The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2
- Publication:
- The Timesi
- Location:
- London, Greater London, England
- Issue Date:
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- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
1 TV aitorwe, tw twj aa4 rnrr awwtwatnastas! toViT (HliM warrants st their iw wavwsrrrvvww is TWm. I eraor tfeat trwr iiaai te. 4 sMtAseejsBWsns'kn ttor ee Ir'osalPov. WhaaM Mi sVrrer, of hmucm; and not pre. TUKATRK ROYAK HArMARWKT.
THIS rtSKIHO. TtOStai AWtr TrOftK Sir KKSry Mrart Mr. kbomi CIntM air ait' W. Punni AnrMrit.Tic two rtcnor Frederick tiik okkaT. To ewaalnw WKt OWISt rrtRRCCT.
THtATRt roVaL JCXdUsn orRfiA.irnusF. THIS CVKMIMC, THC atfllta'L MA: Mr. Kutk(ncti. Mr. tAWwwat Utey rrVfrfrr.
Nn. Otart. Alter whleh. JONATHAH I KKOLANJX oowrtaoa with 1MK VAMri8V Tb UagnKWnt fcaartafl wima ala awartrat rw rtaaly with tk firane mrla inta tk Catnoaiaf at Rtieunc Tklr4 ind VjM.ln rntlxri," rtiwlaat Week, tht fl a Tti Battle watwlaa. flOrf.
AMPHITHF.ATHh.f ASTI.KY'S). THIS rVCNIHCJ. tba IVfgr4iu nmm rlik th and ImkIu stU SIGHTS IN NCLAKD AND r. i a in kajdck. rawvinc moil 4mii trnrrf an rwyal MKrt regal aaraant.
kmm, sr mtai. eamioWt. UTUm rw a ky n4 karxiL. Ansi Na Htf t4tr nn i nana mar at rrwa. r.
weoirore In tn Clfla. AxiTMt. urTU or WATCRtOO to cartel rental tntcrtatnmit, itxlls. Tiltl tXTNIKu srrn be tnevrr aa rattralr Etrar raaaaatlc t. ac ayrt km an4 an ai ftla, la 3 art, caJJra THC KNCHtNTKIl aiRPMCi or, Rlnkl IttU.
aa4 tka Laaiaa af AaaurcaM. ta4 tk reman. th Vlrklr rfaUx oMatl Wirtrti. rftltaa THK LAWVIR. TKtJcw.
ANT THC YrRKHIRr.MAN. Tk Orrrar la Tfcr Saar llni rpalirrtntnni' VAIRV BLV'K AND FAIRY HKDi ar. H.rkMuIn 4 Um Mar hl Uark. HaU art luWt trht. twaln Win.
ft SUKHhr Til HA TRR. THIS KVt.MVC. a mv Wn, alW TMt JEW of WILKA. AMwIMnlM L'AMOCR CT LK POlV. TM TUanr4loaiT arfaraiaaf aT MaatanM' Oaatr tn THC KLAND APR.
Ana tk aaaulmr maalcal mtrafaBU calM THC COLONEL'S COMT RTVt fakhcarWn af T1M WWtirVal at 3 oVlort a martuBf. a4 finiffaad 8. lokuos, MoxDArxErjEitaRR lets. In the Mowitcurti FrVjy, which arrirctl lwt sight, mt find a report made to the King of Faaxck by hit Minuter of Marine, detailing the circumstance in which the Reral Ordinance was tendered to the pco p'e of Hayti, ami descriVing tbe manner in which it was received. The utniMt caution teems to have been obaerrcd to aroid an appearance of treating with the black Republic an independent power, and te most effectm arrangements to hare been made to arcure acquiescence wlthmit negotiation.
Tbe Oo vTVncnt and the people of Hayti would appear, by this account, to bare been as passive in the work of their emancipation, aa an ancient Roman slate manu mltted by his master. They were in bondage till the arriTal of tbe French flett they were French rassals up to the moment when the Royal ordinance mi read they paid homage to their master when resiir ing the cap of liberty and, that Aothing might be wanting to complete the alarish resemblance, the aasuKiirting rod was represented by an ioipoUng naTal force, wesnbjoin the report without further comment, requesting the reader only to bear in mind, that as King Charles has been Cur some time ac quiintedwith the whole matter, the publication of this document intended as a piece of good news to the Stock (Iran the JJter Fridar, Sep. 1 (Tbs OfeUI Part.) DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND COLONIES. axroaT TO THE XJXC The preamble this trport girta a skctdt of the rrratt rtlilirt to St. Doailciro rioee 1791 1 the preearieas state of tac eocamciaal rtlatiooa hemes Fiance and hi farmer colon his Majaatr Ofwrm'rurtoo to pat an end to aadk a suu of tklacs, aoa to drclare dm vU 07 a Ry al ordinaace soar, eatal which a cansMmWe oaval fort was rocrtd to be re.
fid, tex from aay doubt that tkc launnonaof his Majesty woaVi be wtO itceivad, bat becacse it va fituag that ihcjr hoald he accscoasixl by that apacirapce of force aad airnitr which it proper to aS tbatemaBatM from a Kiac Francr. BaTiac ataiad his Majesty's orders for the mission of Baron Mart an, and for the aaMcabhac of lbs RaTal force at Fort XayaL. ManmUrue, th report snoewds 1 Yaor Majesty's iDteotions hare beta punctually rxc cutal vim a pmiaioB not always attainahk la expedition de. psndinc on so many cootlaeocie. Tlx Hudna unlet VUv liittl Jariea, iVc Kkkof Jane, cwddated of the itytet, of 80 jrana, Jfn Btrt, 74, Feast, 24; the A'atft, TVartr, Mfidonr, Med, Ciret, aad JabaMaoW, each of IS fain aad fir brta of It, 18, and 34 cast.
Baron Macaaa, Coaamaoder of the Orrr, had ot Jets to sail some daysearUer than tbe aquadraa, which was not to appear acar Port an Priree tlD itshoakl hare reedted nartcr. MThis offior sailed for Maniaiqac tbe 33d, with iht Cirtt frixaU, aiwl the Rmt ud AwUf bciits. He appear, ad asT Poruaa.Prince the 3d of July. The remalader of tk roa saDed for Port Ryal tbe S7tb of June. Thertcrp.
taoa ciren to Baron Mackaa aatSoritid ha to eapeel lb rn. lira socerM of his mauion. Ai ao as appearad la tlchl, tvoolScers am ao baanL, and a 'liable rrddmcr was sicned kira at Portu. Prince, as well a tola officers udr aim. 4 ConferencM were lavncdlaleljr opened befwten him and three coaiauacuoers, appointed by the PmWm of the vemment of Baytl, and at in three days they had kd 10 icanlt, they were taken op by the Pmident, to whoa ranci.
hatory iittentian Baron Mackaa does fall justice. It was oa the 8th of Jaly, after son prtlitoluy it cuanoct, which wcrt not wrthoat tiorortancr, but which wm carried oa with that spirit of conciliation which Iriu to the coedusioo of affair when there a sincere with to do aa. that the Pmident wrote to Baron Mackau, tt afur tbe explaaaiiona (lren him, and trnKinc ia the rood faith cf tbe Klv. he accepted, la the name, of the people of Hayti, the ordinance of your Majesty, aad that he was foias; to take the necessary tep to' bare ft confirmed In the Seaa'e with due solemnity. I must lafonn your Majesty that the Presides hf" he took this resolution, thought it his ddty to eonsalt sereral tncabers af the Senate, and the principal ofEcers of tht'bland I that the dlfficahle which had arisen In the discussions were 1 laid befTt them that they all declared theytoaldcao64 In the wisdom of tbe Chief of the Republic that confidence in the word and lesereu intentions of year Majesty alone 1" all obstacles, and that when Baron Mackau va in traduced from the Cabinet of the President into the hatt, where all the principal officers were sarmMd, cries of Fire It RM riot Da vpMa it Frame I'tOe Is Fnmct I were uttered with unanimous acclamation, and mlharled with cries of the adoeal independence which your Majesty's ordinance had jut proclaimed and reoairBized.
