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The Tampa Times from Tampa, Florida • 1

The Tampa Timesi
Tampa, Florida
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TAMPA, FLORIDA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1915. TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Price 5c KOVNO IS NEW KEY TO THE EASTERN CAMPAIGN AND GENERAL VON HINDENBERG GIVEN TASK OF CAPTURING FORTIFICATIONS ES ADDEAI IC Naval Officers Going to Vera Cruz Russians Have Checked German Advance There. OFFICIAL STATEMENTS SITUATION IN TEXAS BECOMING i jliili i AKIWAVTA I I II I III MORE SINISTER vi i ii ill iv SCRAPPERS RETAKE SOME OF LOSTJERRITORY GERMANYVIA LONDON. Berlin, Germany (via London), Aug 1 14. The forces of Field Marshall von Maekensen pursuing the retreating I Russians from the south have reached the line of the high road leading from Kadzyn-Dawidy-Vladova, it was offi- cially announced by German army HURRICANE IS HEADED TOWARD FLORIDA COAST Warnings Ordered Up By Weather Bureau On South Florida Coast.

STORM IS EXPECTED TO ENTER THE GULF OF MEXiCO TONIGHT State Fully Aroused By Depredations Of Mexicans. headquarters today. Mexican Leaders Urged to La? The text of the statement follows: "In the western theater: "In the Argonne new progress was Aside Differences. "SILENT" MARTIAL LAW made by our troops near Martins- werk. The number of prisoners in I this region has been increased by four IS EFFECTIVE AT THE POINTS THREATENED officers and 240 men.

ALL GIVEN CHANCE General von Buelow's Crack Cavalry Thrown GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS IS STRAIGHTENING LINE Seems to. Have Definitely Checked the Intended Rush of Teutons Toward Petrograd. "In the eastern theater: "North of the Niemen river, in the region of Allesow, Kudiski, Weshinty and Kowarsz, new engagements devel Is Central Near Extreme West oped. Mexicans Are Watched Closely Will Rp Aclpfl tn $hn icMo tfnr iLa "Before Kovno our attacking troops of Cuba This Morning Barometer Shows Disturbance. captured the fortified forest of Domino Kanka.

We took 350 prisoners. Two More Killed Carranzis-tas on Mid-Rio Grande Island. Sake of Their People. "Between the Narew and the Bug rivers our armies reached during a sharp pursuit the Slina and Mursew Brownsville, Texas, Aug. 14.

Car- ii The sections, where our opponents had MEXICANS ARE AROUSED lonaon. r.n8.a.m, made a new stand. OFFICLYL FORECAST. great German drive eastward in xv" "North of Novogeorglevsk a strong ranza soldiers, it was learned, today, temporarily took possession of Island No. 10, in the Rio Grande, 100 miles Florida: Rain tonight and sian Poland has decidedly lost its outpost position was taken by storm, momentum.

Except for the gaining Nine officers and 1800 men and four Stories That Intervention is above here, while the Mexican raiding of around to the eastwf was at its height a few days ago. This eastward of Warsaw the German and are approaching the Bug river also, Threatening Arouses Much Antagonism to Plan. X. Austrian armies have little to show northeast of Sokolow. I 'Tn the east of the Lnsvee-Miedzv- Sunday, except partly cloudy in north portion.

WINDS. Strong east w.nds over south- era portion, probably reaching gale force. Northeast winds over central and north portions, in- creasing slowly. East Gulf: Northeast winds, for their great efforts the past four island is large, containing pasturage for considerable stock. American residents of the vicinity wtere mystified by the actions of the Mexicans.

They finally withdrew. rzec line the enemy attempted to stop our advance by stubborn counter at,:.a.. a i i days. aaiuug tun, u. AUg.

XI. tacks. All the attacks were repulsed, "Field Marshal von Maekensen de The Pan-American appeal to all of the Mexican factions calling Peace officers and rangers have feated the enemy in battles on August 10 and August 11. Our oppo increasing slowly. KEAKU South Atlantic: Gentle and ADMOa1 llVlvn 41inivi 4-a XT '1 nents- did not find sufficient strength yesterday to resist the advancing Teu General von Hindenburg, the hero of the German army, has been sent to take charge of the attempt to take Kovno.

That strongly fortified point which last week was supposed to be within the grasp of the Teutons, has developed a fierce counter-offensive and the Germans have lost ground variable, except strone east or Walter, tonic allied troops longer. Our armies 5- easterly gales south Florida coast. Increasing north winds on north Florida coast. reached during the pursuit the hign road of Radzyn-Dawidy-Vladova." tions as the situation in Mexico be MMMHJ5H' Washington, D. Aug.

