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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 12

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 TRAP WasSetForBigGame But It Made an Unexpected Catch. Cash of a Postofflce Official Found Short, And Hp Confessed and (iood the Amount. Made Surprising Discovery Develops Dur log tba Inspection of Accounts at the Government Building. Tha arrest of an employ In th Muny Order IrtvUlon of th postolTIrs was made Valirdiv shortly befur nuni. Mid whll It csused a ssuaavHon trior particularly ihruuihi.ui Hi.

ijoveriiment HulMlng. well among Hi thousand who trans ait business In that department, still It waa' Intimated later In lha day that till la merely tha forerunner of bigger An atmosphere of eecrwy la being maintained with reference to lha arrest already made. Whether any niur will lake place Mill vary, likely develop Thara hava been several lengthy confer-ncaa between others In Ilia employ of I lie jHiatofTli' and United tilales lllstrlct Attorney Kherman T. M-Pheron and Post-tMvJt Inspector III Charge Holmra, but ttia sxart nature of what wss transpiring la being kapt carefully guarded until at Itul Bom definite aotlwii la Ukeii.

11 la definitely known that tha autlior-ttles hva Important. Information, and tl.e conferences ara reported Mi hava been hld for tha purpose of vt ascertain whether or nut tha Irregularity ran-' be L-lassod a a violation of tha poital law avnd regulations or whether- It might be con-ptrued to ba merely a nominal Inflection lit tha rulaa. and that nothing further than good tcara will ba given tba alleged of-. gender. Nevertheless It la known poslllvsty that everal persons Imve been called oil th carpel by I'uilulttrt inspector Holmes, who In una Instance had one of thoa being (julsaed befora him for mualy thtee hour.

Til I a haa been occurring durlmf the pa si two daye. go far'only one department of the olMi'a la a flailed, and wheilitr oilier villi com under susplctun cuiinoi be foie-told, aa tha oftlclsls refuee to divulge any thing whatever. Ilia whole affulr the outcome of th periodical Inepvciluii that wai begun last Monday morning rally. As la cuatomarv when a big ufltce like III local one Is being lit.pecied. hi many PuaiufTlce inspectors as i an be apiireil are utilised.

In order that the wink can accomplished more qtilvk-l. Thus, "fur Instance, one or two are plated lit eituh division of the office, while the, oilier are detailed to look after the milking station The object of this Is to prevent an employ from altering any ot the figure or manipulating the cash so as to make the accmirils balance Suspicion Verified. The IUI thing which the Inspector gen- rally tin In to' preaonl themselves before the ottlce la opened for business In the morning, and then at once count the cash, after which lhey start an the books or record. In nil In this manner thai Hubert W. Itiichsnun.

Cashier of the Money Order ilvlloii, was caught. On the fii at day of the Inspeclluii Inspector George V. Craighead detected something wrung, and bit Tuesday he was able to verify his suspicions, with the reault that fashler Buchanan was called befol Inspector In Charge Holmes, to whom It Is said he confessed, and then the matter was laid before I'nlled Slates l'lutilit Attorney Mc- ll tn result that a warrant W-db, Issued charging Uuchanaii Willi etilkes-gienient. 'l'h amount la aald to ba 7s, hlch he made good. Wlieu he mada the confession he agreed 'to make up the shortage, but said that It tjuld not I done before yesterday niorn-lim.

lie keot hi or J. but It became necessary to cause his arrest anyhow, for. Inspector In Chjrg Holmes ststed. the re-tuin-of the money did not condone th offense. It was tha Intention to keep t'ne arrest a ei-ret at least until the nest session nf the "ederl tWnd Jury, which occurs In April, stud for this res j.i the wan-ant ws sworn jut quietly and Buchanan taken before th X'nlted Hiatus Commissioner without per-Intttlng it mo become nulled about.

Even Marshal Vlvhin Fsgln. who made thr ar-geat. was sworn to secrecy. Buchanan waived examination and was bound over to the gftand J.iry. Ill hond was flxeU at l.wm.

which he furnished, with Ills broth-Mti-lnw, Jam Tarhell, of Oeorgetou n. Ohio, and ex-Vroxecutlng Attoraey of Morrow County, as suiety. Mr. Tarbell. who 1 considered among the ablest criminal lawyer of the state, had been hurriedly notified to on hand.

Taken In Small Sum. According to Information received the about Ave month, gnd It I also said that he did not take th above-mentioned amount at one time, but that It was talj'a In small turns as It was reuulred bv him. Jl was ascertained that his accounts wire all right when he returned from his vara- lion last September, and that the loases begau to lake place-after lhat time. If It develops that one or more persons are likely to get IniO trouble also It will not have any connection with the alleged short of Buchahan. However.

It Is rumored that lu case some one else 1 also apprehended tt will be use of an Irregular method ot doing business that Buchanan permitted himself to Indulge In to accommodate thers. The nature of this charge cannot substantiated, and it therefore Is more or lea Indefinite. One story la to the jef-fect that an attache of the office hi salary for several months, and, that Buchanan Is alleged to have helped this along by cashing 1. O. but this is only an unconfirmed rumor.

It will be another day or two before the -work ot Inspection Is completed, and nothing may be done until then In regard to preferring bargee against any one els, or they may be Ignored entirely. itte latlar step will only be taken If good case cannot be made out. Cashier Al. better known aa Doc. Tucker, tnaa charge of paying off every poatoffica employe, all ot the Hallway Mail Service employee, and all of the rural tre delivery carriers throughout Ohio.

HI payroll aggregate K.UK monthly. According to the present Indications th postal receipts for th present fiscal year ending July 1 next win the biggest In the history of the offlce. Cashier Tucker was seen last night and asked whether or not ha had allowed any one to overdraw his. account, and stated positively that he had not. He said that he has never allowed this to occur, not even to oblige an Intimate friend, aa It was a violation of the postal rules and tlona, that might call for not only hla dismissal but criminal proceedings besides.

He says that his office I entirely distinct and separate from the Money Order Division. him accounts "that ther are all "right, and be feels that this Is tiut to be questioned. It Wag a Surprise. Th arrest and ci(eeton nf Ruohanan. srtie haa hn t's shier of tha Money Older Division for the psst years, ram as a greater aurprlsa to he inspector than to.

perhsps, mix one elset. KvryloJ, from Postmaster K. It. Mnifori down, had the grlst cnufidenc In him. but that reposed In ItUn by the Inspectors transcended all la.

