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The New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 4

New Castle, Pennsylvania
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July Jane II 12 July 13-15. May Jaue June 14-15. June May aO-21. -fune AT SBAKOX. IRON AND OIL LEAGUE SCHEDULE.

FIBST SEASON -MAY 15th TO JULY 15th. AT May 15 16-25. June 1. July 4 (r. May 23-24.

Jniie to. July 8. Jane 3. JufiC 14-15. July 5.

May 2i)-2l. July 1-2. June i-8. June 24 May 16-18. May 30 m.

(June 4, a. m. July 6. Jane 11-12. June 2s-2y.

27-28. June May 27-28. June June 6-H. June 28-29. AT OIL CITT.

June 17-18. July 11 12. June 4 5. July May 15-17-25. May 90, a.

m. July 4. no. 1. May 20-21.

10. July 8. June 14-15. 13-15. AT WAKK 1 June C-H.

July AT June 4-5. July 1-2. June 17 IS. Julv 11-12. 2-3 June 19-20.

-Tune 4-5. Juue la 20. 9-10. May 23 24. July 1-2 I June 11-12 May 22.

3. May -Majr 3P, p. in. 4, a. m.

July 6. May Maj' a. m. June 1 June 22. July 4, p.

ra. WEST INKW CASTLh. CoaDcilman Sankey took in the ball game at Sbaron Wedoeeday. Mre. JobnCatr of West Waahington Btreet is ill with troable.

Ed. waa in Sbaron Wednesday attending tbe ball game. Prof. and wife are the gueeta relatives inUarrieburg and Philadelphia thia week. Aboat fifty people took advantage of the rate to 8baron tbia afternoon and went np to Bee the ball game.

The Shenango glass factory is rapidly neariog completion and will be one of the finest factoriee in the country. The fire department have completed arracgementa for their entertainment and it promisee to be the beat of the season. It will be under the personal direction of Thomas F. Beaty which gives assurance that it will be an excellent entertainment. It will be given at tbe school house evening, May 21.

Prof. Orchestra has been engaged and the performance will conclude with a special feature in two acts of Nights in a Bar NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE. City AT THE OPERA HOUSE. Coming. Mora and her company of playes will begin a engagement at the Allen opera house, Monday, May 13th, when she will present for the first time in New Castle, a new play added to her repertoire, entitled, This play is presented as an example of ex traordinary ingenuity in plot construction.

It has a rattling sequence of comic situations and funny tableaux that keeps the interect and good humor of the audience unfiagging. Many funny complications run through the play, and easy and natural opportunities are given to the and dancers to display their varied talents. Reserved seats on sale Friday morning. P. L.

E. R. R. Bow Tbej Come Go In Busy of New Castle. M.

H. Book waa at Lowellville Tuesday. Dr. McKee was a Lowellville, visitor on Tuesday. R.

Hice, of Beaver, made a business trip to tnis city Thursday. Mies Anna Patterson of North Mercer street, was a Pittsburg visitor Wednesday. Captain D. C. Irish and wife of Pittsburg, are guesta of Mrs.

Mallie Jack of North Mill street. Mr. Cochran, of Construction on the P. L. K.

railroad, was in the city Thursday. Associate Judges Shaeffer and Fulkerson went to Kilwcod City today for the purpose of see ng the town. Miss Nellie Carlisle of 156 Long avenue, wm taken quite ill with a chili while at school Tuesday and had to be taken home. HOMEfVlADE SCREENS- if Correctly and Taatefatly Made Decidedly Ornamental. There is no article of furniture prettier than a screen, nor one that can be put to more varied uses.

It can be made of many different materials, and either elaborate or simple. To place before a too brig-ht fire, in front of a window, to shut off a cozy corner; or, for more practical purposes, to hide a sewing machine or big- workbasket and table, or to in front of a bed or washstand, there is nothing to take its place. The frames of screens may be pur- cha.sed at any furniture store, but a simple, inexpensive one may be made at home. Use pine wood, and stain, varnish, or even paint it any IN SOCIETY. About 25 invitations have been issued for the reception to be given by the Adelphic Literary Society of the Oigh school tomoroow evening.