uItwaeatbellth of Jaly that the Senate was convoked, la proceed to the confirmation (ttUrUtmcnt) of the ordi. nance according to the forms prescribed by tbe constitutional laws of the eooctry. 4 This day ru a real holyday for the inhabitants of the island the whole popalatioti bad assembled in the rquarts and erects, throara which the piocesaisn was pasa. A name raws body of troops of the most martial appearance formed a double lis from the tea abort to tht Scrilt House. Thcsqua.
dron had been invited so enter the port. Baron Mackae, ao coEgyanied by Rear Admirals Jurlea and Oriret, and lbs ot. fiesta of the aaaadron bore, with the moat solemn pornp, the ordinance of your Majesty, which was aaluud as it passed by all the cans of the ships with the unanimous acclaraatioas of the people. When they reached the Senate, where they were received with doe respect and ceremony, the ordiaance wst confirmed in their presence. Tbe prom vtrhJ of this aitiing, and the speech of the President of the Senate as yoar 3Isjes.
ty's commissioners, leave no doubt of the Baanuniry of rnti aaeot srkh which it was received, and the profound cratiiade which bos cached in every heart. 4 II was amidat tbe cries ot Lamg Bit tU RTngtfFraart, Uwf Ht Air kJrMsf soa, that tbe si nine broke ap, aad tkat a corrmillos of the mom ban was otderad carry a tt the sawcassiiacs th Preaideat of the Ropabllc. From the day of this sittinftai the Jaly, when the sailed, and the Sfhh, when Baron Mackaa sjuitted IVla.Priace, thars was a series of briUlaat tut, and the Ijwf saanlfisti i by taw pospts penrad that the trasroisat intesu rbjhtfctaxpsct. 4 psfcswsV Atacksai has fJveS) a pi ssafi, on waard his sossol yk rjspeat ejrswys wW eosna a Franos so nefotisae a lash ss alfil Iks mssIIismsi oftls niTjaann aUsa, that stoat MsthncBta, which Vr SAptsSssi wkh 'int TOrO NArt VM Jtflfb an. MaA4aiaairnBta.
aniaW KTrtrVtrrnihi CasSscs hf hepe, wiSfaslaa saaspsri rv sMwtssltorvlsti list A fissd state, sahjst'k alt rain if rsdproeal art en. I white A5g3vg ar tlan and rwmct which drffixatisn bna Intiodacsd amonsT na. Uonsween which farms the ftrst wants of pnhBc law, will replace tbat prftarioaa stats which was net srhJaoat daacrr to all Karaweaa cotarJrs. (T Mun not tcnaioau tMs rtport. Sire, without Uyisv at your Majesty's feet this capusslon of the sVvotedaess of the Cotnaiaadcr and of aH the ofSccrs of his soanJron.
AD were eoaally acahsaa panctaally esacal yoar Majesty's rtenmands. The repons of Baron Mackaa, which 1 hart before ac, win, I restart ta hope, learr yo doabt that thH officer baa anawered the erstidcoee you placed him. This mission, ta make nse of his own expression, on r4seWereace aith the Preaidem of Hayti, cart hint Us character af soldier. and not of a diplomatic or a nefotlator. The frsekneMcaJacaplaeaiiou, perfectly iakarnasey srith that which the Preaideat never ceaod to thaw from the firat instant, I hare no doabt smoothed many dlfScahlea.
1 will ventare to recommend him to yoar Majesty's favoas. 'I tbe smm profound respect, Sire, yoar Majesty's most humble and moat faithful set Tint, 44 4 The Coast de CHABROL." ROYAL ORDINANCES. "1. Promotes Baron Mackau to tbe rank of Rear Admiral. i Appoint) a commioLloa to propose lit, tbe mode of the claim to be mad by tbe ancient colonists or their repre sentatives 3d, the baarssndthesncanaofdisiribationaofthe soma aasigacd ta them.
44 Tbe members of the commission are The Duke of ficvt, peer of Ftance, Minister of State, President 1 the Marajuit de Barbe Marboit, Viscount Lame, Count de SfjrT, peer, of franct Count Bx)uct, Honorary Counsollor of8tatc Sleur Pardhsas, Member of the Chamber of Depu ties Sienr Oaatler, dhtoi Soar Ixreafoe, ditto 1 Coaat Aleaandrr de Bordet Colonel Coaat OaJlfei; Sicar Hsmet, MesnbcrofthaColooMCounciL 44 The norvfficUl part of the UtmUttr contains in five col am as the detailed accounts of the negotiation, fee, extracted from the Ttiegrapk, the official journal of Uayu, dated the 17th of Jaly." FntxCK FtXD Paxu, Sept. Five per Cents. I K. 34. three per 71.
Rents de Naples (CertiC Falcoanet), 87 i Reau d'paane, 17 1 Royal Kaaniah Loan, 7 i ExcKanct on London, one rnonth, 34. ti three months, 34. BLCrt AmiSmtiqu. Letters from Paris, dated Thursday, were received on Saturday by apreu, which state that a telegraphic despatch had been received at Paris from Havre, an nouncing the arrival at that port of the three Commissioners from to make the final arrangement with the French Government of tbe pecuniary tranuctions requisite to complete the treaty for recognizing the IndepcrjlenceofS4 Domingo. It is understood that for this purpose a loan is to be made, in order to convey immediately to the French Minister a part at least of the substantial bent fiu arising from his verbal concession.
On account of the facility wilh which foreign loans of every description bare been raised in England, it was at first suggested, we believe, tbat the Haytian Commissioners might find a better market here than in France but the seme in that respect it now changing, and there an.beaidcs, some collateral advantages attendant on the negotiation of the loan in France, which have induced M. de Villsle ts pteas very strongly for tbe preference to his own country. It is considered desirable in the firs! place to let England have as little ss possible to da with Hayti, that out merchants may be gradually weaned from their connexion with the French influence there become, as it must then be, paramount to every other. Further, as the loan is to be supported by remittances of produce to Europe, all which must be consigned to the country which should negotiate the loan, a valuable and certain ptcrit would be lost to tbe French mrrrhsnts with the lots of the contract. It is therefore to be, ostensibly at least, a French one, although few tranuctions of that nature can ok place in Europe without attracting to it a considerable portion of English capital Tbe sum to be raised is said to be larger than that named in the French decree, some addition being made on account of the public buildings which the Htytian Government have contracted to purchase, which will raise the total to about 180,000.000 of francs, or more than 7,000,000 sterling.
