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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 3

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 TiUi -d, Dy of tba GreaS German Festival. cm a Blcye tea, Other threatening- aapeet of the weather rjje earilf part ot the afternoon ie-' ,1 irirm the aiteudance a tbe graad VoJksfesU Thla did not by any 7. Oiowerer. prevent a large crowd from 1 bV uba toe bU rang for the Ttuttred in the pneteg tw tunaa crand stand waa really crowded, track ami fences were black wlln i tact, there were many eager Vltora- around the tuners' end. )udgee that tbe limited number of poliee- nmkr command of Corporal Henry had tna utmost difficulty when the Vliaia to clear tna traafc 1 mx ttnaa.ia tna pacing race, Wlrpuw ot S12S, 150 to 1 bore la UMiirace.

Thn entries kSt M- Little 3 -EimorevBeuiah, JSitillia Watson. delay caaaed by tha breaking rein oi SaUle Watson, tha horses rfaee atarta, went flying around rrTrr oalUa Waton obtained a good ihi start and not only maintained the hut ov-caed tha sap considerably, P-" imSrr smug in 2:34 Little Uca 1 iSlia, Billy at. third. JLadd Xourth, rl Urulah distanced. 1-J2ZbteaihinpUot a few moment vwJa anvrared for the aacond heat.

toceiiJer. but Elmore wan 10T keep Ma feet. The "VnLeer kept well together all J2Lit track, and it waa only la the taut nlTt bonem atrun out. Little cMrW second, Billy M. third.

Vra7 aedH BaUto Weteothe A-- last, lit tnla order they 1 i Brines' stand In o. no aneboxaa HlmraNwa tha alejuicth ahead of the other. In iZtA beat Little Cice again snowed 7hefrout at the nnlah. winning the heat tn Ta. 8llie Watson we a Jj third.

Billy M. fourth and eonelnston of the second heat Mr. nuvrt. driver of SaUie Watson, entereil a Znut anint Mr. e.

lanrar, wno r7cUiaaii a out. Hi plaint waa Tt ti plea w'aa dealared mot well akei VBeor.d raea waa a trotting race. 1 taken. mile tMta, best two la three, for a purse of $123, a t- ui tint bows and 25 to theseeoud. ottc three auiilea Oeorge Jotmaon, and Billy; Tlwy all started well Mate and Billy broke and were distanced In tna first ina, vhih was woa by George JohnaoB.ln ttan tha beau of tha pad ttx raea there Mcyrle- rarea.

one af a mile aad ut Twlla race. For the ftmt there- were Vt ttlea, Meaara. Baird. Hill. Zierler.

rr7oa. Keahy and Miller, Balrd belnjr kjMicappea by all the other. Hill by the rr lout, Zletder by th three and Cramp-to by tha other two. They rtartad about TtxtU apart, bat Balrd evidently had a TLt-oTcr. for be came in folly 2 feet ahead S12, who waa neenndV Keaichey third, (rtmptoa.

foarth, Ziegler fifth aad. Millar TMbalf aula taryela raea between Balrd. Erarber and Craiaptoa waa alae. won by i ,10, waa waa heavily handicapped, and ha tiasaraay thins; at It by any meaaa.for Vrf iey Xonsht Mar hard dowa tha hama tha eanclnatwi of theaa raaea Mr. Harry r-nsabeL.

one af the Judges, presented ifra Balrd sad Hill with twa elegant medala, they betna; first aad aeeontL -rrttTWr. In the mile laa. iiid baring won the eeeond raea alao rertvrd a aeeood gold medal. Tha time of tie cm rare waa 39. which, taking Into rrrMieraUoa the heary track, waa reaaark-f rood.

jiOim for tha half-mile daaa. waa 1:33 Tr Ihmx time Indeed. Airr tha raoea aba crowd, which bad been unMil7 aagmected, betook themaalTea to "ntrmttmdinr ob tba cronada. danclnir. wit -niK that laughable games preaenved by Muiara-n.

under tha direction of Mr. or in othenriae anjoylnjg them- At o'clock there waa a arand dlrolayof in front af the grand ataad. The ay waa maanfaetared aad dlaefaanred r-Leola J. Wltta, who haa charge of tha orka at the Bzpoaltlaa. In yesterday'a "-nt of the Voikafeat It waa atatad tha itta had aiaa made the Japaaeaa day wxa, ant thla waa erroneooa.

frof. -orra W. Weingart famished them and Ufv-vnamanufactared In Japan. Xc- muca credit eaanot be given to tha KaimDt of tha Voikafeat. They da To'ri -cmwlrta to their self -all atted tasks attaurreaseet energy and petaaveraaee.

uiitoL ivMtnM small degree dae the tnrri at tha feattval. The proceeda of thla -inmmv. rrlvrn tor the benefit at. tba an proteetaam AFylum, will be In dne tAnrww-. HAUT1CAL wOTBaV Oterf Una steamship Prof.

Kflna, Coekeey, three and a half daya from aith Iralteoaalgned to 8. Oterf. haa v-rd at Foav 13, First Dlstrtet. 8ba ra- rts having left a UUlla the steamshlpa 8. -rt aad Joa, P.

Maeaeea. loadlna; for thla rv About eight mllea off UOlla aha met schooner Boyallst, bound In. and paaasd ocSiMBerB E. B. Nawmaau Banto Oterl and tif-jmog, off taa Paaaea.

She also reports tik had fair weather until Hatnrd ay even-ta Kh maw wham, aoo milaa off the aha eaeountered a norther wMoh i forelght hours. The Prof. Morse will i oa her return trip en Thursday, tha lta 1 bark Pletro, Capt. Espoalto, 68 i from Buanoa Ayras, la badaat, ooav-t aed to a. A.

Coaailch. haa arrived np In md was loeated at Gretna. Bhareporta -nnc aad moderate Bortberly winds to 1 loll awed by strong easterly winds to imaU-a, thaaee aartbeaaewtnda, -jeahna and light wlnda. In the Golf of hob she eaeountered ery strong aouth-i to not th wees correnta. OSTrtaidad aha red a quantity of wreckage.