II was a very tsliuble roan to them In aaslstlnsr I ferrei out rlioe In srhlr-ii presented, or Informs Hon' was desired con-lentliig cerislii nrms who wet under i- pl. Ion using the inali for illegal pur poses II haa been put to great eervire in this niaiiner pel Us pa ni'lrels of times aud eras consldereil invsluabie In that line. Ilia ersotistiiy of thai character that makes friends of all whom he meets, and ail have bveti I with hi psat honesty Ills salary been (I per )ar for Ihe past two rs I'rlor to that he was merely, a cleik in the division, lie was connected with Money Order for th past years and ws In ih pwstm aervice for ii conewutlv yr. hsvlng starteil In the malting division, lie is a native of Klpley. Ohio, but ha been living In tbU city nearly a.l of his life.

He Is married ami Uvea tils family In a cosy home at lcust aireet. Wanna H'ls. An effort was made to se cure his side of the but utKin the advice of-ilia attorney he only aald that he is not guilty, and that the near future will Dan Brown'a Statement. Asalstant Postmsster lan V. brown wai inn last nlglit st his residence, fair field aind Uncolii avenues.

Walnut Hills, aud aaked ss to the report that he had drawn as much or any amount over nr under that ngure. ahead on hla salary. "I have not." was his answer. "1 know that Postomve inspectors are here engaged In Investigating affairs in the Cincinnati Postofflce. What they have discovered or may discover I cannot say.

and even If I knew would not be in a position as a post- office official to talk. The rulea of the de partment would preclude me from that. "Has I'ushler Al Tucker at. any time ad vanced you money on your salary?" "He has nut. That Is to say, he has never advanced me 'any unearned money." What do you mean by that?" "Well you see we are paid twice a month once about the middle, and again at the end of each month.

1 do not recall, but 1 may have In soma emergency drawn a little that was coming to me, but not due until pay day." "Then you never drew ahead of your sal ary to the extent, of H.tsjO?" "That la ridiculous from the fact that that would amount to four months' pay and in Inspectors drop in at any time wltbuut notice, such a proceeding would as you can plainly see. be entirely inad risable." "Has It been customary for Cashier Tucker to advance money on aalurles to officer or employes In the poetofflce?" "That's a question he alone can "Tou know of no such custom?" "1 don't know what hla methods are, but I presume that occasionally, Inr a needy case, trifling sums might be advanced." "Is ther any penalty attached to the drswlng ahead on salaries In a Postofflce Department?" "lhat la a legal question with which I am not familiar, and one for the Inspectors to answer. CLIMBED Into the Express Wagon Aftr HiiT Ene my. Who Was Trying To Kticape His Wrath, aud a Riot Nearly Hesnltrd. For tenacity of purpose the.

tight which started yesterday evening at 4'U aat Klfih street between Joseph 8. Werbel. of 14HT flay street, and Waller Or a. vs. a alter, who lives at Walnut street, and hlch nearly terminated In a riot, has been rarely equaled.

The men became Involved In an argument over some trivial matter, and Werbel. losing his temper, struck Urays In the face with a beer glaat. knocking him down. Orays then grabbed a fork and rushed at WefbeL slabbing him Just above the right eye. causing ml ugly wound.

During the struggle that followed Grays was badly worsted and rushed from the suloonj-rito th street, with Werbel In close pursuit. An American express wagon happened to be standing near the curbing, and. seeing no other refuge. Grays jumped Into it. A large crowd had collected by this time and the driver, fearing for his safely, whipped up his horse and tried to escape.

Werbel grabbed the tailgate of the wagon and hung on for dear life, determined to get at Gray. The wagon pamed down Fifth street to Walnut, thence to the American Express Company's on at Fourth street, with Werbel still hanging to the back end. and followed by a mob of about i people. At the express office Werbel managed to climb into the Wagon. Thereupon the right started anew-.

Lieutenant Winters, of the Second District Police Station, was notliied. and he ordered! the wagon to be driven to the sta- liou house. hell It arrived there the two men were still lighting. The Lieutenant put both under arrest. -Werbel said he was 3T ycai old and peculations of Buchanan covers a period of I walking delegate for Bill r-osiers' futon.

Grsys. who Is mi years oid. Is a waiter. They were locked up. each being charged with disorderly conduct.

The vrowd. which had the express wagowv all th way. had steadily- grown and gathered around the po lice station, extenulng all the way up Ham mond street to Fourtn. Lieutenant Inters, with several patrol men, waa forced to disperse them. CHILD Fatallj Burned nile Playing Near Grate and His Mother Injured in Extinguishing the Flames.

Omar Murphy, the fo6r-year-old son of ease Murphy, a laborer living- at 2344 Glen- way avenue. ITic rtiu. waa burned to Of course, I death yesterday morning- while playing a a grate fir. To amuse hla two-year-old stater he had bee? fanning the Are with his dre which Ignited. His baby sister be came frightened and her cries srera heard by other children In the bouse who notified Mrs.

Murphy. Tha mother ran l-xthe lit tie one's rescue, but he bad been burned fs.ta.Lly before she succeeded in guisnlng the Barnes, la fighting the blase Mrs. Murphy waa badly burned about the hands and face and her' own clothe caught fire. Dr. O.

W. MlUer was but tne child aieo tour nours later without regaining consciousness. The mother was in a serious conditrsn lsst night aa the result of her Injurlos and th shock attending- -her babe's frightful death. Coroner Cameron will hold an Inquest. TO INCORPORATE THE CLUB.

There will K. v. and he does not In any way transact anvlsnd Directors of th. i e. bualnesa with that branch of the postofflc.

I lc n.ih in th. The Poaiofflce Department keeps th postal eod. Library Building, 'this after- i iu.iui, I noon a i clock, for the nurnoa. of i. ana eacn rtss a separata bank account.