BRORE HIS THIGH. Good Train Service to and From burg. Take the leaving New Castle at seven city time, for Pittsburg or the fast express at 11:55 a. m. city time or if you want to go to the theater, take the at six city time.

Good train returning 5:20 p. city time; also the late train after the theaters at 11:20 p. m. city time. 188tf Oak Park Cemetery.

With its handsome new mortuary chapel for burial services, and receiving vaults, is now open for the sale of lots for burials. It will be constantly improved and beautified. 8ingle lots for $10.00. Good family Ota 125.00 and upwards. Inquire on the.

grounds of George Leslie, sexton, or at the office of W. H. Falls or E. T. Kurtz 158 3m Headaches Cured.

mother has been cured of headache by the use of E. Putt, 4,557 Worth 8t, Philadelphia, Pa. Pills cure biliousness. 211t6tlt Have You Tried The strictly Standard Tomatoes? Brown, Thompson Co. are selling four cans for 25 cents.

th s-t2 people say, Balm cures too many You will notice that the diseases for which it is recommended, whether in the head, throat, stomach, bowels, back or limbs are all injiaintmitiona, no matter what names the doctors give them. Now Brazilian Balm cures infiammation and drives it from the system. the secret. 171eod tf Rich and poor alike sufier the tortures that come with that terrible plague. Itching piles; rich and pmir alike find instant relief and permanent cure in Ointment.

Your dealer keeps it. th an old coagh and brochitis, Brazilian Balm soon remove the tickling irritation, sorenees and infiammation, making a txkinplete and permanent cure. ITleod tf Public Sale of HEAL ESTATE. The Extvutor in the ostate of 11. iiauman.

lU'ceaMMl, will at puMic on pivmisfs at SI and South in i ilv of Now i of Lawnnico, State of Peuntivlvania, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1895, At 2 p. n. The followinjp roal-ostato, lately belonging to Mario H. Bauui.Hn. IHM'eaannl.

Ai that cortain piwo parcel of land, biMtndtMl and follows, the West hy Morcor StritH, on tho North by lioim. Kast bv Aliev, on the by Clapio Kanoak am! known as Uto Bauman I'jwn said there is lotel A Restaurant Store Vlalsliod Wtili Modera Improve Size of lot, thirty feet on South Morrer Street, and extending ba- the same width, a distance of one hundreit and sixty feet to Apple Alley. purcik-e UnLL. on delivery of the to the iiurchaseri'and the in two annual be secureti hv the UHttal form of Bond and on the premises, W. H.

FALLS, Exeesaor la ol H. aiaB. An Octogenarian Falla at HI Home on Evening. Michael Connor, an aged citizen, fell at hia home. No.

01 Spruce street, last evening and fractured his thigh. He removed to the Shenango Valley hospital, where the visiting surgeon. Dr. C. A.

Reed, discovered that the break was a compound one Dr. Eieed says that the advanced age of Mr. Connor, he being 84 veara old, will militate strongly against rapid recovery, but he thinks that the old gentleman will pull through all right. Happiedt Man iuTown. D.

Warnock, of Warnock printers, is the happiest man in New Castle today. Not tiecause the busineis outlook is bright or that he has saved his grape vines from Jack Frost, Oh, no, Mr. joy is of a different nature al Together It is that exhuberance of spirits which bursts forth when a man realizes that he has a right to be called Mr. Warnock has a chubby, brighteyed little boy at his house that arrived Thursday morning. Mother and child are doing well, and now Warnock is setting up the cigars to all his friends.

p. L. JE. K. K.

Co. On May 21 and June 11, 1895, the Lake Railroad will sell excursion tickets at one first class limited fare for tbe round trip to all points in Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indian Territory, Kansas, Mis- SDuri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South and Wyomiij For further information call on or drees F. G. Blackford, C. P.

T. A. 211tf Union Depot, Newcastle, Pa. Not Built for Two. A bicyclist with a full grown young woman sitting on his handlebars attracted considerable attention on Washington and Mill streets Wednesday evening It was not a very comfortable way of riding for either parties, but was probably done on a wager of some kind.

Never Lost It, Wife have you know, air, that I always keep my temper. Husband Of course you do, my dear; of course you and wish to goodness you'd get rid of Rogersville (Tenn.) Review. Infornaatlon Wanted. idea of your trying to kiss me! Don't you know my mother is in the next room? How long will she be there? know. Ihit go in and find out.