The Pletro load tar the Continent with, a cargo of Tv teamen, three barks aad a echo-oner reported nUaalar and are -probably lost. mr sf those are Brliiah, oaa Sarweglaa id cue Bpaaiah. It la estimated that tha bf thrwe veeeela namberad avaroaa cdrcd men. The SrianUh ateamahio 'roilo, Capt. Steal, kailad from-' Cieafnegoa Jan.

10, via Newport Hewa. Feb. 2, for ilz. aad haa net aisee been heard from. vsa owned by A.

M. PlmHoa, of Cadlx. 2sa leet long, her groaa- ma. British steamer Homber, Capt. Law- lft Sew York for Laotxioa ou i-eu.

IS, ty ttree days aco. 6ha waa ladea with a- Tie Hui was owned by the Royal 1 Steam Packet Company, and waa mux -t loBg and of 23T1 tnaa Brlrteh baric David J. Worth, Capt. a-rs, lert Wilmington. V.

on Jan. rlJvcrpooL 123 daya ago, aad mast hare 'd-avd. gbe hailed from London aad 'ged to Mr. J. bprunt.

Bhe waa of 387 Korwegtan bark XorAenskjold. Capt. bamsso, left Bremen for New Orleans Jf. It la strppoaed that she was atrrd. Bhe hailed from pot sgrund aad to J.

e. Joaeen Coi. Bertoaaaxo Sorthern Chief, Capt leftNew York for Antwerp on Jan. i a cargo of oil. hhe haa been 112 daya he waa owned by T.

Jones, of lAr- BrltUh aehnnner Ottawa. Maa T'iieo rrom Lneobmr.5.8., oa Feb. 3 I 'Durm, ana naa not Mace been neara or. i of us tons. faUowraa; la the report of mortality city tor tba week eadinar fiaturday.

shown by records- in the omce of -ova of Health: of white males 63, white females- 'Iwfeitesioi: deatha of colored malea -regfemsire 23; total colored 44. Total li. jols hnt7 Hotain, other public rearoflad by the Coroner IT, still lowtng- were the chief causes of Coaaumptioa 20, cholera factum dlaeaaea of the bowels aad i1' diseases of the heart a. enteritis eaterhls paesuaonia a. brala dla- malarial fevers s.

Bright' dlaaaae 8. broaehlHs 3. laanlUon 8, erysipelas iwterlca 3. X. dropsy 3.

croup 3, varloaa other cauaoa 1 5 r-sat wild flower of the heath 77 my Jnlta'e siirh wbi ter than her teeth. sn ttpa tlte matM her dtlUhl, Uoas charms ae pure and bright CaO m- Halt mm Fartaar T.lalMlaa: CaaiiansTMaT Important erven ta generally- occupy but little time In happening. There were to have been three meeUags at tha C3ty Hall last night Only ana took place. Thla waa ot the Finance Chairman KUpat-rick and Aldermen Moan, Prague aadByan were present. The ordinance to contract for the eleetrle Ughtaforthemarkete waa before the committee.

It would have paaaed last Tuesday night, but after soma ravin a waa referred to the Finance Committee to find out haw the Jlnaacea for the lighting stood. The sommlt. tee went over the hgures and the result waa aery for a halt It waa decided to report unfavorably on the ordinance. Tha question at courtesy la having tha matter referred to the Lighting Committee was considered, but it waa decided to ask the eoeeeat of tha members of tha Llghttna Committee present their consent and unite to kill tba ordinance to-night Mr. Farrell.

of the Lighting Committee, said that the Committee on Finance waa In line with his minority report aad ha waa Battened. Chairman Albert or tna Lighting committee, said he consented. Aldermaa Breanan cams to aak for a light for the Beroud Btreet Market. He had it erased at tha last meeting of tha Council, but his eonavltaents wanted it Ha waa In ravor of tha action ot tha committee and have no -icctrlo lights In tha markets. The Finance Committee will report as follower UnTavorably on ordinance providing; for llghUnirby etactrlolry tha public markets etc--The oralnance aa amended by -the Counsll.

provides for 83 lights, which at contract price, 1139 per Ught per annum, amount ta $4MS; gas lamps displaced by proposed contract. par lamp per annum, 93583 difference In favor of ga. per annum. Thla, however. Is only the apparent The real difference la much greater, aa for every lampa discontinued there la 25c per annum added to every lamp remaining, ta say nothing of the plausibility of our hndlng the system not at.

alijadapted to market llKhOng and a return to gas a necessity, in which eaae we would be compelled to pay tor both during the remainder of the year. In our humble opinion thla whole matter of public lighting haa not been aa fully digested as should, be. The following tie-urea enow how we have been trying to do more than la Justified by oar reaourceo We have contracted with the Brush leetno Light Company for the year amounting to- 5S Bruah Company for nine mom 5,17 2i Brand Company for six 992 25 a. O. GaaUghS Company tor nine months 3540 60 ST.

o. Oaallght Company, public bulldinxa 10.000 00 Jefferson City ttaUht oo ToaI of contract. $96,649 41 To whlob muat be added, paid prior to above contracts to H. o. Gaslight street 99.451 4T Brush JUeetrie LUhtCo---.

Loo 00 Lighting Algiers, say 600 oo SU.451 4T 41 11,461 47 This makes Total of Paid prior. Making total paid and contracted for. 9108400 88 Thla deducted from the budget approprla-tiea ot 036. leavea for Ugattag the oil district," Including Algiera4or the raiaainlng six montha of the year 911,326 8a. Agalnat thla there la a claim of J.

Q. oil lighting la February, ot 9923 40. aad a contract authorised with, the Laulai-aaa Electric Light Company for thirtT.tive towers or their equivalent in petea, which, for the six months, will require 91700. The foregoing' figures will be- altered somewhat by the light discontinued, on Kaplan ado street and' the parks, and others to be die-continued nnder the recent order ot the Council oa July The act result will, however, be pracdeany unchanged, owlnjr to the proportionate Increase oa gas lamps remaining. Thla is the position, notwithstanding' the fact that far six month tha "oil districts" nave bad no light ot any kind and tba gas waa shot off for weeks all over tba city.