Cashier Tucker said that he has been In-ovrmsd by ths Inspectors who looked over vv. ciuo ana taking steps matting it leading organization la tti Democratic party. YIELDED To Neave Demands the Head of the Street However, i reported that in his on- According To Decision Reached leal estate Hpeciilutlon which jfuliot turn out as veil a he had eanected and that he tot'k the inoi-ey to help ill til out of his trail a lie has alasys led an exemplar-y life and a far us i known had no vicious hshlia. ills friend will believe he Is Innocent. The pensJiy for tampering with money' order fund Is a very severe one, and special la was enact, d.

cov ering such em- besslements The Isw provides lhal In ease of conviction lh-r illiy person shiill be im prisoned not less than one year in the penitentiary nor moie than five years ami lined not less than nor more than Cleaning Department Will Not Follow Boehs Example and Quit. i Republicans' Are To Stay in the City's Employ, By the Board of Public Service Yesterday Gossip. It waa rumored at th City Hall yester day that Superintendent Joseph K. Neave, of the Street Cleaning and Btreet Kepalr Iepartmeiit, would resign if the board In sisted upon his discharging experienced Ke- publlcana tu make room for Inexperienced Democrats. He was closeted with the board for a long time yesterday afternoon.

At the conclusion of the conference he said he would not resign, as the board had Juat agreed to let all employes of hi department, no matter whether they are Repub licans, retain their positions as long as they do their work properly. He admitted that he had protested against their dis charge on the ground that It would cripple Iris department. It is expected that the board will take formal action on the matter to-day. T. McCormlck.

one, of the employes of the Street Cleaning Department, was discharged yesterday. Superintendent Neave said that there are about 3ou names on hla roll of employes who have failed to report for duly and they 'will i be dropped. BOEH RESIGNS As Superintendent of tba City Water works. W. H.

Boeh. who has been Superintend ent of the Waterworks for about 11 years. yesterday tendered his resignation to the of Public Service, to take effect when his successor la appointed. It was accepted by the board In executive session. Mr.

Boeh stated that he had been con templating this step for some time, as his health haa been breaking down and he feels that he must rest, will very likely take a long trip, lie said that he waa not In fluenced in the least by the recent rumors that he was to be removed by the board. GRADE CROSSING Broad etreet. Instead ot one square the qutrct. crycryyATT. THunsn ay.

tebruatiy iooa He ald he would have resigned before, but felt that he ought to serve until the pres ent difficulty at th Front Street Station haa -been overcome, which, he thinks, will be by next Tuesday. Mr. Boeh served as Superintendent of the Waterworks during and was reappointed In 1818 by the Fusion Administration and retained by the Republicans. Before that he waa a civil engineer, experi enced In municipal and railroad work. ll I reported that "Public Service Director Herschede Baked Superintendent Boeh some pointed questions at the Front Street Humping Station Tuesday regarding the big Worthlngton engine, which has been broken for a long time.

Mr. Herschede is alleged to have said: "If I were head of a department and could not fix the things In my charge I would resign my position, or If lhad men under me who were not qualified to do their work I'would dismiss them, no matter what their pull, and get competent men In their jilaces." Mr. Herschede expressed the opinion that tier ity had been grossly Imposed upon through the negligence or carelessness of some persons. Vasli Meredith, master mechanic at the ('rent Street Pumping Station, and Joseph of the hydrant and meter service. mentioned as Mr.

Boeh successor. It was Intimated yesterday that the board might appoint a waterworks engineer to 'nave charge of the pumping stations and another to supervise the main pipe exten- Ions. Rookwood Crossing, they will view he Mace together next Monday afternoon. Superintendent Conway explained to the Mayor and committee by means ot plats what change are to be made. The line of Eastern aveoue la to be shifted northward about eight feel, and th street ia to meet Fulton avenue extended at The Board of Public Service) yesterday made the following appointments: Eden Park Henry F.

Hopkins, foreman, vice John Bohlmer. (IS per week; O. William Fox. night fireman, vice Bart Reardon. S3 per day: Edward Robbers, night fireman, vie William Fagin.

$2 per day; W. H. Gil- son, mechanic vice J. Tanner. flS per week; J- Flnley Cajmpbell.

teamster, vice Frank Knauber. $12 per week: William Smith, laborer, vice W. Davennort- I TS per day; Nlcholaa Nickel, laborer, vice William Saramons, $1 75 per day; John O'Connor, laborer. 71 per day; John Hessel-becg. laborer, vice P.

Rlndllelsch. SI T5 day. I vieorge Wuerta. T. Maley.

J. Gallagher. ucorg oaget. nsne Ioechel aad Sam OVERSEERS OF THE POOR, The newly appointed Overseers of th. Poor will take hold this morning.

They are A. T. Gould, IH auera avanua, first Ave srds: John Ketl. 135 Kast MrMirken avenue. Hevei ih, Tenth and Twelfth Wards; In.

U. A. Hi. man. 1 Weal Fourth street. and Ktgbteentb Wards; Nal Caldwell. 17w Bay miller. Koor-I teenth. Fifteenth and Twenty-Brst Wards; V. 30 foe Ele-ienth.

Thirteenrh. Twetitr-aven4. Tw-nty-t btrd aiid Twenty. foarih Wsrda; (I. W.

thief, ll ties strret. Ilevciitemib, I and Twentieth Ward. Mr. Craig will not as.ume tils duties until I March 1. ae he Is not well, and reler Model will rontiuue until that time Hainan, who waa appointed fori the Sixth and Eighth Ward, yesterday resigned, aud luls Wlelert will serve until his successor Is choeen.

WILL PUT OUT THE CASS. A. W. Macbralr. Chairman the Street I Improvement and Cleaning Commit!) of I th Buslnesa Men Club, yesterday submit ted to the Hoard of Public Service the offer of his committee to rs lee funds to I purchase 1sj paper and fruit skin rp-1 ta.les and donate them to the city Street Cleaning llepartnient The offer was ac cepted.

