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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 15

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. fOtJJBGES TPBUO SCHOOLS, km TJ EsWum .,7 the tasarwtara, TTT rriiooT. imttt a JoXrVKu HA, ewtA IX ef rn dtol suit. IkfuUMt lor tttU HA It. Uathes lmii nYKR im.

rwJrhir. II da tle Ti w4 a Veiewewty ureriiea For fttJXimZ mi ed.eur4 I JLtivir for tv H. ed im IV trS. Jed flwtotV Bad maa It fee Itaedhe Bad a a TTJTl A rreuaalaerv all K'1 JSJ (JTEI Cede Metrictie, t14f JiM" M. ay C.

CA iCiiuu5w. MA April the He BS. EMILIA. MARIA OOODIJUCK Atd iwhmim nra TV is, totltal "As Art to ranhec wwl Lew af Pre nir Trmum' Nte a henby aire Utt al CRiITO Usal he WW I WfoWese er de eada gnt liU WVUMII He 111 I II IT Uk af SaletOeots lUawrerequan I. ikMu3 htetdfaact i)tiMiJrtli4 aa th Jut day Jot? eT sou day at trber beldi.

Fndmtch W.tkTof Newttead Abb th Cwenly ot Xolua.hem liqan aod Frdi Ullleae at hfcs rac Villa IWtr Heath u. OouvTm binUl(inn eeasod la Ue ssM Wffl ar hereby rwvdn to (end the rwttnUn to WW Wtkatr aUoM u4 damuaci to tk tfa4 Mor Um Hat Juwf nett mlut akjUiUw aM Eiannar awatrimtaa 4mih tha AaMta at law aat IMI Um "aaaa ihaiaaa Wnni racar lha (UiaM 4 Wy aktU tbaa aaa ka4 oatk aa4 Ur aa Na lor tka Aama af tka aJ4 aaaaj a aaf Uara4 aa 4iartaa to aar paaa at Banva ar aXaaaaa tbn aa.ll act tkaalwta k4 aouoa IMa4 lAM Utk 4r of naiw Wt ctoWDt OH tVate MWtofllor lot Kncvton joy a a a4 a )nT TA "rS aannten arrtr ta Iba Ma TTtrrVHSM COLLEOE. Hribcix All four IIKVv ARVITiCI; or AH Oak' 1ATIIAT IX with TlH.BN:BU'ja Ik tviawaa," a tnm OHX SHAW, TOCK SHARK DEALER, i S. I. 6.

T.K. 9. 10 IL 12. 13.WAHD rHlBR4. IVirun'oaiaiaaa, vri: Sa.

lif. vfa ti Na? BrrrW.slfa.UUaaa. VMTOKTAST TELKOArillO fK. RICHARD DAVIS decruad. pnnnnt to 111 aaAarrUaai.

ada a4 raaaaa Ika tavatf anH M4loratUnlrnal Ua raTaakai pnaaal Maarr tetltaM 7Aa AM to rartkvr aaaat Ua La nt rrai.ny aai to r.Tt, Natlca haw, tw laat aU CReLi r' aa4 ama itc a rta er 4aa4a apaa or aralaax Ua Katau otaUCHAlUt IJaS'I uu at otolk aaa Kaatohaaa ta Ua Cj of lawlna aw uaaai ai tluii JaiMia la oa aknwl la oat t( Aacl aoaa laa mad pal UU hi txtm of Atauatatratloa aitli Ua UI aaaatal of ia aaa alarta TB11 to Ana Mil, tola. Dw WMao Katfetn otU lYobaU of Ua lKk Ooart of Jaatiot) ara to a4 la Ua iwt.lar at thrtr alalaia aad 4. aaaJa iff aMnt(aa4 bar BolaMtnrt on at btfor Ua Jin aaj of JhTowi, ll Aa4aUa a. kwabj alao JAat altar Uat 4a, Ua Mi4 A4inlan anU nrocanl to diautbuta Ua aaatu lha 1M Ua f'W aaUtlad ItoMa kaa raard aulr to Ua HlmaT ri4 AJmtnlatntni UaU ea4 axMtca aat Ual aM otU sot ba liaMa far Ua aaatu or aat rrt Ui wV aadlrtrtVato to aar Mnoa of vttoaa or aluua h. mVll aot Uaa ten ka4 aouaa.

Oatad Uia rSU ii ax liman aa4 H. LAXDOX I Saw Rroafl otraat toadaa ttt Midlon tor Ua taki RORERT ADOLPHUS COCKnURX drerit ruraaaot to Ua Suiutj tu4aod Cr.t Victoria rkapur JS loUtuWi An Af to aowa4 Ua Law of lrorrtr. aa4 to ra rtiatoi SatKaU brraoj rtw thai all rHKblTtilUl and a iiiniiir kamt aar r'aiwit dnaaada aralaM tka Zmh of UOBKBT APOLrllt'H HTKBPR Ula Tha Uylia Fmtia arU LMttwrDMd la Coon'r of Snnar aad of Ua stock Etcaaac la Ua Ol ef la4w lalr dawaaad tabo dwd OB Ua lth dar of NawaVrr 1149 aad artwaa Will wa aa4 la Ika fnaetial IU. alrr of tat ITotota lta of Har al.W llk Co jIhk. tlxatkavof Da aaator lt M.b I IU Ooak Wa WiOnvU BatM of Uaauddaswaad aad aim Wajioa ton of Ua Eiaratoft tnaraia ara fcarabt raaairad ta aad Ua rartlaalara la wnunag of orilaoiaoda to aaa tka aadrr.

amd VUior toalkaatU Eoniton oa or aWorath I0U dr at kUrek It) afaar abrt aatd aiaeaiara anil aracaad to diauibato tka aaarU of ika raid dacMard amiaiat Ua oonoiu ao tniad Urraw haloi mrd oalr to Ika cla'au and dtmtada which Umt ia3 Uaa kata kad a bca aad Uer ool b. liable for Ua aaarta of Ik aald daccaacd or aar part Uarrof ao dwtribakNl to aar twtwna or pasoa ofwhoaa elima Uar oot Uo kara ka4 boUc THlM Ihia 9lh lr 1K AUEtU li. AKSOCLD. CL. 10 Nw Coart Uacolu loa dicilor tor Ua aatd i(utart vuk to call unton to a feature In my buainen I to oaaaln de cra.

Er ar. rat OlK I kara a 4Vrt ira lot a awaawa oa aava. 1 aaol kardlj Tj; uf adraal" 4rald at a dMtoaca. i ara JwtTrrlicaaJoaaiactoka oScra froat craa part of Ua Vart4 fcjaa aa vv rj. THiirSASlI EIGUT IIuXDRED an 1 I ciHTTJflX Ibta'aoaatof atook I aara daaM la UHraar to to.

ra I a la Aoat i one eoa fcaadral and Ulry 4raa 'E linSDRKD i THIRTY SEVEX and 0 I i taar fts at doa prtaa. aad iarrr aaara a3ilitMJ Oaaliaf bf 11 pnoaaa aaa o3T a uiwmrvu alrl In "Ur lc la LaaJm. Tha wjaca ea aaiiaioaa, aaa mt is a rx" ui uirat ana oaat oH Ka auut ika a of ika or Vakar mawdiaia dirat oda or tradlda laJilratka talaalaam Jaaadkav (OUXTRV crSTOMKRS. Th ad I rr ia rJa rr rata ar ara KtVrrar raaiaaittoaH. tn.y li aiaad to aaiM Spiw ted aali otherwlaa immt pnt a.

flcfraa fr oa oraia at ao oa arerr Mranrr lsgairf. IM aa Mat or Ulacraai at aar litaa fo. bBr ku a dooa or aot tictnUra art of priJtt waatlr traa. Ts'OPERATISO I OIVK YOU THIS ADVICE. arthrr daal antk ma or albra wtJm'mT Uaa 1 pr cent.

all hjarr lataaa ara bmnaVr aiada aaJImitol corar. Raa proM aa I au loaaaa. 1 RfamkrrrMiaiafwrot Mo roo Haul oa cow. oot cal ita Brast of afSmoi raa know ooUiax. bawarar anooai rrpn wotaaooa.

or roa wi 1 la aoth roar eorer aal ptia, Mka daa toajri. AX KERS. Cap til and Cant. LadrktoUi'd J0H5 SHAW. COCHRASB And SONS.

Stockbrokers. 13 Aid 14, Taora. cd a. Ra WoU bd braack, 17,. Jermrrtraal, riiB CatarJUbad USI.

far aaaaraar aod iaraaur ahoald raad our Proapactat aad ii i aajaat OrcoaM. UesalaaaajarciUbtaiaCoraaajaraapactiad a3 atookt aad aiaraa. t'oal traa. Jt tprcalatiaa aorwaU opaaal ham 1 per otaU am with aa farUar ka iiiif. 0ae wBarkat prteaa aoaraaleal.

C3M kanac aa opaa aoaoaat aa, ar depaaitia( atodbl or ahana. arad aot par aar eoaer fa adraoca. A XXE LAURA SAMPSON deceatel Pursuant to Act of raH araeit 5o0or it brrabr Cireo Uat all CREDI TuKS aad otoer pemOM kartu an raainu cemaaaa npoo aknar Wdi proved la Ua fard Mar latl tr Cato Lawea DarttBao aad rilepbea Woodoridaa the fciacavwi tNana oaaadl are krabr nqoired to arod rarti' lan af Uacr rtauaM or daaaaada toaa Ua aatoiaiaoad iba Kofadtra It the aaaj Emeewtare oa or tWwa ue Z7U Jaaaarr 13S0 arte abxa data Ua aaid Kteeatora will pi wed to diatriiata Ua aaiita of Ur deeeaard aaweot ua rartira eaKitwa uereu rarara aaft toMaeelalan aaddeoundiof waick urr aball Uea bara bad aeuca aad Ucrwdl aot be uaUafor Ua aaarta of tka aaid deecaaed ao djanoatad to aar pen wi or per Bona of a kw elaima or dVoiaadt tare aaaO aot Ua tuee had oouo Dated Uia 1IU dar of lVeem bal JZi E.C. Soiicitora for Ua aald Eaeaulon 4 KXE MARIA FRENCH lexased. Punoant to Ad af rardaamt rnd 2M Viot cap.

