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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 11

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WHITECHATEL MUEDEE. The btortet end exult set imril by tea IiM TOuarwl ssatdee nave is way abated, while tree Itmtrtew eery contra the Idea that the erina votrtmiMeal by the fn whe so brutally marderad vwMKtlUMMtUaia lb um atetric. Daring the whole of Wsirnta'ty ewe las, asa! Va a late hew, the sin Uoroaafb farea at the lWt ecel wwre eroarded with parwoa. all ef whom niicnssil the sweats si fee 47. After mrdaixtrl, ternw, the ttwwawa aw tettted far iff reveal tftwaiua.

Ok twdiatvy ewee Ui mtKUnl MlWeekL and OmnUI reeds end CouMTelftUtrMt are UfI with the UvmI type ef imi rt I WftU hood oa the itrwtt, Vat es coo as She jsaklle botjaa were closed both the aaala thorotejhfara end Vy trt were completely JsssHai. large number of extra police, all whom are in plain cletbea, ftr new drafted late the eawdet, unrW tl direction of DWrtirlnitort Swanaon (Seoe laad yW) and ferVl Uaate are ad, ItaU day and nttht, ia awry euartat Uksly to afford ft lft to Cm identity ft auatinc murderer. Their effort 3kkr tTMt cirrBaxtoao ean hardly expected to bare uy seeeeaefal mall, at they have do etna whatever to fallow or work upon, It ft trmarkarie fact that the avstueta wma not careered red banded, for within six tninute of Um time Um body wa fowl by the officer Andrew another constable bad ravsaed through the allay, which wa then clear at beta end, will at Um Wealwortb street cad ant Badbam vaa standing and a eoo slable was raUelhnr close to Cm entrance from tha Vrhtccbairl road, and yat these officer saw no one. It ra alia the cptnion of the pollca and Um divi aiooal aaryeoa that Um streets were urrnaually drrrtod oa Tuesday sight, so that had any aaspicioaa perron brea lolterioc aboat woalJ certalaly hare baaa (ibMrred. Tbo relfa of terror which exiataJ ia tbe Eatt end toward the latter part of 1 act jvac haa aaio rrrtfed, asd public ass particolarly ara already cmiitainiDe that Um acara will aerioody affect tbair atf ttly receipt for acme time to coma, rvan inqairie that hae (iara been made there ia Bodrvbt Uut the poer womaa.

Alice MKanxie. alntoat cifLtir walked tte ftrrtl. $be wa well known to um police by sifct, and had alao beoa at Um Tbaaea I'olice coart ca charge, of rirra to the police, priseipally by peraoti reaiding in ceattaon lodf It tomea. matter from what aoureo ch information com it ia all written down and atterwaM caratnlly toqaired into. On Wedasaday atal yetteray Um police tvceirol aome doaena of letter, each cce eoaUiiiiac the ideaa of the writer hew bret to eaptora: the maa wanted, and although many of thee are of a ridicaloa character and (imply rire the police caaeceasary troahla each oaa haa to fullj cooaiJrrtxL Mr, Tempeaay and other interested ia the deceaaed bare docliaed to accept the offer' of the Lroodoa KTanreliaation Society and Common Lodtiof bouae Mitaioa to defray the coat of tha interment, which will take place an Monday or Taeaday at llaiaaow.

Yeaterday morning Mr. Wynne E. Baiter, coroner foe Um eth KaterB DirUioa of Middlesex, reaanml hi ftdiosrned inquiry at tte Working Lad Institute Into tha circamatancea attending the death' of Alice M'Kentie, aged aboat waafoead mnrdored ia Cattle alley, WhitechapaU early oa Wedncaday Boratag. argeat T. Arnold and Dctectire 1 crpec tor K.

Iieid watched the raa on behalf of tbo Com'mt siocert of Police and Criminal Inrcatlgation Depart ceat. ltectiTe Invpecbr Edsrand Keid, Diruion, aail I rcceircd a call to Castle alley about fire cuaatea paat 1 on the morning of tha order. I dretaed and ran down at once. On arriving at Cantle alley I foand the on! worth tree end blocked by a policeman. On arriving at the back of the hatha I aaw Um deceased woman.

I taw ahe had a cat oa tha left i4e of the throat, and there waa a quantity of Hood endwr Um head which waa running into the ratter. The clothe were np and her fare wa ilightly turned toward the road. She wa lying on her lack. I felt ber face and body, and found'they were warm. Dr.

rhillip arrived. At the tune I arrived 1 aacer Uined the fact that the other end (Whitechapel) wa blocked and arch wa being made through Um alley' aad alo ia the immediate neiLKorhood. The depaty raprrtntendect and hii wife at the hatha were a pen and ttated they heard nothing anaaaal. After the body had bees examined by the doctor it wa placed on the police ambalaiice, and anierneath the body of the deceaaed wa found the abort clay pipe produced. The pipe wa broken and there ira blood oa it, and ia the bowl wa aome unburst tobacco.

I alto found a bronae farthing underneath tha clothe of the deceased. There wa alao blood on the farthing. I jcoduce a rough plan of Cattle alley, a correct copy of which will be ent by the draughtamaa. Daring the whole time from the finding of the body only one priTate pervon waa prercat, except lewis Jacob, who was examined yetterday. Everything wa dtee vry quietly.

The fence on the other aide of the alley, to where the body wa found, i about high. Along that were a row of barrows. Close to where. tha body wa found were two barrows chained teiretbeV There was a lamp where the body wa found one outaide tha publichouae one at the entrance to Old CaUe treet and one at' the entrance to tte passage leading into the alley. ,1 do Lot think any stranger Would go down there unless be wa taken there.

I did not go into the High street, within a few minute of my arrival ia the alley. There are people in High street, Whitechapel, all night. Two constable are continually puin through the alley all night. It i hardly eTer left alos for more than five minute. Although it "called an alley it is really a broad turning, with two narrow entrances.

Any person standing at the Went worth street end would look upon it as a blind street. ftranrer would think he could pane through it, and bum but foot paaaenger can. It waa raining wben the body wa removed. It wa alao raining when I arrived, bat a very little. The spot under which deceased was lying was dry except where there was tlood.

I searched the body at the mortuary and found nothing. There is no doubt about the name of the decerned, I have since made inquiries at 54 Cun treet, and have ascertained from the deputy, Hyder, that Hog Cheek, the woman that waa mentioned yeterday, stayed with her sister all night. I saw the deputy this morning, and she said sbe would try and get 11 og Cheeks here. I have no doubt the deed was committed on the spot where the body was foand. I should say she was lying down on the pavementpavement when she.

was murdered, as if sbe had been standing up there would have been blood on tha wall. Ebe waa lying alocg the pavement, her head being towards Whitechapel. No person, unless he went along the pathway; could have seen the body on account of the shadow of the lamp aad Um ran which screened the body. Any person going along the road would have seen it. If I wanted to watch any one I would stand under the lamp.

