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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 3

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

flHE rBUEFALO rEypNING NEW. HEAL ESTATE. JUST LIKE TEWKSBUR WONDER A A FU LL I For Neuralgia Fpr Neuralgia For Neuralgia For Neuralgia For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rheumatism Advice to Canaumttlvea. On the appearance of the flirt symptom, general debility, lorn of appetite, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by nightHrwoatH and cough, prompt Bieaimres of roliuf should be taken. Consumption is scrofulous disease of the lungs: therefore use the great anti-scrofulous or Wood purifier and strength-restorer, Dr.

Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." Superior to tho cod liver oil as a nutritive, ana unsurpassed as a pectoral For weak Jungs, spitting of blood and klndrel affections, it baa no eqnaL Sold by druggist, For Dr. Pierce's treatise on consumption sond two stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. m-th-su A Lackport Editor Hajai It gives me pleasure to commend your celebrated "World's Healer." So far as my observation goes, it does all that Is promised for it It was applied to my horse's bank, which had become seriously galled, with the happiest results.

There can be no question of the full success of the "World's Healer." Willard A. Cobb, (11) Editor Daily Journal Skin Care. "I'm happy to say Dr. Benson's Skin Cure ha cured my Eczema of tho scalp of four year John A. Andrews, Attorney -at-Law, Athlon, HI.

$1 at druggists. by physi EARGAIKS II REAL ESTATE. Three new ttorv-and a-half cottazoa on Jfiehlitnn street cor. Korrv: Street car one block; low prioe; easy forms, or good discount for cabh. Lots ifoxUM.

Sevan rooms and shed, gaa, water and sewer, ail complete. Will be fliibUied Deo. 1st next 175 Ilodge huvlKonie house; all modern conveniences; heated by stuam. A lot on Jcwett 40 rods from Main st rroeslnpf of the N. C.

H. K. B. It. belt line.

150x800 foot. Two handsome farms within 10 or 15 miles of the city, nwoeottyplv. or rotit, stores 1UO and 1117 Main st. Inquire of D. L.

Rahsom, Vi qay lenj ot alwve stores. BUWB SANFOKD, 18 West 8na BU FOR RaLiv -fhe followlm houwa ami lota; -313 Fargo avenue, 2-atorr frame, 12(1 MauMW'hwtUi atreet, -atory frame, t2o00. 42 lluilou atroet, frame, new, 1700. 721 ITiitipecl, 37fj0. 158.

100 and 14 MaaaachusotUi 3 cottaffi anil lota each ft S00. 7t trner ana ttahle. 1000. o30 8ixU U. x-3tj frame, 12200.

8. V7. comr ot Olcnwood avenue and Michl- (Tan street, 8-storj frame, wlU barn. Lot 50x106. at a bargain.

V4 veM street, cortajre, jtr jo. Cottaire atnr orlck. 30x100, 8000. Niagara auxwt. U-ntnrv brink.

$13,000. Bryant street, Ztory frame, 35x100, 717 West avenue, 2-storv frame, 35x14014 $2200. Btreet, i-torjr rrame, 25x100, flMO. 214 ThlrteenlhatreeL2-storv frame nftwAtrlHO. 24C0 txu ana nws ualt street, 2-story brick and barn, 45x150, 142 North Division street.

2-storr brick. 20xlOa juonawt street, 2-ewry Drlck, zuxao, 3 ana rw Horns Place, each J.T009. 458 Sixth 2-tory frame, new, $3000. SLATER WITTM AN, 400 Slain Street, Room 9. 614 Oak street.

2-storv frame: eood lnundrv. gas, walor, bath and furnace. Lot 40x100. 104 Duller street, 2-story frame dwelling. Lot AIko six desirable buildmg lot, 4.5x131.

Will be sold at a bargain. xuf-wi i.mwnoa 2-Rtory frame, mansard roof. Barurain. 108 Broadway. 8-storvhrink unlnon.

