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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 9

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

liVESTiGATlNB That Pips Pool Story. resident Herrnaai, the B. of After Facts. Two Interesting Letters Which He Wrote Yesterday. The fsntraet With the AiijtUt Compaay Will Xtt Be Sigied To Daj.

as Predicted. The question aa to whether or sot Prest-ect Hrrrmuii. of the B. erf shall be sutborlxed to In the water pip rontract a 1th lb Company wlH be by th board this moraine Cuntrary to predictions, th lndlca- r.s are that th contract will not ba at the meeting to-day, and that It b- lai 1 wr until soma further Infor mation, hl la shall arrive. Tub mr yesterday published two letters I ndiivrtli.ii with the matter, which war a wry It.trestlng nature.

Ona of thca ii i- I MJV Works of flevalajld- I fc kra- ar.m.thiin atMit the pl pool. it llrrrnuna miwliir ated num I and ant the foilowtn- let- Mr FarleV I jmjo U.r 11 WfL fleveland. Ohio j'1ir- There were-over members preaeat. l.r Sir: Thr- rfc-snl of Admlnurt ration ad-1 8xlUr' 8taeaaoo announced that Mr. E.

and.rerelved proposals April 11 PraaWenl. waa too IU to at-f'r water pipe to be used by tha i belnaT threatened with pneumonia. of In.lnnatl for tha year endlns "ul ha Vice President waa also absent Arll A number of blda wer i- -r. Samuel It. Tlppett waa chosen Chalr- that of the Addyvtun Pip and Steel nan, umiaay bein the lowest.

These Mda wer Th Commlttea on th Central imputed, and on the recommendation lion, eonatatrac of Messrs. Archibald Colter, the Superintendent of tha Waterworks Dennla Flaherty and W.aj. Puch. reported bill of toe Addyaton Company accepted' aa I the contracted awarded to it. Tha con-tt'l haa been sbrned by rha company, and Is rompleted' with tha exception of th of myself aa President of th tr-L i this haa been don our attention has va railed to the fact that your city haa rontract a mucn lower njrure.

and -v the bids a collusion or combination bidders. It 'has been suirg-eated to u-t poasiUly you could lv ua soma In-t j.iuitloa on thla subject, tienca this letter. the rxxDixa enwrsuarr. While the contract her has been prac-ally completed. I do not think there la vu-stion bat that If we could show any or "combination In this lettlns; the contract could be easily I rokrn.

and. If not. could at least refuse make any purchases under It by simply layinc any pipe durlnaT the existence t-iereof. We have requested th Addyaton ompany to giva ua an explanation as to why there should be such a difference In the paid In Cleveland aa compared with contract, and they stve, among others, "tne folloiclnc reasons: "The city of Cleveland advertises for spe-. U': qiiantttlea, and names the approximate number of tons of each stxe of pipe 'hat mill he railed for.

Her last lettlns; neveraT" months ago, and waa for 6,442 n. about A4.0"M tons of which were large nn, ranglrur from 24 Inches to 44 Inches In diameter. Any company bidding on a of this character would have lu min i the advantage to be derived In being to run their works to full capacity the winter months on an order, rath-rr than running without actual orders and making miscellaneous sixes of pipe, which julght have to be carrisd In stock, for an lmJrtinlte period. The city of Cleveland is l-ra-tlcally without hills and most of tha Jill called for at the last letting was for l.rtn.'tpal portions of the city, consequently the Item of la only about 25 per tvrtt of what has to be paid In Cincinnati, a here deliveries ara required to be made -on the lower levels. In the city proper or on thr hilltops, as called for; extending out 1 1.

and Including; Camp Washington, ML Album, Corryvllle. Walnut HUls. Price Avondale. Cummlnsvtll.

Clifton. and. itr fact, anywhere within prea-nit rorporat limits, thus requlritur unuau- kily heavy work: on the teams. "As staled previously Cleveland names -a certain amount of pipe and gives the riles on whk-h bids ara called for. while i he iity of Cincinnati names no quantities and gives oo sixes, reserving; to herself the of catHnT upon the contractor to furnish an unlimited quantity, or lor call-inc for little or none.

The contractor does i.ot know what day he may be call-! upon to make "Immediate delivery of uncertain luantiiles of atry-atae ranging from 4 inches to 4n inches, and consequently has to keep onytanily on hand a sufficient stock of each wit to meet these calls. It also makes nec-rwiry the 'carrying; In stock of several thousand tons of pig Iron so aa to be pre-l-arrj to meet the requirements of the con-iniri. There are no blast furnaces near iD.innatl from which pig Iron can be bad. atslle in Cleveland and vicinity there are ai.y. and local Iron Li used to a consid erable extent by the Cleveland Joundry ttireby saving frelg-ht.

why Tub; oi-axtttt ta iwrncnxrra. In thla connection I dealr to call your irnuon toe tact that we make no ex euions her, excepting where- a petition Ieen received, and where, after an ex amination or such Detttion. It aDoeass that the Water Department would derive a rev- ri.ue of lit per cent per annum on the cost the extension. Of course, this makes It u- leflnrte aa to quantities and sixes. We 'mime, however, that It will require, i Vr this contract, for tn year, not 1 man to tons.

Am to the coat of drayaae. I understand -ha; it cot. under your contraf, fo cents ton. I am Informed by a representative in- Knoi lain that the books of the vvmptny here show the cost to be In the of S- per toa. he t-ttjr of Cleveland paya cash each Month for the pipe deifeered during1 th month, while theVlty of Clncln-; al has for years bean behind In her pay-i--ents for pipe.

They have recently- owed "v-r i.uai forover a year and a half. myrmt nai only Just been made for l'l- Jitihl! in October. la." Thta statem it la true, but cannot he avoiied at present. Thla la caused by the a 't when this board assumed control the Water Department the outstanding 1 Abilities for water pipe amounted to about They have now been reduced to -tx 4T.i.s. and expect to wlp It out 'iutin the next 1.1 months.

In other words. lalT.ent for pipe furnlobed during th term the contract tn controversy all! be d- l-rrl for about one year. the time th Cleveland contract waa le. p-iron was at a lower figure than hvfur known In the history of thla 'uairy. baa already advanced' tuny cxr ton.

and tn my Judgment will ba fol-kad by a much higher advance during- the Coke, and neariy ever other material nt.rtng largely into th manufacture of I'-Pe. have advanced, and are likely to be wtauierably higher before May MM, to iih tune are under contract to fur-: ahatever pipe you may call for. rneM are the principal reaaooa given by company aa to why there should be ditrerenc betweeo the Cleveland and InnaU contracts. I Inclose herewith "fOfT of our specification. If you would nj.y look over them, and aire us your opinion, baaed open tha experience you ae had in thia matter, what change.

If could be made, that would redound to war benefit, we would appreciate it Terr The partieuler point bowever. that nt to get at now. ia whether or not there as any "combination" or "collusion" at tne time we received oar If you bav information with rex-ard to this 1 wl" thank you In advance for sending immediately. Very truly yours. Ara.

Hejuuiahx, President B. of A. MOkK OrrOBXATIOM DBSIRKD. Clow Company, of Chicago, "hlch furnishes Cleveland with pip, also sent a letter to the board, ana yesterday President Herrmann, tn Information, wrote to them i allows: CTKcnneaTt, Onto. May IS.

lfl83. BCuow Sons. Chicago, Replying to your communication of the Uth ina eel.tlvs tm would say that the aptclflca-tipna on which blda are received for water r.oe in Cincinnati bav been ta force IZ 1mi of years. Th points that your, tetter Bav never been to my knowledge, since I have been "Ttnber of thla board four years. In mrinnatl the system of laying- water pipe "quite different from that of a number ot 'he larger cities.

In this, to-wit: In a nnm-of the larger cities th cost of extending ver mains is assessed against the abut-Jg property. Thla eaablea the proper au-Jhorltiea to make estimatea for the year's ork la advance. In Cincinnati inia ex- Is paid for out of the surplus re-lts or th Water Department, and la to keep It wUAia bounds, aad to rorw. 1' water pipes are only extended wheat aneUUqa has been received. prayin thera- for, as4 when.

