exchange place, will sell oa Tuesday, Tth October, at 11 o'olock, amoa. credit, a full assortment of Tsltst, Ta- rsTsv1BsuarsLs, tsiii wlt, Iaaaaia and Durca Cab-rxriaa, Cocoa MaTTiao.DaceosTS, Boas, Tenia covers, he, he. The sale will Include one ni'anaxs riscas. In sets of three and fenr pieces each, thi best ausBCfEao-lisb Tasutbv CassETta-a, just Imported te order, ex- press! for city tradeead preset.

ting a rare opportunity to Street. 1 Hotels aho Fabiuxs. Catalogues aad samples will be exhibited the day pre- Eexolaxt. James Clarke. Robert Torler eesoet thro others, were arrested yesterday, for breaking Porcelain Door a ltd Other KnotrB, into the jewelry store Mo.

23 West Sixteenth street sfcC about ten days ago, and stealing therefrom a large i v-, amoant of jewelry aid wearing apparel. Some of B-tlU. the Matt aV Var- the nronertv waa found in their naaaaaaion I "tast of lsoesra, he. ef irwcUsnai Hornsea. 1 i i ne atienuoa of owners aaa otnen ie emwm anbeeiibara' Patent Mounted Poreelaia Door and other Knobs, with Beil Trimmings, I-eme and Number Plates to match, the cult article of Che kind which does act require cleaning, whieh ar warranted ia all respect Bar rive years.

Another article we meauficture with the Electroplate and Ormuln shanks, whloh ws sell at a huge redaction ia prlee; the same goods ofered by other parties la compet ition. OEOROE SWORDS Sole Patentees aad MaawAeterere, No. 11 Broadway. N. B.

AO eaeerlptiooi ef Bufldtaga, aad Mnchinlete' Hardware, of aB qunUttes te saH. Agents Rw Msaealy sma, laU Fouadors, who bav received at eU the Faire lathi etata lor IS years, th. highest preathua tor the beet Bene. Agent alee lor Chases' RtaahLead Crecibiea, warranted the beat ns-ttcklattetwket. -Tf BOOK NOTICES.

BU Of IXTOUla. FAMILY WORSHIP. A earls of prayers fas sseraiag aad avesuag thremgkeat the yeor adapted to I Domettie Warship SB OS. Jay's Family Prayers Tleeata. Barnes Family do $1 00.

Thorn toes do de Tt cents. Jeeks1 Devotioa Bt eats. Wuoerfore' Family rrayere-1 scats. Hannah Mere' Private Devotioee-M aad etata. The Berne Actor, by F.

Deems Ti teats. The Bible Prayer Book-ST eaata. AJWON D. F. RANDOLPH, ot BROAD WAT, hO eod OPPOSITE BOND.

new English Boka Per Steamer, Imported, aad for sale by O. r. PUTNAM, NEW YORK. THB ART JOURNAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS Prof osely aad rpleadldly emWttlthed with Eafrariags Large ate volume, elota gilt, l. 8TERNEW SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AN I ITALY With nametoat Ulastratkas aad a memoir.

8 to, doth, 11 St. THE TILLAGE ASTRONOMER or, th Kaleadar- man of Veittberg. THB JAJISEN1STS Their Rise, PemeuUoa, aal existing Remaaat. By g. P.

TregaUes, L. L. with plates, lime, cloth, THE STUD FARM; or, Hint oa Breeding far the Turf, the Chase, aad the Road, he. By Cecil, cloth, plates, (1 W. EDUCATION AS A MEANS OF PREVENTING DESTITUTION, he.

By W. Ellis. 1 SB GOLDEN DREAMS AND WALKING REALITIES. Being the Adventures of a Gold Seeker ia California and the Pacific Islands. By W.

Shaw, lima, eloth S2 T6. THE CRTSTAL PALACE THAT FOX BUILT. With Illustrations, plain aad colored. DRAMATIC FAIRY TALES. By a Lady.

Tae. Ctaoquet's French Conrenatlons and Dialogue. D. AFPLETO! CO. PUBLISH OX WEDNESDAY, CONVERSATIONS AND DIALOGUE, UPON DAILY OCOUrAllON AND OKDINAstY TOPICS, designed to familiarise the Stadewt with thoae Idwmetie expreseiona whieh most frequently occur ia French eoa-venattoa By Qustava Chtauet.

author of The Ualde to Kreneh Coapositioa." ee. 18mo. SO eeata This little work is admirably adapted to aid the eta-dent's progress in aaqufTiig tb. Kreneb laagwage It is very oomplete. and present tb words la meet eoaueeei use la a very elaat aad distinct manner.

As aa eUaaeat-ary text- book la Rberorte It will be fouad a awafoi aid. 1. A a Co also publish, by tbe earn eelonr, THE YOUNO LA OIKS UUlDk TO lkt.Nl.UCOM- POSITION, lve. limo. Also, the following French Text Books COLLOT'S Dramatic French header.

Umo. SI. COUTAN. roeates. lJaso.

I. DE FIVA'S Elementary Frenoh Reader, loo. too, Advanced do. liao. at SB Charles Scribner, New York PUBLISHES THIS DAT, CKirOBH WITH SLIIlKOia OX TBS rSALWS, THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH OFFICES, from th Princeton Rev ew.