Magnificent turns, it must be owned, for France, bare thus been stipulated V'illile. Thellay tians fight for liberty they obtain it as completely as the Mexicans and Colombians can be said to have realized theiia. Tbe yoke of France has been ts thoroughly thrown from off" the necks of the people of Hayti, as that of England wat ever ran away by the United States and haing the good the inestimable good of independence securely and irrevocably in their own pockets, these simple black lepublicamhave agrved buy, at an enormous price, the confession of France that they really are what she hat proved her self unable to prevent them from becoming a free and sovereign community. Why, it must be a miraculously sonscientiout Cabinet that would not swear black whits ay all the N'cgroea in the West Indies to be pure Circassians for tbe third put of six millions sterling. Suppose M.
de Tiilelc snd liis collcsgues had been asked whether Hayti in truth French possession for the lut ten years or not, what could iney uivr answered but the plain fact, without raising, at their own expeme, and that of their Sovereign, a universal shout of laughter? Had they the power of recon quering Hayti? Unqttesti vbly ley had no such power, or they would have employed tt with eager ness. 1 ne acuitscence 01 ranee in riaytian iree dotn was a confession of that freedom, a virtual re cognition of it, and the only recognition" worth a aingle straw. Ch a ales and his brother have been as much Kings of Hayti, aa their cousin Fcadinand is now King of Jerusalern, or isGeosos III. was Loa.i fide King of "Grest Britain, France, and Ireland just before the peace of Amiens. One effect of this foolish treaty foolish only on the part of Boys a is, that by purchasing the acknowledgment of what wu before an undisputed fact, he hat brought the fact itself into question, for he hss afforded room to doubt that Hayti had the means of keeping that which she has beggared herself to buy.
A second consequence is, that by so large a drain of resources from the Republic, she in the same degree deprives herself of the meant of enforcing the very right for which she stipulates. What power of resisting any encroachment, or resenting sny insult, or securing any respect from France, can the Haytian people boast of, after stripping themselves of a sum which few states in Europe could bear to sacrifice without a long course of national weakness and privation Yet it appeals that M. Villi le is not satisfied with wringing this treasure from the improvident Negroes. He actually insists on naming the monry.Iendcrs who are to accommodate them with supplies for the occasion and we doubt not, if the statement we have given above be correct, the French Minister will make a good thing' (for hit Government) of the terms on which this financial bargain is to be executed. He does more 31.
Villsli Is not content with selling sn empty compliment for 180,000,000 of francs, ami dictating to the buytrs bow and from whom they are to get tbemeans of payment, but be tells the Hsy tian You must withdraw yourselves from the English merchants, whose commerce you have already found ao beneficial. You shall pay Francs all the money you csa beg and borrow and yaa shall girt her, besides, ail ths additional profit she can derive iron trsjsftrriwg'to herself the trade carried on with you by enatotnera, wbora you. are lience forth to faribe take(aa It Is avowed) or reestablish). tmm ass twias'suwsasanl tsl'sassMss wsfML. thasM waV wiPaa, rrLTrvSWaaw i that you stay fit Thealile'p it peculations can'bediserwetlyJMiartkd.
Bsastnas has bees sboi aada end, we snigbl say, wMntidsT of ett rebeiBon oat of 50, it there could exist re betliom cottnirf Without OotrTrOTeiit, where the will of say temporary tyrant stands for law. and accidental force tor 'justJcr. Fbether the party of Caklos gain strength or not, thera ta no sufficient evidence. If Caalos finally dethrones hit illustrious brother, in what character will he be acknowledged by the legitimates of Europe? Dtvfne right may be rtpttsenteU best by the prhicipaca of Caalos, and she may favour accordingly in her heart the Ultra Royal ends of his usurpation bat she is (brmally identified with tbe per ton of his brother, for Faani MAxnis the living image of divine right Itself, and cannot consistently be abandoned such a ruler over mankind must indeed be a Aoaae AoarAe for the genuine lovers of the monarchical principle. In him there is no such admixture of moral worth, or Intellectual eminence, aa to cut a doubt upon the chivalrous motives of that support which be enjoys from the Holy Alliance.
His Catholic Majesty forms, therefore, the best illustrstioa of the bent and genius of tree legitimacy. His more despotic brother mutt be dlseounienaneed lor him and the substantial essence of a Spanish monarchy, the existence of a stste, without which despotism would seem to hart no practical object, loses all its theoretic value, when the first canon of the science, the Indefeasible supremacy of the name of Sovereign, Is in danger. If at the same time any thing tbat wears a crown could be less than sacred in the eyes of other monarcha, the tueetut of Chaklki 17. of Spain might, we should be made no very unnatural exception. There was a favourable rc at tt in the rnonevmar ket on Saturday.
The demand for mouey to be employed in continuation on stock was ao small, that much of what was intended (or that purpose was applied to the pur chase of Exchequer bills ami of India bonds, and had tbe effect of railing the farmer to a premium of 6s. and I ndia bonds to a premium of 20. The prices of stock of every description underwent a material improvement, particularly in the early part of the day but as some of the purchases were ascertained to have been made for the adjustment of accounts, and not for investment, the prices declined slightly, but still led the msrket in a far better state than has been experienced for several days preceding. On YPednesday arrived at the Motherbank from Cadiz, Malta, Gibraltar, laat from Natdea, the Maty An vacht, Aldborouh Richardson, with Captain Uaulraln, K.N., aad Mr. Rundle, pasacnam.
This the ssnallest vessel probably that ever paaaed the straits of Gibraltar from fioaland, twin hut little above thirty fir tons burden. An unpleasant, and on the mart of th Spanish Gorrrnmeai authorities at buamous occurrence, took place on the ratward paasaee of thia yacht to the Mediterranean, and which shall civsTn the word of the worthy amtlemaa who awns' her: 44 Upon iravhu Eoaland, la Mar last, be the Hediter. ranran. I took for my expense and for th pavmeat of say men, 300 aorereiana, which I pberd in my pormsntead, in a saull red baa. Cpoo arriving at Cadis, and betna NberaleJ from auaKnttnr, I sent the portmanteau, by the master of the vessel, accompanied by a youa fcntlemsa a friend af rahv.
to whom I jrrt the keya, to tbe Cuatom hooae. Upon lh pertmamaan beine opened, they took the money and a small box, eontaiainr thr family twomlii rinra. aaid it was not allowable to brine moner Into Saala, or jawds. sod slotalnod my frimd and the master under a iruaru. One of my men mminr and iaformmir me of this.
I. to ether with Captain Haultaia of tbe Royal Navy, waded npon the Consul, who rave his security for the appearance of th detained. Borne days afterwards, I w'S Informed I mirbt have the money aad the riar back. If I would rive fifty pounds. This I reiuc taatly did, aa I wished to proceed on my vwyare a soon aa posaible.
and by so doin, at the laa of fifty pound, recovered th remainder of my property This is a plain statement of the caae bad sack bappeneJ to a peratm who had not much to lose, it mirht have been of serious conaenoeace to Mm." lUm hire TelegtipK. The RinalJo packet, Lieutenant Moore, which arrived on Monday moraine: at Falmouth, hem Jamaica, hrinjcs report that Cuba had been laarn ptyeaaioti of by th French, who bav a lrr naval force in the West ladles. His Majesty's sUop TAraeUa had been despatched to Cuba, to Warn particular and th RimalJa was detained several hour brine despatches. The rumour was very reneraXly believed st Jamaica when tbe RimMa Utt paper. Tmr.
Gar at 8mr. The CuWn Court mI sUtes, that upwards of SflOmen are now enaaeed ra loadlnr.thls morwKHis vessel, and tow ho ar employed in rapine the loss with the auiatsnce of pulley and tarkl from tbe ship aide. It rather a novel spxtacle to witness ao many horses at work na a skip deck, tk same a if they were labourinc a fieM. Parties tt pleasure la pilouboals visa thia vessel from Quebec, ahnost every day. a A rT numerous nvectinr of all the principal Ca tholic noble and rentry of Meath, tAreiher with many Pre IttxDtt of tke MtW rank in the county, (among lbs 1 latter of whom were Lords Damley.