KftM 0.e hav. ale i-STrl tmnouuti of ha vlna to amnabout MW.UW worth of Uamuwbihm heart h'u, P'P- Thla haa aow bn lTVmoS-1 D1 confident-Z w. oat dnrnw th. nest It vvnnw i wtli bo able la pay cash, as othor rltle do. which, of Pmal iiI.Ve.e.r??fi 1 over our epedflra- flows carefully, aad write mm la detail aa to Etr? our on futurw bid.

harm baao rK APa ill In, aratlona tha JpaetJWtlona aa they ara r7 uiu most ail or our KV J. Prmeos would prooa-7 for a yaar. Thanking rod tn advance for any Information you mar Ktv ua. 1 am. rery sincerely your Ado.

Hiuium, President B. of A. -raoes arscincATioMa nJrtTt. hat Prendre Harr-maaa la oatarm.n to atft tha runvora aa to a pip pool to tha bo flora. HiaO-l ort It would rafuaa to ailuw ri" j.Z wn.

th OOT'rmct. It waa trna that to AOdy.ton Company ooold tnatUut maaaamu' procaaOtnaa, but tlw nnl that won th boar4 could refuse to purcbas anr plpa durtnr tha eurri.i Tr "a woull In ffeot destror tha ron-trat If nothlna Hm coma out to thla invsatlcatloa wHl rasalt la tha chanainc of taa prasrai spacinr-atlona. It of ruurw rannot ba how much ptp tha will aach aar. but th amount ran be approximated, and If thai ta dona tha apac Qratfona other eorapanlxa whvb hare baea axcluded will ba enabled to come la and U'l. BUILDERS' 'EXCHANGE Will Join tb New antral Comntert-lal ntniaaltl.

Tb Builders. Kichanaa mlU join the pro- "-antral orcanaUon of the business. "anufacturln and bollea In thla dir. Thla waa decided oo at a spartaJ of the Kacban. at boos yesu-r that they bad attended a meetlnc In tha Hoard of Trade Chamber mat Monday at which 14 onranlxatlona were represented and by-laws wrra adopted.

A copy of these by-laws was submitted and read. Mr. 1. M. Blair explained the objects of the Central organisation, and arced th Ex change to Join It.

Addresses were also made by u. F. Nieber and 1- li. Hancork Indors- reronrka of Mr. Ulalr.

on motion of atr. oiler. It wa raa resolved unanimously dent waa directed ia anmint't hr i.i...t I to represent the Kxchenge. It Is understood thst about 'M different IhhIIm mill Inln. They must pay a year each.

There will le monthly meetings of the Central body and an annual meeting In May. A feature a 111 be a banquet at each meeting. CRAP SHOOTING Leads To a Probably Fatal Affray in the Village of ML Hope, Kentucky. About 2 o'clock Tuesday morning the residents of Mc Hope. a village about 35 miles south of this city, were startled by a number of pistol shots fired In rapid succession.

Constable Al Wallace was called. and after an Investigation he, located the scene of the shooting In Joseph Hardin's barn, where he found Joe Henry, colored. suffering from three bullet wounds. Henry waa hastily conveyed to the home of Joe Edger, where It was found that be was shot twice In the breast and once In the thigh. He Is In a.

very serious condition, but would not tell who did the shooting-. He ssys that he was shooting- craps with six other colored boys, ranging In age from 14 to la years, when a fight suddenly start ed, and on of the crowd pulled a revolver and beraa firing. A short time later Mar. shal Wallace arrested John Watts, George Gaines and Will Sleet and locked them up on suspicion. Sleet was suffering from a scalp wound, which he claims waa Inflicted by the butt of a pistol, and Gaines had a cut on the left arm.

Neither of the three boys arrested would divulice the name of the pistol user. Young Henry Is not expected to survive his wounds. ART SUPPLEMENT "No. 3, "GOSSIP," -WITH- NEXT SUNDAY'S ENQUIRER. jDOJsrrr loss it.

CASPER LISCHiaR Thinks That Ho Haa Discovered On of His Kelarivra. The other day Postmaster Ldscher. of Davenport. lows, waa a caller upon Mayor CaJdwrlL Hs waa In the city partly on business and partly on pleasure. Casper Lischer.

who Is a member of the Board of Legislation and connected with the Moer-leln Brewing Company, heard of the visit and was struck by the name. He hunted up the Postmaster, and finally found htm. In th course of a conversation facts developed which tended to show that the two are related. Casper Is so certain of this that he Is going to look up th family his tory thoroughly, la the meantime the other Mr. lAscner wui oe nis guest.

THE AJTI-ADULTERATIOJ WAR. Food Cora miss loner Luebbing and his a-sistants are now busily engaged In collecting- samples ot face powders and having: them analysed. It la suspected that many of these lace powders and cosmetic are adulterated. Th Dairy and Food Commissioner will probably hold a consultation with Health Ofllcer Prendergaat la regard to th con stant violation of the milk law. Mr.

Lueb- blnr claims that 40 per cent of all milk sold III this city la adulterated. Conviction has been secured In every eg. 0f this kind prosecuted, still the violation of the law continues. PAUrULLT UJTJRED. Aa awning- frame fell from the Govern ment Building- ahortly before 1 o'clock yesterday and came unpleasantly near serious ly Injuring Mrs.

Q. Hogshead, stenographer the office of united states Revenue Agent Cromwell, who waa returning- to the build-In after Iter noon lnnch. As it was the heavy Iron frame alighted on her left foot, severely bruising lt It will be several days before ana wui oe aote to wan wun ease. FTJHX11AL Of WILLIAM BLUM. Th fuoeral of WUUam R.

Blum, who was a rodman In the County Eariaeer's office. took place yesterday from his lata resi dence. 1003 East Front street. A number -w 1 Wmw and remerabered bias with a beautiful floral pis- Missna six weeks. WlBhiKa S.

Turner, aa adrertlainc maa. Brln la Covington, has beea alawlni- six weeks. Bis wife yesterday asked tha police to look for him. lln la or of J. ml io to THE ENQUIRER, CTNCETNATI." TnOTtSDAT.

MAT 16V 1893 TE1I EPISCOPALIANS Annual Convention. Inpresire Opratas Serriees at Christ CharcL Diocesan Trustees To Control All Church Property. CBBittee aid Xeaiiatiaie reet-iigi Tnu Bbhep Jaxtar Laj Delegate ia Atteadaaee. The twenty-first annual Episcopalian Coo ran Lion of th Enoccas of Southern Ohio waa opened yesterday morning at LO o'clock. Christ Church, with a solemn oomm union service, rood acted by Right Rev.

Boyd Vincent, D.D.. the Bishop being saw sled by Rev. J. Ely. of College Hill.

Ret. Dallas Tucker, of Portsmouth. Rev. John Boyd. D.U..

of Marietta, and the following deacons of honor: Rer. Lwla Durr, of Dresden; Rev. D. Cady Wright, of HUla-boro, and Rev. Che.

T. Walklec. of en lain the service within the chancel some 90 more clerical deputies participated, all them rested, and the full rested of Christ Church, under direction of Mr. Iut Khrifotf, finished a delightful musical programme. The sermon waa preached by Itlahop Vincent on the text: "If 1 be lifted up, 1 will draw all men unto roe." After th services, the convention waa or-ranlsel.

Blahop Vincent presiding, aad Rev. H. Kly being re-elected Secretarr for an- other term. The Cha-r announced tees: the foi lowing corn- Credentials Iter. D.

W. Cox. Henry Oar-Ifc-k. James Kershaw. 1'nflnlahed Business Rer.

R. R. Uraham. W. H.

Shause. Finance A. C. Neav. J.

M. Ii. Robb. E. H- Cartwell.

Tasker Boaworth. John N. Daniels. N. W.

Evana. Next Convention Hev. John Boyd. D. Rev.

Abdl Ramsey. Robert Fuller, Wm. Salway. Episcopal Address Rer. Wm.

H. Bur-Bank. W. B. Morria.

During the noon recess an elegant lunch-eon was served the delegates In the basement of the church by the ladles of Christ congregation, assisted by those of other parishes. AFTZaNOOH SKSSiOW. The afternoon session at 2 o'clock was opened with the Bishop's annual address. wuiui among otner tninn he re ferred to the lata lamented Dr. Pise, of oiendaie.

He also read a letter from Blahop "arsar, in a-nica ha sends his greetings tne convention. After considerable discussion the new con stitution and canons wer unanimously adopted. The report of the Finance Com mittee. Mr. A.

Neare. of Clifton. Chairman, was also adopted. Rer. Dudley W.I ttnoues announced an invitation to tha clergy and laity of Cincinnati and vicinity participate tn a dinner to be riven Blahop Vincent at the Grand Hotel on Tuesday evening.

