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The Chicago Heights Star from Chicago Heights, Illinois • Page 1

Chicago Heights, Illinois
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Scents O.t i THE CHICAGO HEIGHTS STAR 34th Year CENTS ON STANDS SUBSCRIPTION J2.50 TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1954 SERVING A GMAT TBUITOtY AT -THE CROSSROADS OP THE NATION" NO. 10 TM i a I I a a i i a a a POLITICS STIRS BIG SCHOOL POLL CITY MOVES TO INCREASE TAXJiVIES Also Favors Levy for Hospital Two Important measures both having to do with the Increase of tax Mils In Chicago Helg were approved at first readings at a busy meeting of the city council held yesterday in the newly finished quarters of the city courtroom. Both meaiures will placed before the votew at special elections In conjunction with the regular Judicial election on June fourth. ordinance calls for the decision of the voters on a proposal to Increase the tax rate for general purposes from sixty-six and two- thirds per cent to eighty-seven and one-half per cent In the City of Chicago for this year and the following four years, Tbe other ordinance asks approval of a plan to levy a tax of one mill on the dollar annually on all taxable property within the of Chicago Heights to establish and maintain a public hospital. This ordinance was suggested by a large group of prominent business men and munqfac- tortra who are hopeful of securing assistance tor St.

James hospital. (He Xcmt of Explanation of the Immediate necessity of tncreaiilng the tax rate at the meeting by Mayor Retain and ('ommlmilonnrs Freeman. Do Roll and Pannenborg. They aaaerted ttmi the eonM devise 'some crvaalng Its diminishing revenues It would be neressary to curtail servlro in the police uud flre departments. Tbe lax rate was actually Increased live years ago hut the city hw taken advuntnge the Increase only once.

In IVilZ. It Is necesiwry for I he Increase to he voted upon every live years and. If the voters approve the measure In June, the rate will remain In effect for the balance of 1934 and for four yearn thereafter. Bolt cltlwiiB should mipport IIH In Ibis measure lo Increase the city's revenue." inserted Commissioner Ball. "We have been carrying bent we could with depleted Income.

Revenue In I he witter department has fallen off tre- rnendonslv during the pas) few and now we are faced i the necessity of a i i only possible way I'ml we can cut now Is In the police or lire department. It Ihls din- people will have to get along with less protection from these two services Commissioners Kreenmn and Pnnnenlwrg were equally InNlntent I hut the lax Increase Is essential If the city Is lo he wveil aclunl ein- harassmenl. They poln'ed out Hint proiertv have now decreased within the, limits and clKlmed that the proposed Increase w.Milil not he burden to the tncil- vldunt Tell of the orilliiiinco follows: Trxl of Ordinance Section I The Cllv of Chlcse" hertliv elc-i-tn to take advantage of the proviso In section one of Article VII! of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation nf rtllrs nnd (Continued on page 'Booster Days' farCandidates KiithuDlaiillc contestant! In the STAR'S big $2,000 cash circulation campaign are notified that beginning today the "Booster" period- two weeks during which extra votes will given for turned IB to the campaign manager Two weeks from today at eight o'clock in the evening, the "Booster" period will end. Because It takes votes to win In this hearty competition for the cash It should be apparent thai those who get busy Immediately anil turn in new subscriptions and renewals during thia period have a great opportunity to Insure their chances of being In the money when the campaign comes to a close. In announcing the opening of the "Booiter" period the campaign manager took occasion to refer to the old story about the hare and the turtle.

Me recalled how the hare got away to a flying and then laid down to dream of his success. In the meantime Mr. Turtle kept plugging right along and finally crossed the tape a winner. "Flinrers" Get Taere "We have just such in this contest," he declared. "We have those who go plugging along securing every possible subscription each day and we have those who start out with the speed of a winner and then spend one day working and three or four talking about what they are going to do tomorrow.