Bactive, and Duaaaay, Sir M. Somervine, Hon. Mr. BHjrh, Ac) was held Tuesday last at Navan. Iord Killeeu, the Hon.
Mr. Preston. Messrs. Bamewall, M'Donnel, Af moved reaolutiotaa decUrina; th necessity of aaanlmity, rtbuUlne the imputations of divided allerUnee, and rrcommendine a petition to tb Lords and that the Catholic hierarchy, aristocracy, and ewntry. should meet for 14 sueeeaaive days in Dublin.
In January next." All whirh were carried with the loudest applsase. Lord Oonnanstown was In th chair. At a fete given near Villa Rica, to the Governor of the province, there was an arbour formed entirely of sweet meata, undar which buuseif aad two of bis suit roold eonve. nienUy aland. Thtsale of the large estates of the Marquis of Asalesey, last week, at Mdbome Port, wu by no means na.
rneroasly attended, and th greater part of the rropertv hatill unsold. The Clifton estate was knocked down at 60,0001. Mr. Brides, in iraUsmlih, it said to the pnrsbaser. Tbe Bradford property was put ap at and tb cxtettsir farm of Sherborne VTyke at 13,0001., but neither had bidder.
Win or the lata Eaxl or CaAvair. The wilt of the late Right Hon. William, Earl of Craven, Vis. caaat UfSncton, and Baron of Hsmpstead Marshall, Berks, was proved in the Prrroramt Office, Doctors' Commons, on the 79th ulu, rrant of probate beimr mad to the Riant lien. William Phillip, Carl of Scfton, hi lordship's brother in law, as one of th executors, power beUr reserved for the like purpose 10 tb Hon.
Henry Aucaatas Berkeley Craven, and the Hon. Richard Kepprl Craven, the brothers, tbe other ex. centers, when they apply for the sun. The estates In th counties of Berks aad Wilts art made subject to debts and Ufor, but not so ss to exonerate the versoosl property. The testator confirm! the settlement cf J.IXWl.
per annum made to the Countess sabsMuendy to their marriage, and Wo, deaths to her besides, an additional 3.0001. per annum, for lift Also a principal autn of 1.0001., and the house, furahare, and pounds st Hsmpstead Park, for life, the wine, Ac. there, and all her jewels. The real cMstet la Berkshire and Wiltshire art de viied to the testator's eldest soa, ITfEnatosi those In MiJdJwx to his second son 1 and to his third son (charted on the MUdlrsex estates) per and a separate um of 10,0091. The picture, plate, and fumiuir at Coomb Abbey, in the county of Wsrwick.
and at Ashdowa Park and directed to be considered aa heir looms, aid 10 sceosnpanr the devise of those estate accordinejy. To Lvly Genriiana 'Craven, hie lordship's sister, he has left per annum while she continues unmarried aad to Dr. Eden, fr hia attention and kindness durinr hi residence in my family," 3U0L per annum foe life. Th Countess is appointed sole cuardiaa of the children during their minority, and Lord Uffinrion residuary iccatre. Tb will ia dated tbe 26tb of Julv, IS21.
The personal ratals is sworn under 7000L Uossrav or the SouTitaMrTow Dank. On Thursday John Johnson and J. Hardy were examined at Brighton, charred suspicion of kavtnr stolen the South, ampton Bank parcel of Messrs. Trim, el low, and diehard, (containing nearly 2.900L) on Wednesday laat. The seiaoner Johnaon paaaed one of the if.
notes lo Mr. J. Walker, Knen drir, of JatncsWreet, in payment for two silk hand kerrhiefs, and Hardy another SI. note lo Mr. BucsrweO, payment of a void watch key.
By th promptitude aad iud menl of Mr. Walker, the prisoners were apprehended. A third person, who has eineo disappeared, was previously seen with them, when ihey offered a simitar aots ta a tradesman In th Ntw road there. Th pri weters wrr teparately acarched, and on the person of Johnaon were found one ivt pound note of tb outhamplon bank, four aovereijraa, aad scan ail rev; on Hardy, forty lour fir round notes of ta aara bask, am IL note at th different Brkbton banks (obtained rhanre la the marainir), thirteen soreeeitna.and a half, six half hair crowns, ana a nana post dhi roe owu, wmcn, is sfpauitu, he had obtained from the Old BrUbton Bank. In astduoew for tan five nound notes af tb Roulhatnaton bank, which not were alat prod seed.
Johaasa, oa belnar qaestioned. rare a very eoulvoeatinc account now am Became pn 1111011 11 ox tn notes in 0004100 but Hardy re'uaea answertsf any Btsrro. raXoriestillb had cunaultcd with hUfrieads. ArWabsa; utvMrintiMi of tba alair. and th examination of several wimesaes, the prisoner were committed Lew Hauas LWrectioa, for rv examiaalion on 11 today week, aep porwaity for eornmusicadon wiuTrim, KstWw, aad I'rfechJ anL Pwrrssoarf paper.
7 At 5aint Barthclemy, near La Ferte Oatjcher an; rrmntrrrwi Ur DO hia lia bed. His SOSJ WOSUSS frtch th derryrnan, snd ssoad knocai sotVly at bis door ror three bouts. Why dida yaw knock hwaderr said lb etefW man. 44 1 was afraid of wskisw yaw aatl the 44 Well, wbot ih matter kft my father slrjbw. Sir." 44 So! asl ha1 rj it4? "Ok no, St." rrs tb odaw, A urUsas frsras saU be would swssnwMsatfill eJas.5e Utj, Monsicsr bwrytng JtiaspilaxfiTe iaoctrsr her lin ther asU bus tb body wan not ywt 44 Nan.
um, said be, 44 de trhat tcflyoa shell Issd inwgh." '9mAmx or rTrl jTfr TtMWL 1 is tbasiaanrku et 44 Mercwaw" wTdeh siaa the arriVaisrsom toraarn aarts tbcportaf Lsndon, auawoea Bat 1st or January sm lien or Aaxns lass, a cow. WatsdnHdlahk pertod th prrrwnj year, 44 should bar kuonkft aaeacnaidictod." Pacts are stubborn thfcirst they ir esally ecn'raJicted, bat they camot be dSsprrred. xour tanaauarmnit Las not vtntarod to kstpskra in nee ventnrad to inisure racy of say statement, but wabes tbe rtkUr, 44 whoa aneo. tion desiares lo breamch noted," si bcDeve. wpon ttascrtditof mm nakod aassnion, 44 that tber fa) a fcjlacy la lb ofScial accouats tt saarb reported inwards, and that toe lowruw.1 is the snly Ira eiiieiion.
Aa trath Isisjy sojeet, martrrs Sttk bow it I easaUiabed, and I therefor rhaflenes 44 laveseicator" to state tbe total stonae. which entered the port of Lndon from foreign parr (rarma the said periods, disshiaissnnir tbe British from th (areien. It win then be seen whether I was not fully justified ja dewrwratint the repeated attempu which nave been uaeral pnucy wmcn aas lately gortmsd our lefsuataan in 1 snsflsn rtUtSar to trade and narigatkru Hsvinr endeavour. ad iinsMrrisifullr so obtain a return of the trautaew tn qoes tassv, Asasea no choice, snd I am therefor compelled ta soak it at tbs hands of my opponent These it a subtlhy In the manner in which the subject at 1 sbom has bars treated. ab'ch requires to be anjnanArd.