14. Ad comes more critical. Rear-Admlral Walter McLean Is In command of the Dawidy, the central point of the Radzyn-Dawidy-Vladova line is twenty miles east of Radzyn and eight miles north of Parczew, Washington, D. Aug. 14.

The battleships Louisiana and New Hampshire are steaming for Vera Cruz, in response to a cable from Commander Luke Me-Namee, senior American naval officer stationed there. He. reported that he feared serious anti-foreign demonstra- Fourth division of the North Atlantic visory warnings were sent out by the uiciu aj cnu uiwr civil strife was being dispatched from the state department today in the original Spanish directly to Generals Carranza, Villa, governors of states to other Mexican chiefs. The appeal had been sent in English to the various Latin-American legations in Mexico City to be fleet of which the Louisiana 1b flag adopted a summary code of handling suspected Mexicans. At Fort Brown here the following reports were turned In, made by peace officers to an army patrol officer on duty at a small station north of Brownsville.

"We met two Mexicans. They tried to escape. We couldn't identify them; we left them there." Owing to the slowness of means of travel and great distances the full force of soldiers and rangers ordered out to quell raids did not all reach their assigned places until late yesterday or early today. As now disposed they make a striking showing at railroad stations. ship, and Capt.

George F. Cooper is central weather bureau this morning at 11:20 o'clock. The tropical disturbance undiminished in its intensity captain or the same ship. is apparently centered near the Isle of Pines and is moving a little north of It probably will pass into the Gulf of Mexico tonight. BANKERS PLAN TO AID THE COTTON GROWERS During Friday night the maximum GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN VIA FRANCE.

Paris, France, Aug. 14. An official communication given out by the French war ofrice this afternoon reads: "On the Gallipoll peninsult British forces since August 6 have been debarking successfully at a point near the bay of Suvla, on the west side of the peninsula. They have made progress at a point further to the south, in the vicinity of Gabe Tepe. Here, after some severe fighting, these forces were successful in gaining a footing on the slopes of the height of velocity of wind at Havana was fifty-six miles from the east, with the barometer 29.07.

translated into Spanish for delivery to the military leaders in that vicinity. During Sunday the storm Drobablv Martial Law, But Not Proclaimed. will reach the north central portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf ship At Harlingen a big cotton platform May Form a Cotton States Bankers' Association Agree That the New Federal Reserve Banking System Will Be a Vital Factor in Relief.Plan. The next step In the adminis ping is advised to take every precau is covered with brown army tents.

tion. Mexicans everywhere are visible working in the fields or mixing with the soldiers and rangers at the sta Sari Basir. They took more than 650 The receipt of the above advisory prisoners and nine machine guns. The from Washington' this morning sent operations at this point continue to the local weather bureau employes progress. scurrying to get out warnings, as tration's plan for restoring peace in Mexico will be efforts to persuuade the Mexican leaders opposing the movement to eliminate themselves for the thereabouts rather than gained the past three days.

Kovno commands the Warsaw-Petrograd railway and it must be taken if the Germans hope to continue their advance toward the Russian capital, which, it was announced several days ago, after Warsaw was taken, would be the object of the next big drive. In the upper part of the fighting zone, around Poniewesch and Dvinsk, the German cavalry commanded by General von Buelow, and from which much was expected, has been driven back from Toving and to the eastward of that point, where the Germans had overrun considerable territory last week. Nicholas lias' Saved' Ills Army. It seems certain now that Grand Duke Nicholas has succeeded 'in saving the big army that he -withdrew from Warsaw In the face of the. terrific frontal attack of the Germans: Rearguard actions are' being fought while the the main body of the retreating Warsaw force is making its westward march toward the new line which the grand duke has established, and which is nearly straight from north to south.

Much depends now whether this ine is tenable. More depends upon the quantity of ammunition the Russian government is able to get to Nicholas, who has plenty of men but has been short of supplies Galveston, Texas, Aug. 14. Bank- This plan. It Is declared, will afford ers from the cotton ernwiner atatea as- relief to growers in immediate need tions.

Mexicans on trains or those who seem to be going any distance by At the south end or tne peninsula shipping interests need to be notified sembled here today for a conference ctton-picking season in order other means of travel are closely to safeguard themselves. Yes- I common welfare. In this con watched. Train crews are ready to uncouple their engines at any time the efforts of the Turks to penetrate our lines all resulted in failure. "On the 7th of August we made some slight progress.

