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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 25

Logansport, Indiana
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MANHOOD jTbe world tdmlrtf tfteprrftctJOftnl Not Murage, dimity, or tr.n»cuj«r development alone, eat that subtle sod wonderful force known SEXUAL VITALITY wblckUtie clary of pride ot both old younit, bat there ire thoasindi of men tan mental tort ot a weakened (battered and Otlli power who can be cured by our Magical Treatment which may be taken at borne under our direction! we will pay B.B. faro and hotel blllt for thoit who wish to come here, 1f w6 al 1 to core. We free euro or C.O.D. lake. Wa capital and (roarstiiee to cnre every we treat or refund every dollar yon pay as.

or fee may be deposited la any btnlc to bo paid ut When a enre effected, Wrfto for full WIAIK MEDICAL OHialla, Neb. LOOP POISON A SPEC! A LTY I mar7 I ondaryorTer- aiT Pk 000 POISON permanently curcdin 15 to35 days. Youcan be treated at price under ran- ty. If you prefer to come bero we will contract to pay railroad fnrcand hotel bills and mpy purtpfthe body, Huir or Eyebrows fallinc ont. It 19 tins Secondary BLOOD POISON we irnarantee to core.

Wo solicit the most obstinate cases nnd challenge the world for a "7 L- Tbla avenue has aJwayj, skill of the most eminent physl- capital behind our uncoWl- THERE ABE OTHEBS. Wans. Hona ntT. Absolute proofs sent scaled on WPllcatkm. Address COOft REMEDY COZ CJJUatonlc Xemple, CHICAGO, Plenty of Them, But go Proof is What Logans port People tfanU They are a great many of them.

Every paper has its Biiare. Statement! hard to believe, harder to prove. Statements from far-away puces What people say in Maine. Public expression from California, Of ilmes (rood endorsement there. But of little service Lojramport people want local proof.

The eaylni! ot neighbors, irlends and citizens Home endorsement counts. It disarms the skeptic beyond dispulfi. Thl? IB the bacmntr that stands behind every box of Jjoaa's Kidney PiUs. Heie is a case of it. Mr.

Jamas Woodward, cf 1S17 George aays: "It is over a year ago, that 1 suffered from kidntj complaint. By the time 1 bad it four months, i bud to Rive up my position Chicago as 1 could not be on my J'eet more than a few hours at a timu on account of the pain in the region of my kMuevs. which was so severe, thai it throbbed 1th tne beating of my heart. 1 he pains extend clear through the body and up in my neck, to stoop over or 10 ift anything was almost Impossible, there was also a distressing and annoying didieulty with the kidney secretions. This was my ndition when 1 commenced using Dean's Kidney Pills that 1 got at KeesllntfS store.

By the time 1 had used one box, the throbbing pain in the kidneys and the other distressing ailments were removed so that 1 was feeling better than for a long time past 1 can stoop or use my buck In anyway, and do not suffer the lernble pniu8 1 used. It Is a pleasure to recommend Doan's Kidney Pllis to anyone who has kidney trouble Doan's Ointment for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the U.

S. Remember ihe name Doao's and take no other. A TOWN WOMEN. wmmon council, a citizen decided the eligibility of persons -who desired to vote. The women came on foot, on bicycles and in carriages.

Brawny men in overalls fresh from the neighboring factories stepped aside for stylishly gowned women to drop their votes. Mayor Drake and the men of the conncil are -warm in praise of Miss Egel's executive ability and recount with gustc how she succeeded in getting a rcaai empowered with police authority, while the mayor and council- THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL ARE LADIES. The Founder of Lincoln, to Practically Demonatrate the of Woman Thorn Par Attained. No longer necessary to "go west, young woman!" A new El Dorado is open in the east to the woman ambitious i men weie debating the steps of proced- to have a voice in municipal affairs, The site is Lincoln, in Middlesex county, N. about 28 miles from Kew York city.

The town was born April last. It stands for an idea promulgated by the man in whose memory the town was named. "I go for all sharing privileges of the government," said Abraham "all who assist in bearing its burdens, i Before winter 100 by no means excluding Lincoln is not incorporated. This is how it comes about that the idea of giving women equal political privileges with men is being executed in the con- ure. Another triumph of the council women was the filing of a petition before the railroad company asking that a flagman be at a certain railroad crossing that witnessed the death of a Jersey cow belonging to one of the ladies.