T.ot32i12fl. Must te sold. 191 Utlea lH-story frame. Lot 50x414. 114 Fremont Place.

2-storv frame, all modnrn Improvements, with barn. Lot 40x100. Price $5000. 428 neneca 194-stoi7 frame. Lot 25x100.

135Linwood l-storv brick. French roof and frame barn; modern. Lot 50x170. oil biiieoit 2-story frame. Lot 75x150.

677 Kllicott 2-story brick. Lot 30x100. 079 Ellicoit st, 2-story brick. Lot 28x100. 67 OrltoD livery stable, brick.

Lot 80x00 6280akst, 2-story frame. Lot 30x100. Bar gain. u- uak 2-story Lot 40x120. Bar- 4oo LfftK 2-6tory DnCK.

IvOt 30X1.W. 309 Oak 2-story frame. Lot 30x150. 72 Tirpper 2-story brick. Lot 25x57.

331 Franklin 2-story frame. Lot 52x50. Chopin Place, a beautiful lot, between Bouek ave. and Delavan suitable for a fine residence. Farm of acres.

5 miles from City Hall. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 3000 feet frontage on Michigan, North and South Hampton and Hasten streets. 778 feet frontage on went side Strauss street, near Broadway. 8.50 per foot.

500 feet frontage on south side Butler street, near Delaware, will oe divided. Lot north aide Bryant, 12O0 west of Delaware Btreet, 100x21)2. Lot south side Fey street; 4O0 feet west of Delaware, 100x467. Lot south side Farry street, 800 feet west of Delaware, 75x408. Lot east side Delaware street, near Ferry, 109x 250.

Lot west side Linwood avenue, near Bryant 60x220. Lot west side Main street, near Summer, 120x 220. Lot west side Richmond avenue, near Rhode Island, lOOxlfiS. Lot east side Delaware, near Tupper street, 85x173. Price f8 to 250 per foot Apply to GEO.

WHITE, 13tf E. Swan st. tu-th-sa C. J. S.

P. HASTINGS, FOB SALE. The 2W-story frame building, 454 Connectujt street. First story is adauted for a store, and is a good business locality. iiouf ana lot in me pieasani village oi nasi Hamburg, five minutes walk from railroad depot.

Lotjonlainsl Mjicrea-of choke-garilen supplied with fruit trees and shrubbery, is ottered cheap. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. New 2-story frame dwelling, 510 Connecticut gas, water, cellar, etc. Very cheap -if sold this month. Lot 28x110.

FOB RENT. Furnished or unfurnished. The desirable 2-story brick residence, 208 Horth Division St. Modern Improvementa. Possession on or before Oct.

1st. DWELLINGS FOR SALE 2-story frame dwelling on Linwood ave. near Bryant containing all the conveniences. 218 Virginia st. -story frame.

fOEVirginiast. 2-story frame and wing. i37 Prospect ave brick. A flrstclass 2 fttr frame dwelling, with wing andalltheconv.ciences; lot 05x110; situated on Irving place. For Sale or Exchange 1237 Niagara st, 2-storf frame, with wing and all the conveniences; barn In rear; lot 66 feet to Gelston st.

Z1.NK HATCH, Corner Franklin and Eagle sUeeUb. OILS AWARDED The SeYen First Prize Medals National Exposition of Bail" way Appliances, Chicago, HI, AS THE BEST MADE. P. S. PEASE, Manufacturer of Oil, BUFFALO N.

Y. Dr. Jolm Tripp's Blood Purifier. An infallible cure for all forms ot Blood Poison, wheth' er the result ot Indiscretion hereditary taint. Consultation confidential.

Descrip tive pamphlet can be had oa application at the office, 433 Niagara Buffalo. N. or will be sent Vt maD. SKE IS A POINT on which doctors do agree, that a medicine to be valuable must be adapted to a special purpose. WILSON'S LIGHTNINfl REMEDY is for RHEUMATISM ONLY.