1 voL, 12m o. UULL1VSR JO J. HI three Voyages la Kalloo, By drogonia and tlerta. By Elbert Perce. 1 lla with six tinted illustrations.

saw aooas just osuib YAGAMUNDO or, THE ATTACHE IN SPAIN. By John E. Warren. 1 vol lime. INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A PASTOR.

By the Rev. Wm. Wisaar, D. D. 1 Izmo.


1 UNCLE FRANK'S HOME STORIES. By F.C. Weed-worth. With ill nitrations. volumes are now ready.

se2T Episodes of Insect Life Insects of Autumn. This aaa Last Seaiaa Now Rcabv. PRICE TWO DOLLARS, a The first eerie of this publieatloa we read to our great Instruction and delight. It was to as the opening of new world of facta aad feelings. Daring this whole summer it has been to us ea Interpreter of Nature, and has given as a new sense of tbe worth of the inseet tribes that sport in everr field aad gardes.

The present series carries out fathfully the premie, ef IU predecessor, alike la point of illustration, teat aad sentiment. 1 he whole work will be a valuable edditlon to oar books of natural theology as well as of natural hletory. It Is Jast such reeding aa must charm earnest ysung mind, aad it deserves a else la everr family library In th. land. It Is written, we understand, by a lady.

Blessings en hr for bar good set vice, aod may The Horn. Cricket, that chirps I ao wisely end pleasantly for other, never cease ha aeorry mono ror nerowa aweutng." lunrwuen inquirer. Published end for sal by i. S. REDFIELD, selB Clinton Hall.

KLLTIOVAL. Ireavltt 4c Company, BOOKSKL.L. AMD BTATIONKRS, O. 13 VESEV STREET, NEW TORE, (Up stalrsj First nil ding West ef the Aster lu eonsequeaee of the rebuilding of the store occupied by the undersigned during th last five years, they have removed to tbe large and convenient (tore NO. VLSS.Y STREET, west sees re raa astob tron, where, with greatly dlmlalshed expenses, aad mash more tnawaiiilliiiai Warsri tea, they are saaMsd to serve all their ante Bran aad triced promptly and faith fully.

From their great faculties for laying la their stock at the lowest rates, their long experience in business, end their determination not te be undersold the Bnder-elgned feel assured they eaa give satisfaction 1 all who are Inclined to favor them with orders, far and Bear, and whloh will be as promptly answered, aad at th same prices, ea If the buyers themselves were present. They beg te assure Country Merchant aad the Trade generally, that tbelr assortment of PICTORIAL, Uirr, SCHOOL A.1D CHILD BENS' LOOKS, is of the most desirables character, and offer great inducement to purchasers both with respect te quality aad price-Orders for every thing la their line ef business, respect- ruiiy aouciteu ana preapuy exeeuiea oy LEAT1TT COMPANT. 13 Veeey street. New Took, May 1, 1UL Southern aad Western Merchants wiU tad It te their advantage to eallea Leavitt before purchasing. IvSnpaW Crittenden's Bookkeeping.

Aa Inductive and Practical Treatise oa Book-keeping, by 8ingle aad Double Entry. By W. Crittenden, Accountant. Prtoe SI 60. Cr7- That poitloa of the work espeeielly adapted to impart a knowledge of the general principle of the science, Is abUshed as a School ditto a.

Price cents oriBioe or raacTicat accotwtasts. We, the undersigned, have carefully v. emitted Aa Inductive aad Practical Treatise oa Book-keepiag by Single ead Double S-atry, by S. W. Crittenden.

Accountant, and are free to bestow upea tt ear BBqellted eom-mendatloa. It is well suited for text book for the teacher, a gu'de for the learner, and a book of reference for the practical accountant. Hare follows minnte description ef tbe work. On tbe whole, we think thta by far the most oomplete work we have exemiaed ea the subject, slgeed-l New Tosk, March, 1860. Gordon Miller.

book-keeper te N. L. 6. Oriswold. 8.

H. Piersea. of Alfred Kdward a Co. J. T.

Davenport, book-keeper to Bowea MeNamee. H. T. Capen, book-keeper te Belkley Claflla. C.

W. Hubbsll, book keeper to Lee Brewster. Henry McKay, book-keeper to A. T. Stewart Co.

8. Osdan, Cashier of rhosnix Bank. Withers, Cashier of tbe Benk of the State ef New York. Wax. P.

BrlntnalL with Francis, gktnaer New York, branch of F. Skinner Boston. The Barnes of tbe book-keepers ef many mercantile houses of tbe highest standing, ia Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, are also eppended to the document, aa extract from which I givea above. For sal to tbe trade, by IB CM BATTON, lis Fatten at.

Samuel 8. tV Villiam tVood, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, AND STATIONERS, S81 Pxsai. Btssst, Have for sale a very large aaaortnsent of School, Classical. Medical, aad Misesilaaeous Books. Account Books, Writing aad Letter Paper, Owbes, he.

which they offer at very low prices, for cash or approved credit. Country Merchants are Invited to call aad examine the stock, prioea, ha. Catalogues may be bad ea application. au39 Hew JLaw Hooka YoL 4 Edwards' Chsneery Reports, New Tork. YoL Saadford's do do do.

VoL Barbour's do do do. Vet. Barhowr' Supreme Court Reports, New York. Yd. Saadftvrdl Saperior do do do.