The darkness wa so peat that it was necessary to aae the constable's lamp to see that the throat was cut, although it was lat under the lamp. I think the alley is sufficiently lighted there are five lamps hero. In another instance of this kind tha lUuburr atreet marder two were The tobacco ia the pipe bad not len smoked. The pipe waa a rery eld VOTaod lodgint house a note warnwr. IbFltnlXf? nulHp.

diTiaional surgeon of at cittleJ T. called, and arrived Wedneaday, when it Tt the LU rriTJ i Castle alley, mJUe to found the in Um position already tSSSftZZi bodyrhVreL 1W ouWhUe! chapel. There he re examine the body ani left it in charge of the pohee. Teaterda, made a octl norU examination at Um same sbed o.t 5 o'clock, when rteeV ortu was "Utt witness then described the wouad of whichth were several, and these were most of ttm suoS fieial cut on the lower part of the VodT Th? were several old scars and there was the Ims ofthe top of the right thumb, apparently caused bv mJiZ lorme injury. The woand in the neck was Hi.

reaching from the back part or the mn.elea. which were almnct entirely divided. It reached to the lm part cf the neck to a point la. below the chiT fenced from behind aad immediately below the first The cause of death wa syncope, arising (rom the loss of blood through the divided carotid vessels, and such death probably was almost lnstactaneoai The CobOSSK. There are various point that Um doctor would rattier reaerve at this nnnrnt Margaret Cheeks said 1 I generally lire at 85 Una street.

I am married, and my husband' name is iva iieeas, waen 1 wiu aao. ue a and haa not been living with me for three years. I knew Um deceased from living in Um same Imu tsaw her on Toesdar morning getting her hatband's breakfast. I have not seen her since. Karraret Franklin tiLt I tin Kit' Ad Deaa ftreal and am a widow.

I have known tha de eeaaad for IS year. Between 11 30 and 12 o'clock en Tuesday night I saw the deceased and was speaking to tor I was sitting with two other on tha stops of a aoaaa. ftt the top of newer aad Deaa atreet. De 1 sweti dot oaa as iaie a uti, a toe aid gaaosUe work for the Jew. 1 did sot see ber speak i Drick latM on Tuesday airfat.

The oily I her by waa Allee. Iow she waa V1.0"""? 'tk a man that I knew by the "Jf04, the same one that gave erl law 1 wkw with ttet men. bLs worked hard tor Um 3wt acd tha? do aot give BBjch. It had faeiketra to rata when de Calhariaa RnebaM. who tM sltttaar with the laai witneet, geneially eorroboraaad her evidesMa.

but stated that it wa aot raising whwa the paaL aad the raia did no Dome dowa antll a ewarter to 1. Detoctivw lnrpeeVw aWiL I aas aertaia it waa Be raaaiaf at aaui pas aa. aw waa can as taas auae. The Ooatovna eald the iaqairy would be adjourned until the lit ef Aaguca. la the aaeatim he hoped there would ax be another affair of this kind.

Ieeple hawk the character ef the rictime bad it entirely ia their hands to prwren this kind of It they would enty be iadateed mi to aastst the snaa who did this aort of work would be sioppad, bat awfortsssitaly It wa hoping agaiast hope, beaaw they would land thavnswlvwa to lC The lawjeiry was thaw adjoasrawd. MARKETS. HIRMIKT3IUM. JctT loV The Iron market eoa Unawa rerr fires ra all da cartment at fall ouartor day price, and manufaetorer groerally report aaple employs ant ai eta rat, inougn Dew waitnees to some extoat restricted by the adraacata. The euaupe titioa of outside diatrieta moreover Is boootning keener, and losal makers of aagiee and pig iron are anaeraold by tboae ef Um north.

Xiddleahrough pig which has long been excluded from thl market. Owing to the heavy freight, is eoee agaia selling freely la Medium qaaliUea of bar and aagle iroa are1 in toed reqaeat yost new for local eonaumpUon, a well aa on colonial account, but the sheet trade, though reviving, la not so active aa ia the spring. The interest of the moment in the local iron trade eeatrca ia the probable Issue next week, of the wage oaeaUoo. The accountant intrusted with tha examining of the book have promised Utat their certificate shall be ready by Tuesday: in which caae a nwctiac of the Sliding Scale Dommittee will probably be summoned for the following day or Thursday. Meanwhile quotation still show an upward tendency.

Marked bar remaia at with the usual 13, 6d. extra for LordDndley's brand; unmarked iron 1 strong at 8 10. and the commonest quality is about Oftlvaaiaers' sheets are unchanged at 7 8 and 9 5., according to pang. Hoop are tuba atrip ia still nominally 6 but maker are not aeeklng business until after Um association mealing oa the 33d. Fig Iroa of every kind it very firm.

BRADFORD, Jolt 18. The tone of the 'wool market to day I quiet, and business in English wool i dona by consumers only under absolute necessity. There is no material change in the yarn market. The stiffer rates of spinner have a tendency to restrain the operations of buyers. Ia the piece market there 1 a large business doing la both fancy and plain fabric.

LIVRRPOOL, JctT There has been a weaker tone in Um cotton market, and while there was less doing in both departments, prices gave way, the advance from the other side being while holiday making in some manufacturing district militated against the spot demand. A failure in tbo trade waa announced, but it was anticipated, and had no appreciable influence on the market. The receipts advised at the American porta were only 100 bales, which it 3,700 bale lea than on the corresponding date last year. American cotton on the spot wa ia small demand, and price were rather easier, while the quotations of good ordinary were reduced 1 lGd. per lb.

Breailian and Egyptian ia moderate request, aad rates steady. East Indian in good demand, and prices aa before. To day's sales are estimated at 6,000 balea, of which 400 American and 600 East Indian were on speculation aad for ex rnrt. The sale comprised 6,540 bales American, 10 Brazilian, COO Egyptian, ISO Peruvian, and 1,300 East Indian. Future "opened quietly at a practical decline of a point, and the midday report was dull and fully a point lower.

There was a further lota later in the and. the close wa quiet, (teady, at one to two point below last nigbt. The late quotations were 6 3 C4d. to 3 64J. for July deliveries, 6 I 64J.

to 6 2 64J. for July August and Augnst, Cd. for August September and September, 45 G4d. for Septemher October, 3 3364d. for October ant 33 64d.

for November December, buyers 5 3 64,1. to 5 33 644. for December February, 6 33 64d. for February March, and 34 C4d. for March April, sellers.

In colonial and renrral pro duce cane sugar quiet and steady, and" beet Cd. lower through pressure to sell. Rice in. improved request. METEOFOLITAN CATTLE MARKET.

Islikotox, TncnJDir, Jixt 18. The beast trade was slow, but rates were fairlv firm. About 320 Canadians swelled Um total and brought tome country buyers op. Top value best English, 4s. lOd.

to 4s. lid. Canadians, 4s. 3d. and occasionally 4.

4d. per 81b. The abeep' trade waa dull, bat last Monday's prices were fairly well maintained. Lambs were a shade dearer. Top value sheep, 6a.

3d. lamb. 7s. lOd. Sheep arrivals from Canada about 100.

A large number of calvea were on offer, but few, however, of the best quality. All description (barring the primest) were lower top value, Ss. 6d. l'ig moo aau ana heavy ai late rale top value, 4. tvasta taMtaad tunba CaJia at Jch sows CI British, roretca.