The station master at Lincoln is a wonian. The town has two railroad stations, with 42 trains stopping daily. trains are expected. It has a sewerage system, a long distance telephone, a postoffice, town hall and t-eboolhouse. ''But we will soon have a new.

modern schoolhouse," emphasized the council women in recount- servative state of New Jersey. The ex- i iD the goodies of the embryonic town, periment arrests the attention of nro Several factories are already estab- pro and anti suffragists and students of municipal government throughout the lished and others are scores of houses are in process of erection and For sale by 0. M. Banna Co FRENCH TANSY WAFERS. These ire the genuine FKENCH TANSY WAFERS, imported direct from Paris.

Ladies can depend upon securing relief from and cure of PAINFUL AND IRREGULAR PERIODS regardless of cause. Emerson Drug Importers and Agents for the United States. San Jose Cal. B. F.

KEESLING, 804 Fourth St. Logansport, Ind. DAILY NEWSPAPERS. 'tis Pas StaWoix. ennsyivanig i Lines, Traine Kun by Central rou-own OHXCAOO DIVISION DAILY.

for 3:15 a a :25 m. Arrive from Chicago a m. BRADFORD AND COLUMBC8. for Bradford a a Arriye from Bradford am: am; pm; m. irrsER DIVISIOH.

m- 5pm Sunday only. Arrive from Bffner 1 1 :08 12:46 8:30 a Sunday only. KICHMOKD AKD CINCINNATI. Leave for Richmond tl 20 a ArrlTe from Richmond 1 11:00 urn IHDIANAPOLI8 AND LOUISVIIiE, LMV8 for Louisville a m. Arrive from CoulavlHe a J.

A. MoCTJLLODGH, Ayent, Loiracsport. Ind. LOGAK8PORT 0, BAST BOCHD. I and Boiton Urn (ttlly)- (doily) a.n Atlantic Kx.dally except 4:55 p.

WIST BOtTHD. daily except KanMl City Kxpreii (dally) 2:40 n. Cut Mall (dally) 8:13 lULouli Limited (dally) 10:34 p. I I lib mrrui DITHIOH, mtsmcia, AKD OHILI. WK1 10UHD.

Ho. 8:10 a. n- 8:30 p. 1A6T BQUVD, O. a.

a a- Population Appears to Have Little to Do With Their Distribution. There are 20,000 newspapers in the United States, of which 2,250, or more than 10 per cent, are published daily. These daily papers, however, are not distributed uniformly throughout the several states, and there seems to be no clear rule for the discrepancies to be found iu some states. New York, for instance, the largest of the states in respect to population, and the one, too, having the largest number of newspapers, has only 183 dailies, whereas Pennsylvania, the population of which is 1,250,000 loss than New York's, has 201. Missouri, with a population of 2,000,000, has only 87 daily papers, while Indiana, with a population of 500,000 loss, has 137, yet the Hoosier State, with Illinois on one side and Ohio on the other, has not usually been noted for its public enlightenment.

On the other hand, Missouri has 709 weekly papers, whereas Indiana, has 577. The population of Massachusetts by the last census state census of 2,000,000. The population of California, at the same time was 1,250,000, or just oiie-lmlf. Massachusetts has long had a high rank in all matters connected with education and public enlightenment. It is the state of several universities, it is prominent in all educational mar-tors and it is one of the very oldest of the states of the country in point of settlement.

Yet Massachusetts has only SS daily papers, whereas California, with one-half the population of the Bay State, has 113. These are some of the discrepancies which seem to require explanation. The distribution of daily papers throughout the country is ID other respects singular. Mississippi, with a population of 1,250,000 and with large mercantile and apfricultural interests, has only nine daily papers, whereas Arizona, with a population one-twelfth Oi large and much of it made up of persons wholly illiterate or nearly so, has ten daily papers. Delaware, including the thriving city of Wilmington, and with no foreign population numerous enough to be considered, has the saiuo number of daily newspapers as New Mexico with a population 25,000 less, and a considerable portion of it Indituis world.

The outcome is waited with i three trclley lines have petitioned for a universal interest. July 5, which fell Rutgers and Princeton colon wash day this yeaj, Lincoln held its first municipal election. Three women were elected to the common council, one of whom was made president. I have the story from the father of the town, Mayor Silas D. Drake, who with the three women of the council was a unique feature of the recent national convention of mayors and councilmen held at Ohio's capital.

