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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 16

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1G the Monon Eastern CllnoU, West- Imlfana. iH PanhandlA Tloaila. To ew York Chicago ia a twin Bister, In- separably united by ui iron ligament or toe iirht trunk linM of railroad were the Siamese twin by their natural bond of con junction. Of the total 122,813 mllea of railroad in tha United States ta-dar. there are roada renreaentinr 40.792 eenterlnsr in Chlcajro, uliy one-third, and making it the greatest railroad center ln.the world.

I'-'. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. .10 tbx sinnrr south. The Illinoia Central BaOroad baa been one ef tie most Important factors in the devel opmeat of Chicago and the West It-eras one of the first roads built, and baa been the commercial backbone of Illinois, making Ita nmrinoia and Increasing Its growth and wealth. It now oxers fifteen degrees of latitude, and connects Chicago with the- Missouri River and the Uull or It in the onlr road that has an unbroken.

direct line to the South, and makes a Journey to the land of perpetual summer agreeable, safe and speedy. Through ears of the most lux. arious pattern run to all the desirable resorts sought l)T winter tourist, ana tne journey offers attractions that cannot be found Vbere. The completion of the Pensaoola and At lantic Railway fires a through line from Ciil- "mimta bv way of New Weans, and permits the tourirt to vielt all the popular resort on the Gulf coast lh advantatraa of this line to Invalids cannot be nwrastinutNl Tha connections for Texas and California are such as to offer the bestJ winter route, the line being always free from now and ice and cold, and the rare is as low ka hv mi ntiutr road. Br roinff this war the Traveler has the opportunity of visiting Now Galveston, and other Southern cities, and is within easy reach of the charm ing oty or toe mow and popular watering' place lanidVnktt When this resort, with its (-magnificent hotels and medicinal hot springe rxmea better Known in toe Aorta, wiu us fashionable a residence in winter as Sara- lvlain mm mr 8an Antonio.

Austin. Gal Teuton, and Hous ton. Texas, are made the ohiective points for Wo less than twelve routes, via New Orleans roinr. and via either the Missouri 1'acino or iron Mnuntain routes and St. Louis return ing, or rice versa, Havana, Cuba, and Hot Sprmge and Eureka Snrinirs, are also excursion pointa Exceedingly low rates are given oa round tnn tickets to Chiearo and all the abore VMunta mnA to return until June 1.

Dnrinir lhK'i extensive improvements have been made In the Illinois Central plant The has been substantially in creased: the paseenirer and freight equipments have received handsome additions; double-track iron bxldsres have been Tilamd across the Calumet and Chicago Rivera. Jiew passenger and freight deport have been built at south Chicago, Seventy-ninth street, Jeffery avenue, and in Jackson. and Wesson. Hixa. A double-track branch to South Chicago, four and a half miles long, has been completed; the middle division has been extended from Colfax to Bloomincton.

twenty miles: and spur line. aggregating 130 mile in length, leading into the timber and farms lands ot Mississippi, are rapidly approaching completion, a portion of the diKtauce being already open for traffic. The Illinois Central was the first railroad to Introduce suburban trains, having corn- luenced running them as early as 1856. To Its management is due the development and growth of the beautiful suburbs south of the eity. as it frequent trains made them evelH more accessible than some of the resident portions of Chicago that are reached only by 'the streetcars.

Upward of three million people are carried annually upon' these sub urban trains, and the number that Kt to South Park and Pullman sometimes reaches thousands per day. THE "JCOJfON BOTJTB." tex LorrsviLxx ktw albaxy ass Chicago BAIL WAY TUX GREAT SOUTBXBM BOCTS, Scarcely two years have elapsed since the opening of the Monon Boute officially known as the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago Kail way Into Chicago, connecting the great Northwest with Louisville and the South and Southeast Bccalllng the exorbitant rates, slow time, vexatious delays, and numerous cbangea in dingy, coaches that attended a trip to Louisville and the South of a few years ago, the business man and tour- let alike appreciated the advantages of the Monon Boute, with its solid trains and Pull- mas palace sleepers, Ita reasonable rates, Ita last time, its smooth tracks, and its ooux-tesus officials. Being the only line to Louisville from Chicago under one manage ment, it offered to its patrons accomodations that no other line comd and gained the good-. will of the public at the start by its low and reasonable rates. Gaining friends daily by service and splendid equipment, supplemented bv fair dealing, the Monon Route to day one of the most popular lines, both with the tourist whose fjurney South Is at tended with every pleasure and comfort rorsible.

and the merchant who. finds that Tt this road onlr can be ahio his fares to the Ohio Biver without cnansre or tUOav. The traveling man, knowing the coxroBrs cr A solid tbaiji axo fulului BtTTET BLEEP-IBS and the finest oniy are run via Monon will take no other line to Louisville. To the Monon Boute belongs the credit, of introducing the first and only Pullman sleeping-car-line through from Chicago to Jack- aoDsille without change, and is still the only ixruue by which Pullman car service Is secured via Louisville to Florida, The route is characteristically a tourist line, lending from the Sonth to the cool resorts of the Northwest in summer, and. from the chtUy blasts of the North to the balmy breezes a mild South In winter.

The time was, and not two years ago, when a trip from Chicago to Florida or the Gulf resorts was a slow and tedious undertaking, attended by so many annoyances that few had the. courage to make It Now, thanks to the Monon Boute, trip to Southern resorts is a pleasure in itself. It is a specialty with the route, whose line of single and round-trip tickets includes every resort in the houta or Northwest Their system of through checking Is perfect, barrage going on the some train with passengers to destination. The main line of the Louisville. New Albany and Chicago ftail-way extends from Louisville to Alichigan City, adistanoe of 288 miles, passing through come' of tne oldest settled and XOST PEOflPELRoei POKTIOWS OF rXDLtXA, among the towns being noted Salem.