Total. J0 4 IS) TO Mm ue i 15 0 rr.msn. lv Oh, siasiai its nffat I latanor. Malaoa Taal Pots aassa Tint. ta.

10. ta. 44. KQek oo n. 14 to 28 par baaa.

rOKEICK. Iafrlor. Scooed. Ilrtt. M.

t. 44. 104. 4a. 101.

FOEEIGN CATTLE MARKET. Dxrironn, Thcudat, Jclt 18. BKA8TS. QusUUoat rat ata. America 43J la.

lOd. tl Duaoft I "ra The tupplr of beasts' for sale to daT waa 124 less than on Thursday last. The slight improvement visible in last Monday's trade was not maintained, trade being very alow at 3d. per 81b. lea money.

Dutch beaat were not oilered, baring been consigned for tlauchtor. Top value, 4a, (oecaionally 4. Id. (per Dutca 1X1 ia. The hoeD trade.

wiUi an avcraro supdIt. waa verv low, tellers not caring to close too soon with the lower prices bid. All qualities told at a reduction of from 2d. to 4d. per 81b.

Top Talue, 6s. Nv itatlnns rrt 8Ta, Dutch ..651 4a is. ia. 24. The calf trado was dull at about last Thursdav's price, but 2d.

lower, than on Monday, wben supply was a good derl shorter. Top value, fat, 18 to SO stone calves, S. 2d. per 81b. nun DtrU 17 Comirned for slaughter.

BRISTOL JolT It Soma lata arrlnlsoT Cavnadlaa ratlla tmmi burara hr at ta, la 6Ca per eat. and eonairnm'ata ot atiacaUia ara dat a wtca. ia taa ntartct soaar tin liab ta( waa la aaonanmlr an trad Irn at (Sa, par cwt mhrf sorts SCs. le COt. MnttAa ia fall sunnly at fid.

To B'l. lb. fna lml w.t h. 14. for twaa Lamb.

84. to Sjji Irtab ilaimsrs brought 4X stor tuc, ana uvas luuuu rnjera. DUBUX. Jalr lt Kaoibai tala L2i hinaaM 302 ahans ai sua la. UllnMM LOUT vsalfaiTaa, id lacraaaa 21.

Uootf snaplv ci alock. vblob awt a saliafartorf bada. Kbecp. on tha wtwla, war a aulas mark at, bat for bast sons erics wan won. Lamba of rn4 aaUr told at bit bar ark, while, a rata, last wawk's valoas vara urraat, Veal In Urrar tapplf.

Beaf. Ja aJ. ta tSa, par swt. aoattoa ta td. rtr lb.

lambt, bast. 44s. ta 46s. aach real, 'id, la 1aA aad milt lad. to SW4.

per ID. RIRMIXlQHAst. Jala It Fm attanilaaaa Wt tasutad 14. per r.

sboiw noaar. Fofabja aart a baUar draasd at lanwech'aaxlrraaanata Utisdlaf baricfld. drarer. Oat ttroas at S4. ad.

adTtaca. BRISTOL. Joljlt. ealct nartat slnea oar last, bat Encllsh wheat maintains its prira, aud orctfa td. dcarrr.

Karlas dacliaad la valaa aariaa Um wwak. but nartlaliff raooaafad oa tha marlif tfwrf.v OaU, owinf to beat? arrfa a ef Koaaaii had a lowrr trodenrr. VTallaa, Ma, 64. ia U. Trt 4h.

Ruaataa. S2. so 3ta per ah, 1 American, 13a 64. lo.iU 64. r' ttbia, taiicj, la ta 16a.

par uo saia, taa. a saa. par mis Lownoa. Tncasntv Cmiwa. Rrata.

Vest towarta all tealllota.wtts a sales markr. aeMenbar SOM at isa. rl. uij auzumk aja. ana sja.

aellera 2 is narera tmim of setae a i tact la new crvp Oetober at ISa tKi. to 16a. 44. in cane enara amau umnniooa. cohoj arrawiiceq cat inoia.

A avf, of Jera aoMatUa. for Urarpoot. The refined market la ante far drv coadt aiarUaaaa't Utlert radased ta 27a td. othar auakca nirhaiisf ll TV I iinma TM prrraae eoatrae snarts enallma xtranerr tnactiTa. tb trade crratmi with sraai caution, the firmness of tanrwrtaes alooe nnmUrm araaa.

At poblie aale LSU verkaaaa eoad at eared? rataa froaa (4. to la 1V4. rrieatelf traaaactiana are reported from to 2a. fa. Old aeeeon Uaatoa eotatinnreta lw dea.and.

and but. little business Is reenrded In fatares at the prodace Cieeelne aeaaa Tb aaaaUU 1.640 ladian, t.lU Of lea, and 44 Jara aaarts asala a Bodrrate total for the week prut ton tor both ladian aad VMjoa haa baaa brisk for all caelltr rradaa, arw teaaoifs Indian rralixinf rerr aaUafaatory pries. Ta lower tine ar uvriea ere etui eneapa'atireij aeerr ot eaie aaa rates reasaia uneaansea. rfava trawta realise irom jo. ta um, par is.

Coma. There was. a fall aoixihr of OnLral Xmtnauk Unla. whlok partlr sold at rather tower rauL 112 bass CaatamAla. fv to aoaaan.

aawll. 81s. td, to Ua askldlinc S6s. aa. to tea.

td. bold, tfi. to Ua. aOt tact Costa Rica, pan told, freenish aad crtf. fa.

to ts. roloarr. Ma to Ha 445 heft Granada sold, smsh to mltdlinc at Ua. Ita. M.

bold. fSa. to tOa. 600 bars tantos, ejnar trrwa. partly sold at tat, ta TJs.

64. andtOCran Sloat(7a. to tia. el; washed at Ma. 41 fates (63 bafs Kan Iadit sold Mrter and Ooort, at Ua, ted Sit, ti.

The temuaal aeartets aoaar aad eat ft lea. ho Be anna la Urh aaartak lrrsa. Whta hl(aatnaapors aold aa the spot at 1C4. ta a uw rrnaac at i ja. a.1.

suae am. tHstxac. aalat for Aarast dearer at Oa for i iTT1 4 taa eases t4ay bar been small, lather aadar Hlr MaoOa AarL ana' tha ante dua. a UJM tXIl llH.Tiiara la a ntilt hn. umjI.

mafaac an aaa BomlnsUr QnotatioM Ma4rat TtnnwreUr. swlfais. 1 tooe. HU. Western, fair.

d.i load fair. 'Tea. I iterwero. tair. so.

rooa fair. 454a. rood. T4 VL.T? 1 sold at Ol ts. rasa.

