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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Sexlth. Coaaiatoaorfct Buffalo, vha of 1trl inuoUM 01 tu auf nfinn Java, PmM. thought proper to write ft Utt of tiil'C ooerr IWH DmM. ea reader forpt, IM UkM ay Bl awi te Oaie. Walsh uU Via tree.

Frea Ohla fca aa to Uk stale, where hat kirn, and thta 11. K. Smith decided thai he had a right to hi person. BAalthaoweeyBthath eooad kT word' eutelnlog the deeoriptio of hrM nl the oath. rit by hi owaar to hi nop, which tha aet Ceagwa held and takea to he foil aaa oIus.v Ura of Dm bet of aeap.

thmi th rric Ubor of th persoa eeeeping at da the party la nek record Ballonta Ho (aalatahx that has BO right, CtaalaloMr, to receive any rvtdsoo to ooBtradist set arid the rteord. Th Albany Mia kM Mm oosumiU th law expeaaded by Cexumlasioaar Sxuith, whioa (how Injustice nl eBoraity la atrocg a light, tost we eaaoot forbear quoting them "TkakUeCooMUaUoa Werly grreefc nff to auaaer to pares aaa reelaia a fogiur aur eaaaplag treat oee (tat 1st eaotha, ia aadoobtea. BMMtotT Ueerrled InU a 're mm aad be-u aauaatpai by Its law, (took a aaaa ia not a ((tUn freaa eervlee aad aae aot la aay way fall witaia the proviaioa of tka eonetituUon which relate to panoai kM to labor ar aarrioe la ana out by the law thereof, aeapiag lalo another. Hat eaeh ia toe lotter of toe fagitiv lav of th aat Ceaicraaa. aatmorUea a bum to go before m.

aaar. la a Rata, aod swear tkat a serosa nod aad dareribed, owing him erviee, kaa Bed to free etate. aad tb Brodaotioa of that roeord 1 oonv taaiTe ike hut that the pereoa ao alaioMd a fuV-Ut, aad ewee aarrioe. It ie ooaeloMve not oily before the ooDmiioaer. bat before tbe eoarU of ao; MM, tree or ilare; aod th talk aboat the right cf the liar to raa, la farm pauftru, la a Mar atat, tu oootett hie richu acaioat bu ataater, la all delanoo aad folly.

That tight, lm perfect at beat, for there ii a prortaloa reqairtrg the retaro of tbe fugitive to hi former oUse of staTery. tffeetaally barred by the prodaouoa of the agte record. The web woren for the eeeapad (lava ha been made to Uclude a tka aaerloa of ariT nu. the free eitiiaa of the aorta. The record I mad ap la the abteoee of the pema whoae liberty It iworo away, ana wiia-at natlsa ar the reoniremant of aobiiotty.

The alaimaot the beoonea eaprame Jodge ia hi owa oata. Hi iaUodad Tlotioi asay ke a freed atao or bora free-nay bare proof of the kighart eharaeter that aot to any po-ibio amae a ogiUr. and that ka aever owed aarriee to the aUimint. Thi proof Mbaaoihlog to do with the eaae 1" The record eoaelaaira oo tbaae aoinU aad when th man tbu kidaaoped aad oarriod to a alare atato, attempte to tant ila fiWom, he ia met again by tbe record It ia a ooeelaai" that ha owe atrriaa, a it wa before laat he waa a fogitiro. gagh tfee law I Bach I tbe letter and rpirit af th th mod la which it I to be ad- rayi, that be offerd to adjourn th aaoj til it day.

If ooanael would lay thU the inter eat of Daiel or hi ooaditioa required TBa bad been woasded in tbe head, wa baint, ad wtf bleeding at the month, asd ao tanned a to be ttapld. Tbe payiiolane teatited the next day ia tbe polio nambtatioa of hi anailaDt, that ke wa till aaflt to be brought into Mart. Bat, after the deaUtea af the eoaamiaaiooor, aad after tbe recital of the 10th arctics of the FagitiTe bill, making the re-eord eonelaair and barring oat all eridenee rebnt-tisg the abarg of bUg a Ut or a fngitir. th ooanael for the Tlotim ooald tot cay that th Interest at their olicat raqolrad aa adjoarnmant. Tber I a oertaln itnaaa ia admlnitorif neh law crera bleeding and aanaalea body.

"ilk thla law, tbn xpoaadd, that democrat! ar omtim aaktd to approve; and thia octcmu-aiooer, who thai enfold lie groan, I one of thoe that aik oeh oommeadation." TBB OKHIt' AND THS BkWBPAPKRS. Th following arlioU, from th ll'uAmg(o Jit-public, explain th aamerou errori whioh have been deteoted ia tb report of late cento that have appeared from Urn to time in th public journal. UU long (ino, a lengthy itatement appeared in tbe Btrald of thi oity, purporting to give th circulation of a large number of the nawi papera and periodical yblihd la th United State, and ia teareely a ingl initaoo wa It report correct. Our own cir-oulatioa wa aadarttatod between three and four tbeomnd, bat that wa to bo expected, for all who have watched th peraevertng effort which tb Union Safety journal have made for th' peat year to pome thtmielve of our advertiaementa, do not need to told that to euy a prooee aa that of aUrepraatnting our circulation to St their object, would not be negleotel. If there were any oecaiion, refer to many other prints pub-llthed oat of thla eUy, whua circulation are put down teveral thouand above their true mark and from the atatiitie given in the llcrald of thoio journal about which we bava information, wa ahould xptot any third pert oa, (elected In the (treat, would be able to pat hi fee la hi bat, and gueas at their Ironlatloa with about equal aeenracy.

(Urea the Waahlngtoa Bepablie. la giving place to the following oommaoieatlon wo would oa.ll the attontion of tb Acting Superintend-at of th Ceniua to th fact, which haa no doubt asaped hi notlo. that peraon havlrg aceee to the wnara in bia bnraaa have been Totalling their eon- unt to aoma of the Mew York jurnal. The habit af reaerdina-official information aa the apecial prop- arty of the olerke of tho roapootiv bureau, and of retaining It for th parpoe of giving Interact to their awa a i paper oorrMpoBaeaoa, ur proper it obviouely la, haa beoorue proper it obviously la, aaa oeoomo 7 th Kdltot ef the Aepablie I irregular and im ao rrcquent aa to aaaerve tne appuoanoa oi a mora nsjiu wiicum, thaa haa hitherto been employed. We havo hoowa tastaneea ia whteh the poaitive requisitiens of the headt of Department have fa.lad to elicit information whlok has been aimaltanaously eold to the newspa-para.

othing ean be clearer than that any information of importance to the Dnblie. In th Dostesslon of aay Department of the government, and proper to bo eommanieaiea. oagnt to be ctven to tne world bat It iboald be through reliable and responsible hanaols, and not through the clandestine oorreipon-deoee of sataVoys of the government, in abuse of their omcial oDDortunitie. Thoogh the abate of which we speak is frsquent, have reason to believe that tbe number ot individuals Implicated la it I Inconsiderable, aad that atae ef the entiemea ena-aa-ed to tbe various ba raaa entertain too just a seas of propriety to involve tha character of alark la that of oorretDoadent. er to Dadsla aat tka raeorda whioh thev are emrloved to aes ar keen.

Oat aUeatioa haa baea an hundred times, orally aad by letter, aalled to the tact to wheh we alio bat we ahoald aot have made it the subject of special comment just at this tims had It aot baea that It wa naturally brought to our at tention by th perusal of tha article annex tcaesM gtatlatle. Complaint Is made ia a letter from your New York erraipoudent that th newspaper statistic of that alty, as published from abstract of tb census ream raa, are incorrect. Complaint of thi aha racier have baea made ia other quarters, and 1 believe in wry latlsntr Injustice haa been don to th assistant marshals those discovering these supposed errors aot taking Into consideration the fact that the eaasos wa only brought down to the Ant day of Jaae, 1860. Maay eaaage have taken place sine that ttsae, pertioalariy ia oar large citiea. llow snaay paper kar been bora aad have died, or bow many that have aprung ap ainee that time that are till living la the eity of New York, 1 cannot tell.

atatoortala it is, ao fault can rest with the Census Bee, a 1 aa aasurod that very few abstracts have esaaaatad from that offioe, and those re la' to the popalatioa limply. With faw xoeptiouf all the tatmont with regard to the eeneu returns that aav beea published have been famished by the Baarshals themselves, aad nearly all of them have ajaraadeat to bo iaaorreet. More er lee errori have avaeafoaad la a very large portion of the orignal re-tarns by the examination and re-examination of them la the Cessna emae. A few ot the moot careful and aorroet elerk are aew engaged, as 1 anderrtand, la cmotllng abetraota of tha population. of tha Ainereat stales for publication, which will be furnieh- to newspaper aa fast aa completed.

Nearly all oho balance of force In the oSee ia emploved in elasai- friaa? the area, ae that, if possible, the result mav be embodied ia th report of Mr. Kennedy, to the aext Uongrei. Th Weak war prepared and printed before Mr. K. left, aad Mr.

Irvine was plaeed at the bead of this branch of th basin see. He became one of the mo; rasad elaaeilere ia the ofSee, aad reduced the work to a eyoteui which has greatly aoeeierawd its progre. Use Mr. leaving, Mr. Irving wa appointed acting aaaertateadaat, whioh berth a sustain with lad ai try, ability, aad gentlemanly bearing.

By thi tatomeat It appears that th cenrai re-toraa, which ar eireelaiing throagh th Joarnala. ar earn piled by aewrpapar reporters and deputy marshals, who make ap what they do aot know with what they do aot ear, aad earn their wage, regard lee alike of tb character of the )oaraal which em' ploy thaa aad of tho profoasiea whisk they dis honor. Boi'Ldino oa BotTLDnt On who kaaws" striae himself writes as that tbe Pstcrtbnrg district of Virginia waa never represented by a man by tb nam of BonUfisg," and therefor that th do-adaratloa of th young man now arraigned before th United State Cocaaweioaer as a fugiti that was the soa of a member of Uoagrx from that district, must falae. have ae mean aow, af determining whtht tho distriet I oorreeUy aassed, bat wo aav taken the troabU to asoertala that Virginia wa repress t- Can grass for tea (noeaasiv year by peraon of ta aaaa erBoaJdla from 1829 to 1833 by Thomas X. ooaidia, and from 1833 to 183B by James W.

era lrt earn xwawia. a nam ar pronoaaood th aaa, and aaa error oi apeuing wa ear, not th prisoner's. Th Jadg mm, part of whose indicia! oafadna ia tha caw ef Hadgia Wright, wa sated ye tarda, wa a groat fri of Mr. Jntoa', and aa tha day of th meeting of tha electors wba ehaa Mr. Jsflareon Preeidaat for a seooud term.

Jadra aawaldad at a diaae at which too toitowiag regalar least was drunk with verwkelmmg applaaaa i Ba crrasioa It at fraossai 1 Onoanaoa. The first distriet of thi county bold Us onvaatlaa far th okesttoa ef a delegate to the State CoavenUoa at Syracuse, at BaldwisaviUa, oa tho S7th Instant. David Monro, wa appoint Than haa beaaa deelino of tlfMJXO valtto tb good Imported thi month a compared with August, 1860; yet ia direct eoniraoieuoo we moms whleh Uaelf pabtlahe thi morning, th Courier and hqmirtr tatox, that thar 1 aa. lucraaae. Tb foDownag an the (totomoau, by which it will da be that, for tb tight month of th yaar new elapaed, there bat a flight inoreae ia th aaaeaat af good tohoa for ooanmptfoa, tt being Mly $100.000 ever tbe Irak right moata of 1890.

which balow what m'ght be eoaaidared a fair te- ereaae, when tab into ooadderatioa oar arogr tv pepalatloa aad wealth i miin er nav ooea btt cecwTioir, in uacT. 1M Uannfactore of Cotton too ore M18M rcaioo, 1819 Ita64 8 37T 88J44 Dry Good 7,537 1850 O4S0M (03.141 19 18c0. 181,48 lt.48 748 232 8T0U8 1 Ml 039 3l S8X7U ToUl. SM 8,047 9T 4 (Marl wiraoaawa raoit Waaaaecu ocaiao auta rxaioo. 1849.

aUaataetora of Wool. e(TI Cettcau. U9 7U1 8ilk. 301431 Flax 90 4TJ MlaeellaaeoaaDry It an Total withdraws. MV10 618 A Id eatarel for Conauaip- OOB B.033.(Va Total throwa apoamark't 9448,800 1S50 4U4I7 SQ1 480 140.787 4188 8,911 857,484 7 004 884 7,861 78 1UL S97.154 UlJi9 18189 8M 19 767 615,141 ,017 9T4 airoata aavaaaa raa WAaaaocuao Doaiao thi a) IBil 4V5.967 148 970 871 Ui 0807 88,893 Total 408,888 108,747 rareaTe or oar aeose rrsaxe roa camrwmaa IKS TBI BIOHT BOWTIH DIHO WITM aUOOIT.