Orleans, Mitchell, Bedford, Blooming ton. Gosport, Greencastle. Crawfordsvilie, and La-' syctte. The scenery along the route Is pleasinc and interesting, soothing with its constant and easy changes rather than startling With ita suddenness and abruptness. In the midst of the hills about Orleans are found several delightful springs, notably West Baden and French Lick Springs, which, on account of the curative waters, picturesque location, and fine hotels, nave become popular resorts.

The Air Line Division of the road extends from Chicago to Indianapolis, and is eleven miles shorter than any other to the Hoosler capital, the distance from Chicago beinir 1 83 miles. The Monon Boute proper is via the Au- Line to Vonon and thence to Louisville, the through trains running that way. Similar trains with THROUGH COACHS8 FOX LOUISVILU run from Michigan City to Indianapolis via 'Monon. The Air Line waa not formally opeixnl from Chicago to Indianapolis till last October, when two daily trains were put on. Six weeks later an arrangement was niada with the Cincinnati, HamUton and Dayton Railroad and the Air Line trains now run solid to Cincinnati Indianapolis, Like the Lonts-rilie line, parlor cars are attached to the day trains and Pullman palace sleepers to the night trains.

Monon, where tha main and Air Linea cross, is eighty-sve miles from Chicago, The name Is derived from Melaniouon," an Indian title of a stream near by, which in olden times was no doubt a swift-running river, as the meaning of the word is ''waters running witt," Very properly the word Monon was adopted for the route, and it is -1 BWm-ECJSSIKO boute. -1 Br the opening of this Cincinuuti Una, the Monon Route now offers its patrons a choice 1 of routes to Florida and the South via Louis- Tilie, Cincinnati, or Indianapolis, direct 'connections being made with -all through routes bciowtheOuio Rixec Briefly, there is not a point of Interest in the South or Southeast 1 which cannot be reached by the Monoa Route, and only by that route can passengers car service na Louisville or i Cincinnati. Xb4 general offices of tha company are at THE VATLT DfTEIl OCEAN, TUESDAY MOraSTyG. JAiNTTAIlY 1, 185 lTWIINTYEIGnT PAGES. Louisville, tha 'CaDltal of design a ted by a well-known writer.

It is not surprising then that this company should display the saaaa liberal spirit in its management, and that it should win popularity tnereby. colonel is. Htaiuman, vioe-rresi dent of the company, has, by his rare executive ability as Traill Manger, been a ralua-ble aid to Colonel Bennett U. Young, the President and General Manager. At the head of the passenger department Mr.

Murray Keller has won a national reputation as asuo- cesiiui uenerai tr assenger ana XKsaet Agent, in tact, ue FOFCLAJOTT OF T1T1 XOXOX SO DTI may. In a laree measure, be attributed him, Colonel 8idnev B. Jones, the Gen era! Travelinsr Passenzer Airent whose headquarters are In Chicago, la thorouirhlv exnerienoed railroad man and pat feet rantlenian. Ills assistant Captain J. Whoian, is a eraduata front The Ixtbu Ocxan reportoriaT and as Northwest ern Pasengdr Agent maintain hi reputation.

O. MoCormtck. City Ticket Agent 12i Randolph street has. the routes and rates at his fingers' ends. like the others, has a store of information of the South which he distributes free! v.

For mans, time-tables. books on Florida and the South call on or ad dress any of the above at 122 Bandolpl street and receive that prompt attention for which the Monon Boute is noted. No other route makes such offers such rates and accommodations as the Monon Bout to the South. CHICAGO, ROCK I8LAKD AKU PACIFIC, TBI XOOBX un The Chicago, Bock Island and Faciflo Road, which was the first to connect Chicago with the Mississippi River, thus making mora ac cessible the thriving clUea along the Father of Waters, waa begun la 1852, In 1847 company was formed under the name of tha Bock Island and LaSall Railroad Company, and procured Its charter la tha same year. Good management baa been characteristic of the road slnotf its onenhur.

and the alert managers have beea In continual readiness to make every advantageous extension and acquisition. in 1801, Dy i an act ox tne Legis lature, the name was chamred to tne Bock Island Comnanv. and it was under that name that the road was constructed between Chicago and Bock Island. In 18ud the road consolidated with another In Iowa called tho Chicago, Bock bland and Pacific Road, and as its termini and connections were such as to warrant the managers ia adopting the name of the road with which It consolidated, this was done. It has been known by that name ever si nee.

At the time the charter was rraated Bliuois wa a border State, Iowa being a territory, but since the border line has been moved further West and the territories are now States whose products find an accessible outlet la Chi- cagro. I he causes which prod need the changes of the past thirty rears are numerous, but prob ably none ngurea more prominently taan the railroad In Question, one of the pioneer roads of the West It has contributed vastly to tae development or Dot a Illinois and lowa. Its reward has been a world-wide reputation and bountiful earniiura There ia orobablv no railway in tne west wnton earns a greater revenue in proportion to its mileage, It is the trreat central line from Chicasro to the West pairing through the most fertile por tions oi Illinois and lowa. and forming connections which make it a through line to tha Pacific coast It reaches the most thriving of the cities in Iowa and Kansas. A few years ago the management, not content with business coming over the road, extending to the opened up what is known aa the Albert Lea Route.

This route, which is rujte a favorite with tourists, and which does an extensive freight business, extends through the great iteu Hirer vauey, and tne great aortnern Pacific country in Minnesota and Dakota, It reaches to Minneapolis and St PauL and renders accessible the beautiful scenery of Minnesota and the Upper Mississippi It Is also used as a means of transporting a large percentage of the traffio between the East and Manitoba. The rear which closed yes terday has witnessed the becinning of the new Board of Trade Building, Just opposite the depot of the road in this city, which, It is claimed, will result In an- increase in the already Ianre suburban travel. Tha road is well equipped throughout, and by means of Ita coacbea. aleepinir. and dining: cars, sup plies au tne comiorw Known to travel.