The proprietor in offering this remedy to the public does so with the positive knowledge that ft will ours Chronic or Inflammatory Rheumatism in the worst form. This knowledge has been acquired by actual experience in treating the disease. HARRIES POWELL 4 PLIMPTON, Agents, Buffalo, N. Y. It is an ihtebhaIi BKmsT.

I PEASE'S RAILROAD far-TR ir i im a in uvMJy skins tanned bx fibms IS XJCir TOBK. OialaeM HeaMeln tfccBwaap Where aaas fklnt Are Taane4 Ever? Year TaaalDi lor Metfloal aaa Scl. eattfle Parroae. N. V.

Btar. It will be remembered tint In the course of Governor Butler's investigation of the iniquities of Ilia Tewksbury AlinKuouHe, the discovery made that among the other m-dustrifs carried on at the institution wo that of tanning human skin. In his Humming up before the Legislative Committee, Governor Butler produced numerous speci-mens ot leather node out of human hides. One of the specimens was made from the skin of a man named J. Eckland, whose name and plaoe of birth and a picture of the crucifixion bad been tattooed over the region of the heart The picture and the inscription showed up plainly after the tanning.

The whole skin from one woman's bock and pair of slippers made from the skin of a woman's breast wore also exhibited BtiU another piece of tanned skin was from a tegio's billy. All of these ghwtly objects were traced either to Harvard College or to the Tewksbury Almshouse. The Republican press of Massachusetts bos tried to oitcredit the genuineness of these human, or rather inhuman, specimens; but the testimony recently given by a practical Innnai P)iatIm OVinoa ina mnM than corroborated all that was allogod at the Tewksbury investigation. The testimony of His witness, who lives at8omervi)le, was given before the United States Senate Committee on Education and Labor. It was as follows I have seen human hides tauned.

The business lias been Increasing for some years until I itely. Ihree or four months ago It was stopped. I hare seen several whole hides of women that had been tanned. They were perfect and looked as natnral as We. Senator Blair Where did you see thesef A.

I don't know as I ought to say; It might injure me. Senator Blair-I will take the responsibility tor that. Witness I nave seen tnem at turner a tannery in Cambridge the lost one about a year ago. Senator Blair For what purpose are these bides tanned A. I don't know.

Senator Blair Do you know any one else who saw these things? A. Yes. Dan McDermott of Somemlle saw one; also Mr. Worster of Somer-ville. McDerrnott cut a small piece off and car-lied It In bl pocket.

Senator Blair Is this business done anywhere else! A. Yes. It Is dc38fe in Woburn. Senator Blair Did you ever take part in tanning one of these hides? A. No, sir.

TW.l Iho nHW.tAl.H Uab tltnt this was going on? A. Why, yes; they must have. The men told me that the proprietors did most of the work on these hides with their own bands. There are plenty of men who could tell all about this, but they dont dare to. A Star reporter yesterday called on several merchants of the ''Swamp" district to ascertain ti hat they knew about tanning human hides.

"When, I was in said Mr. W. N. Fitzgerald of 17 Spruce street. "I saw a young man who had a pair of slippers made out of tanned human skin.

He said he had worn them a year and that they were the nicest-fitting and easiest pair of slippers he had ever bad. When I saw these slippers they were still in a state of good preservation." "Had this man been to Tewksbury 'No: but he was a student of Harvard College." "Was that the only specimen of tanned human skin that you have seen?" "I once saw a pair of boote made out of human hide, and it was right here in this office that I saw them. I forgot who it was that had them, but I think it was a drummer from somewhere down I think that was the only time that I ever saw any tanned human skin with the exception of the complete skin of a mulatto that I saw on exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial." "I could send and get you a piece of tanned banian hide in five ten at the out-fide," said Mr. Horton of the firm of Horton of Gold street. "There are two or three firms here in the swamp who tan human skins or parts of them every year.