1849. 1880. 1811. Manufacture of Wool. TSS0.878 1,14 838 10 872768 0.916.470 8 473 899 848 791 8tlk.

..10 98686 18838 39 1874 613 Flax 8.026 800 6 7r.6lt 488 Mle'. Drv Good. 1446 960 1.109.670 1 Total 30 43 414,510 witbduawb raoM waaiifOtrea aoaiaa th ai aanfaeture of Wool. 8Uk Flax. MiacaUaatoa Dry Oood.

Total. riaioo. 1849. 1,007.861 1,081.04 4,678 22(0 J8W 1,177,467 956,010 886748 97,086 1851 1,19 8671 1.130.186 BIO 015 4S4 699 380,688 4.18!l.x87 8 870160 4 047769 Aid eet'd for eonram'n. 630.078 43 414810 41 18169 Totai thrown anoa tha market .34,791,846 48,784.772 aaTtaiD raa waaiaectiaa ooaiao lin rxaioo.

afanafacturaaaf Wool. Cottoa. Bilk. Mlraellaaaooa Dry Oood. Total.

Primary Klectlona. At a meeting of the Democratic Republican Gen eral Committee, held at Tammany Hall on Thursday evening, tb 14th of August, 1851, it waa Raaolved. That the Democratic Resublleaa aire ton of the oity aad eouaty of Mew York, friendly to regular nominations aad tbe osaa-ea of the democratic naitv. be directed to assemble on Tuesday, the 3d of September me pujpoee of electing one delegtte from each Ataemblv District to the Democratic Reoubllean State Convention, to be beld at Syracuse, oa Wednesday, the 10th of September, 1861'. That tha election be by billot, and tha delegate aad their alternate be voted for directly, except in th dla-triets comprising more thn ons ward, and in tboss dia-triets selected by a Diatiiat Convention of Ave delegates, to be choeea from eaeh ward.

That tbe nolle be beld at tbe foUowlnr n'aees Diits. I let Ward. at Dennis tnuUin's, 110 Orenwich St. 1. 2d Ward, as Ward Committee thai! direct (3d Ward, as Ward Committee shall direct i 6th Ward, 6th Ward Hotel.

4 7 8... 10... 11.. 13.. IS 184.

1 0 1,04389 1,13241 80681 311,941 160. 1.871.100 1637.764 Btt.Ott 643.864 74 889 4lb Ward, Flame's, 27 James street 1851 1.681 .148 1.181JU7 482.961 368.688 8 730,713 4,803,23 ward, tbe Emblem, 88 West Broadway. Ward, 169 Madison street Ward, John Oreer'a, 846 Spring street Ward, Isaae B. Smith's. 90 Perry street Ward, 10th Ward Hotel, eor.

Broome and Forsyth. ard, aa Werd Committee shall direct. 1 11th Ward. Hope's, cor. 4th arenne and l'i6ih at 19th Ward, Geo.

Davis's, eor 8th av. and 59th st Ward, as Ward Committee shall direct. 14th Ward, 14th Ward Headquarters, corner of 1 Grand and KHiabeth. Ward, as Ward Committee shall direct. 16th Ward, 13th street, near 8th avenue, wrd Ludwlth'e.

eor. 8th av. and 81st St. 16 Uth Ward, Hermitage Hall, corner of lions ton and Allen. 16 18th Ward, aa directed by Ward Committee.

ft That the polls, except in the wards wherein the Ward Committee shall otherwise direct, be cpened at half-paat seven r. and eloeed at nine r.M,and ia eaae of any aeh enaBge or bonr, notlre thereof be given to the Secretary of this committee, at least three days before tbe day of election That three Inrpeetora of Eleotlon for each ward ba ap pointed by tbe Waid Committee, from the democratie lnipeetors ehoeea at the last xenaral eleetion and in default of auob appointment three daye before such elec tion, tbe inspector! mall be appointed by tbe ward delegates to this committee. Tnat tbe Twentieth Ward, at tbe time and niece el raeh primary eleetion, alro elect tbiee delegates to thia uearral Committee, and nve delegates to tne Young General Committee, and also elect a war a com mittee, to consist of fifteen members and that Wm. Tweed, Garrit Dvokman. and Peter Dnffr, members of this eoeratttea.

aat aa Inspectors of eleotion in aaid Twentieth Ward. Ma. J. D. Wxstcott desires to be informed npon whose authority th following remark was made yes terday In th Evening Pott "Th authorshlo of the Donaldson letter is attri buted to Westeott.who was, ico-, and who now does tbe politic oi tne xferaia." Th abov (tatement wa mad on our own au thority.

Common rumor yesterday attributed the letter ia question to Mr. Wertoott, and stated the fact that it wa so attributed a fact of which be mast be as well aware as wa are on our own Frrr Speech." The Editor of the Demo cratic Union," at Watertown, in commenting npon the idea that the Democratic State Convention must adopt the Compromise Platform," say a And what aro the Compromise measures 1 The Fufritive Slave Law, practical assumption of the debt of Texas to the amount of a eeizure oi the free territory ol JSew Mexico ana its conver sion into slave territory, an arrangement to letter trie discretion of future Congressmen in regard to the admission ot slave states and then, as compensation, we have the abolition of the slave trade at the Capital, and the admission of California, which it was nothing but gross faction and injustice to oppose. "All observing nen have enough of the ift of prophecy to foresee that when the convention shall sanction the compromise, including the abolition of the tn.l by jury, the assumption of state debts, and the con version of free soil to the use of slavery, and shall attempt to make these party measures, it will at once sever the democratic party. This crucifixion of the spirit of freedom and democracy will assu redly rend the vail ot the democratic party in twain. "If then, we cannot speak without uttering treason to the principles of liberty, and entailing such tatal consequences upon the party, there wilt be wisdom in silence, ana pernaps wisdom enough lor the emer gency." Railway Excursion.

Th several companies which own the railways between New York and Johnsbnry, near th Whit Mountains of New Hampshire, have mad arrangement to give th publio an excursion over their railway to the mountain at half th ordinary fare. The Vermont Valley Bail-road, from Brattleboroogh to Bellow Falls, has beea recently completed, and this opens a continued line of railway oommunioation from this city to Johns bnry. Th plan of an exeurslon haa been agreed upon, for th take of bringing into notice this direct and speedy method of reaching tho Switorland of America better entitled to that nam than th Harts district la to bo called the German Switser- land. The excursion takes place on tho 1st and 2d of September that is, on Monday and Tuesday next- leaving the station here at eight o'eloek in the morning, or three In the afternoon, of eaoh day. The re turn, we understand, will be whan the visitor i satis fied with th view of the White Mountain.

Birdsrtr Virws of Hava-ja, Niw York asd Nkw Orleans Visas of th cities here named have been published by A. Gaerber Sc of this eity, re presenting them a seen from a neighboring height, as to giro tho entire plan of tho streets, and th appearano of th surrounding country, with it waters. They ar tbe production of a Swiss artist. Joha Baehman, who ha executed them with great skill and beauty. The view of New York ia extremely aocurat, and that of Havana presents a very faithful picture of the eity with its iquares.

It pattot, its fine land-locked harbor, and Its neighboring oestles aad fortification. They ar very valuable aad useful, as giving a perfect idea of th (ituatien and general pleating appearance of these eitiet. Of th view of Now Orleans, we cannot apeak from personal kaow-ledge, but prosum it is of tb (am character with the other. Mr. Baehman Is angered on a oomnreheasiv view of Niagara Falls, executed in the same manner, whioh will be given to the public in about two months.

pablifhed ia thia eity, whleh ha last entered aaaa it Meoad volume, it Intended aa a monthly record of new publication, and aa advertising medium far bookseller, it ooatatn numerous friendly notice of books, a eatalogo. of book publiahed in tha United States for the month, specially distlnrulshinir those whleh ar published ia numbers, articles of Information Interesting to publishers, To thoe who desir to at on view what ta doing in th publishing Una, it will prove a ooavonieao. The pabliaher at H. Wilsoo, No. 40 Aaa (treet.

Tax Caxal CxxnriCATXx ia LoanaK. Th laaaeial article of the Loadoa 7iat of the 12th to Man eoauaent apon eemmeroial affair ia Nw York, says i Ta lava of al. 000. 000 af the eertitoeUs tor ea- larging the rle laal waa advertiaed Or tho lta. They are to bear latereat at 6 per aad will bo redeemable ia I.

Tho etate. however, not being responsible for them, aad tho onsUtationality of LTIrf to lH ii Placx roa ma Drto. invito aUantiaa to th followisg memorial which ha been addreoed by th Board of th Governor to the Boar of Health, hare a time left a for comment apon th re- I volting rtau ot taU which it aU forth Orncx or thi Boaxd or Gonuou Tat Alms llocss. Maw York, Aajr. 28, 1351.

4 7 tkt Board of Health oftk Citm Aew York: Th andeninied are dirMtad lv tba nmnm af th Alms Hou-t to eommonieato to th Board of health the preeent eonditioa of Potter' Field, and me txuiing tnuninent neseauty, ia relereaeo to tae publi Health, that meaaan ahoald oromcCv be ta- aea to avert th aril whleh othanrmt must inovitaory Repeated aDclleations hare been mad to the Com mon Council (with whom the power to provide a auit- aot cemetery exist,) by to uoventors witnoai ei- loet, ax a notice from time to urn given ol to eaovenisno and injury to th publi that would other- wiao result. I el no action on the aunieei aa sew id. Th viae aaeirned for th creaant eemetery is the southernmost point of KandaU'i island, within a hort distanoe of the batldinc a herein rorido th ehildrea who are nnder tho care of this department tney. and tho eraser aad adslta ooaaeeted with the taatt-totion, alao reaidaati, sow exoaeding 1,900 eoals. All th portion of th oemeiery avauaoio ana aeeeptiblo of as ha now been employed and i full, except only a (mall portion where the rock, wkich anbtenaaanaarw axiata ia all that bortioa of tha iaiaad, approaohea ao near the aarfac of the land, as taat ui eartn abov tne roes: i not oi somoiest dantb to enable the mtennent to be far oooach under ground to render th air free from th first of deoompocitioa, and to aeoare to th dead that decency and propriety ox banal which becoming ana respectful.

Tho fast that below th sarfae at rarions depths tho rock extend ia ovary direction, render it impossible for th decomposed inbitano to (ink into the ground, and therefor th effluvia rise above th eurfaee and charge th atmosphere. When tho aoaihern winds la summer prevail, the offensive atmosphere will extend to the building oa the bland, aad to those on the op posite snores at nanem ana momaeania. slestrioted thus a tha Department is, to this small and unsuitable piece of land, and th certainty now demonstrated, that ia a few days the scanty remnant most be quite fall at a season of the year, too, when th health of th Inmates of the buildings on tbe island and it neighborhood must be endangered by th oon-tinaatioa of interment therein, even till autumn and the certain prospect that without timely provision elsewhere, the dead, soon hereafter, must be without a place of burial, tb Governors deem it their duty to bring the subject to the attention of the Board of Health, and to invoke their examination of the circa mstaaoes. Tho Governors, not having th power to provide another eemetery, have no reaouroe left, unless it bo this appeal, until th next meeting of the Common Council. Humanity, a due regard for th living and a ssnse of proper respect for tb dead, they conceive demand that very effort in their power be made to remedy the existing and impending evil.