Mr. Macbralr stated that they proposed to put two at each street Intersection between Broadway and John and between Fourth and Ninth streets. CITY HALL PICK-UPS. Clerk Louie Carroll and Assistant Clerk David Oohen. of the Sinking Kund Trustees.

yesterday filed bonds In the sum of I each with Mayor liempwey and were sworn I In by the Mayor for the rnsuiiig year. Now that Street Superintendent Neave and Park Superintendent Rodger have lieen authorised to purchase automobiles In place of buggies. It la expected lhat other city officials will apply to the board for the same kind of a conveyance. City Klectrl- clan Jones said yesterday that he really ought to have an automobile, ae It will I hardly be possible for bin to get around the entire city with a horse and buggy. The letter written by the West Knd Business Association urging the Immediate construction of th Harrison avenue viaduct waa received by the Hoard of Public Serv ice yesterday, and.

after being read, waa referred to the Committee of th Whole. The boftrd yesterday ordered the park policemen to furnish a bond of tl.i'W each and to provide uniforms by March 1. Superintendent All. son, nf the House of Refuge, sent a complaint to the board ye- terday about the amok and soot from the workhouse chimneys and urged that smokeless coal be used In that institution, the sam as at the refuge. It waa referred to I the Smoke Inspector for his attention.

City Engineer Danenhower yesterday re ported to the board that the abutment ot the Viuetn tlty avenue viaduct over Mlll-creek are unsafe and lutble to fail at any moment, and on hla recommendation the bridge waa ordered blocked and t'olincll will he asked to appropriate I'jOu to shore tip the superstructure: also tu reconstruct the bridge over Uckrun and Lick run road In Weatwood. It leaked out yesterday that Miss Ella Mci'arthy. who has resigned aa stenographer of the City Engineer. It waa said to wed Eugene Schelllnger, one of. the draftsmen In the office, haa been the latter' wife sine last July.

The Board of Public Service yesterday resolved to pay the lighting bills for tti past two months on an opinion from City Solicitor Lowman lhat It can do legally. The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company agreed to omit the clause saying that II did not waive its right to recover amounts deducted for outage. CONDUCTOR Caused Arrest of Man Suspected of Being One of the Street ar Bandits Traction Employes Are Now Armed. Several detectives were detailed yesierlsy to assist the police of the various districts In capturing the bandits who during the past four days held up two street cars. A number of suspects have been rounded up.

including one captured through the efforts of one ot the conductors who was rubbed. About 5 o'clock Conductor N. 11. Raines, of the Sixth-sireet line, whose car was held up Saturday night, was riding on a Norwood car when he got Into conversation with a young tnan on the rear platform, who told him he waa going to look for a job In a machine shop. Conductor Raines thought that the man's face seemed strangely familiar, and then It flashed over him that he looked like one ot tha men ho held up his car.

When the car reached Fifth and Race streets Kalne called Patrolman Hank, on duty there a a special "Arrest that man. 1 think he Is one of the street car roboers." he said. The prisoner was nervous and excited, and when the officer took him to a patrol box a gold watch drnnned la the oavement. Th. man On Eaatern Avenue To Ba Viewed By I thinks be tried to get rid of it.

The sus- th "Mayor and Councilman. Mayor Dempsey. Superintendent Conway, the Department of Track Elevation and Subways, and the Council Committee In harge of the department had a conference on the proposed change In the ordinance to condemn property for the elimination of at Reed eireet. In order to secure an 8 per see if the watch U-at Krltts tried to get rid cent grade instead of an 11 per cent grade. I or is the one the robbers took from him as the original plana would provide.

Mayor Dempsey notlceu on the pjata lhat the old abandoned portions of Eastern avenue and other streets are to be vacated, and he asked who owned th. abutting prooertr. The reply was that It belong to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Then this company would get the old streets free of cost, as they revert to the abutting property owner by law when vacated, but the company expvrts the city to pay half the coen of the street to be secured by con demnation proceedings. The Mayor desires to look Into thai a little more, as he wants the people to get a square deal from the railroad compnny.

aa far aa It la In his power to do so. It la said that the railroad SOME LITTLE PLUMS. gun to-nignt. said an Inspector of the Traction Cwmp2uy. -The men are up la arms over som of their number being relieved, ot their personal property, as money stolen from them.

ven though beloigs to the company, will have to be replaced. Superintendent Robert HL Le. th Traction Company, said that tha corn- is going to pay- half the cost of extending "nf officials had not rtaought of holding a Fulton avenue In consideration of the vaca tion of the abandoned alreetav meeting to evolve a plan to stop the busi ness of holding np street cars. When asked if the men were carrying revolver tor protection he aald: "We tiav no right to give the men permission, or to order them to carry weapons, aa this act would be clearly against the law and they would be arrested. However.

I am satisfied that It Conductor Ripley had had a gun on Tueaday night at least on ot the highwaymen would have got hurt. Thy leaped from the car. walked forward and ordered the motorman to get away aa fast aa he could. siai-u 10 nt init as tne car passed the mn he could have knelt behind Simon, drivers and helpers. 1 73 to S2 a I Iowa picked car that had but few pas- day.

WARNING TO DAIRYMEN. nomu v.i.v ao jotrnuy mailed a statement or tne laws and ordinances governing the stabling and feeding of milch cows to all dairymen. He added the following warning: "It Is the Intention of the department to enforce strictly th regulations. Reasonable tlra will be given the dairymen to make preparations for the conduct of their busi ness according to these regulations." the dash board and tired at them, fullv protected. He could have ana turned out Ih lights la the car.

1 hava no crlildsm to make of the local Folic Department. An offlcar could ha v. been patrolling an- other part or Tils beat Industriously and the robbery hava takes place. The fel sengers and they evidently knew that the policeman was on a distant part at hu beat at the time. The holding up ot trac tion cars la new In this cltv and we are evidently becoming Chicagolsed.

FINALLY LANDED MARTIN. Constable W. 8. Heitsmaaa. of Magistral Mackelfresh'a Court, yesterday raptured nenry Mania Tor the second time within as many day, and thia time succeeded in landing his prisoner before the Court.

Mar tin ts cnargea wutt Having embezxled (is belonging to th Excelsi.r Laundry Company and forfeiting a bond. He was srrested oa Wednesday In Covington, and while. en route to this city escaped from th car. Heiismann found his avaa on th lv. waa reoaaed on hood lor liuA.