Miss Emma Egel, president of the council, Mrs. Olivia Hazard and Miss Mattie Moore, members, find themselves in a curious position. In the accepted sense they are not 'new" women, despite leges are within 10 and 20 miles of Lincoln. "You see," said Mayor Drake, "we want to practically demonstrate to the world that with municipal affairs in the hands of women the common good, the best interests of a community, will be served. I know my women and there will be no boodle practices in the Lincoln "When the town is incorporated, what is to become of the was asked.

"Oh, well," sighed his honor the mayor, "we will prevent incorporation they have se- I for some years. Meanwhile if the stats GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER METNING All lli X. of the world's best clwinwr 4-poun'J roci-rs. only by FAIUBAXK COMPAXY, -rk. Boston.

OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 01 PRACTICAL HELP. lady Hertford's Clyjixes For Teachloc the Wood Carving. In England, as in America, the large question of education for the masses nas gone through phases of popular demonstration and reconstruction. The brain power of rhe people is gradually developing under the kindly sympathies and fostering care of all who lave worked to bring education within the reach of the poor. Among those who have opened new fields in England is Lady Hertford, who organized evening classes for men and boys.

Assisted and a military band teadeS a great procession which escorted her to her home, the crowd cheering and rejoicing all the way. A Hntchmson special says, "The citizens here will demand her reinstatement in the government service." The woman postmaster is triumphant, and public opinion is justified. Truth of London denies the statement of a Paris paper that the Princess of Wales has arranged to go through the Kneipp cure at Woerishofen in Bavaria next summer. The princess went; to Woerishofen for a couple of days when she left Baireuth in order to see her VANDALIA LINE. Table, In effect Sept 1897, FOR THE NORTH a.

m. p. in, FOR THE SOCTH. Wo. 31 7:05 a.

m. Ko. m. For complete Time Card, (riving all cralni and itatlona, and for full Information to Mtet, through can, addren J. a BJxnvrORTH.

agent, or 4.. FOHD, General PaMenger Agent, Ht. Mo. W. Time Table, Peru, Ind.

Solid trains between Peorli and Sandusky tnd Indianapolis and Michigan. Direct con- ns to and from ail points in tne JJnitod ftnd Canada. SOUTH BOUHl) DXTART No Indianapolis JSxp daily 7:10 a No Mail a (dally except Sunday) Jf 0 Indpl's Kip ex 8un 3 Mo PaMenfer exeept Sun Ho lUBoohMMr ei.oept Sunday, KORTB BO0WD. Ho Mail SIB Bun. Kb Molina City Kxp Bx Bna Me UO Acoom except a noli ruB Borti Peru on Bunday.

ticket Intonuttan mj. 3, ttojwl L. B. Nri. or 0.

f. text. lA'I and half breeds. There are only 19 daily papers in tho state of Tennessee, only 15 in Wost. Virginia and 29 in Kentucky.

But in North Carolina, a state destitute of large cities, there are 21 doily papers, and in Arkansas there are 26. New Hampshire and Vermont are neighboring population is about the same, between 850,000 and New Hampshire has 15 daily papers and Vermont has four only. Connecticut has relatively more daily papers thn-n has Massachusetts. Iowa has more than Texas, and Idaho has fewer than any other state or territory with the exception of Alaska, though this condition may not be permanent "when the belated returns have been received from the Klondike, where heretofore journalism has not flourished. The United States has more daily papers than any other country, but their distribution is York Sun.

The BuMlAn Blouie. The great rage just now is for the Russian blouse both for street and house slender, youthful maidens and matrons. There are also any number of unique, attractive little jackets, modifications of the bolero and other short, chic models so very familiar for several years past These are braided or nearly covered with straight rows of wide and narrow soutache, with often a figaro vest in addition, covered with horizontal bands of braid, and very charming and attractive do they look upon their appropriate wearers, but they do not look either of these delightful ways on the short, stout women far part their youth who have already elected for their wear. They are Inappropriate, to use a mild term. Cured without the dreaming or the asking the highest prerogative iu the "new" woman's column of "wants." They are not college bred, they have never been particularly interested in suffrage or woman's rights, they are not clubwomen, they do not ride bicycles or wear ultra gowns, but they have got there all the same.

Physically wholesome, attractive, well bred and domestic, rich in energy, enterprise and common sense, they saw their opportunity and grasped it. Bach is conscious of the responsibility of her position and its farreaching effect on the ultimate triumph of woman suffrage and is alert to do the best to her ability. Mrs. Olivia Hazard is a property holder in Lincoln. She is also the mother of several children, and hails originally from Philadelphia.