They therefore solicit respectfully yonr Immediate attention to tbe (object, and request that inch measures may be adopted without delay as shall be pro-par and necessary, aad are in your power to adopt. 8. Draper, President. V. R.

Tilloh, Secretary. Cbnorsbtp of the Press in Romc. A corre spondent of tbe Commercial, writing from Venice, A teacher, preparing a elasi-book for hi pupils, waa very desirous of introducing the great lentiment of AUacus, so beautifully represented by Sir William Jones. The censor corrected it bv erouine oat fif teen line of tho twenty, so that when published it tood thus What constitute a etate here seven lines omitted Men, high-minded men three line omitted.) Men who their dutiee know, But know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain, two lines omitted Theea constitate a atat three last lines omitted. "The wonder is.

that they permitted such a piece to bs published, even in a mutilated form. The same author prepared a liberal artiole on the growth and prospect of the United State, whioh experienced a similar rate. Illness of Jcdgi Woodburt. Extract of a to a gentleman of this city, dated Portsmouth, Thursday, Ang. 23, 1S51.

Hon. Levi Woodbury is very sick his friends here think his recovery doubtful. Hi bad gone on a visit to Newport, has been summoned borne. He has been an invalid for a year or more." Later from St. Dominoo.

Ws learn from Captain Allon, of the brig Kossuth, from Joremie, St Domingo, and also from Captain Kenney, of th schooner Salem, from Port an Prince, both of whom arrived this forenoon, that quiet prevailed at those place when they (ailed. Our Octsidr. The reader will find oa the first page, Poetry, Religious Intelligence, the THE EVENING POST: NEW YOIIK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1S51. bo beautifully don. Tha devises and iacoription oa it are thai deeorfbed by th Germantown v'OaUri2S sUita cos of arm of Peanry lra-aia; ea tae left Perm's treaty with the Isdiaas, oomprknng six igwree, representing thro white per.

soa aad threw lodiaa tb blvystoa eeospies tho ectreof theXaee of tho block, bearing a palm leaf and pea, with the seaiee of Jastiee above, entwisrd with drapery. Tb word ia handsome rawed block letters, turmoaau the whole, and the words Foooded 1631, by Deed of ar xqaisitely earvedat the bottom. 3 C1TT laTELaJGESCaC. Visit of Res Mm. Oa Thursday last, tlx Indians, from Mtnasota, Mopped ia this oity on their way to Washington.

They were received ia tho City Hall yesterday by tho temporary aujvr, um oiorgana, woo mowed them througa tne varioa eity department, ia th afternoon, at 4 o'clock. the left thia eitw for Son, where they intend presentiss; aoma claim to th President. Th following are their name i mmegahboah J. Johnson" Xnternretor i-esx-we-ke-sWg." Crossing tkv." Na-g-ne-)rh-bowh." Stand before Ka-pe-we-nint." Safe guide Meve-to-waub." Spirit Sea." Ala-si-na-kee." Breast." ATTBMPTKD MtJRDIR HI THK FOUXTW MTaRB. A woman earned Amborg, yesterday evening, oontmit- tep a violent assault on Mrs.

Maher, wife aaa gf th Ponrth Ward police officers, ia her owa reaW denoe. No S45 Water treet. It appear th injured woman waa ascending tho itaira when she was attacked bv the woman Amhare. who etaJituui k. i the neck, iefiicting a serious, and it is leered, fatal wonna.

ne eaasa oi tne assault is aliered to be re retire lor tne arrest other hnaband he Maher, by whom he waa taken into custody for an attempt to assault him (Msher) with an axe. She was oommiaieu sur examination. Firr in Mam xx Lahx. A fire broke out about evn o'clock yesterday rening, la th large font storv building. No.

11 Maiden lane, aacnnliwl its Measrs. Fellow, Van Arsdale Cooper, importer! of watches, jewelry, Acs. The premises were very much damaged by water, and about $10,000 worth of good destroyed. Tb lost is, however, covered by insurano. The fire originated in the attie among iwgv Mmj eeeii pacamg purposes, Emigrant ship DeuUohelwd, from Bro-men, with 269 emigrants, and the brig Molvina from Waterford, Ireland, with 76.

arrived at thia port yesterday. Total, 345. The following vessels arrived this forenoon with emigrant ship Julia Howard, from London, 225 (hip Andrea, from vrene, ia. xotai, (hu. Thr Oprra.

On Monday, the famous new prima donna, Rosa da Vries, will appear In Norma. Her renearsai nav proaaoea a great excitement In the musical world. Niblo's. This eveniDg, Mr. Mowatt repeat the character of Juliet, in which sh wm highly tno-eessful on Thursday last.

Miss Wallack personate Romeo. On Monday, tho second week of th Ra vels' Chinee pantomime ot him Ha. Thr Blosmrr Troupr. The oonoert of tho Bloomer Troupe promises to be quite popular. The programme to be found in another column is exceed' lngly rich and varied.

There waa Quite an exoite- ment on Broadway, to-day noon, on the occasion of toe wnoie troupe aligning from a carnage opposite Cook's Daguerreotype rooms, which they entered, and had a splendid pioturo taken. They were attired in tho full Bloomer dress, accompanied by M'llo. Kiti-james in a very rioh eostume of La Fillet dee Kteimtnt. The drease were all very elegant, and i ill worth the price of a ticket to tho oonoert, to uok at. TUB KUUITIVK SLAVIC CASE.

At the conclusion of Mr. Upton's tpeech yesterday, Mr. Culver nmed for a postponement of the ease to allow the eoaatal for the man Bolding, sufficient time for the production ef physiologists to testify to bis origin) or desceat. This waa otjeeted to by Mr. 'Wood, who aaid there had been too muoh quibbling about the matter already.

Tha defence, he contended, should first make affidavit that they had witnesses of this kind to produce, and also that asch witnesses were not ready to attend in court then. Mr. Upton waa in the act of preparing the required eS davit, when Mr. Wood signified his intention rf exaraln ing some witnesses for tbe claimant, to prove the African descent of the man. Mr.

Fenton, a shoemaker, living in Columbia, waa tha first witness. Hs testified that be bad lived among: negroes for bed manv cpportanitles of observing their distinctive qualities, that be did not tninx inere was any maian niooa ia notmng, and that be bad known tbe offapring of a white person and a mulatto to have atraiaht, loos hair be knew that he was not aa maian oeoauee ne nas a nai noes, wucn ia not a peculiar feature or tne muiaa. Johh B. Scott waa the next witness eworn. He de posed aa follows 1 reside in South Carolina 1 knew Joha Bolding also Baraatt a Anderson I have lived South Carolina ainee 1834 I am acquainted with the African race I am of opinion there is much of tbe negro blood in Joha I know It from his color, aad the ether distinctive marks of hia foatnrse I have kaowa a bov.

bora ot a black woman, to be whiter In color, and to have Association, the and Damb Annual Maeiinv I etrai enter hair. r- r. I Crest-ezaaitRti I think ha haa tome white or Indian ren'a Letter, and tha Marino List. On the fourth page Is the Weekly Commercial Summary, 4co. Tha Montreal Herald states, that Jenny Ltnd is to sing there in about a months Her agent I endeavoring to secure a suitable place for her concerts.

She is to (ing in Detroit about the firat of October. The citinni of Auburn have scoured th location of th proposed College for Female to that eity, by subscribing $20,000 toward Its establishment. The itorm of Saturday last was very (ever in the region of Charleston and Savannah, where it destroyed houses, vessel and tree, in large number. The American patent for Phillips's celebrated Fire Annihilator has been purchased by an association of eminent capitalists and business men In tbe United States. Hon.

Elisha Whittlesey, first Comptroller of the Treasury Department, ha been appointed President of the eompany. Over one million of dollar havo been invested in this great enterprits. Eight bales of cotton from Monrovia, and twenty bales from Natal, have been received In this oonntry, being the Erst shipments of th kind from Africa. Th soil and climate are said to be very favorable for cotton growing, and aome of the native ohiefa are beginning to cultivate it. The New School Presbyterian Synod of the Western Reserve, at its late meeting, passed a minute condemning the practice of dancing, and enjoining on church session to institute discipline whenever It occur among their members.

The Legislature of New Jersey passed a law at the last lession limiting the hour of labor in factorial to ten hoar a day but all th factories at Peterson, with th exception of two, disregard it altogether. Yet the owner are doubtless great (ticklers for the observation of the Fugitive Slavo law, on the ground that the law mast bo executed. C. H. Dinaldaon, says tho Telegraph from the South, is ooming from Texas, to this city, to (issue the call for tho meeting of tho Committee, whioh is to take place on tho first Monday in Jane, 1852.

This step Mr. Donaldson takes la consequence of the recent publication in Ike A'tui York Herald of certain confidential correspondence between members of the oommittee the copy of which was furnished to that paper by a member of tho Tammany General Committee without the knowledge of Mr. Greer or himself. The oommittee i now complete. Lewii Joselyn haa been appointed to take th place in Masaaohtuetts of Benjamin F.

Hallett, who, it is alleged, baa turned whig. Franoi Blair, take the place In Missouri of Samuel Treat, (Secessionist) removed. Th Lowell Courier announces that, during th approaching great fair in that eity, there i to be a trial of speed between each locomotives as may choose to engage tho race course to be a section of the Bosten and Lowell road, and entries of machines to be made from any portion of the state, or bsyoad. A race between iron horses with th (team up," we admit, would certainly bo a novel aad at tractive apeotaole but we should recommend the Life Insurance offices to look to their polioie. Among th anecdote detailed by Dr.

Bnshnsll in his sermon at Litchfield, Illustrative of th Age of Homespun, was this One of the aged divine of that scanty, still living, was married during the revolution, bat under singular difaoolties. There was an obstacle to tho wedding whioh seemed inmrmonn table. He had wedding coat, nor wa wool to be had to make one, as it waa in the dead of winter. Yet all partial were ready, and ha was anxious to bo married without delay. At last tha mother of th intended bride discovered the difficulty, and promptly had tome of her sheep shorn and tewed up in bUnkttt to keep them warm, while of th wool ah spun and wove a coat for her intended aen-in-law.

Madam D. bad a magnificent eat Mont. C. amused himself on day by killing it, for want of something else to (hoot. Mad.

D. eansed to bo aa' in her owa house, and in th house of her fries da, all sorts of moos trap aad when three or font hun dred mice were eaoght, sh had them pot into a box, which waa forward! to Madam da C. at bar country house. Tb lady eagerly opened the box herself, Tb. iu, T- I exp-wnuB iuis in Kuae new fames MS auo th bottom of the box was found a aot directed to Madam C.

Madam, your husband has killed my cat, I aend you my mice." Jeremiah Speer, of Peterson, N. advertise his wife Rachael, as having left hi bed and beard, and eautiocs people aot to harbor ot trust her oa hi account. Kaohael rjsrfr bia back again, Ia th following, which shows her spunk, at least Nonce. I saw in th erewaiaa aa advertisement signed Jeremiah (peer, forbidding aay oa harboring or trartiag ma oa bia aeecaat. I.

bis wire, aay he Barer aaa aaj aod or board for ms, aat ne newaeel with say tether, aad I aaid hia Board. A few BMnth age be was takea seek, whan hi aether earn with a hind ana aad waawa aad took bia away without ay kaewies er ay eeaeiaa.aa I aaid a ansae weaaw aaetoa-W eUl Whaa ha kxk tid him a ha got weaaad, esre i weald Bve wUh hia. jUmai. Ssaaa. Th PesAsytraaia Black for the National Wash tngtoa atonement haa beaa finished, aad to muoh aV mird.

It la of marble, six tectloa-. three feet wide. and foarteea inch thick, aad wa takea froaoMof ed almost aaaaiaaoasly, only two voting against him. bff dispute, English a Ma.teo.ur. Mr.

Maara Is kaow. th ftate as aaTZTZwaTaTl. I think hi hair so: Iadiaa eurltban tnat or tne negro. more of tbe A-Twaar. sworn I judge from my abssrvation and long experience among the negro race, that Bolding ia about two-thlrde negro hia hair ia straighter bow thaa I have eeen it ia Columbia.