Our. calculations, if we made any, are certainly at fault Of the gaa lamps ordered to be discontinued by the Council. April 33, six do not exist and two have not been lighted alnee Feb. 14. We would recommend, talcing- Into consideration our present situation, that no future xurtracts be entered Into for eleetrle llghting-untll aueh time aa the hide foe puuUe lighting; be had for the entire city.

The Ceurta la the Way af Clry Commlnsloaer Fitxpatrlck has written to City Attorney Bogera for an opinion. An ordinance waa paaaed by the Council directing him to open, the plugs of the Water Wuska Company as least once a week 'for nailing purposes and tea tin ir tha plugs and report defective plugs to the Council. The Water Worka Company has notified him that earrylng out the ordinance would involve the violation of aa Injunction, He requests Judge Bogera to advise him whether the enforcement of the ordinance would make him liable for contempt of court ou account ot the Injunction. a City Finances Treasurer Fatten reporta for tha week end-lag May lM: Caan balance May 3. 188..

911304 4C Beeelpts since 143,489 as sw sess4 ea a S) aeeaeS58i99nV A 144,464 09 Balance May 9. 1888.. Cash balaueea .911440 S3 For 186.... 51.753 05 8,295 09 37 4648T 91 L860 57 760 T8 L3S1 88 ltfO 4 14 85 3 83 673 73 For 4884. For For.

For 1881 For 1 who. For 1879. For 1878 For im For aocounta Total. Bridsa Hepaara. Comiiiistaner FIrrpatrlekhas notifladXhe paniah Fort.

Ballruad Company, to repair the-bridge over the Oalves Canal at Bienville street, which, is In: a dangerous oondl-r A Dassersas SheeV Inspector xVessepa reporta a daaaerous shed oa premises corner of rit Ann and. etreeta. If not repaired someone will be hurt At the Mayor Gnillotte and other- city offlclals were attending -the Alabama Day and Veterans' and Goarda' Day at the Exposition yesterday. Payfaa: Lwvee Bella. Cashier Patron, at the city reasury, payimc off the Blxth District levee roU.

I -PHmdnm. and Jlaaefls Yesterday moramar. about 8 o'clock. Amelia Dorwey and Priscilla Henry, both colored, engaged la a diffleolty at the corner of Foueher and Detord streets, daring which Amelia was cut and severely wounded In the muscle ot the left arm and right wrist by Prisoiila, who escaped. The wounded woman was conveyed to the hospital, where her wounds were dresaed, after which she returned to Judge Davey's court and swore out an allidavlt aaiaat4Prlacllla.

The body of the drowned man found float-lug tn the river, head of Robin street on Hniday, waa identified aa one IaalS Ruhr, a white man, residing at Na STT Tbhoupltoulaa street A rent receipt for the above house waa found ou his person. Deputy Coroner Jones viewed the body aad gave a certrflcate ot death- from drowning. Badly Ban aa J. About 8 o'clock last Sunday night an aged colored woman named Emily Boott was severely but not dangerously burned by her clothes, igniting from a fire in the fire place at bar domicile. No.

64 Gtrod street The ambulance waa summoned and conveyed her to the hospital. At 6:30 last evening; a false alarm of fire waa turned in from the Sixth- Dlatrtet bell tower, by t- Alfred, the operator. Mr. Alfred discovered a chimney fire-aad mia-taklng It for an actual conflagration ssunded the airr' Cemslaw eCTelnIea. A a quarter-past 8 o'clock yesterday morning car So.

81 at the Upper Magastne street line waa run Into aad damaged to the extent of about 930 on Carendeiet near Common street by Mr. CoUlns's lee wagon. Keeataar and Eactlan at The annual meeting' of- the Southera Art Union, waa held last Theaesslon waa a long and spicy oaa, lasting tram 8 o'clock until almost 11.. President Johnston, Mr. Hudson, Mrs.

Doo glass and Mrs J. L. Harris, all spoke upon the Interests of the Union. The chief topics of discussion were free lasses for the coining year, an absolutely free library, aad how to run the Art Union at aU. The report of the Committee abowa a balance on hand ot more than 9Q0.

with all debts paid. The reports of all committees and officers were referred to the Executive Committee, to meet next Monday. This committee will also amendments to charter and devise plans for continuing and conducting; the union during the ensuing; year. A motion to abolish the salesrooms was lost. Mr.

J. Harris offered to provide 9300 a year for the ensuing year to pay. the salary of a librarian. Mr. Johnston stated that a Professor from Tulane could be secured to give tree drawtnr lessons to free puplta.

Mrs. Clark's report as Chairman of the Library Committee shows over 4U00 books on hand. Mr. Johnston's report stated that Mlaa Maud Howe would give all the books of the litetary department of the Women's Department at the Exposition to the Library. Mrr.

J. L. Harris urged the necessity of industrial classes to help Ignorant women to professions. Mr. Johnston urged the same thing.

After no end of motions, and a good deal of wasted time, the following electten of office waa had: President unanimously rr-alected. Win. Preston Johnston Vice Prealdenta, Marshall J. Smith, aad Bev. Mr.

Douglass; Secretary, Mrs. Boott MoGehee; Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Ogieeby.

Executive committee as. G. Clark. H. W.

Connor. M. XJ. Band all. Victor Meyer, Bertand Beer.

B. M. Walmsiey, Mrs. Robert Mott, Mrs. Orlesliyr Mrs.

Connor, Mrs. ttutbeim. Mrs. J. L.

Harris, Mrs. Scott Mo-Gebee. Mrs. Yates, Backner, Mrs. Chaffralx, and Mrs.

8 ta offer. This committee will meet on Monday evening to receive reports presented last night and to explain the plana of operation tor the coming year. MISHAPS ASD ailSDESDl. BLAZES A Neat af Balldleen Bar sad. About half -past 4 o'clock yesterday morning a tire broke out la the one-etory frame bouse, earner ot Roman and Orieana streets, owned by Widow Leon Bertraad.

and occupied by John Bergeret as a grocery and a welling. The building, which was totally destroyed, was insured la the New Orleans Insurance Company. Mr. Bergeret'a stock and furniture, which was partially destroyed, was Insured for 9sooln the same oom- Xrhe flames then oommnaloated witaand destroyed the one-story frame cottage, o. 263 Orieana atreet owned by Mr.