I don't know what they may do in Massachusetts, but I don't think that any human skins ere ever tanned here except for curiosity or for scientific purposes. During the college scssou it is not an unusual thing for medical students to call in here and ask where they can get some human skin tartnedT We have several tanneries, but we never took such a job." "Have you ever seen a whole human skin tamed?" "Yes. Itwas at the Centennial Exhibition at' Philadelphia. It was in a glass case', and hf side it there wan A rmir-of hnnta mnriA nnh- of another human hide. I think that but Jew people who saw them knew what they were.

Some people seem to have a morbid curiosity for such things, and I have known some men who have carried a small piece of tanned human skin in their pocket." you ever seen such articles as purses, for example, made of human hide?" nnA rlnuHf if airoi tliarvi kaira Iuah Such articles brought to this city." "How does human skin look when tanned?" "I would defy anybody to tell it from pigskin, such as saddles are covered with. And jl is me umy tuuu uusiues pigsiun, .1 Deiieve, Li A 1 I have never seen any human skin tanned in this city except for scientific purposes 7r for experiment. Some men who didn't understand the tanning business have tried to preserve the hair on human skins by tanning thrm, but, of course, they have failed, for just as soon as you put on the lime thenar all eomes off. I have seen cancers on tho face and breast very well preserved by tanning, so that the tentacles, or excrescences, or whatever they call them, that grew out of the cancer, nicely A well-known criminal lawyer said: "I have seen almost every kind of skin tanned for experiment. The human skin is one of the few that are of no practical value.

It has no fiber and consequently will not take the bark like the skins of the half -covered animals. It has to be tanned with sumac." The tanned human skins that 1 have seen looked smooth, soft and glossy, like kid. t-I dont thirik it would wear very well. If yon would take a trip through the Swamp you could see the skins of almost every animal, from and kangaroos down to rats and But I dont know of any firm in this part of the country that makes a specialty of winning human hides." AZI SORTS, ALMOST A BOY. "'Why, child," said ma, "you startlo me, To see you sit so near that boy; In all your actions you're too free Which dont become a maiden coy." "A boy I always wished to be, Dear ma, and I'll pursuethis plan; For as that can't be," sold she, "I'll get as near one as I can." Chicago News.

General Grant is expected to soon become a permanent resident of Washington. Of all the quarrels those we sometimes told ith ourselves are the most hopeless. By the way, a dog generally "comes to the scratch" in the attempt to "make both ends meet." Mrs. Langtry says she doesn't like American journalists. We suspected as much.

Her affection for young Gebhard is proof that she doesn't admire brains. Norristo wn Herald. 1 Ducks Charge Everybody with being a qnack," and there are but few who are exempt from the gosling accusation. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is certainly an exception to the rule, as it is no doubt the greatest remedy offered to a suf-feriiig people.

It Why Be Downcast? True, ycu are in a miserable condition you are yr eak, pallid, and nervous. You cannot sleep at night, nor enjoy your waking hours; yet, why Jose hr art? Get at the druggist's a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters They will restore you to health and peace of mind. t3 For a Lame Baok For a Lame Baok For a Lama Baok. For a Lame Baok For the Worst Wounds For the Worst Wounds For the Wont Wounds For the Worst Wounds Use that Cheapest and Best Use that Cheapest and Best Ute tbat Cheapest and Best Use that Cheapest and Best Of all Remedies In the World Of all Remedies In the World Of all Remedies In the World all Remedies In the World Dootor Thomas' Eoleotrlo Oil Dootor Thomas' Eoleotrlo Oil Dootor Thomas' Eoleotrlo Oil PoctOThoma8' folectrlo Oil A Kediclno that has Counterfeits A Medlolne that nasi Counterfeits A Medlolne that has Counterfeits A Medicine that has Counterfeits And is Used and Admired Everywhere And Is Used and Admired Everywhere And Is Used and Admired Everywhere And Is Used and Admired Everywhere 392 MAIN 394 OUR STOCK OF OVERCOATS is REPLETE WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND GBOWTJJQ LARGER EVERT DAT. Come and Examine I GARSON CO OUR STOCK OF SUITINGS AND OUR STOCK "OF FURNISHING GOODS wnx SURPRISE AND PLEASE TOU Come and Examine I 392 MAIN 394 all the departments should of all interested in prices show how ur good make hing is Id.