CrMe-ezaau'ned -My observation teaches me that he Is two-thirds black there may be aoma white bleed In hia. Hsnav Steshs sworn I live la Columbia, 8. have lived there for thirteen years I aw well acquainted with the Afrleaa rae a far a I ean judge by observation Bolding ha blaex blood In him according to my indument. he may be part Indian. Creee-fxean'ned 1 tboald eaj he posseeM Afrleaa blood have ao doubt be may be part Iadiaa I taiak bis eyes resemble thoeeof an Indian his check bones do net raaembla thoee cf an Indian I ndiana have long, smooth, and soft hair 1 was born in 8t.

Lawieaee eouaty, New York. A number of other persons were sworn, whose testimony was near It the earn aa the preeadieg. home stated that tha fugitive might pieioly have eome Indian or white blood in his veins bat they were generally of the opinion that tbe aerks of the Afriean race were etrongly delineated in his hair, and every lineament ef hia fea tures. SaTuanav, Augurt 80. EiAMi-aTiow CenrmorD.

-Commissioner Nelson opened the eoart soon after tea tble morning. Mr. CnL Tar stated that he understood the claimant rested his case yesterday. They had, he said, called five witnesses to establish the relationship of master and slave, after whleh they again produced about ten witnesses, who attempted to prove that he was of Afrioan desceat. The man.

aaid Mr. CnWer. stand here as a person, a human being, and aa such is entitled to rights under the law of this state, and under tbe law of the United States. When tbe constitution was adopted thewoid person was uied instead ot slaves, and this word waa employed in the aot to prevent tbe importation of persons Now, "ebere it is conceded that Joha haa arms rights before the eommianiooer, we only sak that they be grant ed to him. If ne were arrested as a thief, it would be necessary to try him by a jury of men, and even in the of property belonging to himself, be can obtain enen property Deiore a jury, now muon greater is us difference between the liberty of a man and the ownership of property.

It haa not even keen satisfactorily moved that John made his escape. My aseoeiata coun sel and myself have come to the conclusion that we have not only a legal, tot a reaaonable defence. The teetimony of nine out of ten of the nesaea went to prove that there was other than African blood flowing in his vein. Tbese men were called experts, vet we find one of tbee to be a shoemaker, an other a wheelwright, and others belonging to other trades, and not lumuentiy acQuaiuiea witn me laws oi poyeioio-ov to decide apon a eate of this kiad. It is neceuary, as Judge 'looker sajs, that where there Is any white blood in the alleged slave, it is neoeaaary for hie clam ante to prove his parentage before poeerseion ean be admitted in due ooarse of law and ia the return of a man to whom a claim bas baen proved, ao violation of the peace need be feared, for altboagb the execution el tne law is detests hie to ui.

we are no law breakers At tne conclusion oi jr. quiver's remsru v. Airrea t. fost. witness for tie defence, was sworn and teeuuel aa follows 1 reside in New York I have seen the man John, and examined bim as he sat here the impression I would bave from examining him, ia that he is a half- blood Indian hia general pbyaiognomy appeare to be Indian, he has tb prominent cheek bene, the jJt black hair.theeve hiaeoroplexionlndieatesamixtnieof white Mood if 1 did not know that ha eame from a state where there wera African I should not think that he bad any Afriean blood in bim I did not see im before 1 eame Into this eourt room this morning.

Bar. Levi S. Waldo, swora Testified that he lived ia foughkeeptie 1 know the defendant, and have known him most of tha time that ha lived in reughxeepeie, which waa three or years he waa married by my. eelf 1 have bad opportunities of eeeing several Indian tribes my Impression on meeting bim in the streets, waa tbst ha was aa Indian it oeearred to me that he waa ao fiom hia featnre. Dr.

McCitkx Smith waa iworn, and testified that he lived in thia eity had made the science of physiology his study 1 think, judging frcm the science of ethnography, that he ia part white and part Indian, with very lltua of tha admixture of tb African. If any in th mix ture of racM. one parent uvea to tbe other the flashy or soft parts in tbe mulatto, if you find the skeleton of the CauoaniaB, yon will find the fleehy put African; la othar wcj tbe hair is curled: area If tbe hair wa atraiirht tha a sail would have the conformity of the white man where there is a mixture of the Caueaaian, the Indian aad the aegro, there most Be aome traeee or tne luur Juhn'a kj.too is pnre'v Indian 1 hold in my hand a work of Dr. Prichard's, entitled fbysieal Ke-nerrhre Into the History of Maxktad." pegs 331, ia which he aaye, speaking of the Indian, the forehead is low, the temples prelecting narrow above and falling very aneh back tbe back part ef John's head ia flat ana not prominent, ae it in tne negro. omiin produce, a 007, uu muiu Brftv.

who had tha nur.aci hair of a n-KTO. both mother and father were la eoart, tbe form aa Iadiaa and tne latter an African. Mr. Smith read from tb writings at Dr. Morton, a dintinguished American phytiologiat on the diatlnation of raaa.

I would mentioa that John's hair is straight, aad though curled a little does aot differ from tbe bair ot maay 1 see around me, who are undoubtedly Caacaarlaa. To a oueetioa from Mr. IVood. Dr. Smith reelUd that hia (Dr.

Smith's) mother was mulatto, and his father a deacaadant ef the Pari tact, a real Caaeaataa Heie a aaa waa produced ia court who waa an admix ture cf Indian and African, ana wne naa not tne inoiaa aeatorea so clearly developed aa tnoao oi sona. Ma. Fowls, the phrenologist, wts aext examined. He testified aa follows 1 raslde la this alty, my principal bnsluoa Is lecturing oa rnaaoeocy aad raetoiocy i aaae aa examiaanoa af Joha' head thia morning if I had been called to examine Bia head blindfold, I should ay, lodging from the shape of head and the hair, that there was ao Afriean blood ia him, Mr.Fowiar exhibited two senile, ea aa Indian and tbe other of an African that of tb Iadiaa. aaid be la biett, broad aad abort, prominent at th root of the Boss, retiring fonhitad, aad narrow par-tienlarly blab ea the crown of the head The skull of the Atriesa ia more aloe Rated from the ear backward the erowa ef the bead of the Afrtoaa la aot so hizbasthat of the Indian the prominent ooeiDUt la the aaiveraal tie of the Afriean, while tbe Indiana head la deficient la thi point Aa Africans aoee aever tarn bd aa John ia I have Bever aeaa the eaae where It did hi chin ia aot aa African ehin, hie eye ha ao character iebe ot tha Afrtoaa hie hair ia th earns aa that of tha war la my office a few daye ago Johns hair Is straight and not carted hia head ie thaped Uke tbe Iadiaa.

aa aot Use the Africa. If thar ia aay Africa, blood ia him, it la not aora than oae-tenth not acre I rhonld mj thaa two haaored dollars worth of the ariee aamaaded for ban I ahoald aay that there war ao mora Afrtoaa bleed la adevatae in a. ia air. lapwaya. i nav ataoiea pnreaotogy aaa BBysaaory Beany twenty years I Slav.

1. 8. Uaiaaiu. waa awora, aad testified aa let. lowe I rest da ia Waahingtoa City I have act saea Joha till tkie mcraiag.

but freaa aa evaalnarioa of hi head, aad ay aaowieaaa ef the ladiaaa, which ia vary ax- taastv, I ahoaia jadg hia a a aa Iadiaa 1 have kaowa a woaehaaa ta Waahirurtoa who ia so aaondiagty nee uua ail a ram, aoaa aaaaio aaaa tnea ia ae arotn are, aad a (ay be ia a half Iadiaa he ta alae brother ta a celebrated aoaaior I weald discredit aay "i wa. aa amas, from th appeeraaeeof hia lias. th OlrUaetioa batwee tha Afrleaa aad Iadiaa raeer Tnie tastianay waa ant material) OisTatwat freaa that ef Mr. Fewtn, axaapt ra par warn be tastiM to tha fop. east tea ef ha toes, abiah he aaid waa aa Use that of the Afdeaa.

Mr. Lreirv Bcauriea. Bvtaf ta thia any. waa rworm, aad tsstinedthat he lived ia this had aaaa maay triaaa af laaUaaa, aad weaad a ewee piaaoaaew saw ana Joha to ba aa Iadiaa he had a eeaaol la CeoaeatUat at one paried. wbea ese ef the eeaolara, aa tadiaa, died, and aa wa aa baa Joha that waa ha aot aoaviaaed af ha aaata ba woaid have saaeved Jeba waa IHerawa ara nhttaad.

aa aeMwat at the ate aeawto whleh the prsoseili war protiaeted, to alas oar x. 1 I I BARnrS AirFAlRJ. Saruaaer raa Baltic Catted states Mah. Leaner Bart Is, Ceptaia Ceeaatoek, tef aar wharf at Canal street, at twelve-o'clock to day, tor Liverpool. She took oat 884 003 la American gold, iH la EajllAh sO-var, and Hi a.

la English gold. News nostras 'Wsrr Iaoiaa. The Brttkh (tsaaa atrlia.Captala laayeoa, froa St. Thomas, Barmnda. aad ether West lada lataads, may heexpeetad to ar rive at Jaaey Ctty, ta tea soars at to-day.

Raws raeat Ecaera. Th United States Mall Steamer AUaatie, Captala freaa Liverpool fa- New York oa the Both, eat aay be expeated ta-aerrow. 8 air EiLas Houtxs. Wi ara IJfaaed by a telegraphic despatch ta Wa. else tn that the socket ahlp Silas Holaea, froa Kew Yak, arrived at the Bali as, Now Or laaaa, oa the 90th laataat.

Tan Wiu Piorov. This parlor (Upper ahlp, ret the pwrpoee ot eopperisg. will be raised npon th Sectional Deck, at the foot of Tike street, East River, oa Monday BXt, Laoicb er the Stxab Fcltow. The ateema al- toa wa launched thia Boralag, froa the Navy Yard, at twenty -six minute past eiva o'elocx. There waa large number of spectator present, who sent ap three load enter a eh glided a'jestieslly to the water.

She was formerly a steam battery, but after many unsuccessful experiment wa thrown and as a failure. Aboat foar aeoalha ago ah waa takes into the yard where she ha beea remodelled to a (par-deck and considerably lightened th two en gine sh formerly bad have beea takea oat, cad a tin gle inclined engine ef about 260 horse power put la It eyliader are Be Inches la disaster aad 10 feet stroke. Sh draws feet 8 Inch of water forward aad 0 feet 8 laeha aft. Sh will aow mount one pivot gun toward and two email oaa oa eaeh aid. Her boiler will be shipped la a few day.

Lacaca or raa Noareut Pacsst A beautifully mod-eled aad finished schooner of four hundred tons burden' called the Norfolk Packet, wss launched at East Baddam, Conn, oa tha 83d Instant, bom the yard of Measra. Oood- speed. Ska la owned by Messrs. Jam Heater Co and Capt. Bedell of this eity, aad Measra Ooodipeeda, Eut Haddam, and Intended for tbe New York and Norfolk trade, la Jama Bedell, aad Mean.

8 1 urges, Clearman a Co' lis, and will be commanded by Capt. James Bedell The Norfolk Packet arrived at this port yesterday. Tut Currsa Snir Chablxs HcHicavsea, abent eleven hundred ton burden, wa laaaehed at Keane-b ark port, on the 97th from ths yard of Messrs D. T. Ward.

She ia owned by Geo. C. Lord fc of Bolton, Capt. Wm. lord, Jr O.

fc J. Lord, F. Molntyre. Capt. Wm.

Williams, and Capt. N. Nassn, of Kanne-bunkport. Capt. Nasoa will eommsnd her.

Ta CLirrca Smr Joan Bdtlhmj, built by Mr. J. J. Abrahams, at Baltimore, was launched thla morning. She ia IT feet lotg, ST feet beam, 93 depth of hold, and ling tons burden.

Eh I th largest mercbentahlp ever built in Baltimore, and ha beea constructed on a medium model, whleh Is ealeulated to combine both freighting and saillcg qualities. She Is owned by the Mean. Ravenels, of Charleston, 8. and Capt. E.