Ua td. and Ca 15a. vtrae taontos rioatnr la. rash, aruera. tSk thM rS Tfl 'l O.M.U.

eold aa 0 Ha, (4, eaah, SA. tsTts. thrra aaaatan te4 d.U fSaahlh, foe gmwlaa tmLaarr. tit It td. to tU W4 14.

en the spell Eafftsh browa i WSJ lav THE TIMES, FRIDAY, JUIfY 19, 1889. UQ2tZT'JtAKXT40tTTUrTMLLIGJUiCX. Da? a aas. KVa Tlaaaday Breaiag. The aTrppljcl roockwj In the open market is itffl Incrwuinff.

aod at there la not ranch inclination to tale hi lit short loans are fxoely offered at racier rates than yesterday, and bankers find ltvowsin; diiBcultr in lendinsr their tnmlna Ui.aa.. tk diaoocni aoouticms are DBaltered, bat in torse eaot3 hntirtttss has bean done In three ntonihs' Unk pap at 1 18 per cent. On 'Caacire talis on JTranos and Ueljium vers in reqaest, while tbcee on and 8mId wiMvmili offered, the stchanes on both these coantries moring considerably in faTocr of London. Cheque! on Pant were dealt in at 3Sf. ISo.

and 2M. and thoso on Oermaajr at 20m. 44pf. and 20m. dCp(.

The fall in the Bpanith rale it doe portly to the Bank of Spain contintunj; to pay oat silret. We tuhioin oar atasl table nana I Uas'sB I of Katiaad Sat aborj 1 of IXaco aL The Botom of the Dank of Eni lanrl abrrwa that, coin is still being taken pretty largely far internal pnrpoees, and that notes are coming back from circulation slowly no doubt owing to the activity of trade being greater than it waa this time last vsar. The re servo Is now 13.003.000. a 100,000, and it proportion to the imrrcnt liabili ties of the Bank has fallen 1, to 38 per owing partly to the total deposits baring increased. The cash dne on Old Consols is gradually oomint; into the hands of the market, and thus adding to tho private deposits, which thow an incroate of 1,676.000 for the week, while tho public deposits hare diminished by 004,000.

The Government socoiities show an increase of 1,000,000. Tho Market for Home Ooremmnnt has been again practically unchanged, business remaining very limited. New Contois closod at us for both money and account, and Two and a Half per Cents, at 95! 90. March and Jnns Exchequer Bills, each fell Is. India Three per Cents, were firm at 1001 and tho Threo einrU a IIalf per Cents, were steady at 1071 108.

Colonial Goremmont Seeuritiet were neglected, but all sound investments that axe still cam tirely cheap are being bought. The Home Railway Market has again been in actiro. the business transacted consisting almost entirely of realisations for account of speculators who are. preparing to take their holidays. There wore a few mvottment Purchases, but thev vara.

of course, not large enough to balance the sales aireaay mentioned, ana prices gonerally left off to lower than they closed yetterday. In a few cases the fall was more than this, especially in Great Eastern, which reoeded to on the announcement of a dividend at the rato of 11 per many speculators having looked for 1 percent. It should be noticed, however, that aooui more wan mis time last year is carried over. Great Northern A dealinod I to Bouth Eattem Deferred to 1081. Manchester and Sheffield Deferred fell to 43.

owin to the half yearly report of the company boinrM ouusiuureu uusaiisiaciory. ud me omer London and South Western advanced I tn 1S3 favourablo dividend rumours. The stocks of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada opened steady, the traffic return, which shows an increase of 8,505, being about what was looked for. In the absence of fresh business there was afterwards a slight decline, and prices closed I to lower than yesterday. Canadian racino shares were inactive and rather dull.

The American Railroad Market was vcrv rraiel until the Wall street prices began to arrive this afternoon, when a few arbitrage purchases were made which produced a rite of about in most siocts, out toe upward tenaencv wat only thort livedj as almost immediately afterwards a sharp fall took place in Northern Pacific Preferred shares, which wero freely offered on American account, owing, it it supposed, to divergencies of opinion among tha directors as to the desirability ox at onco declaring the 'dividend, which several of the principal shareholders had been assured would bo the policy of the board. Tho Preferred shares finally closed at C5, a fall of We hear also that the bears in Wall street were freely offering Richmond Terminal' shares, which fell 2 to below 20, and this also had tho effect of lowering prices. which generally left off weak and at the lowest points of the day. Tho only upward movement is a rise of in Lake Shore to 1041. There is a fall of in Central Pacific to 351 each in Louisville and Nashville to 701 and Norfolk and ettern Preferred to 51! and i each in Pennsyl vania to 52j, Philadelphia and Reading to 23g, Union Pacific to and Erie Common to St.

Paul at 70J and mott others are without any change after soveral fluctuations. Speculativn bonds are without any important feature, but where eirerra are augnuy lower. The Mexican Railway Company's stocks ara unchanged. In Argentine Railway issues there has been a fair investment business and prices sre slightly higher on the day. Buenos Ayres Great Southern and Buenos Ayres and Rotario are each 1 higher at 2134 and 172 and tho two issues oi tne lucuman extension shares of the latter line are 1 hicher at 16 and 121 rosneetivelv.

Entro Rios Central Extension Six per Cent. Mort eatre bonds are 4 higher at 101. In Brazilian and Uruguayan Railway securities there is no change. In the Minute Market business was arain limited. Ooregum Preference fell to If, but Montana and Goldfiolds of Mysore rose 1 1(1 each to 1J and 15 16 respectively.

In Copper shares Rio Tinto was 3 16 lower at 10 1 16. owing to sales for Paris account, and Mason and Harry, Thartit, and Cape fell 1 16 each to 63. 33. and 2 9 16. In Diamond a Wo a Jagersfontein roso to 111.

There was some inquiry lor itwatorsrandt Gold shares, and their prices left off higher all round, City and Suburban rising to 10, Wolhuter to 4 and Crown Reef 4 to CJ. In the Miscellaneous Market the Anglo American Telegraph stocks were a shade easier. Hotchkiss Ordinary fell 9 to 9, and Pahang Corporation to3j. Boll's Asbestos snares cicsca lower at IV but after the House was shut they rose to 17, on the announcement of a dividend of: 12s. Cd.

per share, only 10s. having been looked for by most operators. Nitrato securities wero rather dull. In tho Foreign Market the leading international stocks opened about the same as yesterday's closing quotations, but there was some animation in Peruvian, bonds which were largely dealt in on the arrival of a telegram stating that the Peruvian Chamber of Deputies, had approved tho first seven clauses of tho Graco contract. The Five per after touching 16 6 16, finally left off at 16 3 16, a rite of and the Six per Cents, closed at 17, a rise of 7 1C.

The Paris Bourse was reported flat, in the afternoon, and this depressed most of the international issues, especially Spanish Four per which declined to 72 J. The stocks' connected with Egypt were also offered, and declined to jj, Unified "finally leaving off at89, the Five per Cent. Preference stock at 103, tho Daira bonds at 83, the State Domain loan at 102, the Turkish Defence loan at 99, and the 1871 issue at 91. Sues Canal shares wero also lower at 90, and Turkish Group IV. fell 1 16 to 16.

French Three and Four ttnd a Half pr Cent. Rentes have been Sat in Paris to day, and here they hare each declinedi to 83 and 103 respectively. The Mexican Internal bonds and Portuguese stock fell each to 31? and 65 respectively, and Italian Rente and Hungarian Four per Cents, each to 93 9 16 and 841. Bulgarian bonds, however, rose ito 88, and the GrecY Monopoly loan to 76f he Argentine loan of 1886 fell to 97, owing to the premium on gold at Buenos Ayres having risen 1 to per cent. No transactions in gold were reported at the Bank.

