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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 1

Cincinnati, Ohio
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OPEN DOOR FREED From Galling Bonds r.lERfilTT Is Still in tho Raco Is Secured at Last That fihed Her To a Congregational Divine, With the 1'rcMdcnt'n Ideal For the Speakership. At Sixteen of the Leading Ports in Manchnria. Success Crowns Efforts of the United States To Merge the Province in the World's Trade. A Former Stronghold of Russia Is Leased To Japan By China in the Pact Made at Peking. Lord Selborne May Resign Owing To Britain's Plan To Bar the Chinese From Africa.

Washington. Imtr 23. Important details of th. truly between China and Jar-en. signed at Psktng to-day.

ha. reached th. Mat. Impertinent by cable. China consents to ktH to Japan th.

Uto Tung Peninsula, at th. southern extremity of which I. Port Arthur and Halny. This territory fnnnarlT wit h.ld by Ruuk under lease from China. China eoM4w lo Japan th.

rontml of th. railway on In. peninsula northward a. far aa Chang-Chin. ThU la on.

of th. spurswhich connects with th. Ruhho Siberian Railway system, and th. point named probably will mark th. division between Ruaalan and Japanese control.

China alao concedee to Japan lha right to wuild a railway from Antung, on th. Talu River, to Mukden, tba ancient of Manchuria, probably a Ions th. Una of th. fsmous old military or caravan road. It la provided, how.v.r.

at th. and of a certain period th. road may be purchased by China. Moat Important of all th. treaty la an article whereby China ii'm to open to the wnrld'a commerce lo principal porta and cltlea In Manchuria.

Including Herbla, th. modern Ruiilu capital of th. province, snd Ha moat Important railroad center, thua mtrkhii. In the opinion of th. 8 (ate liepartanent officials, th.

final success of the long straggla by the United, States for ihe opa door. VNk'LT FOR THE SEA Are tha Nw 'British Seoond-Class Cruisers, Encounter and Dido. Tendon. December 22. Tha new British second-class cruiser Encounter, which In her speed trials develop such aertoua structural weaknesses aa to necessitate taking her back to tha dork yards, where six months war.

spent In strengthening her with additional girders, appears from statements made by the craw to have been but little Improved. Th. Encounter waa tn have sailed for Australia to-morrow, but she will not do ao. since, with th. exception of a few man.

half the crew who were given shore leave yesterday, failed to return on hoard. It Is said that when the Encounter waa running under the economic speed her decks literally buckled and the vmH developed abnormal vibration. Naval en ssy It would be taking a grave rlak dispatch her to Australia. Th. second class cruiser Dido while carrying out her sun practice also developed defects and was ordered to return to Chatham.

BAHRXNG OF CHINESE from British South Africa Hay Result tn Lord Besig-natlon. lxnlon, December 22. Th. announcement of 1'remler Campbcll-Bannerman In hla ieech In Albert Hall last night that the M-vernmant haa given Instructions for the stoppage of importations of Chinese coolies to South Africa, caused tha Kaffir market open weak to-day. Leading shares fell .1 The Conservative papers refer to tne step aa being "th.

most serious taken 'T a responsible government since the attempt to Impose the stamp duty oa th. American colonies." The possibility of Lord Selborne. the High 'ommiaalonec ia South Africa, resigning is scussed. 4 aeeOnauts jumped From tha Car Whan tha Balloon Exploded In Midair. srsciaL.

CASxa re ran asoviasa. Berlin. December 22. A balloon with three officers of th. German Ballooning Battalion ascended from Berlin yesterday afternoon.

Their airship became entangled In the high tension wires of the woolen mills at Forst. In the province of La visit, and the balloon exploded, tormina a huge ball of fire, Tha officers Jumped from tba car and escaped with slight la Juries. AJLESICA. BLAMED Tor Nonintarrantlon By tha Korean Mini star, Who End Ufa. Victoria.

B. C-. December 22. Advices were received by the steamer Tremont that Mia Tons Whan, the Korean Minister, who committed suicide when the treaty- with Japaa was signed, did so because America would not intervene. He left a letter to this effect.

When his body waa Carried to his residence his mother took poison and died. Che Plong 81k also poisoned hlmerlf with opium when In his chair la the streets. A rising did tke place In South Korea, not far from Fusan. but waa soon quelled by Japanese troops. 'A state funeral waa ordered for the suicides and the posthumous UUe of "True.