C. Waaber- sis, who is to commend her, aad ha superintended ha eonetraetloB throughout. A schooner called th L. Snow, wa launched at Eatex, on tha 1 1th Instant, from the yard of Mr. Aastla Sterty.

Sh I owned by Captala Snow, aad la-tended tor tha coasting bosioa between Harwich and Hartford. A steamboat of SCO tone burden, wis laaaehed at BaL timsre oa the 27th i net tbe yard of Mean. Browa fc Co. Eh was built for a company of gentlemen la Savannah, Georgia, aad derlgned raa a a regular paa-aenger and freight boat on the Savannah river. Her n-glne are la progre at th atablUhnunt of Mr.

C. Reedcr, Jr. Ctpt. Wm. M.

Tylor la to bar command of th boat when completed. A brig of oa bnndred and eighty ton burden, wa launched at Eut Machtaa oa the 36: instant, from tbe yard ef fc J. Talbot fc Co. She will be commended bv Capt. Frederick Email, of Macklaa- pert.

NawSvaaMBBBvoaTBsBiO Birely Eon, of Kensington, rhllad are banding two small steamboats for Mr. Dlehl, intended for arvie on th Rio Grande. They ar 00 aad 100 feet long, aad are put together apon a lot in Palmer etreet, above Queen, the Intention being to take the timbers and frame apart for shipment. 1 hey are to be aide-wheel boats, aad to be furniahtd with engina building by Mean. P.

Morris Co. BUSINESS NOTICES. National TasAVsa. Mr. Rise, the greet orfglaal dellnator of th nprro eharaeter.

takea bai benefit at thta bona te-aight, and hope to Me bie f'leode tura out en ana give aim a Damper, me oiu nmn three fin pieea, vi Otello," 1 Decree of Crime" aad "lavaeloa of oaoa." ui moaoay win do orongnt oat ia great mignificence. the new Neopelltaa rpeetao! tueea Joanaa," wmea nu oeen so wag ia preparavioM. Wsaaina ArrABSL. Genteel draa is a matter of prime Importance to every one who wishe to sastain a re-epectab'e pcsttlOB In society aad aa economy la ao lea a consideration with a majority of perrons, Boom fc Posts a make ne excoa tor ealliag the attention of the public to their superb stock of Clothing, at 17 Court land street. Their good are manufactured of the very bat material tha market agorda, ehoeen by aa experienced parehsser, and are made ap la a atyla that challanga competition with New Yah or Pari and when, ia addi- tkB, they all th bat Clothing at a prto far below the ordinary custom cnarga, they flatter thamselva that a discerning public will readily appreciate the advantaga which they offer.

The latest fashions and nwat good are alwayito be found at their atabllshment, and strict attention is gives to ths retail trad. In a word, they pledge them. elva to giv fatisfactlon, both In the article sold, and th price, to all whe may favor them with a Or. Blake's Aroxaaue Bitters. ItrP- NOW VMAT TBI V1IS WSATBBB OpOB OS, With its attendant bowel complaints and dysentery, it ia la-portent to bave in readinea a medicine that will check tbemon their first appearance.

Maay a valuable life might bave ban laved if timely attention had been paid to the first symptoms of thea disorders. No medicine Is better calculated tor is rporstnaa ur. niase-a Aromatic sitter. While they eradicate disease from tb system, they also strengthen aad invigorate tbe con ti- tntioa, ana enable tne patient to raiex mora enecxaauy in rutare au morula lnnueaee. i ney are aus vaiaant Lb billteu and other disorder arising from derange ment of thedlrgative organ.

Nnmeroa testimonials of highly respectable person wne have proved th vir-tna of this medicine, oaa be ana oa application at the Doctor offloe. For sale, wholesal aad retail, at lis ill vie ion street, Stata THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. la tar 'a Balaam of Wild Cxterry, was Introduced in th year 1888, and hu been well tea- tea in ad th ermpialuta lor wmen it la racommended or an year it has proved more rmeaeioua aa a remedy for eouzhs, colds, Loflaenss, bronenltx. asthma aad eon- sumption, in It Incipient tga, than any other medl eine. What time catabliaha and consecrate, what experi ence adopt and confirms what all men In all place unit In earing Is goo and valuable, ie ao, no doubt.

A popularity of thla oit nxe in society lis roots dap and trong, that time eannot dee troy it. Tbe raeeea which ha attended this medicine for eeveral yean past, bas overcome tb nrriudioM of all respectable men. and tbe artiole hu takea a stand among the first elaa of dlnoveria and blealngs of tbe sg aad when raorted to in seaeoo, erradleata the diasa for which rt I (From the Baton Evening Traveller.) It ia verbena but aa act of luetic to tv Broprwtor of Wlttar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry for as to ay that ear personal experience la the uso of this artid. baa impreee- ea ni mat favorabl. one ei tne propneton ot tbe Traveller was entirely cured of a aver eouzh of four months continuance, by tbe use of this Balaam and several of oar friend and who have tried tne article, bay found It or great servic in rellenog them' of vr eougba and ahortaea of breathing, with which they had beea afflicted.

none geaaine nnleamgnea i. sunintM wrap rnee one dollar a botue, nx nottia ror nv aouara Prepare and eold. Wholesale aad Retail, by Both W. Fowl, 138 WahlngtoB etreet. Boeton, Ma.

Foralby A. B. fc D. fiaad, 100 Faltoa, corner of William by Wm. Burgee, 84 Courtland by Ilavt-Uad.

Koto fc Maidea Ua by Roahtoa, Clark fc 10 Ator Hoaaa, aad 378 Irvtcg Hcuso, Broadway. New Yak. aad by 1 rag-gats geaaraUy evarywbera. O30 Hew leveeteSWlgi. Batehelor now Inveatod Wig aad saalpe.

mad of the taat natural earl hair, aad adapted ia tbe most mm Bxanaer to thepeenliarrtylo of eaeh individual. They ary entirely a new inventioa. doing away with all tbe vexa, ticna dialeultia so long experienced by thoee who wear- lga. Tbe pablie are tavrtea to inepeox a largeana well eeiected etock, containing ovo-ry variety of aad eel or they will tfaea be able to judge ef the lent. WM.

BATCHELOR. inventor and oxtty mannfactora (eld No. 8) Wall street, aar Broadway. Blest, Haadacke an Oeaeral Debility. Th celebrated Oxygenated Bitters are worthy the at- teatioa of aB whe ar with thea tiouUaeaia aay othar ymptoma ariatag from a weak ened aad deranged aUte of the digtrr systeav Prtes ft pa hottla.

For Bale by A. B. fc D. SaxuU, 100 Faltoa straac, A L. Seovlll Co 810, aad C.

H. Ring, IPS Broadway, aad by he druggarts gaasrally throoxboat the aiLed Stata aad Canada. 0(7- 8a ajasaaa) stroet. Bast Makere' Unloa Aseo-lattea. Boats, Shoes, aad Gaiter at retail, for whole- eale prlea.

Tba Sweats; fwat la Baatoa. Raeideat i of Boetoa aad vicinity, will And a constant supply af the Evening Poet, at Mr. George W. Light's Publishing Rooma, 8 CornbUL Th Dafly wUl be delivered regularly ia Boetoa by th Express, th moraing after It publlca-Uoa. .1 UuMi Hit MontHnM a I aaax.

a. ax.ta, a tne arm ot wow tw a 1 itWBsxiOritpmATW BBlffWI- JOHN KEESE, ExrsaaiTB Ssxa or Rica aaa Ei-buahv Booaa, Kxw Faxsw Sveea. SHERIFF'S SALE. flry- LYMAN RAWDON will aen oa Friday, Satur day and Monday Eveataga, Aag. 88th, SOth aad Sept.

la, at bolt past o'clock at tbatr Bala room, XT7 aad XT Broadway, eoraar of White feet A Vay Large aad Exeadl.gly Valuabw CeOaetloa of Clatce Staadard aad Mwiianaaarwai Beekx, aaebiadiag. Alee, aa exteay alva aad elagaat aaaartwat ef Statioaary, haiag th ea- aaaaMkeakana i -Cajakwa are aow psady mi th alei tcaa, BOOK mTICES. C. P. IUtxtjnja Will Paatsliaef 1 tbbi aar.

THE oriXBOOD OF gHAKSTTAmXI HtmOIXtt. av aiaav cewaaa Aathor eg The Coaeardaa to Bhilisiaio' "AST Till OPHtUA with aa Eagravfatg af i lata era. rriee to oeat. TBE FlaaTT OewpriBlag the first fire parte af tha work, with ara ugrevfasg ea Steal. Ua Cloth, 1 St.

Mr. Cow Aaa Clatha, whoa' CbuHbm eg Saaks-aaare show eaeh a eatery of taw Wtteeof the aaa1 eriaeev bar apprartattow or taatr eptrtt to a artel of Setioaa eatitled Tb CHrlhocd ef Shakspsar' Herat a' "-Dishes' Heawbeld Narrative. rf aaaav ataaav SWALLOW BAB.W. By J. P.

Kaaaecy. XevsMd adV-tioa, with large aJdlUoas aad Uaetrated. ALB AX a tale af Ue New World. By the aathor ef Lady Ane.n 1 vet. lxaw.

eteth. BAND-BOOK OF LTTERATDKE AND THE FlrTE AKTS. By Oeuge BJptey, Eat, aad Bayard Taylor BAUD-BOOK OF BIOOAAPIY. By Park Oodwra, Esq. 1 vd.

BAND-BOOK Of THE CJEFCL AB.TS, fc--By Dr. ABtaMH. 8 VOL Records of a Gtl IMam's Ufe. STANFORD fc SWORDS Have Just PnbUshad a New aaa Improved Edlttea ef THE RECORDS OF A GOOD MAN'S LIFE, By C. B.

Tavtoa, M. "Thaakfalaaa," "LeSy Mwrim, or rai oa vaL elotb Tte. fce, HOTICIB ae I Thle ie ladead a gtaitea owe that eaaaot be read without ae much profit aataasar by all whs teet aa iatereet la th Ufa of a good eoaatry parscau" Banaer of the Craas. Aa eUgaat oadared to maay a heart by thoaaaad eharaa of etrte earn lai eat aad pkxu awdite- Cbnrshmaa. Recently Pubiirhad by 8.

SCENES IN OUR PARISH," To whleh la prefixed a Maaaotr of the Aathor, by a Country ansa's daagbtar. One vol. thick largo tya 81. A large Stock of Tbeologioal WisoeUaaeoaa aad era-Bile Books eoaatantly oa band, aad fa aale at the lowest prioee by aB80 STANFORD fc SWORDS, 187 Broadway. Companicn to tha Beveria of a Baehowr.

Reveries of an Old Maid. Embracing Important Hints to Young Msa. Splendidly illustrated with 48 Engravings, and aa illuminated oovcr. Price, 80 eenta. Daaa Nature (wean the lovely dear nee ererj wots earpaa, Ba 'praatlee haa' she tried oa aaa, Aad thea fhe saade the leasee.

AO lover ef genuine fun, who relih a good hearty laugh, whioh help digestion aad driva away the bia, boold have a eery of thi au-tb-prwoaiag book. Wa apeeialiy roeommeed It to all Old Maid aad Old Baehalor, Young Me. and Maideaa, aa eoateiBlag matter aariicalariy taterastiag totbea. 1b Preaa. aad will be ready ia a tew days, GLANCEa AT k-UROPE.

By Heaaca GassLsr. Thia work la aada tb. sapervtsioa ot Mr Oraaley and is to be broaght oat as boob as prlaten aad steam preaa will let as. TOE GAME COCK OF THE WILDERNESS, DAN MARBLE. A Biographies! Sketch of that famous and divortlag Humor lit, with Reminiaeeneea, Comlealitia, Anecdoteo, By FelCOBBBIOOB.

Price eeata. MATILDA MONTGOMERY aaeqnel to Waooulta. By Majob Firaaaaeoa. Price 80 oena. THE HIDING DRESS.

By lui. Dcwae. of Monte Criato. fca. Translated by Fay Roblneoa, Pria 18 Mate.