The Clyde has left with 16,830 in gold coin for Gibraltar, besides 42,500 in bar cold. 21,600 in gold coin, and 97,509 in bar silver for liombay. No alteration occurred in any of the Eastern exchanges, and the markets for bar silver and Rupee Paper also show no change. Bills for RsJO.000 on Calcutta Trer sold at is. 0 sai.

per rupee At tho Metal Exchange copper was dull, Chili bars, O.O.B.'s and G.M.Bs, closing at 40 15s. to 41 2s. Cd. cash, and 40 6s. to 40 12s.

Cd. three months. Tin was flat, Straits touching 89 "4 ll f. a dosing 86 10a. to 89 eash and 88 17a.

Cd. to 80 7s. Cd. threw rrms. Onr Pm1 Correspopdsai telegraphs that oa the "vt" It wwse aniDawoaa aaies, lauowa by a oonsideraWe 111 in pries.

TU weakra st of the rnariet was attributed partly to 4 itnost that the lections are to take tdaoa socaaT than was expected aad partly to fears canswd by tho relations of Austria aod Bossia, Threw per Vrrta. v8f. Tn sftar touching 841. lOo. and 83L left ctl at 83f.

80c a fall of 45c. on the eloprioe of yeeterday. Redoemahls fP JW after toothing 86f. 90o Wt off at 86f.96c fall of SBc. sirsct) yesterday.

Fonr aod a IIalf per Cents, opened atiOif. 92c, and, titci touchins; 1041. left off at 1041. 85e. a fall of 5r iiiim tmI.iI, a.L ad el s4 2,2611.

2Cc fall of Ul. 75a. sine yesterday. Drafts si sight on London, 251. 15i.

a rise of Tom o'CTock ITiees. Threat iw iVnfa Bnt eic. t.i:. U. Spanish 72 7 16 Etrrptiaa ilRt a BMjk, J07L Panama, 62L 60c Bio Tinto, 253f.

75c. The Lorwlon and (Vmrfe TlanV4. it (Iamited) reoammend a dividend of 10 per cent. for the half vear anrlfnir Trrr. 1 t.

ample prorision foe bad and doubtful debts, and ou premises account, there will be 54.042 to he eamajrl fnrwanl V. tL. of 1888 the dividend wa tha am A i rr raa was carried forward. The directors of tha TTaTtfav Ti.t. m.a finil il.

uu ioxju iur uirj year ending June 30, showing a profit of 15,885. They reuummcim uiTinraa a ivt. per share, making 10 per cent, for the year, carrying to contingent fund 8S5. The report of tha Ta mrlnn Jnint Cf.k T.U (Limited), presented at the meeting held to day, tuai, aier proviaing lor rebate, the net profit was 125,089. The directors recommended a dividend at tha rate of 12 per cent, per annum, 12,589 being carried forward.

The rruarantea fund umnnt tfaivli Ci nv ot r. The balance sheet shows that the current and de posit accounts, were against the aecepUnces 1,797,840 against oo investments are the same as this time last year, the cash in hand and at the Bank of England 1,325,779 against 1,096,935, and tha bills discounted, loans, and other aoenritin. inlit1ina nnr M11 12,429,446 against 12,063,603. The report of the directors or the Union Bank of Manchester ff.1itjvl IrS Jnne 30 states that the profits, after deducting rebate and making provision for bad and doubtful dobts, amounted to 88,981, exclusive of the balance bronsht forwatrl nmnnntfnir CI i1 1 dividend for theyhalf vear endinir December 31. at the rato of8 per cent, per annum, tax free, was paid, end further dividend for the half year ending Jun 30, at the rato of 8 per cent, per annum, isr recommended.

Of the balance. 15.000 ill bearried te the reserve fund, and 2.788 earned forward. The reserve fund now stands at sOOO. Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank states wiar, aiier proviaing lor interest on new capital, current charges, rebate, and bad and doubtful prout Daiance. incinaing brought forward, is 57,500.

They proposo a dividend at the rato of 10 per cent, per annum, tnr frixt nn 720,000, adding to the reserve fund (railing it to 320,000) 10,000, and carrying forward 10,500. The accounts of the Royal Insurance Company for 1883 have been issued. In the fire department til A not nraminms mnnnU tn 1M im OTiO il. tin on i it A i. I unvfOM, sou tue oauauce iinciuainei arn JntYM.n ci I 184,085.

In the life department tho new busUl nnaa area PKT W1 tnr.l tw.r. rr.n and the life funds at the end of the year I per share (17s. from tho fire and 3s. from the life profits), making, with the 12s. paid in February; 32s.

for the year. The total funds at the end of tha year, after ruvtnenl nf rlirirlmrl smnaiail ts. 5.980,550 capiul paid up 289,545. fire and reserve funds 13,050,000, life funds 3 IXTnrS annarannnetinn fntwl PVT nll balance of profit and loss 170,892. The report of the Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Company (Limited! far tha wnnr nlwl Jnnn 30 atatAa that tha IbIitIm nr 1 revenue account, deducting all claims and ex penses, as wen as paia to the shareholders in dividends and bonus since the last report waa presented.

amonntnl in R1M 5S1 or. elusive of the paid up capital of 200.000. and of the reserve fund of 425,000. The underwriting accounts of 1887 are now closed, and have re anltor) in a nrntit nf CTT IsVI a .1 with the undivided balanoe of profit, enables the directors to recommend, tax free, a dividend of 2s. per Share and a bonus of making, with the dividend paid in January, 12s.

per share for the year ended June SO. Official returns show the general revenue of the Capo Colony durine the 11 months Jnlv to May. 1889, to have yieldod 3,540,921, aa acainst 3,132,221 during the corresponding period of 1888. The increase, therefore, amounts to 408.700, of which 128,396 is due to Customs and 157,815 to railway receipts. Messrs.

Borthwick, Wark, and Co. offer for aala PrW fJYI Vnnr nor Hont n.Vf, the St. John and Maine Railway, at 97 per cent. Messrs. Brown.

Janson. and 39. Ahrhnrxh lana Tnrlnn Tt.C. UToaara WW. Brown, and Leeds and the Bank of Lirer 1 fTlni fln 1 TI VV are authorized to receive subscriptions for the capital of the Dee Bank Lead ana Silver Works (Limited) (late J.

Walker, Parker, and The i rsnrt rwi ai vva 1 a ttpiuti ia iu aimrcB oi juseacn, ana the present issue consists of 12,000 shares. Subscriptions are also invited for 1,000 Five per Cent. First Mortgage debentures of 25 each, stated to be secured upon the freehold works and other assets of the company, and redeemable at 6 per cent, premium, at the option of the company, at il allotment, upon tix months' notice 400 more of such debentures being held unissued in reserve. This company has been formed to acquire tho lead smelting and desilverizing works formerly t. i.