Thear. rwmeot propounded, lavolici tn aboard sea psauion. that al. lAwnAfh the liberal system has benefitted our trade and navies, tian arnanllr. waeht to repudiate it.
becaue the shiapine of other countries haa participated ic the advaatafre; cuully ulenabl that branch of the argument which recMnmrnds oar abandoning a policy, ander which our commercial inter. course wua roreVrn nations Has expencneea suca an uaex. aaialad moaueiitv. if tb shins of those nations ahall have en. joyed a areater share in the increase of our trade than our own.
II leas empteymeat now existed we Bruun snippwe wa passHird prrrljus to the adoption of the hbcral ca would usdeed be widely Uifferent. But obaerve, Mr, what ap. rnfnxn lb oflicial returns mad to Parliament in April last. 1823, when th newitystem had but partially operated Idurina fourimonths of th year, the amount of British tonpar cleared outwards dar iae tkat year was In 1824, warn it was iatTuIl oneration, was cxniauu; an maveaw Mtaj van in otic jw, JAimroLojmrrjiiL Tb era repuution of thb scene htof i date. Nearly two eenruriea am It was jfL1? beirg, rs it now tie very focus of bbW! vkx.
Auccripiion ot tnetatr is riven fa pimphlct publihe.l in 1641, and it tmJTl closely the deUneition in most paniculnaSili fair of tbe present 5r. The bock we aT 1. entkui incs: wkZ la 1823 th amount of fbrein tonnare was in 1B3, 2.O.V013 14.i74 iniut, vi axhibitine an Increase' of tons, makina; a total in. ereaas in tn outward naviaauoa 01 ureat nniaia onir, in one year, under the improved system, of 47109 tons show. Ine a comparative increaas of Britiah tonnaf over foreign of 100 per cent, The toQswittf is a comparative atatement of tonnaee dunnc tb like period which entered inwards in the port of London 1823, British tonnage 2,711.
Fortirn 161. 1834, Ditto JOft.183 Ditto 2M.IW8 peesenline: an increase In 1824. as compared with ta previous yearfB'itisk tannaae, 164,126 foreirn 102,33, makina; a total of 268,119 torn. And the number of vraaels which moored In tbe port (exclusive of those which entered docks) durinr tb three last years waaaa follows 1SH 13.433 HQS IXHH 1814 1SI3 80 much for shipping. Now observe what has been the effect upon merchandlae.
Ia 1822, previous lo the 44 new system," the vala ot our Imports and exports was In 1823, when it was KUIrt.yKt In 1834. when Uwaaia fall waa cxhlbitina; a prorressi inerease of no less than twelve mill iocs aad a half. Next taia lbs transit trade. Ia 1823, when the new warcboualas system first R.VWiWi In Iffit, when hwM la fall operation, It wa exhibiting aa iacreaa durrn one year of one mil Hoc and iUI. Thus proviar that undar tb 44 new system" every branch of oar trad and ruvigatlon has Increased In a manner uaexam.
pled; and afloeds the beat an wet to the statement of tke Ixm. don Duck Company in lb para Wet published with their canctioa (aes pt 21, and referred in your paper of the IRth of Aaaust), aa 44to tb alarming effect of the new system which rapidly showiag haelt" Equally satisfactory I hope It will be to your caerespoadent, I retret I cannot compliment upon hia acca racy or upon hia candour. labia attempt to controvert my statement of the increaaed arrivals he ex. hlbita a partial speci5cation of toruur confined Ru sta, Praaala, Sweden, Norway, and Denmaik, the resaon for which he says Is, because they are countries to which the now system" haa been specially applied. But obaenrs Sir, that Raasia does not enjoy the advantaiees ot the Reciprocity Act, and Hanover, llamburrh, Bremen, laibeck, Oadenburgh, and Mecklenbur(h, to which the principle of rtdprodly haa bsen extended, have been omitted in addition ta which, he ilatea th increaae in foreien tonnaee at I L22 tons, and decrease In Britiah 13,67, whereaa the London Dock Compaav aasert th increase in foreirn to be between 20,000 and 22,000 tona, and tne drcreaae in Brrthh between 1,000 and 7,000 tons.
True it is that 44 Investigator" admits the accounts to be of his own framing whether the others were framad In lb London dockbouse it may not be worth while to Inquire but it will be curious to se bow th diffrrence can he reconciled. Although the increase In our navigation generally ha taken place progreaaively la the proportion of two Dritiah loos to one foreign, your correspondent cannot be ignorant that tbe latter would have been less, but from the rapid sugmenta. lion in our commerce, British shipping for some time past not having been equal lo the demand freights have riaen in the short trade from I to 25 per and hence an increaaed employment foe foreign shipping has been created. From whst I have already staled, the proportion need not cause uneaai. area nor baa it increased in the port of Ijondon, ai I find thai of the ships which entered since January Uat, 2,328 wrr Britiah, and 1,001 foreigners which is no more than tac average proportion.
Your correspondent further volunteers a statement of the tonnage of roue la which have entered the docka in the port of London alnc January laat, from which it would appear that tber haa been a falling off of about 6,000 tona, and Indi reedy pronounce an opinion that no additional dock accom. modatam la rewuirad. Uer of tbe 17th uIl never touched upon the tukject of docks, conceiving that the pub. lie bad quite enough of it. I might therefore have paed it la silence, were it not that I bare little the tpecimen already given, in 44 statements resting upon accounts of hli framing," particularly In the face of an increase in the arrivala aiac January lasL If should be correct, ho wrrer, (which I do not believe), it cannot be otherwise accounted far than by th number of vessels which have entered the London.Doeks continuing to dtcreass aa it was peered la Parliament that notwltaataadlng 900 ships from foreign parts did enter the port in 1824 more than la 1823, th London.
Doc ki received 138 skip leas in 1824 than in 1823. Th reason. Sir, it so obrioaa to every maa of buaineas, that it need no comment. I remain, Sir, your obedient aervant, Sept. I.
MERCATOR. P. Sine writing the above, 1 have obtained an account of th number of vessel which entered the London Dot cording to their half yearly ttatetnent, which ia made up to the Sitter May in each yeart but as 44 Investigator" include Jan hU calculation, 1 1 have done so also, and the result prove thai ajy ranjeetarc was ngbi. mp. 1823, December 1824, January February March April May.
Jane 1824, December 1821, January February March April May Jane Leu during the 7 months in 182i than like period in 1 82 1 snir 103 95 103 1 Ill 141 7 741 62 791 Notwithstanding; 600 mors ships entered the fan during that period. On Saturday a darin; attempt at escape was made from tb Police office, Bow.stieet. Maty Ammt a woman about 31 year of age, was committed to the Heue of Cotiection lor so assault upon a watchman. Previously to her removal she wu locked up. to wait the convenience of the ofSosrs, in tb faol yard, the place usually allotted ta prisoaars who ar not In custody for any crimiaal rteoce.
TMT yard la TO or 30 feet rauare, and surrounded bra brick waH'of 20 feet In height, and it was oter this formldsble bar. Her that th prisoner Smith resolved to efTect her liberation. Taking advantage of th temporary absence of th gaoler, Ford, she placed tbe wooden bench, upon which the prisoners sft, upright, and using this as a ladder, contrived to reach th 1 hatter which encloses the grating midway, fn her ascentanu thence ta gala tke top of the wall. From this slevaiwn ahe made her way over bouse and chiainey top, until ahe had attained an open window on the back part of the houae of Mr. Day, boot maker.