DEWITT DAVENPORT, euTO Tribune Buiidlnre. Naataa rt Samuel 8. nilliam Wood, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, AND 8TATIONERS, 901 Psabl Svaaav, Have for sale a vary largo aMortaeat of School, Claaai-oal. Medical, aad MiMMUaaeoaa Book. Aeeonnt Books, WriUng aad Letter Papa, Guba, fca whioh they offer at very low prlea, for eash or approved credit.

Country Merchants are invited to sail and examine the stock, prlea, fce. CatalogoM may he had on application. anM Phrenological Cabinet, CLINTON HALL, 181 NASSAU STREET, N. Contains Boat aad Cut from th heeds of the most die- ticgulehed men that ever lived also Skulls, bumsa aad animal, frcm all quarters of th globe including Egyp tian Mummies, First Robbers, Marderers aad Thieves alM numerous Paintings aad Drawings of celebrated la-divtdaale, living and dead aad la always free to van tor. PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS, With written and verbal deeerlpttona of eharaeter, gives wbea deeired.

In eluding direetieas as to the stoat suitable oeenpatioBS, the selection of partaera la baalaeea, aow- genial coapaaloa for Ufa, etc all of whleh wUl be foand highly awfal and iatereetiog. These mental portrait ar becoming alacet a warn on aad IndHpenaabl aa a dtgoorreotype of the oata man, whUe, aa a guide to (elf-lmprovemeot and saeeea In life, they are nrvaLOABL. Strangaaad ClUaeaawill find th rhreaological Ma-Maa aa agreeable place to visit, a It eoatalaa many rare onrlosttkM. Phreaalogieal Exaalnationa, with Charts, will be made at all hours, wbea desired. Writ- tea Ceeerlpuona of eharaeter promptly prepared.

Oar oSoe 1 la Cliaton HaII, 131 Naaeaa etreet, near City HaU Park. FOWLER fc WELLS, FhrenokglsU and Publisher. au27 St Ifew Hooks In Press. THE LADIES OF THE COVENANT. Memoirs of ditingaishd Scottish Femal Character, eaxhraeias BOOK NOTICES.

If ew Wrlu IeoaveaUe tcctairoj. APPLETOX fc CO, Broadway. Arc hi' GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE APPLIED TO MODERN RESIDENCES. Ceataaa Doatawa Oar Bteira, aad Pasta, Wladow Fraaaaa aad Faa raawalag. tao)aa aad labot aeasiffags aa aaaraa aaalo tkaa af Chiaraoy Braaeas aad If aaa set; tsraaateg ef Ceattac, with taw The what Blawtratid with Waklag aad Drawtoge, aad toraUagaSthe rypaataef a aa- taatralai By IX H.

Aaawr, Arefcttea ft VL 4ta 84 THE ARCHrrrCTURX OF rOCWTRY Borjecs. Iseleciti Daalga Oar lattagas. Para Baaaaa, aad Ytisae with rim, ikeoa Iwteriera. FanHa'a. aad the host I ef Warmtae aad Wish Tawaa Bai aai Twwaty Uaatrataaa.

By A J. Oowwraa, aathae a wr. ar Lartega 1liua," It lata aboat Baildlag. fc Sva St. D.

A. fc Ce have aat lei parted aad Sr at a greatly taBeod artea, the aw ealarred edrtioa AH ENCVCLorDlA OP ARCHiTCCTCRE: Bav tarieal, Tkeorotieal aad PraeliaaL wHk asare thaa lo ill raiwae. 1 rat, lata. lea. ef 1804 mm PrknBl.

Cbarles Seribner, munn ram aav, THE EPOCH OF CREATION. THE SCRIPTURE DOCTRINE CONTRASTED WITH THE GEOLOGICAL THEORY. By Eh Lord with aa latredaetem by Rev. Richard W. Deekia- aoa.D.

D. lvoLUaa. Thai weak a wholly eeewated with the ejwarttea wheaha or aa tae Earth wa created at the aaa tia with aaa at aa earlier period Ta first three ehaptere ara do. voted tho Soriatar taaUBaoey aasriag aa Ui K)t Tbe rraalaiag obaators fhow that tha Oaaaaete Th of the earth's aaUueity la nateaahU that the facte ef i aecsogy a. box a.taia It that tber aevarwaaead aaearmoa.

table physical dlffieaU lee lavoived la a. fc. Theehaotere ea laarbveioal difltealttea iia.iw ette Tbeory-oa Hagh Miterl Thaary oaacaratag the aveaarUew ef Braia to th SHaal ear la the Aetata! ef aa im ii ve uiaiiua. ana oa tne vmtoa tb th ItlASOX etc LAW, rvsuaaia aaa joaBxaa or Books and Stationery, PARE ROW, (Opposite tke Aster Hoaaej Nsw Tesx, Offr to the trade a faB aaoitaewt of School, Collage osteal, Medical, Theological and Uieeeueaeow Books alao, Blank Books, Paper aad Stationery giaaraTly, at a lew prioee as aay bona la the ooantry. aalS ap SILKS SILiItIS JLalat Importation 1 1 BO WEI McNAMEE, 112 114 Broad way, ft inPOBTEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS in FBEXCIf, GEnJI4, ITALIAN AHD EX GL.ISU Silk and Fancy Goods, OFFER FOR SACK THEIR NKW STOCK FOR THE FALL TKtDit, eemprMog, la avary deaartaveaLthoNEWUT aad RICHkST HTfLkJI, aad UNURPA8ED la TARIETY aad EXTENT by aay umiw wmaiiaw ia xao xwaaxry.

No aala have beea seared to reader tha AaeeVtiaaat irpoarlhlo.MORE ATTTR ACTIVE THAN I VKR. aad worthy I bo xaeteoUoa ef EVERY hlEaXHANT VxatUag aaaawi askj. Th eeveral Departaveata are a rottowi: DRESS SILKS. CONSISTINOOFTHE RICHEST AND MOST MAO-Blfieent etyUe ef Peri Pmbreidered aad Brocade Patrice ever by aa exhibited, and coasted ta the bat Cltv aad Towa Trade. Also rich Peaaadaar (Hike.

txahraiA Sattae, Arse area. Ore da Africa. atl. as Chtaea. Maaa.

Camel co Rich Flgared aad Watered Metre Aatieae Silks, ae fce ell of tbe very LATEST dceigaa. PRL1TED GOODS. RICH PARIS MUSLIM DE LAINE8 AND CASH-asera priated la TPVELTE ooiore. rrioted eatlro'y New Style, a tared exprasty for tb bat CHv Retail Trade. Ao, axtra rich rtaid aad rigaradMaalia ae LaiaoLhe.

A tea, a aeaplrte aanrtneBt af Aatarxeaa Mnstia Ltaes aad Cabaora, aew dealga, at Iowa prlea thaa mwwK bvxbtw mat SIIAWES. THI0 DEPARTMENT, WITH AMPLE ROOM FOR diaplay. embraoa all th ascot popalar at 7 lee of Aateri- oaa Lxmg fcaawta. a lea. the aeweet aad rlebea pat tar as ot Scotch Long fhawla, real Tartaa Plaids." aaaa.faa-tarod rxpreaaly far aad wr.rtby tb ataattea at th Beat Trade.

Also. rl-h Eabrolderad Caatea Crap Sbawla, I reach Pain Thibet, ashmen, Flgared Merino, fca. RIBBO.IS. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. CONSTSTINQ OF Rick Tartaa Plaid, broeadeeed (fared ia all wldtha aad tylee.

Also, Cap Ribbon. Bert Ribboa, alaia Satia aad TaffeU Ribboa, Fancy TrtasauBg sUbboaa, Ribboa-ties, Scarta, fca. STUFF GOODS. PLAIN BLACE AND COLORED ALPACAS, RICH Flgared Merino Plain. Daaaek.

Broeada aad Flgarod Poplina SI ill Baye Loctra aiuagariaa Cloth Firarad aadPlaia Mohair; Lyoaeaoaad Thibet Cloth; Plaia Froaeh Meriao aad i.akaeia alaa, a great variety ef Plaid ateS Oood, aww stila. HOSIERY. THIS DEPARTMENT, TO WHICH SPECIAL AT- th period of tbe Covenast and the Peraoeatiea. By the I tentioa te iavited. ba beea aach wlarged.

aew a.ea- Rsv. Jama Aadenoa. 1 vol 12ao. Neariy ready I iif x' embraoa a vay extensive Stock, 1 MEN AND wnvrv Eg'b and Geraaa HosWry, froa the saost eel.bra- Hooaaye. S.

PHILOSOPHERS AND ACTRESSES, by th aaae aathor. 4. THE ILLUSIONS OF SUPERNATURALISM. A Seqoel to th Night 8ld of Nator. By Catheriae Crow.

A NARRATITES OF SORCERY AND MAGIC, froa tbe mat authentic tonrees. By Thoaes Wright, 8. CHARACTETS IN THE GOSTELS, aa llrastrating Fhaea of Character at th promt time. By Rev. E.


By Charla EnlghL J. 8. RED FIELD, ao88 Cllntoa Hall. A New IfoTcl This Day Published, RALPH RUTHERFORD, a aauricsb talx. By Sir Admiral FUber, aathor of The Petrel," ke.

Pria 88 eoBts. WOTICX, or VMS BBOLMH rBSSS. We have no Ion a at the Mm. Beaeeait. ta nmi lr and by Druggists generally throaghoat the United ''gMia.

nor be eleep of I ooper, a new I aanlranx naa rh.l. i i -rr-. pm'w woo bma tbe xc.llncla of bath, and add thereto a freb. Boa of laeident and atyl whleh Imbaa hi tab with vivid latorat.

Tbe So StorUe of Sir Admiral taker arejbeyond qaatloa, the bat of tho day. Moraiag Aa a writer ot Nautical Remaaee, Sir Admiral Flahtr ha achieved an enviable reputation and th present work vtndleatea hi claims to even higher merit. (Loadoa News. ThU la truly ao astonishing book, aad rwriva ear ta-tenet la th Romance of tbe Oeeea, whleh, daee the decadence of Marry at aod Cooper, had falloa late the hand of Ignorant botches. Sir Admiral Fisbw ha reef freeh glory oa thia branch of popalar lit rat era, aad xt winning lmperiahabie reaowa aa a writer.

(Loadoa Tiaxa. A dashing Saa Story, whleh earrtea wa aloag seat felt gh I fully with a freeh breexe and a Sowiag ehnt." -L'alted Serviee Gaaotte. H. LONG fc BROTHER, No 48 Aaa et. flew Law Books.

VoL i Edwards' Chaoeery Reports, Naw York. Vol. 8 Bedford' do do do. Tel. 8 Barboar' do do do.

VoL Barboar 's Supreme Court Reports, New Yak. ox saaaroraa Baptlor do do do. VoL 10 Iredell's Law Reports, North Carolina. ox. ox cngima i atn.

tieporta. MB Vols. IS aad It Pennsylvania Rennrta. he n.t. Watermaa'a Ttmm oa the dotaa of Joattea ef the Pace, aader the Rcvxwd Coda.

Meaelfe Practice da do. Benedict's America. Admiralty Practice. DmbW Medieal JariapradeBM. Aaa Imb Chaaeorv Dleaet.

a wd, t. we Wstaraaa. Em of tbe N.w York Bar 1881. Ta above, with a geaaral axoortaaeat af Law Books fc aale by BANKS, GOULD fc Law BMkaaxters, lylk No. 144 Naaa araat.

Tbe Cottage and Farm Bee Keeper. Or, Surgxetioa for the Pree ileal Maaageasewt of Asa- tear Cottage aad Farm Aptaertea, aa SelaaUfte with aa Appeadix of Notes, ehieSy tnwstrativa. By a Country Carate. With lllustretlons Prla 80 eeata. That day pablUhed, by C.

SAXTON, Agricultural Book PablUher, Its Faltoa at. Akw, ELEMENTS OF AGRICULTURE lbs the wm of Primary aad Eeeoadary SoaooU By J. Beats, ef France, M. R. C.