Heith and occupied by Charles Lerols, and then to the one-story frame house on. St Peter, near Roman street, owned and occupied by Widow Leesalle. The snlldlnr was partially de-stroped and Is covered by a policy for 9700 in the New Orleans Insurance Association. The furniture, which waa saved, is insured In the same company for ttoo. The rear ot the oae-atory frame structure corner of Ht.

Peter and Roman streets, owned by Widow Bertraad aad occupied by Mrs, Folio, was partly destroyed, which loss is covered by insurance In the New Orleans Insurance Association. Mrs. Folio's loss Is estimated as aso and la not Insured. The rear of the adjoining building, a one-story double tenement owned by Freak Anfm-kolk and occupied Jointly by Mr. Buckley and Mr.

Sherman, waa completely destroyed. Mr. Shermans furniture waa damaged to the extent of about 930. The cause ot the fire la not known. The alarm waa Bounded from box 233.

In Aa Ainila About a quarter to 11 o'clock Monday forenoon a fire, the cause of wMch is unknown, waa discovered in an armolr In a rear bedroom at Mr. J. D. Crawford's reetdeaoe. No.

26 Camp street near -Melpomene. An alarm was sounded from box No. 38 and the flames extinguished, but not before damages to the extent of about 91 oo had resulted to the building and fnrMturev- CRY LOCKhTD CP. Alphonse Lynch and Thomas Weld on were tried yesterday in the Criminal Court cotton for robbery. They are charged with ha vie-, oa the night ot March 91.

attacked a colored man; Alex Hart at the corner of Magazine and Amelia-, streets, and robbed Mm ot a silver watch, and chain and a twen-ty-flve-cent walking caue. The defense was that the accused were In a Jolly crowd ot young fellows at the time, but were not the parties who struck Hart The latter ldan-tllled them. The Jury was divided between those who believed the men knew ot the robbery even It they did not commit it and were equally guilty, and those who thought them blameless for what ethers with them did without their knowledge. Up to late last night the jury had faued to agree and were locked np for the night TBS NKW AFlHiraTKXa. Mr.

Henry Pi Xerneeaaa, the appointed Naval Officer, yesterday took the oath of office before Collector His bond, which had been returned tor the eotiectiou ot a few clerical errors, waa- approved by Judge Billings of the United States Dlatrtet Court Mr. Matt O'Brien, recently appointed' 8tt-pervtsmgflnspeetorlof Steam Vessels, to succeed Capt. George Norton, yesterday took charge of his office. YITAI STATISTICS. Recorded at the office of the Board of Health, May 11, 1885: BIRTHS.

Mrs. John F. Baieeneh, a girl, April 23. Mrs. Patrick Bowea, a girl, March 33.

Mrs. Andrew Oeao, a girl, March 81. Mra. John Petrovleh. a boy, Feb.

21. Mrs. John L. Lee.fe. a girl.

May 6. -Mrs. Martin Brada, a girl, March 3. Mrs. H.

Laronslnl, a boy, Feb. 7. Mrs. P. B- Bonneuialson.

a girl. Jan. 23. Mrs. Walter H.Mears, a boy, Jan.

MARRIAGES. James Blue and Miss Annie Jackson. John Keller and Miss Mary Jane Lester. James Martin sod Miss Hebeoee Gibson. -Arthur W.

Barker and Mian Chlee Gaadet and Mlsa AliaaDafarge. DMATHS. Miss Lydlav Garidelle, 17 years, hart i John Miller, days, 337 Dryades. J-Marls Halrozzl. years.

246 St Aun. Eliza Bourquard. 3 years, 96 St Ana -Louis Dominique Develle, 66 years, 363 as "phillp Henneesy, 28 yeexs, 143 Tchoupl ton las. iih a rT. a months.

30T Contt. Albert Henry Shaw, 3 months, 41834 South Fell cite Joseph, rears, Craps and CJooet 1 Gldeeoa T. Flower; 1 month, all Camp. John F. Mahoney, 23 roars, Lyon and Cam a.

Mrs. Widow Indiana Ruble, 77 years, 318 South Franklin. a iie Knaehi 6 Tears. 314 JaeJcson. Mildred Augusta Davezac, 4 moaths, ISSJi Allx street Algiers.

Peter Jackson, 75 years, SauxvCle, La. Henry Jackson, IS yean, Jackson and Laurent v. Frank Hcppe, 8 months, 83 Barapara. Rita Marie Dupre, 7 months, 139 Hospital. Henrietta Oehs, 1.

month. Hospital aad Roeheblavev Francis August Hlllehrandt- 3. mouths, 228Poydras. George Evans, S3 Tears, Chippewa, near Richard. Joaa Graft, years, 108 TentL Mrs.

Sarah Ann Horton, 63 years, 461 lav rMUafAnna M. I BetanidW- 35 years, 833 Orange Jones, 8 months, Calhoun, Laurel. 1 Charles Henderson, TO years, Clara, fat 1 1 1ft ltw 1 Francis Baptiate, 76 Tears, 35; Custom Jacob Miner, 75 Broadway, near Wall. Mrs. Widow Frederleka Aner, 44 years, 50 Tchoupitoalas.

A. F. Jones, 79 years, 894 Prytanla. Thiiin. 4 nais 4Aft Cnstomhonssw.

Mrs. Jean CapdevlUe, 60 yeara, 830 St Charles David Trlbou. 14. 133 St Mrs. Widows.

B. Newman, S3 years, 32 First. John F. Phea. 23 years, 35 Rachel Caslmir, 5 St- Louis and Touti.

Louis John Johnson, 65 years, 3307s Ba- ROWESa. Great A number- ot' apaelons and comfortable grandstands are betna- ereeted in a cluster arawnd the St John Boat-Hoase at West End. Thaoo are Intended to accommodate the general public during the oeming great regatta. They face the starting aad finishing posts, and besides give- the spectators a good -view of the entire course. The Lake stretching out from Weat End towards Spanish Fort la unobstructed aad smooth, and makes one' ot the prettiest rowing courses in the country.