Since this date the- activity on the French front has consisted mainly in artillery fighting, with marked -advantage for our and turn them over to the use of soldiers or peace officers to run to alarms nection it was said that Major-General Scott, chief of staff of the army, might exert a power or appeals for aid. on the problems of marketing the prjce and will result in ultimate ben-south's cotton crop. efit to the entire population of the The meeting was called by Joseph south. Hirsch, of Corpus Chrlsti, Texas, pres- Visiting bankers were unanimous in ident the Texas Bankers' associa- declaring the new federal reserve tion, as a result of the' successful bank system will be a vital factor in ware house campaign carried on in making their gradual marketing Texas during the last six weeks. plans possible.

Informal conferences of the bank- F. S. Ethridge of Jackson, ers has developed an almost unani- president of the Georgia Bankers' as-mous sentiment in favor of the or- sociation, said: ganization of a cotton states bankers' "The bankers of the south should association. This association, if or- i assert their ability to prevent disaster The entire lower Rio Grande valley section has the appearance of martial ful influence. law, but it is a silent law.

The popu Now that General Villa and terday Afternoon hurricane warnings were displayed at Key West, Miami and on' the southwest Florida coast. On the central Gulf coast northeast winds will increase in force, according to the local bureau, possibly reaching storm velocity. The weather map this morning shows the hurricane, which had its inception off the Island of Martinique Thursday, somewhere around western Cuba, though its exact locality could not be" determined. The barometer at Havana at observation was 29.72, with a fall of .16 since yesterday. The wind there had a maximum velocity of fifty-six miles from the east.

Key West reported the barometer reading 29.84, with a maximum wind of thir-t-eight miles from the east. Miami's barometer was 29.94. with wind at its highest at thirty-two miles from the lation Is so comparatively sparse that strangers are recognized and checked up Immediately, usually without being his adherents have indicated their readiness to join in a FRANCE FROM PARIS. Paris, France, Aug. 14.

The French war office statement today reads: "In the Artois district, to the north of the Chateau of Carleul, and around the station at Souchez, there was fighting during a part of last night with hand grenades and bombs "In the Argonne the enemy yesterday delivered an attack along the entire front in the Marie Therese sec- to the cotton farmers and should back questioned. mere were indications todav of peace conference, no opposition to the plan is looked for except possible co-operation from Carranza forces on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande in clearing the Brownsville from the Carranza element. ganized, will have for its main purpose the education of the bankers and farmers of the south in a comprehensive plan of marketing cotton, which will remove from the market in the early part of the season all "distress" cotton. Means for accomplishing this result, the bankers believed, was proper ware housing and advances to farmers by local bankers on proper ware house receipts and insurance policies. this assertion with action that will bring about the desired result.

This can be accomplished regardless of what Great Britain may do with the question of making cotton contraband of war." During the day the visiting bankers will inspect the cotton concentration and port facilities here and will be guests of the local bankers at a shore secuon or bandits. Carranza troops European governments di tor. Everywhere they were repulsed I by our fire and they suffered per-j ceptible losses. At this point there iasL mgnt, it is said, tired on Mexicans trying to cross from the Ameri can side near Mercedes. It is be rectly interested in Mexico have approved the peace plan, it was lleved they were part of the band which crossed from Mexico near Mer was a fresh German attack at an early hour this morning, but less violent, and it was rapidly checked.

"The night passed quietly on the remainder of the front" east. Tampa's barometer registered 29.98. with twenty-four miles the dinner. said. cedes last night.

highest wind velocity, coming from the northeast. The Pan-American annenl tn all United States soldiers on guard at the electric light plant here last night With the disturbance In the Cuban 5,598,798 BALES islands the first of the season of the TEACHERS FOR BLIND. ureo on a Mexican wno failed to halt. The Mexican escaped. store peace will be given out tonight by the state department for publicaV hurricane type, it is interesting to SENT OVERSTREET BROTHERS AWAY the past eight weeks.