In this campaign talk and good don't count for a dime. It's Hie actual results that we are looking for and It's results (hat will ultimately determine the winners. "Another thing we have encountered are candidates who report premises from they pall upon, tat me repeat that won't win. Friends of candidates who want to be real friends to them will not make promises for such promises only slow up their work and so cheat them out of opportunity to win real money. Candidates should naturally )i insistent about securing the Kiilmcrlpllon at once HO that they cmi Ket busy on their next pros- pods." Ktlll Needed To iniiIIP the campaign thrlll- IIIK and a success from every standpoint, should enter at once.

There In still opportunity for tnmiy. the campilxn manager pnlnlH out. for there arc scores slnndlni; on the sldo lines. HB It were, wishing for tlm better things of llfo that would INI provided by entranee In the content. "Mitt," he HIIVS, "they seem to lie more concerned i i i up (Continued on page 6) No 'Arf Pints Legal in City's Liquor Ruling U.

S. Funds Will Pay for C. E. I. Subway Project More Federal cash to Ihe extent of least J75.000 will be 1 communtlv with Ihe building of the new under the I railroad tracks on Fourteenth which will be approved Uv the Commerce Commlwlon a hearing scheduled for April 21.

The entire subwuv project will be paid for i Federal rash Iho work under the supervision of the Slate highway department. lo ulatement nude vealerdav by Knglneer In addition constructing a complete new subway with a fool span. Ihe project calls for Ihe elevall.m of Ihe tracks of the Chicago Terminal Transfer railroad and placing the rails at a point wllhln 11 feel of the northbound of Ihe 1 railroad will be constructed and clearance of fee' under the railroad At two local the Chicago HelghU compeJiy and Joan Markler and company will bid on Ihe project. It Is probable that moat ot Ibe tabor oe given tu Prohibition of the mile of hanl llquois ill less than i snd closing of Invenio ft' one o'l lock In the morning week (Invs mid two o'clock Sundays, are some of Ihe lilch spots being considered bv the. i Itv council in preliminary work on a liquor ordinance llkelv to be presented nl Mnnriiiv's meeting This Information wan given out ventirday by Mayor Daniel P.

Berlin In an Informal discussion at yesterday's meeting of the held In the til the city hall The retail liquor license fee will probably be put Hi 1400. Mayor Merit In Inlltnsteil. and other steps will lie liiknn lo place the city In line wllh Ihn rest of the state Bar us liquor enforcement concerned. Kxplnniillnii of the comparatively low license fee brought forth the Information thai tho council discussed a higher fee hut decided iip- the lower when it vus consld- jered that llheralllv In Ihe mailer of nilnht result In giving In- locnl employment and would III! up many storei now va- I a In other words, although Uhe rttrt not so state, every encouragement is going to tx given those who would dispense in the role of Improving the local economic situation. Fatnml One of Ihe mntlerx i i Hie council concerns the lime of closing for taverns and nigltt It Is Ihe of opinion thai a reasonable week day closing hour Is one a m.

wllh the dead line es- tended to two a. The would be permitted lo reopen at six a week days hut would be restrained from opening their doom until twelve o'clock noon on Sundays Rut there Is one feature of the cloning hour thai allll punllng the mayor and commissioners 1. Tititiirr' Back on the Air Nearby Villages Busy Today Settling Election Campaigns Two New Cases During the Last 24 Hours Placed in Quarantine BliLLKTIN Another cane of scarlet fever wan reported at one o'clock today to health authorities. The patient la Kenneth Swerderlck, six years old. a pupil at the Lincoln school.

There arc at least nine known cases of scarlet fever In Chicago Heights and, while the situation Is not believed to be serious because of the season of the year, health and school authorities are urging parents and physicians to co-operate wllh them In halting a threatened epidemic. Four new cases were reported over the week-end and this morning and a quarantine has been Instituted by Dr. A. H. Pannenborg, health commissioner.

The four newest sufferers are: Wilbur Zum- Mallcn, 14. 1307 Scott avenue: Robert Wald. 1212 Schilling avenue, age six; Edward Purcell, 20, 2(19 West Sixteenth place, and Barbara Burtt, four. 275 West Fifteenth street. The Purcell case was reported to health authorities at seven o'clock last night.