The grand scale on which the St Johns have set about making their preparations naturally involves a great deal of expenses. It will be, without a doubt the costliest boating event ever given tn the South. In order to realize some of the money needed to carry on the work, the Regatta Committee haa issued aubscriptlon badges good for a reserved seat during the four days of the regatta. These have been distributed among the members, and will be sold as 93 each. The benches are now being constructed on the southern stand.

The northern stand la all ready, and will be fitted up with comfortable chairs on race days. These chairs are reserved tor the holders of subscription badgea. The badges will also be goad for the southern grand stand, giving the subscribers all the advantage possible. The northern stand la Immediately behind the stakes, and will be shaded from the sua, making it a model In Its way. The lady friends of the St Jonha are aa arduous and eager to support the coming regatta aa any male lovers ot the sport and many ot them, will: wear the subscription badges ot the olnbi The slub-house win be reserved for the oarsmen on race days.

They will require all its room for privacy, and the men- who create the interest will properly be granted every facility. A Gatherlaa; af Grant Oaraaatnw Secretary Denegre la almost certain that Canada will compete In the amateur races. She will be represented by her best material, Laing will handle the single scull O'Connor and EnrlgBt the champion double, will row la that race; and the Nautilus Club send down a four. There are many who think the Nau tiles four equal, if not superior, to the Argonauts, and say that an accident prevented the victory of the Nautilus crew. These crews will make a splendid showinc here, and the crewa who defeat them will doubtless win the races.

John Teemer. George W. Lee and Henry Peterson left New York for New Orleans May 9, via the Cromwell Line. They are among the best known of the profeaslonala, and will be great cards for the St Johns. Teemer Is considered Haitian's most ormld-'sole rival in America, and ta withal a mere boy.

Lee was the fastest of amateurs and Is one of the best ot the profeaslonala. Peterson has lately loomed up as tha champion of the Psctfio coast aad oarsmen all over the country are eager to test his qualities. The following entries have been received Begon, single scull. New York. Profeselonele -Henry Peterson, single eonu, California, 180 6 feet.

Geoege W. Lee. single scull, 28 years, 158 5 est 10 Inehea. Double Bonn Henry Peterson, Geo. W.

Lee. Peterson writes to Secretary Denegre that upon their arrival here he and Lee will pick out two other professionals and form a four to compete against the St Louis entry of the formidable crew composed of Hosmer, Gandaur, McKay and Parker. Moninger, the professional oarsman of Pittsburg, is in training for the St John events and will be down shortly. Charles Fourton and Silas Oviatt are siroii the erewa in trainm at the Lake, and will represent the Perseverance Club in the amateur double scull race. The Perseverance Club will have three fine doubles in the race.

The LomAlana Rowing Clan, by a generous offer of its boats to the tit Johns during the regatta, will increase the possibilities of flue racing. There Is a general demand ter boats of various sizes which no one club could filL The Nnasfbrat Case. A dispatch received here says that the Ex ecutive Committee of the National Amateur Association haa refused to convene to consider the case ot. Frank Mumford. As tha St Jo bus refuse to receive tha entry of Mumford until the National Association qualifies him.

this aettiesMumford's chances rowing here aa an amateur. The St Johns claim that they are bound by the rulings of the National Association, aad the latter unanimously rejected Mumford's na me at um last regatta. THE TUBPVT The I.calaalaa Lbxxmctox, May 11 First Race-Purse ot 9300, 9so to second to carry 100 lbs. each, with sex allowance; one ana oae-eighth The starters were: Pearl Jennings, 9 Gold Dollar, 98 lbs-; Sllpaway, 5 Ibe Veniata, lbs. In the pools Pearl Jennings waa the favorite against the field and and won easily.

Result: Pearl Jennings first Ski pa way second. Gold Dollar third. Time liUiX. Second Baos The MeGrath stakes for 3 years old live-eighths of a mile. Wanderer, Tartar, Hattie D.

H-. Bankrupt. Syntax aad Blue Wing were the starters, all carrying lis pounds, except Tartar 107 and Bankrupt 113 pounds. In the poela Bankrupt brought 960. Hattie D.

BL. 930, Wanderer $15 and the field 910. Bankrupt won easily. He waa whipped at the eighth pole, bat ae ran from the last with such spirit that he won by three lengths. Result: Bankrupt first.

Syntax second, Hattie D. H. Time: Third Race The Ashland Oaks; one-half mile. Ida Hsne. Lixxle Dwyer.

Gold Ban. Annie Woodcock and Tree scan were th starters. They all carried 109 lbs. La the poofs Carrlgan's entries brought so. Annie wooaoosa ata, who man S7, TmtMlua, Result Ida.

Hope first lizzie Dwyer second. Gold Baa tninu. xime zul. jNrarth Raeey-Handitap hurdle, one and a nuarter miles. Thavstartera were: Axot.

145 Ilia; Judge Jackson, 137 Worth, us Revenge, 13 Trent iseuav; voyager. 120 uucepnaius, 120 us The race waa easily won by Revenge. Result: Revenge first Bucephalus second. Aaeoti third. North and Judge Jackson fell at the hurdle at the half-pole and Voyager fell at the nrtnnuruie.

jerry iowning, toe rider of North, was hurt There will be four races to-morrow. First Bare Fiye-eUOiths of. a Bed Girl, Bon Soir, Mianle, Marmount and orlmaldl are the starters. They all carry iot lbe-axcent Grlmaldt 112.. In -the imola Red Girl brought 950, Grtmaldi mount 910.

Bon Solrtio, Minnie 910. -Second Race Oue and oae-eighta stiles W. B. Woodford, 118 920O; Briersoa. 110 9200: Hipanny, lis sxi, -Third RaceV-Gne and one-half mileer Se- qanto.

Red Brtereon and Doubt were the starters. La the pools. Brlerson brought 8200, Bed Stone 8113. and Doubt 911. -w Fourth Race Two and one-quarter miles.

John Henry, 110 9330 James E. Phillips. 118 lbs-, 366; Trousseau. 8 lba, 933; Grace 110 937 Gl endan, 90 lbs- 890; Charles Lucas, 113 8167; Actor, 920; Ha- uanthns, uo 9300. Philadelphia Philadelphia 10, Detroit 3." Pittsburg Pittsburg 13, Metropolitan Toledo Omaha 16.