Patriots" given them. TXELDS THE TJ. S. LEGATION. IxKidon, December 28.

William Pritcaard Morgan, the Co haul -General of Korea and Charge d' Affaires of the Korean Legation since the suicide of the acting Minister eight months ago, baaded over the location to the Japanese embassy and the Consulate to the Japarese Consul-Oaneral to-day under the arrangement transferring Korean foreig-n affairs to the control of Jaan. HXKBZB.T H. Washington. D. C-, December 23.

Herbert II. D. Pelrce, Third Aaaiatant Secretary of State, haa been by the President aa th. Aral American In-later to Norway. Char lee Danby.

Chief Clerk of the department, haa ben determined upon aa successor to Mr. PARENTS WERE BURNED In a Vain Effort To Sara Their Two Little Girla. Muncle. December 22. Clara and Mildred Beggs.

and 8 years old. daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. William Begga. living Dear Royerton.

were burned to death today. Mr. and Mrs. Begga were so seriously injured that they may die. Mra.

Begga inhaled flames and Is horribly burned about the body. Tha family had been living In a tent on the farm of Mra. Lucy Moore. The gas stove In th. tent set fir.

to the canvas while th. family waa asleep. The parents were burned whll. trying to rescue their Ultl. girls.

INDIANA SEAMAN On of Thosa To Succumb To Meningitis at Newport. rarui oisTsrca to tss bmoovsss. Newport. R. December 22.

Two more deatha from spinal meningitis at th. naval hospital to-day Increase total to four, with eight esses under Tha deaths' to-day ware Robert Cremor. of Indiana, sal John P. Magef. eA.

-Brooklyn. The situation la regarded aa serious. Tha are being Isolated. POLICE Inadequate in Newark Te Deal With the Trouble Growin Out of a Strike, the People Say Five Mea Arrested. tract DiaFATCS TO Til BKQUIBBB.

Newark. Ohio. December 22. As a reault of the murder of Homer Loar. a nonunion atove polisher, last fight five men are In jail and will be given a hearing before Mayor Crllly to-morrow.

They are William Beckford. Richard Oden. F. A. Qobel.

Hugh Taylor and Andrew Harter. To-dav'a developments show that Loar and several companions were quietly walk ing" toward the foundry to begin their night's work when they wers assaulted. Loar fell dead at the first shot. The body ill be burled to-morrow st Hanover. where the widow and three little children lurvlve.

Affidavits to-day were filed against the men by Lear's brother and a companion. Frank Crown, who alleged positively that Hugh Taylor waa on. of the asaeilanta. Ixjer's murder Is th. third since the strike began last June, the others being Michael Goodwin.

October 17; Charles Higgtns. No vember 11. Two other assaults, almost amounting to murder, and over minor assaults and clashes have occurred. The people to-night are demanding more police protection. The question of wares doea not enter the aituatlon.

The polish ers demand recognition of their union, the company having- acceded to all demands save this one. To-day a personal encounter at the foundry almost resulted in another murder. Jesse Vernon had a dispute with Foremen Richard Hughes and anocaea mm aown. ihraa m. oat in at Vernon, and 11 stitches were necessary to close the wound In hla bead.

Vernon then shot twice, one bullet passing through Hua-hea'a neck, but producing only a Seah wound. To-day Mayor critty dbn smitr ford X10O for carrying conceal. weapons, i.k. un.e 4 (M. -who bea-an bis career selling mstches In New Tors, after ward, with Captain we una.

eaiaoiismng a foundry which now employs 2,600 men here, died this evening. SHE SNEERED And Became Very Talkative When He Prayed, So tie Devout Man Got a. Divorce. sraciAi. essrarca to tss aaqctasa.

Kansas City. December 22. Circuit Court Jud. Gates, at Independence, grant eda divorce to Alfred W. Ntchoalda.

who testified that his wife detested all religious principles and often made faces at the plaintiff while he waa asking- the family bleaalna at the table, or would continue talking to keep aim from doing so. Me swore that ahe habitually sneered at hla belief In God and made sacrilegious comments on the Bible. Finally ahe refused to live with him unless be would renounce bis religious belief and cease religious work of all kind. Nichoalds la a Southern Methodist, while his we belongs te no church. D.