Misses Egel and Moore are the daughters of property holders, the town having been cut through their fathers' farms. As president of the real estate syndi- cate that laid out the town, the Hon. Silas D. Drake, or "Si," as he is familiarly known in Jersey, is practically the owner of Lincoln. He is a little man, bubbling with energy, horse sense and chivalry.

"On the 5th day of July last," said Si, "I conceived the idea of giving women a vote in the municipal affairs of Lincoln. I drove at once from my home in Bound Brook to Lincoln, and going from door to door personally summoned the women to the town hall A call to annB in their country's defense could not have met prompter response. From the washtub, the bread bowl, all the homely round of domestic duties, the women flocked to the town hall, not a few forgetting in their ex- of New Jersey fails to grant women suffrage we will have women incorporated into a village improvement society, where thev will be equally effective." A petition will be forwarded the coming winter from Middlesex county to the Jersey legislature asking that the capitol be moved from Trenton to Lincoln. Trenton is on the border line of Pennsylvania, while Lincoln is in the center of the state. The conncil women's term of office expires July 5.

LIDA ROSE FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. It is announced with a considerable flourish that Miss Fisher has been engaged by the Massachusetts board of arbitration as an assistant expert in settling the difficulties between labor and its employers in the straw goods business. Well, why not? The name of the new institution learning for women to be opened of MARCHIONESS OF HERTFORD. by a teacher, she instructed them in the art of wood carving. They took readily to the work, some of them showing skill in designing new patterns.

Even those who were not gifted with the same originality for the art plodded valiantly on to show by their diligence gratitude for the time Lady Hertford devoted to them. The small charge of twopence per hour was made to help to defray expenses of tools, which were afterward sold cheap to the pupils. The good work that, Lady Hertford began has now been taken in charge by the Warwickshire county council In providing occupaton for the male popula- ton Lady Hertford did not neglect the women and girls, for whom she inaugurated, under the technical education act, classes for nursing, dressmaking and cooking, with excellent results. Lady Hertford is a skillful wood carver. She has done gome beautiful deep work which has been shown at various exhibitions in London.

Her home is at Ragley Hall. It is built in Queen Anne style and stands on an eminence. It is reached through a beautiful drive through a picturesque park, the large shrubberies being a special featcire of the grounds. Every enterprise with which Lady Hertford has associated herself has benefited by her businesslike Times-Herald. Bister, the Duchess of Cumberland.

1897 OCTOBER. 18W Su. 3 10 17 24 31 Mo. 4 11 18 25 Tu. 5 12 19 26 We.

6 13 20 27 Th. 7 14 21 28 Fr. 1 8 15 22 29 Sa. 2 JL 16 23 1 30' SHERIFF'S SALE. THOMAS A.


da Bos d'EIbhecq. The oldest member of the Societe des Gens de Lettres, says a Paris correspondent of the London News, is neither M. Eugene Veuillot, who is 69, nor M. Legouve, who is 90, but Mme. du Bos d'EIbhecq, who is 99.

She is very sorry to have lived so long. Her experience of a very great age is given in one word She has outlived husband, BOD, grandchildren, friends and has, for a little quiet society, gone to live in a convent at Angers. Mm a du Bos d'EI- bhecq was a prolific authoress. A list of her books would fill a column of a connection university college. with the Roman Catholic at Washington is Trinity Katharine May "Wood of Omaha is a lawyer who has taken up a branch of legal work that seems especially suitable to a woman.

She makes a specialty of divorce cases and is acquiring a reputation for her skill and learning in this line. She is thoroughly educated and practices before the supreme court of Kebraska. Womanlike, she is likewise a messenger of peace on the troublous gea matrimonial difficulties and very citement and curiosity to unroll" their oftei reconciles those who are apart. Baltimore All-Aroerh Ftoila, Oct. flfty people saw a pretty game between the Baltimore and yesterday oftsrnoon.

Ballluma, American, 10. sleeves or remove their aprons. By 11 o'clock we had elected a mayor, four councilmen and two council women." Thirty-five women voted. "But the second election," interposed President was the most- It was ield in September, to fill two vacancies in the common council' caused by the resignation of two men. They ridiculed for belonging to a council presided over by a woman, and, failing to attend the meetings, they were notified that their resignations were in order.

One man and two women were candidates for the vacancies. The women pitted against each other. The polls opened at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. A large wooden ballot box, with a hole bored in the tightly fastened lid, stood oo. a table in the postoffice.

Mrs. Olivia Hazard teas one of the tellers. A committee composed of Mayor Drake, Kiss "RmTtm Egtl, president of the In Iowa women now have the right to vote on questions of raising funds 'for municipal or school purposes. This is not much; still it is something. Mrs.