YoL 10 Iredell' Lew Reports, North Carolina. YoL 61 English Com. Law Report. Vol It Engosh Chancery Reports, entire, with Ameri-aan Notes by E. Flteh Smith.

Lsq. Vol IS IA Paanavleenia Iterjorta. bv Harrla. Watersaaa's Tree Use ea the duties ef Jasllees af the Peaee, under the Revised Cede. Monell's Practice de do.

Benedict's America AdBdralty Praetioe- can's Medical Jarisprudeaee. American Cbaaeery Digest, by Thomas Waterman. of the New York Bar; 161. Tbe above, with a general aesortsMnt of Lew Books aor solo ny BANES, GOULD CO. lylna.

1. The CrnAadea. Aactie Regioi BltueAkTB. eea, Chmate, aad Zoology. S.

Th. Northern Wbale- Fishery. A Lite of Napoleon Boaa- parte. A The Coart ef Parma, viewed in Connection with scriptural Una- S. Llfeef Levator.

T. Life's Lest Honrs. S. The People of Peraia. Lrfa of Alfred the Great lo.

Pleats aad Trees of Boilptaio. 1L Charaeten of tb IS. Da. For sal. by teSltapeod Part D.

Law Beekaeuwrs, No. 144 Na village ana aauny Ausssxetry, Ho. 3. Three dollar tor the it Yolamas. Just pubuebed by the American EEUake, VILLAGE AND FAMILY LIBRARY, Na ooatelB-tng 24 volamee ef aearry B00 pages eaeh, aeatly boned ia muslin becks, aad told at the lew prlee ef 11 eeasi per volume.

IR Ths senses aaa tae Mind. Id. Geography ef Pleats. It. Lrfa ead Times ef Lee.

X. Id. Good Health: IT. loan. IE Aaeteut Egypt, Re Meaaareata aad Battery.

IS. Idanuaa, with a arewy ef Arable aad the M. Rabyma and the Banks of the Eaahratea. SI. Nhsmhandla.

l-TTie. XX. Miaesaaa Mrntng. zt. Xd.

TheTaliatiiiaad Ml- I J.C. MEEKB. Agent, 147 NansaBBl BOOK IfOTICKS. TH CbrlatlstBi Year, FOR CHILDREN, raa arvwea arr arrru suutrst. Ia eae I lassimi XBase, iiln.

The author Urn at a ry teaaoh.tAa.tart however saodestly, la the csepa ef Eshle. la tana a hi exalted verse lofty aai the eetapswheaeSoe of children. Thai Uxthbeok It merer a posed aa aa latredaetlea to that work ef a aaasta salad, to be thrown aaeide aa (bob as the ahUd eaa aj praoiata the higher Pierais, STAMFORD SWORDS, a 1ST Broadway. New Hooka. Campankm tothe aUverJas ef aa OU Bachelor.

THE REYERIES OF AN OLD MAID, With it Dlnetratloe, aad mamlaated Cover. A Book tall of fern. THE WEDDING DRESS. By A LSI. Dcaua.

Aathoref Moato Christ, he. Prlee Sf eeata. ream. GLANCES AT EUROPE. By Heaaea Outut.

THE RIFLE RANGERS. By Mavwa Rasa. Author ef the Sealp Haatere. DEW1TT DAVENPORT. selT Trihaae BeSdiBge.

vaas bav rcaueati -tsi vaiaa imtim er Lew it Arundel ea, tai Ean.aeia ee- Lira. By th author ef Freak Fairieigh." Illustrated edition. The premie of future exeetWaee, ee visible la Freak Falrieigh, ha been fully redaesaed la Lewi Arundel. The opening scenes ere full ef fma, yet free from ell soar im aad Pteree The dialogue at very spirited -reminding eae ef that ekver beea, the Bachelor ef Albaay' aad the plot as It tkUfeily devolve id excites the duplet tateroet la th reader. Lewte Arundel ia eae of the asost aaeaeaatlemahle aad plea stag aev-I that we have kad lor saaay Literary Weed.

H. LONG BROTHER. seST No. 41 Aaa at. At C07 Broadway, Will besomed aseoen as leeaed ALL THE NEW WORES, lacladlng the CHEAP PUBLICATIONS.

ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, MAO AZINC8, REVIEWS, Be Together with a flee aseortmeat of LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOP, LATSLV BCCKIVBB History of the Cesvpiraey of FoaUae; by i Park, maa. Forest Life aad Forest Trees; by 8 triage. Swallow Bare; by Keaaedy. Episodes of laseet Life, vets. 1, S.

LasurUBee Raeterattoa ef Moaarehy la Frees VeL As. he. EVANS BRITTAN, WT od BVT Broad.ay. For Southampton and Havre. THE UNITKD STATES M.IL STEAMSHIP II 71 BOLOT, P.

LINES, Ceessaaader, WDlleav for Havre, teaehiag at Beathaarptea at lead the Baeil aad paesengen, ea SATURD AT, October 18th, et 11 o'clock, from pier No. North River. Trice of passage 110. Aa experieaeed aargooa I attached to the veseeL An Utter mast pass through the Pest Cfflsa. For freight or passage, apply te MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, A geat eSO tOlSnp No.