May 21. at 7:30 o'clock on occasion of hi fiftieth birthday. Tickets for the dinner might be procured at the Episcopal rooms. Mr. A.

H. UcOuffey, Chairman, read the report of the Commlttea on Tenure of Church Property, which contained the fol lowing recommendatinna Ta -n church property to the diocesan trustees; not to admit any new parishes in the diocese unless such a transfer of property were arranged to be made: to establish a diocesan canon, by means of which church property could not be alienated from the control of the diocese without the consent of two succeeding diocesan conventions. Aner a long and somewhat confusing parliamentary skirmish. In which tha diplomatic tactlca of Rer. Dr.

Rhodes won the day. the report was laid on the table to be considered In its order at to-day's session. air. a. at.

vt niung, under suspension of the rules, waa unanlmouselv Treasurer of the diocese: Mr. Alex. II. Mc-Ouffey waa re-elected Trustee of the dio cese, and Key. Koher A.

Gibson was elected Trustee of Ken yon College for a term of three years, aad Mr. Morgan Wood re-elected lay Trustee of tha aame Institution. STA.HDIXO TOMKITTECs. Nominations for the Standing Commit. tees were made as follows: Revs.

Abdll Ramsey, John F. Ohl. J. H. Kly.

D. W. Rhodes. D. Peter Tinslev.

D. rhan. hlng Richards, A. H. McGufTey, Lars Anderson.

A. C. Neave. Frank J. Jones.

Missionary Committee Columbus Dean ery. Revs. Geo. P. Torrence.

E. Howard, Otlkey; Dayton Deanery, Revs. C. M. loung.

John W. Daniels: Cincinnati Dean ery, Rev. Peter Tlnsiey, D. A. C.

Neave, neva. rt. a. oinson. Dr.

McCabe, D. F. Small, J. H. Ely, DwUjht S.

Mansfield. Messrs. Lars Anderson, Ed Worlhlturton. A. N.

Whiting. Chaa. W. Short. Church Extension Committee and Educational Committee were recommended to remain the same as last year.

Diocesan Institutions Revs. W. H. Bur-hank. Cleveland A Benedict.

E. F. Small C. S. alkley.

Messrs. M. Morrow. A. Doua- "om utnica ana u.

il Uftruoia. mew. Deiegates to the General Convention i ii" rianer. Dr. Knodea, Dr.

Glb- ooYd, u. E. F. Pmall. Dr.

Tlnsiey. F. Baker. Geo. P.

Torrence. Dallas Tucker. Messrs. A. H.

McGufTey. C. H. Fisher. John Stettlnlua, Chaa.

W. Short, M. Hi Davis. o'clock the annual service was held In the Interest of Diocesan Missions and Theolocical Education the Secretary and Treasurer of th eoc'e- iy were very encouragiruT. Reports were also read of the Woman's Auxiliary, which completed Its session during the day; of the Flower lesion, th Maternity Society and in reward ia the nihoi a.

i f''r the m.ntstry. with apecial reference to Kenyon College. The Society for th Widows and Orphans tenn.aJ meeting In the afternoon, and there -r-mmi 1 levgymea nettl Ita senil-cn waa also hell the annual meetkie or ih. Cooperative Society of the Hosplual. The convention will continue Its sesa.ona this morning and afternoon and close to-night.

DiLEnATfa ijf ArrDCDAm-i. The lay delegates who were in attendance yesterday are ae follows: Avondale Orace Church a. Cuartes W. Biwiu.

a. Chir.ieoth- ftt. Paurs: Dr. Albert Uouglaa. T.

VtarflAj. John Marneld p. M. Wnwar. I'lncinnaL Christ Cnurc.h: Lars Anderson.

K. Worthiiurtoa, Ctnc.nnati St. Taal's: OoodrK-h H. Barbour. C.

2C BarthoiMaew. Wllnam H. SImmm. Adwtl Jhn L. Strtrtslus.

Ralph Fwn. Arthur La 1'inr'nnBTI rnimsnn.1' H-nry OarUck. Charlss W. Otta. Wllliaa 1.

Wllsnn. Cinrianatl du r-hiUp's: F. R. 'utter. J.

H. Hellsh. k. i. e-u, jr.

a ft. fi.vk thomas H. C. Allen. Alex.

B. McOuffey. Channlng Ricaaro. i lacmnati Epiphany: i P. i.

Mitcaell. X. 8. Bssdsr. 1 CtDcirmati St.

Charles W. Brooke, Jasepa A Macker. Charles Stanley. arret tyi David P. Allen.

John TL. 8nm Marrow. Cbilllcotbe St. PUlln'a? Morrow. Clntoa Caivmrvt V.

Wm. H. Ueii. Beth C. Foster.

A. C. Nam Coilecs HU Cracsi Edward Hewahaw. AteK. Held.

ism W. iuunp. Coiuaabus Trlaltys Charles K. Burr. L.

J. Crltchfleld. W. U. Hsndenon.

Columbus St- PanTa- Joha Oucmuurs. Jaaasa Keashaw. Charles U. Iara. tiayuia Chrwt O.

W. Beedlnger. J. tauw silt Dayton tit. Andrew's: Oeorg Harsktnaa.

D. O. Marshall. Delaware St. Peter's: Oeorg W.

Camobeiu Freg P. Hills. John D. Van leau. Tin Zlon: Robert Cochraa.

Dr. James L- Naave. Fsra Bank Resan etthi Thomas Kite. ia. Flsssr.

C. w. Short. GMMSW-CTMtst: Walter St. Jonaa.

Oreeaviile 8c FaaTs: Henry A. W.I. John Frank 8. Oordoa. James Hamilton inniiy: Barrisoa Leib.

H. Esther O. Kat-inone. Hamrell Moty irmrtyT Joba H. Early.

Wa Q. Irwta. W. W. Myers.

HlUxboro ac jsarjrs: J. li Boyd. F. a- DeMina. Arebibaid Hewtru Iron ten Christ: James BnlL Clarke.

Laacaster-St. John's: W. D. NochackM-. at B.

CaatweS. Addrstoa Ecbelbarry. Vte tkB9 8tTm Madleoavllia Boly Trlaityt W. a. I LaAer Bawworta.

Kdw. B. I-aupaa. D. H.

Baeu. Mllford s. Tbowas's: Dr. R. Belt.

Bug A Ssdatasia. Edw. B. Thayer. Fwua at- ja John W.

Daaisis. Waksr Bk Jones. U. KaillS. PiaiMiil Oiausi ew.B.Xr.

fR.OM.' Wjraei O. rwi F. C. sf i is. JE.

J. aw. g-iM. Harry a Onus. swasatd K.

aasa 1. llsw Wataioa. sa. s.apii iimi I. liawweiL CSartae B.

TksM iratMe-IWntlr Xsm: rwta. a. caa a emael Haagbuav Troy Trauty Oeoras B. laws. Urtajw Epiptissy; Oenrs T.

i-iraaa. Walde T. Tathstt, Wiama Place TA L. Hawkiaa WUUaa alway. ItratMet J.

Haw. Worwilngtea m. Mai's: O. Johaana. aL IX ErsWa Msiss.

J. 1. Porter. Xeala hrwtt Waiue Hasar. Joba WUliaaM.

anesvii-4H. JaaMSs: K. V. brlloa. Bobsn raitsa.

Omrse UiliewthaL Onraala.4 KiauM W. A taagUT. w. W. Kearoe.

W. H. Marrtagtaa. W. U.

Slii. Kr. 'WHICH Shall Get th Iblie Laadlac the ceasatKMUs or Railroad? The Commlttea oo Public landings of the Board of Laclsiatloa had aa Interesting ses sion yestsrday morning. The question under eonsidsratloa Is of the highest importance. There la aa ordlaanoa before the board which will give th Pennsylvania Railroad Company the right to place four additional tracks upon the Public landing, for which privilege the company la to pay the city the sum of $0ts) a year.

This contract la to last for 20 years, the board reserving the right to annul It at anr time upon six months notice. Messrs II ax well and McCalllster represented the railroad company. yommodore Laldley, representing- the steamboat Interests, made a proposition to pay the city tre sura of a year for the privilege of using the wharf, thus shut-tlna out the railroad eomoanv. At first glance this proposition seemed to be a good 1 one for the city, hut upon investigaiioa I inerw appewreu boat companies now pay to the city In the matter of wharfage something like an average of a year. Their proposition was ta include this, so that the city, in the event that it accepted tn proposition, aiui gets but $.1.0 a year.