In RusMtl etrce. From this window to the landlng.plae of tbe ataira, a duunce of feet, ahe most have mad a dangerous leap, over sn interval descend, tor tbe whol depth of the buildiag. Thia unexpected chasm Indeed had nearly proved fatal to her pursuer, and bad th woman rniaaod her footing in sny part of th track, inauntdeth must hart been the rnnariaenc. In lit mean lime notice bar. Ing been given of th escape.
Ford eoaomeaced a pursuit by the some route. When be reached th window in II 1. Day 'a booae, threw himself in, and losing his balance fell, and would bav been precipitated bead feremoat to trie foot of the bofMmg. had he not pravideotially arrested liladeseent by holding on with on foot to th ledge of th window. In thia perilous aittatioa ke remained hangiag for some moment, when by a desperate eCoet be contrived to priflg no, and uc.
eeeded in rrasping the baluatrait of the staircaae, by the help of wWchossajorealDedhUlegs. In the bouasof Mr. Day ceaaiderable alarm waa created by tbl aerial Invasion of tbe premise. The woman rot to th street door unnoticed, when sh was met by Mr. Day.
To Mm ahe eucsad her purpaae, aad said bar tbe beat place foe coacaalmeat was th cellar. Into which she abnoat immediate! descendod but th officer was already ia th bouae, aad overhearing th dialogue, followed up ass secured hia priaoncr. Mr. MinahulL upon be log informed of th particulars, went to viU the fugitive. The poor creature atated that she had been driven to riak her life in th manner aha had done en account of tw ia facta who depended upon her for sustenance, their father having died ikna works saw.
Ia consideration of tbs womaa'a. duties, aad the peril sh had encountered for th sake of her liberty, MA MtashuQ, with a suitable admonition, humanely ordered a kadiathamL Ht cooaUcred tkat tb tartoe atth si twatlon which bet hsurwasaa antarls evinced, would rrai Amrr fatnr oflance. Tb wall will immedlateir made saroaf sarainat fnnhet aitemptt af tyda kind. XotsnecV tn many uaawtrlll cnaracaara enm uua piacw wicv vca. tared wpon sweh aa uadertaklag, and ap to th prtacnt rao nseat tba wau has arways oern conssuersa cnwranirrie.
The r4itrxcf an American paper, the Hclem Oo jerpcrrthw ssMorisaa to Ms readet far the aboeoea of original truck earing the Use weather I only axoltwy trc can csfte ta out readers sr the absenos sat original atnelm iVI imr'a aaner' faith xcearv beat of tb wwatbee. wkieJi has actaagy erUd ap taw sak sa saw stoaats, aad redncod wa to indksstatarflasshaaspviiiai sorrsan aatartasnina; whe St tba wjtbtswr braras 1 gaaaTA ra letter rssssfjed gpeyulaTtorii fa rdi aa tn. aaaaan 7 nan aawawus mawc aa wau kW2A to far 3d. read Zs.c re mthu ufttimuamimUaertxrdncm. CXOBOU JND TBt CtlUZ 1 tTraan the oM CaaaHcrA The asaextd official letter frwotOsarral 0Heswffl enable the pabne to ferm a eorract aptafan of tne affdrs which have eccapied a eooaidrraU portico of the newspapers tbr several moots.
Gemeral Oalwes'i letter is made pwWic by kb Adjutant, Major Bauer, expressly for 44 the parse of tounterac Ins; certain Ulte sed Irfummu rtforU tenet mimr the aHVu. rwnt of fndiandtfficuttirs, calcalatedu deceit the pubhe and agaravase tb miiCottunes of thvag bdpless sJ dcladed btiaga, who evince a disposition to rv urhe their deatinr and so OHnply with the wishes of th general Cavtnmecu 44 Headquarters, Eitmr tVrarunen, Flint Rirer.JuIy 10.1821. 44 Sir Tfc excesr brat of tbe weather, added lo th uany inconveniences and iaterroptiona which I have daily encountered ia theeourac of my wit tbe Orck nation, has deprived wt of th alcaauie of writing 10 your ExcrCAcy a often or a fully a I have been dcairoua of dotne. I bare now the honour, without entering into detail that could afford but little imerest, to rommunicat to you tke result of my ctm fcrroec wild the Indians. Alter snminc in thia Sa'e the fbUfs af tbe party, and at Broken Arrow toae of the opfoaite party, and hearing their irpnrrive atatewKTM, with the evidence for and against each party, 1 have urreJ them tt an adjuatment 01 oiffercscca to which tbey have mutually aiaented.
The Mackintosh party demanded retaliation fr their fallen Chief, with the immediate of property taken or destroyed their demand wire founded on ice Rth article or tbs Treaty of February lat. which praniie on our part protection to their party' aniasttl? whites and all others, which tarty they (the followers of (trntral Mackla tih)aauaic therrclrea exclsiivrly to be. Whet Iter lids Fro. vision of the treaty was or wa not intended ta protect the Orek Indian aeainat ibeirarlves, or to prr.trct a cmnparatlve. ly anull part of then againn the main body of the' nation, were questions which I aa happily not called upon la decide; aa, in the event of boatilities havisg aub ided, my inttiuctiorM to require the complainants aa we'd ao tke opposing puty to 1 yOK, theT rt UP worship, these abstain from acta of retaliauoo or violence.
sa.e. But by the wav 1 il tell a cf 44 The reputed bwtile party cnMis of ill the princisal cisc puritan, who came in all hast from Lmi tT Chief, and of nearly fcrty nine ntiieta of the whole ef th to nurocaelv tn i. th kT'a Si r'I I never bin before, ami corning out of Xeajxte wir? and wao. to my certain knowMOce, hare been I (aad I think ther have hvn al all timet! aa Lnited Matea a any of oar Imlian neighbours could have been picture of Chriit anj his twelve Apohtlea, ink known te be. I met them at Brtken Arrow, the uuil tlatc I 1 of holdlae the greit cmineil of the natiow.
r. Fnei; 44 I couU not, therefore, but view thi, he tile ptrtv ht Tv tbougbt aad strong ruf asia tact aiJ in trut1! the Creek nation, and altoeether free I superstition set such a sharp uponU pqj, of thepirit of Iwwtility acribed to them. I received tie of his inMirtuil realf, that very mafdlv EV. .1 1 .1 ...1 1 Vta uurmwous style, Birtholrnew Fiirr. or varittr nf T.
rou mav rind a faire of 1 raiml with tbe sevcrall ennrroityes and Hjr nours which are there setne an.1 acted." As thesnwtt very nre.we do not hewitstr to lay a few extraoi it before our rradtrs. The author, alter siauj the fair commence; oa the 21th cf earlier than the priod at which it at present broVwJ twls as flithcr resort pronlc af high and low. rich and pocrr, from citiea, toWMl country of all sects, Papists, Atbeiits, Anairit7 and Brownhu and ff all conditions, pood aajw vcrtuous and vitieus, knaves and fooles, cstksidi cuckohi mskeTS, bauds and wh pitcpeatnd ptoZT ropies snd rascalht, the laud one, snd UeS wanton." The author text slludes to one festmf fair asitexistct! in his day, of which rovesirrati! at the present pcrioil nainely, a sort of pietoraleA; bition in the dobtcrs of Christchurch that wee may the better tak an rxiet snrv'ty of whole fain, first let us enter into ('hriuehnrch em sters. which are now hung 3 full of you would take that or rather miukeir' Sr in .1,. .1,., aST 1U cus for 2rt yeanpaat i throuch ChristchHreh into the dovsttrs, anJlcvarS 1 friendly la tbe the snow.
ball of hU eyes, ho presently etpveiAo could have been picture of Chrut anj his twehe Apot.t'le. ik and icanv uii, aiour ar.u fan 01 nc neps lo 1 m'T snce of their determination to be peaceable and rne dly ltor widi twopeny hill ts and woa'JfaVvJlf joards their ahnt people aa o.n as towards the 1 hlvlnK himfe 44 Tkev rewrrtted the neeeiitr which thev contend existed thcught), he betins in a tmsmoo tothi. for the ror measures thev adofed araimt Oceeral llaekls tonh aad others, who they afbmi forfeited acd Wwt their lives by having violated a well known law of the nation. Titer have engaged to restore all property takes, and to pay for all that haa been destroyed cuntraryto Itwj and they hare pro mised allcw a reasonable time lor lnoe wno Pate borroaeu and run off wirh money out of their national trraiury to re jiiiim tr.c luoiatrr ci inc times mat It grownc aboa.inablr thj: the wk of Habilon was crept into nirisuhurch. and thsttht scoil mMions of the spirit had brought him totw to make a sacrifice of tho idle klolU to his juit antt iiijv mntsnation, wr.icn cot no latrt iTibur tneiame.