Broadway. Helton's Patent Opaguo Gelatine. Aa eeoaomieal pmeratloa, superior to eelvea feet aal isinglass, for Jollies, blaae maage, soaps, gravies ha PATENT ISINGLASS, may be used for most purposes as Russian Isiagtssa, hut purer and free from tbe Bsh taste te treqaeaUy da covered la foreign Islaglaas. For aal by JOHN DUNCAN SONS, ap dOT Broadway. SILKS SIL.KS Latest Importations 1 1 BO WEN i IMcPfAMEEp 113 fc 114 Broadway.


la department, tbe NEW EST and RICHL8T 81 LE8, end unnuarssasu in VAUia.Tr aaa EXTENT ay aay Biaaiia r.Mumumfnt ra ui hennery. No pales have beea spared te reader the Inn Imsal. ATTTRACTIVE THAN EVER, and worthy the nnareetiea of EVERY MERCHANT vnuung Tbe asveral flifailmaaU are a tnUewai DUESI SILKS. CONSISTING OF THE RICHEST AND MOST MAO-Blneent style ef Pari Embroidered aad Brocade Faeries ever by as exhibited, aad adapted te the beet City aad Towa Trade. Alee rich Pompadour Silk, r.mbroldered Satins.

Armures, Ores do Africa, alla Be Chinee. Oleee. Camel eea, Kick Figured aad Watered Moire Aatiqae, Be, ell ef the very LATEST eeeigne. PBHTED GOODS. RICH PABI8 MUSLIN DE LAINES AND CASH-merea.

printed la TWELVE eoiora. Printed Ortrate-s, entirely New Style, ordered expTeaaly for the beet ity Retail Trade Also, extra rich Plaid ead lgnred Manila ds Laiaea, a a. Also, a oomplete aesertmrat of America Maalia Lain, and Cah meres, new aesigna, at lower prices thea ever before oflered. SHAWLS. THU DEPARTMENT, WITH AMPLE ROOM FOR display, embraces ell the atost popular el lee ef Amerl-oan Long Shawls.

Alan, the newest and rieheat pell eras of Scotch Long shawta, real Tartea Plaids," maaarae tared expressly for ead worthy the etteatloa ef the Beet race. Alee, rien ajntroldend teuton Crape Khawla, Frsaeh Palm Thibet, Ca in were, Figured Merino, he. K1BBOJS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. CONSISTING OF Rich Tartan FUid, brocade aad Bgured.

la eB widths aad styles. Also, Cep I boons. Beit HTbboue, plain Satin and Taflete Ribbon, Fancy Tnasming Ribboae, he. STUFF GOODS. PLAIN BLACK AMU COLORED ALPACAR.

RICH Figured Merino Plata. Damark. Breeade aad Figured PoeUne Mllle Bare Lastres HuBgariaa Cloth Flgared aadrialn Mohair; Lyeneaa aad Thibet Cloths Plain French Merino aad l.ashmeras aisw, a great variety ef PUM BtaS tesoda, new etyUe. IIOSIERT. THIS DEPARTMENT, TO WHICH SPECIAL AT-tenUea I invited, has been areeh enlarged, new eeea-ples aa entire Boer, end emus eons very esteaene Stock, of English end Cermeu Hosiery, from the asest eelebra- ted amaufaetarere, adapted to the Best City and interior Trade.

LACES. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN LACES, Fancy Nets, ef every AaecrlpUom. WHITE GOODS. TINENS, LAWN8, CAMBRICS, MULLS. CHECKS, Stripes, Plata aad Figured Iwhw Goods, Certain Maallaa, Lines Cambrics, he.

OLOTES. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S WHITE. BLACK AND Colored Kid Gievea.of the very heat quality, trees the most eli brat ed French manniaeterera, ecdered aad Imported expressly for ear own trade. Also, WIDE AND NARROW VELVETS, BOMBAZINES, Canton Sllka, Pocket Handkerchief, Welsh Fiaaaria, Satin Vestiaga, Oreea Barege, I tai tea ead Aaserteea Sew-lag Silk, Craeee, Uintlimie's Crnvata. Drees Trwamlnge.

OU Silks, Earlish aad Freaah Gingbema, Freach Prlaia, Table aad Piaae Ccvara, ha he. Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RICH GOODS FOR Evening Dries at, of various thbrios ead latest sty laa. eniebaw TREJIKirWtl B.E1H.CTIOS IX FKlCESf GREAT BAROAnS IN DRY GOODS. izitcncocB ct, LroaauoRvoii mYo. 347 Broadway, Cm.

ef Leeward street, N. Y. have Jast received turn aaetloa a large aad SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS, lueledirg soma ef the asest slags at aad rich BROCADE, PLAID AND PLAIN SILEf CASHMERE AND WOOLLEN PLAIDS, of rarfons qaalities, from la. a yard up eery aheap MEEIN0E8, DE LAINES, CASHMERES, Freach aad EagUsh Calicoes, Omghaaas, Paramataas BROCHE, THIBET AND WOOL SHAWLS. NEW AND ELEOANT STYLES OF CLOAKS.


09-TERMS CASH AND ONLY ORE PRICE, sew) SE.1.1I.1JY IIUIR, 331 Broad war. Offer to pwrchaaars SLLKI, Or, re el early leas Sprtsng, aad before the advene la Lyons, aad whieh are demaed- enehle as to seU at maeh lata prtees thea aay ether Hease ba the trade eaa afford elm liar Ossat. Maay ef the atytes are aesiSasJ te aumelree Wo have marked tham Ooeds below their value la Lyeaaatthai BMenant, aad retneetfnBy mrrMe pertass, la wssA ef tieh si amies Ikaa hafmi BTiihatlag sise hare. Onr printed sr. ibb eat asoraoltBly isaSail pa ti eras, prtated ea the Saost to ksies, end efTered st lew avisss.