This fact seemed to strike the members of the committee rather forcibly, and it was suggested that the report t. on be made In the shape of an ord.uance, so that It could be better understood. In the meantime It waa concluded to take no further action until th committee had been given a chance to visit the wharf, which will be done next Monday morning. APPORTIONMENT Of the State The Plaees Where Repnblieass Are Vete, aad the Delegates Each Ward Gets. The of Elections mat yestsrday aad adopted the report of the Committee on Apportionment appointed by the Repub lican Executive Committee.

It Is aa lot lows: Enaine Oto. IS. Eastern av. 4 K-C'-1 MrJA.Uan street. 3 i a 6.

e. cor. eytraauore and Webster streets. 2 44 Oresry street. 2 N.

w. eor. Pearl aad Lawrence streets. IC17 Harrison street. 2 A Central Turner Hall it I Kn.

Co. 1, Itace and Commerce streets. 1 1 H. w. cr.

Ninth nd Vine streets. Io, a 1 N. w. ecr. Fourteenth and Elm streets.

Hi all Walnut strart. 12: arcs west McMickea avenue. 2 f-tn-i Elm street. I4i 2 ita-X. eor.

Tork and Lfrm streets. U. 2 K-. w. cor.

rietts sna utter uresis. ii' 2 N. w. enr. 1ark and Cutter streets.

17: i' S3 Cutter street- 11 2 1 Patrol Co. I. 2 Oeorg. street- IV. 2 i.

Co. Kosrth. wl ot Mill strert. aui Eighth street. III I A Ninth Dist.

Ho. kMate. a. of Eighth. JB 2 Hettaatreru Sli 4 Bft7 Harrura avenue.

24 a tvin avmue. Odd yellows' Hall. Blue Rock A To mil. 2i 3 Engine Co. Z.

Madlem snd Hacklierry. 271 2 C.S. a. cor. Sycamore and sHlton atreeta.

281 8. e. eor. Vine and Molrtor strsruv ai I A 1014 pike. Sol 2 JC Harrlwsi avtsiue and Beekman street.

Truai or lb oity. The apportionment for the townships la aa follows: MUlcreek. 5: Sprtngflald. Columbia. Cole rain.

Green. Miami. Spencer and Anderson. Sycamore and Symmes, Delhi and Riverside, Whitewater, Cros by and Harrison, 1. Total, 17.

Each ward will elect the number off delegates apportioned to H. and ona executive for every precinct that ward. In order to lessen the expense, we recommend the of one precinct for each ward througnout tne city. These delegates are for the State Convention. It will be noticed that there ls but one voting place to each ward.

The primary election was ordered caned for Thursday. May 23. the polls to be open an i. tn. in Tne env nd from 6 p.

in. to f. m. rn the country. The following resolution was also adopted: "The delegates In the country precincts are to be elected at large aa to the various townships, and all votng places to be opened.

Executive Committeeman la to be elected from eitch -r-re-clnct. The precinct Executive Commit ee- will act as a can- visaing board and issue credentials to the succeasrul delegates. i POLITICAL POIHTS. Thi Board of Elections yesterday swore in about 100 election omcers. Hon.

D. K. Watson, tha CongTeasman-elect fromthe Columbus District, and ex- Attornev-General of Ohio, waa in tne city yeaterday. ostensibly on business, but presumably to look out for the Interests of hta a ii N'aah. who Is a candi date for tne riepuoucan guuei iun I Inatlon.

Harvey D. of Cleveland, Ohio, la at the Grand Hotel. He Is hers In the Interest of HoytCyeveland's candidate. Rudokoh Hrnicka will be re-elected as Chairman of the County Executive Com mlttee. and will also be Chairman of th Campaign Committee.

Mayor David Davla. of Norwood. It Is aaid. mar he put forward aa the successor to county Bouciior npiegei. Following are some of the delegates who will most nrobably be successful In their ards: T.MT.thlnl Ward Henrr Broemfoer- der.

Lon Werner. Fred BoUman and An- iKAnv Ktelnman. Sixteenth Ward Max Berrhelm and Chaa. Tooker. Fifteenth Ward Morris Bauer and Wm.

P.r.. Twenty-nrrn ara juars soar. aui Bchuler and Charles Whlteley. IMPORTANT Qmewilow Which Is To Be Decided By the B. of A.

An Important question connected with the removal ot im oia mxtn street jaaraei House was considered hy the Board of Ad ministration yesterday In executive session. Th butchers who had stands in th market house were, of course, compelled to remove the arher markets when the work of tear- lot dowa began. They bare complained that unless1 the other people In the market are compelled to remove with them they will lose tnetr Business, ir was this matter which the hoard had under advisement. It will be settled In a few days, and. as th butchers pay a license ta the citr.

their rirhls mill probably he first considered. From this standpoint the entire Slxtn street jaaraev win oe ciuseu untH tne wora ox completing, me ow struc ture ta over. EE HPT THE CPU. Jacob Baser, a saloon keeper on Oormany venue, swore out a warrant before Squire Tyrrell yesterday for th arrest of Ignatius Hoebne, of 733 Freeman avenue, Hoesae for some time was collector for Bauer, and is aOeced collected a Mil aaraawt Theodora Branncr amounting to $13, but failed to turn over th money to Bauer. ttoehna was released on S300 bond.

Con stable Snyder errd tha writ- grOBMXH WILLES'3 CASE. When tha case of Informer Weller waa eaUed la th Poilco Court yeaterday Judge Oregg refused to set aside th forfeltar of WsUer-s toad, aad ae the'eaa for trial oa the Stth. jTOT the mix John Larkin, arrested aa suspicion of being- wanted la Hamilton for murder, wa leased yasterday, aa ha la aot the max Joba. WL Least. Prsclaot aad VoUng Place.

ft aad Delta. AT LAST The Secret Is Let Out Terns the Bellebisk-Com- nereial Bask SettleneiL Matter of Confirming the Compromise SetForTo-Morrow. The Celebrate. MeXieell Case Agaia A Law Attacked eaeral Kewi ef the Cearta, COURT CALLS. Ponowtng la the ea'eaiW can for to-day.

JCOOS MOORS Marray gioaa. tXTWm auue or Okie n. Hi M-r. Ie- LaVargne Hefriseraur Cs. vs.

Clscuaati Ic Maosiae UuiSl vs. Heraaeoort Brewtng cnrlsur vs. lappeuaaa. va acAtiM, JOMI VL utf. JXTJQSE BMI'IV Ko regular caSeadar.

JUDOS W1UOHT Mlsoell JVDOB KATLER-Berhtel vs. Hair et aL. K. V. OnrBf n.

OoetUe et M. Jaenry vs. City et KeUar Oty. jrrvlE Kt'MLRK Meade vs. McDonald et al.

McljweaeU va. lioamaa. Guar vs. kiudr. JL-DOK BOTiWAl.TEa-Kumg vs.

the rtactn- oatl Strwt Railway Co. dry va JT'IJOB HOIX4HTCK Pll krckltMld. Wherlff. et ai. Luagner va H.

and l. K. K. o. The Iuela a Man Manafactunng Co.

vs. Hewitt. Seitaer r. va, MMdiry. ick a Co.

bawsua va Muateita. ji-iB EVANS-Ka calendar. JVDOE WIlaSOX-MIUer va rrjs Ci U.I. va. iahacMid.

Hoc Fak.rd Kros. va. Rt Tuf. Hi. A.

aad IC V. Hallway. Uullaiea vs. Keller. JVDOK FKRRIS At la a.

m. The Villas of va J. Blodle al. Applltatiua eoaiMSuatMja. preliminary.

Jf'DQB MrN'RILlr-Afalcnaent of A. Weiier A Co. 'Otattna for assignur. At last the secret Is out about the settlement of the trustees of the Commercial Hank with the Hellebusb estate. After keeping the matter entirely under coyer for more than a week, and keeping the creditors In Ignorance of what the trustees were to ret, the formal application for authority to make the settlement waa filed la the Insolvency Cpurt yesterday afternoon.