Life. IIOMK-MADE SCKEKN. desired color. Any pretty figured silk or cretonne will do to make it, only have it in color with the rest of tlje room. The above cut is a representation ol a tasteful sceen for a bedroom.

For a blue room use blue-iigured silk to make it, and for any other color of room use the same shade for screen as is used in Farmer. Vglj and Plain Old Bo Made Pretty. The fashion of decorating the outside of our town houses with growing plants has been greatly on the increase of years, and many of the new'est and handsomest residences are now being built with outside stone jardinieres and balconies intended expressly for flowers and ornamental shrubs In the country, however, the gardens and flower beds have hitherto received all the attention and only cut flowers are, as a rule, used for decorative purposes about the house itself. Many charming effects in color can be easily procured by a little clever window and roof gardening, all the care that is necessary after the first planting being to see that the plants are plentifully supplied with water. Flowers will grow and bloom in the greatest profusion In restricted quarters, always provided that they have an abundance of air and light.

Even an ugly may have an attractive exterior tf windows and verandas are decorated with flowers. A plain old farmhouse may be made quite beautiful with a very little trouble by having a shelf with wooden brackets placed under each window, on which shelf is nailed a wooden box filled with earth and plant 43 with scarlet nasturtium seed. If the shelf and box and brackets are all painted green they will amalgamate with the foliage and be quite concealed in a very short time. Care must be taken not to fill the boxes too full with earth, on account of rains washing over the dirt, and with a painted house perhaps ECONOMY IN COOKING. A Reason.

Willie, wMch do you like the best, Sunday schoc or your everyday said Willie. you only have to go once a Young People. The Primal Cauae. Womankind we blame for all our woe. By her tricks and schemes our wills entrapping; But her sex would not here, you know, If the first man hadn't been caught napping.

Brown, Thompson Co. beadquarterfi for a pair. Are Bhoee for ladies at 98c See the th-8 t2 J. Steveneon is engaged in registering voters in the Third ward. He finds that many more moved here since the last election than have moved away.

Only S5c (air at Brown, Thompion tk-e-l2 need to feat the approach of croup if you liave Dr. Electric Oil in the house. Never waa a that it cure if used at the onteet. th tit have your head cleaneti until you have it cleaned with steam. My machine will be here Monday, May 13.

209if Hbnky 37 Pittsburg Street. tender, sensitive and for earache and dischargee trora the ear, silian Balm is a boon of pflceleee valne. It often cures earache in a few minutee. Follow directions. ITleod If Some of the Confllderationti Which Should Influence Housekeeper.

The primary consideration in cooking is to please the consumer. All of us have fancies in food that are easily attainable. The wise housekeeper will bear in mind all such inexpensive dishes and procure them for the lovers thereof. She will also see that they are daintily served. A bit of garnish, or a nieely- molded form, goes half the way in creating the attractiveness of the viond.s.

An experienced epicure said once: sit down to one of ray breakfasts and you see halved lopes at the corners of the table. Th -'re are radishes in crushed ice, and a fi'w sliced cucumbers. Oatmeal is brougiit on, and then smoked fish is passed with soft-boiled eggs, and hot rolls and cofPee. Someway, you are impre.ssed with the elegance of the whole; you realize that there was not a great deal to Naturally this may be carried too far. But, in reasonable limits, a plain meal, served in courses, where is good of its kind and well cooked, ia pleasing and palatable.

It should go without saying that each dish should be perfectly prepared and intrinsically eatable. Half-burned, or half-raw materials of what in theli best form could only be called are not disgui.sed by showy presentation. And it may be urged tliat, w'hile odd concoctions go further than most thiairs to eke out the bill ol fare, they should be cautiously tried, unless of a character that renders the cook certain of their acceptability. If she knows that her clientele like lobster she may cook it in twenty different ways, instead of giving an invariable salad. Unless she knows that lobster is liked, it would be well to offer a simple dish for the first time.