Tb Counctl atroegly ar4 unanimostly thc which throng'd hix, tbts ini coV.rary lolht mZn aad ataertnined wiU cV the cat h'm fWf lUt fca tion, and by person not aathcrired to treat. They retuae to I the iijiht of the tunnc, or receivsany part of the coniideration due under the ir.ot be makrs an assault sml biVrry ti treatv. or to cive aav other acauirseence in it. In conclua'on the Doore iuiievent ivture. till thr shoTlM.
trwv expre tne nopeinatweie pity 'Mir him hirn Mon a consuKr. i. deplorable cnaditi. and wculd do them tt.e justice to reconu 4 dcrand 4 uikIo tht which has been wrerfullv I have. comm.lte,! my little ht lune a 5, sicvKcs, vrnrrv we win icavc miii nurauant to mv ir.atruaioaa from tke Department of War, endeavoured to convince the counvil, but without lucceu.
of the fallacy of their abjection to the treaty, aad to dia.ipate their deluaive hopes that it cas ever be an. nulled I have aaured thetn that ia all our treat ie with the powers of Kurope. aa well as with nearly fifty IccUan rations irre haa not been une, to my knoaleitge, of a treaty havirvr been revukctl or ar.nullev!, alter being duly ratified except by the tret consent af all the panic to it. by war. I yeaterday met in council, near Jrph Marshall's irrrr, the Chiefs of la Matkictcuh party, and communicated to them the propmitioa of the Council at Broken Arrow, to which they have acceded.
Tbv prarai 4 to return ta their home aa aeon aa tbey are adviaed of the arrival af tlve United States' troop ordered from Louiaiana and Pensacota, to the Cieek Arency at Cbattaliooclwe. Tne Chieia of both parties have di.tinctlr and solemnly aaaured me that they will remain at peace with each other aad that they will in no case raise an arm ant tbe citizen of the United Slates. Under these crrumraace it ia my duty notify your Excellency, that there will be go oceaaion for calling into cervice any part of tl mili'ia or volunteer of the atat over which tw preside. The eertifa'. ate.
ot' which I encloae herewith a marked added to the dcclaraiiona of the Chief in Council, of whom Joarph Mae. to cocle ka vtew we win whilst we take a t'aire." Saint EUrtholotr.ew' hv our author to a suikire excatrer. there he aavt many a handsome wen exchesi that jrwell which is most pn'cwus," for 10 wu! favour as a moiety of bene lice, a slight silver bscks, a hoopt or the like ye'; for shre cooes at thither with hor sweetheart to serve ber osg ai onsly. but also to atirW his desire arcctiha ts 6 old saying, one jjood turne deserve, auosrr," lb) next paragraph it devottd a rotirc of the pes. tKvkeu, to which worthy fraternity Birthr Fair appears at all times to have been a frafi source ot" profit.
The faire i full of foU tai silrrr drawers jutt ss Lrntis the fishmonger, a Bortholocneiv faire to the pickpocket; it is ka high harrot, which mver htl but wbea ks cart pres up Holborne. Tie cit'y re at ilrvadtull to these vounzsiers at lie plague it to sr hall waa the principal and interpreter, prove ihatysur Ex. London actors. That rcstraines then from pwyrw. uuency naa oecn itic uy uccotcu iu itppwu, uw.
uie anu mey uiuuer llicse irtiui wormu ou VWCX.V Inloah party ever cocaented to thesuiv. of the ceded territory I know these nimble vouthe. and lrlelr to fiad tbta bring commenced before the time the treat to Ujetr busie removal. Thta tact iviag altogetnet a Dew aspect to the wo. ject of the proposed of the land.
a.lded to a strong eon them, antl wtnetimes in disccurse with their wada viction on my mind that the attempt to make the surveys would (the sister: of the scahard), for the rrmtparttok be apositlre violation at the treaty, and will, under rxtailng found in a croud or throng of people. Iae desa eauaesof be certain to pronuce art of violence hereafter mentinnedis not destitute af inrrmary; a I to add, tbat tricks nearly rMM, mmnrJ until ts Indi.n ahaU have re. I unfrcquently resorted to by the furrtvelvJara moved aareeably ui the treaty. I cannot doubt that the facts of our own times." 44 Some of your cutpurses are ia at disclosed by the acewnpunying certificate, with the concurrent I wt, cheating costermongcrs, who have a ttiek sewn! testimony of the Chiefs in Council, will induce your Excel lencr wiiboot hcaiution to abandon the em.iectot surveyicg the land before th month of September, 44 This will be particularly eratifyin to me, as it will relieve eie of the painful duty of acting in concert with the veecraied auiIiruiuVsof an enlightened and patriotic member of the United States, 10 who.n I stand pledged by tvery ptin eiple of honour, snd under the solemnity of aa oath, to serve them honestly and faithfully. (Signed) 44 EDMUND P.
OAINES. Mij. (Jen. Commandiag. (A tree cony) E.
O. W. BU fl.ER, Aide de (imp. 44 To bis ExcelWy O. M.
Troup, Governor ot Oeorgia." 44 CtSTiriCATC. 44 We certify that ae accompanied the expresa fiom On. vernor Trouo to General Mackintosh, cmrreying the reiuel that he would allow tbe aurvey of the land acquired by the treaty snd th Indian Springs, to be Immediately commeneed. (ienctal Mackir.insh replied that he could not rrant the request, kut would call the Chiefs try ether and lay it before them which was never done. ii WILLIAM EDWARDS.
tSiraed) 44 JOSEPH MARSHALI" 44 At Portesa's, Upton County, July IKS." 44 I certify that thia is a comet copy of the original ccrtia cate, signed ia my presence, and now in my possession. 4 E. (i. W. BUTLER, Aide de Camp." say Lord Bolingbroke speaking of Englaml, used to ty, 44 Our nation inhabits an island, and is one of the principal nations in Europe but to maintain this rank, we must take the advantages of this situation, which have been nrgkcttd by us for slooost half a century.
Ve always remember, that we are not part of the continent but we roust never forget that we arc neighbours ta it." Siturdsv morning, about half rait eight o'clock, WhltexhapeVroad. and the numerous itreets that abound there, were thrown into the greatest stale of agitation, by th inha tants experiencing a most tremesdoos shock, as il caused ky a volcano or aa earthquake. Tbe houses for a considerable latin were deserted by their inhabitant and children, were seen running about in all directions. Il was soon ascertained that their alarm waa produced bythe explosion of tha factory of Mr. Brock, the artist in fite wcrks, at No.