M. S. Firts of Lynn, has been appointed a pension claim attorney by Secretary Bliss. I do not see why more women do not enter this business, Mrs. Harriet Maxwell Converse has spent years studying the Iroquois Indians, ancient and modern.

She has found out facts of profound scientific and ethnological interest bearing on large newspaper. Some of them were highly successful. Ls Pere Fargeau" still sells. It had an early sale of 86,000. She has to write every year to the secretary of the Societe dea Gens de Lettres to inclose a certificate that she lives.

Her handwriting remains firm and legible. She works still as an authoress, chiefly writing for peasants and country folks. She began to work for the printers at the age of is to say, 79 years ago. She led a regular life, was never poor, never very well off and had many kind friends. The last of her old friends, Admiral de Ri- bours, died two years ago.

She was elected a member of the society 58 years ago. By virtue of a judgment and decree and order of Bale issued on a judgment rendered in the Caes Circuit court, of Indiana, on the 23d aay of Si-pterober. 1897, and to me directed by the clerk or said court, I will offer for gale, at public auction and outcry, to the highest bid Jer, at the door of the court house, in Lo- ganfiport, Cass county, Indiana, on Saturday, the 23d of October, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p.

ra. of said day, the and profits for a term not exceeding seven yen re, of tho following described real estate, situated In Cass county. In the state of Indiana, Lot number ninety-two (92) in John F. Jonn- son'fi Kivertide addft on to the city ot Lopacs- port. in Case county, in the 6ta'e of Indiana.

And in case the rents and proflta to bring- the amount demanded to satisfy the judirment and decree aforesaid with interest and costs, together with all accruing costs, I will at the game time and place, and in like manner as aforesaid, offer for sale at public auction and outcry to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate in fee simple of Joseph VF. Jones, John Myer.ldn J.Jones juod Abraham t. Jones, in the above described real estate, or 8O much and such part thereof as may be necei- sary to tatisfy the J-jdjrment and decree aforesaid, which ig In favor of Thomas A. Spry, and ajMnet Joseph w.

Jones. John Myer, Ida J. Jontg and Abraham L. Jones. Said real estate will be sold without relief from valuation or appraisement laws of State of Indiana.

CHARLES W. HOMBURQ, Sheriff of Case County, Indiana. Charles E. Taber. Attorney for Plaintiff.

September 28,1897. Sept WABASH Quicken and best service to CALIFORNIA i now offered by the Wubasb Railroad. is connected with the ft Railway. Veetibuled sleeping cars through to UttADffeles without change, mating- twenty- one hours better time from fit, Louis than toy other lice, and oorroaponding'time from other points. For particulars write to any ticket 8.

Crane, General md Picket Agent, 8t Ixjtiis. Mo. great people, who are now represented only by the remnant of a few tribes. During the coming -winter Mrs. Converse will lecture on the ancient Iroquois.

The modern Iroquois have made Mrs. Convatse chief of their tribe. B. A. CL The Woman Foctnuuter.

A prevailing public opinion is that the woman postmaster is honest The fact that the postoffices to which women have chiefly been appointed have afforded small opportunity for stealing may have had something to do with this belief. It waa therefore startling when Miss Eva Beem, assistant postmaster at HutchioEon, was indicted last January, charged with embezzling 1,800 of postoffice funds. Miss Beem has just been tried in the federal court at Wichita and acquitted. The Hutch- dnson people have believed her innocent all the while, and they turned oat to give an oration on her retorn. Streets packed with and people on foot greeted her aa the train oaine in.

Miw Beem and her deter, with two vero nut in. A IMEV7 MAIM HUNDREDS ofuen out miserable existence for want of knowing what to do for N- DMCPC of men are loffcnttK from the men til tortaro ot Ni rafting Memory. Loot Manhood. Impotenoy, LxMt Vitality, brought on by abuse, excesses and indiscretions, or by severe mental strain, close application to or work. DR.

PERRIN'S Re vi vine only that ever been dls, covered Uiit tboo nervous disorders. If taken as directed, brings (brat Iramediate improrement and elects euro where all other remedies fail. It bas cared AND WILL CURE YOU. We nositlTcly It in every case. Price 1.00 box, or six for (uav mail in plala wispper nsdjA of Order from oar adTertlatd agents.

other conutttmlcctioiu to TfMM nu0 MEDicm CO, NrwTork. Tvr MB. f..

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