But slie assuredly should attempt any variety possible in the too hackneyed menu. The writer has found by actual experiment, that it is feasible to have a delicious meat course, that never repeats itself for a year, and that at about one-third the expense of roast Iwef. There should always be soup at the dinner, and that need cost her little, French dressing is not expensive, although mayonnaise is, if made with pure olive oil, and is fowl or shell fish. But French dressing on some vegetable is alone permissible for the principal meal. That should generally be and a good Again the economist must see to it that she has constant variety.

She should remember that one tires quickly of any particular condiment, or peculiar flavor. And she must in part, upon condiment and flavor to help her Dut when she buys inferior meats or vegetables. In part she will trust to care in selection, in preparation, and in cooking, to knowledge and to common I every would seriously apply herself to the study of cookery til is is not hard to could set a far better table than she ever was possible, and at a minimum of cost. A cooking school teacher asserts that she could provide a household with food at $1.50 each a week. No one.

knowing her, would doubt that the fotxl provided would be a revelation to that household in its excellence and in its healtiiful it would be better to have a tin pan under each box to hold the drippings, which can easily be sponged up now and then. Mignonette grown in this w'ay will perfume a whole room when the vindow is opened; and will make a love.y effect if trained on a rustic trellis work around the window. The accompanying illustration of the Elizabethan gate of a big country place, decorated in the manner de- will give an idea of the possibility of decoration in this direction. N. Y.

Tribune. AT COSX! BARGAIN SALE FOR THE NEXT 30 DftYS liave decided to offer to the>ecially to oiir many customers in New Castle anti the surrounding country, an op- ix)rtunity to furnish their homes at prices never before otfertHi, nor can't be offereil by any furniture house in the state, as we have purchased nearly all our o-chkIs in car knid lots, and no rent to pay. We have no stock carrietl over for 25 or 35 years, having only in this store 3 ears. Our stwk is not shop moth eaten, but is new and fresh, much of it yet unpiwketl. You may rest assureil yet get three times the worth of your money.

nf Itf piece Parlor Suit, tiiiely erotten up I IIIIlK Ul III in tine style, sellinof at other stores at you can get it here for at the Star Furniture House. Tpholstered rockers of the iinest silks pd silk ushes and manv more had we the space to mention, all at the STAR FURNITURE HOUSE, 62 and W. Washington C. P. NORRIS.

SOMETHING NEW. Two TiiousAiiD patents have been taken out in this country on the manufacture of paper alone. A LITTLE machine for sewing on buttons, just invented, is likely to prove a boon to bachelors. An English amateur philologist has invented to indicate a person seized wuth influenza, and w'ith a certain class the word is said to have become popular. A Belgian inventor has devised an immense lamp, such as has probably never been seen before.

It is composed of 8,000 pieces, 6 feet high and measures 7.10 feet in diameter. It is fed with lard oil and the consumption is said to be very small. A NEAT little alarm clock, with phonographic attachment, has been contrived bj" an ingenious father in West Troy, N. Y. He has two grown daughters, and they sometimes sit up late entertaining their beaux.

At precisely half-past ten the clock bu-r-r-r-s! and a baas voice shouts: to go homel Time to go FROZE UP SOLID. A Portion of Michigan Is Seriously Dam- RRert by Three Killing Frosts. arleton May third successive frost visited this section Tuesday night and the ground was frozen solid. The mercury stood at 37 yesterday morning. Everything susceptible is ruined.

Grapes are probably the most injured. Early wheat is much injured, as the head was forming. At Grand Ledge a heavy frost damaged vines and small fruits that had not suffered before. At Central Lake the mercury dropped to and fruit buds, crops and gardens are heavily damaged and forest trees are nipped in places. Flint.

May Tuesday night caused great damage to grapes. One grower estimates his loss at 80 .500. At Ionia the mercury dropped below the freezing point and it is thought that the grape crop may be a total loss. The damage to other fruits is slight. A Heavy Failure.

Lancastek, May 10 I for 362.855.03 issued here yesterday against Amos B. Ilostetter, leaf tobacco dealer, fcrmerly of Lancaster, but now a resident of Philadelphia, by C. A. Fondersmith, trustee for creditors, most of whom are tobacco dealers of this city. Executions by the same parties for $31,4:37.51 were also issued in Philadelphia and a large amount of tobacco, valued at has been attached in cities.