Toledo 15. New York New York 8, Chicago 4. MemphisColumbus 10, Memphis 3V Nashville Americans 8. Birmingham 8. Boston St Louis 5.

Boston 4. -1 ProTidenee Providenoe 9, Buffalo 4. Chattanooga Chsttsneogas 10, Anguaras 4 (Sonthern League) DUXZ, WITH 8JBALX. SWORDS Last Sunday morning an affair of honor was-settled with small swords, in accordance with the code. The dual took plane at Degray's Plantation, in Jefferson parish, ft lasted about ten rfinnm from the time the principals crossed blades.

One of them, Mr. Edwatd. Theard, was wounded In the right hand, and the seconds tuterf end. Mr. Ban Toledane, the other principal, then de-eiared himaelf satisfied, and the parties perfected an amicable atiujmrnt, which, prevented farther trouble.

-v The nature of the difficulty between the two young men eould net be ascertained, but it is said that It originated In a club, aad a blow was given, which evoked a challenge from the recipient. The seconds to the affair were Messrs, Charles de Laaaus and Charles Blenvenu for Mr. Theard, and Messrs. Chas. LeBretonne and W.

Jaequet for Tola-it ano. Dr. de Many officiated as surgeon and dressed Iheard's wound. PTle tumors, rupture and Astute, radically cured by improved method a. Bonk, 10 cento In slam pa.

World's Dispensary Medical 3ls-socJatioa, Buffalo, N. Y. oo Afcie aTeettos: af the Exeeaulvw Csaaaalllie ef tan CUaene ITAt 8 o'clock on Monday night there was, at the hall of the Stock Exchange, a meeting of the Executive committee appointed In accordance with the last session of thedtt-rena organization for continuing the Worlde Exposition. That body bad provided that aa Executive Committee of twenty-eae members should be appointed to have full power to manage and direct all measures to be taken In convection with the movement to continue the Exposition, and the power to appoint thla committee had been placed In the bands of a syndicate composed of Messrs. Isidore Near-man, Karl Kohn and R- S.

Howard. The syndicate having done Its work had called the Executive Committee together, and it la as follows C. Morris, Isidore Newman. Isaao Seherck, A. Brittin, Karl Kohn, B.

T. Walahe, R. E. Rivers, A.A. Magiunia, 8.

H. Kennedy. E. K. Converse.

R. S. Howard, 8. H. Buck.

W. B. Schmidt In addition to these fourteen gentlemen the United States- Govennent Commission for the Exposition waa Informed that it could have one of its members on the committee, four members were accorded to the State Commissioners Association and two members to- the Exhibitors'? Association, making up the full number ot twenty-one. bich is to compose the committee. The seven representatives of the various Exposition Associations had not however, been appointed, and ot the other members, Messra.

W. B.Schmidt F. T. Howard and R. H.

Howard, were absent The balance of those named above were present In view of these absences, no permanent organization was gone into, but Mr. Isidore Newman was made temporary chairman and Mr. B. T. Walshe was made secretary.

Capt 8. H. Buck waa Invited to give his views as to whether the exhibitors and exhibits eould be retained tor another season. He said that it was rare to find an exhibitor who was- not Interested in continuing the Exposition ir it could be done under- favorable circumstances. He believed the Educational and Women's Work Departments would be maintained In inter eat and even expanded and increased.

Mr. Kennedy eald a report will be had from the canvassers this evening, and until then It would not be possible to say what progress la bel hk made. It being announced that a delegation of the State Commissioners was- at the St Charles Hotel, ready to confer with the committee, they were invited to present themselves, when Messrs. J. C.

Truman, of New York; Oliver Gibba, ot Minnesota; E. A. Andrews, of California; J. B. Mead, ot Vermont and E.

W. Allen, of Oregon, were ushered in. Being invited to express themselves-on matters before thecominittee. Commissioner Truman read a reeolBtien adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Exposition State Commissioners, In which the board expressed Itself In favor ot continuing the Exposition under favorable conditions. The vote on the subject had been: Ayes 31, absent 8, excused 4.

noes 3. The States voting No" were- Florida- and Michigan, and it was explained- that they were not hostile to the institution by any means. Messrs. Gibba and Mead made speeches declaring that it would be essential to the future success of tha Exposition that Its management should be divested of all. local cbarsctertstice and be made national' by composing the new board of persona from the various It was the local charae- ter of the board that had been a great detriment to the Exposition in the past Col.

Mead also spoke ef the high prices of board and lodging at the opening of the Ex- position. He also thought that people should be able to get a fair lunch in theExy positloa premises far fifteen cents and a 1 dinner for forty cents. Mr. Allen, ot Oregon, thought the unnsu- 1 ally severe weather of last winter all ever the conntry had prevented great numbers of people from visiting the Exposition from all the Northern States and Terrrrof lea. After, some further discussion the committee adjourned to meet at the St Charles Hotel.

Parlor this evening, at 8 o'clock. Btatriaiaalal Infeuelrr. The Eharpe family had a rough time of (t rs. Stuure applied lor a divorce from Mr. Then Mr.

Sharpe applied for a divorce- from Mrs. Sharpn. Neither ot tbe appllcationa waa granted. Thereupon the bbarpea separated and began to quarrel for the cuetody of the children. The whole Infelicitous easiness was caused by indigestion, which soured the tempers ot the belligerent parties.

Brown's Iron Bitters tones ut the dbrestive onrans and enables- peopla to eat Joy fully and be happy. It is not a eostlv experiment to see what a dollar bot tle ot thla medicine will do to promote family narrnony. -7 ABTTCB TO MOTHERS BIBS. WTSSLOW'S SOOTHXHO SVHtTPShOUld always bet used for. children, teething.

It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy zor oiarraea zse. a oetue. dial Arrlwalal sit. tba Principal goto la. HOTEL ROYAL.

Capt 8. T. Came, wife, child aad maid, Mra Bailey, Rice, Misses Parker, Clapp, Clapp, Jr and wtf Moseiy, Churchill, Nelson, Jr. WTalbeet Looney, Bailey, John Bradley, Armon.John Kerry Steel, Smith, Jne Speed, Rice, Col Bleroo, Hays, Henderson, Harris. Thos Wright Jones, Clapp, Jr.