Steady progress for the forces of Prince Leopold of Bavaria eastward from Warsaw is taken to indictae that the Germans are directing their main movements on a drive through the Russian center and continuing the enveloping effort in the north, along the Dvina. Both Petrograd and Berlin agree that the Germans have taken the towns of Sokolow, Siedlce and Lukow, forming a German front about sixty miles east of Warsaw and fifty miles wide. This is more than halfway to Brest-Lltovsk, which Grand Duke Nicholas hoped to make the new center of his defense. This point probably will he French Need Fifty For Those Who lu NO MORE TROOPS men wui loilow a narlort nf nna. OF COTTON USED boat sight in War.

fnr. fnrtv Will Be Sent to Texas Just Now. sibly ten days or two weeks of waiting; of momentous importance to Mexico, for it will determine if the country has among its leaders men capable of restoring her sovereignty and consti- Funston Says Not Necessary. Washington, D. Ausr.

14. Presi New York, N. Aug. 14. At least! has been an average of only four fifty teachers are needed In the light- storms of hurricane type annually house for blind soldiers, which has and 0f these four not one a year av-been established In Paris by the com- eratred threatening this vicinity.

Many dent Wilson today teleeranhed tn IN UNITED STATES DURING FEARED VIOLENCE IF RE Governor Ferguson of Texas, who Rvvej iiiiiciiL wiLnnuE nurainR of them came no nearer than 600 or 700 miles to Tampa, while others mittee for men blinded in battle, according to a letter received here from Miss Winifred Holt, representing the YEAR ENDING JULY 31. aid. MAINED IN DADE CITY JAIL spent themselves further down the Appeal, Not a Threat Brief and couched In term, of committee in Europe. Miss Holt esti- Fiorlda coast. friendship and helpfulness, the ap The records at the local bureau of mated that there were three thousand to four thousand blind soldiers in the Just About Balanced Consump Sent Them to Tampa Jail Pre Vin 4Mn.a Anrlno tsv tho naarl rf Vl i 6 immedate neighborhood of the light vmr.

nAvrawinr pinin th. fall nr War. peal contains nothing which the Psji- American conferees believe patriotic Mexicans can resent, but la rather yrci man nOUSe. tion of Preceding Year Falling Off in Exports. liminary Trial is Postponed Until Wednesday.

expected to reassure them of the dis- interested Intentlnnn nf th. AmAiian LETTER CARRIERS nations ana proDaDlv even soften the saw and the continued pressure of the armies of Generals Gallwitz, Scholz, Eichhorn and forming a semi-circle closing in toward the north. The outcome of these movements attitude of General Carranza. asked for more federal troops, that Major-General Funston was in charge of the border situation and that more troops would be sent if General Funston requested them. General Funston reported today that after a conference with Governor Ferguson it was agreed that no more troops were needed now.

He added that most of the raiders who crossed the line near Brownsville were Mexicans and that they were joined by about twenty-five Mexican residents of Texas. He believes the band has been dispersed. The war department issued this summary of its advices from General Funston: "Nothing serious has occurred within the last two days. It Is known that the principal part of a band of out Great National Organization Afeetn l.nnlAa nf thA onnAol Washington, D. Aug.

14. Cotton consumption In-the United 'States during the cotton year of 1915, which today by telegraph, cable and wire. Next In Chicago. Detroit, Aug. 14.

Chicago was chosen for the 1916 meetine of lOOD 4 -J vw UtJUVClClU Ulf Udllll- American legations and consular offl- ended-July 31, amounted to .5,598,798 running bales of lint and 403,389 Dade City, Aug. 14. Taft, Ivey and Preston Overstreet. whp have been in jail nere on the charge of having murdered Tom Scott, were quietly rushed off to the Tampa jail Thursday, that move being taken on account of current rumors that they would be forcibly taken from the jail here and violently dealt with. More than a hundred persons probably will be indicated within a tne National Rural Letter Carriers' as-few days whether Grand Duke Nich- I sociation.

at its annual convention v.i Dm tv, yesterday. George W. Kime, of Wil-olas will be able -to resume the of- roa l0to1 the hurricanes of 1903 and 1910 provide interesting reading at this time. The 1903 storm was the more severe of the two and damage in Tampa and vicinity was estimated by the local forecaster at about $200,000. many buildings being blown down.

The 1910 storm did comparatively little damage, considering its intensity. Storm In 1903 Severe. The 1903 storm began October 10 east of the Bahamas. It appeared off the Florida coast the next day during the morning. The wind at Jupiter blew at the rate of seventy-eight miles an hour from tne northeast, changing to east and decreased about 11 p.

m. At 1 a. m. the morning of the 12th it changed to the southeast and blew at the rate of sixty miles an hour, ind the storm blew itself out about o'clock the same morning- The storm began moving northeast iver the southern end of tne Florida 1-L met night. Today, the copies for General Carranza were enlns- hv wlroi tn Vera t1ni7 tn h.

rlallirnrn a I Fred L. Vhite, Buckhead, ---I-' i -j ii Consul Sllliman. Throue-h the relatives, friends and immediate mem various missions of the United States and the other-American rnnuhlina th fensive along the new front or will continue to concentrate his energies in rearguard fighting during a slow retirement. Russians Lay the Country In AVaste. bers of the -families of the parties bales of linters, the census bureau announced today.