Tbe Rurtt case was reported at eight o'clock this morning In commenting on the cases Ihls morning. Ur Pannenborg asserted that the number of cases Is not alarming for this season of the year. He said, however, that parents and physicians are not cooperating properly with the authorities and that many cases can he prevented by observing the rules of quarantine. Quarantine Law The state quarantine laws are specific on the matter of contacts, according lo Dr. Pannenborg, who the new law requiring a minimum quarantine of 23 after onset of the disease.

Providing. however, that peeling still In the quarantine must remain In effect. Contrary to general belief, per- MOIIS In the household cannot enter and leave the premises. Providing there Is complete Isolation, they may remain In the home but cannot come in contact with anyone In dl- reci contact with the patient The health department urges Immediate report of any suspected case Parents are urged to take every precaution Immediately upon the appearance of any symptom of scarlet fever. of a coalition slate and.

according to Republicans who attended yesterday's convention, the Republican Interests were first (o suggest the elimination of many polling places HO as to Have expense at the June election. Funds Available Today to Retire Bloom Warrants Notice is given todny by George Whltfield. secretary of the Bloom township high school board of edu- callnn. that money Is available for retirement of warrants Issued by the high school against the 19.12 educational fund. The warrants concerned are those numbered and lettered l-O to SI-0 Inclttilve.

Funds are available today at the office of Township Treasurer Charles H. Kappmeyer. 1701 Hal- sled street. No were KUWI against the building fund, to Mackler Is New Committeeman of John Mackler, Chicago political leader and road builder, wan elected Republican Central commltteeman at the convention of Cook county Republican leaders held yesterday at the La Salle hotel. Mr.

Mackler succeeds John Jaranowskl, of Calumet City, as representative from the flrot commissioner district of the county. Following the convention the eight district leaders attended a Judicial convention In which judges to be candidates at Ihe June 8 judicial election were selected. The DeBolt Says There's No Need for Fear Over Insurance Rates The city of Chicago Heights does not fear cancellation of fire In Chicago Heights or any material Increase in the rates. So declared Commissioner Frank De Bolt at the conclusion of yesterday's meeting of the city council. "We anticipate a thorough survey on the part of the Underwriters," he decl "and I be.

i im uoi.puau, unu i oo- Judicial candidates will be members I ve i ran look forward to the results of the surrey and assure the people that no drastic action will be taken. "I believe I know what the Underwriters will find when they oome to Chicago Heights," he went on. "They will look with approval upon As commltteeman from the flrst excellent water system, district Mr. Mackler will represent I Tnp 'H Hid our equipment In as 79 precincts In Orland. Koo hetter condition than they Rich, Thornton and Bloom townships where he has been for years a recognized Republican leader.

The Central committee made up of eight members and Is the ruling power in Ihe county Republican party. did four years ago and will he gratified over the addition of the tedder truck, recommended hy them In their last Investigation. They will look at our streets and see that they are In good fond It Ion for rapid transportation of our flre equipment. They will approve our fireproof roofs and note the great number of brick hulldlngr. SUy Art Civil Sentre "They may look with disapproval Lively Controversies Mark Competition in Some Communities Climaxing several weeks of vigorous campaigning In many of thwn.

villages surrounding Chicago Helghta are today electing officials to represent them on their several I boardi. In Crete, Hotnewood and Matteaon there are two ticket! in' the field, while in Steger and South! Chicago Heights three are battling for the In Crete one party, the Conservative, la headed by George Muaimaa, undertaker, whose group Is challenged by John Plepenbrlnk and the People's ticket. Lincolnshire Country club and Us alleged domination of village affairs has been made an Issue in the campaign. The club and the surrounding realty project In within the llmlta of the village and controversy over the Influence of the club has lerved ns timely campaign material. The Harmony ticket, made up of' tidward Knutzen, Steward Reid and i Howard Hermanson for trustees ajd Daniel J.