Cowan, A A aher, Wright Woodruff, Joa Proudnt Jno Rodgers, Branch Martin (Quartermaster). Lee, I'O Prewett Sam Trews, Heldserger (id Sergeant), Wright (1st Sergeant), Clapp (1st Lieutenant) Keller Anderson (3d Lieutenant) Geo Goodyear (Lieutenant), Juo Mo- Beynolda (Secretary) A. Haessey, McMillan. Three Memphis; Bradley, Michigan; Mrs Innerarlty and daughtar, fit Marv; LP Knowles and wife. Fcnsecoia; Bellas, xAgiaau, xt nv uoeuwin, Polk.

Memphis; Mlohel, Montgomery; Greenwood. Memphis: LB Martina. Jack son; Potter and wife, Cleveland: Block, Moscow. Russia: Johnson. Marshall; Lake, Memphis; Gibson, St Louis; A.

Gieasseii ana wire, uom Angeiesv firry TTOTRr. 1. Willis Davis, Eacbea, Louisville; Paul Banguineetti, uuin, nek, La dvard. Burk. Abbott Williams.

Chas Skoggs. Montgomery Greys: Dr 8 8 Riddell and wife. Wlasonain: Kennedy Chaa Anderson, Montgomery WFKuster and wile, cnattonooga, a uurcn, capt. A Garland. Gaudier.

Holt. Jr. Baker, Montgomery; Chiles, Colum bia; HT Mine Stratford. LTodd, spsngier, rbusboo. js js a Bullock, Lomox, 8tringfellow, Todd.

D- Hart Montfomerr True Blue Capt Doe, Jr, A Noumea. Cur tis, Robert MeLeon, Frank Taylor. Wm Ccmming, MoGowan, Freuericks, A Bowerman, Randall, LaGrange, George Bates. Allen. Bump, A NesJ, John Merguies Doe, Frank Phelps, Charles Htevens, tr rxican, euioaieyvii oicuwn, -C Holdadge, Frank, Fains Frank Haselton, Conant Jos Bead, John Short- ney, Jr, rrank Forter, cnas js ckclly, Janesville- Guards John Bany, Lt Barry, xt jranaa, wr, nuntgamerr juium, EN Yosged, PC Johasoa, Mississippi; Miss IV Bavlla, Mlaa 8- Banks.

Ijuntrton. Colombia Burnett Ala; rjemocratv Miss James Gallagher, Moat- Komerv Oscar Beldon. Richmond; bmltn, Mississippi; Marks, Montgomery; Stoner, Greenville Light Company; II Walker, Covington, Montgomery True Blues; I Wallace, city; Jas Wilson, Thibodau A Commerford, Louisiana; Capt McNUi; En eland Ma ytt aid. A Low. Durant Bailey, Bailey, Castles, Davison, Jake Cohm, Heame a Briscoe.

Philadelphia; Mra GeoD Brlggs, Mrs Clay Stone, Miss Edith Miss aV itragg, uaivesson jodb mw urn, ma saw-ale Frank CallbeeavStLoaUi Chenault, Washington. HOTEL. VONDKRBANK. i 3TB Dawson. Ala; RC Alicia, Miss times.

A Libby, Sweeney, Iowa WerbonuAla; Mrs Patterson, Mich Mrs Johnson, Heheneiikapp, Sehenellkapp, Texas; Hyatt Nebraska; Burton. Baton Rouge May, A Moag; Caadi-dus, Clarke. Ala Bothauhild, Black Hawk; WJ Turner, Texas. -r; DENECHAUD a RltMr- Austin; Mi a Htrt. Pa Halt Jaa frank Ardon.

La; Preston. Chicago; Pratt jPrattvllle, Alsr A. Lowell, New York; 8 prang, SUwart, Jacksonville, Fa; Rooerts, Oil; Leon Levy. Cottonport, La; Joan Mardlae, Ala Astor, A Carl, New York; Frauk Smith, Auburn. Brooklyn Cot Mo-Donald.

Shreveport; A Anibuar, i Pearce. MiaaPearccTaxaa. GREGG HOUBJS. waiuIs. Mo4 Wonds.

aaba wateon. A Siewart August Sehiffraaan, 8 Blaeaman, Caateiie, at i. iasieius -c Plater. Miss Henrietta Misa Annie BeaidAlcy, Mist May Beard aley. Mobile; Wm A Great, Fickerrng', Houston; Morgan, BlactmasuMaatgomery; WC Moae-lcy, Cunningham, Selma; Guar, Daniel Petty.

John Babb, Tupelo, Mlaa; Crow, Wallace, Jiobt Wallace. MoaV ton, 8 Glasscock and Fannie Glasscock, Montgomery; Fannie Malene, Mm Calieott and children. Waco; LD Porter, Kyle, Tex; O'Neal, MoDermott Mrs Me-Dennell. Mrs A Moore, Mobile, Ala; Mrs Yates, Miss Mcintosh. Shubuty.

Miss; Mrs Shannon. Miss Shannon, Mobile, Alat BAFontend, Provincial, La; EBPrattord, Langairn, Jno Scott Shreveport, La; Keating and wife. Bay City. Miss Mrs. Loxere, Lake Charles, CA8STDY" HOTEL.

JMcCarty, Memdhis; RandaBUProy-ldenceKI; A Truss, John MoGrath. Graham, Jr, Miss Anney Rnpeea, MoMcCar-tey. Mrs Johnston, O'Ronrke. Memphis; Henry 8 weet Chicago 1 Geo Morse, Ada Minor; Capt Clark, Lieut HT Dawson, Lieut Fray, Lieut John Yieimer, 8 McCoy, OA Holdy, Dawson. Forney.

Qnoriea, A Net sen. G- Foster, A Wood, Campbell, Thos Gary, Bov-kin, Williams, Oliver. Clements, ensmenta. Jr. 8 Lenol, Pugh, Cottingham.

Horn, A Garber, Jr, Booker, Jay. D- Langdin, Jr, Stevens, MoCord, Anderson. Alston Fitts, Co Ala Cadet Corps; Rev McCaflcrty, Mobile; Jno Cochran. Hand and sisters. Bradf ard.