PIERCE, Pelrce In th. Stat. Department. This announcement waa made officially at the d-psrtment to-day. Official announcement alao waa made that David Thompson, former Minister to Brsstl, haa been choaen aa Ambassador to Mexico.

BATTLE Fought on a Fast Train. Two Men Killed and Another Fatally 'Injured. Jail Guarded To Prevent the Lynching of a Dying HI an A Kentnckian Also Ran Amuck. UL Carmel, December 22. Two men were killed, a third probably fatally injured, and every window was shot out of a passenger coach on the Southern Railway to-day.

when two men In custody for larceny tried to escape by killing a Constable. Incldeatally 23 passengers tn the car were kept busy dodgtng tie tt "Tor several minutes, the train meantime running at high When the smoke hsd cleared away. Constable Kingston and Isaac Marshall, one of the prisoners, were dead and Edward Marshall, tha other prisoner, was probably fatally wounded. A bullet paased through the cap of the brakeman. but no one else was harmed.

The Marshall brothers were arrested at Sims. 111., on a charge of stealing chickens They were taken to Wayne City this morning for a preliminary hearing, and were held for trial. Constable Kingston started for Fairfield with the prisoners. The men In the smoking car were thrown Into great excitement when one of the Marshall brothers drew a revolver and shot Constable Kingston dead. Several men In tha car drew revolvers and attacked the prlsonera.

Many shots were exchanged by the armed passengers and by the Marshall brothers. When the prisoners had fallen to the floor the fight ceased. Edward Marshall was placed in Jail at Falrneld with a strong guard to prevent a possible lynching. The Coroner of Wayne County has gone to Fairfield to hold an Inquest. FIRED EIGHT AND LEFT Whan tha Train Started, and th Ladies Became Panic-Strlcken.

sraciAi. DJar.ix a To tss sxQcibsb. Richmond, xecember 22. James Neale. a mountaineer, who came down the Kentucky River on a raft, boarded an and N.

passenger train at Ford to-day and aa soon as the train pulled out he began to ahoot riant and left. The train waa crowded and a panic ensued. Several ladles fainted and one tried to Jump out of tne window. Neale wa finally taken Into custody by Deputy Sheriff Uormley. of Richmond, who hsppened to be aboard.

TOO BAD! They Had No Water, So They Had To Use Beer in Fighting Fire in the Big-Brewery. srsctAL stsrarca re rss ssqetasa. Oklahoma City. Ok. December 22.

Thousands of gallons of beer were used In fighting Are at the plant of the Oklahoma Ice and Brewing Company here this morning, tne waterworks plant be In unable to furnish pressure owing" to a breakdown at the pumping- ststtorw Hose was attached to the brewing- company's vats and the beer waa played on the flames until the supply wsa exhausted. Firemen with chemical extinguishers ft ally ot the Are under ecettrel this erenln- The fire Is believed to have been Incendiary, as a short before It broke out a man with, a bundle of hay waa aeen go-in a- to tha DknL Jake Baumgartner. a butcher, la under arrest. The estimated loss on the buUdine; and contents Is $00,000. One of the heaviest losers was the Miller Produce Company, which bad a bl Christmas stock stored la the building.

About SO Insurance companies are Interested. CHAITCE FOB, LES PLAXCHXS. Rome, December 22. Kin Victor Eman- uel to-day Intrusted the retiring" Premier. Alessandro Fortta.

with the formauow oi a new Cabinet. The Meesarere nd th Olornale dl Italia mention Baron Mayor des Planches. Am ha sea dor at Wssblngtoa. as ths probable ForeUjra Minister. The Baron now at MoDcaOiert.

near Turin, where he will spend the Christmas holidays with his family. Who Forced Her To Join in Awful Prayer, That Azrael, Armed With Poisonons Darts. Might Strike Her Dead During the Genuflection The Decision in the Wanna-maker Case. srsriAU msrircB to tss swauisaa. December 22.

Mrs. Mary Wannamaker was to-day divorced from Rev. 8. Wannamaker. former pastor of tha Second Congregational Church.

She will receive $30 a month alimony for five years, the deed te a house and lot and a half lntereat In a farm, both at Frankfort, besides ths custody of the children. The payment of the alimony Is to be secured by a mortgage on, the other half of the Michigan farm. In reviewing the case Judge Washburn declared Mrs. 'Wannamaker had been a faithful and patient Continuing, he said: -She bore the defendant seven children. She did practically all the sewing that was necessary In rearing her family; with her needle she had clothed the children from garments which had been given to her-to make over.