CHICAGO, BCBLLXGTOX AXD QUINCY. BTUTcarxo otsb ths oxbat wist. like ail large western institutions of mag nitude, the extensive railroad system known as the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy Roa naa a small beginning, put grew ita, or more properly caused to grow with it, the West Us origin is found In two roads, now considered small by comparison, but at the time their charters were granted then re garded as vast amMmportant On Feb, 12, 1849, a railroad company was organized in Illinois under the name of the Aurora Branch Railway Company. In June, 1852, the Chicago and Aurora BaOroad Com pany obtained ita charter and immediately proceeded to lay ita track be tween Chicago 'and Aurora. The Cen tral Military Tract Railroad Company owned the road between Mendota and Gales- burg, and in 1850, Just after the Chicago and Aurora companr nad completed its line of track, these two roads consolidated.

Tha company thus formed adopted the name of tne uoicago, Durungton ana uuincy muiroad company. rom una grew tne road wmcn covers so extensive an area Himui at tne start, is now runs and controls over 4,000. miles of track distributed throughout Illinois, Iowa, Mis souri, Nebraska, fcanssa, and Colorado. About one-half of this mileage is in Illinois and Iowa It is happy in the possession of five routes. The most Important la ita own through Una via Paclfio Junction and PlaUfrmoutn to Denver.

Tha other routes are: Through Omaha via Cheyenne, over the Union Pacific; through Quincy. to Kansas City or Atchison, via the Hannibal and St Joe, thence resuming the Burlington route proper; through Kansas City, via Topeka, over tha Union FaciQo, and through either Atchlfon or Kansas City, via the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe. whose cars run rla Pueblo, and thence over the Denver and Bio Grande. Passenger hare choice of abore routes in going to San Francisco, or may go via the Santa Fe and Southern Paclfio line, or via El Paso over tha Gould roads and the Southern Padfia Other favorite lines of the Burilnsrtoa and connections arn as follows: St Louis, Bock Island, and Bt Paul; St Louis, Burlington, and St Paul; Chicago, -Free port, Dubuque, and oionx citv: unicarro, rlsnnioai. and Texas; Chicago and Des Moinea Tha completion ot tha uenrer and wo Grande Road from Denver to Ogden during tha past year further extends and makes mora complete lines of travel offered, by tha Burlington.

This arrangement gives the Burlington what is practically ita own line to Ogden, the road from. Denver winding through the finest scenery of the West Tne equipment at tne road is aiearant and comfort is combined with safety and rapid travel. CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTER. FOVB OBJUT TBUKX UKXS. The history ot tha Chicago and 'Northwest ern Road ia one of consolidation, and for the most part combined tn that of the old Galena and.

Chicago Union Road, which la tha real pioneer line. Tha ol.d Galena and Chicago Union Boad was chartered in 1838, A panto followed in tha footstepr of the charter, which delayed further operations until 1847, eleven years later, when the first rail waa put doufa. This waa dona on what is known as the Galena Division, or the Free port Una In 1853 tha line romChlcago to Free port, a distance of 121 miles, Vas completed, and there are many people now residing in Bte. phenson County' who remember with what pleasure tha completion of tha Una waa bailed, at previous to that time a trip to Chicago and return, lasting frequently for two weeks, was necessary in order to dispose of product. Tho Illinois Central Road, which passes through Free-port to Galena, enabled the road to extend ita operations to the- lead mines at Galena, This rood was absorbed byiha Chicago and North western Boad in 1804.

In 154, ten years prior to this eonsolida- tion. the Chicasro and Northwestern Boad constructed tha line which connects Chlcmro and Mdwaukee, While this road enters Chi. cago upon three distinct lines of rait, it may bo said to have five principal lines all terminating in Chicago, the first of which is tha one extending to Milwaukee, This line skirts tha lake shore, and flow reaches the Michigan peninsula. The second extends in a northwesterly direction, and touching Belolt, Madison, and Eiroy, reaches St Paul and Minneapolis. The third Una extends west from Eiroy, crosses the Mississippi "-at Winona, and extends across Minna, sots and Dakota on a direct line to the Black HUla From Tracy the road extends further on to Watertown and Red field.

From Huron, on the main line, a branch extends north up the James River Valley to Columbia. D. T. The fourth line runs from Chicago directly west across Illinois and Iowa, terminating at Council Bluffs. The fifth line begins at Tama.

142 miles west of tha Missouri River. and extends in a general northwesterly di rection to Ua warden, on the Sioux. During tha year just ended a bridge has been placed over the river and the road extended into Dakota to a junction with tha Dakota Central. In addition to those main- lines there are a number ol profitable branches. By connection with the Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Boad it has tha advantage of two important lines to Lake Superior porta and tapping the pine region of Upper Wisconsin.

Tne mileage of the northwestern system, including the Omaha Una, aggregates about 5,000 milea ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC BAILROAO. AIXi-THK-TBaa-ABOtnCD -BOtm TO CALirOBJIIA. Last September waa opened new Una to California, which waa dubbed tha "AU-the- year -around" route, and which, when travel. eri find out Its attractions. wOl hare a popularity that -none, of tha transcontinental roads bare ever achieved, and be preferred to any other fur many reasons.