S.ef Niaey aad Aarilllfte aad A. I. Cherlea De Boville, P. R. E.

ia the raaa School, aad M. A. 8. of Kaaey, ke. Apsrovad aad miawmi.lid by tke Govwnaaatal CoancB of tke Eepartaeeat af Miaillie Translated aad adapted te the bm of the Rural Primary Feboeleof tbeUaitel Stata af Axaanea.

PrlMttreat. By F. O. SklBBer. New Yak, M.

Saxtom, AgrlaaKa. ral Book PabliAbar, 1U Pa'toa at. 1L Thla la a xaea needeatly arvaaejeS aad aeef.1 nttto work, aad roeoameaded ae a Beak Ice every boy Ib tbe aoaa try Its title very deSaltoly iadi-eatee It character, aad It before tke pablio with tbe best teetiaosiele af rt vaia froa tha higneat aoar-eee It I a work that we aope to aee lBtnacd tau erwry faiie'l1 fsmflyaad every district ckoot ta the a.ry. is eoxa as tae mvw pnoo a a aoaie, aad saay be tile tm any Bert ef the Uaioa. (Farmer aa mZ

rtT DfcW If ew liooat for Traverires, Cox's Coapaaxea te the Sea Medietae Caaat. aad Coas. pendiamof Da Mdatae. ParttetuartyalaaA4sr Captelaa ef Merebeate' vaiil, Mlaaiewastes aad Gate. aiea p'-1 'vf tirlel.i 1, are added air ea lea far lartertng 1ib tmettea Uaaeexkodof ekvtettaf the eSaeta -f inkuiajix alara rlptkia ef the rrsaraaat af xrartwra aad f--is aad a eoaotes anoaat of Aatatte teed, aad aaatdaaMy awaraad.

stkba via, Master af taa ateyal Calr af Swriaswa, aerated (ea af the axaat Baxdaaajt Phyatema aad Senweeae ef tkeday. Fkat Aaarteaa, tram the thato-thied lavaa. 'aat pfhUihad rj S. I. W.

WOOD, MrteUad, ted aaaafaetarere, adapted te tke host City aai Interior Trade. LACES, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN LACES, Faaey Note, kc of ovary daeerlptloa. WHITE GOODS. LINENS, LAWNS, CAMBRICS, MULLS. CHETES, Strip, Plaia aad Figartd Swlae Uooda, C'artaia MaaUns, Linea Cambrics, fc.

GLOVES. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S WHITE, BLACE AND Colored the very bat quality, froa th Boat celebrated French aaaalaatarara, e. dered aad imported expreewy fa ear owa trade. Also, WIDE AND NARROW TE1.TET9. lOVI AZIVVa oiiaa.

rooaa naaaxereaiem, woaa etaanel. Rati. Vatiage, Uroea Barega, Itaiiaa aad Aaerfeaa Sowing Silk, Crapee, Gentlemen's Oavata, Drea Trimaiag. Oil 8 ilka. Engliab aad Froaeh Oiaghama, i reach friata, Table aad Plane Covere, fca fc.

Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RICH GOODS FOR Evening Drosses, of varioa fabria aad latest ay iee. aalODkW T. Stewart Or WILL OPEN THEIR HEW STOItE ON MONDAY, THE Sra OF SEPTEMBER NEXT. wbea they wid offer fa rale a naw and oUgaat Stock of DRESS aad FANCY GOODS, ba ported erpreaiy lor tho oeeaaioa, to which they rpeetfuHy ean tha at- teatioB of their frteade aad the pablie. Baoaowar, Cbambsbs aaa Raaaa avaarra.

August ff, 184L awl tSTap HEM OVA 1. Holmes Or Co. TTAVK raaovod froa No 80 8 road war. te their NEW AA 8TORE.No the Uwk above Feartk etreot, waara xaoy invite ib attoatioa ef laetr mae aad aar- caaeerexo xneir (XMa ntw or xao all i xnuL, aoapranng a ran aeeortaeat af DRY GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, with a variety ef aew aad faUoaabte etytes of RICH VBLBSX UUUUS, SIIAWLS.Bt. Abo, MOURNING GOODS.

BoabaalBa, frapa. Black De, silka, rich One wniBO biibb. aiacx 1 ninat a. staiery aaa uiova a an aiaa. Vol 38 Engllh Chancery Report, entire, with laat I CLOTHS aad FANCY CAhalMERS LOTUS aad FANCY CASblMEKS.

ota ty t. ritca Smith, keq. I Bw Boys' wear, with a variety of a tha a aoaa ia their liae. always aa BleakateefaH kiada, Flaaaeis Drxwgeta. Qoilta, Caaaxerpaaaa, Texiote, Cevarxuga.

xrapery waauas, Laee artaiaa. Damaek Tab Ciotka, N.pkiaa. Llaaaa, PHlow Com. Bbeetrage of eU, TowelUng. da, fc fc.

New Yak, Aag. 80 141. aaMapla FIIESII GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS kartag aaaplotod tkoir ar-raagaaMBte, are aow prepared to exhibit, to WMOtaaaxa ryaaaBa, their FALL IMPORTATIONS, ouxettag la part of DRESS BILES, VELVETS, EMBROIDERIES, MERINOES. RICH PRINTED GOODS, STUFF OOODS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, LINENS, DAMASES, BLANEETS, WHITE GOODS, CARPETING, la all their varVatl, whUh thoy a at vay tew ariaos, aad to which they sail tb atteatloa af MERCHANTS geaawaliy: A.

T. Stewart Btwactwaj, Cauxaakor aaxt Baavxla etxoota. Ipxv Sara. 181. aall laap MEtN'S AWD IsOV'S CIsOTnUTG, S3 MAIDEN LINE.

weald havlU Marehaat aad Mkers parekaatag HrlhiBg to giv. ea eaS aad evsniae aar teak ef Mob' aad Royw xotkiac, eoaaltlag af great varwty Ova Coats, Bocks, Freak aad Draa Coaas. Paata, Testa, White aa4 Faaey Sate. Over. Da, vaaaal Shirta aad Peaaae.

Ala, a (xrel atoek a FaraiefcrBg Goods, aB at wkiek wtB ba aaid at vary lew artea tm aaaa, at applied redM. oa DkWwp aOPOWTON Raj AFP, TWIRIZEJY S.IXTOJY. Gentlemen's FiirnlshLns; rstortr. trti BROl DWtt, OTaaMTf ITS BROAD WAY.) Alwaysaa head enry artteleajyoxaiaaa VNTX.UAN3 WARD. VUAaW aai RB New rail Dry Gavexl, JYo, 5547 kwra teat received i 1.

T. RICH AXD ELEGANT FALL GOODS, eashsaadag esae ef the aaat aaaatlral ryaai grtXS, CASHMERES. DE LAJNES, Dark Freawh aad EagHah CAeoaa; Caak- BROCKS, THIBET AND WOOL SHAWLS. and ladeod wary kted af Pel aad Wbster Draa Oaada. Thaw Rave alee Jad aeelvea a taraa aaak ef taa BEST EKOUSBl WOLLEN BLlrTKETS.

at ARtEILLES QUILTS, FLA" 5 ELS, LIS EXS, ShlrUaga, Sbeetiasa, Takte Piaaeks, Waahiaa, Ptopar. fce ft. MOCRNiwo GOODS OF EYERT KIND, GENTLEMEN'S OLOTES, BDEFf CRAYATS, Fader tkh-t aadttTewarc af e-rary kiad ttaaka, fce be. A LARGE STOCK OF THIN BUkUaXR GOODS ataneakmaO, whleh they are eatnag hakew aast east, to aa tot Oka eaeawoaariag FaB trad. 331 Broad war, Bare an pea xxwr arraa vwsra rcaa FKJJIa ABIMsEIsUa' Fancy and Staple Dry Good, whleh they ar oaarlng at a taaal advaaee ea the oaa ef ba parte ttea.

their (teak win be rawad the bast BaUJCCTIOBS OF TOE FAJUS ARD LOB DOW BtABUEarrS. aaado by MR. MU1R, WHILE IN EUROPE, axpeaaty atkearliiii. They wiJ to iiarliatly adding to the stack by ta aaadawat-oa i Doot. Ultekeoek' aUtlgloa 1 Goaaoge- I large sates at asattoa la thia eity.

o. Miraalae i. tia- cxtralaar, taa U-the Dare 1 aeeaaptaaa aad talaiaea ef Oiiiegnta.ka -aa tae I ewwaararaa er tae artasaa to a toaaf ta TBeery maordial Eleaaata, aad aa the awasttea I aeaaauaaasaat taey a aat whether the cache Del age wa th aaaaaa ef the great I tacar Mawd aad th pahU to "''rt taatr (took aaeh that I aew. with a great variety at laWMM aad I tF Hiaexraxioae wntea eaaaot rail to talent. INCIDENTS IH TriK LIFE OF A PASTOR.

By Rev n. r. fv. xr. if.

i vox, izma. UNCLE FRANCE'S HOME 8 TORUS. A haawtrral m4m I-. a. C.

Jdworth. wttk 8 Mated ewgrsTiBn t. veeaaae! i. auuu'Tur wii. low LANK STORIES.

II. THE MILLS op OUR TILLAGE. III. A PEEP AT OUR NEIQHB JRS ault It JO. i aa paoketa to arrive, aad by panhaia at the Importers of miipuca French akSB a- aa Canton Goods, SI SEW YORJC, aaa CHURCH UAir, PtUa.AOEI.PHia.

Oaer a large aad well aleote aeeevtaxaaA af FaB Omaf well daeavtag the tteatioa of aayara Faaey Riakaaa la every variety Plata Satia Ribboa Plaia Taffeta da, (Oraad Crea bread) CxSctWltaaa, Hat Crapat,, Beaaet WaTd Silk, Oro d'Afriaae, Telvea, On 0 Rhiaea, Satia aad faaey Vattags, Sergaa, Black aad faacy Cravat. CANTON OOOD-Crap Shawls aad Seerk, Urea Crape. Bargee, Satia deCkiao, tanaoU, ta AU of the above will ba oeTarad oa liberal Urxa JyJS Oerap FALL A If WlilTEB Dry Goods. It. O.

WILSOiV Sc CO. MO.IB COCRTLlIDTa 13 DEf 8TRRRT, Havo la store aad for tax, a tae LOWEST MARKET PR1C E8, aae cf the Bteat exteawive aeaartsaoaU ef wary DOBIxtBTIC AID aVORElOIB DRf OOODR te ba fowad la tka ty. Oar ataak witl a faB UUSIEHY, WfllTB OOOOS, filREE IOTIOSJ 1 AM the tavnrtte etyte ef BROWI AID BLEACHED HC SL4RS A ehoiee aetertioa af XJB.KBS 000 om, paiarrs, bvarcaster OtNOfJABia, fca. Alao The rt. bratod Hi1 itOTal Pwiob IW1HIDOM fcEWIRO tXTTTOa.

We lBTlte th attoatioa a tka xxea xem (1 taoath. aad short ai aahks aotf Farther BedacUon In Prices. 1st Soutiltier Brothers Have aoarty aeapteted the raprovoaeate la tkotr aew tore; hat before eaterlag It, they wrxk ta eUar eg tho pvatoat toa, aad kave Ihxrilire agUa reilaaO tka rwi bilks tar an aeaeeae BAR HKS AND TISSUES, plain aaj prtated. LAWN at aad 1 ad reach aa. la ed aaf DE LAIN ESI aad teM.

EMBROIDERIES neeediaejly eheea. BEST E1D GLOVES a par paix Axaa. A great variety ef RIBBONS, Hosiery, Black Lae -ew CANAL aTTTtEET, aataptf Tareo or-e froa Broadway Wilson Ct. Hant Co. Mm.


Tlicmas Hunt Or Co.9 3 Wllllstsn street, KXW you, UIPOBTEBI OF DRY GOODS, ajid ASurra worn. BIAKX LIPPMASS'S A ax la CxaapcUa cixpras avro uoeskus. HAVE received la tora aad offer far aale a large aaortaoat of AUTUMN goods. i. part aa follow: MACKINAW AND NEGRO BLANEETS An rotor, quail tiae aad riaae.