Long Tears of Toll. "Notwithstanding- these long; years of toil the defendant while living in Peoria, IIL. became Infatuated with a young lady of bis congregation and began to complain that his wife wss a hindrance to him In hla work, frequently telling her that she was a millstone around hla neck, keeping him back In hla profession. He compelled his frail wife, worn out with the cares of his to get down upon her knees with him snd Join in a prayer that she should die. "Three or four years sgo sn attachment sprang up between himself and a Mrs.

Fulton in Elyrla. a member of the congregation, and after that he seemed to have been more than ever convinced that his wife waa a great hindrance to him. and be renewed his prayers for her taking off. He confessed his affection for Mrs, Fulton, and In spite of the publicity in the matter he and she have kept up an exchange of notes. Mrs.

Fulton confessed that shs loved Wannamaker. The evidence shows that one night his wife went downstnlra because she was tired. He called her. She would not return, and he went after her, and against her protest carried her upstairs snd compelled her to remain in the room until morning. Kan Out of tha House.

'Upon another occasion, when his talk became unbearable, she ran out of the house to a neighbor. He overtook her and forced her to come back to the house, and pinched her arm until it was black and blue. When the last child was about to be born, she called his attention to the fact that no preparation had been made for a physician or even for a nurse, and that, with the large family, there was no place at home where she could be treated. "In answer he told her the Lord would provide for her. A kind neighbor, Mrs.

Levagood, took her In and telephoned for a nurse and a doctor. While ahe was In a bad condition her husband came to her and said that he was satisfied that her time to die had come, and that the Lord would take her during this sickness. Can any one Imagine a course of conduct more extreme ly cruel to a refined, sensitive, hard working. Christian mother and wife than hla conduct toward her under the circum stances? "There is no question In this case that the plalnMff la entitled to a divorce." The alimony waa agreed upon previous to the hearing. Both Mr.

and Mra. Wannamaker leave Elyrla shortly for Frankfort. where the latter haa friends snd the former has business Interests. GOT A MESSAGE, "Baby and I Expect Too," and Alao His Freedom in Court. nnrsrea to tbs Bsqoiasa.

Logansport. December 22. A tele-grain. "Baby and I expect you home for Christmas," sent by his wife to-day has tened the freedom of Samuel Ellina. trav eling- salesman, arrested at West Baden.

charged with cashing' a fraudulent check here. Hla trial had been set for next week. His wife was unaware of El ling" predicament The telegram aroused sympathy for El ling, which secured bond for aa Immediate trial, at which be was acquitted. He left Immediately for Troy. N.

Y. A Different Story, rsnu Disr.rca re Tea ssroctaaa. London. Ohio. December 22.

Fred Keyser, of Delaware. Ohio, a clothing salesman, committed suicide this morning by cutting his throat while standing before a mirror. He was out of jrork snd despondent. MILLIONAIRE EVERETT Put Up a Big; Fence To Hide Trom View a Pleba Apartment. CB sa TBI BBasrtBSS.

Cleveland. Ohio. December 22. Swell Euclid avenue was astonished this morning at a tea-foot board fence erected during- the nbrht by Millionaire Sylvester T. Everett to cut hla residence, the handsomest and moat valuable la Cleveland, situated at Euclid and Case avenues, from a plebeian apartment house next door.

Tne owner of the apartment house secured aa Injunction, but too late. CUT TO PIECES Just After Ha Dranad Hla Compan-ion'a Body From tha Track. Hammond. Ind-. December 22.

Two men were killed at the Heewlsch Car Works last night. After dragging- the crushed body of Frank Wochalski from under the car wheels John Pechalskl went back to work. He waa himself cut tt pieces und. the wheels 15 minutes latex. i FOR JWOJVEEKS I EVERY FOAT Corpse Haa Waited in: tha Zxpreaa Of fice For T.

McOea To Call. srsciai. BtsrarcB to tbs bsocibbs. Paducah, December 62. A coffin containing- a corpse haa been tn the express office st Mayfleld for two weeks uncalled for.

It 'came on the north-bound train from Union City. Tenn. 1 The box Is addressed to T. McQee. person has not called.

No ons knows him. Many people bsvs examined the cofHrt As there is no morg-ue or vault attachments to ths express office, Mr. Watts ays he will have the body buried somewhere If It ia not cs lied for within a reasonable leng-th of time. Tne express charges were prepaid. TOO MUCH FOR HIM.