In 1914 the consumption was 5,626,079 bales of lint and 308,675 bales of linters. Cotton consumed during July was 498,476 bales of lint and 48,864 of linters, against 448,333 and 23,486 in July last year. Cotton on July 31 in consuming establishment was 1,401,484 bales of lint and 192,874 of linters against 905,762 and 84,218 last year and in laws was driyen across the Rio Grande into Mexico. It is now established beyond doubt that a considerable portion of the band came from Mexico THE WEATHER charged with the crime and of their victims came from various parts of the county yesterday to be present at the preliminary hearing of the case against the Overstreets, among them appeal is expected to reach all the i chiefs, governors and other leaders. There have been no assurances that its transmission will not be Interfered with by chiefs hostile to Its intent.

Officials are confident it will reach its destination. and were officers and soldiers of Car-ranza's forces, doubtless acting without authority of their chiefs. Once on this side of the river they were being fifteen or twenty witnesses sum publlo storage and at compresses 1 BE WIT AWCTDH, pealnsula the morning of the 12th and 7U 81! ha loo lint nml HQ Jill nt Informally, those Euronean nnwara moned in the oase. The Overstreets were brought back on the 11 o'clock Seaboard train to be tried, and the ZltWlET joined by about twenty-five Texas passed into tne ai lampa ine.nnterg against 425,102 and 32,366 last Daromeier ieu so.oo ai a. m.

year. Mexicans all well armed and mounted, and proceeded to raid through the picket duty surra U. S. Department of Agricul-t e. Weather Bureau, Tampa, Aug.

14: Tampa and vicinity: Rain tonight and Sunday; northeast winds, increasing in force. to 29.42 at 1 p. m. ine wma aver-. Exports durlne July were 243,622 country as far as Norias." interested in Mexico have in one way or another signified their approval of the effort to restore government.

They have not given their support to any plan, but have previously signifle4 their willingness to follow the lea4 aged forty miles an. hour from 10:15 bales of lint and 14,364 of linters a. m. until after 2 p. with squalls against 126,211 and 8,644 last year ANOTHER MEXICAN GANG at between nrty ana sixty miies.

many and for the twelve months 8,643,573 buildings were destroyed or damaged bales of lint and 219,111 of linters and there was a large loss in citrus against 9,150,801 and- 259,881 the Under One Cabrera Appears on Texas 0 fthe States. court was ready to proceed. H. S. Phillips was here in behalf of the state, and E.

F. Green was representing the defendants. The other attorney for the defendants, Tom Palmer of Tampa, did not arrive, as he had understood that the case would not be ready for trial. A few of the wtinesses, too, were absent, so the trial was set for Wednesday next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time German correspondents say the Russians are following the tactics of the Napoleonic campaign laying waste the country so that the advancing Qermans find In the smoking ruins the same lack of shelter as when Napoleon marched to Moscow. Operations in the western field virtually have been halted except for occasional trench skirmishes.

War clouds continue to gather over the Balkans. A Central News dispatch from -'Amsterdam reports that Germany Is preparing for eventualities by transporting 40,000 troops from Warsaw to the Servian frontier. Reports from the east coast say that Zeppelins which participated in the raid of Thursday were plainly visible. Crowds gathered on the balcon- sou. Laredo, Texas, Aug.

14. Accord-1 STATE DEPARTMENT proves. previous year. From West Palm Beach-to Miami I Imports were 36,667 bales against For Florida: I Rain tonight and ing to news received here today a party of eighty Mexico-sounder a jWtll Express Appreciation of United Sunday except he damages were estimated at 23,790 in July last year and for the partly 'cloudy In 1 $100,000. Nine lives were lost when i twelve months 382,287 bales against States to Minister Cardoso.

leader named Cabrera has appeared north 'he Brltlsn steamer incnuiva scranaea iou.ifsa tne previous year. oreign strone a I between Zapata and Rio Grande City, ninety miles below Laredo, on the and broke up at JJeiray. cotton consumed in juiy was 21,641. Last Hurricane In 1910. bales, on hand July 31 in consuming -oin the last hurricane vlsitlnar establishments 108,872 bales and in winds over south! portion, proba-; the case will very likely be heard.