A large ail anil of tbe beet GLaTYES, as COrjYOlSSIERS, ALEXANDERS, he, al Beat aad am. Casmflst wmht rasato anaB Chantae TlaaSs. WoarelilaiaMailtaietViwwetBteMBaahladMtha atertat tfUfex tebWftajtBS. aet AH PETS, DnCGGETa, FLO on ASU CLOTHS, AT Prices. TBI OFFERS THE STOCK ef the sate ana ef ENTIRE TJtlCmV CO.

333 Drosttfwrar. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES TO CLOSE THE IteoasMe BtrSIftK-SB. TAf S.STBT YEj.VETS.ea4 THIS FALL'S IMPOR. I 4 Is TVt v- EfO- na, s-wTeTBaaa cm.TKR.

Aeraea. Fall Importation. OF RICH CARPETING Si Peterson Humphrey, 379 BROADWAY, Cew. White atreet. Have jast received, per packet ship sole Oiaeamea.

a larg. ead eergaat lirnieat ef Rash Ceryetiag, at the ottowtajg descrlptaaes, via ROYAL VaXVLT.iww aa4er, seaee ef which ewer before opened, aad aew ea exhiutJoa at the Worlds a air, Leeooe RICH TAPESTRY, aew diaigw aad hrSuiest sa4- eeea pi lies aaisaeaap CBIiP BK9TS Aao LAW tUCsXB. CAItl'ET WARE ROOMS, AND PEARL STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE WILLIAM STREET. TAPESTRY YELYET CARPETS. TAPESTRY aSUSSELS do.

SHEET OIL CLOTHS. A and 1 1 OIL CLOTHR lit. aed Ml Dreg rate. Hearth Bags, Table end Plaae Cevera, Stair Covering, he, eh te aew styiee net ti eel ead from aaatlea, 10S peases BRUS SELS. UheeetdeST.IeadB stnaUag pew yard, aad a err lot ef ply aad laareta Carpets, et eery lew swteel TtLUJSB CASH.

GEORGE R. L. HYATT, eelBlmep OAS and As Pearl mt FALL LMrOIlTATlO.VS. CinPETIJVG FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Smith -J Lountbcrji, SO. 41S rtTJLsU.

tTREkT, OTrOtlTR wV ILXJAJB, ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXHIBIT THEIR Fall ImrrortaUona, Comarletng a FwB aad Complete Ass us tment ef KICU VELVET TiPKITKV, BHCRBKLAl TAPKBTBY, UHl'SSKLS TUnKaVPl.1- AND iBOatia CAILFETtJItjR, Emhreetag a large variety af NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS. Floor OU Cloths. A fuC arnertaseat of all the variows Pattern ptwdaeed by rimu DirrxsxxT mamcv actoeies. Paiuhaeei eaa here mae aeteeUoae saltabU te every style af FaralshlBg.aad at the salt ap LOW EST CABtl PBJCSLB. Floor Oil Cloths, AT 40 PINE STREET.

Theuedeialgaad. Mannfactnrat and Dealer ta rvery Deeerlptioa of Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Haviag esteblUned a Depot for the ante ef his Oeade at the ao-ve plaee, most invites hla eld Cae- tomers ead Dealers generally te call and exaaUae ale Stock. aal ap E. Rirr. FFJYTO.YS PATENT FLINT EJT.1.1IEL 11MIZE.

WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEPOT, attS Broadway, Corner Prince st. e-ejep BkEBIJ efc CASE. NEW YORK India Rubber 1 1 'are -house, lto. 37 ltlaiden Lane, and 59 lYaaaau street. FIXST COB SB rXOW.

BBOAOWAY. Factory 31S CaM 31tta street. fWyUK IIBSCKIBKR, Proeretor ef thu kstebaeh- meat, wonld infers hm eld met ma ire, aad aaar- ehaats gear rally, that he ie daily receiving from kM rectory an unusually large aad excellent stork ef ladm a beer Uooda, asaaaieut ni.d far tbe Fal Trade, and which, fraen hannc intra tee ed eeeerel nnl tm porta at Uupiuiemenis ta hie maLbiaary aad exea-poalUoa. he tsel eoafldeat caaaot tail gtrieg pertaet a-tucaetion. pecini attention eeatlneee te he paid te the Sanaa -natjiare ef ugnred and plain CAKRIAUE CLOTH, of all widths, dib s-( to B-t, iaeiaaire The drtils are eref ally selected firm tbe hart brer d.

aad sprred with the II Beat gam- which Balslwe eunal to patent leather. H. else maanfaetnrea th. EBanaaan CL.iei. a aishly importent Imprevement, rreaat'y ecevered, by wbasa the eleth Is Blade te beer aa exact reeambtance te aan-ated leather.

1 he ptela Balah svade ead sold a aaaaL OVERSHOES. A foB stock of all the different etytae ead eerietlaa. from th. Imported rare Pabem the leeeanid Pot-petanl Olesa embraetBg Mean. Woaaea'saedt hitdrwa'a Beote.