Inaiated Christmas Shippers Dro-va tha Clark To Chloroform. fecial DtsrsTca to rss ssevutaaT Logansport. DeKeanber 22. Exhausted by Insistent Christmas shoppers. Lawrence Kirshefer.

sged 33. of Ft! Wayne, employed tn a department store, at i the close of business to-night, bade fellow-employee cood-by and took chloroform. Physicians saved his Ufa has a wife In Ft. Wayne. SHERIFF.

Killed ru in Courtroom By the Madman, Whs Alss Took a Shot at the Judge Narrowly Es-'. taped Lynching. Vklah. December 22. Frank Wlllard, an Insane man.

shot and killed Sheriff Henry Smith, of this county. In 'Judge White chambers to-day. He then fired once at Judge White, but missed him. Wlllard then rushed down the stalra and out of the courthouse, shooting- at every man who attempted to stop him. As Assessor Thomas, who heard the nose, ran to hla door Wlllard thrust his revolver into his face, but did not shoot.

Wlllard ran through town and headed for the Vichy Springs Canyon. An armed posse started In pursuit Immedi ately and came upon htm Just as he was entering the canyon. Wlllard emptied his pistol at his pursuers. but no ons was hurt. Hs then tbew his weapon away and begged the officers not to shoot him.

The murderer was bound. placed In a wagon and the. posse started for town. When they arrived at the depot a crowd seised the horses and attempted to take the prisoner. A hundred men shouted.

"Hang- him." and If it had not been for the presence of ''armed guards the murderer would never have reached the Jail. Wlllard was brought up from Hopland yesterday to be examined for his sanity. To-day when taken before Judge White to be examined Wlllard started for the door. Sheriff Smith called to him and started after him. when Wlllard wheeled around and fired.

Wlllard Is a Spaniard and has been In ths asylum before. UNDYING LOVE For Hla Two Wives Professed By the Minister Just Before Bo Pat a Bul-, let Through. Hla Head. Norfolk, December 22. B.

J. Gibbons, aged ST. after leaving a letter In which he admitted he was a bigamist and expressed undying love for two wives, put a bullet through hia head at his Norfolk home to-day. dying in a abort time. Mrs.

Gibbons No. t. with her two young children, ana here, walla, according is the letter left by Gibbons, Wife No. 2, whom he married hm Valdosts, OavZ December 14. at to at a hotel ta Atlanta.

Os, Nothing haa brea found to Indicate who Wife No. waa prior to her marriage to Gibbons. e-pt a letter signed "Emma" wrlttea from aonse point la Florida to Glbboaa before their marriage. Gibbons wsa formerly a Methodist preacher. In princess Anne County.

Maryland, where be married Wife. No. yeers ago. but lately has been employed sa a traveling salesman for a Richmond house. Mrs.

Gibbons said: 1 am glad he Is dead. I have ao regrets to WEDDED A "WHS AGO. 'T r-. TWwmber 22. Mrs.

R. X. Gibto-M. the Atlanta wife of B. J.

Gibbons, ta living 11 'Whitehall street with a Mrs. Shackleford. Gibbons married Miss Emma Holcomb. ta Vsldoata, December 14. The ceremony was Prfmb'r1.

I-R. Christie, ef the First Baptist Church, at the home of N. Holcomb, uacfce of the bnda. ih I I Vr -7 i -a" President Roosevelt and Governor Higg-tna, of New York, hare ousted former Governor Odell from tha control of tha stats Republican organlaation. Tha ahift la expected to affect tha political, futures of Senators Piatt and Depew.

DREAMED Three" Successive Nights That Death Was Near at Hand, and Then She Was Mortally Wound-. ed By Her Sob. srsciiL pisrarca to tbs sxacisia. Lawrenceburg-. December 22.

The body of Mrs. Kettle Martin Holmes, aged 39. was brought here from her. late home In Witt. 111., and Interred In the family bur yLng" ground In Manchester Township.