S. 'tica la tmaj riwra that all CREDITORS and other pennaa haetaf aar rials or Deeaaad ar or afainat tb erute A NMK MARIA riO'CH lateo! No 11 Qae a Parad Braadm HiU ia Ua Utr of Pi at at. tiaaair di 1 laba dard oa ta 17tk dar Aacaat 1C aod af I aaa Will. Probata waa raited br Bnatol Diairict htfrj attwbal to Ua Prabato Dmaios of Her W.Jtty, Hifh Toart af Jaraoe oa 16: dar of Septomkrr IM to Jam Jaroa Caraok aad Rearr fleet wood tb Kxefctera aaaard la tha aaid WUfat brer rwtairvd ta aod tb particular lo wrrtinc af aark Oim or IVana ia oaor rWoe the 20ta da of Janoarr 18J ta aod'Taicaed Holintar after which dar Ue aaid Eieraton iB pieoKd dannhara AaaeU of Ua nid daeaamwl amoef tha pwtoa aatitled Uereao wiUoot ha tin retard to tka Claim, or Do waada which aald Etecatora Udl ao thea bar had notice Aad that ta aid Elatora will oat a ha'le for tha Aaarta or aar pan ateracf aa dtribted to aor perwj of whoa Claim or Deaaad Uaaataa aot bar bad anch Notice aforeuid Daud UU 3rd Itl Of (Menabee, ISTi. AhbuT POPE T5R0WK ABBOT Shannon Court Cora btraat Bnatol rtolieitoea to Ua aaid Exector.

HANNAH BRADLEY deceased Xotiee Parsuant tothaCadlCidVie ChapSaacn Ad CREDITORS and Rhn haenx aar etaima acaiaat er to tha Fata' of HANNAH Ulaat No 31 Carltoa Terrace Boa Kill HandaworU ia ta wmu't of Stafford alow who dwd latcatato tba th of Aatvat 1U3 ara her req aired aeod panicalan id writinc of their claiau to Ue andereiesed the fMiciuri A Deaaot Ajhler fit to, th adnauatrator of lb eatate aad eflreta of th, aald Hannah Eradarron ar hafora Ua 10th dar or Jaoaary ls90 art which data Uaa aaad Dar aiwa Aahiey Oihba will prooard to diaarlaato Ue aawta MUaaaid Haaaah Bradley avoept tha partM MtiUd Uerrta kanas raxaM to tha alaxo, af which the aaid Dadaraa Aahler Glbra raa tkaa a tot aad he ami aot Tab. ur the tuei ase part tarraof aadwthbated to aoj pwanai of whoaa claim be ahall aot ha had aitw at tha tiaa of dwAribaUoa Datd Uai Zbd dar of LARAn WALKER DocfAfd Pursuant to SUtnte 71 vi a ft Vm. caa. NoUoaia heeeor ia that at! oriaooa baruu aar CLtlM. afanat Ua E8T.rt ol at A RA II WALKkK tax id I WroJocl BaiMiaea rultortl Koad la the Ct'r of York al low dceaacd hadida the 11 a dar of Mar Id aad rrshaU of whoaa wiUlwtthaOMicu taroi waa sraaiaa or ua i 'w iiwutc: rr hat K'ciiiT of Ue Hith Court of tira on IK I7ta day of Oalo hr 18W to TbMna Waiter and Joaaph DtUell Eilwcolu Exa ton aa ard la Ue WIU ar harebr required tend written partiea lar of tick to ai oo er hefor the tth del otjtnnarrneu iu whioh dal tt aaid Cfcatorl will diairib it the of lha tfuimid 1 1 nnt reirJ lr to claim, of which Uerahall Uaa har had "V' a V.

SrSANSAH ADAMS drceatrd pumnant to the Ktatute Cnd aad Z3rd Victoria chaptor intitaied Aa Act tofar'hrr amnd Ue lw of Proor aod to rli Traatrea Not tea dehte'alna or denanda acainrt the tate of SWANS All Atf tMS id of N. 62 LadHronke Urnre Nnttin Hill lo UeCoaalv of Middlewrl ldo fwho dNt oa the 21at day of June 113 and arhoe WU1 wa proT la Ue rrmeipal Kccvutry of the Probata Dieiatna of Hrr Ma'eatrh Htch Oart of JwHice oa th Tttb dar of air 1S29 br Jaawa coell Adam of No. SI H'dlaod Pak Kenetaewo ta tb Ceaarr.of Middle HUckbrokn Joarpn ha of x. Krtiaiartoa Oardoaa Htnar in ani. eounly Barriat knd Ha rr Oiffard of No.

Kraainftoa Park Galeae ra th aamOcintr on of the Keeatrarain Hankraptcr Ktecnton aaaid la the aaid iUI araheren renuired to tend la Ue parueulara 4 their btl elaaaia aad daaaaada to at the nndenfnad s.icttora for th aaid Klroalora oo or befora tka of Jaouarr WO aod aouoa la al barahr eiara Uat after Ue leaf aaeetioaei data tha aaid Executor will pmorad to etnkute the "aatrt, of Ua aald decaaecJ ansae th partiea entitled Ucrcto sartr.f eea ari oalr to elaiaia and demaada of which the aaid Execauv enall Ihca bar bal aotlee aod that th aaid Ktwutore will net be a foe Ue aaeeta or any part tberwof ao dutnhetl ta any preaoa or peeaoat wnoae debt daiat or demand thy UaS not kara had each nottoe af rraaid Dated Uia 10U day of iecmB icjj rPHOMAS POWELL Deceaiasd Pursuant to the 1 StatuMZZad 113rd. Vie O.A Notic la hrehr that aU iCW ma harinj any CLAIMS ajaia the ESTATK of TH MAa pilWELl. late of 2S Parr a Kow Braaoadae Loadoa Bater ceaaed (who died on Near. I'ti 1IS3 A wknaa iaat will waa proeed ia the proper oourt ra 6th of December ISH by Jane Powell widow wie eieratrixl ara here by required to aend Ue particular ia writiaxof euU ciaina" toot Ue ta lera'xaed oa or before Ue Ink January 113! aftor which data rx entrix will proceed to mak a hualdi tnbaOoa otawci. eesate hif retard rly to tk eiainit of which ah an ,11 thea haee noti.

Uatod UU 10th Darweabar l(n TUOS.J.8AVAGE7kaSLudrxtUulljoadoota Solicitor to the rat I Executrix Witaraa Ceo. Baldock Clerk to Mr. Sarace. IN the HIGH CUCRT of JUSTICE Chancery eton In tb Matter of Ue Comnaalra Ada ISilk IkT aad la tto Matter of PKITCIIaKD COXPAJiY United The CKEDI. TOUSerUbonamMUaipanyarrauired oo ae before the ilal day of Deoemrr laW to nl their oamee and addr aaea aad the par tiaiara of thtir debt rlainaa aod the naaea aod adtraaaea of thau So) cittwa Of anrl to Alfrwl Willi Sally of 1) Victoria Street In the City of Ixadoo Oiartered Accountant the OiBeial Leialdaior ef th aaid Cornpwy and if required by notice la wrltiaf traa aaid UfAaal Laquida'w ar by hir SoUaitors to Oram io and retrra their raid dabu or rlaima at tha Chamber, of Mr.

Jatioe Chltty R' aal Ceuru of Jetbe ittraa I Loadoa at aueh time aa Uall be ipcei tied la each aotir or ia default lharaof they wU be aiclmled froai Ue benefit of an diatrihutloa made bef.ire each debt the fah daa of Jaaaarr 1UJ at 11 a'clonk iaUa foreaooaU the aaid Caemeere ia arpotntod for bearing aal adjudi ratint upon th debU and claiaja. Iated Uim JSJi'lar of horrnt bee JSJ3. GLO. A. CB'JWDER Chief Clerk.

1 'th Matter of the Companies Acts 1862 1867 aad la the Matter of The AUTOMATIC TRADING 'MPAN lied Mr.Juauce Dra aaa artloi aa Vaca ioa Jndee lor Mr. JaaticeOiitiy haabyaa trder dated lb 10U day of Uctoker APP IVTED HUM AS KENNEDY of Ko. 11 Old JWTyChambera la th City of Lnadoa. Chartwrrd Acaooataat to be OKIflCIAL LIQUIDATOR of Ue ebwr namod eoaipaar Dated thla 7U day of i5ihTij9. BCRNEY Chirf BLEWnT TYLER Orachurch 8Lrel London K.C.

Solicuorefo th aaid OfBcial Liquidator. LADY'S MAID (OKRMAJf). Kxrasroad. 8p aka Oeawl aatokar aad twentta. llwaUat Uaro7Caae llakee atiaat, X.W.

Competent NUR8E VTAKTED. Most be tho DAKK MAXAOEB. RgXPIRKD, ft OKHTLX rjeTBekTaAjtire Oi'oorakafaVa AUSTRALIA. A ladr, iMtrinir for rlxdner 3Sth haat wlabea to KXfjAGB UorvaxhiJ aipeiaaauad KUR8E. capable of latlnf an chaer of a ohi4 axed oa rear.

Avoir. Wtler. al or peraoaajy. as Balurday aril, np to 1 adocX, to A. let, Qaeea'aai aaaoaa, Boath Kamwiattea.

Tj' LECT RIO Ala EMU IS1 KRIS WASTID. MZi Ol rTLRMWS BOX, to wwahfy fwreeparice aaotatoaaaaa htth kWtaoulnf Mtrto IrAltaf aad kaWt aawt, tobaaarleo liliiraskyia. Appiy iMalaiy, It, niaaaT aeavfaaan, w. A LADY, who have had entire ehaixo o( widower's koaa.kall ahUdraa. aad eareaota, almUar pueimolf.

or MCoaipaaloa toaa aidert or Mind tadr. MadieaL clarloal, aad other lefeteaoML car of J. J. Sharp. Breatfhtoa.

Xeturlnc. AS HOUSEKEEPER, to ooe or two rentleroen. whee a ttrl Is kept, ae lade aad twaUeaaaa wha rtalr Uttaa eooainx. Mlddle at. Address U.

X. TerreU aoort, Cppa street, lallnxtoa. M. lf AXAOER WANTED. Applr to Mr.

Oriere, a xirins fan particalart ae to as, etperaeaaa, ref anacea, aad aaUry r. a iaaaa atars exnatope aiaaaewr. HOUeEKEEPER. WANTED, for the Surbitoa ininf oflKw Tear a auponor preaoa of rood a lira, rrtiarlapuad. frwaa to 40.