ANSWER Ts Ssit Te tlBjgis Pari Css.eBia tioa Suit Prattically Jtisi PliiitifTg frsjer. City Solicitor Jesse lowmast yeeterjay filed hla answer to the suit of Taxpayer William Feemater to enjoin th city and City Solicitor from prosecuting th sevea sulta to condemn additional property for park purposes. Th suits were Sled by former City Solicitor C. J. Hunt while he was In offlce.

and It was the Intent to tak advantage of the Longwvrth bond act and lasue buiida to rover tbe purchase of th property and the cspetia of msklng th new park and addition to the old one. The-suit of Mr. Feemster wss riled by former County godrllor Gideon C. Wilson, and charged that the city had no right to Issue bond under th Longworib art. a this act provides for the Issuance of bunds only to the limit of per cent of the tax value of the muueeipality.

and th claim la mad that this due not merely apply to new bond, but to th gross amount issued. Including aU bond outstanding at the tint of the enactment of tha law. As this question baa been decided by the Circuit Court of Seneca County to cover the outstanding bonds, and as tht t-aae has now been carried to taw Supreme Court of Ohio, it waa desired to atoo the litigation which had been commenced to condemn mure properly, to be paid for under tbe questionable act. Application was made to City Solicitor Lowman to bring the suit, but he refused, on the ground that this would produce action by th city against the rlt. Th ult wa then brought by Mr.

Wilson. Tbe answer ot Solicitor' lxwman wow practically admits all of the charges set forih in the Feemater suit, and also admlia that to prosecute these seven condemnation ui now will reault' ln needle eipene I the city If the 8 pre sue Court holds that latngworth bond a-t shall be const sued to Include all outstanding bond Issues. Th flrt of the even ults. th Inaood Park condemnation. aa to hava com be fore Judge Spiegel some weeks ago.

but waa allowed to go over, becau of th temporary Injunction allowed by th Su perior Court In th Feemeter suit. Still the attorneys for Hie property owners denced a desire to have the rases tried City Solicitor laWiiian endeavored to have the cases continued until an adjudication of the matter In the Superior Court and the question now before the Supreme Court. but Judge Spiegel thought the sulta should either be set for hearing or dismissed. Mr lowman wa loatu to dismiss the action. as In event of the S.ipri-me Court holding th Issue desired valid.

It would neceeallale the filing of new ult. then the nuiiT wss allowed to go over until alter the Mopcihx Court hearing, and a question of the au thority of a Superior Court Injunction over the Common Plewa Court waa made the matter of muin discussion. LIKE AN URN I m. TT I. said he dropped It by accident, but Hanks! IB" XlUgB BOX IQll Dorg IDS Lg.IV pect waa taken to police headquarter.

where he gave hla name as Mert E. Frltta. aged Uo. and claimed to be a molder from Knosviue. Tenn.

lie said he had only ar rived In Cincinnati from Knox 111. Tuesday morning, lie came here to look for a Job. he said, and went out to Norwood to apply for a' position at tho L. Schreiber At Sons plant, lie said waa in bed shortly after 0 o'clock Tuesday night. Later, when again questioned by the police.

he burst Into tears. Conductor Rain a Is positive Ftltts la one I of the men who held Mm up. This morning Conductor Ritley. of the Cllftoo-Elm-tret Thomas J. Emery' Komaioa Was Shaped Tho Funeral Th strange.

Immense bo I and coffin in which th remain of Thvmaa J. Emery were sent from Eg) pt to Cincinnati, waa opened yesterday In th prenr of a few friends. It wa thought delrb. to Identify th body, and this wss don completely, and It waa found to In an almost perfect state of preeerratioa. the feature bearing a peaceful and tnkingl hfe-Uke appearance.

The ponderous receptacle reeemblea aa car. who was robbed Tuesday night near I oblong urn. consisting of two apartments. Burnet Woods, will look at Krltts and also section, which I lik a floor tightly Detectives BurkhoU and vra-1 oM'rd down, beneath which Isy tb re- terday raided a saloon at 3S Weal Sixth mln or Mr -mery. whfc-n were cwreruuy street and arrested men who have bu embalmed In Cairo before hanging about tho place with nothing to Mn ohlpped to America, do.

They were locked up at Central Police 11 Probable thai the body will be burled Station charged with loitering ta odd coffin, the only one of Its kind Every conductor and nearly every mo- -fought to Clarfnnatl. As soon aa toruian who has a run that take In a Emery arrive from New Turk this lonely portion of the suburbs I carrying a mornln- dr will be r-moved the Emery bomeatead. East Wal- nut Hil.a Tha funeral takes place to-morrow after, noon at 2 At th. opening of tb arenphagua yesterday Irauln Wulsta. Herbert Jenney and several of tho Entry eetate office employe were preoent.

Th list of pallbearers ot Mr. Emory wi.l not ba completed until to-day. Dinner lutcb Qt-lrk aervtco at Col.vnnada. GOVERNOR'S NEPHEW I I I I III La LA Li LAC DR. ALFRED SPRINGER KewlfM FrJdat af lke Caasairai Soclatj Sewaj Dispoaal -1 a.

i A v'i ilea Kv uitv Solicitor I dlscuaaed al length lf. Alfred Spmgef Wrang-ld With tba Saperia tondeat th Mul at o.t em his ad awvt aiuttu lint 04 i. w. There was oulte a -passage at arms eater- day on tbe mala Soor of tho First Nattoti.l Rank Building betweea Attorney A. p.

Paulson and C. C. Wsurreo. Superintendent of tha building. It was all over a large glass In th atorm door which had born broken by Mr.

Patllaon- Mr. Warrea bad called tba former down about It. aad defended hlmeelf warmly. He told the Superintendent that had lb. door beta properly bung be would not hava brokea on ot them.

Warrea auggeeted that Pat-tlaoa bear the expense, but Ih latter denied all responsibility, claiming It was caused by the construction of the door, which waa broken, by being awuag back too violently. Ms. Pat tlaoa Is a aephw of Governor Paitisoa. VEBT ixrw bates south rb, 6th and SOtk. On aboro date rouad-trlp Homeaeek-er a tb-kets.

limited toll days, will b. oa sal at VERV JXIWi KTK. to many point or. th tSHMLLK. CHATTA-Nl Hi A Jt 8T.