While there Is no disposition to make It appear that the trustees and their attorneys were ashamed of the settlement that was contemplated, yet when the creditors see what It haa been agreed upon shall be received for th large claim against the estate they may not be surprised that there was a desire apparently to keep bark the terms of settlement until the matter had been fully accomplished. When the failure of the bank occurred, and when the first estimates were msde aa to the asseta and liabilities, there was rt ion that the claim against tha Hel- rDush estate for would pay at 1. TO per cent. There was no doubt of It in the minds of those who professed to know and who made the estimatea. And that estimate has turned out to be like the general estimate of the assets made at the aame time.

In other words, there Is a shrinkage In the value that Is really startling. The petition sets forth that the bank held notes signed by Clemens Hellebush. to the number of 12, segregating $60,000, dated from the 4th of October, 1S90, to the 4th of February, 1892. Also, that the bank held 10 notea signed by C. Hellebush, attorney, aggregating 32.1U0, dated October 18UL.

to December 27; also, that the bank held 29 drafts drawn by the senior Hellebush with different datea from the 23d of September, 1SK2. to January 16. 1853, aggregating 64, Including the protest fees. There Is another note tor $4,165 35. Indorsed-by 8 pecker Bros.

dated October 2. 1890. payable four months after data. There are checks on the Merchants National Bank bearing dates from February 28, 1S91, to January IT. signed by the senior Hellebush.Sagrregallng- fxMU.

There Is a check on the Farmers and Traders' Bank, of Covington, for tl.fWO. There Is also an overdraft of the Hellebush account of b2. The total of all these sums Is t24a.l)t.. K. It will be seen that this total is near tha amount that haa always been said to be owing from the Hellebush estate.

The petition, aftes setting forth the mat ters mentioned, asserts that the Hellebush estate Is Insolvent, and that Is not lie-Ueved that there could he realized on the claim more than that which was offered In settlement of U. The offer was to pay In cash the sum of ttKi.1110 In full of ail claims. Besides, there would be a release by the widow of Hellebush all her dower rtgiil in- two ptecee ot real estate wnicn bad been deeded to the bank as part se- uiitr for tn amount owing, mat real estate Is situated on Hackberry street and at court street and Broadway, rne wnoie la considered to be worth $40,000. From all this rt can be eastly seen that instead of navlna- 70 Der cent- It will Day only about 30, and that there are Just 40 more chance lor the stockholder to pay a large assessment on the stock than was at first supposed. Because of objection by some credit ore who wanted to be heard, the matter of confirming the compromise waa set for hearing to-morrow.

A Law Attacked. There was an interesting case before Judge Wright yesterday morning, and one in which all municipal corporations of the State will toe interested. The suit was ons to en loin the village of Avondale from pro ceeding with the improvemAit of ShUllto street until the damages to' the abutting property had first been ascertained. The baala of the action was that the law authorising- the Council of the village to pro ceed before ascertaining the damage, la unconstitutional. John W.

Warrington at tacked th law. He argued that the law unconstitutional because It was In con travention of Section B. Article 1 of tha bill of rights, t'nder that section and article the property of a person could not be taken until ne naa been compensated. It was. therefore, necessary for bhe vllbta-e ta tint ascertain the compensation due to the property owners before the improvement could be made.

The law In controversy gives th CounoU of a municipal corporation the priv- u-ge awcenain in aamagea befor cr af ler the improvement as It sees fit. Judge Wright granted a temporary restraining order. The in the suit Is Samuel Hunt- Walter Granger represented the village. Adulterated Vinegar. The Supreme Court's decision affirming the decision of Judge Wilson In the case of rb Stat against Weller is of Interest to the manufacturers "of food products.

The case was ons wherein Weller waa arrested at the instance of the Food Commissioner for manufacturing and selling adulterated vinegar. He was convicted, and the case was taken to the Common Court fur review. There Judaa. Wilson held that un less the coloring matter used In the manufacture of the vinegar was one of the essential ingredient, in the distillation it would be arunclal coloring matter within th meaning of the law. V.

anis Sewer Connection. A suit In mandamus was filed In the Com mon Pleas Court yesterday by James a. Cooper against the Board of Administra tion to compel the granting to him of a permit to tap a sewer InrAshland avenue. He says that there was an assessment made oa the property abutting to pay for the sewer. Afterward the Courts declared the assessment to be Illegal, and that th abutting property waa not llabla for the assessment, and that the relator's property waa Included In that It la alleged that when be made application for permission to tap the sewer and tendered the fe of $5 his application was refused, because ne wouia not pay per front foot as a sewer assessment, notwithstanding the fact that the Court had declared It to be illegal, and that the abutting moperty waa not liable for It.

He. therefore h-t the board be compelled to grant the permit. a. awurmia ana vr. j.

wones, St lor. Beys. A Fatal Weddiae. Ansa Maria Adrion was a happy maiden oa the 20th of January. UBL Oa that day ah became the wife of Solomon Fischer.

and there seemed to be nothing In the future that would mar tne brightness of her life. But she was like many another woman who has had Just such visions of happiness. 8be was disappointed. This because he deserted her not long after their marriage and haa not lived with her since or done anything tor her. 8t9e filed suit for divorce yeaterday, charging that be had been willfully absent and negligent for snore than threw years.

She aaka to be restored to her maidea aame. Coppock Gallagher, attorneys. The Casts Appealed. Tha case of Margaret McXkooIl against Clirahes Ires has been appealed to the Cir cuit Court. This Is the fsmlUBS case where in tha plaintiff named seed for th pafOtloa of real astats at th comer af Fifth aad Syr a mars atreeta.

claiming that so tha daughter of Henry McNTcoU. who had Jarried Elisabeth Bsaaoaer. Tha property la quesrioa waa Inherited by Mrs. Ires aa the daughter ot Mr. McXIcoQ by Ida th ta Th th to la on first arlf.

Th defenaa waa that la plalartff a Isaillmsis child for th ew beta a Mr. McNieell and bet Ksaaoeter eras xxweted before the i est lowed "sad beea divorced tress her former Irasbaad. After a knar Tssartoc Court aeid that tn psamurx waa. a Isa-itlsnsae child aad that ah waa aiiU4 awe half of th property rn qoasrwta. It sa thought that there woaal ne a eoanpro-tse th cans, bat all aegoUaxlons fail through.

AaJte-WHS aJwwsax, la Jodxw WUaoa's Court ywsterday the trial of th case of Carrie Han aaalaat Wm. Askew, wherein ah charged that ho was th father of her child, pi oar east a. mother of th girl toM of th dlscov- of th eowditloa of bar danehter aad she had asked Askew about It. Ia afternoon tha defeodant was oa tha wit- aesa stand, and den lad th charge. Th defendant denied that ba had had anything do with th girl between the 1st aad taa ISth of September, th time when the child aileaed to hav beea begotten.

Ia fact, denied II the testimony of the plaintiff, except that he had called upon, her several times. He had several young men to testify that they had heard that th young woman was not what she ought to he, and of them waa bold eaouah ta say that he had beea Intimate with Iter. With all that, the Jury did not believe hint aad his friends, and found that he was the father of the child. He was allowed to go on the bond he gave when he was arreaied. snoval amrat.

Aa application waa Sled la the Insolvency Court yesterday to remove the assignee of th American Carrousel and Toy Company. Th assignee la William H. FrlUman. It Is alleged that be la not a suitable person and will not administer the trust for the benefit of the creditors. The trouble la that the as- srnee ta a preferred creditor of the company for a considerable amount.

The lubenlsme Tag. Assistant Prosecutor Darby went to Columbus yeaterday te make an argument before th Supreme Court la the test case Involving the direct Inheritance tax. Attorney-General Richards will sppear with him in the case, aad there will be a number of oihet attorneys representing several large estates. Probate ApiKtlntmrnta. Maria Klanka Is executor of the will of Henry lack a.

Personalty, $100; realty. F. C. Oldham Is administrator of E. C.

Dawes. Fetsonaltr. 2Mu. Sophia tee's ler ht executrix of August Gelsler. Realty.

$4,000. Nora la guardian of Geneva Graham. Iereonaity. John J. Ollllgan Is guardian of Thomas, Kate and Annie Fltxpainck.

Realty, $juu. General Court i aft era. Henry Vogel got Judgment against Charlotte Uuchbola for Jiisd. The Texas Building Association got Judgment against Edward Zimmerman and others for $721 40. Louis Wolff and Katie Hues wer made husband and wife yesterday, by Squire James.

Helen D. Robinson has filed an answer to the suit for divorce of D. D. Robinson, denying all his charges. R.