Frenck for clerk, la the only ticket seeking vacancies on i the Homewood board, although a Independent ticket made up of Mrs. Fannie Bretz and C. C. Collier, both Incumbents, IB In the field tor positions on the library board. South Chicago Height! seen spirited campaigning Involving the New Deal party, tbe Independent party and the United party.

In Sieger the Independent ticket, the Non-Partisan and the Economy tickets hare furnished the competition. List of CaNdldatex The complete list of ttr mars 1otlowa: Creve Conservative party --tor president of the village board (to fill vacancy), George W. Mussman; for trustees, Kdward Erich Melssler, Edward Stadt; for clefk, Arthur V. People's ticket--for president of the village board, John Plepenbrlnk; for trustees. Herman Kngeln, Albert David 8.

Crlbbs. Flossmoor--for trustees, T. H. Normal Kantzler, W. 0.

Hemingway; for clerk, Miss H. Adelaide Wells'. Olenwood United Progressive ticket--for trustees, Francis Gregory, William A. Baur, (Jeorge U. Brooke; for clerk, Donald V.

Hobbins'. Homewood--Harmony ticket--for trustees, Edward Knutzen', Stewart Reid', Howard Hermanson; for clerk. Daniel F. On the Independent ticket, Mrs. Fannie Bretr.

and C. C. Collier, both Incumbents, are candidates for library trustees. Matteson People's ticket for trustees, Howard 0. J.

Dett- merlng', Henry for clerk, Oscar H. Independent Citizens' ticket--for trustees, George F. Fink, Adam Jahn, L. E. Bangs.

Monee--Citizens' ticket--for trustees, Edward David for clerk, Henry C. South Chicago Heights New Deal parly--for trustees, Mike Citizens Unite to Make Success of Benefit Play Friends of St. James hospital--who realize the necessity of keeping the Institution open to benefit the whole communi- unltlim In an effort to make the benefit play "Driftwood" a record success. Thii much was certain at a meeting of the hospital citizens' comtdltlM held nt noon today. The play will be given one night only--Thursday evening, May 3--at the Uncoln-Dlxle theatre by the Joyci- Kilmer players who are giving their services free of any charge.

A full house for the evening with varying prices for aeata Is the goal of the committee under the direction of A Klyciek. Early returns from the sale of tickets indicate that when reserved seats go on sale, there will be a record demand. The Lincoln-Dixie theatre Is being donated for the evening and atl those active In the promotion of the even! are contributing their services. The public Is urged to respond to the appeal of tbe citizens' committee which la sponsoring the benefit ploy as one part of a city-wide program to show appreciation for the hospital. upon the fact that Irvln A.

Ruder E. 8. Dona- ally has forced us to abandon the ue; 'or clerk. Ralph Donnelly. In- East side flre station.

They may Dependent party-tor trustees criticize the, fact that our (Ire dc- Boater, Henr f- Cabl, partnwnt Is not on civil service- ot Frank; for Henry 8 Affai'r 1 'hlng which I believe should he rn Affair fhlS Evening Will ni non e-and they may be dlspleas- tee Adol pelf Anlon Prax cd because we were, forced to re- r8 iof Plllolt move several capable firemen from I Elizabeth C. Hansen. the department. They won't like Steger--Independent ticket--for Fete Wives of Civic Club Workers Serving an hosts In women of the Chicago Heights and Jollet clubs will en- the roof on the pumping station hut will ho tliiil that we are already considering plans for a new, safer roof." According to the commissioner. clerk, Waldemar 3, Non- Partlsan ticket--for trustee, Roy J.

McDanlel. Taxpayers' ticket--for trustees. Vincent R. Trabucco, Cheater B. Oils.

Harold M. Craig. tertaln at a Isles' Night dinner' rumorB hat were clrculateii Citizens'Economy ticket--for trus- and I )ro rsi this evening In the regarding the proposed cancella- tees, Otto Muenoh. Oscar Martin, rreanyterlan parish (ion of risks In Chicago Heights hy Thornton Cltlfens' party for bocal Klwanls club members are thf nBI a n( companies were proh-, Alfred William In charge of the dinner which will ably (h(1 result o( the mB PlOM art'. Arthur Sweef; tor clerk, be served at 8:30 clock, and men someone.