Lfl IS KT. la TnrurM North Alabama and Ueorgla. oa. 1,, moat yraaperuat ae-tlona of th. Kootb.

Uberal stop-overs allowed. Konnd-trtn rales from Cincinnati will ho than th one-war rate. Think of fia-elunait to TulUhonv. T'nn. aad r.tara lor IT i.

Call on Tour horn agent Information or writ, to J. I LI -A P. A C. 4. ft 1.

24 tiraa't Cea-trsa i.Jg, C.i-..i.4. Dr. Byron Sisal vn and Mlnthrvp llait of the atat tousrd of Health Ad urge lb le lion c.f at( dlwl suaii la lb tarati rttle. and asked th w(tl th society for th bill It at Legislator g.tlng th gtate Bstg of Health aJthuiity lhat tbe soge dtapuaal plants at property kepi bp e4 lhat pv.ltfc dvti awl latarfer 4sx lag la -uOipetenl be.p In roatrel of too plaais Dr. S'anton staled thai I Sort im If r.ot befor the ciwelng of It.

milua th tshtv Legislator, a law would be acted prohibiting Ih duauplbg ease Into th et res nis of (tfdw II stated that he Slate Hoard had not yet c.aT.eVetd Mew ir.e prohibition of sewage dumping la tt. OtUe. but lhat lb time wa mi fsr 4 tant when the lulled State Ovveroaseet would take anion In this saatter. After th lectare lr. Spnage i-n-urtl h.s Intention) to iriu floss ih .) ort of the lor a I rhemhsl saHeir.

glvlig poor health aa th caua fur a. action II stated that woumI be compelled I leave Ih rltr for a abort la sear, a of health. Tbe member en'ered a vigorous protest aaainst tb doctor riguatloa. and urged lhat he only take a vacation from hi labor Th resignation will be formally rohs.dered at be aat meeting fc. trie NEW TURN la Cut IiTolrlrj Lako Front of Gt- laad and Which Was Reitlj Decided By Fidoral Court.

the winners lose? This ta a qtettoa jhal may rvnatdered appropriate Ih anion of Ih I nlted State llnu Coort of Appewla yesterday In cm of the t-lty of Cleveland. Ohio against about half a dosea railroads This caw was Am- IdadJ al the opening of tbe proaeat eraalow of th Court, on the tnh last and tb rail-toad won. Th soli involve ih entire lake froat of th Korea 'ty. aad th amentr loraled thereon ta worth about tlSwsjouu The city brought aa action i)wi tho rail roads from tb property, on the ground lhat lhey war Illegally la pwaiese ow of what waa formerly kooaa a stath trt. now called Front ret Th.

road eorurd an original grant about years ago to o.rupv that part of th Uaa front, com. prtatng about threo and on half acre, of land. Through Riling In ta grouad a flee pier wer built, and bv arvrvtlona, it.e property now ronaists of atmut 11 a-rea Th rda won In th. Court below, sag r. rttr look ih appeal, but agwla lowt tb case In th.

uppot tribunal. Teeierdar the ApoUt Court, on lis own motion, set lb. caa for argumewl oa the uoeatlon of th pwriedft toq of lb. Federal Circuit Court al Ctoveland iiImxt the ce cam her. i San-s Is wn for Itl action I thai lb.

Court attention waa attractod io a te-oat awin a by Ih Supreme Court of tbe I'nKod Mi a ire which hold lhat a raa rwanot b. lesanM from a tai tWi om th giouod of Wsi pr.Judi.-.. unloa lb ca. ruald nav oen brought th Federal Court This raao was reeaovedl at ta tewoaot of Ih. railroads frosa toe ai Co.rt.

it was original! broogbl. I. IK rederal Court aa tb grwuadl of h-wl I Orainstilr all tb defeod.ata awl be ntisens of a d.ttereot tai tbaa lb ptaiat. Iff la removing a raa. from to s'at.

CVurl i bo I'rJied t'ourt The Courta ganetallr hold that la east "I local pr)ud- of tt Vfewgst. who I a stotwaVat. snay hate th ws removed, though tb other oefewdaete sr. eittsoto of tb aaa. oat a tb sdaJatiiT Tb Supcsa Court a euai.

jut pwb. hshod, bold that la case of toral pe.jodW. tb aaaa rul. spttie. a la oer that la.

lhat all tendinis sol hm rtts. seas of tfllfereai stale waa of tb. Ir fendaal la tha raa. are Ills. of I hi.

atat. Thorofer lb swatter of lurtodtrtaoa wdl bo oortded at th oponlrg of lb. Mar. aluai. and.

If It la W-te4 adveewety t. Ih roads, it saosns lhat tbr will bat. to try th caa la lb. at. ouri, peejodhe bo pre and tba outcome wrtl for be wstrhod with ssusssl later.

a RINGS Tik By X11 Wso 0Znl Ts Scirt Psdltioi For Eir ss4 Wsmu Bis lppoId Ts Polks. Mrs. C. Vsa MwrWlt. of r7 Ub snossi aireert.

yoalorday reporv4 t. tbe po-Ura tnat aba had boea awtadUod by a sua Aadrew. a eod al uaro Mtl. Sh aaid abo aneoeeed rrtioemeat ra.tho aowsaaDera. aad wbea k.

railed upoa her he sold that was a railroad coaduciar oo tb. Big Four, aad knew of a poalOoa for bar aa hous- "eper at a botoi ta Rlveraid. CsX! whKh would pay fca a snonih aad board for br aelf aad two chl.drea. lie rlaimod to reoro eat th Bsger, Br Kb darHad lo aecopc. aad parklagr hoe iwniuur ptacea it la his rare.

He prwt Pay her fsr. bo o.u havo to pay g3 for bar two chlldroa. A ho did wot bat. tb saooey b. ofrrrod tk hr iw diaavood r.aga.

wbarb sSa ialuea at 113,. to bo.4 until as ropa htm Frtdsy she accotap. nied him mm lb Cavry Hot.l. wber tbey had super, t-m-lrr be "'l "or tbere. ssylrg he would ret ara after sd completod -nsfMne a ts for (be She walled) wtetal boars, but bo did ot ret era.

ha not mmm bun replvlng bar fajmltur from freight depot through Pouire Msas aad 1. th Bust tee t. tbe potv. MAlilXD IS 3TXUT0ZT. TH following cup wer us mad la Newport mmi m-rtU O.