La; Moore, Miss WhirebUL Ark A Elsie, Lamps. Franklin; Miss Nesmlth, New Iberia; JasMuizmy, Ark. WAVBRLY HOTEIi. AT Bedell, Hempstead, Tex; MoTter, Dallas; Jared, Augusta, Kb Miss Lizzie Bell, Mongomery, Aia; Draue, Bales--ville. Aug Grots.

Jr, Norden, A Koupei smith. Mobile: 8 Robinson and wife, Phtqnemlnes pariah; Mem fee, Oregon; Hasch, Hasehton, Ga Ware, Boston; Mason, Jas Grlsheimer, Boa-worth, Wood. Jaa Gresbam, Ala; Chaa Downs, Juo O' Brian. Mobile: Sanders, A Ponder. TH Ramage.

Fayette, Ala; E'Lee, Lee, Cobb, JG Garrett Garrett A Garrett AO Grimes, Ala; Stephens, Penaaoola. GG Gibson, Magnolia. -'V PIANOS AND ORGANS -AT THE- EXPOSITION And la nvy Stores for sale cheap and oa easy terms. Call and KTamins my Stock before pux-cbnelng elsewhere. -Th beat Pianos are STBISWAT, B3f ABB, SOHlTEla, and L.

GltOUEUnLD, 1622 Baronne street, 127 Canal streets NRW ORLEANS. I04 Chartrea street IQ4 far raa "ararata Ugat" a BSC rapatrad or tat-sn raexv hamge. I am I ITT In In Tl 2) 23 YEARS Hi Qreateat Medical Triunrea of til Age! SYMPTOKIO OP A TORPID LIVELY. Lswa of apweU ta. Baweia eaetive, Paia la the atend, with ax.

dull sataeatlen tn tka back pare. Pain aadev tan akanlder-Made, FnUnees after enttns with adla-iacllaarian tm exwrtlan mt badr or mind, Irrltaaality teaKnesv Lew sadrUa, wltat feellasTes having necleeted sees datyr WeaTineas, Dizziaesay VlatterfasT at th Heart, Data before the ayes, Hendacha aver the right eye, Eeetleasseaai with fitful drsmaas, Hiahly oalared Urine, aad STIPATIO ttV nUJ are especially adapted to such, eases, one dose etTccta such a ebange of feeling' aa to astonish tbe sufTerer They Inereaa ths Apnetitaaad canaa the body to Xaave en Vleu, tiiun toa aystem hi Asa rlahad and by their Tonle Action th. penrtifl. Pt-Vh "Ww TDiTO Gbat Hazb or Whukek changed to a Grossr Bavaok by a single application of this Dm. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously Sold by Druggists, or sect by express on receipt of gx.

OffIcew44 Murray St Mew York fTTaT MSfllMf CARJt 1AGJC aad WAGCa aTPniuTBBZ ABil nAUZAl7Z la th faootn, dealer la Carrlaga, ana i Cart Materiaia. Areas icr ukwhm Timnisaa aaa, eiaaeoecr a Baca and Tehfmpltoelaa-sUsels. Mairfe tnreraot feteam Jimrtnes, Boilsrs, BararMlUs, Li-ainlar Wlicels. Fomua for or Im. rating rurpoees, Furraoe I roatlis, 1 us luts, Brldxe rlatea.

Grate Bars. rosrnt Iron Worav Brass and Iroa Castings of every daaeristlaB. luBfiaann tt I kst iriuTT HiZO Cheataar Mtreet, i HtA Mn lur 152 00 Cbnuulaasa. tSZXf v-. v-.

(Wound oa White Spata G0SO. AV CLARBw' BSOTIC 400 Broadway, Saw York, Bole Axeuta. aaiaamaaaaav P. WAS NO COMPBT1TIOII tn SPOOL COTTON at the KKW OB-LKAK8 KXPOetmOir CLARK'S 0.rT.T waa entered "For EXHIBITION OKaVKY "HOT FOR. COMPKnTlOlt" nuia AJaldAW 1 4 sj- C1M0N TO THE PUBLICr Toe public are cantloiied ttnstf blB-r misled br- the derices ef ub trnpulous persons who seek to' b-' tsun ahold npea their patronagn for.

their, articles under the reputation, four house, whose foundation dates! back to the year 1828 all therefore, who desire to nae our lurandV p. Should not be Induced to tafce-n7 a sUllCitf AaUta- UVaUiU- Wt4aV UCOIIMVas 1 trade A. 3a nrrr artirla fa Tn a Jictn rfd In ITcl- 1 land of the Tery best Ingredienta cb- tainable in the markets of the irciil9 and has secured a multitcia cf cert! ficates from the leading -this countrr and elsewhere purity and snperloritj oyer all t.zz iants of Its class as a Iargtt' fortune has teen alnee the Introduction of our Schnapps In the dI2Terest cc-tries of the world numerous ilzLzz. rable attempts haTe been maJa t- secure some of the results of our ln-u dustrja perseverance and the expend dftnrn ef a Iatsw fortune, br nersosa unable to obtain a lirelihood: bj axy their means than br trading uier Ar Ittmmam afl'i TTe hare no Cepot In Sen CrUzTa bnf the Schnapps, can be from alt the VTholesala and ILztzZ' Drcsrslati and Grocers. I Jyxl gA xtawlyft aTT 'SalyW eoher wmm ca.r B0ILEE Tank Blakera, yoTT-wna always aa hand.

OMosi KllfC PEABL Qppoalt PsavKsBfll Passsager as '8 saTuir actsrs ATU.O, IROU Stars Tionts, Stairs, Haf E3 tags, Atoors sad banners, -a ad tAiJk at Building Iron Viuck. J. a CO, Osllla and gmoa stTeea, dxdnnatl, OU aw4 S4. tiMuiUr- are the most cerUiu tor tba cur Soli by Drnr-trfsts A raiTvr)iJ-t sent bv the apeuts: B. Fj- ata mam tawthtaiteaUfa61r HU73 ecxxrxjr aaa m.

in ai ail i i rVTOEFE'S'l Aromatie Sehiedam SCHKAPiPS SvS 1 if A.t-..

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