Elmore Tucker, who was shot In the jaw and in the arm, was here, and, though still bandaged up, seemed to be speedily recovering from the effects of his wounds. reachlnor ctnro p-o hnlo. 1 'Zimmie" northt JiT.lns first advisory on the morning of! over central and north portions, in- i October 13. At 8:25 a. the 14th, creasing slowly.

the first hurricane warning was re- PEACE PROPOSALS summary for the period beginning at ceived, and they continued coming iVi ii 17 "einmng at ceivea, ana tney liummuru tunnue ina rt hntnla nnA watched tho i.ri.i les of hotels and watched the aerial midnight and ending at 3 o'clock this steadily for four days before the gale, Ridiculed No Offer to Rusata U.e battle, In Which the dirigibles ''Sum 82 giving plenty of time for shipping in-! cf Dardnnellea By driven off by British airships. degrees degrees, minimum, 79 erests t0 prepare. Twelve steamers London, England, Aug. 14. Reports Washington, D.

Aug. 14. Preparations have been made by the state department to receive J. M. Cardoso de Oliveira, the Brazilian minister to Mexico, in a manner which will express the appreciation of the United States for his services in the Mexican capital for the last year.

The cruiser Sacramento has been delayed by a Gulf storm, but will arrive tomorrow at New Orleans, bringing the Brazilian minister and also Dr. Ortega, the Guatemalan minister, who was ordered from Mexico by Carranza because his government participated in the Pan-American conference. The state department Issued this statement: "Upon the departure of Charge D'Affaires of the United States O'Shaughnessy, Mr. Cardoso de Oliveira took chargs of American Interests about the 1st of Mav. 1BH Binn.

Rainfall fnr tor.niv.,,. remained In port here ana six that Germany has made overtures to Texas side. A detachment of the Fourteenth cavalry is stationed at Zapata and with the aid of citizens is prepared to resist the bandits if they reach that point. SAN ANTONIO HEADQUARTERS Of Secret Society Which is Banding Mexican Peons Together. Austin, Texas, Aug.

14. Mexicans in Guadalupe, Hays and Gonzales counties are forming secret societies which are a menace to the safety of Americans, according to F. C. Wein-ert, manager of the state cotton ware houses, who returned today from a trip to Seguin, where he was called to advise a group of farmers who had received threatening letters. "Several times I have been called ing at 7 o'clock this morning, .04 inch schooners, one bark and numerous Hours.

Temp. Hours. Temp! small craft secured themselves to 1J mid 81 -8 a. 85 piers or dropped anchors in the river Overstreet Brothers Back In Jail Here. The Overstreet brothers are lodged in the jail here at Pasco county's expense.

They were brought here Thursday by Deputy H. E. Whitfield and Deputy Bachelor, coming from Dade City by and were carried back to Dade City yesterday for a preliminary, which was, however, postponed. Deputy Whitfield took care of the prisoners part of the time alone and no especial precautions were taken to guard against efforts to take the Ovrestreets away from the officers, nor did the brothers appear frightened. Since their arrival at the jail here.

111. ou a. H7 nranannff trt weather tne ornie. 2 a. 8 a.

4 a. Little New Fighting In the West. There Is a comparative lull In the western campaign. The army of the German crown prince In Argonne forest continues to make futile attempts to break through the French line. Thero has been some more fighting in the direction of Rheims and farther north between the Germans and the 0 a.

90 The wind began from the northeast a-m on the night of the 12th, holding in I1, that direction. On the 14th It ln- 80 79 79 79 80 Russia for a separate peace by proffering to Russia a free use of the Dardanelles are ridiculed by the Hamburg Nachrichten, according to a Router's dispatch from Amsterdam. "Germany does not own the Dardanelles and therefore cannot offer them to anybody," declares the Nachrichten. "They are the property of the Turks who for five months have proved that they know how to defend them. The German empire does not betray its 5 a.

m. 6 a. 7 a. 2 p. 93 creased to "brisk," shifting more 8 p.

92; easterly, and towards night shifted 82 Weather man and fnrsrui with more to, tne norxneast, noiamg iresn. The next day was heralded by rain aitionai aata, appears on page 7. Relative humidity I p. 48 per 1 that time the Brazilian minister, by Continued on Face cent. (Continued on Page Tiro.) Continued on Pass Two.l (Continued on Pag; Two.) (Continued on Paga TwoJ.

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