School Suits and Dress Suits to sell front 3 tie Boys' Suits. Short Panto to sell from 3 Men's Suits to sell from 4 to 115. siness and Dress Suits to sell from 1 to $30. we are selling at 110. Tbey are worth BOYS' OVERCOATS.

$1.50 -to $10 must be our recommendation. It asing. NE nd Men's Furnishings, MAIN ST. Street, corner of Clinton. WM.

BARKER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Photons, Side Bars, SfEISTG WAGONS, LUMBER WAGOK3 8LEIGHS, KtC." 152 Seneca Street. tu-th-a $3.00. The best Coraco Eld Button ever seen in this city. Do not fail to get pair. Erery pair warranted.

WM. F. EMERY 456 JUS Opposite Tifft House. Take no Other. Aak your Oragglat far I1E.E.1 a T1KEI nriERKiLlT CTJEI1 ail niioua.

ELIXIR Surest Cure and Beit Indorsed BhenmaHo Bemed on Earth. JOHN H. JHELPS, Pharmacia PraprlttM WM.J COULSON, Djnarists, 180 Sonec reet, agent for Buffalo, JS. Y. Trade ap- street, puea.

tathsat DB. FELIX UB BBUN'S Q- AND Q- OTJEE. A Guaranteed Core for Gonorrhoei and Gleet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects from its use.

Does not Interfere with business or Price $2 per box, or three boxes for $3. Written guarantees issued by every duly authorized agent to refund the money if three boxes tail to cure. Sent postage prepaid on receipt of prioe. DR. FELIX LE BRUS 56 8.

Habted street Chicago, 111., sole proprietors. Authorised agent for Bufralojf. W. H. TIBB8, Druggist, 236 Main St.

XIODS penect iruas uuhb are jom to-th-sat CASTLE STONE, Successors to D. B. Castle, established in 1840. WATCHMAKERS JEWELERS. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER WARE.

t3T Watch repalrirur neatly executed and warranted. 179 MAIN STREET. 0 Our display of Clothing in attract the attention buying. These reasonable of Clot so Wo have 120 different stylos of Boys' to $10. IWe have 140 different styles in Lit to 8.

We hare 118 different stylos in Young We have 180 different stylos In Men's Bu We have 26 styles Men's All-Wool Suite much more. MEN'S OVERCOATS. $2 to $30. The gcod quality of our Clothing illl pay yon to inspect Mm pirol RON Clothes, Shoes, Hats a 404 to 414 Shoe Hcnse on Main OILS! iweajollflIainilDeyMfli AND LARD OILS Made by Buffalo Lubricating Oil Co. (LIMITED.) Office and Store, Cor.

Main and Ferry Streets, Works, cor. Elk and Bibcock street, BUFFALO, N. Y. (Late of I). B.

CasOe Co.) G. G. CASTXE PEALEBS IN Attiericarj and Bwiaa 'IIVAXOUfiSn Diamonds, Jewelry aid Sifter Wars. -Watch repairing In all branches. 193 Main Street.

BTNEW GOOD8 AND LOW PRICES. The Greatest Discoiery of the Age KENTUCKY CATARRH CURE, CURES Catarrh, Hay Fever and Colds It never fails to cure the most obstinate cases If directions are followed. MAHOTICTOHED Bt DR. W. L.

CLAY. POWELL PLIMPTON, General Agents for State. For sale by all druggists. jyS4-6ra Jewell's Stoves and Ranges AT FACTORY PRICES -AT- PRATT BROTHERS, 11 East Swan Street Dr. IP.

Truhlar's Universal Family Pills. a sure cure lur jurmtay, ruiumaiwui, dumjiu-cess, Costtvenese, Dyspepsia and Headache. For sale by Druggists or at Mr. PAGEL'S. 810 Jefferson street, the agent, who keeps all of Dr.