One who caa take entire chart, keep hooka, and ax ooeuaiad lach Poaitieo befora. Attdrea MORTGAGE INSURANCE. A funrosJiSed Practitloaer la Edln'OTh. wtU rood kWaea. It pew i 1 reaiiy anvclaaa Moncar iaaranca, aecoav Aiwata.

IVIAnkurxJk. wn AS MAID nd HOUSEKEEPER. Lavdr H. Oraham xtECOMMEJfD! a MAID, wha baa been wtth her rear. Good dieaamaker and hatrdreaaer tad eery I mat worthy atald.

Addreoa. A.R., Unalerouna, 3. Tha Parcaeot, Bnmler rosd. Ueekeahaai, Keat, PA.8.I. (by Eiam.1.

now mpuiag for F.8.I. Exam, uan ftmi ipra xppitrrarKTin sod avmnfi odlea. wtth a eiew to partaarakip preferrwd. Four yaara Otr xx rienee. akort Um ViCnlh awtek hi uX dmasktaaan.

etomentary balUimr cooatncUon, aaiitary stieaee, ka. Afrplr n. 4a. OotterUoa, ta A Thoroajth GOOD COOK WANTED. Age.

be J. twees aad to. Sh asaat haee a peitonal eharaeter. Applr bf er I o'clock, or by letter, to Ltntoa toaaa. South Hida, Clapfcaat coaimoa.

SHOT. WANTED, as TECHNICAL MANAGER, hoau or abrnail T. ml miewaa. and koldi lataaa amwwxwi B. Jamee itrwet, teateaBeao.

COOK (food) REQUIRED, at once, near London. Three la 'sially. Waf es 23 to 25. Ka beer. Address sin.

O. Hodwold, Cbialebejet. 'TUIAVKLLER of laree Influential companr. who eU Eexlaad aad Bootbvad, daairea good extra COMMISSION, SpariW faciUbto for appoinUos aod auparriainaT awaU aad tntrodacltn sew baaiaeea. Ma.

225. haiU and Ca. a. Cdinbaqh. GOOD COOK WANTED, by the 27th of Decem bee.

Small family. No aeehnanca. Ax about X. Waees C27, aU found. Coauirj.

Write partiaaiarx to Mi, bird. ThaOottM, oaatxaaa. rpO HOTEL PR' iPRIETORS and COMPANIES. A Adrertiaar. with Ion m.eA amrlMfl, In anod hotcU.

enerr'Ua aad economical, xood liaiuiat, now hoidias a rerpwiaiMe tjon la oa of laedinx hotel! la London, aeekt APPOINT MENT ax MANAOKd. Ramaaatloa as retolu er lied aalan. Letter to. BuceeaafuL Cox 132, WWlnxa, Adrerbaia( Axaat, LB. traa a.

CttOK WANTED, aged about 30. Must be good plain conk and thorourbly uadentand her datiax. Good auarao. tor iB.liapwn.ahl. Two la iamil.

Apply 4, Marlborouxh UU, Uia day. bwtwoan i aad i. AW. VYATRn a RHftRTHAUD JlA CLERK. Apply, by letter only, xtalins ax experience, aad jalary reouirod, to Maun.

Abram aad ooa. Maddl remple GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTED, for Uie country. Not under Ml Small dairy and baklns. Kltcbeamaid kept. Apply, etatitif all nartlculara, to Mrs, BelL Lockser Holt, Ckilwonh.

Burrey. REQUIRED, coat PLAIN COOK, under 30. Call this day aad eaine, at IX UlMDiatoaardcna, Keaataxton, LAW. A MANAGING CLERK (26). good, all round enerieoe In mnimMHu Chancer, eommori law.

aad Eaerai practice, RffOUlKEd WORKING ARTICLES. A low aalsry ichanx for arbcla wiu accented. Address A 47, Pyrraod. read, Hixbbory. Londoi, PARLOURMAID (thorough) WAN TED.

at once. Mt uaderetaad oarriag. Not tea than ooe year's rood per axm 4 character. Ala 2S to i Applr. 11 to 24, uioaeeaor.

plaea, H.W. Elm ley sad 14, Lombard etreet, E.G. PARTNERSHIP (2,000) incora 600. Hih daaa ComnlaaiAn Ua hnt a I CII. MnlMidid eoa.

amoneat leading wboLaaaie hoiaea. Doing a turn over of orer 63.000 a year. Elntaley and Co. K. Idmbard atrect.

HOHSK PA WANTED, aj rd about 71 Two In family. Muet thoroughly eiperieaoed. Good character lad'epvaeabl. Apply Majiborouga huL N.W. UU day, Ulwaeo a and i LAW (PARTNERSHIP).

A qualified Solicitor. ard li. of lood MciarpjaiUon. la deal ran a of CRCIIA8ISO a SHARK, which will eiu CiVU ta CI OU lamia, al a nud WElT END PRACTICE. Uleheat Nferaooaa Elnula and Co Na.

VLoaibaM atret, E.C. A LADY wbhci to RECOMMEND, as HnU3K A I in a atnall aruiiy, or Houae to aa ldely gentle, wan. one who ha tired In ber aarrlot for Bvrcral yean, aad to whom eli can tire the highest character in erer) mpact. Apply II. S3, Chrlatth.irch Chelara, S.W.

4 aOOtlRtERS. The Swiss National Courier and Tra eelling Serraata' S4ty, 31, Ojka atreat, daochtriara, Wbei iau a Uat mM traatworUy, etpmeneel aad wU recommeaded VI EN may be ooUlaed by applying at th 4 See. AS COURIER and TRAVELLING Hueaka four langua wlL Ili4hl reenmrneoded br nobility and gantry. A. 11, 29, Cotia.

xrota. Stoekwcll, ia.W. NORLE.MAN can highly RECOMMEND his tat Itt'TLKK. aa Valet aa I Travailing Brat. KtrwaVneeel.

19 year excellent character, lltlun, eneaka Engllth aaa reacu. N. car rf Chaa. Waller. Old W.

A WANTED, to a quiet gentleman's mnxt be of good aanearaac. hatweea 30 aod 40 yean of g. aingte, Chureh of Knglanl, and bare a per aoii OUTLER I family near Loodoa. aonai character. i IT.

a. Way's, Poulterer, Putaey. 8.W. CHEF (Gmtclass abilities) REQUIRES an ENGAGEMENT, or will air Praotleai Locoa to ladies at their houae, rirtt laa cookery, paatry. araa.1, aad rurrl.

Cnef, care of Mia. DarliS 11. llaloatreet. New NorU road. N'.

4 A DOOR SERVANT or VALET. Iteod peraooal character and appearance. Age kit, sto 4j. Mertoa roea. (tuaingtos, w.

(10ACHMAN Etpcrienced.Town or country. Pair or more horses Married, 33, tars children lag ex 12 and lit JV, yean' good character, eight yan' prerioaa. AbaUmer. Left throng'! breaking up taWiament. Coachmao, The Lodge, WUminxter Tart, Ileal on Thames aOOACHMAN WANTED, in a eentleman's esta hiiaheaent near London, He iet ha of rood an LADY wishes to RECOMMEND a young man mxiM i sr.pny miCllM t.V.

Rid and n.r.eiL a. Age 23. Apply A. A Woodland, South HE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL EMPLOYES will KE MOV to 44 aad 41. 811 AKTEdBURY AVK UE, W.O, SO IETYIOeneea Unia), 1J7 Charlottatr et, ritcror toiara.

at Ua end of Uia ar. Head aaitara. Waiter. Chafa. Purtaex.

Butaaia, tad other men jcpliod Im of charge art apidieattoa to Secretary, dpi AM BRIDGE awaiting Ordination, WANTS V. RIOHTY per CENT, oo INVESTMENT. WXVTX m. few AIIXRCtmrWRB tnsomTjet aha anthriw 3L Charlac croee road, W.C. iN the Matter of the Companies Acts 1S62 to 186.

Aad In Ue Matter of the IDAHO COLD and SILVER MINES sited The CREDITORS of abo.a named comr anj ar re atrred oa or before Ue 23rd day of December ISM to eeod their oeraea harerses aad th parueni.rt of ther dot or elalare to Jamee Thorne tn Liquidator of the aaid Com ran aod if ao renuirwt by aotice in writing from Ue sa'd linuidator ar by Umelre or their ftobcitonor Henu to corne la and roee their aall febu or rlaima at the office of the aaid James Thorne Ka te Oracechnrch Hireel la the aty of London at aa time a ahall be pa 1 in euch riotlca or ia default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of an dirtrihwtioo ened bfof each debt are proeed Dated tola ninth day of ember IBS! AMES TiKiRN Uiatator W. F. TARN. IS Phllpot Lane. SoU itor foe the Llqaldator, SITUATIONS.

A LADY highly RECOMMENDS NORTH-OERA MAN LADY for holidr or permanent OAGEMENT. Tho roua Eaglieh and Free IParlsl, good ojuaac. ai.igin.. Ac, Exeelleat relcrenca Fnuieta, la. York aaraea.

tTortaaa equar. A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND her FRENCH GoVERNES. whole ereking a H.ghlrefe oce Addrear, aaUl Decamtoe Is. Mra. P.

U. Bronx Hotel. Jceretroet. A YOUNG LADY wishes to enter a cood SCHOOL on mntnal terms Bhe eaa leach Englixh ao irfmuo, anl coo eerrJJSl Prench, aeonLod ajroad Oood rennce. required.

Addresa liar at I a. Stationer. Raneiagh road. Bare a alee. 8 OOMPANION t.OVERXESS.

Covcmess or rasil household. SalarrfiO to 73. Uneicepttonahle referencaa. MUa E. Adsros.

Valctta. Crystal PaUce Psrk road. Hydenham. 1 OSKPH WALKER Iecrr5d Purot to Sutute tj 22ad knd Z3rd Vietorta Cap JS Otle bereby gia hal all reeaoa ha tag any CLAIM axainrt the ESTATE of JOSEP.l WALKER late of the Clmx, Hall Koal ta the City of York, gea tmaa who died oa Ue tw nty hrat day of January and probate af wnoae Will aaa granted by th Ycrt DbtrKt Prnbat ttetimry of the Harh Coart of April 1K3 to Sarah Walker, wteow (ainee deceaaedl aad Meek Dyaon two cf the Executor, named ia the Will, ara hereby rouirea to een 1 writlea parti naoaraacwawwei; iwmn uay OI January Btt an which date Ue eaM Eie ntoe, win diatribat the aeaete of aavna eecara oniy ao ataiuw of which they had astiee Dated thia eay of TVormber 18SS HCOU w. IL PEA Rio Maiton, Yorki fSolicrtora to Ue Executon.