W. Carroll, attorney. Walter Wright wanted to marry Ellen Ward, but was under age and could not grt a license. To remedy the difficulty William Dowllng was appointed guardian of the young man, and gave his consent to tha marriage. One witness was heard In the case against C.

Hlrsch. who Is charged with obtaining goods by false pretenses, and who was ar rested in Tennessee and Drougnt oaca nere for trial. The case waa before the grand Jury yesterday. New Halts Filed. CIRCUIT COOBT.

2.1SO. Claribel Ives vs. Margaret C. MeNionIL Petition in error flied. Klltreage.

Wllby A fclm- BHSldS. COMMON FUCAS COUBT. 10S.42. Charles Purr vs. Stella B.

Cavagna et ai. Fur aad forfeiture of lease. Albert W. arhwsrtz. 1US.4fkX Same va fttella M.

B. Cararna et al. For list aad forfeiture of leaae. A. W.

Oebwana lU3.4ft4. aiiinct iwy rt al. vs. Marry K. Schroder et ai.

For $210 20 on account. K. 8. Fulbm. luil.4.A.

wm. H. Seymour vs. S. W.

Hoffman et al. Krror from ftqulr tilllard. L. M. Morgan.

1UX.4M. State of Kilo va Auk. Hermann et al. For writ of aiandaaus. J.

McDlarmld and W. Jonea. ioa.407. Merchants' National Bank vs. Thomas Bradford Co.

For on a sola Stephens. Lincoln A Km Its. Ivil.ibH. F. A.

Greyer A Sons vs. Joseph 8. Srhiadorn et al. For sasti ug oa account. John son A Levy.

1C. August Hunt vs. Village of Avondale. To enfan th. uaeroveoient of fthllllto avenue.

E. fa. apangenoerg ana fax ion, warnngtoa botltet. 103.400. Anna M.

Flsrh.r va Solomon Fischer. For divorce. Cuppork A Qallagher. 103.41. Perry Sort or vs.

John Srheerer. For p-wsfMlon of real eetate an4 $A00 aa damages. C. V. Hoffman and Alex.

Murray. 10 412. Ham Oakes vs. Mrrern.M. Bloom A Co.

Appesl from Squlr Kushman. Outcalt, Granger a lt.43. Bridget Russell vs. W. N.

Forbls. For as daataaea. A Cam. BIG SALE. The Loogworth Tract South of Inwood Park To Be Made Into a Subdivision.

A tract of eight acres of valuable ground, which for about SO years had belonged to the estate of Ntcholaa Longworth, was sold yesterday. The ground Is located Just south of Inwood Park, and Immediately back 'of Loth street. The entire Interests of the Longworth. Anderson and Stettlnlua estates were disposed of. The purchaser Is a well-known contractor.

Though the sale was practically effected, the deeds were not executed yesterday, and for that reason the parties Interested will not give out the terms of the transaction, nor the name of the purchaser. It Is known, however, that a large amount of money waa involved. Th purchaser Is going to grade the land and make a large subdivision of It. This will a great improvement for that part of the city, and It la expected that it will soon be built up and populated. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Decido To Improve Haalej Road and Beekman Street.

At the meeting of the County Commis sioners yesterday Engineer Krug submitted ha estimate for the Improvement of Han-ley road In Coleraln Township. The estimate Is $23,717 IS, and ha was Instructsd to prepare plans aol sperltlcatloM. Judge McNeill, of the Insolvency Court, submitted bis first quarterly report. The receipts of the office only equaled the ex penditures, and the Xee fund as a conss-ouence rets nothlnv. The quarterly report of Judge Ferris, of the ITobate Court, shows receipts of fco.

and disbursements of 11. leav ing a r-aiaace to tne credit of the Zee fund of The Commissioners derided to go ahead with the Improvement of Beekman street. The work will cost no. according to the estimate of Assistant County Engineer creen. COMMITTED TO THE BEFTJGE, Sister Sebastian, of the Bank Street Con-rent, appeared before Squire Tyrrell yes terday and had Annie Hurley, a little girt.

commuted to tne House of Refuge. L. Tuesday evening a nicaiy-cressed young woman vurUsd th convent, bringing a six year-old girl with her. 8b left the child there, claiming that ahe had made rsjisrements with th Sisters at Cartbaga to take the girt. On Investigation It was found that the Slaters at Carthage knew nothing about the case.

The Sisters tried to have Annie taken cars of at the Bet la Street and City Hospitals, but as ahe was not -sick they refused. Oa account of the meealee at th Children's Horn ah was also refused there. Finally the House of Refuge waa sought and tha abort action taken, CAUGHT BFTWEEJ THE GATES. About o'clock yesterday morning' Wil liam WeUeu, driver of a milk wagon for dairyman oa th Baltimore pike, was crossing the C-. H- and D.

tracks at Brigb- ton when the crossing man dropped the gates and ellen was stopped oa the track. Aa Incoming train struck the wagon, demolishing It, but ellen and his horse escaped. THE "OOr MEJT. Jos Mansfield. Jos BaUey aad Jha Beach, the confidence men arrested by Detective Witt and Moses, were photographed yea terday at headouarters.

They win be hold ttnMl Parmer Nolan, of frying-. can arrive ta prosecute then for oofalrahia $73 vis mini oc 8T0LEI BT BOTH Two boys about years old Ed Lawson. of 24 Teatxnaa street, aad hired a horse and wagon, saying- that they wanted to use it to sell soap an Walnut Hilla. They drove away and never caaae hack. Th pouc are looking for rhsrs.

Misina, Looia Scfaindlar. of WtnUrrt Place, has beea -Blaslag serarai days. th i A. 1. I PAGES.

TAXES Paid By Colorations. flgares IHed With the feeitjAa-iiter That Shew Solid Baal aess Heues. Th following returns by oarporai lag business la thla city, aad which pay tax oa personal property upward of hav beea filed at the office of County Auditor Hagerty for th 1M mint. Th returna are aot all la. bat a gtaac at figures below will convince th most skeptical of the solid worth ot Cincinnati business men: Amtrvas Type Foundry 00 i.

aitee-j alias Ltvniany The A. eaadw Psranuj JAM 12.414 O0 H'jtel iarrvai ink ani Le.thw Company Axnartcaa Cotton Oil The A. ii. Curre Company la.saa as IKS so TO.SiS OS eat ta asi.ncaa Book coacera li.

Pork "TiatiM IS.) tat Ataeeaa rt. Enalae Company TlJt AAwMA Straw Boar ll.a-3 S7 Aull A WHwrt SS.S3U Alms A rnria. Company u.4lT on A. M. Fugk pravins Company I2.W0 Urachmaa A is.

HrvswwrU Brsaa aad Wire Ooods 2a.UV So Haiawia Ktaao Company ixiwsdi B. P. Clat'tt iarnaa OomMiv sn Oane A Braed Manaf actanag Camnasy. 4haa. M-wr Conianr IS.iH4 ts CiaaUWid.

Wood. Company 4 i VU F. Hradlev Cannaar 14.a Covtagtoa and Ctae.nnati Bn4c Ce. Consulidatrd Boat rKur. 1S.3TK OS aai cowipaay ia.rjw w.

Cincinnati Tla as Japan 1X.10U ClBclnnatl Votkablalt latart Cincinnati n.w"w CinrmaaU N'em. n.laj otl C. eiae Floor and Feed Cnmnaay tw CinctBnatl HartM Wire Cuatoaar uu cinclnnatt Leaf T'aceo Warvhoue a lluax Ht.e and Packet Clifton tiprings iMIll.t.g uu Charles Brown (inwrr 2lt.21& UU mi-any II l' Kllnkliajnee Company Vo Mlllere-k Ir.Mtlnna w.a4 IS Knppwtorf. IMtimaaa I'waiir 1 1 1 wu Knie a Hahtmann Hai-dwar. Cosnpsay SI.1M7 a A K.

Orrenwald Comnr 2S.UUS VU H. L. Mryer Packing on l-neraoa A Flmer ooipany. 17.4WI UU Edgewoud IHMllUn Comuaay Si. 1 Ml tsi Export tltocaaw C.anpany lw.tkl cai EliUwtnn Piano C.aniiany.

li.7va uu Kaquirer Coaipany K. i. Cl.pp Manufacrurlruj ll.huo uo laal. V.hK. Lead Caiipany 71 71 UU E.