His opinion C. J. from the neighboring club have wai) 8h8m hy Mavor Rergfn completed elaborate plans for en- asserted tlmt some of the companies terlainment during the evening. had ance pd or W(IIT ISO I cancellation of risks Approximately ISO men and rate 11 'hat were unsatisfactory. women expected at the gala co-! Commissioner De Bolt also re-1 operative affair, committee members counted a test made by the CWA' Incumbent.

In charge of arrangements have announced In previous years, Dog; Skull Fractured Loren Oraham, H. son of Mr. and workers In which onlv three valves Mrs. K. W.

Graham. 1027 Emerald on 013 mains were found to be mil avenue, attempted to avoid striking Ladles' Night parlies by the club of order. He asserted that the sys- a small dog with his bicycle Batur- have proved unusually successful I tem today would stand moKt day and la so doing fell to the Several years ago the two dubs I rigid sort of a test and that one pavement and received a double held a similar party with the Jollet club as host. Arthur V. Bishop is chairman of the committee arranging for the event, and R.

V. Carrier. Ralph Holllngsworth. Otto Romberg and K. Woodward are committee men.

main could furnish sufficient water to supply eight modern An pump- ers working at full speed. Carlson, Ex-Alderman, Suffers Stroke at Home E. W. Carlson, of me Edgewood avenue, formerly active In local political circles, suffered a stroke this morning at his home. Late this morning Mr.

Carlson's condition "Rube" Ehrhardt Becomes Auto Salesman for Century "Robe" Ehrhardt, former member of the pitching staff of the Brooklyn Dodgers, has become an automobile salesman. He will sell Butck and Ponttac. cars for the Century Motors. J717 Chicago road. "Rube," popular the local boy who went highest In the big many friends to visit him tt new headqoarters.

On tbe diamond his said to slightly Improved, arm action used to thrill the He has been la III Health tor the I NOW. ke will more than PMt fracture of bis skull. Loren, who Is a carrier boy for THE STAR, was taken to Si. Jamea hospital where he Is reported to be recovering. The accident occurred In tbe vicinity of his home.

George Weaks Operated Upon for Appendicitis George city editor of THE STAR, reported to be resting easily at 8t James hospital today following an appendicitis operation performed yesterday by Dr. P. R. Blodgett. The patient is reported to bare cmne through the operation la excellent condition and Is expected to wparleBce a ponHl City Benefited to Extent of $38,800 by Relief Program FACTIONS IN CONTEST FOR BOARD JOBS M.

Costabile Given Main Support I their ed aavertlons that they were not Interested In school board went Into action Saturday afternoon at tne school board 1 and showed ordinary citizens how voters of all descriptions and nearly all ages can be herded Into Ute polling and told how to When the last had been rounded up and the lodgm had closed the polls and begun their count It was evident that ma- i chine-supported candidates were going to be victorious. And when i the ballots bad been counted 11 discovered that In tbe moat bectk school election In Chicago Heights elementary board history, a woman candidate who had served long and sincerely on the board had been sealed and others with some excellent qualifications bad been burled beneath the avalanche of that had been marked ac coidlng to dictation. In the elementary school board contest Oscar YaiMon, without op- poaltlon. led the field with a total of 1,885 Harry alio without opposition, was elected lo (III Yin- son's unexplred term. Henry i Wllkontng, Michael Coaunlle and Bernard Landeen--all receiving organized support -were the three others elected.

While the various machine, workers were hording the fold elemenurr vntlnc stations, City of Chicago Helghta- received worth of labor from the man on work-relief detailed lo patrol duly In the vicinity of schools and for lalmr on the street department. This wax revealed yesterday In a report to the city council made hy Mayor Daniel P. Hergin, who for the past year axitPd SH payroll officer More things were booming at tte polling place In the old high ndtexil building and at voting booths ID the outlying districts of the township. But when the ballots had bean Anally counted Lelclilon Yentzer and II. Woodward, first lo file for thr positions, were shown to be over Or Hugo Iong and AUIIIo Cardut'cl M75 Voles 1 200 Individuals shared In the I the number of votes cunt payroll.