AN EVGAGEMENT REQUIRED, by a lady (23), as auperioe NURSERY OtJVKRNT.SS to yooM chU Ina whwr nurae ia katd." ainxTni. caiiatheaics and daacing. O00.J nJlewoman aad cutter SntaSry 30. aad Uuadry. Jt.

W. 13, Dartmottth jark areaue, irndoa, N.W. TtlRS.ANNE ELIZABETH HATERSON deceased IT A Punaaat to the atatat 22 and 23 VkorU Can. 2S Intltnled Aa Aat to farther emend Ue la of Property and to rcuer trustee rVotic la hereby tirea that all CREDITORS and ether peea oa a baaing an etaima or demands against th estate of ANNE EU2U PETIT PATERSON late of SpringVId It labia th County of Bululk WMOw iwhe died oa t' llu day of Kepaember I Ml soil whnee Wail with ooe Cooieil thereto waa proved ia Ue prvidpal Ketvtry of the Probate tneiciTO of Ue Huh Court of Jaetlae 00 the Itth day lartobcc IMS by Blr William Rrynell Aaawa Bamnet Warden of All oaula Oilier in the Vnlevrtity of Otfoeda4 Adrian Hugh Patera on of 25 Bonn Road Wcstoa xuper Mae an ah OaaiMr 4 Sommnrt a Maw General la Her Maleat a Arai two of th Kxeeutora therein Mraedl are hereb renaired to eend tiaett Ian tot writing of Uetr elauae aad demaoda to th eaderaWaed Mam Walker Martinesa Ca. on or before the 311 day at Jaaaary 1130 after which date th aaid ttecaton will to tbeeiarma of which they ahall Uea haee actio.

Datod Uia 10th da ai Ueahee 1t WALK KK MARTINEAC 4 Co 36 Theobxldt Road Grin laa aaiaooa vi. eioiicewr aor i 1 axeeuaon. XTRS. RO AMOND 15RIGHT 8 ETON SMITH. 1 deeeaerd.

Pamaet to the Aot af Pa Umenl 22nd aad 23rd Yactoria. jv Xatle ia flonhr l.teea. that all CUKDITTiRS sad on having elaiiax or demanda axaiaatthe estate of R. ISAM isu BKIUllTr.T'lN SMIl It. foem rly of No.

27. Bromp Jni iwiia iu. hut late of 23. Kuatei Mouth Kenslugtoo. ia theeaaaty of HiddeaM, Iwho died on the UU day of Nov mbar.

ItSa, and wh wfB proved 7U day of December, lb), la Ue rnacrrai hte, probau Ihetaiou of her Maieati Hich Ankar Angastne Wbitetock Bright Bright Majeat 7 a JTO naaaara. aaa jaaiu D. eiec itora tlrreaea aaaedl. are hi rnuired to ead tah. I.

elalna la SSo.v Cheater. Sia.hew. Broome. Ju. Bdfordrw.

Loadoa, W.C. eolfcltt Ttv th 2U dar cd January. Vri eiaeutora will diatriHite th asaets of p.nlae enutk thereto, harmg regard oaly to "Maaa 4 4hmkj10( they Uall Uea hae tad 7 us hi fa aaarf. any part uereof. CHrTM, ktATUEW.

BROOME, aad TokirrrTllES. 35. ouuenert to to said hi.utori. TT ANOVERIAN LADY, comlnsr from raris. ess eSjtwDiov rvriifirtirxT a OOMPXH ION OOVER ES4, ta grre Oermaa aod Km? oh pri'' ta learhlnt ana trarmang.

raw LADY' PALMER withes to beuommmpijj per 1st KNGLIsn OOYERXESS, who ha Ured wiU ber four rear. Etcellest for boys. Au tre mm rx, itai nawicgtoa. TRS. ALFRED PALMER, Reading, can very AI highly RECtltxtsii ner lata a ji.

Ki eiieneean4 manner with them an eery nice. Kefer.ncM can be made to atn Allred ralmcr. East Ueadins. Muit be A rwt achalar. Atmtr.

br letter. etatint ae, salary, A to J. can of Uouaexeeper, 1 Si. Mary A GOVERNESS WANTED, for India. rv EXPERIENCED DAILY GOVERNESS Require r.

Two girl. atlOO. Early kpplieationa laeited rora cogiian aaa roreign teoveraeaaue, lamuie. ana mxn Apply rnndpaL educational Agency, 7. Old CaeencUB atraex.

JUNIOR MASTER. A YOUNG LAD. between IS and IS. WANTED, for a large boarding ecknoL to Iach small bora for two hnura a day. Be must be Ue aoa of a sotleraao, and good at football aad criiutrh la return for hi eerrioo he will receive a email salary, boar, sod preparation for snr public exatai tioa or commercial life.

An etcellont opening for a TO ing lad a thing to continue his edncati and aa game. Refreue will be given ana an expeciea. Appiy, TUTOR. A Barnfter (Wrangler, HA for Bar. SeJicitora.

and all laeal exasiinatlon. Addresa L. Meeara Doaooa 144, SENIOR MASTER WANTED, in Jannary. for an important Preparatory School Candidate must be University and publie school men. Uorooghly experienced in tailirm, aod able to charge ana manege a ooaritng oouee.

a aaameu wan pre SCHOLASTIC. Chri tmas Vacancies. WANTU, flRADIIATES and ENGLISH and PORSIGN MASTER, for tuperW echools. Early no ire of the beat ve eocies sent xrslia. GnfflLha.

Smith.andPowell.TuUrial Agents. etrct, Stnad. mTITORS VISIT INO and RESIDENT). Schools I Vhdtin Prnfamora In Art. Mualc Sclanca, to.

Parents, achonla, anl eoueg requinog aoove pronaeu cri va i frincipal. fraiesaioasi Agency. .1. ocppi ijtwi. TTEADS of FAMII.IK3.

Schools, and Colleges I I vhttlint rrateeam oy M.sars CI and liaUly, lit. Kagent aaet, W. SchooU tnnsfamd. Home nd orrige papiti mtroduood lu fainiliol and oJl a 00U. REOUIRED.

br an experienced translator, tech ri mmA mmnial lKJCDMENTS for TRANSLA. TIONintO KntLsn irom rrencn, oraai, su. Spanish, or Italian. Company proa pert uae tranalalel lata rreech. Gernaao.

or Ital UM. Docuioeota aumu ruled, renooal attention and etrictcat coo fl leooa. ILgheat rcrences. Address a lit. Pone.

down roaa. A DVEKTISER. azed 35, capabln accountant and eorreapoadeat, WASTStsUAUtniai aa jLuiiiaai, A BARRISTER. Uteiy appointen to a position. wishM to ttrooIy RECOMMEND his late Coandea tiaJCrX for the pal of 8BCRETARY.

Correpondut, 0 ok keeper. Huret temirnoniala. Apply, by letter, to U. hu Clerk, CJECKETARY WANTED for a public company. I lv i.

100 ue annum. None need asm eho are not ia jrutioa to iaveat a capital ia xharee of tne company. Theapia. 27. Amherst kL N.E.

a TTTlIT m.ERK REQUIRED, by a firm ot chartered aocouuianU in the Midland Counties. Highest ntr rences eeaentuu. Htai aalary. anu aiaiincaiii, i wa Jama bell, Carltoa alnel, otuugaam. CHIEF CLERKand ACCOUNTANT REQUIUED, tv Ue Nottingham and District Ban.

Ue must be a thoroughly emciont bookkaeper. and have bad rsoent banking exper.eac. Salary 2 0 to JO0. Stat age, pi dutiee, and fall paniculan to Ue Manager. ottingham.

1 riRttRSPiiNDENCE CLERK(Jnnior) WANTED, Good handwritinx eeotlal, with per fed knowledge of thort hand. inrst claaa referoocea reuui'ed. Apply, by letter only, to can of Meaer. Chsrtrt Barker aod sous. x.

Blrcnio isne, u. insvinEXTIAL CLERK needed in a merchant's oBee. with a eiew to partnership. A gentleman mmaadlng L5 would find Uie a capital opportunity of rna.inx if poaaeaaed of some btudneaa experience. Addreae Measn.

Deacoa, Lea denhaU street. EXPERIENCED CLERK WANTED. Must be a thorough? food accountant aad bookkeeper. Bute celery required, refenncea. fall partieulen of prvio work, and experv enee.

APtuy, oy tetter oniy, ncuweo CLASS CLERK WANTED, by a firm of 1 Chartered Af ataut. mast hare kad large eiperieace aad be thoroughly qaaUied. oo laalarr Apely, oy letter, wua luu particulars to n. can ot j. 1 REQUIRED, immediately, a mart CLERK, about 23 yean of age.

for general work la ahippiag eSlca. Muat prondent aaorinaoa rTi, GOVERNESS AGENCY (estd. 1833). Schools and i Cnwiedgof hookkeejnng. tamfll rided (free of charge) with hagVclxx Enrll.h and ttaUng salary reoulrcu, BueknaJl BroUerf.

Crntched frisrs. Lon Pevelrn NRu l.t sent arstis. GridllhS. Smhh. aad Powell.

34. Bedford t. Strand. List vanclea forwarded gratia to Enghah and forri.n gorerne a. Liberal salaries.

eney (under mi an rno nuaic'an. UoUday Goreisessex; excellent Young MADAME LINTOT, fiovcrncss Agen h'gh patrooa gel. 235, Regent etreet. PARIS TEstANT LADY, teachlngGrrmaa. Bnlliant music LADIES REQUIRING GOVERNESSES.

English or Pore ifo. Resident or Daily, for famUam or echoola, can COfM tbem at tha Qoviriuaaoi Home without proa to either side. Thia Is a breach of the Goveeaiaaae Beneeolewt Inetttutioa, under Ua tavronace of the Royal Family aad noblhty. No. 47.

Ilarky street, Vi UtSce hours 11 to a. T1 HE GIRTON GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AflKNCY Madam Aubert In trod area Fjiellah and Foreign GOVERNESSES (tlaishirjg. Jaoior, Mareryl VialUDt Taaehere, Coaapaaiona, Lady Hoaapara, ac Intor lwa 11 to 4. Saturdart to 166. Receot atreet.