Sheen, BOr-pors and tends Is, Wunaane Kamd aad Lined Mebbere Be. Be. A eomplete a mm meat ef the IbUowiag always ea bead Maelntosbee, RerSag Jackets, Whine. Coats, tana. Breaet Pamna, Cepea, Susa laekiag.

Penehee, Tebaeee WaDeta, bowls er Breees rnnls. Meehla. BeiUag, rer Haiders, Ltle Pleepeieis, oepi Lai Air Bails, Driving liesvea, Harae t'eenra. Defis ead Hesea Utevee, Hvaa en a era. Ftrwree.

to, ether with every aur1lJoa ef Babber tieiis. DOOK WritLlGS. f7- Sots aaaaafacterer ef Ywleeeined MetaCi Rabber Springs, ander Oendyenru rateat. 1 be game will a fwand a meet eea tela care aad pre ver. tive et ebesewd heads, hiawchiag thesa aad hief iag tb white and aoft.

Iwre Bobber Cement far hatters' aaa aeateodapaaldlm D. HOPQMAN FAIR BAN KJS Patent Platform Scales, A PA IT Ell ta every regnb-ed ep uattea ef wear hi aa, ee Railroad Beale tor Tralae, er Single Cera, la ass ea aaarty eU the nrtaeiBal rail reeds la the Catted ktntes sat Ureet Britain. WAREHOLbE SCALES lilmmaal aed portabWi EA PORTABUl hCALhS, ea te. for reaadrie, ReLIng Maa, rtaa licweet eta YTOhE BCAXJLS. enrkrns aaadlaeatlew tOLMi SCALER, rte HAY AND COAL nC ALU.

MADE ENTIRELY OF IRON AND STEEL. These sanies have heaa long known aad eeverely tested I ead the unt- v-eal eoeBdanee Brit ta their eeearney aad parteet nd-instmeat I eaeh, that they are aw regarded aa vas er an abb, treat whwh there I aa appeal. FAIRBANKS talea, BS Water etnet. New srfe O. 1.

IIAV JIaAJII), Jaha eueet. nAVLLARD eh Cfjllwoacs, FJLARCE. D.S. D. K.

wweJdraspeetfaJiylntormthe pubnwthnt Cher are I nnl ilng thatr FALL GOODS, aad eaa aew nhlbel aa aanertaaent vnar-raalied. Tbe israli TA BE WARE AND PARLOR ORNAMKNTS an esse by Hatrhiasi ia Finae, ta a miaais whieh naanet be ea- axllad Ssr aeaaty aad durability, rank sill Bad b-c whatever they aaay wish Bar ebnpM ana, as tar f-Mt damtay. Bieaiie rwawy aanmBH eae evaaBeew, ar. par wlarly invited eall. aS awAet Rail Rlach A fjtte Ball, Tompkins etc Black, AVlhU added the recoadstryef tbetrstsre, al At-A.

large aad esegnat shew twees, where may he aa SOLID U.VKxE AND BU.VEH. PLATED WAKE, f-f aay similar astahUahasewt ia the Catted States, ead ty tee set err a Herniate. Bevweg eae erthe pertaere esa-taaUy ia Cta-eee, aaaeiea threa te turn ah nay ertiete la tlenr Uae, at tae shorter poaeibie aetiee aad lowest pneae. A large aawansaeat ef DIAROSDt, PHECSOCS STORES ARD StlCU JEWELRT CenataaUy ea heed, having teeetvad by laesat atrrrala aa my woe ex x. w.

supas aad F. B. Adaaasu eJ Bp F1H WATCBE India Satin Damask, 8ATIH DE LAINES, ana Vpholsterr Goods. JL a naa "I ladie BatAa I 1 1 ay tae toa ewetny 'nT woven Tar, Bes, grvnB th. lonely i Whieh persona amines ef ehtelalag a Stat rate artlets, I are tavnee esaauae.

asix tmep JOEL a- 543 Broadway, Bra TO ISfOEM VISlTOKS be aad rest-deata ef New Vera, that they have rneeotiy ap laid iheBr eetaMmhsaaat, aad tbeer eatlre stock haviag bean pnreheeed wnhia tht kaat three Beoathe. they ar. enav JMU eTer the aMweat darigae end very attest styles ef I of every iaserlptloa, WATCHES. PLATED WAR Fa. ORNAMENTS.


LEATHER i na i BUOL'TERIE, a ae.eeev Ver.nwm.mia;aa..Va tee Bneraes rloerahly km. than tbe anal nrW. The low prlee at which the order tor these Oeede were I BAB BViaamwey', aaarlr i Sheathing Copper AND PATENT Yellow Sheatlxlng- Metal, re.w Tel snwrracrseT ee iiai. Wllltnana. Peeier eh C.

Leaden. PYnUK aCHhCtAlMSCaLa here aaaetaatly ea hand A afwUaiiirtmiatef easeeef thai Sill Brail a bread, and ham maay years esperHess ta Ma aaa, thaw eaaa-BeaUy riniii tt as the hast aaalay that aaa be Bvueaied. aad they wiB give wrillea gBBralMatotat da- tmailitw. Bneehwews ef wear awry be aarv the etd bm mi at pert payment. tsRINNELL, hUJCTCRN CO.