W. Vandttsrn Contny ln.PJU us Korwood Ssoe Manufacturing. Company frl.RJO ui Flack Hrua. Una-er Cvniluny 21, 4W 11 Farmers and Miippers' Warehouse Company f4.IW0 utl n.neral Ulecirvr c.anpany SXavo uu tllone itnap Il.uai tw OlUaon Huu. I'uoiian- OU leoeftje MeAIHn Co 00 tieurg.

F. Otte dmiaay, 43.UW ttu U. A. Cirmy Company B. Bchulle Cutniiacy lu.

IX Oermanlc Ivy Oouds Company I1.41U ta) Harkne. Cannliur Company dl.SlO Herman Lackman Brewing td.SUO no rtamlllon i.r.aery company. lo.uuu uu H. a Puna 227.UOU Ilerrms Halt a Marvin Company l.o J. A.

Kay a Esn uu J. u. K.Mh 1'acklns Company 117 a Dwighi Company 4.s7v l.i Jung Brawisg Company e.2.410 tm J.n ehllllto Company S1U.510 on J.rfm Churrh Company on John Hata Brwlns Company 7S.V50 uu Johnson Bros. Hardware Company. 84.

"70 pu John Van Kana. Company. 2H.SM) uu John Kolhe Company 11.270 Mv J. N. Harris Company 11.

(AO wu J. M. Moore IU.S90 Uu J. Waller ou Joseph It. Peebles Compsny U.Sea uo Kn- iiaklng 1'oader Company 21.

SOU Ui Lansivw Branch L. a. Bakina Com pany IS.OHt OS Lankmhrttner Company uu Iavr-liav; lfscblna Tool 17.J6 uw Live Oak Dlstillmc Company 37.IMI uu Lewis Votrht A Hon. 12.32ft Laldlaw, Dunn A Oordon 12 7uO Oil liendersna ClothUig Coaipsny lj.ftWJ UO Man. Bros.

Boot and tSltos Coaipany 6Z.U-J3 M. W.rk A IV, 77.72S OU Mar met Cnpuiy ou Monarch Oil Cnaipanr lasflu uu Mabley A Carew company Muth Branch I. Hakmg 11. HM uu Morrison A SntMlsrass c'osipany. in 4V uu National Lead Ctaspany IWJX 'V Nonoturk 8llk Cominy 21.

Sou National Hardware Counwny 1174 in Ohio Valley Khoe Company 12.2110 uu I'ort Publishing Company tU.fA Patace Hot.l Company 1ft. 144 ou Pickering Hardware Company 23.2.2 uu P. R. Mitchell Company M.4SI Palm Broa. Company 11.414 t.i Puunsford Stationery Company 11.2uu VI rera a Williamson lleat and ventilat ing Company 14.S40 r.

Breiert toninsnv 12.IM.1 i Royer Wheel Company 1(18-40 Queen City Coal Company 20.I40 no Queen city Printing Ink 18.2MI iv Queen City Forge Company 10.S2D ui Ross-Moyrr Company UO Robinson Planing Mill 12.K7U 00 Rudniph Wurlltzer Company i.l.V ou Hobert Clark. Company OO Htandard (ll Comrsuiy utl BanuMl WoodsMe Company 14.7UU oo Company I4.29U (M 8. E. Barrett Cmianr l.v0 uu Rteams-Koater Company KAtiO 00 Btaodard Druar Company X2.r.20 no fltandard Orocery Company 00 Slnser Manuracrunns Company 14.170 0 StronrlJs. Lithographing Company.

4V 20 00 Sachs Bho. Company 12.11 Shhikle. Wllron A Kries 118 tr70 n. Ubermayer cumnsny lu.wsi uu Btacey Manufacturing Company 90 Mm oo Turner-Looker Company 12. OK) 00 T.

A. Rnlder Company 17,440 OO IT. H. liuna Manufactunne 14.470 00 IT. 8.

Playlnc Card Ojmpany 23.140 00 IT. 8. Printing Company B1.0S0 On Union Bavins. Bank and Trust Co. 141.

a 10 ou Vnlon Distilling Company on Vsndusen Ou and Uawillne Engine Co. lO.ono 00 WtnJIrcb-Muhrhsusrr Brewing T4.4UO 00 Western Methodist Book Concern 12.1. lie Ml W. J. M.

Udtdon Chemical 22.010 ou Wlnlfrede Coal Company IS.SMI 00 Wm. Powell Company 22,10 00 FECOLIAR Accident To Assistant Coanty Treas urer- Vie Faaria. Assistant County Treasurer Vlv Fagln was the victim of a peculiar and painful acci dent Tuesday evening. About 7 o'clock hs left the office and started to walk down Main street. Just as he stepped off the curb at South Court street a wagon darted around the corner.

He made a sudden move as If to go forward and then stepped quickly backward to avoid being run over. In doing so he wrenched two tendons In Jil right leg. When he tried to walk be fell to tha ground. In this position he was found a few minutes later by fiill Anthony, of the aame office, who chanced to pass. The latter summoned a cab and Mr.

Fa sin was taken to his home on Mt. Adams. Dr. rjrauni was eaiiea ana examined the injured limb. He said that two of the muscle tendons nail parted, and pronounced the accident ore of the most remarkable he had ever beard of.

Nothing but perfect rest will restore the leg to Its normal conainon. sr. runn was si me or Hew vesterdav. but be came and went In cab. It will be a month before he will nave the full use ot the leg aa-aio.

MRS. BROWN'S TROUBLE. (Cap tain Hadley Will See What Officer Jerry Najrrl Has To Do. With It. Mrs.

Brown, wife of Officer Brown, called at police headquarters yesterday to see Cap tain Hadley about her husband. Ever since she found a note In his pocket from another woman there baa been trouble. Yes terday she said that her husband had pu her out of the house, and would not let her return. Bhe says that most of her trouble had been caused by Ofllcer Jerry Nagle, who lives In the same house. Captain Had ley listened to her complaint and told her to return to-day.

when Officers Brown and Nagls will be present to tell their side ot the story. XE. a TJ. A. M.

ELECTI0S3. swui raMits vs. oiraa. lUxmxui, Ohio, May 13. Ta State Council of the Junior Order of Called American Mechanics has been In session here since yeaterday.

40 delegates being la attendance. The council closed to-day with th following election of stats officer-: Councilor, H. L. Wenner. of Tiffin; Vice CcuncUor.

Dr. Ia A. Perce. Bucyi-aa: Sec retary. J- A Bliss.

Osnabtrrjf: Treasurer, W. A. Oordon. Cleveland; Council Conductor. John Grafton.

Wells vllle: Council Warden, W'. W. Specimen, Hoimesvlll; Inside Sentinel. jauier, rieaaasi Grove: Ouulde Sentinel, t. r.

neeier. ark. burr Representatives to National Council. J- H. Zimmerman, Plain City; P.

A. Bradley. Tiffin; 1. C. Wynaot.

Marion; D. B. 24cl-onaia. cinnu; xv. an.

Massinon. The next meeting will held at minefield on the second Tuesday In pep tern Per, irn. AXIIT EELS ITS 0 CASE. The case of Jennie Perry, a drug-gist at Sixth and Freeman avenue, against th Btein-Vogeler Drug Company, which, she alleges, sold her Impure ammonia, came up for trial before Squire Wlnklsr yesterday. Th ease, which Is being bitterly fought, grows out of tbe war recently waged against retail druggieis for selling adulterated articles Among- those arrested was the complainant in the present action, who Is la turn prosecuting tbe company from which he got tbe ammonia for selling which ah was arrested.

A WAITED rOEGSAJD LAJ.CE1T. Henry Shrsider. of Ninth and Mate, wh last Saturday gar his friend Matthew Paters a check for $42 to caah. yesterday called at tha Polios Court Clerk's offlo aad swore oat a warrant for Peters" arrest for grand larceny. Matthew having failed put la aa appearance at Henry plaea of business since ha was izRrustad with the check.

i TMC PARI PARIS salonJ 895- Each Plate 13x18 Each Plate Signed Portrait and Sketch of Each Artist. All Inclosed in a Handsome Cover. SECTIONS- AND 25c Kacti. Sent Anywhere by Mail on Receipt of -Price MBt w. eess a and on Sale at The THE PARIS CITY HALL PICKUPg.

A Contract Rescinded The Bloody Ran Problem May Re Solved. Th Board of Administration yesterday rescinded Its action In awarding the contract for the Improvement of Dover alley to T. A. Tlerney on the ground that he would not use one of the kinds of brick specineu. The alley will be re-advertised.