Yesterday's report to the council 'ulminates Mayor Rergln'n service payroll olflcer, a IIIHH which was to him ly council more a year ago In making he report the mayor Issued a statement In which he explained his with the program, sayng: "AH of thesft men were unsigned hroiiRh the work-relief program, namely the Illinois Kniergency He- lef of Cook county, and were men who were legally entitled to relief. Had Nn Authority "The Impreiwion gone forth hat because my signature was on he checks as payroll officer. It was up lo myself and the commissioners recommend men for work. I want to stale that at no time were permitted to rncommend or suggest any person or persons who not legally Investigated by case workers. "This city's share In the of his work was the compenxHtlon Insurance, covering accidents during period of work and which from now on wilt not he a burden upon city." The mayor's definition of Ills connection with the work-relief pro- tram were Munstanllateil hv John Mendenhall, of th local office nf he Illinois Kniergency Relief Commission, who staled a henceforth relief program will no on under the complete supervision of (he regular relief offiilals who will Issue the payroll checks directly to he men employed on city or other Police Stop Boys Hurling Stones in Thorn Creek Police took action Saturday morning to prevent boys from throwing stones Into Thorn creek recently cleaned and straightened by CWA workmen, t'pon receiving a telephone complaint squad car wan dispatched to McKldowney park where a group of boys were frightened away by the sounding of the siren.

Chief Costabile the police department will prevent Ihe creek from being 'Intterwl up with stones or rubbish thrown In by boys or adults. Burglars Enter Lkhway Restaurant; Steal Gaining entrance through a tran som In front door of I way's restaurant sometime Friday night. burglars made off with tio.on In cash. The restaurant Is located at tt Bait Sixteenth street within a few hundred feet weal of the police station. The burglars left no and nothing elae In the restaurant dtourbed, eeoorttH to In Ihe elementary election one might have thought that a hotly contested city electron wan In proK- ress.

When the polls closed flve o'clock after being open only five had In the four ballot boxes located in tin- Washington. Lincoln, i a and Oarfleld schools Al (iarnVId, Lincoln and Cranl polling places, orxanlrallon workers were most In evidence and as a result record vote totals were rolled up for favored Attorney Michael Costablle flooded Ihe Lincoln nnd Usrfielil polls with bis adherents, receiving at the CiarfiVId and SM Lincoln. Bernard Landeen was close behind him nt the Llnr-nln i 674 and Candidates Fenneman and Hood, who received wide endorsement on the Wert were given only and dl volet respectively at Ihe Carfield whi-r the Coatahtle were having their own way. How It Happened There In no mystery today as what happened In an election which was whednlert In tliroiiKti without Ihe of past school hoard contenis Th- moving spirit behind (he machine Hill was A. politicians hacked Cnstahll who had previously asserted Hint he would withdraw from actually did telephone the secretary the school board announce bis withdrawal but notcr entered Ihe format written MuU (Continued on page 0) Car Is Returned to Owner Within Hour After Theft Alert action on the par! of cer K.K'11 Irons resulted In recovery of a Hun- day within an utter tt stolen from on the West side And short Iv after Inr Officer fronn two locked up In the cily (nil The car belonged lo Wells, former ChlCBgo HoiKhls ninii and now a resident of (iarv.

reported stolen at 10 after he parked In front of the home nf IMr Llovi) Officers Irons and Blooni immediately began a senrr-h of Die Raat side and soon located it at Hlil'-enth and Portland avenue. returning to its owner Irons twiun looking for suspects snd by JO o'clock yesterday morntnn Robert Kle'klev. 173 Kast BUleeotb pUco, and Albert Riles, a reaMent of Tile Yards, on suspicion. Roth were held for questioning and were later released.

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