It is the Atlantic and Paclfio Railway, which connects with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fa Bo id at Albuquerque, and tha only Une running J'ullma Utnlngnr rem JSL LohU and A'skms Cty to t'ranrtteo without ckanif. rno road is located upon tne wirty- fifth parallel of latitude, and passengers thus aroid tha snow blockades and alkali plains of the North, and the barren and dusty deserts of tha Sonth. It is and always will be tha favorite route to tha Pacific coast for tha invalid, the tourist tha sportsman, and all to whom speed, comfort safety, delightful climite, and wonderful scenery are attractions, it ia the shortest and the best route to San Fran cisoo. Sacramento. Los Anirelea San Dicsro, and other Paclfio ooat pointa Prescott and tha mining camps of northern, Central, and Western Arizona are now reached direct by this line without long and tedious staging.

Tha most remarkable scenery in the worli is along the line ot the Atlantic and Paoifio Railroad, It crosses tha Colorado River at the foot of the Grand Canon, which has been the subject of several descriptive letters in Tub Iktm Ocxaw, and ia acknowledged to be the grandest and most sublime natural spectacle on the face of the- globe. The canon Is reached by stage from Lsach Springs, after a ride of eighteen mllea, tae tourist will find admirable accommoda tions for his entertainment Th) ancient and curious Indian vtllares of Zunl, Moquls, A coma, and Laguna are reached by ttus road, tne trains passing witmn a stone's throw of the latter place, which is many centuries old, and inhabited by the de scendants of the Aztec Komarkable ruins of the cave and cliff dwellers are found near Flagstaff Station, and possess a deep interest not only to tne scient no world, out to ail who visit these abodes of half -civil ned nations extinct for centuries. The Atlantlo and Paclfio ia the most attractive route to the Yoeemite Valley, and the big trees of Mariposa County. California The company has 20,000,000 sores "of the finest grating land in the world for sa'e. in Aew Mexico, ana An son or mans, rates.

and other information apply to F. W. Smith. General Superintendent; Williams, General Freight and Passenger Agent; or J. Wulismson, Land Lommiasioner, Albu querque, new jtexioa THE.

CHAXPI09 SLUGGER. John gwlllvaa Tells the Story of His Denver Keporter. From ths Denver Tribune. Whatever Sullivan's reputation may be as a pugilist, be is byno means the man in pri vate conversation one would imagine from bis proicMlon. Hi language Is good, and his words weB chosen.

His manner ia easy and affable. The scowl that appears on his face in the lithograph of him in ring costume is missing, and aitogetner ne -iooks use tne pleasant, easy-gotng, good-natured gentle- hman ratner man a renowned pugilist, lis waa -attired in a neat gray onecK suit, aad there was a noticable absence of Jewelry from his person. Mr. Huiuvan eat Destde lum in the car. She is a very pretty, modest appear ing, pleasant ntue laay, and is prouaoiy tne onJv boas" the champion haa She was ele- gantlv dressed in black silk, and wore a seal- sxin jacket drops glistened In her ears, and at her throat a handsome brooch fastened her collar.

After several attempta the Iribuni repre sentative induced-Sullivan to talk by asking mm ne naa nearu or PASPT XYAX'l TILX of the coming, fight, and'. -of Paddy's assurances that Sullivan would not be able to whip him in four rounds. Buuivan, in repiy. aaid: -1 oaered to pox Ryan in Kew York or Boston, the winner to take the receipts. He.

refused, I then of fered him half the receipts to stand in front of me in California, As he gets half tha receipts whether be wina or not, the offer was He sr he has a new truss that will net give way "hinted the reporter. 'Yea. I see an Eastern paper says, 'Ryan puta his truss in and Sullivan smiled. -What do you think of Sherlffr' "lie Is a good second-class man. -He can not be catalogued with tha finVclaae pu gilists." rV.

-wnat Kind oi a man is niaoer" "The pluckiest aad best man I ever met He can take more punishment than any man ever "How many men have you knocked outf 'How about tha ox story" "I never heard ot it until I read it la the papers. I am not a brute and would not attempt such a thing. People misrepresent me in such matters aa thai In fact they do all pngilista Boxing ia one of the best athletio exercises a man can take. It developes all the muscles. It ia reaching a higher plane.

and it will ere lonrnot be considered a dis grace to be a boxer. If a man, no- matter bow talented be may be, ia a good boxer, he will be challenged, aad to prove ei oowaso will accept It will not be long before the beat people la the country will attend boxing "Mitchell. I suppose von are aware. la re garded a remarkable man to be a pugilist," said the reporter. "He ia said to nave received a collegiate education and was at one time a medical student." "He has that reputation." the cham pion, "but," aad he laid his big hand on bis visitor's arm and spoke with emphasia, "Mr, Mitchell never set toot inside a meoicai col lege, and 1 knew what I am talking about Mitchell ia a liar, for I have it from men who knew him away I never, have said anvthine- about myself, for haven't had much to say.

I received a good common school education in Boston at the Dwlght Grammar could nave gone further had 1 desired." i jjt xkbbyo rnrxs-r. "Ton will be surprised when I tell von that my parents desired to educate me for the Cathollo priesthood, and with this in view sent ma to Boston College, a Catholic institution connected with the Church of the Immaculate Conception. If I bad completed the course then I would bave been admitted to the Holy Cross College. I was young, only about ltjLor and I bad a leaning toward athletio porta I attended college two or three months, bnt as I could make $30 or 40 a week at playing ball and in other athletio games I threw my books aside and gave myself up to it This is how I got into the base ball profession, and I left school for rood and alLr From the base ball business 1 drifted into boxing and pugilism. "I have made a great deal of money, and pent a great deal, and I have bad plenty of fun as it is called, out came to a point where I concluded that I bad better stop, and I did.