W. MRS. FRANCES WILSON deceased Pursasnt to tost Act of rsvnU stit t.itaiet Ta.Vf any CLAIMS! or 1 TA 1 j. 1 tANCM WILSON late of Iwho ed eat the led day of Jety 1WI rVhoi wa 7 teoeeTla Pratt and ttotwrl liodgtuaaoa both of ewark apua Ttest I. UeCou aty at Xersgham ieaiiema tha Es aaoed to eaad par la arrstiag ot such ctaieasto tbrnler ewaad ha et lor Ue aad Uaeutora a aelore th.

22d dsr of Jaaaary next after wbt date the aaid Esaeuton win dtouiboi. the a of di.aai.d haviog regard le the clal "uh i atall Uaa ha had ncsa Tiad they aat ha or Ue ac ar yyarl Uereof dwSrlbatod Mm para reraona de 1, th ahaOi not hare tad walic IhJ til lOtkdayst mbar la! aae PRATT A HODOKINSOXg Newark upon Treat SaUdton aitka aatd fcieca ioaa FRANCE or ITALY. A lady, highly cnlriTated. Uoronxh agreeable con pan foa, eiperieaoed traveller. wucua vrsfti aiw." tar.

Highest refer Maya IS2. Ptccadilry. ARE ENGAGEMENT dmred. after Christmas, tu COMPANION or UOUSESKEPER, by a lady, age 33. Or to help gao arally la a family of poaluon.

J. rjSsS, Addresa and Irxjalry odlea, Th Ttaes Oflse. A GERMAN WIDOW LADY.residingln the health twat aad Boat part of Berlin, WAKT8 a Town rgHU lady ho. twe 14sndl7.aaCOMPAhlONIoe hvenly SnugMer. aged 14.

Oood laeOitiea for Larn'ag Germaa. must. Aa Weald be ei reeled only topayberwws elpenaea. 1 Apply, by asttsr, to Mr. A MstUer, Manrhoatrrlletel, AllmfUr "'t HOTEL BOOKKEEPKR REQUIRED, for high clae Wend hotel.

Enctish. but saaH twak rrroch. Only Uoa wkh goad haa lwrrUnf aad toed leferroc a wrtl H. V. A.

May Adrcrusing ees. im, iicoaay. CJHIPYAHD CLERK. WAI41 U. at once, a nrtrv daae, etperienced CLERK, with knowledge of shipbuilding piecework.

Must be good Uorthand writer. Liberal salary and permanent poet. Aoareee viierx. rorvou. an" ay rno HOUSE AGENTS' CLERKS.

WASTED, a I eorapcteot MAV. a.nirt6med to the roo Una ebygeCKy omoe. MuM bof gooda 'drea. Apply, ky lettoi ooty. to cars of Mr.

MB 3, Old Jwry. r.u. ttio tot ri.v.BK WANTED, bezinner. ia an In xatrsaea office. Muet writs a th rsof hly good hand.

Address Messrs. air a. jj. cor nam A GENTLEMAN, rauding in Ghent, arid who has i marcial annaikn. is anxious to areura th REPRE i iN IaTION ol an E.Ni.LlSH si A2 ACTU kUN OL lor BeUium.

Adaree a u. onoui raar. A ENGLISH GENTLEMAN WANTED, tho wi and Germaa. la a merchant a odioe In the 6tt Unexeeptloosble rHenrKesralrei Addretx. cwnVrtlinx.

to Marcaant. car. ol Me RoWnaon and Pi ct i. Rl'lREtr in th lexlia davtrlct. Applkaa rr liig Ietvlevd iaSaeoee should addraaa.

wtth tali lawticnUrs, KM, ear of Meatn. Street, Cornhgl. E.C A OtiNT. REQUIRED, by alar Kent toewen. a ra m.

AOENX to part ubrU (pUic tradei. Good nierenoe aad fa rltr uir. A. C. Maasrs.

Maeon aad Ito tLkaag WiBt eeUvO. wTtjr MAKHFACTCRING CHE AilStd REQUIRES the SE RTICES ZLjZrm aad tact, to eajl 0 me 'icat meo. be weu rerseeiM fHISJZ TaaV I rhtrm sey and poeaeasad of goot aiacner and TND1A A GENTLEMAN. wUtato nla A deaktad eoasaaarc I sspsrstaa. kl or tor RaVENaAnR.

Baata uat caanjtry, as llpnaiaaaun 1 sisxnTss are Aadrava sli, car Mrwara. JaaMt Maeklatoah aad fla. PARTNERSHIP (4.000), Income 900. Old Light occupation. PARTNERSHIP, An opportunity occurs for a GENTLE AN with dl DM La aa aldtahlishd wholaaala buaineaa.

Lari St. Cratlemanly occupation. U953, Addrec and luou.ri orhca. Th Time Oraca, PARTNERSHIP (ACTIVE) REQUIRED, in a genuine bnainaaa. CounLrr prefarnd.

Muat bear every ia vesti. stion. nil about 1.000. No ax I la. Addrca V.

Box 431. tiling's Adrertistng offioea, 1.3, Stnnd, W.C PARTERSHIP. 500 REQUIRED, to com plete capital for eaablisx advarlieer lo ex nt ord oa hind. very proof of larre a lamdit Advertiser will giv th fullest Inf tm stioa aai offer rtenaarttlia Lei is. laconrr secured against any risk, aa the husiaess reentered under Limited Liab Uty acu.

uoo.1 LAaaoo once, looomer eaa gtre.De oi att tioavor Co, 34. Old Broai sireet. London. E.0L PARTNER WANTED, in an old ei'ablished and estrnai wholeaale proviaioa sad xro tetsiBee la th south 01 England A room man with Uomuxh know! xe of the trastaeea. energetic, and able to travel preferred.

This sa except! nal oppor tunity, wtth aa income for each partner of from L1 to 2.000 per annum ry possible. Burronoulng congenial, Mnrett invcatfi. tioa perm ittoj to boat Ode enquirers. Cap tal required, Prio AN OPPORTUNITY rarely to be met with WANTED, a PARTI ER. to loia advertiser In ao oll er'a bluhed ststiooery aad faacy baaiaeea, with high class connatiin, at the West end.

Capital required shoal ICRE. Or goodwi I could ehatod. Htoek optional Write Chart. May Advertising 0 33 cos. No.

IS2. Ptocadilly. 1 AN AGING PARTNER WANTED, a YOUNG ill MEDICAL DOTOR. or Dereon with ientifle hnowledget to a tart ta Loa 'oa or neighbourhood a branch af a well known aad wall ng Swiss timtiriG estobtishment. Excellent Rferenees require.

ir. br le'V Loa lon. W.G Appl le'ter, to A.B.. can of Pitman a Library 140, Oown ttreet, WINK and SPIRIT TRADE PARTNER or MAXAnKR a tvwrtiser. who baa fllled both noait'Onawlabe to make ires arnn imenta.

Haa good eon nell amotig llceneed rictuall ra, and rod table buainas which he eaanot work for want of capiUL USS2, Addraas sod Inquiri ofEee, Th Times Office, E.C. IkaJKWSPAPBR SYNDICATE. MEMBER KE is OtJIRED. to take U' place of on rrtMog. Cash required 20a No further liabillrr.

TJ93S. Addreae sad Iniutrr office. Th times Offlre, E.C Brafarred. Wma WMaya, lg. lift HIGH CLASS BOARD aad RESIDENCE for ladies aadtws RatarTBcas giv aad aired.

lllas MOME for the HOLIDAYS. A De roshi derf man, Biagkia owa eatata, eaa BXCE1TE two Uraa NrtLe Car Ttca a. ts if reqsra rr. Ceo, h. ICA Ott IX.

"ITISITORS to LONDON will Sod a soperior riujari newry lurniahad. ce a rortao orx g. Apply T. Cr plaea, Oram waa raaat A PHYSICIAN, with eipenenear aad txcallent raf eram aa, aik. to OTTXM.

a eaaaad BOkfl ks Caa a lea a a saliaat eaffam ag a meaasl Willi 1 ae aj latieaa, Addnaa pa. 1 ulan to Physaci ao.can af Mr. Hairy 42, dt. Maruaa ie Graad. if CIO OPERATION REQUIRED of two three llEVTLr.MKS.

to fm ia a Btrictlr Brirat amdicate to develoo auand undertaking. Large proflu eertsla. Address W. 8., can of sir. uow tn, 27.

vnaneery iaoe. PRIVATE CAPITALISTS. A gnUeman. of xoo Dodtloa. can hear of some flnt elam lNVESTEsTT3.

ahowiag good asargla of protL II 4, Address aad Inquiry effica. The Timet OAce, E.C. REQUIRED, sereral GENTLEMEN with from c0O3 to Ciaooo ch. to form a Driest amdiest. which.

aft, t.o ra' working, will tiav 25 ner rant, annum, and donhl lu working capital every anccwedln flveyears. Addrvst Ltgi timate, tiajo, ataareae ana inquiry omoe. toe times umce. TEN THOUSAND POUNDS PROFIT. In foor month sIba art mlwlmnm In mm of 10 aae 1 nur rhsslng for only 335 down a SHARE la most useful INVENTION, Full la 'eat! ration offered.

Write Tested, May's, 162, Piccadilly. nNDERWRITING REQUIRED, immediately, to a nlete van aoaad nndertaklBi. Gnanateea and liberal toraaa. Thorough tovetilgalioa ourted. Prompt, 4S, tjaaea Victoria.

Street, E.O. ORTOAGE or PURCHASE. Sums from 1,000 IT A. to 10.009 an ready for iaeeetmeal oa mortgage, at 4 and per cent, for a term if etred, or la the purchase of gavwl freehold or leasehold property, Improved rents, kc, ia or near Loadom. Panic la by letter only, to VV'lUUa Daaoa, Solicitor, 4, Caxlle oeart, Cora, Loadoa.

WILL any LADY or GENTLEMAN LEND 20, to tar advertiser from great trouble 7 Will repay back weakly or monthly. Security given. IL. City N.w. Roams, Ludgate.

circua, K.C BOARD AND RESIDENCE. APARTMENTS, ate BOARD and RESIDENCE (superior) refined and liberal home ansou lira wine. diolBS. aad rno1f room I Km, lie. Two mluule to eod Station.

Terms dente. Fairf ax houae. No. 127, well road. Sooth K.nxiagtoa.

OARD and RESIDENCE OFFERED to a ret part of the Addnaa 45, forem rentlee an tn aa English se at Ue beet part of the West en a. Uigeeet relereoees. terms moaorase. Weymouth etreet, Portlaod plaoe, W. OARD and RESIDENCE.