Tv.ii. laiiiouvu vj Jiia wuaoLit "aii, isrier, a uu at Deo Bank, near Chester, which are taken over as a going concern in full operation, through a vendor, from the board of Messrs. Walker, Parker, and Co. (Limited). The following are the rates for snooty current db ue principal lereign maraais naasi tiiea inaatl Onaii Bat, atartat.

lUta, Jsaitei. 38,000 la told was withdrawn fm fAa Jta trf rrl rV torn una tmn toea tsiar intamtl parpoaetv Our Paris Ccnurporjdeni tJe4aphs that tfss Btnrn cf the Bwioalarsee ITUhiton Aaaxnv atra MtKin 1 1 Till tissual I arsnreana JalASTlJTIXa. PiViiSi aaat aaaaaatSaa aai IBaXXUBB raaSa eWaaats a. aa a.1 rrraaa Irtnafal 1 tMntara aaUtaJOS tn.aaatj Qomrjauwd vritli 1a.t V. .1 increases of In the stock of metaL cf in the not circulation, and of in the nublio dtposits and diminn tions of 4,237,0001.

in the discounts and advances and of in the private deposits. The stock of metal is composed of 1,217,014,000. in gold, an increase of and of 1,252,123,0001. in sUvsr, an increase of CSOfiOOL We have received the following notice Mesars. ArmstroBc aad Compaav annotate that II hood of the TenuseooaU Etilwty CompanT't Five per Cent.

Ooaranteed Sterlisr First Morteaee Debenture bonds have beea porehaaed for thai ai foad. TBS BANK Or ESGLAXD. An Account pursuant to the Act 7 and 8 Vict, cap. 82, for the week ending on Wednesday. July 17, 1889 ISaTTal DeTAllTlCErr.

Itetaa laewad sTMIMTW Uoawrssknt Dtbt tb Other Sacaritla Colt Cata aaat CSliJCS BASkrsa iirrtarrwrx riuv aumf Capital Sararltl CWIKSS Kea XSUn rataa Putalai' 10S4.S&1 OtaerDaroaae BJ9S.C9S Eta ar a eUker Bine zrUSJ Other flsiiMllles 5ate U.7Sa,a9 Oakl aad 80m Cbtaw CUM cu.c2.Tt71 tsuam nocraAlrat Enfcenntr, BarU( Baals, Coicmiaalooars ef Salloaa! Pebt. aa4 DVrldsad Aetuaala. Jal X. X. BalT.

rVjaitj Cilef Caahlar. BAXXEtS CLZAKUG HorSE. Salai a at Isli Cleana for tte wee rodinj JaH.lSBi Tkwsdai' CJD.iKJCC Tueeisj stXXUlV39 rrldar Eataerlar Uaadar tCTUJOC H.ICOJX0 Wadaeadar oaal l4JSUm tor taa cxaraspoeinac wret ef Ka ibm total was juiu u. IWAI, frswty Baaaers Oearlac himse, Jatr 11 Fan Barlla Ham Frankfort Bruaeeal Tkeaa Cenoa Beaw Tana Madrid 7H IS 1 Other Bsaastkl St. retanborg Llaboa Oeoera A istoethoiat oatbar CalasMa I 1H Subjoined is a comparitca of tha position nf the Bank of England, the Money Market, the prices ef Conscls.

trench Fcttcs, 4c, with the corresponaing weex last year BaSloa Total Resent Prcportioa ef I sen 1 1 to I4a Yiiaia Kess at CwevJaaaaa Baalt Eau Dteeoaal Opea Market dtts 1 par Oat, Ceasost Franca Bastes Ararat pries of wkaat tUfitUM rn.Tis.3 Fv seat 13 ssr saw. euu csusus) 1H aareaa. per eeot. lii per seat. par aeev WtJSa, BteC Stat The Re term frost the Bank ef Xnsland for the week ended the 17 th" insi.

gives the follewins; re tells wnea eoaparwa wiui ice prevxrut wees Xaat OJOM taanaa fAJtt lHbSePepeaOt UHSU Peareeas S9US1 Otka DrpeaiM a. a. a.lXCSt Issriiil tCS.tTt On the other side el the accowrit Gaeerwrneat liaeeltlla CUTim lawiail ASBJ Other Sc tea tU at SaM.T Piaini XXM2 Pssistes HJHQ The amount of notes in sirculatioex it 23,346,345, being deercase of 73,823, and the stock of bullion In both departments 22,800,400, showing, when compared with the preceding Return, a decrease of 179,938. As RAILWAY AND OTHER COMPANIES. TRAJTIC RECEIPTS.

The erost receipts of the 23 principal railway! la the United Kingdom, givrn in the suhjoiced table, foT the week endior July 14 amounted, oo 16,05 miles, to 1,374,463, and for the correspondim period ef 1888. eo 15,874 miles, to 1,314,233, aa increase of 84iniles, or 0'S per and an Increase of 60,230. or 45 per cent. There was an increase of 9,000 in the Great Eastern Company's earnings London and North West ern, 3,166 Nortli Eastern. Great Western, 4.570 London, and Sooth Western, 1S3 Lancashire and Yorkshire, 4,038 London.andUJrirhton, Great Northern, 3,904 Sooth Eastern, 3,825 London and Chatham, Caledonian, Manchester and Midland, 1,414 1 North British, 1,300 Glasgow and Sooth Western, 1.204,; London and Tilbory, 457 Metropolitan, 319 Midland Great Western of Ireland, 139 and North Staffordshire, 115.

Decreases. Great Soothern and Western of Ireland, 239 Great Northern of Ireland. 240 North London, 274 aod Metropolitan District, 792. The paaseneer and parcel receipts of the above line were 686,333, an increase of 23,733, or 3 3 per cent. The receipts for minerals and foods on the London and North Western Company's line were 115,740, against 111,222 Midland.

32,074, against 37.861 Great Western, 83,080, against 81,020 North Eaatern, 80,988, against 78,324 Great Northern, 43,943, against 39,594 ami Lancashire and Yorkshire, 41,998, (gainst 44.983 a total of 459,820, or an increase ef 16,816, equal to 3,7 per cent. The receipt for goods on the remaining lines (excluding the Metropolitan and Metropolitan District Companies) ware 220,078, aa increase of 10,474, equal to 8 per cent. Tne aggregate earnings oi tne andennentioned companies to the above date show the following chance Increases. London and North Western 18,663 Eastera, 16,813 Midland. Great Eastern, 12,796 London and Sooth Western, 11,147 Groat Western, 10.95 Lancashire and Yorkshire, 9,160 Sooth Eaitern, 9,058 London and Brighton, 7,966 London and Chatham, 7,860 Great Northern, 6,951 Manchester and Sheffield.

3,427 London and Tilbory, 1,324 Great Southern and Western of Ireland, 1,040 North Staffordshire, 631; Midland Great Western of Ireland, 332; Metropolitan, 458 Great Northern of Ireland, 3. Decrease. North London, 344 Metropolitan District, 1,246. On these 20 lines the receipts for a fortnight were 2,416,411, aa increase of 134,751, or 5 8 per cent. The aggregate receipt of the Caledonian Company for the 34 weeks ended with the above date show aa inert ate of 70,465 North British, and Glasgow and Sonth Westtm, 9,997, the total revenoa of these three companies for that period being 3,281,483, aa increase of 139,819, equal to 44 per cent.