Oa.ler aase bt L. D. ML'RLBlTT a CO e' tL ilvto alaTt! aad Wanted aad taasa bavashb Rich Laee wrwaa, Wkteww BeTee. Taesate, we eew mt ajee. Rlen French Paptr Ilantlagg, aeeeea aad pastes.

mjL ijT ftoee whieh vU twerafei ase a wans, assess. WBITB Xdjfo aea. its theheetah ef teauUes earn west aiaeampigmesita. ir win SMeFamatato. Bear MitTr.MM, rtW tWea, a.

mm a. saeewtaauiyeaaawealy. a a TT ZIJYC jP.i.VTS. MANCFACTUaXD AT NEWAXX. H.

jl. by ITcvT Jersey Exploring anti 31 In Ids; Co. PTtHLS eoMPAVY IS PREPARED TO FURNISH m. as (apply af Whtehhaw. BUao PAIBTW.

I-Bseee aad th. etaaaa. aa haaety esd ssatmm asieilles twaerasr to aay Ba- I la nearer am frets, i BRUKEU. free the ewehrated arsaafae- I TTT I The above roods betac of ear eera taitartaiwa. aad ha Tlef paid yarriralar aUesttes ra theaeMetaaa.

we ere eaebied teeter the LAJtUkST, StlCHUT aad BUTT aanrtsaeat le the etty. OIL LOTUS, nut dears. taiflsaBt a Hera ef the pateat taieh. rmes 1 to 34 feet wide, Abm, a ears, set as S-Bty. aweerBae ead ex.

Baa. lament et tbe kM. large eeetloei sale ef the Tbssh medio saaa- Breesory. at fail leper eewt. fcwa thea aaaBafaetarer' aa au caotee gaads toead la earpat eurea.

Bar Meeanws beat am weiaj elil wnh BV Ae ea em reuu, wnaeiaeas trw etief ef eslbei Besasr aay ether, aet beta hake te una eeawky er te en aad raa eg It aaa he verted eruh eey eeear, ew water ead etea er wnh Terwaeb BMasad eti, th tAtat ABU tlAStVu BJBO PUBTS, waxa are tiyeet lag Rants, this. wriheas aay erne! a. Thee ere ef anew MET AUC OIIDLJL Aad ate amagerted by salt watee, ar ether exy tana aay ataer relate vnaia aatr kneel a -a IRON AMIOTNta METALS HO NOT OXYDIZR with Ilia, aad they awe farti par he eHlIEt eh CO. AOKWTB FOB THE OMPAj asB BEAVER STBXET. NEW YORE.

Fine Paper FKAMC IS PARES etc CO, 37 Pearl Stmt, ae srer earerrna. aee ee aa HfM.KSBI AMD aaXTAtE, an Kavnaawea illent ew aA rae aerweer yle enf I Ills, etwee, ti.ia euael ajaXXat FRENCH AMD AMEKICAH PAPER 11 Ail 15 US AND BORDERS, gsievW arnmt, er jeweag Aseans, c. AE.10 ah the meat aaewweed atytes ef DET)B ATTYa. OAkt MABSLE BUM. ah.

PAREi. WORK. he. eniuhes Bar HnUa. IHaaac flu mi Be.

Tbe avast rertee Werasana te bee. Peeer niwayeeex baaA eel Sep Fancy Hardicare, Ctttlery and JetcelryJ FR AIS CIS TOMES 80N8 1" TIT St the attention ef MERrHANTS ead thai at trees ei) parts eg IhelMTED TATtA.te I haw ta tJlLA. take eaarge which amy b. emu Resferta, Wahere, Tea aeaa. he.

re, aad AlheEa Ba Tatae cwtlesy. reery aa nreaa variety. Pec aet aad Pan Easvea. 1 Paper Math, and Japeaaad Trays, ead I anasai swnernjy Torathar with a hwte (lark ef OLS. RILKS, PlsTfLB.

ead ale, by eaSS Bp raa ead Ba i aaitj iiiaeen amts im French ead hnglieh Feary Oeede, Brnehea aad Par- Jwelry. oud aad SOver, Caasneadt aad ether Sparung nrttetea, nmutaMeg aa sennrtmint, la aad variety, aot aarpawed la ta. Catted States. Vo. lane.

nryS ap TuTnhaet Olil.YG-GL.1SS Warehouse. Be, SI OOtRTLAIirr STREET Tes RlCflARDSKINGRLAND, WtlOt.EBALJE DEALER AID HAIi yiC. hsJtsf Lootoag-Ciiimii aad larporteref Leah, lag Ohre Pmtea. weald rwrnarttnlry invite the i lisllia vnutAnc the ettr. as hw aarnej Bted.

Beam. Bear aad mental rlneaea. Bwrunst aad sertar framm. got a la the tirhest aad asest gees ee as etyiea, rrees ta. latest Pnrlniaa iwi an Abe always ee Bead the tarries aasaitesaBtte holewaC la the eKy, of maaeraay ead aueboraay aed gilt tehat besen.

swinsn, aad gilt giasias. suite eae Bar the tie! ha a. nonia amensaa aa aiexicaa treea, at atnch redaeed frees those share, id at etaaiier lanlilnh aseaasie tae eity. Anyeaimnea arnaa by tie. ta tbe nneeeef evade, wulb.

themrnllys rntnrn naaU. AB areees tiiatUy stlmtit ta aartad with th. eanw ee ge te aay part af that Lsuted Bteteaew etiinal eamainea. mrt aed To Shippen to California. BCDCCED RAT1US TO AM ASIA, VIA Cnacree, Crncee, and Gorgoaa.