PBota. Baarora, Koraeye, Datxia. CaBaxe Hair, bitneye aad CaliforBia Cloth. BtLGlAN, SAXONY, FRENCH AND ENOLISH ttfTH. DOESBINS, CLOAKINUS aad TESTINGS.

Rid! eg Cord. Volvo. Ciaiara, Trteot Bia. Bargee, Ballae aad Bladiaw. jyewvaap aaenaga.

Tweoaa, Paacy AUTL GOODS, Silk i All VSV.1 Bt AND NAPOLEON CORD. LI ll'B ri neu, HOSIERY, fce. With a larre stock af AMERICAN CASSIMERES. IXL1 LLUTHIL AND HEAVY WOOLLEN. wt FAL.11 1851.

A i a and Dress Goods. i. in.iroL.n a- IRPOKTER! ARD JOBBERS, CANAL STREET. NEAR RROADWAT, HA VST, BOW o.T EXHIBITION ONE OP tka beat aaeonod Ftock cf kick FRENCH. OCR.

ux.i xnaaiiiiiH DXI UOGDS.a tkeerawa kaaa tioa, ta bo toaad la tfc. aw. Oat af Towa BayoreareUvtted taexaaxta tkotr ataak. ITi. II.


CLOAKING aa wrjiriaVA. HOLLANDS, wfc a etoek ef Aaervaa CARSIVFRPS. C. i a. aa aiaw una ewttakt.

aai. beat Taaieea ta cuial-. waiaa ea. a syaeaaaeap 1851, Fall Clothing. TRJR WOCUB RKBPtCCTri'LA-T IB TIT ft Weatera aad Biiakaa MerefcaaM ta aall aad a laiwaga aar ataak ot Fall and lYlnter Clethlac.

hatbrs awrakeatcg aanwbae. We Batxa a mulaiiM, fa tfc anreaekrae aa will be toaad giaia ia astewt aad variay tkaa aae ova of ia xa. trxva. tar a. 4 mtraaaW (or aaB4eiae' n.

i thta. xl gaat aad aow. mt wal gieia a. aaw gaaeaa too St aad Se'ek o' tfc. boat cwotoa work, ie proved a fce awry eeafexex xa ta.

great la man a a ta. aaaaxry. aa wo aaaataatlv aa tke grxairrntg tix.ii tka aa- aaeet a elaaa aad roaov eat. Bxe(a. wo ar t- lllni.llllUH IjanuaOLD BT no HOUBE IX TMt TRADE, witkowt ovoa alaowsa af tke aaake ef oar aa ayua wxa IF.

exc UEVLIT, R3 aaxl SB Jmmm mtm, aar. Raaaa TO OWIER8 or Steauners, Ball Vessels, and Fnblle Ilooses. ALL, TIMxCS PBEP1REO wmwmrwj rw axaa Hoaaa wlta oar twiafar mm oatat ia tke DRY OTMim ij, -I eabetaatia aad darabU gaad. aaah a UU aad Cattaa kaootxxvir' 4 tiikmm AxBxAxRte ITUCR aad Frawh Uaoa aakiaa. e4 Creek, la reiura.

OL489 Ltaaa for aoatry towol. DAM ASK ZZL FlllUB Lao aav Maoll. ftr aart.UxQ. BROCATPLLE aad Batta do Laiaa. WO 1ST CD aad Uaioa Deaxeak.

WORSTED Plaak.Bxia aad BgaroA TELVET Tacaatry Carwa. a raa el THREE-PLY aad ragrala Carpet, DRUUGCTS aad OB Ciotka, BKDTICK nl I bill In aellna am. BLAKIETSameryejaaltty aad aoaka. C4UNTEfcPAJUsadt4aUtwxt aa Of ve COLORED Darexaas eV nixaav, ItMaU trTBEfcrr. aval! ZZjusc.

7 BROOKS BROTHERS. 118 lerrlievnt awrJaak7 taaBtoVTfBtaVaBxaa ROYAJ. T8A.YaT.aww paWaaa. aaaa af waV-k ml be 1 1 laid. aad aow a asbiaitea a tka BxeM Parr, tea tm atk-at TArSarrRT, aww JtOUSB BRUS8XLB, ry te the Mtaam.

Exegttefc 8-y aad Tae above aavtac aaa aarti ai elBate th LAI6UT, wnerry trrrt, Fall Importation. IIICII CAUPETIJGS; Peterson tT Uumnhrert. 370 BROADWAY, tef.WUlai aaaraa aav Bexaaaraa) aanpary saw. Beea ar Mr owa lai nuiia.aad at n. Hew ta th.

i niBia.wa ara OIL XOTH a egaa eWraa arxTflaad eeaerm, ef taa pateal flsteh. Proa laM few wtea. Jaaawa. a iBaBP iwk wi aVy aPVeBTa BaY a awel Faa. sasa.

1(xxs0aBWraBaa ax ihe late huge awatua tale a taa TBxaaaeeian i a raa ie awr aaat. sm tho lieiat a aalhi aeafc pilm aUCatEBT aad BLST aiihtap FALL, IM l'O IITATI OIV 8 mPETIJVGS, FLOOR Oil CLOTUS, Ac. Smith Zjountbery, BO. 0VSS aEAVEl. RRSBT, OPrOBrTR WILUtB, ARE IfOW PREP ARID TO EXHIBIT TBEIE Fall lBBrUttIIaB, Caaarielag a Fad aad An ua at af RICU VELVET Y1PEITRT, BBCMILt TAPESTRY, HBCHIU TBREEPLf AID ISQrAAIB CARrETUet, SJaaraeiag a large varWry of KEW AND EL CO INT PATTERNS.

Floor Oil Cloths. Afallaaartaiinl a aB tho vartoaa Pataai nil Ban Wo rrrrxxn virraxxr atAarracToxrxa. Parekaara aaa r. asaaa eateetiaa altahi I aty a Faratakaa. aad at tka altsi LOWEtTl tia PRICExt, Yew Store and Goods.

Daarlatt of JYctc BETT8, 8ELLECK BETT8, av asaavsa TO vaaaa aa-w evoaa, 292 BROADWAY. wares rasr aaa aaa OPENING A MOST SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF EXGLISII Yelret aad Tapestry Carwts, Floor Oil Clotaa, eTce. BBTTS, BELLXCBL ak KaTTTR. arS Brwaelwray, ere eat raa ansa mum b4 laap Floor Oil Cloths, AT 4 mTXE STBEET. aad Daalar ta Floor an4 Table Oil CI Alba, Baviag aaabOekod Dopat im tke aale ef hM Oood at the above piaoe.

aaat raaaaUaiy iavxta ah) at Caaw 'era and Peeler gaaatefiy to aaR aad '-r ka Steak E. K. RR7E. FLOOK OILCLOTHS. VLBIl a- HO IT, Ros.

72 and 74 John street, MAXVTACTVRZM HEAT AVRO R(DlrH Floor Oil Cloths. Carriage Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloth JLe. ALSO. IBxPORTBBLB OF EHUia ABTD GEEJLAB Floor Oil Cloths, -able A Fiirnlture OH Cloth, ama ve raa vaaaa. a vaaia -riBaaaiaa.

aa. TS ak JOUM STBEarr. aa uaaaaL vaaaa, a Luei axeeevatxtwy a rmm aaxsaaa FOIlCELll.Xm D. CJ. bL I).

IIAVILAXID, DAYUAID 4k CKX, UxEOtJEH, Pdirn, P. G. a D. H. waaM tko nMhixJ tkoy arereoolTtag their SPBJNO GOODS, aad aaa aaw exhibit aa in Ha ist wanaaTHA Tie TA BLE WARE AND PARLOR ORNAMENTS aro aaao ky aoaa In Preuie, ta a rr waiah hbbi! ke a eoDod beauty aad darability.

Parchaaar wlB tad kerewkaiovar they Bxay wavh lot ttwyls aaa. ar tm mm gaat display. P--' -Tf-i knr aakBlBlaliaaa a bm ttaaiaH, Iwvtta) X. aT r3wT DietXm Brother Co. 134 William sUeeU RTEW VOBJE.

ItAMJFACTURERS OF EVERY TARIETT LA.TIP8, CnASDELIERS, GlimiicleleB, Candelabra, Gsls FIxtBrea, eV aaldaa SEW YORK. SUGAR RKFINERY LATE WOOESE Or COSS. Cor. ofisonth and Montjoraery aireew. Bottlands Jlloller.

nm VI UE-BCILT TBE ABOVE tUflAR HUlTaE. awoa aa oaargad aad laini 1 aaaa. tke aatlefaatxea mt iaroraxlr fraad axXtae cf VOOlltv a rn tbey ar. aow prwaared raraiek tkaa wHh aB kiad af BLrlNED BUG ABB aad aYRCPa, af a aaaxHy mm. araW.

they oaa benLyyllod by aay RaAaory fc tka jy ap' xtalaa OTxtea. Ja. IIS Wall amt FA1 HH AJVRH Patent Platform Scales. A PAJTEP ia) laeekad IB wiOaa a wxaaMac. a.ataadalawTiwaBexafcBwaCaaa.xax aa aay all tko arxxaal rallraad tka aaVad Beaaa aaa uraat Brttaa fl I lln i aad aartaaio.

HEAVY POATABcE ttCALEa, aa WkooU, for Faiadria. RaCla MBat, Isra, IVoaaaata. STORE SCALES, vartoaa aaodtxUitiea I OLTtl SCALFA. HAY AND COAL BCAXta. MADE 1 1X1.LI xjv ISUS ArXD 1 11L, aag tan aad eoearaly taxaed i Sdaaao Sett fca taatr aiaav aad aaak.

tkat tka ara aaw aatil ae aa wkak thaa mm eyaoaL riasAi a co HVOaw OB waa. nm Tar. IZOUX, ItlaBBfaetarer FaaUlBaaalfl bb4 Bleklr Carve! BwkE- lIahofaa-, Black. ITalaBt am at Oak 1'arailtare, VI 8KHJCIY THE AI jaa taa a aaa aaao. a.

xaa exxoaarea aaaarxaxaaA mt ankiaaaan aatiqa. arte Paraaxara, tataly ieaaerkad tran Pate all a vfcteh was apleatad aad Itltirta: by Paaaertok Raaa. Sm. SO Baaleead i itni Parts. Tkeaaaalba aaa aaa as kaaa.

aa xeelaol sf aaratraeSIT tT-ntiars Ie tot, la aai aaa aaae aeaa, fcag a I In.aawaryr itliteaaaa. Caataxad euaaxao at tke ilea Bin "i Broadway Nea. mm4 eA BOJTJTETST ZMTSl CITS flrlilcial Flotcers. WlllJaniE. Whltlnc eft Co ta PSLAMl.

FTEEkT. WYER FOR BALE AT THE LGWAAT ABgTW PRaCEB, cwwyxrrs saoxTxrxT ay tu tary ew OlIBII, HATS, Cil, BO BaP a a md AarvmrAL ruiwtu Spool Cotton. OTLE'S Itaral Palest aewlay; CettaBB, vary aaaaria ear tm By LO.WUAOVSCO, afclOaf irl i THE 18xmCTXLBRAPfl BETWEEW New York, Pbikeaelpba, Baiiaara aaU tka tsibsaga. ..77. Lkaa.

wttk tow wwaj BaBBxaaaraa tm Ar aarta ekaWkw) xexBxBBBBBX. B4BBBB kBf A kawag laaty aab. BXTEWBJVE fca) mm 4as I Taa CGatPANY. BET Aik atkakaa. daavotk I iee 1 1 1 1 1 1 a baxdaaa a tfc.

Una ibIib aad aaa. af Imxrtete i a aae aow a aeeaea. trxaa. at art aeereor mmf Baaakaefa i iwa visa. a tka IWImpni mm mt tfc.

paaa IbmCi, nuaily nioeal a aa. Taeaseaa Uefcea, ooaxxor mt aaA Aaxaas BliaOTAaU BUrrKER ATX REMOTER TRPJR WWR AND GROCEXT BrSTNESS TO 9 cnAjxjxiaiu iTnntrr, ff ''nP0aal a8fMlBlW fc4 CatatVal ftS, i.

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