Then- I concluded to open mv saloon in Boston and I settled down to businesa Of course boxing is my business, Just the same as Journalism is youra" "now aooutyour age, weignv, ana neigntr" "I am 25 years old and weleh 223 pounda am too heavy and am not in first-class trim. but can reduce myself at any time, Wa lay off a boat three weeks in California and I will aoon be well fixed then, for I will go into bard training" TRADE ANDf INDUSTRY. A HctIcw of tlioTipsress Chicago Uas MaOf iii Fifty The Prominent Banks ini Bankers, Fire and Life insurance Companies. The Wholesale and Retail Mercantile Trade leading Estab-- lishment3 The Manufactories "Which Contribute to the Wealth of the City. Facts and Figures Showing How CbJ-cago Has rewn to Her Freseat CHAMBER OF A BISTOBICAI CHAPTER.

THl OLD AXO THS HEW BUILD DTD S. The Board of Trade in Chicago baa not been a dictator but a leader; the business baa always centered around Chamber of Commerce, and right well baa' it deserved such a recognition. When, for the first years of ita existence, the board had it. home down on Water street, near tha river, that waa the business center of Chicago, but when the First Baptist Church resigned tha corner of Washington and LaSalle streets to the Chamber of Commerce, the quiet residence neighborhood there changed to the great ....1 hw. hnHM, T.

bouses went up there to accommodate the great army of business men who wanted to be near the heart of trade, that, they might aver feel ita pulse nearest the life source. But Chicago did not always have a Chamber ot Commerce about which to center her trade. It was not until the spring of 1848 the merchants began to make application of the old adage that "in union there Is strength." The city about that time began to be noticed as a commercial center, and the merchants deemed it for their common inter est to organize a Board of Trade. What the special object bad in view waa, or whether there waa any special object, does not appear from any of the records left TOST OBAAXiaATIO. Bnt it ia certain thati In 1849, there was such a board organised and eighty-two members enrolled.

Theeelmen represented THE SEW CHAMBER toe commercial imtareata of a jsity of 20,000 Inhabitant It waa tefore tha completion of any railroad to Chicago or the construction of tha canal, and the only meant of communicating with the interior and tha West was by the alow stage coach and tha slower "prairie schooner but the location of tha city at tha head of the great chain of lakes predestined to oe a trade center. At first the board was a voluntary ergan-lsation, but ia 1650 it became Incorporated under a general law of tha State, and In 1830 arpedalact of incorporation waa obtained from tho Legislature, rwhjfch haa ainoe remained tha basis of organisation. Its general object as expressed tn tha preamble to its Rules and By-laws, are: maintain a commercial exchange; to promote uniformity la the istoms and usages ot merchants; to IneuioAte principles of Justice and equity tn trader to facilitate tha speedy adjustment of business disputes; to acquire and disseminate valuable commercial and economic information; and generally, to secure to ita ncembers the benefit of oo-operatiou tn tha furtherance of their legitimate pursuit." XBvxasss Airp srioxiTioit. The enthusiasm which organized the first Board of Trade did not continue long, and ia 1831 the membership bad dwindled to forty, and there was very little business transacted, Then the merchants began to take fresh interest, and in 1859 there were 520 membera It has continued to increase rapidly ever ainoe, until it has reached nearly 2,000, and ia there practically restricted. -The board began with a member's tee of $3, but a membership ticket is now held at $10,000.

This is not regarded as the real value, but ia the price put upon new memberships as a restriction upon further increase. Membership tickets already held are only valued at about one-third that amount or $3,500, and are frequently sold for that figure. in its early days the board was migratory, changing its quarters as tha city changed. Its first home was a room in the third story of a building at the foot of LaSalle street, No elevator carried the merchants and commission men up to this room, and they were obliged to climb two narrow and steep stairway a In 1800 a building was erected for the use of the board on Fifth avenue, near the bridge, but the businea so rapidly increased that in 1 9(13 the question of enlarged ascommodationt again began to be discussed, i of an of this of the of are are and in February. 1864.

a building association was organized, with a capital stock ef ouo, and toe Chamier oi commerce chartered, The Board of Trade contracted to lease the building for a term of ninety-nine years, at a rental of $20,000 per annum, and in less than twenty years they have abandoned the build ingaud site for want of room. ths board rs thi rraa The new building waa iirst occupied in August, 1805, the memlership at that time being over 1.400. At that time the Chamber of Couimerea was by far the largest and finest building in the country used for that In 1871 this temple of trade was swept away by the fire, but before the great conflagration bad been checked in its course the memliers who had lost aU came together and out of nothing began to do businesa again. A room on Franklin street waa secured and the Board of Trade there opened, not for speculation, but for the noble purpose of aid-tag those who were only less fortunate than themselves in losing their courage. When the help from all over the country began to come In, the board took possession and distributed these things as they were most needed.

Then they turned their attention to business, and from Oct 0, the day fif the fixe, to Oct 31 the receipts of grain' atrgrerated over 3,750,000 buKbels, notwithstanding the ability to care tor such a business had been greatly impaired, Among the first offl acts of the board was the determination to reoooupy its old quarters, and the Chamber of Commerce waa rebuilt but in more magnificent style, and in just one year, Oct 9, 1872, waa re-opened. Until now this beautiful aad substantial building has served as a home for the organization, and trades aggregating millions nave been made there every day. In Exchange Hall have been witnessed some of the wildest scenes that ever transpired in the commercial world, and fortunes have been made and lost in a few hours. ths xcw dux bks or comx race. But for several years there baa been a need for more commodious quarters, and another removal was arranged.