Subjoined ara the traffic receipts oi that above companies for the week ended Joly 14 I MUat Opwa, aVasarpM. use, Itas. 1 nta, ItSI Celedoalait Glaaro aai Seatk Wettera Gieet Eaetera Uraathortaera Ureal Korthera si IrslaaS Ureas a. aa4 W. ai lraiaaj Greet cetera laeraaaire aal 1 eraaBsr 1 rrr S7 I 467 tH' l.JSf London and fvirafcaa ioada aod Chalaaat Leadon aa4 hona Westcra Loaeaa aad Soata Wsstara laanai aal Ttibarv Maaeheeter.

I asanlnsMrej saetmrjoiitaa MetrowaStaa Dsttriel Cidlasl tdlaad treat Wastrra at Iraiaad erta frltHk 2f i Nocta ataSaaaie la)V it I ir sJ farj HUtt 7.S63 n.7i. ta.eS 7iai 15. lit 14M litJJ 3s.r hi s.a nwi lues to, CCS l.T 4.T90 43.171 uus usi 7.TJ1 t.dt U.SS (, us.ks laiTi 1,1 ten 12.CI1 1I.97S 46J7Q 41 54 Trne 13S3 Bswret loelsda tne Bpaalsa ExtrbrUno traffic, while tlwjae for 1SU laelitd in kraa wtist the Iialiae. Iiaasak, aad itiak Tne receipt of the Ilighland Railway for the paat week show an increase of 89T Rhymney, M3 Fnmess, 267 Waterford and Limerick, 143 Maryport and Carlisle, 100 Wrexham and Mold. 13 and Isle of Wight Central, 6.

Tho ef the Isle of Wight Company show a decrease of 3 Fern broke and Tenby, 29 Kilkenny Junction. 33 and Tail Yale, 139. The receipts of the Waterford aad Central Ireland Company amounted to 653, against a like stun for the corresponding period of last year. lbe receipts of the Boenos Ayres Great Soothern Railway for the week ended Joly 14 show aa increase of 3,787 Canadian Pacific Railway for the week ended July 14 show aa increase ef 833,000 Central Argentine ditto, a decrease of 733 Central Uruguay, Joly 13, an increase of 2,829 Katt Tennessee, Joly 7, an Increase of $3,120 Grand Trunk Joly 13. an increase of 6,573 Chieatro and Grand Trunk ditto, aa inmate of 3,157 Detroit, Grand Haven, ditto, a decrease of 323 Great Indian Peninsula, ditto, a decrease of 2,058 Madras, Jane 15, an increase of 4,203 and New York aad Ontario, Joly 14, an increase of $4,094.

The earning ot the Boeno Arret aad Paeifle Railway for the past week were The receipts of the East Indian Kail way Compeer for the lint 13 days of Joly were 130,717. acainst 110,571 for the corresponding period of 1888; The receipts of the Sees Canal; on Wedaetdar amooated ta against SOO.OOOf. The receipts of the Leinsie Tramways for the pact week thow an increase of 371. Those of the Burnley aal District Company show a decrease of 13. The estimated approiisaat reeelpt of tha Arrea tine Great Western Company for the week ending Joly 12, 1889, were 819.800, against $13,593 for the oorresponding week last year.

The Gas AT Easrcxjr Kxilwiv Company after providing for rent, interest; and dividend on all the goarantaed and preference ttoakt. retremmeavl a divi dend en the ordinary stock at tha rate of per test per annum, carrying lorward about 37,090. Tor the first half ef last year the tUviiend was at tha rata of liper and 17,494 was carried forward. Tne directors of the Loxnmr, TlUCST, and Sormi aau aaitesiwnjiasj twetwaateaa a dividead ea the oruutary aavaav sw taas pass nausea The director ef the Conx aavl Rsw rwvw O0SST BSJtWAT Conrpany faaoJvwd tWay reeoaa, taeada dtridttad att the ttrdiaary tok at the rate ef Spar ewas. ear aaasms far the half rear ended the JOthef Jwa.

trryinc forward 3 580, asTpdMlS paw earryiag forward fSltS, for taas tri. penotl last year. The GLXSoow TSUXWSTS aad Omz Commtr slUhle halaace ef ttA4X. oat of which i thmr lfpnee a dividend at the raia si 7s. Cd.

per aratre. tax free, aqami taa 1 3 paw easai. awr annwm, lor the tlfXhtllia.OMtmafmiUiG. ward. The reoort ef the directors of ttfs Stmou Brxuf TXurwaTS Carapaary, te teMeaefaW.

wcoustaauds a tHridajatd at tlWrwae ef per eewi. pes twawssutsj IwJaaee tw he essd fsrwastt The iwpart ef awe ef the BtWt Vm BTATM CxU Qmpany (Umita4), (or the si aaetrths etstel Jmae state that the aaK yettr mtaet, stUl tatUeet to fwnaioa, fataledin: taessne. tax iwrawdedaaad after tttrfaetinaj est ttrmetrta, aaotinittd to 39,626, against 1707, afttw tiniila dadairtioosu The working and ether rrpeTiea. is ladin tMotae tJ, bat eislosivw ef east of repairs of cahle, anaoantsad to The quarterly inSerim djridaaad ef 3. per share fes the saarWr ended the 30th ef September, aad of 3.

6d. each per share for tha quarters ended the 31st ef December, and toe 31st ef March, were paid daring the financial year, aad a final payanaat ef 3s. 6L per share is prepoaad, making, with the three interim dividend. 34. per cent, for the 7ar The balance ef 3,719 is earned forward.

Tbertrpert of the Lav uaxavtxx and Txorr Society Limited) states that althoogh the society has beea la eattnee a year the period ef it operation has, ia reality, little exceeded eight month, inasmuch as prior to the end ef the Long Vacation ef 138a, the if 1M was mainly restricted to preparatory work. The total premium received were 3,693 the taterett front investments. 3,319 aad there were no lavlias The amocnt carried forward is 1.786. TU balk of the presnmna received has beea nrtderthe goaraoUe branch at the sotuety't tTpera The dizeeton ef tVt nnt n. (Idmited) hare' declared an interim dividend oa the k'.

at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, for the half year ended the 30th of Jane last, leas property tax. JJirectors of Borxix, (Limited), after aattin aside 3,000 to meet depreciation of plant, Ac, and 5 lacing 3.000 to a merve funtL, recramend a divi end at the rate of 20 per cent, per eArryintT forward 1.800. The directors of the Prvos ALTOS EoctilOTT Company (Limited) have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per anannt for the three month ended the 30th nit. The directors report of ExXT LAX Lorn (Limited), oa the accocnts of the company for the year ending the 31st of May, 1S89, states that the net profit for the paat year of 5,004 and the 1,838 brought forward from last rear's accounts amount te 6,840, from which the directors recommend the payment of a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, net annum for the last half year, equal to a dividend of 5 per cent, for the whole) year, leaving a balance of 4,549 to be carried forward to next account. The half yearly general meeting of the shareholders of the Loxnox Joist Stock Baxx (Limited) was held yetterday at the head office.