No. 4, GranTille plac). W. Clas to Park lao. Wt ead ahana.

theatrea. Bad plac of awiueenaeBt. Katha, Sasokiag row. Bxcel lent cuisine. Tahl dThots p.uv BOARD and RESIDENCE, in aprirate family in Bampstesd or oriahbourbool.

REQUIRED, in February, by a City ges uemaa iurmaaj. vv rue te ne ana particiuan to ca of Abbott, hawsageet, Eaatcheip. E.C. BOARD and RESIDENCE, 6 and 7. Tnnce'e Bqnare, liar, water pleasa ntly and conveniently situated.

doe to aangson gardeos. Whiter, omnlba aod trains; tnan eervaat mcloaive terms Mils llaJL ROARD and RESIDENCE (high clns) A magni aneeitl furnished tafioltelr aur ior la every detail to aayuiag hitherto Introduced. Insetaeo lorited. The Manor, Crc i wwl road, SoaU Keiattos, A W. ROARD and RESIDENCE, with comfort and ire (nee ds or weekl at Thnle Ra Strnthsm (London's health lew! autr bl Unequalled table d'hote, daaa chef.

Noble reception, reading, billiard, 1 recreation i is. Entertainments. Corridon warmed. Christmas Pestivitie coaaeuc 2th Decamher. SOARD and RESIDENCE.

Fopstonc mansions, 21. Fopxtoa road. SoaU Keoatngt A ndaod aod liberal odered to ladiea and gentleman. Larw racrptina aad bed rooms, hatha. Two minutes' from Earl coon btation.

Private Mtung room! if Kefemeee. Addr a Proprietress. ROARD nd RESIUES'CE, 13 to 19, Ilarrington I a it Kee alna. fadn IMatrirt Railway Station. Moat conveniently situated et bilsr Dl ia Loadoa for all part, t'oo ducut on liberal principle.

Elea aol suite of rooms, CO bed mom, billiard, rokir g. and drawing rest Cuisine unequal led; wine sod spirits af tlnt el quality. No boarling houae reetrictions. Tahl d'hdta at aeparat taUcs. Terms strictly Bsodara aad iaatuaiva.

Address Manager. BOARD and RESIDENCE en PENSION, at a mansion, kaaisomely furaished and decorated tor Ue purp oe of i.roviliog lempon iry or perm aneot aao omnodatloa to tie and gentlemen, affordint aQ the advantages of Us lancet Engl ah aad ConUMtvUl at mo Wat xp use. Fifty bed aad si tun, rooms, molcisg roo u. snd ntlera hath roo, as (free). Specially aod table d'hdte sod reloel aoeiety.ttus being the only estahllUinent in Loodoa eombiBiag all home com with th Uiury anl tadpadac at ear hotel Sitaale in lb eaa an of the Weat ea aad ek ad faahiaoahl alacea at amuaemeat, dabs, ihibitl hu Barts, rail Psrticu by letter or persoaally, APARTMENTS to be LET.

lundsomely fnmlxhed aadwaprotntod. Drawing, dining, aad tod rwo a uirwd. ternea. Hydaais. a 1 HOARD andRESIDENCE.

Addressed to those seeking oeiser suaa je. 14 Brain wiu ttoard, lower down ia eolnma. a KRF.NCH FAMILY In London, of good pom tio lnindall would KEU.VE a OENTLK1 1AM wis Mag to ao, aire French thor Houee las Bad sa fr lawla, with bill ard room. EiceUeat eu net uige a ref eiMea. uauia, TJ73Q, Addieaaand Inquiry ogee.

Tb Time Orhc. K.C. FURNISHED APARTMENTS dining and draw lag roam sail, larg airy eaoma. I eejoiag aod Mi Tidtnrai Prv or. U.

Qloucei plaes. Hyde part 1 1 A Gentleman, sole occupier of elegantly appointed la HOUSE la (nt po itaoa. plae PART at th 4ia ASareriir BED SITTING ROOM, ft hionable equ ara Bear British Mas XT BUing roo, vrrt tr. piano, bain, attendance, anoUM Us. So extr Board ttre qaind.

teestlemea. Writ a A.B., 54, New Oxlord rt, W.C A LADY, haring a Urger house than she req it aid LET, to two or wa atW aa ol owe family, a well FTHNISHKD DRAWL5I1. Din in, aad twa bed ROOMS, aa reaaonahl term. Reference aichacgad. Aadrcss Wat a Library.


three to 19 nam. wiU or wuhoat hoard. Al uoa. tnt maa caoking aad atteadaaea. Also) Twa Fura ishot Hawse, ia ant wtnUr poaitioa.

ProprWUaat, hamCI Piaea, rove road. BOURNEMOUTH. FURNISHED APART FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED ROOMS, in superior hotue, W.C district. Coot, eookiag aod stteadsaa. Applr Meean.

Sayle, 140, ooutha pton ro w. Piirit oTuarc. FURNISHED SUITE of ROOMS to be LET (3otj irt itioa, cAtTssl. Stiit hl for irfkrption mmm or prr fMiocI gi nrlt in for terms ftpplj 33. Iowtr Stynottr ttrntw Fytn qq rc, Wv FLATS to be LET.

with garden on three fides and ro (tU rooaL To taS tw ree ftM 1mt 4 4f Ivtv hmd room, kttschsm, bftth room, Et tn i roam If lrsj i FLAT, near CaTe dUhaAre, to be LET, onfur niAh1. nrst Sonr, comprf i jc ioomm, tih root (ltoi tad rl di ttiog dmiaz nomi, kitt ica. Itt 11 Metwm. Whit. iJntcm.

ftod Unn, Broot urvi. W. FLATS to be LET. unfurnished fcltwe to Keniinx tooavnleaii). etifju m4 Uvwe nmttioo rcmo tad two, hi bi roo reou from tliO per svaou i.

itia lrnb4 FUm. Aptly to f. if W. LAT In PAIACE COURT 3IANSIONS.

ONE FLAT (FIR iT FLOOR), orerlooking Berk ley squa To be LET. a cberoiiagty vned FLAT, ao taaaiag epacioux anwing room, dining room, two bed rooms, dreeing room, with Sttel hath, sad excellent rranrt' larten, wits eoaveamt office, the whole Sited IU gas snd electrie light Messrs. Cartas and Heasoa, i. Mountatreet, Greer or equare, W. ALBERT HALL MAN.HIONS, Kensinrton fre.

8UITK.4 of eevea to 12 ROOMS 200 to 460, oa LEASE. Lifts. DaysdaightporiaTS. CIMWEi.UIWAD.Noa. 142 to 141 Maaaooctte.10 roo oo greement.

Third floor, al 30. T. lluaeey. It, hsnaingtou. W.

FURNI8UED FLAT to be LET. A charming and delightful FLAT en Ulrd trior, coo taming diaiag roo as, craving room, boudoir, two heat bed rooms, a servant' bad room, kitohea, aad eta cos, to LET. for a peril of threaaianthe or perhaps a little longer, at a mo larato rental. Ditaato la Csrlial mansiona. For full pertleulan apply to Lamleys, Lead Areata aad Auctioneers, 22, St.

James atnet. Pieeadilly. MEMBERS MANSIONS. VietAraarstroet, West mi eater. A few well a Aged StJITRS, wUh haU room, auil abl eithw for haclaalor a er families, still ailsb.

la thia haadsn building. Co plat attn laooa. Rent iadmeive from 12 to First claa cuisine. Pull particulara caa a sbtaiaed al to kfaase a on persocsl appUmtioa or by letter. ORINCE'S MANSIONS.

64 to 70, Victorureet. I Wretminster. Ba hel Suite from 70, family saiies 127 to 500 per ana am. inclaliog litis, rates, taxes, orsaioas to teaaaas requirementa. Apply oq the premie a AT)V.

moTinein tha lvst tocietr. with a com fortabl HOalE, to a faowrito tow wdeaae aetwalodia toatlARElt. Cheerful, bright bed room aad a prisata aittiB en a if wiahed. Uaescepuoabl refcreaees givea and reqatrwd. Ay.

by letter, to Mrs. efcie, W. WMteicr. Auction DpX Wees boumexTOe. huinnTON.

SEA VIEW MANSION BOARD INO iTABLIsaM YT. By Ue day or wee. One of th ftnt noaitioas la Bright th roams com meed sy full iw of th seaT Naar Pardioo. Aquaria aad Brills Reus, Dinner a.30. Propriat ea.

ttiss na ea. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Pleasant, happy HOME for two or Hue YoUNO LADIES, ea whom seary as and attenuon would he bwwS. Xiir aoa. Dyn hem.

Waad ad patk. J. D1 INARD. near St. Mala (nl Soutunpton), Pyittsavy.

cneap uiLawiiia.iv,ni aod mild riaamte. tsartaah eharah. wih, hhra crvska sroamda Every tac lUty for edaeatioa. Raatdaal OUTjSviiL, Mettee, ileosa Asm. Engl Slop, irtaaru.

era RESIDENCE, with Board fetxepfaonsJly good), in a aixh olam iipaiian, a aki liai aad a rharwlae bbbt MaJenca. oa geavaL A 4J raout xeaastoa. arranged Bad aavat the pa ae, aeanr 4a aied. aai eery haaSeo iy fern ed. Elegaat drawing roo a luxurious sad aulated TnTmaUrl sad indeaie.

Flee fteted ba' roams, with ouuelaal tret water. Moras comfort aal a itiona rsaraste d. lavSa ntialuL Tariff of Prjprl tr Tere hoaea, Yi io, W. Usst beyond u7crHUi Tai ahoo Tere hoaea, De Tarewd 1 1 IV SOUTH KENSINGTON. A jrenUerasn going abroad wDI LET hie well olated FL4T nnsU March, at aev gaina per week.

Uoae to lilosrceeter roaa Dtalaaa, aaa ovenooxing garden. Mr. UnUorso, 94, Xlloo ster road. 8. W.

SAINT EKMINMANSION.t3axtontreet.West minster Family and keloe SUITE two to IS room a. ear roundia i quadrangle, laid But ae ocn mental asrSen. Very efceai ul and quart. Fhaed with every mole tmprovemeat. Coffee and billiard rooms for use of tenaa.

Ueetrie light, Hydraalie Sfta. WiUra a few minus' walk St. me a par rttation. Howaos ol ParliBTeso Goverament omca. peiaeipal dnh.

aa I parks, i) ravel eoiL Apply on Ue pn aaa, or to A. Steer. Marlhorestgh maasicitu. Victoria A W. rpO NOBLEMEN, Members of Psjliament.