The corner-stone of oVmoclJ-c2, snd aloce then the walla of the magnificent build ing nave gone-up witn marvelous rapidity, but this new temple, of trade is on such a grand scale that it will another year before it is brought to completion and ready for the machinery of commerce. The new butt ling, of which a out is here given, fronts on Jackson street and extends back to Van Buren, occupying the full width of the block between Htierman street and Pacitto avenue. It will have a frontasre of 175 feet and 223 feet in depth. It ia in tha modern Gothio style, bnut of Fox Island granite. The grand tower ia 32 feet front and is to fe 300 feet hfjrh.

the masonry ex tending 223 feet and tne remaining 75 feet of Iron. At the height of 22a feet there will be a dock dial on each of the four aides of tha tower, twelve feet in diameter. A MAOSmcEirr TKXPLB. All the external entrances to the bulldlna: will nave large prominent doors, finished with polished red.srranite square columns. The external ornamentation la to be on a scale never before equaled in the city, and tnia will be one or the nnest buiknnirs used for commercial purposes in the world, eost- ngitaisj.uuu, One of the brightest pages In the history of the' Board ot Trade was the unwavering support it gave the country in the hour of its greatest need.

The echo of ths first gun awoae tae lovai sons oc tne noaro oi iraae. and they rallied for tha defense. Grain and OF COMMERCE. pork and beef and stocks ware forgotten for tne nag, and tne -poya on uuangs" snowed tnat tney couia ngut wita tne same entuust- aaaa and with the same recklessness that they could buy on tha madtet Three regiments ot infantry aad a battery artillery were organised and equipped by tha Board of Trade, who kept watch over them during their service of three years. They were aDowed to want for nothing that money could buy.

The board also raised 9150,000 to help on toe cause of tha Union. Secretary Randolph, in speaking of the board, with which be haa been connected in official capacity for so many years, says: "That tho mea composing this body are, in general, possessed of unusual business ability, are remarkable for their quick per-eeption of business possibilities, and are of untiring devotion to business affairs, will perhaps be freely conceded by all acquainted with their habits and modes of cond acting those affairs; the best indications of their -true manhood, however, are to be found ia their generous treatment of tha unfortunate, whether of their own numbers or of distressed humanity throughout tha world." Tsajrsicnojrs xx thb millions. As an estimate of the business done on the Board of Trade, it may be noted that tha clearings alone amount to mora than a week. As this ia but a small per eent of the transactions, the actual businesa the board amounts to millions of dollars very day. Last year there waa shipped from Chicaett $90,888,000 worth ot flour and grain, worth ot live stock, 117,592,000 worth of meata.

lard, tallow, and dressed hogs 1 1,11 4,000 worth of butter and cheese, $24, 778,000 worth of wool and hides, 9,. 358.000 worth of seeds and broom corn, 12,451,000 worth of distilled spirits, not Including the tax, and $9,924,000 worth of miscellaneous product, making a grand total of 1372,544,000 worth of products from market and all passed through the hands these merchants and oommiasion men on Board of Trade. But this does not begin to give an estimate the business transactions which take place there. The wneat, corn, and other products often sold and resold a dozen times In one day, and not only la business done by the 2,000 men on the floor, but many of them acting as agents for men throughout tha whole country. There is no place tn tha world where so much ot this kind of business is done, and Chicago by right la called the trade center.

Vl WILXJ4K DC ELL ar! CO. Tocxa but Errrarxisrna, While one ot the young firms on toe Board of Trade Mesara, Duell A Co. have from tha commencement of their businesa career occupied a prominent position among Chicago men, aad have earned a reputa tion for enterprise, sound Judgment, aad financial skill of which many old-established concerns might feel proud. It is by no means uncommon in this eity to find men under 30 successfully managing large and important mercantile or manufacturing interest. The yonng man who possesses indnxtry, tact, and defcrrminatioato- gether with integrity and correct personal habits, may.

with a fair show of rood luck. pass rapidly to the front in this metrropolia vi low vtuuwt ms rule incurring tiie ill will or envy of leas fort unate men who have beea longer ia gaining uh ami oi bueir amuiuoo. am wnue we truth of the foregoing remarks la fre quently proved by the rapid preferment of the young men of exoeptionabiy good ability who naturally era vi tale to Chicago, where that class are always in demand, tne success of Mr. W. q.

Duell Has been so pronounced as to be justly regarded as phenomenal since he came here at lti years of age in 1875 to make bis way and acquire a fortune without tha accessories of influence or capital to assist him, He bad, to be sure. tha advantages of a lib eral education, aad upon arriving in Uuicago waa so fortunate as to secure a po- uuod wtu one oc tne largess receiving urme on the Board of Trade. In that employ be mastered the details of the businesa to which be haa subsequently devoted his ener rias with such flattering results, and when no started on his own account about three years ago. be not only carried with turn the good utiles of his whilom employers and other leading commission firms with which he had beea brought in contact but toe generous prediction that no waa enter-ing upon an eminently successful career. Tne prediction has beea more than verified: the young bouse not only immediately took av jesuing piece, pus naa sustained it through all tha vicissitudes of temporary businesa depression "corners.

eta i Mr. Duell la now less than 27 years old, and at the bead of a firm doing a large ana constantly extending ounnesa a firm which from present indications will have few rivals to fear ia the future. He is a pleasant unassuming rentlcmaa tn bis oflloa, keen, incisive, aeiflieJent, and prompt to act when on Xbange. Mr. Ouell la a member of the regular Board of Trade, the upen Board, tne cau uoara, and ox tne Block Exchange, in all of which be ia a con spicuous figure, and baa abundantly proven his ability to Bold his own.

His specialty ia deals for. future delivery, and it ia not ad- vtdious to say that no member of tha Board of Trade more entirely comprehends the marxet ana now to take advantage- or it. The firm does business at Xo. 22 Chamber of Commerce, EVEKLNGHAM CO. CPSOOSSIOX XXaCflAXTS, There are few commission bouses wbi businesa career haa been so uniformly ceaaful and who are so well known for financial strength aad reliability aa to bel repreaentstivo bouses; and among those who take the front rank in this regard is the bouse ot Freringham whose offices, 125 LaHalle street, adjoin the Board of Trade.