Cbspmaa. aad Joaaotta CarrwlL Z7. both of Wulwirgtetv Ot.ha. I Harry Webber. SI.

of Ohio. ad llertlta. faliau. ZX of sVrt e-g Wit. Albert and ilrace sVbatai balk Clnrlsusu, suarrd by Si-r kio- i it I I ffS.

TTTHERE are various times when practically everyone needs the eerrices of '9 an expert in Watch and Jewelry Repairing. TOnsequtaUy it is worth while knowing where you can eend a fine Watch or piece of 4) Jewelry with the full assurance that whatever xniy be needed In the way of repair will be expertly, conscientiously and promptly done. Our Repair Department is fully prepared to serve you, We repair clean and polish all kinds of Jewelry; clean, repair and riuuu Watches and Clocks; mend and reflnish any sort of Silverware; rf Diamonds, Etc We know how and have the facilities to so mtnd a broken, bent or badly worn Ring. Pin or Brooch, that it will look and be practically the same as when you bought It If you have a high-grade American Watch, or a nicely adjusted hand-wrought Swiss movement, or an expensive French Cock, you can leave it here to be cleaned or repaired and the work will be accurately done. In fact, we do all kinds of repairing, the complicated and the every-day kind, and even the smallest, simplest repairs are done by aa experienced workman.

We guarantee absolutely the quality of all our work, and the pricee we charge for it will be found to be jusc and reasonable. We have an expert engraver In our store, and any article you purchase will be tcgraved free of charge while you wait. 5 VINE ST Comer Arcade. rr Pad ah waa ea la se A I oi a-k S.ta..4 4 tb. hk4.

uit la tb U'soe P'tn; a ib taiadf Mo. ds bhl. wba foabd la )- 'u'Pt. tia.iod ititgtxi aiad rll, sues. aki aed.

at oalg by a Coiagia diiMr. or edd aa lodtit la Ssa AteotsV'a Pa'ker ra4t4 h-a sae era I PADFIELD Swindled Local Finns, It NS.U. rriorTs Hie Toft, eajja. Users He Visa Nrriao-j Voss4ei. as trat.iir.

aai.osssn. b' l.m lory ewer aooorl a-4 Kaaoa l.lM d.velopsa.r.1 i bat lb. s. wb Hd Ibt i as ll mm ia, I Iro.W. ta I'lalrwaw.

II I a Sxaal ta.feer. wed fitt l. is feet te be (hi of dot iMMIIn, a4 ese4 to hrt-r(oo buMsoos swaa. Mr Parker sis ted thai rsdsebj i.ig bias bat horn aaa at Sanaa, haa. that a waa a gradual of a anoduwl bat bad bos orwcivro ana

M. wot. a old th p.a of tb abap of sa.u. r.soa atKg sl la aa eve. padfietd mylt od a r.n of l-J a.

ar-d Mr. Paikse oaa asiolekod lo beer bias a. vr a lasd siw of mitri lor lb tswwtl l. U. take tt es his a as att.a blm fr tsowt of i '-d wa, itee oa r.

stood boar. lag is. Immbum of tb I'bioa Ceotral i-t lunam I oe. s-a or ika it Ig ll toHM So lb pap.r P.4A..4 bsd glt. t.

jr paee rvfeteltoe AltoW S4n Loluo Mj kSMit -ob a St. tin. ea H'. taer.toa., of Oklahoma, oa. 7.,.

m. g. tb. atafnM of a eed rooaoeot of Ka. bao looa.

oa The bote feeo a of knot (otofoodl to Mr Parker bario tb. oeai s.i. tel a evk p.roa p.od I be t.waai Mr. Parker tbaa saw tb. v.

t. of tb. Central U'e Coreee, After Co. taaiow Pwaaovg omi i. tbe orhow of tbt rvfuo ia tbo ir for a s-ioa aad gat lb.

sm aw for refeeeswo b. ,4 sw. la I Coatagtow II. t.b4 I ii in to, I lb. romoaa, la T.saa.

b.t tb oeavtaai' "1 Sot buoJbeo ll a gtaaj abtu lavosisi.g lb. v. ll.wta-e. Mf Pwtaa eV.rt sal gst. bias a oo i b.

llotot lb. laaieti gao toot 4 I tb. f.f.t.wo. were Ioos4io4 t-d 4 befot. lb.

I.MIH I Sol lb a r.a oll-.) of tbe lMt'. i lv. ed Ute f. ISor la t'l. bat bod b4 I ia I .1 a reforoo.

i Tk. aaa Toeoga, a l.iearem r4ig Tta saava Podh. bee. boi isasd Lt. tioag.

(' b- ai. Ib. p4. nad I-- 1 1 aa tf j. 1t ht 1 is Mr ieM Poke bat be bog a r-U of si a.c owoogb a but el b'ao.

tianad p--r IJikm .4. from b4i. ae. t. in.

nxi loai io ra4SM otu foa SCHEDULE Of A. e4 LlabiUUea rvU4 th TJ-M4 lutasy Cwn Corl- rm. Il.ffr ft ICorit llroo. ml Mayoatte fe b. a Ibe.o sat o-'.", rmi.t.

trln .4 lo lt-e i. tiMivt toor a a of iOH 4 htkunoi Me o-aoa lo Ibe MotM T' oa iw. Tbee aa 4 troditorw. sooat of wbaas -nnaaal boa. si ts slo.

tb is of gT aa a vaool gUmCkS, of a ta to It.aa ti Heoad i'. New e. 1. for 1 1 S- mm I. Ia.r-M Xe-o WMua.

tm. for 1 1 a feo Ne.r-1, aa of lb bad- tfarfce lirti.ia .04 ov. He al tb toh Ir. 4. aa tbe Ma.

tW at Tt gstwro ib. nan rm taiw-4 i HUmm w. dwot. mmm wa rroob; a asuouat ta 1 CA td, Tb Kal ga aa ss goa at gB aad I at gsa to Tips If ioog-nJUoet ot sMsit woro bdvail Dtlrir tipoa of gva Lla. ts.

tosvd Of ltdi rjrmctirmi appl-rsyuoti, would arui la csuuU bogtta) tnataad of Pullman eu-. obey-W rale-k -ntlptag show jot mjt grml ltaprvjwfjgt owwc -o atiqtagitsMl csabtstdr Uxat gvrw myjiA pimply oa lb cttaUra of tb C-Bt oa tag) msvrksn, of may praaul ocsm. gcarcUU aJoav. PwrwcmaJ liiapex-Uoo wrlU prrrg Lhlg claUra. T1 filoVt-VVrnJcU Co.