Mrs. Holmes wss sccldentally shot by bar son while he wss attempting to draw a loaded abell that had become lodged, from his un. In forcing; the shen It exploded Just as bis mother entered the room, and the load of heavy shot entered her body above the heart, causing- Instant death. The young son Is almost erased with grief snd it' Is feared that he will become men tally deranged. It Is authentically stated by relatives that she foretold her desth.

having been warned in dreams on three successive nights which she related to them. On the first two nights dead relatives appeared to her while ahe slept snd On the 'last night a black-robed figure of death stood by her bedside holdiog a taper. While It beck oned the tape auddenly went out. She interpreted the visions as meaning that death was near. IRON BAR Was Fastened on the Track and the Boy Waited To See the Wreck, It Is Charged.

raciAL Disrarcn to tbb ssqcisBB. Clarksburg. W. December 22. B.

and O. Policeman Powell arrested Dstsey Stut ter, aged 12. to-day for attempting to wreck the New Tork and St. Louis Fast Express train at Central. W.

yesterday. It la charged that the boy securely fastened an iron bar serosa tbs track and then secreted himself to see the wreck. The train was running 40 minutes late, which saved it from being ditched by the alleged obstruction. A trackwalker flagged the train, which was carrying a heavy cargo, aad had It struck the. alleged obstruction many lives would have been lost.

The boy. it la betievedS will be sent te the State Reform School. Recently a cousin stoned two trains and was sent to the same Institution for six years. MERGER Of the Three Leading Protestant Bodies of Canada Agreed On Bj -the Committee. Toronto.

December 22. The Central Com mittee, composed of representatives from the Presbyterlsa. Methodist and Congrega tional Churches throughout the dominion, has agreed upon a code of doctrines that will uiify the three denominations Into one great church, which It Is roposed should be known aa ths "United Church of Can- The revised confession of faith of the American Presbyterian Church waa used. The new church will be governed by the -General Conference' after the Methodist form, with a President as the chief officer. Below la to be a Council after tne Congregational idea, with a Chairman at ths head.

The neat body la te be a governed by a Moderator. The plan will be strbmlttesl to the several denominations throughout Canada for approval, wbith it la expected will be gives, TOY CANNON For the Kansas Militia. The Real Goods Are Too Costly, and the Soldiers Mast Maneuver With Playthings. rSctiL Disrarca to rss svocissa. Topeka.

Kan December 22. Under a plan of reorganisation adopted to-day by the Military Board of the state, the four modern breach-loading guna used by the Wichita and Topekabatterles of the Kan- sss National Guards will be stored in ths basement of the Statehouse to save armory rent, and toy cannon, two feet high, will be Issued to the Ksnsaa artillerymen for drill purposes. of the new toy guns have been made under the direction of Captain W. A. Pat-tlson.

ef Battery Topeka, and will at once be put Into use. Each gun is dummy. made of wood, with Iron wheels. Instead ef being drawn about by horses, the members of the battery, who would ordinarily act as drivers, drag the piece about the drill hall In obedience to bugle calls, and the otht-r members of the battery go through the motions of serving the piece aa thotasb In actual battle array. Four toy guns for the Wichita battery are being made as rapidly as possible.

Until they are ready the Military Board has or dered them to fasten twochaJra together to represent the gun and caisson and drag them about the drill room. ON FOOT Solon Wilson Is Canrassing the Coon-ties If Elected He Will Walk To Washington. srsctai. ptsTATca to tss bsqciss. Owens boro.

Dscerober 22. Munnell Wilson, the "walking man," as he Is called, arrived in Owens boro to-day on hla way to Frankfort from Hopkins County, which be will represent In the Legislature. While he la strolling along to Frankfort he Is visiting every county in the Second Congressional District and announcing hla candidacy for Congress. His pockets are filled with red snd whits candy for the babies of the farmers' wives, and In bis haversack there Is a large supply of Ken-tacky homespun tobacco for ths men at the country stores. His haversack also con tains Cusbing's Msansl and a Bible.

Mr. Wilson announced to-day that, la the event of his election to Congress, be will walk to the cation's capital at Washington. Hs expects to arrive at Frankfort on New Tear's Day. NO MONEY And Unable To Work. Harlow and Bis Wife Committed Suicide- Tteir Best Friend a Dog.

Albany. N. T- December 22. Fred S- Harlow. of Saratoga, aged to.

and his wife. about the same age, are dead, aa the result, it is believed, of a mutual agreement carried out by anoowng to-day ia their rooms la this city. A letter left by Harlow waa found clutched la hia hand. It -Our money Is, gone, aad wheat that ia gone, of course, your friends are. and ws have ao place to go and I asa not able to work.