This firm point wita pride to a record for npright and bonoraUle dealing, from the establishment of the firm in 1805 to the resent time, and their fidelity to tnose who aye intrusted business to them haa resulted ia a constantly increasing volume of bost- From the first tbey pledged themselves to the prosecution of a strict and legitimate oommiasion business, having no Joint accounts, and engaging in no speculations for their own account, hence their Judgment haa been unbiased by investments of their own, and their large list of aucceasful customers are always sure of their undivided attention and personal interest. Their facilities for obtaining the latest and most accurate reports of the crops of the country are unequal ed. which, together with their special letters todioatlao; tn course of tne marketa. nave proved to be correct in numberless casea Their ord-r department is complete In all of its details, and ia kept separate and dis tinct from the reoeivinz department. The execution of ordsrs for the purchase ana saie oi grain ana provisions on tne cnl- cago Board ot iraae lor future delivery, oa uargina, ia a specialty, and the promptness and faithful manner witli which such orders are filled is most gratifying aad satisfactory wo weir customers, The seliinr of bv sample Is also a speciality, and ail items ot expense In the sale and delivery of shipments and tne wevnt and inspect; on or Drain are carefully supervised, and the tnteresta of the shipper are thua protected in every possible way.

Their carefully prepared special letters as to what quality and kind of train will strike a good market are greatly appreciated, and are niguiy valued or tuoae wao oonaign their shipments to them. Their remarkably correct crop reports and their special letters regarding the coarse of the marketa. are freely famished upon re quest A HOCSE. CHinae bv cclvxb a oa There are connected with tha Board of Trade, as with the dry goods, the hardware, and other Interests of this city, a few repre sentative firms, which appear to stand aa tha embodiment ot whatever ia commercially above reproach, and as so. beyond the shadow ot a doubt financial v.

that tbe1 most malicious of entice never attempt to advertise tneir mendacity oy auamptinrio malign men. in toe loremoas rana or inese representative commercial bouses ot Cbioago the commission firm ot Culver 4 Cov. la honorably eoavpicuoua It has for years been Known as one of the largest andatronirest rooeivinir firms in oonnecuoa with the Chicago Board of Trade, la ail the history of the house there haa beea neither Plot nor Diemisa to detract xrom its mercantile fair fame. It ia one of the firms of which that great far-reaching, and powerml cor poration above referred to is witn reason proud, aad it naa not been chary of the commercial honors which it baa conferred head of the firm, naa been twice elected Vice President and once President of tha Board of Trade, and baa, -moreover, beea for years in, continual service upon some of tha leading committees of this tha most Important commercial combination tn the civilised world. After saying so much, tt la tae next uung to su pern nous to add that tola model house possesses not only every, thing which a Board of Trade oommiasion firm should possess in the way of business faculties, but a subtile knowledge of the Inner mysteries of tha speculative market which could only be bora of.

a long experience and an acknowledged leadership among tha wonderful manipulators of prices who congregate at the un pretending granite building at the corner of LaSalle and Washington streets, and determine the price at wnich the inhabitants of Kew York. London, Pans, and Berlin shall purchase tne material for their dinner Any business intrusted to Messrs. Culver A Co. will most emphatically be left tn aale. com petent, and honorable hands.

Their place of business ia at So 122 aad 124 Washington street EDWARD. A. RITE It CO, Among tha Board of Trade firms which bave gained an exceptionally high reputation for businesa sagacity, honorable dealing, and, better than aQ, success, Messrs. Edward A. Driver 4 Co.

bold a leading and influential position. Tha house waa founded in 1869 by Mr. Spear, the father of Its present Junior member, and Mr. A. Driver, and almost immediately secured in the estimation of oommiasion men and the speculating public tn general that high character which usually onlr cornea as the reward of lona years of patient toll This character it has ever since sustained, and la not at ail likely to forfeit it hereafter.

The firm docs an extensive "regular commission business in rain and provisions, for the most part for future delivery. Being possessed of ample means, abundant experience, and all the multifarious and far-reaching facilities which are required for the proper conduct ot the affaire of a first-class Chicago commission bouse, it transacts with the precision of clock-work ita extensive and rapidly increasing businesa, Messrs. Driver A Co. a cus tomers are principally tn the representative cities of the country Jfew Tork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Detroit Toledo, ttt, Louis-eta The firm ia composed of Mr. E.

A. Driver, B. P. Ires, and F. All are natives of Massachusetts, aad thorough busU nese men.

Their place of business is room 2, Mo. 157 Washington street X.3t BAXTH ACOl coanoasiom Bo great and varied are the commercial la-teresta of a metropolis Uke Chicago that tt would be Impossible to classify then all la an annual trade review. Only a few of the representative bouses of each particular branch of trade can be mentioned In the space allotted. Banking first in importance ma be considered tae grain aad provision trade, tn which some of Chicago's heaviest capt. taSsta and business men are interested.

Among the firms holding a hfgh position ia this line la the enterprising commission and provision house of T. M. Baxter A 127 LaSalle street Boom A. Jtr. Baxter tha head of the firm, ia well known in com met-.

rial circles as the originator of the Open Board of Trade, aa laautntioa which ia lass becoming a strong competitor of the regular or the "up-stalrs board," aa it ia bow termed. In proposing and perfecting the plans for establishing aa Open Board, Mr. Baxter met with bitter opposition from a majority of the membera of the) Diar board." of which Be la also a memhee. This, however, did not deter from car. Sing, ont his project, claiming as he did that a outside trade demanded aa institution founded upon principles leas conservative than those held by the regular board.