Gent'e A men, and Famine ol Poaitioa. The Quxea'c Via. toela Meewt fen aife Ara and Storoal few SUITES oair BOW remaining, t. lie Lxt, tn tneae aooitf maawiooa. Appiy a ar tta cliff.

Bijou Suites oo Ulrd and fourth Boon to oa Let. a lug Suite, elegsatly FuraLod, Moderal natal. rpO be LET.wtH 7UTLXWHJB3 MOUM. Aratrm rirShteo rpO be DISPOSED Or, with IrafMlist) 1 JL Ue LK IX eg 0E the larpam imHas ItOtHM the; Ftoahle roaA Ooad ttajarksg aad laegs ax It. WVUia famtMaw' MANUTACTURERS.

etkeet Baqaaraag USD an lee af lour s4 1 90LIX the eeaso exlaeeaw raaaiiar teas Lt aara aoaa. aSaarasx as vara niat, sa ar eu, sa ay ta, ss br it, Tt ky tL 4477 ky B. aad other smatarr I x. walrkaBaa a Udga. aaahas, is larssaaltai WkT0.

Wsa.a.t rt mm as ssnkasaa'a aa the whal wall Blhted. Fall sartBva a to view ol Bears, BaaX, Sea. snd Charges. 30, tajsax stiles, Use, a. w.

BRIGHTON. JENNE aad DHLL'S LIST ol nrUISHxUlsrlea OuVsst, 22. Ft aaa iqaares larlghtoa. gararintaeri BRIUHTON (3SvT) A Udy'l FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, sitaisted tm a ikaflana. as r.

and eraaebli a xJtxXC Wrua eo, as a aawsaavw. mmm r. was aiana aallaa li IT sai anatllsl'g xood dra dia jg reaatt ea Ue grwa fso six kwA nrnt, stmaeg wutg aad aad has Asply ta Mx, Daxxas at I. Uaa A A 29. Qas isad.

Rnghtoa. BRIG HTONITYEST). Mx.W IlaLETT'S HOUS B3 aad sr AXLES earn Ua kas tiooe ha Haw. The are Fnetold, aiaam ev ameihas essieordanB aavl a racaaw. aad hae i ara.

Ola, (3. Th Urre, Ho, aod 2. Sloaae gsrdsaa, W.Iapoatts Wine tq taartanX rphoo ilU. CHAMBERS, for residence, to be LET. rent 43, sad Ue Furait ra for Sale.

Present to at lea vtaf Keg red. Kou keeper. Berkeley chambees, 13, Braise itiut, Ber keley eqrL CHAMBERS, for residence, to be LET. Bent 31 to 45. Bexseky chambats, 13, Bratsa etraat, Berkaiey sqnan.

CHAMBERS WANTED two sitting room and 13 bed rerarns, 1U atteadaM, Feb are aeae Pieeadilly. Apply, by tetter, Y. can of Hwmm. Charles Barker snd eoas, A Birchi a lsoe, R.C CHARLES STREET. St.

JaraesVsqu re. A SET of CHAMBERS to be L'T. on Ue t' lrd ftaor. eomprvsi ag three rnuos and water do t. Reat 70.

iaiuding atten.lane Apply Meaxe. Beal, Son. and Cbsrtrea 20. 1 etree, Loadoa, 3.W. T3ESIDENTIAL CHAJIBERS and OFFICES fTVO CLTJB and CITY MEN.

A SMALL SET rrf M. CHAMBERS, aeae Csvendlal toq tea. Lane torn aa aaad. ao ly f'iraiehed. bath.

Ao. Uu. iacladiog asteodaa AcoSe, Horneaatle od am bar. 22, rrinoa Regenl asrwrt, THE WALSINGHAM HOUSE. RESIDENTIAL CHAM KERS to LET.

famished aad aaforaUhed. sneeiall eiriuble for baohelor. in ta Wallngham haasa. Pk dilly. vr Yon inx theGrrwat parfc.

aaa In naees tioa or warn ear. BK I arith el tne bght, all mndera imnrr rrMotx, and serf eaai l.tlott. Tha ran an moderate tsj ladud fall aireadtaea. eqaal to that nh tained at Ue beat hotole and dens. Av ly to LuasLevs, Lead Areata and AueUoBow.

22, hh. Jassaa' etreet, Picwadiny; or to tk Secreta oa tho 1LUB ROOMS. A SUITE of eonTe rient And I pleaaant ROOM4 to ho LET. ertlmhto for a Bten pr ifaaalOBXa. OFFICES.

27. Great George street. Westminster, ilk Imasediato aiaaalon imb esoeOcnS rooms on lad floor ales em vil room oa lha Bope floors. All reeeatlr saiafod Also eo emodiout Ceilara eaitabl for win aaee chau or go 4e aaency with hack eatxaa lor earts.

Apply to Me. G. Trope and Sons, 15. Parhaiaaai str at. Weetminator, or to Cha lwieks.

Uoardmsn, aad Ca, 36. Colemaa etnas, PIC OFFICES. Chambers, and Residences, adjoining the Teeeple, dose to Ue Royal Court el astiee, tsseoia'sdaa, and Ue fftraad, and wHita tr a taitos' walk ef tk City. Central Bed aut. Ml Immediate rail aad emnibu eoneevaaee to all parte af to Hydraulic lift eorrt heated by see rdaa perfect sanitary arrangements, Ae.

Real af rearataeag rwo to ba let fro 20 to 60 suite X3 to A2S3, Apply to lb Secretary or 8 toward, oa pnmisea. Trmple tUBban, Temple arena. E.C. SOLICITORS, Aco ro ntants. and others airing OFnCES for lselva or for Company ppueaa, How avau tble, a Suite of Flv flae Light OS ees oa tr tt floor, la mod building.

Clt uarry lao. Good a roaches. Atteodant houaacsep er electric light, Ac Kent 233 guineas. Apply at Collector offios, (3, Chaaos ry4aov MESSRS. ST.

QUINTIN and SON'S CITY LIST, baaed moethly. too tains aarslceJan of bsakis aad raw aae baudlngs. offio wanhousea. maouiartjrie, slsop. water iw mix; also of building stsee, fneholdaod leasehold lariat meal.

May had at thr office. 27. Threada eedleetreet X.C HOUSES, ic WANTED. MESSRS. GIDDY and GIDDY.

Aucfjonee and Islata Agents, 122, Paltms aad USatuiagdal ami Maidenhead. REQUIRED, to HIRE, nnfarnisiexf. thin aboat mina'es of tie City, en on of tk a the lines, Hatfield, Usn n. St, Alhaira. when haating ant lahiatr eaa be bad, a good FAMILY HOUStS, wi.h 10 or 12 bad aad foar re tion room etabie.

gre da. and. if pnawi hi, a aaaUock. PartMw han to Meases. Ga aod Giddy.

121. Pall mall gTtROYDON. Re' rata. Epaor n. aad neighbor hoods.

S. AVIBT W. rULIiJ. HOC aad Ft TLLXt.3 1 RESIUXMCXa tad rrATXs to Rant Paruhaea. a.

a di i ed trida. wtU li. wa aaa ml twa aSaaaa ML. and F. kv nam are as appilra rioaa foe rvwry eiam pr arty, aad to ltoneaavw asu tiealaes baan Uoaa ihsainial al xetli s( ar a Uinxj pmtKiiy ta uea aeignaewrhoooa.

Aa ata, yoon, rigai. aa r.pao DARTMOOR. Deron. To be LET, CHERRY BROOK BOUSE, anaai.tlag mght raoaat Ifsar em th trmai aad Is oa toe tret flaorl, noch tes stahaa. Bad orScw suai i as toe centra af the aaoer.

Urea mtlae Cross Frlutalaia BV way ataaa, aod aeae bos ta Earn aad Warn Han. Toga wit th whot tr sar part at a a all a i addict aboat Ur acn is treat of house. Fiahiag. hamttoa. aad rough Bhooatag.

Tba taraplyol eewiag wasar as al toe pnreat kind, tss aaavy cold at all aaasnae Th enaot raere Boo, ae at at ur ancs. aoa. wu ta ta maiiai esay ba detached ee eaa led ea marawad. A to Xr. Sou al Ue houae ar Maaars.

wtafoed aad Beaswtx. nymesxU." EASTBOURNE. Charming detaebed VILLA, on doers, 80Mk. Fce Z2JC Part purrhaaa may ramaia. SwaU aspect, doa to the aaa aad park, taovat larxrut gardsa.

Best rem rle fill poaaliow. Crurpta a. iU kow a. PARK (close to aad north oil To 1 SOLD, a mi dtchd XX SIDFSCX. wtU aapital etahfiac aad laree garders, haeiag aa exteaatre ie of eoo try.

Three fo tioo. dre bath, aad Xv Bed rooms. Apply to hit. Cox bet. A tiooeer.

70. Camasvroad. FLORIDA. In a rising town, noted a a health, resort, aad havtag raa ay English resident For 8ALR. a SMALL FRXAUOLD fUTAIE, wru a anvoiated neadeac aad aa araag a snu rtm arty 29 yean old.

Th whole io perfect twder sad fall bewtnt. prnda ing a cortasa lao a wtU bal luuetr bi. Theow er. bet ohiised to reaad la It oa. wilt ell wtth boss ci i Prtcu ars aad terms eg W.

W. JcnJtiosoo, MoortBie atieet. K.C REQUIRED, in the Redhill and Reirxte dixtricts. to PUECUASE or HIES, REoIBEXCI, orh to 14 had rooms, Ur reptaoa. aad btlliard aoime Btahia for fa r.

aod front eight to 30 asas Parw aim to Maaara. Giddy aad Oiddy. 121 Pan. REQUIRED, HOUSE, well i tasted, unfamished or rarn hod. Three neeeslem.

lomr bed rrmma. eaeet ek. St. oh a wood, or Kavwtogtoea, Partacaia aad aillnm to J. W.

can of Mes Deoooa's. I a.lenhall rtrat. AC OMALL COUNTRY COTTAGE WANTED. in a aaediately. wttl ua a few mile of Loodoa.

Otd fsahlnBad pre ferret. Mua have ood geed Reply tally, staling terra, to Co. tag. Ko ainv ibury aca, Loadoa. rpO OR' UND RENT OWNERS.