What to do we don't know, hot have agreed to go together, with little Bessie the dog. the best friend we hawe." A second letter explains that a friend to whom Harlow had loaned over SLfiOO to belp him out of trouble had failed hisa. The letter concludes: -Tne trouble is. I have been too good to mr friends those I thought were say trieiKia." Bha Tried To Scratch Hia Eyea Out, and tha J. P.

Couldn't Stand It. srstL Dturatt-a To tbs ssonssa. Toungstown, Ohio. December 22. Justice of the Peace W.

C. Haaeltlne. of East Toungstown, wss granted a dtvorce to-day because he showed that his wife hsd a penchant for hurling dishes st him snd making an effort to scratch his eyes. Sh. did not contest the suit.

Hsseltlne and his wlinssses testified that every four days t. wlfa wss seised with a fit of anger. "I would say to her," he testified, "Now. Kittle, this Is roar had day: let ate If we1 can't 'round It without She would b. as pleasant as eould be than.

but ss sur. as fste when I came home at noon she would go st me like a tiger." Th. testimony waa to ths effart that 10 days after they were married ens assaulted him on the veranda of a Mt. Clemens Hotel. ON A STRIKE Are tha Cleveland Youth.

Transferred To Another School. it scut, etararca To tbs sooibbb. Cleveland. Ohio, December 22. Fifty pub- Bc.

Behoof children." tranrrrad fraaa Rook- wall to St. Clair school, declared the selves on strike to-day. About 100 more will join the rebels. These units fo-morrow morning and swoop down upa school headquarters to demand that they be allowed to continue at their old school, which has been turned into a headquarters fur the Board of Education. WHISKERS Of Poor Santa on Fire.

He Kan Around Like a Tarantula and So Fanned the Blaze That He May Die of His Injuries. srsciii. nwirci to tbs bsocibbb. MarysvUle, Ohio, December 22 The village of Plain City, just south of Msrys-vllle, was) toe scene of a very thrilling Incident this afternoon. Ths high school scholars were giving a Chrlstmss entertainment In ths school ball, and a Christmas tree had been placed upon the stage.

One of the high school students, Harold Ogle, was' selected to act as Bsnta Claus. and was dressed up tn an elaborate costume with long whiskers snd presented fine appearance. The entertainment pro gressed nicely and the scholars were enjoy Ing the affair to their hearts delight, whs suddenly a candle from the Christmas tree Ignited young Ogle's whiskers. Hs was soon enveloped ta flames. Hs began to run about the stage and the running fanned the flames.

He wss finally caught and the remaining clothes torn from htm. He was horribly burned about the face and body, snd Is In a serious condition. His recovery is aoubt. The exciting affair slroost eras tad a panic la the schoolroom and several girls came very near fainting. SWAMPED With 100,000 Packages of Cigarette Paper and Indlanapolitass Will Get Otker Kail Late.

Indianapolis. December 22. The Indianapolis Postofflos employes, srho haws been struggling day and alght with thou sands of ptisss of Christmas maM. bare been swamped by oae of the big tobacco eosa- panlss. which has consigned nearly 100.000 packages of cigarette paper to Indianapolis.

Thousands of the packages are addressed to persons who cannot ha found. The postal authorities havs aa Idea how the trust obtained tho lssag list Basra so 1st th. city directory. To-day snetaer ooarnnsatt of cigarette paper was received from the trust, aad the mall clerks are hampered la their delivery of Christmae presents. It Is Hkaly that thousands of people will not receive their presents before Christmas day owing to the deluge of cigarette paper.

After the enactment of the law prohibiting tha sale of cigarettes as tha Stat, tan trusts mailed thousands ef packages ef paper te all parts of the state, wtta the view of working up a mail order buatoeaav to y.iPT.r. corsmnrivLS. srscxai. saaraxca so Tsa swajeiaasL Chicago. December 22.

The school saaa-agsment committee of tba Board of Eda-catloa unanlsaously recommends expulsloa from the schools of ail children afflicted with tuberculosis and suggests the tumln-atioa of suspects, New York Assemblymen, in Secret Conference To Clinch the Defeat of Ex-Governor Odell, But Failed To Indorse the President Man. Higpns Is Well Pleased With the Overthrow, And Fassett Feels Flattered Bj the Accusations of the "Boss" Who Is Out For the Time. New Tork. IWemher Important conferences of ths members of tha N.T Tork Slate Assemhly cotialier the question of th. Speakership were held lire In-day.