William Ooodall complained to the board that a number of electric wires had been placed upon some of his buildings without his consent- He requested that the matter he remedied. The City Electrician was ordered to Investigate. Jack Hayden, Chief of the Gypsies, called up Mayor Caldwell by telephone from Hamilton-yesterday to say "good-by." He Is on his way back to Cuba. Tha Union Board of High Schools will leet this Afternoon and organic. Super intendent Morgan will request that a ape cial meeting be called for next week to con sider the appointment tor principal ior uw walnut Mills nign Bcnooi.

It la said that there Is a gentleman who haa a scheme to purify th water of Bloody Run Creek by th ua of machinery. The matter waa talked of about the City Hall yesterday and there may development. It 1 rumored that Superintendent of rub- lie Schools Morgan will not reappoint Superintendent of Penmanship Cham'pllo- Mayor Caldwell has dlreovered that the heavy machinery In the City Hall basement causes the building to shake. He will In vestigate to find If this wtfl endanger the durability of the structure. The B.

of A. yesterday appointed Dr. Otis Cameron bacteriologist for the city. He will take hold at once. President KHgour.

of tbe Cincinnati Street Railway Company, called on tha K. of A- to consult as to tha proposed extension of the Coiaraln-avenua line to Hameltown. hurl, half a from the j-onxjratlon limits. The matter waa referred to Mem ber Washburn. Within a week the new Madison-avenue division of the Walnut HUls Caole Road will be opened.

Vavor Caldwell yesterday addressed a letter to the President of Chicago's Common Council to ascertain what arrangements are made, there for the disposal of street sweepings. This city may profit by tbe Inquiry, i MAEEIAGE LI0EI8E8. Fred A. Bets. 87.

470 Main street, and Louisa Orth. Z7. 470 Main street. Louis Wolff, 82. Chicago, 111, and Katie Hughes.

3, HartwelL Jerimiah Pickens. 48. Camp Washington, and Mary olden, St, Cummlnsvllle. Wlllam meter, zj. ini -ioinor iiien, aa Frida SchrotT.

20. Madison street. George M. Schafer. A Wi Kenyon avenue, and lna Haller.

22. Ill Tork avenue. Walter Wright, t. Plum street, and Ellen B. Ward.

17, Plum street William Leiher. 27. Mansfield street, and Amelia Hoffman. 2 24 Sbermaa avenue. BUI Cohn.

22. 331 West Fifth street, aad Anna Blum berg, ao, 231 West Fifth street. William Lorenx, Kenner street, aad Lena Lang. 80 Elm street Charles Hafer. X.

Cummlnsvllle. and Kal Ernschwender, JH, Cummlnsvllle. Fred Thedieck 34. Vln street, and Mar garet Roth. SV.

Fourteeath and tne streets. jyred H. WlcJunann. 21. 1Z2 Charlotte street, and Edith Ooerter.

22. 152 CharloUa Louis F. Bloat. 2S. city, aad Daisy B.

Percy, IS. Elm wood Place. John 43, city, and Barbara Becker, Rodin M. Pattersoo. 23, city, and Kettle K.

Enfield. 23. city. i THE LADIES WEAXESED. Urns Sajfprtnrr, Ohio, May 15.

No lady minstrels entertainment goea la Upper Sandusky. Aa organiser of such eatrtaitxmat cam her and made arrangements with the Elks for a benefit. He called est about iO prominent young ladies aad set aa hour for rehearsal at th opera house. All said tby would hers, but la th. mean time they weakened and only four turned ap.

Th or- Bnlsar gar way aacovragemeat aad ttowa. IS I0W AI Gaawjf. Osno. May IS. Hat tie Baxter, th daughter of a weu-kaowa au maa.

haa facervwd aotificatioa that th wiil of her deceased grandfather ta Scotland bM left her a tort una of about Name. aeee4M a see eeeaaeeea I SALON. Inches. by the NOW READY Enquirer Office. SALON.

POLICE CHIEFS Proposed Ianora. lion Next Meetlnc at Atlanta. Washixoton, p. May 15. Th Con tlon of th c'nlon of Folic Chiefs of Its must.

Important routine business taa, dsy. Th report of the committees appoint, ed at the last convention to secure cheaper telegraphic tolls for th business of police departments reported that a reply to Its in quiries had been made by only on telegraph romfiany. which distinctly negatived tho proposition, saying that suca aa uuotsuvs would make It necessary to grant concessions to all branches of municipal and state governments. Accordingly the commltt waa discharged, and the attempt to reach aa agreement with the telegraph companies was definitely aoandonea. The adoption of a constitution rrpme.

by Chief Atkins, of Knoxvllle, occupied moat of the mnmlni Th Oroooei tlon tO permit Chiefs to be represented by proxlaa waa Killed, aa waa on to ma uwiiii, Postomc Inspectors and officers of th United states Secret Service honorary mem- bera of the union. Tbe office of Chaplain was created, aad Chief divert of Athens, an ex-minister, was elected to fill It. Invitations for the next convention were rn4vd from Atlanta, Pittsburg. Dallas. Texas.

Ft. Worth. Texas, and Colorado Springs. Colo. The rote waa 2M each for Pittsburg and Atlanta, and President Kid ridge cast th deciding rot la favor of Atlanta.

APPALLING Are tbe KlKarea Rewarding tbe Rar ag-e of Cons a rapt low. rttcut stsraTca to rss ssotrrasa. -r CoLcasvs. Ohio. May 15.

Mora thmM SO.OOO persons in Ohio died of consumption during the 10 years preceding IMS. This a-tlmate Is mad by the Secretary of tha State Board of Health, and Is believed ta bo conservative. Few persons ree.txe the appalling extent to which thla most fatal all disease prevails. Dr. Billings, srh haa had chsrge of th vital statistics collected by the United States Census, estimates that 125.01 persons died of consumption In this country during tha year 1W0 aloes, or about one seventh of ail the ilea tha from, all causes during that time.

CLEYELAJD WAITS L0SA1X weeiaa isiiii Tl LoaAia. Ohio, May IV A party of Pa business men. Including maiiufsctarsrs, bankers and speculators, visited Lorain to-day with a view to making lnvetrant in property and securing sites for new tail a tries. They visited the big steel plant and were shown over the dty by a Meal committee, consisting of tbe Chamber ot Commerce, city official and business sasn. Speeches were made by President Msxham, of the Johnson Company; Hon.

R. L. Holden. of tbe Plain Dsalsr; K. M.

PVerce. of the Lorain Chamber of Commerce; Judge J. O. Blandia and others. Ail favored iba annexation of Lorain to Chrv.laad.

FOBESTIE ELEOTIOXa. srsciax. sawarca rss 1 Ravish a. Ohio. May U.

Th Otu Oraa4? Court of th Ancient Order Fuisslsrs ot America elected the following officers Mrs to-day: Grand Ohf Ranger, Dr. W. O. Smith. Ravenna; Sab Chief Ranger, Schreeder, Toungstowa; Secretary, L.

L. Hopkins. Ctereland; Treasurer, L. D. Ford.

Rep resents lives to Supreme Court. Frank tins, Henry Buasailng. D. J. Woodford aad Cl P.

gltr. ann wuvuu TO" A ann Astnlorlcal Pretllctlofls od I Birtsday 5 AO peraons bars May af any year. Troubles aad aaappotatmeata will affsod the duriag this year. Se that thou dost aot speculate ar ra-mor or make turyehaages that eaa by avoided. Danger of glrlrnssa.

er -grief, or xalsfortunea 4a thy fanyHy. A child bora before 12:30 p. m. Wui he sabjoct to opposltloa and eetaw-doaa, hat win gradually rise by Its owa efforts; If bora after 12 0 a. will careful aad ladustrtooa, aad gradually batom wealthy.

A axis wis atArry a careful. Industrious sad thc-aghtful wUs. and they will llv happily, bat she will he cold aad distant. A. female Improve bar ewcaU- Hon by uxrrtags, jlv happily, and her husbaad wlU h.asw well Era tasdewctaa ap to 1240 p.

av Do-far evssy thlnar that caa be put oa. bat afterward fortuTtata for all mom-i men burlnsss affairs uatU lata At tight. ErtHammJTfpryrwmmji tif 7 .1 i i ill It 1 1 1 1 i Nil ir It? i i 4 i i 1 I 1 11 i 1.

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