THE hCBScaiBEalTare aew at pat ad te eerrw freight aernas the techmae ef Paaataa. at OBLAT-Ll Rl.Dl i ED BtTeB. Sy -THE CHtVPAN PAB ShMllKR TRANSPORTATION LINE." Sbipiem IU Bnd It te thrbr Interest t. enwU at oar ns the OW-Fr Eaftheh.ny 1 ORB aad ERIE RAILBOAD, rte. 17 Ureaawkrh SVeeC, arirloas etewgngtag freight eaaa-Bem.

Eaeh a boa id he at portable bub. ead weight aot exetedieg la annnee ead when the Bat era ml tn. roads n-qnre ehaald be parked water aeaef. AS. ter eagat nsanthe OTpaneaaa ea that HAKate SUYER, witheeat having deaaaewd caade enuvavted la ear aasw ta theameantef ONE rUILUNU.seaa.aain Hern The freight asoaeT eaa either he paid hare i teaeery ef tne goods ta Paaeeje.

aelT la tXWDUB BIBUI.i. OraaawrVrm at aw a Cfcaaiaa. in sham, Reynolds 9 JJartlett Ar Co MHIPPLXU, edJVO COMMJmMJOJt AfaTJU HAS Tit, mnnrvrtii. nrsTi AM rRABClhCO, CAXJjr-OtlSIA. af aB AMES W.

BIN'uHAM RANI IB A. BABTLCTT, VSSUI A. SII.VUB, W.AIXOIV aareaeecae as era van wteirlawoa a Tlflaay, BalkJey a Cleara. C. F.llBeaiey.

Mr ell. Freeh a Serosa Jean talr.wBC. Ciameett.Haicwt a Ca DwMkSbae.CeUCnBaaaavt lerlu J.C. rleweace Swaia. C.

H. Welling. Tiln Sophie Tale. It a I Oneaan. Weed Lew.

New Orion no. Wetarmaa Ryna. St. Lewm, Met H. T.

Street Brwcher, ririrslia. We, YarB.Acm leQ yjg na OltiaSblNU sXTRAVKLLLnG CRISES, IN EJCATnEBV. WOOO pawfRR MSCVS. Owr arneeBt Meek iaiaiei ever I Wtl ULkURAA aawraat pan ares aad rarest, aa tin Ha al ee verasdUant owe eaa fail to he Belted. FAN ft.

Varhwrw, Raaring la prte frca OneahAlheg te One Heeomdead Beeeaty-Bee DiSare ah. Oar arms are deUmetry gvsasnsntewdteWesasweeeaTJ7 ether leu ta tam eeaatry ITth. 1M1. leUap TlfrAB 1WSQ BVEJJR. rittiotai.

HUNKER fc CO. RAYE REMOVED THEIR WTNE AND OROCXRT RrsIWEBS TO 3 CIIAJUXERS STRlIirr. 1 aaaseream Bmsasrar ae3 ranrsh ate. he BtAtAa at tic TELavtettAhnt betwxeJ; tem. New lark ethea, earaar ef ilaaseoi aad Baas ay streets, mar af the I vrhaage.

the Pteaaar Laam. wtth toar Braes Weateafien te Jte larn. aaeiagatVeaa at Aw lera, Jny Crp 1ml, Jaa ra ieamen. iiilin. WUauafiea, Isewr.

ds aVrere, lunan. mU Sularae LVy. ad ar a Beat lag with efl tW 4eat hVi ea Lanea. Avut, 'et hart aal This COMPANY, hawing lately anaae EATENaUVE RXPAiRS ef the aaa. greatiy taer tea fnadUtant, aad BserethmiagBiy eye- I I ats in ha the i ead mode ef deuvaryefai in git, are aew atiim it aa risatn.

tram. mat aad dilrear aay BeBahar efaaaawages toe the ai nana a as aaa peeoe, vat aa a aeea aad tt SJiy artberte aae.aeiled The I sma me ec tae auaue taer el eea. isspasually i asm tisgraiB trsaee, em am af easimeakyaalrnewtansad; i awnnrtang vera me ana renin ethere, froea tour te eeeea eetev l7i'aisihiBi I. O. WIUWi i LIJTSEER OIL.

ewied III arvat aad 1 aaim van, m. aw Ant -mi CAR1IART AJrcrAcrrxxxs of caxbabtb patxxt Improved llelodcons9 77 Cant Tkirteentk street. THE ilmin i- if 11 uiiubiiii msBniiasillf hi earn. far oewry which diaua- aa. a thee Be.

hapseiad teea, paawimrty afapfd te aad EncUeh. of erhw faarsj, ra i Od Maa JOHN BRTDOK, RtEL BrbfRXLL, Va I MMBW-BW RECEIVED per IB FrwM sk aeBerth- Spool Cotton BOYLE'S Roral Patent avewlnaT Cotton, a very aeperter artteia. tor sale By To Stationers. rocaxarr xnAhuas Bar laam, aad POC EXT htEMORANDtiM sVOUEA, he, toft Raaa.aalhwy wnlaetlaa ainim Haniiniliiin, I oahviw retciu laawery at idBtaav- BfN USAeER A CO, a.

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