All the Republican members had been. Invited to th. first meeting, which was he LI In th. Hotel Cadillac. Only tha New York, delegation la th.

Assembly sttended tha second meeting, which was held very late, to-night. The first meeting waa iwllej' by whom J. Mr. Wsdsworth, said were opposed to him, though he snd every oili.r Republican Assemblyman wss Invited Wada worth sent out many messages lo As, semblymsn who are supporting him. advise, lug them that no guod purpose would be served by their attending ths meeting.

Al. though James T. Kogers, majority leader In the Assembly, and wo ether members of that body called oa him and asked bin to b. present at ths meeting, hs decline to do so. THenus Wars There.

Thlrty-aevea Aaeamol ymaet war. la the ot nfereaoe aad so asa wers friends of Mr. i WadRwartb. K. A.

Merrill. one of tha leading candidates for the was pr.ssat. aa ware also several (arenas onodldalee whe dropped out of the eew test when Ourernor lilgglns declared lo favor of Wsdswonh. After having been In session more thaa three hours the meeting sojourned without having taken any action. a It had been reported last one of tha purixMws of ths gathering wus to ascsrtala.

whether or not th. member, could agree upon a oompromlse candidate for gpeekera l.ut Assemblyman Jesse who had issued ths csll for the cni Terence, that no compromise ramllilat. waa ever discussed and that no test vote showing the, strength of any randldate was taken. Mr. Merritt said to-night that he Is not at all dissatisfied wltli I lie result of the conference; thet ths purpose or which It was held was to bring the members together for a frank discussion ef th.

eltijatlon; to Inform them as to the present status of the contest for the Speshershlp, snd te forestsll soy stternpt to bind the members to sny candidate before they knew what' the facts were. "It was not Sn Odell meeting." declared Mr. Merrill. Mr. 'Meirltt was ssked te-nlght whether or not in the event ha thought It necessary for blm to withdraw In the lntereat of a candiUats who might be able to unite all ths Interests opposed to Mr.

Wadaworth, be would be willing te do so. He replied: "I have not come to that yet." would Surprise no one. The appearance of such a candidate would not eururise wmt of the mea who are well acquainted with lha situation. Mr. Wsdsworth said to-night: "I regard the conference aa beneficial to me as bav Ing promoted harmony, which Is the purpose of my candidacy I wish lo make It absolutely clear tbat I am not a It Is not true that snybody beVsskad me to wlthdrsw from ths contest, am satisfied with the situation, and whlls I 44 not esre to give sny estimates of the number of votes In my support I am assured of a safe majority." Adjournment waa taken subject to the all of Jess.

Phillips, who said that be would issue another call If requested to de so. Both Mr. Jterntt ana Mr. nsaswoira srs still la this city to-night, hut both have planned to go out of town fur Christmas. Ek B.

Odell. State Republican Chair. ian. left for New burgh ss soon as the conference adjourned aad without making any comment upon It. Politics a Hurdle.

Odell talked briefly with the aewepaper at the Fifth Avenue Hotrl le-Sar about the action of the Republicas Coun ty Committee last night when It elected Congressman Herbert Parsons Chairman. despite the opposition's attempt to postpone the eseetioa. He said: "Pontics are like hardies. Sometimes you clear then aad aonseUmee you do not. When you trip over ons yua have got to got up with a stiff upper lip aad a stiff k.

and that ss how I am. It Is llks a mtn pie which tastes very well and goes down easily, hut It remains to he seen whether Parsons will he able to digest this. I have not another word to say about the action of President ttoueeveit and Ooveraor Hlgglaa sa the Speakers tup. I may have something to say about ths Speakership' after the conference of the Assembly ia over to-day." nMymaa Booker, Is supporting Wads worth, was st the Cadillac to-day. hut refused to Jota tne fie said: "More thaa half the seen la the eon for.

see ara for Wadaworth aad taey cam. here merely to aoe what is going em. Wads- worth has sS of the 111 Republican As semblymen." The officers ef the Kew Terk County Re- pubtieaa Committee elected st 2 a. as. t' dsy are: Chan-ma a.

Herbert Parsons: First Vice President. Senator Alfred Page: Second Vice President. Julias O. Kresaer. ef the Fourth Assembly Uistrlct; Secretary..

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