Boaaa of the members were inclined to look upon Mr. Baxter's proposition aa a sort of "Will 'o the Wisp" scheme, aa ao many futile attempts had been made Ao organize aa Opea Board iptr. Baxter was not to be discouraged Ha knew his own power, and proceeded to atil- am sua enterprise ana energy, and tae euev eesa which has attended tha Open Beard la at such a magaitude as he may well feei proud. Tha growth of tha institution ia without a parallel ia the history ot Chicago. The membership haa Increased ao rapidly aa to necessitate more commodious quarters than those bow occupied by the board.

This question has already beea acted upon, so that the officers are now erectina a aew -building, which will, without doubt be ready for occupancy by the next year. Thai institution is certainly aa honor to both tha eity and ita founder. T. M. Baxter A in addition to their Immense trade in futures, deal largely la provisions and breadstnffa.

The bouse, thouv-h younr in the businesa. haa succeeded ia a remarkably short space of time ia making for itself aa enviable reputation. A tew more years of success like that which haa marked its efforts invthe oae Just past and tha firm will be ia a post-tion to cope with tha largest grata and commission houses tn the West Although much of this saeeesa ia due to Mr. Baxter's indomitable trill aad cooraire. ha has held the poeation bf President of tha Opea Board for three terma The pluck, en ergy, and wnich are the leading characteristics of thia house; haa given to it the high degree of prominence which tt aowenjoyn It a sound house ia every re spect aad a customer once secured always remaina There fa nothing Uke eaoceae to make man popular, and ainoe Mr.

Baxter haa proven that he ia able to both oriirinata and Land carry out a great scheme, hu businesa Nbas increased tenfold The public waa aoe Mew to discover the fact that the house of T. M. Baxter A waa a safe one with wnich, to make inveetmenta J. T. LESTEB A CO 25 axd 27 cHiaTata or ooiorzBCK Thia la the largest and beat known stock.

bond, and grain commission house in tha West Mx, John X. Lester, the head ot tha firm, ia aa old resident ot Chicago, and haa been actively engaged la the grain trade here for over twenty yearn Mr. Samuel W. Aller- ton. the millionaire farmer, packer, and banker, ia a special partner tn the house.

Tha firm has always beea noted for its great push and enterprise. They secured the first nri-ate telegraph wire ever used between Near Tork and Chicazo, a piece of bust. aesa sagacity which brought then aa enormous Wall street clientage Other houses afterward foUosved in Lesser A Co. a footsteps, aad secured direct telegraph eon. ecu on with New York, until now no house of aay consequence pretends to do business between the two great speculative centers without the facility of a pn rate wire.

Lester A Ca have always kept the lead they first gained, however Their first wire raa along; tha Lake Shore and New York Central Roada, but finding that lake storms sometimes in- -terfered with its proper working, the energetic firm prompt' leased another private wire to Kew York from the Baltimore aad Ohio Telegraph Company, at the same time retaining the original wire, thereby insuring; prompt connection with Wall street at au times. Of course, all tola Involved a very large expense, yet for every dollar expended ten calne The house haa beea correct oa the markets during the past year.and gentlemen who have placed their business with them are well pleased. We have no hesitancy whatever in recommending J. T. Lester i Co.

to our readers aa enterprising, reliable, safe, and conservative brokers. The Mew York connections of the firm ars of the best CHA5DLEK, BSOTTW COw eom mission merchants, 177 LaSalle street who are among our largest repel vera, aad also do an extensive order businesa ia 'grain, seeds, aad provisions, are too well and favorably known to the trade to seed any in too- duction at our hands tn thia review of tha -Chicago Board of Trade, having beeneatab-bahed in lttt3, ainoe which they have eon-tinned to do a prosperous business, which Is rapidly growing ia volume Tbey still have a house in Milwaukee, where they started ia the business, We desire to say of Mr. J. A. Brown, who Is in charge ot the businesa here, and with whom we are personally acquainted, that ho la thoroua'hlv a busineea ffentieinan.

bavin? a high regard for honor, a thorough knowledge of the businesa, energetic, aad relinble--one of those to whom Chicago ia indebted for tha push and enterprise which baa transformed it from a country village into the magniflcena metropolis which it ia now acknowledged to be. POtrXB BROS. A KEaFT.rVQ. BXrrTKB, BOOB, TBaL, AXD rOCLTBT. Xma of our most successful produce com mission bouses occupies tha store Xa ICS, South Water street, and are prominent members of ths Produce Exchange.

During tha last year their trade haa increased fully 33 per cent aad their list of customers ta about tha same ratio. Their specialties are butter, eggs, veal, and poultry. Under the supervis ion ox tne proprietors ana. aiuea by ex perienced and competent salesmen, and honest and square dealing, the arm business has beea steadily increasing since ita establishment ia 1873. This firm waa orlrtnally known aa Win.

Ermellng, but last May Mesara Kemper Bros, formerly associated with tha house, were admitted as partners, aad we cannot but admit that the influence and experience of theaa coupled with that of Mr. Ermeiing'a, ls tor the house enterprise and auo- BtTXSEY BCEXt, Successors to Rumsey A Buell and Charles Ray A Ca. 108 and 110 Fifth avenue, is one ot tha most thoroughly reliable commission houses in Chicago. It is one of tha great surviving housea BROSSEAC, BOOTH CO, This well known oommiasion firm, con sisting of Z. P.

Brosseeu, and W. a Booth, is located at Jio. lib LaSalle street It rates first-class ia every respect SMITH. MeCOKXICK CO- Ka 138 LaSalle street is one of the best known and stronsest oommiasion houses oa tha Chicago Board of Trade. THE BANKS OF CHICAGO.

BAJTKXN3 IS KARTVT SATS, rr coiottxcxo nt 183a Tha banking in Cbioago fifty years ags would hardly be recognised as- such to-day and It waa only the integrity ot the mea who started tha first bank, and their reputation for absolute honesty, that mads such an institution possible in those days. The first currency la ths Xorthwest contitted of akiua -1 i.

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