The liabilities will probablj' reach 200,000 and it is not likely that the unsecured creditors will secure anything. JThe failure is attributed to shrinkage in values and bad accounts. A Tailor Who Wants Talk to the People For a Few Minutes on Business. HEN 3 want to find eveiy word in tlte English language, you go to an unabridged If you Vi fiat to see ail the nobbiest styles in this production, you must come to our unabridged stock of most fashionable suit- iiigs trowserings that this season affords. And when you consider that the great scientiiic tailor, Mr, Conway, delineates and cuts jitnself, and gives attention to the getting up of his work, you jan rest assured that you can get joth fit and style just the same as you went to the finest tailor on Fifth Avenue, New York City, where the same suit would cost you fully twice as much as we charge.

We claim be giving our goods some of our competitors are doing, who dub themselves who know absoljtely nothing afiput tailoring, and as rumor has it, that pays very little for their work. We employ no one but union labor, and I hat of the best quality, and hence that means the best workmanship, every garment that leaves our store bears the union label in the in- breast pocket of each coat. We making up very nice suits at HB.OU, $20.00, $22,50, $25.00 and up, according to quality, and pants from $4 UO to If it was not for the few pleasures capable of being occasionally, this world wouid indeeii be a vale of tears. But hen our friends and the p'ublic can ivaii themselves of the opportunity that is atlonied them by us making suits to measure in our artistic style for sueii prices as we otfer them, life indeed is worth the living for. Fine Ijoimofes 86 00 former price 12 00 When we are married we furnish a cosy little home from the Star Furniture BARGAIN SALE PRICES.

Tapestry Parlor Suits Tapestry Parlor iiug Parlor Suits, very Rug Parlor Suits, very Crushed Plush, very Couches, full Couches, full Single- Bed Bed Lounges, Chamber Chamber Chamber Set, Oak Birch Stiinds, Brass Baby Baby Buggies, Diners Diners, Bedsteads Ifedsteads, Bed 2.00 Former 35.00 55.00 44. ki 70.00 31.00 i i 54.00 01.50 i 3 0 il 0.00 O.oo i. 10.00 5.00 6.00 11.00 8.00 14.00 10.25 4 i 10.00 12.00 ii 22.00 28.50 i 45.00 75 and 1.00 2.25 2.24 ii 4.50 4.50 i 8.50 8.00 i 3.50 i 0.00 0.00 i 10.00 1.40 2.25 2.25 ii 4.50 0.25 1.25 2.50 2.00 4.50 E. H. COIffAY New Castle, Pa.

NOTICE! The Keystom Dye Works Is now' located at 28 outh ill 8 one door below Livery Stable. If your clothes needs Cleaning or Dyeing, please give us a call. We have all the newest machinery which belong to a first class Dye Works, so this assures perfect work in every way. FURNITURE G. P.

NORRIS, Proprietor, 62 and 64 W. Washington St. NEW CASTLE, PA to Oaths. Jollicns a woman who rather likes to hear men swear before her. How do you account for it? been a made a notary Y.

World. SEO aansi CIRCUS, MUSEUM and MENAGERIE, --------WILL EXHIBIT AT--------New Castle, ednesday MAY 22. 2i(HB Gilildren Under 9, lOc, Afternoon Only. 25 Gents at Night For Everybody. A Bond of Sympathy.

Mrs. This paper t-ells about a hunting- that has formed a strang-e attachment for an old hen. do you account for Mr. they are both DEATH TO ROACHES, BED BUGS, HriLL MOT ts Cts. All Wm Stent, Wiarton, Oni was cnred of icrofnia after seventeen phyeiciaoe had failed to give him relief.

Bardock Blood Bittere did it. to th 8 iu A Weil Known Man. would like these poems published in book said a seedy-looking man to a New York publLsher. will look them over, but I can tell you now I only publish the books of literary men whose names are well you will publish my poems, for my name is known whererer the. Eng-lish tongue is indeed; what is your Siftings Cash at IBotli Rods.

is at the bottom of both marriage and divorce. matrimony and Y. World. you a draegiste Balm ia one of the ever sold in this cRy. report that Brai lian pofmlar remedieo Ii givep generiti ITletd If Try it.