We hare various I aselication fram eaoitaiiaa deairoas el par chaatac wall let ad GtOUSD KXNT. aad tberwtor taeito at a an wlah rxt effect Immadiam aals.w cnauvaxiicaa anU aa, DOWSETT sad co, urouavaTeot Ag. i. i mrain ins IslTi. AUCTIONEER'S and ESTATE AGENT'S BC8I NE WA TEn, axnulr or otherw aw, ia a goad lees, wiium SO mil ot Loodoa.

Net pro not Ire than 5X par aanasa. Mast hear aoteoatoat'i kaaaaaigrl Apply, by lastar. ka deia. AacSas. May' Ad ver ng Bases.

1U, Pswanilly. HOUSES, ac TO BE LET AND BOLD. mO be LET or SOLD, a SMALL FREEHOLD ESTATE, withea tw taOat at nii i.niii; houae wtth aboat flv ol gsrdos sad en soj, 101 acres et scar, anoat eew ry a aaa a very praot aba greeel works eeder. Appiy to sfias a Isratoa a I Kb. at is.

GREENKORD. Middlesex, two miles br road from an well Stotiaa ICWEl fl he LXIV ar Freemakt SoU, aa axceikrat detoehe AESI KNCE. 8to bliag. gardener cutt ax aad other outbui Ilin pleaear gtods. kiteka tardea.

aoaT mlew load, ia all li acre. Far full partieulan aevly ta Ma R. W. ncohell. Aemioocer sod Surveyor.

2iBUnTory. City. GREEN'F IRD. Middlesex. To ba LET.

or Freehold Sold; a eomfortahl data eked RC3IDCNCZ. with tw acre al pleaaun aad Utcaea ganl a. a anU or without a stanle aal meadow app ta, 1 paaUg alMg. R. w.

deshwU (UM MumU aad heeIlh a bora. TTYDE PARK and PORTMAN ESTATES. JTl Meea s. FaEDESJCIC A MULLCrT. ROOKEX.

aod Co.1 KE at the pr cipal silit, raraiehed sad aafaralxk! KESIDSNCEH to be LtT er SOLO mar ba taepecaad da. ly at aii A ecu (Uae TAMPS TEAO (racinz the West Heath). A I A. lnrly ai uated aemtiet chJ EXSlDE VCt to baLXT.aUaw teasun eight bed rooms, drawiag. triag, aad breakfast name.

Splendid views at the hack over private rounds. Uraiaag food. Rant 1X, peesi lium. Apply to Pbystek aad Lows, Meslkatnet, aaa pa i aad. or Part at at.

Ufneeeear qar. W. HAMPSTEAD, facing the West Heath. th seal tb let sub irb of Loodo, kigh above the Loodeu loss aod sa A charming detached KbiDENOE. its siting la km a erans, to LET, Furaished.

or th Freeh ud be Sold. II 1 rooms. Appiy Paysick aad Lo ea, 8 eyors, ath etrt, Htaipalead, LAYER MARNEY TOWER. Essex, six miles from. Coacheater.

aad Sa mile raos Kdvwdoa and Marks Try West King. PARK LANE (a 'joining). For SALE, the GROUSD LK A. a ef a charmi. diam airad FAMILY RESIDE XCZ, la sxeaUeal dooorsuv impair aai pen eel taattary a aogemta, wiU suit ot Una ruoat ea grouad aod Aril Boor, al i atraw kail aod Blair ae.

exeeUeaS offieee Meesrs. Curtis aad lleoeon.5. Mount etnet, Graeeaor aeuai W. SYDENHAM. Ta be LET.

oa LEAdE. a eapital sletaehad UOUSS. a lia foar asiaotaa' walk of station, aoa taaaiae diaiag. drawiag, moralaa btlliaevi. sad saokiag euom.

bed awl di aanag roo good ataaliaf aat maadry. ants roams over, vteery, I gard a. pad loo k. eva. la aU ahn aon.

Apply Mtosrs. Deaoahe aad Ca, 40 ipsida, 141. L) SYDENHAM. An attracti RESIDENCK.known a Qloao Mrs, T7. Loaraca tree (awe WessAilU.

to be LEE. Fire bed rooosa. bat room, diaiag. drawtag. aad hieekfiet roo at.

ana New aal cor pass drains. Boas, in. nnwotreet, URREY. 50 minutes" from London, three miles. Tp be LET.

eo ft tem. is loath er T.9illvOmMtoali3odllCmm. rm, tat rtwr laM VC of statacm.O.W.t 47 tr tint 'as, Gnvwlaoil. A I I toCapfakl Jews la ttisx sts. Bear a hary aai I a Meipeoete gro als, with or without far of 300 a ea of fair land.

wiU baibtrs houae. four tie anl good bo dings. Law naa. Pr ia on at Lady day. Appiy Hawaii a Loa lots, AW.

gTIADOGAN PLACE. Ta be LET, np ta Easter, I mnrrr wwt ru. ed aad aSoarated. tig at bet room aad hath room, goad recep. tsoa room, aaa emcee.

Agaeav ao, aaa seyaaw, a. at sad 50, 8aoaa treet, S.W. CHES HAM PLACE. To be LET, np to Easter or for a ywsr. aehan ahsa RE SID ENCX Task Bed ronsn, Sv re.

LOWNDES 8TREET. A choice, well FUR NIsaeD RESIDENCC Baae bed ro sa (TO tasdsl, iv rereg. taoo roo, aal sxeeUenl sntors. to be LET, aa to Kaetar, at ssodo rat rent. Ah a Smaller oaee.

wall Faranvbeat, eight runes per wee to Eaater. Ag as. Wkite, Seary, aad Taylor, i at at, aod 50, Bluaaa etnet. 8. w.

OVINGTON GARDENS To be LET. to the end May. a clean. wQ rURNISHlTD RXJIDANCX 9S bet rooms 111 bed tr rwvntio ram. omelet servant office.

ssadanto. Agsata. Wait. Beery, sad Tajlor. 90.

Siuaxa itrtes. aot! jo. I. liAlkinecrt. J.W.

EVILLE STREET. Lo adeeqoAre To be LET, I a a ao vromh fla Iaat a wad FUR ISXiai I uuuta oa eeo aonm. roow is. aad gawl om s. Aae ta, While, aad Taj law.

63, S1 pat. Ant, Wlute, rrr. ud Tylor. HiHiB 419 Pit UIU.S Pa I7NNISMORE GARDENS. To be LET.

on IXkSX Z7S asm SIDENCE. Nia bed rouma, IveraswTtaoa roos. good otflom, and horaao. A ta, watt, taerry aaa xayiar, cu, YKE PARK CORNER (one minute from). a chai good repair and dmee PrTf Bas Sd Per White.

Berry, aad larao. Lliar 54. 81c LENNOX GARDENS. Ta be 80LD. a bart sin, the loot LCkJiE ON (of these saoie RESIDENCES.

Tea na rws I ar re nwa. es IS IIIMI.WB. BiO Street. 1 Stoaas sHaat, Bawl alkiae TONT STREET. A most perfect modern RE3I I DENCX.

beoutlful'T SU ed aod lawed. Tew bed rsoma, hoUk roam. Ia aar ara iwisa i oaas ae wsuaso row, urarar and bar draing room at hack, fall a a at office, hack stair aod hot water to top of houae. Real 350. I aeae 10 ye.

Pre mm the Or ed Lca oould be how gh. At ts, White, xtrry. aad Taylor. la etreet. aad SO.

Sliiiai strut, AW. VTESSRS. POWELL'S PRINTED LIST contain lYl notice ofsv era! knadrcd HUUSEA. Msaotoim. a.

Fats; Uede pars. Kent 1 TTYDEPARK. Bays Oar. FREEHOLD fashion, XX aa KM ID EX CX to SOLO or LAT. as twberough.

terraca. Laemataraala, quite ctoea to tha pars, with hand satie tain reome tth ao streets, mm iStfJDL tded hall aad kana as Kauioas. 10 ad reomA hot bath. Ao. We bailt, well drained, aad wa be aor rstod.

Kedaeed tarsas. Miasva, Po Kakt Ages la, 17. Bayswim leiim, rarr.hsatat galu. W. HYDE PARK FREEHOLD detached MANSION, sc.

baSt, aext Baiewatai road aad Pass varde, to he SOLD er LsTT. Th th a rcptl room sad stUhutt me sa gvoaaa boot, it sea nume, sau. a onosxsa, wiu aauiara rea aa aw.iv sa.i;. 1 yawalM I Hrde porV, W. HYDE PARK.

To be LET, nnfarnisbed. No. 34, OXFORD TERRACE, tnsm See lb tgoas a vaunt's draaaed. one ef the hae boas. wtU eslraeeijed lenese.

si sherl from Ue park. Oa view. Meears, PowJ I JblatoAeaatas. 13. Ea.

wnae imiBua, Baysw a roa d. W. VfES3RS. WHITE, DRCCE, and BROWN. itX A s.

eooere, Beuee sal Aae ss, A tlk Baa. ITlia.koea J. Sria we w. www a I to to LXT SOJ ta I 1 RO8VKNOR 8TRKET 1 ai virmrfCI touts ttaMag; may be see 1 aa acirtaffy tavnai Whito. bra aad Bne.

ts sswva. Ahmtw wTsQ arrigesl ORFOLK STRE Park laae. RESIDENCE IdoohJa troo a wtth 4gM tod lent order, mat 2 pes aa ay a Wait. lca.aBd 1. lie stttaa.

FAMILY an OTJTH WICK PI tCE. Hrtjcri To be LET, Bgrak eas. wH FC tEStbrnVCM. iSjIikjgo rw bbU roost, aad Fsar raawyaa I aaa, am 4 detoaestg HYDEPARX (near). To be LET, lrVor, foe the wastai er loaamr, aaa at tlOUSX.

lrskaa, kadh, Base iii li sa taa lmx far waak. Ayaiy law tOl ttssisat. W. ef te best Hnr axa asrara to he Lt Tialdiel safaiaMieil Saas. Ayafy to Oflew aad Oa, 46a, ItAfuad saxa a XAND SQUABE.

ONE nl ORDER of EXECXTTOBS. Tor JJS S4 Haas ks nowsa aaassagtosk, Sat twatlaa a a FAMS.T aom wt a xxawaa, eaa at the ai I li utrtij asst. avtaat ttmt as tgwoaaMaaa. istae tka, lag ef Tar r. Leear rveaaaayat irSiim, aast hn ililt Hu saa a is gro ee.l iaat Fall pae a ta, sgot Oa, a sa flltafaslal Hi.

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