4l8UAla8Uwt. WANTED! wis, nr.js, UTKECFZP.lTC.l imi the hill-ic a ..4 A'Lrod HE17 FAST TCAIIN tick trr or rice lwsvlks g04, I esasrtay asm TO C30AQ VI THt mm mii Crte rre.rT II. Ltirt ClBcIaasti MM T. M. Arrive Caicsgt 7 AS WITH ONLY osr.

Tor. nncl Pull a Mctp-rra and fcV Coactvcv Attend the Theeter at an Crxekfst in Ctucejo Ncit norning. CIVC IT A TRIAL. C. seee-e a e.


Ark.f Att UHe LcdSTalls izl EntTlIla R. R. Too, ow O'. oa o-. a tm mm.

a. 1 1 004 o. io. mmm s-e loana abbo-l mm. mm m-e.

a mm gat aav. P. sV. asaoo The Bismarck Cale, otstatxa at trarw 1st as mill sr. sxaixs rxorosiviJL atsagg.

wrrtsr. Ml wtd b. og mm, 'd sWevo of lb r.r mt "oo of ow-d boa.g btrt.g mm tu psig at 001 14 tba. "tl. Meev IS I foe bsbor a 04 aiiamii $mr erwaUogt adt.r aooor tv.

Tlr eooi IW.v-jM-.. ,0. aoao.ew oa.t t.mmm e.o. a aoe too 1 avit rood rroa saved 000 bo for a aowiiow at mm a'e-a. bd s-s-l bo 0.1.04 t.

aat bat. Waa ibo -d aad ho. roe I oa. tb a-naied be v-l b. foeotoa-od oa ap- od 1 e)ael a.y aaat Pr oeoo of lb ftVaoed of Pbta tactlai et lb.

rt, of mrmmm mm Proeaaoau pioe tetug rvtnirreit. CoVf of ta Sod of h.a...M oio. Paoooe. taoa ICiUfi mm r. i 'Jlr TTo-T sala.iooo.

wa'U atat. a ISO. it sa, fa ia ImiZmXmZ. Waab toattf Crooood otoo Mt Ate mmmm bo rood ood oa. a .7 po-wih-o iaal ki tb tta-aeg of oooie TfrV t-W.

a ai ia a. i. tb. m' a. a mm 9 oo a.

I I ft I a e. -m tt .1 tmmy 4 i. 1 i ia aa a a la 9 o. -e. It.

It I ia 515.75 SI 5.00 S25.25 27.9 5 S3 1.35 S33.60 S4U35 57.0 5 VENT LOW ONE-WAY NATES TEN. 20. MARCH AUD IS CAUForUsiA, cutiAVriinroT srincsTTrk. IMirs 4 whs ia sin ww aaaxrr rws att im sjieiia pi 1 1 ss as araa lU Msa. Sv SV Sa mm as, waaa, PHILLIPS BROTHERS COLLATERAL BANKERS Mttktirsiti aLovarr tttt jf rvi it orrouTi ciaab on tk nx it DIAMONDS VTATGHTeSb Tl01t WC SMVC YOU 2t F.1ARDI GRAS! tlEV ORLEAtlS, FED.

22-27, TIA UUISYIUE EJLSh7ILLE RR. rpsw r-bo. ss Com. glsa.g TVb.l oat paearJLe If lo. Slot of bvaeeb o.

-o -o. o. o4 Han g.od ta fiai.t Tb' 7. etort Pvao Svltoi to-idl af a tai. oe rw booa.ot of roe t.

lie io av SO 9 ee TV hot i rid og lo. or ptau, r. si. ot S-o. I 1 () Cheap Trir Southwest if 't oar.

Ina is I iima. lao tot o. ba a 1.. aw oe en m4 9 ma a jlou TV we 00 -o bae tt loo. 00 Sk4.w o- i.

net wm mmm eb. goi pew tbuy Rotc3ChccpcrThontrr rcbruory 20th Morcti Glh end 20m mm -e re tr mm- mm t. 4 M. r. UOUSMIM, IU lit i ocxAs? rrxAKSatm Spend Martb Vest Indies I oaa, lap Ysvt gtw kk.t I tseJL WW Cbs I aaat.

Warcistn Victoria luic Ym4 Sg. TWm. UmH.n rt rswaaa 1 A tfmtA LoA fao gCoa 'tea jooe tSiagsinV. Cadjs itesaaog 4 1 sUp. wtsaswoSTaSTorjaaJab; ksoowaaStsf tt ti4 a V-w-a.

im al a bin a a oa a a Pt. pa no moat aoo. I. 1 lb a od m. r.ro4J sv.

oet. a Sot AAr 4., as a a bg a -e 1 a ia 04 sHiobraoo aJTi. mmm4 a kf-a-toa i a. 9 bo atiialteilea awad kaare mm I Uo o. 00 a.

a ertlgod I mm Vol a-J-T ZL," mTVZ ooea but a atiaau. ibot 1 a m- If tb bad ae.4.d a ul Va etbtal la mm a 1 to a i. oneM WlLi JT. I raabs. os.e oo.

to.) a oZTlI. aw mm I. bab OT .1 b. eelaeaa tb a mm iaruoa a4 Mwtu'J a- V. mm mm.

bToJ artbVrtaL" rrr.inT ae ot i 5 1 a a e. m'Z- mm mm i a. mm -a ill mm St o. ok Swa- So kaa. 1tlttl ro.

ft aaaS Uiir-, rt o--- VoTVt Salt a. gta ta It I I aUS a. sv. ss 1 a a I oo mm. TO I I La daP SV.S ba a a mm aa a a a aoo I 4 SM trrix.

'W WT.

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