11, BakrrVrow, Whiiechapel road, nearly opposite the lndon Hospital The following are particulars Mr.Brrck has rtsrd ed fat the laat five vears In Baker 's rcw, and the back of dwdline house is his repository for fire wciks, where they are manufactured. This building i annul fifty tire feel by twenty. and contains three maguiaes, wtucU axe noea wi a ieaa, ana would be peil'ectly M. cur frcn lire. Wli it occur on any of h.
l.r.,n,r, nnnMM. In tr.cje receDtacles aere deposited all the powder, composition, and, in fact, all the combustible matter, and Mr. Brock wa remarkakle for the method had taken to prevent any accident occurring on his premises. A lew wrcks since he lad taxen nova out ot uie pi tn At fircwoik.cukia. asd be kert them chiefly employed in filling and ramming the eases of theiky.
rockets, serpent, squibs, Ac, Ac The Utter part of thia staee of the work i done by a funsel, or piece ef tin made la lb ihipe of an rstinruiahcr, and a muiII piece 01 iron wire, Trie srcall rod. oe aipple, aa it is tailed, of the extinguisher, in'rodBced into one end ot the rocaet i;u ice wjp and wadding down with th ranitod. On Saturday mormcg at the time above atated, Mr. Brock and his men left th factoty to go to breakfast, leaving the two bovs engaged at the work 1 rocket. Thev haJ scarcely sal Aown'u, their meal, whau uhey, well a the inhabitant.
mund them for sjine diatanrr. hear a aort 01 rumourr nui c. aalf of distant thunder, and ih next miOtent a tremtndou asd deafening explosion folloacd, when the sir was lllu wdard with lights of various deaeriptloni, and afam ponied by reports. The conclusion was to great tnt ine then to thrive down a basket of refuse pares, prove choik pcsres to those that shall loose their kn or closkes in stnvmt; wpo snail gainer tastear. larf have manv tlaintv baits to draw a bit, an I (if not vigilant) you shall hirdly esctpe their net: fei fowlers they "are, for eveiy finer of theirs is a Sat twi tre.
with which they catch dotterells. Thrra excellently well read in physiognomy, for thry sal know howstronp you are in tne purse Dvwoiacn your face and for the more certainly thereof, ne? will follow you close, snd never leave you till draw your purse, or they for you, which theyl sure to have (if you loofce not to it) though therkx N'ew cate fur it. The rrneral ai rsnrapterfflBifir in thus ludicrously described in the fol'owtoj passer, with which the patnplet concludes. the rork.vendr deserves to be noted It is icmirkable, snd worth your ohsfrrati, behold and heare the strange sights and cotus in the faire. Here a knave, in a foole's rse a trumpet sounding, or a drutnme beadr sxa you, and would faire persustle you to se his papprs; there a rogue like a wild wriodman, or in saaaj ililn lit an Irn llKu VOTIT rOmNDV TJ irt nn ihtf.
nlhpT lu1e. HoTUS PXV. Oik three yards'of lane or ribbin ins art Irerrr.lMTiain. ta the admiration AM mcnt of a company of ccckoloaehes. Amonrsttlwe you shall see a pray goose cap (as wise as with a 4 what der ye lacke' in hij mouth, "IU boothe shakinR a rattle or scrapinit a fiJJit, i hw wtstrtlt tr? out for these fopperies.
And all these put make such a distracted noisf, wit jvu i thinck Bsbell were not comparsble to a. I mere are aiso yr gamesters ing of a whirnsey, others throwing for prS. who eaa quickly dissolve a round ihufct sssji 1 three halftienpy saucer Lon? lanc at this very fair, and puu on her bt cietiLJ, 721 wron sitle outward, so turn'd for thf ir beta lr'l 1 1 .1 tr (as i tot aie DOUSCX tnercin Tri uei 1 at a dearer rate) in the pig market, a' or Pye coTncr, where pigs are al houre of the stalls piping hot, snd would cry (if speak) come eaterac, but they are so dam4uW'S ami the reckoning, for thera so sjuct itt4 had as ool licke his fingers in a fTy corne into one of tlose houses vhere tt hostesse instructs Nick Froth her tspster, snuiiPg more ror a p' ur" chill, in regard of her longin, thin Jl ordinary rustotuer these unconsoorune 1 ii, angle of the faire to hct for try corepisy. "JjJ a resriivcM witn myseii to ic ic way, and luring ouce gt out. not hast.
I farewell at the faire vou whoaresa. 44 I'reaerve your purses whltt jou pleaK TvJ It would rctm that of were subsequently devoted to harmless as that at which the riter in the Obserralur of Augtut, ''JfTsJi mates ia iae different house were shaken from their scats, IW. this market rfwwdsesi' manv of whom were anting at their brtstlaat, anu iae taoiea i. aaU b.oken to pieces. The window any thing else but the ruin of theJtodies.
frame were all forced out, and the "KX oais ana esutes ot in young nuu a aalCt I were flying about in every direction. Theraof of Mr. Brock here meet with all the ZZ, fr London, who here meet with all me tr jfc I ikstrurtion The lotteries to f1 TpS drolls, comedies, interludes, and TftA pbee not long since afforded Lorua men and their wives, squires snd Ortierf, rope dancers, jick puddings and Uy and rnaida, masters aad twiii copy of an announcement will rLM tnetitsofth fair at this rjerW those of the present tuns manulaetery, anu tne taoory ut r'" Jr, ui Kx4it the talliae notenal dw ZZXXm "mischief: AfThegitation had womewha, Orolli. corneutes, intcr.uu T' ri a i id th caurs of the accident took place, trrctr munis witn nouuu 'TZlfii when it appeared from the statement of the boys (who gloiitets tthese couscous scenes PT fcij were blown a considerable height and much tsya red) that they jn eTinz they stilie the TM wer at work, rammuw ibe rockets, when th ramrod struck edJey against the tunnel, and ine inciwo taua a into tbe bowl of gnrpowder that stood neat them this soon exploded, and ran like a train to all the other fire works in the factory, and at length communicated to the maeaziae, which canard the disaster. Mr.
Brock, however, declares it could not have arisen in that way, as the nipple the runnel was copper, therefore friction would not cause a spark. One poor woman, lister to tk. beadle, who live, next door to Mr. Brock, was so dreadfully Injured by ih broken glass, Uiatshe hea In th London Hospital without hopes tf recovery. The follow, ing house have bn injured bv re explosion la i Bakes a.
row. Mr. Anderton, botcher: Wunkw, befof VTute chapelt IVndareeoalealenUvesay, baker. In Prince aereS, coal dealer KennU. ler BoanwO, iionnwuger Conatannne, tailor PhUcmon, clothes dealer tba Kma's head pubUcJaoaae, at Lit eatntti aad test athrr bouses, met of which bav.
inJow. de ascdiahedfromlopSolMaoca. We tastateOAi iMr i. l. "u.l mM.
inmaaous artist, is. by this Lacsadent, seduced so ruin, was uninsured, not bnaabl hTrnZErUtoriMn Mtaie that h. had mrdrtS i wia4trf powder by kioa at the dme Ut thetntschlef waadlWkTlho 2 aasasatawnxdhdakod fJ3SST taaliwtMttxfhaed wsatlcaawof so sapch BJischief bews; driving a "si also you will see tbe gat only passes all that has yet been seen rm. but be dances without a pokvoo intst as high aa the booth will PmlaV stand, upon his head on entertained with the merry ramonch. who dances on the rone snw ys awl a dog in a wbeelbarrow, too SeTersleoveysofF4, LL fenced nf tn no.
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