Princes street, Mansion hoose, Mr. Howard Gilliat presidinj. The chairman, by authority ot the hoard of directors, declared a dividend for the half year ended the 30th olt. of 18s. 9d.

a share, beinjr at the rate of 121 per cent, on 1,800,000, the paid op capital of the hank. In moving the adoption of the report, he (aid ha thought he might congratulate himself, that beinz the first occasion oa which he had presided, at having to Eood a statement to lay before the proprietors, ecauae, notwithstanding that they had had a period of exceedingly cheap money, aad had had no extraordinary source of income, they showed grots profits considerably in exeeas of those of the same period of last year. Against that there was to he placed the increase of expenditure, which, however, he was happy to inform them, was of an extraordinary character, covering, among other things, certain readjustments of rent the whole expense of putting the electric light throughout the head office an iir pro cement which ww proving and would prove of incalculable benefit to the health, comfort, and nsefolnes of their staff and, farther, the expense included the entire cost of adapting and furnishing their new branch ia Lcadenhall etreet. The directors found that la these days ef competition it waa necessary to move with the times, and, above all thins, to meet in every way, the convenience of their customers, and, if possible, increase them. It waa therefore with pleasure thai be wa able to chronicle the completion and opening; of their new branch in Pall mall, ia a style worthy oi the connexion and standing of the bank.

He urged the Sroprietors to assist the director more even than they id in the way of increasing and consolidating their connexion. They might be able to do so through the part they were asked to take ia the formation of new joint stock companies. lie afterward warmly recognised the services of the manager and staff of the bank. Mr. Robert Ryrie seconded the resolution.

Ia reply to a shareholder. Mr. Donald Larnaeh (one of the directors! said he hoped to see the guarantee fond increased before long to 1,300,000. Whea it reached that amount they might take into consideration the wish of the hon. crocrietor that tha ftmd might not be further added to.

Ihtt report wat unani mously aaoptea. The 37th half vearlr eeneral mrrtlnr at Mi efcarew holder in the Bask (Limited) waa held yesterday at the City Terminas Hotel. Sir Lyon Plavfair. M.P..wbo presided, congratulated the hare couier oa tne protrres cx the bank. There had beea an addition of 3,700 to their profits, hut the average of the Bank rate had been 3 per cent, at compared with 3 12s.

94. per cent, in the corresponding period of the previous year. They recommended a dividend at tne rate oi i per eent. per annum and the addition cf 3,000 to the reserve fund, leaving 8,873 te be carried forward. They desired to increase the reserve fond as much at possible.

There had beea aa encouraging growth in the number of their current and deposit accounts and the amount of the accounts had increased since last year from 3,413,000 to 4.436,000. They now had 13 brace he in different porta of London, and be hoped the shareholders would assist them ia their endeavour to bring new customers, lie then moved the adoption ef the report. Mr. Daniel Maekeniie seconded the resolution, which was carried, the dividend tweoawneoded being; afterward declared. The half yearly general meeting of the Uxiox Discoitst ConraxT of Loxfcox (Limited) was held yesterday at the City Terminus Hotel, under tha presidency of Mr.

W. Duna. The chairman stated that the accounts indicated a gnat extension ia their business. They had folly earned the dividend re com mended, at the rate of 9 per cent, per and, after allowing for rebate of interest, there would remain a balance of 20,822 to be carried forward. A declining1 money market waa alwayt favourable to discount houses.and the past half year had shown a falling money market, with business improving.

Both' the Bank rate and the opea market rate had declined by 3 per cent. It would aot be wise to calculate oa the continuance of sueh favourable terms, and they had therefore decided oo setting aside for rebate the substantial turn of 65,433. They had aot lost a penny by bad debts during the half year. After referrinr to we couapae corner lynuieate, ana to tne dlt arpe trance of the old Three per Cent. Consols, ha al faded to the increase in the market valua of first.

elaa securities and to tha improvement in trade. Owing to the rrowth of their boatae, they intended te erect a building on the sit of 39, 40, aad 41, Cornhill, suitable to their requirements. 1'a concluded by moving the adoption of the report and the gtyment of the dividend recommended. Sir Edward lount seconded the motion, which wat unanimously auopiea. a resolution waa aiterwaro paetoa ap the placing of 3.000 to a clerks' pension font COURSE Vr KXVUANOe, 18.

latawtKtstHI 'Jeptes. ttk. Ssl, OV, es 25 7V Teeners, ft, MS ta 4t He Cadiz, a. ajJ ej SiiMlnd. IS tetSS ll Swrula.

da, a 4 te6 Maletax ae. 46U aieocie, do, t4S I Tanadond, da, aSVt, to 4SH (Saalaader. sVe, 4SVe tetiZ Ltabeat. 4a, lilt te it Oporee. del.

lUt ta 1M 1S1 a III Do, tare saawta. a Aararw aad Si it Bassbara.nstlt ID Iserlia aad Ceraaaa Heat Plaees, SietaaJOtO recia, ahaqoae. 13 ta 25 Vi De, Ues. saaalXe. J34 as sa MaraaUUa, ae ffla iH Atsarte.

ClJ CS a 11 10 St. rrurtbarx. as, a 1S4S ta Ht tteeoew. aa, a lt ll te Oetaaa, aa, 7h at te It da M12all ua, aa 14 li eellM aceUUXI taUtt FsixrxK nv ihx Conos Tkasx. TesterdsT that ft line araa I o.ju.l.

Jirothart, una of the largest firms of cotton brokers ia who have intimated their inability to meet their liabilities. The suspension is attributed to the failure cf a large, spinning concern. It is not anticipated that this suspension will iarolre ether complication, aad it is 4ctiered that Messrs. Coddiar ton liabilities in the market are small. WcrTjovr fliinrmn Tti I at.

St. n.n...It,..r ar: 1 i uaiucs oocietr waa held yesterday in the ground adioiaing St. George's waits te cvuu 1 uuifu to, by working men. their wives, aad children waa ot a highly credi table character. Sad Mnmriaed many kind of flowers.

The thow wat opeaed la the after Mrs. Ritchie. The right boa. gentleman, ia declaring the show open, remarked that be had much pleasure la being able to help in such a good work as this unquestionably was. lie was satisfied that nothing could be more elevating than the attention and care that most have beea bestowed upon each beautiful Bowers aa he aaw before him.

They were very fortunate ia St. Georre's ia possessing such a ground ia which they could hold the show, and he only wished that some arrangement could be made to associate tome kind of music with the place, la the evening the prise were distributed by Lord Wolaeley, a woman obtaining the highest prise a silver cup the gift ef Mr. Kite hi a. Lard Wolseley also tiitusssd his gratification at beiag able to Uki part ia such a movement, which bar felt tare was bound to be ef great use in the xtsre. Flowers afforded pleasure to everyone, and it was lraitrt impossible to iatarine a person who took aa interest in them.

Be if tea seen many a dark aad dreary barraek roem de bright aad happy by simply a few pots of flowers. They appeared to have a hnmtniring effect. He had lately and aawuatwair ef staying in a borate with tow Bau wt arwrataw who, a toss cieee oi tae evtntmsra enaawtsistneat. was asked what he liked aeasTlSie Bhah replied that what had strwefc i2 tc. sswartr ir th.

wx ww. it vote eg nnts to Lord was tha epiniaa he.

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