Balm enrw, corps l71eod tf and for Contempt. New May proceed- agtiinst Sheriff J. H. Tamsen and his former deputy sheriff. John for contempt, came up before Barrett, in the of oyer and terminer.

The ajrainst Sherilf Tamsen dis- ttiisscd and Illingworth sentenoed to jail for ten days and fined $50. He Thoaffht He Was. She (at church friend of the family? marrying him because she thinks spiting Town Topics. Flatterlnif. did you think of my new photographs? thought you ought to pay double price to the Somerville Journal.

3 J. A. Prop. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real-Estate The as Executor of the CHtate of II. liauinan, (leeeaiseil, will sell at public sale, oil tlio i)reini 8 hereinafter descrilHjU, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1895, At 10 O'clock, a.

pavf tne The followinir described real-CHtate: FlU.sT—All iliat certain or land situated, lying and in tlie Fifth Ward, (Mty of New aKtle, County of Lawrence, State of Ponnsylania, Ixnunle and described tiB follows, to-wit: On the west by South Mill Street, on the north by lot of Bauman estate, on the east by an alley, and on th by an alley. lot a front of Fifty et on South Mill street, and extendintr back, the same width, a (liBtance of one hiindred and seventy feet to a tvventy foot alley on the ar. And being lot 0 0, in irat Addition tu the Fifth Ward, (Jity of Castle. Upon baid there is erected a Two Niory FrHiiie Mix Uood Cellnr, Hli IfuprovementM. at the time and place, the lot ly- injr north of the lot, having a front of fourty-llve feet on South Mill '-treet, and extencling back, the same w'idth, a distance of one huu ired and seventy feet to said allev.on the lear.

L'ljon the laut lot there provenients. One-third of the purchase iLnmu Ul unit, money delivery of Hid the baiance in two equal annal to iKi by llond and Mortgage on the W. H. FALLS, iu eNtale of II.Hanman are no im- It comes in its twn specially constructed cars. No other big show coming.

It is all resplendent with a glittering newness. Bob Hunting with him from Great Bnti n. the land of such Clown? as Wallet AdaiBis, and tcok, a rt cord to make every fun-loving American pi-oud of him. The Manchebter Guanlian says: to Boh Hnnting at ircus. and bPgone dull Tbe ork Advertifter the we saw' and an Irish-American lown Bob Hunting.

Fe makes ore's sides ache, but hie wit its a tonic The Dundee Star says: the Rfjyal Amphi-theatre, nothing enjoyable aa Bob Burnslike CHEAP ADS. Make Your Wants Known 3 Times For 25 Cents, Results Always Obtained. A Daagrer of Old Soak, despite his habits, appears to be a well-preserved man. you know since he lost his money, he has been kept in brandy by his A Summer Drive loses a measure of its pleasure if the carriage is less luxurious, easy running and handsome than it might be Fredonia Buggies I have nothing but good points. the handsomest vehicles you can as strong and secure as sightly.

Ask and insist that you see them at your Madi by FREDONIA WFG. Youngstown, Ohio. Ul? know that theHfean and at Njcwg reason abiy. a buy family horse notovereight ff years old must Ix; quiet and nfit afraid of cars. Inqnire at corner of iteynold and UuShane Fourth ward.

181214 by young man iO years old, has gfKKl education and reference willing to do any kind of work. NEWS Office. few reliable men to canvass for most and bcKt-known Sur- rtenes in the Ignited states. KLLWANGER BAUHY, once a few lady and men a moHt line of Uare and useful specalties and Especially feuitable for teachers and seeking to iinpnive time, new terntorv. Money daring the Apply after -m.

Manager Novelty Mfg. oare of Mrs. Burgeso 67 Soitb street. New Csietle, Pa. A MONEY-I madfe n.

thelactsix weeks selling Dish Wash- erh, and was sick part of the time. I see hy others go into the Dish Washer business. canvassing. all my Washes at home. Pe feet satisfaction.

Every one sold -eilg Every family wants one. I will this year easy. I can wash and dry difehes in two minutes. Any one can make 1 write to Iron vvaaher Co b. Highland E.

E. Pittsburg, Pa. l74eod3m AT VSMPb-.

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