Truhlar's Medicines. Price 50 cents, th-sa-su cians. tuol TO HORSE OWNERS I AUSTIC CPTTHE GREAT FRENCHBO VETERINARY REMEDY! Prepared hit J. X. GOMtiA TTLT, txt-Veterinary Burgeon of tht frmck tiovemmcni Biud.

Hum been In prominent tie in the bt Vet. erinory I'racileeof Kiirope lor the past Twenty Years. A SPEEDY, POSITIVE SAFE CURE For Curb, Splint, flwaeny. Capped Hocfe, Strained Tuidcmn, Founder, Wind Putl'ti, all Bkiu lioaw or Panwites, Thrush, all Inflammations, all Throat J)if. Acuities, all Lameneefl from Bpftviii.lliubone.

and other bony tumora Bemoveaall BimchoH or Blom-lshefl. and many other diseaaea and ailment of Hnroofl mid Cattle. Far pnirior to a blister or cnuttTuntton in its beneficial effects, never leaving' acor or blcuilta. WE GUARANTEE SSaMTOS will produce more actual remtlts than a whole bottlo of auy liiilmeiit or spavin euro mixture ever niado, Every bottle of CAUSTTO HALSAM wild to tvnrrmited toaiveHatlsfnction. Prices 1.

HO per bottle. Bold by Unu-'KlstH, or ecjit by Miireaa, charges paid, vutti full dircctiona fur ita vue. LAWRENCE, WILLIAMS CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO, Bolt Importer! ProprieUrrtJor tht V. S.

and Canadti HEALTH Of WOH AX THE J10PE OF THE BACK. Worn can Sympathise LydiaLPinkham's VEGEffiLE COMPOUND I tho aorcrclffn remedy for all female weaknesses and complaints so common among ladles also for all the painful Kidney DiitAUAoT Either Set, Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham's Blood Pnrlfler will eradl. cate every vefltifreof Humors from tho Blood, at the eametimo will give tone and utrenfrth to tho by tern As marvellous in resiiltsaathe Compound and should bo used by men.

women and children, No amity should bo without tTDTA E. FINKHAM'S tTVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bUiousnttsa, And torpidity of the lirer. 25 cent per box. Ladies should keep Mm.

Pinkham's Banatire Wash handy. It ht a superior article, 30 eta per package. All these oelehrated remedies are mAnnfaetured at the labratory 833 Western Avenue, Lynn, alawi. Under nMnnal ntnar)ntt1lloni'A tit MrfL I.Vllift Pillk- ham. Compound (in form of lozenges or pills) LXixaeJ PiiiaanQ Wftsri, can oe sent man on mxiyv vi rHold by Correspondence Invited and conlldeutiaJly answered by Mra.

Pinkham, Bend for "Guide to Health" and dcsoriDtlon of case with symptoms of weakness. (15) Are making a magnificent display of OUTSIDE GARMENTS -AND- SKawls We have recently purchased largely of BERLIN AND FRENCH Which together with our own production gives us the largest assortment in the State. Our prices are in- variably low. assortment consists In parpT Rnssian Circulars lined litn Coney, Siberian, Squirrel and Mink. Fnr-tined Dolmans, Brocade Velvet Dolmans, Seal Plush Dolmans, Brocade Velvet Pelisses.

A full line of the favorite MOTHER HUBBARD, NEW MARKETS, PLAIN and BRAIDED, FLCSU JACKETS, BBOCADED JACKETS. A very choice assortment of JERSEYS Both Light and Heavy Weight. Just received a large line of REAL INDIA SHAWLS. Real Decca Shawls, Valley Cashmere Shawls. Blanket Shawls and Carrlaee Wraps.

Fifty different patterns in BROCHE SHAWLS. Garments made to order. Garments cut and fitted. Three experienced cottars constantly employed. No one should buy a Cloak or Shawl without first examining our assortment Barnes, Bancroft Co.

fete ALSAM Circulars Dolmans.

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